#Glam x Chive
umbrellazontik · 7 months
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So no ones gonna talk about this post from heavy’s Instagram ? No one is gonna comment on how Dee and Heavy found their fathers old clothes in CHES’ closet ? no one ?
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absolutelybatty · 2 years
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This is the most intimate thing they could have been doing
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gummidon · 6 months
Too many hearts maybe
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augbust · 1 year
“Father found everything” AUGHH the way they saved each other 🫠 I didn’t mean for it to look like they’re about to kiss but happy accidents
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Ok so ive been collecting some more headcannons that have been popping into my brain over the past few weeks and here you are.
Lif is obsessed with args
Ok so we know heavy likes cats so once he tried to sneak one in much like dee snuck in the rat but since 1 a cat is much bigger then a rat, and 2 he’s not dee, he ended up getting caught and stuck with house cleaning and gets the no animal rule put in place
Ok so I got this idea from one of the official sketches that got translated (I’ll put the picture of it at the bottom) but I like to imagine that dee constantly stays up at night (doing what I’ll leave to your imagination) but because he does he uses makeup to hide the eye bags but glam and ches definitely notice as glam used to do the same thing when he was sneaking out and ches and glam absolutely worry about dee saying up so much and try to hint they want him to go to bed earlier.
I have absolutely no doubts young glam and ches absolutely kissed at least once
Ches has the ability to go into a creepy grin if he so desires and he absolutely does this to heavy dee and occasionally Victoria, heavy and Dee when they won’t listen and Vicky cause why not
Ches when angry will absolutely switch between French and English and it’s absolutely terrifying
Dee was amazing at getting in places he shouldn’t have been on jungle gyms, anything he could climb on that he shouldn’t have he would
Heavy on one occasion tried to sneak in and take a guitar from glams study, he didn’t however realize glam was in his study and was surprised when he heard, heavy what are you doing from behind him
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vampirtreffpunkt · 1 year
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Слабо пиво ноль пять залпом дробовиком? - Да в лёгкую
Взрываем чеку и пьём
Shotgun a beer boys
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cawhawhaw · 1 year
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Overdue Metal Family content cos I HUNGER.
I'd imagine Glam would have moved in with Chive as roomies for some time and would frequently have trouble sleeping.
Bedtime goofery to put him to sleep or cheer him up if he had a bad day ♥
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tiklart · 1 year
The fandom: Metal Family (Glam x Chive)
The prompt: Games in the snow
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I deeply apologize for the late gift my guy 🧎 I hope you enjoy this :) had a lot of fun drawing them 🥲
I’m a big fan of your art btw 😔✋
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vikkirosko · 2 months
Hi, if you're all right with this. Could you do How would Metal Family characters Dee, Heavy, Glam, and Ches would react to s/o having hair even longer than theirs? Like their s/o hair is really curly, and it goes all the way down to their waist or butt. How would they react to seeing their s/o undoing their bun and letting their hair down for the first time in front of them? How would they react to seeing their s/o's hair so long?😊
Headcanons Long hair
💖 Glam x Reader 🎸
Glam often kept his hair loose, while you always tied it in a bun so that your hair would not interfere with you. He was not shy about saying that you had beautiful hair, and you reciprocated this by touching his hair several times, with his permission, and saying how soft and fluffy they were. You really liked his hair
You spent a lot of time together. When you were once again spending time together cooking lunch, Glam heard a strange sound. When he looked at you, about to ask what it was, he saw you with your hair down. As it turned out, your hair band broke, it was the sound of the hair band tearing that he heard
You quickly brought a spare hair band that was in your bag, and Glam helped you tie your hair back into a bun. He said in a matter-of-fact tone that you have beautiful hair and that it must be hard for you to take care of it all the time. Your hair was long enough to reach your waist and it was obvious that you spent a lot of time trying to keep it in good condition
When Glam finished tying your hair, you were able to return to cooking. He could safely say that you looked beautiful both with your hair down and tied in a bun. He wasn't going to convince you to wear your hair down if you were uncomfortable. The main thing for him was that you felt comfortable
📚 Dee x Reader 📱
Dee and you were in the same class and you were the only one from his class with whom he talked a lot. Sometimes his gaze caught on the bun in which your hair was gathered. You always kept your hair tied up so that it wouldn't interfere with your daily life. Dee assumed you had long hair, but he didn't know how long
You skipped physical education together, preferring to sit on benches. Usually you chatted, discussing various little things, but this time when you came there was irritation on your face and your hair, reaching the length of your buttocks, was loose. As it turned out, your hair band broke and because of this you were forced to walk with your hair down, which bothered you
Looking at how you stubbornly tucked strands of hair behind your ears, he took out his spare hair band from his backpack and gave it to you. You hugged him tightly in gratitude and hurried to tie your hair. With your hair tied back in a bun, you looked much more familiar, but Dee would be lying if he said that your loose hair did not look beautiful
He liked you both with your hair tied up in a bun and with your hair down. He didn't dare to do it openly, but he was interested to know what your hair felt like. Maybe someday he could decide not only to confess his feelings to you, but also that he thought your hair was beautiful
🎮 Heavy x Reader 🐱
You and Heavy have been in the same class for the last few years. You were one of the people closest to him. You spent a lot of time together and Heavy was very serious about arranging a date for the two of you. But in all the time that he has known you, he has never seen you with your hair down. You kept your hair tied up in a bun all the time so that it wouldn't get in your way
Heavy often went to visit you and during one of these visits he asked you to let your hair down. You were surprised by his request, but you agreed. Heavy was mesmerized by you with your hair down. Your hair reached your waist and, feeling his gaze on you, you shyly tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and blood rushed to your cheeks
He asked you, with a twinkle in his eyes, if he could braid your hair. You laughed softly but agreed, turning your back on him and giving him access to your hair. You didn't see how focused his face was, but Heavy really tried to make the braid look beautiful
When Heavy finished, your hair was braided into the braid he worked so hard for. Heavy was proud to tell you that he learned how to braid braids by watching his mom and he was glad that he was able to put his knowledge into practice. You had really beautiful and soft hair that he liked to touch and Heavy would be glad if you let him braid your hair again sometimes
🧄 Chive x Reader 🎸
You met Chive shortly after he opened a music store. You were the first employee he hired and you were quickly able to find a common language, not only in terms of work, but also in personal terms. However, in several years, he has never seen you untie the bun in which you gathered your hair. You claimed that it was more convenient for you to work like this, because your hair didn't bother you. He was interested to know what you looked like with your hair down, but he was in no hurry to ask you to let your hair down, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable
He invited you to his house so that you could have dinner and watch a movie together. However, in the middle of dinner, a severe thunderstorm began outside. You came to him on foot and it would have been difficult for you to get home as well. That's why Chive invited you to stay at his place for the night. He didn't want you to get hurt on the way home, and you didn't mind staying at his house overnight
After watching the movie, he gave you his T-shirt and shorts so that you would have something to change into. He was preparing a sleeping place for you while you were in the shower, and when you came out, he froze in surprise. You were wearing his clothes and your hair was disheveled and loose. It was the first time he saw you with your hair down, which reached your buttocks. You looked very homely and that made him feel warm
Looking at you sleeping next to him, he couldn't help but smile. Chive stroked your hair, watching you breathe peacefully in your sleep. Next to you, he felt the comfort of home that he had not felt for a long time. Chive hoped that this warmth would stay with you as long as possible
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umbrellazontik · 2 years
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I love Glam from Metal Family💙
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Tibetan Pop Stars by Hop Along is their song in my heart of hearts
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absolutelybatty · 9 months
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A pleasant post show surprise
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zizzys-art · 11 months
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Metal Family digital shit posting ❤️
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the-soft-hoodie · 3 months
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