#Glen powell fan fic
basiccortez · 1 year
more miles teller rpf please !!
send in requests!!:)
i also write for lewis pullman and glen powell!
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inmyglenpowellera · 3 months
Okay hear me out…
Walt Finnegan x ex!reader, who dated the first year of college, but broke up because he was a dick to her.
He sees her at the club or maybe at one of the parties at the house, and realizes that he still loves her.
Flangst with a happy ending maybe? I just want to be his college love interest and would love to live vicariously through this fic 😆
Hope you’re having a great day love!
(Just Like) Starting Over | Walt "Finn" Finnegan x Female!reader
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Request: Requested by anon
Word Count: 7510
Summary: Reader and Finn met during their Freshman year of college and started dating. Things were going well until they weren't. Some things were said, other things were thrown. Long story short, they broke up. But maybe it was something that was meant to be?
Warnings: Alcohol use, drug use, cursing, angst, fluff, Finn being the handsome devil he is, violence?
A/N: I'm somehow on a roll right now. This was started a while ago and never finished. But @msmoony7 commented how there is very little Finn appreciation on here and I knew I had to finish this. Hope everybody likes it because I also agree that Finn is one of Glen's most underappreciated characters.
Registration Day. It is one of the most frustrating and anxiety-ridden days a college student will ever experience. 
They always have the same questions. What am I going to major in? Do I want a minor? What classes do I need to take? Can I register for the classes I need before they fill up?
For some, namely the freshmen, the anxiety and stress were through the roof. Which is why they could always use a little guidance. (Y/N) loved registration day since her second semester of freshman year of college. Ever since she joined her sorority and joined some of the other girls in volunteering to assist freshmen with choosing their majors and classes, the good thing about the situation is she can also hand out flyers encouraging freshman girls to rush with her sorority.
She enjoyed handing out flyers and answering any questions the girls might have. However, what she didn’t enjoy was cocky freshman boys hitting on her just because she had a beating heart.
“Hey, baby! I wouldn’t mind having those legs of yours around my neck,” one called out to her as he walked past her and a freshman girl she was talking to.
“Yeah, how about my hands instead,” I shouted back at him, crumbling one of the fliers to throw at his head as the girl standing next to me scoffed in disgust.
“Woah, easy dollface,” A voice I knew all too well said from behind me, causing me to slowly turn my glare toward him.
“Finnegan,” I stated simply.
I watched his smirk widen across his stupid mustache-clad face, his hands shoved into his blue jean pockets.
With a bright smile, I looked back at the girl next to me and handed her another flier. “Please consider rushing with us and bring some friends too. Oh, and a word of advice…” I trailed off, causing her to nod in acknowledgment. “Stay away from the baseball team,” I told her, turning my glare back towards Finn.
The girl looked between us before rushing off to the rest of the registration festivities.
“Well now you just hurt my feelings,” He said sarcastically, placing a hand over his heart and frowning.
“Aw,” I said in a mockingly sad tone, placing an exaggerated pout on my face.
Finn’s smirk returned to his face as he continued staring at me, looking me up and down, pausing on my lips and my breasts. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.
“What do you want, Finn,” I interrogated the baseball player.
“You look good,” he said simply, a smile growing on his face.
I rolled my eyes and went to step past him, but he only stepped back in my path. “Seriously, what do you want? Because last I recall, I said fuck you, called you a disrespectful misogynistic asshole, and told you to not ever speak to me again.”
“Did you, I don't recall this conversation,” Finn said in confusion.
I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief. “Really? You don't recall me saying that to you and dumping your ass?”
“No, I don't. Are you sure? When was that,” he asked me curiously.
“Freshman year, right before Christmas, at my sorority's Christmas party that you and your dumb fuck baseball friends almost ruined,” I sneered at him.
“Well, that’s why. It was freshman year. And I was probably drunk off my ass,” Finn recovered with an excuse, placing a smirk back on his face.
“Because that makes it better,” I said sarcastically, going to walk around him once again.
Finn grabbed my arm and pulled me back in front of him. “Look, I’m sorry I was an asshole, but I’ve changed.”
“Oh, yeah, trust me I’ve heard, Mr. Feminist. You think the girls on this campus don’t talk,” I scoffed at him in disbelief. “And I’ll believe you’ve changed and you’re sorry when you can tell me why I dumped your ass.” Finn remained silent and stared at me regretfully, causing me to nod at him with despair. “That’s what I thought,” I said simply before successfully walking past him to my sorority's booth.
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Meanwhile, Finn’s friends Dale, Jake, and Plum were all witnessing the exchange between the two from a distance.
“So, what’s the story there,” Jake asked Dale curiously.
“With (Y/N) and Finn,” Dale clarified, causing Jake to nod in confirmation. “Their situation is…complicated.”
“What the fuck does that mean,” Plum questioned the older baseball player.
“Finn and (Y/N) dated freshman year. Nobody knows a whole lot about what happened between them. They met on Registration Day and dated until around Christmas. They got into a huge fight that ended in (Y/N) dumping Finn. Poor guy never got over her and hasn’t been the same since,” Dale explained to the two freshmen, watching as (Y/N) walked away from their friend.
“Fuck,” Jake said simply, feeling sorry for the older baseball player who was walking back towards them.
“You okay, Finn,” Dale asked his friend, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m great. Why wouldn’t I be,” Finn asked his friends happily, acting as though nothing happened at all.
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I walked into the community area of the sorority house to see some of the girls giggling and jumping around excitedly. I shook my head at their energy and moved up the stairs to my room when one of them spoke up.
“Hey, (Y/N). Some of us girls got invited to a house party tonight at one of the houses on 15th and Avenue H. They told us to bring all the girls. You want to come,” Claire asked me excitedly.
“I don’t know, guys,” I shrugged.
“Come on, you have to go. There’s going to be so many cute guys there, and you hardly go out with us,” Sarah added.
“I-,” I started, shaking my head.
All of the girls began speaking up with various exclamations of “Come on” and “Please” echoing around me. I sighed and looked between all of the girls in front of me before nodding. They all let out squeals of excitement and began pushing me upstairs so all of us could get ready together.
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I looked up at the house in front of me in disgust before looking around at all of the people outside and going inside the house.
“The school is allowing students to live in this shit hole,” I questioned in disbelief.
“It could be worse,” Claire pointed out before approaching the front door.
I sighed and followed after her, along with the rest of the girls. I walked in the front door and immediately jumped into Claire when someone came sliding down the stairs on a mattress.
“Jesus Christ,” I sighed when I saw a baseball helmet on the male's head, and that the male was Nes.
“Welcome to the baseball house, ladies,” The guy said with a cigarette between his lips.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I scoffed in disbelief.
He looked over at me and furrowed his brows. “Do I know you? You look familiar?”
“Uh, no I don’t think-,” I started, only to get interrupted by Claire and Sarah.
“Hey, um, can you tell me where to find Roper,” Claire asked the guy curiously.
“And McReynolds,” Sarah added quickly.
I rolled my eyes and began to split off from the group of girls, listening to Nes tell the girls where the two baseball players were before looking at the rest of the girls and introducing himself. I made it about 10 more feet before some creep with glasses stopped me and asked me if I wanted to know why they called him Raw Dog. I scrunched my face in disgust and thanked the lord above when I saw Dale walking up to the two of us.
“Niles, leave the girl alone. Trust me when I say that you don't want to fuck with this girl. You'll be dealing with Finnegan if you do,” Dale warned the creep.
“Fuck that shit man. He fucks with me, he won't get fucked with back, he'll get fucking killed,” the Niles guy argued.
“Uh huh, say that to his face,” Dale told him before wrapping his arm around me and leading me away.
“Well he seems a little…,” I trailed off unsure.
“Yeah,” Dale nodded simply.
“Well, thank you for that, Dale. It was much appreciated,” I said gratefully with a smile.
“It's no problem. Nothing ever happened between us so there's no reason we can't be friends,” He reassured me, causing me to nod in agreement. “But I am shocked that you're here of all places considering…”
I scoffed at him in amusement before nodding. “Yeah, trust me, if I knew this was a baseball party I would not have come within 100 feet of this place. Some of my sisters were invited by McReynolds and Roper and talked me into tagging along.”
Dale nodded in understanding before pointing towards the back of the house. “Well, hey, how about we get you a drink so you can start having fun and enjoying yourself? I can introduce you to some of the others.”
“Sounds like a plan,” I said in agreement, following him out to the house's backyard.
Dale led me out the back door and towards the drinks before gaining the attention of everybody standing around the beer keg.
“Guys, this is…,” Dale started, only to get interrupted by Coma.
“Well, well, well. If it ain’t Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” Coma said with a smile, his southern accent peeking through.
“Hey, Coma,” I said with a slight giggle, stepping forward to hug him.
 “(Y/N), these are the freshmen: Plum, Brumley, and Jake. This is another one of the transfers: Willoughby.”
“Hi, nice to meet you guys,” I said with a smile, reaching forward to shake their hands.
“So, how do you know Dale and Coma,” Brumley asked me curiously, causing me to pause and look over at the two guys.
“Um…,” I trailed off. “It’s complicated.”
I watched Plum lean over to his fellow freshman and whisper something to him. I heard him let out a quiet “fuck” before Plum smacked the back of his head and call him a “fucking idiot.”
“So…,” I trailed off with a tight smile. “Even the freshmen know. Great,” I said sarcastically looking over at the two upperclassmen.
Dale and Coma looked at each other before Coma stepped closer to me. “How about a drink, darlin’.”
I nodded at him and followed him to the punch with Willoughby in tow as I listened to Dale lecture the freshman.
“It’s been a while, (Y/N). How’ve you been,” Coma asked me curiously as he filled my cup for me.
“Oh, um, you know just worrying about school. And when I’m not worrying about school I have something going on with my sorority. Planning parties and fundraisers and such,” I shrugged up at the baseball player, taking a sip of my drink after he handed it to me. “Shit, this is good. I might have to recruit you guys for drinks at our next party.”
“I’m sure we can make that happen, darlin’. Just say the word and the guys and I will give you the best Coon Dog punch you’ve ever tasted,” Coma told me, wrapping his arm around me.
I laughed at him in amusement before looking up at Willoughby. “So, Willoughby, why don’t you tell me about yourself.”
“Oh, I’m from California. Coach brought me in to pitch,” He explained to me while pulling a joint out of his pocket.
“Oh, that’s cool,” I told him, watching him bring the joint to his lips and light it. 
“Yeah. Hey, you get high,” He asked me curiously.
I widened my eyes and looked between him and the joint before shaking my head. “Oh, no. I did that once with an ex and had a horrible experience.”
“I didn’t know that you and Finn-,” Coma started, causing me to cut him off.
“Not Finn.”
Coma nodded at me in understanding before leading me back towards the guys. It was just me standing in a circle with all of the guys, minus Willoughby who decided to go smoke his joint in his room. They all began telling stories: Dale and Coma about what I have missed in the last few years; Plum, Brumley, and Jake about the past few days. I laughed harder than I have since freshman year when I spent time with the baseball team. I was bent over laughing and had my hand resting on Jake’s arm for support when someone abruptly walked over to our small group.
“Jake,” The voice called out with a slightly aggressive tone, causing all of us to jump slightly and turn in the voice's direction. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Finn and sighed as Plum and Brumley made a run for it, Coma and Dale sticking around just in case a fight broke out. “What uh- what the fuck is going on over here?”
Being a few drinks deep already, I wrapped my arm around Jake’s waist and smirked at Finn. “The guys were just entertaining me with some stories.”
“Yeah, we were. And that’s all that was happening,” Jake reassured Finn, unwrapping my arms from around him and placing them down by my sides.
Jake then made a break for it as well and left me behind with Finn, Coma, and Dale. I rolled my eyes at him and muttered “pussy” under my breath before looking back at Finn. He stared at me with his arms crossed over his chest, causing me to roll my eyes.
“What, Finnegan? Why are you staring at me,” I questioned him in annoyance.
“I don’t know. Why are you flirting with my teammates? Trying to make me jealous,” He asked me with a smirk.
“I will answer that as soon as you tell me where the fuck your sleeves went,” I said with a giggle, gesturing to his arms that weren’t covered by his flannel.
“Why? Last I recall you liked my arms,” He said with a smile instead of a smirk at the sound of my giggle.
I rolled my eyes again before looking at him. “I am not nearly drunk enough to deal with your ass,” I told him before walking away to refill my drink.
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I was wandering around the bottom floor of the house trying to find somebody I knew when I found the last person I wanted to in the kitchen flirting with a couple of girls. I stood behind him unimpressed as I watched him sprinkle some nuts over some kind of peach dessert he had sitting on the counter.
“It’s not about the ingredients, it’s about the way the ingredients make you feel. The experience,” He trailed off before dipping his finger in the whipped cream bucket. “That’s why I say, “Indulge in temptation.”
I shook my head at him and looked to my right when I heard Brumley's voice. I looked back over at Brum and snapped my fingers to get his attention. He walked over to me and I pointed him over to Finn with a smirk, causing one to take over his face as well as Finn turned away from the two girls with his finger held out and said he wasn’t watching. I struggled to hold in my laugh as Brumley walked over and sucked the whipped cream off of Finn’s finger. Finn immediately turned around and landed a punch on Brumley’s arm as I let my laughter out.
“Are you serious,” He questioned him aggressively as Brumley released noises of pain.
I held my stomach as my laughter increased. Finn landed another punch to Brumley’s arm before reaching back for one of his peach desserts and throwing it at the freshman. The two girls standing before him released a couple of laughs as well before walking away from Finn.
“That was the best shit I’ve seen in a while,” I said through my laughter, causing Finn to look over at me. I watched him roll his eyes and a slight pout came over his face, causing me to make an exaggerated pout back. “Aw, did we ruin your rap?”
“You know what-,” Finn started, but I cut him off.
“What,” I asked him with raised eyebrows, moving to stand directly before him. Finn stared down at me, the smooth-talking man for once speechless, keeping his mouth shut. “Tell me what I should know Finn,” I whispered to him, looking up at him innocently through my lashes.
“You’re not playing very fair,” Finn whispered back to me.
“Hm,” I hummed, looking over at his desserts. I brought my hand up and swiped my finger in the whipped cream before looking up at Finn. “Who said I was playing,” I asked him sweetly before bringing my finger to my mouth, sucking the whipped cream off as I maintained eye contact with the baseball player.
“You know, for someone who doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore, you sure have no problem with ruining my chances of a hookup,” He whispered to me as he leaned down closer to me.
I released a breathless laugh and took another sip of my liquid courage before speaking. “You ruin my night, I ruin yours.”
“So that’s the game we’re playing,” He asked me with raised brows.
“I didn’t realize there was a game,” I shrugged at him.
Finn moved to corner me against the counter, causing me to stare up at him as he placed his hands on both sides of me on the counter, thumbs hooking into the belt loops on the back of my shorts. Jake leaned down towards my ear and released a husky whisper.
“There was always a game with us,” He said in my ear.
As soon as the words left his lips I scoffed and pushed him away from me, the moment between us now ruined just like when we were dating. “No, Finn, there was always a game with you.” Finn looked at me in shock at my sudden mood change, causing me to roll my eyes. “I need some air.”
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I released a deep breath as I tried to breathe through the rising emotions. The reminder of what happened that night and the resurfacing of memories I have long since pushed away caused me to hide in the corner on the roof so I could be alone. Tears began to form in the corner of my eyes as I worked through what happened.
Claire and Sarah stood outside their fellow sister’s room as they listened to her fight with her boyfriend of 4 months, wondering if telling her about what her boyfriend's friends were doing downstairs was necessary.
“Maybe we should just handle it ourselves,” Claire offered up.
“We can, but that doesn’t change the fact that once whatever is going on in there is over, (Y/N) is going to need us,” Sarah argued with her.
Meanwhile, in (Y/N) bedroom, she and Finn were having an extremely heated argument that was getting worse by the minute.
“I can’t believe you would embarrass me like that, Finn. You know how important this party was for me and that it was important that I looked good in front of the other girls. Then you bring your fucking dumbass teammates with you and fucking flirt with one of my sisters,” (Y/N) shouted at the blonde baseball player, gesturing with her hands toward the bedroom door.
“You’re overreacting, (Y/N). It wasn’t like that,” Finn argued with her, his hands on his hips as he tried to remain calm in the face of her wrath.
“Then what was it, Finn? Tell me what it was that I witnessed downstairs. Tell me the excuse you have for having one of my sorority sisters straddling you and close to having her tongue down your throat,” She yelled at him, throwing her hands around in anger.
“She came onto me,” He yelled back, pointing from the door then back at himself.
(Y/N) paused, her face contorting from anger to utter disbelief. ���Oh, don’t give me that fucking bullshit, Finn. You're not the victim here. You never are. This is not the first time I have seen you do this to me. Why do you think I refuse to go to Sound Machine anymore? You go there and you hit on other girls and dance with them and you act like I don’t even fucking exist or like I'm not supposed to care that my boyfriend is fine with flirting with other girls.”
Finn remained quiet and stared at (Y/N), causing her to continue.
“What is it, Finn? What do they have that I don’t? What keeps making you run to every other girl but me,” She interrogated.
“Well, for starters they put out,” He snapped, anger blazing in his eyes.
(Y/N) took a step back at the look in his eyes before she narrowed her own at the baseball player and felt the anger she was feeling increase tenfold. “That’s what this is about? That I won’t let you stick your average-sized dick anywhere you want?”
“No, it's about the fact that you won't even let me touch you. I lay a single finger on you or make any sort of move to take this to the next level, you pull away,” He yelled at her, throwing his arms around in his exasperation.
“That’s not true,” she argued with him.
“Yes, it is, (Y/N). Don’t even bother trying to deny it. I touch your tits and suddenly you have to study for a big exam. I kiss your neck and then you have this book you want to tell me about. You always change directions every time,” He yelled.
“Did you ever think that maybe I’m not ready for something like that? Or that, I don’t know, I don’t trust you enough to take that next step in our relationship,” she snapped at him.
Finn went quiet after, staring at (Y/N) before speaking in a sarcastic tone and throwing his hands up in the air. “And there it is.”
(Y/N) remained quiet, staring at Finn with tears building up in her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself.
“You’re scared and you don’t want to admit it to yourself so you’re taking it out on me,” He added.
“I am not scared and don’t you dare try and turn this around on me,” she yelled at him.
“Yes, you are scared, (Y/N). You’re scared and instead of sitting down with me and talking it through you push me away and get mad at me for looking somewhere else for attention,” He yelled with a shrug.
“No, I don’t, Finn. Okay? I love you, but you never give me any indication that you love me,” She yelled, tears beginning to stream down her face.
“What do you want me to do, stand in the middle of the quad and declare my undying love for you,” He shouted, his face turning red in frustration.
“No,” (Y/N) yelled back.
“Then what do you want from me,” He snapped.
“I want you to say it! You never say it, Finn! And when we’re in public it’s like you’re a completely different person! You’re not affectionate, you don’t hold my hand, you don’t hug me or put your arm around me,” She sobbed. “I tell you I love you all the time and you never respond. Do you know how embarrassing that is when I say it in front of your teammates or my sisters and you just give me a “Yep” in response?”
“I do love you,” He shrugged at her.
“Then prove it to me,” She requested.
Finn went silent again and stared at (Y/N) for a moment before shaking his head at her.
“You know what, I don’t have time for this. I don’t have time for the constant back and forth, and I don’t have time for you,” Finn said with finality, beginning to walk towards the bedroom door.
“Finn, you don’t mean that,” She yelled after him.
“Yes, (Y/N), I do,” He said, standing by the door.
“Finn, if you walk out that door-,” (Y/N) started, trying to stop him.
“What, (Y/N)? What will happen,” He asked sarcastically, turning to look at her.
She stayed silent, tear streaks covering her face, mascara running under her eyes. 
“Exactly. I’m going to go downstairs, and I’m going to enjoy the rest of the party with my teammates. Who knows, maybe I still got a chance with that sister you found me with. She seemed like a good time, and seemed like she would do anything I asked her to,” Finn shrugged at her.
All (Y/N) could see was red at his words, tears building up once again at his careless attitude. The only thing she could think to do was grab the first thing she could get her hands on.
“I can go and tell Mel to handle it,” Claire offered again, referencing the rowdy baseball players downstairs.
Sarah opened her mouth to deny her but stopped when she heard her sorority sister yell at her boyfriend and what sounded like something being thrown against the wall. The door opened right after and said guy stepped out into the hallway, their sister's harsh words spilling out of the door behind him.
“Fuck you, Finn. You’re nothing but a selfish, disrespectful, misogynistic asshole. I never want to see or speak to you again. We’re through, get the fuck out.”
“Fine by me, sweetheart,” He yelled back at her.
Finn slammed the door behind him and turned around to see the two girls standing in front of him. He was breathing heavily from the battle he just suffered through in (Y/N)’s bedroom, and the young girl's sobs could be heard through the bedroom door. The two girls both looked to the side awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with him as he looked between the two of them. All he could bring himself to do was take a deep breath and try to fight off the tears that were building up in his own eyes. He released his breath in the form of a sigh before stepping past the two girls and walking down the stairs, gathering his teammates and forcing them out the door of the sorority house.
Meanwhile, back in (Y/N)’s room, said girl was sitting on the floor leaning against her bed sobbing at the loss of her boyfriend. He wasn’t her first love, but he was the first guy she loved with all of her heart and soul. She allowed herself to wallow in her sorrows for a moment before standing up and walking over to her vanity. She frantically wiped at her face, taking deep breaths in an attempt to quell her sobs, and looked in the mirror. She continued taking deep breaths before standing from her vanity and walking over to her bedroom door, ready to make the best of the rest of the night and rejoin the party. However, she stopped in her tracks at the door and looked down at the now-broken object she had thrown at Finn. Her tears built up in her eyes once again and she dropped down to her knees when she noticed she threw her picture of the two of them. She gripped the frame in her hands and shakily picked it up from the floor taking in the two smiling faces, her arms wrapped around his arm as he just looked somewhere else, most likely at one of his teammates. Her smile was small, her head resting on his shoulder as she looked up at Finn with adoration. She began to sob again as she carefully took the picture out of the frame, staring down at it as her door opened up. She looked up to see Claire and Sarah staring down at her, the two girls frowning at her in pity as she sobbed harder, dropping the frame and picture on the floor. The two girls stepped into the room and closed the door behind them, being careful of the glass on the floor as they both knelt beside their sister, wrapping their arms around her.
I took a deep breath in as a few tears slipped from my eyes. Releasing a slow breath as I wiped them from my face. I took a few more deep breaths and stayed huddled up in my corner when I heard other people coming out on the roof with me. I looked around the corner to see Finn and Willoughby climbing out and holding golf clubs in their hand.
“God damn it,” I sighed in frustration, hitting the back of my head against the side of the house.
I heard footsteps begin making their way towards where I was sitting and leaned my head back against the side of the house. Looking up and to the left at the person next to me.
“Finnegan,” I greeted, bringing my cup up and taking a gulp of my drink.
“What are you doing out here, sweetheart,” He asked me with a smirk.
“Avoiding you. But apparently, I can’t even come outside to do that,” I said honestly, giving him a sarcastic smile.
Finn scoffed and shook his head at me. “You couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried.”
I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my lap, swirling the liquid inside my cup as entertainment before I drained the rest of it. I carelessly tossed the cup onto the roof before attempting to stand from my seated position, almost falling over in the process and falling off the roof, causing Finn to quickly grab me and support me.
“Careful, (Y/N). We don’t need the police called to our house before the school year even starts,” Finn warned me.
“I’m fine,” I slurred out, leaning against him.
“Mhm, I’m sure. Look how about you come over here and sit with Willoughby and me, watch us hit some beer cans off the roof, and I’ll have Coma get you some water,” He offered up, helping me walk over and setting me down on the recliner that somebody brought out on the roof.
“Ooh, water sounds good right now,” I moaned out, sitting down in the chair and relaxing.
“I bet it does. Coma, care to get our guest some water,” Finn called out to the baseball player.
“For (Y/N) I’ll do just about anything,” he told Finn before climbing back inside.
“Hey, watch it,” He called after his teammate, causing Coma to roll his eyes.
“You need to stop being so jealous,” I lectured, frowning up at him.
“Why is that,” Finn asked me with a smirk.
“Because you aren’t my boyfriend. You haven’t been for 2 years now,” I reminded him.
Finn’s smirk faded and was taken over by a frown. “Yeah, and they’ve been the worst 2 years of my life.”
My face softened and I looked up at him apologetically. I reached forward and hesitantly placed my hand in his own, squeezing it. Finn looked down at our hands, moving his hand to intertwine with my own. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” I apologized.
Finn opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by Coma stepping back out of the window and handing me some water. I gave him a thankful smile and brought the cup to my lips to take a drink.
“Thank you, Coma.”
“You’re welcome, darling,” He told him standing next to me as Finn released my hand and grabbed his golf club from where it was sitting next to my seat. 
“Watch and be impressed sweetheart,” Finn told me, turning to face Willoughby who was patiently waiting for him while smoking a joint.
“So, where is the flag,” Willoughby asked Finn, referencing their target.
“Right there, Volkswagen,” Finn told him, pointing out into the yard at the vehicle.
“Oh, there’s the flag,” Willoughby said, handing Coma his and Finn’s cups before grabbing his cup and positioning himself.
Finn followed his lead, the two of them facing each other as they readied their show.
“Ready? Aim…,” Willoughby trailed off.
“Fire,” The two said together, looking at each other before hitting the beer cans.
I watched the cans fly before hitting the flag the two boys were speaking of. I was genuinely impressed and began clapping for the two boys, the two of them joining me as well.
“You’re a natural,” Finn told Willoughby.
“Thank you,” He nodded at Finn.
I watched the two continue hitting beer cans off the roof for about 30 more minutes until they ran out. After this Willoughby made his exit back inside along with Coma and Finn walked over to me.
“Alright, sweetheart, let’s go,” he told me, grabbing both of my hands and pulling me up out of my seat.
“I want more water,” I told him.
“I’ll get you more water, don’t worry,” He reassured me, helping me climb in before following after me.
He led me down the stairs and into the kitchen, taking my empty cup out of my hand and filling it from the sink. He handed it back to me and I gave him a thankful look before drinking some more. He then wrapped his arm around me and led me outside once again, leading me down the porch steps and setting me down on the last one.
“Sit here, sweetheart, and don’t move. I’ll be right back. There is about to be some good entertainment and I have to go work some magic beforehand,” He told me with a smirk.
“Meaning you need to go flirt with some girls,” I slurred out, rolling my eyes. “I don’t even want to know what you have planned.”
“It’ll be good, I promise. And they mean nothing to me compared to you,” He told me before placing a brief kiss on my head and then rushing off.
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About 15 minutes later Finn was escorting a couple of girls outside. I watched the two walk by before Finn stopped by me and looked down at me. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow as he helped me up and led me over to where the two girls were taking off their clothes.
“What the fuck is going on here,” I asked in confusion.
“Mud wrestling,” He said simply as the other partygoers began gathering around us. 
Nes, Coma, and Brumley came to stand by Finn and me. I looked across the way to see Jake and Plum standing together and Claire and Sarah sitting with McReynolds and Roper a couple of people over. To my right, I saw Niles and Willoughby pull a couple of chairs up to watch.
“Competitor’s ready,” Finn asked the two girls. The two nodded at him and he shouted an enthusiastic “Go!”
Everybody, including myself, began cheering the two girls on, watching them wrestle and grapple with each other as they tried to pin each other to the ground. Finn wrapped his arm around me as I jumped up and down, cheering the two on with glee. He smiled over at me and did what I call his “happy feet” dance as he let out a whoop. Eventually, the two’s match ended and the one girl climbed out. However, after she climbed out, Nes thought he would try his hand with the winner and stripped out of his shirt, jumping into the mud with the girl. He stood across from her and chugged his beer before chucking the empty can behind him. Coma and Finn leaned in and let out yells of encouragement at their friend.
“He’s going to lose,” I yelled to Finn.
“Obviously,” Finn yelled back to me before focusing back on the two.
Nes leaned down and grabbed some of the mud, rubbing it across his face and chest like tribal paint.
“Come on baby,” Nes yelled out before rushing at the girl.
The girl easily grabbed him and threw him down on his back, flipping him over. Nes climbed up from the ground and the girl grabbed him and threw him on his back once again. Nes got to his hands and knees and the girl grabbed him and began spanking him before flipping him over, climbing on top of him, and throwing the mud in his face. I winced as some of it got in his mouth before he finally tapped out and the girl climbed off of him.
I couldn’t help but laugh in amusement and cheer on the girl before Finn finished off his beer and looked over at me.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you inside again,” He told me, leading me back inside the house.
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I couldn’t stop giggling as I stumbled over my feet into Finn’s room. The baseball player let out huffs of amusement as he assisted me into his bed. Helping me to kick my Converse off and slide my jacket off my arms. I watched Finn place my shoes neatly on the floor next to his bed and fold my jacket in half before draping it over his desk chair. He then grabbed the blanket folded at the end of his bed and unfolded it before gently laying it over me.
“Nes had his ass completely handed to him by that chick,” I laughed in amusement, shaking my head as I stared at the ceiling and pulled the blanket tighter around me.
“I think he underestimated her,” Finn said with a laugh, moving to sit on the floor next to the bed.
Finn rested his back against the bed and let his head rest back on the side of it as well. I reached down with a scoff and began running my hands through his hair as I spoke.
“Sounds about right. You men underestimate us women all the time,” I hummed as Finn pushed his head further into my hand.
“Not all of us men do,” Finn tried to reassure me.
“True. Some of you have a good head on your shoulders,” I said in agreement, gripping his hair in my hand and giving a slight tug to make him turn his head towards me. “Even you. As much as I hate to admit it.”
Finn scoffed back at me and shook his head. He reached up to grab my hand from his hair and intertwined my fingers with his instead. “You're only saying that 'cause you’re drunk.”
“Hm, maybe,” I shrugged at him before directing my gaze throughout the space. Finn watched me look around his room a bit before setting my eyes on his bedside table. I breathed in a sharp breath when I saw the picture of him and me (a candid of me kissing his cheek while he laughed taken by one of my sorority sisters) sitting there and staring me in the face. His Christmas present I gave him the night before everything happened. “You still have it?”
“I couldn’t get rid of it,” Finn told me honestly, rubbing his thumb over my hand.
I hummed a laugh to myself. “I couldn’t get rid of mine either. It’s tucked between the pages of my journal from that year. Sometimes I look at it and read over everything I wrote. Try and figure out where it all went wrong.”
Finn let out a scoff and squeezed my hand. “You know where it all went wrong.”
“Exactly,” I whispered, hoping he understood my underlying message of ‘I wish you did too.’
There was a few seconds of silence before Finn pushed himself off of the floor and moved to sit next to me in his bed. I didn’t take my eyes off the picture of us as he started delicately running his fingers through my hair.
“You know, I lied the other day,” Finn told me softly.
“Hm,” I hummed at him in confusion, looking at him with furrowed brows.
“I do remember that night. I remember every word that I said and that I made you cry. I remember it all and I regret everything,” He told me, looking into my eyes.
“Why did you lie,” I asked him curiously.
Finn looked down and intertwined his other hand in mine. “Because I hate the person that I was that night, and I never wanted to think about it again. What I did and what I said… I promised myself I was never going to be that way again. That’s why I changed. Because I promised myself that if I did, and you happened to take me back, then I was going to treat you better than any other guy possibly could and put you up on the pedestal you deserved to be on.”
I sighed and sat up in his bed. I brought my free hand up and placed it on his cheek, moving his head so he would look at me.
“So you remember why we fought in the first place? And that it was a long time coming,” I asked him, rubbing my thumb over his cheekbone.
Finn nodded at me and sighed. I nodded back at him and wrapped my hand around his neck, lacing my fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. “I was happy with you, Finn. But you weren’t happy with me. You wanted someone who would have sex with you anytime you wanted, and I was the exact opposite. And I wanted somebody who respected my decisions and what I wanted, and you were the exact opposite.”
Finn looked at me sadly before speaking. “I was a cocky, horny 18-year-old, who couldn’t fathom the thought of someone not wanting to have sex with him. Who didn’t want to attempt to understand why the girl he was absolutely in love with didn’t want to completely give herself to him. So, instead of attempting to understand and work through it with her and tell her how he truly felt about her, he went and treated her like shit. He hit on other girls and told himself that it was okay because things were likely not going to work out anyways.”
I sighed and ran my fingers through the hair at the back of his head in a soothing manner.
“And I was a hopeful, naive 18-year-old who was experiencing love for the first time, despite having relationships before ours. Who was too scared to talk about how she was feeling mistreated out of fear of the guy she loved leaving her and in turn scared to give herself over to him completely.”
“Wow, we were fucked up. Weren’t we,” Finn said, causing me to laugh and nod at him.
“Yeah, we were,” I said in agreement, looking down at my lap. “But I think us breaking up then was for the best.”
Finn looked up at me with hurt in his eyes.
“Not for the reason you’re thinking. I think that we were meant to break up then, so we could become who we are now. So we would be a better fit for each other when we came back together,” I explained softly.
“Back together,” Finn questioned me eagerly.
“Yeah,” I whispered to him, a smile taking over my face.
“Oh thank god,” Finn said in relief before cupping my face in his own and placing his lips against my own.
I couldn't help but smile as we continued kissing each other, him smiling as well shortly after. We continued placing our lips against each other, his mustache rubbing against my face just as I remembered it did Freshman year. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned back, bringing him over me as we continued kissing. Finn moved to hover over me and I broke away from the kiss, the two of us leaning our foreheads against each other. Finn began peppering kisses across my face and neck, his grin growing at my giggling.
“What are you doing,” I asked him through my giggles.
“I have almost 3 whole years to make up for not being able to kiss you,” Finn told me, continuing his assault.
“Well, can you continue you tomorrow? I’m tired,” I asked him in amusement.
Finn pulled away and looked up at me with a pout. “Fine.”
Finn moved and lay on his side next to me. I rolled my eyes at his childish antics and turned on my side so my back was facing him. Finn threw his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him, nuzzling his face in my neck and taking a deep breath.
“Good night, (Y/N),” He whispered to me.
“Good night, Walt,” I whispered back to him, feeling his grin widen as the two of us drifted off to sleep.
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emma8895eb · 4 months
Looking for any writers that write for The Top Gun Men and are taking requests . Let a fellow Top Gun lover know 😍
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topguncortez · 1 year
🚨 this blog is a gary and ron stan 🚨
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admiraltitmouse · 1 year
Imagine a completely smitten Jake, slow dancing with reader in an empty hard deck with "Fooled Around and Fell in Love" by Elvin Bishop on the juke box.
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planet-mabel · 2 months
junior storm-chaser - tyler owens
an: i just watched twisters in theaters and it made me want to change my major to meteorology... hello I love glen powell
THIS IS MY FIRST FIC IM POSTING my teeth are chattering my knees are knocking I'm scared bro anywayssss hope you enjoy reading!!! this is a lot longer that I thought it would be LOL :')
summary: meeting tyler owens in a bar and taking a ride in his truck to see a tornado! light flirting, a bit of language. lmk if y'all want more, i'd be happy to :)
wc: 1.7k
what i was listening to:
I pull my car into the dusty parking lot of the nearest building with a public restroom, relief flooding through me as I finally come to a stop. Stepping out of the truck, I stretch my tired back and reach for my phone to figure out my current location.
Muttering to myself, I realize I'm in Oklahoma and start making my way toward the entrance. The sign reads 'Smokey's Bar & Grill,' and after pushing through the front door, I quickly scan the room for the restroom sign. Spotting a family bathroom with a functional lock, I silently thank my lucky stars and hurry inside to take care of business. I take a moment to collect myself, surveying my appearance in the mirror as I clean up. My clothes are rumpled, and my baby hairs cling to my forehead in the August humidity. I contemplate the reason I took this trucking job — the desire to travel more — but find myself stuck in remote towns in the middle of nowhere. After drying my hands, I exit the bathroom and move through the restaurant with purpose, but a sudden thirst leads me to the bar.
Sitting down, I order a Coke and take in the near-empty bar, finding comfort in its slightly worn appearance. I exchange a five-dollar bill with the bartender, who slides me my drink, and take a sip while glancing at the football game playing on the TV above the bar. Suddenly, a voice startles me from behind.
"You a Ravens fan?" The unexpected question comes from a tall, tan, and built man standing before me, a cowboy hat perched on his head. I find myself momentarily lost as I take in his presence and then shake his hand as he introduces himself as Tyler Owens.
"I'm Y/N," I reply, the mild amusement evident in my voice. "I don't know much about football, just killing time." I offer a soft chuckle before turning my attention back to the TV for a moment. He smiles softly and speaks again.
"Are you from around here?" he asks in a deep, husky voice. I shake my head and turn my attention back to him as he takes a seat next to me at the bar. 
"No, I'm just visiting," I reply. He raises his eyebrows at my response. 
"Where are you from? Anywhere's got to be better than here." He chuckles and gestures toward the vast, desolate landscape visible through the window. 
"I know. I ended up here because I took a trucking job. I only took it because I thought it would take me to some interesting places, but here I am, in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere." I shrug as I see him chuckle softly.
 "You got that right," he replies.
"Hey, what do you do for work?" I asked, thinking he seemed harmless and wanting a break from driving.
"I'm a storm chaser," he replied seriously. I struggled to suppress a laugh.
"Really?" I said, trying not to sound amused. "That's your job?" It was hard not to find the situation entertaining, but I did my best to keep a straight face.
"Yes, is that funny to you, Y/N?" he chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation.
"I just... do you actually make money from that?" I asked, intrigued.
"I stream it on YouTube and make quite a bit," he said, shrugging confidently. I raised my hands in surrender.
"Okay then, that's great," I chuckled softly, taking a sip of my drink and feeling captivated. "Was that flashy red truck parked outside yours?"
"Sure thing," he confirmed, tipping his hat and smiling gently as he looked out the window. "It's getting a bit cloudy now, want to go for a drive?" I glanced out the window and noticed the swirling clouds in the distance. I chewed on my lip as I pondered the idea.
“I mean, I really should be heading out.” I looked back at him, trying to gauge his reaction as I continued to bite my lower lip. He feigned offense when he shifted his gaze from the window to my face, scoffing and placing a hand over his heart.
"Come on, Y/N, I thought we were having a good time." He chuckled and stood up from his seat, heading towards the door. “Do as you wish!” he called back to me, twirling the keys to his truck on his index finger. I watched him leave with a smirk, thinking of all the potential mishaps. There was a plethora of them, but I decided to get up from my spot at the bar and jog up to him.
“Not so quick, Mr. Owens. I’m coming with you.” I caught up to him outside and he opened the passenger door of his truck for me.
“M’lady.” He tipped his hat to me and gestured towards the car as he held the door. I gave him a mock curtsey and climbed into his truck.
As he settled into the driver's seat of the truck, he reached for his seatbelt and fastened it securely, then touched the weather tracker screen on the dashboard. I noticed him concentrating intently, and a playful smile crossed his face when he caught me observing him.
"Seatbelt," he said, gesturing towards the clip on my seat. I blinked, momentarily entranced by his movements, before quickly reaching for my own seatbelt.
"Right, sorry," I replied. He chuckled and the car roared to life as he backed out of the dirt parking lot. He pulls onto the road and glances at the storm tracker. He follows the GPS to the red area on the weather map.
As we drove, Tyler asked me, "You ever done this before?" I shook my head in response. 
"No, nothing of the sort," I replied. I gazed out the windshield and noticed how the clouds outside began to swirl and form a cone on the road ahead of us. At that moment, I remembered all the headlines I'd read about tornadoes in Oklahoma. 
"Holy shit, are we going into a tornado? Is that what you meant by 'storm chasing'?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the spiraling clouds in our path. 
He chuckled softly and said, "Watch your language! We're not going inside the tornado, at least not right now. We're just going to check it out." He glanced back at the dashboard to check the tracker. "It doesn't look like there's any civilization in its path... so we can just have fun with this one." With a smirk, he revved up the car. I clutched my seatbelt as he drove us further into the tornado’s path.
"Do you do this often?" I asked, starting to feel anxious. He glanced at me, picking up on my concern, and gave my thigh a reassuring pat.
"Every day, it's literally my job," he said, trying to ease my worries. "You're in good hands, Y/N." He squeezed my thigh before returning his attention to the road ahead. I nod, still not convinced as we speed towards the roaring clouds.
He brings the car to a sudden stop once we're within range and steps out. Hustling around to the passenger side, he opens the door and extends a helping hand to assist me out. Taking his hand, I step out of the car and gaze in awe at the tornado just a few miles ahead. It's a small tornado, but there's something about it that captivates me, freezing me in place. I'm so engrossed that I barely notice his large hand gently resting on the small of my back, steadying me against the swirling winds as we watch the tornado.
The tornado dissipates quickly, eventually disappearing into nothingness. "How does that happen? How does it just stop like that?" I inquire as we return to his red pick-up.
"There are a few different explanations," he responds as he starts the car. "I reckon this one might have faded out due to a downdraft. There must have been a change in the atmosphere that altered the conditions, causing it to lose its strength." I nod quietly as I fasten my seatbelt.
"Do you usually do this on your own?" he shook his head, his eyes twinkling with amusement. 
"No, I'm not that tough," he chuckled softly. "I'm flattered though. I've got a crew that comes with me and films my stuff. They help me track and plan." As we started down the road back to the bar where my car was parked, I nodded in understanding. 
"Oh, yeah. Makes sense," I replied, stealing a glance at him and taking in his rugged features. He caught me staring as we pulled into the dusty parking lot. 
"See something you like, Y/N?" he chuckled softly as he put the car in park, and I rolled my eyes playfully. 
"Oh, please," I giggled softly as I unbuckled my seatbelt and placed a hand on the door. 
"No, no, no, I'll get that." With a gentle smile, he walked around the car to my side and opened the door for me, gesturing for me to step out. I chuckled softly as I landed with a thud from the tall bed of the truck.
"Thank you," I said, giving him an appreciative nod.
  "Anytime," he replied, flashing a warm smile as he slammed the truck door shut. "Look at you," he gestured towards me, "You're a junior storm-chaser. You're a natural." I grinned up at him, playing along.
"I sure am," I replied, meeting his gaze before reaching into my pocket to grab my car keys.
"Well..." he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. After scribbling something down, he handed it to me. "Call me if you ever want to see another twister." I looked down at the paper and saw what appeared to be his phone number scrawled on the scrap.
  "Will do," I said softly, stuffing the paper into the pocket of my jeans and unlocking the car with a 'beep.' "See ya, Owens." With that, I strolled back to my truck, climbed into the driver's seat, and started the car. Tyler gave me a salute as I pulled out of the parking lot. I responded with a nod before driving away, smiling to myself as I drove down the road.
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harrysfolklore · 2 months
july patreon fics
hii here's a list of what was posted on patreon this month! you can subscribe here
harry styles:
that's how harry loves: fans get to learn about harry's love language through his girlfriend's songs. smau
boyfriend!texts with harry. smau
he's baaack: harry joins his girlfriend on stage for a special performance. smau
harry and yn styles play mr & mrs: newlyweds harry and yn play a game for vogue. blurb
mark his territory: yn stars win a movie with glen powell and fans immediately ship them. harry is jealous. smau
charles leclerc:
gorgeous: inspired by taylor swift's song 'gorgeous'. blurb
coming home: charles returns to his wife and baby after the triple header. blurb
the eras tour: charles finally takes his girlfriend to the eras tour. smau
boyfriend texts with charles
lando norris:
lando norris being down bad for his girlfriend: another compilation: more times lando has been a total simp for his girlfriend in public. blurb
it's coming home?: lando dating a spaniard is fun and games until england and spain battle in the euro final. smau
oscar piastri:
special boots: yn is a painter who does formula 1 pieces, oscar asks her to paint his boots for the british gp. smau + blurb
he won!: oscar wins his first grand prix. smau
5 bucks, a trophy and a date: oscar is looking for the fan who gave him the lucky 5 euros that helped him win. smau
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hunterthecharmer · 30 days
Unexpected - Part 1
Alright everyone, here is part one to my Glen Powell x Reader fic! I will start part two tomorrow, but wanted to go ahead and throw this up to get your thoughts. :) no Glen in this one yet, just setting the stage for reader's context/job and how the two will end up crossing paths. Feedback is welcome! Part two will be very long as I want to be sure to include a lot of Glen x reader scenes of course.
Love you all! xoxo
Word count: 2.3k
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“Savannah, we can’t put this off to another day. We have to turn in our plans by Friday morning!” you sigh, massaging your temples. Savannah was a hard worker, but having her partner on this project go on maternity leave earlier than unexpected had really rattled her. She began twirling the ends of her hair as she chewed her bottom lip, your words going in one ear and out the other. You shake your head before stepping closer to your coworker, placing a hand on each of her shoulders to try to get through to her. 
“Sav, listen to me. Janet is going to kill us if we can’t prove to her that we can handle this event. The flights and talent are already booked, we just need to decide who we want to speak at this convention and nail down the catering. All the other little details, I will take on myself. Deal?” You shoot her a soft smile, her shoulders slouching into her olive green cardigan. She exhales deeply, eyes closing before opening them to meet your gaze. “Okay, deal. Let’s do this!”
“Have a great night, Sav! I’ll see you tomorrow.” You shout over your shoulder as you stride out of the office, waving to Savannah as she returns a smile to you, the humidity providing a slight fog to her glasses.
After hopping into your car, you crank up the AC and turn on your playlist before driving down Rodeo drive toward home. The palm trees gently blowing in the breeze, the lit up signs..it was quiet for a Wednesday night. Granted, it was only 8pm, but still. In the 6 months you’d lived in LA, you hadn’t been able to go anywhere without seeing some type of night life or large groups of people gathered, having fun in their shorts and Ray Bans. It wasn’t necessarily for you, but you had indulged in the lifestyle a bit. Going out for drinks with coworkers, seeing shows on the weekends, soaking up the sun on the beaches. It wasn’t home, but there are definitely worse places to live.
Working for Ignite Cons had been a dream come true. You started as an event coordinator in your hometown for tourists that would visit for shows that were filmed there, and ended up going viral online to catch the eye of the company. You loved working behind the scenes to make tourists and talent feel welcome, and their experience to go as smooth as possible. From tours, to dinners and even decorating and staging panel events - you had your hands in all of it. Immersing your mind into the world of these different shows or movies was never boring, and oftentimes challenged you to put your own personal interests aside to really think outside of the box about what fans or stars would want to see or do. 
You succeeded at this for 3 years before Ignite reached out, bringing you on to focus solely on Hollywood -esque events to be hosted by the company for different brand trips, special dinners in town or anything else they may want to host. You were quickly pulled away from caring for fans and tourists to being sent a dozen emails from publicists and assistants to ensure the talent attending these events had any and every possible thing they could need. Instead of focusing themed dinners around a tv show or film, you were setting up panels, teachings or classes for actors, singers, stunt doubles, etc. all across the world to attend in hopes to re spark that creativity or drive in them for an upcoming job. To ignite their love for their job and to bring in the money for the production companies and all involved, hence the company’s name: Ignite.
You turn the key to your apartment, the sweet smell of vanilla and sugar cookies filling your lungs as you toss your keys on the counter and mentally pat yourself on the back for setting your diffuser before you left this morning. You peel your high heels off your feet, stepping onto the cold hardwood floors and exhaling with a smile at how nice it felt on your sore feet.
After a shower and warm mug full of some tea, you drift off to sleep before another full day ahead.
“No, Thomas, that won’t be an issue. I’ll get a check in the mail to you by this afternoon. Of course! Oh, and do you guys have any special desserts you could prepare as well? Maybe a dairy, non dairy and gluten free option? Yeah…you know how we roll in California. Ha! Okay, perfect.” you smile while twisting the phone chord with your finger as you check ‘Find caterer’ off your to do list. Three knocks on your office door shake you from your concentration, turning your attention to your boss waving at you, motioning for you to meet her in her office when you are finished. You thank Thomas and hang up, smoothing out your dress before grabbing your notebook and heading to Anne’s office down the hall. 
“Ah, there she is! Please, have a seat.” Anne smiles warmly at you, gesturing toward the velvet armchair in front of her. You take a seat and cross your legs, opening up your notes in anticipation of her questions. “So, how is the project going? Is Savannah hanging in there?” She begins, clicking her pen as she shuffles some papers around her desk. “We are making great progress! I have already found a caterer, and Sav is supposed to be choosing from a handful of speakers as well as a paint and sip instructor. She’s hanging in there.” You flash your boss a sympathetic smile. Anne nods, scribbling on her paper and nodding slowly. “Good. I knew you two could do it. I really appreciate you stepping up with Leslie being out. I don’t know what I would do without you! I promise, once we get past this event in Tennessee, I will release you back to your regular tasks and behind the scenes zone.” Anne smiles at you once more before standing from her chair, mirroring her movement. “See you Friday morning!”
She closes the door behind you as you return to your own office, her words echoing in your head. Why did she say back to behind the scenes? Wasn’t this still behind the scenes work, technically? Maybe she didn’t mean anything by it…
The work day comes and goes, and next thing you know it’s Friday morning. You slip into your black work pants, heels and maroon blouse. You make sure to spend a little extra time on your makeup and hair today, as you and Savannah will be giving a presentation on the entire two week agenda for Ignite’s next convention you two named “Expressions”.
 Savannah had all but fought you on the name of the convention, having fallen in love with a couple of the activities and teachers she had found regarding actors wanting to expand their emotional range for different projects, specifically showing it in their facial expressions. Teaching them how to react in certain scenes while also showcasing how they can under react in some ways as well to let co stars and the sets built around them shine when and if need be. To not overdue a character or emotion.
You and Savannah gave a final wink to each other before standing before the executives, your boss included, to click through your slide show and pitch the theme, dinner menus, lodging and finalize the talent who were attending. The budget had been respected, and after the hour long pitch came to a close, applause was all you and Savannah could hear ringing in your ears. All the tension and anxiety melted away. The company officially gave you both the green light and outlined the responsibilities the two of you, as well as other staff would have for the convention. 
Among the laundry list of roles and requirements was physically being in Tennessee for the duration of the event, and helping to assist the talent in getting to and from their chosen activities each day. The resort would have golf carts for each person attending, and everyone would have someone from Ignite as well as other companies helping keep the talent on schedule and basically being their assistant for the two weeks they were away from their regular day to day schedules and teams. Suddenly, Anne’s comment from the other day finally made sense. Doing your best not to show your distaste in front of everyone in the conference room, you sign the contracts and shake hands with everyone before grabbing Savannah’s arm to pull her into the breakroom. 
“How’d I do? No, how did we do?!” Savannah excitedly asks, her voice low. You give each other a high five. “I think it went great! I’m so happy they liked our ideas and all the activities we lined up. But I have to be honest, I am not thrilled about the whole talent handler thing.” You scrunch up your nose as you grab a water bottle out of the fridge.
“Are you kidding? I was hoping they’d at the very least allow us to go see our ideas come to life in person, but this is even better! Can you believe all of the talent going? I wonder who we will be assigned to!” Savannah’s enthusiasm causes you to take a deep breath in and adjust your tone. “You know I’m just more of a behind the scenes kind of girl, not really a face to face person.” You sip your water, watching as her smile grows.
“This will be good for both of us! We’re in it together, deal? Think of it like a work vacation. We have two months until November to get ready for this- don’t worry!”
You pace your apartment, staring at your suitcase full of boots, sweaters and everything else you could possibly need for your two week trip to Tennessee. You had a week before you had to leave, and come tomorrow morning you would know who you were assigned to as a handler. You hoped it would be someone nice, maybe someone your age or someone you enjoyed watching on tv. Maybe it would be someone older, someone more established? Your mind was swimming with possibilities as you fell asleep.
“Alright ladies, here are your assignments!” Anne claps her hands together before handing you both a manila envelope. Savannah’s jaw drops, and she holds the portfolio close to her chest. “I’m too nervous to look! You go first.” She nudges your arm, and you let out a sigh. “Alright, let’s see who I’ll be carting around…” You flip open the folder to see a photo of a 32 year old male actor, with dark hair and brown eyes. 
“Dylan O’Brien? Not bad, not bad. I’ve seen him in a few movies!” You smile, before closing the portfolio and sliding your chair back in place as you glance to Savannah’s folder. “Okay Sav, your turn. Let’s see it!” 
Taking a breath, she opens hers to read, “Glen Powell?” she reads the name, a curiosity in her voice. “I don’t know who this is. Do you?” 
Anne shrugs, sitting back down behind her desk and reaching for her glasses. “You girls go home early for the day, time is ticking away and you need to be sure all your ducks are in a row!”
You take one more glance at the photo of Glen, heat rushing to your cheeks. You knew exactly who he was. In an effort to keep your composure, you quickly excuse yourself from your boss’ office, pulling Savannah with you. “Savannah..I know who he is. He’s one of my favorite actors! How have you not seen Twisters yet? Or what about "Set it Up?” You excitedly gush before Savannah cuts you off. “I’m sorry, but you got Dylan?! My celebrity crush? What! Not fair.” She pouts, crossing her arms as she follows you down the hallway to your office. Closing the door behind you, you sit her down in the chair. “Look, we are not going to be there as fans, we are there to work. We have to be professional, and I’d offer to switch with you but they’ve already been sent our names and photos- I checked. We have to forget that we’ve seen any of their work and strictly drive them around the property for the next two weeks, okay? Our jobs could be at stake if we don’t impress Anne and the company. Besides, this isn’t my job anyway.” You trail off, Savannah nodding slowly at your words. “You’re right. Okay, it will be as if we don’t know them. Got it. We can do this!” You both high five before heading home for the day.
On your drive home, your mind is going a mile a minute. Would Dylan be nice to work for, or would he be a total douche? And Glen…there will be so many people attending this thing, there’s no way your paths will cross. Right? Besides, this won’t be the time for photos or meet and greets. Glen, along with every other star there will be attending on their own accord, their own dime and will be looking to immerse themselves to try and hone their craft. You were not about to let your inner fangirl get in the way of that. They’re all just people like you, after all. You shake your head, smiling to yourself as you pull into your complex. This would be an interesting few weeks ahead.
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lovelybucky1 · 2 months
all these new glen powell fans acting like they know him while i have 20 fics about him from 2022 🤨
i MIGHT write some tyler owens ans some hitman stuff though
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maxlarens · 1 month
i need twisters fans to GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER and start posting boone fics. HELLO🤨 i get it glen powell or whatever. but boone and javi in fact are right there😣
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thedroneranger · 1 year
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ clancycucumber230 Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
The next Rewind has landed: @clancycucumber230! Also, we have our first all Jake Seresin Rewind!
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to look at some of the OG content we love! And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
Let's keep this going throughout the summer, so if you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
Reader note: I’m an unapologetic Jake girl, although I’ve been dipping my toe in the water of Bob and Bradley recently. Jake’s character is so open, I love all the different ways he has been written by so many amazing authors. Not to mention Glen Powell is so god damn hot! Huge thank you to all writers in this fandom for your contributions!
can't unfeel that, @theharddeck FWB that have caught feelings. Really sweet and the breeding kink in this is off the charts hot.
Fruits of My Labor, @roosterbruiser I’m highlighting ‘Fruits of My Labor.’ It’s a heartbreakingly beautiful read. I would be remiss if I didn't mention The Fuck universe, though. This is a masterpiece with my favourite OC callsign Wisteria!
Hotshot, @topguncortez This first TGM smut I read. It’s rivals to lovers with electric banter and sexual tension. G has a masterlist that will rip your heart out and put it back together all at once. She’s also queen of the pregnancy trope.
Line of Sight, @top-hhun A three-parter ,featuring a reserved Jake protecting reader that flows into fake dating. It’s filled with sexual tension and possibility.
Operation Apollo, @sunlightmurdock This work isn’t complete yet but I have reread multiple times. Jake and Apollos’s growth from enemies to lovers to two people that just need each other is so natural. Throw in a shitty father, suspense and some smut smut smut and it’s a delicious read.
Slow Burn, @ereardon Jake gets Kate pregnant after a one night stand and it’s full of angst, love and dagger squad. Em is queen of the slow burn. Shes got a masterlist of my favourite tropes: pregnancy trope, Dad!Jake, Frat!Jake, Roomie!Jake, exes to lovers, plus Bob and Bradley series’ too. The OCs and settings she writes are also incredibly detailed. If I’m reading a book I can’t get into, this is where I go.
Teaching You Respect, @enchanting-eloquence Anything where Jake is taken down a peg by a strong woman is so SO good! This fic is cold shower amazing.
Terms of Endearment, @ohtobeleah TOE's Jake and Amilia are some of the best characters I’ve ever read. They have so much depth. Every time Leah answers a question about these two I have five more.
The Off-Season, @ereardon One of my most favourite series’. I’m so invested in these characters. They have the best banter and chemistry. Plus you can’t go wrong with the forbidden sibling trope!
Who Did This to You?, @justfandomwritings The first one shot I ever read. It’s got protective Jake with a new friend in need of help with her abusive ex.
I wish I could write, but I can’t, so here is a current read I’m absolutely loving:
Brother's Best Friend, @tongue-like-a-razor
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @Sagittarius-Lovewitch @mygyn @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @the-annoying-fan @dingochef @moon42flight @thecitysgraveyard @ereardon @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @galaxy-of-stories @taytaylala12 @malindacath @violyn20 @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @blue-aconite @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @hecate-steps-on-me @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @s-u-t @mavrellover91 @chicomonks @averyhotchner 
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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babyitsbeautiful · 2 months
I gotta stop doing these life updates and just get on with it, but nevertheless...
Where do I even start?
I know I promised I would get back to 'crash through the surface' and I swear I will, I feel my creative muse has resurfaced but through a different fandom this time...
Twisters/Glen Powell/Tyler & Kate
I've seen this movie 3 times in the theater and once at a Drive-In but that was kind of a hot mess. Also, Glen Powell-- why, wtf, this man should be illegal in this movie. I live in TN but never got the whole cowboy thing until I saw him in this movie. (Men like that don't really exist here, btw)
I honestly have not loved another fictional couple this much since Gendrya. It's been a minute since I had an unhealthy obsession with something and I am living for it. It has got my love for reading fanfics back to the forefront of my mind again and I feel like I can finally pick back up where I left CTTS off just to get it and Gendrya finished for good. (Gendrya is still the main inspiration behind Beautiful Dangerous and the screenplay I am going to write, so they'll always be in my <3)
Anyway, a lot has been going on this year. A year ago around this time I found out about Lucy's cancer and I can't believe she's been gone for this long. Still miss her everyday. My brother is getting married in October and I'm serving as a bridesmaid, so that should make for a fun story.
But for the moment, I have A LOT going on in August including three out of state trips:
Poll Worker for tomorrow's Election
Nimesh Patel's show at Zanies
5 Days in Florida for my 32nd Birthday
Dermot Kennedy show at Blue Bird Cafe (tickets on sale Friday, wish me luck)
Train & REO Speedwagon Concert
Team Member for Creation Con Indianapolis, Indiana
Then an end of the month Bachelorette trip in Washington D.C.
In the in between days of all of these events, I plan to work on the next chapter of Crash Through The Surface and get that out sometime soon after finishing as well as work on some brewing fanfic ideas for Tyler & Kate in the growing Twisters fandom.
Seriously, go see this movie if you haven't yet.
I already have so many fics to start reading on Ao3 for Tyler and Kate, who needs a ship name BTW. Tate? Kyler? Wrangler Tamer?
Anyways, that's a little bit of where I am right now.
I'm trying to spend less time working on fan art and fics at work due to a new IT system that seems to know everything I download (pics for mood boards being the main) and it's honestly making me very self-conscious so after work is where I'll be letting my creative bitch reign supreme.
I have ideas for Twisters and an outline already for CTTS but any fresh ideas and suggestions are always welcome.
Twisters fandom, if you want a feel of what I love creating the most, search the #gendrya tag on my blog.
Love you all.
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
Sailor-Aviator's FAQ
Hi! Welcome to my FAQ page! Here is a list of the different questions I get asked fairly frequently or things I've had to address more than once.
✨ Can I tag you in my fics?
Did I ask to be tagged? Then no.💛
(You will be blocked if you do this anyway.)
✨ Can I make fan art of your fics?
My brother in Christ…..we will have a spring wedding.
(Just let me know/tag me/give me credit)
✨ Can I be added to your taglist?
I do not have a taglist. If you would like to be notified on when I post, follow my sideblog ( @sailoraviator-library ) and turn on post notifications. I will ignore requests asking to be put on a taglist from here on out.
✨ Do you have a posting schedule?
Not currently, no.
✨ Can I request something?
Yes! But please keep in mind that I might say no if I'm not interested or comfortable with the topic. Usually, I will send you over to an artist/writer who I think might be able to fulfill your request if I cannot.
✨ You haven't answered my ask/request/questions or updated my favorite story in a while. Why?
While I try to get to requests, sometimes the writing juice just isn't plentiful for an idea. Also, I'm a grown woman with a full time job, friends, family, and other hobbies/obligations outside of this blog. I travel for work which means at any given time, I'm sitting in a hotel room after multiple hours of driving. If I have time, I try to answer everything, but I also have (as of 7.30.24) 94 requests sitting in my inbox, with some from a couple of months ago. Please be patient.
✨ I want to write a story, but it's similar to yours. Is that okay?
Listen, my love, as long as it's not a complete ripoff of one of my stories, I really don't care what you write. You want to write about mermaids? Please do! You want to write about cursed pirates? Go ahead! The nature of AUs is that you are going to use similar tropes for the stories, and the nature of tropes is that you are going to have similarities to stories that use the same ones. There's only so many ways you can write a meet cute in a bar.
✨ Will you promote my fic?
I try to reblog fics I come across, and promote the ones from smaller authors as much as possible. However, that does not mean my blog is a billboard for you to promote your fics on. I was once a small time author, so I know how hard it can be to get your stuff out there. Shoving your work at me is a guaranteed way to get me to NOT read it and actively ignore it in the future.
✨ Why do you have so many WIPs (Works in Progress)? You know you probably won't finish all of those, right?
I do, and that's okay. That's the nature of writing fanfic, unfortunately. Not everything is going to get finished. You also have to understand that just because I haven't touched a story in a month or two doesn't mean it's been abandoned. The writing muses just haven't given me inspiration or motivation to write for it. I will make an announcement and take something off of my masterlist if I have decided to abandon it.
✨ What are some thing I can do to get my writing noticed?
Tag appropriately. I cannot tell you how many people are going to scroll past your writing if you tag a character fic with the actor (for example, tagging a Jake "Hangman" Seresin fic with Glen Powell). In fact, you are more likely to get yourself blocked versus someone reading your fic. Make use of the "Read More" feature on your fics. People are more likely to block you than read your fic if they have to scroll endlessly past your fics. People will find your fics by searching the appropriate tags. Just give it time.
✨ What are some things I should do when posting/writing?
Do NOT write real person fic. It's one thing to write about a character that doesn't exist, it's something else writing about a real life person who will suffer the consequences when people will inevitably mix reality with fiction. How would you feel if someone wrote a story about you where you did all of these things you'd never do?
Put appropriate trigger/content warnings above your fic. If you are going to write about sensitive topics, it is SO important that you warn people before they reach the story. Writing about losing a child, cancer, or sexual behavior? Tag it explicitely so people can filter it. Do not censor your warnings and do not use "angst" as a catch all. Allow people to protect themselves.
✨ I didn't like [insert fic here].
I literally don't care. Telling me you didn't like something instead of scrolling without a hateful comment makes you a loser, actually.
✨ Do you take non-fanfic related questions?
Yes!! I encourage them, actually! Never feel like you can't shoot me an ask that's not related to fanfic or fandom because I love chatting!! Even if you want to chat with me about fics, I'm more than happy to do so!
✨ Who do you write for?
Mainly Top Gun Maverick at the moment, but I might write for other fandoms in the future! I wrote reader inserts, and it’s good to note that my reader inserts are female unless otherwise stated!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and will be updated as I get more questions!
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hookslove1592 · 8 months
Get to know me!
Thanks for the tag @mamachasesmayhem😘
1. were you named after anyone?
My first name isn't after anyone in my family but my middle name is after my grandmother
2. when was the last time you cried?
I don't think i have cried recently
3. do you have kids?
I have 2 beautiful girls my oldest is 8 and my youngest is 6
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I don't play any sports did tryout for Badminton and Volleyball in Junior high
5. do you use sarcasm?
Do fish live in the sea?
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Would it be odd to say their vibe and how they treat people?
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings I love a good Rom Com my favorite ones are from Glen powell tho 😍
9. any talents?
Not that I can think of
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
I love watching True crime and any kind of documentary, i also love reading and writing just don't write any fan fics
12. do you have any pets?
I have a cat named Zoe
13. how tall are you?
5’0 i'm really short 😂
14. favorite subject in school?
Science and Social Studies
15. dream job?
Zooligist i want to work animals Wolves mostly
No Pressure tags- @goldenseresinretriever @sailor-aviator @sarahsmi13s @callsigns-haze @hangmanssunnies @blue-aconite @hangmansgbaby @mynameismckenziemae
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meikadonnelly · 1 year
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hii, i'm mimi, i'm 17, from australia and i write fan-fiction one shots, head cannons and multi part stories. my favourite bands are motley crue and guns n roses. my favourite members are nikki sixx and izzy stradlin and my favourite actors are miles teller and glen powell if you couldn't already tell.
i also have an edit account on tiktok. i’m not the best editor by any means but i’m giving it a go 🫶🏻 : @terr0rtw1ns
{who i write for}
motley crue
^nikki sixx * ^tommy lee * ^mick mars ^vince neil
guns n roses
^izzy stradlin * ^duff mckagen ^slash
^james hetfield ^kirk hammett
top gun / top gun maverick
^bradley bradshaw | rooster * ^pete mitchell | maverick ^nick bradshaw | goose ^tom kazansky | iceman ^jake seresin | hangman
^tyler owens
bleed for this
^vinny pazienza
+if a story has any mature themes, they will be named with a trigger warning for reader safety.
+i know much more about certain people which means their chapters will most likely be more detailed, and this is why for some bands/movies, i do not write for all members. this doesn't mean they won't be included in other member's chapters. (people who i believe i will be better at writing for will have a star next to their name)
+as said before^, certain people will have a stronger storyline to others, however, this doesn't mean that I will only put effort into some and not others.
+the more detail in the requests, the better, as i want to create a clear and accurate piece.
+i write all types of fan-fiction, whether it is angst, fluff etc. keep in mind that i may turn some requests down if i am not comfortable writing it for you.
+i do not write male x male or female x female. this is not because i’m against it in any way. it’s purely because i have no idea how to write it 🤷‍♀️
+i also have preferences on what i do and don’t write. i will not include r&pe. i will not write a fic where the reader is under 18 and the other person is over.
things i will not write:
r&pe kinks
ins£st kinks
pain kinks
p!ss/sh!t kinks
a fic where the chosen person dies.
a fic where the chosen person purposely assu&lts the reader or anyone.
breeding kink. (this one is only to a certain degree. i do include unsafe sex in my fics and any kinks that include that, however i won’t specifically write that the reader or chosen person is doing it to ‘breed them’).
extreme age gaps (like 18 x 65 etc)
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hangmanbradshaw · 7 months
during dinner i was explaining to my parents how its like glen powell knows abt your fics or something with his new project especially because they watched me suffer through the many emotions i went through while reading iwtby like i was leaving comments on the fic too but i was like yelling to my parents about those to idiots when reading and they were like "huh that Is odd ..." when i explained it to them 😭 anyways its so crazy how glen is actually ur biggest fan like next thing you know hes going to be in a mummy reboot or something
fewafaew if he signs up for a mummy style anything, I'm gonna collapse. also did you see he's working on a broadway show he *might* be in? Channeling his inner Cassie and I love it.
Also I love that your parents know so much about this hahaha not only iwtby but Glen and my magic lmao. They think it's odd too! Like at first it was funny, but now it's just a little weird how many coincidences lmao
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