#Glenn Blakeny
thegoddesswater · 9 months
hey!! this is chance and here’s week 5’s prompt. your oc suddenly gets transported to a mall. what store(s) would they go in? would they buy anything? what would they think? tell me about the experience.
Hey Chance! Took my sweet time on answering this one, but OH WELL.
Decided to use the power trio from my sorta-cyberpunk dystopia for this, so we've got Glenn, Evadne, and Cal on this trip. Also, malls are a thing in their setting, so I'll ignore the 'suddenly transported' bit of this prompt.
The boys (moreso Cal than Glenn) have dragged Evadne to the mall against her will. Shopping? Boring! She can order everything she needs online and get it cheaper there too. The only thing that she wants to do is hit up the coffee shop for an overly sweet, excessively caffeinated drink - Cal's treat, of course. Her tolerance for this pointless excursion to the outdated pantheon of consumerism will last only about half an hour longer than that drink will.
Glenn is much more inclined to split off from Cal and Evadne so he can meet back up with them at the food court at a designated time. He's got errands to run and isn't entirely sure that he wants to have his friends watching him scouring the discount/bargain store for the cheapest, but least crappy, pair of new work boots he can find. He will spend twenty minutes debating with himself whether he should get the higher-quality, half-size too small pair that he can "probably stretch out with wear", or whether he should go for the slightly less robust, but in his actual size, pair that is the same price and won't leave him hobbling while he tries to break them in. He will pay for his boots in cash, holding up the line, and confusing the cashier who will require their floor supervisor to come verify that the bills and coins that Glenn has handed over are, in fact, legal tender.
Cal is at the mall for fun. He likes to browse. And looking at the clothing displays reminds him that he's got a family function coming up and sure, he doesn't need a new suit jacket, but his current one is from last year and certainly needs to be updated. He'll bring Evadne with him to help him pick out a new jacket from the high end shop - where he will also pay for custom tailoring of the new jacket without giving it a second thought. He will not notice the salesman giving Evadne the stink-eye for bringing her drink into the store. Once he and Evadne have met back up with Glenn, Cal will insist that they get lunch, and then stop by the kiosk that sells cinnamon rolls, before he will even entertain the possibility of leaving.
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thegoddesswater · 1 year
Hello! Happy Blorbo Blursday!
If you could pick only one word to describe your character(s), which word would you pick for them?
Other than the word "plentiful", I don't think that there is one word that could possibly encompass my characters as a collective.
And, because I do so enjoy also doing multiple answers for these, we'll take the cyberpunk triad for individual description words.
Glenn - Damaged
Cal - Naive
Evadne - Pragmatic
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thegoddesswater · 3 months
Thanks Lano!
👽- What do you think is the weirdest thing about your WIP is?
There are a few things I could choose here from specific WIPs, (like the fact that there's essentially magical Instant Messaging in Talentless, or Val's entire genre-inappropriate divine existence in Miadhachain Legacy) but something that is weird across ALL the WIPs is my predilection for reusing or having extremely similar names for characters in unrelated works. - Pretty much everything has a James somewhere. - I've got Lys and Lise (both said like "lease") - Glenn Blakeny and Glen Barrick (still can't believe they have the same damn initials that was not intentional) - Cyrus and Cyri (These feel further apart because one's a man and the other's a woman, but STILL)
👍- What was the first piece of creative writing you ever did? How do you feel about it now?
Okay, so in second grade, I DISTINCTLY remember writing a story about a princess and a unicorn that my teacher loved. And I look back on that now like "Ugh. Why, me?" But I also remember how excited I was that the teacher loved my story and tried really hard to put a correctly coloured unicorn sticker on it when she gave it back (it was white instead of pink, but she tried).
If we're talking about the first 'mature' or 'semi-mature' creative work, that's pretty much a toss up between my two oldest fanfics: AFRaT (I cringe every single time I use the and proper full title, so I do not) is still my baby. It is my darling, I love it (title-based wincing notwithstanding). I love the characters I let myself play with, I love the characters I made for it, I'm still so proud of how it turned out. Heart of a Warrior is a little wincey. It makes my skin itch. I didn't have a grasp on proper plotting and characterization is iffy. But I look at it and can still see what I was trying to do. And I have promised fourteen year old me that I'm going to finish it for her (I think fourteen year old me would be VERY excited by where I'm taking it now).
🫂- What was your inspiration for your WIP?
For the three Original Fic WIPs (because I think my Fire Emblem and Jak and Daxter fanfic inspiration origins are self-explanatory) the inspirations came from different places.
Talentless was a classroom joke that got out of hand, honestly. The project probably wouldn't have gone anywhere if I had not revived it a year later with a "Okay, but what if I took this seriously instead" and roped one of my classmates back in for shenanigans. Talentless has now very much taken on a life of its own and almost nothing of the old version exists.
Miadhachain Legacy honestly started off as a terribly characterized fanfic written between myself and my then best friend (and eventual abuser). Eventually it was SO divorced from the source material that we just name swapped what lingering canon characters there were and continued on. Rereading old drafts of ML, is rough because I can track the abusive turn the friendship took through the character interactions, and "my" characters had their personalities get more and more diluted. The new version of ML isn't so much based on those old drafts as it's me saying "I believed that this story and these characters were worth fighting for, even if I wouldn't fight for myself. I can make this something better than it ever was."
Project 404 came about from a friend's roleplay forum. I'd created a nifty little background character just to help populate the world, but then he got Interesting on me. One of the other friends on the forum told me "Glenn needs to be a main character in his own story and you need to let him be" and everything has spun out from that point.
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