#Global Box Office Collection Day 8
djarshaddj · 3 months
Munjya Global Box Office Collection Day 8: Sharvari's Horror Comedy film Conquers Half Century at Worldwide box office!
Munjya Global Box Office Collection Day 8: The Aditya Sarpotdar-directed supernatural horror comedy film “Munjya” was released last week, on June 7th, with star casts Sharvari, Abhay Verma, Mona Singh, Suhas Joshi, Ayush Ulagadde, and others. Within 8 days of its worldwide box office run, it conquers the outstanding Half Century. On the other hand, the domestic box office racked ₹ 36.50 Cr net in…
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darkskippychan · 8 months
Temp Work and the Dangers of GMO
By DarkSkippychan
Hello fans of my darkness.  I wrote this story for a fan of mine who decided to share herself with me when I was feeling down as a token of appreciation.  I hope you are able to afford to go back to university soon and things work out better for you.  This story contains Non Con, Sommnophilia/drugging, F/Monster, Tentacles, Forced Orgasms, and Impregnation.  Please do not read this story if any of these things may be triggering for you.  You have been warned.
Marin Biotech (the 3rd largest biotech firm in the world) had just opened its newest research campus two months ago in her local suburban town.  The new work campus provided the nearby community with an influx of much needed capital as well as fueling a new boom in housing, local shops, and (of course) jobs.  Their sprawling 43-acre campus was home to many lab facilities, greenhouses, and office buildings all catering to the global companies’ many research projects.
She had been lucky enough to land an afterhours temp job entering data from several of the many research groups and labs.  Her normal shift ran from 6pm to 2am, so she seldom saw other employees of the company. 
Some people would have found the work conditions lonely, but she actually enjoyed the solitude and freedom to work at her own pace.  Not to mention she got full access to the company’s well stocked employee lounge and was pretty much left alone to do her job with little to no supervision as long as she was completing her assigned tasks.
After parking her car in the near empty concrete employee parking garage, she hurried quickly to the main facilities building, her breath fogging out in front of her from the winter cold.  Fortunately, snow hadn’t started falling yet, but it always felt right around the corner.
The building was quiet, and she didn’t see another soul as she used her employee pass to enter the building.  She crossed the lobby and took the elevator down to basement floor 1 where the buildings main labs and her computer terminal awaited her.
Upon reaching her workstation, she quickly removed her coat, scarf, and gloves before the heat of the heavily climate-controlled basement overwhelmed her.  The company always kept it a bit warm down in the lab levels, and she wasn’t sure why.  She had learned to drink generous amounts of coffee to offset the urge to doze or sleep while she worked in the comfortable warmth.
The hard copy file ‘In box’ on her desk had several inch thick manila files of printed paper data for her to enter, but she noticed that her workload was about half of its usual size.  Thinking it over, she figured some of the researchers had decided to get a head start on the three-day weekend with Monday being a company holiday.
She settled down and woke her computer from sleep mode, as she fell into a rhythm and began to get down to work entering all the collected data.
Lab 3 (of 8) of Marin Biotech main research building was currently devoted to the development of new Genetically Modified Organisms (or GMO for short) mixing plant and animal DNA to create new fast growing and disease resistant strains of plants and animals.
The work was slow and tedious and led to hundreds if not thousands of non-viable products.  More recently work had begun to create mutations of promising strains by bombarding them with different forms of hard Alpha, Beta, and Gama radiation, hoping to create organisms with a more favorable outcome.
Among the newest batch in the lab was genetic specimen Beta-317.  The Beta series were all different Amazonian Jungle species (picked for their high growth rates and competitive nature) mixed with different ocean animals to try to cultivate their unique properties.  Beta-317 or B317 was specifically Cissus Amazonica also known as the Amazon Jungle Vine propagated and enhanced with spliced genes of the Enteroctopus dofleini or Giant Pacific Octopus for its RNA editing abilities and regeneration properties.
Work in Lab 3 had ended early in the day as the staff left early for their vaunted three-day weekend.  Multi spectrum bulbs illuminated the far quarter of the lab where the Beta specimens were constantly exposed to full spectrum light as to encourage their rapid growth.  Each GMO hybrid had also been placed in a nutrient rich water bath to provide each with the proper nutrients to sustain rapid growth.
Unseen by human eyes, experiment B317 quivered under the constant UV assault, before unfurling several of its thin appendages in its nutrient bath.  Roots quested out and dipped into its neighbors fluid baths, draining the fluids and growing in size and length from the additional nutrition. 
One appendage discovered the edge of the pool of light and B317 quivered as it began to pull itself out of the damaging brightness still growing from all the rich nutrients it had just absorbed from its neighbors.
A couple of hours had passed in the blink of an eye while she worked when she suddenly let out a big yawn.  Stretching, she decided it was time to take a break and get some coffee to help her finish her work shift.
The employee lounge was just down the hall from her workstation, the ecofriendly lights automatically turning on as she entered.  She picked up a cup and placed it in the coffee machine, then frowned as nothing happened after she hit the dispense button.  Looking at the illuminated control panel she saw the machine was displaying an error code.
She sighed loudly and instead selected some Lavender tea from the tea display beside the coffee machine.  A little hot water, milk, and honey later and her second drink of choice was ready.
As she headed back to her workstation, sipping her tea, she didn’t notice the quivering greenish form of B317 clinging to the ceiling down the hall behind her.
B317 had moved through the empty building hallways virtually silently despite its growing size, but not finding anything of interest until it had spotted the woman’s movement as she left the employee lounge.
Attracted to her heat and scent, it slowly began to follow her down the hall moving silently along the ceiling, vine-like tentacles spreading it’s weight evenly as it moved.
She sat down and began working again, taking a sip from her tea now and then.  After a while she suppressed another yawn just as she finished up her current folder.  She stretched again and leaned back in her chair deciding to close her eyes to rest for just a moment.  After all, she thought, her workload was light, and a little nap couldn’t hurt.
B317 found its prey not moving as it slipped past the door frame and into the room.  The only sound in the room was the gentle rhythmic breathing from the woman reclined in the chair, and the quiet hum of the lights and office equipment around the room.
Slowly it moved along the wall and down onto the office floor.  Moving carefully, it cautiously reached out several tentacle vines towards the sleeping woman.  Delicately they brushed across her warm skin, savoring the heat from her body, before stopping as she murmured in her sleep.  As she settled back down, they continued to move along her body exploring.
B317 was confused by the cooler non-living clothing around the body of the young woman, but it began to become more excited by the closeness of her warmth and scent.  More of its appendages began to move to the body of the woman, wrapping around her very gently as not to wake her.
As B317’s vine tentacles began to move up her body to explore the woman’s face she suddenly shifted and began to blink awake, unconsciously knowing something was wrong.
‘Whaaaa..’ she began, her brain still foggy and dazed from her short nap.
B317 struck out of instinct, jabbing a needle like barb into her neck and injecting her with a potent venom.  The woman cried out and her body tensed at the sudden prick of pain.  Her eyes shot open, then almost just as suddenly her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body went limp as the creature’s venom coursed through her system.
The newly born mutant vibrated in pleasure as its prey surrendered to its toxin.  Hungrily it began to tear through the young woman’s clothing, vine tentacles desperate to expose more of her soft warm flesh.
The woman moaned weakly as the mutant creature stripped her body roughly and she involuntarily shivered at her body’s sudden exposure.  Questing tentacles began to explore every inch of her body, causing her body to react of its own accord.
Her nipples began to harden as her body was roughly explored and goose flesh rose as it attempted to fend off the sudden change in temperature.  The creature lifted her whole body up off the chair, easily holding her weight aloft.  Her head fell back, causing her mouth to open, which B117 took as an invitation to explore.  One thick tentacle vine pushed into her mouth, and began to slide down her throat, enjoying her mouth’s warm wetness. 
Her heart began to beat faster, her body aware of the danger, even if she herself was not.  Warmth flowed over her as her body flushed and reacted to the creature’s touch.  Moistness gathered as her juices begain to drip from between her legs.
The creature’s body quivered, and a bulge began to form along its body before bursting forth into a new appendage from its central mass.  More of the mutant’s vine tentacles wrapped around the woman’s legs, spreading them wide while it held her in the air before it.
The new appendage moved towards her exposed womanhood drawn there by her musky scent and dripping juices.  It slowly began to rub along her slit, collecting her juices along its length and head before nuzzling against the opening of her sex.
A soft moan escaped her lips around the vine tentacle in her mouth that quickly grew to a cry as the creature suddenly forced itself inside her.  Her cries just as suddenly turning into soft whimpers as the large appendage slid deeper and deeper inside her, stopping only once reaching the opening to her womb.
Suddenly the creature began to roughly pound its length in and out of her, causing the woman to involuntarily orgasm after just a few thrust of its large phallus like vine tentacle. 
B117 greedily absorbed her juicy discharge and the rich nutrients it carried, not stopping for one moment to let the woman rest as it continued to forcefully fuck her.  The head of the appendage struck the entrance of her womb like an ancient battering ram trying to forcibly enter a besieged castle.
The woman’s whole-body shook, and her breast bounced with each hard thrust into her limp unresisting body.  Orgasm after orgasm ripped through her as the creature continued to have its way with her and absorb her rich juices.
Finally, after several minutes of attempting to force its way inside her, the creature was able to modify its breeding appendage.  The tip forming petals that it used to pry and force her cervix open, thus allowing its head to slip deep inside her womb and nestle inside her.
Her stomach began to bulge as it worked more and more of itself inside her, stretching her out birth canal out.  She moaned in unconscious protest as the mutant filled her body fuller and more completely than ever before.
B117 pulled the young woman close to it as it felt something deep inside itself grow, then detach, and begin to work itself along the length of its body and down into the appendage connecting them.
Slowly bit by bit, it contracted and moved the hard lump along its length.  Reaching the connection between them, the creature was stymied by the tightness of the woman’s body wrapped around its breeding tentacle vine.
Slowly it began to push, harder and harder, increasing the pressure until finally with a loud moan from the woman, her vaginal passage stretched out far enough to allow the hard mass to pass.  Using more and more pressure now, the creature continued to push the hard lump of its seed deep inside her.
Centimeter by centimeter the seed moved up her birth canal to be stopped once more as it reached the much smaller opening of her cervix.  Twisting and pushing, B117 thrashed the tip of its tentacle inside her womb, causing her to orgasm once more.   The sudden tensing and relaxing of her body with each pulse finally allowing the seed to continue millimeter by millimeter up inside her until finally it plopped into the warmth and wetness of her womb.
The woman’s whole body suddenly relaxed as the mutant finished implanting its seed inside her.  Sweat dripped from her limp body to be collected greedily by the vine tentacles enveloping her as they sucked at her skin.
Content for now, the creature labeled B117 began to move out of the room, holding its prize in a cocoon of vine tentacles above it.
The woman rose to conscious slowly, her mind still slow and foggy from the mutant venom the plant hybrid had injected her with.  Her whole body felt sore, and every muscle abused as if she had run several marathons or had climbed a couple of tall mountains.
She could feel the cool air of the room on her naked skin and her throat felt raw and dry.  Her eyes moved around the room, not recognizing where she was.
A very bright group of lights was over a table in one corner of the room.  All around her was a green vine type plant mass, covering what she could only assume were tables, chairs, and office equipment.  The plant covered the walls, and even parts of the ceiling, and seemed to pulse almost as if it were breathing.
As she looked around, a vine began to move towards her mouth.  She tried to turn her head, or to pull back, but she found she didn’t have the strength to even do that much.
As the tip of the vine tentacle opened her mouth and slid inside, it suddenly pulsed and began to disgorge a warm, thick, starchy tasting liquid into her mouth.  Disgusted the woman had no choice but to swallow the liquid or risk drowning in it.  After a minute or so the vine tentacle stopped and slid back and out of her mouth.
Even as she was disgusted by what had just happened, the woman was surprised to find that she felt better and a little stronger.  But before she could even begin to adapt to her situation, she felt something twitch inside her lower belly.
She looked down and her eyes went wide as she saw that her belly had grown and was now stretched out as if she were six months pregnant.  Her eyes darted around wildly, looking for something to help steady her mind with.
She saw a clock on the wall displaying the time and date.  Only a few hours had passed since she went to the lounge for her tea.  It seemed incomprehensible to her.
How could all this have happened in only a couple of hours?
Suddenly she felt a large movement inside her growing belly.  She managed to flop from her side onto her back as the first contraction hit her.  She cried out loudly and moaned as she felt something moving, fighting its way out of her.
‘Oh god… noOOOOOOOO!’ her hands each wrapping around a vine and squeezing hard as her legs spasmed.  The vines felt almost like a kind hard rubber with very little give in them as she panted and struggled with the new life growing inside her trying to be born.
Sweat covered her entire body as she panted and felt the organism inside her moving towards its birth and freedom.  She cried out again as another contraction helped to move it along.  Two small vine tentacles burst from the slit of her red swollen sex and began to wrap themselves around her thighs, giving the creature additional purchase to pull itself out of its mother.
She came then, hard and long despite everything, the pain and pleasure signals mixed up and scrambled in her brain.  The hard rubbery body of the birthing creature pushing hard against her G spot as it pulled itself out of her, raping her from the inside out.
With a final push she collapsed back against the labs floor, totally spent.  Her eyes fluttered as she fought to stay conscious despite the struggle of birthing the creature and her ordeal. 
The newborn creature began to slide up its mother’s body, two vine tentacles questing for the milk already dripping from her nipples.  Attaching themselves to her hard nipples, they began to suck greedily on their mother’s breasts, nourishing itself on her milk and already beginning to grow.
B117 began to stir once more.  Vine tentacles quested out for the young woman’s warm sweat covered body once again.  After all, her womb was now empty and available, and it had a full three-day weekend to procreate and progenerate…
As the young woman began to slip back into unconsciousness, she felt the touch of B117 along her body once more and wondered if taking the temp job had actually been such a good idea….
I hope you enjoyed my little dark story.  Thanks for reading and congratulations for making it this far.  If you did in fact enjoy the story, please feel free to buy me a coffee or send me a nude or two.  Nudes nourish my soul and fuel my imagination.  Till next time friends, stay dark and weird.  DarkSkippychan Feb/2024
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Malaysian animated film ‘Mechamato’ grosses RM18.3m in 11 days, makes global weekend box-office top 10
Malaysian animated film ‘Mechamato’ grosses RM18.3m in 11 days, makes global weekend box-office top 10
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20 — Local animated film, Mechamato Movie by Animonsta Studio (Monsta) has collected RM18.3 million in 11 days of showing in Malaysia and Brunei. Since its opening on December 8, the Mechamato Movie has also managed to sneak in the top 10 global weekend box-office takings at number nine just below South Korean thriller film, The Owl, according to box office insights portal,…
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livewellnews · 6 months
“Shaitaan: Ajay Devgn’s Horror Triumphs at the Box Office!”
Description: Step into the eerie world of “Shaitaan,” the latest horror sensation starring Ajay Devgn, R Madhavan, and Jyothika, as it sets the box office on fire with its spine-chilling tale. With its global collection soaring past the Rs 100 crore mark, the film is now on the brink of achieving this milestone domestically, captivating audiences worldwide.
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Since its theatrical release on March 8, “Shaitaan” has been on a winning streak, kicking off its journey with an impressive opening day haul of Rs 17.75 crore. The momentum only intensified as the days went by, with the film raking in Rs 18.75 crore on day two and Rs 20.5 crore on day three, culminating in a stellar opening weekend.
Industry watchers have been closely tracking the film’s performance, noting its sustained popularity among audiences. On day seven, “Shaitaan” added another Rs 5.75 crore to its kitty, bringing its total nett collection to an impressive Rs 79.75 crore.
Despite facing stiff competition, “Shaitaan” has managed to hold its own at the box office, buoyed by positive word-of-mouth and a gripping storyline. Even as it prepares to face off against new releases like “Yodha,” starring Sidharth Malhotra and Disha Patani, Ajay Devgn’s supernatural thriller continues to draw audiences into its dark and mysterious world.
Looking ahead, Ajay Devgn fans have much to anticipate, with the actor set to dazzle in upcoming projects like “Maidaan,” scheduled for an April release, and “Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha” directed by Neeraj Pandey. With a string of exciting ventures in the pipeline, Ajay Devgn is poised to maintain his stronghold on the box office in the months to come.
Join us as we celebrate the phenomenal success of “Shaitaan” and eagerly await the next chapter in Ajay Devgn’s illustrious career!
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cinemapremi · 9 months
Salaar Box Office Record: Prabhas's Movie Makes History, Beats Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan
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Prabhas's latest movie, Salaar, has taken the box office by storm, surpassing even Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan. Let's dive into the incredible success story of Salaar and how it became the biggest opener of 2023. Salaar Review: Game of Thrones Vibes? Why ‘Salaar’ is Prabhas’s Blockbuster Return! Salaar Movie Review and Release LIVE Updates: Box Office Collection Expected To Cross Rs 50 crore on 1st Day!
Sensational Opening
Salaar didn't just break records; it shattered them. The movie earned a whopping Rs 95 crore on its very first day, leaving behind the previous record-holder, Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan, which made Rs 75 crore.
Southern Success
The movie's dominance is evident in the south, where it collected almost 75% of its earnings. Salaar emerged victorious in a tough battle with Shah Rukh Khan's Dunki.
Regional Triumph
Breaking it down, Salaar made Rs 70 crore in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Rs 12 crore in Karnataka, Rs 5 crore in Kerala, and an additional Rs 8 crore in the Hindi circuit. https://twitter.com/KChiruTweets/status/1738395118640767049 photo credit: https://twitter.com/KChiruTweets?ref_src=twsrctfwtwcamptweetembedtwterm1738395118640767049twgrbde4114be11d9acc0e2dbff69a1d2a8e9b9a3ba5twcons1_&ref_url=httpswww.latestly.comsociallyentertainmentsouthsalaar-mints-rs-95-crore-in-india-on-the-opening-day-chiranjeevi-congratulates-prabhas-prashanth-neel-on-the-films-box-office-success-5647044.html
Bollywood Giants Left Behind
Salaar's victory isn't limited to the south; it outperformed big Bollywood releases like Pathaan, Animal, and Gadar 2, claiming the top spot.
Star-Studded Cast
Aside from Prabhas, Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire features Prithviraj Sukumaran, Shruti Haasan, and Jagapathi Babu, adding to the film's appeal. https://twitter.com/htshowbiz/status/1738420327527674092 photo credit: https://twitter.com/htshowbiz?ref_src=twsrctfwtwcamptweetembedtwterm1738233365588070769twgrbde4114be11d9acc0e2dbff69a1d2a8e9b9a3ba5twcons1_&ref_url=httpswww.latestly.comsociallyentertainmentsouthsalaar-mints-rs-95-crore-in-india-on-the-opening-day-chiranjeevi-congratulates-prabhas-prashanth-neel-on-the-films-box-office-success-5647044.html
Director's Touch
Directed by Prashanth Neel, known for KGF, Salaar promises a gripping tale of friendship with unprecedented action sequences that resonate with audiences.
Certification and Duration
The movie's intense action scenes led to an 'Adults Only' certification, and with a runtime of almost 3 hours, Salaar offers a substantial cinematic experience.
Government Backing
Before its release, the Telangana government supported Salaar by allowing late-night shows and permitting price hikes in certain theaters, contributing to its grand opening.
Global Acclaim
Experts hail Salaar's global success, labeling it the biggest worldwide opening of 2023, surpassing early estimates and heading towards the Rs 175 crore mark. https://twitter.com/ManobalaV/status/1738412629042012336 photo credit: https://twitter.com/ManobalaV?ref_src=twsrctfwtwcamptweetembedtwterm1738233315889664169twgr73d026ccdf9a0c14fc8d8835d50609f10f9fc11atwcons1_&ref_url=httpswww.businesstoday.intrendingbox-officestorysalaar-box-office-collection-day-1-prabhas-film-becomes-the-biggest-opener-of-2023-at-rs-95-cr-outshines-srks-pathaan-jawan-dunki-410606-2023-12-23
Story Overview
Set in the fictional city of Khansaar, Salaar revolves around two friends, Deva and Vardha, played by Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran, and their journey from friendship to arch-rivalry.
Unique Selling Point (USP)
The heart of Salaar lies in the emotion between two friends, exploring how this emotion transforms into violence, offering a unique and compelling narrative.
International Impact
Salaar's impact extends beyond Indian borders, securing the second spot in the top 5 premieres gross for Indian movies in the USA and North America.
Director's Record
For director Prashanth Neel, Salaar's success adds another feather to his cap, following the impressive box office performance of the KGF films.
Comparison with Previous Releases
Comparing Salaar's opening with Prabhas's previous releases, it marks a significant comeback, surpassing the box office numbers of Adipurush and Radhe Shyam.
Two-Part Release
Salaar will be presented in two parts, with 'Salaar: Part 1 – Ceasefire' already creating waves. The second part, 'Shouryaanga Parvam,' is eagerly anticipated by fans. In conclusion, Salaar's extraordinary opening and widespread acclaim signify not just a movie but a cinematic phenomenon. Its success redefines the box office landscape, showcasing the power of compelling storytelling and stellar performances. Q1: What made Salaar's opening so massive? Salaar's success can be credited to Prabhas's star power, its regional appeal, and a gripping storyline that resonated with audiences. Q2: How does Salaar compare to other Bollywood releases in 2023? Salaar outshines big Bollywood releases like Pathaan, Animal, Gadar 2, and Dunki, establishing itself as the biggest opener of the year. Q3: What role did government support play in Salaar's opening? The Telangana government's support, allowing late-night shows and price hikes, created a favorable environment for Salaar's grand opening. Q4: What makes Salaar's story unique? Salaar stands out for exploring friendship turning into rivalry, coupled with intense action scenes, making it a unique and compelling cinematic experience. Q5: What's next for Salaar? Following its groundbreaking opening, Salaar's second part, 'Shouryaanga Parvam,' is highly anticipated, promising a continuation of the gripping narrative. Also Checkout. Read the full article
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takataktop · 1 year
Jawaan Box Office Collection Day 21: On the 21st day, Shahrukh Khan's film "Jawaan" has witnessed a decline in its collections.
This has raised questions about whether the movie will be able to reach the 1000 crore mark in earnings.
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Jawaan Box Office Collection Day 21: Shahrukh Khan's "Jawaan" has gradually seen a decrease in its collections. This prompts us to wonder if it will be able to reach the 1000 crore mark in earnings. Jawaan Box Office Collection Day 21: "Jawaan" has crossed the 500 crore mark at the box office, making a significant milestone with global earnings reaching 1000 crores. However, there are doubts about whether it can maintain its momentum after crossing the 1000 crore mark. This is based on the recent weekly box office collections, which have been disappointing for fans. However, there might be a resurgence in collections over the weekend as the makers have introduced a special two-for-one ticket offer. Read more : The shooting of this spy thriller has been going on for 10 years, and in November, the South Indian film 'John' is set to challenge both Tiger and Pathan. Now, let's take a look at the earnings of the film on its 21st day. According to initial box office reports, "Jawaan" has collected only 5.15 crores on its 21st day. This brings the total earnings of the film in India to 576.23 crores, while globally it has crossed the 1000 crore mark. The India gross stands at 686.15 crores. To recap the earnings over the past 20 days: - Day 1: 75 crores - Day 2: 53.23 crores - Day 3: 77.83 crores - Day 4: 80.1 crores - Day 5: 32.92 crores - Day 6: 26 crores - Day 7: 23.2 crores - Day 8: 21.6 crores - First-week total: 389.88 crores In the second week: - Day 9: 19.1 crores - Day 10: 31.8 crores - Day 11: 36.85 crores - Day 12: 16.25 crores - Day 13: 14.4 crores - Day 14: 9.6 crores - Second-week total: 136.1 crores For the following days: - Day 16: 7.6 crores - Day 17: 12.25 crores - Day 18: 14.95 crores - Day 19: 5.4 crores - Day 20: 4.9 crores These figures indicate a significant drop in earnings for the film. It's worth mentioning that amidst the release of new movies and the declining earnings of "Jawaan," the makers have introduced a blockbuster offer where you can get a free "Jawaan" ticket with the purchase of one. It remains to be seen how much of an impact this offer will have on the film's earnings. Read more : Rajnikanth's Magic Begins as 'Jailer 2' Production Commences, Makers Pay Him a Massive Advance for the Film Read the full article
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djarshaddj · 7 months
Article 370 Global Box Office Collection Day 8: Yami Gautam Starrer Latest film sees Witness a 1.63% Growth in India, Worldwide gross Stands at ₹ 57.14 Cr
Article 370 Global Box Office Collection Day 8: The Hindi controversial political action drama thriller “Article 370,” featuring Yami Gautam, Priyamani, Skand Thakur, Ashwini Kaul, Vibhav Tatwawadi, Arun Govil, and Kiran Karmarkar, continues its box office success. As per the JIO Studio report, the film amassed ₹ 38.82 Cr net in the first week. On the 2nd Friday, it exhibited a 1.63% growth,…
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astropithecus · 1 year
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Even getting a diagnosis is a 20-page questionnaire. And not just for you, you also have to administer 20-page questionnaires to someone who lives with you currently, and someone who lived with you as a child. Besides being absurdly intrusive, that is like intentionally designing a process to be hostile towards the people that need it. So I've prepared this guide to help:
Step 1) Overcome the enormous hurdle that is telling a doctor "I think I have an issue that I've tried to hide from people my entire life because of the stigma that it's not a real issue or I'm just lazy"
2) Maintain interest and resolve for the 3-5 days it takes for your stack of paperwork to be delivered to you by mail (yes, mail - no, they can't email it)
3) Inform two more people - this time people you may have complicated relationships with like parents or adult siblings, that may or may not be supportive of you - that you think you've always had this problem but it's the one problem you can't get help for unless they fill out a questionnaire.
4) Coordinate giving them a physical stack of paper. This is a low bar for the person you live with - leave it on the nearest flat surface, when they ask what it is, say "yours, I assigned you homework" (try it, your roommate or significant other will love it). If the people that knew you as a child all live hundreds of miles away, however, now you need a stamp. And a manila envelope because the stack of paper is too big to fold. I haven't had manila envelopes in the house since the aughts. If the stack of paper is too big to fold, does that mean you need more stamps? Google "weight limit stamp". How many pages are in an ounce? It probably depends on the thickness of the paper. What weight paper is an ADHD questionnaire printed on? Do we have a kitchen scale?
5) Decide the U.S. Postal Service isn't the right choice for you, carve out a whole afternoon to call your dad and ask him questions that basically come down to "when I was a kid, did you ever think I was really terrible at everyday things other people do with no problem?" while you write his answers on 24-weight bond paper (you're a paper expert now). Bonus points for keeping him on task and making it through the whole questionnaire if your dad is autistic like mine is - there's a genetic link between autism and ADHD (Ghirardi et al., 2018) so it's not as unlikely as you might think.
6) You still have to fill out your 20 pages, you forgot.
6) Collect together the 60-page sworn deposition about what a broken human being you are and leave it in a stack in a conspicuous place for a week or more because you still don't have a manila envelope. You should probably put something heavy on top.
7) After you've waited the requisite 7 days for your stationery-related executive dysfunction to pass, get frustrated, pound ~500 mg of caffeine, take the naked stack of paper to the post office, mail it back in a flat rate box because it's never going to get done otherwise.
8) Maintain interest and resolve for the roughly 3-5 days it should take for your stack of paperwork to be delivered to the doctor's office, and then remember to call them to see if they got it (no, they can't just email you when they get it).
9) Hooray, now you can get an appointment with a different doctor that can actually give you a diagnosis. That's right, this isn't the process to get diagnosed, this is the process just to even talk to someone that can diagnose you. You have to talk to them in person, even if it's during a globally unprecedented pandemic, so don't forget you have an appointment, and maintain focus and resolve for the 2-3 weeks it takes for them to see you. Note: When you go to this appointment, despite the 60 pages of sworn testimony you mailed back in a flat rate box, they still think you're lying. Probably because nobody ever actually manages to complete the whole thing.
10) After the required amount of grovelling they'll let you play a computer game where you click a box over and over. Note: they will not think it's funny if you refer to it as a game, it is the Conners' CPT 3rd Edition test and it is a very serious clinical evaluation tool. They also will not think it's funny if you point out it looks like something you made in Visual Basic when you were 12. They probably also wouldn't think it was funny if you brought up the fact that Conners' CPT 3rd Edition scores are "are not accurate performance validity tests among adults undergoing clinical evaluation for ADHD" (Scimeca et al., 2021). If you're bad enough at the computer game, you'll receive the coveted Clinical Diagnosis™. They're still not going to do anything to treat it, but you're now worthy to speak to another doctor that might.
11) Note: He's an asshole.
12) There's two step 6s
Ghirardi, L., Brikell, I., Kuja-Halkola, R. et al. The familial co-aggregation of ASD and ADHD: a register-based cohort study. Mol Psychiatry 23, 257–262 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/mp.2017.17
Scimeca, L. M., Holbrook, L., Rhoads, T., Cerny, B. M., Jennette, K. J., Resch, Z. J., Obolsky, M. A., Ovsiew, G. P., & Soble, J. R. (2021). Examining Conners Continuous Performance Test-3 (CPT-3) Embedded Performance Validity Indicators in an Adult Clinical Sample Referred for ADHD Evaluation. Developmental neuropsychology, 46(5), 347–359. https://doi.org/10.1080/87565641.2021.1951270
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earaercircular · 2 years
These are the 6 best circular companies of 2023 in the Netherlands
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The Renewal Workshop
The Week of the Circular Economy started in the Netherlands on Monday 6 February. Every year, the most innovative projects and products from companies and governments are rewarded with a prize: the Circular Award. Here are the 2023 contenders.
Orange peels that are saved from the incinerator, recycled MRI scanners and a complete residential area of renewable raw materials. Glimpses of the circular economy can be caught in more and more places now that more and more companies and organisations are getting started.
On Monday 6 February, the public will choose their favourite circular company in three categories from a list drawn up by a jury. The categories are Business Large, Business Small and Public. These are the organizations that have a chance to win the prize:
Boekel Eco Village
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Experimentation and innovation are inextricably linked to Ecodorp Boekel[1]. That happens a lot. People who want to live there must sign a contract in advance that they agree to this. For example, the residential area is not connected to the sewerage system. In addition, the residents collect as much rainwater as possible. That goes to the washing machines and is used to flush the toilets. For heat they join forces with inventor Cees van Nimwegen who stores heat in basalt rock.[2]
It is not the first time that Ecodorp Boekel has been nominated for a prize. This includes initiator Ad Vlems gives a tour of the site:
“Ecodorp Boekel is an inspiring example in the Dutch province of Brabant for sustainable living in connection. In the SDG[3] district we will sustainably provide for our necessities of life. As a result, we contribute to solutions for all sustainable global goals (SDGs), in collaboration with our environment. What we are going to create in Boekel is a block of 30 climate-adaptive and climate-positive rental homes, 6 informal care homes, community centre, knowledge and education centre, workshop and offices, with options for our own food supply, our own energy supply, ecological water purification and sustainable businesses. We are building the eco-village[4] together with ecological contractor Eco+Bouw[5] and our nature architect Huub van Laarhoven[6]. Ecodorp Boekel is made possible in part by the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF), the national government and the province of North Brabant in the context of OPZuid[7].”
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Citrus peels form the largest organic waste stream from catering companies. Supermarkets also throw away lots of peels every day. In this way, many peels end up in the incinerator. A shame, said the founders of PeelPioneers: Sytze van Stempvoort, Bas van Wieringen and Lindy Hensen. The company processes peels into ingredients for the food industry, from aromas to candied products.
Lindy Hensen, co-founder of PeelPioneers discusses the challenges, opportunities and success stories of this circular economy example. “PeelPioneers is on a mission to salvage all citrus waste and turn it into valuable ingredients, keeping them one more round in the food chain.
We extract natural ingredients from the peel that are used in foodstuffs, cosmetics and cleaning products. With this we reuse 100% of the peel. See here for which applications our ingredients are suitable. Our innovation lab is constantly researching how more value can be extracted from peels. A result of this is the Finix citrus fibre, that offers firmness, structure and the right mouthfeel to, for example, meat substitutes and muffins.
A producer can make good use of these essential oils and fibres in his products to close the circle again. This is how we make the difference together! “[8]
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Every year, 300 billion euros worth of walls are thrown away, Juunoo reports on the website[9]. That is a thorn in the side of the Belgian company. That is why it makes interior walls, glass walls, telephone booths and meeting boxes that can be reused. The modules are adjustable and work with a click system. "The idea is simple: unclip the module, extend it to the desired height and snap it back in," writes Juunoo. When people get tired of the walls, the company buys them back.
How does the system work? The JUUNOO modules and click panels are designed and tested for multiple use or reuse. The connection with JUUNOO tape can be used up to 30 times without any measurable loss in strength. Firmly pressing the plating onto the modules is important to guarantee a good connection. When screwing plasterboard or fibreboard to the modules, it is important to use screws with a drill point. In this way, fewer burrs are created and the profiles of the modules can continue to slide smoothly over each other. After having screwed a plate on and off the module 10 times, the friction between the sliding profiles is still too great to be able to work efficiently. The obsolete modules can - thanks to the company’s cash back guarantee - be upgraded by JUUNOO. These can then be used for new projects. The outdated click panels are recycled into new panels. [10]
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Philips[11] has been notable for years because of the circular steps it is taking. The company has factories where MRI scanners, CT scanners and ultrasound equipment are refurbished so that they can be used again. In addition, it increasingly focuses on rental systems: product-as-a-service. By remaining the owner of the product, it is logical for the electronics group to use a product for as long as possible. It is also striking that Philips calculates with a high internal CO2 price. What is that and what can it bring you as an entrepreneur?
The global player's Circular Edition program provides reliable refurbished medical imaging systems at attractive prices. In this way, the medical customer can have access to modern technology and more advanced applications for your patients, without jeopardizing your profitability.
A Philips refurbished CT scanner can improve the reliability of diagnoses. Get more out of your investment with used CT scanners. A used Philips MRI scanner performs like new. Refurbished MRI scanners offered value and reliability. And used ultrasound equipment from Philips can also help to make difficult diagnoses. [12]
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Zeeman[13] has recently received a lot of attention for its sustainability policy. For example, the company announced at the end of last year that it wants to pay a livable wage to its garment workers in India. This should yield factory employees 5 cents more per item of clothing. Since last year it has also been possible to hand in second-hand clothing. “Clothing has a value, and we want to pass that on to our customers,” said sustainability manager Arnoud van Vliet earlier.
Van Vliet: “In order to make our textile collection more sustainable, we have been purchasing sustainable cotton from Better Cotton (BC) since 2015. This is a partnership between development organisations, environmental organisations and the business community. The BC helps cotton farmers to grow their crops in a better way. For example, by using water, pesticides and chemicals more efficiently. They also receive help to improve working conditions and to continue to develop. BC cotton cannot be traced directly. That is because the companies that buy BC cotton from a BC certified farmer interweave the cotton with regular cotton. This simplifies the process and keeps costs down. In 2019, 24% of the cotton purchases came from BC farmers. In 2020, this share has grown to 36%.
When an item is made from recycled cotton or recycled polyester, it means that residual material from previous productions has been used as raw material. This residual material is then reduced to the fibre and spun into new yarn. When an article contains sustainable viscose, this means that the fibres are made from FSC wood[14]. This wood comes from sustainably managed forests where the habitat of plants and animals is protected and the rights of the local population and forest workers are guaranteed. The chemicals for the production of the yarn are also reused so that they do not end up in the environment. Undyed cotton looks slightly different in colour than white cotton, this is because undyed cotton is not dyed or bleached. As a result, less water and energy is needed during the production process. Also, no chemicals are used. We also use organic cotton for these articles. Both better for the environment.” [15]
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Bleckmann is a logistics company that transports goods for customers in fashion, lifestyle and consumer electronics. [16]  March last year, Bleckmann announced the acquisition of The Renewal Workshop. This acquisition enables the company to further roll out its circular plans. For example, it wants to help customers renew and resell products that would otherwise end up as waste in the incinerator. Jurrie-Jan Tap, Chief Business Development Officer at Bleckmann: “We have followed the developments of The Renewal Workshop over the past few years and admire the impressive work of the founders and the entire TRW team. For Bleckmann, the comprehensive Renewal System complements our ambition to provide our customers with more sustainable solutions.” And Nicole Bassett, co-founder and co-CEO of The Renewal Workshop: “The potential for innovation to make a meaningful difference in the climate crisis is real. Our most recent research shows that brands can achieve an average CO2 reduction of 51.5% by renewing an existing product rather than producing a new product. Bleckmann is the ideal partner to help any brand committed to sustainability achieve their goals.” [17]
Rianne Lachmeijer: ‘Dit zijn de 6 beste circulaire bedrijven van 2023’, in: Change Inc, 3-02-2023, https://www.change.inc/circulaire-economie/dit-zijn-de-6-beste-circulaire-bedrijven-van-2023-39520
[1] https://www.ecodorpboekel.nl/
[2] Basalt is the most common rock on Earth’s surface. Specimens are black in colour and weather to dark green or brown. Basalt is rich in iron and magnesium and is mainly composed of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase. Most specimens are compact, fine-grained, and glassy. They can also be porphyritic, with phenocrysts of olivine, augite, or plagioclase. Holes left by gas bubbles can give basalt a coarsely porous texture.
[3] The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked objectives designed to serve as a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future". The SDGs were formulated in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which sought to create a future global development framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals, which ended that year.
[4] Read also: https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/these-irish-idealists-built-their-own-eco-village/nznqvx400o8z
[5] As a green builder, ECO+BOUW is involved in Socially Responsible Building. This means that we take into account the social effects of all our construction activities. This applies to all our business processes: for calculation, purchasing, production, realisation, sales and maintenance as well as for HRM and marketing communication. For us, CSR is not a project, but it is fully integrated in all activities of our company. We work together with our clients, construction partners, architects, consultants and other specialists. https://www.ecoplus-bouw.nl/over-ons/
[6] https://vanlaarhovencombinatie.nl/
[7] The Operational Program ERDF 2014-2020 South Netherlands (OPZuid) is a European subsidy program for the provinces of Zeeland, Limburg and North Brabant. Spearheads are innovation promotion and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The program is particularly aimed at innovative SMEs and strengthening cooperation between the business community, knowledge institutions and governments.
[8] https://peelpioneers.nl/
[9] https://www.juunoo.com/
[10] https://www.juunoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/JUUNOO-technische-documentatie.pdf
[11] Koninklijke Philips N.V. (lit. 'Royal Philips'), commonly shortened to Philips, is a Dutch multinational conglomerate corporation that was founded in Eindhoven in 1891. Since 1997, it has been mostly headquartered in Amsterdam, though the Benelux headquarters is still in Eindhoven. Philips was formerly one of the largest electronics companies in the world, but is currently focused on the area of health technology, having divested its other divisions.
[12] https://www.philips.be/healthcare/solutions/refurbished-systems
[13] Zeeman textielSupers B.V. (stylized as ZEEMAN) is a Dutch chain store with 1,300 establishments in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Austria and Spain.
[14] The FSC forest certificate is an international label or quality mark on a wood or paper product that indicates that the product comes from a sustainably managed forest. FSC stands for 'Forest Stewardship Council', the international organization that issues the certificate.
[15] https://www.zeeman.com/nl/zuinig-op-het-milieu-duurzame-grondstoffen-en-materialen
[16] https://www.bleckmann.com/nl/over-ons
[17] https://press.bleckmann.com/nl/bleckmann-neemt-the-renewal-workshop-over-en-biedt-hiermee-een-volledig-circulaire-supply-oplossing
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shivagdm · 2 years
Thor: Love and Thunder Collects Impressive $302 Million Globally During Opening Weekend
Thor: Love and Thunder Collects Impressive $302 Million Globally During Opening Weekend
Thor: Love and Thunder has collected $302 million (about Rs. 2,398 crore) at the global box office in the three days since it released in cinemas worldwide on July 8. This means it has delivered the third-highest opening weekend for a Hollywood film, after the Tom Holland-led Spider-Man: No Way Home and the Sam Raimi-directed Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, since the start of the…
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harpianews · 2 years
Ponniyin Selvan I Box Office Collection Day 8: Mani Ratnam's film breaks international records, closes to Rs 350 cr worldwide
Ponniyin Selvan I Box Office Collection Day 8: Mani Ratnam’s film breaks international records, closes to Rs 350 cr worldwide
Director Mani Ratnam’s historical epic, Ponniyin Selvan: IIt has crossed the Rs 325 crore mark globally after eight days of its release, as quoted trade analyst Trinath in an India Today report. The multi-starrer has also crossed some notable milestones at the international box office. The film’s budget has been disputed, with some claiming that the original Rs 500 crore figure has been split in…
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lancermylove · 4 years
Too Late (Oneshot)
Fandom: MLQC
Pairing: Victor x fem!Reader
Warning: MAJOR angst, reader’s death, mention of blood
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can i get a oneshot of victor
Word Count: 2,158
A/N: The reader is looking back on past event and reflecting, so flashbacks (italicized text) are in narrator’s POV, while the present (reg text) is in the reader’s POV. 
Since childhood, I have always stood by his side and took care of him. Whenever people saw the two of us interacting, they immediately assumed we were a couple. Even the employees at LFG gossiped about us, saying that I was Victor's lady but he wanted to keep our relationship a secret. 
Without knocking on the door, you walked into Victor's office, holding a collection of shopping bags. "Hi, Victor. Let me guess you forgot to eat lunch?"
The CEO shifted his attention from the computer screen to you and examined the bags. "Someone had a lot of free time today. Did you purchase the entire mall?"
"Wait, can I buy the whole mall?" You playfully asked while carefully setting the paper bags on the couch.
"If you plan to, warn me ahead of time," the CEO chuckled, removing his reading glasses and setting them on a stack of unsigned papers. He sighed quietly and rubbed his eyes with his right index finger and thumb.
"Why do you take so much stress?" You walked behind his chair, wrapped your arms around his shoulder, and pressed your lips on the side of his head. The subtle scent of his shampoo tickled your nose. "I know you're the CEO, but Vic, you need to rest once in a while."
"I'm fine, (Y/N)," Victor delicately touched one of your arms and whispered, "you worry too much."
"If I won't worry, then who will?" You giggled, resting your forehead against the side of his head. "Now, let's eat! I'm starving."
“You have not had lunch yet?” The raven-haired man inquired in a concerned voice, raising an eyebrow. 
“How could I eat lunch knowing you haven’t eaten yet?”
Victor was aware of my feelings for him; he had known for years that I loved him, so why were his eyes only for her? She had done nothing for him and only caused him trouble, so why? No matter how much time I spent with him, his mind was preoccupied with her. Even on my special day, he was with her.
You waited on the sofa wearing his favorite black, backless dress with a pearl shoulder necklace. Every few seconds, your eyes shifted between the main door and your cellphone. You told yourself that he will walk in or call you any minute. You made excuses to appease your restless mind.
"There must be a lot of traffic, or maybe, he is stuck in a meeting. What if he is planning a big surprise for me?"
Seconds, minutes, and hours ticked by, but there was no sign of Victor. You spent your entire birthday waiting for him, but he never showed up.
The sound of a loud knock forced your heavy, bloodshot eyes to open. Even after the events of the previous day, only one name escaped your lips, "Victor?"
You rose from the sofa and hurried to the door in hopes of seeing your love; instead, you found a shimmer blue present sitting on your doorstep with a purple envelope on top. Picking up the box, you closed the door and dragged your heavy body back to the living room. As soon as you bent down to set the present on the center table, you caught a glimpse of yourself in a nearby mirror. Your cheeks were stained by your dark mascara and eyeliner, your red lipstick smudged past your lips, and your hair was disheveled.
"What a mess..." you mumbled under your breath and averted your eyes.
You carefully opened the envelope and pulled out an elegant ivory-colored birthday card. He apologized to you multiple times, but your eyes repeatedly darted back to one sentence: I had to attend to an urgent matter.
"Urgent matter...right," you snickered and hung your head, feeling a strong burning sensation in your eyes once again.
He apologized many times, and I didn't want to forgive him, but my heart refused to cooperate. Did he forget the promise he made to me when we were kids? 
“I promise to always spend your birthday with you, no matter what! I will always find a way to come see you on your birthday.” 
I remember how happy I was hearing those words on a clear, sunny day in our favorite park. The words that I held close to my heart seemed like nothing but an empty promise from him. I didn't want to forgive him, but in the matter of the mind and heart, the heart somehow always emerges as the victor. 
Then came the day where she broke his heart and went to another man. Despite everything, I opened my arms for him and stood firmly by his side. I even stayed with him in his home to make sure he didn't take stress or overwork himself more than usual. As if blessing me for my good deeds, Victor slowly started to open up to me.
"Why are you still awake? It's 4 am, and you have a meeting at 8 am." You groggily stepped into Victor's bedroom, rubbing your sleep-filled eyes.
"I am almost done with this report. Why are you awake?" He asked with his eyes still on the stack of papers in his hand.
"A nightmare woke me up...so I thought to check on you."
Victor momentarily glanced at you before setting the report down on the nightstand. He stretched out a hand towards you and gently whispered, "Come here."
Wordlessly, you stepped closer to him and took a hold of his warm, large hand. Victor helped you onto his bed and pulled a gray cotton blanket over your body.
"Sleep here for tonight."
He turned off the light and settled down on the mattress, facing you. Victor ran his long fingers through your hair in an attempt to help you fall asleep. In all the years you knew him, never once had Victor touched you in such a tender manner.
At that moment, I started to think everything was working in my favor, and life was finally smiling at me. But who was I kidding? Once again, she came back and ruined my life.
"I am sorry, Victor," she hid her face in her hands and sobbed, "I shouldn't have left you. Please, forgive me."
You stood a few feet away watching her cry as Victor comforted her. Then she said the words you prayed she wouldn't. "Please, give me a second chance."
Victor hesitated for a while but eventually gave a small nod, "Fine. Will you stop crying now, dummy?"
A sharp pain shot through your chest as you felt your heart shatter to pieces. Blinking rapidly, you tried to fight back the tears clouding your eyes in vain. You covered your mouth to prevent any sounds from escaping and backed away, step-by-step, your eyes fixed on the back of his head.
Victor snapped his head towards you when he heard your footsteps retreating in a hurry. He stared with wide eyes for a second before squeezing his eyes shut. The corners of his lips tugged down as his head lowered.
I loved him to no end, but why couldn't he see it? Why did he always favor her over me? Was I truly that...worthless? To add to this pain, my family started to pressurize me into marriage, but I refused. I told them my heart only belong to one man, but they didn't listen. Unfortunately, I only had one person to turn to for comfort, so I ran to into his arms and cried my heart.
"I don't want to marry a random man," you cried in his chest, "but they won't stop pressurizing me. What do I do?"
Victor's muscles stiffened at hearing the word 'marriage'. He silently exhaled, placing one hand on the back of your head while wrapping the other around your waist.
You waited for him to say something, anything, but he remained quiet. His silence made your world crumble, and the little hope you had left diminished.
Why didn’t he say anything? Did my pain not affect him, or did he not care? They kept pushing me even more after that, and ultimately gave me a final warning, marry Victor or marry the man they chose for me. My family's only goal was to help their sinking business by finding a rich husband for me. I went to him yet again and broke down completely.
You kneeled in the middle of his office and hung your head low, letting tears drop onto the black tiles beneath you. The coolness in the tiles seeped into your otherwise burning body. "Why are they trying to ruin my life?" 
Victor kneeled in front of you and rubbed soothing circles on your upper back. 
"Victor, please do something," you bawled in desperation, knowing that he had the power to change the outcome. He averted his eyes from your crying form and stared at the fireplace, his jaw clenching tighter and tighter. 
You lent me a shoulder to cry on, but why didn't you say anything? That day I left your office empty-handed and angry - not angry at him, but myself for thinking he would help me.  
Then came the day of my forced marriage to a man who I hadn't even seen. From the new reports, I knew Victor was in a different country for a global conference, but I still didn't lose hope. Why was I so foolish? Why did I think he would walk in at any moment and rescue me like a fairytale prince on a white stallion? I waited and waited, but he never came. I should have expected this, but I was such a fool.
Days and months passed but Victor never contacted me, not even to ask if I was okay. Would I have told him the truth if he called to ask? Would I have told him that my husband doesn't care about the marriage or me? That my marriage was completely meaningless. That my dear husband hadn't even kissed me once, let alone touch me. That I was glad he wasn’t interested me because I only dreamed of kissing only one man. That I hate everything, everyone, and was reaching my limit.
I stared at the pearl-like raindrops rolling down the bedroom window and forced a chuckle. It was comforting to know that at least nature cared about me. Was nature crying for me? I tilted my head to look at the cellphone beside me and stared at the black screen. What was I hoping for? He didn't care back then, he still doesn't care, and he won't care tomorrow. Not a single person in my life cares, which I guess is good, considering that no one will be sad.  My husband will find some other woman, my family has their prospering business, and Victor has her.
"Well, l-looks like it's almost time." I turned my head to look at the rain one last time as my vision began to blur. Within seconds, my head began to spin. Probably from the blood draining out of the cuts on my wrist.
"G-Goodbye, V-Victor...I hope you're always happy."
As soon as those words escaped my lips, I felt like laughing at myself for still being a fool. Even in my final moments, I couldn't stop thinking of him.
The raindrops continuously fell from the sky, each drop hitting the ground with a loud thud. Goldman followed Victor from a safe distance, curious to find out where the CEO was headed. The secretary nearly lost his footing when he saw his boss walk into a cemetery. He hid behind a tree close to the grave and quietly watched his employer.
Victor crouched down in front of a black granite stone slab and gently placed a bouquet of white camellias on it.
"Hey," he whispered in an exhausted voice as he brushed his fingertips on the rain-drenched stone slab. Goldman watched as Victor lowered his head and rested the flat of his right palm on the grave.
"Forgive me for not visiting for a few days...I was out of the country." Victor blinked his eyes rapidly and forced the corners of his lips up. "I...ate lunch already and..."
Goldman's eyes widened when he heard his boss sniffle. He leaned a little closer to make sure his imagination was not getting the better of him.
"(Y/N), h-happy birt-" Victor choked on his words and squeezed his eyes shut. He took a few moments to gather himself before standing up and trudging towards the exit.
The secretary studied his boss's slumped shoulders and heavy footsteps in confusion. As soon as Victor disappeared out of sight, Goldman carefully walked to the black granite slab and followed the bouquet up to the tombstone.
"Let's see...," he adjusted his glasses and read the words inscribed on the gravestone, "To all those reading this, tell the person you love your feelings before it's too late and all that's left is regret."
➣ MLQC Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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santarmsofficial · 4 years
What are the main handicrafts of India?
India has a huge and present-day craftsmanship assortment. Handicrafts of Indian are likewise normal in global business sectors. Experts and craftsmen from India have transformed these artworks into appealing masterpieces that can decorate your home. Purchasing this painstaking work in the renowned Indian market is an exceptionally energizing encounter. A few painstaking works can be utilized for regular use, while others can be utilized for home design. To study crafted works in India, read on. 
India's best-crafted works are likewise notable in the worldwide market:
1. Blue earthenware:
The craft of green paper on paper is basically everywhere in the world. This method is utilized to make things like umbrellas, bloom containers, gems boxes, dishes, tires, and numerous other ornamental things, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The dirt looks incredible in gold plans with blue tones or states of winged creatures and creatures. This 
potter is made of equartz rather than mud. It is known as the most well-known and notable siphon procedure. Its name comes from the blue shading that paints lovely pottery.
2. Metal and gems jewelry:
The unimaginable custom of adornments in India is reflected in taking all things together their brilliant silver, gold, and precious stones. Carefully assembled gems from Jadau, Meenakari, and Kundan do some amazing things. A scope of valuable stones from the neck, neck, adornments, headbands, over-the-nose rings, gems, hoops, studs, and then some. Antique gems are fundamental. The delightful city of India is likewise known for its stone engineering. In the Indian market, you will locate the best gems at a sensible cost 
3. Lac-bangles:
Lock and Resin Secrets Of Products Produced By Lock, MP Carteria Locka, Lucifer Locka, And Tachiriah Locka. Free wristbands are perhaps the best embellishment and best frills for ladies. Lock gelatine has no contact with material and class. Lock wristbands come in different shadings like green, red, blue, dark, orange, pink, etc. Can't contend with customary attire tastes. 
Santarms are an interesting line of lady female examples and are brilliant in shading. Dynamic tones, adornments stones, pearls, semi-valuable stones, glass, and mirror work are utilized to finish a similar armband. Santarms Quality and Beauty Santarms armband pieces are of extraordinary interest. This unpretentious adornment is not difficult to keep up and numerous examples and shadings in the grille. 
4. Apparel thing handicrafts: 
GE Textile Works is famous worldwide for its brilliant and lovely work. The delightful city of India is known as a sponsorship exporter and material creator. Commonly DG texture sheets are made to add surface to the excellence. A portion of India's most mainstream garments incorporate tuxedos, wraps, skirts, caskets, soothsayers, attire things and that's just the beginning. santarms skin improves itself known as far as printing, examples, shadings, and plans. santarms textures are hand-tailored, utilizing imprints and an assortment of plans to give textures a one-of-a-kind look and intriguing tone. 
5. Handmade Wood furniture: 
Wood furniture from India partakes in its renowned guides and plans. From the wonderful and up-to-date couch beds and roofs to the forested areas of Kanpur, it brings a complex scope of hardwood furniture for you and rich homes, eateries, workplaces, and inns. Make the ideal blend of cherished and modern wood furniture with your home. Seats, stools, outlines, covers, beds, family unit things are made of different things in wood furniture. It comes in wood furniture for an assortment of plans, shadings, and one-of-a-kind quality wood. 
6. Paint artwork Handicrafts: 
India's TTS works of art are known for their imaginative excellence. As the name infers, the present pictures are simply pictures from a similar picture. The intricate separates one of the fantastic highlights of penmanship work area picture type pictures to help distinguish the EU explicitly. The shades utilized in the canvases got from normal sources are different indigo, regardless of whether vegetable, silver, gold, and valuable stones. 
santarms artworks today are made on a scale and are particularly relevant to suitable collections and books and materials, for example, MP3s and paper fabrics. These sorts of Mughal Queen and King normally address artworks, works of art of Radha Krishna, sculptures, and such. They are beautified with beautifying drink stones and give a brilliant impact on them. 
7. Carpets and Rugs: 
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cinemapremi · 10 months
"Animal" vs "Sam Bahadur" Box Office Collection: A Day-wise Face-off
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In the vibrant world of Bollywood, clashes between big releases are bound to happen. The recent duel between "Animal" and "Sam Bahadur" has been quite a spectacle, with fans and experts closely tracking how these highly anticipated movies performed day by day. Ranbir Kapoor “Animal” Movie Review: Action, Drama and Violence Vicky Kaushal’s Movie “Sam Bahadur” Review: Must Watch Movie!
Day 1: The Clash Begins
Both movies hit the screens on the same day, creating excitement. "Animal" made a thunderous entry, earning ₹60.00 crores on its first day, showcasing Ranbir Kapoor's star power. On the flip side, "Sam Bahadur" had a respectable start, securing ₹6.25 crores on its debut. How much did "Animal" earn on its first day? "Animal" made an impressive ₹60.00 crores on its opening day. What was the first-day collection for "Sam Bahadur"? "Sam Bahadur" earned ₹6.25 crores on its debut.
Day 2 to Day 5: The Initial Surge
Over the weekend, "Animal" maintained its momentum, earning ₹70 crores on Saturday and ₹68 crores on Sunday. The film's gripping narrative and stellar performances drew crowds. Meanwhile, "Sam Bahadur" faced a gradual decline, with earnings ranging from ₹3.5 crores to ₹3.25 crores during the same period. How did "Animal" perform on its second day? "Animal" continued strong, earning ₹70 crores on its second day. What was the second-day collection for "Sam Bahadur"? "Sam Bahadur" earned ₹9.00 crores on its second day.
Day 6 to Day 10: The Battle Intensifies
Mid-week saw a surge in intensity. "Animal" sustained its strong performance, collecting ₹37.5 crores on Tuesday, followed by ₹30.3 crores on Wednesday. The film's cumulative worldwide collection reached ₹100 crores within the first week. Conversely, "Sam Bahadur" faced challenges, earning ₹3.5 crores on Friday, with the weekend contributing ₹6.75 crores and ₹7.5 crores, respectively. What was the worldwide collection of "Animal" within the first week? "Animal" achieved a blockbuster status with a cumulative worldwide collection of ₹100 crores within the first week. How did "Sam Bahadur" perform on its tenth day? On its tenth day, "Sam Bahadur" earned ₹7.5 crores.
Day 11 to Day 13: The Final Showdown
In the second week, "Animal" maintained its lead, crossing the ₹450 crore milestone and eyeing the coveted ₹500 crore mark. The film's consistent success reflected in its day-wise earnings, overshadowing "Sam Bahadur," which managed ₹2.15 crores on its thirteenth day. What is the cumulative box office collection of "Animal" till its thirteenth day? "Animal" crossed the ₹450 crore milestone and earned ₹467.84 crores after thirteen days. How much did "Sam Bahadur" earn on its thirteenth day? On its thirteenth day, "Sam Bahadur" collected ₹2.15 crores.
Global Impact and Verdict
"Animal" not only dominated the Indian box office but left a global imprint, earning ₹100 crores worldwide on its opening day. The film's universal appeal and Ranbir Kapoor's global popularity contributed to its massive success. While "Sam Bahadur" showcased resilience, earning ₹63.30 crores within 13 days, it faced tough competition from the "Animal" juggernaut.
The clash between "Animal" and "Sam Bahadur" was a cinematic spectacle. Ranbir Kapoor's "Animal" emerged victorious, setting new benchmarks for box office success. Both films added to the vibrancy of Bollywood, offering diverse narratives and performances. The echoes of this battle will resonate in the industry for a long time. Day'Sam Bahadur' Earnings'Animal' EarningsDay 1₹6.25 Crores₹60 Crores INRDay 2₹9.00 Crores₹70 Crores INRDay 3₹10.3 Crores₹68 Crores INRDay 4₹3.5 Crores₹70 Crore INRDay 5₹3.5 Crores₹37.5 Crores INRDay 6₹3.25 Crores₹30.3 Crores INRDay 7₹3.00 Crores₹25 Crores INRDay 8₹3.5 Crores₹15 Crores INRDay 9₹6.75 Crores₹38 Crore INRDay 10₹7.5 Crores₹35 Core INRDay 11₹2.15 Crores₹13 Core INRDay 12₹2.45 Crores₹14 Crore INRDay 13₹2.00 Crores₹3 Core INR And ContinueDay 14₹1.75 Crores-Total₹64.90 Crores₹462 Crores INR Also checkout: Read the full article
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djarshaddj · 2 months
Raayan global box office collection day 8: Dhanush’s latest action thriller globally reaches Century Club, with an overseas collection score of $3.85 million!
Raayan global box office collection day 8: Sun Pictures presented the Dhanush-fronted Tamil action thriller “Raayan” within just 8 days, has conquered the century milestone at the worldwide box office and stands at ₹ 105 Cr. At the domestic market, the film generated ₹ 60.10 Cr net in the opening week, followed by ₹ 3 Cr net on day 8 (2nd Friday) and the total domestic net till date of ₹ 63.1 Cr.…
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kwanzaa-wakanda · 5 years
Why Kwanzaa?
1. Because I want a cultural outlet that has the potential to unite all Black people regardless of where they come from. We can all honor our individual and collective history, ancestry, oppressions, cultures, families, and communities during Kwanzaa whether we are Diasporic Africans or Continental Africans.
2. Because every other Black holiday in the US is either too specific (MLK Jr. Day, Juneteenth) or more focused on education than a good time (Black History Month). Nothing wrong with education, but we need both informative holidays and fun ones.
3. Because it's ours and just ours. No one else can come into Kwanzaa and control it. They can barely profit off it. And I know that's part of why other people hate it, because they can't come in and change it's politics, insert their gods into this secular space, copy and paste their cultures and icons, then wrap the whole thing up in a box and sell it back to us for $19.95. And I think that's wonderful.
4. Because no other holiday encourages Black people to learn about Africa's past and present, and fight for its future. We need holidays that remind us that we were living in a rich, diverse continent before we were enslaved and it was colonised. Kwanzaa is the first, and we can and should create more.
5. Because it's cold outside, I want to have fun with my family and eat some good food. But I am neither a believer in the divinity of Christ nor in the inherent consumerism and subtle colonialism of presenting Christmas as a "secular" holiday.
6. Because Kwanzaa specifically reminds us that there is and always will be work to perform for the maintenance of our communities and cultures if we want to not only survive, but thrive.
7. Because we can use Kwanzaa to facilitate a cultural return to Africa. Already we don ankara and learn Swahili for the holiday. But we can make it bigger and do more. We can learn other languages and don other fashions. We can learn other traditions in the continent and diaspora of ancestral reverence. We can try our hands at preparing and eating new foods. We can learn about the different festivals of the continent and diaspora centered around similar themes of history, ancestral reverence, the beginning of a new year, and the honoring of children.
8. Because anything that we decide we don't like about Kwanzaa, we can change. It's OURS, no one elses. We can make it whatever we need it to be.
9. Because let's face it, the backlash isnt really about Karenga or the misinformation surrounding the holiday. If it had been started by Rosa Parks and well publicized so no one thinks obvious facts we always knew were "gotchas" against the validity of the festival, then it would still be hated and despised for daring to be different, apolitical, closed off, and secular.
10. Because we can celebrate it regardless of our religions, while not being prevented from including our faiths. Kwanzaa is secular, but you can include Kwanzaa in how you explore your faith. Do Kwanzaa at your church, mosque, synnagoge, or temple and it's a religious act that only some people can attend. Do it at the MLK Jr. Memorial Community Center and it's something the whole community can attend.
11. Because you can still do 7 days of presents if you really want, and still practice anti-consumerism. The three default kwanzaa presents are books, food, and clothes. You can do 7 days of books and food and clothes if you want. And if your presents can't fit that mold, that's still okay becauae you're encouraged to support Black owned businesses during kwanzaa (and no, Beats by Dre doesn't count). You can also do kwanzaa with no gifts whatsoever. But Kwanzaa should not have you standing in the cold parking lot of the mall at 5am on Black Friday every year.
13. Because it's already tradition, and that tradition is catching on. From school activities to community celebrations, to Kwanzaa Crawl, a lot of Black people have put in effort to keep Kwanzaa in our lives and continue to do so today. It's not a 400 year old tradition, but we have the power to make it so one year at a time. No, it's not the entire Black population, but it doesnt have to be just yet. Everything has to start somewhere, and kwanzaa can start with us.
14. Because kwanzaa is not a racial epithet or stereotype. I get why some people are suspicious when non-black people just assume we celebrate kwanzaa. But the answer isnt to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We don't have to shun and degrade this holiday and everyone that celebrates it. If we did that with everything, then our people wouldn't have anything left. We've already allowed anti-blackness to nearly wipe out our religions, languages, and hairstyles. Imagine if we let it wipe out our music, our cooking, and our sense of fashion? We cannot be so concerned with how others see us that we're willing to discard our identities or marginalize those among us that refuse to assimilate.
15. Because Black people living right now have a lot of despair. If we don't get killed by the state for saying the state shouldn't kill us with impunity, if we aren't unable to vote for the right for the convicted to vote because we are ourselves current and ex-convicted, if we aren't in college because our parents and their parents and their parents could never go, then we're still living in poverty, being manipulated by loan companies that want to force us into situations where we have to torture our bodies for our daily bread. Whether that's in the office, the stores, or the athletic field, they want us out here killing ourselves to earn our right to live. And that's just America. Go anywhere else and you may see people eating mud because there's no food left, living under oppressive regimes more open than the US in their tyranny over their citizens, seeing children struggling to provide for their houses when they should be in school, all the while truly believing that the US is better. Kwanzaa doesn't hide from the uglier sides of our condition, it makes us remember that they exist while invigorating us with a new energy to fight for our people every year.
16. Because Black people living right now have a lot of hope. Remember the global impact Black Panther had on our people. Look at how many Black people in the US are reclaiming our ancestral religions and spiritualities. Think of the new fashion, art, musical and cultural movements we have going right now. Remember the political movements in all of our countries that are recognizing the interconnectedness of our struggles. The hope we're living on right now is exactly the type of hope that kwanzaa is based on fighting for. That's why hope is the final principal of Kwanzaa, called Imani. We celebrate kwanzaa because for a lot of us, that's the only time of the year that we have to truly reflect and see all this hope for all the value it holds.
17. Because kwanzaa reminds us that who we naturally are is enough. Our mothers shouldnt be straightening our hair for a kwanzaa celebration. We shouldnt be demanding that our people talk like white people at a kwanzaa celebration. We don't have to worry about being the first person to grab the watermelon or fried chicken at a kwanzaa celebration. Kwanzaa allows us to be Black, tooth gaps and all. And most importantly, it reminds us that those of our community that would insult and degrade us for being ourselves are fundamentally wrong.
Kwanzaa is not useless. It is not a farce. It is a cultural outlet of the Black community to recognize the inherent validity in our lives. Kwanzaa is the time that we appreciate who we ALL are and how we got here. If we didnt have Kwanzaa, I would sincerely hope that we would create another holiday just like it to remind us that we are more than just victims of slavery, colonialism, and white supremacy without erasing the memories of those that suffered at the hands of those attrocities. Because as long as Black people are living outside of our homelands, and our continent is being destroyed by colonizers and their coups, then Black people are going to need Kwanzaa or something just like it. And ideally, we will always have Kwanzaa AND something just like it.
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