askkrenko · 4 years
Goblin Reviews 46: Eventide
With a focus on creatures of every type combination, but required to follow up on the tribal themes of Lorwyn, Eventide gets… weird. Eventide introduces a new sort of goblin, the Hobgoblin, and also… Stream Hopper. I still don’t know what Stream Hopper is.
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Hatchet Bully is repeatable, expensive removal, which makes it super strong in limited and utterly useless in constructed. Even just having Hatchet Bully kill itself to deal out 6 damage split as you choose is really good in a limited environment, and the fact that you can use those counters for other synergies or put them on creatures you just don’t need anymore means this is never going to be cut from your limited pool if you’re in red. On the other hand, it’s so expensive and so slow to do anything that it’s never going to be played in a sixty card deck, let alone a Commander deck.
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Hearthfire Hobgoblin’s an old buddy of mine. His name’s Dak. Here’s the thing about Double Strike: It’s really good. Even when doing nothing else, Hearthfire Hobgoblin is effectively a 4/2 for 3, which is entirely draftable, and there’s so many, many ways to take advantage of Double Strike, be it equipment, auras, or just pump spells. In limited, it’s not hard to make this guy really good. In constructed, it’s not actually that hard to benefit from him, either, but there’s better double strikers out there, and honestly, having white as its other color really held it back in standard, when most of the other goblins were Black or Green. There’s some commander decks that can make use of him, but every year more solid red and white doublestriking creatures get printed, and he falls just a bit behind the curve.
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Hobgoblin Dragoon is a 1 power creature for 3 mana. This thing is garbage. Look, I get it, you don’t have that many small fliers in red, but 1 power is not enough to stop serious flying threats, and first strike does basically nothing when your toughness is higher than your power anyway. Hobgoblin Dragoon is weak and useless and is only worth playing in limited if you’ve got multiple copies of Scourge of the Nobilis or other cards that really reward you playing cards that are both red AND white. On its own, this card is painfully weak, even for a common.
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Outrage Shaman is going to hit for 5-ish in a normal limited game, and that’s good enough if your deck is red heavy, with Eventide limited frequently allowing you to play decks where almost every card counts as red. The 2/2 body is weak, but something. It’s not the best removal out there, but it’s playable. In 60 card, it’s just too weak when compared to other removal spells, and you’re not likely to get devotion high enough. In Commander, it’s easy to get high devotion, but the 2/2 body is basically irrelevant at that point. I could see running it in Purphoros when you’re already building to maximize your devotion to red, but I wouldn’t waste time with it in anything else.
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Stream Hopper is just… wow. That’s a goblin. Okay. So, a 1/1 for 1 isn’t anything special, and the ability to gain flying is… fine but not great. This is limited filler if I’ve ever seen it. As with many cards in this half-block, being both red and blue at one mana is actually a huge boon for other cards you might play, so while I’d never recommend picking this highly, once you have Cackleburr or Shrewd Hatchling it suddenly becomes much more desirable. And poking in for flying damage is never bad in draft or sealed.
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Swirling Spriggan’s ability, while very interesting, never seems to be that useful in its format. See, most of the ‘color matters’ stuff in Shadowmoor or Eventide is either on cast or based on mana cost, and while there are things like the Leiges and the Mentors, if you’re running them it’s generally because your deck’s already focused on that. Swirling Spriggan’s a cool idea, but it mostly amounts to ‘Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn, use this ability once per turn, and only for a few creatures in your deck, and only if you have a lord out.” Factoring that in with its size and cost, it’s really not worth drafting unless you’re already in on “green matters.” There’s probably some commander out there that can abuse this ability, but otherwise Swirling Spriggan’s just not very useful.
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Rise of the Hobgoblins has the frequent problem of X spells that it’s always overcosted. There’s really no mana cost at which playing Rise and getting a few goblins is better than playing a spell that normally costs that much. This is pretty standard for an X spell, but as with Goblin Offensive it’s just rarely worth it to spend all that mana for goblin tokens. The question of First Strike is a more interesting one, as the mana investment isn’t a huge issue (though it is an annoying one), and First Strike can be really useful in a lot of formats. In limited, when decks tend to be more defensive than usual, I honestly think this card is strong. Even playing it without any goblins gives a buff to your team that’s really hard to remove, and late game getting 4 goblins for 6 mana, while sub par, is still useful.  In 60 card, this is just too inefficient at everything. In Commander, there’s a number of commanders who can take advantage of this. Winona likes any method of getting non-human tokens, Iroas is happy to get devotion that’s unlikely to go away, and Argus Kos turns these little guys into 3/3s. Others might want to play it more as a way to reliably have First Strike and just consider the goblins to be gravy.
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Goblin in Review: The Kisses
As specially requested by @mynameishassie​ Here’s a review/reaction of all the kisses between Shin and Eun-Tak in Goblin. Just to play around cause I have nothing better to do.
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Gif Credit | Rating: Innocence = 10/10, Dirty = 0/10, Satisfaction = 4/10
Ahh... good ol’ memories. The very first kiss between Shin and Eun-Tak in episode 6... a kiss so pure, innocent, and naive that all the snowflakes started floating upwards. What is gravity? Apparently it doesn’t work in the presence of these two sweethearts. So what makes this kiss important being their first kiss? Well this kiss set the stage for Shin to start thinking about life instead of dying. This kiss was initiated by Eun-Tak not because she necessarily loved him at the time, but because she didn’t know the consequences of Shin’s sword and what love really encompasses. This kiss compared to their last kiss is totally different in terms of romance and their mutual feelings. Shin was still only learning what it meant to be in love and Eun-Tak was still only desiring love. This is seen in their body language as Eun-Tak was struggling to stay on her tiptoes to hesitantly peck him and Shin’s shoulders were completely slumped forwards in utter dumbstruck. A perfect way to get our silly couple rolling. Despite this kiss being not hot and sexy, I appreciate this kiss as I love Shin’s reaction to Eun-Tak kissing him... to think this supposedly “weak” and “defenseless” girl can easily make this 939 yo Goblin confused and break down his defenses. But I desperately needed more than this kiss.
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Gif Credit | Rating: Sweetness = 10/10, Hotness = 2/10, Satisfaction = 7/10
Now this was a proper “first kiss” of them being an official couple; what better way than for Shin to redeem himself by initiating the kiss while Eun-Tak asked for it in episode 10. The setting was perfect for our silly couple: fun date in a tent while drinking soju, a kick-ass entertaining performance, and a sweet and happy kiss shared between the two. This kiss was literally the definition of happiness as their kiss even has it’s own Sun shining a random light of unknown origin. It was quite hot of Shin to grab her face so gently as he kissed her and then Eun-Tak stole another kiss right afterwards. This made me love Eun-Tak more as she’s not afraid to ask for kisses... I understand why, lol. Just look at who her boyfriend is. I do like this kiss a lot, as said by Eun-Tak herself, “It’s perfect.” It was the perfect kiss to show how they mutually love each other after coming to an agreement that they will both fight to be together as compared to episode 4′s kiss. I wasn’t expecting anything hotter or sexier since our couple finally got together after jumping the hurdle of Eun-Tak finding out the truth behind Shin’s sword. But still, I needed more! lmao
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Gif Credit | Rating: Cuteness = 10/10, Crime = 0/10, Satisfaction = 6/10
The cute photo booth kiss. That’s all that really needs to be said about this kiss, lol. It was a cute and off-guard peck that Eun-Tak gave to Shin which left him flustered and giggling like a little girl. >.< The funny thing is that Eun-Tak had pure intentions while it left Shin thinking about (most likely) not so pure thoughts ... this girl can literally kill Shin on the spot whether she removes his sword or not, lmao. I just can’t get over how Shin caught himself using “tiny” and “small” in the same sentence! And then he proceeded to say he wants to come here every day, lmfao. This entire scene in episode 12 is adorable and especially how pure Eun-Tak’s intentions were to 1) get a picture with him and 2) give him an excuse to see his sister. Of course, it wasn’t enough to satisfy my fangirl desires and I was desperately hoping... praying... for a kiss that would exceed my expectations.
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Gif Credit | Rating: Hotness = 10/10, Passion = 10/10, Satisfaction = 100/10 
Now we’re talking... this kiss swept me off my feet when Shin turned back to give her such a desperate, passionate, and engraving kiss before his imminent death. THIS WAS THE KISS WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR 13 EPISODES LATER!!! Just look at this beauty! Till this day... I love this kiss so damn much, it’s the kiss of the century. Just look at how Shin cupped her face as he kissed her with such a passion knowing that he might disappear forever. Look at Eun-Tak unable to say or do anything as she just closed her eyes in compliance... worried why he would suddenly kiss her like that. It was the perfect hot and passionate kiss to show how our couple loves each other and wants to be together. THEIR CHEMISTRY WAS OFF THE CHARTS! OMO! The only that that disappointed me about this kiss was how they DIDN’T FULLY CLOSE-UP FILM IT! Like why you gonna film a friggin hot kiss but not show us the whole thing close up??? Ugh... That was the good stuff there. >.> Despite my love for this kiss, I was praying that an even better kiss would happen once she was 29 yo. 
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Gif Credit | Rating: Feels = 10/10, Longing = 10/10, Satisfaction = 10/10
This kiss was sooo good... a slightly melancholic kiss that was filled with feels as Shin immediately embraced a frantic Eun-Tak into a kiss as she finally remembered him. All I can say is that this kiss was so good from the angle it was filmed, from how it focused on Shin’s hand tightening on her, and to how both Eun-Tak and Shin’s eyes were filled with so much pain, sadness, and longing for each other. I started ballin like a baby cause they needed to be in each other’s arms and I was so happy when she finally remembered him! Ugh... To think this all happened in episode 15... T.T But this wasn’t the kiss I was waiting for... there was something else I needed to see from the episode 14 preview. 
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Gif Credit | Rating: Lovey Dovey = 10/10, Rainbows & Unicorns = 10/10, Satisfaction = 8/10
Just another really lovey dovey peck between the two... oh wait... two pecks cause Shin wanted another one, lmao. I just love their height difference... *incoherent giggling* BUT I’M STILL WAITING FOR THE BEST KISS DAMNIT! DON’T FAIL ME GONG YOO!!! 
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Gifs Credit | Rating : Sexiness = _(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)_, Dirty thoughts = ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ), Satisfaction = ∞ w/ too much salt
What more can I say about how much I am absolutely obsessed with this long over-due sexy make out between these two? Just look at how Shin launched at her... but at the same time Shin is such a gentleman as he stopped to make sure she was okay with it.. OF COURSE she would reply back enthusiastically! BUT I DIED WHEN SHE JUMPED AND WRAPPED HER LEGS AROUND HIM! OMG! AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL MAKE OUTS, when Shin started planting kisses on her face and she was smiling from enjoying his touch... that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen!!! BUT DAMNIT! WHO THE FUCK CUTS IN THE MIDDLE OF GONG YOO AND KIM GO EUN’S KISSES??? WHY WOULD YOU DEPRIVE US OF THESE TWO WONDERFULLY AMAZING KISSERS??? WHY COULDN’T YOU SHOW US THE WHOLE DAMN THING??? (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻
Seriously, the only issue I have with this kiss is that they abruptly cut the kiss at the GOOD part. They could have gradually transitioned out of the scene instead of just cutting in the middle of the kiss; they had plenty of time to add 30 more seconds -- oh for goodness sakes, I would’ve been glad to see another hour. PLUS, WHY WOULD YOU NOT SHOW SOMETHING YOU TEASED US IN THE FUCKIN PREVIEW??? Two lovers who defied time, God, death, and were finally together would NOT just simply call it a night after sharing a passionate kiss on the couch AFTER staying together overnight in fuckin luxurious hotel (with probably a huge ass bed)... just saying. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
And that’s all folks... I can’t really say that I’m completely satisfied since I love Shintak so much... It makes me sad that Gong Yoo and Kim Go Eun will probably never costar together again since it’s rare for people to costar together a second time. WHAT A SHAME! YOU HAVE TWO AMAZING KISSERS COSTAR TOGETHER AND THAT’S IT? Like I would have been okay if they didn’t show any skin... just some more steamy moments between the two because their love is so fuckin tragic that they deserve some more lovey dovey couple scenes. Ugh... just because I’m a salty grandma, friggin 15 age rating ruined it! At least the kisses got better and better and we got a few Gong Yoo certified kisses in Goblin. T.T 
“The kiss itself is immortal. It travels from lip to lip, century to century, from age to age. Men and women garner these kisses, offer them to others and then die in turn.” ~ Guy de Maupassant, The Complete Short Stories of Guy de Maupassant, Part One
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askkrenko · 4 years
Goblin Reviews 47: Shards of Alara
Shards of Alara is not what we’d call a goblin-heavy set. Of the five shards, only Jund even has goblins, and with Jund having a strong variety of creature types there’s just not that many goblins- two new goblins, one reprint, and two cards that make Goblin Tokens. As usual, I won’t be talking about the reprint, and honestly, Goblin Mountaineer’s not really worth talking about anyway.
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Dragon’s Herald is part of a cycle of uncommon creatures that summon one of the brand new Mythic Rares, and of that cycle Dragon’s Herald was easily the best. While the other four members of the cycle were all reasonable cards, Hellkite Overlord’s Haste, Firebreathing, and  Regenerate abilities meant it could easily win the game on its own in two turns while the others would take as many as four. And if you’re lucky enough to draft Hellkite Overlord, Dragon’s Herald is a bad enough card on its own that nobody else at the draft table is going to fight you for it. It’s hard to review Dragon’s Herald because it’s so useless on its own, but a sixty card deck that uses it can get some explosive victories and sticking it and Hellkite Overlord in a commander deck can lead to some surprising face smashes. Also note that it comes right after Lorwyn and Shadowmoor, meaning a Red, Black, and Green goblin deck that got goblins of all three colors out on curve wasn’t unreasonable. I have vague memories of running a deck with four Dragon’s Heralds and a single Hellkite Overlord.
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Goblin Deathraiders aren’t inherently special, but a 3/1 Trample for 2 is entirely a good rate. There’s not much to say except that this is a solid card worth playing in an aggro deck. No tricks, no news, just good power for its cost. Good in Draft, solid in Standard, not quite enough for bigger formats.
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Dragon Fodder is an amazing sorcery. As much as 2 power and 2 toughness for 2 mana is a mediocre rate, the fact that it’s two creatures makes it really good in any deck that cares about goblins or even just going wide. Before Goblin Instigator saw print, Dragon Fodder went into Modern goblin decks, because when you’re running bushwackers and lords, counting as two is a very powerful ability. Dragon Fodder’s been reprinted many times and has had a functional reprint in Krenko’s Command. The only thing holding this card back is that Goblin Instigator does the same thing but counts as a Goblin when it’s in your hand or deck, making it better, but hey, maybe you want more than four Goblin Instigators. A+ card, would recommend, would write my name on it and claim it as my own.
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Goblin Assault is a decent token maker to pop out a goblin every turn, and the drawback’s not that big because goblins want to be attacking anyway, but despite being a rare, it’s just not as good as making two goblins right now that don’t have to attack. On the other hand, the long-game aspect makes it better in Commander, where the drawback isn’t so bad because you have multiple targets, but also where you’ll frequently have sacrifice outlets. Goblin Assault is less useful as an actual Goblin Assault and more useful to feed Korvold or trigger Purphoros or just otherwise have a creature. Goblin Assault has a lot of potential… but not so much in the Goblin Deck because Goblin Tribal has better options.
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askkrenko · 4 years
Goblin Reviews 45C: Shadowmoor
So, funny story- turns out I had this one written the whole time. It’s just been sitting there in Google Docs. No idea why it never got uploaded. Thanks to Green Sun’s Zenith for reminding me to check on these.  Later reviews are not pre-written so no promises as to when/if Eventide’s getting done. Didn’t know these existed? Click here to read ‘em all.
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Scuzzback Scrapper is a non-useless one drop whose primary feature is that it’s both red and green. This mostly only means anything for other Shadowmoor cards, but it means a lot for them. Scrapper shouldn’t be evaluated as a normal aggressive goblin, but as a one-mana multicolor spell for decks that care about that sort of thing. Its power relies entirely on synergies, not on printed strength.
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Tatturmunge Duo has a fine body for limited, and if your deck can reliably cast red spells it’s even better. The forestwalk is situational, though, and it usually won’t matter. This is especially true in draft where the more green you’re playing the less green everyone else is playing. I’m often fine with a random 2/3 in draft or sealed, and this one is… not awful.
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Tatturmunge Maniac is a good card that I love. Attacking each turn if able is a negligible drawback in a goblin deck, it counts as two colors, and it's a Savannah Lion’s body. I ran this in standard with no regrets. Bonus points for running it in the same deck as Boartusk Liege, which keeps its size relevant even in the late game. In Modern, of course, there’s better options for aggressive one drops, but Tattermunge Maniac isn’t one to be forgotten.
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Tatturmunge Witch is a powerful limited card that honestly has commander potential. As long as you have the mana up, it makes favorable blocks impossible for the opponent, and if you have enough mana it’ll actually make them take more damage for blocking than they’d have taken if they didn’t. I’m not quite sure what Commander it is that wants this, but I assume there are plenty that are happy just to get trample. In 60 card, a piker with an ability is fine, but there’s better things to dump your mana into.
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Vexing Shusher is a sideboard card worth writing home about. An uncounterable bear that makes all your other spells uncounterable is just going to push through a lot of things that would otherwise ruin your day. Things such as FAIRY GODPARENTS! Err… faerie tribal. Back when they were in standard together. But also there’s enough decks in constructed formats that focus heavily on counterspells that Vexing Susher is worth considering for the sideboard and can be run maindeck in commander.
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Wort, the Raidmother, is obviously a limited bomb as long as you have at least a handful of decent instants and sorceries. Even one copied spell is going to start putting you ahead, and getting three creatures on one card is a decent option, too. Where Wort really shines, though, is as a Commander in her own deck. This deck is probably not goblin tribal, but instead takes advantage of a number of token generators to double up on potent instant and sorceries. The one I have personal experience with uses significant amounts of land destruction to keep the opponent from acting, but doubling ramp until you’re ready to double your huge burn spells works well, too. For added bonus, double up on your token generation with cards like Hordeling Outburst and Second Harvest so that you can double even more spells later. And then play everyone’s favorite Krenko, Mob Boss, to double your goblin tokens.
Next time, if that ever comes, Eventide, with some of the weirdest goblins ever printed.
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askkrenko · 5 years
Goblin Reviews 44B: Morningtide
Ah Morningtide, the set that decided on-board effects for all the major tribes needed to be MORE complicated by remembering that all these creatures actually have TWO tribes. Really intimidating to new players, and caused a lot of confusing board states.
I love it to death, though.
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Lightning Crafter is one of my best friends. First off, complete and utter limited bomb. Lighting Crafter can easily take over the game on its own, makes combat math impossible for the opponent, and quickly kills them through a stall. In Standard it never quite took off just because it wasn’t aggro enough at 4 mana for a Goblin and Shamans never did a thing, but in Commander Lightning Crafter is part of one of my favorite combos. Why my favorite? Because it’s an infinite combo that only requires Red Goblin Creature cards, allowing easy assembly in goblin tribal. It requires Lightning Crafter, Kiki-Jiki, and any sacrifice outlet (I usually use Skirk Prospector). Once you have all three on the board, (1) tap Kiki-Jiki to create a hasty copy of Lightning Crafter. (2) With Champion, have the copy exile Kiki-Jiki. (3) Tap the copy to do 3 damage to any target. (4) Sacrifice the copy. Kiki-Jiki returns to the battlefield untapped and with haste. (5) Return to 1.  Repeat these steps until you have killed all targets you desire and probably won the game. If your opponent has Hexproof, hopefully your infinite sacrifice triggers were able to get you something good.
Now that I’m looking at this art at a larger size, can I just draw your attention to the goblin in the bottom left corner? He’s got a real storybook look to him that fits perfectly on Lorwyn and goofy faces like that are part of why I love this plane.
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Mudbutton Clanger is pure mediocre. It’s a 1/1 that’s a 2/2 about half the time when attacking. This is fine, but there’s better one-drop goblins. I could easily play him in limited if I needed the goblins, but he’d never make the cut in anything constructed.
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Prickly Boggart is a 1/1 Goblin Rogue that’s hard to block. Morningtide is a set with the Prowl mechanic. This  makes for a very good limited card and, in a prowl-heavy deck, an entirely solid Standard card. There’s not enough benefits for tagging an opponent to play it in anything bigger than that, though, but it’s something to keep in mind if you really need to hit the opponent for damage on turn two.
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Sensation Gorger feels like it should be better than it is. At 50% goblins it should be a fresh new hand every other turn or so, but in my experience it never works. Maybe I’ve just gotten unlucky. Maybe it’s better now that Scry exists. But I keep looking at that card, thinking it’s great, and then it just doesn’t work. Why don’t you work Sensation Gorger? WHY DON’T YOU WORK!? Next time: Goblins get weird.
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Episodes 15 & 16 Goblin Review: The person left behind must go on living life
Ahh... the ending of Goblin has me feeling “bittersweet” as I have mixed emotions coming from my “reviewer side” and “fangirl side.” For this review, it’s a combination of both episodes 15 and 16. 
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In episode 15, the main purpose was to reveal how Eun-Tak remembered Shin and Sunny’s resolution. Eun-Tak went to Canada to find her lost memories, while at the same time she regained her powers to see ghosts; this is mostly due to summoning Shin (I think her powers in a way “reset”). In Canada, Eun-Tak learned more about the mysteries of her past: she met the designer of her necklace, met Shin at the red door they entered together, and walked through the troll pathway of the Maple trees with Shin just as she did 9 years ago. Even though she doesn’t remember, she is drawn to him and slowly begans to fall for him regardless of knowing his true identity. Shin did not tell Eun-Tak the truth that he was Kim Shin and that they know each other because he didn’t want to force her to remember. Eun-Tak’s memories returned after holding a red Maple leaf in front of the fountain where they talked about an eternal sad love 9 years ago. This scene is important because 1) a fountain symbolizes truth and 2) it’s the scene that symbolizes Eun-Tak and Shin’s fated love... an eternal sad love that transcends time (aka. the moral of the story). Notice how the way Eun-Tak’s voice changed as emotions returned to her voice. She summoned him in front of the Christmas shop where they once visited 9 years ago... And Shin immediately embraced her while giving her a passionate kiss filled with longing and love. Notice the emphasis on Shin’s hands... how carefully, but tightly he cupped her face as if he would never leave her again. AND LIFE RETURNED TO ME AS I WAS ABLE TO WITNESS A SEXY KISS BETWEEN THEM... I lost it when Eun-Tak wrapped her legs around Shin... ugh... That kiss was perfect. T.T
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This time, GR introduced himself with his real name, “Wang Yeo,” and Sunny pretending to not remember him, while she confirmed for herself that he still remembers her. We learn that Sunny’s memories were never erased because God adhered to her wish, “Water is self-service for even God, in my store. And the same goes for my life. I’ll do what I want with my own life, so I wish he’d just get lost.” With this, God decided to stay out of Sunny’s life even if it meant Sunny suffering in loneliness with her memories while everyone else forgot, “Erasing memories is God’s way of being gracious to people, don’t you think?” Sunny continued to live a successful and independent life until the people from her past appeared before her again... reminding her of the pain of being the only one who remembers. But Sunny’s character has grown to show that she catches onto situations quickly: she adapted to Eun-Tak’s lost memories even if it was painful that she did not remember their past relationship, she couldn’t believe to see her brother appear before her in his Goryeo clothing, and she met her lover once again after leaving him. What’s interesting is how Sunny retained her memories while Eun-Tak lost them... however they both were still equally in pain and suffered as they were separated from the person they loved, but they both remained strong and made someone out of themselves (Sunny’s restaurant was a success and she owned the building, while Eun-Tak achieved her dream job and became successful). After seeing GR, Sunny decided with the resolution to move out of her building, wished Eun-Tak happiness, and even hid her memories from her brother after seeing him happy because she was moving on from her memories. 
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The rest of episode showed us the happy reunion of Shin and Eun-Tak, as well as, the reunion of the trio: DH, GR, and Shin. Eun-Tak still couldn’t believe that Shin was in front of him and kept stroking his chin to confirm that he was real, while Shin assured her that it wasn’t a dream. However, the happiness felt too dream-like and we saw how Eun-Tak was still scarred from losing Shin when she woke up and summoned him to make sure that he was really back. This made Shin realize that even though her memories returned, Eun-Tak was still traumatized from losing him; that’s why Shin was the one initiating all the affection towards Eun-Tak. In episode 16, we were hit with a truckload of emotions (pun intended). Eun-Tak was able to reconcile with her ghost friends as well as the issue between her and her aunt; even when her aunt was terrible to her after death, Eun-Tak still thanked her aunt for raising her. GR was able to resolve his past with the maidservant and apologized to her for putting her in a difficult situation 900 years ago by committing suicide. GR and Sunny finally and properly said goodbye to each other while accepting that they could not be happy in this lifetime. Deok-Hwa was slowly growing up and maturing into an adult who will one day take over the company. And Shin and Eun-Tak got married (UGH THEY ARE JUST SO PRECIOUS... AT LEAST WE GOT A WEDDING T.T). However, their happiness was cut short (as well as my soul was crushed) as Eun-Tak sacrificed herself to save the children on the bus. This time Shin was the one who had to watch his loved one leave him behind, but Eun-Tak promised him that she would return and for him to wait for her, while to live his life well and not cause inconveniences to people because of her. (Guys... who else was ugly sobbing? I can’t stop crying from the moment Eun-Tak sacrificed herself until Shin’s sad and deep crying when he fell to the floor). 
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Notice how the seasons went by naturally as Shin kept his promise to Eun-Tak to not cause unnatural weather, while wearing her scarf and reminiscing about her. 30 years later, Sunny’s death was GR’s last assignment as the two have a touching reunion, which this time GR leading Sunny the way... not Sunny leading him. Even though Shin was left behind, Shin continued to live well and spread miracles in peoples’ lives (read here for theory on Mr. Kim) until he finally crossed paths with the reincarnated GR and Sunny. We see that in this lifetime, they are finally happily together without anything blocking them (and I kinda think they might remember their past lives too with all the references they made). Notice how GR grabbed & handcuffed Sunny’s right arm and then he was the one who initiated the handshake when it was Sunny who did it previously. And lastly, our lonely goblin was finally shining when he reunited with a reincarnated Eun-Tak. If you didn’t notice, Shin was wearing the watch she had bought for him for their wedding; when a woman gives a man a watch, this symbolizes that 1) they are each other’s time and 2) he will wait for her just as she will wait for him. This time, it was Eun-Tak coming to him and granting his wish (the dandelion symbolizes fulfillment of wishes): her returning to his side. 
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So what do I think about this ending? I think this ending was perfect for the series as it symbolizes the title of the drama: The Lonely Shining Goblin. (Though my fangirl side... I’m not satisfied lmao... I want more tbh xD). Everyone had a different story and problem, but it was up to each character to find the answer to their fate. To become a good CEO, DH was growing up from only seeing himself to thinking of others, asking questions, and maturing from a child to an adult. CEO Kim fulfilled his duties to Grandpa and lived a good life. GR and Sunny accepted their punishment, but determined their own happiness in their next life by having a new beginning and by GR being more straight-forwards in their relationship. And Shin and Eun-Tak overcame the boundaries of life and death, their love will transcend time as they continue to find each other (this is because she is human and he is an immortal - therefore their ending will always be sad because they can’t be together forever). Eun-Tak sacrificing herself was the ultimate expression of a pure and selfless love and that’s why her death was not predetermined (a human’s sacrifice is the only thing God can’t predetermine) - she did not hesitate to save others before herself.. just as Shin when he pulled the sword out to kill Park Joong Won. Therefore, that’s why I believe their love was able to defy time because their love is selfless. Their selfless love was the answer to their tragic fate... even though they could not be happy together in this lifetime... they were only selfish once they died as they asked God to let them be together longer next time. And that’s why I think Eun-Tak did not forget Shin because 1) she didn’t drink the tea and 2) God granted her wish to return to Shin just as God granted Shin’s wish to return to Eun-Tak’s side. Their reunion was pure and innocent despite their longing for each other... just as how they first met... because the foundation of their love is a “first love” and “selfless love.” (even though my fangirl side wanted a kiss lmao) I also think there’s a special reason why they reunited at Canada. Canada is known as a land of acceptance and openness... so Shin and Eun-Tak reuniting in Canada represents how they accept and love each other for who they are no matter the time they will meet or the age they will be. She will be his first and last bride. 
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But not only does the application of selfless love apply to Shin and Eun-Tak, it also applies to everyone in this drama... GR and Sunny, DH, Samshin, God, and all the souls who were guided by GR. After thinking for awhile, I was trying to understand why they continued to show two more scenes of GR guiding souls to the afterlife... the first one being the reunion of the soldier and his widowed wife (first of all, I fuckin cried... it was so damn touching). Even though he promised his wife he would return, he didn’t because he sacrificed himself during the war while she lived her life till old age instead of committing suicide; because their love was selfless... they were able to meet again. The second one was of the selfish CEO and how he only cared for himself... but he didn’t realize that his selfishness would be the only thing that would follow him into the afterlife as his punishment - not his watch, his money, and his title. So to my next point on selfless love, becoming a grim reaper is a punishment on people who committed suicide. In a way this is a form of selfishness because you ended your own life for yourself and as punishment, you live a nameless life as a grim reaper to make you desire to live again and appreciate life because life is fleeting... just as Eun-Tak said to GR, “you live today as if it will be your last.”
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The ending for Goblin is in a sense perfect despite the imperfections that we may find with it because we love this drama so much. In an ideal world, we want a happy and perfect ending, however, in the world of Goblin… it’s cruel that Shin will have to wait for Eun-Tak when she passes away again… and the cruel cycle continues, but that’s the choice they’ve chosen – a sad love to their tragic fate. I think the author has let it up to us to decide how Eun-Tak and Shin’s fate will play with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lives that Eun-Tak has remaining because she has laid the foundation of how their first life together happened - like Eun-Tak said, “Humans have four lives: a life of planting seeds, a life of watering the seeds, a life of harvesting and a life of cherishing the harvests.”
And you know, after thinking it throughly… perhaps that was the whole point of the drama.. to plant the seeds for the love story between Eun-Tak and Shin; not all beginnings end happily but what matters the most is how you continue to thrive after you’ve started. Therefore, I do think that it would be possible for Shin to become human during her 4th life so that they can properly cherish each other. For example, Sunny’s life. Sunny had planted the seeds of her love with Wang Yeo during Goryeo, but ended her life early to protect him. Her second life she watered the seeds by surviving on her own with no attachment to her first life. Her third life, she finally was able to harvest after reuniting with her brother and lover with her memories of her first life, but she was finally able to cherish the harvest in her fourth life by having her happy ending with GR/Wang Yeo with a clean slate.
So moral of Goblin: There are many types of love... there is selfish love and selfless love.. though a selfless love is a sad love... it is the only type of love that can last 1,000 or 10,000 years. If you genuinely love someone, you will continue to live a good life till its’ fullest even after that person’s death... And perhaps a miracle might just happen as a god may be listening nearby to grant your wish. 
Thank you Goblin... despite the harsh reality of the world and our fates... thank you for reminding us that we are the makers of our lives... and that’s what makes life beautiful. 
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On the other hand... this is really me right now after writing this review as logical as possible:
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Other Reviews:
Episode 1-4 Review: Our Homegirl Eun-tak
Episode 5 Review: 10 years into the future, You’re still beautiful and bright as ever, but I’m not the one beside you
Episode 3-6 Review: I can’t help but stare at your smile (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 6 Review: If you had really been a bad person, he only would’ve created a Goblin, and not the Goblin’s Bride
Episode 7-8 Review: It couldn’t be helped that this was the beginning of this tragic love story (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 7 Review: Is the thing that I’m trying to steal one more glimpse of… my own immortal life? Or, is it your face?
Episode 8 Review: I beseech the heavens and ask that, on a certain day, after 100 years, on an adequate day… I can finally tell her she was my first love
Episode 9-10 Review: I was thinking about whether or not I should hold your hand one more time (Grim Reaper x Sunny)
Episode 9 Review: I’d like it if I could use that as an excuse to continue on living on… together, with you
Episode 10 Review: Your magic doesn’t work on me.. you can never escape me
Episode 11 Review: So you did come and go for a moment in my life
Episode 12 Review: An absolute fate that is beyond human beings’ eternities
Episode 13 Review: My Life must have been a reward because I met you
Episode 14 Review: Please, someone save me from this curse
Deok Hwa and Grandpa Theory Review: From this moment on, this child will serve you, your Lordship
Important Anon Question regarding Pedophilia
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askkrenko · 5 years
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GOBLINS! Here’s all of Modern Horizon’s goblins for your convenient viewing pleasure. Most of these aren’t worth talking about because they’re limited filer, but there’s a few I’d like to mention.
Sling-Gang Lieutenant is a potential finisher option in Modern. Three goblins for 4 mana is fine, and it can drain a lot of life without attacking, or after attacks. There’s a lot of competition against it but it’s worth keeping an eye on.
Goblin Engineer has all sorts of associated shenanigans, but these aren’t for goblin decks, they’re for artifact decks. I’ll tell you he’s cool, but I’ll let someone else figure out the details. Play him in Daretti Commander, though.
Goblin Matron is a huge deal. First off, Goblin Matron was formerly the card with the single highest foil multiplier because she only had one foil printing, so it’ll be nice to see foil ones out there in real numbers. But more importantly, adding her to Modern allows Goblins to become as toolboxy as they are in Legacy, able to run a series of one-ofs of weird goblins and use Matron to get just the one they need, be it using me to win a stall-out, grabbing Gempalm Incinerator for damage, or getting Goblin Ruinblaster to mess with weird lands. Goblin Matron could make a new Modern Goblin deck, especially with Aether Vial.
Goblin War Party will fit in many commander decks. Just keep it in mind. Three creature tokens for four mana is a fine rate if you need creature tokens.
Mons is a really cool and interesting card, but there is just so much competition in goblins at 3 mana. With Matron, I could see running Mons as a 1-of. In Commander, there’s plenty of options for him. He sort of makes for an inverse Purphoros, where you get the damage on gobliny death... There’s less of it, but you get to shoot creatures. He fits into the 99 of any Goblin or Purpohoros deck easily, but as a Commander I think he still falls shy of some other goblin options. Dumping mana for goblins is not as good as tapping for goblins, and while he can go infinite with Mana Echoes and Skirk Prospector, going infinite is not an awfully high bar in commander. 
Munitions Expert is going to be Modern’s version of Gempalm Incinerator. It could see play. It’s honestly good enough as a card. Whether or not it’s good enough to justify running black is its own question, when lots of goblins need RR, but it easily goes in the same deck as Goblin Matron.
Birthing Boughs I... almost wanted to talk about. Then I remembered Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII already exists and is widely considered unplayable trash, so forget Birthing Boughs. 
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askkrenko · 5 years
Goblin Reviews 44C: Morningtide
As we near the end of Morningtide, we get to enjoy a few more completely and utterly ridiculous goblin names. While goblins frequently have great card names, there’s no better than in this block, so let’s take a moment to appreciate this first card, because it’s one of the best.
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Squeaking Pie Grubfellows is named Squeaking Pie Grubfellows. I’m just going to let that sink in for a moment.
Moving on, a 3/2 for 4 with a chance to make the opponent discard every turn is… meh. In limited, if you get one discard off of it it’s fine, and if you get two or more it’s really good, but kinship can never be relied upon and the Grubfellows too frequently trade down. There’s no reason to use this outside of a limited deck, and even then it’ll often get cut.
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Stinkdrinker Bandit (love these names) has to be evaluated at both mana costs. Getting it out for two is hard without an evasive one-drop, but when it works it’s immediately threatening to come in for 4 on turn three. When hardcast, you hopefully already have a few Rogues out, at which point it can often get in an extra 4 points of damage the turn it’s played. This is not a card for Goblin decks, it’s a card for Rogue decks, and while it’s got a lot of strong potential for Rogue aggro with Prickly Boggart, it’s useless if you’re not picking up a lot of Rogues to use with it. I can’t see this played in any constructed format, except maybe an Oona, Queen of the Fae commander deck.
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Warren Weirding is a great card. A sorcery speed Diabolic Edict is fine. Yes, you’d rather it as an instant,but you’re trading that speed for two other benefits. First off, as a Goblin it can be searched up with Matron and Harbinger and recurred with Wort. Second, you can choose to turn it on one of your own goblins to get a pair of hasty tokens. This can be done to trigger a death effect, to get a goblin into your graveyard for some reason, or just to turn one goblin token into two. Warren Weirding sees play in Legacy Goblins, primarily to act as a searchable Edict.
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Weirding Shaman, nicely matched to Warren Weirding, is a powerful limited card that winds up being a bit slow for constructed. A piker’s body and an ability that effectively reads “3B: Create a 1/1 Goblin token” is fine, but in an aggressive deck you won’t have the mana to make use of it and in a slow deck there’s a better rate for creature tokens. I like this card and I respect it, but it just doesn’t fit right in any strategies outside of ‘limited bomb.’
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Taurean Mauler is the only changeling really worth talking about in this set. Chamelon Colossus is spectacular, but goblin tribal decks tend not to be green. Taurean Mauler is just… big. Really big. And that’s fine in commander. It doesn’t synergize with anything and it’s not overly fast, but this easily becomes a 6/6 or higher for 3 mana in commander and there’s no reason to complain about that if you’re taking advantage of its creature type. One thing goblin decks tend to be missing is a few big creatures, so Taurean Mauler fills a niche that few other goblins do. Also, like many of the other goblins in this set, it’s also a Rogue. Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to call that out, but “Goblin Rogue” means so much more than either alone when looking at cards in this one, specific set.
And now we draw Morningtide to a close. Will we ever see a block with so many goblins as Lorwyn/Morningtide again? Who knows! But... This is actually part of a double block, so tune in next time for Shadowmoor, which, while not as Goblin-heavy as Lorwyn and Morningtide, still has plenty of the little buggers.
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askkrenko · 5 years
Goblin Reviews 45A: Shadowmoor
Continuing on Lorwyn Block’s fat stack of goblins, Shadowmoor unloads more and more onto the players, but with a significant twist. Shadowmoor is overtaken by hybrid mana, and a significant number of goblins are both red and another color- mostly green. Ultimately, this doesn’t mean too much- the green goblins can mostly be cast with red mana- but it’s a cool and interesting take. While Lorwyn’s boggarts are goofy and silly pranksters, Shadowmoor’s goblins just want to eat you. But they’re still kinda silly.
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Bloodmark Mentor is… fine. In limited, giving much of your board first strike does really good things for you as far as combat math goes. In other formats, where boards are less likely to stall and creatures are less likely to block and be blocked, granting your board first strike on such a fragile body just isn’t worth it.  A rare version of this, with one more power, could be a complete monstrosity, but as is, he’s just not enough.
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Boartusk Liege reads “Your commander gets +2/+2” and works really well in any deck that can reliably be filled with cards that are both red and green. Shadowmoor alone has a decent number of these to make Boartusk Liege a snap first pick in draft, but he also works as a great top end in plenty of constructed decks. In Commander, it’s very easy for a deck to get a lot of mileage out of Boartusk Liege. Even with normal red goblin tokens, it’s still acting as a lord with a larger than average body. In a 60 card format, two of these together immediately become terrifying. Boartusk Liege is a good card that should be seriously considered in any R/G commander deck.
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Boggart Arsonists were the first goblin plainswalkers! Also they’re bad. There’s nothing here to care about. The body is too small, Shadowmoor doesn’t have enough rewards for pushing through with a 2 power creature, and there’s not quite enough terrifying scarecrows to feel the need for this even in limited. This card falls into the second worst category in the game: limited sideboard card. It’s not completely unplayable, but you don’t want to maindeck it.
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Boggart Ram-Gang is good. There’s no question or qualifier here. 3/3 Haste for 3 is just a good rate, and Wither is just upside. As a general rule, Wither should be read as a sort of ‘half deathtouch’ in that if it fails to kill the creature, it’s still significantly inhibiting that creature’s ability to do act as a threat. It’s certainly a bit small for Commander, but that’s just the nature of the format. Ram-Gang is just a good, aggressive body and deserves your respect.
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Horde of Boggarts is fine. I always have mixed feelings on cards like this, because while they can be very potent, they ultimately serve as ‘win more’ cards. If Horde of Boggarts is a serious threat it’s because you’ve got a wide board full of creatures, in which case you’re probably in a good spot. If you’re not doing well, though, you play this as a 2/2 or a 3/3, in which case it’s not pulling its weight for four mana.  Horde of Boggarts can be run in commander decks that reliably have a large number of red creature tokens, such as Prossh or Krenko, in which case having a burly gobbo can be useful, but I generally don’t trust Horde of Boggarts to work when I want it to.
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Hungry Spriggan is a 4/4 Trample for 3 when attacking, which makes it a solid, aggressive goblin in the right deck. It’s perfectly acceptable in limited as long as you’re the aggro, and it’s not even inherently bad in constructed, it just has too many other faster, stronger goblins to contend with. Its real noteworthiness, though, comes from being a monogreen goblin. You’ll notice that on Shadowmoor the various goblins get different name types. This is one of two Spriggans, green goblins with shapeshifting abilities.
Next time: What may be the most lethal goblin in the history of Magic: the Gathering! 
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askkrenko · 5 years
Goblin Reviews 44A: Morningtide
After the absurd 27(+1) goblins in Lorwyn, we’re going down to a much more manageable 12(+1) in Morningtide. Part of this is that it’s a smaller set, and part of it’s that there’s only one non-creature goblin, with most of that focus going to classes instead of races. There’s a lot of Rogue spells in this set, which are great for goblins in Morningtide limited, but this is Goblin Reviews. If I was going to talk about every card that could possibly work well in a Goblin deck this would just be “Set Reviews,” and you’ve got LSV for those.
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Auntie’s Snitch was a great limited card, often only costing two (any time you recur it, it only costs 2 that turn) and being very hard to get rid of repeatedly. With so many Faerie Rogues with flying and some of the Goblin Rogues having fear it was hard to keep this down for good. But it’s not exactly that hard-hitting super aggro you need for a constructed deck as it spends most of its time just being a 3/1, and you need to get in with a one-drop on turn 2 to play Auntie’s Snitch on curve. This certainly isn’t impossible, but it’s not reliable either. In Commander it can be reliably recovered, but a 3/1 that can’t block is basically meaningless in that format.
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Earwig Squad is that hard-hitting super aggro you need for a constructed deck. Getting in with one goblin or rogue on turn three is a lot more reasonable than turn two, it’s often 5 power for 3 mana, and it’s ETB can really hurt a lot of opponents. In standard, I found I usually tore out removal, but also occasionally combo pieces. In Commander, with decks being singleton, Earwig Squad can be a complete slap in the face to certain strategies. Whether you’re getting rid of Paradox Engine, Laboratory Manaic, or stripping three Eldrazi Titans at once, I strongly recommend Earwig Squad if your commander is a Goblin or Rogue that allows it.
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Fire Juggler is trash. Gray Ogre is a bad card, clash doesn’t work in a goblin deck (your curve is too low), and its win condition on Clash still isn’t good. This basically reads as a 2/2 that sometimes has Deathtouch when attacking, and that just doesn’t make the cut unless your limited deck really needs one more goblin.
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Frogtosser Banneret is an entirely decent goblin. Powering out bigger goblins a turn early is always great, and haste is fine. He was fine in standard, and if you’re running goblin tribal he’s fine in Commander. He’s not overly powerful, and the deck’s he’s wanted in are limited, but there’s a lot of uses to be had here. Auto-include with Wort, Boggart Auntie, but other than that it’s more case-by-case. NEXT TIME: My favorite combo finisher in all of Magic: the Gathering
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askkrenko · 5 years
Goblin Reviews 43E: Lorwyn
So, it turns out I... already had this one written. From back when I disappeared a year ago. And the rest of Lorwyn, too. So, here’s MORE LORWYN! And then I’ve got one more good to go. After that, well, let’s see if I can get off my tuchis and do the writeups for Morningtide.
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Marsh Flitter looks like one of those cross-type draft fillers, and in Lorwyn it was. Its real power, though, came in Morningtide. A fairie and two goblins for four mana was entirely solid even in Lorwyn, especially as it provided a sacrifice outlet for goblins and could be a 3/3 flier for 4 when you needed it. In Morningtide it stopped being a faerie and two goblins and instead became three rogues, one of which flies, at which point Marshflitter just became a great pick. The constructed deck that would want this card wants it for Rogues rather than Goblins or Faeries, but it’s an all around solid card. I’m a bit confused on the flavor, though. How is she gaining power from sacrificing goblins? Is she eating them? Stealing their minds? I just don’t understand. Ten points to anyone who can give a convincing explanation.
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Mudbutton Torchrunner is a Lightning Bolt stapled to a goblin token. You may be confused because you don’t get the bolt until later, but you’re just going to sacrifice that goblin as soon as you play it, so it works out fine. This is a good goblin as long as you’re running plenty of sacrifice outlets to go around.
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Nath’s Buffoon is trash. In limited, the opponent doesn’t have enough elves and this doesn’t have enough power so it’s nothing but a potential roadblock for bombs. In constructed, even as a sideboard card against elves the lack of power means it’s neither pressing an advantage against an elf deck nor blocking to kill elves. The only redeeming factor of Nath’s Buffoon is that he’s both a Goblin and a Rogue, and sometimes in Lorwyn/Morningtide limited that’s enough… But not usually.
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Quill-Slinger Boggart is another creature hate card, and it’s better than Nath’s Buffoon in that is has a body, but it’s still a weak body.  Like Nath’s Buffoon, the creature type hate is largely trinket text (you’d need your opponent to cast three Kithkin for it to even be as good as “Haste,”) and the body is only big enough if you’ve got enough Goblin or Warrior support. Props to that art, though. A goblin using a slingshot to hit a halfling’s butt with a hedgehog? I love this set.
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Spiderwig Boggart is a fine limited card no matter when you draw it. If you play it on curve you’re probably hitting in for another 2, but late game it could push a 5 power creature through a board stall. It’s too weak for constructed, though, especially when you consider…
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Squeaking Pie Sneak is one of the best card names in all of Magic: the Gathering. Really, Lorwyn Goblins just have great names all around. Anyway, as long as you accept the drawback of “play goblins,” which is actually the opposite of a drawback, Squeaking Pie Sneak is a 2/2 Fear for 2. Fear, as you may remember, basically means “Unblockable.” This is just good, and I’d happily play this in any sealed pool, as well as in a Standard deck that relied on Goblins or Rogues. Prowl is real, and having two power with evasion is also real. It’s a bit small for Commander if you’re not going hard on Prowl, and too weak for Modern, but don’t think for a second that Squeaking Pie Sneak isn’t an all around solid creature.
One more post for Lorwyn coming, and... honestly I don’t think there’s another set after that has close to as many goblins as Lorwyn does. Lorwyn: It’s goblicious. 
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askkrenko · 5 years
Goblin Reviews 43F: Lorwyn
So that was a huge, goblin-filled set! And also just an all-around great set. When are we going back to Lorwyn, Wizards? WHEN’S RETURN TO LORWYN!?!?!?
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Stinkdrinker Daredevil isn’t for Goblins. It’s for Giants. And it’s good for giants. Is your commander a red giant? Then prepare for it to collapse into a supernova and/or a black hole. Also, you should run Stinkdrinker Daredevil. This goes double if your commander is Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas.  He was obviously a powerhouse in the limited giant deck, but Standard and Modern decks with Giants never really took off.
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Tar Pitcher is repeatable removal, but only 2 damage of it per turn at a significant cost. This makes it an absurdly potent draft card that can shred an opponent’s board state, but completely useless in constructed formats. I would like to talk about its flavor aspects. First, the art and flavor text lead up perfectly into our next card: Tarfire. But second, Omar Rayyan’s style here is really unique and interesting. Wizards gave him 16 cards in Lorwyn, Morningtide, and Shadowmoor, and then... that’s it. Nothing before or since. I understand that Lorwyn has its own feel to it and thus gets a different art style, but I like the different art style and would be happy to see more Omar Rayyan pieces. Check out his website. He’s great.
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Tarfire is a Shock variant that accidentally became a major player. See, most of the time, Tarfire is just Shock, and that’s fine, because in Standard you play Shock. The added subtype of Goblin is a potential bonus for cards like Auntie’s Hovel and Squeaking Pie Sneak, but overall it’s still just Shock. However, Tarfire shared Standard and now Modern with a card called Tarmogoyf. Tarmogoyf’s power is based on the number of card types in graveyards, and Tarfire’s “Tribal” tag happens to be another card type. This means casting a Tarfire over Lightning Bolt would permanently give all your Tarmogoyf’s +1/+1. A turn one play of cracking a fetchland for Stomping Ground and playing Tarfire would mean a turn two Tarmogoyf was a 3/4. Even if the opponent didn’t have a good target, casting Tarfire at their face for the power and toughness boost was often the right move. Tarfire also sees a small amount of Legacy Play. Legacy Goblins runs four Goblin Matron to search for specific cards, and so Tarfire becomes more useful than Lightning Bolt and many other burn spells in such a deck.
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Warren Pilferers is Gravedigger with one more mana for +1/+1 and also sometimes haste. In limited, you run this every time if you’re in black, even if it’s your only goblin. In constructed, it’s too slow to do anything relevant. Also, card images are apparently bigger now than they were before. Before it was Magiccardsinfo, now it’s Scryfall. I don’t mind the bigger cards in general, but it really makes it stand out on a card like this when I have very little to say about it. I could talk about the art, though. Wayne Reynolds is the main artist for Pathfinder, and you can tell that these goblins are very similar to his Pathfinder goblins.
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Wort, Boggart Auntie is a completely amazing card. In limited, she’s an obvious first-pick bomb. Without other goblins, she’s a 3/3 that’s often unblockable. With even one other goblin, she’s card advantage. With Tarfire, Nameless Inversion, or any sacrifice outlet she can grant reliable card advantage every single turn. This was no less true in Standard, and while higher mana cost and Legendary status kept her from being a four-of, she was a strong late-game card for goblin tribal. As a Commander, I’m a bit biased here. She was my first Commander, and still one of my favorites. With Fear she’ll often accidentally win a game on her own just by doing 21 unblockable damage. Basic buffs such as goblin lords and equipment make this go even faster. In a goblin heavy deck, her card advantage is reliable, and while Tarfire is a bit small for Commander, Nameless Inversion has plenty of solid targets and it’s trivial to find sacrifice outlets and goblins that like to be sacrificed. With the possible exception of Krenko, Mob Boss, she’s probably the best option for a goblin tribal commander deck, opening up all of Lorwyn and Morningtide’s black goblins, and various forms of late game advantage that Red doesn’t have. My personal build involves using a number of cards that put my entire graveyard onto my battlefield, and then swinging with a lethal mass of goblins.
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Nameless Inversion is the only Changeling in Lorwyn particularly worth looking at from a Goblin standpoint. While all Black and Red Changelings make decent limited filler, Nameless Inversion’s the only one in Lorwyn with real power outside of that. Two mana to give a creature +3/-3 is fine, and randomly ruining enemy synergies is hilarious, but its real power is synergy with Wort, Boggart Auntie. Wort can redraw Nameless Inversion every turn, enabling a minor removal spell to gradually take over the game. Further, Goblin Matron or Boggart Harbinger can search for it and Goblin Ringleader can dig for it. Thus, while it’s not the strongest removal spell out there, a Goblin deck will be able to cast it more reliably than they can cast their other removal spells. I’d say identical things about Crib Swap, but there’s not yet enough reasons to run White in a Goblin deck.
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Episode 13 Goblin Review: My life must have been a reward because I met you
All the good feels and happy moments from the previous 12 episodes were completely swept away with episode 13 - I don’t even remember how it feels to laugh and smile anymore. This review is long (it was a 1 hr 25 min episode). 
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Shin was shocked how he didn’t realize that Wang Yeo was right in front of him all this time. GR was conflicted because 1) he was still trying to figure out who he really is and 2) it’s kinda harsh news to suddenly learn you’re the person who sent your friend and his family to their deaths 900 years ago. Hence, GR kept asking the same question over and over, “Was that young and foolish face mine, in the end?” Shin was tearful as he told GR that the heavens have and are still on his side because his memories were erased; therefore, GR doesn’t remember what he did, while Shin relives his memories everyday. Some people are saying that it’s immature of Shin to put the blame on Wang Yeo, but remember, Shin was human too and he was put into this situation because of Wang Yeo. When we’re angry, we do unimaginable things even if they are our loved one and, at this moment, Shin was lashing out all his locked up emotions for 900 years. Eun-tak was worried for both Shin and GR as she checked their rooms. When Shin returned home, he told her to pack because they are staying at DH’s house, but he noticed how she didn’t argue nor ask questions. Therefore, he realized that Eun-tak already knew the truth about GR (this probably hurt his feelings because his sister already hid the truth from him). But she gave a very thoughtful and considerate answer because she genuinely was thinking about his feelings and left it up to fate if it was truly meant for Shin to find out the truth himself, “But if you two had been fated to pass each other by, you would’ve done so. And if you two had been fated to meet, you would’ve met anyway.” 
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Poor DH was the only one who didn’t know what was going on. Eun-tak, being the considerate person she is, offered to stay with Sunny because 1) to give Shin a peace of mind about his sister (Shin can’t face Sunny at the moment with his current state) and 2) probably to give him time and space to think about the situation. It’s quite true what DH said about Shin just kicking out GR from the house, but like Eun-tak said, “Mr. Reaper has nowhere else to go,” and Shin wouldn’t kick out GR because 1) he’s his friend and 2) he’s Wang Yeo. The transition from Sunny to GR was beautiful as GR returned home to an empty house - just the same as he returned to an empty palace after killing Shin and his family. Sunny and Eun-tak talked about how her memories returned, but what’s important to notice is that even though her memories of being the queen are back - she is still the Sunny we know with her witty remarks. What Samshin said about lives is very significant to note in regards to reincarnation/rebirth, “Whether it be the first or forth, every single time is important.” Sunny said it was her fourth life because she knows of her previous lives and met her brother and lover again; Eun-tak said it was her first because she wants her second, third, and fourth lives to be with Shin. However, we really don’t know whether it is our first, second, third, or fourth life, therefore we should always treasure each life we have because who knows if we’ll be granted a second chance - that’s why Wang Yeo’s greatest sin wasn’t killing Shin and his family, but taking his own life. 
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Shin was conflicted as he was trying to drink his worries away, but images of Wang Yeo and GR popped up in his mind because he could’t distinguish whether they are different or the same (Wang Yeo who wanted his death or GR who wants him to live). Joong Won and GR finally meet again; we learn that Joong Won is an evil spirit/demon who feeds on people’s dark emotions and he was the reason behind Eun-tak’s mysterious deaths (I was so mind-blown over this because it makes sense why death was “literally” hunting her in an abnormal way). This drama emphasizes the importance of names such as when GR demands Joong Won’s, but he refused while questioning GR if he even knows his own name. Personally, I think the reason why Joong Won survived this long was because his name wasn’t transcribed when he died, “That’s how I’ve managed to survive for nine hundred years now.” This second time, Shin reminisced the happy moments with GR. This is important because these were Shin’s true thoughts about GR, despite him being Wang Yeo, and I believe it was at this moment that Shin made a decision - that’s why he picked up GR’s call. If he was still angry, Shin wouldn’t have picked up. GR decided to face his past and confront Eun-tak about the sword, as well as, he asked her to give the ring back to Sunny since he has no excuse to see her because he “erased” her memories. Eun-tak didn’t give the ring right away to Sunny because Sunny was also trying to figure out, for herself, if the feelings she has are her’s or the queen’s. 
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Sunny tried to convince Shin to move forwards from the past, though, Sunny’s answer to Shin remained the same about his decision in regards to Wang Yeo, “Go, Big Brother.” Shin replied that it will not be forgiveness for Yeo if he moves forwards and I think it’s because Shin already decided to forgive Wang Yeo - instead he wants Wang Yeo to understand that he is loved, he must fight, he must protect his loved ones, and he must live on in this lifetime. GR got punished for abusing his powers by the Investigative Agency of the Reaper department (about time this was addressed, I was beginning to wonder how he got away with breaking the rules). His punishment was the return of his erased memories after being tortured in hell for 600 years. After Shin’s and Kim Sun’s deaths, Wang Yeo’s “mental health” deteriorated as he grew up and was given a tonic by Joong Won to improve his health (obviously it was poison). In adulthood, Wang Yeo was seen improperly dressed, his hair messy, pale-yellow complexion (indicating sickness due to poisoning), and he was depressed. I think another reason why Yeo did not wear his complete royal robe was because white (in Asian cultures) symbolize mourning and perhaps he was in a state of forever mourning for Kim Sun; that’s why he drew her portrait. We finally discover how Samshin got the ring in her possession by asking Wang Yeo to give it to her - she probably knew that they will eventually meet again because Kim Sun will be reborn. Wang Yeo then burned the robes as an offering to Kim Sun and took his own life by drinking the remaining tonic, which was served by the maidservant (aka. lady grim reaper). The ironic thing is that Wang Yeo killed himself with his own ‘royal decree’ just as he killed Shin and his family with his ‘royal decree.’ 
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Also, if you didn’t notice, one particular cup was shaking (it was a brown cup?) and I believe it might be the one Wang Yeo drank from when he erased his memories. 
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Finally, Shin and Wang Yeo truly meet after 900 years. In a fit of anger, Shin pushed Wang Yeo against the wall and grabbed him by the cuff to express 1) how Yeo failed to protect his people, his country, his woman, and himself, 2) how his sister died to protect him because she was his weakness, and 3) how he won’t kill Yeo because Yeo already atoned for it by taking his own life. Despite Shin holding this 900 yo grudge, none of his reasons were about being killed for “false treason,” but instead were about Wang Yeo’s life. Even though Shin is a goblin, he’s not perfect and is still susceptible to the “weak things” of humans that we call emotions. Shin’s mind was a chaos trying to distinguish between GR and Wang Yeo: are they different or the same? Now that GR’s memories returned, Shin was most angry at him for saying that he wanted to die, again, - this is selfish and inconsiderate of of Wang Yeo/GR. But we can’t entirely blame GR because he’s troubled about what he did and who he really is. Eun-tak returned the ring to Sunny and Sunny remarked how the regrets, sins, and loneliness of the ring were hers all along. When Sunny asked Eun-tak how she is related to her brother, I lost it when I read Eun-tak’s answer, “Because that’s my fate… I can make it rain a bit less. So that the citizens don’t have a hard time. And I can make the first snow of the season come by faster, too… to make the people of the world happier.” This represents Eun-tak and Shin’s relationship: how she makes him happy and he makes her happy. It also shows how she focuses on the positive aspects of their relationship and how she’s always thinking about others - especially when she told Sunny why they became the goblin and grim reaper, “Because the world needs miracles. Beautiful and strange miracles… Because life is a bit lonely since death exists.” Notice how these two descriptions of life and death compliment the roles by Shin and Wang Yeo. Shin, being the goblin, represents the miraculous things that makes life special, while Wang Yeo, being the grim reaper, represents the truth of death that makes life precious. 
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I admire Eun-tak’s genuine selflessness - she immediately jumped in front of Sunny to protect her from Joong Won even though she was scared and was equally in danger. Joong Won hates Kim Sun because she was the reason why Wang Yeo changed. Her birthmark activated to protect her from Joong Won, but this confirmed to Joong Won that her birthmark was disappearing. I admire how Eun-tak continued to put up a strong face in front of Sunny, until she summoned Shin - she immediately rushed to hug him because he’s the only person that she can show weak emotions in front of (Eun-tak always puts a strong face in front of others because of her childhood, but he’s the only one who sees her weakness just as she’s the only one who sees him in his times of weakness). Shin noticed that her birthmark was faint and warned her to worry about herself - that someone else will protect his sister (referring to Wang Yeo/GR). Shin told her to wait two more days because God has asked him and GR a question of “fate” and they must find the answer themselves. 
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That’s why GR wrote the special case report for Park Joong Won; this being the first step for Wang Yeo to move forwards from his past and take an initiative against Joong Won who was a father figure to him. In front of Grandpa’s grave, GR warned Shin about Eun-tak’s death and Shin told him to protect Sunny from Joong Won. GR questioned why Shin stepped forwards that day despite knowing that it was going to be his grave and Shin finally told Wang Yeo the words he couldn’t say, “You’d received love from the former king, who’d been your half-brother, from my sister, who’d been your lover, and from me, who protected your Goryeo.” The reason why Shin kept walking forwards that day was because 1) he was going to die anyways, 2) if he didn’t step forwards then it would make the King look bad for accusing false treason on an innocent/loyal general, and 3) it was the only opportunity for Shin to "defy” his king after following all of his orders so that he can finally meet Wang Yeo face to face. All his life, Shin was and still is loyal to Wang Yeo. After telling GR his true feelings about the sword in his chest, Shin finally realized the true purpose of the sword: to kill Park Joong Won. 
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I truly admire Yoo In Na for her performance of portraying a person split between her past and present. Throughout her day, GR followed her while watching her from a distance until they finally talk at the bridge - their iconic spot of their relationship. Bridges have symbolically represented two things in literature and mythology: 1) the transition between life and death and 2) overcoming a challenge/obstacle. Their relationship is truly a challenge, but they both took a step forwards: GR not forcing her to choose and Sunny breaking up with him. Sunny revealed to GR that her memories were never erased because all the sad memories were happy - showing that in both Kim Sun and Sunny love Wang Yeo & GR for who they are. When Sunny called him “Kim Woo Bin,” this confirmed how Sunny loves GR not because he’s Wang Yeo, but because he is his own person. The differences this time around are 1) GR didn’t force the ring on Sunny’s finger unlike when Wang Yeo forced on Kim Sun and 2) Sunny chose to live happily unlike when Kim Sun chose to die happily. Shin, knowing that he’s going to die, took Eun-tak on one last trip to enjoy time together. Eun-tak hugging Shin’s back, his head on her lap while she caressed his face, him presenting the contracts, and her jumping on him and kissing him to get the original one while they both laugh… But the final blow to my heart was when Shin broke down crying while reading the contract, thinking about Eun-tak, and how there is such a thing as forever sad love because he wants to live. T.T 
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Shin visited DH and Sunny and wished them only happiness - I cried when he wished for Sunny to have a great life as HERSELF! Thus him acknowledging that she is not only Kim Sun, but also Sunny too. And lastly, he went to wait for Eun-tak in front of the stairs. As she walked towards him, all he could do was gaze at her while engrossed with her smile; he then tells her his plan concerning Joong Won. But the next scene!! IT’S THE SCENE WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR BUT I CAN’T TRULY INDULGE IN IT KNOWING WHAT’S HAPPENING NEXT. Shin instructed her to summon him right away once he calls her, but right as Eun-tak thought he already left… HE CAME BACK AND KISSED HER SO PASSIONATELY, INTENSELY, AND DEEPLY! OMFG… LOOK AT THIS KISS! This kiss was 900 years worth of loneliness and longing… all of his locked up emotions for Eun-tak… the emotions that he will no longer be able to express… he literally devoured her as she could only respond back and became worried because of the intensity of kiss. Despite that wonderfully hot and sexy kiss, it had an aura of desperation and unquenched hunger as he gazed and cradled Eun-tak’s face - trying so hard to engrave her image, every curvature of her face, and the feel of her body into his memory knowing that it was the last time he promised her, “I’ll be back.” 
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“So, shall we have our final battle now?” Of course, Joong Won teleported to where Eun-tak was and, at that moment, the buckwheat flowers in the book flew away like dust, foreshadowing how her lover will disappear. Unfortunately, she could not see him because of her fading powers. At the same time, GR sensed the change in Eun-tak’s death card announcement set to tonight. Eun-tak finally realized why Joong won waited all this time - for her birthmark to fade so that he could control her to pull out Shin’s sword. Joong Won attacked Eun-tak while she received Shin’s call and fumbled to start the lighter… luckily she managed to light a flame and summon Shin. However, the tables turn and Eun-tak grabbed Shin’s blade pleading him to kill her instead, “He’s trying to use me to remove your blade! I was fated to die. If not for you, anyway.” Too late, Joong Won possessed Eun-tak’s body and proceeded to remove the blade while Shin stood there as if this is what he’s been waiting for. Right then, GR appeared, commanded (like a king) that the deceased soul answer to the grim reaper, and called out Park Joong Won’s name three times. I KNEW THEY HAD TO TEAM UP! Joong Won was forced out of Eun-tak’s body and Shin caught her while also proceeding to pull out the sword holding onto her hands on the hilt!! OMFG!! SHIN PULLED OUT THE SWORD TOGETHER WITH EUN-TAK! Despite being shocked, Shin wasted no time and swung one last mighty slash at Joong Won with the blade blazing with fire. However, he wasn’t so depressed with the price of his death with the package of Shin’s death too, “But what I did was not in vain, because I’ve killed you once more. It’s the end for you now.” 
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Shin fell to one knee as he propped himself up with his sword, barely able to stand, while formally addressing the king one last time, “Forgive me. I will now send word to you that I’ve died a heroic death.” The sword, which was given to Shin by Wang Yeo and was the object of his immortal curse, finally disappeared and Eun-tak rushed to Shin’s side to support him with her own body and pleading the one word that she could only think of, “No! No! No!” She hugged Shin so tightly as if trying to keep him from disappearing while Shin caressed her face, “My life must have been a reward because I met you.” She reminded Shin that he told her he would never let go of her hand and Shin said that he would ask God to let him come back with the first snowfall of the season… the promise in which Shin had signed his life to keep with Eun-tak. The final blow to the remaining life inside me - when Eun-tak desperately confessed, “I love you, Mister. I love you!” and Shin replied, “Me too. I love you. Until the end. I already have.” In the end, their last moments together was them finally genuinely confessing their love for each other, as compared to the first time when Shin silently & indirectly confessed his first love and Eun-tak jokingly and not seriously meaning “I love you.” Shin closed his eyes and disappeared into red sparks as the flame from his heart spread to his body and blowing away in the wind… leaving Eun-tak alone as she collapsed in tears. But one thing to notice is that Eun-tak didn’t bawl into tears in front of Shin until after he disappeared because the actual reality of Shin disappearing into dust was the most painful experience for her… she was probably still holding onto a glimpse of hope that Shin would stay, but the moment he actually disappeared before her eyes was probably traumatizing as all she could do was helplessly watch her love turn to dust. 
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So in conclusion, I’m a mess right now. There are 3 more episodes left and that’s a lot of time that still remains to cover the ending of this drama, therefore anything can happen at this point since the sword pulling is done. Since GR is already on probation, he most likely might erase Eun-tak’s memories for her sake and won’t mess up like how he did with Sunny (he’ll probably say - forget everything about being the goblin’s bride and that he existed - return to living a normal life like a human). As for Sunny, she’s moving on with her life by making it meaningful, happy, and successful without it being related to her past life. As for GR, he’s trying to come to terms with his past and 1) he’ll stop being a grim reaper, or 2) he’ll return to being a grim reaper. As for Eun-tak, my poor baby, she’s in so much pain but I think she will most likely lose her memories and we’re going to get a time skip, but she has grown so much to become the wonderful woman she is now. Lastly, for Shin, I still hold strongly onto my reborn theory that he will be back! This can’t be the end for him because in episode 12, the letter by grandpa said he’ll disappear with a “blue spark.” However, in this episode he disappeared with “red sparks.” Red fire symbolizes destruction, transformation, and creation; therefore, perhaps Shin disappearing into red sparks might mean the end of his goblin life but he will be created as a different entity (as a human, angel, or even a grim reaper (theory courtesy of @azhaneeothman)). Of course, he probably is going to have a talk with God.. probably give his answer to the question of “fate” and I believe Shin already gave us a piece of that answer, “My life must have been a reward because I met you.” 
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Lastly, did you watch/listen to the ending song? There is a scene of a man standing in the desert and perhaps this is Shin? The desert has two famous symbolisms: 1) loneliness and isolation (death), but it can also 2) represent purification, eternity/endless possibilities, and awareness of oneself (humility). Perhaps this is what Shin is experiencing at the moment… either death or a new beginning from realizing that his immortal life was not a punishment after all. At the very last second of this episode, it was when Shin saw Eun-tak’s future… but this time a new line was added with Shin answering about his choice, “I understand now.” WHAT DOES HE UNDERSTAND!? Perhaps he is either answering himself why he chose to do what he did, OR he’s answering God about the answer to “fate.” :O
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Welp… I’m still pulling for a happy ending because… I WANT TO SEE ALL OF MY BABIES HAPPY WITH THEIR LOVED ONES!! (PS: thanks for reading if you’ve read up to this point... I’m so sorry I had so much to talk about). 
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Other Reviews:
Episode 1-4 Review: Our Homegirl Eun-tak
Episode 5 Review: 10 years into the future, You’re still beautiful and bright as ever, but I’m not the one beside you
Episode 3-6 Review: I can’t help but stare at your smile (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 6 Review: If you had really been a bad person, he only would’ve created a Goblin, and not the Goblin’s Bride
Episode 7-8 Review: It couldn’t be helped that this was the beginning of this tragic love story (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 7 Review: Is the thing that I’m trying to steal one more glimpse of… my own immortal life? Or, is it your face?
Episode 8 Review: I beseech the heavens and ask that, on a certain day, after 100 years, on an adequate day... I can finally tell her she was my first love
Episode 9-10 Review: I was thinking about whether or not I should hold your hand one more time (Grim Reaper x Sunny)
Episode 9 Review: I’d like it if I could use that as an excuse to continue on living on... together, with you
Episode 10 Review: Your magic doesn’t work on me.. you can never escape me
Episode 11 Review: So you did come and go for a moment in my life
Episode 12 Review: An absolute fate that is beyond human beings’ eternities
Episode 14 Review: Please, someone save me from this curse
Episode 15 & 16 Review: The Person left behind must go on living life
Deok Hwa and Grandpa Theory Review: From this moment on, this child will serve you, your Lordship
Important Anon Question regarding Pedophilia
179 notes · View notes
supaliaxpress · 8 years
Episode 14 Goblin Review: Please, someone save me from this curse...
Damn... episode 14 made me so hopeful only to crush all of my hopes and dreams for Goblin with those previews T.T Sorry for the late review... I just got off work Dx 
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Like we needed to be reminded of our sadness from last episode... Shin’s death occurred right before Eun-Tak’s eyes as she watched him disappear into ashes. At that moment, lightning appeared which most likely symbolized the calamity of Shin’s death... as well as God erasing everyone’s memories of him. Upon this realization that Shin was slowly disappearing from her memory, Eun-Tak hurriedly rushed to write down her memories of Shin, “His name is Kim Shin. He is tall and has a sad smile. He will come with the rain. He will come with the first snowfall of the season. He’ll keep his promise to me. You have to remember. You’re that man’s bride.” Realize that what Eun-Tak wrote down was more for her to remember their promise/contract they made; it was impossible for her to write down every memory of Shin. Therefore, she had to at least remember to summon him on the first snowfall because she is his bride. Just as I speculated, Shin appeared in a desert of snow (ex. Gobi Desert) which deserts symbolize death but also rebirth/revelation; you could say deserts represent the world between life and death. For Shin’s case, his death made him realize his choice: to continue on living even if it meant him being alone forever as a goblin in that place, despite God truly releasing him of his punishment and being able to rest in peace. However, Shin could not return right away because 1) he was trapped in between the two worlds for he was no longer considered “living” or “dead,” and 2) he could only return once Eun-Tak summoned him as the conditions of the contract and his promise to her. The reason why God could not bring him back is because even God did not have power over the domain where Shin was trapped between in. 
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Nine years later, Eun-Tak has achieved her dreams and is the PD of a radio broadcast station; however, it seems that she was not doing well despite the success of the show. It also looked like her so called “family” is back in contact with her... but she seemed to not take any shit from them (you go girl). We learn more about the grown up Eun-Tak as she always looks lost such as staring endlessly into the rain with unexplainable tears and sadness. It was revealed that she doesn’t remember who GR is as they “run” into each other at the restaurant, but she speculated whether he could be the “ahjussi” that she is trying to find. She also doesn’t remember who gave her the necklace despite still wearing it, wondering if it was her mother’s, as well as the reason for the burnt words in her notebook. What was interesting was how Shin and Eun-Tak were thinking the same thing - the poem of loneliness in the desert - and perhaps this shows that both are equally lonely in their own worlds as they try to hold onto their memories to move forwards (walking backwards in order to see the footsteps in front). On the bright side, Eun-Tak has two loyal and trustable friends to share her worries with and to drink with: Sunny and the class rep. But despite the rain and it being a “nice day,” Eun-Tak returned home grieving in pain due to the incomprehensible deep sadness in her heart.  
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Shin continued to walk in the desert holding onto the only thing that was keeping him alive: their contract. At the last brink of his energy, the contract was swept away by the wind though he desperately tried to retrieve it back. At the same moment, the first snowfall occurred and Eun-Tak decided to make a wish, “What is it that I’ve forgotten? Or, who is it that I’ve forgotten? What kind of face is the one that I’ve forgotten? What kind of promise did I forget? Why is it that the only thing that remains is this deep-seated sadness? Please, someone save me from this curse that is plaguing me.” OMFG!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE I THEORIZED IT -- IT WAS SO EPIC! With this wish, Shin was finally summoned and we see that the contract was stuck at a dandelion which symbolizes communication, overcoming challenges, and the fulfillment of wishes. 
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Shin immediately hugged Eun-Tak in overwhelming happiness, while Eun-Tak was overtaken by tears but she didn’t understand why. But this time, it was Eun-Tak asking the questions while all Shin could tell her was that he was the “contractor,” he was happy to see her successful, and that he was summoned. Afterwards, Shin went to visit Deok-Hwa but he didn’t remember Shin; however, Shin’s appearance aroused CEO Kim’s attention as he questioned DH if his uncle’s name is “Kim Shin.” Shin also visited Sunny, but what’s curious to me is how she reacted... Sunny didn’t look confused but rather more shocked? But perhaps she also doesn’t remember Shin too. And lastly, Shin went to visit GR the same way they first met... however when Shin thought no one remembered him... GR, with tears in his eyes, said something that he would know if he retained his memories, “I guess you weren’t scattered by the dust or winds. And you didn’t turn into a radish (nothingness), either.” This scene killed me guys. T.T Bros for life. 
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It was clarified as to why only GR’s memories were left in tack: the heaven’s were by his side (just as Shin had told GR back at Grandpa’s grave) and that Samshin told God to spare Yeo’s memories so that someone else will remember Shin and Eun-Tak’s love. However, what shocked me the most was when God said, “Why does it feel like I’ve discovered the door that will re-open that closed-off world? Maybe I didn’t shut that door well enough?” This suggests that God never intended for Shin to die, but it was up to Shin to come up with the answer himself... thus God throws the question “fate” and it’s up to us to find the answer!! It was touching to have the two reunite and how GR was quick to express his enthusiasm for Shin’s return. He also finally apologizes to Shin and asks for his forgiveness after 900 years - of course Shin forgave him. We learn that GR has been avoiding Sunny for 9 years and that it is his punishment of loneliness, as well as, he listens to Eun-Tak’s radio show (how cute!). What was also refreshing was the reunification of the three boys and DH’s very legitimate questions (Why do I call you “uncle” tenant? lol this was too good)... I loved how Shin hid behind the sofa and GR said he likes to drink double-fisting, lmao (guys... I’ll admit it... it was an indirect kiss >.<). But what was even more hilarious was when GR said goodbye to Shin (payback’s a b*tch lol) and Shin walked out the door to Eun-Tak’s room while GR erased poor DH’s memory. However... it’s so touching how GR didn’t move Eun-Tak’s stuff out but covered them with cloth T.T 
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Eun-Tak made a mistake and wrote the temperature as 22 degrees... but of course our one and only Goblin came to her rescue by warming up the temperature and blooming flowers in the middle of winter! They continue to bump into each other’s paths... well more like Eun-Tak unknowingly summoning him, lmao. Notice how every time Eun-Tak and Shin meet, she immediately talks about her medicine... she’s literally trying to give an excuse or cover up her true emotions but Shin just breaks down that barrier and she doesn’t understand why. Shin continues to drop hints about how he’s waiting for her to remember him, but he is already happy with being able to see her, hear her, and be with her. But of course... he ruined the moment by not having any money, lmao, and Eun-Tak paid for his drink (gosh... that white fluffy sweater and turtle neck looks so good on him!). And who does Shin turn to for help? GR! And finally, the secret behind Grandpa’s will was finally revealed, indeed Shin appeared before CEO Kim through the rain and with a blue spark and calling himself “Kim Shin.” I AM FUCKIN AMAZED AT HOW LITERAL GRANDPA’S LETTER WAS!! BUT MOSTLY, HOW DID HE KNOW SHIN WAS COMING BACK?! The world may never know. Shin continued to “purposely” bump into Eun-Tak’s path and even helped her to get the contract with his company - shocking Eun-Tak that he was the President of iloom. For once, we see a glimpse of a smile on Eun-Tak’s face as she was waiting for Shin’s call! 
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AND FINALLY!!! The mystery of the Canada letter was finally revealed. Shin entrusted the task to GR by giving him an excuse to finally meet Sunny after 9 years. However, despite his admirable determination, he couldn’t personally hand the letter to her. In the end though, they finally met again after he realized that it was the real “Sunny.” But what caught my attention was the look Sunny gave GR... I couldn’t tell if it was a look of confusion or anger? Did Sunny really lose her memories? Anyways, Sunny gave the letter to Eun-Tak and we learn that even Eun-Tak forgot about working at Sunny’s old restaurant. Most of all, the receiver of the letter was to her mother (OMG I KNEW IT... I JUST FELT THAT THE LETTER WAS WRITTEN FOR HER MOTHER ALL ALONG Dx this is so sad... ugh). What’s important to note is the change in Eun-Tak’s voice: her younger self was filled with positivity, determination, cheerfulness, and liveliness though she was living a hard life... but now her voice is quiet, empty, sad, and dead despite having achieved success. The difference is Shin... she doesn’t remember him and that she is his bride. And what better timing than for Shin to finally call her... and then she fuckin summons him xD (gosh... grown up Eun-Tak just loves to blow out candles without a second thought compared to when she was younger lol). Shin asked her if she was waiting for him and we see Eun-Tak giggle in happiness that he finally called her (how precious). AND OMG!! Shin asked her out on a date and she said YES!! AHH MY BABIES T.T Notice how ever since Shin returned, Eun-Tak has not cried in pain as often and is smiling more... it’s as if Shin has breathed life into her! 
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What’s touching is that Eun-Tak has the perfume that he gave to her and compliments her; this made Eun-Tak a little jealous and Shin immediately eased her worries, “You’re the only woman who knows my phone number, though.” But what broke both mine and Shin’s heart was when Eun-Tak took her pills for depression, “A medication that cures an ailment of the heart?” However, note how this is the first time Eun-Tak was genuinely honest with Shin and Shin accepts her for who she is no matter how different she is from her younger self. We learn that she is taking vacation to go to Canada and this shows how she is taking a step forward to regain her lost memories; it was nice how Sunny was very supportive of her. Most importantly, they were eating mandarin oranges which symbolize wealth, prosperity, and happiness. Since both of them are eating this fruit, this may foreshadow that happiness is within their reach. Also, Sunny told Eun-Tak that she has “sick building syndrome” and I think it’s because this place has fond memories for her such as when 1) she and GR first kissed and 2) GR waiting for her outside her home. I kinda think Sunny’s memories were not erased, but I may be looking into it too deep. 
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Eun-Tak is so gorgeous! She finally arrived in Canada and asks for help about the letter. We learn that the letter was caught inside the mail chute and Eun-Tak was shocked to find out it was from 10 years ago. The most shocking thing was when Eun-Tak started quoting herself, but she doesn’t remember that those were her own words, “Someone once told me that there’s a reason for everything God does... Hmm, I wonder who told me that?” Notice how Eun-Tak didn’t get “overly” excited upon seeing the grandeur of the hotel room... if it was her younger self... she would have been jumping all over that bed in excitement. While Eun-Tak is trying to discover her missing past, both GR and Sunny are gloomily looking out into the night sky... perhaps they are both thinking of each other? And last but not least, Eun-Tak noticed the red door that she once travelled through to Canada and who pops out at the right time? Shin! I just realized this, but everything that has connected Shin and Eun-Tak together is red! The red scarf, the red door, and the red Maple leaf. The symbolism of red with these objects represent fated love. And look how this red door leads to what will happen next... Eun-Tak and Shin having dinner! The very future that Shin saw 9 years ago!!! :O
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So in conclusion, I still have hope that this will have a happy ending! Why? Despite the previews were really sad... those only make up 20% of the entire 3 hours of the finale. Also, episode 14 served to tie up loose ends and primarily lay a very strong foundation of overcoming challenges, as well as, the concept of fated love. I believe in the finale episode, the biggest challenges for our two couples will finally be introduced and will ultimately decide the ending of this drama. I personally think Sunny did not forget about GR, Shin, and Eun-Tak... if it didn’t work the first time... why would it work the second time either? If anything... I don’t think Sunny has forgotten about GR and she will finally call out to him after seeing him appear before her like that. Not only that, I also think Eun-Tak’s radio project of finding the faces and memories that you’ve forgotten will be used in the next episode to bring Sunny and GR together (Sunny will tell about their story to reach out to GR); this may also happen for Shin and Eun-Tak, but I think this project will be used somehow since it was importantly discussed in this episode. As for Eun-Tak, she will remember Shin and it might be due to the Maple leaf because it’s the first object that represents their “fated love” besides her red scarf (which I think will also make an appearance). AND THAT WILL LEAD UP TO HER AND SHIN’S SEXY KISS (or even more :O)?!! OML!! I don’t want to raise my expectations in case I’m disappointed lmao. 
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But... what I’m questioning the most (and dreading of) is if someone will die?? Idk... at the moment... it’s pointing towards Sunny with her monologue, “I hope that, in our next lifetime, our wait will be short, and our time together will be long.” After all, Samshin did say they will have to pay a huge price! ... but Shin was crying and Eun-Tak let go of Shin’s hand... NOOOOO IT BETTER NOT BE ANY OF THEM AND THAT IT WAS JUST A FLUKE! Dx PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO US!!! Perhaps... the only way to save Eun-Tak and Sunny is for GR and Shin to give up their immortal life?? IDK!! Why would they only show sad scenes in the preview??? So I’m thinking there’s more to it than meets the eye. When God said that he didn’t close the door well... perhaps he means they will get a chance for a happy ending?! I’m just honestly trying to make any sense for a happy ending... AND THE MANDARINS!! PLEASE JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY!! 
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Other Reviews:
Episode 1-4 Review: Our Homegirl Eun-tak
Episode 5 Review: 10 years into the future, You’re still beautiful and bright as ever, but I’m not the one beside you
Episode 3-6 Review: I can’t help but stare at your smile (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 6 Review: If you had really been a bad person, he only would’ve created a Goblin, and not the Goblin’s Bride
Episode 7-8 Review: It couldn’t be helped that this was the beginning of this tragic love story (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 7 Review: Is the thing that I’m trying to steal one more glimpse of… my own immortal life? Or, is it your face?
Episode 8 Review: I beseech the heavens and ask that, on a certain day, after 100 years, on an adequate day… I can finally tell her she was my first love
Episode 9-10 Review: I was thinking about whether or not I should hold your hand one more time (Grim Reaper x Sunny)
Episode 9 Review: I’d like it if I could use that as an excuse to continue on living on… together, with you
Episode 10 Review: Your magic doesn’t work on me.. you can never escape me
Episode 11 Review: So you did come and go for a moment in my life
Episode 12 Review: An absolute fate that is beyond human beings’ eternities
Episode 13 Review: My Life must have been a reward because I met you
Episode 15 & 16 Review: The Person left behind must go on living life
Deok Hwa and Grandpa Theory Review: From this moment on, this child will serve you, your Lordship
Important Anon Question regarding Pedophilia
72 notes · View notes
supaliaxpress · 8 years
From this moment on, this child will serve you, Your Lordship
Sometimes it’s the characters that you least expect who end up surprising you the most. Deok Hwa has proven that over time and again. Aside from Shin and Eun tak, DH and Grandpa were the first past and present characters to be fully introduced in episode 1. But how did they slip by us without us noticing that they may play bigger roles in Goblin? I think it was on purpose. Warning: this is a pretty long review. 
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The first time we met DH and Grandpa, Grandpa introduced a young DH to Shin after 20 years since returning. Grandpa is a CEO and DH is the only young heir to the family. Grandpa is still respectful towards Shin, “My lord,” while DH lectures Shin to address his Grandpa with formal speech. What I found interesting of this scene was DH’s yellow outfit. Yellow represents a multitude of things such as nature, happiness, truth, and safety, but it can also mean deceit. DH wearing such an odd yellow outfit could mean that he represents happiness (his cheerful attitude), truth (he just seems to know everything), protector of Shin, and deceit because he may have deceived us into thinking he was a simple human. Likely that Grandpa may have found out about the truth because Shin told him everything, but it still perpetuates me that Grandpa continues how he served Shin during the Goryeo era in present day too - I would imagine that one’s personality isn’t always the same for every time one is reborn (for example, DH isn’t as respectful as he was during Goryeo era). 
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Right after, we learn they were the loyal servants of Shin’s household who plead for his life. What’s important to notice is that quite a number of years have passed since Shin’s death, Grandpa was very sick & knew his time was short, and his grandson has never met Shin before (hence his question, “This sword is his lordship?”). Grandpa pledged his only grandson to Shin as his final death wish, “From this moment on, this child will serve you, Your Lordship,” and I believe this may have triggered the reason why Shin was resurrected as a Goblin and why DH is his protector. Grandpa selflessly offered his only grandson to serve Shin and, later on, this child, who has never met Shin nor has any obligation to him, pledged his loyalty because he respects his Grandpa’s final wish. I believe that Grandpa and DH were humans during Goryeo, but afterwards, they maybe became guardian angels to Shin to ensure that he will eventually find true peace. There’s a couple of hints throughout the series that suggest that these two may know more than your average human and are capable of doing things that immortals can do. 
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Let’s talk about Grandpa first. I’ve noticed that the first thing Grandpa does in Shin’s home is lighting up candles or touching candles. This is important because the action of lighting up candles usually symbolizes “God’s light” and “devotion of that person” in Catholicism and also represents “showing truth” or “supporting one’s spirit” in times of darkness - especially since Grandpa is lighting a “white candle” which symbolizes new beginnings in ep 1. The act of lighting up candles is also symbolic of angels. In ep 10, he actually touches a “silver candle” which symbolizes the “Moon, psychic receptivity, dreaming, love, rest and healing.” This correlates to Shin’s premonition of Grandpa’s death, him asking to play a game of baduk, and possibly how Shin has found love after his new beginning - healing from his past. Grandpa WAS THE ONE who installed the keypad and set the code as 1004 - pronounced as “chuhn-sah” which is the exact same pronunciation of “angel” in Korean. Grandpa also knew GR’s identity without no one telling him (he was also the first person to hint that GR and Shin have a connection) and has said a couple of “suggestive” things. Such as when he told Shin that he was “too thorough with his goodbyes,” which hints that Shin cannot determine his death; therefore, that may explain why he didn’t burn the scroll cause he maybe knew Shin wasn’t going to die. 
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Another example, he told Shin to try living instead of focusing on his death, which Shin is now trying to genuinely live his life with Eun-tak. It’s no coincidence, Grandpa knows when his time is near, such as in episode 1 and 10, and he maybe hinted that he’s going to heaven - a “good place.” Grandpa is also preparing DH to take over the company and probably as the caretaker of Shin, hence when he said in ep 1, “Deok Hwa will be here when you return.” And lastly, despite all the gift choices and Secretary Kim’s performance, Grandpa undoubtedly chose the camera without a second thought and wrote to her, “I pray you will be able to remember certain moments for an eternity.” Okay, first of all… why certain moments? On the outside, a camera as a gift seems logical and nice… on the other hand, cameras symbolically represent preservation especially during a time that one feels is already disappearing. Perhaps Grandpa knows that Eun-tak will forget Shin or lose her memories?? Therefore the camera serves to maybe help retain those memories so that she will remember again in the future. :O 
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DH has surprised me so much with the subtle things that he does and says. Probably my first observation is that he’s the only heir, only child. Well if he’s an immortal, that would make sense why he’s the only one being “born” every generation in the family. His reaction is pretty nonchalant for a human when he found out about Shin’s and GR’s identity - I’d personally freak out and then maybe start singing hymns like Sunny. In ep 2, DH immediately took the exact children’s book with Eun-tak’s leaf right after she put it in the bookshelf and walked pass by the bookstore where Samshin and Shin were talking at in episode 8 - not a coincidence at all. In episode 4, when they were eating at the restaurant after Shin’s hangover, he supposedly couldn’t see GR sitting at the table but FUCKIN LED HIM TO THAT TABLE AND SAT RIGHT NEXT TO GR!!! CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME?!? In episode 6, during GR’s and Sunny’s friend date, DH did not exactly say the same thing that GR instructed and added a “-yo” at the end for politeness (I listened to this so many times and it’s definite that he didn’t say word for word what GR commanded). Now that I’ve watched this scene like over 20 times, it looked like DH was actually scared and left on his own free will than being forced to leave. 
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When DH read Shin’s journal about the war in episode 8, he didn’t tell Eun-tak the truth, said it was a “love letter,” and recited the exact words of Shin’s confession. Either DH has powers to read people’s mind or he is just damn good at guessing. In ep 9, DH found Eun-tak and the white butterfly appeared. How in the world was it possible for a “human” to find Eun-tak and not a friggin goblin - unless he used his connections to find where she worked? It’s also important to note DH’s growth as a character - in the beginning he was immature and didn’t seem to care about anything except for his credit cards, but throughout the series we can see DH maturing with this facial expressions, actions, and the things he says as he will become the next CEO to the company (he looked very mature when he was watching Shin light up the lanterns). And in episode 11, DH already knew that Sunny was Shin’s sister... that was mind-blowing cause I’m pretty sure he wasn’t there when Shin and GR were discussing about Sunny, he was at work. >.>
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These are some of the biggest hints that suggest that Grandpa and DH may not be human and that they may be angels or immortals. I personally think they may be angels because I don’t think DH, being “God,” would bow down before his Grandpa if he really is just human - but I could be wrong. But DH being Wol Ha is pretty plausible too cause Samshin greets him formally and may describe his connection to Samshin. Remember in episode 5 where Shin is writing in his journal about the war, he says "foreign land's gods and Goryeo's gods are the same. I've buried the grandson of this land of the grandson of the grandson in a foreign land." I think this line might represent DH, that he might be a god of foreign lands because he is buried in a different country, as well as Grandpa.
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And lastly, the reason why I think they may be angels is because angels are the closest to "God.” Angels could then travel similarly to God and vice versa. Thus, the white butterfly is not only God but also angels, too, since white butterflies represent purity and spiritual guidance. During the scene of the white butterfly in episode 9, there was the white butterfly and then there was a shadow of a bigger butterfly - perhaps the white butterfly was DH and the shadow being God? The reason why DH and Grandpa appear human can be explained by being angels because angels are called "God's men" and can take the form of humans, therefore they can live among humans. Grandpa also said to DH that it’s their responsibility to watch over Shin which is what guardian angels do (plus there’s quite a few references of guardian angels in Goblin said by Eun-tak too). Whether they really are just humans or not, I believe these two play a bigger role and we will find out within the next episodes because of Shin’s premonition of Grandpa’s "maybe” death and DH taking over the company. I just love these two and they need more screen time together, lol. 
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Other Reviews:
Episode 1-4 Review: Our Homegirl Eun-tak
Episode 5 Review: 10 years into the future, You’re still beautiful and bright as ever, but I’m not the one beside you
Episode 3-6 Review: I can’t help but stare at your smile (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 6 Review: If you had really been a bad person, he only would’ve created a Goblin, and not the Goblin’s Bride
Episode 7-8 Review: It couldn’t be helped that this was the beginning of this tragic love story (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 7 Review: Is the thing that I’m trying to steal one more glimpse of… my own immortal life? Or, is it your face?
Episode 8 Review: I beseech the heavens and ask that, on a certain day, after 100 years, on an adequate day... I can finally tell her she was my first love
Episode 9-10 Review: I was thinking about whether or not I should hold your hand one more time (Grim Reaper x Sunny)
Episode 9 Review: I’d like it if I could use that as an excuse to continue on living on... together, with you
Episode 10 Review: Your magic doesn’t work on me.. you can never escape me
Episode 11 Review: So you did come and go for a moment in my life
Episode 12 Review: An absolute fate that is beyond human beings’ eternities
Important Anon Question regarding Pedophilia
Other Grandpa and DH Theory posts (Post 1) and (Post 2)
117 notes · View notes
supaliaxpress · 8 years
Episode 11 Goblin Review: So you did come and go for a moment in my life
OMG!!! I TOTALLY DID NOT SEE THAT COMING AT THE END!!! DID YOU??? :O Be warned, this is going to be a longer review (episode 11) because it’s both couples combined. 
Shin discovers that Sunny is the reincarnation of this sister and immediately goes to talk with her and showers her with gifts and the words that he never had the opportunity to say. Of course, Sunny has no idea what’s going on and it was hilarious how she had to tell GR to do something about the hugging big brother, lol. What’s interesting out of this situation are 1) Eun Tak was jealous, 2) GR was slightly jealous, 3) Shin was overprotective, and 4) Sunny was totally confused. But what I admire most were how Eun Tak became understanding of the situation between the siblings, how GR is considerate of Shin’s feelings towards finally meeting his sister, how Shin wasn’t forceful towards Sunny to remember, and how Sunny was considerate to give Shin a chance to explain himself. It was very nice of Eun Tak and GR to give Shin and Sunny space to discuss between the siblings - especially since it was Eun Tak who initiated it showing how she supports Shin by holding his hand for assertion. We find out more about Kim Sun’s tragic fate and how she protected the king till the very end.
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We learn a little more about Wang Yeo and Kim Sun… how Wang Yeo became more jealous of Shin with each victory until his bow-string broke and missed his shots. Making missed shots and one’s bow-string breaking symbolize disappointment in goals and a bad journey, which foreshadow the path that Wang Yeo will take. However, Kim Sun was diligently watching him from afar and it’s important to note that she and Sunny say the exact same things about their man, “But why is it that he hasn’t come to see me even once? He sure knows how to make a woman lovesick!” Both Wang Yeo and GR sure love to make their girl wait for them until their lovesick, lol. We get the same flashback scenes from before until we get a confrontation between the two - how Wang Yeo sent his wife to her death by giving her an ultimatum of choosing between her family or him (just saying but that was a jerk move). Since she probably loved the king, she chose her death to protect him from Joong Won as well as she couldn't betray her brother either. After hearing her past life's tragic fate, Sunny's heart began to hurt which is the same spot where Kim Sun was shot with the arrow. But despite hearing the story and seeing the painting of her past self, it wasn't enough for her memories to return. She still thinks of GR and wants to see him... which he does see her out, but he doesn't have any confidence to ask her to stay because he feels he has no right to do so since they "broke up." Again, Sunny and Kim Sun both said the same thing to their man, “You really are wicked,” which I found quite amusing since their roles in the relationship haven’t changed at all with Sunny and the Queen both wanting to get closer to their man but GR and Wang Yeo both holding back (in this case, GR being secretive because he’s a grim reaper and Wang Yeo being jealous/paranoid because of Shin). 
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It was finally revealed that Wang Yeo was the one who painted the portrait of Kim Sun and it makes sense why GR cried upon seeing the portrait, “… it’s a painting of her through his eyes and contains that man’s regrets, sins, and longing toward her.” So if objects contain the original owner’s feelings, why didn’t Sunny feel anything when wearing the ring? Perhaps she will now that she knows she’s the reincarnation of the queen? Eun Tak worried about Sunny and went to check on her; it seems that Sunny felt sick ever since hearing the Queen’s story and feels an unexplainable pain in her heart. At her place, she questions Eun Tak about their true identities, but Eun Tak doesn’t reveal anything being considerate of GR and Shin. It was adorable how Shin was waiting for her as he walked behind her the whole time and Eun Tak expressed her feelings how her world differs from a “normal human.” It’s nice to see how their relationship has developed and they can openly joke with each other while discussing a serious topic. 
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Probably the most touching scene in this episode was when Samshin came to Eun Tai’s graduation. I FUCKIN CRIED MY EYES OUT. T.T First, it’s important to note how Eun Tak finally makes a friend, but it’s a totally new experience for her since she’s never really conversed/exchanged numbers with another human besides ghosts (and Tae Hee). THEN SAMSHIN CAME IN LIKE A BOSS AND STOLE THE ENTIRE SCENE!! I was crying when Eun Tak finally realized who she was when Samshin touched her cheek and said she was happy when she created her. She gave Eun Tak a bouquet of cotton which symbolizes protection, success/wealth, and healing - things that Samshin probably desires for all of her children and particularly Eun Tak who has a tragic fate tied with Shin. 
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The most important scene contributing to Samshin’s character was when she told the teacher, “Child. Couldn’t you be a better teacher? Couldn’t you be a more brilliant teacher?” This shows that, despite Samshin being a goddess, she doesn’t interfere with her children’s destinies/choices even though she desires the best for everyone. She probably protects everyone to a certain extent until letting them go to live their own life and hoping that they will make good decisions - what parents should do and hope for their children. BUT THE NEXT SCENE KILLED ME!! Upon seeing the teacher’s face, Shin remembered the first time he saw her and her future - EUN TAK WAS IN HIS VISION!!! Seeing the face of the teacher made Shin realize that he had already seen Eun Tak’s face (and therefore him being apart of her future) and realized that they were truly fated to meet, “So you did come and go for a moment in my life, I see.” So what does this mean? Perhaps he cannot actually see Eun Tak’s future, but maybe he can see her future through the eyes of other people and maybe through his own (maybe that’s why he can’t see himself in her future because it’s actually him who’s there with her witnessing it, hence the scene of the two people holding the flower in front of Eun Tak and it matches what Shin is seeing presently compared to the future vision)!! DAEBAK! :O 
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We get some more cute Eun Tak and Shin interaction: Shin indirectly confessing his “first love,” Eun Tak saying IDGAF (lmao this was hilarious), Shin taking pictures of Eun Tak and calling her pretty, Eun Tak being grateful for her high school experience despite the ups and downs, and Eun Tak expressing her appreciation for Shin being in her life. It was great how Shin and Eun Tak were considerate of GR and Sunny - they left the two lovebirds alone, lol. It was funny how they both wanted to see each other, but they couldn’t do it directly by using Eun Tak’s graduation as the excuse. For the first time, GR was honest with his feelings towards Sunny and about who he is, “I wanted to give flowers to someone, just once. I’m sure you won’t believe me, but I don’t really know who I am, either.” I’m not really sure what type of flowers GR gave to Sunny, but just the fact that they were “yellow flowers” symbolize happiness, respect, renewing a relationship, and the Sun - characteristics of Sunny and their relationship. With Eun Tak turning 20, Shin delivers her mother’s insurance money to her informing that her aunt gave legal consent - what’s significant of this scene is how selfless Eun Tak is as she grows up and matures. In the end, she doesn’t know what to do with the money since she’s always lived a humble life and she even showed concern for her Aunt’s family though she has every right to not care about them (I hope they never appear in her life ever again… ugh). 
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It’s inevitable to ignore the tragic death fate of Shin and Eun Tak and GR informs Shin of another death card announcement. It’s important how Shin is taking a stance against fate despite knowing what’s considered the best choice, “I’m going to try and not do what’s for the best.” He tells Eun Tak the truth because he doesn’t want to keep secrets from her and it’s heartbreaking to see her burst into tears learning that one of them must die for the other to live. What’s even more important was the order of Eun Tak’s decisions: 1) she chose her death first because she’s selfless, 2) she chose Shin’s death second because she doesn't want him to suffer immortally alone, and 3) thirdly, she chose for them to die together because it will hurt for either one of them to be left alone while the other one dies. BUT the fourth decision of them living together was asserted by Shin - I FRIGGIN LOVED HOW IT WAS INITIATED BY HIM AND HOW HE SAID HER NAME!!! This shows that they both equally give to the relationship and how they support each other to overcome challenges. It also shows how Shin no longer thinks of death, but he is choosing life and that he will do everything in his power to protect her, “I might be an even greater person than you may think.” I personally think this line represents the concept of Shin choosing to protect a human with is powers despite he shouldn’t become intertwined with a human’s fate - the first time he said this was to Goryeo-era young DH because he was the first human Shin wanted to protect as a goblin. What’s even more admirable was how quickly Eun Tak came to terms with her fate, how mature she is on her outlook on life, and how strong-spirited she is despite knowing that death is around the corner - she has every right to be afraid and to be depressed, but instead she chose to fight and to continue on truly living everyday because she’s not alone. She’s growing up so well, Shin is adorable, and they’re so friggin cute together. T.T
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And finally, Sunny discovers the truth about GR’s true identity. I believe GR was going to personally tell her the truth… but unfortunately it happened that way because GR hesitated and Sunny saw him disappear. The cherry blossom is iconic in this scene because it also symbolizes enlightenment - Sunny learning that GR is a grim reaper. It broke my heart when GR said, “I knew we could never be. But I dreamed of a happy ending for us. But it turned out to be a tragic one,” - essentially their past lives’ story in a nutshell. And our girl Eun Tak is just way too kind (and naive) that she didn’t realize she walked right into death’s arms - sheesh, it would’ve been nice to know ahead of time that her ghost friend’s ex-husband was a murderer. :/ But damnit… Stop being so friggin hot, Shin… despite Eun Tak not wanting to call her boyfriend over because she was probably worried for the guy’s sake - Shin comes and saves her (I seriously thought he killed him lmao)! She even blocks Shin from her ghost friends and they can finally rest in peace. However, though Shin was probably really angry at the ghosts for putting Eun Tak in danger and her being unaware of it, he was most glad that she’s safe & unharmed and I loved how she was able to break the mood to still joke with him to cheer him up. I just love how he’s tall and she fits perfectly under his chin when they hug. >.< And then we learn that the other special case GR was talking about was not Shin… but actually Park Joong Won. 
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With his purple lips, skin coloration, and stiff body, I believe these are due to rigor mortis (stiffness), livor mortis (purple-dark coloration of skin b/c of blood), and tache noire (black spots and darkening of mucous/tongue) which are all occurrences of post mortem. It seems like Joong Won is indeed “alive” but doesn’t seem to be human either - therefore, he could possibly be two things: 1) a demon, or 2) a gangshi. I’m leaning towards gangshi because they are usually depicted being very stiff, decaying, dressed in official robes, and are caused by the spirit not properly leaving the body because of improper death, suicide, or wanting to cause trouble which fits Joong Won’s character (he’s evil and was traumatically killed by Shin). FUCK!!! EUN TAK BETTER NOT GRAB HIS HAND BECAUSE THEY FEED BY EATING THE LIFE SOURCE OF OTHER LIVING BEINGS!!! Dx So in conclusion, that jerk is back as an even more terrible monster but this confirms that Secretary Kim is NOT him (YES!! He’s way to precious to be that jerk). The best thing about this episode was the contrast of the romantic relationships and how they are developing at their own pace, while their friendship with each other grows as they confide and learn more about each other. The main couple is BEAUTIFUL as they are working together to live happily despite their tragic fate. The second couple is still trying to find balance as they finally reveal their honest selves to each other - now all is left is to accept each other for who they are. Since the new episode comes out today, I’m not going to predict much except for 1) we’ll learn more about DH’s true identity, 2) it’ll finally be revealed soon that GR is Wang Yeo, and 3) Shin better eventually exterminate that motherfucker for good or else I’ll have to do it (I apologize for my vulgar language). 
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Also, just some appreciation and shout out to this grim reaper! I personally feel the same as I haven’t been as punctual with my reviews lately... sorry guys... life is killing me atm along with Goblin feels. 
Other Reviews: 
Episode 1-4 Review: Our Homegirl Eun-tak
Episode 5 Review: 10 years into the future, You’re still beautiful and bright as ever, but I’m not the one beside you
Episode 3-6 Review: I can’t help but stare at your smile (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 6 Review: If you had really been a bad person, he only would’ve created a Goblin, and not the Goblin’s Bride
Episode 7-8 Review: It couldn’t be helped that this was the beginning of this tragic love story (Grim Reaper x Sunny Relationship Review)
Episode 7 Review: Is the thing that I’m trying to steal one more glimpse of… my own immortal life? Or, is it your face?
Episode 8 Review: I beseech the heavens and ask that, on a certain day, after 100 years, on an adequate day... I can finally tell her she was my first love
Episode 9-10 Review: I was thinking about whether or not I should hold your hand one more time (Grim Reaper x Sunny)
Episode 9 Review: I’d like it if I could use that as an excuse to continue on living on... together, with you
Episode 10 Review: Your magic doesn’t work on me.. you can never escape me
Episode 12 Review: An absolute fate that is beyond human beings’ eternities
Episode 13 Review: My Life must have been a reward because I met you
Episode 14 Review: Please, someone save me from this curse
Episode 15 & 16 Review: The Person left behind must go on living life
Deok Hwa and Grandpa Theory Review: From this moment on, this child will serve you, your Lordship
Important Anon Question regarding Pedophilia
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