#Gonna be real but like...if you're working as a mercenary there's gotta be some sort of “what happens on the battlefield stays there” rule
some-pers0n · 1 year
People point to Medic's voice lines in-game as a canon explanation for him "hating the other mercs" or whatever, but honestly I too would be screaming at them for their incompetence if I was forced to do his job.
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fandoomrants · 1 year
Soo, some thoughts on ep 6 and the show in general...
Gotta say, it's pretty messy and random, so you're warned if you decide to read it. But I think my url says enough about me so...
Spoilers ahead!
- Kinda weird how Sabine really found Ezra so easily and for less than a day all by herself and Thrawn didn't know if he's alive, sure BUT here's what I think might be the case:
I think they might have had some sort of an arrangement. Like, I don't believe Thrawn didn't have the resources and ways to find him, even if he had tried to hide. But also, Ezra and "his friends" are moving often but it didn't look like they were on the run. So, I believe that they had some agreement not to interfere with each other's ... doings and all. Like, yes, Thrawn sent the "mercenaries" after Sabine and told them to end them but it wasn't like he directly tried to interfere. It's same thing as how he seemingly helped Sabine and send her to find him. He just twisted the situation. So it could be something like that. Also, notice how Ezra didn't once mention Thrawn when he saw Sabine, didn't mention there's a threat or anything? I mean, sure he must know she's aware he would also be on the planet but if he thought of him as some threat, he would have probably said something.
-Still, Ezra was surprised by the...animal that Sabine came with. So, he either knows Thrawn and his people ride these, or he's tried to befriend one and it didn't work.
-On this topic, I don't exactly think Sabine's decision of not telling him how she found him was a bad decision on her side either. I believe she just really wanted to find him and she showed it, even though she took some... questionable decisions but honestly, for the people I care about, I would also do the same. She probably really thought Ashoka's dead or in any case, knew she couldn't really get out of this situation in any other way than eventually destroying the map and getting killed after that so she really had little to lose at this point. And the chance of seeing him again... I think it was tempting enough. Still, I'm pretty sure that wanting something and it actually happening are two different things so maybe she hadn't thought at all of how she would eventually explain it to him. Wasn't sure where she'll find him either. So, finally seeing him after 10 years, it's pretty logical she wouldn't want to spoil the moment by saying what she did too soon. But his "can't wait to go home" really hurt. Imagine how she's feeling. She doesn't even know Ashoka's on her way...
-Another thing. I'm pretty sure Ashoka's obviously going to survive and maybe find them soon but I think it's pretty clear that Thrawn will be returning with his new troopers and will play a bigger role in future productions. But I just can't help but wonder how they're gonna avoid him. Pretty sure they can't really fight him and his army. So, how are they getting out alive? And I really, really hope they're gonna ALL make it out alive, return and all of that...
-These troopers... We all agree they're some zombies or whatever, right?? Like, they can't be real people, where did they come from?
-Also, a very random thought but looks like Thrawn's ship is fixed? Does it not have the ability to get into hyperspace anymore or something? Like, what stopped him from leaving this place? (Might have been mentioned somewhere but I was too on edge so I must have skipped it.)
-Another thing that had me thinking. Skoll and Hati's exchanges this episodes were interesting. She looks a bit confused of what's going on but they spoke of the Order, she said "like me" while speaking how Ezra was trained to be a jedi out of it and all of that, yet he said they're not jedi. Also, they weren't detected as ones by the Night sisters unlike Sabine. Yet, not once did they call themselves anything different. Skoll only says something about "something better" or sth, and people have pointed out their sabers aren't exactly red, more like orange. Not sure about the last part but the thing is, they definitely not refer to themselves as Sith either. So, what are they really? Their clothes, her braid, they're also not typical for Sith.
-Also, I've seen a lot of people being angry at how some things about Thrawn from his book aren't mentioned and acknowledged. But hey, we just saw him actually show up. He was mentioned on the show before but it was all about how he might be alive, finding him, etc. Nothing much about him outside of that. Also, I don't think most of these things are even relevant to what's happening now. Now, it's all about him leaving the planet and this galaxy, finally. The question is, what then?
-Speaking of mentions though, like many other Rebels fans, I also wonder if Zeb is gonna be mentioned at any point. I think, just like what I already said about Thrawn's backstory, he's not really relevant to what's happening in this story right now (thought I'd love it if he showed up again at some point, maybe in later productions, hopefully reunited with some of the Ghost crew and his boyfriend/husband) . It's just that, even though it's basically a continuation of Rebels, the show is still called 'Ahsoka' and it's not Rebels season 5, she's already put to the side by other stories enough, and it doesn't seem like his presence now would be of any importance except for some small cameo in the last episode. But I still hope he gets at least mentioned, like Kanan was. Maybe in a conversation between Sabine and Ezra about what happened after he got pulled to another galaxy or something. Like, it's weird if nobody acknowledges him at all after all they've been through. Like, they were literally a found family and spend so many years together. I mention my friends all the time even if I haven't seen them in a while. And I think that based on the Mandalorian cameo, he must have had kept in touch at least with Hera.
-Hera... I hope we get to see her again, or at least get her mentioned in the last episode, and more importantly, what happened after she returned. Because there must be some consequences for what she did. Maybe if everyone sees Thrawn's return, it won't be too bad for her because it's going to prove her self-assigned mission wasn't pointless but they can't just leave her at "she might lose her job or worse" and never say anything again. At the very least, we have to see her and Ezra reunited too!
-Another thing about last episode. People seem to be so angry because of Ezra's hair. But idk, I think his hair was fine. The beard caught me a bit off guard and also, the eyes, though I hoped they'd be blue. Gotta admit, tho, these contacts are sorta creepy. But his animated version also had *very* blue eyes. But the hair... To me it was just made blue-ish to show it's very dark. Not sure if it makes sense but like, there's this shade of black that's almost blue when it comes to hair colors (admittedly, it's usually due to dye rather than natural black hair but still). So, in this sense, maybe it should have been darker. But I don't necessarily think it's such a big deal. Also, the actor just nailed him. He looks so much like the animated version, the way he talks and stands and all of that, his appearance altogether. Literally how I'd imagine him if he was in live action (again, except for the beard but he's not a teenager anymore so that's not so strange). So, the hair is a small detail. Also, the live action version of Jacen for example has such an odd hair that it almost makes me believe in some hcs from fans that Sabine would dye his hair to make him look more like his mother. It's very obviously dyed and I must admit, at first I didn't even notice it's green.
-Now, having mentioned these transitions from animated to live action versions, I really think by far Ezra and Thrawn are the ones that fully nail it. Don't get me wrong, I really like how all of them are portrayed and I think they've done a pretty good job with the casting (maybe really overdid it with these blue contacts and made some of them look a bit creepy. Hera didn't have that bright eyes). But a lot of debates have been going around about how some don't feel exactly like the animated versions, especially Ahsoka, Hera and Sabine too. And hear me out. That's been 10 years. They've grown up. They've been through a lot. Ahsoka was pulled from a dimension right before dying after having just fought her former Master. Hera's been dealing with the aftermaths of all that happened, plus taking care of a child on her own. Sabine's family is probably dead, and her found family is scattered all over the galaxy(/ies). They're much more mature now. So it's not so strange that they're not going to be the same as they were before, when they were in their early twenties/thirties. But Ezra... Ezra probably spent the last 10 years communicating only with those small aliens he befriended. He's also been through a lot and all but he literally had no idea of what's happening back where he came from, had no touch with any people, humanoids, or anything, for 10 years. So, he really looks like the animated version and acts like it but it might be because he didn't have the chance to fully grow? Not trying to say he's still with a teenager mind or anything but there are certain cycles of growth people usually go through and this is usually influenced by interactions with others and experience. And he didn't have the chance to get much of this. He probably spent the better part of these 10 years doing pretty much the same things. So, he's logically not so changed when it comes to behaviour.
-Anyway, that's a pretty philosophical take so I'll just end this with: People seem to have very different opinions on ships and especially Sabine and who they ship her with. I personally don't mind either ship, nor I'm fully opposed to them. Yet I think my ultimate ship would be everybody x therapy.
And finally, I'll stop here. This is really messy but I just had to let it all out somewhere. Also, sorry if there are typos, it's pretty long and I'm still excited but also tired.
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