#Like yeah the anger and resentment is real but only in the moment
some-pers0n · 1 year
People point to Medic's voice lines in-game as a canon explanation for him "hating the other mercs" or whatever, but honestly I too would be screaming at them for their incompetence if I was forced to do his job.
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I saw this take the other day about how Loumand fans keep pushing the narrative of "The love was there but it wasn't enough" isn't true. At first, as somewhat of a Loumand fan (somewhat because I ship mostly because Louis' interest on whoever he likes at the time, so my shipping is fickle) I disagreed.
Louis obviously loved Armand while they dated. Armand literally gives Louis heart eyes and not only for show. They love each other in Dubai. They love each other in San Francisco. They love each other in Paris. It's all there.
But the take said that Loumand's love is not real but a toxic union of victim/abuser dynamic. They pointed out that Armand constantly has the power and after showing us that Armand was not going to save Louis it just makes the gaslight/mind-manipulation even worse.
Which yeah but I feel as though Armand's love wasn't enough in Paris. Armand in this narrative probably saw Louis as a fling and an end to a means of getting rid of Claudia. Even if the love was there and growing it wasn't enough in Paris.
After saving Louis, he finally, finally chooses Louis. Louis is heartbroken in this time over Claudia's brutal and cruel death and still angry. And he has to believe Armand had nothing to do with this because it would hurt more because it would mean Claudia was right. That he gave his heart to another. Chose another over her once again. Even in her death. (Doesn't sound like him)
Louis acknowledges that Armand had nothing to do with it but still holds him accountable (as he should) for not trying to do anything and thus the time in the hotel when they acknowledge that Armand will never be able to make up for his neutrality (no matter how much he pushes the narrative that he could not prevent) But he stands with Armand. He stood by his love for Armand when he warns him to not be there the night he lights shit on fire.
Armand at this time is bare if any sort of coven or companion. He knows how the truth might come to light (that he planned the whole thing) any moment. After the meet Lestat and Lestat says nothing Armand finds himself with Louis. Louis who survived all of this and still despite the grief and anger Louis had chosen him over being alone.
Their love is vine growing no longer on its own but on the metaphorical tomb of Claudia and her absence and how violent she had been removed from Louis' life. Armand had loved Louis but now he has Louis all to himself. Truly.
Buried is Lestat in his grave of disgust and resentment from Louis. He no longer whispers in the Louis' mind. Revealed to be alive but finally dead to Louis in the way that counts. Gone is Claudia who was a fiery thing and a threat to the coven he controlled. Gone is the coven who had shackled him to a job he grew tired of but still did.
He could do anything, he could leave, but he chooses Louis. Even though he knows the love won't be as easy as it was in Paris. He probably thinks Louis would heal from this. The re-learn each other over the years. More dates, I'm assuming. Lots of nights sharing themselves to the darkness and sadness they carry. Armand uses his mind powers here and there. Keep Louis from leaving. Keep Louis alive. The same thing, right?
Then Daniel happens.
And I'm probably thinking that Armand knows a lot of what happened during Loustat I'm guessing Louis doesn't say a lot of it to him. Armand knows from sifting through Louis' mind probably. At the time Louis is going through his lapse of control.
Fucking, killing etc. Armand joins sometimes but not all the time. Then morning comes. And Louis ain't there. And Louis can be killed by the sun. And Louis is probably passed out on the floor, stuffed with drugs he fed to that boy. And he's probably dead. Armand wouldn't know. He wouldn't know, he's not Louis' maker. So he goes to look for him and behold Louis is killing yet another boy. He separates Louis from this drug. It's morning. You could have died. It's morning. You wouldn't have known.
And then he reads their minds and Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat goddamn Lestat. And Claudia. Before. Before Armand. So they lash out at each other. His tongue slips. Claudia never loved you. I love you. I love you. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Don't you see? And Louis goes and he remembers Paris. Everything Armand had worked to erase all coming back because of this boy.
He is hurt. Louis almost died. Armand is angry. Leave me? Leave me?! No. Decades together, Lestat couldn't keep Louis. Armand can. He can prove them all wrong. Lestat. The coven. Claudia.
So he plans to kill the boy. Guilt trips Louis. Calls Lestat to prove that only Armand loves him. But Lestat...Lestat proves him wrong. Armand goes to kill the boy. He can withold this information. Get rid of the boy.
But Louis. Louis wants him to love. A testament to their union. A mockery of what Claudia meant to Loustat. A parallel. But Claudia has died with their relationship. The boy would live. Another proof of their love. A token. A reminder for all they have endured.
But he can't risk it. Louis will remember Paris. The hurt. Louis has left before after he got hurt with Lestat. So he erases it.
Start over. Fix it. Tell him that Daniel will prove fruitful in later times.
So they go on and it's bliss after a hard time. And look at them now. But Louis calls the boy back. He's old. He surveys the interview from afar but Louis is getting emotional. Louis reacts badly. Don't kill Daniel. A testament to our union.
So he takes reign. He wants Daniel gone. They have told their story. Louis uncovers their memories when he is gone. Armand panics. But it's okay. Louis has forgiven. He is on the path to heal. This is healing and on the other side Armand will be waiting. Just like always.
He revels in how romantic it is with Louis. Their past before the death of Claudia. That that love still holds a lot of weight to Louis. It's enough. It's enough.
Then it's over. That's it. There's nothing else.
Then Daniel happens.
And it's over. It's over.
It's over. Do not touch him. Do you understand? If you do I will kill you. Kill you. Kill you.
And Louis leaves. To Lestat. To Lestat.
A testament their union.
But Armand is fond of the boy. He was token of his and Louis' union. Proof that he was loved. Proof that he was chosen. Proof that he too had chosen Louis. Proof that Louis had loved him.
Claudia is dead.
Daniel is alive.
But it's over...he bites Daniel. Let Daniel be undead. Let Daniel haunt them. A testament of their union. A testament of their love. Let the love haunt them. Let it haunt Louis.
So yeah the love wasn't enough but it was there in beginning. It can be said in the beginning. But though the love was wrong and controlling it kept Louis stable. To an extent. Even though it harmed him. I think a better thing to describe it is that: the love was there but it wasn't good, it wasn't healing, it wasn't freedom. The love was a cage. But it was a beautiful cage. And as much as cages keep something inside it keeps a lot of things outside.
Loumand's love grew over time. Much longer than Loustat.
And I think it's one of the reasons Louis goes back to Dubai. He could anywhere else, he has the money. But he stays there. As much as the portrait of Paul and Claudia's dress is testament to all the people he loved Armand is part of the building.
Yeah. So I agree with the take but only so much.
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Family line is so fucking Red coated istg
Credit for this entre thing is from @199DegreesOfGay on ao3 I completely agree with your statement so I'm breaking down the song.
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This first line could honestly go two ways of course this line could obviously go for the Queen of Hearts but I like theorizing so I'll let you know when we get to a more speculatory party sound good? Okay, so yeah Bridget was obviously not a great mother in the original time line. She was likely extremely distant and cold, only ever fetching her when she needed to and even then it wouldn't be anything loving or caring, because "love ain't it" she'd probably treated Red with that mentality too. Never showing her any real affection or care unless it was out of anger or contempt. There's also one of her most iconic lines "I loose my temper you lose your head." The queen may be regal in this franchise but she's always been violent, and while we don't know if Red’s abuse was physical or emotiopnal (likely both honestly) I wouldn’t be surprised if she found other ways to blow off some steam
Okay now for the speculation we don't really get to see Red’s father, but I feel like people often tend to forget there was a King of Hearts at one point. Like I mentioned this before but I was watching a bunch of movies about Wonderland to understand Red better and in both iterations there was a King. Like I know there's a bunch of theories that Hook might be Red’s father but just for the sake of speculation. He was likely really weak from what I saw, and probably was a laughing stalk in the queen’s court if I'm being honest.
I'm not sure what his relationship with Red might have been like while he was around but he likely didn't stand up for her much in fear of the Queen of Hearts. He probably didn't say anything for the most part, but with silence comes resentment. I wouldn't be surprised if his anger slowly began to fester over the years after being looked down on for so long. And I also wouldn't be surprised if Bridget was once a witness to that anger and lost a temper of her own. In Alice in Wonderland 2010 the queen of hearts is implied to have chopped off the head of her king, and while the two queens are so vastly different in personality I honestly would not be surprised if that was one of their few similarities. But like I said this part is mostly all speculation.
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Ignoring the part about the kids this is basically Bridget’s story in a nut shell. She took so much without so much as sheding a tear. Uliana and her gang ruined her life in so many ways so many times. She lost everything to them with a smile on her face, and even after that she never let herself crumble. When she was a kid she refused to let anyone see past her smile, and when she became the Queen of Hearts she swore off showing any signs of weakness. But no matter what stage of her life she was in I'm convinced not even Ella truly saw her tears.
I say they're just the ones who gave me life But I truly am my parents' child
THIS PART!!! This is what in my opinion RoR was really about after everything. It's about Red trying so hard to prove she's nothing like her mother, while only ever being allowed to see herself through the lens her mother forced upon her. Red wants so badly to believe that she could be good, that she is somehow worth saving but in her mind if she can't even see it herself how could anyone else?
She's in the constant limbo of trying to be her own person while also having given up on believing that she could ever be more than the queen of hearts daughter. You can see it in the way she belittles herself so casually in the movie. When she tells Maddox that she’s a lost cause, or how she doesn't argue when Chloe says she's just like her mother. It's her worst fear and only destiny, like she's just waiting for the moment she cracks just like her mother had. It's why she needed to believe that becoming the queen of hearts wasn't the only future for Bridget and herself.
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Bro just this as a whole I feel like encapsulates Red’s relationship to the Queen before her and Chloe rewrote history. Like I touched on this in my night falls fanfic but I mean Bridget like canonically threatens Red throughout the movie. I feel like I remember it happening twice but don't quote me on that. I mean she never said anything specific but I doubt that when your mother say "get it right or I'll show you punishment" she'll let you off with a slap on the wrist, and I can't help but wonder how many times Red had forced herself to say whatever her mother wanted to hear to get out of said punishments. Or even worse, what she's forced herself to do to pacify her on angrier days.
Honestly aside from occasional snark we don't even see Red openly oppose her mother in the movie except for when she stages the coup or when she says "I don't want to be anything like you" but even then she was really cautious with her words and her timing when she said that. Hell her entire song about being a rebel, and not following her mother's command was sung in a mask and hood as she hid in the shadows, because yes while she really loves to rebel and she really does believe that what her mother is doing is wrong she truly is afraid of her mother.
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To put it simply she'll always be the daughter of the queen of hearts, no matter how much of the time line gets destroyed she still watched that blood spill, and I can't imagine how much that hunts her most nights. (or could I? This is giving me ideas for angst but moving on)
It's hard to put it into words How the holidays will always hurt I watch the fathers with their little girls And wonder what I did to deserve this
I imagine that after the timeline is changed Red and Bridget start spending the holidays with the Charmings and I cand only imagine how much it probably hurt the first year because she could have had this. Watching Chloe and her family be so loving and sweet, seeing them care. Red never had that, she never got to wear cheesy matching sweaters, or watch corny movies with her parents, she never got to ignore her mom when she warned her the hot cocoa might be to hot to drink, or stay up late waiting for Santa to come. Except apparently she had because the life she remembered wasn't hers at all anymore and she hated it. Why didn't she get this timeline from the beginning? Why didn't she get this mom? Why didn't she get this life? Didn't she deserve it too?
How could you hurt a little kid? I can't forget, I can't forgive you 'Cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me
Everything, every trauma she went though was real, the scars may have vanished from her skin but never from her heart. I can't imagine her ever seeing Bridget the way she is now completely as her mother, or at the very least not for a long time.
This woman even if it wasn't her technically, she hurt Red. And even now I feel she wouldn't be able to trust that she doesn't still has the compacity do so. She'll never truly be able to trust Bridget not in the way most daughter would at least. And I don't think those sixteen years will ever truly just go away. She's still slowly unlearning everything the Queen of Hearts taught her about love with Chloe's help and most likely keeps up walls around Bridget. She honestly probably terrifies her
Oh, all that I did to try to undo it All of my pain and all your excuses I was a kid but I wasn't clueless (Someone who loves you wouldn't do this)
When Red first meets Bridget I honestly can imagine her feeling betrayed. "Everything I do is for you" that's what the Red Queen said before she staged a coup and destroyed the one chance Red had at getting what she wanted more than anything. Her freedom. And she'd say that all the time too, "I just want the best for you" "this is for your own good" "you'll thank me when you're older" we're leaning into speculation territory a bit here but just bare with me. I couldn't help but notice this trend whenever I was watching Qoh scenes she truly believes that everything she does is to protect Red, to prepare her for how the world will beat her down by beating her down first. Or better yet teaching her to take over before it could even get the chance to.
In her mind it all about survival but with Bridget as her mom Red realizes just how much she was missing. She realized it was okay to care for someone you love. That it didn't make her weak and that her old mom never needed to be so cruel All of my past, I tried to erase it But now I see, would I even change it? Might share a face and share a last name, but (We are not the same)
Okay long one but pretty self explanatory right? More than anything Red wanted her mom to love her for who she is. Not as "the future queen of hearts" but as "Red" her daughter the one she was supposed to love unconditionally, the one who she was supposed to care for, and support without question. She used to dream of a mother like Bridget since she was a kid, but now that she has one she's realized that nothing's changed.
She's still terrified that she'll never be good enough for anyone.(especially Chloe) The coppery smell of blood still hunts the castle with it's stench. She still flinches any fear when her mother tries to give her a hug. Her mother might be different but her memories stayed the same. It was as if nothing changed at all. Even so, one good thing did come out of it. Because If they could change Bridget's fate, maybe there's a chance she could escape her own
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stevie-petey · 8 months
could we perchance get a lil blurb about why/how reader and dustin started their code blues, or maybe just one of their code blues before all the upside down stuff started ? love seeing their sibling relationship always and i think seeing them talking and sharing emotions with each other would be really sweet <3
dustin n reader <333 babies <333
enjoy !
"just because dad left it doesnt mean you can be a bitch."
dustins words cut through you like knives.
"okay, first off, never use that word towards a girl ever again." he rolls his eyes at you and you flick his nose, which he scoffs at. "secondly, i have no idea what youre talking about."
dustin again rolls his eyes. "yeah, you do. youve been a real b- i mean, a real jerk lately."
you want to argue with him, but the words dont seem to come. all you seem to do lately is argue with everyone. and now, confronted with your little brother calling you bitch, you find that youre exhausted.
"i have, havent i?" you finally admit.
dustin nods. "yeah."
you forget sometimes how smart the kid can be. hes only nine and yet here he is, calling you out for actions you shouldve noticed yourself. hes too young to be worrying about this.
"im sorry,"
"its okay. i get it. he sucks, doesnt he?"
"he does, but im still sorry for being such a bitch."
"i thought we couldnt use that word."
you ruffle dustins hair. "nope, youre not allowed to. i am, though."
he sighs, as if expecting that response, and starts to walk out your room. the conversation doesnt feel finished yet, however, and you call after him. "wait!'
"i gotta pee."
"okay, and i told you to wait."
he groans but sits back down on your bed. "do you wanna... talk?"
"i know, but... im serious, buddy. we havent really talked since dad left and i realize i kinda suck as a big sister right now." you feel guilt crawling up your throat, one of the few emotions youve felt these last few days. your dad left a few weeks ago, but sometimes it feels like its been a lifetime.
"you dont suck," dustin reassures you. "youre just... scary right now."
you snort. "yeah, like thats any better."
its quiet now, and dustin sits stiffly against your bed. he seems scared being so close to you, as if you could erupt any second, and you feel horrible for it. youre not sure what you can do, though. theres still so much anger within you, resentment and betrayal, and you dont know how to express so much without hurting those around you.
then, an idea comes to you.
"what about this. we'll call it a code blue."
dustin looks up at you, curious. "whats a code blue?"
"well, my dear brother, its something we'll do when we cant express how we feel or when we think the other sibling needs to have a talk. whenever one of us calls a code blue, the other has to answer honestly and listen as best as they can. once its over, we never bring it up again and we conclude with a hug. hows that sound?"
he thinks for a moment. "honest about anything?"
"alright. i think that could work. seems less emotional."
you laugh. "i figured youd like that part."
"so... code blue?" dustin asks hesitantly.
"code blue."
you tell dustin everything, explaining why youve been so destructive and bitter and mean. he listens as best as any nine year old can, and as you tell him everything, the weight that had been pressing against your chest these last few weeks begins to lessen. slowly, during the code blue, it becomes easier to breathe.
when youre finally done, right as the last words leave your lips, dustin throws his arms around you. "i love you."
you bring a hand to his hair and kiss the top of his head. "i love you, too. dont let me get all mean again, yeah?"
"i wont."
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epicsteddieficrecs · 1 year
Epic Steddie Fic Rec | May 8th-May28th 2023
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So just like I got infected by the Steddie brainrot last fall, I've now fallen deep into the gay firefighters show and the last 10 pages of my ao3 is full of Buddie fics 😆 so most of these fics were read in the first two weeks of this rec...
one of the good things by loveinhawkins/ @loveinhawkins (Nobody Dies AU | < 1K | General): Eddie is staring at him. He sets the guitar aside, leaning forward and peering at Steve like he’s doing something particularly fascinating. “You’re angry.” Steve shakes his head reflexively, feels a prickle of defensiveness. He keeps his voice as even as he can when he says, “No, I’m not.” “Oh, you are,” Eddie says softly. Something must show on Steve’s face because he amends, “Like, not… Don’t worry. Not a loud anger.”
proof we’re here by loveinhawkins/ @loveinhawkins (<1K | General): “I used to wonder about this place,” Robin tells Eddie as they lounge on the couch, looking up at Steve’s pristine ceiling, not a cobweb in sight. “Huh?” Robin smirks knowingly. “Come on, you must have wondered, too.” She puts on a hushed voice of mock reverence. “The King of Hawkins High roaming these hallowed halls… if walls could speak…”
you're so fine, you blow my mind by griesly (PWP, Crossdressing | 4K | Explicit): Eddie walks in on a very private moment, with unexpected (and thoroughly enjoyable) consequences.
buzzer-beater history by loveinhawkins/ @loveinhawkins (S4 Missing Scene | 1,7K | General): When Lucas Sinclair starts to apologise for missing The Cult of Vecna, Eddie initially thinks that he’s hearing things. “Jesus, Sinclair. I’ve got an ongoing list of folks who owe me an apology since, like, sixth grade, and trust me, your name’s not on there. Can pretty confidently say it never will, okay?” Eddie sees Steve tilt his head ever so slightly from where he’s walking just ahead of them, like he’s listening in. Spots his faint nod of approval. Eddie can’t decide if he resents it or finds it endearing—kind of gets the ridiculous feeling that Steve’s vetting him on behalf of the kids.
halving the compass by griesly (No Upside Down AU, Fake Relationship | 8K | Explicit): Forced to attend his father's elitist black tie gala, Steve Harrington asks along the one person sure to throw a wrench in the works - Eddie Munson. It's only for show, of course. It's not a real date. ...or is it?
Say Xanathar by pinkcash (PWP | 8K | Explicit): Eddie comes to sell Steve weed and leaves with a lot more information about him than he had originally. Like, for instance, he’s not nearly as straight as he thinks he is
Steve the Reluctant by rachtay13/ @rachtay13 (Post-S4 | 46K | Explicit): Robin raised her brows.  “You know what, Harrington?” She nodded her head. “Yeah, you know what? I dare you to make a friend. I dare you.”
Dream Boy by indelicate/ @steddielations (Post-S4 | 8K | Teen): Or, Steve goes to see Eddie’s band play and finally finds what he’s been looking for.
Melt Me On Your Tongue by indelicate/ @steddielations (PWP, BDSM | 6K | Explicit): “This okay?” “Yeah it’s— shit, it’s more than okay, Steve.” “… you’re crying, Eds.” Eddie can’t hold back a choked off noise then, somewhere between an overwhelmed laugh and a sob. “No one’s ever done this to me before.” He doesn’t know if he means no one’s ever given him a bath, or braided his hair, or just any of the things Steve does for him, really. Eddie's never had a Steve before.
I Wish I Knew You Wanted Me by indelicate/ @steddielations (Getting Together | 1,9K | Teen): Or, Steve finds out why Eddie likes wearing his clothes so much.
three whistles in the dark by loveinhawkins/ @loveinhawkins (S4 | < 1K | General): “Why are you whistling?” Eddie asks after he’s heard Steve do it for the fourth time. “Huh?” Eddie imitates him; it’s not like Steve is just casually following a tune in his head—it sounds deliberate. Encouraging whistles, one right after the other, in groups of three. Like a… like a call to something.
i’m down on my knees (i wanna take you there) by twelvexclara (Pre-S4 | 4K | Explicit): Steve really needs to pass his English class. So who better than to visit the resident genius/freak, Eddie Munson?
The Intuition of Claudia Henderson by loveinhawkins/ @loveinhawkins (Post-S4, Claudia POV | 1,8K | General): Claudia opens the door quietly. It’s not Max who’s in the bed. And there, lying so peacefully against Eddie Munson’s shoulder, is Dustin. He’s fast asleep. Eddie’s got an arm around him, and he’s slowly running his fingers through Dustin’s hair the way she used to when he was little, to help him drift off. He looks up from his book at the sound of her entering the room, and his face goes as white as the bedsheets.
🖤 i've been having a horrible time pulling myself together by deadratz (Post-S4 Fix-it | Friends With Benefits | 74K | Explicit): The last thing Eddie thinks as he draws his final breath is that Henderson is gonna need a shit ton of therapy. But then, Eddie wakes up, gasping for air, and miraculously, he's being rescued. Now he has to figure out how to live.
🖤 better by you, better than me by palmviolet/ @palmviolet (Canon Divergent, Season 1-2 | 32/? | 167K | Mature | Warning: Violence): November 1983. Between unpaid bills, the supposedly straight jock he’s seeing, and letters from his convict dad, seventeen year old Eddie Munson’s got enough to worry about. But when Will Byers goes missing, it sparks a chain of events that will show there are more depths to Hawkins — and to certain people in it, like infamous Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington — than he realizes. / or, the excessively long slow-burn in which Eddie is involved in the Upside Down from the very beginning.
Bandaids for the Heart by LexiRoseWrites/ @lexirosewrites (Modern AU, A/B/O, Nurse Steve | 1/16 | 5K | Explicit): Steve has been a pediatric nurse for long enough to know that Eddie and his daughter shouldn’t be seeing him in the emergency room this often. Ellie Munson can only shove so many marbles up her nose and eat so many crayons before he starts to think the five year old might have an ulterior motive.
🖤 Trouble Looks Good On You by indelicate/ @steddielations (Post S4 | 3/5 | 35K | Explicit): It happens like a fever dream. The first time Steve gives Eddie a swift smack on the ass, it’s obviously just an old jock habit that’s stuck with him. It wasn’t meant to have Eddie’s knees going weak, or turn his blood hot under his skin, or give him a brand in the shape of Steve Harrington’s hand, or— Nope, because Eddie’s not even into that. But then, it happens again. Or, Steve keeps accidentally awakening Eddie’s new kinks.
Until We Fall by indelicate/ @steddielations (Fake Relationship | 3/6 | 19K | Teen): “Hate to break it to you, Buckley, but you can’t set Steve up on a date ‘cause he’s already got plans… with me.” Or, it starts with a drunken night and a plan that Steve can’t remember making, but Eddie sure does.
🖤 Reboot by plutosrose/ @plutosrose (Modern AU, Actor Steve & Eddie | 8/10 | 30K | Explicit): In 2012, Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson film a scene in the teen drama Normal Stuff that launches a popular ship on ao3. By early 2013, they aren’t speaking anymore. In 2024, Robin calls Steve with an offer to reprise his role as Andy Hartley in a reboot of their old show, with one important update–his character gets together with Eddie’s.
🖤 Steve Harrington’s Radical Fun Time Babysitting Service by Humanities_Handbag / @humanityinahandbag, Invader_Sam (No Upside Down AU, 90’s | 26/? | 100K | Mature): Alternatively: Steve accidentally starts a babysitting service, falls in love, panics [in bisexual], and gets himself a boyfriend. (Part 1 of 90’s Music Store AU)
the weight of us by loveinhawkins/ @loveinhawkins (Dustin-centric, Post-S4 | 2/3 | 8K | Teen): It’s only once everything is okay that Dustin starts thinking there’s something deeply wrong with him.
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
If the Spirit!Solas theory happens to be true—and I’m confident it is—then it really gives you a new level of respect for how much restraint this guy has.
I’m talking specifically about his interactions with Dorian. The part where Dorian is trying to convince Solas that enslaving spirits is cool and neat and not wrong because ‘spirits aren’t people.’
Imagine having the strength of character to listen to someone tell you to your face that you are not a person and therefore undeserving of the most basic civil rights without immediately decking them in the face.
Solas puts up with tool much, man.
Oh yeah, definitely! 😂 (As much as I feel for Dorian just trying to find some common ground...) I guess that one line in Tevinter Nights does a great job of putting Solas' attitude on this matter in a nutshell.
[…] roared not in anger, but with quiet contempt. "From this moment, should you ever bind a spirit, then your life is mine."
Keep in mind, Solas has witnessed spirits suffering from the consequences of creating the Veil for at least a thousand years at this point, if only from the Fade. When he's saying "It hurts. It always does." to the Inquisitor after returning to Skyhold and Wisdom's death, he's referring to the countless times he had to watch his friends being drawn to the waking world, either forced, or to see them “wish to join the living”, only to be twisted, bound, corrupted, killed, you name it.
"How small the pain of one man seems when weighed against the endless depths of memory, of feeling, of existence. That ocean carries everyone. And those of us who learn to see its currents move through life with their fewer ripples."
Much like a lot of his banter with Sera taunting him about his grief for the past, at this point, Solas is so old and has witnessed so much history, so much pain, that Dorian's remarks couldn't possibly evoke any real anger from him. It's so insignificant compared to what he has seen. There's a reason why Weekes keeps emphasizing how friggin tired Solas truly is. This is after all the general perception of spirits in present Thedas, aside from a few cultures like the Avvar. He can't blame Dorian for Tevinter raising him to think of spirits as nothing more than "amorphous constructs", just like he can't blame the Dalish for the knowledge lost to time. Similarly to any other argument he has with the other companions, Solas' frustration/resentment is almost never aimed at them personally, but rather at the current state of the world that shaped their perspective. (As is also evident in how his banter always ends up with them eventually coming to terms and grow a mutual/respectful relationship. The only exception being a low approval Inquisitor and Iron Bull if he chose the Qun over the Chargers… In that case, the hostility was definitely personal. 😂)
(That being said, I'm SO hoping for any kind of serious emotional outbreak from Solas in DA4, since there's still like a thousand year old trauma that needs to be addressed. lol)
But yeah, I think, going by his actions in Tevinter Nights, Tevinter is definitely not ready for what's probably coming for them in DA4, now that Solas is actually able to change things. 👀 And isn't it interesting how he will now be facing the Imperium, which was essentially built on the ruins of the empire he brought down/the same slavery based system he once rebelled against, so history kinda repeats itself? lol
I think it's also very telling how Solas will immediately counter Dorian's comments on the treatment of spirits in Tevinter by directly comparing it to slavery.
Dorian: "There's no harm putting them to constructive use, and most mages back home treat them well." Solas: "And any that show any magical talent are freed, are they not?" Dorian: "What? Spirits don't have magical talent." Solas: "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about your slaves."
But the beautiful irony in this, as I've talked about in this post, is how this draws a direct parallel to how Solas, in return, doesn't recognize the people of the waking world as real either, at least not until after the Inquisitor considers Wisdom a living being worth saving. This and his admission to the Inquisitor after he returns to Skyhold is imo the turning point in his character development. Imo, this is what leads him to say "Not at first. You showed me that I was wrong." in his high approval ending in Trespasser.
And this is also why I think that the theory of Solas intending to save the spirits first and foremost would make for such an interesting story actually.
The waking world doesn't view spirits as real people. Just like Solas can't accept the people of the waking world as real. So, what will happen if he tears down the Veil, and the Fade and the waking world become one again? The Inquisitor was potentially willing to save Wisdom despite it having already turned into a Pride demon. And in doing so, the Inquisitor unintentionally put up a mirror in front of Solas' face and basically went "If I can see them as real people worth saving, why can't you?".
And if the spirit origin theory is true, then it could make for a fascinating inner conflict. Solas, living in both the waking world and the Fade, having been a spirit and a corporeal person, is now facing the question of who "his people" actually are. Where does he belong? After all, his biggest fear remains to "die alone".
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While this was said in more of a joking manner, Weekes' words from 2016 really put it into perspective here. Solas sees himself in that old fisherman he saw in the Fade. He is "the one who lived". So, I picture it like this… Solas is left alone in the Fade after the creation of the Veil. Spirits are now his only company for the next thousand years. Whether or not those spirits were the remaining souls of the elves he tried to save, we don't know, but regardless, I truly believe they are his people. But he is not a spirit. At least, not anymore.
Cole: "You don't need to envy me, Solas. You can find happiness in your own way." Solas: "I apologize for disturbing you, Cole. I am not a spirit and sometimes it hard to remember such simple truths." Cole: "They are not gone so long as you remember them." Solas: "I know." Cole: "But you could let them go." Solas: "I know that as well." Cole: "You didn't do it to be right. You did it to save them." Inquisitor: "Solas, what is Cole talking about?" Solas: "A mistake. One of many by a much younger elf who was certain he knew everything."
In this banter, Cole reveals to us that Solas' mind immediately goes from "It's hard for me to accept I'm not a spirit" to "the people that were lost when Solas created the Veil". To me, this pretty much confirms that the people of Elvhenan and spirits are connected, if not one and the same. It's assumed that the Evanuris mined the Titans to somehow create bodies for spirits to inhabit, and that Mythal gave Solas a body against his will. There's also the theory about the creation of the Veil having caused the separation of body and spirit.
You know, I've written so much about this in previous posts and I don't want to sound like a broken record, but if we consider all those little clues and look at all of his dialogue in that context, it just makes so much sense to me, that what he wants to do is primarily to save the spirits/destroy the barrier for them to enter the waking world without their purpose getting corrupted. There's also still the matter of the Blights and red lyrium otherwise probably consuming the entire world. 😅 I think that's what he's referring to when saying "What I am doing will save this world" in Tevinter Nights.
And remember, "Dread Wolf" is still literally an anagram for "World" and "Fade". 😂 Both worlds colliding is quite literally in his title. lol Whatever the six eyed high dragon sized Dread Wolf actually is, as far as we know, he only seems to exist within the Fade, but how exactly is he connected to Solas and what will happen to him if he tears down the Veil (which btw is also definitely gonna happen… I mean, besides the fact that the Veil is getting weaker regardless of Solas' actions)? ANYWAY.
Sorry for rambling so much (and I feel like my English is a little rusty, too 😖), but I haven't talked about this stuff in a while and the lack of news is killing me. 😂 But your message gave me something to think about again, so thank you! :)
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tgmsunmontue · 7 months
Life is too short to waste time matching socks... (1/5) WIP I
Hangster and Bob/Javy/Nat - set post mission with the Dagger Squad having been made a permanent squad.
                Bradley opens his locker and startles a little as something falls onto his head from where it was obviously balanced just on the door of his locker. Two pairs of socks, still in the cardboard sleeve, one with peach emojis and the other with eggplants. His first reaction is to roll his eyes, because it’s a little juvenile, butt and dick emoji socks. He knows none of the Dagger Squadron have a problem with him being gay. It would be a little hypocritical for some of them, considering at least half of them identify somewhere in the rainbow community, and they’ve had drunken rambling talks about it, about always having to strive to prove themselves and maybe that’s why they’ve all succeeded to become as good as they are.
                “Uh… are these a joke?”
                No-one says anything and he shrugs, puts the socks into his bag for home.
…            …            …
                “You’re not subtle. Well, actually, maybe you are, because he’s not figured it out yet.”
                “Maybe he’s figured it out and is just not interested in me like that so is just… pretending to not know so he doesn’t hurt my feelings.”
                Javy and Nat both snort.
                “Okay, for a start, when has he ever tried to spare your feelings?”
                “We’re friends now. Sort of.”
                “Yeah. Sort of. Because he wants to dick you down.”
                “Classy Trace, real classy.”
                “I’m sorry, since when have you ever cared about class? You’ve got a hardon for a guy that wears Hawaiian shirts by choice.”
…            …            …
                “Someone gave you socks and you think they’re… playing a prank? Normally the socks are covered in itching powder, or shoes with shaving foam, buckets of water above the door, laces tied together…”
                “It’s what’s on the socks. Here. Look.”
                Mav stares at them. Looks up to Bradley.
                “Farm produce?”
                Bradley winces, he really doesn’t want to have to explain the double meaning of the emojis to a man nearing sixty.
                “God your face. I’m old, I’m not dead. I know what those mean.”
                “So, do you think someone’s making fun of me?”
                “For what?”
                “Uh. Being gay? Having a, um, actually, never mind…”
                “You a bit of a shower huh?”
                “Jesus Mav…” Bradley mutters as Mav just laughs.
                “Clearly nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe someone’s paying you a compliment. Or they have a weird way of flirting? I don’t know what you kids do these days.”
                “I think we’re too old to be classified as the kids of today, considering some of my friends have kids who they’re already struggling to understand.”
                “Everyone’s a kid to me.”
                “Yeah well, you are ancient.”
                “Hey! You’re meant to respect your elders!”
                It’s Bradley’s turn to laugh and it’s good, their relationship slowly healing. Of course, Penny sitting them both down and acting as mediator; forcing Mav to tell him that it had been his mom’s wish… He no longer has moments of fleeting anger and resentment, realizing that life is too short to hold this grudge when he’d worked around it anyway, that it hadn’t actually seriously impacted his career progression, that it had simply been the lying and lack of support which had felt like the deepest of betrayals.
                When he gets back to his accommodation he picks up the socks holds them in his hands, they’re good quality, brand new and unused and while it was clearly three pairs he’s only been given the two and he wonders if the other person has kept a pair for themselves. He’s desperate to know, a building mystery. He knows it has to be a fellow aviator, because they were delivered to his locker. So definitely an aviator. Or someone close enough to ask one of them to do it for them.
                He can figure this out.
…            …            …
                “Is this getting even more painful or is it just me?”
                “If I didn’t know better I’d think they were secretly together and winding us up, but Jake can’t act to save himself, so… he’s actually gone on him.”
                “They have a very weird way of showing each other that they like each other…”
                “Well… Rooster grew up with Mav as his role model. Were we expecting him to be normal?”
                “You raise a valid point.”
                “And Jake… well. His parents are so much older than him, his older brother pretty much raised him and he isn’t exactly the most, uh, demonstrative of guys?”
                “Is that a diplomatic way of saying he’s a bag of dicks?”
                “Don’t you like dicks?”
                “I like dicks when they’re attached to guys I like, I would make a hard pass on a bag of lose dicks just jiggling around like that…”
                Javy and Bob exchange slightly horrified looks.
                “Hey, what are you guys talking about?”
                “Bags of detached dicks…” Bob says, pushing his glasses up his nose and somehow maintaining a completely straight face.
                “I’m... I’m sorry I asked. I’ll leave you to it,” Rueben says, doing a sharp one-eighty and heading back out the way he came in.
                The three of them burst into laughter and it’s a nice break from their moan and groan session discussing the problem of Hangman and Rooster and their combined obliviousness. How they’re both so intelligent but so equally clueless makes the three of them despair.
                “Okay. I’m going to invite them both to dinner and then stand them up, so they have to have dinner together.”
                “Yeah, they could just get up and leave…”
                “No, they won’t, I’ll make sure of it,” Natasha states and the other two decide not to argue any further.
                “I’m going to suggest we do an escape room, and then need to take an emergency call… one of you are going to need to be my emergency call,” Bob says, looking between them, flushing a little as Javy simply looks at him and smiles.
                “I’m going for tried and true. I’m going to lock them in a room and then text them both and then let them sort it out.”
                “Looking them in a cupboard, real mature.”
                “As mature as them. The solution needs to match the problem. He gave him socks with butt and dick emojis.”
                “Yeah okay, you raise a fair point…”
                “Anyway, if the dinner and escape room ideas don’t work then I think we'll all be ready to lock them up. Or bang their heads together.”
…            …            …
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antianakin · 8 months
Another thing I don’t like about Jedi: Survivor was how that conversation between Cal and Bode regarding Cal’s feelings for Merrin echoed the anti-Jedi crowd’s misconceptions regarding attachment.
Yeah there were a few moments in Survivor that landed a little Jedi critical specifically because of Cal and Merrin's relationship becoming more explicit in the narrative. It's not necessarily worse than Fallen Order's sequence with Malicos, but it's not better, either.
Both of the games seem to fall into the same category as Rebels did where it's like 95% positive about the Jedi and Cal's relationships to other Jedi and his identity as a Jedi is MONUMENTALLY important to the character and the story and Order 66 is clearly still supposed to be a TRAGEDY, but it leans SLIGHTLY into the idea that they might've brought it on themselves and that there are things the surviving Jedi can do now that they wouldn't have been able to before. It leans into the concept that the surviving Jedi can be BETTER than the ones who came before them specifically by not following some of the teachings and practices of before.
HOWEVER, that being said, it also often has a lot of these comments coming from unreliable sources (like Malicos and Bode) where you can write it off a little by deciding that these people are just bitter assholes who've given in to darkness anyway, of COURSE they don't like the Jedi and will say whatever they want to make themselves look better. Anakin claimed the Jedi were evil and trying to take over so that his genocide of them could seem justified, but it didn't make it TRUE.
There's a moment I think where Cal himself says something to Merrin along the lines of being able to explore things now that he wouldn't have been able to explore before, but it is SURROUNDED by a narrative that has a lot of wonderful messages about attachment and has Cal acting like a real Jedi would. Bode's entire storyline is about how he let the loss of his wife consume him and he loses all hope and sides with the Empire against his own people because he believed it was the only way to protect his daughter and that mattered more to him than anything else. He's willing to let people like Cere and Cordova and everyone else on the Hidden Path (specifically in the Jedha Base) be killed because he wanted Tanalorr to be a place where ONLY he and his daughter could hide from the Empire and he believed that opening it up to other refugees would make it less safe. Bode's own daughter realizes how far Bode has fallen and showcases the exact opposite of attachment when she lets Cal and Merrin come in and then doesn't hold it against Cal when Bode is killed.
And Cal nearly lets his own grief consume him into darkness, but he ultimately is able to fight back against it and refuses to kill Bode out of anger in part because of the love he has and has been shown by Merrin and Greez. Cal's entire arc in this game is about learning to let go of people, both to death and just to different paths in life. They start the whole storyline with Cal sort-of feeling slightly resentful that the rest of the Mantis crew went off to do their own things and he's had to continue their missions alone or with a new crew and he has more than once conversation with them about why they felt they had to walk away and Cal has to figure out how to accept that.
So, yes, there's some moments in this game where his romance with Merrin leads to some dialogue that seems to indicate the Jedi wouldn't have approved of romantic relationships of any kind, which is a little annoying and I wish it weren't in there, but it's SUCH a small moment in a game that has so many really genuinely good things to say about attachment and what it does to you and why it's important to let people go, so I'm more than willing to pretend these small pieces of dialogue just... aren't there.
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oceangirl24 · 4 months
Saudade: "I Never Sang for My Father"
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"Nothing good ever happens to Shawn Hunter" was so ingrained in him he often felt that someone had written his life story in such a way as to doom him to a never-ending cycle of misery.
The reality was somewhere in his life when he was very young, someone had put this idea into his head. The memory was vague, but he remembered a teacher had spoken these words over him. It was perhaps not those exact words and was more like "nothing good has happened to Shawn Hunter" or "nothing good will happen to Shawn Hunter" that was actually said. Whatever the original phrase was, it stuck in his head as "nothing good ever happens to Shawn Hunter".
And it was so apart of his core that he was undeserving of good things happening to him that he lived it out for over 30 years. In those moments when something good did happen to him, he was unable to accept it and, in most cases, actively rejected it.
Just like he'd rejected Jon for so long.
The ultimate good.
Shawn sighed and let his chin drop to his chest. When he looked up again, Chet Hunter stood in front of him, looking very much alive.
He froze in shock.
He hadn't seen Chet since he'd been home.
His biological father leaned lazily against the couch. His plaid shirt unbuttoned down to the fourth button so that his white beer-stained t-shirt showed. These shirts were tucked into faded blue jeans.
Chet stared at him with glassy eyes.
"So now you know what happened to Teach," he said in a gruff, almost accusatory tone.
Shawn narrowed his eyes at the apparition. "Yeah, I do."
The corner of Chet's mouth twitched. "You happy now?"
"Gettin' there."
Chet stared at him impassively. "Tell me, Shawnie, is Mr. Perfect, Joe Cool, everything you imagined him to be?"
Shawn didn't know how to respond.
When Chet showed up post-death, he was always humble and contrite with a wisdom and grace he did not have in life.
The snippy, critical bite to his words now threw him off.
When he didn't answer, Chet threw up his hands. "You wish he'd been your dad instead of me don'tcha?" He swore at Shawn. "I did the best I could for you, Shawnie! I had my own problems. You weren't the only one who never had nothing good happen to him. You think life was easy for me? It wasn't! I did all I could do. Couldn't do nothing else."
This is what Chet was like when he was alive, making every situation about him and never taking responsibility for anything he did. Shawn's eyes narrowed as the old familiar feelings of anger, resentment, hurt, and fear rose up in him.
"Yes, you could've," he snapped back.
Chet's glared at him. "How?"
"You could've come back and talked to me, told me the truth- that you were happier without a wife and kid. Happier with the alcohol than with me. Then you could've left me with someone who cared about me!"
Chet swore again and turned away. When he looked back, his eyes were red-rimmed and angry. "You adored him! He could give you things I couldn't. I could never compete with Teach. But you were my kid! I deserved the adoration you gave him."
Shawn paused and reminded himself that this was not the real Chet. However, that fact made this encounter even more confusing as he was no longer in control of it.
Chet was going off script.
Way off script.
And it pulled his thoughts past Katherine and losing Audrey to losing Jon. Those feelings that had been dredged up from the depths of him exploded through the surface.
"Then why did you agree to let them adopt me and then come back and say no?! Why did you let me go to New York to get Mom and then lie to me about Dad and that nurse?!"
His words hit Chet and instantly drained all color from him. He withered into a sick old man. "You callin' him Dad now? You gave him my name?" His voice was weak and trembling. "That's why, Shawnie. Without the stories I had nothin'. You loved him more. Stories were all I had to keep you with me."
Read the Rest:
AO3 FFN WattPad
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ladymorghul · 2 months
Idk if you’re on other social medias but the response to the helaemond scene on GA spaces like IG, FB, YT are all very different from how the green stans here are perceiving it. Locals are all bringing up that he recognizes she’s there before she speaks, she’s comfortable enough to confront him in the first place, and he doesn’t display any anger or upset towards her about it. And then you come on here or twitter and a post about how Aemond is likely going to kill her will have 2k likes 😭
you are right. some express their rage at the events of rook's rest and aemond through their opinions of what might happen. and it's also a bit of unwillingness to keep an open mind. did i hate the way they did rook's rest? yeah. like i said before, i had hoped aemond would only arrive a little late, but i've talked to people who could simply not to see any of aemond's real, tangible resentment growing over the years. and to a degree i didn't blame them for a while because it sucks when you want to see a story and it's not the one you get, but their unwillingness to see aemond's buildup @ aegon in season 1 as well made them more shocked and more enraged than they could have been had they realized the writers are not telling the story they (and sometimes i) want to see. and mind you i had my moments when people brought up this theory to me shortly after s1 that i fought internally against, but the show had already disappointed me enough to keep an open mind about plot lines i disliked.
that being said the idea that aemond is gonna kill helaena now is quite ridiculous. i don't see any of that at this moment, especially because helaena has no intention of playing any game so whatever she knows will not likely make it to anybody's ears. the confrontation isn't about some righteous anger helaena has, she seems both intrigued and apprehensive, and to a degree she acts like his own consciousness in that moment, but she's not there to berate him and then run off and tell everyone what he's done. that's not, imo, what they're trying to show.
more than that aegon likely knows what happened to a degree and we already see a second confrontation in episode 6, unless it is a hallucination, which i've heard is not.
but to end this long tirade you're right. the divide is big bc now a lot of the greens hate aemond (and they hated helaemond before) so they're projecting that rage into their opinions.
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ontherocks21 · 3 months
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Someday I'll Write It: (Sneak Peek of Interlude's Ch 8)
Full chapter now posted to AO3 and FFN. Links below.
“You seem a little on edge.”
Anakin’s lip curls before he can banish the tell.  He supposes he could lie.  Try to play off his rising irritation as boredom.  But if Obi-Wan already caught onto his dejection, it would be smarter to leverage that awareness to his advantage. 
“Just feeling a bit disconnected is all,” Anakin says.  As the last vestiges of Padmé’s far-off beacon fade to black, he rolls his right shoulder uncomfortably.  It’s not a total lie - his prosthetic still feels foreign and strange - but to claim his arm is the disconnect bothering him isn’t the truth either.
Nodding slowly, Obi-Wan shifts his weight, a bit uncomfortable himself.  An introspective look passes over the bearded face, and Anakin doesn’t flinch when a familiar withdrawal turns the master and apprentice bond momentarily into a yawning chasm.  He’s used to it by now.  After a decade of learning to harden against the resentment, Anakin barely tastes its sourness anymore.  Even if he could, he’s still too distracted trying to chase a far sweeter flavor.
A minute passes or maybe two before Obi-Wan returns to their brief conversation. “That’s understandable,” he says.  “A prosthetic arm…”
Anakin bites back a snarl of anger but can’t stop the dark whispers drowning out his master’s platitudes. Since when was Obi-Wan an expert in prosthetic limbs?  How can he possibly think he can understand what Anakin was going through?  His master’s arm wasn’t lying in some Geonosian hangar.  His master’s mother wasn’t lying beneath Tatooine’s sands.  His master’s soulmate wasn’t pretending she could just walk away from her other half!
The tumult of emotion barrels out of Anakin like blown compressor.  Mercifully, Obi-Wan doesn’t seem to notice, or if he does, he opts to ignore it for the sake of continuing his instruction.
“… can’t force it,” Obi-Wan is saying.  “I’m sure the more opportunities you have to use it, the more natural it will feel.”
Right.  Natural.
Anakin almost rolls his eyes when the sensation of silk sliding under his fingertips rips him out of the chilly cockpit and drops him onto a shaded terrace where recycled stale air gives way to an intoxicatingly fragrant summer breeze. The feeling rises again, intimately foreign and yet sinfully familiar.
Skin, he realizes.  Her skin.
And smooth. 
And real.
Except it can’t be real.  Padmé’s flesh beneath his fingers is just a memory, one his alloy hand never had the luxury of knowing.  Nonetheless, sun-kissed warmth radiates up his right arm’s sensors as clearly as if his hand was stealing another forbidden touch.  Like then, the moment is fleeting, the phantom feeling fading into the periphery.
“You alright?” 
Like being dunked in the deep end of the training pool, Obi-Wan’s question cuts through the fog of Anakin’s enchantment.  He blinks rapidly, flexing the metal digits and eyeing them suspiciously.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah, I just felt… good for a second.”
“Don’t keep pushing it.  You’ll only exhaust yourself.”
“Right.” Anakin frowns, still wondering at the bereft twinges in his fingertips.
A sonorous chime disrupts the awkward silence settling between the cockpit’s only two occupants.  Obi-Wan leans forward, a bit too eager to consult the nav computer.  “Looks like we are on final approach.”
Anakin had already presumed as much.
As if it had been awaiting his master’s permission, the hyperdrive disengages with a soft whine.  In the forward viewports, swirling space shrinks until all that remains is a pale blue speck of a planet floating in a sea of stars.
They had arrived at Ilum.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Localization Changes: Takumi #ProtectThePineapple
Paging @theeeveetamer / @teaveetamer 
I love Takumi! Easily Top 5 favorite Fates characters, probably number 2 after Xander if we’re being honest. The complex machinations of his self esteem issues, imposter syndrome, desire to be loved by his family, among many other aspects, is what makes him very endearing and loveable to me.
His antagonizing actions and harsh words made him divisive, especially when Fates first released, but to me that only made him that much stronger of a character. Raw anger and bitter resentment paints a wonderfully contrasting color to his heartfelt and even downright cute moments.
However, I feel like there are instances in Fates’ localization that kind of cheapen Takumi a bit. Moments where he lashes out are made into quippy one liners and can make him seem bratty and immature first instead of genuinely upset. His xenophobia gets amped up to a point where, while present in the JP script, it now became a trait that’s associated with him the most due to localization changes. Most of all, there’s even some instances where his agency and character growth within the story are, I feel, completely erased or blurred to the point of being unrecognizeable.
I wanted to detail stuff about Takumi that was changed, so this is what I could find. I get these things from this JP supports Pastebin , a Fates translated playthrough (all routes are on the channel linked) and Pegasusknight.com (the latter of which I do my best to interpret from translation tools, which is very subject to me being wrong lol). Keep in mind I also took a few liberties in writing down the lines from the JP version. I trust that the translators got the message across well enough, but the English major in me couldn’t help but clean up some things here and there to help the translations come across less stiff.
The rest will be under the cut! Any instance of me referring to Corrin, I’ll be using he/him, and I’ll be using the JP version of the character names when applicable and appropriate. Also, if you want, give a watch to the Fates Drama CDs! The first two volumes deal with Takumi’s thoughts, feelings, and character in regards to Corrin’s return to Hoshido during chapters 4, 5, and 6! While I won’t be citing them here, they give extra insight to his character and are very cool!
JP Version
Hinoka: What!? The river dried up...!? Did they use the power of the Dragon Vein...?
Takumi: ...It looks that way. The enemy is drawing near...
Takumi: Pull yourself together, Kamui. The enemy... The Nohrian royal family-they’re strong. If we don’t stick together, we’ll... ...No. Right now, we have to work together. You let me know if you have any ideas.
Hinoka: Good, you’ve defeated the enemy! Kamui, Takumi, great work! This is the power of the bond between siblings.
Sakura: A-amazing, Big Brother...
Takumi: It went well thanks to someone’s well-planned instructions. If we join our powers together, we may actually win this war...
Hinoka: Well then, let’s hurry back to Ryoma!
Hinoka: The Nohrian army used a Dragon Vein to dry up the river! But I thought only royals held that power...
Takumi: Yeah, which means there must be some real big shots over there. Suit me just fine. I've always wanted to use a Nohrian royal for target practice!
Takumi: Hang in there, Corrin. The Nohrian royals are not pushovers... We'll have to work together to beat them. As the eldest, I guess you're in charge. Tell me what to do and I'll do it.
Hinoka: Corrin, Takumi, good work fighting off that ambush.
Sakura: You were amazing, Corrin.
Takumi: That went well. Probably because SOMEONE gave you good advice. ...And you're welcome, by the way.
Hinoka: No time to talk! Let's see how Ryoma's doing.
I’m glad that memes surrounding how characters sound in Marvel movies and Disney channel shows exist, because now I have something to describe how Treehouse makes Fates’ cast sound: right out of a sitcom. The whole “he’s right behind me, isn’t he”, tryhard ironic vibe is everywhere in the localized script, and it can suck the tension out of certain scenes. Takumi’s “I’ve always wanted to use a Nohrian royal for target practice” line is an example of this. I think it’s funny, tbh, but it evokes a different feel of his character, especially since this is the first thing the player sees of him. What I find more egregious though, is that Treehouse replaced his more sincere words of worry and doubt with cockiness across the board. While this can be charming in its own right, again, it changes the first impression. It gives you the idea that he’s genuinely overconfident, rather than finding out later that he’s compensating hard. 
I didn’t include some context, but in the ‘well SOMEONE gave you good instructions’ line, the JP version of the archer tutorial just has him tell you how he fights rather than it being him telling you exactly what to do. Small changes, but it causes a ripple effect that extends to the line being changed, because what was intended in the original was him complimenting Hinoka (or maybe Corrin?) on her planning and how working as a team of siblings will get them through the war, but Treehouse changed it to him saying that it was him that saved the day.
Chapter 5, in the plaza.
JP version
Kamui: It’s just like you and Sakura said, the Hoshidans are all good people. Everyone seems to enjoy themselves here.
Aqua: I’m glad you like it. I love it here, too.
Takumi: Aqua. And Kamui…I mean, Brother. Mother wants me to start calling you that, now.
Kamui: ...
Takumi: Don’t get carried away, though. I don’t trust either of you.
Aqua: Takumi…
Takumi: Don’t speak my name so casually. You’re a Princess of Nohr, the kingdom that killed Father. There’s no way I can trust you. Kamui, you’re the same. You’ve been a Nohrian Prince for so long, after all...
Kamui: No…You’re contradicting yourself, Takumi.
Takumi: What?
Kamui: Aqua has been in Hoshido for as long as I’ve been in Nohr. By that logic she should already be one of your comrades, right?
Takumi: ...Hmph. Either way, I don’t trust you two. I just wanted to let you both know that.
Sakura: Big Brother, if it suits your taste... These dango are very good. Here!
Corrin: Everyone really is friendly here. And it’s so…bright…and open. It’s quite a contrast from the fortress I grew up in.
Azura: I’m glad you like it. Like I said, I’ve always been happy here.
Takumi: Just don’t get too comfortable…BROTHER.
Corrin: Pardon me?
Takumi: I don’t trust you. Shouldn’t you be heading back to Nohr soon?
Azura: Takumi…
Takumi: Hey, who said you could call me by name? You haven’t earned that privilege either.
Corrin: That doesn’t even make sense.
Takumi: Excuse me?
Corrin: Azura has been in Hoshido for as long as I’ve been gone. Shouldn’t that be enough to consider her part of the family?
Takumi: I don’t care. I don’t trust either of you. I just wanted to tell you that to your face.
Sakura: I apologize for Takumi’s rudeness. He’s a bit of a hothead. Anyway, how’d you like to try a sweet rice dumpling? It’s a Hoshidan specialty!
He’s giving his feelings towards the situation of Azura and Corrin both being Nohrian, but the way it’s written between versions conveys differences. Now from what I know of the logistics of the Japanese language, lots of context can be missed or hidden. The JP version can probably be seen as him being just as rude as he is in the Treehouse script, but from what’s here he does come off more... immature? Plus some context as to why he doesn’t trust Azura or Corrin gets cut, and Sakura calling him a hothead gets added in.
I considered putting the after battle conversation from Chapter 5, too, but there’s not enough significant difference between the JP and Treehouse’s version of Takumi’s lashing out to really warrant it. Though one difference is that when Corrin gets the Yato, Treehouse has him just say “Impossible.” whereas the JP version has him say nothing. The drama CDs do go more in depth into what he’s thinking, and given how Takumi’s written later in the game, it makes sense why he would stay silent rather than continue talking shit. But again, I don’t wanna cite the CDs too much, cuz I don’t know how much they can be considered canon even though I think the same writers (sans Kibayashi I’m guessing) wrote them. 
Chapter 6 Birthright (After the Nohrian siblings react to Corrin’s choice)
JP version
Takumi: I will do it... For my fallen kinsmen, and for Mother’s sake as well...
Takumi: Stupid Nohrian jerks! I'll kill all of you!
Once again, a more thoughtful reaction was changed into a more juvenile anger. Not completely surprising coming from Takumi, but makes him a bit more one dimensional, imo.
Chapter 10 Birthright (Takumi shows up possessed)
JP Version
Hinoka: Ugh!? Why did you do that, Takumi!?
Kamui: Takumi, stop! You could’ve shot Hinoka...!
Takumi: Kill...
Kamui: Huh...?
Takumi: Me... everyone should only... appreciate me...
Hinoka: It’s as if he’s a completely different person...!
Sakura: B-brother... What’s happened to you!?
Takumi: I’m strong... I... have a divine weapon... But even then... all everyone talks about is my siblings... all everyone talks about is Kamui...
Kamui: What are you saying!? Takumi, please come back to us!
Takumi: There’s no need for people who don’t look at me... there’s no need for people who stand in my way... why don’t you all just... DISAPPEAR!!
Kamui: Takumi!?
Hinoka: Gah! What's wrong with you? That arrow almost hit me!
Corrin: Takumi, what are you doing?!
Takumi: Kill...
Corrin: Um...
Takumi: I should have been the chosen one...
Hinoka: This is creepy...
Sakura: *sob* Takumi... What h-happened to you?
Takumi: I am ignored...alone...forgotten. But I am more powerful than they can imagine!
Corrin: What are you saying? Snap out of it, Takumi!
Takumi: Ughhhh... I will not stand in the shadows any longer... They will all see me for the first time! I will make them pay for what they've done. I will make them...I will make them... DIE!
Corrin: Takumi?!
The JP version of this exchange centers around Takumi’s own inheritance of a divine weapon as well as his inferiority complex in regards to not only Corrin, but his other siblings as well. This is important, because it was never only Corrin coming back that caused Takumi to feel left out and ignored, but also Ryoma’s natural talents making Takumi feel inferior and Hinoka’s unintentional aloofness towards her siblings as a result of purely focusing on her training (these are things that are touched on in his supports with both of them btw). Sakura is exempt from this sentiment though.
Chapter 10 (Azura cures Takumi’s possession)
JP version
Takumi: ......
Aqua: Takumi... your eyes, and that gaze... Maybe, just maybe... If my hunch is correct, my song can do something about this. I can only hope it’ll be enough...
Takumi: No one...no one... looks at me... No one at all...
Aqua: Wait, Takumi.
Takumi: You are...
Aqua: Listen. You're being controlled by an unseen force. How awful... This isn’t you. Which is why... Please listen to my song...  (Sings Lost in Thoughts)
Takumi: Ugh...! Gaaaaaaaah!!
Aqua: ......
Takumi: Ungh... ! Aqua...?
Aqua: Thank goodness. You’ve come back to us.
Takumi: Come back...? What do you mean? W-where are we...?
Aqua: I’m sorry, but we don’t have time to discuss that right now. The people of Fuuma have ambushed us. Can we count on your assistance?
Takumi: Oh... okay. I understand.
Aqua: ...Hey, Takumi. 
Takumi: What is it?
Aqua: I can always count on you. You are very strong and intelligent. You have a charm that your other siblings don’t have. That’s what I think.
Takumi: H-huh!? What does-
Aqua: Hmhm, well let’s be off. Standing idle won’t do us any good.
Takumi: Hey, wait up! ...Hey, Aqua! ...... (smiling portrait) ...Well it can’t be helped. All right, time to show them what Prince Takumi can do!
Takumi: Unnnhhh...
Azura: Look at the color of his eyes... Could it be? There's only one way to find out. I'll have to sing to him...
Takumi: No one...notices me. No one...cares. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die.
Azura: Takumi...listen to me.
Takumi: You... You are...
Azura: It doesn't matter. I'm someone who can help. You're being controlled by a dark force. This is not who you are! You don't have to give in. You can survive this! Listen carefully... (Sings Lost in Thoughts)
Takumi: Ugh... Gyaaaaah!
Azura: Takumi, can you hear me now?
Takumi: Ohhhh... Azura? Is that you?
Azura: Yes, it's me! Oh, thank goodness.
Takumi: Uh...where am I?
Azura: Unfortunately, we're right in the middle of a battle. I don't really have time to explain. Are you in any condition to defend yourself?
Takumi: I...I think so. I feel OK.
Azura: Very well. Just remember.. You're strong and intelligent. There's a certain something about you. I believe in you, Takumi.
Takumi: Um, OK...
Azura: That's the Takumi I remember. Now, come on! You'll need to focus to make it through this battle.
Takumi: Wait! Azura! Ugh, I'm still a bit woozy. So many questions... (angry/cocky portrait) I guess I'll just have to stay alive to get them answered.
I touched on this in my general Birthright script changes post, but I thought I’d bring up the overall tone shift here. Takumi’s genuine happiness in the JP version was replaced with an awkward reaction and a cocky response in the Treehouse version, hence why I also noted the portrait change. Not out of character per se, but I think Takumi having his first real establishing moment of joy being replaced does a disservice to both his character and the player getting to see it.
Chapter 10 (after battle)
JP version
Sakura: Takumi!!! You... you’re back to normal...!
Hinoka: (voice clip of her crying) Moron...! We were... so worried about you...!
Takumi: H-hey, quit crying. Aren’t you both too old to be doing that?
Sakura: I don't care about that! You’ve come back to us, so I’m fine with crying!!!
Hinoka: Me too! I love you too much to care about things like that now!
Takumi: Sakura, Hinoka... Thank you. I’m sorry that I worried you this much.
Kamui: I’m curious to know what’s been going on. What happened at the border battle, Takumi?
Takumi: That battle... it was a struggle. We fought by Izumo’s border at first... But before long the battle extended all the way to the Infinite Chasm. During the march there, I got separated from Ryoma.
Kamui: I see, so you don’t know where he is either...
Takumi: During the battle, the enemy’s attack triggered a massive rockslide. I got caught up in it... and fell into the Infinite Chasm.
Kamui: The Infinite Chasm!?
Hinoka: But... you’re alive. How did you manage to come back?
Takumi: That I still don’t know... Everything after that is a blur... I can’t remember anything before I woke up here.
Hinoka: I see... Well, at any rate, I’m relieved that you’re back alive. It’s a miracle you were able to survive that bottomless pit.
Takumi: Hey... what have I been doing all this time?
Aqua: It's best not to worry about it, Takumi. Some horrible magic took hold of you and brought you here against your will. That’s all it is.
Takumi: No... that can’t be it. Hinoka’s arm has been grazed by an arrow. It looks like it was cause by the Fujin Yumi... I attacked her, didn’t I?
Hinoka: Well, that’s... 
Takumi: Tell me... what did I do in front of all of you?
Kamui: ...... ...Takumi. When you met us here, you immediately started attacking us. Until your sanity came back, you were fighting Hoshidan troops.
Takumi: !! That’s...! Attacking my own countrymen... Unforgiveable. I don’t think I’m qualified to be a part of Hoshido’s army after doing that...
Kamui: No, being qualified doesn’t matter. I was in a similar situation, being raised as a prince of the enemy country... but even so, you all accepted me without hesitation.
Takumi: No... I wasn’t like that... 
Kamui: Er, well, be that as it may... What matters now is you’re here with us. If you feel you’ve made a mistake, you can make up for it from now on. I’d really like to fight alongside you, Takumi. Do you feel likewise?
Takumi: ...... I will, if you can forgive me for the harsh words from earlier.
Kamui: Of course. Those are things of the past. 
Takumi: ...Thank you, brother. And thank you too... Sister.
Aqua: ...No, it’s quite all right. ......
Kamui: ...Aqua, are you okay? You look kind of pale...
Aqua: ...I’m fine, just a little tired. Don’t worry, I’ll get better soon. 
Kamui: Um, okay...
Sakura: Brother! I'm so glad you're back to normal. We were all so w-worried about you.
Hinoka: (voice clip of her saying “I won’t allow it!”) Yeah. Don't ever do that again, OK?
Takumi: Whoa, guys! Stop crying. You're making me all embarrassed.
Sakura: I don't care. We didn't know if we'd ever see you again. And then when you showed up all weird like that...
Hinoka: Yeah. We didn't know if you'd ever be the same Takumi we know and love again.
Takumi: Well, it's definitely me guys. Thank you for your concern. And I'm sorry I made you all worried.
Corrin: It's good to have you back, Takumi. But as much as I would like to savor this moment. Ryoma is still missing. Can you tell us anything about what happened to you two?
Takumi: Yeah. It was insane. We ran into Nohrian troops just outside Izumo and began fighting. Ryoma and I were separated in the early stages of combat, before we had to retreat. We were outnumbered...and pushed to the brink of the Bottomless Canyon.
Corrin: So we still have no idea where he is...
Takumi: No, I'm afraid not. Something triggered a massive landslide, and I was caught up in it. That's how I fell into the canyon.
Corrin: You actually fell into the Bottomless Canyon? How are you still alive?
Hinoka: I've never heard of anyone returning from there before.
Takumi: I...I have no idea. All I remember is falling. There was a period of darkness, and then I woke up here.
Hinoka: Well, I'm just glad to have you back. It's a miracle you survived a fall like that!
Takumi: So, um, can anyone tell me how I ended up here? Or what, exactly, I was doing before I woke up just no?
Azura: It's best you don't worry about it for now. Just get some rest.
Takumi: No, I need to know. My Fujin Yumi was in my hand when I came to. And some of you have wounds in your backs...
Hinoka: Well...
Takumi: Tell me! What did I do?
Corrin: Takumi...you must have been under some sort of spell. You stumbled out of the woods and started attacking our party. Please, try not to worry about it. We know it wasn't really you.
Takumi: Oh, what have I done? A prince attacking his own men? How can I show my face in Hoshido again?
Corrin: Please! Someone... or something...was controlling you. We know you were not in your right mind.
Takumi: That's small comfort right now, I'm afraid.
Corrin: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but all that matters now is that we're all here. Will you join us in the search for Ryoma? Perhaps something along the way will jog your memory. Can we count on you?
Takumi: Yes. If you can forgive me for all the hurtful things I’ve said and done.
Corrin: Of course. We must move forward—not dwell on the past.
Takumi: Thank you, Corrin. I also need to thank you...Sister.
Azura: Oh! You called me— I mean...you're quite welcome, Takumi. Ahem... *cough* *cough*
Corrin: Is everything OK, Azura? You don't look well.
Azura: I'm fine. I think I'm just a bit tired. Please, don't worry about me. I'll be better in no time.
Corrin: If you say so.
Hinoka was made kind of... less concerned over Takumi in the localization. Or at the very least, less worried like how an older sibling would be, where her crying is replaced with more of a reprimand. 
In the JP version, Takumi specifically mentioned attacking Hinoka and her having an arrow wound to signify it, the localization changed it to a general “some of you have wounds in your backs.” 
The instance of Corrin comparing his own situation to what just happened with Takumi was cut and replaced by talking about the possession (even thought it’s been talked about already), meaning a nice moment of character bonding and calling back to previous scenes was cut. 
And lastly, there’s another instance of Treehouse Corrin in Birthright acting like an douchebag that I actually missed in my general Birthright post. In the JP version, when Takumi says he wasn’t as accepting of Corrin at first, Corrin tries to just shift the conversation to something Takumi can be more positive about. Treehouse replaced it with Corrin basically saying “well, I’m sorry that you feel that way, but can you help us now” which is such an asshole thing to say to someone who’s just now realizing he hurt his sister and has lost his memory up until this point.
Chapter 11 (before battle)
JP Version
Kamui: ...Phew. We made it to a ship just before it set sail. I never thought there’d be Nohrian soldiers at the port. We haven’t been attacked since Fuuma (Mokushu), so my guard was down.
Sakura: Yes. But somehow we managed it. Big Brother... you should probably rest a little bit, at least.
Aqua: I don’t understand... how did those soldiers track us down in the first place? No one should know that our party is crossing into Nohr.
Takumi: Don’t tell me... there’s a spy in our mix, isn’t there?
Aqua: Spy?
Takumi: Yeah. Haven’t you considered it? There could be a spy among us working for the Nohrians, reporting our movements. That mage... he’s especially suspicious.
Zola: H-huuuuh!? I am!?
Hinoka: ...Well, you are suspicious. Very much so.
Takumi: Big Brother Kamui said... before joining you guys, he tried trapping all of you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried something again.
Zola: W-what!?
Hinoka: ...Right, then. As promised, I’ll strike to kill.
Zola: Eeeek!
Kamui: ...No. Please stop, everyone. It’s not good to doubt your comrades.
Hinoka: Kamui...
Kamui: All right? There’s no proof that he’s a spy. Once we decide to believe someone, let’s keep believing them.
Takumi: Brother... Even so, I can’t trust this man.
Kamui: Yes... Well, it’s not something I can explain right now, Takumi. I’m sorry. Let’s talk about it later. For now, I’d like for you to trust in him a bit.
Takumi: ...... ...Very well. If you’re insisting that much, I’ll make an effort to believe him, too. 
Zola: Lord Takumi...!
Takumi: What is it now? I never said I’d trust you right away. I’ll start considering it after hearing what my brother has to say. And stop saying my name so casually.
Zola: Gah! No, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
Corrin: Well, this should be interesting. I've never sailed before. And we made it just in time to catch the last boat leaving the harbor. How lucky!
Sakura: I know. It's been such a long march—I'm really looking forward to r-resting a bit.
Azura: I wouldn't get too comfortable. Remember, we are on our way to Nohr. Some of the passengers on this ship could be our enemies.
Takumi: Yes, and there could be a spy among us.
Azura: What are you talking about, Takumi?
Takumi: You know exactly what I'm talking about. That whiny little mage from Nohr! Whose idea was it to let him tag along?
Zola: Gah! I'm no threat, guys! I promise! Haven't I been helpful so far?
Hinoka: Don't worry, Takumi. I've been keeping a very close eye on him.
Takumi: I don't know. Didn't he set everyone up back in Izumo? I wouldn't be surprised if he were plotting something.
Zola: But...but...
Hinoka: OK, I'll get my knife ready...
Zola: Eeeek!
Corrin: Calm down, everyone. I trust Zola, and I believe you should as well. He stood with us through one battle without stabbing anyone in the back. Besides, how could he even really information to Nohr? It's a preposterous notion.
Takumi: Sorry. I can't just take your word for it. I don't trust him.
Corrin: That's fine. A little healthy skepticism won't hurt. Just try to be civil, OK?
Takumi: I'll do my best.
Zola: Lord Takumi...
Takumi: What's wrong with you? Did I say that you could speak my name?
Zola: Gah! No, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
Never caught this before. In the JP version the party apparently got ambushed by Nohrian troops at the port, and that’s why the topic of there being spies is brought up, since Azura wonders how the soldiers even knew of the party’s whereabouts. Treehouse cut out this information.
Takumi in general is more abrasive, which is consistent to how Treehouse has been so far. I’d also like to note that Corrin’s insistence on believing in people is diluted a bit in Treehouse’s version, where he says civil skepticism is fine instead of trying to get Takumi to trust in people more. While this can make Corrin seem more palatable and smart, this doesn’t line up with his established character. He’s supposed to have a backbone when it comes to trusting in people and peaceful, diplomatic solutions. It’s why he almost got killed by Xander for not wanting to kill prisoners of war. If Corrin actually believed in “healthy skepticism” he wouldn’t let Zola in the party, especially after almost hurting Sakura. 
Also, Takumi’s supposed to be softening up to Corrin as a brother at this point and be more willing to listen to him, and Treehouse’s version of the exchange-while not bad in the logisitic sense-does a poor job in showing a family bond growing between them. A family bond which, if you recall, was mentioned in the JP version all the way back in the prologue. So... points for being consistent in cutting out themes, I guess.
Chapter 11 (after battle)
JP Version
Kamui: All right, we took care of them.
Takumi: No problem. Even invisible, there’s no way they could beat us.
Kamui: Haha, you’re very reliable, Takumi.
Takumi: (Smiling portrait) Well, yeah. I have to make up for my mistakes. A certain someone told me as much, anyway.
Kamui: (Smiling portrait) Takumi...
Corrin: That's the last of them.
Takumi: Ha! Those stupid things didn't know who they were messing with.
Corrin: Well, I'm glad to see that you're feeling like yourself again. Takumi.
Takumi: Me too. (Frowning portrait) After all, I have a long way to go to redeem myself...
Corrin: (Neutral portrait) Takumi, that's simply not true.
Corrin in the JP version: Takumi and I are starting to get along and he’s happy, that makes me happy too :)
Corrin according to Treehouse: Takumi, you’re really fuckin up the vibe :/
Jokes aside, it really does baffle me what Treehouse’s obession is with a) making Corrin kind of a dick and b) not letting Takumi smile/be happy more often, like wtf. I know that Corrin saying Takumi doesn’t have to redeem himself could be taken positively, but since a specific tone has already been set by Treehouse, it unfortunately comes off as patronizing instead.
Chapter 11 (after Zola protects Takumi)
JP version
Kamui: Are you okay, Zola? Thank you for helping Takumi earlier.
Zola: No need for thanks... That was something I wanted to do. When I saw Lord Takumi in danger, my body moved on its own.
Kamui: Even so... thank you.
Takumi: Hey... Zola.
Zola: ! L-lord Takumi! Ah, forgive me. I said your name again...
Takumi: No, it’s fine. You can call me whatever you like. I’m sorry for doubting you earlier, Zola.
Zola: What...?
Takumi: Yeah. You just saved my life at the risk of your own. If you hadn’t done that, that guy could’ve killed me. So I’m sorry I didn’t have faith in you.
Zola: That’s...! Please raise your head, Lord Takumi! There’s no need to thank me for this. I merely did what Lord Kamui did for me back in Izumo, when Lord Leo was about to execute me.
Takumi: What!? Kamui, you did something that reckless?
Kamui: Ah... haha... well, something like that... 
Zola: Yes. Since then, I’ve changed. Thanks to Lord Kamui.
Takumi: ...I see. Well, with a story like that, I have no choice but to believe it. I’ll be counting on you as a friend from now on, Zola.
Zola: Likewise... thank you very much.
Kamui: (Smiling portrait) ......
Corrin: That was extremely courageous, Zola. Are you all right?
Zola: It was nothing. I'm just glad that Lady Sakura was able to heal me.
Corrin: I beg to differ. It was not nothing. It was a remarkably selfless act.
Takumi: Zola...I have something to say to you.
Zola: Yes, Lord Tak—I mean yes, milord?
Takumi: Please. You've more than earned the right to speak my name. I'm sorry for doubting you.
Zola: Really? You mean that?
Takumi: Yes. Talk is cheap, and I still think I was smart not to trust you at first. But you may have just saved my life. It was a heroic act.
Zola: Thank you, Lord Takumi! I'm just following Lord Corrin's lead. If it weren't for him, I may have died at the hands of Lord Leo in Izumo. Now maybe you'll have the chance to perform a similar gesture.
Takumi: Wait, Corrin jumped in front of an attack meant for you? Right after you tried to kill him?
Corrin: Ha! No, Takumi. It wasn't exactly like that. I merely asked Leo to spare Zola's life. He was helpless and defeated.
Zola: Yes. And that kindness was enough to sway Lord Leo. He merely exiled me instead of taking my life.
Takumi: I see. Well, I just hope we can put all of this behind us.
Zola: Of course, milord!
Corrin: (Neutral portrait) Yes. It's time to focus on what's next. Who knows what's waiting for us in Nohr...
Takumi in the JP version is more willing to admit a mistake without a kind of “but I was still right” line, Treehouse adds one in anyway.
Also Treehouse made Corrin into a buzzkill, in other news, the sky is blue.
In further chapters, it’s mostly the same routine. Takumi is more abrasive and certain tender family moments involving him are diluted. I mentioned back in my general Birthright post that Takumi in his sickness, bed ridden delirium in chapter 16 talks in bigger detail about the “truth behind this war” and while this doesn’t have much to do with Takumi in particular, I thought I’d bring it up again.
Chapter 24 (pre battle, Takumi talks to Iago about possession)
JP version
Takumi: How dare you manipulate and mock me? What you said earlier about my feeling inferior is true... but I've learned something in this fight. There’s things only I can do! That's why... I would never betray my beloved siblings or my precious friends! As a proud prince of Hoshido!
Takumi: I just woke up for good. That's what happened. You were able to exploit some of my deepest fears and flaws, but that's over. My brothers and sisters need me, and I won't let them down. I'm a proud prince of Hoshido, and from now on I will live up to the title!
Both are fine, but the JP version is a bit more self actualizing, whereas the Treehouse version is more dependent on Takumi feeling like his siblings need him.
Chapter 24 (Takumi vs. Iago boss conversation)
JP version
Takumi: I’ll never forgive you...How dare you...how dare you take advantage of me. Macbeth...
Macbeth: You just regained your senses, and already such cheek...! You should’ve stayed as a good little pawn right until the end.
Takumi: When I was freed from your control, I remembered everything... How I’d send an owl with information of my whereabouts every night. How I’d lose all memory of it every morning. How I suspected my allies without knowing I was the traitor all along... What an absolute disgrace...
Macbeth: Then repent for your sins and quickly die. Isn’t that better than living a life of shame?
Takmui: Shut up! I'll live to pay for this crime! First, I’ll start making up for what I’ve done by defeating you here, Macbeth!
Takumi: Yes! I was hoping I'd get a chance to kill you myself. This is for everything you've put me through!
Iago: *yawn* You know I chose you because you were the weakest, right? You should never have come out of that spell—now you're going to suffer!
Takumi: Wrong! Now that my head is clear, my aim is truer than ever. I'm going to turn your face into my own personal bull's-eye.
Also touched on this in the Birthright post. The fact that Treehouse cut out the entire explanation for how exactly Takumi relayed information to Iago is freaking weird. Like... why?
Overall, though that’s about it for major changes to Takumi in Birthright’s story. Now for Conquest.
Chapter 10 (pre battle conversation) 
JP version
Hinata: Lord Takumi, it seems the Nohrian army is stationed at the port.
Takumi:  …An ambush, is it? Well, I expected no less of them. We won’t run away with our tails between our legs. It’s what they want.
Hinata: Lord Takumi! It seems the Nohrians aren't going to back down.
Takumi: So they plan to fight us, do they? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Nohrians aren't like normal, decent people. They live for the thrill of battle. All the better. I shall delight in putting those cowards in their place.
While I’ve said before that Conquest’s localization changes aren’t as egregious as Birthright’s (at least when not concerning Xander), I do find it funny that Takumi is consistent for the most part, aside from taking little jabs like he does in Treehouse’s version. Here’s another example: 
Chapter 10 (Corrin vs. Takumi)
JP version
Takumi: ! Kamui...
Kamui: Takumi... 
Takumi: Never expected to see you here, Prince Traitor. For the person who left Hoshido in such a wreck, you’re sure doing well for yourself.
Kamui: I’m sorry... I’m afraid I have nothing to say to that.
Takumi: Hm... guess you’re still man enough to feel guilt, after all. Then you can start regretting your mistake as I kill you right here!
Takumi: Any last words, Corrin?
Corrin: Takumi... In your heart you must know this is the last thing I ever wanted.
Takumi: Ah, how quaint. More pretty words from the Prince of Betrayal. How can you stand to live after the horrors you caused in Hoshido? My suspicions must be accurate. Nohrians don't have souls.
Corrin: Words could never express my sorrow for what took place...
Takumi: Oh? Are you still human enough to feel remorse? Fascinating. It's a fitting last emotion. I hope you feel its sting as I strike you down!
Takumi being a little shit towards his enemies is always hilarious, that’s one thing that Treehouse did that I think is fun. Another one I like is in chapter 13, where when Camilla calls Scarlet a traitor, Takumi responds with “Nohrian logic never ceases to amuse me.” And again in chapter 23 where, while not funny but more dramatic, he tells Corrin he “...shall cherish the sound of life leaving your body for all eternity.” Lines like these weren’t in the JP version, but since they are harmless additions and not replacing anything, they’re all fine. It only becomes an issue to me when said moments start replacing genuine tender scenes or cutting out details, like in Birthright.
Endgame (Corrin talks to Takumi in purgatory)
JP version
Takumi: Thank you. It would have been if we had fought alongside each other. Kamui. The truth is... I always wanted us to get along as siblings. I wanted to call you ‘brother.’ I wish I could have said that when I was still me... but I'm so stubborn that I just couldn't be honest with you. ...... I'm sorry.
Kamui: I’m sorry, too... Your resentment is my doing. ...I have always wanted you to call me ‘brother’, as well. Once the war was over, we could have been close as siblings should be. And yet...I am so sorry that things turned out this way.
Takumi: No, it’s all right. You accepted my resentment and came all this way. That's enough. Thank you, brother...
Takumi: Thank you, Corrin. I wonder…what it would have been like to fight on the same side as you. I always wished we could have been close, as you are with your Nohrian siblings. Right up until my last moments, I wanted so badly to call you my brother. To look up to you and love you…and never allow anything to come between us. I wish I had told you that before I died. While there was still a chance… I was just so stubborn, so hurt. I couldn’t admit those feelings even to myself. For that, I am truly sorry. I’m so sorry for letting you slip away, dear brother.
Corrin: Takumi…I’m sorry too. I caused you so much pain. The truth is, I longed to have you accept me as your brother too. I never let go of the dream that after the war we could all be together again… I’m so sorry things turned out the way they did.
Takumi: It’s all right, Corrin. We finally got to say all the things we needed to say. You have done more than enough. My heart… It’s finally at peace. Thank you, Brother…
I mentioned in my Conquest post that, while the Treehouse version is perfectly fine, it could potentially be read as putting more of the onus of Takumi and Corrin’s falling out on Takumi rather than Corrin. The JP version makes it more clear where each party is responsible.
Anyway, since Conquest’s localization has a fraction of the issues that Birthright’s has and Takumi showed up less frequently since he was an enemy, time to move on to Revelation... or at least, I would, but like Conquest, Revelation doesn’t have nearly as many localization issues as Birthright. Plus, Takumi has to share the spotlight with 7 other siblings and Azura, soooo... not many lines to screw up, anyhow.
So instead, time for supports and other general dialogue!
Corrin Support
In the JP version, when Corrin notes that it’s harder to draw a bowstrong than he imagined, Takumi notes that it takes a lot of physical and mental strength to do so. Localization just has him say “Well of course, did you think it’d be easy?” Similar message, but fewer details. Corrin then notes that because of that, he realized once again how talented Takumi is. In the JP version, Takumi gets flustered and nervous, in the localized version, he asks if Corrin is being sarcastic. Again, same message, but comes across a bit differently.
Other than those things and few lines being rearranged, the support chain is pretty faithful for the most part.
Felicia Support
In the JP version at the end of the A support, Felicia says that, while satisfied with Takumi’s apology for being rude, she still wants to share stories of her hometown, so he should be prepared. In response, Takumi laughs and says something like “Is that so?”. Treehouse changed this to have Takumi say outright “No more Ice Tribe stories anymore.” The reason why this was changed is most likely to fit in with how the S support is framed, where Takumi says he was frustrated with Felicia only talking about her hometown all the time instead of about herself. The JP version kept it intentionally ambiguous because there’s no guarantee that Takumi and Felicia will S support one another, so meh. Not a huge mistake, but thought I’d mention it. Other than that, the support was done well.
Azura Support
Again, not many major differences. Just in the JP version of the A support, Takumi says “from now on, let’s get along like brother and sister” whereas Treehouse has him say “we’ll both make more of an effort.” Less familial, so it can be seen as lacking a bit.
Sakura Support
JP version of the C support has Takumi mention that prominent aristocrats of Hoshido will attend the party/banquet attending, so that’s why he and Sakura can’t skip it. Treehouse cut out this small detail. Also, in the JP version Takumi says the atmosphere of these kinds of parties are stuffy, whereas Treehouse has him say “I wish we could leave all this highfalutin stuff to someone else”, which honestly got a chuckle out of me. Love words like that.
Treehouse version of the B support adds the line where he suggests lighting the guests hair on fire and running for cover, alongside the pre-existing line of faking being sick. Again, pretty funny to me tbh. Takumi saying crazy shit is a-ok to me, so long as it’s not at the expense of other lines being removed or moments being ruined.
Hinata Support
C support in the Treehouse version has Takumi pull rank by saying “Is that any way to address your superiors? “Show yourself”? Seriously!?” JP version just has him say “If you need anything, just tell me.” The idea of Takumi pulling rank isn’t exactly surprising per se, but he’s more the type to lash out at unfamiliar people speaking too casually with him. Hinata is a close friend and retainer, so it’s a bit out of place.
Oboro Support
In the Treehouse B support, Takumi says the fabrics that Oboro chose get the “Takumi seal of approval.” Not a negative addition at all, it’s cute.
Kagero Support
In the Treehouse C support, Takumi says “It seems like stealth comes naturally to you. After all, just a moment ago you popped up and scared me so bad I peed a little.” The peeing line wasn’t in the JP version. They made my son a pissbaby.
Kana Child Support
I felt obligated to mention how Takumi says “Well mold my onions, aren't you clever?” in response to how Kana has been helping Corrin out during the little father-son contest. Not in the JP support, obviously. But y’know. Onions, lol.
Camilla Support
Bit of a change here.
JP version
Takumi: I may seem unreliable as I am now, but if it's for you...I will definitely become even stronger, no matter what it takes!
Camilla: ......
Takumi: That's why...please marry me!
Camilla: Prince Takumi...You were...very dashing just now. I...didn't know you could be so bold.
Takumi: Princess Camilla...
Camilla: I...happily accept your proposal. Please let me watch over your growth by your side, okay?
Takumi: Yes. Of course.
Takumi: I know you still see me as cute, or childish, or as a fun plaything. But I have more to offer than that! Give me the chance to prove it to you!
Camilla: Hmmmmmmm... That was shockingly mature, for you. I've never known you to be so solemn and direct.
Takumi: Princess Camilla, I...
Camilla: I accept your proposal. Perhaps I flatter myself, but I suspect it's my care which has helped you along. In which case, staying by your side for years to come will only improve you further.
Takumi: N-not exactly the response I was hoping for...but I'll take it. Here's to our life together!
Like Camilla says herself in the Treehouse version, she flatters herself more. She also says him being mature is a shock, which is kinda mean, and that feeling only gets cemented when Takumi says it wasn’t exactly the response he was hoping for. JP version more or less has Camilla be more genuinely surprised at how bold he is.
Leo Support
More significant differences. First is a part of the C rank.
JP version
Leon: I'm telling you in advance that we probably won't be getting along well.
Takumi: Hm, What a coincidence. To tell you the truth, I thought so too.
Leon: What...?
Takumi: That haughty attitude, and that condescending way you look at other people... I knew you were a disgusting sort of person from the beginning.
Leon: ………… …Okay then, your childish way of thinking makes me want to vomit. I won't ever approach you, so you also must never approach me.
Leo: We might as well get this out of the way. You and I are not going to be friends.
Takumi: What a coincidence! I was just thinking the same thing.
Leo: Of course you were. You have such an arrogant attitude and—
Takumi: Me?! I'm not the one going around patronizing everybody! You're the jerk!
Leo: Is that the best you can do? You sound like a whiny, little brat. Just as expected. Let's make a deal. You stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you. Think you can manage?
Consistent with certain other instances of Treehouse, the same message is getting across, but the tone is a bit different. Both are definitely hostile, but the Treehouse one could come across more... immature, I guess. I personally don’t take issue with it, but I thought it was relevant to bring up. Now on to a part of B rank:
JP version
Leon: Prince Takumi... What's your favorite food?
Takumi: I like miso soup...
Leon: Miso soup?
Takumi: Ah, you mix miso and dried bonito in hot water, season it, and add other ingredients such as vegetables or tofu to boil and then eat.
Leon: Wha...?
Takumi: Hm, what's wrong?
Leon: I... like food such as soup and stew. To put it simply… Food where you mix meat and vegetables in boiling water which you then season …In other words, it's something like miso soup.
Takumi: Wh-what?
Leon: W-well then, what's your favorite kind of book to read? Novels or essays, or poetry anthologies? What's your favorite genre?
Takumi: Books, huh… I read all kinds, though I mainly like philosophy books. Philosophers from the past who expresses a different way of thinking compared to the people who are living now. That's what's interesting to me...
Leon: H-how is this possible!? How can this be the same too!?
Takumi: Then, what about your favorite pastime... What's your hobby!?
Leon: I-I like chess. Chess is a strategic game where you use pieces to battle on on a board.
Takumi: Th-that's... In Hoshido, that's something called Shogi!
Leon: ...And do you like this Shogi game, Prince Takumi?
Takumi: Like is an understatement, I'm the best in our family. How... how do we have so much in common?
Leon:  …………
Takumi:  ………… Hey, Prince Leon. Maybe getting to know one another isn’t such a bad idea after all.
Leon: What a coincidence… I was thinking the same. Do you want to continue talking about each other's tastes?
Takumi: Y-yeah. Who knows, we might find out about other things we have in common.
Leon: In the unlikely event we do hit it off, I’m sure we’ll get along well, h-hahaha...
Takumi: Hahaha...
Leo: They say that people with similar personalities like the same things.
Takumi: I like miso soup.
Leo: Mee-so soup?
Takumi: Yeah. It's a Hoshidan dish. You got a problem with that?
Leo: No. My favorite food is beef stew. It's kind of like a soup. Hmm...
Takumi: What kind of books do you read?
Leo: I read all kinds of things, but I have a passion for history.
Takumi: Is it...because you love to study the strategy behind past battles?
Leo: Gods, don't tell me... Do you like to read history books too?
Takumi: Yes, but I'm sure our hobbies are different.
Leo: My favorite game is chess. It's a tactical board game where—
Takumi: In Hoshido, our version is called shogi.
Leo: And do you like to play this "show-gee" thing?
Takumi: I'm the best shogi player in my whole family.
Leo: I can't believe it. Who would have guessed we have so much in common?
Takumi: I don't know, but I'll tell you—it's hard to hate someone with such excellent taste!
Leo: No kidding. I was about to say the exact same thing. Hmm... Maybe we should do this again sometime.
Takumi: Ahaha! Oh? So now you want to be best friends?
Leo: Ha! Of course not. That will never happen.
Takumi: Never!
Once again, similar message gets across, but lines are rearranged. However, this time, some details are cut, such as discussion of how both Takumi and Leo take their miso soup and stew respectively. One significant change is how originally Takumi and Leo loved philosophy books, but Treehouse changed this to battle strategy and history. Don’t know why this was changed, I thought it was neat. Also near the end, while both versions of the support have a kind of “in-denial” aspect about becoming friends, it can come across a bit differently. Though this is just linguistics in general, tbh. Japanese itself is a more... indirect language when it comes to speaking. There’s also Leo saying “mee-so” and “show-gee”, which some can probably think is cringe, but meh. It fuels my “Hoshido and Nohr speak different language” headcanon, so I’m fine with it.
Anyway, in the JP A support there’s another description by Leo of the miso soup recipe and him detailing a bit why he enjoyed it, but other than that, that’s it for their support. And for supports as a whole, too. 
Private Quarters 
When inviting:
JP version
"Brother, what did you want?"
"Brother, what should we talk about?"
"Brother, I’m here. What’s going on?" 
"What’s wrong? ...Am I in the way of something?" (When Married to someone else)
"What is it? Did you want to tell me little secrets or something?"
"What's with all the racket in here? Are you playing the drums or something?"
"What do you want? There's no point in sparring. You couldn't keep up!"
"Huh! If this is how it is, I'll get my slippers. We can all cuddle." (When Married to someone else)
The JP version of these lines are a bit generic, so I appreciate the changes Treehouse made here.
Last, but not least, while there are other changes to his lovers lines in Private Quarters, his S rank line in particular I wanna bring mention too.
In Treehouse’s version, it’s this: 
“I would do anything for you. Would you do anything for me? I need to know...”
In the JP version, however, it’s this: 
“I love you. If there were another world in which I raised a hand against you… at that time kill me to stop me. Promise me that you will definitely do that.”
Big difference. Treehouse did this a lot with certain private quarters lines and confessions, where references to story happenings get outright replaced. Off the top of my head, Xander’s S rank private quarters in the JP version talks about how he’d be fine with dying if Corrin was the one doing it, referencing his death in Birthright. Elise, Ryoma, Flora, and as seen here, Takumi, have similar cases. It’s a shame that these were replaced, because I find it pretty neat that tragedy involved with these characters gets invoked in personal settings.
Anyway, I couldn’t find any more significant differences! I looked at DLC lines, My Castle lines, and the like to make sure, but all of it was pretty faithful to the original script. Overall, yeah, there are pretty significant changes here, with Birthright being the main offender as per usual. Some of them are baffling, some are effectively harmless, but regardless thought to do this because Takumi remains one of my favorite characters in Fates and Fire Emblem as a whole.
I hope you all enjoyed reading it!
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artist-issues · 8 months
hey so i see that you’re a fan of pjo and i had questions about what you thought of percy’s characterization in the show.
to be upfront, i’ve only watched the first 3 episodes so far and while i’ve enjoyed it, i found percy to be a lot angrier than I remembered in the books and when I reread The Lightning Thief i thought “yeah, see? he wasn’t this angry”
do you have thoughts? i do like the fact that the fatal flaws are being made a more “in your face” thing instead of a thing that gets brought up every now and again. but i do feel like they sacrificed some of the silly middle-grade vibes in favor of the heavier themes that, while showcased, didn’t really become prevalent until later.
i hope this made sense, but i love your analyses and was wondering if you had any ideas
You’re very kind to ask! I don’t get to talk about Percy Jackson often, and it was one of the songs making up the medley of my childhood, not to be dramatic!
I think you nailed it. I don’t have much to add. Percy wasn’t as angry in the first series because, as you said, Rick Riordan’s writing style kept the books pretty light. I also think that’s what contributed to why we all like Percy Jackson; he is angry and he is rebellious, but Rick Riordan doesn’t just outright say all that. Those are characteristics that, if they were just said outright, would make you think of less-appealing characters that try too hard to be broody. Like Nico Di Angelo or Shadow the Hedgehog or something. He says it with lines like:
“His face had that same brooding look that had always gotten me branded a rebel.“ (When Percy sees Poseidon for the first time.) But that’s the thing. Percy looks brooding, but we’re inside his head, so we know he doesn’t think of himself that way. He doesn’t take himself that seriously. He’s pretty upbeat, in his own head. But yeah, of course he’s also got a lot of anger and the snark is coming from actual resentment, etc.
Anyway, you nailed it. The show is definitely going for a more serious vibe. But the problem with that is, Walker Scobell and Percy himself are more suited to something that doesn’t take itself too seriously. So that when serious moments happen, they’re that much more impactful. You’re used to seeing Percy and Annabeth save each other from getting turned into Guinea pigs or stuck on sleazy salesmen’s stretching mattress sales, so when they do more serious things, like choose to jump into Tartarus rather than be separated, or he holds her back from a vision of everything she wants with the sirens, it hits harder.
You’re so used to seeing these characters make light and find quirky solutions to zany dangers that it engages your feelings when something truly horrible happens to them, or they really worry about something that’s relatable and real, like whether or not their parents value them.
So I think this show loses a lot of that..l don’t know what to call it…emotional pacing?
Specifically with Percy’s characterizations, so far the best moments of the show (and we all know it) have been when Percy is petting a lizard and dancing in the forest or making Annabeth and Grover laugh with the song or the jokes. The only serious moment I think they’ve gotten right, with his characterization, so far, is when he shoves Annabeth down the stairs and takes her place fighting Echidna.
But those are just moments. I think some of the new stuff they’re doing with Percy that I don’t remember being in the books—AT ALL—I like that whole “the gods and demigods are all about glory and one-upping each other, but Percy actually cares about people, he’s built different” thing—are really good. Because you can look at Percy from the books and get there. You can say, “well yeah, his fatal flaw is that he’d sacrifice the world to save his friends. Of course he taught everybody to care more about each other as people in the first series—he gave up being a god when he had the chance, for that reason.”
So that’s basically my take, not just on Percy’s characterization, but the whole show so far. “You can look at the books and get to the show.” It’s different, darker, and the focus is different…but it’s not contrary to the books. And there are enough little touches in there that we think of Book Percy when we see Walker Scobell’s portrayal, anyway. Is it confirmation bias? Are we seeing what we want to see? Maybe a little.
(P.S. - As a side note, I will say there is one character who is totally out-of-character with very little remaining of his original self—and it’s Grover. The Grover in the show is not the Grover in the books, even if you tilt your head and squint. If Percy seems too troubled, Grover seems way, way too troubled. It’s fine, whatever, cool character named Grover, but that’s not the Real Grover.)
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You know what scene always seemed really out of place to me? This one:
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Like, it doesn’t make sense here. We had a whole season of angst and anger, and suddenly it’s like we have old Brio back for just this moment. It’s light and comfortable. No animosity, no resentment. Rio tells her he LOVES her new business idea when just the last time he saw her he told her the idea was only good for the “basura.”
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Look at her, even she can’t believe it. He’s smiling, walking lightly with a little spring in his step. The man even TWIRLED, he was so happy to be in this empty building with her.
So what suddenly happened to go from this:
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To this:
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Does Rio seriously need so little from Beth that even at their absolute lowest – before he’s fully healed, before Lucy’s body is fully decomposed, before it would make any sense for him to forgive her… All he needed from her was just a whisper of possibility that she might choose him?
He knew she was skimming. He knew she was cash-heavy. He probably thought the hot tub story was all BS. Hence his swift judgment in calling it trash and laughing at her when she initially brought it to him. But what? He saw she actually got a showroom and it was all real, and he was just so relieved and elated that she wasn’t lying to him that he was ready to throw it all down right then and there?
It’s almost a parallel to what she was doing to Dean. Dean was so desperate to have his wifey back he would believe anything she said. And she told him pretty lies and made him feel “like a man,” making him think she believed in him. When in reality she was setting up a front to keep being shady with her crime husband. Who evidently, like Dean, was so swept up by her commitment to him and his crimey ways, that he got some pep in his step and offered to 🍆 her down in a hot tub. 😂 Even the way they discussed her want for independence was soft and gentle. The way he told her to “next time empty the clip” was almost loving. A little smile on his face. Soft voice, soft eyes. “See you soon, yeah?”
This was also the first time they were really alone together in a vulnerable moment since El Musgo. Rio didn’t bring Mick and we gotta wonder why that is. The only answer is that he wasn’t afraid of her or his feelings for/about her at this moment. He wasn’t afraid to show her a little emotion and he wasn’t worried if she showed him hers. He must have felt chosen here. He must have viewed her new operation as something she set up for them. The same way Dean believed it, Rio believed this to be a fresh start for the two of them.
I keep rewatching this one moment between them and trying to make it make sense. What does everyone else think?
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daemonoferror · 2 years
Ouuhuhou Scarlet Hollow fanfic, that sounds so good! If it’d be fun for you I’d suggest a little reese fix it moment , like hurt comfort fluff in his basement before stuff goes down! If not that’s all chill too ^^
I'm so sorry this took me like, a month to write- I still hope you like it!
It'll be Okay
Of all the terrible things that have happened this week, being barricaded in a basement against your will isn't the worst. It’s easier to cope with when you tell yourself you're just spending time with Reese. Except he's the reason you're trapped, and he's not the most reassuring person right now. He’s completely restless and jittery. That kind of unhinged, uncontrollable excitement you see people act in movies. He pretends to be okay, but he’s clearly not. He’s just witnessed a betrayal very few have to handle, and no matter how excited for the future he is, the hurt that’s happening now will take a long time to heal.
You’re not very interested in the movie you’re watching. Instead you’re watching him. His wide eyes as he rambles about the aspects of the movie. His fidgeting hands and subconscious foot tapping. His demeanor could seem impatient or annoyed, regardless of the big grin he wears. The movie isn’t fast paced enough to keep up with him. When he interrupts again with a factoid about a scene you haven’t watched yet, you turn the TV off. “A movie might be too much for you right now, man.” You answer his disappointed, questioning look. “Are you feeling okay?
"Yeah, I feel fine- great, actually! My body must be adjusting without the poison. I'm getting better, healthier! I'm doing great!" Reese responds, his words rushed. The reasoning doesn't sit well with you. The poison was flushed out within hours of not taking it? A deadly poison he's been fed for at least a decade? The body doesn't work that fast.
You frown, "Are you sure you're not like, upset? This is a lot to process, Reese, maybe you need to talk about it-”
“I don’t know what there is to talk about!” Reese interrupts you, "The doc has been poisoning me for the past decade, and I've practically been a prisoner down here for the same amount of time." He says, and his smile falters a bit. His bouncing leg is nearly vibrating, he stands up and starts quickly pacing around his room to try to calm down.
You want to drop it, but there’s this sinking feeling, something telling you there’s something wrong here, more than you know. "I just. . . I feel like your mom had to have a reason. Nothing in Scarlet Hollow seems this transparent." You’re a little meek to say it while Reese is doing so poorly. He does tense at your words, for only a moment. From where you're seated, his ears look pointier, his nails longer before he balls his hands into fists. 
"You don't have to defend her. And don’t call her that. She lost that right." Reese strains to control his anger, "I don't care what her reasons are, it doesn't change anything." He paces faster, glaring at the ground. The changes you could've blamed on a trick of the light or mind are obvious now, and very real.
“Reese?” You slowly stand up and reach out to him. “Are you-”
“Yes! I mean no- I’m-. . .I’m just mad.” He growls, and brings a hand up to hold his head. He looks taller, his skin a sort of gray color. "Everything I used to blame on my illness was really just because of her. I had to drop out of school because of her. I couldn't go out or hang out with my friends because of her. I thought I could die any day because of her." Each word is spoken with more unearthed resentment until he’s nearly yelling. All of these little changes start to come together to make him look nothing like the reese you know. His sweater tears as his shoulder widen and arms grow. His face droops like molded clay, sharp teeth poking out of his mouth. "And I'm still just trapped in her basement, waiting on her to leave. Why should I wait on her any longer? Why does she get to live when she's stolen my life from me?" His anger boils over to a snapping point. It feels like the world freezes around him as the plan takes shape, staring at the door with wide eyes and new, morbid motivation. "Stay here. I'll be right back." His voice is lower, malice. The monster treks towards the stairs, and you're mortified.
 “Reese- Reese please wait-” Your voice trembles witnessing the scene in front of you. The paintings come to life, bubbling under the surface and reaching out for purchase in this world. You try to step towards him, but you can’t move. Looking down, painted hands seep from his art to hold your feet in place. You struggle against it as Reese ignores your pleas.
“This has to be done.” He ensures. He only climbs a few steps before your struggle with the paint ends, squashing it under your shoes with a splat. You hardly think before you collide into him in an embrace. Maybe it was meant more to restrain him- a fruitless attempt against his new beastly size- but it works as a sign of affection that throws him off. He stumbles a bit, and seems to shrink ever so slightly in your arms. It leaves him speechless, frozen in place, with his long arms raised to not touch you. 
When you feel him shaking above him, you immediately think you did something wrong- hurt him or angered him- and take it as a sign to step away from him. His breathing is heavy and short, his snout scrunched up and nostrils flaring. His face is twisted in pain. Agonized and conflicted with a far off gaze. His eyes dart to look down at you, the glow in them dims, soft and glossy. One hand reaches out for you, the claws graze your arm before he pauses, wide eyes taking in the look of his monstrous appearance for the first time. "Oh... I'm-... I'm sorry-" His voice is less than a whimper as he pushes past you, stumbling down the stairs with unfamiliar legs. 
"It's okay-" You quickly say, following his path until he collapses to the floor with his back to you. "I'm alright." You ensure your voice is soft, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. 
He hides his face as well as he can in his hands, but it is clear when you hear a sob that he’s crying. "Why-" He starts, so many emotions built behind the one word. There's hundreds of things he could ask, questions neither of you have the answer to. "Why would she do this? What did I do? What's… What's wrong with me?" He asks,
"There isn't anything wrong with you. This isn't your fault." You tell him the only thing you're (mostly) confident in. 
"Bullshit." He scoffs, and his ears twist down. He finally turns to you and the anger simmers away again. "I was going to kill her. I could've hurt you." 
"But I'm fine! Not a scratch on me." You reassure him, sitting down next to him. He flinches a bit when you wrap an arm around his shoulder, removing it to not make him uncomfortable. "Look. I've only known you for like, two days. But I know that you're sweet and kind. I trust that you would never hurt me." 
He looks at you, and there's this tiny voice that tells him he could easily crush you, and he feels nauseous. "I don't like this." He sighs in defeat, hugging his arms across his torso. That voice tells him he's lying- like a constant need to be at odds with himself. "I guess… I do though? It's easier to breathe. I just don't-" When he looks into your eyes, he's at a loss for words again. "I don't..." He thinks he'll get lost in them, the nagging thoughts quieting like he's been riddled with stage fright. "I don't want to do something I'd regret." He finally pieces together. "I don't want to be a monster."
You grin softly and take his hand. "You're not a monster. You're Reese. You're human." You tell him, sure in your words. He uses his free hand to wipe away tears that were beginning to form. Finally his features start to shrink into something just more human as he tries to return the smile. A quiet sob bubbles up and he uses all his strength to not start weeping. He awkwardly pulls you into a hug, your face pressed against his chest. He holds you tight, as silent tears roll down his cheeks. 
"Thank you." He says with a sniffle after minutes of staying like this, rubbing circles into his back. He holds onto you like a lifeline, and you're not sure he ever intends on letting go of you.
The moment is ruined when you hear stomping from upstairs, and Doc Kelly yelling for Reese. He tenses and squeezes you tighter, maybe too tight. "Hey, it's okay." You mumble, soothing and softly, and his muscles relax enough for you to pull away. You look up at the ceiling, placing in your mind where the mad doctor could be before facing Reese, "Maybe I could try to talk to her-"
"No." He gasps, and you start to see his features shifting again. "Especially not without me." He spits. 
Your shoulders droop and you sigh. It was a mad idea in the first place. You decide to change the topic, hoping to distract him. "Come on, it's getting late, you've gotta be tired." You use his loose grip on your arm to pull him towards the bed. He's definitely confused; and probably disappointed you're not encouraging the fight, but he lets you drag him away. You lay down first, and scooch as far back as you can, your back pressing against the cold brick wall.
"Are you sure we shouldn't try to leave now? I don't have to hurt her, I could just like- shove her out of the way or something?" Reese shrugs, hesitant to crawl in beside you.
"I'd rather just avoid her instead of risking it. Please, just humor me? We'll get you out of here soon, safely. Just relax for now." 
Reese sighs, "Fine." And lays down beside you. "Do you have a plan then?"
"Take a nap. And at like 2 or 3 am or so we sneak back to the estate." You shrug, scooching towards him to get away from the cold wall.
"What if she doesn't fall asleep?" His voice waivers, imagining the many ways this could end with you hurt.
"We break a window or something? I don't know. At some point she's going to think you simmered down, right?" Maybe it's true your plan isn't great, but even if you're just prolonging the inevitable, it's worth it to be here with him. 
"I'm not sure. I don't remember the last time this happened. If this has happened?" He picks at his nails anxiously, remembering the logs of his "episodes" in the book he found. 
"Well, we'll figure it out. It'll be okay." You assured him.
"Thanks. For being here with me. And for not running away. I'm glad I met you." He says with a sigh, moving to press his forehead against yours.
"I'm glad I met you, too. And I'm happy I'll get to spend more time with you." You lace your fingers with his to hold his hand, closing your eyes, feeling safe next to him. "You still think you'll come home with me?"
"Yeah." He answers without skipping a beat. "What's it like in your town anyways?"
You snort, "Hm, you'll think it's boring. There's no ditchlings, or mine collapses, or vengeful ghost hauntings." You hum, amused, a small smile tugging at your lips as your eyes droop shut. 
"And no one transforming into…" He trails off, but the question is clear.
You hum a negatory. "No one like you. You've got no competition."
It wasn't what he meant when he asked, but your answer made him flush, "Oh… good." 
"But I can't stress this enough though: the cat's a complete asshole. He's terrible, you'll love him." You chuckle, and Reese reciprocates it.
"I've never had a cat, it'll be fun." Reese shrugs confidently.
"Yeah? Then you can clean his litter box. He tries to kick all of it out as soon as you're done, by the way. And when he does go he usually misses. He's a terror." You reiterate. 
"Damn. Maybe he just doesn't like you. I'm sure we'll be best friends though." He teases, and nudges your arm. 
"If he likes you more than me I'm throwing one of you out." You laugh and nudge him back. "I'm kidding."
"You better be! You can't get rid of me that easily." He jokes, comfortable silence falling over the two of you after. "I'm really excited about this. It sounds so nice to just- live and explore the city with you."
"Yeah. Wait till you try all the food you've been robbed of for years." You try not to yawn, "No more plain pasta for you. You're getting the greasiest pizza, richest chocolate cake, soda- whatever you want. I'll even make you anything you want. If you don't get a stomachache in the first week, I've failed you."
Reese laughs, "That all sounds great… more or less."
"It will be." You sigh and mutter after, "I'm just happy to be part of your new life." Your eyes are heavy, yawning again. You want to keep talking but you can't, wrapping your arm around Reese as you fall asleep. 
Sleep doesn't find Reese as easily though. He listens for any noise or indication of trouble. His eyes dart to any movement out the window, jumps at every creak in the floor boards above. But nothing happens. Even the ditchlings don't make their regular visits. He finally relaxes enough just to stare at your sleeping face, and he starts to think things will all be okay.
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pure-garbage · 2 months
Saucy Speculation? Assumed Experience Of The Straw Hats
The more time passed since Zoro's resolution to forget about his burgeoning feelings for Lana, the more he realized that the task he'd written off as simple was a lot harder than he'd initially imagined. Meals especially became taxing affairs. Sanji flirted indiscriminately with everyone of the opposite gender and Lana had never been an exception. Now, resentment sparked in Zoro every time Sanji turned his attention to Lana, rage stole his composure whenever the cook managed to earn a smile from the lockbreaker.
'Is this jealousy?'
Zoro stopped jumping Lana, the game where she lost unless she could detect his presence and evade. He didn't trust his hands to stay friendly on her body, wasn't completely sure he could keep his lips from claiming the kiss they craved if she was pinned under him.
"Hey, Zoro?"
They were both cross-legged on the deck, preparing to fit in meditation as the sun sank low at their backs.
"It's been a while since you surprise-attacked me. Did you stop on purpose, or just forget?"
Pleasant surprise filled Zoro. She'd noticed and she sounded disappointed.
'She's perceptive. She's just let down because I'm neglecting her training,' he scolded himself.
"Maybe I'm just waiting extra long this time to keep you on your toes," he replied coyly.
"Well, I'm not gonna be caught off guard," Lana smirked.
"You're always off guard," he teased.
"I nearly dodged you the last few times."
"Psh! Liar."
"It's true! Ugh, you're so smug! Maybe one of these days, it'll be me pinning you to the deck, smartass," Lana retorted.
Zoro gulped. The image of her looming over him invaded his mind, straddling his waist, her hands holding his wrists firm at either side of his head.
"You've got a long way to go before you can get the drop on me," he informed her, head spinning a little from his brief, intense fantasy.
"We'll just see about that."
Lana's smile didn't fade as she shut her eyes, relaxing easily into meditation.
'Sometimes it really seems like she's flirting with me,' he thought wistfully. He couldn't help but recall a moment from earlier that same day.
Lana had tugged his shirt at breakfast, leaning close. Her hot, soft breath on the shell of his ear had distracted him effectively from his anger with Sanji's typical antics.
"Five hundred berries says our silver-tongued ladies man is secretly the biggest virgin on the crew," she whispered, eyeing Sanji sidelong.
It had taken all Zoro's self-control to hold back his laughter.
Back in the present, she opened one eye.
"You're supposed to be centering," she tsked.
"I'll center soon. About that bet you mentioned at breakfast... you'd definitely lose on it."
"Huh? How? You know something about Sanji that I don't? 'Cause I'm pretty confident our boy has never even copped a feel."
"No, you're probably right about that... but you forgot Chopper," Zoro pointed out. "If the bet is on who's the biggest virgin, he's gotta be the front-runner."
"Why, 'cause he's young?" Lana challenged. "Our good doctor's a cute little thing. I'd bet good money he must have had an encounter or two with a doe on his home island."
"That's... not a bad point," Zoro realized.
"The real wild card is actually Luffy," Lana went on.
"I could see that going either way," he agreed.
"Yeah. He's so forward... definitely not the type to shy away if he wanted someone that way, but..."
"Knowing Luffy, I'm not sure he'd be interested."
"Exactly. Wild card, like I said."
"Well you've certainly given this subject some thought," Zoro realized, eyebrows hiking with intrigue.
Lana blushed uncomfortably.
"Only since this morning, really. It's kind of fun to speculate about though. Right?"
"Sure. It does make me curious though... have you done any speculating about me?"
Zoro unfolded his legs, extended them in front of him and crossed his ankles, leaning back languidly on his elbows. The posture was highly intentional. Open, inviting. Lana's blush deepened while Zoro studied her expression.
"Maybe just a little," she admitted, ears blazing red as she avoided his gaze. Zoro grinned in satisfaction.
"Come on then," he urged. "Share with the class."
"We're supposed to be meditating," Lana mumbled. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and placed her hands palms up on her knees.
"Aw, come on!" Zoro purred, nudging her knee with his to spur her on. "Don't get shy on me now."
"I'm not shy, and you're distracting me."
"You're the one who started it. Come on, tell me and I'll leave you alone."
"Let it go, Zoro. I don't want to offend you by making wrong assumptions."
"I won't be offended. Promise. Lana... come on, tell me what you're thinking," he pestered.
"Ohhhhhmmmmm..." she intoned.
"Alright, I'll make you a deal. I'll go first, okay?"
"Huh? First?"
"I'll speculate about you. Then you tell me if my guesses are close. After, you tell me your guesses and I'll say if you're right or wrong."
"I... well..."
"Come on, you aren't curious at all?" he nagged.
"Oh... fine. But only to see if my impressions are close to the truth," she sighed in surrender. "Go on then. What's your prediction?"
"Oh. Uh..."
Zoro hadn't actually thought that far ahead.
He cleared his throat, considering what he knew of her past.
'She's a little older than me, too. I forget that a lot.'
"I'm waiting," Lana reminded him impatiently.
"Right. I... well, you're not totally inexperienced," he ventured. 'She's worried about offending me, but I'm the one who needs to be careful. I can't upset her... but would she be angrier if I assume she's too innocent or too worldly? Damn it, I put myself in a tight spot here!'
"Hm. Go on," she encouraged him.
"Well, I suppose... I imagine you've had a lover or two. In the past, that is. Obviously."
He coughed, awaiting her verdict with rare anxiety coiling in his gut. To his chagrin, her expression was one of complete embarrassment.
"I... well, I..."
"Not like I'd ever judge," he assured her hastily. "Making fun of Sanji is fine because he's so... himself. But I'd never seriously hold someone's experience against them. Or lack of... I mean..."
"No, I know, I know," Lana sighed. "It's just... well, I... haven't. Which makes it really rich that I would poke fun at Sanji for being the same way. Potentially, that is."
"You... haven't? Ever? Not even once?" Zoro gaped.
"You said you wouldn't judge!" Lana pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I'm not, I swear! It's just, you're so beautiful, I just assumed-"
The words slipped out before Zoro could stop them. Lana's pout disappeared, her eyes widening and her hands flying up to cover her mouth, near comical shock overtaking her expression.
"Zoro!" she gasped.
He knew his face was bright red. His mind raced, trying to come up with something he could say as damage control that didn't walk the compliment back so far as to land him in hot water.
"Well... thank you."
Lana's hands fell, revealing a smile so brilliant that its light momentarily blinded Zoro, wiping his mind clear of all thought. By the time he recovered his wits, she was already speaking again.
"But yeah, I only ever had one boyfriend, and we were so young. We fooled around some, sure, but never... uh, anyway, after that, the Seekers kidnapped me and I didn't really have a chance... or rather... ugh. Yeah, I haven't. I guess that's the bottom line."
"Huh. That makes sense."
'This has been even more revealing than I'd hoped,' Zoro thought.
"I guess it's my turn now," Lana said nervously.
"Yep. So?"
"Ok. Well... speculation. So, you've got your rough edges, right? Like, a lot of rough edges."
Zoro frowned, but didn't interrupt.
"... and you're very... um, very... you know."
Zoro raised an eyebrow high.
"I don't," he assured her. "We had a deal, don't forget."
"Ugh, let me find the right words!" Lana snapped, flustered. The suspense of her pondering was killing him. "Ok. You're really strong, right? And... I have a hard time imagining you... well, that's to say... it's just..."
Lana took a deep breath, steadied herself and collected her thoughts.
"Can I just be really blunt?" she asked tersely.
"That's the whole idea, isn't it?"
"Okay. Well, I mean, you know... obviously you could have any girl you wanted, so my assumption is that... you've had... a few."
Lana's face slid into her hands, ponytail falling to obscure her mortification even further. So she missed the way Zoro's amazement left his mouth hanging open.
"Oh yeah?" he asked, a slow grin spreading over his features.
"Yeah. Of course, not in a judgy way, okay?"
"So? Did you?"
"Have a few girls? Since I could have any I want?"
"Don't be insufferable about it," Lana scolded him.
Zoro sighed heavily, flattery melting away as the time came to own up to reality. A promise was a promise, but he found himself wishing he didn't have to shatter Lana's impression that he was an experienced lover.
"Not quite."
"Truthfully? I only did it once," he admitted.
"Yep. Sorry to disappoint."
"That's not a disappointing thing to hear. It's more than me, at least. So?"
"Come on, I shared my reasons."
"Yeah, your reasons for never doing anything! It's not the same!"
"Hey, I've done some things!" Lana protested. "Just not... the main thing. Zoro! I don't need details, I'm just curious! At least tell me how old you were."
'She's... very interested.'
Zoro couldn't deny that her desire to know more intrigued him. Did it mean anything? Or was she just being nosy?
"Fine. I was seventeen. It was after I chased some thugs out of a noodle shop. The woman who ran it was... well, very grateful, I guess."
"Well weren't you gallant!" Lana teased. "A regular hero, huh?"
"I was just hoping to get some free soup."
"Did you?"
"Oh yeah. Plenty of soup."
"Prrrr... so, she was older," Lana assumed.
"No!" Zoro grumbled.
"She was!" Lana gasped melodramatically. "How much older?"
"Meditation time now."
"Oh, come on!"
"Ugh, fine. Let's just sit here, breathe good and not think about anything," she sighed.
Zoro held his composure to avoid being pried for more details, but inwardly, his mind raced. Lana had given him a lot to think about.
After a few minutes, he risked a peek at her. Those lips of hers were parted, steady, measured breaths passing over them.
'If she thinks I could have any girl I want, does that include her? Maybe I could take that kiss after all.'
Zoro closed his eyes again, finally focusing on meditating.
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