#Same thing goes with the other mercs tbh
some-pers0n · 1 year
People point to Medic's voice lines in-game as a canon explanation for him "hating the other mercs" or whatever, but honestly I too would be screaming at them for their incompetence if I was forced to do his job.
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blubushie · 2 months
i would much rather see pauling in a healthy relationship with the male mercs instead of putting her in an abusive relationship with the only women she shares screentime with for the sake of representation or smth. plus i personally cannot imagine zhanna with anyone other than soldier but that's just me.
Nah yeah fucken oath.
I feel the same way about gay male characters tbh. Like it's one thing if you're making OCs and shipping them, and people are entitled to their toxic ships of course, but I find it mildly concerning when there's a pattern of people taking gay/lesbian characters and slapping them with canon characters they have zero chemistry with/are even abused by just because the character is gay or lesbian.
Sets a bad precedent for impressionable young queers who see this shit and think it's normal to be abused by your partner or some shit because all they ever see is toxic yaoi and toxic yuri (this goes double for young lesbians considering the domestic abuse rates amongst lesbians) to the extent that the toxicity is somewhat normalised and not recognised as the abuse it is. It's much less a concen in purely adult spaces tbf with people who are old enough to know better, but in fandoms with a large presence of minors... Iunno. That's just my two cents.
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mecachrome · 2 months
And this is coming from someone who babysits Lando every time, even if Lando makes a mistake XDDDDDDDDDD I think it would be better for Oscar if he found another team
hey anon!
i like jenson and consider him a good pundit but sometimes he just has bad takes and doesn't know things and that's not a reflection of his relationship to lando, lol, simply him being a know-it-all who is wrong from time to time. also understand that there's a difference between explanation and accountability; objectively oscar "should" have left space to make the double stack easier, but actual accountability goes to the team for not foreseeing this and better managing the gap (or better yet pitting oscar a lap before, since if they were so indecisive about the changing conditions they could have used the car behind on track to try something relatively riskier, seeing as red bull was willing to take the plunge with max; the problem is that as a team used to being in the upper midfield, mclaren still subscribe too much to a conservative risk management mindset and their reactive blunders are what's killing them. under key this was also their problem with development and upgrade timelines and is the first thing that andrea fixed, but it's clear there are growing pains and areas in need of rehabilitation across different parts of the organization. but that's just a Corporate Reality 🤷‍♀️). of course it's stupid for anyone to insist that this was oscar's fault at all but it is what it is tbh
again i feel like there's no use in entertaining ~mistreatment~ clickbait narratives so apologies for your other ask hlksdfh but re: finding another team... i think if a few mclaren fans followed other teams they'd have a bit of a reality check about what makes a good working environment, haha. mclaren's incompetence is from their growing pains, yes, and it is still pure incompetence, no excuses, but there's a scale of Bullshittery every organization falls onto just as in real normal-people life that i think oscar and his team are capable of evaluating as much as anyone else is. assuming new regs aren't delayed, there's still one more year of convergence left before the field is essentially reset, so oscar and mclaren have another season together of optimizing how a competitive team is meant to operate. also i'm not going to pretend that newey isn't a genius, but really there's no guarantee that he'll impact design from 2026 onward to the same degree he did in the onset of the ground effect era, so on top of the advantage being less pronounced now that teams have accrued so much more experience with it it also won't necessarily matter That Much which team he chooses to go to.
so really at the moment alpine, williams, audi, haas, am, and vcarb (6/10 teams) aren't even worth the consideration; ferrari have 1644 and have put a LOT of effort into bea, i mean the fda is mostly a farce and he was their only serious junior back in 2022... still is now in most categories lol. plus is ferrari even any more convincing of an environment than mclaren? both have shit strategy but one is less beholden to its own myth and hasn't regressed with any of its upgrades for the past 2 seasons. merc is on the up currently but is in a similar position in terms of their kimi buy-in, and then... with red bull there's no guarantee they'll even be dominant with the new regs, and either way is that really a place where you think oscar would thrive more than he currently is? it's nice to say that drivers should be willing to take risks and go somewhere more competitive, but this can also easily backfire on them and you have to objectively consider the options and whether there's even anywhere to GO that will offer them that. looking at carlos's current silly-season woes it's clear that it's a tough environment to find an optimal seat + contract in atm.
sorry for this long explanation but anon i truly think oscar will be just fine... he's p5 in the championship in only his 2nd year and is the sole driver to have completed every lap and still has a perfect q3 appearance rate and scored points in every race weekend so far. yes there have been frustrating losses despite the consistency but in the same vein that tyre management is something that can't be fully simulated and instead requires real experience to properly hone, top teams need to be put in these situations to fafo/learn from. it'll be okay!
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callsignbaphomet · 6 months
Lovey Dovey OC Prompt Thingy!
(01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long?
♥ Oracle: Yes! Very much in love with Angelus. He's been in love with him for over 100 years and counting.
♥ Fallout: Yes, he is, he’s pretty much head over heels in love with Angelus. Several months now. Third time he met up with him he really fell hard for him.
♥ Skyrim: Yes! And if you guessed with Angelus you’d be correct. For him it was pretty much love at first sight tbh.
(02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know?
♥ Oracle: I wouldn't say he's in love with him but Mason is crushing really hard on him. Like haaaaaaaaard! Yeah, Jelani knows he has a crush on him but he doesn't know just how bad it is.
♥ Fallout: No. He pretty much keeps to himself and doesn't interact much with other people.
♥ Skyrim: Not really, no.
(03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?
♥ Oracle: If they're apart for whatever reason be it due to work, visiting family or some type of chore they send each other links to songs so they can listen to them at the same time while they chat. During full moons Jelani accompanies Angelus and other werewolves but after successfully hunting both Jelani and Angelus just walk the wooded areas of Ashstone in their perspective shifted forms until dawn. Then both take human form again and go for some breakfast and coffee (iced coffee for Jelani ‘cause he doesn't like hot drinks) at a nearby diner.
♥ Fallout: A little into the wooded area of Egret there is a tent and a campfire and Jelani loves spending time there since it’s quiet, peaceful and it’s close enough to the river that he can listen to it but not too close to freak Angelus out. Angelus knows this is his favorite spot so he often times brings in a lot of snacks and takes Jelani there, especially when he’s having a bad day, and both spend some time out there just enjoying each other’s company.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus has pretty much turned his entire life to almost nocturnal because of Jelani so at sundown Angelus goes with Jela to feed and they spend some time in the woods wandering and taking in each other’s company.
(04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Honestly, no. Anything that is done out of love and care he appreciates a lot. Even if it’s something that isn’t to his taste he’ll still appreciate it because someone actually thought to do something nice to and for him and he appreciates every little gesture.
(05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else?
♥ Oracle: So this was after the Chris situation. After Angelus recovered, physically, Jelani just dropped everything, took a month off and left with Angelus to a cabin in Nova Scotia because he knows Valp really loves it there. They spent a month up there just taking in nature and each other in complete peace and quiet.
♥ Fallout: Angelus has a wrist watch that belonged to the old merc he grew up with since he was a kid and it’s the only thing he has to remember him by but the battery on it died long ago and one of the gears was out of place. Jela took it to a guy he knew from when he worked as a guard for a caravan for a few weeks when he first got to Boston and had it fixed to the point where it looked brand new. He gave it to him and taught him how to tell the time correctly. He never takes it off.
♥ Skyrim: It took months of searching, bribes, and he spent about 75% of the gold he had saved up for emergencies but eventually Jelani found the thief that had stolen Angelus’s ring that belonged to his mother and on Angelus’s birthday he gave it to him. Needless to say, that elf cried all night long. That ring is the only thing he had to remember his mother by and when it was stolen he was devastated and didn’t think he’d ever see it again.
(06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?
♥ Oracle: Uh…this is kind of ugly but before he got together with Angelus Jela had a boyfriend that was a pretty abusive piece of shit. Started small and escalated, he wore him down to the point where he could pretty much do anything to him and get away with it + this was during a time where something happened and he was pretty vulnerable and the guy took full advantage. The others found out and intervened so when Jela decided to break it off shit got violent…REALLY VIOLENT. He got obsessive and wouldn’t let Jela break up with him so he pretty much beat the shit out of him to the point of him breaking one of Jela’s arms and followed that up with other shit. He was completely unresponsive for two weeks. After that he told Loke what happened so Loke, Angelus and Trevor found the ex and let’s just say there was barely anything left to bury. Angelus stayed with Jela who pretty much secluded himself to the bed and didn’t leave except to shower. He just slept. He barely ate, didn’t get out of bed, was a crying mess and didn’t say anything though he didn’t have to. He and Angelus have a very good level of understanding and communication that both understand without the need to verbally communicate sometimes. Angelus dealt with everything while Jela was in that state, he wouldn’t let anyone except for Loke go near him. He was basically his own personal guard dog for weeks until he started talking again and then slowly moving. Jelani had long been in love with him but this just solidified his feelings for him and that was the same year Angelus confessed to Jelani that he was in love with him and the rest is history.
♥ Fallout: It was that day that he had that massive breakdown. Even after Jelani told Angelus everything that had been done to him and everything he went through and even after seeing all he did to himself he still stayed beside him. He remembers Angelus sitting him down at Power Noodles and getting some food for him, himself and for Dagny and sitting in silence. He was so thankful he didn’t ask about the cuts and scars all over his arms and even after everything he stayed over and even kept him company at night after he asked and didn’t try anything even though he was very well aware that Angelus wanted to. That’s pretty much the day he fell in love with him.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus fought off a horde of vampire hunters by himself after they had stopped to verify if Jelani was a vampire (there had been a growing number of checkpoints in the area). When out in public he usually uses a powerful enchanted necklace that conceals any and all visual signs of vampirism. He’s usually pretty chill when confronted but this time he was dealing with some very rowdy hunters and a fight broke out and the necklace was snatched from him and the illusion spell wore off. He tried fighting them back but they were carrying silver weapons and they almost killed him but Angelus intervened and managed to kill the group and brought him back home just in time. He spent every minute beside him until he recovered.
(07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others?
♥ Oracle: Pretty successful.
♥ Fallout: He used to be before that particular event happened.
♥ Skyrim: Not at all, he doesn’t actually even try to be honest.
(08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?
♥ Oracle: I’m gonna be honest, he always thought/knew he was the one that would be doing the proposing which in fact is how it happened.
♥ Fallout, Skyrim: Something very intimate and private. He’s not one for attention and displays. As long as it’s honest and he can see that there was thought put into it he’s more than happy.
(09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?
♥ Oracle: Checking in on a loved one. Sometimes it’s the small things that mean way more than some grand gesture. Plus it opens up so that if someone needs to talk about something they can.
♥ Fallout: Hugs. For almost a year he hated the feeling of someone else touching him, even if the person meant no harm, he was automatically repulsed by the feeling of someone else touching him. To him it felt like being poked with hot needles over and over again and after he met Angelus and he respected his boundaries and asked if he could touch him he started to let his guard down around him, then eventually with other people. Angelus is constantly hugging him but he makes sure it’s okay to do so first so that really helped him get over his phobia of being touched.
♥ Skyrim: Little indirect touches. Like both him and Angelus are sitting close and their shoulders are touching, or both are lying in bed and one has a leg on the other’s leg, a momentary touch as they move around the manor or anywhere they’re at, somehow both ending up in each other’s arms in the middle of the night as they sleep.
(10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Honestly? Sex. Yes, it can be trivial but when it’s with someone he cares about it takes on an entirely different meaning especially when it involves a lot of complex emotions. The act of being completely exposed with someone he cares about in his most vulnerable state is pretty big. Not to mention there are a lot of acts he will only do/have done on/to him that take a lot of trust. The more out there practices that he allows someone else to do to him are because he 100% trusts that person and trusts them not to intentionally hurt him.
(11) What do others love most about your OC?
(I’m assuming it’s other characters ‘cause if it’s actual people I’m shit outta luck with this OC)
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: First of all, his loyalty to people. Even if you fucked him over he’ll help ‘cause it’s just the right thing to do and he can be a bit petty but not that petty. He’ll gladly put his own life on the line to help someone else, even if he barely knows the person or like I said fucked him over he will. He’s selfless to a fault. He’s always the first to volunteer to help out no matter how small or huge the problem is. He’s always clear and precise about his intentions and makes sure others are comfortable. I know I talk up a storm about how overprotective Loke is but the truth is Jelani is just as overprotective, maybe even more due to his inability to cope with people he cares about dying. If it’s a choice between him dying and someone else dying it’s a no brainer for him he’ll always pick the former. He’s like a walking cheerleader, he’ll always cheer you on and be 100% supportive of anything you wanna do or try out. He’ll put his own needs aside to help someone else with anything. He’ll be honest and offer any help you need but he’ll find that perfect balance between sugar-coating something and being truthful ‘cause honestly sometimes we need someone in our lives that’s straight with us without being an asshole about it and he’s that friend. He’d rather see the good in others before being full of pessimism but he isn’t a naive idiot either. He’s super chill to be around, if you wanna just sit in silence he’s totally up for that, if you wanna drive around listening to music he’s all for it, if you wanna be a total jackass he’s up for that too. When you’re feeling down in the dumps he will absolutely show up to your place, clean everything from top to bottom, make sure you drink water and will make you several meals so you can just focus on feeling better and will text every few hours to make sure you’re okay, eating and drinking water. Did I mention that he’s a teddy bear of a person that just loves to help and see others thrive and be happy already?
(12) What do you love most about your OC?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Dude, at the risk of sounding like a jackass…of all the OCs I’ve ever come up with he’s the one I’m most proud of, the one I’m most enamored with. And at the risk of making someone reading this cringe hard he’s equal parts me. All of my OCs have parts of me in ‘em but Jelani and Angelus are me in so many ways. They’re past versions of me, they’ve evolved and changed with me, they’re both better versions of me. Both of them are versions of myself I wish I had the strength and courage to be. I live vicariously through both of them. In every aspect. Jelani means the entire world to me, there’s a reason he’s the “mascot”, the default for every video game you can create a character in. I learned and corrected so many horrible writing and world building mistakes with and through him. This man lives in my head 24/7 and has helped me in ways I don’t even dare say outloud and I love everything about him.
(13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: By helping as much as he can with anything he can. Even if he can’t do it himself he’ll find some way to make sure someone gets the help they need. Even if he’s going through shit he’ll find some way to set his own shit aside to help someone. He’ll try his hardest to be there for someone that needs it.
(14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions?
♥ Oracle: He makes sure to make some time so that he and Angelus can get away for a month. As much as he loves his friends and family he’s constantly surrounded by them and his place always has people over which makes it a little hard to have some privacy as a married couple. So every so often, depending on things, he’ll take his husband and both will just go away, just the two of them for a month. He makes sure to make time for his family, his friends, his job and you can be damn sure he’s gonna make time for his husband and gods help you if you disturb his time with his husband. Anniversaries are always planned out weeks or even months ahead and he kinda tends to go overboard with them but it’s fine ‘cause Angelus loves every second of it and they get to have a lovely day together.
♥ Fallout: He and Angelus have only been together for around four months so there isn’t really much time to develop traditions per say. However, before going to bed they like to go on the roof and watch the stars, if the weather permits, for a while.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus likes to take a nap during the day so that when Jelani wakes up at sundown he can go with him to feed. It started when vampire hunter patrols became almost a plague but Angelus has kept up with it.
(15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy?
♥ Oracle: Those cute little milk chocolates in the shape of hearts. He just thinks they’re really cute.
♥ Fallout: There’s an older lady in the Murkwater settlement that bakes cakes in the shape of a cute heart. Jelani walked over and got two of them, gave one to Angelus and both ate their little cakes after dinner while watching the night sky and drinking Nuka-Starlight (mix of quantum and cherry).
♥ Skyrim: …he can’t eat candy anymore…HOWEVER, Angelus has bought several heart shaped bottles and fills them with blood infused with different sweet flavors like honey, sugar and others.
(16) What is your OC’s ideal first date?
♥ Oracle: Honestly? Like really, really honestly? Take him to a bookstore, let him just manifest himself and watch him spend an ungodly amount on books he’ll go through in less than four months and then take him out for sushi and he’s all yours.
♥ Fallout: He likes exploring ruins so take him to a ruin. The older the better.
♥ Skyrim: Take him out for a stroll near a meadow or a river or lake, hiking up a mountain, visit a grove or a clearing, a forest–anything involving nature.
(17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Sure, why not?
(18) Does your OC have a “type”?
♥ Oracle: Oh, yeah. Werewolves! And the more femme the better.
♥ Fallout, Skyrim: Honestly no.
(19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Love is very high up there. It's seriously important. It fuels so much and can even be the one thing to help you come back from even the worst and darkest of places. At least that's how he sees it.
(20) How does your OC feel about public displays of affection?
♥ Oracle: He's 100% up for it. The way he sees it, if the straights can feel safe doing it then so can he.
♥ Fallout: He's actually okay with it. He can be a little reserved but as time passes he relaxes more.
♥ Skyrim: He's a bit shy but he's fine with it.
(21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Yes, he does.
(22) How often does your OC read romantic literature?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Never. It’s really not his thing.
(23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves?
♥ Oracle: Stay at home, read a book while Angelus lies on him while they cuddle each other.
♥ Fallout: Going out to the camp around a warm fire, resting his head on Angelus’s lap as he scratches his head while he reads a book out loud so Angelus can hear it.
♥ Skyrim: Falling asleep on Angelus's arms.
(24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: If he spends more than 10 to 15 minutes thinking about that person then he's already interested.
(25) Does your OC believe in soulmates?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Yes, he does! He absolutely does and he loves the entire idea of it. It’s so comforting to him to see it, feel it and experience it.
(26) Is your OC ever the first to say “I love you”?
♥ Oracle: Most of the time. Yeah. However, with Angelus it was different. It was actually Angelus who said it. He’d been dying to say it for well over 100 years but he didn't think he was interested in him so he never did.
♥ Fallout: Not usually. However, it was kinda different with Angelus. The first time they had sex he’d been having a lot of different feelings about him, plus he was feeling extremely vulnerable and sensitive. Mix that with the fact that he felt safe enough with him to have sex with him so in the heat of the moment he blurted it out. He got really flustered after he said it but as usual Angelus was very sweet and caring not to mention relieved ‘cause he’d been dying to say it but he didn't wanna pressure him.
♥ Skyrim: No, he’s a little too shy to be the first to say it.
(27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day?
♥ Oracle: They do a little something different each year. Either something big and extravagant or something a little simple. Regardless of what they do, the point is to be together.
♥ Fallout: What I mentioned a few questions back. Jela gets the two little cakes, mixes some Nuka-Starlight and after dinner watch the stars as they eat the cakes, drink the soda and spend the night together.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus wakes him up with breakfast in bed. The cute bottles I mentioned before. They spend a few hours in bed. Then when the sun goes down they head down to a meadow where they have a little picnic by moonlight.
(28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?
♥ Oracle: Okay, so this is Jelani's most favorite thing. Ever! The apartment has three rooms: main, guest and a third they turned into the gaming room. All the consoles, obnoxiously giant tvs, pcs and such are in there. What else is in there? A corner reserved for Angelus's drawing stuff. His tablets, laptop, inks, pencils–everything he uses is there. There's also a big ol’ bean bag. Whenever the mood strikes him to draw he goes there so Jelani takes a book or two with him, pushes the bean bag next to him, sits and reads. Both of them are just doing their own thing without saying a single word to each other, somehow finding a way to touch one another and just being in each other's company.
♥ Fallout: Jela’s been teaching Angelus how to read and write as well as managing firearms. This lends itself for some bonding time that both of them really enjoy.
♥ Skyrim: So Loke has a garden where he grows some pretty rare herbs, roots and plants and in a corner of said garden he has some flowers that were his parents’s favorites as a way to keep their memory alive. But sometimes he’s so busy he barely has time to tend to the garden and a lot of those plants and herbs die. So Jelani has taken to bringing them back to life. What's the point of being a necromancer if you don't put it to good use? Angelus found out and has taken to helping Jelani in tending to the garden. It's kind of a thing they do and bond over while trying their best not to get caught.
(29) What is your OC’s favorite love song?
♥ Oracle: I don't know any love songs. I am being so serious right now, I really can't think of any. This ain't on the character, it's on me lol.
♥ Fallout: One More Tomorrow. It’s corny as shit and sappy and he knows it but after he had a massive break down and asked Angelus to sleep with him (as in keep him company, not as in fucking) the first song he heard the next morning was that one and for the first time he really listened to the lyrics and the first person he saw that morning was obviously Angelus and since then that song is like very soothing.
♥ Skyrim: N/A (there aren’t any songs outside of Ragnar the Red and The Dovahhkin Comes. How am I supposed to work with that??????)
(30) What is your OC’s favorite romantic movie?
♥ Oracle: Oh, no, no that’s not his thing but if I was to say something I guess you could say “The Fountain”.
♥ Fallout, Skyrim: N/A
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Just watched the "ThE cHaMpIOnSHip wAs tAkEn fRoM mE" and I am like— honey, how can something that was never yours to begin with be taken away from you? Did he just expect the championship would be handed to him like all the other seasons without him having to really do anything? The one season where he actually had to fight for the championship and suddenly "iT wAs rObBeD". Also also, no race or game or any competition is completed until the very last second, just a food for thought for lh and cult lh.
He’s just like the rest of his fans tbh. He does the victim blaming, brings up Abu Dhabi, causes more abuse to Max then goes and starts his preaching before the cycle starts again. Lewis never deserved 2021, Merc never deserved 2021 it was that simple. Their carry on was vile after silverstone. They are experts in the victim playing part of f1 cause they know their fans will abuse who upsets them.
Abu Dhabi and 2022 was the best thing to happen to Lewis, Toto and Merc. They want to be handed their shit, have two competitive races and say “we love competition” before dominating again. After their targeted abuse they deserve shit seasons and I’ve so little sympathy for that team and their drivers now. It was the same with George’s comments in Vegas, it makes me laugh about how they preach mental health when they blatantly abuse Max with their comments leading to mroe abuse online. 
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f0point5 · 5 months
But again, Michael Schumacher came with his own team of people who knew how to do things. And they came because they were inspired to work for him. The same way that if Max goes to Merc you can bet he will be bringing people with him.//
perhaps this is what will happen with Lewis and Ferrari (or what cultLH are hoping will happen). i think a lot of the merc employees have some sort of gardening leave, but that's something people were talking about.
tbh, if this was 5 years ago when Lewis had much more of a hunger, i would believe that he could bring Ferrari back by bringing in his own team. i don't know if that's true now (actually, i don't think it's true. i think his move to Ferrari was mainly for the ambassadorship and to tie up his career with a red bow, not to win the 8th)
either way, i think ferrari champions need to be a bit insane and incredibly stubborn, and i don't think charles is going to be like that with the team he considers home
also just saying but i am thoroughly enjoying this conversation hahaha. i think you have good racing takes and it's been interesting to see your pov
Well it’s widely reported that his race engineer won’t be going.
To be honest, if it was five year ago I would have said he’d have a lot of people to take, but I have got the distinct impression that Lewis’s relationship with a lot of people at Merc has been soured these last two years. On both sides. He’s been very vocal about how he wasn’t listened to in terms of car design/engineering, and his continued presence at the factory is always mentioned like a teacher providing oversight to students who aren’t doing their work. Not to mention, his continually experimental race set ups that never work tell me that either the team has given up trying to help him, or he has so little trust in them that he insists on his own ideas. Neither say that these are people who will be following him to Ferrari. I could be wrong, but the vibe I get is that he and the team will be washing their hands of each other.
Also, I think Lewis coming off a winning streak would have had more ammunition to take with him to Ferrari’s upper management in terms of deciding on new hires. I’m not sure how much actual pull he will have in the garage. More than Charles, I think, because he’s more savvy with people and he is more stubborn, but I don’t know if he’s being given carte Blanche there the way he would if it was 2020.
I think on both sides the Ferrari move is primarily financial. Both sides will make money from this whether or not Lewis ever sees a podium. Him in that red race suit is tangible liquid gold. I don’t think they care if he wins anything. It will come down to how much he cares if he wins, I guess. Does he really want to start a project again at this stage of his career? Does he want to fight tooth and nail to build the team and the car (which will not happen in one or even two years) and then battle Max over 24 races? Does he really? My spidey sense says no. But time will tell.
I think to fight the Ferrari dogma you have to have an ego and a obstinance that is rare even in motorsport. (There’s a small part of me that wants to see Max at Ferrari because I think he definitely has it.) I don’t think Charles has it.
Hahaha thank you, this is indeed fun. I could speak on this for days honestly I think Ferrari and their absolute ambivalence to their own success or failure is endlessly fascinating 😂
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Nitpick Number Twenty Seven for Nitpick November:
I love that RWBY has a new opening theme song and sequence every season, but a lot of what they choose to put in their opening sequences often bugs the life out of me. This is a long one, so I'm gonna put it under a read more.
Volume One opening title sequence:
You see references to the Red, White, Black, and Yellow trailers. Cool, I guess. Then you see a bunch of Grimm, and Roman Torchwick with the goons he got from Junior, which makes sense considering that those were the early enemies. But then you see this.
Tumblr media
I'm not mad about 'Cinder in the shadows' because Cinder had at least one real appearance in volume one. But that's... Emerald and Mercury, in the back? As completely in shadow blank people and Emerald looks like she had completely different hair back then? The only appearance they had in volume one was as cardboard cutouts floating behind Cinder for three seconds right at the end. Why are they even sort of in the opening theme song? Especially considering that Sun and Penny don't make any appearance in the opening sequence for volume one despite being in multiple episodes.
Also, for such a dynamic show with a lot of fight choreography as one of the main appeals (in these early seasons that is,) this opening sequence is a lot of 'people standing around looking serious' and not a lot of movement.
Volume Two opening sequence:
This one is much more fast paced with some nice visuals (the clock gears and then Oz is just everything,) and it also happens to have my favorite of all the theme songs. But just-
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Tell me why they felt the need to put Junior and those two twins Little Miss Malachite's daughters in this shot at all? Junior barely does anything, he isn't an 'enemy' in season two so much as he's kind of an informant Yang goes to, which I don't like. And the twins only exist for two seconds so Neptune can flirt with them! Why are they in the theme song when again Sun and Penny don't exist in it at all?
They have Pyrrha fighting Team CRDL, which... Okay? I guess they made that part of the opening sequence because the only other important thing anyone in Team JNPR did that season was dance to Shine, but I find it weird. And then they show Team RWBY fighting various people and instead of featuring Yang fighting Neo and Weiss fighting that one guy with the chainsaw, they have Yang fighting Mercury which she won't do until volume three, and Weiss fighting Emerald, which she won't do except maybe technically kind of when they both exist in the same place in volume five even though Weiss mostly fights Vernal. With Yang and Merc I can at least dismiss it as weird forshadowing, but why is Weiss fighting Emerald? Ruby at least encounters and wants to fight Cinder in volume two despite not knowing it's her, and Blake fights Torchwick, so that's fine. But the Weiss vs Emerald thing is really what gets me. Why?
Volume Three opening sequence!
We flash through a few different teams, and who do we see? Team RWBY and Team JNPR, all very important people, aaaand Team SSSN for some reason, and then Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury. Why the flip do we see Team SSSN? I'm gonna acknowledge that for the first time they showed Sun in an opening sequence (still no Penny though :( bummer) but like... They couldn't have done something that didn't include barely-characters Sage and Scarlet? Tbh it would've made more sense to show Team CVFY and then just include Sun and Neptune later. This is especially true because Sage and Scarlet are at the center instead of Sun and Neptune being at the center. (The 'Mirrors will shatter' part is always cool though.)
We see Ruby fighting Cinder (why not Roman?) Yang fighting Mercury, Blake fighting Adam, and... Again, Weiss fighting Emerald. Hmm. They have Winter with Weiss, and Qrow with Ruby and Yang, and then the two having a staredown before the old Team STRQ picture goes by, which is fine or whatever I guess, but I think I would've preferred something else, like seeing Qrow with the inner circle. Also, no Roman at all (which is really weird, since he was currently one of the main villains,) no Neo, and still no Penny. And despite her larger role in volume three, Pyrrha's screentime in the opening sequence was barely more than the screentime for Sage and Scarlet. Riddle me that.
Volume Four opening sequence:
We're reverting back to mostly having a bunch of people shown standing around and making facial expressions. To be fair, this was a volume where there wasn't a lot of big stuff going on, which I do not hate (if it was done better.) It's weird that they showed Blake fighting Adam when she was really fighting Ilia, though, but I'm willing to dismiss that as them wanting to get across how she's haunted by him or something. But I just personally find that opening sequence really boring. Idk what else to say about it. I like the song though.
Volume Five opening sequence:
Same as before except somehow even more boring. Why are these openings mostly just people standing there? Also when you see Raven she has this soft grin on her face and I'm like... Yeah, sorry, she was a smug jerk the whole time, why is she smiling in her opening credits moment? Weird.
Volume Six opening sequence:
Believe it or not, I like the sound of this song (especially the start of it,) but I'm not sure it was the right song for an opening sequence (and some of the lines are just blah annoying.) Also, more people standing around right at the start with JNOR and Qrow. And then there's this?
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They're like, playing tag or something while Blake and Yang are sitting together all moodily? It's just like... I'm not sure. It's weird. Am I the only one that feels like if Ruby was playing tag on the train with anyone, it should be Yang who is shown to still have goofy antics with Ruby in this season, or Nora, who is very silly and rambunctious as a rule? Weiss didn't go through as obvious of a character change in this season as Blake did, but I think people stopped writing for Weiss and started writing for 'Ruby's best friend,' and it shows in little moments like this.
Also with Cinder's moments, they tried to be like "Who is this under the hoooood? We don't knoooow!" And then at the same time tried to be like "Ooooh, is Torchwick baaack? Look at his haaaat!" And it's like, just show us Cinder and Neo. Especially because neither of these things was set up as suspenseful in the show. There was no shadowy figure that people speculated on for episodes, it was just Cinder in clothes we watched her murder a person for. Gonna be honest, it was somehow better than the fourth volume opening sequence, but still.
Volume Seven Sequence opening:
I've already talked about hating the Trust Love song, but yeah, it's really not my favorite. It might be my least favorite. Also! Having them turn from their volumes 1-3 looks, into their volumes 4-6 looks, and into their volume 7-8 looks... Really just showcased how bad some of them looked. Also it's funny that they show Ironwood while they say 'your life's a masterpiece.' Like?? Weird placement for the character you hate. Also also, this?
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Always makes me laugh. It's so... Disney channel spy cartoon. Like, it feels straight out of some kind of Kim Possible movie. Why did they choose this? And again, a lot of characters just stand there and make facial expressions. I can't tell you how annoying I find that.
Also, again with weird framing around Ironwood, when a Mantle citizen throws something at the image of James and it flickers into Jacques... Almost like they were signifying how Jacques was trying to make James a scapegoat despite the fact that he was the one hurting Mantle... Huh.
Also, they act like Weiss's main color is blue and Blake's main color is purple. It's so annoying that they can't even stick to one rule in this dang show, like 'the main four have a main color they're represented by.'
Last complaint for this theme song sequence, but why is Qrow so far from the group in the last shot?
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If this season had featured Qrow kind of isolating himself from the rest of the group, then this would make sense to me. Instead, they had Team RWBY and co supposedly cool with him now that he started letting them do what they want without protest, had him and Ruby have a heart to heart about Summer, had him hug Ironwood, and launched him into a rapid friendship-possible partnership that consumed most of his screen time this season. So I don't get this choice of framing him as apart from the others.
Volume Eight opening sequence:
So! I'll start out by saying that just like with the volume six song, it's not that I hate this one, it's just that I'm not sure it was a good choice for an opening theme. Also, it's kind of just bad that they put the line 'we said goodbye to all the things we loved' right over shots of the RWBY girls now compared to who they were back in volumes 1-3. Aaaand I wish they'd stop being like 'look, look, do you guys remember back then? We're still just like that!' It's giving ''Steven Moffat keeps bringing in things from the Russel T Davies era to Doctor Who seasons five through seven and misusing them." It's giving "Disney keeps referencing Frozen long after the movie came out." It's giving "They brought in the kid of Will and Elizabeth to Pirates of the Caribbean 5 to try to trick people into thinking it's good."
ALSO: When they're doing that sequence, I get real annoyed at the way they animated Yang.
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Some of them are kind of off considering the way the characters behave in volume 8, but Yang's is just bad. Ruby has this cute daring smirk, Weiss is making this serious concentrating face, Blake looks angry and intense, and then Yang - who spends most of her time in volume eight being angry and picking fights with people or being sad as she thinks temporarily leaving on a mission once is going to make Blake think worse of her... Has this like, floaty happy little soft smile and is the only one of the four not portrayed in an action shot? If Isabella from Phineas and Ferb was a RWBY character, this is the kind of pose and face she'd make while staring lovestruck at Phineas. Why is this what they went with?
Again, there's weird framing with James, as they play the line 'gave up our lives' while showing him, like they were acknowledging the sacrifices he made while they speed-run a badly done villain arc. Also 'hope has no place here' while they show Salem set playing chess with the black pieces that all turn into Grimm against James who has all his white pieces dissolve into dust, like they were... Saying he's the only person actually trying to stop her... while the others all left to do other things... In the same season they turn him into an evil bastard. The rest of it is just kind of boring
So yeah, those are my criticisms of the choices for the main sequences of RWBY volumes 1-8. I still consider all of these Nitpicks, because I've enjoyed plenty of shows without liking every choice they make for their opening sequences, but yeah.
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tf2-x-reader · 2 years
Scout w/ clumsy reader 😫
i <3 this ask bc i too am a clumsy motherfucker so here ya go
scout x clumsy reader
he thinks it is just so wicked adorable sometimes
...but, he's just as clumsy as you
if not more so, tbh
you probably think hes wicked adorable too.
and you better bet the other mercs always joke about how you're perfect for each other because you're both always falling over and dropping stuff
scout falls over almost every time he tries to impress you
at least once, maybe twice a week
...and you probably do the same
mutual clumsiness and silliness. it's just cute
annoying sometimes sure, when you drop something important
but scout never judges you or laughs at you
not in seriousness at least
he does 'make fun of you for it' a lot but its all kidding around and fuckin with ya
he apologizes so fuckin much if he goes too far. again bc he knows what its like to be made fun of for being clumsy
(his brothers weren't exactly the nicest guys around town)
its like, the one thing he isn't an ass about
oh, and whichever one of you eventually proposes? you drop the ring and/or fall over when you kneel down. but he/you say yes <3
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randoimago · 2 years
Meant to ask a while back, however I’m assuming why the “No Character x Reader with Characters personality” rule was in place was for one of two reasons:
1. People were tryna cheese the no Character x Character rule
2. It got weird
The whole reason I did the Deadpool thing is because a character I kin (wrench from watch_dogs 2) has the same “Merc with the mouth archetype, and if it was going to/did become a problem, I’m sorry for exposing those people to that idea. -❄️🦀
P.S.: got my wisdom teeth removed, it’s been a fun day and it’s only gonna get more funny as the week goes by.
No, I just didn't really have fun writing those types of request. I ended up getting a lot of "Can I have this character with a Reader that acts like this Character?" and I wasn't really enjoying writing them so I added that to the rules.
I'm also very picky when it comes to what fandoms I like "crossing over" with others (character from one fandom with reader that has a character's personality from another fandom). I'm honestly not a huge fan of crossovers to begin with unless it's an actual canon thing that the creators have done tbh.
I've had a wisdom tooth removed. It sucked. Hope you heal faster than I did!!
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just-mebs · 2 years
Tf2 x rotg au when king
Askjdshjlfsaf I wasn't gonna do it bc I know I can't make decisions but f u ck
((only doing movie verse bc I haven't reread the books in over a year but I've watched the movie multiple times in the last few days lol))
Heavy 100% is Nick. Sorry I know it's cliché to pick him bc they're both Russian but I feel like their characterizations would also fit okay 🥺 like I said in the tags of my other post they're both deadly but sweeties + smart as fuck.
With that being said Engie is also a top contender for Nick for the fact that Nick builds all of his (*cough* as in designs them... shout out to Phil and the yetis 😅) toys but also uses is creations to help with his fights (meaning: the snow globes ≈ teleporters?). He's also very prideful of his work much like Nick, and seems to be closer to MiM similar to how the Conaghers are close to,,, well Mann Co. in general I feel.
Pyro would be Sandy. Was thinking of making them Tooth (bc,,, fairy) but Tooth is a little too business imo for Pyro. Sandy though? They both got that silent whimsicalness about them between pyroland and the dream sand.
Spy could also fit as Sandy. With the whole silent thing. Also they're both sassy/sarcastic and very extra/show off-ie tbh. Idk I feel like you could make a very solid argument for Spy being Sandy (tho let's be honest Spy would most likely be Pitch becuase 💅)
Might be surprising but I'm gonna go with Demo for Bunny. I know, I know: Sniper is right there. HOWEVER, Bunny is all over the damn place and is a little too smart for Sniper to match him. But Demo? Perfect. Got that intrest in the occult/magic + science aspect to him too that fits Bunny more imo.
The only place I feel that Bunny and Sniper meet would be their reclusiveness? Both def love their alone time. You could also shove the fact that neither of them have living family but .... kinda dark imo lmao. There are def other things that would make a better argument on his behalf but yeah !!
For Tooth: character wise, Pauling fits Tooth better than any of the mercs lol. But if you want to go with only mercs then I think Medic goes right here with all his doves 🥰 also between collecting teeth (granted Tooth collecting teeth is no where near the same as Medic collecting... any kind of body parts) and that scene in the Warren with Sofie... yeeaaah I feel like they match up nicely to a point.
For Jack, well, it's another obvious pick but Scout. I mean!!! Not only are you looking at a kid from Boston, aka snow storms every winter, but he has that cocky high energy + fun vibe with him so ??? Who else would even fit. You could also argue that Jack's relationships to MiM is similar to Scout's with Spy (tho I wouldn't say that Spy fits MiM himself).
The only merc I simply cannot place is Soldier lol. Honestly, he'd most likely be one of the Burgess' kids (Cupcake 🥺🥰)
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mangleschmidt · 4 years
DRV3 Boys playing TF2 Headcanons
(First made long before the F2P mute and bot crisis but I added the bot crisis)
Me and my bro made up many scenarios AND cosmetics for the class (my brother mostly help me with the idea)
I originally have the terminologies explained like market gardening, friendly and such but cut it because it’s getting too long. If you want the terminologies, you can tell me. Btw, I’m not an imagines blog, just doing this one for fun.
Kaito Momota
Main: Soldier
Thrilled to play this game, saying that's very manly and it's one of the coolest games yet
He, along with Kaede (and to an extend, Chiaki), are the ones who introduced the game to the class
Was a scout main at first and likes the scout unironically
A terrible tryhard warpig soldier
Saw a rocket jumping soldier at a High-tower map and wanted to imitate that, almost like he's blasting to space
Watch this guy try to market garden someone and then get fucking rekt by a Medic of all classes
He just dies, a lot, which is frustrating and his team gets mad at him
Kaito gets better at it fortunately, but it's a painfully slow process
You'll be lucky if he decides to go back to Scout in a round lmao
Rages in chat or voice but is the best cheerleader you can have in your team, he never actually shits on you for being shit on the game
There's that one time where Kaito got the Rocket Jumper from a drop, fired it at an enemy, got angry how it didn't worked, realized it doesn't do damage and embarrassed himself
Gets a bit pissy when no one is doing the objective so he avoids the maps Hightower and 2fort most of the time
Capture the flag and payload races mostly pisses him off for the same reason (tho he would go to Hightower for the sick rocket jumps)
So he doesn't like friendlies (but he may or may not, you know, do the conga, rock paper scissors, mannrobics, kazotsky kick-)
Anything that looks cool and manly cosmetics, but mostly you'll see him decked with space cosmetics
Bonus: Avoids Full Moon and Scream Fortress, is obviously afraid but he gives Alien Invasion a shot when it comes up, loves it. Also like Doomsday
Rantaro Amami
Main: Engineer
Everyone seems to be like it so why not give it a shot?
He got invested and also found the trading system
Rantaro usually plays engineer but is willing to change classes if the team needs a class
Is at least good at every other class
Rarely does turtling or battle engie but enjoys doing it with the other engies for laughs, and is very good at battle engie
Some people confused him with Uncle Dane
Hc that Rantaro looks up to Uncle Dane
Imagine Rantaro and Uncle Dane having a collab, that would be sick as fuck
Casual and competitive but more casual, often plays in community servers
That type of person who voice chats
Rantaro is one of the ones who would help his classmates play, along with Kaito. Imagine him like in a server with Kaito and Gonta, helping Gonta how to play and Avocado and Space boy act as a translator while Bug boy plays cutely
Doesn't mind friendlies, he chills with them a lot and he is easily well liked by the community
Some even suggested him to make a tf2 youtube channel
Has an unusual hat, making him look like a pro, has a lot of medic girlfriends because of this
One of the two reasons why the whole class have a wide array of cosmetics
Gonta Gokuhara
Main: Medic
At first he doesn't like how violent the game is
But since this violence is just for fun and in game and no one is actually getting hurt and dead so he's at least convinced
Still wants to play passively so Gonta goes with Medic, healing and helping his team seems to be a fitting choice!
The game is not too complex so he learns easily... i-in a way
Best boy learns fast, he should be fine
He's definitely that type of Medic who would go to someone when they press the E key and whoever is near him
Doesn't know where to look most of the time, gets lost easily to big maps like the control points
Gonta still has a firm grasp on what to do, like if he noticed that someone is in low health, he'll heal them immediately without needing the 'e', build up uber, spy check the patient, and never heal spies when they're disguised
Can't aim for shit, though he supposedly gets better at it with the crusader's crossbow
He sometimes would accidentally forget to pop when it's necessary and then die
"Danke!" Says that a lot
He doesn't play a lot despite having fun, he's an outdoor type of guy
Absolutely LOVES friendlies and just loves it when someone just stops, does the conga taunt and everyone follows, creating a conga line (until someone kills them all but it's all in good fun!) He loves silly servers
Is honestly surprised that there’s even such thing as silly servers and friendlies, thought it’s all blood and gore (he sometimes switch to pyro vision googles to avoid gore)
Sometimes plays as Heavy for the protecting part and the friendly Hoovy part for this reason
Anything fancy for the cosmetics, especially for hats the Gentleman's Gabsy or the Vintage Tyrolean (a good cosmetic for a good gentleman!)
Has a lot of cosmetics like Rantaro and trades them with the class
Bonus: Isn't fond of Banana Bay and the Second Banana... because banana
Kokichi Ouma
Main: None (most played: Scout)
Bold of you to assumed he never played this game before
... or is it a lie?
Needless to say he likes it for the cartoony and chaotic vibe of the game
Switches between the 9 classes, even if there's 5 spies he'll be the 6th one
He'd be that Medic who would leave the others to die, Scout that steals sandwiches from Heavy that's meant for the dying Medic and so forth
He might as well pretend to be a sniper bot
Chaos incarnate
This is the fucker who spams E and X+5 (Place the dispenser)
Also taunts in every kill
When he's on a losing team, he would try to bind kill right before the time is up or taunt kill in humiliation, sometimes works
Actually really good at the game, he's one of the very few people who picked up very quickly
Though he fooled Gonta once as a disguised enemy spy. He got rekt when they both noticed the achievement
Also dominated someone so badly that they immediately rage quit, another achievement
Another "you'll be lucky if he plays seriously" which is rare
Is definitely on a 30+ killstreak
People would sometimes thought he’s a squeaker (a kid who rages in voice chat) so he just fucks around with them and then just pulls a no u card
Neutral opinion on friendlies though he gets bored when no one is doing the objective or any action happening so he burns them all and watches them get mad in the chat
Obnoxious combos of cosmetics that you can easily recognize that purple neon Scunt from afar even if he's under an alias
Korekiyo Shinguuji
Main: Spy/Sniper
Not interested at first but is interested when others play and hovers over their shoulders to watch
While watching Gonta and Kiibo playing with the friendlies, he got interested
You don't see that in a lot of fps games
Korekiyo looks like an edgy sniper/spy main who just watches the chaos enveloping from the distance and getting headshots/backstabs out of nowhere
He's very calm and collective despite the crazy amount of chaos and all the deafening sounds of the vc
It's amusing to him, he even find the Administrator interesting and would sometimes go into many modes to hear her voice tone changes and a lot of behaviors of many players too
He even noticed the voice lines of the mercs and got invested in the lore of Team Fortress 2
Korekiyo still does his job in the game but can sometimes be interpreted as him in afk, almost got him kicked
Though he does get kicked for the being good at sniper, people getting butt hurt and called him a hacker
Also an amazing spy checker
Is interested about friendlies, he would come up to them close and observe them and he plays along with the taunts
He got really interested to see this "culture", like how most of the players collectively decides to play silly, serious or both, resulting him trying out almost every game mode and map there is
Unironically loves 2fort, Hightower, Suijin and Degroot Keep
Often joins community servers and silly servers but will do casual/pub servers whenever he feels like it
Something that resembles him irl, he looks edgy with the mask tbh
Other than that, his cosmetics changes depending on what mood or observation he wants to do
Ryoma Hoshi
Main: None (most played: Demoman)
Convinced by Kaito into playing
Not that much actually
Mediocre at best, he’s just doing his own thing
Definitely would stick around even if there’s one person in the server
Imagine getting killed by a Medic as a Demoknight in a melee fight with a shit weapon Do No Harm, couldn’t be me... or Ryoma
Likely plays Passtime
He will never admit it but he finds the ragdolls in the game funny
Also unironically likes the Scout
Demoknight tf2
God, imagine Ryoma has demonknight speed, combine it with his own speed and Solarlight skills, he’d be infinitely flying across all maps and go beyond the skybox
Ryoma too strong pls nerf
Doesn't play it often, not really his thing
Doesn’t mind friendlies, honestly surprised that there’s even such thing as one
Doesn't customize himself, though he likes the animal cosmetics
I apologize to the Ryoma fans out there for this being short
Shuichi Saihara
Main: None (most played: Spy)
Also doesn't see the appeal, but convinced by Kaito into playing
When he played the game for the first time, every time he dies, he switch to a class just to test them out
It’s too much for him, please hold him
Probably fell off a cliff several times-
Imagine the sheer amount of panic he feels when playing any class, especially Medic since Medic is a death magnet
Rockets, explosives, bullets, fire, blood and ragdolls everywhere! ... oh hey why is that guy just crouching with a melee?
He gets the hang of it over time
One of the best spy checker there is as well, not only as Pyro, though he feels sorry for the new spies (or newbies in general) so he tries to teach them the best way he can
The server kicked him for using hacks to find spies but for him, it’s obvious???
He usually plays the class whatever the team needs at the moment
Hard reads are strong in this one
Sushi likes the friendlies, chills with them a lot :>
Doesn’t customized himself, Kaito’s the one who helped him with it
Main: None (most played: Heavy)
Tries it out
It's ok I guess
He also doesn't have a main because he'll try to accommodate in which class is needed
If the whole team is like a full house of cards (in a 4 snipers, 5 engies type of way, you get the idea), he'll mostly go for the Medic since he knows it's vital for a team to have a Medic
There's rarely any Medics or Heavies in the start of the round, are they an endangered species??
He might start an event or something dedicating to the two classes
It never goes well despite Keebo's efforts in those, let's be honest
Though sometimes the team has like three Medics, the poor boy is confused
He's actually doing alright with all the class
The bot problem, oh god the bot problem
So there's that one time where the Myg0t bot joined, the enemy team said in the chat about kicking the bot
Well... obviously this made Keebo upset, as he thought they were referring to him
The server thought Keebo was trolling when he said something about him being a robot and saying that they're being robophobic... and sending them to court-
By some kind of miracle, the server liked Keebo because of this so he wasn't kicked out but he's incredibly salty throughout the match
"The server is robophobic" "Keebo, they were referring to the aimbots, they weren't robophobic" "... What Aimbots?"
His classmates were able to explain with videos and experiences, and also told him about several other types of bots that ruins the fun, which made Keebo embarrassed for having the wrong assumption
Though he still gets offended whenever it happens-
Like Kaito, he also doesn't like friendlies, insisting that that it's not how really play the game, though is guilty in pre-game conga lines, mannrobics and kazotski taunts, he likes the mannrobics
Bonus: Does NOT like the bot deco and is conflicted with the Mann vs Machine game mode
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some-pers0n · 5 months
Heyy I’m new to the tf2 fandom and was wondering where you get your content? Obviously there’s the game and the official animations, but is there any other big source? I’ve heard of the comics but haven’t read them, I don’t know anything other than that lol
Tbh there’s so much fanwork that it’s kinda hard to tell what’s canon and what isn’t 😭
Finally got around to this anon ask lol.
For general art and such? I hang around here on Tumblr. Twitter too, but mainly Tumblr. I'm always terrible with remembering artists off the top of my head though.. You just go through the TF2 tag and follow whichever one you'd like :] Same thing said with TF2 fics. Despite writing like. 200k words, I don't read a ton of fics. I get too upset too quickly when the characters aren't exactly like how I write them.
The comics are great! You can find them on the official TF2 website. No need to buy anything, as they're available on the comic section. They're actually supposed to be read on that website lol. They're very silly and fun and I recommend them a lot, especially when it comes to learning the more "lore" characters like Saxton Hale, the Administrator and Pauling, Gray Mann, and so on and so forth.
Videos and such? I like watching SFM animations and YouTubers. Some that jump out at me in particular are
Uncle Dane (Engineer tips and gameplay)
Lazy Purple (synopsis of the classes with gameplay and general tips and such)
ShorK (TF2 goofs and memes with the occasional very high-quality stuff as he works kinda with the voice actors of the mercs)
Quazies (fan animations)(both Godzilla and TF2 with the Lil' Pootis shorts),
Elmaxo (TF2 challenges like getting 1000 kills on the sniper rifle and zero headshots kills)
Eltorro64Rus (weird Gmod animations with goofy and silly nonsensical stuff)
Bumbles McFumbles (mostly non-TF2 BUT he has done two videos about the mercs and which one is the biggest war criminal and well as which ones make for the best boyfriend)
ColonelFazipantzen (very pretty SFM animations and memes)
The Winglet (SFM animator who goes high-quality and goofy videos)
Fortress Films (Spy's Disguise and Emesis Blue, two SFM movies that are pretty different and tone [especially with Emesis Blue] and I generally wouldn't exactly recommend as your first exposure to TF2 since Emesis Blue in particular is a serious psychological horror flick)
All you need to know is that official Valve-made stuff is canon. The comics, official SFMs, blog posts, all that. Most of the stuff you find on YouTube or here isn't canon unless it's a repeat of what's shown in canon. Blah blah blah, all that.
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formulatrash · 4 years
Could I get your opinion on Hamilton? Bc I feel like people either love him and are like he is the nicest person in the universe or hate him and think he’s the worst & tbh while he does seem genuinely good he’s also clearly willing to do quite a lot to win (2007) & I really doubt the Nico thing was one sided either way so... opinions.
Hello, anon - I got two of these so gonna answer this one rather than both .Lewis, man. Where the hell do you start with Lewis? Unquestionably one of the most talented drivers we have seen or will ever see on track. Not just for raw speed or ingenuity but with the way he has been able to adapt and learn across a changing era of cars - something a lot of the other drivers aspiring to GOAT status (Alonso, in particular) just haven’t been able to do. 
People think of Lewis as having unquestionably the best car. But that’s a recent development (and not always true even then) - the last few years he and Jenson were at McLaren, they were wildly outperforming the cars with a really strong driver pairing. (and the order was a little less rigid then, in all fairness)
I’m nearly the same age as Lewis so I remember him when he was a novelty - when what people said was that there was this guy in the junior categories who was fast - and this was always prefixed - he was black. 
People said he was stroppy, had cheating engines (there is no evidence of this, especially when you consider the budget he was working with) and that he had a bad attitude, he was never going to get to Formula One so why put him in your team, a kid like that couldn’t be a champion… in other words the extremely racialised term “uppity.” Like, have absolutely zero illusions on this front, people were not supportive.
Some were, obviously and for every hand up like the McLaren backing, the detractors got louder. So when Lewis took the GP2 title and moved up to F1, he had to come in hot and obnoxious. Especially with Fernando as his teammate. Especially with spygate about to wipe out any shine left on the mangled heap they’d made of the championship trophy that year.
And oh, the disqualification (for anyone not up to speed: the whole McLaren entry was excluded that season for allegedly spying on Ferrari) just validated the detractors: you see, he isn’t that good. He was cheating. 
Lewis has a temper. I don’t mean that in the sense he’s an angry guy, at all, just that there is a certain length you can push him and he will eventually snap, like all of us - he’s not a robot. And if you have to prove yourself again and again and again, in tests way beyond what anyone else is being scrutinised on, knowing that it is unfair and having no way to get past them but to once again, obnoxiously, excel then you will occasionally also make the odd sniping comment. 
I’ve never heard him say anything stroppier than he once threw a bit of a shit fit because he thought Jenson unfollowed him on Twitter, though - whereas the howling conniptions when he succeeds in whatever the latest arbitrary challenge someone has decided he must pass to be considered successful? Those continue to the day.
Lewis, of course, is now pretty zen. He’s spent a long time working on himself and has been repairing his relationship with his father (who used to be his manager until they somewhat explosively parted ways) and with old rivals. He’s been growing as a person and a driver, he’s been caring less about what people think. The Lewis now is very different to the Lewis even a few years ago - clearly a lot of self-reflection and space has happened, after what was years of charging around and also some - bluntly - horrible psychological shit which the Merc team definitely have to take some responsibility for because it was their success formula to set him and Nico against each other to push each other forwards.
And for all the bitterness between him and Nico, they were never, like, really loathing each other. Just couldn’t work together. I find it really ghoulish how eager the press is to see Carlos and Lando go the same way, asking when will you fall out? all the time like it wasn’t obvious both Lewis and Nico were in pretty horrible states during it. (I saw some of the aftermath via one of them and like, that’s some trauma right there :/)
Has Lewis had his controversies? For sure. Some of them I have been upset by - like when he posted an instagram story telling his nephew he couldn’t wear a dress. Thing about Lewis is that, especially as he’s got older, he doesn’t double-down on things like that, he goes away and reflects - and designed a range of skirts and modelled them for an interview where he was called on it, then went to Disneyland and walked round with his nephew wearing that princess dress he’d mocked him for. [warning: Daily Mail link sorry, only site that had the pics] 
Yes, ideally he would not have been a prang in the first place but it is also very good to publicly show growth. Especially in F1. 
I loved old, obnoxious fuckboy Lewis. He was the middle finger F1 needed showing - and his resilience to the number of times the press and the talking heads and the social circles of F1 tried to push him back down, only to spring back up with a blindingly-polished trophy… ah, you love to see it. 
Lewis means more to me than almost any other driver - and like, I vibe heavily with several - because he is that outlier example who shouldn’t have been counted but who keeps forcing them to score him into the ledgers of history, even now.
Is it good having a vocal advocate for women and for LGBT rights, who isn’t scared to call out motorsports prejudices and racism, so prominently in the sport? Yes. It’s a hard truth that he had to get this level of success in order to gain a platform because no when Lewis speaks people have to listen and report it. Because if his Instagram story can turn into a scandal, it can also be a communications platform. It’s why he holds a lot of sway with Liberty Media. 
Now Lewis’ rights to be in the sport are unassailable. So he can start on other fights he couldn’t take at the time - there’s a reason the F1 press still gives Wehrlein (who is one of the sweetest drivers I have ever worked with) the “uppity” treatment and it’s fucking sad. It’s so embarrassing to work in this industry that’s a thousand miles behind even other embarrassing industries on this global fucking shame. 
Look, I don’t give a fuck about the whole GOAT thing because sport is a continuous cycle (err, most years) and so ‘all time’ is a dumb thing to put in an accolade. But Lewis is, in my opinion, the best Formula One driver we have ever witnessed the career of. He is devastatingly good, has honed himself to a level where mistakes are such a rarity they’re a headline in and of themselves.
To maintain that, year after year after year? It’s not human. It’s a man who’s pushed himself beyond the pinnacle of the sport because he has proven everything and still someone will be typing out some snide little piece, at the same time I am writing this, that Hamilton will never be the greatest because [arbitrary mathematics about how you can’t count three of his titles so we don’t have to respect him yet. Not yet. It’s not that we don’t respect him because of who he is. It’s just one last test….]
Does Lewis being so good at Formula One driving it’s not really comprehensible below the level of fellow world champion make other drivers bad? No. He’s not walking to the titles. And maybe one day someone will be better than Lewis. Maybe he won’t be on form this year, somehow, for the first time in years of racing - if it ever starts again. Maybe he’ll retire to make tracksuits and rescue dolphins. 
I am glad he seems happy now. He looks incredible. Man gets hotter and nicer with every year and you absolutely love to see it. His growth in himself and the sport has been equally impressive and his transformative power, both in terms of pushing forward the sporting side and in terms of using his platforms for good, is awesome. 
(Lewis doesn’t have to speak out about stuff; I know people think it’s naff or crass or obnoxious or preachy but he could just not - and he knows people’d bash him for something else) 
That said, I wish he’d put some money into sponsoring some grass roots motorsport but that is literally my only beef with him. But yeah, we stan a complicated, evolutionary boy.
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pato-owards · 3 years
absolutely agree on the ART stuff. i hope maybe gwen lagrue from merc or just generally merc and sauber can sort something out with the team for next year (assuming fred does go to f2, which i believe is highly likely)
and yeahh prema's f3 2020 lineup seemed stronger to me as well. they were all phenomenal, fred had an unlucky start to his season but the strongest second half if i remember everything correctly. oscar and logan were amazing. don't get me wrong, look at dennis, he's absolutely smashing it now. olli and arthur are also doing quite good, sometimes luck isn't on their side though. i haven't been following this years prema f3 team as much tbh. also kind of goes to show how far prema can bring drivers from midfield/backmarker teams i guess?? and not me remembering fred-stuff because i've read articles on him on the f1/f3/merc websites 😔
lets assume that Merc & Sauber both have their juniors at ART next season. Both teams might have to say something for ART to not favourite just one driver and leave the other one out to dry and figure shit out by themselves.
Prema has an incredible run last season. Fred’s comeback towards the second half was really nice to see, and they all held their own and were able to score points that helped them. Dennis has been incredible this season, he has multiple wins and many podiums which is not only helping him but also the team. Olli i have nothing to judge him off as he wasn’t strong last season and Arthur has been kinda strong but has has dreadful luck. Prema can definitely bring midfield/backmarkers up towards the top of the championship but Dennis has won championships and Arthur has as well in pretty sure. Not to sure about Olli as i don’t follow his career or him at all. Prema is strong and when they have strong drivers it really shows how strong they actually are. i do the same thing, i’ll remember weird little facts from certain articles i read from certain drivers as well
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
5 and 7 for the get to know your V thing
Ahhhhhh, thank you so much for the ask, nonny! You made my night!~  Also, SPOILER WARNING!!!!
5. how do your loved ones (LI, found family, etc) feel about you being a merc? or if you’ve given up the life now that everything’s finished, what was their reaction?
So, my V is a former nomad with this whole convoluted backstory about how her clan is Raffen Shiv, darwinistic asshole bastards and she left and now they wanna gut her for betraying them essentially. So, her blood family is less concerned about her career choices and more concerned with putting a bullet in her head. 
However, her found family, initially is Jackie, Misty, Viktor, and Mama Welles. Jackie’s her partner in crime and kinda brought her into it, though she was doing similar work in the Badlands already. And honestly, a part of me thinks Jack sometimes feels some guilt over that. My V is in her early twenties, fairly young, whereas I do believe Jackie is canonically 30. So, theres definitely a part of him thats like I dragged a fetus into merc work what have i done. Which is probably why he’s a little protective of her on gigs. Misty worries about them both, so does Viktor, and Mama Welles of course. And in terms of found family later on, generally speaking, they worry about her a lot. 
Judy still sees a walking corpse, scared of when V’s luck is gonna run out. I think she also struggles a lot with the dichotomy of V to her and the V she knows exists. Because after the initial, rough start of their friendship, Judy sees V as a good person who helped her. But V is also a merc, she kills for money, lives have price tags to her which seems so opposed to the same V who helped her find Evelyn who supported Judy and grieved with her. Its a weird contrast that Judy isn’t always sure what to make of. 
Goro obviously doesn’t think much of mercs, we see this in game, he’s got kind of a judgey vibe. And as he ges closer to V, I definitely think he finds himself wishing they’d switch professions, but he knows they feel the same way towards his life. He told them he can’t be taught new tricks, so, as much as he’d like to its not really fair to push them to change when he won’t either. 
Kerry is terrified of the day she goes on a gig and doesn’t come back, I feel like he’s the kind of friend to offer financial help in hoping to coax her out of it, but she refuses it every time which drives him up a wall. Because he wants to help, V has become his closest friend (other than Johnny) and between her allowing Johnny to take over for concerts or just giving them time to talk without her and her merc work leaving her always bruised, always bloodied, always with a new wound. He feels like he’s watching his best friend slowly kill herself and no matter what he can’t help her, because she won’t let him. 
River, I don’t know much of at this point, but I feel like given his job he’s seen what night city does to people, the horrors she must be facing and the danger she’s in, and wishes she’d find something safer. From what I have seen he seems to be big on like settling down, having a normal life, and I think he’d want that for V too and doesn’t always get that it isn’t something she wants. 
Panam seems to do smuggling work mostly, like a lot of nomads (most extreme job she mentions is smuggling a corpse, not being the one to pull a trigger) so she of course worries about V’s more dangerous jobs and tbh especially with my V being a former nomad; I think Panam would also almost see V as a warning sign of what could happen to her if she continues to stray from the Aldecaldos. 
And of course, Johnny worries more than he lets on. At first maybe just cause their lives are linked in some ways, but overtime it’s more because of a genuine concern for her. As ironic as it may sound for our terrorist rockerboy, it genuinely worries him to watch how much danger she puts herself in on a regular basis.It feels like despite everything they’re trying to do, she doesn’t truly care about her own life, and at a certain point it terrifies him because he can’t help but think that eventually there will come another morning and he’ll feel like something is missing and it’ll be true, that he’ll search and search for that sense of relief of having her but it will never come because she’ll truly be gone. 
7. if offered enough money/power, would you be willing to join the corpo lifestyle? if you’re former corpo, would you go back?
Not in a billion fucking years! My V was anti-corp and anti-capitalism long before Johnny came into the picture. Because she’s a nomad, she knows what led to nomad groups, it was the corps taking and destroying land. And now, the corps go on news and talk about how evil nomads are for having the nerve not to bow down and lick the corp boots. As much as she dislikes her nomad family at this point, she still agrees with certain viewpoints that were instilled in her, one of them being the dangers of corps and capitalism. And hell, if she’s being honest, she blames corps at least somewhat for her nomad family situation. Because their initial actions that spurred nomad families traveling and the continued smear campaigns on nomads helps foster the isolation of certain nomad groups, an isolation that can give leaders within these families the unchecked power to do whatever they want with no consequences. She gets why people do become corpos, why if you’re scouted out and have a chance to live a life so many never could dream of why you’d take it. When the choices are starving or licking the boot; you do what you gotta. But, for herself, she couldn’t ever compromise her morals like that. 
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ryttu3k · 4 years
Today on Bloodlines, crushing someone’s hopes and dreams, a whole mess of Sabbat, and SCHEEEEMES.
Man I legit feel guilty about this. Just. I know how much passion goes into writing! And someone destroying it is just... yeah, it’s to protect the Masquerade, but god it makes me feel bad as a writer.
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*guilt intensifies*
Oh, Julius :( Here’s hoping we can get away with just giving him a stern warning...?
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I’m... gonna assume that sending him away is a Masquerade breach? On the other hand, shit, he didn’t know. He just got kicked out on his own, no guidance, no being told the rules, nothing! Sierra only avoided the same because Jack helped her out!
Okay! Okay that went decently. No Masquerade hit, no loss of Humanity for killing a scared kid. Still, he’s now been exiled, David has lost his masterpiece, it’s just a bad situation all around :(
Swing by Merc’s place and ooh, got flamethrowers now. That... will come in handy for the Sabbat raid.
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Why is that second option so mean?!
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Sierra’s internal thoughts: “I’M GAY I’M GAY I’M GAY.”
Like she can vaguely tell she’s being manipulated but also. Pretty lady.
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Oh my XD Well, gotta head back to the haven anyway (got a skill book in the chest I want to read), so, uh, let’s find out XD
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Oh that’s... kinda cute tbh XD I mean, uh, they’re uh, not great XD;; But they come from the heart, at least!
Well... only thing left to do is hit up Sabbat HQ!
Window cleaning thingie!!
You know this is a beautiful hotel?
Oh fuck. It’s Halloween. Isn’t that a huge Sabbat thing? XD;;
Oh god meat crimes. Also note to self, don’t use flamethrowers at point blank range.
Yeah turned invis back on XD;;
What the fuck that guy was human! Got a Humanity loss! Why are there humans here - oh. Blood.
“OH YEAH.” This single Sabbat dude, you are so valid.
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jfc these poor fuckers are gonna be scarred for life. S’okay dude I’ll just take a little.
...the fuck is this? Glowy mystical fire shit?
Okay yeah had to look up how to deal with that. Did rather a lot of damage!
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That was with Fortitude.
Time for the boss (who I already know is Andrei because I had to look up what the hell to do with the Tremere antitribu XD;; ). Andrei dude we have got to talk about your interior design choices.
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God this shit is intriguing.
Zulo form, neat! Very nice swan dives. Still, though! Goodbye, you Vykos wannabe!
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God it’s weird as hell hearing Ming’s voice coming from Nines. Sierra’s reckless Anarch ass is This Close to going “FIGHT ME”.
Well, no getting back into the hotel, so guess I’m not getting the cool sword :( Looks like it’s a glitch, it’s meant to be in the room you fight Andrei in, but it was nowhere to be seen. While I decide whether or not to use the console to grab it, racing off to the Last Round!
Huh. Jack’s not there, and all you can tell Damsel is that Ming confirmed the alliance with SparklingWater, not the, you know, extremely relevant information that Nines was framed!
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...I got nothin’ XD;; Gonna assume demanding he call off the blood hunt won’t be so easy...
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TMI but also glad he’s okay XD;;
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There is no “FUCK no!” loud enough XD
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Option 3 tyvm! Sierra would have also added, “- and framed Nines?!”
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...busted >.>
SparklingWater: “Choose your words carefully.”
Sierra, busting into the Last Round: “Hey who wants to take down the Kuei-jin and kill LaCroix?”
Oooh yeah I see what people mean when they say the scene with Beckett is alarming as hell!
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Sierra’s just clinging to his leg like “ADOPT ME THIS TOWN IS FUCKED ;_;“
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Damsel I would die for you and your phrasing.
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I’m half torn between laughing my ass off at “think I’ll go eat something so I can vomit” and genuinely touched at Damsel acknowledging she actually trusts Sierra.
Welp, I know what’s at Griffith Park, so time to finish there for now!
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