#Good girls NBC
cloveroctobers · 9 days
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A/N: I was debating between making this Rio or Manny based and usually I like to alternate but for this prompt it felt more Rio like 😂 so hopefully for my October prompts if I write for Mayans again I’ll probably write for Manny. Anyways! Hope you guys get a kick out of this as much as I did writing it.
WARNINGS: language & things actually got a little 🌶️ towards the end which isn’t normally my thing but I guess I got inspired 😈 Enjoy!
SYNOPSIS: Rio’s so productive he hardly gets a day where he can get enough rest in…what happens when you disrupt that over something so irrational? He swears he loves you but he’s also not putting up with your shit.
PROMPT IS FROM HERE & I’m using: "what's the point of the blanket being on the couch if it can't be used?" "it's for show!" "oh for the love of god-"
<- check out my previous summer anthology writings here.
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Rio preferred it cold.
It just made sense for the weather to be cold or cool rather than as hot as Diablo’s breath. He wasn’t made for hot weather and he couldn’t get away with his dark attire in the hotter months either. That’s where you two deferred, you loved the heat over the cold any day so as soon as the first day of summer hit…you seemed to glow more even when it wasn't golden hour.
You were outside way before the official day of summer hit because the warm weather was actually sticking around in Detroit and usually Rio was down for whatever, in fact he already booked a trip to Grenada in August (which his skin would probably regret as soon as y’all touched down in the West Indies), but for this particular outing felt like a waste of a time. A older Australian couple that the two of you became acquainted with when the two of you picked up the sport of pickleball—Rio still liked tennis better—invited you two to celebrate their furbaby’s (a Chinese Crested) birthday.
Thats right a whole ass birthday party for a dog who was now widowed, you two attended the wedding just last year and the Chinese Crested, Harlowe was still dealing with the loss of their loved one so the couple thought a party would uplift his spirits. It was ridiculous what rich people got up to but you liked to entertain it sometimes.
For Rio? It was all about networking considering that the wife of the pair was a retired attorney and her husband owned a billionaire company. You knew it wasn’t really a genuine friendship (more so out of convenience) they were the couple you mainly chatted with just to past the time when you all appeared at the same events. So the both of you didn’t appear that disappointed when the husband called Rio up just fifteen minutes before the both of you were getting ready to leave telling you that they, “regretfully want to inform that their beloved Harlowe was not up for a party and rather a intimate gathering with just his parents.”
“Do you think they’re still having something but much smaller and we got uninvited?” You asked, already stepping out of your heels when Rio came back into the bedroom to tell you the news.
Rio lifted his shoulders, “we’ll find out if they did but I didn’t want to go no way.”
“I know you didn’t,” you laugh as you spin around motioning for Rio to help you out of your dress, thanks to a old shoulder injury that had you attending PT from time to time.
He pauses with his fingertips brushing against the nape of your neck, “whatchu getting undressed for? You don’t want to find other plans for tonight?”
This wasn’t shocking, usually when plans got dropped the both of you always found something else to get into. It was rare for either of you to just take cancelled plans for what they were since the both of you stayed busy as a couple and separately.
“Nope…we can stay in. We’re hitting the gym in the morning anyway right?”
“I did say that didn’t I?” Rio sighed while you laughed to yourself, knowing he would prefer doing his own workout at the park or even in the backyard of your contemporary colonial—when you were with him—rather than at the gym.
He already had to put a few people in check for looking at you too long or even turning a friendly conversation into flirtations. Of course you loved Rio letting his protectiveness come out but you drew the line at him causing a few to lose their jobs when it was never that serious (to you). In this economy?! He even tried to persuade you into another gym—which was about an hour AND thirty minutes away from home but you liked the set up of your current gym and already made a few friends there as well.
Which is why he was putting in that work to get ownership over the building these past few months (which went from professional to lethal) but that was a need to know basis for you.
“Uh huh,” you nodded holding the front of the now slumped cowl silk aqua dress, “I know you can’t hang with me, so I’ll let it slide and you can enjoy your PTO.”
“Thank you for your permission, mama.” Rio rolled his eyes playfully, which then proceeded to follow you as you disappeared into the closet by the bedroom door.
Rio leans against the doorway just watching you as you shoved into some loungewear.
“I think I washed these on the wrong setting, ain’t no way these shrunk after only having them for a month.” You stated, pulling at the ends of your plaid boxer shorts with a huff.
Rio hummed, tugging his bottom lip into his mouth while he viewed the length of your legs in those shorts, “nah…that ass is growing and it’s giving me and those shorts something more to eat.”
Throwing your head back with a shake of your head you sharply exhale through your nostrils in warning, “behave.”
“It’s kinda hard to when you look like that.” He licked his lips, tempted to pounce.
“Please, I’ll put you to sleep as soon as you get up in it.” You tease as you step to cradle your husband’s face, “get some rest first honey and then we’ll talk.”
Patting his cheek, you went to squeeze by him but Rio caught your wrist to gain your attention once more. Peering up at him, Rio let his eyelashes flutter as he took his time analyzing the shape of you which was part of the many reasons he loved you, “you’re lucky I could use a few hours.”
You just smile at the heaviness in his raspy tone, leaning forward to press a kiss right to his plump and always moisturized lips. “I’ll be downstairs deciding on bourbon chicken or honey pineapple salmon for dinner.”
Rio kept a straight face as he fought back a yawn but still nodded his head at your retreating form. It felt like as soon as you told him to take his rest, his body was underneath your spell and normally he liked having that effect on you more so but he’ll fight you on it later.
What he hoped you didnt fight him on was taking a spot right on the couch to get these much needed hours in. He couldn’t exactly hide it as the kitchen and living room were basically side by side in an open floor plan but once you got on the phone with your girlfriends…that Kiking was unstoppable and lengthy. Moments later it only took you placing the fillets into the oven, sides done and covered to keep warm, with you getting off the phone and finally glancing to your right to notice the lanky frame of your husband snoring on the sofa. His limbs were always too long for the couch in the living room, which is why majority of the time he spent time on the 2-piece sectional downstairs.
Thankfully Rio wasn’t much of a snorer but sometimes when that sleep really hit? It came out and you knew he needed it. Rio was always sitting on ready regardless of his laidback but cardinial personality but you knew his profession as a, “businessman,” was anything but sweet—unless it came to counting the bag that is. You didn’t get much into his business, always being the one to turn the other cheek until necessary.
The both of you shared words a few times at the start of your relationship when you became serious and found out that Rio had people (before Mick) following you. You were an artist with a successful art gallery, which contained half of your artwork along with other local artists, new and young, and you even had some imported from all over the world. Rio tried it with the import portion of your gallery once before but you shut that shit down and the both of you didn’t speak for at least a week—almost two until the gym became his second focus—after making things right with you. Take that how you will. At the beginning you didn’t appreciate being followed and figuring out that Christopher had something to do with it after pulling out your own piece—something you hated to do but you knew how to handle your own business—Rio tried to persuade you later on that it gave him comfort knowing that his men can keep a eye on you when he can’t.
Some may have felt like that was a red flag (half of your girlfriend’s being the “some,” but one of them always had something negative to say about anything you had going on…which is why you weren’t friends at this point in time) but with a love so immense? And a career like Rio’s? You grew to accept it as a source of another security blanket since you didn’t like to get your hands dirty. Having that kind of power where someone could do that for you? Was indescribable. Sure Rio’s methods of getting to the money may require things you didn’t really agree with, you kept your own business clean just how you wanted but the way you felt about Rio was not something that could just vanish. You knew what his business entailed but you didn’t need to see the grit of it.
So maybe you did get off just a little at your man having that kind of pull on these streets.
Somebody should sue oh wait…they tried that and were part of a missing person’s report but that case was closed back in January.
You leaned against the white marble countertops, another small smile playing on your lips as it was your turn to watch your lightly snoring of a husband on the couch. He didn’t even get the chance to turn the tv on to fall asleep to, another opposite of your relationship, he needed some noise while you preferred it quiet and no light. His ankles hung off the sofa, one hand crossed over his chest as he held onto his shoulder in slumber. It wasn’t until you noticed the bright colored fiesta floral blanket pulled up and slanted underneath his chin that had you entering the living space.
You almost stopped your actions as you stared down at him in peace. You hated him watching you sleep and here you were doing the same but that didn’t last long as you shifted the spatula in your hand.
The stinging Rio felt against his forehead jolted him awake. His lengthy lashes popped open, making him sit up some as he tried to figure out what and who just assaulted him. He blinked a couple of times, trying to focus his vision before he shifted his view to you and that teal silicone spatula.
A furrow appeared seconds later, hand going from his shoulder to rub at the spot in between his thick brows. “What’s goin’ on?”
His voice is groggy and you almost felt bad for slapping the mess out of him. Yet he should be thankful that you didn’t slap the eagle tattoo right off the skin of his throat. The blood rushed to that spot on the center of his forehead but him rubbing at it only made it worse.
“I can ask you the same thing, why are you cuddled up with that blanket?” You motioned to the item with the cooking utensil.
Rio licked his lips, glancing down at the peach, orange, yellow, green, and navy blue blanket. He clears his throat, “Whatchu mean? I’m sleeping and the air’s on.”
Not Mr. Cool needing a blanket when he’s the one who loved having the house set on: icebox where his heart used to be, Omarion needs to slide glide and collect his boy real talk.
“Whose fault is that? I told you it didn’t need to be lower than seventy.”
Rio side eyed you a bit and proceeded to close his eyes again, ready to check out but you kicked at the cushion he laid against. Which made him sit up on his elbows, pinching the space in between his brows, “what’s good wit you? You think that makes sense to have the thermostat set on seventy when it’s damn near ninety out that front door?”
“Yes. It’s all about comfort.”
“That’s what I’m tryin’ to do with this blanket, thank you.” He went to plop back down, ready to pull the fallen object back over his shoulders.
You snatch it right off his body, “this blanket isn’t for you to get your drool on.”
“I don’t drool and wait a minute…did you hit me with that? A used spatula? You’re about to mess up my skincare and that’s feelin’ a little disrespectful to me.”
You scoff as you proceed to fold the blanket how you previously had it tossed along the couch, “No it wasn’t used! You know me better than that and I know you take pride in self care. I wouldn’t do you like that but it’s clear you’re disrespecting me by using this blanket that abuela gave to me.”
Rio felt his eye twitch as he exhaled his rising nerves, “…what's the point of the blanket being on the couch if it can't be used?”
“It’s for show!” You exasperated as you finished brushing over the fur of the oversized blanket.
Rio snorted, “oh for the love of almighty!”
You huffed with your hands on your hips, pulling your attention away from the blanket that was back to the way it was, “What?”
“Be real with me.” Rio jabbed a thumb at the direction of the blanket, “you want me to believe that you’re being this extra over a blanket my abuela got you from fucking Marshall’s?”
You tilted your head to the side, “oh no you didn’t, not you being uppity Mr. Serena & Lily.”
“I didn’t even mean it like that.”
“Now you’re disrespecting Abuela!” You pointed at him accusing, “Just wait until she hears about this!”
“Nah you’re not telling her nothing!” Rio latched onto the waistband of your shorts, yanking you right on the couch as you squealed feeling the air hit your lower back.
You elbowed him as you collapsed right on his lap, “are you trying to get me to moon you? What’s wrong with you?!”
He shushed you with a smirk, “Thanks for confirming just what I needed to hear…” his hands slip down your sides and towards your bare hips beneath the fabric, squeezing the sides of your ass.
“No, we have beef now you pervert.” Your attempt to get off his lap was not working for you, at all.
His lips are at the space beneath your earlobe and the way he’s sucking on the skin is definitely leaving some tingles all over your body. Rio chuckles as he feels you shudder in his lap, “what beef? I think we should talk it out, don’t you?”
He moves one hand from the side of your ass to travel up the valley in between your breasts, grabbing a hand full of the one on the left and his right. Your breathing is picking up now as Rio settles you both back against the couch and it isn’t until you feel the plush of the blanket against your shoulder that you come back to your senses.
You pull yourself from Rio’s hold, snatching the spatula back to aim right at him in defense, “that wasn’t talking.”
“Well I disagree and thought it was until you rudely interrupted me.” Rio briefly rests his elbows against his knees as he sizes you up while you cautiously step back towards the kitchen, “you clearly don’t want me getting in that overtime of sleep anymore so I guess I’m well rested enough to spend quality time with my wife.”
Rio has his eyes set only on you and he can visibly see you gulp at the distance you put between you. That feeds his ego enough, he sniffs as he pushes himself to his feet, stalking over you to pluck the spatula out of your hand and to slide it against the counters towards the deep sink. Rio towers over you, using his fingertips to grip your jaw firm enough to get your sight back on him. Quickly he latches onto your thighs, lifting you against the counter and making space for himself right in between.
His forehead is pressed against yours breathing you in as he yanks you right to the edge of the counter, his hands caressing the warmth of your upper thighs, “you care about that damn blanket so much, I want your eyes to stay only on it while I sample my appetizer, you got that?”
A finger ran over your clothed center and you pushed your moan back down your vocal cords. The both of you were famous for your poker faces but eventually one of you would take it off of the other.
Your heart was pounding against your chest along with the adrenaline also running wild at the way Rio was looking at you, seeking to devour you while biting down on his bottom lip as he fought to keep his eyes on you and not on the increased rise and fall of your chest.
His hand snakes up to your throat, squeezing just enough to let you know what time it was, “I said, do you got that?”
You sucked your teeth, “I heard you—
You started just for Rio to push you by the throat with the swiftness against the counter, other hand flying behind your head just in time to protect the back of it while your thighs instantly latched around his hips in alert.
He laughs a bit, “yeah I knew you’d like that shit,” as he lets go of your throat after turning your head to face the living room, right where your blanket sat then using both of his hands to nudge your thighs apart so he can leave you bare from your shorts.
Curiosity got the best of you as you tried to take a peek to see what your husband was up to. Usually he was the light sleeper but you didn’t miss the sound of the pop of his lips, making you turn your head to see two damp digits.
“What did I say?”
Quickly shutting your eyes, you shielded them with a free hand trying to fight back a smile and still holding your “innocence,” as you waited to open your eyes again.
“Wait!” You called out, just knowing what was to come, “…check the timer for the salmon.”
Rio barely let the annoyance hit as he gazed over his shoulder to the clock on the stove, “ten minutes left. That’s all I need for right now…desserts a different story.”
And with that being said you let his touch be felt in the most pleasing of ways, folding at the way Rio knew just what to do to set you right.
Sitting in the dining room, since you refused to sit at the island—which Rio found humorous and promised he would clean—you can’t be eating at everybody’s house y’all—the both of you sat face to face with you on the bench and Rio in the navy chair across from you.
He chewed on his last piece of fillet, hand underneath his chin as he stared at you slouched over a bit. His long limbs tapped against you underneath the table, watching you flinch as you pushed your shoulders back, which added to more of Rio’s amusement.
“What’s the matter?” He questioned, his dark eyes can’t help but to falter down to your white tank top, “you look cold and might need a blanket? There’s one not far from us actually.”
You scowled while he laughed grinning at you, “you’re such a dick!”
“And you took it so well.”
A gasp fell from your lips while you tossed a folding napkin right towards Rio’s smug face, who snatched it before it could touch him. Leaving him to mockingly kiss his lips at you, “it’s all love.”
“We’ll see.” You chewed back a smirk but Rio can read you just by looking into your eyes.
Rio raised his brows, “That a challenge? I can guarantee you we can make it happen.”
Rio loves leaving you a crying mess and talking you down from your high. His drive was hardly ever low but he thought it was respectable for the both of you to get some nutrients in before the full rounds started.
You held up a finger, grabbing your glass to chug the rest of the water, making Rio rest his cheek into the knuckles of his hand with a glint in his eyes.
“Okay,” you exhale, “but it’s my time to set it off.”
Rio nodded his head ready for whatever you had in mind although he’s envisioning reverse cowgirl, “cool, no complaints on my end.”
“I bet,” you raise a foot to caress his lap, “Can help you back to sleep in some blankets that are actually meant for sleeping with.”
Rio groaned for two separate reasons of course, reaching one hand down to grip your ankle, “lead the way, mama.”
“Not until you do the dishes and clean the counter. I know how much you hate going to bed with a dirty kitchen and we ain’t got shit to do so…get to it. I’ll be waiting.” It was your turn for some small payback as you hopped up from the bench, a glare crossing Rio’s features.
You laughed as you gripped his shoulders, leaning down to press your lips against his. The both of you tilted your heads just right as your lips battled against each other soon before you slipped your tongue against Rio’s. It was getting nasty again and he was ready to pull you right in his lap and let you do your thing right there but you pulled back with a bit of saliva between your lips.
“Hurry up, I’ll be ready to take my own nap myself soon.” You wink at him before you quickly pulled yourself from his grasp.
Rio swallowed his own breathing down, hands rubbing at his wet lips first and then the tension in his jaw all while feeling the twitch below again. Looking at the dishes and feeling the pull towards you was another battle within itself. Usually he wasn’t the clean up crew, he had people for that professionally and personally and as he started cleaning one dish he checked his own pocket to book a cleaning service for the morning. However he did take his time cleaning down the island, he wasn’t that cruel.
And who needed the gym anyway when you had his heart pumping enough?
He didn’t have to cancel that too.
Rio always ran shit.
The gym was just as much as his now as you are.
Just how he liked it.
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Continue with my summer anthology prompts & writings here.
97 notes · View notes
1-800-local-slut · 11 months
rio getting to know shy reader but realizing she far from that now that’s she’s getting comfortable with him.
He's Right
I hope you like this! I made it hella suggestive at the end. Please let me know what you think! I just started this show Rio is literally my baby daddy but I'm only like four episodes in so I'm if it's too out of character.
Likes and reblogs are very appreciated!
Pairing: Rio (good girls) x shy! black! reader
Warnings: cheating, mentions of traumatic past, cursing, suggestiveness at the end, reader has a boyfriend
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I need him in a way that isn't natural, I need him in my draws NOW.
"Can I help you with anything sir?" Rio glanced up, his sharp eyes leaving the book he was examining.  The Lord of the Flies or some shit. He was sure he read it in school. But that didn't matter. What mattered was the woman standing before him. His eyes flicked to her neckline, seeing the star shaped necklace around her chest. That right there was perfect, telling him everything he needed to know about her relation to his target.
The woman was the younger sister of King Jericho. Otherwise known as some lame ass pimp who made the mistake of stealing from Rio. And no one steals from him and gets aways with it.
He still remembers how he was sitting with Marcus in a McDonald's drive through. Marcus was eating chicken nuggets, getting barbecue sauce and shit all over his mouth. Rio was telling him to take it easy, then he heard chiming. His phone rang, and Mick told him that their man went ghost. And when they couldn't find him, that meant they couldn't find Rio's money. And THAT was a problem.
So to make a long story short, Rio had to go the long way and go to his family. Mom sent him and Mick packing, dads dead. Only person left was his sister. And that led him to the gorgeous brown skinned woman before him.
"Of course you can, mama. I need help, I'm looking for King." His eyes scanned over her entire body, looking for something, anything, that could get him some help. Her brown eyes, and long eyelashes blinked at him but they didn't show fear or recognition. Instead she stared patiently waiting for him to continue. Nothing, time to try something else.
"Is that a series? Or an author? Do you know the genre?" Trying her best to do her job, he watched her reach into her side for her walkie talkie. So she didn't know about the King part, time to check if she knew about Jericho.
"Nah, it's none of that. I'm looking for Jericho." And there it was. The second the words left his voice in his usual charming manner her eyes filled with panic. Goosebumps appeared on her brown skin and one of her hands flew to her hair. He noticed for the first time that it must be a wig, black hair was in waves down her body and parted down her middle. For some reason her shiny hair was oddly enticing to him. Her teeth sunk into her plump, glossy lips and Rio's eyes flickered over them.
"Like...from the Bible?" Her soft voice was like music to his ears. If only that sentence wasn’t so stupid.
"...The Bible." He repeated while narrowing his eyes. Either he was being played for stupid,which was not a smart thing to do or she was stupid. He wanted to believe the woman he just found attractive even for a moment wasn’t an idiot. 
“Nah girl. I think you know what I’m talking about.” Placing the book that was still in his hands on the table behind him. Her chest was heaving quickly and she was clearly beginning to panic. Rio moved his eyes up to Mick, who was looking at a cookbook with Snoop Dogg on the cover. With a wave of his two fingers, Mick began to intercept her escape.
“I don't, I'm sorry. I don’t think I can help you, maybe you should check somewhere else.” Slowly turning on her heels, she walked head first into Mick. His solid chest stopped her, and nudged her glasses further up on her face. Stepping back she softly groaned and readjusted her lenses.
“Now, this looks like an interesting book. Can you tell me what it’s about?” Rio asked, sitting down and Mick led her to put her plump behind, that Rio noticed when he saw her through the shop's window. She nervously took a seat. While clenching and unclenching her hands on her skirt, Rio watched her with observant eyes. With a glance, he motioned to the book attempting to get her to tell him the truth. With a shaky breath one of her manicured hands reached for the book.
“It’s Lord of the Flies. It revolves around this group of British boys who are stranded on an uninhabited island and try to govern themselves. Things go bad really really fast.” Her brown eyes met him once more and he smirked. In response, she looked down at the table and snuck two looks at him.
“Oh nice nice, it got a nice ending n shit?” With a swift nod, he hummed. He kept his eyes trained on the golden star dangling from her chest, probably bought with Rio’s money.
“Alright, here’s the deal. Your brother’s a bitch. He stole from me and ran out, and I need to find him. And I need you to tell me where he is.” She swallowed thickly. 
“And who exactly would you be?” 
“My name ain’t important moma. Just know, I know you. I know your mom, I know your auntie and your grandma, I know your boyfriend too. You mom is vicious, she sent my ass packing and told me to try you next.” Her eyes got wider and wider with each sentence. He’d probably be shocked too if his own mom sold him out. Her brother had always been trouble for her. At least that’s what he gathered. She’s had to get him out of trouble more than once. Mostly out of trouble with men, going on dates and what not for his sake. No way they weren’t talking any more. 
“Look, I don’t know anything about my brother. I haven’t talked to him in like 3 years! I can’t help you. Whatever debt he’s got with you, I can’t settle it.” With a scoff and a sigh, Rio rolled his eyes lightly. Her eyes went wide at his laughter, her finger digging into her nails. She was afraid of him. He didn’t like that, but that brother of hers seems  to have gotten her involved with a lot over the past few years.
“Relax, ma I ain’t gonna hurt you. I just need you to tell me where he is.” Her head shook quickly, her hair flying around wildly. She was still denying contact.
“That’s a nice necklace. You enjoying 21?” Her face went stiff. Her mouth opened slightly to respond, her glossy lips parting. Then they shut quickly as he saw tears well up in her eyes. He was right. The necklace was sent to her apartment by her brother exactly one week ago for her 21st birthday.
“I can’t help you. I don’t know where he is, this didn’t have a return address. It came in an Amazon bag! I mean, if I could I’d help you but I can’t do anything for you gentlemen.” She was trembling in her seat, and two tears escaped her eyes. But if she could receive something from him, she could learn exactly where he was. And given he had no leads, he had to settle for asking her to find out for him. 
She was crying like he had threatened her, and he partially imagined what type of people she had been around to warrant a reaction like this.
“Look ma, I just need you to stop crying. Can you do that?” He asked and she nodded, wiping tears from her face.
“I can’t just let you go though. Your brother sent you something and I need you to find out where he sent it from. That’s it. Tell you what, put this book on hold for me. Imma be back tomorrow, with enough to pay for it. Nothing’s gonna happen to you, I just need you to learn this for me.” He slid out of his seat, leaving the trembling woman there and she placed her face in her palms in dismay.
“Shit! What the fuck Rio?! You just break into my fucking house, you couldn't give me a phone call?” Growled the woman in a  slightly drunken anger. She turned on the lights next to the door and kicked off her heeled shoes. His eyes looked up and down her curved figure and she glared at him. Rio let out a laugh and his head lolled back on his shoulders. He was sitting on the back of her couch, petting her black cat who purred gently. Rio already found out that her cat adored anyone who fed her. 
“Well yeah baby. We still haven’t found your punk ass brother.”  Her eyes rolled hard into her head, and she threw her purse down and came around to the couch. Plopping down on her couch, Rio looked over at her soft skin covered by her golden dress.
It had been about two months. Two months since Rio went into the bookstore she worked at. Two months after the third day he entered the shop and she informed him that she found him. Then when he got there and found Jericho skipped out once again. And from there, something about her kept Rio coming back to bother the shy woman. Except she wasn't what he thought at first.
The woman slouched on the couch right next to him was vulgar, loud and proud, abrasive and more. She cursed at him, cursed out the TV, cursed out her mother and grandmother and boyfriend. She cursed out Rio. She was perfect for him. She was nice to him, despite their off putting first meeting. She put him in his place when she felt he needed it. She wasn’t afraid to tell him to shut his goofy ass up in her exact words. But still, sometimes he’d look at her and she looked just about ready to fold for him. And Rio liked that shit.
Now in a golden mini dress that she wore, with body glitter all over her breast was enticing Rio. She smelt like a mix of vanilla and a bar. In truth, if she could find her brother for him he didn’t care anymore. He could find him on his own with the clues they found at his last known location. In fact, soon enough they’d get their final location. He just liked bothering her. And it wasn’t like she was even bothering to look for him anymore. Last he asked she told him to suck her dick, she wouldn’t be searching for shit. 
“What’s wrong baby, you have a shitty night?” He asked, taking one of his large hands and cupping her face. He noticed her thighs pressed together with intense pressure. A smirk came across his face, and ran a thumb over her stained lips. She leaned into his touch and he waited for his answer.
“My boyfriends being a cunt again.” She sighed and her cat jumped into her lap, patting his paws on her soft thighs. Rio wanted to do that too, boyfriend be damned.
“Oh yeah?” He asked his hand itching down to her neck and his pinky scraping over the chain of that star necklace. That same necklace that pushed them to meet. Her eyes stayed glued to his, as she glanced up at him with wide eyes.
“He’s going on about not trusting my friendship with you. Then he told me to get the fuck on, since I didnt want to dance at the club. He was like ‘oh you rather dance with that other nigga?’ and I was like  ‘he’s not a fucking pussy, he could probably dance better than you’ so he told me to fuck off and I left him and told him not to come home tonight. You’re the other nigga in question. The niggas trippin, he keep bitching about it. He says he knows you wanna fuck me. He’s being a bitch, it’s making me want to cheat on him.” Suddenly he smirked at her. She raised an eyebrow, still feeling the heat of his hand on her throat and rubbing her thighs together.
“And what if I told you he was right?” His hand was now lightly around her throat, and he brushed pieces of her curly afro out of her face with his free hand. Slowly she began to process his words. Then a wicked smile crossed her face and she licked her lips.
“You should do something about that then.” Her voice now low and seductive, as he saw sparks of mischief in her eyes. He leaned in and pressed his lips against her soft ones. They pulled away for a moment and he lightly squeezed her throat harder. Licking his lips, he tasted the liquor and her strawberry lipgloss.
“I’m about to show you what else I’m better than his ass at.”
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gayhoediaz · 4 months
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sdktrs12 · 1 month
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theesirenteller · 7 months
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divider credit @cafekitsune
Masterlist 💓 Previous Chapter
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
Chapter Four | Regálame un poco de azúcar
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"Are you sure you don't need anything else?"
"Nah, just my laundry."
The dullness in Rio's voice had caused Beth to roll her eyes. She felt a certain type of 'ick' over his lack of playfulness with her. Her smugness quickly replaced her disappointment. But, that quickly diminished when a few slick thoughts raced through her mind. Due to the pair being seated across from one another in a booth, Beth was able to easily brush her moist hand across his thigh from underneath the table. " Actually, I left it in my dryer," she said in a soft-airy tone with a slight purr. Leaning in closer from across the table. Her breasts spilled over the black tabletop. Mick, who stood nearby, simply shook his head.
Rio's once-blank expression slowly began to change. His eyes slanted upwards as the corners of his lips peeled back into a smile. And then suddenly he began chuckling "Oh really?" he mused.  Beth giggled in response but Rio's chuckle grew into robust laughter. When he and Mick held eye contact, Rio slowly shook his head. The men shared a mental conversation where words didn't need to be spoken.
"No, a big fat juicy cheeseburger sounds even better right now." 
"Oh my god yes, and chocolate milkshakes but with whipped cream and chocolate-covered strawberries at the bottom." Epiphany existed out of the champagne room alongside Crystal.  Both dancers looked at the pair across the table. Vise versa from the opposite side. Despite Epiphany's smile dimming down, her mood was ruined. The sight before her wasn't something she needed to see…ever. It created a sourness in the pit of her stomach that replaced her hunger. As well as a foul taste at the back of her mouth. The sick part of all of it was that she had no reason to feel this way. They weren't anything. But, Epiphany couldn't shake the sick feeling.
"Oh hey guys," Crystal greeted with a bubbly tone and waved on her way to the bar. Epiphany gave the fakest smile she could muster as she followed along. She fought with everything in her to not look his way, and she did a pretty good job of it.  Epiphany made sure to sit on Crystal's side and wasn't facing the business partners and focused her attention on the bartender. She didn't have to look his way to feel his stare. Hell, she still could feel him even weeks after their last encounter. Or how she yearned to feel his long fingers fill her, drum her insides the way he would tap them against the table to a tune he only knew. 'Maybe he sprinkled some of that coke over his dick? that's probably what's got me hooked.'  She thought to herself. "I'll take vodka, orange juice, and light ice,"  she ordered.
"Hey uh…do you girls mind putting on some proper clothes or actual robes when outside the champagne room? You don't have to be naked around the whole building." Beth commented while puffing her chest out. Both Rio and Mick raised an eyebrow, a subtle signal of skepticism and amusement.
 Beth wasn't a fan of the men's wandering eyes. There was a reason she preferred the Detroit gangster to pick up his cut during the daytime versus the night. Less distractions. She could see Epiphany's topless torso through her mesh baby-blue robe and Beth was disgusted.  The girl left nothing for the imagination and Beth supposed that was to be expected of someone who did what she did. The strip club was too cheap for her taste as were the girls in it.
"Strip club by night, nunnery by day. Gee, you're an absolute visionary boss," Epiphany said sarcastically. It was the shared laugh between Rio and Mick that caused the ex-housewife's face to redden. 
"Look I know it's hard for you to tell the difference between-" Beth started but was dismissed by Epiphany's loud yawn. 
"Ugh, I need a cold shower and a nap." And with that Epiphany got up and strolled to the locker room sipping her drink.
"Looks like you got a lot to straighten out," Rio said to Beth. He then stood up and roughly patted her shoulder, "I'll be back for my cut," He and Mick departed from the side door.
Epiphany's hands shook as she stood in the room on the other side of the club. Her lips formed in a pout around the red solo cup. The cool-to-hot burn of her icy beverage numbed the back of her throat. She was used to her all-nighters at the club turning to a daytime double. But that mixed with her Karen of a boss and seeing the revolting sight of the cardigan wearer with the guy she had the hots for…just didn't mix well. " I don't like this shit" she whispered to herself.  It had been a while since a man who she had chemistry with was consistent with her. Rio wasn't at the club the majority of the time but he still managed to send her a text that always consisted of 'Have a good night champ.' or 'You have a good night?'. Then he'd call in the early morning hours of one to two a.m. and they'd talk. Icebreaker conversations about things like soggy cereal were better than fresh. They also liked The Weeknd's earlier albums and Mac Miller. Oddly enough, Rio adored Jazz music. Mostly live rather than CDs. Epiphany looked forward to their midnight conversations. Seeing him in person just felt surreal. In the present, Her annoyance was fixed with a hot shower and getting dressed in fresh clothes. Epiphany left the club in a denim mini skirt, pink Ugg boots, and an oversized mocha-brown fox fur coat over her white Henley top. The crisp fall air sent a feeling of refreshment through her as she walked along the street. The stiffness of the club depleted with each step she took away from it.
"You know green ain't really your color, Champ." She knew that familiar husky voice anywhere. Like a kiss to the side of her ear, it warmed the back of her neck. The burly tattooed man was in the driver's seat, but Rio sat in the passenger side with his arm out the window. His charming smile seemed almost taunting. The black G-wagon drove at the same pace she walked.
"Depends on the shade," Epiphany replied. Crossing her arms across her chest, she turned and faced the truck. Despite being feet apart, a level of intimacy was shared between the two of them. Their mirrored expressions of longing eye contact, raised brows, and playfully teasing smiles. Like a silent tango shared between the two. 
"So, where you headed?" Rio asked as he drummed his hand against the side of the car. 
"Wherever you're going." She smirked. 
"Está loca por ti, hermano." Mick snickered from the driver's seat causing Rio's smile to widen.
"Well come on then," He hopped out of the car and proceeded to open the backseat door. Epiphany smiled his way as she walked over to the car. She placed a soft but swift kiss on his cheek; which reached the corner of his jaw due to their height difference. Stan and Ruby had driven past the pair and the mother of two couldn't help but gawk at the scene with her mouth open.
"Stan," She hissed and smacked her husband's shoulder, "Did you see that? The hoodlum is getting frisky with the new bimbo. That's some straight foolishness." She shook her head with disapproval. Her husband chuckled in response as he pulled in around the corner," I thought the same thing when your girl started hunching with him. That's more normal than our council woman getting jiggy with him." Ruby shot Stan a side-eye but said nothing further.
Meanwhile, in Rio's car laughter was being shared. "No, pero piénsalo (think about it) What type of meat even is  two dollars?" Epiphany expressed before shaking her head in disbelief, "No me importa que no sea Carnitas or Pernil. (I don't care what you say, it's not pork or pulled pork)"
"It's an unbeatable deal. Maybe not all pork but it's got some pork in it…somewhere." Mick defended, "Don't downplay Arbys, you ain't built for that type of flavor kid."
Epiphany scrunched up her nose, "Definitely not. That type of flavor will have you ending up in a grave or dead in some gas station toilet."
"That ain't ever happened," Mick replied.
"Not yet." She smirked. 
"You're both taking this a lil too seriously." Rio laughed from the passenger seat.
"Like when Reyes Carnitas don't add extra jalapenos on your burger?" Mick muttered, giving his boss the side-eye. The trio continued to bicker, laugh, and roast one another's restaurant and food choices to Reyes Carnitas. Each of them ordered burgers with their preferred fixings and their conversation switched to MMA fights. Epiphany discovered that Mick was a pretty cool guy who was funny in his way. She figured he was the strong silent type but in a non-work setting, he was laidback and quick with comebacks to roasts or opinions. She couldn't help but admire the Brotherhood he and Rio shared.  They were more than boss and employee which was nice to get a glimpse of. As the group finished their Coronas, Mick gave Epiphany a head nod goodbye before he and Rio smacked hands. The man left in a separate black Mercedes that had been parked in the restaurant's parking lot.
Rio checked his watch before looking at Epiphany, "You ready to go, champ?" he asked. And once she nodded the pair left the shop. His hand rested against her lower back causing goosebumps to form across her skin. As she climbed into the passenger seat of the truck, her face grew hot at the feeling of his hand smacking against her ass. "Los jalapeños te pesaron!(the jalapenos got you heavy-handed)" she teased and the two shared a laugh.
"Where are we going?" She asked as she filed her nails during the drive.
"You'll see when we get there," he replied shortly.
"Are you taking me somewhere to end me for getting snappy with your old lady?" Epiphany teased as she looked over at him.
"Ha! You got jokes huh?" Rio laughed into his fist as he slouched back in his seat. His laugh could cure even the saddest of people. It was contagious.
"Too many sometimes," She replied with a grin.
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The posh country club was the last place she expected Rio to spend his free time. It was far out of her league and looked every bit like a place Elon Musk would attend. The fresh scent of oak trees filled the air; that no doubt had been meticulously placed across the acres of well-structured land that could be seen from the high gates. Epiphany felt so underdressed in her attire. But she didn't let her discomfort show. Instead, she left her jacket in the car and walked in beside him with her head held high. His hand resting against her back gave her a sense of reassurance and a boost of confidence. Epiphany remained close by his side with a tight grip on the strap of her Chanel mini-flap purse. "Hello Mr.Cruz, Pleasure to see you again," greeted the man at the front desk as Rio checked in. His attention then shifted to Epiphany and he smiled at her "Hello, enjoy your afternoon."
"Hi, thank you." Epiphany replied politely. Once she and Rio were out of earshot, she teased"Cruz huh? One more piece solved in the mystery." He grinned slyly as he removed his Nike duffle bag from his shoulder to his hand. As he looked down at her through his dark lashes and amber eyes, he cracked a smile at the corner of his lips. "Two pieces…since I didn't take you for a golfer." she poked fun further. Her breathing started to get unsteady as he tilted his head down and leaned in closer to her. Nose to nose, chest to chest. Her eyes caught the glimmer of the diamond stud in the corner of his nose.
"I don't play golf," He whispered an inch from her lips. He sealed his words with a delicate kiss to her lips that made her mind go hazy. She felt a flutter in her stomach like a butterfly spreading its wings, "If you wanna know something darlin, all you gotta do is ask." he said in a low tone after his lips parted from hers.
With an inaudible exhale she opened her eyes and asked, "What's your name? All of it."
"Christopher Lorenzo Cruz." he smiled.
Something so simple held much weight to it. His sharing of those details with her required a certain level of trust. A layer of one of the many walls he built had been knocked down.
"That's attractive." Epiphany blurted out which earned her an amused chuckle from Christopher.
"Thank you. Keep it to yourself at work though, Champ." He replied. As he earned a nod of agreement in response, he grinned "My girl, I gotta get changed but order whatever you'd like at the bar." And with that, he patted her shoulder and went into the singular changing room.
'Christopher Lorenzo Cruz' Epiphany repeated to herself a few times as she walked off to the bar, smiling. 
Who knew watching a man play tennis could be seen as sexy? Well, it was indeed sexy. Epiphany watched Christoper from afar. She sucked the juice out of her Fuji apple as gazed at him. Her eyes rank him from top to bottom. He looked so delicious in his cream-colored club polo shirt and slightly baggy navy blue trousers. Her lips pursed against the flesh of the apple as the juice dripped down the sides of her lips and her eyes narrowed in on him. The sun buttered his tanned skin and the beads of sweat that trickled down the sides of his face gave his skin a luminous glow.  She couldn't but admire how quick on his feet he was. 
His opponent, an Asian woman who looked no older than sixty. As soon as the two stopped their game and shook hands, Epiphany raised her brow as she noticed four Asian men dressed in black walking their way. The men exchanged handshakes with Christopher and handed him a black envelope. The meat of the apple crunched in her as Epiphany watched him open it and a sly smirk fell to his lips. What contents were in the envelope itched her mind. But curiosity killed the cat so she didn't dwell on those thoughts for too long. Feeling eyes on him, Christopher looked up to the balcony. Epiphany had blew him a kiss to which he waved back to in response.  He then stuffed the envelope into his jogger's pocket before jogging off the tennis court. Epiphany and Christopher didn't reunite until a few minutes later. He came out in a fresh Adidas tracksuit and they'd shared coffee on the balcony. "Yo, have you tried the lemon cheesecake yet? It's dope-"
He was interrupted by Epiphany brushing her hand along his thigh.  Her thumb pressed down against his crotch and rubbed her fingers along his length. She leaned in close to him from across her seat, "I'd rather have you," she whispered before placing a kiss to the side of his cheek. The sharp stubble of his facial hair tickled her skin. The warmth of his breath sent tingles down the side of her neck as he chuckled in her ear. His hand grasped at the back of her neck, the edge of his nose brushed against the side of her cheek, "So, how you want it mama." 
"Surprise me." She challenged with a smirk and lewd glint in her eyes.
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Epiphany hadn't expected to be brought to Christopher's apartment. She honestly thought he would take her to a hotel or do her in the country club showers, but she wasn't complaining. The moment she stepped into his loft apartment, The warm scent of bergamot and honey hit her. Despite the minimalist-industrial aesthetic of his place that consisted of black, brown, and various hints of the shade of honey; the place had a lived-in comfort to it. Casual elegance with an amazing view of the city. But, she had only gotten that view for the five minutes that it took to take off her shoes and coat; before she snatched up into his arms.
So swift like a fox capturing its prey. One of his arms had wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his chest with a firm grip. So close that she could feel his heartbeat against her chest. Their bodies seemed almost made for each other with how in tune they were. Their tongues melt into one another's mouths. They spoke of her admiration for one another with their tongues rather than their words. Her legs slid up the sides of his body as Epiphany leaped onto him. Her hands grasped on his shoulders as his mouth indulged in hers. Enough to pull a gasp from her mouth. Kissing against each other hard with lingering kisses that left saliva dripping down their chins. The same hands that broke many bones now squeezed and caressed her ass with the same iron grip from underneath her skirt. The flimsy material of her rose-pink panties was torn off and discarded onto the floor along with her skirt. Just as she bunched up the crewneck and tugged it off his slender frame. Both of them left a trail of clothing down the dark hallway to the door of Christopher's room. The whole city skyline of Detroit was their audience from the surrounding glass of his bedroom.
"Por Favor ruin me Papíto," Epiphany begged him as he bit at her neck. The weight of his body pressed down into hers as she sank into the cloud-like mattress. Her hips desperately buckled up against his, " I miss you inside me," she shamelessly admitted as he kissed her all over her neck and breasts. His hot tongue lapped over her hardened brown nipple with a soft bite. Epiphany couldn't help to be greedy and needy, she grasped his long-length dick in her hand. 'Coñyo, his dick is so pretty.' she thought to herself as she stroked him with her fingers, admiring his smoothness. An ache in between her thighs made her feel every inch of it stuff her full. How they'd managed to get it all to fit inside her the first time was sheer luck and endorphins bliss. Carefully, appreciating every inch with a warm grip as their lips met once more. His hands caressed her neck, tracing her jaw as they kissed. Epiphany almost squirted on his sheets from the animalistic, Nearly lion-like groan that escaped from the back of his throat to her lips.
"Aw, que te pasa amor? Can't wait?" Christopher chuckled deeply against her lips followed by his tongue trailing along her neck. His hand covered hers as he guided the head of his cock along her slit; nudging at her clit. Her soft, needy moans were music to his ears. For a moment, just for a single moment in time...he needed to look at her. His warm hand grasped her jaw and neck, "Look at me Mamitá." His gold Cuban link dangled an inch from her chest. Christopher basked in her loveliness as their dark eyes stared into one another. A subtle smirk laid across his lips.
Nothing but their shallow breaths could be heard in the room. Epiphany suddenly grew nervous. Gulping as he edged in closer. This sinister look in his eyes made her clit throb like a second heartbeat. "Por favor," she pleaded with her big eyes. Her pleas were answered but not how she expected. His strength was the way he managed to flip and bend her over onto her stomach and knees with little to no hassle. Like he owned her. And he did. Epiphany arched her back like a cat as his palms slipped down her sides. She let out a sultry moan filled with glee the moment he plunged all eight inches of his length in its entirety into her soaked pussy. Her drenched center hugged his fatty length tightly. The filled feeling he provided made her pupils widen as that familiar endorphin high that cocaine usually provided was now replaced with an even harder hit of bliss. 
This time the feeling was mutual. This was some quickie in a bad bathroom or a drunken hotel hook-up. This was Christopher's dessert after a long day. The essence of 'Feng shui' lay between her lips. He stroked her deeply causing a stretch within her opening. His hips rolled off her plump and perky ass. Mounting over her tanned body with his own, He held her throat firmly in his hand with a firmer hold each time he ravenously jack-hammered Jack into her cunt that adorned his cock with thick, and warm, layers of her sweet nectar. Her pussy grew wetter around his length, taking him and swallowing him whole. Sending body-jolting shockwaves through their bodies and shaky breaths to release from both their mouths. Christopher's brows knitted together in fascination at the sight of her maroon-reddened cunt clenching around his shaft. A sense of arrogance ignited within him over the fact he was the sole reason for her eagerness, her downright need for his dick, the way her body curled up against him, and the muffled moans that came out her pretty mouth were a confidence-boosting sight. 
His body slipped off of her then he sat upright on his knees, spreading her asscheeks apart to reveal her sloppily soaked pussy. Glistening messily around his cock "Que lindá, that is the prettiest pussy I've ever seen mamitá," he smirked with a rough smack to her ass with both of his hands. He couldn't help but to palm at her soft skin as it jiggled against his palms, He then relentlessly pounded into her center of heat, working her wet folds open wider with the erratic, deep, thrusts that caused her to cry out. Lewd, squishing noises of their skin rubbing and bouncing off one another bounced off the windows. 
Christopher's cock was so deep that Epiphany could feel the pressure of his thrusts in the center of her chest. Heat rushed to her cheeks and the back of her neck as she clawed at his black sheets, "Fuck! A-aah fuck!" she nearly hated him. Hated how alive he made her feel. He knew every nerve to hit. Every beat, every tempo. He knew it all in a matter of moments. Like an animal eating her from the inside out he ruined her. He controlled her body with his stronghold to her waist; yanking her back so that she couldn't squirm away from the ravenous rath of his dick plunging into her pussy to split her open wider. The once tight muscles loosened and stretched like violin strings being strung. His relentless thrusts had turned to affectionate, sensual strokes that massaged the depths of her throbbing core. Every half a minute he'd pull his long length out and fuck into her with one rough thrust that hit the core of her bundle of nerves. And lord, it made the dancer sob loudly "Shh I know Mamita, I know." His deep voice comforted, sounding as refined as aged whiskey, "Ábrete más para mí, dame un poco de tu azúcar, amor." with a rough smack to her ass.  As if her body only worked on his command, Epiphany's hips shook violently causing her knees to dig deep into the mattress the moment that she messily came. Cumming felt like she had jumped off the edge of the highest mountain and dove straight into an ocean. Nothing but air filled her lungs, her chest tightened, and behind her closed lids she saw stars. Sharp needles and pins shot through her nervous system. Her soul smiled. Her hot skin felt cool. 
She slowly was brought back to life as he left love bites on her shoulders, back, and all the down to the top of her ass. His teeth sank into the smooth flesh of her left chest, biting her tenderly and then leaving hot, sloppy wet kisses in its place. Christopher was greedy, intimately greedy when he had something worth possessing. Worth fucking, adoring, worshipping, etc. Someone that he just clicked with, without words needing to be involved. The peak of heaven he brought her to didn't stop when she adorned his dick with her sweet nectar. Time slowed down in that moment and all he focused on was her. Riding out that Tsunami wave with her was the only goal. His tall frame overlapped her petite one, Epiphany felt his warm, sweaty skin against her back. She couldn't help but hold on tight to the side of his thigh, digging her nails into his skin for stability from his thrusts."C-chris…Chris mm-papí I can't," she whined and whimpered. Beads of sweat dripping down the sides of her face caused her dark hair to cling to the sides of her face, neck, and breasts. 'This is it, I'm gonna die' was all Epiphany could think as she blabbed protests between her moans. The crown of his cock continuously rubbed against her most sensitive spot and the rest of his length rocked hungrily into her wetness at a frantic pace that made her heart race.
His open-mouthed kisses against the side of her face felt like fire; with his fingers tangled in her hair. Gripping at it by the root with a firm tug that caused her head to tilt back, “ Sí, You can take it,” Sound of smacking flesh and his balls bouncing off of her skin echoed amongst their shared groans and cries. Drilling into her at an unrelenting tempo, massaging the deepest spots of her walls a sensual yet sinister tempo caused Christopher's jaw to tightly clench and eyebrows to crease. Her dripping cunt was in a perfect sink with his throbbing cock until both of their bodies shuddered. "Coñyo!" they both loudly groaned as they reached their peak. Both of their hearts stopped for two seconds and their world halted. Like an LSD trip; the stresses, tensions, and annoyance of reality and all ordinary consciousness functions were demolished and nothing but a weightless ease took over. The miracle of the naked existence of the sacred ritual of sex that brings out the essence of serenity was shared between them at that moment. Epiphany was filled with his seed that felt like she was filled with the warmth of the sun. Neither of them could move an inch. Far too busy basking in the frequency that buzzed between their bodies.
Two things Epiphany was sure about after that. One, he had high-quality dope. And the second, he had a higher quality dick. A sugary, tropical fruity aroma filled the air of his bathroom. Premo-grade Mary Jane straight from Cameroon was passed between the two of them in a skull-shaped bong. The two were seated on the floor of his black-marble step-in shower. Epiphany had her head rested against his shoulder as warm water sprinkled down their bodies. The 'mist' setting of his shower head allowed a nice sprinkle without the heaviness of being drenched. "I'm gonna steal the skull, sorry in advance," She said. Earning a chuckle from Christopher.
"You know people usually don't say what they're gonna steal," He passed the bong her way.
"Mhmm, well…it's either this or that very pretty gold clock on the nightstand." Epiphany replied, which caused him to shake his head. That infectious smile of his made her swoon.
"Nah, need that for business." he dismissed.
"Oh?" she turned her head and faced him with a coy smirk, "What's a pencil-pushing businessman need with a gun? Gold plated at that." she teased. Christopher side-eyed her before the two shared a chuckle. He the. reached his hand over and grasped her jaw before his lips softly pressed against hers. Slowly, sensually, and carefully their lips moved against one another. Playfully, he then bit at her bottom lip before pulling away to rasp,
"To keep you in line."
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@lovedlover @niaaalovesficton @darqchilddaydreamz @nobodygetsza @spaghettificationandpretzels @fvckthisbxtchup
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we-love-dilfs · 1 year
HC of Having a Baby With Rio
A/N: Thank you all for 100 followers! I know that it’s not much and so many people have thousands and thousands, but it’s more than I thought I would get :)
A/N 2: I also created a masterlist that is pinned on my page for all my Rio and other character stories. If there is another concept or character you would like me to write for, just let me know!
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• when you first found out you were pregnant, you were worried as hell
• you knew what Rio did and how dangerous it was
• but that wasn’t what scared you most
• what scared you the most was telling Rio
• you knew how much he loved Marcus, but he had never mentioned having another kid
• your mind kept racing with thoughts of him leaving you
• you knew that he loved you, and realistically he would never leave you
• but your fears grew too big to be deflated by rationale
• he found you sitting on the couch
• he heard Marcus in his room, but he was too worried about the sight in front of him to go greet his son
• there you were, on the couch, staring blankly ahead with tears in your eyes
• he crouched down in front of you to ask what’s wrong
• you couldn’t help it
• you just blurted it out and prepared for the worst
• he didn’t know what to say
• having a baby was a happy thing, but you seemed terrified
• so he just scooped you up into his arms
• that’s when you broke
• you started sobbing and expressing your fears
• he couldn’t believe what you were saying
• he spent the entire night reassuring you that he was happy, and he was not going to leave you
• he spent your entire pregnancy doting on you
• he even did most of his work from home to be with you
• he refused to let you even lift a finger
• at first you thought it was cute
• but after a while you began to get annoyed
• you were pregnant, not helpless
• still, it did come in handy in the middle of the night when you got a craving
• it didn’t matter what time it was or what you wanted, Rio was prepared to get it for you
• one night you were craving a milkshake from a specific place, but the nearest restaurant to get it had a broken machine
• so he drove another 30 minutes (on top of the original 10) to get you one
• it didn’t matter to him that he spent over an hour driving at 2 am
• he was determined to get you your milkshake, and even brought home fries, because he knew when he got home, you would regret not asking for them
• but despite always being willing to help with your cravings, he didn’t always understand them
• one day you mentioned that you really wanted both peanut butter AND pepperoni
• he didn’t show it, but Rio was disgusted by the idea of it
• still, he dutifully fulfilled your request, albeit horrified by the fact you enjoyed it
• when it came time to deliver, you were scared, but mostly in pain
• Rio held your hand the ENTIRE time, refusing to let you go, even when you were swatting at him with your other hand
• he spent a lot of time yelling at the doctors to give you something for the pain
• he hated seeing your tear-streaked face contorted in pain
• when the doctors told you it was time to push, you practically froze
• you had been screaming at them for hours to get the baby out, but now that it was time, you began to worry
• you started sobbing to Rio about how you weren’t prepared and you couldn’t possibly be a good mom
• but he squeezed your hand, rubbed your head, and gave you a kiss on the cheek, assuring you that you would be the best mother
• when the baby finally came out, it brought tears to his eyes
• and just when he thought that he couldn’t get any happier, they let you hold the baby
• he knew then that he was a goner
• after you and the baby were cleaned up and you had a moment to rest, he had his grandmother bring Marcus in
• he was just as excited as his father was
• and when Rio saw his son cuddling with you while cradling his new baby sibling, he knew that he’d be perfectly okay with having as many children as you’d give him
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aesthetic-bbyg · 6 months
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riofann · 2 years
Tell Tale Signs
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“Is daddy gonna make it?” Isabella your daughter asked as she watched you put on your makeup 
“Yes he is baby”
She looks down at her tablet “There’s only 1 hour left”
“Do you want to call him?” you ask not wanting to be pestered until Rio finally made it home
“YAH!” She nods excitedly 
You hand your phone to her letting her take the lead. She puts in the code and proceeds to call him via facetime. 
“Y/N” He called your name this being the first time you called him in 2 weeks he was hoping you were waving the white flag.
“Ah princessa how are you baby girl?”
“Daddy where are you?”
“I’m on the way see?” He shows the cars passing by on the highway 
“HI UNCLE NICK!” she greets Nick who was driving 
“HI ISABELLA!” he greets with the same enthusiasm 
“Daddy it’s getting late and we have reservations at 6:00”
Rio chuckles “I know princessa, I’m right around the corner I’ll be there in 15 minutes I promise” 
“Okay” Isabella beams happy with his response “You wanna talk to mommy?”
“Let's let daddy and Uncle Nick drive okay? Drive safe see you when you get here” you say dryly before hanging up the phone. You didn’t want to hear what he had to say; he just needed to be on time. 
“Go check on your brother tell him daddy will be here in 15 minutes”
You chuckle to yourself as you watch her skip out the room. 
Keeping true to his word, he arrived in 15 minutes you had already put out the clothes he was going to wear. Nothing was said between you two when he arrived he simply stripped out of his normal jeans and tee attire and put on his formal clothes minus the tie. By the time he stepped out of the room you and the kids were in the car waiting. 
“Daddy are we gonna make it in time?” Isabella asked just as he opened the door to get in
“Yes Bella(Her nickname)”
“Okay good!” Isabella had picked up her fathers neuroticism over timeliness so much so that she was prompting you to start getting ready 5 hours before you were to leave the house. You and Marcus being the ones who would often drag or be late.
The car ride is filled with Marcus and Isabella telling Rio about their week, when that died down and the kids retreated back to their phones/tablets Rio turned to look at you. No matter how angry he was at you, he still never ceased to be amazed at your beauty. 
“Hanging up on me now?” He asked 
You look up from your phone and at him you shrug and continue with your Sudoku game. Maybe if you remain silent it won’t fuel this battle you two had going on. 
You two had gotten into it 2 weeks prior over the fact that you accused him of prioritzing his business more than his family. The only reason you said that was because he had been gone for a little over 3 weeks, and no matter how much you urged him to come home even for a day he would always say he couldn’t and he would be home soon. So as soon as he walked in your home the tension was so thick, it didn’t take 10 minutes before you two were going at each other. You accused him of putting his business first over you and the kids, he accused you of having such an expensive taste for clothes and shoes that if he didn’t ‘prioritize the business’ you guys would have been out of home and food in a month. And from there you two have been at odds. Him withdrawing from you and you doing the same. The tell tale signs when Rio is mad at you, is when he withdrew his words of love and affirmation, he treated you like a business partner straight to the point. ‘No hey mama, baby, reina, nena, straight Y/N.’ The tell tale signs when you are mad at him is when you withdraw your kisses, hugs, back scratches, cuddles, etc  but you were still willing to talk to him and say I love you even if he didn’t want to at the time. 
Dinner goes well, the kids didn’t realize that you two hadn’t said more than 10 words to each from time you all left the house to your return back to the house. 
“Mommy can I watch minions?” Bella asked 
“Yes babygirl, but after you gotta go to sleep”
“Awww” she pouts
“It’s late Bella it’s 8, it’s technically your bedtime now” 
“Thanks” she smiles showing her toothless grin you kiss her on the forehead before you leave her room. 
“But mommy”
You put your hand up and she stops  “You can watch minions but to sleep right after”
Rio and Marcus had retreated to the backyard where they were playing soccer. You look at them through the kitchen window and smile while you put the food away. Marcus had become so skilled he was now beating his dad at 1:1 games. 
By the time their game was over you had gone to the basement to your entertainment room and put on a movie to watch. When you hear Rio walk down the basement steps your stomach knots up. You were hoping he had found something to entertain himself with, far away from you. 
“I don’t even know, weird hard to follow” you comment refusing to look at him.
“What you watching?”
“Is it good?” 
“Feet hurt?” He comments noticing you wiggle your feet back and forth under the blanket
He takes a seat on the other side of the sectional, “Mind if I rewind it?”
“No might help me understand what the fuck is going on”
He chuckles and picks up the remote. You offer some fruit off your fruit bowl before you get comfortable on your side of the sectional. 
“A little” Louboutin's are definitely not made for walking 
“Want me to rub them” he offers
“No I’m good” you shut him down immediately 
“Y/N” You hear your name
He sucks his teeth. This is his way of extending the olive branch, plus he is reaching his limit of touch deprivation. You don’t even think to react to that as far as you were concerned, he hit below the belt. You would never shop till he ran out of money, you would never put your kids lively hood at risk over a fucking shoe or bag. In fact most of the time when you did go ‘shopping’ you left without anything, but since he was gone so much he wouldn’t know. 
“Hmm” You hum realizing you were asleep and had no interests in waking up
“Lets go to bed”
You clear your throat “I’m good here” you adjust slightly pulling the blanket higher to cover your arms 
“Why’d I buy that big ass bed and expensive ass mattress if all you wanna do is sleep on the couch?” he complained because the past few days you were sleeping in the basement. 
You hear him suck his teeth again, “you want me to carry you?” he asks getting ready to scoop you up
You open your eyes  “NO!” you turn to look at him, he now had a brow raised with a confused look “I mean, no” You pause “I’m good here thanks” it’s not that you didn’t want to but if he did carry you, you would have given in and you simply were willing to die on this hill that was fortified with evidence and facts. Rio had been prioritizing the business too much lately and it was affecting you and the kids. 
You glare at him before speaking “I’ll pay you back then, first thing Monday morning your money will be in your account” you turn over “bout to nickel and dime me over every little thing” you mumble, not low enough though because he hears it 
Rio scoffs in disbelief and looks away from you, turning his body away as you wiggle your way deeper into the cushions. When he turns back around without a second thought he lifts you from the couch. 
“Christopher, I said I don’t want you to carry me! Put me down!” you complain as he starts walking “CHRISTOPHER PUT ME DOWN!” you demand this time hitting his back. A sharp gasp exits your lips from the stinging sensation you felt on your ass cheeks
“OW CHRISTOPHER!” Another slap this time you move your hands to cover them, thinking more slaps were coming your way 
“Shut.the.fuck.up Y/N” he warns with a stern voice 
You decide its best to do so until you aren't in a vulnerable position. You look at your house as he carries you to your bedroom, making mental notes to get batteries for the clock on the wall, and have the kids remove their excess shoes from the door. 
When you make it to your room Christopher drops you on the king sized bed, hard enough to cause your body to bounce, before you could even react, he had grabbed your ankle roughly tagging you to the edge of the bed hovering over you, his hands holding your wrist against the bed. 
You huff and puff as you look up at him “can you let me go?” his nostrils are still flaring, the vein on his forehead still present indicating he was pissed! 
“Check your attitude” he speaks slowly 
You roll your eyes “I don’t have an attitude, if you had just let me sle..” 
He cuts you off “You know we need to talk!” 
“Hey Marcus everything okay?” You ask as you straighten up, playing coy, this wasn’t the first or the last time Marcus and/or Isabella would interrupt something intimate so you both had enough practice to fool the kids that nothing of the sorts was happening. 
“Okay say what you gotta say?” you ask curtly
“Y/N, I’m not doing this shi..” before he could finish there was a knock on the door, both of you turned to look at it  “Come in!” you yell causing Rio to shoot you a look, before getting away from you. The door opened and Marcus stood by it. 
“Yes, I was wondering if it would be okay for me to get on the game dad”
Christopher looked at the clock “Yea its cool buddy, only an hour though its 11, if you’re not off by 12am I’m taking it from you for a week”
You had used Marcus’s interruption to your advantage and moved from the bed to the closet where you were beginning to undress and change into your night clothes.  
“Yesss! Thanks dad good night love you both”
“Love you too!” 
“Can I help you?” You ask as you glare at Christopher through the mirror
You huff and roll your eyes “Fine”
“We weren't done talking”
You remove your earrings “I have nothing to say to you”
He sucks his teeth again “So what? You want us to stay together and not talk to each other or touch each other”
You turn to face him “I’m not the one that was away for almost a month, you asking the wrong mother fucker” the next second your back hit the wall with a small thud, Rio had grabbed you by the arm when you were walking away from him. “OW WHAT THE FUCK CHRISTOPHER!” you were exaggerating he didn’t hurt you but he did startle you.
He pulls you close to him, so close you can smell the pineapple in his breath. Through a clenched jaw he reminds you “What your fucking mouth Y/N” 
“No” he cuts you off again
“We gotta talk about this shit Y/N” he stresses
“I know that!”
“So why you avoiding it?”
“I’m not! You said what you had to say, I made the decision it’s best for me to look for a job, part time and th..” 
You sigh “Christopher,”
You take a step back “No? What do you mean no?”
He releases your arm and steps back as well “You ain’t gotta do all-a-that” 
You throw up your arms “Well what do you want me to do? I’m funding my luxury habits, so I don’t get what the big deal is?” 
“Okay” you respond dryly no need to go back and forth, the decision was already made, you sit down on the small bench in your shared closet
He rolls his shoulders back “I said no Y/N”
“You don’t need to that’s why”
You hated how everything just had to be his way. He had to be in control of everything. Even the kids picked up on it and sometimes would ask him permission to do things before even informing you, only telling you after the fact that ‘dad said no or yes’. 
He looks at you for a bit before sitting down next to you glad that you went ahead and bought the bench even though he had protested against it “We need to collaborate here, lets both compromise mama” he speaks in a much more loving tone
You turn to look at him “What’s your compromise going to be? You won’t prioritze business? For how long? Like maybe 3-4 months then it’s back to business as usual? I don’t care if you ignore me, I don’t matter, I’m an adult. I am fine, but when you don’t come back for almost a month. The kids start asking questions about our relationship status and how they know kids whose parents aren’t together and..” you look up at the ceiling to stop the tears from slipping, you turn to look at him “Just think about the kids okay?” It wasn’t only the kids that were concerned about his whereabouts, you were too. You know this business, you know it comes with long days, nights, hours, you know that eventually it will be hard for him to resist temptation because a man is a man, is a man, no matter who the man is. So for him to be gone for so long with barely any communication from him had your mind racing through all types of scenarios. Maybe he’s dead and someone took his phone, maybe he was injured, maybe he was with another woman.
He dropped his head and looks back up at you reaching to wipe the single tear rolling down your face  “I’ll do better mama,” he promises
You offer a smile “Thanks that’s all I ask, and I won’t shop so much" you offer hoping this was the end of it and you two could move on 
That caused Rio’s chest to tighten. He didn't want you to compromise that much, and you were right it had bothered him that there was a new box of Louboutin's, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Jimmy Choos, or whatever luxury bag/shoe/jewelry was in the closet, every time he came back. He didn’t mind you having expensive taste but he wouldn’t lie at some point he was convinced you were gonna shop him into the ground.  But to sell the things that you liked, he wasn’t about to go for it. 
He looks “Nah you ain’t gotta do that”
“You said it cause it bothered you or you wouldn’t have said it at all, really it’s okay Christopher, I’m running out of space anyway” you look around your closet “Might sell a few things also” 
He nods as he looks around a slight chuckle leaving his lips as he notices you were starting to encroach on his side of the closet. He turns to look at you and you smile at him. 
“Nah don’t do that either”
You sigh, he was now making things complicated “I honestly don’t mind there are shoes in here that I haven’t worn or hate now so I can just sell them, no big deal” you shrug 
“Okay I’m gonna remove my makeup” You announce before getting up and walking to the bathroom. 
“Are we okay now?”
He nods a smile spreading across his lips “yea we good” 
Rio had followed behind and undressed, heading straight to the shower since he had no time to freshen up.  
You absentmindedly complete your skin care routine humming a song you heard on the radio. By the time you were finishing up, so was Rio that man never took long showers. 
“Mmm look at you” he comments as he comes up behind you with a towel around his waist pulling you closer so you were flush against his already semi hard dick. 
“Look at me, look at you!” You flirt as you look at him from the mirror. Water dripping down his chest, down to his abs, then to his v-line, his dick causing the towel to stretch. 
“I missed you reina”
“Missed you too” you say softly as you watch his hands meticulously glide down your thighs, a grab here a grab there, Rio pulled you even more flush against him releasing a deep moan from the sensation.  His hands start to inch their way up grabbing at your breasts, Rio rocking his hips into you before he slipped his hands under your tank top. You watch as he dips his head by your collar bone, heavy breathes in your ear, inhaling taking in your scent before he starts to give you wet kisses on the neck traveling from side to side, sometimes pausing to lick and bite down before moving to the next spot. You watch as he pushes your underwear down your thighs, you complete the rest of the task and shimmy off of them, you watch as he pushes the tank top up pulling it off of your body, leaving you naked. He takes a step back and hits your ass one time before resuming position, this time minus the towel. You watch as he caresses your body he’s so caught up in what he’s doing he doesn’t know he has an audience. Hell you didn’t even notice how turned on you were getting until his hand dipped between your thighs and grazed over your sensitive clit almost making you collapse. You whimper as he proceeds and a grunt comes from him as he feels just how slick you are. 
“Gotta lot of making up to do mi reina”
You whine as he applies more pressure that was enough for him to look up and see you biting your lip scratching at his arms. You nod in agreement. That’s all he needed and with that he kept his word, the next day all those mental to-do lists that you had told yourself were simply not getting done. You spent the majority of the day on the couch or on the bed. 
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terapsina · 7 months
Your favorite of the ships containing that 'Objectively Speaking This is Not-Healthy™ but I Love Them Your Honor' Energy?
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 2 months
Brio Fic Week 2024 : Fic Rec
Day 1 : Fake Dating
Worth the Risk - ShadowsFiction
Don't Flinch - merelyafigment
Make You Mine - Ronni_Right
Boyfriend - abi1821
A Night to Remember - MichelleElizabethTanner
They thought it was fake... (for only 10 seconds) - Kaaaaarooooo
Day 2 : Surnatural Au
Let's embrace the point of no return - Ronni_Right
Hunger - abi1821
Bergamot and Amber - MichelleElizabethTanner
Blissful Breeze - abi1821
An Immortal Love - Kaaaaarooooo
Day 3 : Write something based on a song or quote that reminds you of them
I Bite (So Do You) - merelyafigment
Fall in You - Kaaaaarooooo
Skin & Bones - abi1821
Dial Tone - ShadowsFiction
SHOTGUN KISSES - badgyalmimi
Day 4 : Brio and each other kids
Picasso - Littleengine
small moments (Chap 6) - Strawmari
Good Reads and Meet Cutes - ShadowsFiction
The joys of being parents-in-law - Kaaaaarooooo
Day 5 : They wear each other's clothes or accessories
Is That My? - ShadowsFiction
Little Thieves - Kaaaaarooooo
Day 6 : They were Neighbors
A new beginning - Kaaaaarooooo
Day 7 :  Movie Or Book Au And Or Activities as a couple
Bring It On - Kaaaaarooooo
We Just Stopped for Cigarettes - JustAnAnon
Day 8 (Bonus Day) : Post Everything You Want
Accidental Phone Sex - Kaaaaarooooo
Second Chances - ShadowsFiction
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cloveroctobers · 8 months
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A/N: had a dream about my man the other night so I guess that was his way of telling me that he misses me? We love delulu!!! Anyways thought this would be fun to actually write something on the line of thriller/spooky this time around. This is me making up for not writing part two’s to my other fall inspired prompt on this man way back when. Hope y’all enjoy this 🧡🫶🏽!!!
PROMPT is from HERE + I’m using: A Begs B to come explore an old house that they believe is haunted. B is hesitant, especially after hearing the scary tales A knows so much about.
WARNINGS: some France slander, language & hints of sexual content.
<- read my previous October anthology prompt here.
𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔
Being in France for the month of October initially wasn’t the plan.
Khadijah and Rio ventured out here for a couple days for Khadijah’s birthday and for Rio to tie up some loose ends for business. What was supposed to be a four day trip turned into a much longer adventure.
“I know y’all done heard they got bed bugs out there, why are your asses staying out there longer?” Khadijah’s mother blurted into the FaceTime call.
Rio chuckled to himself by the mini bar, fixing himself something brown before entering the main living room part of the suite.
“Mom,” Khadijah hissed as she flicked through the channels, “this was a unexpected extended birthday trip.”
“Uh huh, sure it is.” The older woman said not entirely believing that, “Don’t think you can get cute on us and decide not to come back.”
“I’m already cute,” Khadijah modeled with extra shoulder as she sat on the tan couch while her mother brings the camera to show that she’s rolling her eyes.
“Well where do you think you get it from?”
“My father.”
“More like you got his smart mouth.” Khadijah’s mom comments, making her child hold up her finger to interject.
Now she loved her mom dearly but it was no secret that Khadijah was a daddy’s girl and her father’s favorite daughter despite what her two sisters thought. She was one of four children while her youngest sibling happened to be the only boy.
“Aw c’mon, don’t do Mr. Wells like that, especially if he’s not here to defend himself. Where is he anyway? It’s gotta be after 10:30 back home?” Rio came into frame, crouching behind Khadijah, who turned to peck his cheek before facing her phone once more.
The woman sighed, “where else? Working, working, working. I’ve been telling him he needs to slow down, he’s not some twenty year old no more. Lord knows it.”
Mr. Wells had a heart attack last year and had to have a stint put in. Rio’s never seen Khadijah’s so stressed before in his life and although the hardworking man had a good job with good insurance working for the city, they slammed him with some bills that Rio paid off. Which Mr. Wells wouldn’t let slide and already was in the process of paying back.
His choice, not Rio’s.
“He’s close to retirement and he loves supporting his family which is respectable.” Rio starts before joking, “once that happens then the both of you can come with us to Paris next time.”
“Uh uh. I’m never going over there, never had the desire to which is why I want y’all asses to get out of there fast!” Mrs. Wells’ large glasses come into frame now as she holds the phone at not the best angle, “I’d love to see Dubai or St. Lucia with Kayode, your father, and I guess your big headed brother can come too, Deej.”
Khadijah laughs, “yeah and he can bring Eliza too.”
“if I catch him even thinking about it, I’ll click my heels three times and send her bony ass right to hell.”
Laughter bubbles in Khadijah’s throat as she sends a teasing smile to Rio who winked back at his wife, knowing that neither of Khadijah’s parents were fond of their youngest child’s significant other. He was nineteen and found his supposed first love so it was evident that the pair were clingy and so in love with each other. They went to the same high school together, weren’t in the same cliques but ended up at the same community college and decided to give each other a try.
In shorter terms.
“We’ll make it happen,” Rio sighs as he comes around to plop down on the couch next to Khadijah, tossing a hand around the back of the couch, “minus Eliza right?”
“Damn straight,” Mrs. Wells humphed, “she can date somebody else’s son and boss them around for all i care. I just hope it’s over before thanksgiving.”
“Now Mom! Let’s not spread that negative energy for your birthday month, do you need some lavender and Kirk Franklin to keep your blood pressure down?”
The woman with the now bonnet secured around her micro locs fanned her hand, “I already had my session with Mr. Franklin around 7pm so hush! You know that’s what I’m wishing for and hoping you don’t wait around and decide to come back then.”
Khadijah blinks at Rio, who meets her stare. He had no plans of staying here longer than another few days, things got delayed and he offered to send Khadijah back to Detroit if that’s what she wanted but she had some vacation time that she didn’t mind using and she didn’t want to leave Rio behind either.
He’s been busy lately and she just knows as soon as they get back to Detroit, he’ll probably disappear for a little awhile again. So sue the woman if she wanted to be a little selfish and spend more time with her man.
“We’re gonna bring you something much better,” Rio smirks after taking a sip of his liquor, “maybe even a new bundle of joy.”
“WHAT?!” Mrs. Wells yells, “don’t play with me right now. When was your last cycle? I’ve been saying your tatas been looking fuller, ooooh I’ll have to tell your grandmomma.”
“Hey, hey! I’m not pregnant—
“Yet. We’ve been practicing though.” Rio announces, biting down on his bottom lip while Khadijah gasps and shoved at his knee.
Mrs. Wells claps her hands in joy, “y’all keep doing that but don’t bring those bed bugs back with you.”
“We won’t and did our research. If it makes you feel any better, we’re leaving this hotel tonight to stay at this castle for the rest of our trip and then tomorrow we’re gonna go explore this historic house since Rio wanted to have a rest day.” Khadijah informs her mother while Rio slowly nods his head, not knowing of the exploring a house portion but they’d discuss it later.
Mrs. Wells yawns as she sits up in bed now, “sounds fancy but okay then, mom’s tired and ready to knock out. But continue to be safe, the both of you and I’ll see you soon?”
“You sure will, night momma Wells.” Rio gave a two finger salute while Khadijah shared, “I love you’s, talk soon.” Before hanging up the call.
Khadijah leans back against the couch with a sigh, “told you mom’s got serious seperation anxiety all thanks to Kaliyah moving to Toronto with her girlfriend and we’re only traveling!”
“Which is exactly why I tried to smooth over her worries with baby talk, it worked didn’t it?” Rio lifts a thick brow while Khadijah shrugs her shoulders.
Soon she rests her head on Rio’s chest, locking her arms around his waist, “it’ll happen when it’s meant to…and we need to make sure we’re all packed for our new temporary home.”
“Oh I know I am, it’s you you gotta worry about mamas.” Rio presses a kiss to Khadijah’s rosemary scented hair.
Khadijah scoffs, “sorry but I had to buy more for this trip…which I’m not complaining! BUT! Paris’ fashion is really for the petite girlies.”
“They’re forreal missing out on the inclusion and better get on that.” Rio hummed.
“Siobhán is.” Khadijah grins while Rio slowly dips his head at the mention of his old designer friend.
Before Khadijah could get into asking about how she’s been doing, Rio sips from his drink once more and changes the subject, “what’s this about exploring tomorrow?”
“We maybe moving into a castle mansion for a little awhile but there’s no way I’m staying cooped up any longer without seeing what Dordogne has to offer.” Khadijah tells her husband with the perfect pronunciation of the town—or rather department as France calls it.
Rio raises the hand the rests against his wife’s shoulder, “heard you, mamas. No arguing on my part but you know it’s beneficial to have reset days too.”
“Which YouTuber told you that?” Khadijah smirks up at the buzz haired man, figuring that he was probably logged onto her account instead of switching over to his own to watch whatever it is he gets into.
Rio snorts, “don’t try and play me, my aesthetician did.”
“Of course they did.” Khadijah nods believing that since Rio didn’t mess around when it came to his skincare, “and you’re right, there’s nothing wrong with rest days. You’ve been running around x2 compared to me so I get it. You get a nap in and I’ll get the bags ready since we have what? An hour before the service comes and gets us.”
Rio grips Khadijah’s hand as she gets up from the couch, “you sure all an hour is what you need?”
“Shut up, Christopher.” Khadijah laughs, matching Rio’s smile before leaving the man to get his nap on.
With the city life behind the married couple, they settled in Dordogne late last night into the 18th century home. Surprisingly Rio wakes up late the next day, like around eleven am late compared to his seven am timeline. However Khadijah doesn’t mind letting him sleep, snapping a picture of his rest with the camera she brought along for the trip. She watches the clock from time to time, knowing just when to order breakfast to be sent to their room.
Khadijah’s sitting on a olive couch pushed underneath the windows which are half pulled back, sipping on caffe viennese, stomach half full from a classic French breakfast as she stares out into the scenery acting like the main character in a Victorian film.
“Morning, mamas. You starting the day without me?” Rio’s rough morning voice greets the brown skinned woman, who glances over her shoulder at him.
A soft smile meets her full lips, “good morning but someone has to get this party started. But don’t worry, I’ll never not let you in on the thrill. Got you one of these,” she holds the mug up in the air, nodding with her chin on the nightstand next to the man, “and there’s breakfast waiting for you underneath the cloche.”
“Did I mention hearing you speak French is sexy?” Rio states as he slowly sits up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
Khadijah smirks, “plenty when you were tipsy on the late night ride here.”
“I regret nothing,” Rio laughs before turning to reach and sip at the warm coffee, “this is delicious.”
Khadijah pops her tongue, “Yeah it is.”
“What we doin’ today? Hold up, what time is it?” Rio turns his eyes into slits, reaching for his phone to let out a low whistle, “damn, haven’t slept that long—
“Since you got shot?”
Rio let’s out a cough, “whoa, that was dark.”
“Sorry,” Khadijah says, “kinda just slipped out.”
“Something you wanna talk about, Dija?” Rio hums, staring at his wife from their temporary shared bed.
Khadijah shakes her head, “nothing I want to get into on this brand new day, no. So!”
She uncurls her feet from underneath her to stand in her floral print lace trim set, placing a smile on her lips as she plops down on the bed. Taking a quick sip of the coffee again, she places it on her side of the nightstand and reaches inside to pull out two slips of paper.
“Close your eyes.”
“Why?” Rio suspiciously tries to peek at the papers but Khadijah slaps them right on her chest.
“You asked what we’re gonna do.”
“Didn’t you say exploring some house last night?” Rio frowns, trying to remember.
Khadijah’s little smile to herself seems wicked but as soon as it appeared it vanished while she wiggled a bit on the bed, “that’s tonight’s adventure after dinner. We have at least a few hours before then to do something else so…pick one, anyone.”
The two options were: Château des Milandes OR Canoeing on the Brantôme.
Rio doesn’t wipe the frown off his brows but holds out his thumb and pointer finger while Khadijah holds onto the deck of two pieces. The tatted man makes a show of taking his time debating, just to irritate Khadijah for a little until he smiles picking the paper to the left.
And the winner is…
“Great choice! Now get your butt up and let’s shower, they’ve been open since 9 this morning.”
Chateau des Milandes!
Rio hums as he studies the paper, sipping at his coffee then replies, “can I enjoy my breakfast along with the view first?”
Khadijah dramatically sighs as she flops beside Rio, resting on her elbow to stare back at the ajar windows, “oh fine but I promise you, the one outside is much better.”
“personally I like the one right next to me.”
Khadijah flicks her head back to meet Rio’s brown eyes and she can’t help but to let a smile split over her lips, then puckering them for Rio to peck and lick his own smiling lips afterwards, “you think you’re so smooth.”
“I mean give a guy some credit. How else do you think I got you?” Rio chuckled while Khadijah just nodded her head from side to side mockingly.
“Just eat your food Christopher.”
It was Rio’s turn to mimic his wife.
“Aight, Khadijah.” He said over his shoulder, sitting on his knees and reaching over for the second tray of food.
Chateau Des Milandes was a sight to see and was a wonderful experience. Ugh!!! here Khadijah was sounding like her very emotional Granny Mozella but she never took moments like these with Rio for granted. On the outside it may seem like Rio was only street smart since that’s what he preferred yet he didn’t mind listening in on historical facts from time to time and no he wasn’t really into podcasts—unless it was true crime content—but no one could ever say he wasn’t open to learning new material and translating it into his own life.
He was good at finding purpose in anything.
He also liked draping his arm across Khadijah’s shoulders as they took the tour around the home that used to be owned by the successful Josephine Baker. That was more interesting to Khadijah than the Lords that lived it way before Ms. Baker but nonetheless they took it all in together including the architecture.
No one could deny that France had a way with its design and art.
They explored the garden, which led to a picnic and wine for dinner with the French sunset as the perfect backdrop, then they ended their time at the Chateau with a bird experience, much to Rio’s surprise as Khadijah winked and placed a kiss on the tattoo on his neck, before clenching onto his arm for dear life once the various of birds—specifically the one that was very similar to the one on Rio’s skin started flying around.
Rio found amusement in that, even when they made it back to the rental car.
“If that big ass bird would have crapped on me, we would have been having a whole different type of bird for thanksgiving this year.” Khadijah continuously checked her outfit for any unfamiliar marks, the paranoia getting to her.
Rio couldn’t help but to throw his head back against the headrest laughing. “They’ve been trained, that wasn’t gonna happen. Plus it may just wanted a strand of your hair for warmth, huh? French winters can be brutal so I hear.”
The man went to curl a strand of his wife’s loose curl that framed her face who scoffed at him.
“You’re far from funny, Mr. Montoya.” Khadijah slapped his hand away to fix her pin curl updo in the drop down mirror.
Rio chuckled some more, watching her, “you’re right…I’m hilarious, Mrs. Montoya.”
“Im glad you had fun, baby. I can tell the bird part was your favorite,” Khadijah gave the man a playful side eye, “but now it’s time for my activity.”
Rio glanced at the watch on his wrist, “it’s going on seven…what else you trying to get into besides drinking more wine and eating cheese?”
“Whew! No more cheese for me.” Khadijah flicked the sun visor back up, “so…I have this other place to visit.”
Rio tapped on the GPS, “aight, what’s the address?”
“I don’t think the GPS will fully locate it…just to a certain point.”
Rio thought about this for a second and asked, “what? It’s some underground event or something?”
“Well sure, yeah. Kinda.” Khadijah shrugged her shoulders making Rio sigh and sit back with his hands clasped.
Khadijah was tapping away on her phone for a moment while Rio just studied her. When she realized the car wasn’t moving, Khadijah turned her attention back to Rio who was patiently waiting for her to come right on out with it.
“We’re not going anywhere until you give me the info I need. No shady shit allowed.”
Khadijah turned sideways to face Rio, “Okay so…there’s this house that we should see.”
“You said that already. But Why? To buy?”
“Hell no,” Khadijah was quick to say, further making Rio put his guard up as to what this whole adventure was even about, “I mean no…yeah no that’s exactly what I mean. It wouldn’t be for us to live…just to see.”
Rio pried, “what’s so special about it?”
“It has a colorful story.”
“Which is…?”
“The year was 1666–
“Nah,” Rio immediately said leaning forward to start the engine but Khadijah flew her hand out to stop Rio from switching the gears.
“You didn’t let me finish.”
Rio leans on the console to completely face Khadijah, “by the way you’re dragging this out let’s me know you’re about to tell me some bullshit, that you know I’m not about to let fly.”
“Can’t a bitch add some extra flavor to the tale?” Khadijah scrunches up her face, “Sheesh.”
“Stop playin’ with me, Dija.”
“So hostile,” Khadijah flicked her hair off her shoulder, “alright you want the synopsis? Got it. So this house is special because during the year of 1666 a woman named Blanche lived there with her father, mother, two siblings, and new husband. Allegedly she was later accused of poisoning her family and beheaded her husband after they all suspected she was a witch because of some rumors started at the hospital she volunteered at. Her sickly father was the one to put her down after his wife and other children slowly started to die one by one. They say Blanche still haunts the home and asks when and or if you visit, to leave a ribbon and tea bag’s on their front step as a offering and for her to rid any vengeance in your life.”
Rio caressed his facial hair in thought, “Question for you, mamas? Did that eagle peck at your brain when i wasn’t around or…”
Khadijah sucks her teeth, “it’s spooky season, asshole!”
“I know that,” Rio lifts his shoulders carelessly, “but you’re trying to get into some serious shit and I can tell you one thing: I’m not feelin’ it.”
“Are you scared?” Khadijah leaned into the center console ready to comfort him, “I never said we had to go inside the house. Just see it and leave something for Blanche.”
Rio didn’t miss how Khadijah started to trail her hands over him but he didn’t fold, “Her business ain’t ours.”
It was Khadijah’s turn to laugh now, “you’re definitely scared!”
“No I’m not.” Rio scowled, “I’m just saying you have to be careful what you expose yourself to. I told moms we’d bring her back a baby, not a witch that may latch onto your body.”
Khadijah frowns, “why would you think Blanche would latch onto mine and not yours?”
“Whoever! And I really can’t wrap my head around the fact that you’re trying to mess with some spirits.”
Khadijah wasn’t trying to “‘mess with spirits,” she always respected the dead but this sounded better than visiting the catacombs to be honest.
So she challenged, “Hey! It’s something to do.”
“I can find plenty of other things we can get into.” Rio placed his chin into the palm of his hand, “We’re not about to be here much longer anyway.”
Khadijah sighs as she grabs Rio’s hand to place in her lap, “I’ll let you try out our new toy at the same time while you’re inside…”
Rio’s eyes begin to darken as they meet Khadijah’s much lighter ones. This was a promising bargain and this Khadijah knew as Rio trailed his own hand up her stomach, between her breasts, and to grip her chin.
“You’re lucky I love you,” Rio states as he presses their lips together and leads the way with his tongue dancing along hers.
It’s passionate and a little nasty just the way the married couple liked their kisses but brief enough that he leaves Khadijah panting on the passenger side. He smirks to himself, lifting up from the driver’s side to pull out his Glock 17 from his black jeans to rest on the dashboard.
“Put your seatbelt on,” Rio tells Khadijah who shortly follows through, “and not a word of this to my abuelita.”
Khadijah makes a cross my heart motion as Rio puts the car in drive.
The drive to this supposed haunted home was a good half hour north from where they were staying and the decline of the countryside was clear. There seemed to be no livelihood as the skies got even darker. Rio could sense to the left of him that Khadijah seemed to be at unease the deeper they got into the area.
He checks in, “How we doing?”
“Hm? Oh, there it is. Stop.”
Rio turns his attention back to the lack of road up ahead and notices that there’s a tunnel with no lighting. He steps on the breaks, witnessing to the left of the tunnel the narrow road carried upwards to what exactly? That he didn’t know. There was no homes or animals in sight on this drive since they started getting further away from the chateau.
“What’s this?”
“That’s the tunnel that leads to Blanche’s house.” Khadijah is sitting on the edge of the passenger seat now.
Rio tightens his hold on the steering wheel, eyes scanning the scenery with the help of the automatic headlights. If they went through that tunnel, which was surely to be just as narrow as the roads out here in the countryside he wasn’t positive they would make it back. His intuition  was telling him since the beginning that this didn’t feel right and being physically here was enough to confirm that for Rio.
Turning his eyes into slits towards the right of the tunnel, Rio can see a decaying headstone with a bunch of colorful ribbons tossed around and possibly some rocks that were most likely teabags scattered below it.
“This is what you came for,” Rio says keeping his eyes on the road.
“Oui-Oui.” Khadijah says suddenly halfhearted and any other time Rio would have laughed but the expression on her face made him aware that the tension was also felt by her as well.
Rio steps on the gas, driving full speed towards the tunnel but stops just at edge, parallel to the headstone, making Khadijah grip the dashboard at the abruptness.
“Get going, sweetheart.” Rio tells Khadijah with a lift of his chin.
Khadijah swallows, prying her eyes away from the tunnel then to the headstone and back to her husband. “W-what? You’re not coming with me?”
“I never said I was going in there. I have sense.” Rio tapped at his temple.
Khadijah glares, “wow. So here’s to trying new things was just another one of your lies then huh?”
“Another? Don’t go there, I’m not doing that with you this evening. You brought this terrible idea to me and I brought you here so go head, show me you’re the one who isn’t scared.” Rio’s hardened stare was now on the fuming woman.
Khadijah didn’t know what the fuck Rio’s problem was and why he thought this energy was okay? Khadijah didn’t like Rio’s tone so she snatched her baguette bag from beside her feet and went to push on the door but remained right inside.
“Are you serious?!”
Rio made a U-Turn and began driving back in the direction they came, “are you forreal thinking I’m about to have our asses messing around with the actual dead? Let alone your indecisive ass? And we don’t even have the full context?”
“I mean…do you not have bodies? You don’t see me questioning you about them.” Khadijah muttered.
Rio snapped his eyes to his wife, “two completely different things and you know that.”
It really wasn’t but okay, if Rio hated her riding the fence then let’s see if he hated it now.
“Whatever.” Khadijah slouched against the seat, “You just wasted our time, like why entertain the fact that you were with it if you’re just gonna try to clown me?”
“I wasn’t letting you do that and you should have known that.” Rio clenched his jaw, “I would never willingly put you in harm’s way and that’s exactly what you were signing up for.”
Khadijah knows Rio wouldn’t and if she wanted to be petty she could but she just mumbles, “You just ruined spooky season in France like?”
“Better throw that ribbon and teabags out the window and get glad. Who knows what would have happened if we went down that dark ass tunnel with only the Glock against a whole spirit mind you, that we don’t even know if she’s still vengeful or not.”
“I mean you make valid arguments…and I don’t even know if the house is still standing. The last update online was from 2021 so I guess I can’t be too pressed about it.” Khadijah explains as she starts to search through her bag, “but you can’t say I was indecisive this time, yet you locked me in here like I’m a child.”
Rio deeply exhales, rubbing at his face in slight aggravation, “yeah we gotta get back to Detroit and quick. I think you need to go back to work and continue spreading peaceful energy at that non-profit instead whatever this is.”
“What?” Khadijah sucked her teeth, “Trying to be on theme?”
“We could easily rent a movie at the spot and call it a day.”
“I wanna be one with nature!”
“As soon as we get far away from Blanche’s murder site, I’ll take the locks off so you can touch some grass.”
“Ohhhh, I cannot stand you!” Khadijah scowled followed by some laughter before ghosting her fingers over the window button, “is this going to work for me or am I still being held hostage?”
Rio just hums to himself, glancing in the rear view spotting a blur of white in the distance along with something that wasn’t tumbleweed rolling right by their feet.
Khadijah doesn’t notice as she cracks the window to toss a pink ribbon and a teabag out on the dirt road.
And when she looks in the rearview, she doesn’t see anything unusual or creepy. So she rolls her window back up and presses her elbow into the arm of the door, resting her cheek along her fingers, watching the night scenery whip by her highlighter eyes.
Soon Rio’s hand reaches for the Glock to rest in the cup holders before sneaking his hand over to bring Khadijah’s hand up to his lips. He knew she was a little sour with him over this and probably a bunch of other built up issues but Khadijah always tried to make the best of it.
Rio was trying to get better at validating her feelings but this shit right here was not it and Khadijah knew that inside. Which is why he had a more safer route up his sleeve to spend the day with Khadijah tomorrow since celebrating Halloween was apparently too american for the French. So he did the best that he could choosing a theme park that would be “on theme” for Khadijah’s spooky cravings.
That would be his gift to her and routine of keeping her best interest at heart, even if she didn’t fully want to see it that way sometimes…
Ah, she’ll be aight.
𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔
Continue along with my October anthology prompts here.
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henneseyhoe · 4 months
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Yall remember when Megan was in goodgirls? 😭
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gayhoediaz · 2 months
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CHRISTOPHER “RIO” MARTINEZ in every episode:
↳ 3.05: “Au Jus”
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sdktrs12 · 1 year
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474 notes · View notes
theesirenteller · 7 months
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【 This chapter contains Gun Violence, Abuse both psychological & physical】
Chapter Five; 𝕴𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊 | Masterlist
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"We have a problem."
"We? No, you have a problem."
"Oh no, we have a problem."
"And how does my cousin banging some stripper affect me?" Nick questioned with a chastising grin. 
Over the last month, Christopher and Epiphany had been more friendly in the public eye. It didn't take a genius to figure out they were seeing one another or at least messing around. Annie had yet to tell Beth about Epiphany's casual bragging about her and Christopher's sex life. Despite Beth being her older sister, Annie didn't want to be seen as a rat or lose someone she had considered a friend. She liked having Epiphany as a friend and didn't want her relationship spilling into her sisterhood. On the flip side, Beth took notice of just about everything Rio did. He wasn't one to be flashy or make a scene. His behavior over the course of the three years she'd known him was either consistent or spontaneous. Nowadays he'd drop by the club more often and never on the days when Epiphany wasn't working. Drop and pick-up days were whenever Epiphany worked. The two would share smiles at one another from across the room. He would stay to watch her perform solos on stage and then they'd share a drink at the bar. Or Beth would see him leave and then Epiphany would leave right after. If not that, it was the shared touches. His hand would pat her back on his way out or if he was close enough, Epiphany would kiss him on the cheek.
And Beth loathed it all.
Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer was something that Nick learned and lived by. After Beth had set him up to be locked up and he'd gotten her back 'where it hurts' things were back to 'normal'. Well, as normal as he and his brother wanted things to be. The blonde councilwoman at her beck and call, open to being bent in whichever direction they could push her in. The brothers were still playing the long game with her. Beth was the perfect spokesperson to appeal to rich, white, privileged investors in across states better than Nick could. And when things go to shit, Beth is set to have a hard time. Both Rio and Nick would be sure of it.
"It affects you because it affects me," she hissed, "I'm not close to him like that and I doubt you two are close after…last year's events." A teasing glint in her eye and a smug smirk laid across her thin lips as she saw Nick's smile slowly diminish. "Anyway," She started off with a higher pitched voice and chirpy tone, "Your cousin, brother, whatever is involved with the Japanese. I don't know what the details are but I want in. "
"You want a percentage of that deal." Nick clarified while he relaxed back in his office seat, "How do you know he's even in business with them?"
"He moved eight SUV trucks filled with Japanese yen through my strip club and my second dealership." She informed before shrugging her shoulders with a subtle hair flip, "We're partners, it's only fair that I'm cut in."
Nick looked at her with amusement in his eyes. He was amused but still impressed with how far she had come. She was more like him than she could ever admit, if not worse, "Right," he replied casually with a slight nod."I can't be involved, that'd be a conflict of interest-" 
He was quickly cut off by Beth, "How? This affects you because then we have nothing to pin on him with the feds!"
"It's personal. I don't know how close they are or how he feels about this chick. So either one of us removing her without motive causes unnecessary heat. You can't just kill her because he'd banging her," Nick replied with a raised voice and sharp tone. He didn't miss the way her eyes widened, or how she gulped and clenched her jaw. Her discomfort was loud without words needing to be said,  "You're gonna have to create a shadow. Set her up in some way, get photos, and then you get rid of her. That'll be your reason and he'll have to understand because it's just business. Take a page out of his book." he advised.
Beth quickly grabbed her designer tote bag and stood up, "Well thank you, councilman, I heard you loud and clear." and with her passive-aggressive statement she spun on her heel and strutted out of his office.
"Happy to help, Councilwoman!"Nick ridiculed behind her with a chuckle just before the door shut.
When she arrived at her home, Beth had done exactly like she was told but not without adding her own details. Beth had a four-bedroom, two-bathroom luxurious home in a more upscale area of the suburbs of Detroit. She lived in luxury now with her new position and she enjoyed the space that was solely hers. Seeing her children every other weekend was good enough for her, nowadays. Her old life felt like another world but she couldn't deny that she didn't miss it. She was powerful now. She was somebody who people either loved or feared. She felt invincible. "Annie, could you come down here for a second?!" 
"What's up?" the short-haired dirty blonde questioned a few minutes later. 
"Hey, do you think you could set up lunch between your little stripper friend and me?" Beth asked, " I'm thinking that Ruby and you need to be there as well."
"Yeah sure, but uh what for?" Annie replied as she raised her bushy eyebrows.
"Just lunch," her voice softened as her eyes lowered to a more 'saddened' look, "I have to talk to her about Rio. He's dangerous and I don't want her ending up like Lucy," she sighed with faux-sorrow.
"Or is it that you're jealous." Annie smirked and wiggled her brows. 
"Oh please, Annie," Beth rolled her eyes, " I am not jealous of some bimbo stripper hooking up with him. Believe me, she's keeping him out of my hair."
"Mhmm, whatever you say," Annie teased with a sing-a-song tone, "But yeah I'll set it up."
And she did just that. Annie had set up a lunch date the following weekend with Epiphany at Tony's diner. Saturday afternoon to be exact. Epiphany had gotten ready at Christopher's apartment. It'd become a routine for the pair to hook up in the middle of the day instead of grabbing lunch. Sometimes, a quick lunch date was after an hour of indulging in each other's bodies. As usual, Christopher had left first then thirty minutes later, Epiphany had left. 
She had gotten into an Uber and two of Christopher's henchmen weren't far behind. They tailed behind unbeknownst to her, all the way to the diner. As soon as she walked in and the suburban mothers spotted her, almost immediately judgment flashed across their eyes. Their eyes ranked her attire thaat consisted of; A short green-camo mini skirt with green sequin scattered across it,  a tight-fitted white cropped camisole that read 'AS IF' in big bold gold letters, a dark green jean bolero jacket, and knee–high heeled boots hugged her thighs.
"Oh hell no…"Ruby scoffed. 
"Geez, you can take the girl outta of the strip-club but can't take the club out of the girl,"Beth added.
"Wow…uh…that's a lot for lunch," Annie cringed and bit at her lip.
Epiphany raised her left eyebrow as she looked at the three women before her eyes narrowed in on Annie, "I thought you said we were having brunch. As just the two of us."She proceeds to take a seat in the booth seat across from the trio. Her arms soon folded under her ample breasts as an expression remained unmoved.
"I know and I'm sorry I didn't clarify there would be more than just the two of us but-" Annie was cut off by Epiphany in the midst of trying to apologize and explain herself.
"But, you wanted to ambush me." Epiphany stated in a matter-of-fact tone, straightening her shoulders back as she sat up straighter,
"We're not here to fire you," Ruby stated.
"No. Not at all!" Annie protested.
"Look, we're just here to talk to you," Beth sighed, "To warn you."
"Oh? About what? Is the club shutting down?" Epiphany questioned them, her eyes moving across the three women back and forth until they settled in on Beth.
"Look Epiphany, I know we haven't exactly seen eye to eye-" Beth attempted to reason but was cut off.
"We haven't?" Epiphany mocked with a higher pitch to her voice and a slight head tilt, "...Why would you think that?"
"Well we haven't had a full conversation over a cup of cof-" Beth giggled before she was cut off once again.
"And who's fault would that be? I've never thought we had beef. In fact," Epiphany licked across her bottom lip as her eyes swept up and down the Detroit council woman's face, "I don't think of you at all."
A look of bewilderment washed over the three women's faces. The nostrils of Beth's nose flared and her peach lipstick-covered lips curled. Before anyone could utter a word, the waitress came trotting over, "What will y'all be having?" she asked with an impatient tone.
"Well, all have Cobb salads." Beth ordered for everyone but Epiphany quickly jumped in after to switch her order, "I'll just take a black coffee."
"Look here, we're trying to warn you that you're getting involved with a very dangerous man." Beth hissed before rambling on, "You don't know the vile, horrible things he's done to people. Like our friend Lucy, he seduced her with his kindness only to kill her when she was no longer of use to him. And me, he's used sex and exploration to control my every move. It took me outsmarting him many times to get out of being murdered by him."
"And he kidnapped me!" Annie was quick to mention.
Epiphany's lips stretched at the sides into a tight smile before she started to laugh. her laugh came off as a subtle and serene giggle, "Who are you even talking about? Who is he?"
"Oh for the love god, the gang leader that's going to pound town on you!!" Ruby sighed in annoyance.
Annie and Beth both said different names at once. That was when Epiphany knew it was time to go. She had heard enough. "Sounds like you ladies have got whoever's fucking me mixed up with whatever you've got going on." She said as she stood up from her seat, "If the person you know is so horrible, why not get restraining orders? and dip out? Or I don't know…get rid of the person?" Epiphany suggested as she got out of the booth. She then proceeded to turn around and start heading out of the diner.
"Girls a lost cause." Ruby sighed.
" Good riddance." Beth scoffed.
"What do you think we should do now?' Annie asked as they watched Epiphany walk down the street from the window. 
"Plan B," Beth smirked before pulling out her phone.
Their words didn't fall on deaf ears. Epiphany thought of what they had said throughout her day on campus. She sat through her lecture in airplane mode. Denting her pen with bite marks she stared aimlessly out the fourth-floor window. These claims…these accusations…they sounded familiar. Eerily familiar. 
'Watch yourself'
'Cassius did a number on his last girl, Está locõ. Un Díablo.' 
'Do you even know what his family does to people? You don't wanna marry into that.'
The images of Cassius's brown skin covered in black and blue reddened flesh from fingernails that broke his skin. The screams and cries of men being burned alive, of it replayed in her mind. Or how the boys who spared her glance and shot her a smile at The Kitty Box ended up disappearing left & right.  'Was Chris similar? Or was he worse?' Epiphany wondered to herself throughout the day.  Why was it that she attracted dangerous men? And why did she find such jovial comfort in that? A sense of security and importance. After all, it's what she always dreamed of. She dreamed of having the life of women like Elvira Hancock, Carmela Soprano, and of course, Ginger McKenna. 
The remainder of her time in lectures blew by in the blink of an eye. Since she couldn't be bothered to pay attention in class, Epiphany decided to settle herself in a cafe on campus with a series of notes that she brought from one of her classmates.
"Hmph…I always thought you only looked best on your back but this is a slightly nicer view."
Cassius. Surely, Epiphany must've been hearing things. She didn't dare peel her eyes away from the notes that laid against the table. Her mouth grew dry. Then her palms grew sweaty. The underneath of her breasts began to moisten. Only hot air escaped her lips as she breathed outwards. He wasn't here. He couldn't be here. But he was here. In Detroit. In a cafe on the campus where she attended. And he sat right across from her. His sandy-brown-tanned hand reached over and laid upon hers. Epiphany let out a choked moan of pain, of agony. It felt as though he had burned her with a hot iron. His skin was always hot. Very hot as if he had a furnace built within his body. As she snatched her hand away, Epiphany's eyes finally settled on him. He looked exactly the same as the day she left him. Shiny bald head, Smooth, poreless brown skin, and a full, thick goatee that nearly covered his lips. He was dressed like a reaper, in all black from his leather parka-jacket to his Timberland boots.
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"What the fuck are you doing here." Epiphany had finally gotten the courage to say, with her shoulders back and a sharpness to her tone, "Better yet, who told you I was here? My mother?" 
To this, Cassius scoffed, "A whore like that doesn't care for her child overnight, don't flatter yourself." He then folded his large hands together on the table. The diamonds within his chunky rings reflected off of the silverware on the table, "You called me."
"And why would I do that?" She questioned with a tilt of her head slightly to the side, her eyes nor her face gave away that she was shocked. Epiphany sat there with a stoic expression. Never would she have called him. She left Las Vegas behind and everyone in it for a reason. To be normal. As normal as a girl with a not-so-stellar past could be. But, she was only twenty-three and tried to remind herself that life was only just starting. Her childhood felt like adulthood but this era of her was her freedom. 
"Because you need me. You said it over the phone. You said what I already know. You can't live without me, you and I both know you can not function in a civilized world without being taken care of. Look at your job now, A whore on a pole." He tsked and shook his head. Cassius as always thought so low of women. Especially those who worked in the sex work or entertainment industry. Yet he and his family endorsed it all. They funded all if not the majority of the clubs in Dubai and Los Vegas. Or at least that's what he and her mother told her. 
And his words angered her. It made her blood boil and her skin crawl. Her teeth dug into the meaty flesh of her bottom lip as she stared across the table at him. Her mouth was no longer dry as she collected spit from the sides of her mouth before she hawked spit in his eye, "Hijo de puta! Even with all the money in the world, you're still a useless trick with nothing to offer but your money. You're lower than a whore."
Cassius's ears grew reddened as the corners of his jaw tightened in. His bushy brows started to narrow in as he got up at the same time she had. Only, he flipped over the cafe table causing a squad of campus security to bum rush into the spot. The man began cursing in Arabic as he lunged for her but Epiphany was quicker than him. She ran behind security and they tackled him to the floor. Her day had gone from annoying to bad. How did he find her? He said he had spoken to her and that she discussed needing him. These were the questions that plagued her mind as she was placed in the counselor's office alongside the police. She filled out various forms before the restraining order was put in. 
None of the day's events made sense. Beth, Annie, and their friend had no business 'warning' her about Christopher or as they called him, Rio. Rio had no knowledge of her and Epiphany wasn't important enough for his enemies to track down her ex to 'take her back'; Somehow, she felt like Beth was involved. Why, other than petty jealousy? Epiphany had no clue. It all overwhelmed her. The web of backstabbing, sex, personal gain, and who knew what else. Everything that transpired within the last three hours had caused Epiphany to form a severe headache along with body pain. Stress started to take a toll on her body. And after questioning and fillings were done, she was driven to her apartment and taken upstairs by police.
The moment that she got inside, she flopped herself across the couch; and let her mind go numb.
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The scent of sewer water, shit, along with the feeling of a warm hand against her cheek had awoken Epiphany from her deep slumber. Her groggy eyes slowly opened and as her vision became clear, Christopher stood in front of her. She was seated on a wonky metal chair in an underground area that looked like a sewer storage locker. Epiphany, winced at the sight of her new setting and instantly latched her hands onto his forearms and stood up on her feet, "Chris? Chris what's going on?" she whimpered in fear.
His usually big brown eyes were dark. And the subtle smirk on his lips made her grow weary with fear. This was the first time she felt truly intimidated by him. His stature; The way he towered over her five foot two frame with his six foot one. Tears started to form at the corners of her eyes as her chest began to rise and fall quickly, "P-please..please don't hurt me." she begged. Not him. Anyone but him. He was the only aspect of her life that made her feel alive. His gentleness, The romance he brought to her life in such a short amount of time was overwhelming and she feared that ending more than her own death.
"Shh, relax. I'm not gonna hurt you, baby," his tone was mellow as he raised his left hand and laid it against the sides of her face. Christopher dipped his head down, his narrow nose brushing along her button one. His fingers gently caressed the side of her chubby cheek and side of her jaw, "But you tryna hurt me." his once gentle tone darkened, lowering to a baritone octave that sent chills down her spin. Before Epiphany could protest, she felt the coolness of metal riding up the middle of her breasts. His signature golden Glock kissed her bare skin, firmly pressed to the side of her temple. This caused a sequel to escape her lips and before she could utter any type of rebuttal, he hushed her with his lips placed on hers. The kiss was gentle, sweet, and slow. His right arm wrapped around her waist.
Epiphany didn't know whether to grasp him closer or fight him off. But what she could feel was his heart pounding like a punch against hers.
It all felt so surreal. Like a nightmare and wet dream all at once. Gentleness mixed in with the threat of violence. All she could feel was fear and confusion. Epiphany's body trembled against his. And she knew he felt. He had to have felt her. Her fear, her anxiety, her heart.
"Why do I got the feeling that…you're gonna be the bullet that puts a hole in my head, hm?" he hummed against her mouth with the slickness of a snake. He moved the barrel of the gun from her temple to his when he mentioned 'hole in my head' before laying back to her temple. Her tears sprinkled onto his cheek, "Did you get enough info on me to run it back to those bitches?"
"Wha-? You think I'm Beth's rat?"
Her pushing up into a frowning pout as she looked directly into his eyes. Her eyes of uncertainty changed to a look of disbelief, "Why?"
"I could ask you the same thing. That little lunch date looked real interesting,". Christopher hissed and with each movement his lips made, she could feel the brush against her mouth.
"Oh, Rio it was." she rolled her r's when she seethed his name, "Annie set me up with Beth to warn me about you."
He stood still and the menacing look he once possessed of narrowed eyes, a tightly clenched jaw, and striking eye contact had slowly begun to relax. The crease between his brows slowly smoothed out. His eyes flicked back and forth between looking at her and looking above her head. Christopher was debating. Not only with her but with himself. "And what did she say?" She, Beth. He didn't care for what the other two stiffs spoke about because it usually was a rehearsal of what she said.
"The short version? You're a fucking serial killer who uses sex and manipulation to exploit and get what you want, the long version? a lot of secrets were spilled out in the open." Epiphany replied, she spoke through her nose with a slight whisper to her voice.
An ounce of a smirk peeled on the right corner of his lips as he rolled the gun along the side of her neck. He didn't confirm or deny but he coyly asked, "What you think about that mama?"
"I'm thinking what the fuck does that have to do with me and you and why you have a gun to my head?!" she cried out, anger laced in her outburst. Her hands shook at her sides as she didn't push him away due to the gun. The fear of it going off in her face or throat was far greater than her anger. "I'm not involved!" she protested.
"Oh no, see you've been involved sweetheart." Christopher argued, "It's just a matter of whose side you're on."
Fool him once, shame on them. Fool him twice, shame on him….there wouldn't be a third time. Christopher was no fool and the moment the Boland woman walked into his life was when he realized he'd gotten a big…soft. And Epiphany just seemed eerily close to business for his liking. He needed undying loyalty, control, and if she was truly for him then he needed her in line. Love could come later…after sacrifice.
"Unless…" Christopher began to chuckle but the sound wasn't from happiness, "Unless you don't wanna be involved then you can leave right now." he took a few steps away from her and aimed the gun at the dark, wet hallway to the left.
Epiphany's eyebrows knitted together as she looked up at him in confusion. His play on words and attitude switch was causing gears to twist and bend in her mind. They spent every day together. If not day then night. Leave where?
Blinking rapidly as she stood there. She didn't move. She only stared at him. "What do you mean? " she questioned before licking at her lips, "Wi-...will I see you later?" uncertainty in her voice. And his smile made her stomach twist and turn, "You do mean I don't have to be involved with the club right or with whatever shit you've got going on with those women…right?"
She needed clarification and he gave her none of that. "Nah darlin, I'm afraid this is the end of line for us. You're off the hook." He dismissed her casually. His tone is deep and delicate. It was almost like a goodbye kiss. But he never moved, his eyes still settled in on her like a lion waiting to be challenged. Which let Epiphany know he wasn't done.
"No?" He challenged with a slight head tilt as his eyes looked her over.
Despie how fearful, how anxious she felt, Epiphany still chose to stand her ground and challenge him, "The moment I turn around you'll put a bullet to my head. Because you don't believe I'm not involved con esa perra concejal" (with that bitch councilwoman)
Sassily, she crossed her arms against her chest and cocked her hip slightly to the side as she stared at him. "Even if you don't kill me-"
"How bout you kill for me?" He proposed.
Epiphany's eyes widened as Christopher stalked towards her. "Come on champ." His hand latched to the back of her neck, forcefully making her walk in front of him down the dark tunnel. She followed him with stumbling feet and squinted her eyes in an attempt to see where they were going.
And then Christopher began to whistle and a light turned on in one of the rooms. Epiphany was led into that room and came face to face with Cassius. He'd been hung upside down with his hands and feet taped up. His left eye was swollen shut, shaded in dark plum purple and blue. His right eye was completely gorged out, by the looks of it…he'd been burned. "Actually, I shouldn't have said to kill for me. It's for you, a gift." he chuckled, "I thought the unmarked SUV was the fed tailing you but turns out it's this sorry looking Hijo de puta."
Epiphany cried as she looked at her ex-lover in horror. Sure, he was fucking vile. And everyone eventually would die. But, she couldn't take a life. "Chris, no. Please no, I can't." She weeped.
Christopher tilted his head back and inhaled deeply before he slowly straightened up and eyed her, "You will." he swiveled the gun around his finger and then offered it towards her. "He's your problem and you gotta get rid of em'. "
"You think he's gonna let you go? A girl like you…" his eyes trailed her body from top to bottom in admiration with a sinister smirk, "Ain't easy to let go."
"Someone will come looking for him!" She protested, "He's well connected in Vegas, his parents own everything."
"He ain't shit but a bootleg con artist. A janky ass car salesman at best." Christopher revealed with a dismissive tone. He then grasped her jaw in his hand with a gentle touch. Once Epiphany looked in his eyes, he leaned his head down and whispered "Do it. You don't gotta worry bout nothing else, I'll handle it. I take care of what's mine." His tone was reassuring.
"And I'm yours?" She sniffled with a flustered, wet face.
"Only if you wanna be." He rasped as he laid the gun firmly in her hand.
Breathing in deeply, She held it with two hands. Christopher switched from being beside her to standing behind her. His hands laid over hers as he steadied her arms up. His feet nudged her legs open and pushed one of her feet forward.
"Come on mamitá, show me how much you want this." She could feel his warm breath in her ear, a gentle caress of his nose nudging at the side of her earlobe. "Make me proud."
Her head hurts so bad, her chest aches as the vile metallic taste jumbles up in the back of her mouth. Christopher, Rio was all that they said he was but worse. But, she wanted him. She wanted him to stay. She wanted him to keep making her feel seen, wanted, cared for, and maybe even loved. Cassius was right. She couldn't function in a world without being taken care of. Not because she lacked the skill set or had any type of disability holding her back. No, it was because she didn't want to. Her hands gripped the base of the gun. Its heavyweight in her small hands felt as though she was holding someone's heart in her hands. And in a way she was. She was holding someone's lifeline.
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we-love-dilfs · 1 year
HC of Rio Helping You Through a Panic Attack
A/N: here’s a short little hc for you guys :)
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• you knew it was coming all day
• you could feel yourself worrying and stressing about everything around you
• you knew eventually the damn would break
• and it did
• you were sitting on the couch, silent tears running down your face
• your lungs were struggling to get air
• the world around you was spinning
• and that’s how he found you
• crying on the couch, struggling to breathe
• he immediately knew something was up by the lack of greeting when he walked through the door
• when he got closer, he understood what was happening
• this wasn’t the first time this had happened
• it probably wouldn’t be the last
• all he knew was it scared the shit out of him to see you like that
• so he did whatever he could
• he ran to the kitchen to grab you some water
• and when he got back he cupped your face with his hands, forcing you to look at him
• his thumbs wiped at your tears as he slowly spoke
• at first he didn’t know what to say
• so he just started talking about how much he loved you
• and then he was able to start calming you down and getting you to control your breathing
• once you were able to breathe, he took a sigh of relief
• tears still clouded your vision, but he continued to wipe them away
• he just held you and told you how much he loved you until you were able to calm down
• once you calmed down he had you tell him what got you so worked up
• so you told him everything
• how you felt the whole day
• and about the final straw that caused the attack
• he just sat there and listened until you were done
• when you finished talking he made sure to remind you that everything would be okay, and offered to help in any way he could
• he knew it wasn’t a perfect solution, but he had no clue about what else to do
• but it was enough for you
• just knowing he was there for you when you needed him and he always would be
* that was enough to keep you calm
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