#Govt. Job
rvvaite · 1 year
I need at least $30 to be able eat anything at all today
Could anyone help me at all
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 12 days
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परीक्षाओं में असफल पुरुष
अक्सर गँवा बैठते हैं
आय,आयु,और आवास
परीक्षाएँ देते-देते।
~ अभिषेक शुक्ला
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millerflintstone · 1 year
So, I got a verbal offer to the remote job I posted about 2 weeks ago. I even negotiated higher successfully. I got it last Thursday, way earlier than I expected any kind of feedback because the people I interviewed with said that they wouldn't be making their decision until early to mid September. The start date is the second of October.
I'm not sure if it's the lazy ass recruiter or just how slow things work at this company, but I haven't gotten a written offer yet. I emailed the recruiter that I kind of complained about here and she told me that she was waiting for sign off / approval. Okay.
I just can't get excited or hopeful about this until I have an actual written offer and part of me isn't really going to feel that it's real until I get my laptop, etc.
So, we'll see I guess.
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elkian · 6 months
I think if a company lets you apply to their job through a dedicated job site (Indeed or w/e), and then messages you to inform you that, ACTUALLY, you need to go to a second site and apply there for the application to Actually Count, we should be able to steal $200,000 from the CEO's bank accounts each time.
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ovaruling · 7 months
last night, during the street outreach, we had a woman come up to us, incredibly agitated that the undercover footage we were showing of slaughterhouses and dairy, egg, and fishing industries was visible to children.
two of the activists had brought their healthy, intelligent, wonderfully well-adjusted vegan children, who have both previously seen the footage with their parents and asked questions and received honest answers.
and i approached her to ask her—if she cared so much about the welfare of children, as she claimed, why was she not boycotting these industries?
if you are against child labor in any real way, you WOULD boycott industries that require labor in slaughterhouses, meat-packing facilities, fisheries, egg farms, dairy farms, fur and wool farms.
because guess who makes up a significant portion of that labor? CHILDREN. illegally and legally both, depending on the state or regional laws.
i’ve seen it with my own eyes at slaughterhouses, up close—i’ve seen children no older than 12 made to haul the dead bodies of pigs, still bleeding. i’ve seen them working in those farms.
there are innumerable minors “employed”—or enslaved—to animal agriculture and the resultant slaughterhouses and meat-packing and chick-grinding and animal skinning. PTSD doesn’t even begin to cover what these children come home with. to say nothing of how unsafe these jobs are—would anyone like to look into how many injuries and outright limb amputations are caused by slaughterhouse work each year? cuz it sure isn’t zero.
do you think Big Meat insures their workers and pays for medical bills and a pension when these incidents occur? how much do you think they care about safety code violations? the USDA and ASPCA approved slaughterhouses i’ve seen in person are in violation of at least 40 codes, minimum.
and let’s talk about the field farming of the immense amount of food required to sustain the animals imprisoned within these industries—lest we forget, most of the world’s food and calories go to feed these animals, not us.
and guess who they rely on most to farm that animal feed.
these industries will ALWAYS find a way to use children for their labor, because it’s cheap and it’s easy. they will NEVER stop using child labor. ever. it doesn’t matter how many laws are “in place”—these places will always get away with it bc they literally cannot exist without extensive and wildly cheap labor. you cannot invent an animal agriculture that won’t find a way to silently exploit minors for cheap labor.
these businesses are at the top of the capitalist heap—it’s a business that, once again, cannot exist without human slavery on a large scale, with much of that burden resting on children and immigrants (particularly women, btw).
if you actually care even a little bit about child labor, really, one of the most effective things you can do is to boycott animal product industries.
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ohmeadows · 4 months
very tired.
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noa748 · 5 months
Just spent the last 11 days in another state… managed to pull off landing a new apartment and a new NON WAITRESSING job…!
Things are gonna be tight for a little bit but I’m making career moves finally 🥹 but man I move may first and I have so many freaking things to do before then I’m crapping my pants a lil bit
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tamsong · 1 year
if you are still taking art requests, can you draw a Cyrah?
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her!! I am obsessed with cyrah tbh. Just another one of kotlc’s many ghosts but also so important to the plot.
taglist below the cut
@make-kotlc-gayer @cadence-talle @impostertamsong @enbies-and-felonies @catboyruy @an-absolute-travesty @mylarivera @steppingonshatteredglass @fanartofthelostcities @netnetnet135 @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @cowboypossume @dragonwinnie @solreefs @imaramennoodle @thesandsofdawn @pencilwritesshiz47 @alesbiancat @constellations-of-elixirs @daydream-draws
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kozidraws · 6 months
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suitetarts · 11 months
the more i think about it, the more irrationally furious i become that shadowheart flawlessly dyed her dark hair a pure brilliant white in the ruins of some fuck off castle at night all by herself
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snekdood · 5 months
pls. no matter what you think. please vote for biden. a vote thrown away goes to trump. letting trump win is a death wish for yourself. love yourself and the people around you a lil more than that. dont let your petty spite jeopardize the whole earth and its and our wellbeing.
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twothirdsgenius · 2 months
i have another job interview tomorrow, wish me luck chat 🙏
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piraticoctopus · 1 year
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The extended ADHD med shortage is going great
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sweetbabymantykes · 1 year
How many wishiwashi do you think it would take to overthrow capitalism?
Buddy I've spent the last four years trying to find the answer to that exact same question
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carltonlassie · 5 days
Was listening to an NPR segment (against my will) where they were interviewing a religious professor about declining birth rates and her solution to it was to make the church stronger and the government to stop taking part in social services so churches can do their jobs better and then women will breed more and solve this declining birth rate problem. She literally said that everyone should return to the biblical values bc "as a scientist" she has seen that they are proven to be the best at increasing birth rates compared to other religions of the world. Never mind the fact that neocolonialism and other factors in play. And they aired this segment with the intro clip of JD Vance talking about cat ladies. I'm gonna fucking explode
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kaladin-sadblessed · 10 months
Do you ever feel like you’re on the brink of going absolutely insane and you can’t tell if it’s the mental illness or the state of the fucking world
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