linnaealyn · 4 months
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Could you colorpick a flag from Grahf, the seeker of power?
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The BEAR flag color-picked from GRAHF [Xenogears]
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rueprism · 2 years
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system-contact · 1 year
which tragic death would you suffer
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the betrayal
you die at the hands of the person you love most. maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. there are certainly tears in yours. your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. you will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
tagged by ;; stolen from the dash tagging ;; whoever would like to!
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citan-uzuki · 1 year
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imgibbon · 6 months
from a convo with my sister: - obviously Fei is an Earth Pony but it's revealed he has unicorn ancestry once you find out more about his parents and becomes an alicorn later - by extension Grahf is whatever shadowy fucking shadowy unicorn thing Sombra is - Id is an alicorn - Elly would be a pegasus, being from, ya know, the society whose country floats above the clouds and looks down upon all others, and turns into an alicorn later - Miang would be a changeling - and so is Emeralda, but like, a good one - Citan would be a unicorn who has had his horn removed, and the scene in the game where he takes up his sword once more would be him getting his horn back - Bart would be an Earth Pony. end tweet. - Rico would…. hmm, Rico's tough. he's an animal hybrid so maybe a gryphon or a hippogryph or some other halfpony creature - Billy is a unicorn but with guns - Maria is a pegasus who can't fly on her own and makes use of the special jetpac her father left her - Chu-chu is Spike. no notes.
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goro-pancake-akechi · 2 years
Spoilers for the entire Xeno Series
I love how the final boss of Xenogears representing Miang's world of death is called Ouroborus, and the ending song representing Fei and Elly's love, while called Small Two of Pieces in English, is called Moebius in Japanese. I love how Xenoblade 3 shows that Fei and Elly's desire to be together forever is ultimately empty, and that instead they should enjoy the time they have. I love that it paints the cycle of death that Miang thrived from as at least being better than an eternity trapped in a single moment. I love how Xenoblade 3 shows that Fei's desire to be with Elly forever would have driven him to a point where he essentially becomes Grahf. I love that N doesn't represent Id or the Coward, but simply Fei himself, and his inability to cope with the loss of a loved one. I love that Noah represents his hope that the future will be bright, and his determination to change it if it isn't. I love that N and Noah represent the two aspects of Fei that allowed him to overcome every challenge he faced in Xenogears. I love that Noah still shares that sadness and pain from loss, but is able to accept it. I love that in the ending, Noah and Mio are running to the end of the world, like in Moebius/Small Two of Pieces. I love that all of this was set up in Fei's previous incarnations, such as Kim, who did something similar himself when he lost a loved one. I love that this is absolutely what happens with Fei in Perfect Works Chapter 6. I love that all of this has been eluded to with previous Xeno villains. Wilhelm's Eternal Recurrence. Zanza's cycle of death and rebirth. Jin's moment of eternity. And now, N and Z's Endless Now. Perfect Works Chapter 6 has been the biggest Xeno Series mystery for so long, but Takahashi has been telling us what it was this entire time. We just didn't realize it until he told us that with Xenoblade 3 that Fei had a part in causing it. I love the Xeno Series. And as sad as I am to see the end of Perfect Works, I'm excited to see where Takahashi will take the series in the future. This is the best story ever told, and I cannot thank Takahashi enough for creating all of these wonderful experiences.
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pluralmedia · 1 year
Hello, I have some suggestions for your list
Xenogears: Grahf and Wiseman
Xenosaga: Gaignun Kukai and Dmitri Yuriev | Albedo and Jr. (Rubedo)
We didnt add those already? Thanks theyve been added!
We did xenogears as a full post a bit back that mentioned the Grahf situation, for some reason forgot to put them on the list X-X
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mitochondria-larson · 6 months
That's it. Grahf seeker of power cosplay will be real
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foxceus · 3 years
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linnaealyn · 2 months
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i said "grahf earrings" and then suddenly wanted to draw grahf wearing earrings so,
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nero-draco · 4 years
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system-contact · 11 months
Fei tends to not really like nicknames all that much— well, okay, at least if you just kind of assume you can give him one without asking. He’s more accepting of them if he knows you well enough, or will sometimes just tepidly tolerate them, albeit not really enthusiastically. But yeah, expect a subtle rebuke if you hand him a new nickname and he doesn't want one. .
Fei has started to call his child alter (who is also named Fei) 'Kiddo' instead of 'the Coward', in a small step to try and encourage a little more peace. The little one likes it, though he didn't seem to fully understand or care what 'Coward' meant outside of being 'mean' because Id is the one who said it. .
Id has a name that no one, not even the rest of the system, knows. ‘Id’ was the name Grahf gave him, along with the repeated idea that ‘names don’t matter’. But, even then, he'll get very upset if someone keeps calling him ‘Fei'.
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sephinova · 4 years
Grahf: Hah, hah, hah... You resemble your father.
Fei: My father? You mean my dad?
Grahf: No, I mean the Tooth Fairy- of course I mean your dad you fool!
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tmma1869 · 5 years
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Most cursed namesake meme I ever made 🤣🤣🤣
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artofnayth · 8 years
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