#Grand Empress of SciFi
captain-sassy-socks · 4 months
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ellefantii · 1 year
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monkeymeghan · 1 year
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Holy crap, I have the most amazing friends. This just came in the mail (well, I had to pick it up at the post office if you want to get technical). I opened it, not knowing what to expect*, and started crying immediately. I am in complete disbelief. Like, it’s personalized and everything! Omg. So I’m crying and grinning like an idiot. Lol. Thank you so much, friend!
*after I opened it I noticed that the customs slip said what it was. I was too excited to open it and see what it was and didn’t even see that. 😂
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Have you had many instances where fans have broken down in front of you? It must be bizarre.
AT: I think it’s really lovely, that sort of emotion, because I’ve fangirled over people before. I met Elton John at an event once and I literally could not speak, and so I get it, I totally get it. I just think that it’s that honest and that raw that it’s beautiful.
Does it ever take you by surprise, how much of an impact you actually have?
AT: Yes, always. It’s incredibly humbling for me. The characters I’ve played have always been very strong, very smart women and very capable so I get a lot of women and young girls and parents who come and say ‘oh, my daughter did better in math because of you’ which is wonderful. So it’s a responsibility as well that I take quite seriously, to represent women well.
She doesn’t get that it’s not just the characters she’s played. That it’s her, Amanda, as a person, who has that impact too. She really doesn’t get that.
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lesbiannieism · 5 months
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re-bee-key · 2 years
Season 9 of Hermitcraft is a scifi fantasy anime
and Im gonna prove it. Really long ramble about the theme for this season and looking at it from a world building perspective. Im gonna look at s9 through the lens of it being a scripted show.
First, we must look at season 8. It was also a scifi fantasy. But focused more on scifi with the moon plot. The hermits having crashed landed on the planet and started colonizing it as their own for survival. But then tragedy struck, and they had to evacuate as the moon came crashing down. Destroying the world they had tried to make their home.
Now season 9. Those same hermits crash land on a new planet. Uniting together to survive, but soon enough all separate to start their lives.
(Also, I would like to propose my headcanon that some of the Hermits came from this planet before. That season 8 was a group from this planet that wanted to go colonize the stars. But it messed up, so now they are back home.)
As they explore the land, they discover ancient ruins and cities and come across the races of people who already inhabit the planet.
Bdubs builds represent the ancient past. Long ago was a might race that build grand structures and games. But something happened so all that remains are ruins. But! People have taken over the ruins, repurposing them, making a life in the rubble. Its low tech scrounger scifi. The people living here have to make the most of what little they have. Bdubs himself is a god who has lived here to see all of history. He once had a moon cult in his name. For he is the god of dreams, represented by moons and moss.
He believed being a god should give him a divine right to crown a king. But we saw how well that turned out.
Tango also represents the past. His dark ice castle maze looking ancient and magical. Tango did the ancient ogre cave last season as well. So Im headcanoning that his character is very old as well. Maybe not a god, but certainly an immortal with strong magic. His immortality making him bored and want to create games and prizes for people.
With Tango and many of the others, we see redstone as a sort of tech magic.
Xisuma is also ancient. A bone mage from the ancient times. Living in the skeleton of a long dead elder god. Strong in the ways of redstone tech magic. His immortality has made him want a simple life, one out of conflict and just doing things for fun. His builds are mostly tech machines, but he his tower and bones can represent the "ancient" builds.
Grian also represents the past. And time as a concept. His builds this season all showcase changes in time. Changes in building styles. He represents how the civilizations of the planet would once have lived like. The different stages of the Entity. How rift technology has affected people. His character also represents rifts in time. Not showing up all the time. But when he does its during the big impact parts of history. Matching his watcher lore. I headcanon that his Life series is a virtual reality helmet game he designs and him and his friends all play and broadcast online.
Gem represents the elves. Elves are immortal ,but she is very young. And the newly appointed Empress. Her guardian farm shows and base location show that the Elves have a strong connection and ownership to the Sea.
Scar is also an elf. A very old elf. The first true business tycoon among his people. First, he created the cookie empire. Then, the shipping empire. Elves having ownership of the ocean means he had a full monopoly of shipping trades. Making him incredibly wealthy. He traveled to s8 because he wanted to try on another planet. And did very well with his traveling salemen gig. But coming home, he decided to build a new empire. A media empire. Scarland is his new venture. Along with using his immortality to be a superhero. As his alter ego Hotman. (He also, conviently, makes money off the sales of Hotguy movies and merch.)
Impulse, of course, represents the dwarves. Who have long lived below the surface. In (somewhat) harmony with the elves. The dwarves are also masters at redstone tech magic and Impulse himself is a very successful business man. Owning what is essentially dwarven Walmart.
Pearl represents aliens. Her build is of an alien race who have at some point started colonizing the planet. Terraforming it as they go. Changing the landscape to match the planet they left behind. Pearl's character herself is an undercover agent researching the aliens. Her alter ego is a friendly trash lady. (Since Pearl is represented as moths and the moon. I headcanon she is actually part of the alien race. She just doesn't know it yet herself. She glamored herself to look human but lost her memory. She isn't just any alien, tho. She is also a goddess. But while Bdubs is the god of this planet. She is the god of another (Empires, of course).
In lore, I imagine that the Elves and Dwarves have been on edge with the aliens. And they have a shaky alliance. The aliens now having terrformed so much that they are right on each others doorsteps.
Cleo represents some Atlantean race. I dont know if it's in ruins now or still exists. She, of course, is a gorgan and, on the more fantasy side of the server.
Rendog and Doc both represent corporations who have who have come from space to colonize.
Doc with his world eater and mega farms. He is a scientist who left the Octogan corp and is now trying to kickstart his own venture. His goal is to make everything solarpunk. And besides tearing a literal whole out of the earth, try to be as eco-friendly as possible. His tomato garden being his prized joy.
Rendog has started GIGACORP. And is supposed to be starting up that base of operations. But he got distracted for a while by trying to control the economy and be king. But now that Thats over, he can focus on expanding for Gigacorp.
I imagine, in lore, that the new corps would have a hard time fitting in. People being uncomfortable with outsiders coming in and taking over so much land so quickly.
Keralis represents humans who fell from the stars. His base ties in so nicely to Bdubs. Because they both show humans scrounging for resources to stay afloat. Humans arnt from here, but they are trying to coexist best they can.
Mumbo is a human. But he's more like a man out of time. His character keeps popping in and out of reality and is very disjointed from the storyline. Its like he i did some technology and just poofed away and back on accident.
Zedaph is also human. He is the scientist from last season. Who has enough money that he can now live his life as an eccentric collector.
The end of the Rendog King arc means a new era for the world. It was one that was under unfair rule. The economy in shambles. But now that things are back to normal, life is coming back to the server.
In the form of games!
It had to be noted how impactful Beef's card game has been. So many people love it. And its really kickstarted activity again. People are collabing again!
So, in lore, Beef represents a new card game that is sweeping the world. Possibly a Yugio style one, in terms of scale and popularity, at least. Turning our sci-fi anime into a card game anime!
Etho is building a race track. Adding to the in-world ferver with games. His character fell to the planet in his escape shuttle later than everyone else. But his is now thriving, making a road system and race tracks. (And Bdubs and him might make another horse race track.)
Scar had the charity event, of course. Which also has added many games to the server. And Bdubs has a few games out in the wild. Xisuma has the bone cave elytra challenge. And Cub's Total Choas. Lots of games this season!
So! Thats where the current season sits. I know I missed a lot of people. But I dont watch everyone and some people dont play as often so its harder to say what their place in the story is. Like Cub. I think he also represents humans scrounging and building among ruins. But I dont watch his eps as often.
Anywho. Thats my rundown and lore analysis for season 9! Its pretty exciting all put together. I can totally picture how cool a cartoon set in this world would be. (Makes me want to write a story set in this world.)
What do y'all think?
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mysg1spacemonkey · 3 years
Here are a few gifs I made from Live Photos I took of my computer screen during the Stargate AI event yesterday. Amanda Tapping is so precious. What did we do to deserve her? 🥰
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stargatelov3r · 3 years
Credits: “Directed my Amanda Tapping”
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pizacat72 · 4 years
I’ve heard lots of lovely things about Amanda Tapping and I wanna meet her so bad but my stinky anxiety is going into overdrive and I’m just so awkward and honestly I don’t know if it would go well
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captain-sassy-socks · 27 days
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Happy 59th Birthday!!! ❤️💛💙🧡💚
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chloes-yellow-cup · 4 years
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This brings me joy.
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aw-eather · 4 years
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6 years ago this precious goofball got an Honorary Doctorate!
I’ve watched the video of her speech so many times! In honour of the occasion, here’s my favourite part, a quote that’s stuck with me for 6 years and will stay with me for life:
“By following your heart and your passion and your gut, and by doing it with the unassailable integrity of which we are all capable, you will become what you are meant to be. We spend so much time worrying about what’s coming down the road at us instead of just living in the moment. Don’t be afraid of what’s coming down the road... unless it’s a big 18 wheeler and then you should probably be afraid and jump out of the way I’m just saying but...
Don’t follow someone else’s idea of what you should be. Be it your parents or your friends or perhaps most pervasively, the media. No one can tell you or teach you what your life should be, you learn it simply by living.
And we’re all told about this great ideal of success. Success! It’s ridiculous and illusive. Success is not a bank account or a job tittle. Success is waking up in the morning and looking forward to that day. Success is putting your head on your pillow at night and being proud of how you lived that day. Success is choosing a path or a partner or a job or a hobby that makes you smile or that makes you laugh. Success is living a life with compassion, joy and genuine wonder and giving that compassion, joy and wonder back to others. Always, always give back. Believe me I say it is the most meaningful and satisfying thing you will ever do.”
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samcaarter · 4 years
I’m making a set and all I’ll say about it is
Amanda Tapping is a frakking amazing actress
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littlejoregal · 3 years
Haven't checked how I could join, yet. Just saw this on istragram. If any one of you is interested.
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