#Grayson Shadowbreaker
commanderbragh · 6 years
Filling In Shadowbreaker
*knock knock knock*
“Do you have a minute?”
Lord Shadowbreaker looked up from his desk to see Braghaman standing in the doorway to his office along with another gentleman behind him.  “I do. Come in.”
The two men stepped inside as Shadowbreaker got up from his chair and moved around the desk with his hand outstretched. “Doing well, I hope, Larethian.”
“I am,” Bragh answered as he shook the paladin trainer’s hand. 
Shadowbreaker then turned to the bald man beside Braghaman and held his hand out. “Eric, right?”
“Yes, sir,” the rogue said as he shook the paladin’s hand.
“What can I do for you two?”
“Eric,” Braghaman said, looking back at his guild mate and nodded towards the door. Without any further comment, Eric turned and shut the door. Braghaman nodded again before looking back to Shadowbreaker. “I wanted to show you something.” 
Bragh walked up to the desk and lifted up a satchel he’d been holding at his side. The satchel made a thud as it was placed on the desk.
“What’s this?”
“Its the head of the death knight that I’d been having problems with.”
“So its finally over with?”
“Yes. Eric dealt with it. But you should look at it.”
“Why?” Shadowbreaker asked skeptically. He hesitantly moved towards his desk.
“I think I recognize who it was. I need another opinion.”
Shadowbreaker frowned and looked down at the satchel on his desk. The trainer paused for a moment for reaching over and pulling the leather strap that was tied around the top. He took hold of the edges of the cloth and opened it up to look inside. Shadowbreaker took a moment to study the contents of the satchel before looking back to Braghaman.
“That looks like Faris.”
“I thought that, too.”
“But he’s dead,” Shadowbreaker said as he folded over the top of the satchel and stepped back. “How did this happen?”
“I have no idea,” Braghaman answered with a shrug. “I was just as surprised when Eric brought it to me.”
“How did you get it?” Shadowbreaker asked, turning to look at the rogue who was quietly standing next to the closed door.
“I cut it off,” Eric answered with a shrug.
“Impressive,” Shadowbreaker replied with a raised eyebrow. “I’d love to hear the story behind that.”
“He fled to the Shadow Vault and I was waiting for him.”
“How’d you know he’d be there?”
“He was attacked in his base. It seemed one of the two most likely place he would flee to if injured.”
“So this was a coordinated attack?”
“Yes, sir.”
Shadowbreaker stared at Eric for a moment longer, trying to read the rogue’s face but finding no clues there. Finally he turned Braghaman.  “What do you plan to do?”
“At the moment, I’m not sure that there’s anything to do,” Braghaman answered with a shrug. “Given the current war, I’m not sure it’d do anything but create a panic if people found out that a dead paladin had come back as a death knight.”
“I’ll have to tell the Bishop and the other trainers. They need to know what happened.”
“Of course. I’ll let you handle that.”
“Any other secrets you want to share?” Shadowbreaker asked with a glance to the satchel.
“No,” Bragh answered calmly. “I think this is more than enough for now.”
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wyrmguardsecrets · 3 years
"Lord" Uther. Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker. Lord Tirion Fordring. Lord Duncan Senturus. And those are just a few... there are others I think that have been called Lord in text and just don't have it in the name. This anon be reaching, man.
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jamesgunrik · 4 years
Oath of the Crown
The Five Ladders:
Lord-Commander- There is only one Lord-Commander of the Oathsworn of the Crown. The Lord-Commander is considered the Champion of the Crown, and lives by the code of the Oath of the Crown. The Lord-Commander is named by the Highlord of the Silver Hand. The responsibilities of the Lord-Commander is that he or she ensures that those who follow the path of the Crown stay the course. To create and enforce a vision that each member of the Crown has to follow. The Current Lord-Commander is Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.
Paragon- There are only five Paragons in the Oathsworn of the Crown, each Paragon is considered a champion of one of the five virtues and are responsible for sharing their knowledge and training to those willing to learn about the virtue they champion.
Oathsworn Knight- To be an Oathsworn Knight, one would have been committed to the Oath of the Crown for a long time, they are considered veterans and teachers of the Oath. The Oathsworn Knights are responsible for spreading the word of the Oath to the community, defending the People no matter the cost, standing against the Darkness that try to tear down Civilizations, and teaching those who wish to partake in the Oath of the Crown.
Knight- The Knights are the Protectors of the Oath of the Crown. Once they are finished their training as Squires they become Knights of the Crown. The Knights are responsible for traveling Azeroth to take on those who are trying to harm it and protecting the people of Azeroth. The Knights go through many trials that test them on each tenant of the Crown. Although if a Person is already a Knight, they will skip the Squire process but will be following an Oathsworn Knight around to ensure they are taught the ways of the Crown.
Squire- When Someone wishes to partake in the Oath of the Crown, they will be brought to the Lord-Commander or a Paragon to take the Oath of the Crown. Once they do they are assigned to an Oathsworn Knight or a Knight to learn the ways of the Crown. They are responsible only for learning the ways. They go through five trials that will test them on the five virtues.
Signed and released by
High Priestess Saleria Waylight, Paragon of Faith
#WorldofWarcraft #WyrmrestAccord #RP #ForThePeople
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clement-weather · 8 years
A Written Response | The Silver Hand: An Ethos
A week or two ago, I put this treatise together for an In-Character assignment for my Silver Hand character, April Yates. She was tasked to research the origins of the Silver Hand and then apply its intent with why she would want to join its ordered ranks.  If you’re interested in it, please feel free to give it a whirl.~ 
The following document was written upon a piece of fresh parchment, with fine black ink; underneath of this specific paper would be a second one, with reference-material being cited.
These included the Tome of Divinity, Lordaeron and the Holy Light, A History of the Brotherhood of Northshire, A Historical Dossier of the Silver Hand, The Written Recordings of the Second War - Volume II, and several texts that can be found within the Cathedral of Light's transept.
Ultimately, it was a rather formal report, stamped on the top-right corner with a seal of the mythic Tyr's Silver Hand.
The Silver Hand: An Ethos Written By April Yates The Order of the Silver Hand was founded in the city of Stratholme, when Archbishop Alonsus Faol and his apprentice sought to create a militant arm of the church for the protection of their world in the face of an Orcish menace invading the Eastern Kingdoms. There, Saint Faol ordained Uther the Lightbringer, Saidan Dathrohan, Tirion Fordring, Gavinrad the Dire, and later-known High General Turalyon as the first paladins. From that moment on, the order would forge a path of righteousness that, today, is known for its grandiose crusade against the Burning Legion. However, in order to understand the Silver Hand, one must comprehend that its history began much of the same as the Holy Light's worship in human society. It is said that following the founding of Arathor, priests within the region of Lordaeron were granted visions of the Holy Light. Dreams of angelic beauty guided them into harnessing its extraordinary power, as well as cornerstoning the tenets that would later become the Church we are all guided by, today. This religious movement principled justice, peace, and altruistic works. For the Order of the Silver Hand: justice is the most noble goal. Many religious groups would form, over the millennia following the discovery of the Light. Among several, it would be called the "Spirit of Humanity," utilized to channel wondrous and near-miraculous feats such as healing the needy, purifying the ill, and purging the wicked. One such group that formed within the Kingdom of Stormwind, would be the Brotherhood of Northshire; the very same clerical organization that Alonsus Faol and his apprentice, Uther, forged the Silver Hand from the ashes of. The clerics of Northshire were instrumental in recovering the Tome of Divinity, which is a staple in training squires for their duties. "To strive to be divine, for one of our kind, does not mean that we strive for godhood; we strive to be good in all actions," to quote one of the tome's passages. "... Compassion, patience, bravery -- these things mean as much to a paladin, as strength in battle." In these words, the Paladin's goal is illustrated clearly. If one looks further, studying the most noteworthy of paladins within the generation following its founding, you can find the emotional vigor reflected without contrast. To quote High General Turalyon, from the scripts of Archmage Khadgar during the Second War, "This world is ours and, by the Holy Light, we will keep it safe. Now and forever." While some paladins took to duties as civil servants, following the end of the Second War, the goal of the order remained steadfast in its pursuit of defending the virtues of the Holy Light. Names such as Grayson Shadowbreaker, Morgan Ladimore, and Alexandros Mograine came, after the Second War. While others, such as Julia Celeste, Maxwell Tyrosus, and Jorad Mace have surfaced during the last decade's time of adversity against the Lich King and demonic hordes. Each of these names serve to reflect the cause of the Silver Hand. Indivisible under the guidance of the three virtues, knights epitomize a militant, armored bulwark of justice against the waves of adversity that seek to taint the world of Azeroth. Upon the cover of many tomes within the Eastern Kingdoms, one may see the archaic human words "Esarus thar no'Darador." These words translate into common's phrase, "Of Blood and Honor." By a paladin's blood and by a paladin's honor, they hold true to utilizing the spirit of humanity and vanquishing evil throughout the land. They defend the living with righteous fervor, and honor the dead with compassionate solemnity. They train future generations with patient judgment, and exemplify the strengths of the three virtues. Any that aspires to join The Silver Hand’s ranks aspires to be molded beyond what they believe they are capable of, so that they may contribute to a path that they recognize as being far beyond themselves.  Aspirants, such as myself, seek to build upon these foundations which were laid by those who came before; we seek to build upon them, by seeking new heights for ourselves to rise for. To be molded into beings that some might have never imagined themselves capable of, an aspirant seeks to better themselves, so that they can better the world around them. By Blood and Honor, We Aspire To Serve.
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jamesgunrik · 4 years
Oath of the Crown
The Oathsworn of the Crown Vision:
The Vision of the Oath of the Crown has always been made by the Lord-Commander Shadowbreaker. The Vision states that “All those who follow the Oath of the Crown are to be Guardians of the People and will do everything in their power to ensure that they are protected, They are to be teachers of the Crown and spread wisdom of the Five Virtues to all who are willing to hear them. Let it be known that those who want to partake of the Oath of the Crown does not have to be just Knights or Priests, but can be anyone who wishes to follow in its beliefs. -Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.”
Signed and released by
High Priestess Saleria Waylight, Paragon of Faith
#WorldofWarcraft #WyrmrestAccord #RP #ForThePeople
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jamesgunrik · 4 years
Oath of the Crown
Oath of the Crown Lore:
The Oath of the Crown was created between the First and the Second War by a group of Paladins and Priests who desired that they and those who would follow this path would prioritize protecting the People as an important goal. Although considered the smallest branch of the Oaths, they are determined to fulfill their oath, no matter the odds. The group who formed the Oath of the Crown became known as Paragons of the Crown and each will focus on one of the five virtues which are: Honor, Perseverance, Compassion, Respect, and Faith. Thus Sir Jon Truefaith of Stromgarde became Paragon of Honor, Sir Valgrim Bronzeforge of Ironforge became Paragon of Perseverance, Sir Leonard Valen of Lordaeron became Paragon of Compassion, High Priest Angar became Paragon of Respect, and Dame Lucia Wolfcrest of Stormwind became Paragon of Faith. With the Paragons named. Their Lord-Commander was always named by the Leadership of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Thus Lord-Commander Brandon Moore was named the head of the Oath of the Crown and placed the Paragons in key locations. With the Scourge and Invasion and other threats Azeroth has faced, Each Paragon Fell in battle with the Lord-Commander had passed due to old age. The Leadership of the Oath of the Crown has been passed to Lord-Commander Grayson Shadowbreaker and the remaining members of the Oathsworn lead on to carry out their duties. But with time, The Oath of the Crown will grow and the Paragons will be restored.
Signed and authorized release by
High Priestess Saleria Waylight, Paragon of Faith
#worldofwarcraft #WyrmrestAccord #RP #Forthepeople
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commanderbragh · 8 years
Another Favor
“You seem to be keeping busy,” Grayson Shadowbreaker said, looking across the table. Sitting in the Pig and Whistle, the trainer and Braghaman were enjoying a drink together and catching up.
“Keeping the school running has been interesting,” Bragh replied, taking up his mug and having a sip. “That plus the house fire and all that has kept me on my toes.”
“We heard about that. I hope the priestess is okay.”
“All well. Settled for the time at least. Seems like it was just a silly accident.”
“Well, that’s good at least,” Shadowbreaker responded, pausing to take a drink. “Its been a while since you’ve taken any recruits back with you to Duskwood. Tired of helping out already?”
“More that I had other things going on and couldn’t devote the time necessary to it,” Bragh answered with a shrug. “Would rather not do a half-arsed job of things if I can avoid it.”
“But things are more settled now, correct?” Shadowbreaker asked, setting his mug back on the table.
“Why do you ask?” Bragh replied, looking at the trainer skeptically.
“I was hoping I could ask a favor of you, Larethian,” Shadowbreaker said, leaning back in his chair with a slight grin.
“Uh oh. Every time you have a favor to ask, I’m the one in trouble.”
“Its nothing like that, Braghaman. One of my trainers here is out due to an injury. Going to be gone a week or two.  We need someone to fill in.”
“I don’t think we have room in Darkshire for me to train a whole bunch of recruits, Grayson,” Bragh said, watching Shadowbreaker closely.
“Wouldn’t ask you to keep them all there. We want you to work with them here, in Stormwind.”
“I’m supposed to train them at the Cathedral?”
“Why not?  You already know the place. And you know what training is supposed to look like. And Light, the recruits who’ve already been through your little camp are head and shoulders above many of their peers. Makes sense for you to come in and shake up the whole bunch of them.”
“Right,” Braghaman said, frowning slightly. “Forgetting that there are people in the Cathedral who don’t like me all that much, aren’t we?”
“Doesn’t matter.  The bishop’s already signed off on the idea.”
“Of course he has. And I should assume that this would start right away.”
“As soon as you can get there.”
“I’ll have to think about it,” Braghaman said after a moment of thought.  “I’ll let you know.”
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