#Greatness the hedgecat
thedigitalvalkerie · 8 months
Introducing a bunch of my sonic ocs that no one really asked for, but I felt like drawing!
The "Squad of the Future" redux because the squad got bigger
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Each character and a little bit about themselve's under the readmore!
Angel Robotnik-Cemerald the Cat
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The oldest of the squad, being a few hundred years old now, though she lost track a long time ago. She is a clone created by Eggman, using both His and Vick's Dna, made to be the perfect heir to share his eventual kingdom with. ... Well she got his smarts and his love for building, but thats about it. She has to keep her little half brother, Draco, out of trouble.
Draco Johnathan Cemerald-Robotnik the Hedgecat
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The "brains" of the group, 12 year old Draco is the son of Vick Cemerald and Shadow Robotnik. He has a problem with his arrogance, but doesn't hesitate to put himself between his friends and danger. He's constantly bugging his big sisters, both his half sister Angel as well as his full sister Raven. Demetre is his very best friend.
Demetre the Porcupine
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Demetre is Draco's keeper, aka the one to always humble the dumbest smart person he knows. With his ability to fire his quills at a rapid rate, he's more of a long range attacker. He enjoys science, like Draco, though isn't quite on his level.
Henry the Bearded Dragon
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Henry is a quiet kind of guy, usually having his nose in a book or drawing sick comics. He's a tad self conscious about his looks, so he tries to look the part of "bad boy". But with his big heart and stupendous healing abilities, he's a great ally to have.
Kevin the Armadillo and Mesmer the Hedgehog
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Kevin is the literal big brother of the group, with his little Sibling Mesmer always by his side. They may not be the strongest of the squad, but their experiences in life make them invaluable. Mesmer is always reminding everyone that theres time to smile, while Kevin reminds them of responsibility that they all share.
Lexis the Sloth
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Lexis is the powerhouse, with an explosive power to gather potential energy and turn it into kinetic energy. To prevent herself from making a destructive mistake, Lexis prefers to spend her free time sleeping, either in a bed or where ever she can get cozy.
Prince Kappa of the Kingdom of Shells and Princess Marina of the Kingdom of Urchins
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Prince Kappa and Princess Marina are two royals from the same continent, one madly in love with the other. I'll give you three guesses as to which is which. Marina's father, King Marin, wants the two to be wed in order to combine the two kingdoms. Kappa, however, as a single heir to a kingless kingdom, does not want this. He does not like Marina in that way and just wants to be friends who hang out.
Jaque the Hedgehog
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The Dream Walker, Jaque has the ability to enter the astral plane in his sleep as well as the dreamscapes of others. He is incapable of having dreams of his own. Usually he's the therapist of the friend group, unable to help himself on coming upon nightmares when called out to.
Piper the Retriever
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Although not the oldest, Piper has big Mom friend energy, scolding the more irresponsible of the group often. While having no powers to speak of, she has a great sense of leadership though claims that shes no leader. She loves to take care of her friends, especially when they forget to eat, sleep, or sometimes breathe.
Axel the Meerkat
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The strongman, loving to casually show off his strength, Axel has, you guessed it, strength class abilities. He is a mute sort, never seeming to utter a word, though no one really knows why. His best friend Gou seems to understand him regardless.
Gou the Porcupine
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Gou is a Speedster, only able to launch a single quill at a time but with great precision and speed. His best friend Axel tends to keep his class clown attitude in check, but with his big mouth its hard to get out of the tricky situations they get into. He uses a cyber sleeve on his right arm to gather intel, and to also sometimes watch videos on TuYube.
Dr. Nikolia Moore the Tigeress
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Nikolia is the team's Medic, being the only one of them certified with a doctorate in medicine as well as nutritional health. Her deadpan face can be intimidating to most, but her heart is that of a mother. A mother who will rip off the head of something hurting an innocent, a friend, or worse, a child. She is a strong believer in Doctor/Patient Confidentiality, and would never out someone for anything with out asking if it was okay to speak on the matter. She and Angel are Colleagues.
And that's all for now! Thank you for reading thus far.
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angeldrawstoons · 2 years
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Fact: Greatness and Jupiter used to be the same size and share clothes, but then Jupes got all muscles and Greatness hated it because the shirts she borrowed were now all stretched.
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smowkie · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog. Be Safe out there 💜❤️️💜
I was tagged to do this by @rieraclaelin, so here we go, let’s see if I can think of three whole things about myself. That’s... not easy tbh xD
1. I am both the youngest and tallest of my siblings.
2. I had a pretty bad overbite when I was a kid and I got this big ass headgear braces thingie to wear at nights, but I hated wearing it (I couldn’t talk!!!), and my mom didn’t have the heart to force me to wear it as much as I should (like 12 hours/day for six months, I usually only wore it when I was actually sleeping, and not every night) and then when I got back to the dentist to check the progress he was all “Oh, this is great, you’ve been really good at wearing the bracers!” and both mom and I were all “Uh-huh, totally, super good!” xD
3. I have been kicked in the face by a horse, stepped on the chest by another horse, fallen off a third one and broken my arm. I love horses ♥
So! My latest notifications are: @mischiefashale @cute-untagged-shit @hedgecats @lena221bee @lunapiero @wildwildtarget @evelynegrey
And as always, no pressure if you’re tagged, these are all supposed to be for fun! ♥
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angeldrawstoons · 2 years
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angeldrawstoons · 2 years
Fact about Jupiter and Greatness: They are fraternal twins with different birth-givers with different genders, but they share Silver as a father.
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