#Greg Abbott blows
“Looking – as this court must – at the totality of the circumstances, it is stunning how completely the county extinguished the Black and Latino communities’ voice on its commissioners court during 2021’s redistricting,” Brown said in his decision.”
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No kidding.
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janeyseymour · 4 months
hi i love ur writings so so much i’m so sorry this idea is rushed but i hope its enough
abbot family is trying to encourage melissa to “get back out there” and meet people after everything she’s been through. she brushes them off constantly until they stage an intervention during lunch and even barb is concerned for her work wife. melissa leaves this lunch with some big feelings because little does everyone know melissa has been seeing someone this whole time. comes home to reader smoking a joint while cooking in the kitchen and reader says something along the lines of “you look like you could use this more than me” and they make a plan together to introduce reader to everyone at a 4th of july bbq
you gonna get what you ask for 🤪 Not edited in the slightest. I got places to be and people to see
WC: ~2.35k
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It’s been a year and a half since Melissa Schemmenti publicly said no to a marriage proposal. A year and a half since the fiery redhead had gone out with anyone, and she really doesn’t have any plans to start dating again- at least that’s what the Abbott crew thinks.
The truth is, the second grade teacher has been seeing you since the night she went to the casino and bar to blow off some steam after reuniting with Gary to return his things and get her stuff back.
You were at one of the slot machines when the redhead passed by you, laughing.
“What’s so funny, Red?” you asked as you looked up at her.
“You ain’t gonna win no money that way,” the woman stopped in her tracks to tell you. “C’mon. Let me show you how it’s done.”
That night, you stuck by her side as you watched her win thousands of dollars at one table alone, clearing out quite a few men.
It’s late when she finally threw in the towel. She offered to walk you out to you car, and you took her hand in your own.
“So,” you exhaled a small cloud of smoke from the cigarette the two of you were sharing. “What are you gonna do with all that money you just won, pretty lady?”
“Take you out on a date,” Melissa had replied cooly. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven?”
Neither of you looked back.
That was a year and three months ago. While your side of the family knew of your relationship with the teacher (and they absolutely adore her), her crew doesn’t have a single clue of your existence or rather large presence in Melissa’s life- despite the fact that you were now living together and your lives were intertwined.
So whenever anyone at Abbott tells Melissa that they found someone they think she might fancy, she just brushes them off.
“Janine, no offense, but if you think someone is worth dating, I would find them to be-”
“Hey,” Gregory cuts her off.
Melissa just shrugs. “My case in point. Greg, you know I love you like the black son I never had, but you’re boring as hell.”
“Ava, I am not about to go clubbing with you to pick up a man fifteen years my junior,” the redhead rolls her eyes.
“C’mon,” the principal chuckles. “They fun! They’re like energizer bunnies.”
“I barely have the energy to stand and get the remote from the other side of the room,” Melissa retorts as she opens her bottle of iced tea.
“I think you would like him!” Jacob pleads. “He saw your picture and said you were fine.”
“I am fine,” Melissa states, gesturing to her figure. “And I’m just as fine without a partner.”
It’s gotten to the point that even Barbara is concerned about her friend’s adamant denial to get herself back out there. So, the day that Melissa has recess duty, she brings it up to her coworkers.
“Now listen, I am not usually one for meddling in someone else’s love life, but don’t you think it’s concerning that Melissa flat out refuses to even attempt to put herself back out there?” the kindergarten teacher asks to the faculty room.
“Weird as hell,” Ava waltzes in, but having heard the question decides to chime in. “But aye, good for Schemmenti, realizing she don’t need no man in life.”
“I just find it odd…” Barbara taps her chin. “Melissa, while one with a tough exterior, loves love. She’s always wanted someone to spend her time with.”
“Maybe we should stage an intervention,” Jacob suggests. “To really show her that she’s good and healed from the failed proposal and to get back out there.
Gregory looks mildly impressed with that suggestion. “That might work.”
They have no idea that the entire time she’s supposed to be out monitoring the children on the blacktop, she’s smiling down at her phone like an idiot talking to you.
And when she comes home that day, she fully goes through with the things you two had texted about earlier.
The Abbott crew plans an intervention for Melissa- a banner, letters, all of it. When she comes into the staff room, smiling down at a midday text you had sent her, the rest of her colleagues are standing by the couch, looking somber.
“Fuck. Who died?” Melissa’s smile drops immediately.
“No one died, Melissa,” Barbara states.
“But we think a part of you might have,” Janine says dramatically, somberly.
“What the hell are youse talkin’ about?” thee redhead rolls her eyes. 
“Melissa, dear,” Barbara says softly, calmly. She makes her way over to her friend and takes her by the hand to guide her towards the seat they had put in the middle of the room.
One by one, they read the letters that they had all written, expressing their concern for their favorite fiery Italian teacher.
“Melissa,” the kindergarten teacher finishes up. “We all love you dearly, and while we understand that it takes some time to get over the heartache that Gary caused, this is a bit extreme. We are worried.”
“An’ I appreciate the thought and care that you guys put into this,” Melissa tells them with a sigh. “But I promise youse: I’m fine. I don’t need to get back out there.” She almost adds on that it’s because she’s happily seeing someone, and has been since three months after her split from the guy that filled the vending machine.
“Just… know that we’re all here through all of your seasons,” Jacob tells her. “The good, the bad, and the ugly.”
“We do care about you,” Janine says softly, and she offers the redhead a hug. Melissa doesn’t necessarily want to embrace the shorter woman, but she goes into the arms of her colleague.
Gregory just gives her a nod that conveys his love for his coworker, to which she smirks and nods right back in his direction.
“Now, can we eat lunch?” the redhead chuckles.
As the day passes on, Melissa comes to realize just how much her coworkers care for her- their gesture, albeit absolutely ridiculous and dramatic, was heartfelt and full of love. Maybe she should just come clean about the relationship she’s in. Or she could just buy them all some Philly soft pretzels and soda instead to thank them. Yeah… that’s what she’ll do for now before she can talk to you about how the two of you want to go public about your being together.
She orders the pretzels to be delivered to the school before the day is done, and when everyone is reconvening back in the faculty room to grab their lunch bags before heading home, Melissa makes sure she’s the first one down there. She has the box on one of the tables, along with a some cans of soda. Whatever they don’t take, the redhead knows will be eaten and drank at home.
“Oi,” she calls to her friends. “Come get a pretzel and a soda as my thanks for carin’ about me so much.”
They all light up at the sight of the gesture, aside from Gregory.
“I do not like pretzels, or soda, and for that reason I will not take one,” the man says as his friends dive in. “But thank you.”
Melissa rolls her eyes. “I figured you would say that. Which is why I got you a bag of peanuts and a water.”
He looks mildly impressed and takes the offered items gratefully.
Once again, they all voice their love and care for the woman that gave them a salty treat before heading out for the night. Everyone except for Barbara. She waits for Melissa to clean up and gather her things before walking out with the woman.
“That was very sweet of you,” the kindergarten teacher nudges her friend.
Melissa huffs. “Oi. Don’t knock me like that.” She readjusts her grip on the small box of pretzels before sighing. “But it was just a thank you for caring.”
“We care about you a lot more than you know,” Barbara smiles. “And just so you know… you are a Philly eleven, and I do think you should get yourself back out there. I know it can be scary to put your heart back out there, but even if it ends in heartbreak and a few smashed in headlights, I will always be here to help you pick up the pieces.”
“I know, Barb,” the redhead says softly, so out of character. “Thank you.”
“Think about it!” the older woman says as she parts and heads off in the direction of her car.
With a sigh, Melissa unlocks her car and gets everything settled before slumping into the front seat.
Coming home with a treat, she texts you.
Is it you? You reply back.
She chuckles at that. She can practically see the smirk written on your face. You’ll see.
When she pulls in, she can smell you before she sees you. You’re clearing smoking, but she can also smell the delicious dinner that you’re making. 
The redhead makes her way into the house, deep in thought of how much her friends are looking out for her, and attempting to piece together how to approach you about the topic of coming out.
It’s odd. Your girlfriend makes her way into the kitchen and places the box of pretzels down, but she doesn’t make her way over to you the way that she usually does. Instead, she’s looking down at the food, brows furrowed and deep in thought. 
You turn the burner down to ensure that the food won’t burn or bubble over before making your way behind Melissa. You wrap the arm that isn’t holding the joint around her waist before holding it up to her lips and offering her some. Even in your somewhat inebriated state, you know something is up with her.
“You look like you could use this more than me,” you chuckle softly.
She shrugs, but does take a hit before blowing the smoke out.
“Hard day?” you ask her gently. “Need to be taken care of?”
Again, she shrugs. She doesn’t really know what to say. This is so unlike Melissa. Usually, she comes in huffing about the ridiculous antics of her boss, she bounces on her toes when she tells you the sweet things the kids had done or said, and she is more than willing to dish out the tea that was spilled in the staff lounge earlier that day.
“Mel?” you ask softly, taking a cheek in your hand and cupping it gently. You force her to look at you. “What happened today?”
She laughs softly, before full out cackling. This sudden change in mood startles you.
“Mel, babe, you’re scaring me,” you tell her. “What happened?”
She sits down and plucks the joint out of your hand. “The crew planned an intervention for me,” she tells you with a chuckle as you go back over to the stove.
You turn. “Oh?”
She nods, a playful smirk on her face.
“For?” you raise a brow. You turn your attention back to dinner. “Can I guess?”
“Sure, hun,” she laughs as she takes another drag.
  “The aggression that you email the parents with?” No. “The heeled boots hitting the linoleum tile too loudly when you’re pissed?” No. “The arson?” No. “The threats of a bare knuckle fist fight?”
“Jesus,” Melissa laughs. “When you list all of that out, I sound like a terrible person.”
“No,” you say quickly. “I love everything about you!”
“I know you do,” she chuckles. “But no. None of that.”
“Then what?”
“My love life.”
“Your love life?” you turn to look at her incredulously.
“My love life,” the redhead sighs. “They had a banner, they had letters, they had the chair in the middle of the room… everything. And for me. When I don’t even have a problem with my love life.”
“So why did you come in lookin’ all sad?”
“Not sad… just thoughtful. The things they said… it showed me how lucky I am to have coworkers that care for me as deeply as they do. So at the end of the day, I had pretzels for them to show my gratitude. And after, Barbara and I walked out together… and… how would you feel about telling people that we’re together?”
You finish stirring the food and plating it before bringing it over to the table where your girlfriend is sitting. You set the two dishes in front of her before sliding into her lap. You finish off the joint together before smiling.
“I’ve been ready,” you tell her. “I’ve just been waiting for you to be.”
“Yeah?” she asks you as she kisses your temple.
You nod before taking a bite of your dinner. Damn, between the two of you, you should open your own restaurant. “We’ve been together for over a year, living together since six months in, I don’t plan on going anywhere, and I would hope you don’t either. I think it’s time.”
“I think so too,” she says softly. “But with the end of the year comin’ up… we’re all crazy busy.”
“So we can organize something for after the school year?” you suggest. “Maybe a fourth of July barbecue?”
So that’s what the two of you do. Your girlfriend walks into school on the last day and tells her friends that she knows that don’t have anything going on for Fourth of July, and they better be at her house for a barbecue. They all look at her, clearly confused. No one- not even Barb- has been invited over to the house since Melissa and Gary broke up. Nevertheless, they don’t argue and all promise to be there.
They all come in one clump, and the faces that they make when you open the door draped around Melissa are priceless.
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N,” she says proudly. “The reason that I have been declining all of the people you’ve suggested I date, and the reason I have not ‘put myself back out there’. I don’t gotta when I have her.”
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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Texas needs to turn Blue and get rid of these vile and vindictive mediocre white men.
Dubya Bush. Rick Perry. Greg Abbott.
These repulsive men are so protected by white bias, to hear them talk, in one conversation, you hear the wind blowing through their ears.
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naturalrights-retard · 11 months
Currently, at least 85,000 children are believed to be missing.
"Whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the US Government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.... Realizing that we were not offering children the American dream, but instead putting them into modern-day slavery with wicked overlords was a terrible revelation.... They threatened me with an investigation. They... took my badge. It is a terrible thing when you blow the whistle to try to save children and you're retaliated against for trying to help. The HHS [The United States Department of Health and Human Services] did everything they could to keep all of this silent." — Tara Lee Rodas, testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, April 26, 2023.
"Over the last two years, this country has become an international hub for child trafficking. And the US government is behind it. Under Biden, hundreds of thousands of children have come into this country illegally. Once they get here, most are sold for sex, used for cheap labor, or forced to join gangs." — Rachel Campos-Duffy, Fox News, April 26, 2023.
"In April 2021, when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott learned of allegations of abuse of unaccompanied minors in a federal facility in San Antonio, he said, 'The Biden administration is presiding over the abuse of children.' He also called on the administration to shut these facilities down. Instead, the administration has only expanded them without communicating with state or local authorities. Local communities are not told how long the minors will be there, or where they will go when released and with no concern of the impact to local citizens. I am requesting that Congress launch a full investigation into the federal agencies responsible for approving the contracts for these facilities." — Sheena Rodriguez, president of the Alliance for a Safe Texas, testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, April 26, 2023.
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Toss of the dice to see if I have power over the next few days *blows kiss to greg abbott *
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cksmart-world · 4 months
Smart Bomb III Cox
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
February 20, 2024
Two drunks are sitting on a curb. The first one looks up and says, is that the sun or is that the moon. The second drunk looks up and says, I don't know, I'm new around here.
When it comes to issues surrounding the U.S. southern border, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox looks like he's new around here.
Recently, Cox scurried down to Eagle Pass, Texas, with a gaggle of 14 other Red-State governors to stand in solidarity — and photo ops — with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who apparently thinks he's in a remake of the old John Wayne movie, “The Alamo.”
Abbot has mobilized the Texas National Guard, he says, to secure the border and, coincidentally, keep the U.S. Border Patrol at bay. Abbot says he can do that under Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution, arguing that if U.S. authorities, i.e. President Joe Biden, don't enforce federal law during an “invasion” states can engage in self defense.
The Alamo? Well, not exactly. The invasion Abbott refers to is really an influx of asylum seekers — hardly like General Santa Anna's 1836 armed incursion near San Antonio. Second, the Constitution prevents states from deciding on their own if the country is under armed assault. And third, the constitutional provision that Abbot refers to was written to allow states to defend themselves until federal troops arrive.
But lets not bother Abbott or Cox with history. This is political theater — a “B” movie at best — where facts can get in the way of a good story. If Abbott wants to be Col. Jim Bowie, that would make Cox the alfalfa farmer played by the dufus Andy Devine. Oh my gosh, look at all them people. So this is what an invasion looks like.
It really is puzzling what Cox thinks he could to do up here in Utah about the invasion of aliens. Put a tariff on tacos?
But Utah Senate President Stuart Adams had a brainstorm — send the Utah National Guard to the southern border to help gird the troops at The Alamo. And so Gov. Cox will deploy five — count 'em, f-i-v-e — members of the Utah guard and five members of the Utah Highway Patrol to the border to help fight off the invasion and show the country what we're made of here in Zion.
“Whatever is needed,” Adams said. “More than the troops, this would be a signal of unification of the states.”
Unification of the states, as in United States? The unified states fighting the... United States? It's all rather mind boggling.
Maybe this helps explain it: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, both Republican patriots, have suggested that civil war could be in the offing. In the past Greene has suggested that red states and blue states should “divorce,” on account of blue states keep shoving immoral woke stuff down the throats of red-state patriots.
Spoiler Alert: Immigration challenges are nothing new. In 2006, 2013 and 2018, bipartisan agreements were reached that included pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. and additional border security to keep others out. Each time, Republicans walked away. Funny thing, that.
President Joe Biden continues to poll poorly, particularly on immigration. It's no secret that's why former President Donald Trump instructed his dutiful servant, House Speaker Mike Johnson, to scuttle the bi-partisan Senate bill that would have provided $20 billion for additional border security as well as more funding for Ukraine and Israel.
If it were passed how could Trump campaign against Biden's border failures. On the other hand, he'd find a way. If he were president, he would have fixed it a long time ago. But wait a second, wasn't he already... never mind.
That immigration legislation could also screw up Greg Abbott's starring role in is remake of The Alamo and blow holes in Spencer Cox's new profile as red-state warrior and his promising acting career on “As TrumpWorld Turns.”
Post script — That's going to do it for another white-knuckle week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of Donald Trump's new shoe line so you don't have to. That's right Wilson, Big Orange has come out with gold high-top sneakers selling for a cool $399. It's the latest in MAGA-wear. Just think of all those middle-age Trump supporters in MAGA hats and gold high-tops — they'll be stylin'. Trump will have to sell a lot of the “Never Surrender High-Tops” to cover legal fines and penalties of about half a billion — with a “B” — dollars. But if his “Wanted” mug-shot T-shirts and his Trump Hero trading cards are any indicator they're going to be hot. No Wilson, Trump's face is not on the sneakers but they are emblazoned with a “T” and Old Glory. You're right, it's just not the same. Speaking of gold, Trump says the U.S. would not defend western European NATO members from Russia if they don't pay their bills — 2 percent of each country's GDP. That's pretty rich coming from a guy who is famous for not paying his bills. That said, western Europeans are messing their pants because Putin is off the rails — something he has in common with Trump — and crazy Americans could again elect the big, orange felonious gasbag as president. Are we really that stupid? Don't answer that.
Well Wilson, there are 37 weeks left until the election. That's 260 days – give or take. 'Till then we'll be sitting on pins and needles or nail-guns wondering if Trump will return to power and get even with everyone who didn't kiss his fat ass. So get the band, Wilson, and strike up a ditty to relieve our raging anxiety and heart palpitations:
Sitting here in limbo But I know it won't be long Sitting here in limbo Like a bird without a song Well, they're putting up a resistance But I know that my faith will lead me on Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the dice to roll Yeah, now, sitting here in limbo Got some time to search my soul Well, they're putting up a resistance But I know that my faith will lead me on Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the tide to flow Sitting here in limbo Knowing that I have to go Well, they're putting up a resistance But I know that my faith will lead me on I don't know where life will take me But I know where I have been I don't know what life will show me But I know what I have seen Tried my hand at love and friendship That is past and gone And now it's time to move along Sitting in limbo, limbo, limbo, Sitting in limbo...
(Sitting In Limbo — Jimmy Cliff)
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when-the-cities-burn · 6 months
Trump tried to destroy our Democracy (he may get another chance yet), Bobo & MGT are among the traitors attempting to bring down our government, & now @GovAbbott wants to usurp the authority of that government to decide who may enter its borders.
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Tex-ass Republican shit-show. When will all women realize the Republicans are at war with them and hell bent on turning them into 2nd class citizens.
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bllsbailey · 6 months
You'll Blow a Gasket When You See Why the Biden DOJ Is Threatening to Sue Texas
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If the border is so secure, why is the Biden Justice Department gung-ho about suing Texas over enforcing a state law aimed at curbing illegal immigration? It’s a bit of a rhetorical exercise since you already know the answer: You’ve been following the updates from Eagle Pass and know the southern border is an abject disaster. The Biden White House has been adamant, even exhibiting signs of frustration regarding this question about immigration.
The border is closed and secure. No one is getting through except for the illegals arriving by the truck full. It’s become so bad that even Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), of all people, says that there’s a crisis on the border. He noted how the equivalent of the population of Pittsburgh is arriving every day while chastising his party for refusing to talk about it. The Pennsylvania Democrat says that it’s not xenophobic to admit we have a problem. 
With the administration not doing anything to curb the flow of illegals, states need to take matters into their own hands. Texas has built a floating barrier along the Rio Grande that a federal court now says must be removed. The state legislature passed a new law to enforce existing federal immigration laws. That’s led to the DOJ threatening to sue them (via CBS News): 
Mind-blowing, disgraceful numbers. It’s intentional. https://t.co/V1sMG2b3mp— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 29, 2023
The Biden administration on Thursday warned Texas that it will sue the state if it implements a strict immigration law known as SB4 that would empower state and local law enforcement officials to arrest, jail and prosecute migrants suspected of entering the U.S. unlawfully.  The Justice Department said it would file a lawsuit against SB4 if Texas did not assure federal officials by Jan. 3 that the state would refrain from enforcing the law as planned in March, according to a letter sent to Gov. Greg Abbott on Dec. 28 and obtained by CBS News. In addition to creating illegal entry crimes at the state level, the law would allow Texas judges to issue de facto deportation orders.  In its letter, the Justice Department said SB4 would effectively criminalize actions that are already illegal at the federal level, undermine relations with Mexico and prevent officials from enforcing federal immigration laws, including those designed to grant refuge to migrants fleeing persecution.  "Because SB 4 is unconstitutional and will disrupt the federal government's operations, we request that Texas forbear in its enforcement," Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian Boynton said in his letter to Abbott.  […]  Renae Eze, a spokeswoman for Abbott, said Texas is prepared to defend SB4 before the Supreme Court.   
Abbott should welcome that fight. Again, if the border was secure, why does the DOJ even bother unless they know the southern border is a mess and don’t care about it, per orders from Mr. Dementia? You all know the answer. Of course, it’s intentional. It’s been that way for over a generation now, the free flow of illegal aliens, which has artificially increased Democratic Party clout on the Hill through the creation of new districts from the population bumps.
Texas, stand firm and enforce your law to curb illegal immigration.
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cinemapremi · 6 months
Amazon Prime Releases For 2024: Top Movies and TV-Series Releasing Next Year!
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We have covered Amazon Prime releases for 2024 in this post. Amazon Prime Video welcomes 2024 with a diverse lineup of series and movies, offering something for every viewer. Despite a lighter schedule, the platform delivers a mix of web series and movies across various genres. Let's dive into the noteworthy picks for January. 15 Must Watch Movies of 2023: Top Rated Movies! Epic War Films: A Must-Watch List from Dunkirk to Saving Private Ryan Top Sci-Fi Films That Will Blow Your Mind! Amazon Prime Releases For 2024 Fallout (New Series) Upgraded (New Movie) Mr. and Mrs. Smith (New Series) Musica (New Movie) Outer Range (New Season) Foe (New Movie) Ricky Stanicky (New Movie) Them (New Season) Role Play (New Movie) Invincible (Season 2, Part 2) The Boys (New Season) Road House (New Movie) This Is Me Now: The Film (New Movie) The Underdoggs (New Movie) Expats (New Series) The Idea of You (New Movie) Reina Roja (New Series) Hazbin Hotel (New Series) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMKKukYTn_Q&ab_channel=PrimeVideo TV-SERIES: 1. Indian Police Force A dedicated officer risks his family life and personal safety to dismantle a perilous criminal network that endangers innocent lives. Despite facing obstacles, he persists in his mission to ensure the safety of the people. First Episode Air Date: January 19, 2024 (India) Directed by: Rohit Shetty; Sushwanth Prakash Genre: Action-Thriller; Cop Drama Number of Episodes: 7 Number of Seasons: 1 Original Language: Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qfzW1Z6S-k&ab_channel=PrimeVideoIndia 2. Expats Explore the intertwined personal and professional journeys of a close-knit community of expatriates residing in Hong Kong. First Episode Air Date: January 26, 2024 (USA) Based on: "The Expatriates" by Janice Y. K. Lee Created by: Lulu Wang Genre: Drama Network: Amazon Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whHb3ClSdrQ&ab_channel=PrimeVideo 3. Role Play The lives of a recently married couple take a dramatic turn as undisclosed secrets from each other's past come to light. Initial Release: January 12, 2024 Director: Thomas Vincent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv67rkuWoMg&ab_channel=PrimeVideo 3. Fallout A narrative unfolding in a post-apocalyptic America. First Episode Air Date: April 12, 2024 (USA) Writers: Jonathan Nolan, Lisa Joy Program Creators: Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Graham Wagner Based on: "Fallout" by Bethesda Softworks Genre: Drama; Post-apocalyptic; Science Fiction Western Network: Amazon Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kQ8i2FpRDk&ab_channel=PrimeVideo 4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith Season 1 Mr. & Mrs. Smith" is a forthcoming American spy comedy television series devised by Francesca Sloane and Donald Glover. Scheduled to debut on February 2, 2024, it features Glover and Maya Erskine in leading roles. The show is based on the 2005 film and draws inspiration from the work of Simon Kinberg. Editors for the series include Greg O'Bryant, Kate Brokaw, and Kyle Reiter. First Episode Air Date: February 2, 2024 (USA) Based on: "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" by Simon Kinberg Genre: Action; Comedy Drama; Spy Thriller Network: Amazon Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPhhRFkrNts&ab_channel=PrimeVideo 5. Outer Range Season 2 The Abbott family grapples with the vanishing of their daughter-in-law, just as the neighboring Tillersons attempt to acquire their ranch land. Tensions escalate when an enigmatic black void appears in the Abbotts' pasture. First Episode Air Date: April 15, 2022 (USA) Composers: Danny Bensi; Saunder Jurriaans Created by: Brian Watkins Genre: Drama; Mystery; Neo-Western; Science Fiction; Thriller Network: Amazon Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6D2XavBlGA&ab_channel=PrimeVideoIndia 6. Reina Roja An exceptionally talented woman's intelligence earns her the opportunity to head a secret European police force. However, things take a dark turn, resulting in the loss of everything she holds dear. After a murder at her residence and the kidnapping of an heiress, her former supervisor seeks the assistance of a police officer to restore her position. 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TitleSeasonComing to Prime Video OnThe BoysSeason 42024Amar é para os FortesSeason 1TBD / To be determinedCitadel: DianaSeason 12024Maníaco do Parque: A História Não ContadaSeason 1TBDThe Bad GuySeason 1'8 dicembre*James May: Our Man in IndiaSeason 3January 05, 2024LOL: Qui rira le dernier?Season 2January 05, 2024No Activity: Niente da SegnalareSeason 1January 18, 2024Hazbin HotelSeason 1January 19, 2024LOL: Last One Laughing IrelandSeason 1January 19, 2024ZorroSeason 1January 19, 2024Kevin James: IrregardlessJanuary 23, 2024ExpatsSeason 1January 26, 2024Mr. & Mrs. SmithSeason 1February 02, 2024The Second Best Hospital in The GalaxySeason 1February 23, 2024FalloutSeason 1April 12, 2024 Also checkout: Read the full article
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karen-aronofsky · 6 months
one of the wildest things to me about texas republicans is their total inability to see which way the wind is blowing. like obviously ted cruz, greg abbott, ken paxton, etc. don’t hold any of their batshit positions with conviction; it’s just something they say because they think it will get them elected. but here’s the thing: texas is changing! they’re hoping to succeed long term with racist ideas in a state that’s been majority-minority since 2004. in 2000, bush won texas by >20%; in 2020, the margin between trump and biden was <5%. these guys have the chance to get ahead of the curve and become the candidates that will be electable once the statistics come crashing down around their heads, but instead they all just get addicted to pats on the head from pro-fascist media outlets. when the state turns blue, no one’s going to be very impressed with the number of fox news appearances you’ve had!
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denizens-of-zophos · 7 months
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michael6618 · 1 year
And now let me explain what it means to shoot yourself in the foot. Texas and Florida want to move all the immigrants out of the state probably Louisiana Alabama wish to as well.
Let me explain Texas first. There are billions of dollars going through the ports of Texas from Mexico there are thousands of jobs that are tied to this trade.
I have a suggestion for the president of Mexico. Deny any trade to Texas and go through some of the other states like California Nevada Arizona but not Texas.
The only thing Governor Abbott and the Republican legislature understand is when it's money, when it affects their economy.
So I would urge the president of Mexico and whoever is in charge of the trade to suspend all trade with Texas and move it to States at the border that are more receptive.
I would also contact those States who have taken in the immigrants and are providing them with food shelter and necessities of medical.
Contact those state governments that are taking care of the immigrants and trade with them.
Do not trade with Texas or the other states like Florida for one or two years, and let it sink in that you won't put up with States that abuse immigrants.
The way Greg Abbott and DeSantis arrange this to Martha's vineyard this interesting. So the plane is in Texas they loaded up after they lied to the immigrants about where they were going what they were going to be receiving. Then because DeSantis wanted to prove they were in Florida the plane touched down in Florida. Isn't that cute. Then took off to Martha's vineyard.
If I were a state and I created some resources I would be interviewing these immigrants as well as the legal immigrants to find out what kind of skills they have.
There are jobs in the United States that citizens will not do. Picking grapes for raisins is one. Picking grapes for wineries is number two. Working in a strawberry field is number three.
They're even maybe some immigrants that have building skills and all they need is to join a union and get certified.
If you are a progressive state and you are hurting for workers set up a system where you can interview them classify them and get them a work permit as well as a green card to work in the United States.
Some of these legal immigrants will no doubt create a company on their own all you need to do is take a look at the small restaurants run by immigrants.
They build their business pay business taxes pay taxes to the state and contribute.
Now I know I'm going to get a bunch of blow back from this, however every country is sovereign in a sovereign country can cut ties with anything it wishes to. So if you have something to say about this article tough.
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d2kvirus · 1 year
Dickheads of the Month: December 2022
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of December 2022 to make sure that they are never forgotten.    
The ongoing meltdown of Kanye West has peaked far sooner than anybody could have expected, as he appeared on InforWars where he praised Hitler and regurgitated one antisemitic conspiracy theory after another to the point where Alex Jones started to pushback against him
...although billionaire manchild Elon Musk thought it was only worth twelve hours on limited features while claiming that it was a suspension, meaning that actual Nazism isn't against Twitter's ToS these days but suggesting Tesla's cars are utter shite is
Nothing says “Getting into the Christmas spirit” like Greg Abbott rounding up fifty migrants off the streets so they could be driven to be dumped on Kamala Harris’ doorstep for a PR op, especially as said PR op took place in freezing temperatures because the weather bomb affecting large swatches of the USofA wasn't enough reason to commit a little human trafficking to own the libs
German history isn't the forte of  Prince Heinrich XIII Reuss of Greiz  judging by him deciding to make himself the face of an attempted far-right coup to overthrow the German government, only to immediately be shut down by the German police in a wide- reaching batch of arrests. Hmm, can't think why the German authorities in particular would want a far-right group taking over the country by force...
Billionaire manchild Elon Musk once again lied to his investors, this time rallying the alt-right fanbase with a promise of revealing what Twitter “SUPPRESSED” about Hunter Biden and how it proves that Biden was suppressing “FREEZE PEACH”...and his “ evidence” was people who worked for Biden and for Trump asking Twitter to remove dick pics of Hunter Biden prior to the 2020 election, which also happened to be a violation of Twitter's ToS. Trump White House looking to suppress freeze peach on social media...
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk showed just how well he can take getting bodied by Tim Cook by setting the charge for Twitter's paid verification to $11.99 for iPhone users instead of the $7.99 his army of sycophants and far-right trolls are paying
...before billionaire manchild Elon Musk started to really go off the rails by wittering on and on (and I do mean on ) about prosecuting Anthony Fauci with the most MAGA of “My pronounces are...” quote-unquote jokes, just to remind people that he was an anti-lockdown grifter back in 2020 who proudly stated that the whole thing would blow over by April (that's April 2020 , not April 2023) which made a mockery of the New York Times headline from only a handful of days earlier which stated they were unsure of his political alignment - and then he tweeted some meme of Fauci advising Biden to hold another lockdown like he was Grima Wormtongue, apparently not realising who was POTUS in 2020
...soon followed by billionaire manchild Elon Musk banning the Twitter account which tracked his private jet using publicly available information on various plane trackers, which only served to have Twitter’s factchecking quote back at him how he said he would not ban that user when he took over and, because Musk can only double down, quoted the First Amendment back at him
...which led to billionaire manchild Elon Musk having a complete meltdown where he started banning journalists left and right and removing Twitter Spaces in a fit of pique after he was called a lying liar who lies on a call using Spaces all because they pointed out his double standards of using what he accused Twitter of doing during his Twitter Files bullshit.  The end result?  Musk’s meltdown has a name and its own Wikipedia article
...and after billionaire manchild Elon Musk had thrown several fits of pique about what he thinks doxxing is (hint: what he thinks doxxing is is not what doxxing is, no matter how much he paid somebody to pose as somebody threatening him as he was looking for an excuse to ban the ElonJet guy) then he went and posted his exact location at the World Cup final, meaning he should ban his own account from his own platform
...followed by billionaire manchild Elon Musk posting what was, essentially, a “Do you like me?” poll on his Twitter account asking if he should continue as Twitter CEO - and losing.  Of course, this has nothing to do with Tesla stock plummeting past critical levels the previous evening...
...and because billionaire manchild Elon Musk is a deeply insecure pissbaby incapable of accepting criticism, he then tried to make excuses for losing that poll claiming it’s bots who want him to fuck off and in future only Twitter users dumb enough to pay him $8 for a free site could vote in future polls
Of course Matt Hancock would try to use his raised profile as an excuse to rewrite history, specifically trying to claim that it was care home staff who were the reason Covid got into care homes in the first half of 2020 and nothing to do with him allowing patients to be discharged directly from hospital into care homes. And this is why Matt Hancock's mouth shall only be used as a receptacle for boiled camel penis until the day he dies
...and soon afterwards Matt Hancock announced, via TikTok of all things, that he had decided that he would not be standing as an MP at the next election...which turned out to be a complete lie, as what actually happened was his local party had told him to bugger off
I’m sure it's a complete coincidence that every time Chaya Raichik tweets yet another doctored video about some location with her LibsofTikTok account in order to further the “drag shows are groomers” narrative the alt-right are doubling down on with increasing insanity these days, that exact same location soon receives bomb threats
So much alternative offered by Wes Streeting where he boldly thundered that a Labor government would wage war on “hostile” health unions, putting them on the exact same standing as Jeremy Kyle thundering “bloody nurses” to the TalkTV braintrust
It took a while for people to notice Michelle Mone had been profiting during lockdown from dodgy contracts, although by “people” I mainly mean the BBC given they cottoned onto the story a good eighteen months after it first broke, so what did Mone do when the net finally started to close in?  Bugger off to Honduras and post photos of her on her yacht to her Instagram as if she wasn't being investigated for massive amounts of fraud
Of course Jonathan Gullis would table a bill to override human rights laws about deporting migrants on the same day where four migrants died while crossing the English Channel - which was soundly defeated at the first hurdle
At this point we really need to check if George Santos is actually alive, because he's lied about pretty much everything else that it's worth checking if he has a pulse or if he lied about that too - and, of course, the GOP Republicans are praising him to the rafters, as lying liars keep appearing the front of their party
Bloody hell did Jeremy Clarkson not realise he was proving Harry & Meghan’s point with his completely unhinged rant about Meghan in his weekly column for The Sun - just as The Sun didn't realise that, by waving it through without seeing how deranged said rant was, they also proved Harry & Meghan’s point about the tabloid press
...and yet when Laura Kuenssberg interviewed Sun editor Victoria Newton as a guest on her Sunday morning show the day after the column was printed, somehow the subject was never broached.  Good journalism, that...
...soon followed by Jeremy Clarkson doing the quite remarkable: posting a nonpology where he didn't even try the “I’m sorry you were offended” line, instead he said that people might have been offended by his column but that is because those people are stupid
Would the LGB Alliance like to tell the class why a letter to them from Ofcom was addressed to 55 Tufton Street?
Unifying force Keir Starmer proved just how in tune he is with Jewish Labour voters by booting Heather Mendick and Stephen Marks out of the party for spurious reasons during Hanukah
For those wondering, no, it still hasn’t occurred to Kari Lake that she lost...
At some point it might occur to Nadim Zahiwi that saying “Labour strikes” for every rail, postal worker or NHS worker strike doesn't make him sound clever at all, it merely makes him sound like a cretin who doesn't realise who has been in power for twelve years - and given him several government posts in that period 
Informed, educated and entertaining take from Richard Sharp where he took Emily Maitlis (who left the BBC in February) to task for her comments made on Newsnight ( in the summer of 2020) where she took aim at Dominic Cummings' trip to Barnard Castle in spite having Covid, while saying the BBC has a liberal bias. Because attacking somebody who left the corporation several months ago for not toeing the government line two years ago is definitely an example of liberal bias now...
At this point John Cleese has started to make Basil Fawlty look positively restrained, because when he isn't telling a Muslim he can't spell his name right for not using the most English spelling of Mohammed, he's claiming the BBC have “cancelled” Monty Python as they aren't showing it on TV - even though Cleese knows full well that Netflix currently has the rights to it
Smirking bully Priti Patel probably should have thought out her Christmas card a little more, partly as she makes herself look like a De Pfeffel cultist, but mainly because it hasn’t occurred to her just how many people might actually like to see a Christmas tree shoved up her backside
It needs pointing out to Jenna Ortega that saying she filmed her dance scene in Wednesday while she had Covid is not a sign of professionalism. No, it's actually a sign of callous disregard for everybody else on set
Not exactly self-aware from Paul Burrell to try and get on the Royalists' side by kvetching about how Harry & Meghan's Netflix doc is exploiting Diana, given Burrell has made a packet out of doing that for the past quarter century
...while Nicolas Witchell once again demonstrated his determination to become an honorary member of the Royal family with the usual mistaking his opinion for fact and then blurting it out on the BBC
Ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak showed his human touch during his photo op serving the homeless a Christmas dinner where he asked one if they worked in business and, when told they were homeless, continued with that line of questioning by asking if banking or finance was something they wished to get into, sort of like an alien’s answering machine would say when the bailiffs said they were coming around for their money or Sunak's kneecaps
It turns out that Andrew Tate ran out of material pretty damn fast, as since returning to Twitter (thanks, Elon!) all he's been posting is one piece of evidence after another that he probably hasn't ever had sex with anything other than a particularly crusty sock he keeps in his bedside cabinet - and, to clarify, I typed this up a few days before his spectacular meltdown brought on  by getting so utterly bodied by Greta Thunberg that started crying like a deeply insecure pissbaby who cannot handle criticism
...which would be the same Andrew Tate who, in his deeply insecure need to try and flex his way out of getting bodied by Greta Thunberg, unintentionally tipped off Romanian authorities that he was in the country and was arrested for people trafficking, which all could have been avoided if he took the L
...yet somehow Jess Phillips decided to give the shittiest take of all takes on the situation, beating out various alt-right and manosphere dickheads who were pumping out misinformation about what Tate was arrested for or even which side of the prison wall he was on, with a remarkably smug tweet where she claimed she had no idea who he was (which is a damning indictment of the Shadow Minister of Safeguarding Women...) while also snickering that if a woman was running PR for him she'd do a better job.  For somebody who had just been arrested for human trafficking and rape, may I remind you
At some point it might occur to shoe0nhead that amplifying far-right conspiracy theories about Balenciaga and then whining about how left-leaning people have called her out for amplifying far-right conspiracy theories proves who is truly intolerant is only going to make her a useful idiot to the far-right
At which point is anyone allowed to suggest Kate Middleton going out with Zara Tindall in matching burgundy outfits, a few days after she and Wills went out with George and Charlotte dressed as clones of their parents, looks uncannily like a petty and vindictive response to Meghan Markle offhandedly mentioning the Royals were expected to wear different colours to one another when in public which the British press twisted into yet more gammon bait?  |Especially petty and vindictive when she's using her own children as pawns
At last Laurence Fox found a way to make a desperate, flailing bid for relevance, which was by responding to England's World Cup exit with a completely unhinged rant that can be boiled down to “me no like taking knee man, make my racism feel bad ”
...and then Lawrence Fox decided to go one further by sharing a remarkably shitty take about abortion
Of course Richard Tice is the sort of idiot who would see the temperature in Braemar to be -13 degrees overnight during the cold snap and crow about how this proves there is no such thing as global warming, yet was strangely quiet just five days later when it was 12 degrees in London in mid-December
In the mind of Lee Anderson the best thing to do while literally watching Les Dawson on TV is to tweet how Les Dawson would not be allowed on TV these days, which mainly served to have Dawson’s biographer put 30p lee in his place
Contrary to what Sean Spicer believes, there is a reason why December 7th is called a day that will live in infamy, and that reason has absolutely nothing to do with D-Day
Based on the review that Ben Shapiro gave Glass Onion, it's safe to presume that he is unaware the idea of a Whodunnit is not to tell people in the first act who did it
It would be nice if Tumblr got their shit together and did something about the army of pornbots that are swarming onto this platform these days, really it would
And finally, definitely not having money issues, is Donald Trump and his “major announcement” that turned out to him selling trading cards (read: NFTs) of him as Evel Knievel and Superman among other things for $99 a pop, a move which even had the MAGA louts criticising him - before it turned out that most of the art used on the cards was stolen without the original artists’ permission
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