#Greg Mollon
neweramuseum · 5 years
NEM Blue 08 - Curated by Leon Williams
"NEMBlue challenge for November #Huesofblue, another month of mini masterpieces in Blue. Starting with Dieter Gaebel's Old White House/Modern Blue building image, Lou O'Leary's Blue Human sign, Rosalie Heller's Pink Umbrella, Ray Legans's Surreal sailing Junk, Antonio Freitas's abstract roof or floor image. Allyson Marie's Blue door, Greg Mollon's Blue face, Kevin Deery's surfer and finally Janis Brandenburg Lee's abstract face. Thank you to you all for creating such fabulous images in Blue, and thank you to everyone who makes NEMBlue what it is. Keep snapping n apping Blue’sters "  -- LEON WILLIAMS
FEATURED WORKS BY: Dieter Gaebel, Ray Legans, Greg Mollon, Lou O'Leary, Kevin Deery, Antonio Freitas, Janis Brandenburg Lee, Rosalie Heller and Allyson Marie.
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neweramuseum · 4 years
NEM Green 23 - Curated by Anndrea Lewis
"There were so many great photo stories and very beautiful, creative images again this month. Thank you to everyone who shared their work and to all those who took the time to appreciate their fellow artists and share their likes and comments."  -- ANNDREA LEWIS
FEATURED WORKS BY: Michael Brunsfeld, Rosalie Heller,Greg Mollon, Anneliese Anneliese Wi, U Godwinn Gdt, Sara Seldowitz,,Julia Badakhshan,Filiz Ak.
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