ofcmidge · 9 years
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“Oh, my god. Are you gay? That makes me so happy. Everyone’s so hetero in this school, it’s nauseating. But, I’m in the same boat. Ladies are so much nicer. Dicks are weird. ----- Well, I don't actually have to deal with that last part, being asexual and all.”
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“People are disgusting. Especially boys. Lord knows why I like them so much.”
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“----- That is gross. People are gross. Ugh, god.”
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“Thank you. Did you know you’re the only helpful person in this school? One guy literally told me I could pee in his mouth if I wanted to.”
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“Yeah, I’ll show you. Right next to the girls’.”
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“Hey, hey, uh,excuse me — do you know where the bathroom is? Uncomfortable new kid who needs to pee, nice to meet you.”
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“Oh, my god. Wow. Wow, Moka. Wow.”
“Did you know that it’s possible for pigs teeth to bite through a human bone like it’s butter? And, theoretically, you could bite through your own finger, but your brain stops you. As if that wasn’t bad enough for ya, over the course of your lifetime, you’ll shed about 40lbs of skin.”
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“Der, do I need to worry?”
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“Stuff that I probably shouldn’t be doing.”
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“Boy, you are drunk, buddy.”
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“I’m not judging or anything, but what the fuck do you do in your free time, Der?”
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“—— -For fuck’s sake.”
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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“If you really want us to hug, we can hug, buddy.”
I mean, really? Look, I dunno what’a do about it, ‘ya know? An’ I’m so not drunk right now, I just need a…can we hug?
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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The BEST EYES superlative goes to IMOGEN “MIDGE” LOWE!
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ofcmidge · 9 years
Name: kristyne Nickname: kris, oli, olo, homeless bitch, pooh bear, satan (these are all legit???) Height: 5′9" Relationship status: single, bitches come to me Birthday: october 21st 1994 Favourite colour: purple, green, specific shades of blue Favourite singer/band: i don’t think u understand that’s not gonna work Last song listened: hate me by blue october Last movie watched: uh dodgeball i think Favourite book: fight club, catcher in the rye Last book read: dude idfk it’s been a while Currently reading: tumblr # of pets: 1 Best school subject: english and science Mac or PC? mac (suck it sarah) Cell phone type: i had an iPhone 4s buuut it broke so nothing rn Current shirt colour: black Gamer?: tbh not rly i’d rather watch let’s plays Day or night?: night Summer or winter?: i live in phoenix so def winter Most-visited website?: tumblr, facebook, probably hulu Celebrity crushes: LOL do u understand how long this would take seriously
Meet the Mun!
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ofcmidge · 9 years
@fangedmoka: everyone needs to just fuck off
@ofcmidge: @fangedmoka what happened TALK TO ME
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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Dude, I will start singing the Frozen soundtrack at you.
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You don’t have to believe me. We all have different opinions, I suppose. But yeah, I think the best thing to do right now is to—— let it go or something, you know?
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ofcmidge · 9 years
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I don’t believe you, but if you’re gonna lie, you obviously don’t wanna talk about it. So I won’t push it. And if I just don’t believe you and you are fine, then my bad. ---- Trust is finicky and no one ever means what they say.
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Unlike everybody, when I say “I’m fine”, it’s usually because I am. 
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ofcmidge · 9 years
@fckozais: @ofcmidge is it that obvious??
@ofmidge: @fckozais it's ok i'm not a big april fools day fan either
@ofmidge: @fckozais kinda just waiting for my bf to break up with me again for it
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ofcmidge · 9 years
@fckozais: don't even bother pulling off an april fools prank, your life is already a joke.
@ofmidge: @fckozais wow i bet you're fun at parties
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