#Grey nearly cries when one day a very excited Caleb insists on him watching his dance
my-star-war-sblog · 11 months
I CAN'T be the only one that thinks the way lightsabers look when the Jedi swing them through the air looks really beautiful, so hear me out.
Lightsaber dances.
It's a century old tradition in the Jedi order, and a popular hobby for the younger members of the order.
The dances involve either moving your lightsaber in specific ways to make forms and visual tricks with the saber. The movements themselves are based off (if they aren't already) acctual fighting techniques.
The tradition has multible functions. For one, it's orcourse the fun factor for everyone. The Jedi doing the dance and the people watching them. Lightsaber dances are also often used to teach the younglings the basics of lightsaber fighting in a fun and active way. And even for older Jedi it still serves as a nice and light training in terms of concentration and swift movement since you gotta be aware of your blade at all times inorder to produce the best visuals.
If you do them with a partner they serve as great exercise for getting intune with the other since broth parties have to look after the other and themselves to not bumb into eachother or mess up the steps as they perform.
And last but not least, they also serve as a sort of rememberance and honoring ritual. Jedi incorporate and mimic fighting stances and attacks of those they either wish to honor or remember into dances and perform them for those they made them for.
Since usually it takes a lot of concentration to do these dances it's a way of saying "look, I did all this because I deeply respect you. And I also build in movements like yours to show that I pay attention to you and care about you."
Some lineages even have their own dances, each generation adding their own move to it. Each Jedi takes pride in being able to show the history of their lineage. It also serves as a connection between the generations at the temple.
Each padawan learning their lineage dance and adding to it can say that he made this with Jedi long before them and will have made it with Jedi long after them too.
Then when the war starts and Jedi start to form close bonds with the clones, it's only natural they add them in the dances.
Ofcourse there are no lightsaber stances or techniques the Jedi can mimic to put into their dances. So they do their best to mimic the movements of clones when their fire or advance.
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