#lightsaber dances
my-star-war-sblog · 7 months
I CAN'T be the only one that thinks the way lightsabers look when the Jedi swing them through the air looks really beautiful, so hear me out.
Lightsaber dances.
It's a century old tradition in the Jedi order, and a popular hobby for the younger members of the order.
The dances involve either moving your lightsaber in specific ways to make forms and visual tricks with the saber. The movements themselves are based off (if they aren't already) acctual fighting techniques.
The tradition has multible functions. For one, it's orcourse the fun factor for everyone. The Jedi doing the dance and the people watching them. Lightsaber dances are also often used to teach the younglings the basics of lightsaber fighting in a fun and active way. And even for older Jedi it still serves as a nice and light training in terms of concentration and swift movement since you gotta be aware of your blade at all times inorder to produce the best visuals.
If you do them with a partner they serve as great exercise for getting intune with the other since broth parties have to look after the other and themselves to not bumb into eachother or mess up the steps as they perform.
And last but not least, they also serve as a sort of rememberance and honoring ritual. Jedi incorporate and mimic fighting stances and attacks of those they either wish to honor or remember into dances and perform them for those they made them for.
Since usually it takes a lot of concentration to do these dances it's a way of saying "look, I did all this because I deeply respect you. And I also build in movements like yours to show that I pay attention to you and care about you."
Some lineages even have their own dances, each generation adding their own move to it. Each Jedi takes pride in being able to show the history of their lineage. It also serves as a connection between the generations at the temple.
Each padawan learning their lineage dance and adding to it can say that he made this with Jedi long before them and will have made it with Jedi long after them too.
Then when the war starts and Jedi start to form close bonds with the clones, it's only natural they add them in the dances.
Ofcourse there are no lightsaber stances or techniques the Jedi can mimic to put into their dances. So they do their best to mimic the movements of clones when their fire or advance.
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caitsithqueen · 1 month
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An extra pic from my lightsaber shoot. Can you tell I used to Pole dance? 🤭
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valorums · 7 months
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@mvndrvke      sent         …       “ you’re doing great , okay ?? i mean it . ”
╰► SOURCE: Hurt / Comfort Sentence Starters / ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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Shi’al frowned, studying Ahsoka through furrowed brows. The young woman deactivated the two sabers she wielded — Darth Sidious’s former blade, as well as a blade of her own original design — and clipped them to her belt. She shook her head, taking a step forward.
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    “ If this is your definition of great, ‘Soka, then I think you need to check a dictionary. ” Shi’al muttered, flopping onto a nearby couch. �� I shouldn’t be struggling this much with my sabers — I’m good with a knife, and Grandmaster Jovem over at the dojang was teaching me to use a katana sword before Palpatine’s execution. It shouldn’t be this difficult. ” She shrugged, beginning to absentmindedly pick at the skin around her nails. “ There must be something I’m missing. ”
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10millionotters · 2 years
I’m so happy
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frostbitebakery · 8 months
There’s a room where the Light won’t find you
Surrender AU
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There are certain misconceptions when it comes to the… the them of them, Cody has to admit.
“I would like to have proof of life of my General,” he says instead of answering the same question the Commander has asked him twice now. The statement sits uncomfortable under his breastbone. He lost count how often he’s had to say it in his life.
“Are you that codependent,” the replica of his mouth snarks back. Curious, usually he and his counterparts have more patience than this.
The answer to that is a definite yes. Obi-Wan and he, they’re woven together. Only Obi-Wan’s lightsaber could cut them apart. He wonders where it is after they’ve taken it from its resting place above his heart.
“You’ll protect it,” Obi-Wan had asked, voice cracking and begging, closing Cody’s palms around the weapon’s hilt. It had been after Ghost had rescued them from that hellhole, after Obi-Wan’s hands had become too weak to wield his lightsaber despite the trials of reconstructive surgeries and physical therapy.
“Like your life,” Cody had sworn, lips finally not sore anymore from the ripped out stitches, the punishments from their captors that were so much more effective when delivered on Cody than Obi-Wan himself.
“I would like to have proof of life of my General,” he says again.
The Commander pushes out a sigh. “He’s… okay.”
Debatable. Cody isn’t there and no one knows - can know - how Obi-Wan’s hands spasm after a while, how his knee is acting up. How his grip on himself has been slipping, recently. The tight control even in the chaos had held steady for so long. Because even changed like this, Obi-Wan has been a master of his own self. Until they found these counterparts at least.
They’re so Light, hammers into Cody’s head.
“General Kenobi is asking him some questions himself,” the Commander states like he’s dangling bait.
Cody sincerely wishes him good luck with that. Getting an answer to “What do you want for breakfast” is a discovery of heretofore unknown wells of patience and the higher ground most days. Honey toast, by the way. “I would like to have proof of life of my General.”
Cody, they’re so Light. Obi-Wan is alone with a beacon to the Light he’s been desperately searching for in dozens of universes. He will do something well-thought-through and stupidly risky.
The Commander watches him for a few long moments, and Cody watches right back. He doesn’t smirk in triumph when the Commander activates the comm on his vambrace.
“General, could you put—,” Cody’s mouth twitches at the Commander’s faltering, the steeling for the reality of them, “the Sith on the comm?”
A moment later Obi-Wan is in the holo. Bound but whole, because the good guys don’t believe in torture. “Are you alright?” he asks, sickly golden eyes roving over what the holo displays of Cody.
Cody smiles, softening further once Obi-Wan echoes him with his own. “Yes. You?”
There’s misconceptions about them. Other people’s delusions of knowing them seem to think Obi-Wan and he can only be brutal, be cruel and harsh. Towards everyone else, and towards each other. Trapped in a bloody dance or something rivaling that kind of stupid. Those people don’t, thankfully, know the gentleness flowing through their touches. They kiss the other in reverence, soft and precious monster. What is between them, a connection forged in blood and pain, is anything but. It’s the one thing where they’re truly selfish. Holding each other close, burrowed into each other.
When Obi-Wan had asked him what he wants, the answer had been simple and sprouting thorns.
“You,” Cody had answered, sure and steadfast.
Obi-Wan had almost flinched, cane scraping over the floor. “Even as I am now?”
Always. At every second their lives had existed in orbit to each other. Every possible face Obi-Wan had worn, Cody had wanted him. But— “I think,” he had replied, stroking the paper-thin grey skin under a yellow eye, “this is the only version I’m allowed to have.”
“I miss you,” Obi-Wan says on the holo, and Cody goes cold.
“Obi-Wan, don’t—“
The connection winks out and he knows that it was Obi-Wan, that the Force suppression cuffs must have some fault he detected and exploited.
He whips his head up, urgency clocking in inside his chest and ticking. “Stun him,” he grits out, just to not yell, and startles the Commander. “Make him unconscious any way necessary.” He swallows. “But please don’t kill him.” I need him.
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enviedear · 9 months
tread carefully ⟶ anakin skywalker
description ⌙ anakin and you attempt to negotiate a treaty with an outer rim planet while you're also attempting to hide your feelings from him. pairing ⌙ anakin x fem!reader warnings ⌙ nsfw, minors dni i will block you (piv, oral, fem receiving, overuse of praise, lmk if i missed any) word count ⌙ 3.5k
— request | masterlist
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if you didn't know how much i love friends to lovers now you will especially if it's ani
inspired loosely by this song by mother sza
you're enjoying yourself far too much. there's a faint condescending smile gracing your lips as you stare down the young man just paces away from you. it's unavoidable, you think, the grand joy you get from annoying him.
anakin however, is visibly over it. his jaw is clenched tightly, arms crossed, and eyes dark. he looks like the divine personification of irritation.
"give it back." he says, voice dripping in indignation.
you shrug, looking down at the stolen lightsaber in your hands, "but it's such fun keeping it from you."
in truth, it certainly was fun. hilarious even, that despite his role as jedi knight and yours as the daughter of a senator, you were faster than him. and despite the fact that you’ve now run into a wall, the victory of the chase is more than enough.
"don't make me come and take it. be civilized and hand it over." he makes his way closer to you as he speaks.
you smile, "come and take it then."
he wastes no time, outstretching his hand and using the force to pry the weapon from your grip. you knew he would eventually, but you're thankful for him playing into the joke for this long.
'a test in patience’, he often titled you.
clipping the weapon back onto his belt he gives you an exasperated look, "y/n, we don't have time for this. we're supposed to be leaving for kiros now."
you grab a hold of his robes, pulling him closer to you, "the ship is a ten-minute walk, skywalker. stop acting so official," you narrow your gaze, "besides you started it."
he looks at you incredulously, "me?"
you hum, letting go of him and making your way toward the ship.
his hand finds your shoulder as you walk, setting him at your pace, "please elaborate. i'd love to know how i prompted this."
you can't help but smile, "you ignored me at the banquet last night. i was forced to talk with senator lybi's son, and he was annoyingly adamant about a marriage between the two of us."
anakin chuckles, "he's harmless, just a little love-sick for a pretty girl."
you groan despite how much you enjoy his title of you, "easy for you to say, you weren't on the other end of his advances."
anakin glances at you with a smirk, "contempt doesn't suit you, y/n. and besides, i'm pretty sure i saw you dancing with organa's nephew after lybi's son left you alone."
you roll your eyes, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your mouth, "that was just to pass the time. you know i only have eyes for you, skywalker."
he chuckles, but there's a hint of seriousness in his tone as he responds. "mhm, you flatter me. but we really need to focus on the mission at hand. i don't want to mess this up. obi-wan would never let me hear the end of it."
you nod, the playful banter dissolving into a more serious conversation. "right. the separatist situation on kiros is getting worse by the day. we can't afford any distractions."
anakin's grip on your shoulder tightens, his eyes meeting yours with a sense of determination. "we'll get through it together. just like always."
you smile, feeling a warmth spread throughout your chest at the familiar reassurance. anakin is your earliest friend, your best-kept and most sacred relationship. from young children who used to play-fight in the jedi temple's halls, to young adults who fly to the beck and call of political superiors. but he was so different now, older, a bit wiser, and so unbelievably handsome.
you've been on countless missions with him, most often accompanied by your father or master obi-wan, but this mission to kiros was tasked simply to the pair of you.
a simple treaty arrangement, going over new regulations regarding the separatists' forces. however, you haven’t been alone with him in so long, and you’re desperately trying to halt your mind from delving into stupid fantasies.
it is difficult though, especially when you looked into his eyes. brilliant blues that seemed never-ending. or his hands that always seemed to find you. but mostly, it was his lips sent you into an absolute frenzy. so full and kissable, you thought of them far too much for a best friend.
upon arrival to the small ship, you check over your documents as anakin prepares to fly. he sits in the pilot seat with a stern concentration, and it's not long before your papers go unread.
you watch him tackle the numerous buttons and switches with ease, tongue wetting his lips in concentration. you can't help but admire the way his muscles flex as he maneuvers, the way his hair falls over his forehead. your heart races as you think about what it would be like to run your hands through it.
anakin's voice interrupts your thoughts. "are you ready?"
you nod, taking your seat beside him, in the co-pilot chair. not that he'd ever let you try to fly. not since you crashed his last delta-7.
as the ship ascends, you can feel a pit in your stomach. the mission frightened you a bit. you were always apprehensive of going into neutral territories for that fact that anyone could be lurking, but deep down, you know what's truly gotten you so worked up.
"y/n, are you alright?" anakin asks, his eyes scanning yours, before looking back ahead.
you take a breath before replying with a soft smile, "i'm fine, anakin. don't get too caught up in my emotions."
he gives you another look, "that’s hard to do when they're basically jumping out at me."
you feel hotter, scared you may have let your little secret slip, "i'll watch myself from now on. besides, this shouldn't be a difficult task. i've got this treaty negotiation stuff down now. i bet we'll be back in coruscant for breakfast tomorrow."
anakin nods, but you can tell he can sense your little lie. he knows you too well, and it's always been impossible to keep anything from him.
he reaches over to you tentatively, hand engulfing your own. "you don't have to hide anything from me, y/n. you know that, right? you can tell me if something's wrong."
your heart races at his touch, and you feel your cheeks flush. "i know," you reply softly.
anakin's hand lingers on yours for a moment longer before he pulls away and focuses back on the controls. the ship hums as it speeds through space, and you try your best to focus on the task at hand.
as you approach kiros, anakin begins to prepare the ship for landing. you can feel the tension building inside you at the thought of doing political negotiations without the experience of your father.
anakin looks over at you once more, sensing your apprehension. "don't worry," he says, giving you a reassuring smile, "i won't let anything happen to you."
you believe him, as you always do. anakin has never let you down before, not even when things got rough. the two of you have been through so much together, and he has always been there for you. he's your best friend, your closest ally and confidant, and the most important person in your life.
the ship lands smoothly on the ground, and anakin turns to you, "ready?" he asks, you nod in response.
you're more than ready. you're determined to get this done as quickly and as effectively as possible.
you and anakin exit the ship and are greeted by one of the representatives of kiro's government. he escorts the both of you to the meeting place, an older building lined with statues of kiro's most famous leaders.
you eye the room anakin and you are ushered into, small but large enough for a grand round table. you go to say something to the jedi, but before you're able, the kirosian delegates huddle into the room.
the kirosian politicians waste little time before delving into the politcal documents. you listen attentively to their concerns and proposals and take notes meticulously. anakin is quiet for most of the meeting, his eyes darting around the room, taking in every detail. you can tell he's assessing the situation, trying to detect any hidden agendas or threats.
the negotiations go on for hours, and you start to feel yourself grow tired. but then, anakin's hand finds yours under the table, and you snap back to attention. his touch sends electricity through your entire body, and you perk back up at the feeling.
finally, after much discussion, the treaty is signed, with only one representative in opposition. you and anakin stand up, both of you feeling a sense of relief. as you walk back to the ship, anakin takes your hand again, and you feel a flutter in your stomach.
he had such a penchant for touch, and it's becoming more challenging for you to mask your glee at such occurrences.
"care to make a stop before heading home? we're not due back until tomorrow?" anakin asks as you make your way back onto the ship.
you smirk, "and let the jedi council and my father believe you've kidnapped me?"
he shrugs, "that, or, we could say negotiations went on longer than expected and that we need to stop for fuel. the closest center is closer to krios anyway, not the way back," he gives you an expectant look, "please, i promise it'll be worth it."
you can't tell him no, not when he looks at you so sweetly and perfect, "fine, but you'll have to be the one to explain our tardiness."
he smiles, inching into the pilot seat, "anything for you."
as the ship takes off, you feel excited for whatever he has planned. anakin was always an adventurous and spontaneous spirit, to the chagrin on one obi-wan, and being with him always felt like a whirlwind of excitement. the anticipation in your stomach has only grown since he took your hand during the negotiation.
as you fly towards a planet you're unfamiliar with, anakin turns to you with a mischievous grin, "i have a surprise for you."
you raise an eyebrow, intrigued, "oh really? and what's that?"
he gives you a shy look, "i booked us a room at the resort. the one we saw advertised a few months ago. we can spend the night there, just the two of us."
your heart skips a beat. you can feel yourself getting warmer, but you can't deny how tempting the idea sounds, "anakin, i don't know if that's such a good idea-"
but he cuts you off, "come on, we deserve it. we never have time together like we used to."
you want to say, 'of course, because we were children then. now the mere sight of you makes me want to pull you into bed with me', but you refrain, opting for, "okay, ani."
as the ship lands, you follow him out into the warm evening air. he takes your hand, yet again, leading you to a large building.
the resort is astounding, a sprawling complex with lush gardens and sparkling pools. you've never heard of it before, but anakin takes the lead, helping you find your room. he gives you a look before opening the door with a flourish.
the room is opulent, reminiscent of a royals' quarters and you're immediately wondering as to how he was able to pay for it.
"there's a library on the fourth floor and a bathhouse outside near the pools— I thought you'd like it," his arms wrap around you, pulling your back into him, "i hope you like it."
you're at a loss for words for a few seconds, taking in the beautiful room and the strong arms holding you indelibly close. you want to turn, bridge the gap, and take his lips into yours. you want to tell him so badly that this is a horrible idea, that you're far too consumed with him to share such a landscape with him.
but you don't, "i love it, anakin. i can't believe you did this for me." your hands find his, resting at your stomach.
anakin turns you around and brings his lips down close to your ear, "anything for you, y/n," he murmurs, his breath tickling your skin.
you shudder with pleasure at the sound of his voice and lean into him. you know that you shouldn't be here, but you can't resist the pull that he has on you.
for a moment, you allow yourself to forget about everything else, to just be in this moment with him. but as his hands wander down to your hips, pulling you into him in a foreign way, you begin to feel a sense of guilt and shame. you know this is turning into something different, something wrong.
"i can't," you say softly, pulling away from him. "we shouldn't be here like this, anakin."
he looks at you with confusion and concern in his eyes. "what's wrong? is it the room? i can get us another one if you don't like it."
you shake your head,"no, it's not the room. it's me. i’m not thinking the way i should, and i’m scared of saying or doing the wrong thing."
he takes your hand and pulls you close to him again. "you could never, you only ever tell me the right things."
you take a deep breath, knowing that what you're about to say could ruin everything. the friendship you've built and the rules you know he's meant to follow, "anakin i don't think of you as i should anymore. i fear i've grown an unwelcomed attachment to you, and i don't want to wreck everything."
anakin's eyes widen in shock, "what are you saying?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
"i'm saying that i've fallen for you, anakin," you whisper, eyes glassy, "and i know it's wrong, i know it, but i can't help how i feel. believe me, i've tried."
anakin looks at you for a moment, his face unreadable. then he gives you a soft smile, turning you forward and taking your face in his hands, "you could never wreck anything, y/n," he says softly. "i feel the same way. and i’ve fought it for too long. i love you, and i want you. if you'll let me.”
you stare at him in shock. you had never expected him to say anything of the sort. for a moment, you just stand there, staring at each other.
but then he leans forward, pressing his lips to yours. a gentle kiss at first, tentative. but then it becomes something more, something you've never known before, and you find yourself getting lost in the feeling.
you know that you're doing something wrong, that this could have serious consequences. but for the moment, you don't care. all you care about is the way that anakin makes you feel, the way that he's always made you feel.
as you deepen the kiss, anakin's hands trail down your body, pulling you closer to him. the heat between the two of you is unmistakable, and you can feel your heart racing as each second floats by.
there's the rational part of you, the part that knows that this can't continue— it goes against everything the jedi order stands for— but in this moment, you can't find fault in your actions.
anakin breaks away from the kiss, eyes holding an intense longing that you've never seen them carry before, "i want you," he says, voice raspy and rough with desire, "i need you, more than anything."
you incline into him in agreement, trying to wordlessly vocalize your complete surrender into his lust. together, you stumble towards the nearest wall to lean against, and anakin begins to kiss down your neck, while his hands roam your body.
you moan softly, and he pulls back to look you in the eyes, "say it back," he pleads, his voice ragged with need.
"i need you too," you express, and the words come out without a hint of hesitation, "i need you so badly."
anakin wastes no time in returning his lips to yours and you both give in to each other with fervor. it's like a wildfire, consuming your every thought and measure, altering into something unknown and yet all-encompassing. as if nothing else exists— only this moment, only him.
your hands travel up onto his chest as he guides your hips closer against him, lifting your dress so that he can set his grip upon your inner thighs. you gasp at his touch, so familiar to you and yet entirely new.
you desperately want to feel his skin, the muscles of his chest, anything— so you make a definitive move to remove his tunic. anakin smiles into you and pulls away to help, revealing himself to you.
you look up at him, struck with want, "you're so perfect, ani."
he stifles a groan and lifts you. instinctively your legs wrap around him, arms coming to meet each other around his neck. he holds you tightly, as though you'd fall away from him, as he carries you onto the plush bed.
"i've wanted you like this for so long, y/n," his voice flutters against your neck, and you feel his hands begin to make work of the buttons holding your dress together, "you’re all i can think about."
your head feels empty at his words, "please," is all you can musteer in response, lifting slightly so that he can pull your dress over your head, leaving you exposed before him.
he takes you in, and ravages you with his blues. you watch as his gaze dips to your chest and take a sharp intake of breath when he gently cups your breasts.
"so pretty," he coos, head dipping back down to your neck, slowly descending down until he finds the bulb, giving it a chaste kiss.
you shiver at his contact, fingers tangling in his soft hair and tugging ever so slightly as he continues traversing further down your body. anticipation radiates through you until finally, anakin brings himself eye-level between your legs. his hands snaking up the inside of your thighs gently pushing them apart, tranquil heat radiating from him to overpower what had once been any fear or worry bubbling up within you.
he pulls back just enough so that you can look up into those dreamy blues once more only to be met with nothing but a pure carnal desire radiating from within them, "say it again, tell me you want me, please.” he speaks before lightly pressing a kiss to your inner thigh— eyes searching yours for confirmation at what has suddenly become something so much more than desire itself—trust
"i want you," you reply earnestly, "i always have."
that's all the permission he needs, and you watch in awe as his head sinks down to your center. he's teasing at first, giving you soft kisses until you're moaning in response. more—that's what you want, and you're sure he knows, as he begins to tongue your clit, arms pulling you further into him.
you're lost in sensation—eyes fluttering shut as you feel yourself spinning into an abyss of pleasure. it's almost too much, but just as you begin to near your climax, he pulls away.
your eyes open, finding him fumbling with his trousers, sliding the, away and freeing himself.
"c'mere," he gestures for you, and you fall onto your knees, head inches under his own. he grabs you, flipping you on top of him, settling into the bed. he feels divine beneath you and you can't help but to grind down into him, eliciting a groan from him, "fuck, do that again."
you do, and it's like a key unlocking something inside of you. he guides your hips as you begin to move against him, letting out moans above him.
his hands, strong and calloused, guide you to a halt and make you rise just enough for him to palm himself, his tip toying at your entrance. you look at him through hooded eyes before pressing down, feeling him begin to enter you.
his eyes roll back, "that's right, just like that," you can't help the sounds that come from you at his praise, and he continues to sing you honors, "my pretty girl, you're doing so well. c'mon you can take more."
that's all it takes for you to settle onto him fully, feeling full from his length. as you sink down fully, anakin grabs your arm, nails innocently biting into you, "that's my girl."
you ride him—slow and steady at first, rocking back and forth in unison as you both close your eyes to bask in the moment. it isn't long before you begin to pick up speed, thrusting yourself onto him quicker.
his other hand comes around to grip the side of your neck, pushing down delicately until your lips meet again. he's a groaning mess into your mouth, thrusts beginning to overtake you. you falter, but he takes control, arms wrapping around you and pulling you closer. his lips pull away from yours and begin to leave sloppy kisses at your neck, stopping to issue you more praise, more adoration.
"i love you," anakin breathes out between thrusts—voice gravely now—"so much."
it's almost too much for you at those words and you're barely able to respond coherently, "i love you, too."
you can do nothing but move with him, arms wrapping around to grip at his back as you both reach the peak. a blissful moan of ecstasy leaves your lips and he follows soon after, finally stilling against you.
sated and exhausted, you collapse onto his chest—tears beginning to gather in your eyes at his admission.
anakin notices this, and he tilts up your chin so that your gaze is set upon him once again. "i mean it," he speaks softly into her ear before planting a kiss on her forehead, "i adore you, sweet girl."
and you know he does, truly— as do you.
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lem0nshark-writes · 2 months
"Interesting Ideas"
Anakin Skywalker x Male Reader
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Type: smut
Word count: 1312
Warnings: armpit kink, armpit kissing and licking, inappropriate use of the force, reader can be read both as a top or a bottom same as Anakin, some fluff, reader and Anaking being a lil bit of chaotic gremlins at the beginning
Request: by the lovely @/Squibs__ on wattpad!💕💕
A/N: Heyy guys sorry it took so long to post again this one took a bit longer to edit 😅😅 Alsooo no offense but I won't be doing this kink again as I don't have it and therefore can't really do it justice, but the requester asked very nicely so I decided to give it a shot! I hope you guys enjoy and see ya soon hopefully! 💕💕
You and Anakin had just finished a very difficult and intense training, but then again when was it not so when the two of you were in question.
Master Obi-Wan had had you work on your lightsaber fighting and the two of you normally made it into a competition, just like always, but this time, Obi-Wan was smart enough not to give you two actual lightsabers, rather two long sticks to fight with. Last time being a big lession as the two of you nearly decapitated each other a couple of times with your competitive fighting, seeing who can do the most flips and turns and who had the best lightsaber twirling techniques. It was a whole mess.
As you two raced across the hallways, you sprinting just a couple of feet in front of Anakin your flowing robes just beyond his reach, laughing histerically as you yet again beat him in the race, he was trying to catch up with you and catch you chasing after you with full speed, laughing as well.
"Not again-" he chuckled, desparately trying to speed up after you.
When the door to his room came in sight you made sure you sped up more, leaving him in your dust as you made a sharp turn inside. Anakin at his speed nearly couldn't stop himself but grabbing at the doorframe he managed just in time swinging himself and bolting inside as well.
"Ha ha! Gotcha again!!" you grinned widely as you celebrated your little victory with a little funny dance, rubbing it into his face.
He grinned at you as he tried to catch his breath, accepting his defeat. He was quite a good swordsman and unbeatable at flying a ship no matter the size but when it came to making a quick escape and outrunning him you beat him every time. Every single time.
Once he finally caught his breath Anakin stood up, smirking under his grin as he pulled you by your forearms softly and pinned you against the wall, "c'mmere-" he whispered under his breath, his lips making a quick way to find yours in a soft and loving kiss as his body ever so softly pressed against yours.
You smiled at him, kissing back straight away, your arms wrapping around his neck into a warm embrace. Moments like these were your favourite, where the two of you could just enjoy each other's presence, not needing to hide from prying eyes and stares.
Anakin smiled when he pulled away, his blue eyes staring at yours with such fondness to them it made your heart flutter. You pressed your foreheads together as you stayed like that in comfortable silence for a little while, arms intertwined around each other and not letting go.
"Shower?" he asked softly after a bit, smiling up at you.
"Ugh yes!" you chuckled, just now noticing the stickiness of your skin and the way your robes uncomfortably stuck to your body at some parts from the sweat.
He chuckled at your enthusiasm and took your hand in his, pulling you to the bathroom.
Once there the two of you quickly undressed and slipped into the shower, relaxing once the hot steamy water started trickling down at your bare bodies from the mounted shower head above.
He pulled you close, smiling softly at you as he held you in his arms, hands running the shower gel all across your body, as yours did to him.
You shampooed his head, foamy fingers running through the soft golden light-brown locks sitting atop his head, and later on he returned the favour, kissing you softly on the lips as he did. The two of you enjoying this little moment before running the water once again.
Once the two of you decided to leave the comfort of a good shower you dried yourselves, put on some underwear, and made your way to the bed, plopping onto it with you on top of your boyfriend as he laid down on his back.
A content sigh of relief left his mouth as his fingers ran through your hair slowly, eyes wandering over your form gracefully sprawled across his body.
You rested your head atop his chest, finger tracing across the soft warm skin of it as your mind wandered far away, bit further a certain side than you hoped it would, your thoughts so loud Anakin seeming to have caught on them, dick twitching and slowly hardening in his underwear at the imagery your thoughts were providing for him.
You cheeks heated up as you noticed, your dick slowly growing hard as well at the whole situation and the thoughts you still had wandering your mind and refusing to leave you alone. The two of you exchanged looks, agreeing on the matter rather quickly as his lips found yours into a heated sloppy kiss and your hand swiftly slipped into his underwear, wrapping around him and slowly starting to work his length.
Anakin moaned against your mouth as the two of you kissed, tongues intertwined, hand at your backside slowly rubbing up and down and into a squeeze, sneaking past your boxers quickly enough to grasp at the supple skin bare.
You grunted softly into the kiss as you started to pump your hand up and down faster, though still keeping it slow enough to tease him good as your thumb circled and pressed around his tip.
Moving your lips from his mouth to his cheek, then his jaw, neck, leaving a couple of kisses, you trailed it down over his collarbone, his chest and to his arm, placing kisses and licks as you went. You made your way to his underarms, lifting his hands up and feeling his toned muscular arms before pinning his hands above his head, using your force to keep him from slipping out of your grasp as your kisses made their way to his armpit.
You seem to have struck a spot as as soon as you left a kiss upon it Anakin moaned harder and bucked his hips into your hand. You smirked a little, never knowing this little secret of his before but loving it as it gave you even more advantage to tease and please your lover.
You left another kiss and another moan escaped his lips, then another and another. And soon enough Anakin was a moaning mess underneath you as you dragged your tongue across the soft skin of it, your hand pumping him at a faster pace, grip tightening on his dick a little bit, his hand now working you too, desparate to return the favour.
You tried to stifle your moans as you left another lick across his armpit before pulling the soft skin in your mouth slightly into a suck. That sent him over the moon and in a matter of seconds he was cumming all over your hand and his stomach, soft but loud moans coming out of his mouth intermittently as his chest heaved and back arched in pleasure. Seeing your lover in such delight and his hand working you, although sloppily as he still rode his high, it was enough to send you over the edge as well.
Both of you panted against each other as you tried to calm your breaths, you plopping back onto his chest and his arms wrapping around you into a warm embrace.
Anakin blushed a little on the way you got him cumming so good but he regretted nothing and he kissed your head softly. You wanted to tease him on his newfound kink but the previous activity and the training before that came crashing down at you and all you could do is snuggle into your lover comfortably. You smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around his torso, and closing your eyes contently.
"Ugh we're gonna need another shower.."
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im-poe-dameron · 6 days
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a/n: originally this fic was a one shot. except it became too long to keep it as one part so it's split into two. this is honestly me obsessing over the idea of anakin remaining anakin while being a sith. no armor, no mask, just him with yellow eyes. so i ran with it and turned it as angsty as possible.
summary: after the galatic republic fell to its knees, whispers of anakin skywalker begin to surface. claims that he was no longer the hero they once knew, but a darkness they came to fear. darth vader. yet when he begins to call to you in dreams, you make a choice that might kill you in the end. you choose…to save him.
OR old friends meet now as enemies.
word count: 4.5k+
pairing: anakin skywalker x f!reader; darth vader x f!reader
warnings: not explicit, angst, so much of it that it's insane, the hunger for what once was, anakin being evil, dark dreams, talk of death, trauma, fluff, padwan!anakin, soft romance, hopes being tarnished.
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His laughter stuck to your skin like a cold sweated fever that refused to pass. It edged its way towards your heart, breaking open your ribs and settling right underneath them. You gasped for air, the heat of the planet seeping into your already bare body with every passing second, and if you weren’t careful it might kill you. Choke you while you slept and continued to dream of the one person you couldn’t save—even if it wasn’t your job to do so.
“C’mon Bandit, that's the best you can do?”
You could see him, a smile on face as he danced around you—the assuredness in his stance and ease in his nature did nothing but make your heart twist violently. The both of you were so young. So innocent and naive; holding beliefs that the galaxy wasn’t as cruel as the Jedi Masters made it out to be. It was a hope that you held more than he did. A reminder in the back of your head that you hadn’t chosen to become this without knowing the consequences. After all, what was light without the darkness that crept around in the shadows, waiting for a chance to strike.
How oblivious were you to what was truly going on with him? How could you not see it? The turmoil behind those blue eyes of his, the pain that laced his voice with every word he spoke to you.
“Anakin,” you breathed, your hand clutching at the sheets that were tossed over your body.
“Well don’t just stand there padawan,” he called out as you were pulled once more into a dream you did your best to fight against.
Twisting your body away from the close swipe of his lightsaber, you felt the heat of the blade brush past your cheek. Master Obi-Wan had said you weren’t yet allowed to fight like this, but Anakin always did like to break the rules. Even if it meant getting hurt. Yanking your own lightsaber off the belt it hung loosely from, you pressed the switch—feeling and hearing the familiar thrum of it as it came to life.
“Last time I checked we’re both padawans Skywalker!” You dodged his move, nearly landing into the bushes that lined the edges of the training courtyard.
He shrugged. “Yeah, but in terms of training, I’m definitely ahead of you.”
Scoffing, you leapt forward, swinging the lightsaber towards his leg. He stepped out of the way, attempting to avoid being sliced open but your other leg got beneath his sturdy one, swiping it out from underneath him and causing him to topple to the ground. He fell with a groan of pain—his lightsaber landing a few feet away, now turned off. Anakin’s eyes went wide as you brought your green blade down until it was directly in front of his nose—nearly singing the hair off his face.
“You were saying?”
“What are you two doing?” Obi-Wan’s voice echoed off the walls, startling you from where you stood above Anakin. “I thought I told the both of you that training alone was off limits until you were ready.”
“Master—” Anakin began, his hand reaching out for something—eyes flashing up to see the panicked expression on your face.
“We were just—”
Obi-Wan raising his hand stopped you in your tracks, the all too familiar sigh leaving his lips as he walked towards you. Shifting your footing, you moved to give Anakin space to get up, but didn’t expect his lightsaber to fly through the air, nearly hitting you in the shoulder. He jumped up—a joyous cry of victory echoing around you as he swung his lightsaber towards you, the blue glow of his blade heading towards you.
Switching yours on with a swiftness neither of you knew you possessed, you managed to block his attack—the clashing of the two colors flashing before your eyes. Obi-Wan’s pleas for the both of you to cease whatever this was were suddenly drowned out as you glanced up—a smile on your face.
Expecting to see the friendly blue eyes you’d grown attached to, you felt a shock go through your system as you were met with a glowing yellow. The green of your blade was striking against the red of the lightsaber he held—his teeth bared in a snarl. Dropping your weapon, you stumbled back as he advanced, a cry of his name leaving your mouth. No longer were you friendly sparring with a boy you’d known as long as you’d been alive, but instead you now faced the man who had been twisted up inside—the man you couldn’t save.
“Anakin!” you shouted, hitting the cold ground beneath you.
Gasping sharply, you shot up in the makeshift bed you had on the rocky floor of what looked to be a cave. A ragged sob left you as you scrambled to gather the sheets around your body, tears streaming down your face while the memories of your dream played on repeat in your mind. Anakin’s face—the jagged scar running down his face, the sinister yellow eyes, the absolute fury in his expression—left you shaking. That was not the boy you had known, but a mere fragmented piece of him that still lived in your mind.
It took you a few minutes to remember where exactly you were and how you got there. But eventually you were able to recall landing on Tatooine, the call from Obi-Wan through the Force coming in loud and clear as you meditated on your ship. For years you’d been traveling from planet to planet. Hiding wherever you could and searching for any Jedi that might still be alive. You knew it was a small possibility, but you couldn’t ignore the tug in your gut at the idea.
So far you counted three. Obi-Wan, a boy from Bracca that recognized you when you hid on the planet, and Ahsoka Tano. The hunt for more put you in a state of constant weariness. With every Jedi you found dead, you continued to feel the break in your connection to the Force. The pain you suffered now brought you to the very edge of giving up entirely.
What use was being a Jedi if you had no one to protect but yourself?
You couldn’t even recall the image of your master’s face anymore, let alone remember what it felt like when peace lived within the galaxy. Now you were constantly looking over your shoulder. The fear of being found, always leaving you teetering on the edge of panic.
Exhaling out a stuttered breath, you heard your name called from the other side of the cave as Obi-Wan was roused from his own sleep. The twin suns were starting to rise in the distance—light breaking through the darkness within the rocks and you felt some sense of peace fill your lungs. For now you would push the nightmare aside and focus on the present. There was no use remaining in the past—in things you couldn’t change.
No matter how much you wished you could.
“Is everything alright?” Obi-Wan asked, his bare feet coming into your line of sight as he shuffled closer.
You nodded, the sweat sticking to the back of your neck. “Yeah I just…I had a nightmare.”
He sat beside you on the floor, offering you a small canteen filled with water, which you took gratefully. “About Anakin?”
Simply hearing his name brought the fire back into your chest, the pain that ran through your body returning with enough force to have you shrinking in on yourself. You only knew Anakin as a friend; had seen him one last time when he entered the Jedi Temple before you managed to escape and drag a few younglings with you. But Obi-Wan knew him like a brother. They were closer than you could have even imagined and while you sat there fighting back the pain—he’d already gone numb because of it.
There was speculation that he died on Mustafar. That Obi-Wan had delivered the final blow—put what once was his apprentice out of the agonizing misery he left him in. But you now knew otherwise. After all the whispers of sightings grew—claims that they’d seen the once heroic Anakin Skywalker destroying planets, killing innocent people—reached your ears. Until you had no choice but to let him in—find him through the one final connection you still had yet to cut off.
“I know where he is,” you muttered, staring at the light dusting of sunlight that covered the floor.
Obi-Wan turned quickly towards you. “What?” You nodded, tracing the cave’s entrance with your eyes. “Where?”
“Right where you left him,” you breathed. “I suppose Palpatine thought he was being funny by remaining on Mustafar.”
“He’s—” Obi-Wan let out a breath, looking down at his hands. You felt grief flicker through the Force—dark and muted. A stark contrast to his usual cerulean blue. “Did you see him?”
“That’s the awful part Obi-Wan,” you said, the tears streaming freely down your face. Or perhaps you hadn’t stopped crying in the first place. You could no longer tell. “He called to me…like you did, placing memories in my head of our past together. And—then I saw his face and his—his eyes are…” Trailing off you wiped roughly at your cheeks. “He’s no longer Anakin.”
“He called to you,” Obi-Wan murmured.
At first when the dreams started, you couldn’t tell if you were finally losing it or if your mind truly held a twisted sense of humor. Playing back every happy memory you shared with Anakin. Every daring adventure you both took together and more often than you would have liked, the kiss you shared in the middle of Tatooine—the night his mother died. It was a past you wished to forget and yet it was seemingly forced upon you night after night.
“Why?” You shut your eyes, once again seeing his yellow eyes flash in your mind. “What does he want with me?”
Obi-Wan stood, turning his back to give you a chance to dress yourself. “He may not even realize he’s calling out to you.”
Shoving your tunic back on, you tied it around your waist, your boots going on next. With the heat that spread around Tatooine you regretted showing up in the black clothing you wore, but they were all you owned. The black cloak you’d been wrapped in reminded you of the man you tried so hard to forget about. After all, it was his to begin with.
One freezing night on Ilum—a mission to get him a new kyber crystal after he destroyed his lightsaber—led to him handing over his cloak. In a foolish turn of events, you forgot yours on the ship and Anakin didn’t want to return back to Obi-Wan with you half frozen to death. You could recall the way he’d wrapped it around the both of you, his arms tight on your waist as you hid in the caverns of the planet. What you thought would be simply another mission, wound up being far more than you expected. 
You realized the depth of your love for him in the perils of a planet that would end you without mercy. The irony wasn’t lost to you. Trapped in a place that felt like your fury of emotions—the danger of what you harbored like a fugitive.
Sure, you’d shared your fair share of emotions with him, kissing here and there, but nothing progressed further than that. His heart had always belonged to another. And you accepted it without question.
“He’s dreaming,” you whispered, picking up your lightsaber and clipping it to your belt.
“His mind may not yet be settled completely in the dark side of the Force. It would betray him in dreams.”
“But why me? Why not you?” They held a closer bond and Anakin would surely call for his former master before he called for the girl he once entertained the idea of feelings with.
“You represent a time in his life when he was happy.”
“So do you. So why does he—”
“I left him half alive on Mustafar. Padme is dead,” Obi-Wan stated monotonically as if he were reading it from a book. “His mind wouldn’t turn to memories of a woman he could no longer reach. If anything that would only push him further into the dark side.”
You sighed, the pain in your head now spreading down to your neck. “Unless he’s trying to figure out where his children are.”
“No, he doesn’t know they’re alive.”
Letting out a breath, you tried to focus on the small inkling of light that came through the Force. Your last attachment to it suddenly become your life line every night you fell asleep; the pain of reliving your past was so grueling it became torture in its own way. You felt the familiar press of Obi-Wan’s energy against the back of your mind as he gently asked for permission to see what you saw. To relive the memories with you.
“You won’t like what you find in there,” you muttered, slipping on the cloak that somehow still carried fragments of Anakin in the fabric.
“Perhaps not, but nonetheless Bandit.” Flinching at the nickname bestowed upon you by Anakin himself, you relented and allowed your walls to collapse to the ground beneath you.
None of it mattered anymore. Not the love you felt for him or the anguish you endured when he fell for someone else, because he wasn’t Anakin anymore. He merely wore the face of a man you thought you knew once upon a time—a memory that refused to die.
“Just remain still,” Obi-Wan said, watching as you returned back to where you were sitting, your legs crossed and eyes falling shut. “This won’t hurt.”
You both knew it was a lie, but you didn’t care much at that point. He’d already delved past your walls and was now digging through your memories, yanking up each one that Anakin had placed there. Inhaling sharply you dug your nails into your clothed thighs as he pulled up one that proved you and Anakin both went against the Jedi Code at least once in your life.
Once again his laughter filled your mind, splintering your heart in two.
“Tell me Bandit,” Anakin leapt over a rock in the middle of a river, his boots splashing water everywhere. “Why didn’t you want to come here?”
You sighed, picking up a stone and tossing it—watching with satisfaction as it floated in the air for a second. Courtesy of Anakin attempting to show off his powers.
You were sent to Kashyyyk as a part of the Jedi's diplomatic training for padawan, but halfway through Master Yoda told the both of you to stand guard near the camps. Which led to Anakin and you residing in the middle of a river, watching as birds flew overhead. The sounds of the forest around you breathed life into your lungs.
“I can’t help it if my master thinks I need diplomatic training,” you replied, emphasizing the word diplomatic with a roll of your eyes.
“Every Jedi needs it.” He tossed a pebble your way, watching you focus to float it in mid-air, copying him. “Or at least that’s what Obi-Wan tells me.”
“And what do you think?”
He shrugged. “I think that diplomatic training helps us make a difference in the galaxy. We’re meant to be peacemakers right?”
“I guess…” Shifting, you turned to see another bird fly overhead, making a shrill sound you’d never heard before. “But what’s the point of being a peacemaker when so many think of the Jedi as soldiers?”
“That’s where the training comes in handy,” he said, a grin spreading across his lips.
“Then tell me Skywalker, what makes you such an expert in the diplomatic areas of life?”
He tossed another pebble, laughing when it hit your shoulder. “Sometimes you have to make negotiations as a Jedi.” He jumped to shore, dropping another stone to the collection he’d been steadily building since you found the river.
“Ah yes but not all of them are peaceful,” you called out, following him and landing on another closer rock.”
“Obi-Wan likes to call them…aggressive negotiations.”
“Let me guess… That means negotiations—”
“With a lightsaber,” he finished for you—smiling.
You fell into laughter at that, throwing your head back as a lovely ache spread through your stomach. Only for it to quickly divert into a yelp at the feeling of your foot slipping on the rock. Losing your balance, you quickly tried to right yourself, but knew there wouldn’t be a way to fix it in time. So you gave into the fall. The pain would last for a moment, but Anakin’s hand grasping onto your wrist steadied your movements. He brought you back to a standing position. Where you promptly fell against his chest.
“Are you okay?” he asked, hands cupping your cheeks to tilt your head back.
Nodding, you felt your throat dry up once you realized exactly how close he stood to you. It wasn’t right to feel the sharp tug in your heart at the sight of his blue eyes which bored into yours—the color nearly putting the river itself to shame. You shouldn’t hold these feelings for a fellow padawan—you knew the rules inside and out, and yet…he still hadn’t let go of your face. His thumbs rubbed gently at your cheeks, a faint smile playing on his lips as he saw your own part slightly.
“What would you call this?” you inquired breathlessly, hands pressing against his chest and feeling his heartbeat beneath them.
Anakin breathed out a puff of laughter—the warmth of it washing across your cheek as he moved even closer. “A polite conclusion.”
Before you could smile, he dipped down, pressing his lips against yours and effectively ceasing your words. You’d always wondered if he would ever kiss you a second time after what happened on Tatooine. Neither of you spoke of it again after he pulled away and left you standing there, but you knew something had shifted between the both of you. Just like it did now. Sliding your hands up until your arms wrapped around his neck, you tried to keep yourself balanced as he once again tore the ground up from underneath you.
It was him pulling you closer that did you in. His lips were soft—you always knew they would be—and it took everything in you not to ask for more than just this. The warmth of his tongue pressing against your bottom lip jerked you out of your reverie, causing you to practically tear yourself away from him. His arms only tightened around your waist, lips more insistent as he coaxed you once more into a kiss that shouldn’t have happened.
You opened your mouth, melting into his hold as his tongue pressed against yours and felt the steady thrum of your heart speed up exponentially. Until you were sure it would burst out of your chest.
“Beautiful,” he murmured—pressing a kiss to your jaw.
“They could find us,” you said, fighting against the haze he put you in. “They could—”
“I don’t care.”
Three words shouldn’t have made you submit so easily, but there you were giving into his kiss yet again. Whimpering into his mouth and kissing him back with enough fervor to throw him off slightly, causing him to stumble back a bit. This shouldn’t happen. It wasn’t right. Jedi weren’t meant to form attachments. Especially not with other Jedi. The heat of his tongue against yours shoved the words right out of your mind, but still something continued to feel off.
It wasn’t…right.
This…didn’t—it didn’t feel…right.
“Enough!” you exclaimed, shoving Obi-Wan out of your mind as you clutched your head, the tears now falling down your face in waves. Heaving in a ragged breath, you tried to piece the walls that enclosed your mind back together, but found you couldn’t.
“I didn’t mean—”
“Just don’t,” you snapped. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
You knew it wasn’t right to turn your anger on Obi-Wan, but there was so much of it that you couldn’t stop it even if you tried. At this point you weren’t sure if the anger truly belonged to you or if it was Anakin’s pouring into you from the Force. Still you struggled to maintain it, breathing deeply as you fought to get back to the light side of the Force.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan said, watching as the inside of your mind waged war on itself. “I know why he’s calling out to you.”
“Why?” you asked, helpless against the mental anguish that you were going through.
“He loves you.”
Scoffing, you struggled to get to your feet. “Don’t be ridiculous Obi-Wan. He never loved me.”
“If you believe that then there’s no hope in saving him.”
Turning, you felt the anger flood your veins, shoving its way to the surface. “Saving him?” you shouted. “There’s no saving him! He murdered the people we cared about. Younglings! He turned himself into what they wanted him to be—what they molded him to be.”
“We’re Jedi. We must keep the peace no matter the cost—”
“And how far will you go to keep this peace? My death? Your death? The death of Luke, of his sister?” Obi-Wan’s eyes narrowed. “Anakin Skywalker is dead. In his place Darth Vader walks the path of the Sith.” You shut your eyes, doing what you could to right your mind. “Saving him was never an option.”
“We have to try.”
“I don’t,” you replied, effectively shutting yourself off from the Force as Obi-Wan attempted to push his way through to you.
“Then what will you do? Keep hiding?”
“Yes!” you cried. “I will keep hiding, because the Jedi Order is gone and everything we stood for, everything that kept the balance…he destroyed. I would rather think him dead than be constantly reminded of his betrayal.”
Obi-Wan stood, his expression exactly the same as when he told you of what transpired that fateful night. “You’re being selfish and that’s not the Jedi way.”
“Fuck you.” The words were spat out harshly in his direction. “I choose to forget all that pain and if that makes me selfish…then so be it. Perhaps you should try it.”
You were being cruel to him—unfair—because the anger inside of you could no longer be contained behind the walls of your mind. Whether it was yours or Anakin’s you could no longer tell, but it hurt either way. It felt as if you were being stabbed repeatedly in the heart with every new memory, dream, and hope that was shoved your way. Obi-Wan’s ideas of saving Anakin were merely fantasy. Yet that didn’t stop you from believing they could be true—that you might be able to save him and stop this madness.
“Do you think I haven’t tried?” His words startled you. “I wish I could forget what I did to leave him there, how I nearly killed him. It haunts me with every dream and every memory—just as it does you Bandit, but I…do not have the luxury of forgetting.”
He was right. You knew it down to the very marrow of your bones that being able to forget was simply a transparent hope you held onto. Eventually it would shatter in your hands, leaving you bleeding in the end, just as he did. Only how could you try and save the man who did so much damage? Who broke your heart over and over again simply to gain the power to save the ones he loved from death.
“He’ll kill me,” you whispered, eyes staring at the now orange sky that peeked through the entrance of the cave.
“How do you know?”
Scoffing, you glanced at Obi-Wan. “I just do. Even if he did love me, love is a weakness to Sith.”
“Yes. You’re right.” He stepped closer, his palm falling to your shoulder and grasping it softly. “But a weakness in Anakin’s case could be just what’s needed to save him.”
You wanted to deny his words, to pretend you could simply remain as you were. A fugitive in a galaxy that was under siege—a galaxy that could no longer be saved. But the familiar feeling that pulled at the back of your mind rose up—making space in the hollow space of your chest that once housed your heart. The need to help. To bring peace once more and show that the Jedi of old weren’t gone entirely.
“I don’t know if I can face him,” you whispered, staring at the lines of your palm in the hopes that they would make his eyes vanish from your mind. That you wouldn’t have to live with this suffering.
“We all have to face him eventually,” Obi-Wan admitted.
You knew what he meant; how the feelings waged a war in his own mind too. He was just as terrified to finally see the man he once knew, to witness what Anakin had become, what the dark side turned him into. The fear still lingered in his mind, overtaking everything he knew like a plague. There was never any other alternative than this. The second Anakin turned, the both of you were left with nothing else to do except scatter amidst the galaxy.
It was a grief that weighed heavy on your shoulders.
A loss you’d never come back from.
“There’s nothing we can do to help him.” As much as Obi-Wan wanted to see otherwise, you knew that to be the truth. Anakin was beyond helping, but even still you found yourself unable to let go of the hope. That constant echo of what once was now resurfacing the longer you tried to fight against this.
You were a keeper of the peace. A protector of those who couldn’t protect themselves.
You were everything Anakin turned his back on and somehow in a twisted way…it might just be what could bring him back.
Obi-Wan watched as you fought with yourself. Your mind was dark and filled with turmoil, but then he saw it. The small glimmer of something bright reflecting back at him. That once evergreen hue flickering to life again—matching the light of the weapon you once wielded with pride. He watched as the Jedi you once were—the master you came to be—bloom before his very eyes. Obi-Wan try as he might would not be the one to bring Anakin back from the dark side. Even you might not succeed in this task, but he could see the determination in your eyes, the power that filled your stance.
In the depths of your memories he saw the truth. The reason why he urged you to go.
You would die for Anakin.
Just as he would have died for you.
It was a bond stronger than any he’d witnessed before and he could see that you knew it as well.
“I’ll need a ship,” you said, finality echoing in your tone—eyes sharp and clear.
He grinned, reached for his cloak and the small pack of credits. “I’m sure there’s something to be found.”
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roseaesynstylae · 23 days
A Collection of Posts about the Jedi Order, Part 2
Here's Part One. There's also My Favorites of Jedi Appreciation, which has my favorite Pro-Jedi fics and blogs.
lightsabers and what they represent
jedi and kyber crystals
lightsaber dances
lightsaber dances 2
Anatomy of a lightsaber
Canon lightsabers
The lightsaber list
Lightsaber combat forms
Jedi Temple and Related Places
jedi temple and jedi art
jedi temple
Living Quarters in the Jedi Temple
Jedi High Council seating chart
Jedi Temple diagram
Interior shots of the Jedi Temple (game)
Force vergences
The Jedi Temple Personal Quarters
Even more details about the Jedi Temple
Jedi Temple concept art
How Various Characters Experience the Force
Other Force-related faiths
Jedi reference
Jedi healing in the Clone Wars: Legends vs Canon
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vodrae · 9 months
Batfamily members being fitness influencers
Bruce : 4 hours uncut podcast, can't go two sentences without quoting 12 studies.
Dick : Talking about discipline but most importantly being proud of ourself and having fun.
Barbs : Talking about the difficulties to stay active in a wheelchair without taboo, and how positive it can be to join a club to see we are not alone.
Jason : "Big weitz, big moocles !" *Get lifted by Artemis*
Cass : How to fight and practice swan Lake at the same time, part 1
Tim : Get roast by his family everytime he speaks about the importance of rest. Joke on them, nobody sleeps in this family. Also often filmed with his not at all obvious crush 6'3 best friend from Metropolis with muscles made of steel.
Steph : Get viral dancing when she spots a tripod in the gym. Is in the background watching cass like a pile of waffles.
Harper : Krav Maga tutorial. Is probably responsible of 12 crooks going blind this week.
Duke : How to not touch the bar early even if we know the guy won't get this rep.
Damian : Lightsaber tutorials are less suspicious than katana's one.
Harley and Selina : How to integrate gymnastic moves in professional life.
Talia : Teaching to stepchildren how to dance. Every dance. In every situation. In every country.
Alfred : Unexpected strength compilation.
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littlebugs · 1 year
lady ren
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summary: you're kylo ren's wife. the resistance thinks he's taking advantage of you, but little do they know... warnings: reader goes by she/her pronouns, short reader, major character death, no y/n use, reader was a jedi, kylo ren is a warning himself.
(my works are diverse to all races and ethnic backgrounds, as a mixed race girlie i feel yall's pain my fellow poc's)
a/n: i've been gone far to long, but i've discovered the beauty called kylo ren. also he looks so hot in that gif.... love dat emo space daddy.
When Rey first saw you, you were on Jakku. Surrounded by The Knights of Ren, you looked tiny, your arm latched onto Kylo's waist as he towered over you, looking brooding in his mask. You had vanished shortly after, but Rey had gotten a glance at you. Beautiful. Shiny hair, glowing skin. But not...evil. You didn't look like you belonged with the First Order. In fact, you gave off an aura somewhat like a Jedi.
Little did they know... you had been. You and Kylo were both trained under Luke Skywalker to become Jedi, and had become close friends, although Skywalker had tried to split you up. The darkness in Ben had slowly grown into you, and the night that Luke tried to kill him was the breaking point. You had ran and joined the First Order. At first you kept mostly to yourself. Following Ben- now Kylo, wherever he went. As he slowly gained respect in the First Order, and caught attention of Supreme Leader Snoke, so did you. You were both praised for leaving the Jedi, and soon people became afraid of Kylo... but they might as well have been more scared of you.
You were quiet, but you were also funny, even in the gravest of situations, which was somewhat disconcerting. Although you usually listened, rather than talked, when you did have something to say, everyone listened. Not to mention the fact that you bested some of the First Order's most prized soldiers. You were Kylo's closest confidant, his only friend, and the only one who could calm him down (especially when he decided to wreak havoc on some poor lab tech's control panel.)
It was no surprise when he asked for your hand in marriage, and you got engaged. Kylo wanted the wedding to be perfect, waiting to become officially married until you could both return to his home planet, Chandrila. But there was much to do before that.
Rey told Leia and Han of their son's mysterious mistress. The beautiful woman, standing in the heat of Jakku. Of course, they were shocked, at the mere thought of their son having... anyone. But intead of elation, as a mother might usually feel for a son, General Organa felt worry. She had no idea who this woman was, if her son was using her, or if it could be the other way around.
Han had been worried too. But it was his nature to be more curious. So when he first saw you, watching from a bridge above, guarded by two of The Knights of Ren, he had to wave, and you waved right on back. You tapped the ring on your finger and smiled, doing a little dance. But wherever you were, Kylo was always nearby, and as you watched Kylo storm onto the bridge to see his father, you grimaced and pointed at the flurry of darkness.
Rey and Finn watched you, perplexed, as to how someone could take the entire situation so lightly. "Who does she think she is?" Finn had asked, slightly annoyed. "I don't know" Rey replied simply, watching intently as Kylo approached his father, and you leaned over the railing slightly smiling.
Kylo turned back to look up at you, just before approaching his Han, and you audibly giggled. Rey had scoffed. Rey and Finn's eyes bounced between the scene unfolding before them, with you, talking quietly to the two knights, Ushar and Vircrul, and Kylo and Han, seemingly... rekindling?
And finally... Kylo took his helmet off. It dropped to the ground. He quickly looked at you, and you winked, biting your lip. Vircrul probably snorted (but he would never admit it.) And just as Kylo was about to shockingly give his lightsaber to his father...
Rey and Finn watched in horror as the lightsaber went through Hans. They were both frozen in shock, and looking up, expecting you to see the same. But you weren't terrified. You weren't even shocked. You simply smiled down on Kylo, and made your way down to see him. As Han's body fell of the bridge, you squealed in delight. You picked up Kylo's mask, rose up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the nose, and simply placed his helmet on his head again.
As Rey rushed to escape, followed by Chewie and Finn, she thought she couldn't have been more wrong about the Lady Ren.
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distortionbobble · 1 year
Royal Flowers Chapter 1
series masterlist
pairing: anakin skywalker x f! reader
summary: A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a certain Jedi by the name of Anakin Skywalker meets you, the current Queen of Naboo and adopted cousin of Padme Amidala, and is tasked with protecting you by pretending to marry you. As a spy, you’ve infiltrated the Separatist ranks and are close to finding out the mastermind behind all of it. The fate of the galaxy is in your hands. 
warnings: minors dni! ageless blogs dni! none this chapter but the series will have eventual smut, canon-level violence and just general warnings. 
a/n: hello hello hello! i’m working on creating more appropriately sized chapters and spacing things out but i’m so excited to work on this series. this series is based on a request from @breatheeagainnnn 
word count: 2.7k 
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Anakin Skywalker is lost.
The revelation comes to him when he is lost in the deep waters of his meditation, distanced from the buzzing matter of physical reality as he is swept by the currents of the Force. He drifts without anchor, each surge threatening to submerge him, to overwhelm him if he loses his control.
He seeks to control the Force. The Force seeks to control him. 
And the network of the universe ebbs and flows around him when the truth is drawn from his bones. It’s a presentation of three fragmented parts that unsettle Anakin right down to his soul. 
The first. He is afraid. He is the Chosen One, something he’s heard so much that it has lost its meaning. The Messiah lost the message. 
Bring balance to the Force. Bring balance to the Force. Bring balance to the Force.
He doesn’t know what that means anymore. And if he fails, what then? His fear of falling into the Darkness paradoxically increases the hold that it has on him. 
The second. He pines for what he cannot have. 
Padme Amidala is the breath in his lungs, reviving him with each heartbeat. But she couldn’t love him the way he loves her, telling him as much with just a hint of sadness on her graceful face. She shut him out and without her, he feels weaker. 
The third. Anakin is losing control. Obi-Wan can sense it too, because every training session is overshadowed by a sense of urgency. Every move is sloppier, more dangerous, and even in training, his desire to triumph is clouded by his desperation, as if winning would allow him to truly understand it all. 
And all of this culminates in him realizing that he is lost, without hope and without guidance, and nobody will understand. Obi-Wan could never understand, for he still sees Anakin as the child that he rescued so many years ago. Obi-Wan just doesn’t get him. Master Obi-Wan would do anything for his padawan, truly, but Anakin can’t bear the thought of burdening Obi-Wan with this. Besides, it would only reinforce Obi-Wan’s view that Anakin isn’t ready to be a Jedi Master. 
A knock on the door to his quarters startles him and he scrambles to get up as Master Obi-Wan opens the door. 
“Anakin, there’s someone here to meet us,” Obi-Wan says, frowning. Anakin runs a hand through his hair, sighing as he frantically pieces together an appearance of cool indifference. He’s a Jedi. He can’t feel rattled. The two Knights obscure their faces with their hoods and walk out of Anakin’s quarters. 
Anakin follows Obi-Wan to a room where a single figure stands hidden by a hooded cloak, surrounded by a number of handmaidens each adorning the same pinched, tight-lipped look. 
“Leave us,” a low voice says from under the cloak, and each of the handmaidens file out of the room without sparing even a single glance behind. Anakin reflexively reaches for his lightsaber, but then the figure steps into the beam of light streaming from the window and takes off the hood. And he lays eyes on you for the first time. 
You’re not nearly as beautiful as Padme, nobody is, but still, there’s something so mesmerizing about you. Motes of dust dance in Coruscant sunbeams around your head and it looks like a halo, makes you look holy, and he can’t stop himself from staring. He’s studying the details of your face, scanning, and it’s to a point that he can’t pretend it’s for threats. He almost forgets to breathe when you bow your head to him in respect, and he has to bow back. Anakin’s eyes are still transfixed on you when you begin to speak. 
“Master Kenobi, General Skywalker,” you begin, and the two Jedi push their hoods down. “I come to you in need of assistance. As you are aware, the current Queen of Naboo’s two terms are near their end. But what has been kept secret is that I’ve been chosen as her successor, which will be revealed to the citizens of Naboo in a fortnight.” You take a deep breath and smile weakly as Anakin and Obi-Wan mutter half-hearted congratulations. “What I need is protection.”
“So then why do you require our aid? I’m sure you’re aware that Naboo has its own governmental protective forces, and I’m unsure that they’d take the Jedi Council’s interference in their sovereignty kindly,” Anakin asks. He’s more guarded than he intends to come off, but the question holds still. You don’t appear to be a fool, so there must be more depth to the matter. At his questioning, your eyes flit briefly towards the door before you step closer to the Jedi, toying with the front of your robes as nervousness overtakes you. 
“I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m much older than the usual elected Queen, and it is not by coincidence,” you murmur. “I did not get here alone. Under the command of Senator Amidala, I’ve spent the past couple years infiltrating the Naboo separatists. They manipulated the selections such that I would become Queen.” At the mention of Padme, Anakin bites back a sigh and forces himself to pay attention to your words. 
“That is very dangerous,” Obi-Wan says, rubbing his hand over his beard. “I assume you’ve been relaying your findings to the Senator thus far?” 
You nod sharply in response. 
“I see. The Council—“ Obi-Wan begins, but you shake your head frantically and grasp him and Anakin by the robes, pulling them closer to you. 
“No. Not the Council. I do not know who I can trust. There are Separatist spies everywhere. My handmaidens, for example, are all Separatist spies who don’t trust me because Padme is my cousin. While I don’t doubt the integrity of the Jedi Masters, I fear putting them in danger if my operative fails, or if word gets out.” You’re frantic but quiet, and constantly checking at the door to see if any of your wardens have overheard your betrayal.
“And yet you trust us,” Anakin rebuts. He doesn’t trust you, not one bit; how could he ever trust a spy? If you’re so willing to lie, even if it is to the Separatists, how can he be sure that you’re not lying to him? 
“Padme told me that I could trust you. She said to give you this,” you say, shoving your hand into your pockets to produce a necklace, which Anakin recognizes immediately. It’s one he knows all too well, as it’s the necklace he’d gifted Padme before he had even joined the Order. And he decides that if nothing else, you are honest about Padme. And that’s all that matters to him. The part of him that still burns for her overtakes him and he knows that he can’t let her down. 
“I’ll do it,” Anakin says. Obi-Wan glances warningly in his direction, but there’s a certain resignation and relief in Obi-Wan’s posture. Anakin hasn’t taken this kind of initiative in a long time, and Obi-Wan was beginning to grow concerned that all hope for the Chosen One was lost. 
“Alright, the matter is,” Obi-Wan pauses mid-sentence, looking at Anakin’s determination, “settled. We will aid you in your transition away from the Separatist group and expose their interference.” 
”You have misunderstood me, Master Kenobi,” you whisper, voice hush with urgency. “I’m so close to finding out the identities, locations, of key leaders. There are Sith Lords that are regularly hologrammed into our meetings. Should I be tasked with something significant as the Queen, Darth Sidious has already alerted me that I will be tasked with the assignment in his presence.” 
Obi-Wan begins to respond to you, but Anakin cuts him off. “If you have a plan, why don’t you tell us already?” He’s frustrated by your impatience. Maybe Obi-Wan was right about politicians. You glance at him, annoyed. 
“I was getting to it, General Skywalker. As I was saying, this mission is imperative and it is essential to the fate of the Republic and thus, the galaxy, that I am not put in harm’s way before I am able to succeed in exposing the identities of key Separatist forces. I cannot trust the guards provided by the Naboo government, as I don’t know who is a Separatist plant. So—“
“So you need our protection to… what? Kill the spies? And how would that work if Naboo has its own protection for you? I highly doubt they’d take the involvement of the Jedi Council kindly,” Anakin says sharply. You nod at his rapid-fire questioning, unfazed. 
“Something like that. I need to make sure that any communications I have and discoveries I have are protected, and if anyone finds out, that they’re eliminated before they can eliminate me. So not necessarily kill the spies, but I need actual protection, and I need someone that I know I can trust. And…” you trail off and step back, toying with the hem of your sleeves as you sigh. 
“What is it, milady?” Obi-Wan asks you gently. You press your hands to your neck and look up at Anakin. 
“The way I see it, there’s two things we can do. General Skywalker, I understand that as a Jedi Knight, you have a padawan yourself. Ahsoka, correct? We could have her—” 
“No,” Anakin interrupts quickly. “Ahsoka’s far too young, and while I believe that she will grow to be a very competent and powerful Jedi, now is not the time to thrust her headfirst into a mission alone.” You nod at the Jedi’s assessment. 
“Of course, General. We’re thus presented with the second plan. I am, as Queen, permitted to have a husband. I’ve been building the identity of a lover in my life, and while there is none, this leaves me room to marry without suspicion in the eyes of the Separatists.” You take another deep breath and look at both Anakin and Obi-Wan, shoulders tensed. “If I marry either you or Anakin, then I’ll be able to have you in my chambers regularly, privately.” 
“And you’re certain it must be us?” Obi-Wan asks. You nod quickly, sharply. 
“I can’t trust anyone but the two of you,” you whisper. Obi-Wan nods at your words, then bows his head. Anakin follows suit. 
“Thank you, milady. We’ll meet you at midnight, in the gardens, to settle the matter.” Obi-Wan and Anakin hide under their robes once more, being even more careful to disguise themselves as you call out loudly for the handmaidens to return. 
The hours pass quickly, and you soon find yourself in the cover of the night’s darkness. Sleep eludes you tonight, and you are filled with restlessness. Your handmaidens have retired, sleeping outside of your bedchamber to ensure that you don’t leave. But they fortunately didn’t notice the ledge that goes from underneath the bedroom window to the bridge connecting the guest quarters to the Temple. 
The air in the room feels stale and suffocating as you toss and turn, counting down the minutes until your meeting with the Jedi. Your heart thumps torturously in its cage before you abandon your futile attempt to chase sleep. You find yourself at the window, sliding it open quietly as the breeze rushes in to kiss your face. Coruscant is beautiful and silent at this time of night, with only the whispers of distant sounds of the city blowing past you. 
The building ledge meets your bare feet when you slide over the window, and the distance from you to the ground is dizzying. Your palms and feet begin to feel slippery from sweat as your thoughts begin to spiral, fear of falling weakening you. You force yourself to shuffle closer to the bridge, focusing on controlling your movement as you do. 
And yet somehow, it’s all so freeing from this far up. No restrictions, no eyes on you, and all the troubles in the galaxy seem so small at this height. You could fall. Or you could keep going. The fear wasn’t what mattered, what mattered was that you were here and alone and it felt safer than you have felt in years. 
You force yourself to keep moving, ignoring the sweat gathering at the nape of your neck. Once you reach the bridge, you quickly jump onto it and hurry towards the gardens. 
The moons make the night soft with their hazy light. You swear that the temple seems so much more powerful in this light, with fewer Jedi wandering the grounds. They spare you a glance when you run past, your nightgown fluttering behind you. 
General Skywalker is the first thing you notice when you reach the garden, twirling a flower in his hands. It looks almost out of place with him, delicateness contrasting the strength of his hands. You get the feeling that he knows you’re there, despite the quietness of your arrival and the fact that you’ve been almost holding your breath as you watch him.  
“It won’t be a real marriage, you know. I love Padme, and I’ll love her til I die.” Ah, yes. Padme had warned you about this— about the intensity of his affection. Anakin Skywalker is not a man who works in subtleties. You hold back a scoff at his arrogance, choosing instead to clasp your hands in front of your nightgown and nod. 
“I don’t ask for your affection, General. Nor your companionship. I would, however, like for us to be allies.” The light of the planet’s four moons is muted in the garden, distorted by the thick layer of clouds and it makes the moment feel private. But you’ve been a double agent for long enough to know that there are always ears and eyes. You hold your tongue in fear of revealing something that could expose your mission just to get General Skywalker’s favor. 
General Skywalker clenches his jaw and drops the flower, studying you before nodding quietly. The flower is crushed under his boot as he stalks towards you. 
“But-” Your breath catches in your throat as you look into his eyes because he’s… pretty. You hadn’t thought of it before now, but as the moons’ lights fall so gently onto him, he seems ethereal. “But you will have to fake your affection, General. If you are unable to do that, I will respect that, but I’m afraid that would mean that you wouldn’t be suited for this mission.” 
“Padme recommended me for this mission, didn’t she?” General Skywalker asks you quietly, and you bite back a sigh at his obsession but find yourself nodding, albeit hesitantly. “Then the matter is settled, milady.” He leans in towards you, and you are lost in his eyes. 
“The matter is far from settled,” Master Kenobi’s sharp voice cuts through. You step back from Anakin, pressing your hand gently on your collarbone as your heart pounds against your ribcage. Your ears ring with embarrassment at the closeness that the Jedi Master had found you two in. 
“Agreed, Master Kenobi. I propose that General Skywalker join me within a month’s time on the planet. We will rendezvous somewhere we’ll be caught, publicly but also by my handmaidens.” 
“Force their hands,” Master Kenobi says, rubbing his jaw with the pads of his fingers as he thinks through the details of your plan. 
“I take issue with one large part, milady,” General Skywalker objects. He looks irritated, as he mostly has within the short time that you’ve interacted with him. Is this how he is as a lover? If so, no wonder Padme left him. 
Master Kenobi sighs aggravatedly and waves at the General, urging him to continue. “Padawan, I’d like to finish this conversation before the sun rises.” 
“I’ve got the feeling that it’ll do more than raise a few eyebrows if the Queen suddenly gets a new husband, all while one of the Jedi Knights and padawan to one of the greatest masters is… what, on a mission?” 
You smile grimly at his question. 
“There’s an easy answer to that question, General.” General Skywalker narrows his eyes at you in suspicion. “You’ll have to fake your death.” 
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writingfandomfeels · 7 months
Anakin Skywalker - Drunken Doppelganger Discovery
Summary: You're drunkenly rambling to a stranger that you don't realize is THEE Anakin Skywalker, and he makes sure you get home safely. Timeline is roughly Clone Wars ish.
Word count: 965
Content Warnings: Drinking, briefly one creepy guy
The heavy beat of the music in the club pulsed through your body as you danced. Lights of every color flashed in time to the rhythm, accentuating the movements of the other dancers around you. Their silhouettes swirled in your vision, no face ever clear enough to see, just a blur of dark then colorfully bright then dark again.
Realizing that your glass was now empty, you turned to make your way back to the bar. Your destination in sight, it took all of your focus to concentrate on successfully walking toward it. Your body swayed as if on a ship at sea, but you simply leaned into it, letting the feeling make you giggle in amusement.
You plunked yourself down on a stool, waiting for the bartender, who looked like a walking booger. He seemed to be too occupied filling the multiple orders of others to notice you, so you decided to get comfortable and get to know the person seated next to you. You turned to your left to look at him and were immediately struck by his luscious long curls and chiseled jaw.
“Holy shit, you’re hot.” You say, not entirely sure if it was out loud or in your head as you had intended it.
The blond man turned to look at you, clearly taken aback at your comment. The slight curve of a smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he considered if you really just said that to him.
You looked him over, taking in his leather outfit now too. “Hey you know who you look like? Oh what’s his name- that, that jedi… uhh… Anakin Skywalker!” You said, pointing to him, thinking how uncanny the resemblance was. You then turned back to locate the bartender. “Hottest jedi in the galaxy.” Finding that the bartender was now pouring a long line of shots, you turned your attention back to your neighbor. “You know I always thought the jedi were just born old. You know? Like it just feels like they’re always just a bunch of old men. Old religious men I suppose. Yeah, not normally my cup of tea but that Skywalker?” You laughed, “Pretty sure anybody would take a cup of that.” You began waving at the bartender, trying to get his attention, but nevertheless continuing your drunken rambling. “You know I heard they can’t get laid. The jedi.” You clarified. “But if you ask me, I think that’s just because a bunch of old men were pissed that a hottie like Anakin fucking Skywalker could just come along and not only steal their thunder with being better than them at their woo woo force shit and their voom voom lightsabers,” you said, gesturing with your hands for emphasis “but he also literally could get anybody he wanted.”
By now that slight smirk had turned into a hardly contained grin of amusement. You didn’t notice though as you finally locked eyes with the booger bartender and he made his way over to you.
“Finally.” You complained.
Anakin’s gaze darted from you to the bartender and back.
As he arrived, you started your order, “I’ll get a-”
“You just want water.” Anakin cut you off, waving his hand.
“I just want water.” You said to the bartender, who obliged.
You drank from the glass, thirstier than you’d thought. The ice tingled your lips and cooled you as you swallowed. You blinked a moment, staring into the glass and wondering how you ended up with water instead of the cocktail you’d craved earlier.
“You’re going to go home now.” The voice to your left said.
You thought of your home and how comfy your bed would be right about now. “I’m going to go home now.” You said, imagining your soft pillows, feeling like there was nothing in the world you wanted more right now. You stood, approaching the exit.
“I’ll come too,” a nearby Devaronian growled, eyeing you in a predatory way as he went to follow you.
Anakin jumped from his seat, stepping in front of the Devaronian. “No, you’re not.” He stared threateningly, flashing the hilt of his lightsaber.
The Devaronian grumbled and walked off.
Deciding he needed to ensure your safety now, Anakin exited the club to find you. Luckily, you hadn’t made it too far as he found you sitting slumped on the curb, pouting.
“I thought you were going home?” He asked.
“I can’t.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because my shoe is broke.” You held up the broken heel to him. “Now I can’t walk anywhere.” You let out a dramatic sigh. “I guess I’ll just have to stay here forever. I live here now. This is my home.”
A moment passed as you stared sadly at your broken shoe, and Anakin stared at you. Seeing no other alternative, he scooped you up into his arms and began carrying you down the street. 
“Where do you live?” He asked. 
You smiled, pleasantly surprised to be held in such muscular arms, you almost forgot to answer his question. 
“Oh, just past the mini mart.” 
He gave a nod, confirming he knew where that was.
You stared a moment longer at your hero’s face. “I like you.” You said, playfully poking his nose with your index finger. “You saved me from shoes. Maybe you don’t save the galaxy like your look-alike but you’re still nice.” You let your head lean back against him and closed your eyes, beginning to feel very sleepy. “And pretty. Very pretty.” You added.
His chest moved against you as he softly chuckled. 
“Mmmm,” you hummed, trying so hard to fight off the oncoming sleep, “what’d you say your name was?”
“I didn’t.”
As the sleep began to take hold of you, you hardly heard the last thing he said. 
“It’s Anakin.” 
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oceansssblue · 2 months
*barges into your askbox, breaking down the door*
may i request a jedi fem!reader x tech where they are on a mission together after some time, and they get separated from the rest of the group. she fights very well against some opponents but ends up getting just a bit bloody and hurt, mostly due to an aggressive fighting style, that of a warrior. tech notices all the new scars n stuff on her face and forearms and is worried. she insists she's fine and tries to brush it off, even though she doesnt like them and makes her less of a jedi and more of a warrior. he comforts her telling her things like your a great general and you don't have to follow the code perfectly to still be a good jedi. so basically first kiss fluff and comfort, a bit of angst.
sorry it was so long! have a great day/night
I love Tech soo muchhhh 🥹 This was a cute idea, so here it is! Hope you like it.
Next request will feature Commander Mayday I think!
Stay tunned,
WARNINGS: Blood, scars. A sprinkle of angst but mostly fluff and comfort 📩💔💖
"I'll distract them!" your voice shouts loud and clear through the batch's coms frequency.
Tech frowns, dodging a shot and quickly neutralising the droid responsible for it.
"General..." he begins, clearly not happy with the offer, but you cut him of quickly.
"That's an order" you almost bark back to him.
You don't mean to be mean or harsh. But you're in the middle of a battle, there's lifes on danger, and though you know Tech's worried about you, you can't let that distract you. You need to distract your enemies so the Batch can get to their base; so they can get the information needed. Information that will save hundreds of lifes and will be valuable to the Republic. You know Tech will probably have a list of the things that could go wrong with you getting separated from them in his mind; but it's your choice, ultimately. If you die, so be it. You'd do it honorably.
Tech clenches his jaw.
"Yes, General".
You run away, jumping over dozens of droids and never slowing down, your orange lightsaber dancing through their lines, a blur of light in the almost darkness of the arriving night. While you atract the majority of their troops and pull them far away, the Batch advances. You hope you can hold them off til they get what you need.
Time passes, and your enemies seem to close around you. Droids are not the main problem; the natives of Garsa are, riding big felines with sharp teeth that painfully closes around your arms and legs more than once. One of the predators catches your ankle and pulls, dragging you through the dirt; and you can't help the furious, painful scream that leaves your mouth, twisting around quickly and stabbing your lightsaber through his own open mouth. The animal screeches and dies.
When you hear Hunter's voice through your coms again, half an hour later, you're on the verge of falling unconscious. You can barely fight much longer; energy drained even with your extensive Jedi training. You feel blood all over you, mixing with the dirt of the ground you've been rolling in. It tingles painfully, all the open wounds on your body; specially the deep scratches on your face, that tugs with every facial expression and movement.
You must be quite the sight, because when the Batch comes near you, Tech suddenly halts upon seeing you. A second later, they're all standing around you, helping you to get rid of the last enemies and giving you cover while you start your hurried way back to the Marauder.
Once you're safely flying away on the ship, you collapse down onto the floor. Wrecker grabs you before you can really slam down onto it; lowering you gently. Your mind feels dizzy with exhaustion; and you've almost fallen asleep in place when Tech kneels besides you, route already established and on automatic pilot.
His fingers carefully brush your hair away; chocolate brown eyes studying you worriedly.
"Let's get you cleaned up and fixed, General" he whispers, putting your arm over his shoulders and tugging you up to a stand with him.
You grunt in pain and lean most of your weight against him.
"Don't know if I can stay up and conscious through a shower" you mumble tiredly.
Tech starts a slow, careful walk towards the bathroom. The rest of the Batch scatters throughout the ship, tending to their own wounds and exhaustion.
"That is okay" Tech answers, unbothered. "You could stay with your underware on and I could assist you with that, if you would be comfortable with such situation".
You glance at him and inevitably smile. His cheeks are slightly flushed, though he's trying to keep his voice and posture as professional as possible. You know it's a weird situation, and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Maybe you would be with Hunter or Wrecker or Cross. But you've always felt safe and at ease with Tech specially; and it would be just one soldier helping another. Of sorts.
" 'M okay with that" you give him your permission, and Tech nods quietly.
Once in the bathroom, you hold yourself with a hand against the wall and slowly pull your clothes of. Tech intently stares down at the floor; only risking a quick glance upwards when you let out a small whimper of pain. Your pant's are abandoned on the floor; but your bloody shirt is stuck to a wound on your stomach, and just touching the material of the shirt makes your wound burn.
"Let me" Tech asks, gently, and you push your hands over your head, staying as still as possible while he carefully separates the shirt from your skin and pulls it off of your body.
You sigh in relief and thank him before wobbling into the shower. Tech's hand stabilises you; and he makes sure to catch you whenever you stumble a bit too much for his comfort. You get rid of the dirt and blood, being specially carefull with your injuries; and then gently dry your skin with a towel.
Tech takes a step back –dropplets of water running down his still in place armour–, eyes glancing down at the floor again. You smile with his consideration of your privacy; though the smile dissapears from your face when you take a look at the small mirror in front of you.
The wounds are deep, and they will scar. One crosses over your nose, another cuts vertically through your left eyebrow, and two other big ones slashes your right cheek. Smaller ones go over your lip, though you think those will heal nicely. You open your towel and glance down, analysing. There's more across your body. You...
"Don't look like a jedi" you unconsciously mumble out loud. "More like a warrior".
Tech's eyes meet yours through the reflection of the mirror. He frowns, and you fake a smile while you pull yourself out of your thoughts. You hide under the towel.
"I'm fine".
It's obviously a lie; and Tech has always been intelligent.
His hands hesitantly land on your shoulders; thumbs caressing slowly.
"You're a great general" he tells you, gentle. "This was a suicide mission, and yet we all made it out fairly well, considering the circumstances. You don't have to follow the code perfectly to be a good Jedi. Jedi's use the Force to help people, to bring peace to the galaxy. Isn't that what you do everyday?"
His words make your heart ache. Your eyes fill with tears.
Yeah, you do. Maybe he's right. Maybe you don't have to follow the code literally step by step. Maybe what you're doing is enough. You're only human, after all.
You turn towards Tech. He's tall, and handsome, and polite and gentle, intelligent and caring. You've always liked him. Always felt something towards him, even if you've tried to burry it inside your soul.
Maybe... Your hands tremble as they make their way up to his face; carefully cupping his cheeks. Tech blushes, but he doesn't glance or move away. He's still, breathing heavier, eyes fixed on yours, waiting expectantly. His hands slowly travel down your back to your hips; his back curves down to close the distance between your lips.
You cling to his shoulders, stand on your tiptoes, and kiss him. Your eyes close with a relieved sigh, and you can feel him first tensing, then relaxing, into the kiss too. His lips are soft and his movements meassured and gentle; kissing you like you're the most important thing in the galaxy. You feel warm and safe. Excited and in peace at the same time.
When you separate in order to breathe, he caresses your cheek in wonder and presses his forehead against yours with a happy sigh.
Yeah. Maybe it is okay.
Yoooo I'm on fire everybody! Writing nonestop requests for yall!
Still got a few to go (another Tech, Mayday, Wolffe, Hunter, some non romantic ones...). Be patient, I will get there.
Think this one turned out well.
Stay tunned!
Back to my general masterlist here:
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radiantvader · 5 days
A Path to Sith - Part 1
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— WARNINGS: angst, profanity — WORD COUNT: 1.7k (for now) — PAIRING: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader — a/n: this is my first mini series, I hope you guys will like it c:
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The room was dimly lit—a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within its walls. Shadows danced along the stone floors, cast by the flickering glow of a single candle. The air was heavy with the scent of old parchment and the faint, metallic tang of the lightsabers that hung silently in the corner. It was a place of refuge, a hidden sanctuary where secrets were spoken and hearts laid bare.
The young Padawan moved restlessly across the space, her footsteps muted by the thick, woven rugs that covered the cold stone. Her slender frame was silhouetted against the faint light filtering through the small, high window, a window that offered a narrow view of the sprawling Coruscant skyline. She was a figure of quiet strength, her posture rigid, her gaze fixed on the horizon as if seeking answers in the endless expanse of skyscrapers. She gnawed at her nails, a nervous habit she had never managed to break. The wind whispered through the open window, carrying with it the promise of a cooler night. But inside, the atmosphere was anything but cool; it was charged with the electricity of emotions too potent to be contained.
Her mind was a whirlpool of emotions, a tempest of fear, longing, and determination. Each step she took seemed to echo her inner conflict, the sound reverberating off the walls of the small, confined room. The room itself felt like a metaphor for her life within the Jedi Order—restrictive, controlled, devoid of the warmth she so desperately craved.
Anakin sat on the edge of a low, worn-out sofa, his posture tense, muscles coiled as if ready to spring into action. His brow was furrowed in deep concentration, eyes following her every movement with concern, tracing the lines of her form, the set of her shoulders, the curve of her neck. He could see the tension in every muscle, the resolve hardening her features. The soft hum of the city outside seemed distant, almost otherworldly, as if the room existed in a different plane where only their struggle mattered.
Anakin's thoughts were a chaotic swirl of love and duty, longing and fear. He felt the weight of his commitment to the Jedi Order, the unyielding expectations of the Council pressing down on him. Yet, in her presence, all those obligations seemed to pale in comparison to the intensity of his feelings for her.
The silence between them was thick, almost palpable, broken only by the soft sounds of her pacing. Anakin's heart pounded in his chest, the weight of unspoken words pressing down on him. He had sensed this coming, the gradual erosion of resolve, the growing chasm between duty and desire. But now that it was here, the reality of it struck him with a force he wasn't prepared for.
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, she stopped, turning to face him, her eyes reflecting the turmoil within her. She took a deep breath, her eyes darting between the window and the door as if expecting someone to burst in at any moment, the decision she had wrestled with for so long ready to spill forth. The room seemed to hold its breath, the stillness amplifying the intensity of the moment.
"Anakin," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pretending that what we feel doesn't matter. I'm leaving the Order."
Her words hung in the air, a declaration that shattered the fragile equilibrium they had tried so hard to maintain. Anakin's eyes widened, and he sat up quickly, his worry etched deeply into his features. He knew the implications of her decision, the dangers that lay ahead, and the near-impossibility of what she was proposing.
"You can't just leave," he replied, his voice strained with urgency and fear. "You would be a target, hunted by the Council for desertion and betrayal. Even if you were to somehow evade them, you'd be living in a constant state of fear and tension."
He could see the devastation in her eyes, the desperation and longing that mirrored his own. The conflict within him was a storm, the fierce battle between his love for her and his duty to the Order. Yet, despite his fears, a part of him was tempted by the idea of leaving, of grasping at the life they yearned for together.
"I understand your pain," he continued softly, "this constant longing for something that— as much as we wish otherwise— cannot be. But know that I will always love you. If the time comes and the Council learns the truth, then perhaps, we can make our escape. But until then, let us cherish these stolen moments, for they are all we have."
Anakin's voice faltered, the uncertainty of their future weighing heavily on him. He moved towards her, his gaze softening as he reached out to pull her closer. The contact was a lifeline, a desperate attempt to hold onto the love they shared, even as the reality of their situation loomed large, an ever-present shadow over their lives.
"Please," he whispered, "let us wait. Let us continue to make the most of these fleeting moments."
But she pulled away, crossing to the other side of the room. She looked out the window, her back to him, her resolve hardening with each passing second.
"Anakin," she said, her voice steady and resolute, "I can't keep living like this. I refuse to be a secret any longer, to hide what we are. Tomorrow at dawn, I'm leaving. Come with me or don't. But this is goodbye to the Order, one way or another."
Her voice was firm, unyielding, and it struck Anakin like a blow. His steps faltered, the distance she imposed not enough to dull the impact of her words. He turned back, the conflict in his eyes evident.
"I'm bound by this path. I cannot go against the Council. Even if I wanted to, I'm afraid my duty to the Order would hold me back. My love for you is no less than what it was when we first met, but it is intertwined with my responsibilities."
Anakin's heart ached with the truth of his words, the vicious cycle of duty and desire reaching its gruelling climax, tearing him apart. He looked at her, his eyes pleading for her to reconsider.
The girl’s eyes blazed with intensity as her voice rose. She swiftly turned to face Anakin, her expression fierce. "You really trust the Council? The same Council that’s been manipulating you from the start?" she said. "Don't pretend you haven't noticed. They never trusted you, Anakin. They didn’t even want you at first, thinking that you were ‘too old’ and sensing the 'darkness' in you. They only took you in to honor Master Qui-Gon Jinn. They’ve been manipulating you, making you rely on them."
She took a step closer, her voice gaining strength. "Look at yourself. Wake up! They’ve been keeping things from you, excluding you from meetings. They even asked you to spy on the Chancellor. That’s not the Jedi way, but they didn’t care because it benefited them. And yet they say attachment is dangerous? You're being exploited. Anakin, deep down, you know it, but your loyalty to them makes you question yourself."
Anakin stared at her, his expression shifting between shock and understanding. "You could be right about the Council... I..." His voice trailed off, admitting to himself something he'd long refused to face. "But the Council is all I've ever known, all I've ever wanted. And...how can I trust what you say? It could all be a ploy by the Sith, meant to sow discord and destruction."
His loyalty to the Jedi Order still weighed heavily on him, a fortress he was reluctant to tear down despite its crumbling foundation. "I cannot simply abandon the Order and the teachings that have guided me. To do so would betray not just you but all the Jedi who've dedicated their lives to the Force. I'm caught in their web— bound by my oaths. I need proof, solid evidence of their corruption. Until then, how can I trust that you aren't part of the Council's manipulation, a beautiful trap to throw my life into chaos?"
Anakin's heart ached, his arms wrapped around the weight of the conflicting emotions that threatened to tear him apart. He desperately wanted to believe her, to cast off the shackles that bound him to a world he was beginning to question. But fear and loyalty, forged in the fires of a lifetime's commitment, clung tenaciously to him. Leaving the Order was not an option he was willing to entertain without solid evidence, even if doing so meant losing the love that was his very lifeblood.
Her breath hitched and the world seemed to stop as Anakin's words echoed in her mind. "And...how can I trust what you say?" "How can I trust that you aren't part of the Council's manipulation?" She froze, her face becoming an unreadable mask. Her eyes turned cold as she looked at Anakin. "Congratulations, Skywalker. You just lost the one person who loves you and hasn't manipulated you." Her voice was ice-cold. She walked out of the room, each step feeling like a stab in the heart. She knew Anakin would realize the Council's corruption eventually, but by then, it would be too late.
Anakin watched her swift departure, her chilling words gnawing at his very soul. In that moment, he felt the true weight of his words, the cruel irony of pushing away the love of his life for the very institution he was beginning to doubt.
"Wait," he called out hastily, injudiciousness driving him to pursue her. But the sound of her retreating footsteps echoed through the halls, leaving him alone with mounting regrets.
He sank to the floor, replaying the scene in his mind, each syllable of her parting words cutting deeper. Her accusations about the Council now rang louder than ever, but he had dismissed them, blinded by loyalty and fear. Anakin had lost the one person who truly saw him, and with her, a glimmer of hope.
The dawn would break soon, and she would be gone. He could only stand, a forsaken figure, as the sun rose on a new day, one bereft of the warmth he'd once found in her embrace. His world had fractured that day, an irreparable breach created by the shards of their forbidden love, now extinguished like a flame doused in the icy waters of reality.
@servingcuntforhayden this one was for you 🤭
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frostbitebakery · 8 months
a Gooey-Wan story
Cody stares at the tableau in front of him.
Palpatine’s body has gone cold and kind of more shrivel-y, still in that terror-filled, agonized fetal position.
A mouse droid steadily bumps into the corpse as it cleanses up nightmare sludge residue. The usual wails of eternal torment and stalking mimic of the hunted under the whirring of the little droid are almost a comfort.
The galaxy is saved from a madman’s nightmare visions by his own, custom-tailored nightmares in between a lot of impressive lightsaber acrobatics and surprisingly few dismemberments, considering.
“Huh,” Fox says next to him and takes a sip from his “Second Best Commander in the GAR” mug that Cody had helpfully corrected and improved.
“There were,” Obi-Wan pauses, visibly ruminating on his next words, “a surprising amount of tookas involved in the dreams. And those little… do you recall those little fluffy critters we encountered on Therenx VI?”
“Huh,” Cody echoes. He does remember the small bear-like animals. Mainly because they tended to shoot lightning out of their fuzzy little bellies unprovoked. Perma-banning them from the Negotiator after singed eyebrows and electrocuted equipment had involved a lot of tears and attempts at mutiny secretly sponsored by Cody’s General.
“So,” Fox drawls out, “that’s it?”
General Windu frowns. “With the reveal, there are certainly more issues to be resolved. But for the moment? Yes, it seems so.”
“‘Kay. I’m going on vacation. Toodles.” And with that Cody watches Fox go away with a careless gesture.
Cody waves after him before he realizes what he’s doing. He shakes his head and turns back. “You okay?”
The pulsing, thick smoke is slowly absorbed back into the heavy cloak. Obi-Wan is flickering once in a while, the sclera of his eyes a black hole for the stars in his pupils. He drags a hand through his hair but the stubborn strands just fall back across his forehead. “That was quite the outing,” he says cheerfully. “Never did like Taungsdays very much.”
Cody raises his eyebrows, still waiting for an answer. He doesn’t do anything to suppress or hide the smile tugging insistently on his lips.
“Frankly, I could do with a cup,” Obi-Wan admits and cracks his back with a satisfied groan that does it for Cody very much. “I do feel a bit matte.” He tilts his head back a bit, strange, beautiful eyes seeming to stare into the galaxy’s matter itself. The black tongue laps at his lips, quick and away. “And very full. The Chancellor’s dreams provided indeed.”
The sing-song voice is back and Cody shivers despite himself. It’s…unnerving. The one thing that makes the hair rise on Cody’s arms. That tells his hindbrain that there’s nowhere he can hide, nowhere he can crawl into, nowhere to turn to, because what is looking for him can find him in ways beyond his control.
Obi-Wan shakes his head, black bleeding out of his eyes, and leans forward on his knees with another long groan. “I want a nap.”
General Windu shakes his head with a fond look, and leads him away from the body with a steady hand sinking into a smoky shoulder. “Master Mundi is bringing some trusted Senators here.”
“Very well,” Obi-Wan nods and looks at Cody. “Commander,” he starts and Cody straightens instinctively as he receives the last orders from his General.
“Force, this is exactly what I needed,” Cody hears around the entry to the small kitchen. He takes his mug back to the living quarters and drowns in the sofa cushions next to Obi-Wan.
Nightmare sludge is happily sopping into the bowl placed under black clawed hands.
“Feel better?” Cody asks, sipping from freshly brewed caf made from real beans. The luxury feels endless. Smoke gently curls in between his fingers, dancing and playing around when he wiggles his hand.
With a mischievous smile Obi-Wan turns his head to him, burrows into his side. “Hmhm, that shower was rejuvenating.”
Cody has to agree. Feeling the grime and battle and literal nightmares washing off his skin, Obi-Wan’s skin, under hot water and hotter breath, the calming smell of the soap steaming against the tiles - it feels like a happy ending like in the holo movies.
“How are you?” Obi-Wan asks, shaking nightmares off one hand into the bowl.
“You know,” Cody tips his head against ginger hair and closes his eyes, “I feel really good.”
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for @deathdovesong
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