#and Depa explaining that her padawan worked really hard to figure out what kind of movements would immitate the clones the best
my-star-war-sblog · 10 months
I CAN'T be the only one that thinks the way lightsabers look when the Jedi swing them through the air looks really beautiful, so hear me out.
Lightsaber dances.
It's a century old tradition in the Jedi order, and a popular hobby for the younger members of the order.
The dances involve either moving your lightsaber in specific ways to make forms and visual tricks with the saber. The movements themselves are based off (if they aren't already) acctual fighting techniques.
The tradition has multible functions. For one, it's orcourse the fun factor for everyone. The Jedi doing the dance and the people watching them. Lightsaber dances are also often used to teach the younglings the basics of lightsaber fighting in a fun and active way. And even for older Jedi it still serves as a nice and light training in terms of concentration and swift movement since you gotta be aware of your blade at all times inorder to produce the best visuals.
If you do them with a partner they serve as great exercise for getting intune with the other since broth parties have to look after the other and themselves to not bumb into eachother or mess up the steps as they perform.
And last but not least, they also serve as a sort of rememberance and honoring ritual. Jedi incorporate and mimic fighting stances and attacks of those they either wish to honor or remember into dances and perform them for those they made them for.
Since usually it takes a lot of concentration to do these dances it's a way of saying "look, I did all this because I deeply respect you. And I also build in movements like yours to show that I pay attention to you and care about you."
Some lineages even have their own dances, each generation adding their own move to it. Each Jedi takes pride in being able to show the history of their lineage. It also serves as a connection between the generations at the temple.
Each padawan learning their lineage dance and adding to it can say that he made this with Jedi long before them and will have made it with Jedi long after them too.
Then when the war starts and Jedi start to form close bonds with the clones, it's only natural they add them in the dances.
Ofcourse there are no lightsaber stances or techniques the Jedi can mimic to put into their dances. So they do their best to mimic the movements of clones when their fire or advance.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
Future Past
10 BBY
“Children are not taken from their families, Luke,” Ben explained patiently. Luke didn’t exactly remember how the conversation came up, really, but he didn’t mind where it was going. He loved hearing about the Jedi. It just made him more determined to become one himself, or, at least, as much as he could with the absence of the Order. They were on a planet side of fields of grass and an abundance of flowers and hadn’t been attacked in weeks. Using that calm time to visit a place, to relax on a planet they had settled down to pick flowers, meditate and talk. Luke loved it when they could just sit and meditate and talk. “They are adopted. If a Finder or Seeker does happen to find a child, they may ask for custody, explaining why and the like. More often than not, however, there were plenty of children given to the Jedi.”
“Why would parents give their kids away?” Luke asked, curiously, looking up at him with his head shifted to the side as he plucked a few blades of grass. Ben’s smile was so warm and nice, and he always had good feelings to send towards Luke and Luke always caught them whole-heartedly. “Don’t they love them?”
“They do, I imagine,” he agreed with a small nod as he bunched up a few of the smaller flowers with longer stems into a bouquet. “But being a parent is a bit about doing what you think is right for your child, even if it hurts. Many times, force sensitives can have a hard time with control without the proper training. Children like this are better raised in an environment with other force sensitives. Especially as a child, they can lash out when having intense emotions, sometimes even accidently hurting those around them.”
“Oh,” Luke sat back and glanced at his hands, studying them closely. He wondered, passively, if couldn’t really be a good jedi or if he would lash out because he wasn’t around more like him. Maybe Ben was enough? He would be enough, Luke determined stubbornly. Luke wouldn’t lose control; he would grow up strong and kind and good. “What about…if they don’t have any parents? Or…or if their parents don’t want them?”
“If they do not have parents, the Jedi will try to find any remaining family for their permission,” Ben continued, wrapping a long strong blade of grass around the stems of the flowers he had taken. “If there is none, a petition can be made to adopt the child. Sometimes a jedi may technically take a child if they are being endangered or the parent tries to harm them. A jedi will do that in any case, even if the child is not force sensitive.”
“Like me, when Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru were…gone,” Luke pointed out, fiddling with his fingers, unable to meet his teacher’s gaze. He picked up a few of the flowers that he himself had picked and put them in a pile, carefully placing the stems away from the petals. They were beautiful, he thought, with so many colors and so soft to touch. “And you took me away.”
Ben nodded, although a bit sad, like the prospect of having to take Luke away was sad. It was a little, Luke thought. He did miss Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, sometimes he wished they were with him. But he was also glad he was with Ben. Being with Ben was better in some ways, learning how to control his feelings and abilities. He didn’t have nearly as many accidents anymore. But he still missed his aunt and uncle. They were gone, though, and Luke would have to accept that. It was okay, because they were everywhere now. “Yes. To protect you, I had to take you away,” Ben agreed.
“I’m glad you did, Ben.”
“Children are raised in what we called the Creche,” Ben started, Luke curled up into his side in his room. Normally Ben stayed outside on a pullout cot, as he claimed to want to give Luke space and a bit of privacy, but Luke had just awoken from a nightmare and nearly begged Ben to stay with him. It hadn’t taken much. He asked about children of the Jedi, after they were adopted from their biological parents. It was a random question, Luke hadn’t even really understood where it came from.
“What happens there?” Luke murmured, messing with a little block toy Ben had gotten him a few days prior.
“Well, they are raised all together,” Ben started, trying not to let his voice crack with emotion. “Everyone becomes brothers and sisters. My crechemates and I were friends for our entire lives, long after we had parted ways and found masters, becoming padawans.”
“Was it nice, in the creche?” he asked.
“Yes. We had a few adults of course, to help teach us and protect us, to love and care for us. We found a lot of love within those walls. The creche was one of the places most imbued with so much innocence, love and light. You never think anything truly bad can happen there.”
Luke knew something bad must have happened, especially since all the Jedi were gone. If not, he imagined Ben would be there right now. Perhaps it would make him happier and less lonely. He doesn’t say it, Luke thought it would make him even more sad, but Luke believed he would have been rather happy in the creche.
“Can you tell me more about Master Windu?” Luke asked eagerly, leaning forward across the table and nearly knocking over Ben’s cup of tea. He snatched it away as it precariously set on the edge of the cup. He let out a chuckle which just seemed to make Luke even more eager, biting his lip with his eyes pleading.
They were in hyperspace, far away from their jaunt with the Empire and the stormtroopers trying to follow them. If they were lucky, they could hide for a week before they finally caught up. Ben talked about visiting a planet, one full of water and colorful plants. Luke had wondered if they had an underwater garden and if they did, he would love to see it. Ben had just laughed shortly.
“What do you want to know?”
“You said he used a different lightsaber form? And you said you pranked him once with Master Vos and he never knew, what happened and you said he was a theater person, did he actually act or did he just like going to plays, can you tell me about his padawan, Master Billaba was she pretty she sounds like she would be pretty, you were friends with her right was it weird to be friends with both Master Windu and Master Billaba since they were master and padawan at one point did Master Billaba take another padawan, did Master Windu, was his lightsaber really purple why was it purple is there a reason for that do the different colors mean different things why is your saber blue what do you think my color would be if I got a saber-.”
Ben laughed out loud which eventually led Luke to stop talking in such a rush and ended his ramble. “You must calm down, little beacon,” he said, waving his hands in a gesture for the boy to slow down. “I cannot answer any of your questions if you do not allow me time to hear them and answer.”
Luke sat back down, a bit sheepish. “Sorry, Ben.”
“Now, Master Windu was an incredible duelist and a great friend,” Ben started with a fond smile. “And both he and his former padawan, Depa, were my friends. For different reasons, I suppose, but they were both great people and amazing jedi.”
Luke settled down, leaning down with his chin and arms resting on the table below him, his eyes never leaving Ben as he told him about his old friends.
“Aurek 5,” Luke called out. They were on their ship, in the middle of hyperspace with an old children’s game between them. Ben had explained the rules – it was fairly simple, and they had just spent hours going back and forth, trying to take down each other’s ships.
“Miss. Leth 7,” Ben responded, easily.
Luke scowled. “Hit. Qek 2.” Despite Ben’s amused smile, Luke placed a marker on part of one of his ships to indicate the partial destruction. “Why are we doing this? This isn’t a strategy game; it’s just a game of chance. Wouldn’t it be better to do something that would help with strategy and tactics?”
“Miss,” Ben replied. “Sometimes, little beacon, in a situation you are blind and can only work with what you have and what you cannot see. Besides, it can be fun if you let it. What has caught your interest on strategy and tactics? Wesk 1.”
“Hit,” Luke grumbled, lowering his head to stare. He studied his board and glowered. “Last night, you told a story about Commander Cody and the 212th. I think I can find wisdom in knowing some of the things you know, some of the things you learned in the Clone Wars,” Luke explained, eyes flitting over the board as he tried to figure out his next move. “Osk 10.”
“Miss,” came Ben’s answer. “You have an interest in war? Is there something you aren’t telling me, Luke? Jenth 6.”
“Miss,” Luke said, a bit relieved that he hadn’t hit his ship. It was close and if he had, it would have been destroyed and taken out of the game. “It’s not so much an interest in war, but I know about the rebellion. Maybe…. maybe some time we could help. Osk 2.”
“Miss. That would be mighty dangerous,” Ben replied, calmly. “We both garner a lot of attention from Vader and the Empire, it would put a lot more danger and pressure on the rebels. Jenth 7.”
“Miss,” Luke said, shifting his arms. “They’re not at war yet, not quite. But when they are, I think we can be of help. At least even just to occupy Vader so they can do missions or retreat. Aurek 2.”
“Miss. Is this interest in the rebellion or is this interest in finding and seeing Boil again?” Ben questioned, raising an eyebrow at the teenager. Luke just sighed and rested his chin on his arms. “Wesk 3.”
“Hit,” Luke grumbled. “It’s not about Boil, not really. I just…I know you have been teaching me all you can, and I really appreciate it. I love it, more than you know, but I also know, without the Jedi Order, I can’t really be a Jedi.”
There was a brief silence. “What?”
“Krill 8,” Luke called.
“Luke, do you no longer wish to be a jedi?” Ben asked, masking his surprise. “It is alright if you no longer wish to continue your studies, I will not be offended. The way of life is not for everyone.”
“That’s not it,” Luke insisted, looking up. “I swear, I want to be a Jedi more than anything else. But… the Jedi Order is gone, there is nothing I can do, nothing I can be… a part of. I thought, maybe, if I can’t really be a jedi, I’m a decent pilot.”
“Your talents are not to be denied, for sure, young one. But being Jedi is not dependent on the survival or continuation of the Order,” Ben murmured, softly. He didn’t quite meet Luke’s eyes, but he didn’t mind. It was okay. Miss. “It is an attitude, a way of life, a philosophy and spirituality if you will.”
Ben has told him this before, Luke knew, but somehow, it did not always do a good job of convincing him.
“Am I any less of a Jedi because the Order no longer exists?”
The question had caught him off guard. “What? No, of course not. You are a jedi, that’s who you are.”
“And if you wish it, it can be you as well, but only if you want it,” Ben pointed out. “The Order is gone, yes, but the Jedi still remain. We are alive. There are not many of us left, but there are some.”
Luke nodded. “Okay, Ben. I believe you.”
“Krill 8 did you say?” Ben asked, raising an eyebrow curiously at him.
The teenager nodded.
Ben’s smirk grew into a knowing smile. “Hit.”
Luke didn’t meet another Jedi until he was nearly sixteen. He wasn’t sure if Ahsoka Tano would have appreciated being called one when he did meet her, so just to be safe, he kept her off the list. And the person he met didn’t completely entertain his thoughts on what a Jedi was either, but, at least, the sight of him had made Ben quite happy, despite him bursting into tears.
They had been on a small, backwater plant that was mostly covered in thick forests, dotted with cities that stayed tight knit, possibly out of fear of what was in the forested areas. They had found a little place just outside of the domed areas, out of sight to practice lightsaber katas. Luke had learned the basics of the forms, the ones that he knew initiates had learned before they became padawans and then those learned in classes as padawans. He had excelled swiftly, and they found Luke was a rather quick learner, picking up movements when he had a good peace of mind. It had taken him some time to learn meditation, which in the end, had certainly helped his ability to learn and keep information as well as keep a sense of calm.
Picking up lightsaber forms was easier after learning meditation and learning to enjoy it. There wasn’t a lot to do on their little ship and Luke was determined. It wasn’t so much that learning it wasn’t hard, but in the end, Luke had realized what he had gained through it. His patience had grown exponentially. He had a sturdy sense of self, of empathy and self-reflection. Something that helped him with going over intense feelings, being able to think and work through those feelings before acting.
He wasn’t perfect at it, but he was a lot better than before.
Luke was strong and fierce, often having a bit of force behind his blows and leaning towards Shien and Djem So, his father’s style. His blows often ended up being choppy and powerful, but he could never match Ben’s steady and impenetrable defense of Soresu. Luke tried to have a focus on that too. Aside from Vader, there wasn’t anyone they really tended to fight with sabers and Luke knew he could never really overpower Vader – the man was practically a force of nature. Most of the people they fought against were stormtroopers and pirates and although their aim was rarely great, they used blasters rather than sabers. Soresu was an excellent defense and Luke was determined to make Ben proud, no matter how many times the man told him he need not follow his style.
Aratu was something Luke found some fun in, and Ben had been surprisingly good at it. The flourishes and jumps got Luke moving and kept him in shape. He often found himself laughing too hard when he and Ben sparred, and the youngster decided to work on this style. It was entertaining and enjoyable.
The training in hand-to-hand combat had been most helpful as well. Ben had taught him plenty, which often ended up helping him with his lightsaber sparring, but Boil had also taught him some things (as well as blaster care) and Luke found it handy. He wasn’t to bring out a saber, if he had his fathers on hand, unless it was absolutely necessary, instead having to lean on the blasters Ben could get alongside fighting with his hands.
Luke had nearly fell over the first time he had flipped Ben over.
The “good job” however just made Luke nearly scream inside.
They had been through several hours of steady katas which made Luke’s muscles certainly burn. Technically he knew that Ben’s favored form, that of defense and endurance, had helped Ben’s ability to go on for hours and hours, but sometimes Luke had no idea how he could just keep going and going and going.
Luke did actually fall over when Ben finally told him they could stop. He just barely had enough time to clip his father’s saber to his belt before literally flopping over in the grass of the clearing they were working in.
Ben had just stood over him with a chuckle. “Are you alright?”
“Totally,” Luke grinned, giving the older man two thumbs up. “I know how you do that, but I just don’t know how you do that.”
He laughed a little more. “I have had plenty of practice and experience, dear boy. How about some dinner, yes?”
Luke sat up in a scramble. “Really? Like, on planet? Sit down with plates and forks and napkins?”
This really got the amusement out of him as Ben helped him stand and continued to laugh. “Absolutely. My treat.”
The boy snickered. “It’s always your treat, old man,” he grinned. Grabbing their cloaks, Luke slipped his on and put his father’s saber in the bag Ben carried on him. Ben would let him carry it plenty and probably would have let him then, but it was more habit, to just put it away. Besides, the crystal didn’t really resonate with him.
He wished someday he would be able to find his own.
The two of them packed up what little they had and headed back into the domed city, going through a checkpoint once they got to the border to make sure they hadn’t picked up anything. The security teams didn’t reach into Ben’s bag enough to find the lightsaber and the examination was mostly for diseases or bugs. It was a bit slow, but they got through it with flying colors.
Cities on the planet weren’t particularly tall and didn’t reach into the sky as Luke had noticed on some other planets, but what it lacked in height, it made up in surface area. Miles upon miles were shops and homes, parks, schools and churches. Anything anyone could want under their white sun.
Luke and Ben didn’t have a lot of money, but they did a little window shopping on their way to find a good place to eat. Luke nearly spent an entire half hour browsing in a droid parts store.
“I’d like one someday,” Luke muttered to himself as he admired an old astromech. It was charging and powered down, but it was painted in a brilliant gold, tints of little blue stripes alongside. “Just a little one,” he murmured.
Ben was at his side, although Luke hadn’t noticed at first. “Nearly enough.”
Luke nearly jumped and glanced over at his guardian. “Huh?”
“I have nearly saved enough,” Ben replied, evenly, giving the boy an entertained side eye. “It isn’t much, you won’t be able to get a large droid, not even an astromech, as I don’t have enough and it probably wouldn’t fit well in our ship but, Luke, soon, I think we might be able to start looking for a droid for you. If that is something you would still like.”
A grin grew on the blonde’s face as he grinned wildly. “Are you serious?”
Ben nodded. “Yes.”
“Oh! OH! Yes! Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Luke cheered, practically bowling the older man over in a hug. Ben nearly didn’t have time to brace himself, but he somehow caught Luke anyways. He always caught Luke. “I can’t believe it!”
“We will have to talk about what kind,” Ben started prudently. “And we will have to go over proper care, not only for the droid’s sake but to make sure that if it is ever captured or lost, it cannot be traced back to us.”
“Of course, of course,” Luke nodded impatient and eager. “I don’t want anything big anyways. Maybe a little BD unit? They’re really fun and kind of cute, have you seen them run? And they are explorer class so they would be alright with any terrain we come with, tiny little things. I know they aren’t very common, but I think it would be a good choice,” he rambled. “I think we could find one.”
Ben smiled gently and took his hand, leading him out of the shop. “That does seem like a good choice. I think, if we research well enough and keep our ears and eyes open, we will be able to find one. But, for now, let’s get something to eat, shall we?”
His nod was enthusiastic as the teenager practically hopped a long. A droid! Finally! It was something that Luke really wanted for quite some time. He found them fascinating and some of them really adorable. It was another to talk to other than just Ben. He loved Ben, he didn’t want anyone to think otherwise, but it would be nice not to talk to someone like him sometimes, about some of the dumb and teenager stuff. Ben was a great listener but he was also a lot older than Luke; he didn’t actually want to listen to Luke’s dumb teenager stuff. Droids may not be like humans, but they could, generally, carry on with a conversation with their programming.
The droid talk ceased as the two of them finally got into the part of town that held more of the bars, pubs and restaurants. They had peeked into a few but eventually found one that wasn’t too expensive but wasn’t a palace of dirt either. The table they had gotten was out of the way and outside, something that was fine with the both of them. If something was to happen, they could easily cut and run.
Luke had never really sat down at a restaurant. They were on the run a lot and even if they got food from a restaurant, it was always take-out. Since they were always on the move. Ben would talk about his favorite diner back on Coruscant, before the downfall of the jedi and the republic. His friend, Dexter Jettster owned it, a former arms dealer and criminal he had befriended who had acted as his informant in multiple missions throughout his career as a jedi, as a knight and a general in the war.
Whenever Ben would have a nerfburger, Luke would ask how it held up to Dex’s.
Ben would just laugh and say no burger held up to Dex’s.
Luke didn’t remember precisely what they were talking about, but something happened, something shifted around them. A presence. Luke hadn’t known what it was but by the stiffness Ben quickly displayed and the look in his eye, he did.
“Impossible,” Ben whispered and glanced around.
“Hey there,” a low voice chuckled, near humorlessly.
The two of them swiveled around. Luke narrowed his eyes at the man before them. He was a Kiffar, if he wasn’t mistaken, with a yellow stripe over his nose and dreadlocks hanging around his shoulders, dark eyes staring at Ben as if he couldn’t believe it either. Luke glanced between the two.
“Quinlan,” Ben mumbled, shocked.
“Just…Vos for now,” the kiffar shrugged. “Can I sit down?”
Ben was practically in tears already and just stared at the man.
“Go ahead,” Luke answered for him.
The man sat down between them and studied Ben for a moment. “You did not age as well as I thought you would.”
“I…I…I spent almost ten years under the twin suns of Tatooine,” Ben confessed, his voice thick and barely coming out audibly with a hint of some kind of amusement. Luke was a little surprised how open and honest he was being. Rarely was Ben this straightforward, much less so entertained by a slight.
The kiffar – Vos – nodded. “That would do it. I can’t believe you’re alive. Well, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, you’ve always been pretty good at the whole surviving against all odds thing,” he chuckled but it was with very little actual humor. “Didn’t think you would take on a padawan, though,” he added, glancing at Luke, curiously. His smirk contained more humor than his chortle had a moment prior.
“He’s not…” Ben shook his head as his denial started, trying to get a hold of himself. Luke glanced away; he did not need to be reminded of what he was not. He knew all too well. “He’s not that. This is Luke. I am his guardian. I go by Ben these days.”
Vos glanced at Luke and looked him up and down and gave him a lopsided smile. “Nice to meet ya, kid.”
Luke gave him one in return. “You too, Master Vos!”
The kiffar just smiled at him before glancing curiously at Ben. “Not your padawan, huh?” Ben shot him a scowl, but Luke could feel the overwhelming happinessrelieflovethankyouin the air, directed towards the newcomer. Master Vos’s expression softened into something of an entertained and pleased smirk.
Those two had been friends, Luke knew it.
The realization kind of hit him like a sandstorm because if this person, Ben’s friend, named Vos, probably a jedi.... Luke’s eyes became saucers as he whipped around to stare at the newcomer. “Wait…are you…you’re Quinlan Vos?”
Master Vos laughed out loud and tried not to attract any attention. “Gotta be careful with the name, kiddo. That stuff can be dangerous in this galaxy. But, uh, you know of me?” “Of course!” Luke nearly cried, grinning madly. “Ben has told me all about his friends. We have a lot of time to spare so we have to fill that with something to do and Ben tells all the greatest stories! He can even get your voice down pretty good.”
The bust of laughter than came out of Master Vos made Luke’s heart swell and Ben look rather thoroughly embarrassed. “Oh man, I think I might love this kid. This…this is a good one, Obes, oh wow.”
Luke felt himself shine up brightly. This was amazing. This was -. “Luke,” Ben warned, putting a hand on his shoulder gently, ushering Luke out of his thoughts. “Be mindful of your feelings and your surroundings.”
Blushing with a bit of mortification, Luke wrapped his shields, trying to button them up tighter. “Sorry, Ben.”
Ben just nodded. “Why don’t you grab some desert for yourself and Vos,” he suggested, calmly, patting his shoulder lightly. “I think he could use a…pick me up.”
The blonde perked and nodded, eagerly. Dinner and desert? And they had gotten through with a long lightsaber practice and Ben was really ready to talk about getting a droid? And he got to meet another jedi?
This had to be the best day ever, even with his mistake.
Luke was off like a shot once Ben had handed over some money, leaving the two alone. It hadn’t taken long, although Luke tried to find an amazing place with some of the best deserts. He didn’t have a lot of experience when it came to the sweet things, especially choosing them, as they often didn’t have enough for such treats. But Luke had long heard of the incredible feel and flavor of ice cream. Ben had explained where it came from once, which Luke found only a bit odd but then again, it wasn’t that much different from Bantha milk, just kind of frozen. After finding a place that sold it, he got as much as he could, and the owner was kind enough to put it in a cooler for his travels. Luke couldn’t imagine he had gotten too far from where Ben and Master Vos were, but Ben always told him it was best to be prepared.
He slowed down as he neared their table again. They had moved even further from the other patrons, virtually out of sight. Luke hadn’t known what possessed him, perhaps it was the words he had caught before they could notice him, but he had stopped and hid behind the corner, listening in. He felt bad, he knew it was rude, but he didn’t really want to interrupt such an intense conversation either.
“This is Dooku’s assassination all over again,” Ben hissed under his breath. “You remember what happened last time? You tried to go after him, and you ended up falling to the dark side.”
“I know, I know,” Master Vos shook his head. “It’s a stupid idea. I just…I know what they say about what happened at the Temple. What really happened. Not that bull the propaganda and the government, and the Empire are spewing.”
“You’ve talked with Dex,” Ben murmured.
“Of course, I talked with Dex,” Master Vos replied, spinning one of his dreadlocks in his fingers. “He’s a friend to the Jedi, always has been. He helped a couple escape Coruscant. He knows Vader led the clones on the Temple.”
“The clones were brainwashed,” Ben muttered, near absentmindedly. “Luke and I came across a couple. Kix, almost seven years ago in a stasis pod on a droid ship. Cody and Boil, just a few years ago on Vader’s ship. We…we helped them. Or tried to.”
Quinlan’s shoulders sagged. “The Jedi dead and the clones brainwashed. It seems sometimes like we were the only ones who gave a damn about the galaxy and what did we all get? Genocide and slavery,” he shook his head and Luke could feel the anger seeping off of him. “I just…I thought if I could at least get Darth Vader out of the way, that would help just a bit. One less powerful force user for the galaxy.”
Ben frowned and shook his head. “That isn’t a good idea, Quin. He is much too powerful for you, much too powerful for either of us.”
Master Vos eyed Ben, carefully. “You know who he is,” he realized.
Luke’s breath caught in his throat. Ben didn’t say anything.
“Obes, who is he?” Master Vos quietly demanded. “If I know who he is, I can at least-.”
“At least what?” Ben snapped, just as hushed. “You’ll only get yourself killed or worse, Quin. There are barely any of us left, why would you want to throw yourself away like that?”
“Obi-Wan,” Quinlan assured, putting his gloved hand over Ben’s. Ben looked at it, a little startled. “He massacred the Temple, he brainwashed the clones, the clones that we loved and trusted, the ones that… the ones Aalya loved and trusted. Don’t you think we deserve to know at least who was behind it?”
Ben just looked pained. “You will only find anger and fury, Quin. The Emperor is the one behind this, Palpatine. He is the one to blame. He is the one who created the war, who created and brainwashed the clones. Blame him.”
“Yeah, I know that,” Vos even looked like he believed it. “Palpatine is top dog, he is the one to blame for everything,” Master Vos agreed, sincerely. “And…I know what it is like to be tortured and manipulated into the dark side. I’m not…disputing that. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Vader had been manipulated into it,” he offered. “I’m sorry, I just…I need to know.”
Neither Ben nor Luke realized what Master Vos was doing until it was too late. Master Vos’s other hand, the one that was suddenly not gloved had reached towards Ben’s lightsaber on his waist, just barely brushing against it with his skin.
A lot of things had happened at once.
Master Vos had frozen, his eyes glazed over and after an incredibly long moment, he fell over from the table with a small thud. They were out of the way from the other patrons, but Ben cursed under his breath – Mando’a maybe? – and dragged Master Vos further out of sight.
He let out another string of curses Luke didn’t recognize and laid Master Vos out on the ground “You idiot,” he hissed. “You know better than that. A lightsaber, of all things.”
Time and space seemed to stop and go completely silent. Luke was frozen in his spot, staring wide-eyed as Ben checked Master Vos’s pulse. He apparently hadn’t found what he was looking for and Ben started chest compressions, talking to the kiffar in a language Luke didn’t understand. Or maybe Luke just couldn’t hear it right, he couldn’t be sure. Nothing felt right.
It seemed like forever before Ben stopped completely and sat back. Luke didn’t hear anything at first but then the sound of Master Vos’s coughs reached his ears. Time started to move again. Space and sounded started to be able to be heard once more. Whatever had happened, Luke didn’t know what to make of it.
“You idiot,” Ben growled again but he helped Master Vos up to a sitting position and leaned him against the wall. Master Vos learned to breathe again.
He looked straight at Ben. Luke couldn’t see his eyes, but his posture was stiff and some terrible and sad feelings were emanating off of him. “Does Luke know his father turned into one of the galaxy’s worst genocidal maniacs?”
Luke forgot to breathe, and his brain just didn’t understand.
Ben swallowed. “What am I supposed to tell him Quin? That his father, my brother, is acting as a monster and has become a killer? That Anakin Skywalker – Darth Vader – is trying to kill him, that someday, we might have to kill him instead?”
Luke doesn’t hear anything after that. His hand indistinctively clutches the case of ice cream, and his mind goes blank. There is only thing he understands.
Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader.
Anakin Skywalker is Luke’s father.
Darth Vader is Luke’s father.
Luke’s father is trying to kill him and Ben.
He can’t breathe and suddenly, he found himself moving. He couldn’t stay there; he didn’t know what to do, what to say. His mind went so blank, and his feet were moving. They kept moving and moving, objects and places became blurs. Buildings meshed together; people became little blobs. The city became a mix of browns and greens, and things were crunching under his feet. He was in the woods, his brain barely realized.
Luke didn’t know where he stopped or how much time had passed since he had started running. All he knew was that his entire body was burning, his legs felt like they were going to just vaporize at any moment and his lungs just could not get any oxygen at all. They just burned.
Gasping for air, the teenager felt to the ground, his palms scrapping on fallen twigs and pebbles, his knees hitting hard. He had no idea where he was, and it didn’t really matter at the moment. Mind racing with everything and nothing at all, Luke leaned against a large tree in front of him, his hair tangling in parts of the bark and lightly sticky with sap. How…. how…
After some time, Luke finally managed to turn himself around, sitting against the trunk of the tree, trying so desperately to get control of his breathing. He just… he just couldn’t seem to get in air. Why couldn’t he breathe? Why couldn’t he breathe?
Anakin Skywalker is his father.
Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader.
Darth Vader…. Darth Vader is his father.
Oh Force, Darth Vader is his father.
One of the worst people in the entire galaxy was his father. The father than Ben told fond stories of. The father that was Ben’s brother, his best friend. The father who was a jedi, the ancient enemy of the Sith.
Which meant Ben lied.
Ben had never lied to him before.
Had he?
Luke had finally got a hold of his breathing, but it was still shallow and quick. He reached up, his fingers dashing against the skin on his face. They came back more than damp. He was crying. His whole face was quickly becoming blotchy and red, tears in a constant stream down his cheeks.
Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker. Darth Vader was his father.
Luke let out a loud, choking sob, trying to swallow down any breath he could. Ben lied to him. His father wasn’t dead. It was worse, it was so much worse. Why had he lied? Did he not think he could handle it? Did Ben think that Luke would just gooff on his own? Did he think that Luke would leave him just because his father was alive? His father may be alive, but he was a monster and tried to kill the bothof them several times. He just…didn’t understand.
“Luke?” a voice echoed through the trees. The boy couldn’t see a thing through the tears and the choking sobs coupled with the whistle of the wind through the leaves and trees made it hard to hear, made everything muffled.
“Ben?” It was a shot in the dark, it could have been anyone and honestly Luke didn’t know if he really wanted to talk with Ben right now, he didn’t think he wanted Ben to see him like this but yet he still…he wanted Ben.
“Luke?” the voice shouted louder. “Luke? Luke?!”
The teenager just let out another choked sob, but a presence brushed up against his mind. And then, soon after, against his side.
“Goodness, Luke!” the voice was close now, right next to him. It sounded like Ben. Oh, he hoped it was Ben.
“It’s me, beacon,” the voice whispered, like an answered prayer. “It’s me, it’s Ben.” Relief flooded him and everything around him like nothing before and Luke blindly threw himself towards the voice. He hit something firm but soft and arms snaked around his torso tightly. “Goodness, Luke. You’ve been gone for hours. What happened?”
Luke just sobbed into his chest. How could he possibly explain to Ben what was happening? How did one tell their guardian that they knew they have been lying to them for years about something so prominent? Ben had told Luke all of the bestthings about his father. He told him that he was actually like his father. Did that mean Ben thought Luke was like Vader? Did he think that Luke would turn into a Sith, like his father before him?
He never would.
“I was just…” the words tumbled out of his mouth before Luke could really think about what to say and process them. “I was just feeling so much. I couldn’t…. I’m so sorry.”
“Ssshhhh,” Ben hushed, tucking his nose into Luke’s hair. “It’s alright. But if you are feeling too much, you need to find me. I can help you; I promise.”
He didn’t think that Ben could help with this, but he just nodded against the old soft robes that Ben had on, even trying to burrow within them like he used when he was small and a child. “I know, I’m sorry Ben. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, it’s alright, hope,” Ben murmured. “It’s alright.”
Present past
“Master Vos.”
Anakin’s greeting was mostly out of necessity and perceived respected than anything else. Quinlan knew this. Generally, the two of them got along fairly fine, at least for the most part. They used to get along better, when the young man was younger. Anakin tolerated Obi-Wan having friends, as long as he made it appear he would prefer Anakin’s company over theirs. Anakin liked to fancy himself as Obi-Wan’s family and to Hell with everyone else. Quinlan did admire the boy’s protectiveness, to an extent, as people had a habit of not being like that with Obi-Wan. But everyone had at least some idea that Anakin’s possessiveness was rather unhealthy.
It was difficult for anyone to try and make Anakin get help during a war.
Anakin thought he knew Obi-Wan best. It was a joke, really but vaguely amusing. Compared to a few others, Anakin barely knew Obi-Wan at all.
“Anakin Skywalker,” Quinlan plastered on a grin. He almost missed the days where Anakin’s protectiveness was cute and innocent, when he was a kid and he thought Obi-Wan was just amazing. He was, of course, but sometimes it seemed Anakin did a one-eighty on how he thought of his old master. Although still protective, it was far too much, and he often seemed to accuse the older man of all sorts of things. Quinlan wondered if Anakin was ever truly happy with his former master. Sometimes, it was not easy to tell. “Good to see you, wish it was under better circumstances,” he snickered.
The knight just hummed, uncharacteristically quiet. Things must be really dire if Skywalker didn’t have some kind of snarky comeback, especially for Quinlan. Instead, he turned briefly towards the crew. “Admiral, please bring us back to hyperspace. We need to assist General Tiin and General Krell.”
“Of course, General Skywalker.”
Anakin turned back towards Quinlan, but the latter was the one to speak up. “How bout we head down to the Medical Bay,” he suggested vaguely. “We have a moment before we get to the Umbara system.”
Mutely, the young General nodded and turned on his heel, off the bridge. Quinlan quickly followed. It was silence for several moments before Quinlan just couldn’t take it anymore and started a conversation. They should have probably talked anyways. “Alright, I know the bare basics,” Quinlan started, numbering things off on his fingers. “Obes is in a coma, not entirely sure why and he’s being stalked by a teenager?” Anakin nearly rolled his eyes and Quinlan couldn’t quite tell if he was amused or not. “Luke,” he answered. “Interesting kid, I guess. Won’t leave Obi-Wan’s side. He’s…claiming to be a time traveler.”
Quinlan paused and blinked, right, he forgot about that. Or did he? Did Master Windu mention that? Sometimes it seemed difficult to keep track of all the weird things that were happening during the course of this war. “Ah…that is a new one. Thought this would be more of an easier thing, like uh, drugs or psychosis or ghosts.”
“Helix looked him over and tested for drugs, nothing.”
“No unusual brain activity.”
“Ghosts then, perhaps,” Quinlan suggested. Ghosts were easy.
Anakin just shot him an unimpressed stare.
Okay so probably no ghosts then. “Alright, alright. Geez. Someone is serious today.”
“My master is in an unexplainable coma,” Anakin replied, pointedly, frustration leaking into his tone like sieve.
“Anakin,” Quinlan’s voice turned oddly soft as he stopped in the hall, turning to put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. Sometimes it was hard to see just how young Anakin was. He really should still be a padawan. Obi-Wan had always been so proud of Anakin as the day was long but even, he agreed the boy wasn’t really ready to be a knight. He lacked a lot of control and patience something that, if the boy just listened once in a while, he could learn. Obi-Wan was a good teacher with that. He was a good teacher in general, Quinlan thought. But it is hard to teach someone who thinks they already know everything best and doesn’t want to learn. Quinlan had been so incredibly lucky with Aalya. “Obi-Wan is going to be just fine. He has been through far worse.”
Anakin sighed, a little tension seeping from his shoulders as he looked away, Quinlan’s hand fell from his shoulder. “I’m dead in the future, Obi-Wan isn’t with the Jedi and on the run and apparently his grief is so bad it-,” he drifted off from his miniature ramble, shaking his head and the thought. He talked about it like it was unbelievable. “I’m…worried the Obi-Wan that wakes up won’t be the same one that I know.”
“He might not be,” it was a confession Quinlan didn’t like making. But people didn’t stay the same over time. Obi-Wan of this time wasn’t the same Obi-Wan Quinlan had grown up with. They were still friends, of course, but it was different. People changed. Kids changed. Times changed. Quinlan knew for sure that Anakin’s death would certainly change Obi-Wan drastically. They didn’t talk about it, Quinlan and Obi-Wan didn’t particularly care to talk about death with one another, especially their own, unless it was a quick, morbid joke, but Quinlan knew that Obi-Wan always thought he would die first. He wanted to die first, and he didn’t want to die alone. It was something that had scared Obi-Wan for a long time, probably still did. He would have nightmares – or visions, Quinlan thought – of being alone in a wasteland. It was a horrible thing to see, he imagined. “But one thing is for sure,” Quinlan continued, confidently. “He is going to be happy to see you. Obi-Wan loves you so much and if what this Luke said is true, he is going to be so grateful you are alive again,” he pointed out.
Anakin shifted uncomfortably. He was letting more feelings out, getting a little more comfortable with Quinlan’s presence. Quinlan didn’t know if the boy had even realized what was happening. Had it been so long since Anakin had been comfortable in others’ presences? Obi-Wan had always been so worried about Anakin, perhaps…. perhaps Quinlan could do something to help. “I…just want him to wake up,” Anakin confessed.
“He will,” Quinlan promised. He didn’t like make promises, especially not like that, but even he had to believe it. “And then he’s going to get so many hugs he will literally get sick off of them.”
Anakin laughed.
They walked again, this time in more comfortable silence. Apparently, it didn’t sit well with Anakin, as he continued to ask another question. “Do you…think you can tell if he is telling the truth? Luke? About the time travel?” Anakin inquired.
“Probably,” Quinlan shrugged as he passed a couple of troopers. They barely gave him a glance before quickly moving out of the way.
“Do you think you can help Obi-Wan? Wake him up?”
Quinlan caught his eyes. He hated how he kept being reminded of how young he is. He’s terrified, although Anakin had gotten pretty good at not showing it. To an extent, Quinlan can understand. He and Obi-Wan hadn’t been around each other in a while, especially with the differences in careers but they couldn’t stop being friends. It reminded him of their teenage years, getting into trouble, talking about the future and what they would do in service of the galaxy and the Order. He missed that.
Obi-Wan would do almost anything to help Quinlan’s former padawan, Quinlan could at least attempt to return the favor.
“Uh…less probably,” he confessed. He continued, trying to make things sound a bit less depressing. “It hasn’t even been a day, Skywalker,” he pointed out. “He’s been in a bacta tank longer than that.”
“At least when he was in a bacta tank, we knew what was wrong with him and how to fix it,” Anakin scowled, looking away.
“If nothing else, he could use a break, do you disagree?”
“Of course, not but…ugh…. this is really messed up. I just want him to wake up.”
“We all do, Skywalker. I’m sure even the kid wants him too.”
Anakin’s expression turned a little dark but in a way that was confused. Quinlan could imagine; this whole situation was rather confusing, most of all the kid.
“Something on your mind?” Quinlan inquired slowly.
“Just…something Luke said,” Anakin finally professed, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. “He claims to know Obi-Wan really well, know him for years in fact. We…we had this conversation about love.”
Okay, this was not really where Quinlan expected the discussion to be going. “What about love?” he asked, cautiously.
“He said Obi-Wan shows that he loves people with…acts, rather than just saying it,” Anakin pointed out, just was wary. Oh, that was a lot easier.
Quinlan nodded in agreement. “That’s true.”
Anakin glanced at him, surprised. “It is?”
Okay so maybe not that easy. Did Anakin not really know this? “Oh yeah, for sure,” Quinlan continued to nod. “When it comes to caring about people, Obes’ communicative skills have differed over the years. Pretty sure he got it from Jinn, really.”
“He did?”
“Right,” Quinlan shook his head, his dreadlocks falling over his shoulders. “I keep forgetting you didn’t know Qui-Gon.” Anakin made a bit of an offended noise, but Quinlan didn’t give him time to respond. “Jinn didn’t really tell anyone that he cared,” Quinlan started carefully. It was an understatement really, he rarely explained everything, rather just kind of throwing it all out into situations to figure things out. “It drove Obi-Wan crazy for a while. He never seemed to know if Jinn was happy with what he did or proud or loved him. Jinn and verbal communication just…did go hand in hand,” Quinlan shrugged. It had bugged him for years, sometimes it still did. It was easier to see, looking back on it, that at least Jinn cared some. “So, Obi-Wan just tried to be, well, perfect. He eventually did learn to speak Jinn’s not-really-communicative language and then, I think things were easier.”
“I never knew that,” Anakin murmured.
“Jinn is a bit of a tough subject sometimes,” Quinlan shrugged. “Not just with you, with most people really. I only know because he was practically my best friend during our padawanship. We spent a lot of time together.”
“So, was Qui-Gon like Obi-Wan? Luke said Obi-Wan shows love through acts of service, like doing small things for the people he cares about, like somehow those types of actions tell others that he…cares about them. Was Qui-Gon like that too?”
“Ah, not so much, I don’t think,” Quinlan winced. He never completely understood how Obi-Wan figured out that Jinn cared about him. “Honestly, I’m not really the best person to talk about the specifics. If Obes won’t say specifically, you’ll more likely to find out from Siri or Bant, he talked about those types of things with them,” he shrugged.
Anakin looked a little disappointed.
“People…express love in different ways,” Quinlan tried. This was not his wheelhouse, his chest told him to abort. “Like, uh… do you remember kitchen duties when you were a padawan?”
The wrinkles that appeared around Anakin’s nose were a good indication he did. “Yeah.”
“Well, I always volunteered for dishwashing duty,” Quinlan started. Please let this work.
“Why would you do that?”
“I liked feeling the plates and bowls, feeling what the person who used them was feeling, what they had gone through, the imprints they left behind,” he explained, steadily. It was a warm memory he didn’t mind sharing.
“Psychometry, yeah, okay.”
“The others hated it, Garen detested it with a passion, the entitled brat, and Luminara would just wrinkle her nose all funny-like at the hot water, she didn’t like her hands getting all pruny,” Quinlan explained with a bit of a smile, a fond expression at the memory. “But Obi-Wan…Obi-Wan was always there for dishwashing duty with me. I would volunteer, he would come, and we would stand side by side, washing dishes without gloves and he would listen to the stories I would tell, gathered from the silverware and bowls. It was a small thing, but Obi-Wan didn’t have to tell me that he cared, he showed it. That’s just how he does things. I’ve never really doubted how much he cared.”
This seemed to really make Anakin think harder. Quinlan just hoped he got his point across, that it was understandable. How Obi-Wan had actually taught this kid, he wasn’t entirely sure.
“I can’t say that I completely understand,” Anakin finally replied, a bit hesitant but not entirely closed off and stubborn. “I don’t really understand why he can’t just sayit,” he admitted. “But I guess, people do learn things and pick habits up from their teachers, it makes a little sense that he would do things similar to Qui-Gon.”
That…wasn’t really what Quinlan’s point was but it was a step in the right direction, he supposed. It was better than Anakin thinking Obi-Wan didn’t much love him just because he didn’t wear his heart out in the open.
Thankfully, they got to the medical bay hall and quickly up to the door that led to the room Obi-Wan was staying in. Anakin stopped. “Aren’t you coming in?” he asked, vaguely curious.
“The boy, Luke, doesn’t trust me much…” Anakin said with a bit of a lip curl. “As much as I am loathed to admit it, he might open up to you more if I’m not around. Besides, someone has to lead the reinforcements and try to help Cody with a plan for Umbara. It won’t be long until we reach the system and it…would be better to have a plan immediately.”
“Good thinking,” Quinlan replied, trying to sound easy.
When Quinlan entered the room, it was empty. He didn’t see any child lounging around or standing near Obi-Wan, but he did see Obi-Wan himself. He laid on the cot in front of him, a machine beeping slowly to indicate that he was alive and breathing decently. He was quiet and still, and Quinlan fell back on horrible moments in the years before, when he had seen his friend like this. He wasn’t half dead, Quinlan reminded himself.
Quinlan reached out, ready to brush his hand over the saber on the table. He wasn’t sure if he was brave enough to go to the source, perhaps the light saber would reveal enough. So many questions could be answered.
“I would be careful about doing that,” a young voice called out warily.
Quinlan jumped nearly feet in the air and twirled around, trying not to appear too ruffled. “Sneaky little kid, aren’t you?” he tried to joke. The boy was blonde, the kind of bright sunshiny color that Obi-Wan’s padawan used to have when he had just come to the Temple. His eyes were blue, narrowed a little in a mix of vague amusement and suspicion. It was an odd look. He had on some dark pants and a jacket where the collar sprung up around his neck. It reminded Quinlan a bit of how high Obi-Wan would make his robes, all neat around his neck and shoulders.
Luke maintained that peculiar amusement and wary expression. “I just used the lavatory.”
“Obes and his fancy words,” Quinlan muttered to himself, with a small smile. Obi-Wan, being such a diplomat and negotiator, had picked up more than a few phrases Quinlan had always thought of as fancy. If what was believed was true, that his friend had raised this boy, it wasn’t completely out of the question certain words would be picked up. Louder, he continued, trying to keep an easy smile, but it was rather broken. “Why not?”
“I’m not saying don’t,” Luke replied, with certain emphasis. “You obviously need to be convinced but be careful,” He looked like someone who knew exactly what he was talking about, specifically with Quinlan himself. Quinlan knew he hadn’t met him before but then again, if Luke was right and he was from the future, perhaps it just hadn’t happened yet. “You barely touched Ben’s lightsaber last time and your heart stopped,” he explained, calmly.
Quinlan swallowed. He hadn’t had a reaction like that in a long time, since before he mastered his psychometry. Even with the war going on, nothing he had done or touched had nearly killed him. Things must be pretty bad in the future for that to happen.
Did he believe him?
“You must be Luke,” he said instead.
“That’s me, Master Vos,” Luke nodded with a polite smile. “I would act really excited to see you again but your suspicion is rather poignant and so I will leave that until we can get better…reacquainted.”
Quinlan nearly wanted to laugh or cry or something. This sounded hilarious and ridiculous at the same time. This entire situation was certainly something else. He couldn’t wait for Obi-Wan to wake up, only to ask where had he found this boy? “Do you want to tell me who you are or would you rather me guess?” he asked.
“You did pretty well the first time I met you,” Luke paused with an amused smile but then shrugged, as if it didn’t matter than much. Quinlan had a feeling it mattered more than he was letting on. “Skywalker.”
That…both made a lot of sense and no sense at all. “You do look like him when he was very young,” Quinlan confessed, nearly choking on air. Another Skywalker, of course it was another Skywalker. Poor Obi-Wan couldn’t get away from them, could he? Quinlan was rather unsurprised. If Anakin was dead and had a child, it would make sense that Obi-Wan would look over and protect the boy, if nothing else. Even if it was out of obligation. Obi-Wan knew plenty about that. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. Hopefully Quinlan could get some responses. “You give Obi-Wan a lot of Hell too?”
“I try not to, he’s had enough,” Luke replied, softening his voice.
“We can agree on that.”
“Touching me for psychometry won’t yield as many answers, I think,” Luke continued, calmly. “But I have a lot less baggage.” That did not fill Quinlan with any confidence.
“You’re still young.”
Luke’s nose wrinkled as he studied the older master. “I thought you were funnier.”
“What do you mean?”
“When Ben talked about you, he made you out to be funny.”
Quinlan’s heart stuttered a little bit. Did they continue to be friends? They had been a bit distant as of late. Quinlan had been meaning to rectify that, but everyone was so busy during the war, most of all Obi-Wan. He always tried to justify things that his friend was much too busy to be bothered by Quinlan trying to reconnect more. Was he dead in the future? But then again, Luke had said they had met before. He really needed some answers if he was going to be able to make choices moving forward. “Oh, I’m hilarious. A tad surprised, however, that Obi-Wan would tell you that,” he chuckled lightly. “He likes to act as if I’m not comical at all. Let’s just say I’m a bit suspicious… and worried about my friend.”
Luke’s gaze tempered into something Quinlan felt a little less concerned about. “I’m worried too,” he admitted, jumping up to sit on a nearby cot. “That he’ll wake up of this time and not know of me or the future. Or that he will have come back from the future, only to watch everything get destroyed again because I karked up.”
“Did you kark up?” Quinlan asked. He found that unlikely, as Luke had only been here for several hours, not even a full day.
“Not yet,” he tried but didn’t look completely certain. “I don’t think so. I hope I didn’t. Hope I won’t.”
“Well,” Quinlan shrugged and sat next to him. “I’m here to help. Whatever happens, whether Obi-Wan wakes up and remembers you or not, I will help you.”
Luke’s glance at him looked both slightly skeptical but mostly relieved and reassured. “I didn’t think you believed me yet.”
Quinlan didn’t realize he had believed him either. He shrugged, trying to play it off. “I don’t think you are crazy. I don’t get that feeling from you.”
With a brief pause, Luke hopped down from the cot and picked up Obi-Wan’s robe, which was lying over some unused medical equipment. He brought it over and got back up on the cot before holding it out. “You might want to start with this. The last time you touched Ben’s lightsaber, your heart stopped. I think…this might be better to begin with.”
He tugged off one of his gloves. “You said you have less baggage; would you mind me starting with you?”
The surprised look on the boy’s face smoothed into something calm and content. “Sure. I don’t mind. Just…maybe try not to kill anyone afterwards?”
Quinlan didn’t know what that meant but put a hand on Luke’s bare arm. He didn’t know how much time had passed when he came back.
“Oh,” he muttered flatly. “Now I understand why you told me to try not and kill anyone,” he grumbled as he pulled back. “Skywalker…he…wow.”
Luke glanced away. “Yeah, I didn’t take it too well the first time either. And I don’t know if we can save him or anything, but he hasn’t done it yet, at least not for you or the others. I would like to save him or try too at least. I’d like to know if the person Ben told him, he was existed or if Ben was just trying to conjure happy memories.”
“That beast…he’s Skywalker,” Quinlan shook his head. “Anakin told me that Obi-Wan’s grief was apparently great, but I didn’t realize… it probably would have been better if Skywalker had died.”
“Ben told me that,” Luke replied. “He told me that my father had died. I found out by accident, but I’m not sure if he was still in Vader somewhere or if Vader actually had killed Anakin Skywalker and just became someone else.”
Quinlan nodded. “I won’t kill him, for now. But one wrong move… I won’t let Obi-Wan go through that again.”
“It gets worse,” Luke confessed, clearly not wanting to admit what he was about to say. “I didn’t know it at the time, as when Ben talked about Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader, he talked about them like they were two different people. Vader had marched on the Jedi Temple.”
He didn’t know his heart could sink any further than this. Luke didn’t explain his statement, but the implication was pretty easy to interpret. Obi-Wan and Luke had been on the run, not with the Jedi. It was hard to be with the Jedi when there was no more Jedi.
The string of curses that came out of his mouth were impressive, Luke clearly didn’t understand all of them. Out of all the things Quinlan had guessed, this had not even sort of made the list. It was unimaginable. He couldn’t even wrap his head around such a thing. But Luke’s next question caught Quinlan so off guard, he nearly fell off the cot he was sitting on.
“Have you gone on your mission to assassinate Dooku yet?” Luke asked, abruptly.
Quinlan twisted his head around and stared at him, more confused than he had been in a long time. Assassination? “What?” he scoffed. “No! What? Why…no! No, I haven’t been sent to assassinate the leader of the Separatists. I don’t even know if I could.”
Luke sighed in relief and took Quinlan’s hands, careful not to make skin contact. He stared straight into his eyes, wholly and completely serious. “Do not to do it,” he ordered. If nothing else, Quinlan felt the need to listen to him. The Force whispered nonsensical things in his ear, not quite distracting, but rather highlighting what Luke was telling him. “Do not go anywhere near him, no matter how close you think you can get. It does not end well. Do you understand?”
Quinlan didn’t even realize words came out at first. “Does he kill me?”
Luke shook his head vehemently. “No. Worse.”
There was really only one thing that could be worse, and Quinlan felt nearly sick. “Oh,” he exhaled out. “That is…not good. Did…did you see that? Or did Obi-Wan tell you? Do you know what happened?”
“You and Ben talked about it when I first met you,” he said. “I didn’t understand a lot of it, but you clearly didn’t stay in the Dark Side-.”
“I came back?” his voice sounded more like an echo.
“I think so,” Luke shrugged. “He was really happy to see you before. I think you liked me too, but it was hard to tell, we didn’t get a lot of time together.”
Before Quinlan could continue the conversation, his commlink beeped. As he answered, a communications officer spoke up through. “General, sir. We will be approaching the Umbara System within minutes. Your presence is requested on the bridge.”
“Copy that,” Quinlan responded before turning it off. “I probably will have a lot more questions but right now, that will have to wait.”
Luke nodded. “A battle?”
“Uh yes…we got detoured. We are hoping it won’t be too long. They just need a little backup. Look,” Quinlan pressed. “We are about go into battle,” he started slowly. “And I need to help Commander Cody. So, I need you to stay with Obi-Wan. If something happens and we need to evacuate, either I will send someone or come myself to get you.”
“I won’t be a problem,” Luke promised innocently.
Quinlan shot him a wary stare. “Stay. Here. Yeah.”
Luke just smiled and nodded.
Luke waited less than ten minutes before he moved. He tightened up his clothes so nothing would be flapping in the wind, retied up his boots and took off the cloak, setting it near Ben’s bed. “I’m really sorry, Ben. I know I said I wouldn’t leave you…but I’m pretty sure they’re going to need me out there and I think it would be best for me to help. I will make you proud,” he insisted, curling his hands over Ben’s saber. “You aren’t here and awake to protect your men this time around so it is up to me. Hope you don’t mind me borrowing this. Please, please wake up soon.”
He didn’t wait any longer and ran out of the medical bay, for the first time, leaving Ben behind.
Finding a hiding spot on the gunship was…. not easy. And Luke was quickly discovered. He had gathered a few things, a set of armor, a blaster and tried to blend in. Luckily for him, they were in a hurry and already making their way down to the surface and so by the time he was noticed, it was far too late.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?”
Even though every one of the clones technically sounded the same, Luke just knew it was Waxer who had discovered him. Luke had thought he was doing a fairly good job hiding. But then again, Waxer probably knew his men pretty well. He didn’t ask how he knew but Luke took off the helmet, his eyes darkening into something gleaning with determination and confidence. “I’m coming with you,” he declared.
“You’re a little short for a clone trooper, kid,” Waxer answered his unasked question. Luke could completely see Waxer and Boil as friends, even if it wasn’t completely obvious to a lot of others. “And you are not doing anything.”
“Yes, I am,” he insisted.
“I know for a fact you are supposed to be in the medical bay by General Kenobi’s side,” Waxer pointed out, shaking his head. “Look, kiddo. We love you but you have no idea what you are getting yourself into.”
Luke’s unimpressed look ended up being, well, rather impressive. “I’ve been on the run since I was eight,” he shot back, emphatically. “Chased by an Empire with tons of soldiers trying to kill me. In droves. You know what they say about experience.”
Even Luke knew he was being cheeky.
“You have nothing to prove, kid,” Waxer offered, his voice suddenly serious and quiet. It was a bit of whiplash for Luke but his shoulders hardened and he abruptly became unable to meet Waxer’s eyes.
“Contrary,” Luke’s voice was even quieter, to the point that Waxer was probably the only one who could currently hear him. “I have everything to prove.”
Waxer just sighed and shook his head.
Before he could speak, Luke looked up at him, eyes narrowed and determined. This was a bit more personal, he supposed. “Boil won’t lose you again, not if I can help it.”
Waxer’s eyes tempered into something sympathetic and kind once he had gotten over his brief glance of surprise. He realized that he must have been dead in the future, especially if he wasn’t with Boil. Luke seemed to know him pretty well, which meant his brother talked about him. Waxer had no idea how he would work without Boil, it seemed unimaginable. He always thought they would die together. He did even have an inkling on how Boil would act if Waxer had gone marching on without him. “Kid, soldiers die in war. It’s a fact,” Waxer said, calmly. “You can’t stop me from dying.”
“No,” he agreed, but his fists curled up into one another. “But I can lessen the odds and help protect you. Please, Waxer, let me do this. I won’t slow you down. I won’t get in your war. Nothing has to change with your plans. You don’t have to worry about me.”
Waxer sighed and ruffled his hair, affectionately, shaking his head. He obviously didn’t like this, and he certainly thought there would be consequences but there was little he could do now. “Too late, kiddo.”
“Do you have a weapon?”
Luke brandished the hilt of Ben’s lightsaber with a smirk. “I know how to use this.”
“I have no doubt,” Waxer replied. “General Kenobi does this style called Soresu. It’s apparently-.”
“The ultimate defense form,” Luke finished with a smirk. Waxer must talk about Jedi things with Ben. It was nice that some of the men were interested in that sort of thing. Ben loved to teach. “I’m aware. And quite adequate. I will try to keep with that style as much as I can. I promise I won’t get in the way.”
“Sir!” one of the other soldiers called out, apprehensively. “This is…highly against protocol,” he choked out.
Waxer just shook his head. He wasn’t going to get rid of Luke. Even if he physically could, the boy would never leave them alone. And now they were well on their way down to the surface. “As far as I’m concerned, Luke here is General Kenobi’s new padawan which makes him your commander,” he pointed out.
“I won’t make any choices,” he vowed, looking around at the whole squad. “I’m just here to help, an extra body. You don’t have to protect me or anything.”
The clones glanced at each other, uncertainly.
“I’m just here to make sure as many of you come out of this alive as I can. Ben isn’t awake this time around to help so it is up to me.”
He didn’t tell him the other reason. Boil had never told him specifically what planet or campaign that Waxer had been on when he had died but Luke had a few clues. One. It was a dark and gloomy planet. Check. Luke had looked it up on a terminal. There were few planets darker or gloomier or grosser. Two. There was a traitor general. Possibly, General Krell was the only general on the ground as of currently, so he would be the main suspect if this was it. Luke hadn’t been able to do much research about him but he definitely got an uneasy feeling about this. Three. There was an act of friendly fire. Part of the 501stwas down there and part of the 212th as well. They were coming from different directions. With the natural darkness of the planet and no large amount of deception or confusion necessary, it could easily turn into a case of friendly fire.
Luke didn’t know if this was the planet where Waxer died the first time. But he knew somethingbad was going to happen here. The Force was practically blaring like a megaphone. Luke would do his part.
“Do you mind if I keep some of the armor?” Luke asked.
They all just stared at him.
“Uh yeah,” Waxer choked out. “Of course.” Then he paused and realized what Luke had said. “Wait. Some?”
Immediately, Luke took off a few of the pieces. He hadn’t planned on keeping all of them, they would hinder his movements significantly, but he kept the greaves, vambraces and pauldrons. They could only watch as he set the extra pieces in the corners.
“Not gonna wear all of it?” one of the troopers asked.
“Can’t move easy,” Luke shrugged. “It was a disguise.”
Waxer just shook his head with a vaguely amused smile. “You Jedi.”
The gunship rocked as an explosion went off near enough that the pilot had to swerve, and the sound blasted through his ears. Waxer and another trooper tried to shelter him as best they could, protectiveness and care emanating from them in strong waves.
“Please wake up,” Luke whispered quietly into the air, as they got closer and closer to the planet’s surface. He was nearly inaudible, no one could hear him, but he wasn’t talking to the troopers. It was some kind of prayer to the Force, something, anything, to beg it for assistance. For him. For Ben. “Please wake up, Ben. I could really use you soon. I can’t do this alone.”
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