#Group Guitar Lessons Cambridge
lorirwritesfanfic · 3 years
Get To Know Veronica
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Mariana Rios as Veronica Dantas
Name: Veronica Dantas Aldridge
Nationality: Brazilian
Birthdate: July 1st, 1993
Hometown: Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Current Residence: Ithaca, NY, USA / County of Edgewater, UK
Occupation: Psychology graduate student
Talents/Skills: playing guitar, playing bass, teaching, multitasking.
Parents: Mariana Dantas Aldridge, George Easton Aldridge III (deceased)
Siblings: none
Grandparents: on her mother’s side, Irene and Miguel Dantas (deceased); on her father’s side, Margot and George Easton Aldridge II (deceased).
Character Background: Veronica Dantas Aldridge (V/Vee for close friends) was born and raised in Brazil and she’s British descendant. She’s the only daughter of businessman George Easton Aldridge III, who left his life of luxury in London behind to marry Mariana Dantas and live in Brazil. He died when she was two during a car accident. She was raised on a ranch by her grandparents and mother and had a happy childhood playing with other kids, climbing mango and guava trees, helping take care of animals. 
She learned how to play guitar at school and begged for months until she finally got her first acoustic guitar on Christmas. She continued her guitar lessons at home and learned how to play electric guitar and bass when she was 14. A few months later, she moved with her mother to Cambridge and had several conflicts with her father’s family because they didn’t accept her not so lady-like manners (though they mostly had a problem with her sexuality). After her grandfather died, she finally cut ties with them.
Her time in Cambridge made her dedicate herself to music and her major Psychology. She joined a band called Killer Doctors while working as a bartender to pay the bills. With Hamid’s help, she got a job as A-level tutor for a few years, which helped her pay for her Cornell graduate tuition. During her tutoring years, she met Daphne, Briar and Bartholomew and became friends with them. 
Best Childhood Memory: Waking up early on weekends to join her grandparents to help with house chores at the ranch (she loved taking care of the animals), swimming on the lakes nearby and playing with other kids.
Height: 5'4’’
Weight: 112 lb
Ethnicity: Latina/Caucasian
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin color: Light beige
Ideal Career Path: Music therapist
Academic Inclination: Arts and Science
How does she dress: Street/casual
Habits: drinking, drumming on things when she’s bored, watching TV and playing guitar at the same time (it’s a mystery to know she does it).
Hobbies: reading, playing guitar, dancing, horse riding, polo.
Religion: she’s more spiritual than religious.
Greatest flaws: overconfident, blunt, audacious
Best qualities: perceptive, open minded, compassionate , independent
Sexuality: lesbian
Relationship status: in a relationship
Love Interests: Annabelle Parsons
What initially attracted her to her partner?
They’ve seen each other a couple of times, but didn’t think Annabelle had noticed her until she came to talk to her. Though Annabelle was drunk, she was astounded by how Annabelle’s gray eyes gleamed when she smiled. She also loves Annabelle's acid sense of humor.
Relationships background: She had several girlfriends, a few groups, but nothing serious.
Close Friends: Hamid Osmanoglu, Yusuf Konevi, Daphne Wang (MC/f!OC), Bartholomew Chambers, Alisha Hastings (f!OC), Briar Daly, Luke Harper, Cordelia Parsons.
How does she express affection?
Very friendly, shameless flirt, very into hugs and kisses on the cheek.  
Does she have/want children?
Yes. But she’d either seek adoption, surrogacy or her partner would bear the child. She doesn’t picture herself pregnant.
Pets: an Arabian horse named Morena.
Does she have a temper? 
No. It’s really hard for her to get mad. 
Does she exercise? 
She goes to the gym sometimes, mostly she likes dancing classes and yoga.
One random headcanon: Veronica had sinusitis and a lot of trouble breathing during cold days after she moved to the UK. When she finally had some extra money, she did a septoplasty and went back to Brazil to rest for a while before she went to the US to enroll in Cornell Psychology Graduate Program. Some of her friends had trouble recognizing her after the surgery.
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promoteyourwebsites · 4 years
Learn Most Effective Music Lessons to Boost Confidence and Musical Skills
Do you want to learn from the best music school in the greatest Toronto? Your search ends here. We are a reputable Music School in Cambridge offering a variety of amazing quality music lessons for Bass, Baritone, Clarinet, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Mandolin, Oboe, Piano, Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Violin and Voice. Rockstar Music Central provides top quality private music lessons and community-based programs to all ages and abilities in Brampton, Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, Mississauga and all surrounding Toronto area.
Music is a type of art used to play different jobs in individuals' lives. Music can be utilized to express normal topics of the human experience, for example, love, loss, sorrow, outrage, excitement, festivity, jealousy, and etc. Music may be utilized for the motivations behind imparting, stimulation, educational learning and ceremonials. There is absolutely no suspicion that we at Rockstar Music Central provide the highest quality music education in a secure and smooth environment to develop musical skills and bring out hidden musical talent as well.
With specialization in Guitar, Voice, Piano, Ukulele, Bass, Drums, Digital Music Production Lessons, Songwriting & Composition Lessons, Theory & RCM Exam Preparation, Theory & RCM Exam Preparation, Violin, Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Baritone, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Mandolin, and Oboe lessons, we are committed to getting you playing the music you love today. When it comes to finding the best Music Lessons in Kitchener, Piano Lessons in Cambridge, Ukulele Lessons in Guelph, Violin Lessons in Kitchener and Drum Lessons in Kitchener, look no further than Rockstar Music Central.
If you are questing for Clarinet Lessons in Kitchener, Group Music Lessons in Cambridge, Group Music Lessons in Guelph and Group Ukulele Lessons in Kitchener, we are here to help you. We welcome to Rockstar Music Central to learn top-notch musical instruments through professional, experienced and highly skilled music teachers. If you want to learn the language of music to become a Rockstar, our music teachers are here to help you. Here at Rockstar Music Central, we have a university-educated teachers, musicians and recording industry professionals across the Greatest Toronto Area.  
We render a comprehensive range of Music Summer Camp in Mississauga, Rock Camp in Guelph, Singing Lessons in Brampton, Vocal Lessons in Cambridge and Group Guitar Lessons in Kitchener, your search ends at Rockstar Music Central. We also offer top-notch modern band instruments and concert band instruments for all styles at an excellent competitive price. If you are seeking a top-notch and reliable Bucket Drumming Workshops in Guelph and Bucket Drumming Workshops in Kitchener, you have come to the right place. For more information, you can feel free to visit us at www.rockstarmusic.ca!!
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alex-writes-things · 3 years
100 Things I Love
1.      Poetry and beautiful quotes from literature
2.     Feeling it start to rain on a hot day or when you’ve been exercising
3.     Sitting in a dimly lit room, writing and listening to music
4.     Old typewriters and record players
5.     Kelly Macdonald/Joanne Davidson
6.     People who ship Wolfstar, Flemson, Cazzie etc
7.     Watching someone play with children or be affectionate with children
8.     Huge open fields
9.     Laying in said fields with my girlfriend (hi beth if you’re reading this)
10.   Queer women represented in fiction
11.     Drinking fanta on a hot day
12.    Cities, especially Rome, especially in summer or when it’s raining
13.    Watching storms and rain from a window
14.   Smiling when I think of old memories
15.    Line of Duty (sorry, had to mention it)
16.   Listening to music very loud through headphones
17.    Looking at people in cities and towns and wondering what their story is
18.   Trains, and the feeling of looking out of your window and watching miles fly by
19.   Making/finding and giving gifts
20.  At concerts when they hold out their mic to the audience and everyone screams back the lyrics
21.    Beth’s laugh. And her voice. And pretty much all her mannerisms 😊
22.   Cats
23.   Hozier, Frank Turner, Dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton, The Head and The Heart, The Strumbrellas, and countless other artists that make me feel at home with their music
24.  Pretty flowers and bright green lawns and huge houses with hidden ruins and statues and secrets!
25.   Watching someone in love look at their person
26.  Road trips and car journeys
27.   Theme parks and running from one side to the other so you don’t miss your favourite ride
28.  Talking to my friends
29.  Talking to people that I don’t often talk to and falling platonically in love with little things about them
30.  Coming home after a long day
31.    Being accepted after coming out to someone or mentioning that I have a girlfriend
32.   Reading all day and being so gripped that I forget anything else exists
33.   Texting someone at 1am and getting a reply
34.   Being told that I helped someone or made their day a bit better
35.   Holding hands (with Beth), hugging (Beth only. Like sorry. But no hugs.), leaning on (Beth’s) shoulders.
36.  Sleepovers, and staying up so late talking that the sky starts to lighten outside the window
37.   Finally understanding something I’ve been struggling with
38.   Walking
39.  Packing bags for holidays, school trips and days out
40.  When someone sees that you’re upset and doesn’t say anything but helps quietly
41.   Lesbians. Girls. Women. Girls that love girls. Literally lesbians.
42.  Picnics
43.   Stargazing and cloud watching either with someone I love or by myself
44.  Beaches early in the morning
45.  Running through the shallow waves on a beach with a dog at my heels
46.  Finding pretty rocks and shells or cool creatures out in nature, watching other people do this too!
47.  Sleeping beside someone you care about and you see their sleepy smile and messed up hair in the morning
48.  Willow trees and clear chalk rivers
49.  Mountains and tall buildings and anything incomprehensibly huge
50.  Casual touches between people who are completely comfortable with one another
51.    Writing poetry when I’m alone
52.   Being alone, especially on a journey or home alone
53.   Fish, and seals, and whales and dolphins and all of those crazy sea creatures that exist
54.  The fact that there are so many humans out there that live and create and love and hate and feel things? And we’re all stuck in our one life. I hate it but I also think it’s wonderful
55.   Sexual and romantic tension in books. It isn’t necessary but sometimes it’s what makes me fall in love with a book even more
56.  Fajitas, burritos, guacamole, street food, dim sum, Vietnamese restaurants
57.   Watching plays and musicals
58.  How much opportunity there is in the world, and how much we still have left to learn
59.  Cliffs
60.  Wind in trees, in hair, in clothes
61.   Finding beautiful things out about people I love
62.  Listening to someone tell me their childhood stories (to an extent haha)
63.  Playing guitar especially when I’m alone
64.  Figuring out the chords to a song I like on my guitar
65.  Vicky McClure/Kate Fleming, Martin Compston/Steve Arnott, Adrian Dunbar/Ted Hastings, Kelly Macdonald (again), Scarlett Johansson, Keeley Hawes, Jennifer Lawrence
66.  Being truly alone or being in a crowd with nobody that knows me
67.  Black nail polish
68.  Jewellery especially rings and earrings
69.  Denim jackets, cord jackets and other kinds of jackets like this
70.  When people smile at each other across the room
71.    When people scrunch their noses as they smile or laugh or something
72.   Reading people’s head canons about tv shows and fandoms they’re passionate about, even when I don’t agree
73.   Analysing poems in English class (don’t ask why)
74.  Watching banter between old friends
75.   Rediscovering music I haven’t heard in a while
76.  Salt and vinegar crisps
77.   Leaving school at the end of term with my friends
78.  Singing with my friends
79.  The Midnight Library (Matt Haig), Children of Blood and Bone (Tomi Adeyemi), Red White and Royal Blue (Casey McQuinston), A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder (Holly Jackson)
80.  Enamel pins
81.   Stationery of all kinds, but especially notebooks
82.  Antiques shops and old book shops
83.   Edinburgh, York, Cambridge, Snowdonia, London, Rome, Palma
84.  The sound of people laughing, people shouting, people chatting
85.  Acting
86.  Having fun and doing stupid things with my friends, my girlfriend, my drama group
87.  Wearing nice clothes and then the feeling of being complimented on them
88.  Climbing mountains and canoeing
89.  The taste of cold water on a hot day
90.  Online/window shopping just for fun and not to buy anything just to look
91.   Crying at a sad book, film, poem or TV show
92.  Finding out a famous person that I look up to or respect is part of the LGBT+ community
93.  Researching for a project I care about
94.  Frogs, rats, kittens, dinosaurs
95.  Pretty ukuleles and guitars
96.  Finally understanding something in a maths or chemistry lesson and feeling like I’m not as stupid as I think
97.  Huge communities of people coming together
98.  Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, ancient mythology, literature from a very long time ago
99.  The film 1917
100. Finishing a good book and never wanting to let it go ever again
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delphicwoman · 3 years
About the muse
fyi: most of my links are currently under construction for now, including my rules page! anyway...
Full name: Sarah Jane Blair
Nicknames: J, Janey/Janie
Age: Verse dependent
DOB: October 25, 1944
Likes: Reading, writing, playing piano and/or guitar, fans (the ones who aren't horny men), beaches.
Dislikes: Entitled people, anything with cauliflower, large crowds of people, and people who are manipulativr
Accent: Light Brummie accent
Hair colour: Light brown
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5'5
Build: Toned, athletic, pear-shaped:
Hometown: Birmingham, England
Current location: Either London or Cambridge
Family relationship: One younger brother (Warren)
Occupation: Musician (plays guitar, piano, and sings) and another on the side
Personality traits:
Alignment: True Neutral or Neutral Good
Compliments: Assertive, brave, clever, compassionate, intuitive, straightforward, wise, witty
Flaws: Aloof, blunt, cocksure, cunning, cynical, distant, doubtful, stubborn, vulgar
Brief description
On stage, her expressions are easy to read, she has a knack for dancing, or simply grooving to the beat while playing guitar or keyboards. Jane Blair was classical trained as a cellist in her local orchestra, took piano and vocal lessons outside secondary school, although her dances were self-taught ever since she was a little kid. She's also described as a woman with not just 'powerful' vocals without straining her voice, but holds a wide range. Her vocals are known for being warm and breathy, although she has songs where she sounded rich and dark, strong and rapsy in others, and hints of cooing in her higher registers.
After her involvement with her secondary school's orchestra, she was one of the singers in an doo-wap girl group called The Peppermints, which didn't last long. It only lasted a year in the early 60s due to her departure from the band. Not exactly because her ego was too big for the group of five, but more so over bad management and refusing to make 'bubblegum pop' music. Ever since, she broke out as a solo artist, familarizing herself with rock n' roll mixed with blues in England. No one said it'd be easy for her, not even she'd deny the difficults of being a female musician in a male-dominated scene.
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global-news-station · 4 years
LONDON/BERLIN/MILAN: It’s tough to do any useful work when you’re stuck at home, struggling to home-school bickering kids, let alone when you’re trying to produce a COVID-19 vaccine.
British drugmaker AstraZeneca had spent years preparing for a pandemic, but when the moment finally came it was caught cold on a crucial front: stressed parents working from home struggled to focus.
So the company recruited up to 80 teachers to run online lessons and repurposed a car parking app to book virtual classes. It also lined up personal tutoring and helped to locate some childcare spaces for those battling to adapt to the abrupt change to their lives.
The move by Britain’s biggest drugmaker, and similar efforts by companies the world over to host everything from magic classes to yoga for children, shows the lengths businesses are going to to help staff work through the coronavirus crisis.
“It was quite apparent that it was going to be really challenging for those with small kids and with two parents working,” AstraZeneca’s HR chief Fiona Cicconi told Reuters.
“People were starting to say they were feeling really anxious, I’ve got so much to do, how am I going to get it done?”
The new corporate attitude towards home-working could help lead to higher productivity and loyalty, according to experts, and ease moves towards more flexible working as companies rethink whether staff need to be in the office, and as schools take time to return to normal.
The march of the pandemic has upended normal life, forcing companies to shut offices, schools to close and grandparents and childcare providers to stay away.
That has left many exhausted parents juggling work demands while helping their children with school work to prevent them from falling behind or spending too much time online, not to mention having to feed, entertain and care for them.
German business software company SAP provided online lessons on magic, coding, yoga, guitar and break dancing for children of staff.
It is now working on a more formalised schooling scheme with a partner organisation, which will pair children of staff with students, and also offer activities through the summer holiday.
Thomas Angerstein, EMEA head of the SAP department responsible for providing “mission critical” support to customers, said the magic classes had helped his eight-year-old son, and consequently helped him too.
“I could focus on my team,” he said. “Usually he is hovering around and looking at my screen and I’m distracted for sure.”
In Italy, tyre maker Pirelli teamed up with local company Radiomamma.it to provide online education and entertainment for children, with classes in English, creativity and technology the most popular.
Rosaria Demma Carà, who works in Pirelli’s Financial Statements division, said the classes had helped her 10-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter interact with their peers, relieving the social blackout of lockdown.
“(It also helped) us get on with some work.”
Esther Canónico, from the London School of Economics, said companies needed to prioritise supporting their staff in different ways because any return to normality would take time, and flexible, long-distance working was likely here to stay.
Supportive measures should, however, not be seen as an attempt to persuade staff to work harder, especially when those working from home can struggle to manage boundaries with work life, and end up working for much longer, she added.
“There is not a clear differentiating line between work and home,” she said of the new environment. “The advice is for employees to actively manage their boundaries.”
Companies, for their part, see offering such services as good business sense in terms of operational resilience.
AstraZeneca, for example, knew it had to act when a survey found that 1,100 of its 8,300 staff in the country needed help with childcare.
A plan to recruit freelance teachers was inspired by a former teacher who worked in the company’s HR department and it was backed by CEO Pascal Soriot, with the whole process signed off in a matter of hours.
Launched in May, it offers four lessons a day to up to 1,300 children who have registered. Separately it has lined up a tutoring company that provides one-on-one sessions.
The tutoring firm, EB Education, said it had since been asked by another company in the drugmaker’s home town of Cambridge if they could provide a similar service.
“The other company have had a few of their workers saying: AstraZeneca are offering this so why aren’t you? So they put something in place,” EB’s Karen McGillicuddy told Reuters.
For now AstraZeneca, which has been licensed to produce a potential vaccine for COVID-19, is expanding its support. It has introduced new classes for different age groups and is looking at a summer school.
HR chief Cicconi said staff had been incredibly grateful, during what is an extraordinary time.
“They know it’s not normal for us to run three primary schools,” she added.
The post COVID-19 vaccine maker faces unexpected ‘hurdle’ appeared first on ARY NEWS.
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Explore a New Way to Learn Music with Rockstar Music Central
Rockstar Music Central is a leading music school which delivers university-trained musicians, teachers and recording industry experts for quality music education throughout the Greater Toronto Area. We offer both private music lessons and community-based programs for all skill levels, abilities and ages to become professional in all genres of music.
 With over years of experience in the business, we are music specialist and instructor that are able to provide adaptive music lessons in the area of Saxophone, guitar, piano, violin, ukulele, drum, flute, drums, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, vocal and singing. If you are looking for a dependable and reliable music academy that offers a comprehensive range of music lessons, bands & group programs and jam camp, we are your first choice.
 We are a team of highly skilled, qualified, enthusiastic and professional music teachers who render lessons to adults and children in a wide range of musical instruments. With private lessons and group lessons, we are dedicated to teaching an array of music techniques. We are experts and promise to getting you playing the music you love today while developing you into a qualified musician for life.
 We are serving throughout Toronto, Cambridge, Guelph, Burlington, Oakville, Brampton, Kitchener, Hamilton, Mississauga and all nearby cities. With Rockstar Music Central, you can get Saxophone Lessons Cambridge, Ukulele Lessons Guelph, Violin Lessons Burlington, Vocal Lessons Oakville, and Singing Lessons Brampton to be professional in your desire music field.
 We are focused on making you play the music you love today while cultivating certainty and developing you into a balanced artist forever. If you are seeking music teachers for a variety of music lessons, you have come to the right place. Here at Rockstar Music Central, We will match you with one of our experienced music teachers who suit your musical goals and personality. If you want to schedule a free trial lesson with expert music teacher, feel free to call us at (647) 526-7625!!
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keithdcourtney · 7 years
Top 25 Contemporary Acoustic Blues Guitarists
Modern Acoustic Blues finds contemporary artists reviving the older, more country-derived styles of blues in its myriad strains. The form places a great deal of emphasis on instrumental expertise, providing the genre with some astounding players who do more than merely replicate older styles.
So how do I propose to rank the best 25 Acoustic Blues Guitarists in the world?  Well, I’m going to dodge the issue a bit.
I’m going to put down 25 guitarists that have dominated the field. But I will refrain from ranking them #1, #2, #3, etc.  I think that’s as close as I can get.  I’m sure you’ll discover some great inspiration for both listening and learning from.
Add other worthy players to the comments below so that the list is truly complete. Thanks!
Here We Go…
  Keb’ Mo’
Guitarist/vocalist Keb’ Mo’ draws heavily on the old-fashioned country blues style of Robert Johnson while keeping his sound contemporary with touches of soul and folksy storytelling. A skilled frontman as well as an accomplished sideman, he writes much of his own material and has applied his acoustic, electric, and slide guitar skills to jazz- and rock-oriented bands.
There’s a lot of material to choose from when listening to Russ, but a popular song to start with is “Everybody Be Yoself”.
More info on Keb’ Mo’.
  Seasick Steve
Steven Gene Wold, commonly known as Seasick Steve, is an American blues musician. He plays mostly personalized guitars and sings, usually about his early life doing casual work. Like T-Model Ford, Seasick Steve began recording his own music much later in life than other musicians. In the 1960s, Wold started touring and performing with fellow blues musicians, and had friends in the music scene including Joni Mitchell. He spent time living in San Francisco. Since then, he has worked, on and off, as a session musician and studio engineer.
To get a sense of his style, listen to
“Summertime Boy”.More info on Seasick Steve.
Jimbo Mathus
Jim “Jimbo” Mathus first gained fame as the co-founder of the retro-swing outfit the Squirrel Nut Zippers. But after the group’s messy breakup, he went on to a prolific career as a guitarist, songwriter, and producer, defining his own brand of revved-up blues and roots music. Using a variety of stage names, including James Mathus, Jas Mathus, Jimbo “Hambone” Mathus, and Jimbo Mathus, he first began stepping out on his own as a sideman with one-time Zippers’ violinist Andrew Bird.
Check him out playing
“Shine Like a Diamond”.More info on Jimbo Mathus.
Taj Mahal
Henry Saint Clair Fredericks (born May 17, 1942), who uses the stage name Taj Mahal, is an American blues musician. He often incorporates elements of world music into his works. A self-taught singer-songwriter and film composer who plays the guitar, piano, banjo and harmonica (among many other instruments), Mahal has done much to reshape the definition and scope of blues music over the course of his almost 50-year career by fusing it with nontraditional forms, including sounds from the Caribbean, Africa and the South Pacific.
One of my favorite is his
“Fishin’ Blues”.More info on Taj Mahal.
Kelly Joe Phelps
Vancouver, Washington-based guitarist, singer, and songwriter Kelly Joe Phelps continues to expand the parameters of modern blues through his strong commitment to literary songs and his expressive yet simple guitar stylings. While casual listeners may call Phelps a bluesman, his playing is so fluid, dexterous, and improvised he obviously has the soul of a jazz musician. Kelly Joe Phelps grew up in Sumner, Washington, a blue-collar farming town. He learned country and folk songs, as well as drums and piano, from his father. He began playing guitar at age twelve.
Check out this tune “I’ve Been Converted” by Kelly Joe Phelps.
More info on Kelly Joe Phelps.
Corey Harris
Corey Harris has earned substantial critical acclaim as one of the few contemporary bluesmen able to channel the raw, direct emotion of acoustic Delta blues without coming off as an authenticity-obsessed historian. Although he is well versed in the early history of blues guitar, he’s no well-mannered preservationist, mixing a considerable variety of influences — from New Orleans to the Caribbean to Africa — into his richly expressive music.
“Catfish Blues”is one of his super creation which I like so much.
More info on Corey Harris.
Cephas & Wiggins
The duo of acoustic guitarist John Cephas and harpist Phil Wiggins enjoyed a partnership spanning several decades, during which time they emerged among contemporary music’s most visible exponents of the Piedmont blues tradition. Their music, rooted in the rural African-American dance music of Virginia and North Carolina, showed the influence of Blind Boy Fuller, Gary Davis, and Sonny Terry, with a broad repertoire consisting of Piedmont blues standards as well as an eclectic sampling of Delta stylings, R&B, ballads, ragtime, gospel, and country & western; onward from their 1984 debut, Sweet Bitter Blues, Cephas & Wiggins’ sound applied sophisticated traditional instrumentation and modern gospel-edged vocals to both traditional standards and their own hard-hitting compositions, offering a soulful acoustic option to electric blues.
Check out their tune “Richmond Blues” and you’ll sense the scope of their playing.
More info on Cephas & Wiggins.
Ted Hawkins 
Overseas, he was a genuine hero, performing for thousands. But on his L.A. home turf, sand-blown Venice Beach served as Ted Hawkins’ makeshift stage. He’d deliver his magnificent melange of soul, blues, folk, gospel, and a touch of country all by his lonesome, with only an acoustic guitar for company. Passersby would pause to marvel at Hawkins’ melismatic vocals, dropping a few coins or a greenback into his tip jar.
He created many good tunes. One of my favorite is his
“Sorry You’re Sick”.More info on Ted Hawkins.
Chris Smither
William Christopher Smither is an American folk/blues singer, guitarist, and songwriter. His music draws deeply from the blues, American folk music, and modern poets and philosophers. By 1969, after living in several places around Cambridge, Smither moved to Garfield Street in Cambridge and often visited Dick Waterman’s house where Fred McDowell, Son House and other blues musicians were known to congregate. It was there that Smither first performed his song “Love You Like a Man” for Waterman’s friend, Bonnie Raitt.
Check out his
“Link Of Chain”.More info on Chris Smither.
Preacher Boy
Christopher Watkins, a twenty-something rocker from the San Francisco Bay area, is turning a whole new generation of teenage and twenty-something alternative rock fans on to the eternal hipness of the blues. Watkins, who uses the stage name Preacher Boy, is backed on his club shows around the Bay area and other parts of the West Coast by his band Natural Blues.
One of his great creation is
“Setting Sun”.More info on Preacher Boy.
East River String Band
Eden and John’s East River String Band are a New York City-based duo who play country blues from the 1920s and  1930s. The members are John Heneghan (guitar, mandolin and vocals) and Eden Brower (ukulele and vocals).The duo often have other musicians sit in with them, including Dom Flemons (formerly of Carolina Chocolate Drops), Pat Conte (of the Canebreak Rattlers and Otis Brothers) and Robert Crumb (of the Cheap Suit Serenaders).
Check out their “Rolling Log Blues”.
View more on East River String Band.
Eric Clapton
Eric Patrick Clapton, CBE, is an English rock and blues guitarist, singer, and songwriter. He is the only three-time inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: once as a solo artist and separately as a member of the Yardbirds and Cream.
Check out this tune of “Wonderful Tonight”.
View more on Eric Clapton.
David Allen Slater
David Allen Slater is a multi-talented singer/songwriter, composer and graphic artist who successfully released his self-produced debut CD, Influenced, on August 15, 2009. Gaining exposure for his music through the web, David was asked to participate in the Windows 7 collaboration with ReverbNation just 2 months after the release of his first album. His song, Run Away, was distributed through this collaboration on Playlist7 and branded with the Windows 7 logo.
Check out his “Swim”.
View more on “David Allen Slater”.
Chris Thomas King
Chris Thomas King (born October 14, 1962 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana) is an American blues musician and actor. He is the son of blues musician Tabby Thomas. In the 2000 movie O’ Brother, Where Art Thou?, he played legendary bluesman Tommy Johnson. On the “O Brother…” soundtrack he plays Skip James’ “Hard Time Killing Floor Blues”. In the 2004 movie Ray, he played bandleader Lowell Fulson. He has also appeared in several documentaries about the blues and about music.
I’ve been listening his many songs, but my my personal favorite is “Hard Time Killing Floor Blues”.
View more on Chris Thomas King.
Guy Davis
Guy Davis (born May 12, 1952) is an American blues guitarist and banjo player, and actor. He is the eldest child and the only son of the late actors Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis. Davis says his blues music is inspired by the southern speech of his grandmother. Though raised in the New York City area, he grew up hearing accounts of life in the rural south from his parents and especially his grandparents, and they made their way into his own stories and songs. Davis taught himself the guitar (never having the patience to take formal lessons) and learned by listening to and watching other musicians.
I love to listen his tune of
“Matchbox Blues”.View more on Guy Davis.
Bjørn Berge
Bjørn Berge takes the Blues and Rock to the next level! He performs with and without band. You wouldn’t notice the difference. The man is a band on his own. Maybe thats why ‘they’ call him the ‘string-machine’. Even the drumming is taken care off in a ‘sole-man-performance’. Just a kick of a heavy, worn out boot on a wooden box for basedrum for example. His fingers play like he sold his soul to ,…. (Fill it in yourself) His voice speaks for itself. Blues to the utmost ground.
Check him playing
“Mad Fingers Ball”.View more on Bjørn Berge.
Woody Mann
Woody Mann is an American Blues Guitar player, using a picking style. Woody was first taught to play the blues by the Rev Gary Davis. Woody still plays many of his songs in tribute and has expanded his range over many styles including Jazz, and syncopated guitar picking. Woody has collaborated with many names in the Jazz and Blues industry from the British White Blues singer Jo-Ann Kelly, Son House and Dori Previn.
Check out him playing
“We’ll Be Alright”.View more on Woody Mann.
Watermelon Slim and the Workers
Bill Homans, professionally known as “Watermelon Slim”, is an American blues musician. He plays both guitar and harmonica. He is currently signed to NorthernBlues Music, based out of Toronto, Ontario. Homans has been performing since the 1970s and has been linked to several notable blues musicians, including John Lee Hooker, Robert Cray, Champion Jack Dupree, Bonnie Raitt, “Country” Joe McDonald, and Henry Vestine of Canned Heat.
Watch them playing
“I’m a King Bee”.View more on Watermelon Slim and the Workers.
Robert Plant 
Robert Anthony Plant CBE (born 20 August 1948, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England) is a British rock singer-songwriter famous for being the lead vocalist of one of the most influential bands of all time: Led Zeppelin. He is known for his powerful style and wide vocal range. After Led Zeppelin’s breakup following the sudden death of drummer John Bonham in 1980, Plant pursued a successful solo career.
Check out this tune as a start
“Big Log”.View more on Robert Plant.
Rory Gallagher (1948-1995)
William Rory Gallagher was an Irish blues and rock multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and bandleader. Born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, and brought up in Cork, Gallagher recorded solo albums throughout the 1970s and 1980s, after forming the band Taste during the late 1960s. His albums have sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Gallagher received a liver transplant in 1995, but died of complications later that year in London at the age of 47.
I love his track
“Tattoo’d Lady”.View more on Rory Gallagher.
John Mayer 
John Clayton Mayer is an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer. He was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and raised in nearby Fairfield. He attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, but disenrolled and moved to Atlanta in 1997 with Clay Cook. Together, they formed a short-lived two-man band called Lo-Fi Masters. After their split, Mayer continued to play local clubs—refining his skills and gaining a following.
Check out his “Gravity”.
View more on John Mayer.
Stefan Grossman
Stefan Grossman is an American acoustic fingerstyle guitarist and singer, music producer and educator, and co-founder of Kicking Mule records. He is known for his instructional videos and Vestapol line of videos and DVDs. He also gives lessons on “How To Play Blues Guitar”
Check his tune “Bermuda Triangle Exit”.
View more on Stefan Grossman.
Jorma Kaukonen
Jorma Ludwik Kaukonen, is an American blues, folk, and rock guitarist, best known for his work with Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna. Rolling Stone magazine ranked him #54 on its list of 100 Greatest Guitarists.
Check out his “Song for the North Star”.
View more on Jorma Kaukonen.
Leo Kottke
Leo Kottke is an acoustic guitarist. He is known for a fingerpicking style that draws on blues, jazz, and folk music, and for syncopated, polyphonic melodies. He overcame a series of personal obstacles, including partial loss of hearing and a nearly career-ending bout with tendon damage in his right hand, to emerge as a widely recognized master of his instrument. He currently resides in the Minneapolis area with his family. Focusing primarily on instrumental composition and playing, Kottke also sings sporadically, in an unconventional yet expressive baritone described by himself as sounding like “geese farts on a muggy day”.
I love his tune of “Vaseline Machine Gun”.
View more on Leo Kottke.
Bob Brozman
Brozman was born to a Jewish family living on Long Island, New York, United States. He began playing the guitar when he was 6. He performed in a number of styles, including gypsy jazz, calypso, blues, ragtime, Hawaiian music, and Caribbean music. He also collaborated with musicians from diverse cultural backgrounds, from India, Africa, Japan, Papua New Guinea and Réunion. He has been called “an instrumental wizard” and “a walking archive of 20th Century American music”.
I love his tune of “Rattlesnake blues”.
View more on Bob Brozman.
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The post Top 25 Contemporary Acoustic Blues Guitarists appeared first on The Guitar Journal.
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Recently there was quite a bit in the news regarding the visit of from the Black Eyed Peas to New Zealand. The large majority of students who study English in Greece do so to get credentials - Cambridge or Michigan, generally the First Certificate (' Lower') as well as Efficiency degrees - with the focus on written grammar, job and comprehension, so instructors have to be certain in their capability to instruct English at a high level. When they are been over tipped or ignored by the students, the following vital step the teacher requires to take is developing regulations, borders as well as repercussions. Provide the teacher a couple of weeks to execute some of the new strategies and also review the sites. Recurring professional growth maintains teachers updated when it come to innovative research study on how children find out. However, some distraction from the daily dullness can be a significant positive improvement. Thanks i was chose to write a farewell speech for one of my teachers as well as this provided me the motivation! For instance, when educating the third conditional, the educator could make use of written workouts by distributing cards to different pupils, on which are composed the complying with words: recognized, visited, have, had, if, you, I, would, I, were, in, medical facility, you. There are just a couple of suppllies called for making these presents, yet the presents will bring lots of smiles to these national prizes, our teachers. While some pupils take advantage of the standard version of educator preparation, others GROW in a cohort-centered atmosphere. You must then seek works as ESL teachers is a popular site where you will certainly obtain all feasible information you need which will make it easy for you to find the most appropriate English training work that you require. I took one week leave from the School and also join the group of candidates who came for interview. I understand when I was an educator as well as a pupil hugged me (women or male) I constantly felt awkward and a few times told them I do not like being hugged. One of them in fact discovered just how I walk pigeon toed as well as my instructor Jackie did not allow me flee really rapidly.
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Learning to play guitar doesn't need to entail organizing long class sessions as well as finding out at the rate pre-programmed by an educator. A couple of highly motivated, smart pupils will learn despite whether the instructor has transference abilities. I was really loaded with myself today especially today and I think all of my educators observed including him. Teacher specialist growth could improve educator abilities, which in turn improves the top quality of lessons for students. Quality as well as understanding of the instructor indicates everything in regards to the performance capabilities of the students. Since the people who come there to discover are essential, what educators do in the class is crucial. Right here, I was able to choose my goji cream kopen de tuinen instructors as well as my fields of interest; I really felt as if I was cost-free to learn once more. This may be mirrored in a business's pay ranges or can be utilized by you to work out a higher salary. One -5th, or 20%, of public college teachers that had no previous full time teaching experience stopped in the school year 2004-2005. In mostly all the good colleges of America, graduate programs are provided in educator education and learning and training.
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While both training courses require an even bigger financial investment in terms of program prices, you will certainly be rewarded by being qualified for promo to a function such as DOS/ADOS, with detailed pay benefits. I've had a team workout educator out since last month as a result of cancer cells then a cardiovascular disease. Especially at the primary degree, the essential of a great educator takes entirely a brand-new degree. If you do decide to operate in Greece be careful-check documentation, contracts, be solid, check with various other teachers or with IKA (insurance policy) what your entitlements are. It's so hard for preschool educators to manage a a great deal of energetic children that have entered college for the very first time. Some leading programs and software for songs teachers can be accessed and also downloaded and install from a selection of songs educators' websites and sources.
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lettiebonython-blog · 7 years
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A Missouri educator is under attack for turning off the White House during a trip to DC with a group of middle-school pupils-- and after that smudging the image on social media, inning accordance with reports. In order to gain credit each participant of the team will certainly have to take part in the presentation of each participant and also the solution will certainly have to contribute to the solution. Teachers aged 60 with Thirty Years of service or aged 62 with a minimum of 1 year of service are also eligible for normal retirement benefits. Educators could use them for worksheets, Lesson Plans, Quizzes, Website, and also various other classroom demands. After that their course talks and tasks are going to be on the uninteresting side, if a science instructor has limited access to extra devices as well as mentor materials. Lot of money School of Education and learning has been faithfully working to update visit their website programs based on the California Payment on Educator Credentialing's ever-changing needs. By working together, educators still obtain an interactive education from online teacher professional advancement. An instructor who makes drum lessons unbearable or maintains mentioning your mistakes will only threaten your confidence. The quantity of time that the majority of instructors need to spend preparation, screening, examining scales and also pupil work, reteaching, retesting, and so on The large bulk of pupils that research English in Greece do so to gain qualifications - Cambridge or Michigan, generally the First Certification (' Lower') and Effectiveness levels - with the emphasis on created grammar, comprehension as well as job, so instructors need to be positive in their capacity to teach English at a high degree. Doing cardio to boost the number of calories you're burning off for claim a half a hr 4 times a week would ready. An accountable spiritual teacher can be the light upon the path to spiritual gratification. Possibly one of the most substantial difference in between main college as well as senior high school mentor is the connection in between youngsters as well as educators. Given that all students do not find out as well as process information in the same ways, taking on an entire brain mentor strategy might confirm to be helpful for the instructor to use. Student-centered classrooms usually have unique sitting arrangements so classmates could share throughout the day.
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Determination could repay majorly and could be the distinction in between obtaining a teaching work or being back to trying to find more educator interviews. Most of guitar educators make the all-too-common psychological error of mentor arbitrary guitar playing information/licks/songs to their students because they assume this is what they are intended to do as 'good instructors'. Started the academic year with 1 day of training on the best ways to browse the iObservation web site. The most crucial high qualities of an educator are wishing to be there, and knowing exactly what they are educating. I was a full-time pupil of this teacher for two years before functioning side by side with her as a teacher. The pay is normally reduced, however you will not have all the anxiety as well as bureaucracy that a normal instructor needs to deal with This week beginning 24 Could - There was an awful Electric motor Accident, in which Young adults of a School were entailed. If a moms and dad or teacher could not analyze what the child wrote, it can be discouraging for all events entailed. A vocal singing educator job is appealing considering that people generally are inclined to music. When I remained in grad school, they would inform us that over half of teachers do not make it previous 5 years in the class. If you don't absolutely require a lot of help to be an excellent instructor, pp is a fantastic choice only. Everybody is built in different ways as well as the wonderful educators adapt to their students' psychological and also physical make-up. While primary science ideas are not naturally hard this does not indicate that teachers are mosting likely to understand the ideas all right to respond to questions as well as to describe the procedures. Think of this from a parent's perspective ... exactly how excellent would it be to get an email every single week allowing you understand just what your kid will be dealing with that week as well as what the research is every day of the week. Specialist instructor growth will certainly create a far better tomorrow for educators, trainees, as well as all of society. I have actually been a teacher for several years,( semi-retired now) and also find it laborious, however so, so fulfilling! All the quotes are just as applicable to parenting, since moms and dads are the best educators to their youngsters. Usage English, making yourself a better teacher and also aiding your students to get more information. Interaction: The most intelligent individual worldwide is of little usage as a tutor or instructor if they can not clearly convey their understanding. The initial things you may discover in an educator specialist growth program concerning bringing collaboration to the classroom are the basic characteristics of a collaborative class, which we touched on above. The Writer blogs about of Ferns N Flowers provide Send out Educators Day Presents with fnp express shipment solutions. Educator Mark is dealt with as an educator for teaching his trainees the lessons each day. Friends satisfy in classes on a regular basis and get to bounce the bad and excellent from their time off others in the same scenario.
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With a decade of experience, our music school has given thousands of people the best opportunity to make music a part of their lives, as well as help to bring out hidden talent to achieve musical goals. We have some of the leading electric, classical, acoustic guitar, Baritone, Bass, Clarinet, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Mandolin, Oboe, Piano, Saxophone, Ukulele and Violin teachers in the greater Toronto Area. We are skilled at teaching all ages and experience from beginner to advanced.
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