#Guitar Lessons Brampton
promoteyourwebsites · 3 years
Guitar lessons Richmond Hill
Are you looking for a reputable music school that offers private, one-on-one, online, and private in-home Guitar lessons in Richmond Hill from highly qualified and trained Guitar instructors? If so, Rockstar Music Central is the place to go.
Address  :- 9600 Bathurst St. Vaughan, ON L6A 3Z8, Canada Phone    : (647) 526-7625 Email    : [email protected] Website  :- https://www.rockstarmusic.ca/richmond_hill/lessons/guitar
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notesonnotes · 4 years
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Rosedale. Herkimer 2009. Some friends and I had followed Honor Bright; The Doppler Effect and Lacerda to a show in Herkimer, NY. We'd never seen Rosedale, or heard of them. We didn't know what to expect when we saw them setting up. I was in awe of the sheer height of their front-man, Mike. (I am a over a foot shorter than he is, and at that point he was the tallest person I'd ever met.)When they started playing, I was in awe of their drummer, Emerson Tavares (he played faster than most drummer I'd seen). After the show, we saw a big purple bus, and we had the chance to hang out with Mike and Emmo. A week later, we'd get to meet Mitch and Zan in Watertown, NY. We were hooked. Soon after, we got them to our college in Northern New York.Since then, I've watched Mike progress from the 4 man band to the last solo act in Toronto in 2018. He is multi-talented, and probably one of the most down to earth people I've met. He takes time before, during, and after shows to talk with as many people/fans as he can, and has been an inspiration to many that have followed his journey.Today, we're going to take a look at where he came from, and where he plans to go. Take a few and read through. It's the anniversary feature for Notes on Notes! What better way to celebrate that with the one who inspired it all?!
NON: Rosedale was an early project of yours as a teenager in Brampton, ON. What brought you and your then band mates together?
ML: Pretty much skateboarding sparked it all. The skate scene was really booming in Brampton (and everywhere) as I was becoming an adolescent. Tony Hawk Pro Skater was huge, all the skate magazines were doing well, all the local skate parks were packed and hosting contests, pro skaters were celebrities- it was wild! I've always been pretty awkward on a skateboard and could never really improve past the basics, but I was definitely making progress on the piano so my parents finally granted my wishes to switch to classical guitar, as I'd been begging for years and the skate culture was surrounded by a lot of guitar music. After about a year of struggling to figure out how to play "cool guitar" I started convincing my friends to learn drums and bass and would try to jam with them. That led me to connecting with a friend I hadn't really seen since kindergarten; Nick, who was a pretty solid drummer. So I started showing him songs I'd written and we'd jam at his place on weekends. I think it started lighting a fire for a few of my school and skater friends as they started getting more serious about learning instruments and starting bands. We'd eventually teamed up with Mitch and Jon's band, as their drummer, Emerson, was still figuring out how to drum. Fun fact, there was about a month or two where I was kicked out of the band because my squeaky voice, cheesy lyrics, shrill guitar tone, awkward stage presence, and thick wavy blond mushroom cut were all just too unbearable. (They were very blunt and honest with me on that phone call...) So Jon started singing and they eventually called me back into the new band to play guitar, piano, and sing super high emo backup vocals. From there; we replaced Nick with Sam, named the band Rosedale (because when our gear was stuck at Nick's house we'd walk up Rosedale ave to the local music store to practice and write). Then we eventually replaced Sam with Emerson. Me and Jon started taking vocal lessons from our friend Steve, who was a drummer and backup singer in one of our favourite local bands, By Permit Only. Eventually we just asked him to be our lead singer and after recording our first EP with him, he quit the band and I took over lead vocals again. I met Zan in our high school, Mayfield. He was a bassist in the music program so I'd jam with him from time to time during lunch in our school's practice rooms. He eventually replaced Jon... I guess I could have just summed it up with "Skateboarding and school" but we all have a little more time these days so why not take a trip down nostalgia lane!
 NON: You've had 5 EP's and albums over the years; could you describe the progression of your creative process through the years? 
ML: It's pretty crazy for me to look back on. We recorded Past Times With Old Friends in Sean Andrew's little bedroom on a Line 6 bean-shaped Pod with Cue-base on his laptop. We'd tried to record about 3 demos with 3 different producers prior to that EP but nothing ever got finished. Each time we'd record I'd learn a few more things about how to engineer. Back when we had Sam in the band, one of his dad's friends "Stereo Mario" (one of the 3 producers that we'd demo with) would teach me the basics of Pro Tools and I was very eager to learn more. Before ever using any real recording equipment/DAW I'd multi-track covers of my favorite songs onto three-and-a-half inch floppy discs with my Yamaha Clavinova (a multi-patch midi amplified keyboard from the mid 90s), drums and all! So I kinda came full circle back to being a solo, multi tracker, multi-instrumentalist after having several different band mates and methods. The big turning point in my progression as an artist and producer, though, came when I started an internship at Drive Studios in my senior year of high school. I believe everyone needs a roll model and mentor to really progress and the owner of that studio, Steve Rizun, took me under his wing and pulled me in the right direction. Not only did he train me to be a sound engineer and let me work with some world class punk/prog/metal/emo bands, but he also would show me how to make additional production for Rosedale's sound and how to bring it to our live show. I became obsessed with songwriting and production and as soon as I graduated I worked to save up for a Macbook and an audio interface...and a lot of other gear! Had it not been for Steve, I probably would have wasted a lot of money going to a college to learn a fraction of what he was teaching me for free; hands on in the most punk rock environment! Since that internship he's mixed and mastered all the Rosedale records, mixed a handful of my live shows, he even showed me the ropes of being a live sound engineer, and continues to be a great ear to for mixing and advice! I've had a lot of other great friends show me how to edit video, hold a drumstick, where to book shows, gear advice etc. Even though I'm kind of a "Lone Wolf" I guess my process has always been to keep creating and ask for help and advice along the way from those who are more experienced (and YouTube tutorials, of course). Now that I'm in a new market playing with a new band (Mainsail in San Diego) I feel like I'm teaching and working more often than I'm learning. And that's been really healthy too! 
 NON: How has the journey from "Past Times" to your most recent projects helped you grow/learn as a musician/artist?
ML: What a journey it has been! As I'm sure any artist or even entrepreneur could relate, The Faces sang it best; "I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger!" I think the biggest difference is the decision making ability. I used to take so damn long to make such bad decisions! Debating who, what, where why- it's important to think things through but sometimes you gotta just leap and learn from it. If you keep questioning things you'll never know. Also, the more I learn the more I realize how much more I still don't know! And that's part of the climb. Even now, being in the beginning stages of getting my 10,000 hours on the drums, I look back to how I used to play, say, 100 hours ago- and shake my head. That can sometimes be humiliating and demotivating while knowing you're still at the bottom of the mountain- or even just dealing with the ongoing yin and yang of confidence/hope vs. doubt. But what usually gets me to keep on going is to remind myself to just be better than I was yesterday. For a long time I was holding myself to the standards of my heroes which usually just creates inauthenticity, bad technique, bad decisions, clutter, and setbacks. Sometimes I'm worse than I was yesterday so I need a little push and that's okay, too! The journey from Past Times to Again was a big balancing lesson of letting things go while learning you can always do more to improve. And it's no surprise; but the newer the album, the more proud and less embarrassed of it I am! 
 NON: You've played bass in Mainsail for roughly a year, maybe a bit more; how did you meet up with them? What spurred you joining?
ML: Yeah since February 2019 I've been in Mainsail. I've been friends with them since 2017 and they really helped me get my show in front of a lot of people in San Diego. When I finally moved out there Nick was really cool about bringing me out to shows and jamming together. They needed a new bass player so I figured I'd offer and it just all escalated really fast. Since finally accepting that it was time to move on from the name Rosedale I've had a lot of luck with being a sort of "yes man". I'm usually very strict with staying on the path to my vision, as it requires a lot of time, but since moving and letting go of the past I've been finding that sometimes letting the wind take you where you're needed can be really beneficial. And a lot of great things are starting to happen for Mainsail so it has been fun. It has also kind of kept a stream of new listeners seeing what Rosedale is all about too so that is a nice bonus. 
 NON: You've performed at the House of Blues in San Diego; how was the experience for you?
ML: It was one of the best moments of my life playing that stage in front of so many great SoCal people, some who have been supporting Rosedale over the years. That has always been one of my favorite venues and since moving to San Diego I've seen a lot of amazing shows there. House of Blues is always great in Boston and Anaheim too. I'm really grateful that they give independent acts like myself not only a chance to play there, but they really give you the same professionalism and respect as they do to the giant national acts, it's pretty remarkable. I really hope they're doing okay during this pandemic and I hope all venues find a way to pull through this. I can't imagine how tough it's getting for some. 
NON: You've toured the U.S. and parts of Canada multiple times; played on a stage at Warped Tour, and toured Europe: What would you say is your most memorable moment?
ML: That is a great but very tough question. Playing in Vienna Austria in 2016 to a bunch of kids that knew my songs is definitely up there. But 2012 Warped Tour was probably the most fun and rewarding summer of my life. It was a grind and very uncomfortable at times, but there were so many epic moments packed into that summer that I look back on in disbelief. The biggest turning point was about two weeks into the tour in Minnesota (I think it was Minnesota...) I got called into the Warped production office and was told to check in with Kevin every morning for any open stage time, given a wristband, and some tasks to help out with in production. I played my DIY one-man-show in the parking lot that same night as kids were leaving the festival (as I would every night) and while I was standing at my merch table selling stuff and taking photos, I noticed that Ryan Dawson (from All Time Low) and Anthony Raneri (from Bayside) were hanging out watching. Once things slowed down they came over and bought 10 CDs each! It was so cool of them to even give me the time of day, let alone buy CDs to (probably) give out to people on the tour. I had a similar experience with Caleb Shomo (from Attack Attack/Beartooth) the year before outside of Cuyahoga Falls Warped tour. I had a drummer and bass player with me at the time and Caleb stood front & center to watch our whole set while kids kept coming up to him for autographs and I could see him pointing at us saying good things to all the kids. After our set he handed me all the cash he had in his pocked and apologized for not having more, I gave him some merch and we chatted for a good 15 minutes about how being an artist is a roller coaster and good things come and go, encouraging me to hang in there. He kept emphasizing how he just considered himself and everyone on the main stages lucky. All of those memories are enough motivation to last a lifetime and they're also reminders to pay it forward.
 NON: Touring as much as you have, there must have been some odd things that have happened. What has been the strangest thing to happen to you while you were on the road?
ML: Lots of strange tour stories for sure. The little ghost girl I caught on camera in the former German concentration camp was pretty crazy. (You can find it in the RosedaleMike Europe Tour Blogs via Tumblr if you don't believe!) It always freaks people out when I show them. And I remember everyone's reaction in the van right after I caught the footage. But the craziest thing that happened to me...there's been so many hard luck slaps in the face, as so many touring bands have also experienced, I'm sure. One time I had this great opportunity to be the opener/direct support for Everlast in Colorado Springs. I had just released self-titled, the tour was going well, and this Everlast show was sold out at Black Sheep (a great venue!) I had a day off so I got to town a day early to be extra prepared. While at the gym I received an email from the venue that Everlast had to postpone due to weather conditions. So now the show was cancelled and I offered to find local bands to fill the night for the venue so that I can still play for my small crowd. I went straight to a library for wi-fi and started plugging away on my laptop, emailing bands asking if they wanna do me a solid and play a last minute show at Black Sheep tomorrow night. I had two confirmed, told the venue, and they announced on the Facebook event page that there will still be a show but Everlast will be rescheduled, and they made me a host so I could update the event as I confirmed new acts. Some kids in Montana saw this and started saying that Rosedale cancelled the Everlast show! It turns out that they just randomly decided to troll me. They were even sending pictures of these little ridiculous hand written notes they made that read something like "I am cancelling the show - Rosedale". They were leaving random comments claiming that they were Everlast and bashing my fans as they tried to help clear the confusion. People were messaging me asking "Why'd you cancel the show?!" I had to explain to them and the venue what was really going on. The venue was in shock watching it all happen too and they said they have never seen anything like that, ever. I went to a local show that same night and convinced a couple of the bands to play Black Sheep tomorrow. All four locals were really awesome and the show ended up turning out to be pretty well attended. Even some people that had Everlast tickets came out and had a great time. The venue was really impressed that I pulled an event together so last minute and I was stoked to have built another great venue relationship. I got in my van and started to drive to my next show in Flagstaff, AZ. As I was climbing a rocky mountain pass, some slick snow started coming down. I was pulling my trailer and sliding pretty bad until eventually I couldn't move anymore and was stuck on the side of the road. As the sun was coming up an emergency truck pulled up and started laying sand down in front of my van so I followed him until my wheels started spinning again and one wheel gripped to the sand while the other spun and blew my transmission and rear differential. I didn't make it to Flagstaff or the next five shows. $4600 repair bill. And the next show back in Encinitas was an afternoon show at a biker bar where I was told after my first set (of three) to pack up and only received one sixth of my guarantee as my fans started showing up for the second set. There ended up being some good intertwined in all of all of that but it was just such a frustrating and confusing week. Sometimes I swear I'm in a movie like The Truman Show. 
 NON: You draw a lot of inspiration from The Used; Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves: Who else has inspired you along the way?
ML: I definitely have a lot of heroes. Death Cab For Cutie and The Postal Service, The Ataris, The Starting Line, Metro Station, Dashboard Confessional, Boys Like Girls, The Matches, Underoath, The Almost, Motion City Soundtrack, Red Hot Chili Peppers, All Time Low, The Band Camino, Owl City, Radiohead, John Mayer, Coldplay, Paramore, Yellowcard, Moneen, Boxcar Racer...That's probably 10% of them. I've been to a lot of great concerts and being six foot nine gives me a good view and very memorable experiences. 
 NON: Do you see yourself continuing making music or helping others in music in the future?
ML :Both!
 NON: What song that you've written do you connect with the most?
ML: That's always changing to be honest. Depending on where I'm at, what I'm doing/going through. It's usually the most recent song or idea I've written which doesn't get released for sometimes a year or two after. Of the songs I've release, that would be Sustain. That is the most recent Rosedale song I've written. I wrote it right before we started tracking Self Titled and Again and its kind of about being in both shoes of that Warped Tour situation I just mentioned. People sometimes ask if I'm referring to myself as the Star or the Kid in that song and the answer is both! I'm still that star struck kid who can't wait to ask my favorite artists a thousand questions but I also get a lot of questions from fans who are trying to start their own thing or make their passion their career.
Mainsail, Palapalooza Podcast, Time & Distance, I Set My Friends on Fire, Alex Baker, Plans, The Home Team, OCML, FXav, Adam Sisco, my parents and family, everyone at Gnarlywood, Abby Lyn Records, Jonny Cooper, my old band mates and everyone who's ever come on tour with me- Thank you all. And all the bands, artists, venues, studios, street performers, restaurants that are trying to make it through this lock down. Hopefully all this is over soon and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Believe things will get better eventually and use this alone time to improve yourself. Keep supporting live music even if you're stuck at home. And if you need help reach out and ask. Let's all stay safe and help one another
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freeminimaps · 5 years
Bass Lessons Brampton
Are you ready to try bass guitar lessons? Rockstar Music Central offers in-home private Bass Lessons in Brampton and Burlington from highly experienced and certified music instructor to achieve your musical goals.
Bass Lessons Brampton was originally published on Business directory and remarkable travel blog!
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Explore a New Way to Learn Music with Rockstar Music Central
Rockstar Music Central is a leading music school which delivers university-trained musicians, teachers and recording industry experts for quality music education throughout the Greater Toronto Area. We offer both private music lessons and community-based programs for all skill levels, abilities and ages to become professional in all genres of music.
 With over years of experience in the business, we are music specialist and instructor that are able to provide adaptive music lessons in the area of Saxophone, guitar, piano, violin, ukulele, drum, flute, drums, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, vocal and singing. If you are looking for a dependable and reliable music academy that offers a comprehensive range of music lessons, bands & group programs and jam camp, we are your first choice.
 We are a team of highly skilled, qualified, enthusiastic and professional music teachers who render lessons to adults and children in a wide range of musical instruments. With private lessons and group lessons, we are dedicated to teaching an array of music techniques. We are experts and promise to getting you playing the music you love today while developing you into a qualified musician for life.
 We are serving throughout Toronto, Cambridge, Guelph, Burlington, Oakville, Brampton, Kitchener, Hamilton, Mississauga and all nearby cities. With Rockstar Music Central, you can get Saxophone Lessons Cambridge, Ukulele Lessons Guelph, Violin Lessons Burlington, Vocal Lessons Oakville, and Singing Lessons Brampton to be professional in your desire music field.
 We are focused on making you play the music you love today while cultivating certainty and developing you into a balanced artist forever. If you are seeking music teachers for a variety of music lessons, you have come to the right place. Here at Rockstar Music Central, We will match you with one of our experienced music teachers who suit your musical goals and personality. If you want to schedule a free trial lesson with expert music teacher, feel free to call us at (647) 526-7625!!
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DeGazon Music Studios provides music and dance lessons in Mississauga, Vaughan, Kleinburg, Brampton, and Maple. With over 20 years of experience giving lessons in singing, guitar, piano, drum, and tap, we have instilled a Lifelong Passion for Music and Dance™ in our students. For a free trial lesson, call us at 416-527-3769.
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Oakville Guitar Lessons ages 2 and up
Guitar lessons, Bass, Piano, Ukulele & Xylophone lessons ages 2 and up. Lessons in  your home in Mississauga, Brampton & Oakville from Music on The Go. Top quality instructors. First Lesson Free. Call Rob at 416-206-2830 or visit
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promoteyourwebsites · 4 years
Learn Most Effective Music Lessons to Boost Confidence and Musical Skills
Do you want to learn from the best music school in the greatest Toronto? Your search ends here. We are a reputable Music School in Cambridge offering a variety of amazing quality music lessons for Bass, Baritone, Clarinet, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Mandolin, Oboe, Piano, Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Violin and Voice. Rockstar Music Central provides top quality private music lessons and community-based programs to all ages and abilities in Brampton, Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, Mississauga and all surrounding Toronto area.
Music is a type of art used to play different jobs in individuals' lives. Music can be utilized to express normal topics of the human experience, for example, love, loss, sorrow, outrage, excitement, festivity, jealousy, and etc. Music may be utilized for the motivations behind imparting, stimulation, educational learning and ceremonials. There is absolutely no suspicion that we at Rockstar Music Central provide the highest quality music education in a secure and smooth environment to develop musical skills and bring out hidden musical talent as well.
With specialization in Guitar, Voice, Piano, Ukulele, Bass, Drums, Digital Music Production Lessons, Songwriting & Composition Lessons, Theory & RCM Exam Preparation, Theory & RCM Exam Preparation, Violin, Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Baritone, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Mandolin, and Oboe lessons, we are committed to getting you playing the music you love today. When it comes to finding the best Music Lessons in Kitchener, Piano Lessons in Cambridge, Ukulele Lessons in Guelph, Violin Lessons in Kitchener and Drum Lessons in Kitchener, look no further than Rockstar Music Central.
If you are questing for Clarinet Lessons in Kitchener, Group Music Lessons in Cambridge, Group Music Lessons in Guelph and Group Ukulele Lessons in Kitchener, we are here to help you. We welcome to Rockstar Music Central to learn top-notch musical instruments through professional, experienced and highly skilled music teachers. If you want to learn the language of music to become a Rockstar, our music teachers are here to help you. Here at Rockstar Music Central, we have a university-educated teachers, musicians and recording industry professionals across the Greatest Toronto Area.  
We render a comprehensive range of Music Summer Camp in Mississauga, Rock Camp in Guelph, Singing Lessons in Brampton, Vocal Lessons in Cambridge and Group Guitar Lessons in Kitchener, your search ends at Rockstar Music Central. We also offer top-notch modern band instruments and concert band instruments for all styles at an excellent competitive price. If you are seeking a top-notch and reliable Bucket Drumming Workshops in Guelph and Bucket Drumming Workshops in Kitchener, you have come to the right place. For more information, you can feel free to visit us at www.rockstarmusic.ca!!
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promoteyourwebsites · 4 years
Professional Teachers are here to Develop a Lifelong Passion for the Art of Music
Are you searching for a reliable and remarkable Music School in Toronto? Your search ends here. Welcome to Rockstar Music Central professional and foremost Music School for the students of all ages and all levels. We are a vast system of university educated musicians, teachers and recording industry experts. We provide the highest caliber and superb quality community-based music programs & in-home private lessons in Ajax, Ancaster, Aurora, Brampton, Cambridge, Danforth, East York, Etobicoke, Forest Hill, Goodwood, Hamilton, King City, Leaside, Mississauga, North York, Oakville, Richmond Hill, Stouffville, Woodbridge, York, Zephyr and throughout Toronto Area.  
We at Rockstar Music Central are dedicated to offering classes and programs in a wide variety of musical instruments, as well as voice, Rock Band and Union Band, ensembles, RCM exam preparation, theory, songwriting & composition. Whether you are seeking dependable Bucket Drumming Workshops in Burlington to learn state-of-the-art drumming techniques, you have come to the right place.
With a decade of experience, our music school has given thousands of people the best opportunity to make music a part of their lives, as well as help to bring out hidden talent to achieve musical goals. We have some of the leading electric, classical, acoustic guitar, Baritone, Bass, Clarinet, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Mandolin, Oboe, Piano, Saxophone, Ukulele and Violin teachers in the greater Toronto Area. We are skilled at teaching all ages and experience from beginner to advanced.
When it comes to finding the perfect music teacher for Bass Lessons Guelph, Music Summer Camp in Guelph, Piano Lessons in Guelph, Rock Band Lessons in Guelph, Rock Camp in Brampton, Singing Lessons in Guelph, Violin Lessons in Guelph and Vocal Lessons in Guelph, turns to the Rockstar Music Central. Our music teachers prepare the students for RCM Exam to develop their musical skills and knowledge. If you are in need of professional teachers for Clarinet Lessons in Cambridge, Group Ukulele Lessons in Cambridge, Guitar Lessons in Cambridge and Music Lessons in Cambridge, look no further than Rockstar Music Central.
With Rockstar Music Central, you can expect a broad range of professional lessons for both toddles and adults that include Baritone, Bass, Clarinet, Digital Music Production Lessons, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Mandolin, Oboe, Piano, Saxophone, Songwriting & Composition Lessons, Tuba, Theory, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Violin and Voice. For more information, you can take a look at our website www.rockstarmusic.ca!!
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promoteyourwebsites · 5 years
Toronto First & Foremost Music School and Music Studio
Rockstar Music Central is a recognized Music School in GTA that offers the highest quality and affordable music programs to all ages and all skills levels. Rockstar Music Central provides Music Lessons in Aurora, Toronto, Burlington, Etobicoke, Vaughan, Annex, Region, Forest Hill, North York, Woodbridge, Stouffville, Rosedale and Brampton on all musical instruments and voice. We help each student to bring out his/her own talent to achieve personal goals.
 We are a reliable and sophisticated Music School in Toronto that provides a full spectrum of Rock Lessons in Toronto to take your talents at the next level. We are popular for Guitar Lessons in Aurora, Clarinet Lessons in York Region, Flute Lessons in Forest Hill, Piano Lessons in North York, Vocal Lessons Woodbridge and Singing Lessons Stouffville.
 Rockstar Music Central offers music lesson programs for Piano, Guitar, Clarinet, Flute, Violin, Drums, Voice and more in Newmarket, Aurora, Annex, Region, Forest Hill, Burlington and Woodbridge. Students at Rockstar Music Central have the opportunity to explore all styles of music at any level in a fun and relaxing structured environment.
 Need Music Lessons At Home in Woodbridge? Our Music Studio in Burlington offers the finest quality in-home private and group music lessons of all ages, skills and cultural backgrounds serving Newmarket, Aurora, Annex, Region, Forest Hill, Burlington and Woodbridge throughout the Greatest Toronto Areas. Our program includes:
·        Piano Lessons
·        Group Guitar Classes in Vaughan
·        Group Ukulele Classes in Annex
·        Drum Lessons
·        Flute Lessons
·        Ukulele Classes in Rosedale
·        Ukulele Workshops in Brampton
·        Saxophone Lessons
·        Theory Classes
·        Rock Band Classes in Etobicoke
·        Rock Jam Camp
 Our highly knowledgeable, friendly and experienced staff will help you find the right instrument for your musical needs. We facilitate quality music education and in-home private & group lessons on all types of musical instruments in Jazz, classical and popular styles at excellent competitive prices. If you are seeking for professional and certified Guitar Instructor in Aurora and Piano Teacher in Woodbridge to learn perfect guitar and piano lessons, you have come to the right place.
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