#Guarana cookie
ignore my terrible grammar. Some angst idea because I'm bored.
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some warning on blood and angst (?)
*Guarana were writing out documents, reading and signing papers. Doing his usual paper works as a prince of his kingdom. He sip his drink and nearly choked when Mythical salt slowly enter his working room.*
"Hey, Dolleyes."
"Get that nickname out of your mouth. I want nothing from you." *Guarana gave Mythical Salt a glare as he goes back to paper work.*
"Oh, and should I warn you to watch your mouth? You still know that I can destroy this entire universe into dust and forgotten in a snap of my finger." *Mythical salt gave Guarana a wide grin as he slowly walk and loom over Guarana.*
*Guarana just look at the paper, his claw that holding a pen shaking from anger, so much that the pen he hold snap in two. And yet he still contain his anger and not yell at Mythical salt.* "I.. appreciate if you kindly turn around and give me some space." *he smile, hiding his anger as he look at Mythical salt.*
*Mythical salt just let out a hum and chuckle.* "Much better. But no, I still have somethings to discuss with you."
"And what may that be?" *His smile dropped and glare at Mythical salt.*
"Well, I heard about your very embarrassing defeat and losing against to not only one mortal cookie, but also a small vermin professor cookie who still roam in your castle for weeks without your notice, took that little cookie heart.. hmm, Dusty is his name?"
"Cinnamon dust. That fucking white mage cookie son."
"You almost win, You almost have everything-"
"I used to have everything!" *he slammed his hand on his desk and got up to gave Mythical a warning glare*
"Yeah you do~ You kill your father to get the throne. You change the rule of your kingdom for you to grow so much power. Just for that one specific cookie to destroy everything.~"
"I still have my subjects. I have everybody souls! I have lot of armies, and what stopping me from trying to kill you right here-"
"Oh please. You're pathetic. A mortal able to beat you and your powerful strong guards."
"But.. I don't mind sharing part of my power for some deal-"
"Excuse me?"
"What ever deal that have to do with you. My answer will always be no."
"...Oh? And what about-"
"Killing my subjects, doesn't matter. I own their souls so they be resurrected. And you unable to harm my curser pets. They are being made out of magic and shadows. They can still exist without my magics."
".... hmm How lucky." *Mythical salt use his magic to pick Guarana and toss Guarana hard against the wall. He slowly walk and cornered Guarana against the wall. Looming over him.* "Any idea why your friend, Clockwork, is so scared of me?"
"....." *Guarana still glaring at Mythical salt.*
*Mythical just gave out a dark chuckle, he lean in to guarana ear and whisper*
"Because he refuse to give me what I want."
"....Is that why you're here too? You want my heart?"
"No no no, I don't want love or anybody heart. That's just a simple offering that a god can have."
"..Then what do you want?"
"Your body."
*Guarana expression from anger and annoyed, turn fear and disturbed. He look at Mythical salt*
"Love is powerful, but you know what's more powerful? Lust."
"Clockwork refused for so much, and when his life is on the line, his dear friend. Vanilla extract offer it instead of Clockwork. So we strike a deal, I accept that little butterfly offer with one condition. Clockwork must watch, each and every. Seconds of me, completely using that butterfly body as much as I desire."
".........." *Guarana look so pale and shivers now*
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"Too bad I need consent first. But just know that I won't stop trying until I have your body."
"Also, Midway, I also did force him to eat his friend heart so, it a win - win!~" *Mythical salt slowly walk away from Guarana, humming happily*
*Guarana shaking a lot and fall, looking so horrified and shaking.* "W-Why me? There are others-"
"Oh I did! Every legendary, every ancients, beast cookies, sugar swan, millennial tree. I got so much that I were bored and tired of them. But this universe... There almost new cookies every week or month! And you are one of the new one.. Say, where are your curser pets?"
"..." *Guarana, knowing that they probably off to play with Tosuni.* "They are sleeping. Somewhere in this castle or the village, who knows."
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ju-lie-mine · 10 months
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ultimate senpai by pinocchio p
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On October 31st, it begins
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"I am so sorry-" @kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares @enter-the-hellfire
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"Cici!" *Cinnamon dust yelled happily. It took a while but he book a trip to the land where Capsaicin lives. He smile happily, holding out a present/gift* "I'm sorry that it took a while.. But I got you a gift and some spicy herbal tea that you always like!!! Even tho it not too spicy for you heheh.." *Cinnamon dust cookie smile and giggle sheepishly as he held the present out.*
"Oh it okay! I'm just so happy to see you here! You won't believe it, I got so much stories to tell! And so much to do as well! I almost don't know where to begin!!!"
"M-Maybe lead me to somewhere I can stop for the night and something less spicy?-"
*Just when Capsaicin hold Cinnamon dust hand to leads, something sharp pierce through the bottom of his chest.. Cinnamon dust face from smiling turn into horrified in an instant. He got his hand to cover his mouth and scream so loud.*
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"I know it first time meeting.. But NO one, can touch my beloved~" *Amon slides back to be by Guarana side, Guarana seem to use Amon as a sphere for this.*
"NOOOOOOOOOO!! CICI HANG IN THERE-" *Cinnamon dust scream, holding onto Capsaicin as Capsaicin fall. He cried and scream in horror, hands shaking so much as he shakingly grabbing so much herbs and healing cream he bought in his backpack and trying to stop the bleeding or anything at all.*
"Seriously?.. It been years and you don't even going to say hello?" *Guarana slowly stepping toward the two, Cinnamon dust had the most angry look as he glare at Guarana, he slowly stood up, his hand clench into a fist.*
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"Oh? my my~ What words spewing from you.. And I thought your mouth should be sewed shut." *Guarana laugh as more cursers slowly surround them.*
"..Y-You never listen..." *He slowly got both his hands up and hold onto the dust hair part. Closing his eyes and relaxed.*
*Guarana slowly walking closer, grinning, thinking that he have his ways and Cinnamon dust will finally-*
*In a split of a second, a large blade seem to be form and made from the dust of his hair, turn hardened and sharp. Cinnamon dust cut Guarana face and still glaring at Guarana with the most angry face like he finally had enough.* "...."
"You take too much." *Cinnamon dust cut in and attack Guarana, their swords collide.*
"We'll see how long this goes before your body crumbling from impacts." *Guarana laugh as the two fight*
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*time skip because I am too lazy to write epic fight scene. Guarana had to retreat into the portal, and Cinnamon dust still see red, chases after guarana and the portal closed.*
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not a fan of this brush but it fun
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*Guarana cookie stomping down the hallway of his castle, he glares at the guards as he walk by them and straight going down below in his castle. He slammed the large dungeon door open and glares at all the cultist in the room* "How long will this take?! Another week?!"
"Apologies your majesties. But there still something blocking this. We might need another month-" *a cookie in the robe still smile widely and look emotionless respond and Guarana cut in*
"WHAT BLOCKING THIS?!" *Guarana yelled, glaring at all the members. They just point to the symbols drawn in jams on the floor*
"Alright, fine. I'll deal with 'this' mess. Lassy. Megan. get ready. Amon." *he snap his finger and signal.*
*Amon nodded as it appears then quickly use it sharp nose to cut something in the air, opening to what look like a bright portal. Lassy and Megan goes to bite on the portal sides and keep it wide open for Guarana to step in.*
*As Guarana step in, he look around the area and glaring at to what seem like a large bright figure with 10 wings and a large hood.* "You."
*the figure look down and glare at Guarana.* "..."
"You can't hold this forever! Soon or later, your power will weakened and I'll get through and summon your son right here in my domain."
"Never, as long as I still strong. I'll keep your magics locked."
"Oh I have HALF of my magics already. Besides, what worth on keeping your son while I HAVE HIS HEART in my palm." *Guarana grin and laugh* "He's a disgrace to your blood line either way. Look at him! Can't do magic, can't do spells like you. He is nothing."
"You don't see his potential yet..."
"Keep that hopes up, soon as I got him here. I'll make him as my servant, or queen. Death is permanent anyways, and what's better is to force your damn kin to be my slaves for life!" *Guarana laugh at the figure.* "Fine... I'll keep this going for another month, let see if your magic are able to fight this much more if I added more of my magics into it. And when I have my claws on Cinnamon dust. I'll destroy him bits by bits and make you watch." *Guarana chuckle as he turn to leave the portal. He step and petting the cursers.* "Good job Amon, Lassy, Megan. Now... Let make this much more powerful to destroy that damn wizard spirits who seal me away."
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I really want to punch him in the face. Please let me punch him in the face.
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Guarana, what do you mean you got two things that Shadow milk don't?
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"One~ It's Cinnabun own heart~.. Just say that it still tasty and sweet like sugary cinnamon~."
"Tho, another one, took me a while to learn, It's a red letter from someone name Capsaicin. I thought My darling were dating someone but turns out, it the son from one of shadow milk friend from what I learn."
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Hello!:) I would like to make some fanart of Guarana cookie, and I was wondering if you could show some photos or give me a description of what his body type would be if he was more "realistic"/"human".
eeeejkankdjan I'm so happy that so many love Guarana! My skill on human aren't so good but I would say the style are almost the same as drawing someone from Baldur's gate. Astarion inspired basically Still learning them, I'll try to draw him in those style in the morning, Now I am kinda half sober for it-
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don't mind me- And yeah he would be wearing more jewels and gold on his ears and horns and I did give him a lil crown on top
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Do any of your characters have favorite breads?
lemme think
Guarana cookie : Daifuku or Shibuya honey toast
Clockwork cookie : Pretzels sandwich
Cinnamon dust cookie : Vasilopita ( I choke on something in it once. )
Melted fruitcake cookie : Beef wellington
Forest Fire cookie : Charcoal bread
Vanilla extract cookie : French toast ( simplistic is the best - vanilla extract quotes )
Ribbon eel cookie : probably chewing breads
Sapling cookie : souls fused breads-
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Guarana cookie was in my dream last night,,,
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Actually wondering what the dream about now-
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I drew this during my studies ,,,,
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SO BEAUTIFUL AJKZDZNJAN ALSO I FINISHED GUARANA REFERENCE not too proud of the colours but ye njkfnkjfnkfj
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another doodle
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THEY ARE SO C U T E NKJANZKDAJNZJDNA Also yes, Guarana is huge compare to cinnamon dust so-
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Driven insane by Love
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"Oh mon amor~ I will not stop until you are back in my arms again~"
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- @enter-the-hellfire night sky
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sketches concept on how he look
He's a goddamn villain and yet here I am loving every inch of the design I made for him so far goddammit knjgnkgjngkjgn
And yeah those arrows are his ability, to wrap around anybody and once it make connection to someone, the victim will lost ALL kinds of power in an instant.
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