theboutiquetextile · 1 year
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guideaus · 14 days
i get asking people to think about female characters in a series that doesn't even do that itself might be a waste of time, but it still kills me
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townpostin · 3 months
Tatanagar Railway Station Redevelopment Begins
Railway quarters and nearby shops marked for demolition. Redevelopment work around Tatanagar Station progresses gradually. JAMSHEDPUR – The redevelopment of Tatanagar Railway Station is underway, with the demolition of railway quarters and nearby shops progressing gradually. Recently, the focus has shifted to the Gudri Market area, where railway quarters have been marked for demolition. All…
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samfurniture88 · 1 year
SamDecors wooden Pouffe Ottoman
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chechula · 4 months
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Since I drew Curufin, I wanted to make some proper designs also for other sons of Fëanor. But I had no time and when I had I didn't liked my sketches and ideas.
But atlast here goes Maglor, playing hudry-gudry♡
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soanliawriter · 5 months
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(credits goes to the artist of this fanart🩷, enjoy the fanfic!)
(Their art account name is on the bottom left corner, got it from Pinterest and checked with the artist on Twitter/X and their bio said repost is okay, just add credits)
Warnings: nudity, mentions of sex
This fic is going to be mainly fluff with added a little spice I guess haha.
Waking up with the sounds of Karli and Mama running around outside, his cheerful laughter and Mama's barking, Gudrid groans and moved a bit before waking up, unaware of her not wearing anything, she turns to her sleeping husband and kisses him on the cheek and nose, and soon his lips "wake up Thorfinn~" with a sleepy voice she tries to wake her husband, he groans and eyebrows twitches before finally trying to open his eyes.
Once he saw sight of his beautiful wife, he smiles tiredly, "morning already?" He said before reaching a hand out to cup her cheeks, she leans into it before kissing his calloused palm, "yes, I heard Karli and Mama playing outside" he chuckles before sitting up, holding onto his wife by her bare waist.
They were enjoying their moment until Gudrid scans their bodies, after finally awaking fully and brain functioning, she finally came to realization that they're both complying bare, cheeks were flaring up, lightly pushing Thorfinn away to scan him and her face gotten more red.
"I-I, did we... Uh" a stuttering mess which made Thorfinn tilt his head a little to the side sith eyebrows raised, until he also finally connected the dots, "oh, yeah we had sex last night --" he got caught off by Gudrid covering his mouth to not say things further, "did I... You know, uh.." trying so hard to remember what happened last night if he cummed inside her or not. But her thought was calming down after realizing they're in Vinland, so if she's pregnant it's fine.
"You're heating up Gudri"
"Yeah of course Thorfinn! We, did it.. last night, and I.."
"Did you not enjoy it?"
"NO! I MEAN YES! OF COURSE I ENJOYED IT THORFINN, ENJOYED IT SO MUCH, I WANT TO DO IT AGAIN" Gudrid covers her mouth from the sudden words she just said, made Thorfinn flinch a little from it, eyes big and eyebrows raised, but after seeing his wife hiding her breasts and face from him, he chuckles and carefully removes her hands blocking her face, "no use in hiding, I've already seen all of you last night. I enjoyed it so much too that I would love to do it again"
He said that as if it was another casual conversation, making Gudrid blush even more, Thorfinn chuckles once more and leans in to kiss Gudrid.
"I love you" he said softly, "and I love you" she replies back before hugging him, due to impact they both fell and laid down again on their cot chuckling.
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nekojirou · 1 year
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barbietoiles · 7 months
Wait foolish translates to muļķis
The AMOUNT of folklore he would fit in!!!! Hes just that type of guy!!! Muļķītis un trīs gudrie spēlētāji looking ass
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a2zsportsnews · 2 months
ATP Restores Shapovalov Ranking Points and Prize Money After DC Default
 By Erik Gudris  | @atntennis | Monday, August 5, 2024Photo credit: Mubadala Citi DC Open The Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) will allow Canada’s Denis Shapovalov to keep his ranking points and prize money earned at last week’s Washington DC event though he was defaulted for issuing an audible obscenity at a fan during his quarterfinal match against Ben Shelton. ATP issued a statement…
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theboutiquetextile · 1 year
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guideaus · 1 month
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the 3rd arc made me hate bug eyes, but he was so funny for this
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bb-latvija · 11 months
Baltijas Mediju izcilības centrs (BMIC) 24.novembrī un 25.novembrī organizē apmācības "Digitāli kopā!", kurās jaunieši var kļūt par brīvprātīgiem senioru mentoriem digitālo mediju lietošanā, informēja projekta pārstāvji. Projektā paredzētas sešu stundu tiešsaistes apmācības, kuru laikā ar skolēniem un studentiem strādās eksperti digitālo prasmju, medijpratības un starppaaudžu sadarbības jomā. Programmas ietvaros piektdien, 24.novembrī, no plkst.14 līdz 18 notiks sociālo mediju pētnieces Līvas Kalnačas lekcija "Mazinot digitālo plaisu: kā palīdzēt omei lietot Google un opim sūtīt bildes" un medijpratības ekspertes Klintas Ločmeles lekcija "Medijpratīgs seniors: digitālās vides situācijas, kuras gudri pārvaldīt". Savukārt sestdien, 25.novembrī, no plkst.10 līdz 12 gaidāma multimediju, 3D tehnoloģijas un datorspēļu veidošanas pasniedzēja Ģirta Edvarta Stepiņa lekcija "Noderīgas tehnoloģijas senioriem - pedagoģiskie triki darbam ar tehnoloģiju ne-lietpratējiem". Tāpat BMIC aicina jauniešus, pedagogus, jaunatnes darbiniekus un visus interesentus uz projekta atklāšanas vebināru 16.novembrī plkst.14-15 tiešsaistē, kur klātesošie varēs uzzināt par projekta iecerēm un labāko praksi Baltijā. Savukārt 14.decembrī plkst.14 Rīgā Latvijas Dzelzceļa vēstures muzejā notiks starppaaudžu sadarbībai digitālajā un medijpratības jomā veltīta konference, kurā diskutēs Baltijas valstu eksperti un izskanēs labākie pieredzes stāsti.
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sabiedriba miils saldus melus par progresu un cilveku attistibu. realiatetee cilveki degradejas, smadzenes tilpums samazinajies uz pusi vai vairak. stulbenji ir vairakumaa. stulbakais no stulbenjiem ir galvenais. gudri zilveki nav modee. stulbie nejutas okei, ja paaradas, kads gudraks un principaa nosaka lieta sun toni tieshi stulbenji
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a2zsportsnews · 2 months
Djokovic, Roddick, and Others Call Out Olympics Singles Players Substitution Policy
 By Erik Gudris | @atntennis | Sunday, July 28, 2024Photo credit: Clive Brunskill/Getty For many athletes, the opportunity to represent one’s country in global competition at the Olympics is the reward itself. Yet this year’s Summer Games in Paris is facing criticism in the Tennis event over its policy of last minute player substitutions. This especially includes players with extremely low or…
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theboutiquetextile · 1 year
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guideaus · 1 month
there needs to be an easy way to make tags on here bearable to view
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