#Guest: Jellsica
salmonidparty · 3 years
The room was spinning. The white walls assaulted the eyes, and were nearly unbearable. The only thing that broke up the monotonous white was a black window that took up half of one wall. It was so bright. Far too bright...
The four corners of the room seemed too close together, and it was almost as though there was barely enough room to move around. Every movement only made these walls feel like they were getting closer and closer. The tiled floor below felt uneven, leaving one arm to blindly reach for nothing but an abyss to the right.
The room felt wrong, but was the room itself really the problem here...?
As the sedatives wore off, 3′s senses returned to him slowly but surely. Before he could fully open his eyes he had tried to push himself upright, but quickly found himself crashing back onto his right side. He tried to blink his eyes open again, finding great difficulty as the bright lights were like a hammer to his head. Were his eyes always this sensitive to light...? Could it have been because of the sedatives, or a lack of engagement? He couldn’t tell. The room continued to spin.
He stared long and hard at the wall across from him, his eyes wandering up to the black window. Mind still sluggish, he attempted to push himself up once again, with more success this time as he solely leaned against his left arm. It appeared that the arm allowed him to sit taller than normal, but the agent barely had any time to think about that, for as soon as he was level with the window, he could see something in it.
With a loud yelp that ripped his mouth open, 3 fell backwards in shock. What did he just see?! It almost... Looked like him. It had his bangs and his scar. But whatever he saw couldn’t have been him! It was a monster!
... Right?
His hearts were pounding in his ears, and his eyes were as wide as saucers. The tips of his tentacles started to tingle. His entire body felt strange, even stranger now that the sedatives had all but faded out completely. In staring at the opposite wall, he could see his own body in the edge of his vision.
His feet... His... Feet... Looked like the legs mammals had in ancient biology books. Large paws, tipped with wicked-looking claws, and the left foot was slightly bigger than the right. He could see spines jutting out of his thighs, looking just as dangerous as the claws at the end of his toes. This couldn’t be right... He tried to flex his toes, and the deformed paws followed suit. His blood turned cold. His head felt light. His breath was short. 
3 dared himself to observe the rest of his body. He lifted his hands to his face and quickly regretted it. No wonder the entire room felt lop-sided--it wasn’t the floor, but his own arms. Breath caught in his throat, his eyes darted wildly between the trembling appendages that were attached to his body.
While his right hand looked normal--a five-fingered hand that was colored yellow like his tentacles--his left hand, if one could call it such, was another story entirely. It was now a massive paw, much like his feet, but even bigger. It was heavy, and yet he somehow had little trouble lifting it into the air. It felt wrong. It looked wrong. There was no way that this... Thing was attached to his body...! He could move it with surprising ease, and yet he couldn’t, no, he wouldn’t, believe that it was “his.”
With a mighty thump, the large arm fell to the ground. Using his right hand 3 gingerly ran his fingers up to his left shoulder, over muscles and spines that jutted out at the peak. Chills ran through his entire body each time his fingertips touched this new arm...
He tensed, curling up his toes and clenching his beak. There was no doubt about it. This arm was a part of him. He felt sick to his stomach, and his mind raced a mile a minute. What did Scylla do to him? What did she make him?! And why did she leave his other arm so scrawny in comparison! He wrapped his hand around the enlarged bicep and dug his fingers feebly into the flesh. He wanted to increase his muscle mass, but... Not like this, never like this!
Jolting suddenly, his entire body began to tingle as if tiny crackles of electricity were trying to stimulate his muscles. His form bristled, making the spines that covered his limbs stand on end. He attempted to rise to his feet, but a stab of pain ran up his back when his left foot squashed something rather soft.
Falling back over and rolling about in confusion, that’s when 3 saw it: a long sleek gray tail that was tipped with a wide fan. It was a Great Zapfish tail. He was rigid as his wide eyes ran along the length of this tail. Was this some kind of cruel joke? Bitter irony? Punishment for all he had done two years prior?
The tip had a significant kink in it, which made the fan bend at a near 90 degree angle. Near the base, he could see where his own yellow ink started to fade in. The tail twitched occasionally.
Tears welled up in 3′s eyes. If he had anything in his stomach, he likely would have brought it up. He thought that what Scylla had done after she had trapped him was bad. Thinking on it, he could have certainly lived with looking like an under-developed pre-teen. But this... This was much, much worse. Far worse than any nightmare he could have ever dreamed up. This body wasn’t his anymore, it was her’s. The moment he stepped through the doors, Scylla claimed it for herself.
And now he was a monster.
Muscles still crackling with electricity, 3 rolled onto his knees and balled his hands into fists. He clenched his beak and hiccuped as he tried to draw in air as he lowered his forehead to the ground. Tears were pouring out of his eyes, and his tail thrashed about violently. He sobbed loudly, then threw his head back and loosed a wail that ripped his jaw open to an alarming degree. 
The thick white walls muffled his screams.
3 stared at the ceiling, his strained sobbing seeping through his beak. His mind was filled with rage. His chest was filled with fear. His muscles continued to spark, which only fueled the fire of hatred that was starting to burn inside of him. What would 8 think if she saw him like this? Could he even live in such a state? What kind of sick kick did Scylla get out of mangling and mutating people? Oh, how he wanted to wrap his new claws around her long neck...!
Slamming his balled paw into the ground, 3 roared. A thick cloud of fog was shrouding his mind, and a primal anger was now setting in at a breakneck speed. His sense of self was slipping away as he stared long and hard at the claws that were now digging deeper and deeper into his palm. Pain sprang through the limb as purple blood trickled out from underneath the sharpened tips. He didn’t care. 
Snarling, he bore his beak. He glowered and glared at the paw, loathing how unfitting and large it was. It didn’t belong there. He didn’t want it. He hated this new body of his, and wanted nothing to do with it. 
Something snapped inside of 3′s mind. No longer himself, his eyes were wide and wild, as if he had gone completely feral. Gnashing his beak he suddenly lashed out and sank it into his forearm with as much force as he could muster. Astringent-tasting blood stung at his tongue and pain shot through his entire arm, and yet he didn’t let go. If it meant that he could be rid of this monstrous thing attached to his shoulder,  he was going to tear his own arm off.
Just then, a buzzing could be heard and felt from something wrapped around his neck. He hadn’t noticed it until now, but Scylla had placed a collar there, possibly to keep him in check if something like this happened. While he expected a shock, a sweet aroma instead started to waft around the area, and a pink-toned cloud of smoke rose around 3′s face. 
Eyelids heavy, 3 was overcome with a sleepy sensation. His entire body began to relax, and the electric sparking finally started to die down and allow his muscles to ease. His beak slowly released his arm, leaving behind a beak mark, teeth marks, and a mixture of blood and ink that began to pool on the floor. 3 crumpled into a heap on the floor as his consciousness began to fade away once again. The fog of rage parted, only to be replaced by a dense smog of sleepiness.
Just barely aware of his surroundings, 3 could hear people entering the room. He could make out shapes in his blurred vision--it looked like Scylla and Jellsica. The two approached and began to examine closely, hands and tentacles placed about his body. With his subdued senses, each touch was like a faint buzz against the edge of his consciousness. He wanted to move away, but for the life of him, he couldn’t.
“Tch,” Scylla sneered, “Well, this is why we placed him into confinement, but we should have strapped him down...”
“At... At least the c-collar worked,” Jellsica started.
“Of course it worked,” Scylla huffed haughtily, “I made it.”
Jellsica was tempted to mention that she was the one who came up with the idea of using sleeping gas instead of harming the patient, but she refrained, “Um... I... I f-fear he could have broken any bindings, however... If we weren’t careful...” she squeaked, “He may not b-be aware of... Of his own s-s-strength...”
“Perhaps,” Scylla sighed in an exasperated way, “Either way, we’ll have to muzzle him for a time. Hmph! I can’t say I expected him to try and eat himself!” she paced back and forth while Jellsica continued the examination, “Ah, it started off so well, too! His reaction to his beautiful new body... If only he could have appreciated my handiwork.” 
The anemone leaned over and placed her own face directly in front of 3′s. She stared at him with a sharp gaze, which he could just make out. When he blinked hazily, she gave him a sinister toothy grin.
“Don’t worry, my little Zapfish,” she hummed darkly, “You’ll adjust to your new body in due time.~” she gingerly brushed one hand over the side of his face, as if he were some kind of pet or animal. It felt horrible, sending chills down his back and through his tail. If he could have bitten her, he would have...
She stood straight and folded her arms behind her back, “Jellsica.” the jellyfish jumped, “Bandage his wounds and make sure it doesn’t bleed out. Muzzle him, and...” she paused, “Find a way to cap off his claws until we can get him to cooperate. Maybe put some mittens on him, I don’t know, I don’t care, just make it so he can’t hurt himself.”
“B-but he... He’s still awake...”
“It doesn’t matter! Just do it, or you’ll wind up worse than him!”
“Y-yes, m’am...!”
Scylla left the room, however the tension in the air was still thick enough to cut with a knife. 3 could hear Jellsica sigh before she dragged a large first-aid kit to the agent’s side. With her in view, despite being very blurry, it made him realize... Just how large he was, now. He knew the helpful jellyfish wasn’t always that small. He screwed his eyes shut. He didn’t like this, not one bit...
Delicate tentacles tended to his wounds with extreme care, and they were so gentle that he could barely feel them as they brushed up against his skin and washed the bite marks. With all of his might 3 attempted to pull his arm away. However even with what felt like herculean strength, his massive arm barely moved even a quarter of an inch. It... Wasn’t as if he didn’t trust Jellsica at this point. That was probably the only reason that Scylla chose her to tend to him. No, it was because he didn’t want these wounds to recover.
By the time Jellsica finished tending to him, 3 had finally fallen asleep. Her already watery eyes wobbled with tears for what these poor teenagers had to endure. It didn’t matter whose fault it was, it didn’t matter who twisted them into unrecognizable shapes, or who lead them to the lab. Jellsica felt responsible for their horrific states, and hated herself for not doing more to get them out.
But... What could she even do...? Try and seek help? Be considered a loony? Potentially lead any help to their doom? If she was going to stop Scylla, she would need an army and a half, but where on earth could she get one of those? And if Scylla found out, not only would Jellsica be in danger, but an entire hive of jellyfish, too.
Continuing with the instructions given to her, Jellsica found a muzzle that would fit on 3′s enlarged face. Now for those claws... He would probably be able to pick off any caps they placed on, so she instead found four flat pillows with their cases and tied them around each hand and foot. Once he was prepared, she called for some guards to assist in bringing the poor soul back to his room.
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salmonidparty · 4 years
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It took 8 the longest to come to trust Jellsica, but after everything was said and done, 8 was the one who did her best to keep in contact. Jellsica appreciates having someone to talk to now and again.
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salmonidparty · 4 years
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So... Unfortunately for Jellsica, she didn’t get out of the lab scotch-free. When Scylla began to suspect that Jellsica was working in secret, trying to find ways to free some patients (namely 3 and 8), a sort of “fail safe” was implanted into the Jellyfish that could inject a mutagen at the press of a button.
Jellsica was kept normal for the longest time, because she served well as a sort of “face” for Scylla, managing things like supplies and food whenever needed. As soon as Jellsica stepped out of line, she was no longer considered useful. 
She was mutated just before Scylla died, and this is what she currently looks like! She’s part anemone because Scylla just loves cruel irony.
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salmonidparty · 5 years
All was quiet in the patient ward as night crept through the tiny window perched high on the far wall. A strange Octoling sat huddled on his bed, tentacle arms wrapped around his knees. He couldn’t help but find the normal silence disconcerting as he tried to wait patiently for a knock on the door. He watched it with extreme care, straining his short ears for some sort of cue that someone was passing by... Now and again he’d hear the heavy footsteps of a guard, getting his hopes up.
He thought back over the events of the day. It felt like a complete whirlwind, rife with startling news and plans for escape. Though he had lived his entire life in this laboratory he could hardly call it a “home,” as he was nothing more than a test subject, and a failed one at that. He had outlived his usefulness, but rather than releasing him to Octo Valley or something of the like, there was something vile stirring under the surface. 
Malintent was conspiring within the head scientist’s mind. The tests to augment DNA and advance creatures to their next stage of development wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more, she wanted to create fascinating and powerful creatures that had never been seen. And to do that, she needed all of her eggs in a basket. Security was locked down, guards now stalked the halls, and cameras were being installed everywhere, not just in testing chambers. Test subjects had gone missing, replaced with... Something new.
One scientist, a frilled jellyfish who went by the name Jellsica, knew she couldn’t stop it, but hoped she could save a few poor, unfortunate souls before they fell to the same fate. She had conspired an escape plan with a few subjects while the head scientist was out, and now the strange Octoling was waiting for his cue...
There was a gentle knock at the door, which jolted him upright. A beat later and he could hear the door unlock. Immediately to his feet he nearly flew to the door, met with a pair of weary eyes through the cracked opening. 
“Qu-quickly, now!” came the jellyfish’s voice. She spoke in a low whisper, beckoning for him to slip out the door with one arm.
He squeezed through the door, but his heart skipped a beat when he saw a few of the guards standing around a number of Salmonlings, Octarians, crustaceans and jellyfish. He started back for his room, but was quickly stopped when the door shut on his back. A gentle arm touched his.
“Don’t worry,” Jellsica whispered, “They’re patients dressed as guards. This is the easiest way to get everyone out without drawing too much attention.” she guided him to a spot between a guard and a towering Salmonling, who had a sleepy look in her eyes, “You’ll be taken into the courtyard for some enrichment.” the jellyfish winked.
The lineup started moving. As they walked the Salmonling behind him leaned over and started whispering, “Hey, y’ ready t’ get outta here?” despite her large size, she had a surprisingly calm voice.
The Octoling was too nervous to vocalize, fearing that his broken voice would be too loud. But he glanced over his shoulder and smiled with an eager nod. Now he realized that he couldn’t see the edges of this Salmonling’s mouth--it was so large, and her dusty blonde locks covered her cheeks like curtains. Even still, he could see her forming a smile.
“I admit,” she continued in a low voice, “I’m a bit nervous. Dunno who y’ can trust out there now... But it oughta beat bein’ in here. Gonna see if I can’t find my ol’ homestead ‘n make it there.”
With a furrowed brow the Octoling looked to the white halls ahead. So she wasn’t here her whole life... That must have been awful, being ripped away from friends and family. But he couldn’t fully imagine it; he didn’t have anywhere to go himself, no one to return to. He wondered... Could he tag along with her? When they stopped at the courtyard door, he quickly turned to her and pointed at his own chest, then to her’s with a hopeful look in his eye.
“Hm?” she blinked slowly, “Oh, y’all wanna come with me?” she smiled sincerely, “Sho’, I don’t see why not.”
The courtyard door was opened, and the patients spilled into the fenced enclosure. The night air was cool, and the larger ones took to stretching in the open. The disguised patients started stripping off the guard armor. They started to mill about in mild confusion, looking this way and that as they tried to figure out what exactly was going to happen next. A few started to mutter bitterly to each other, thinking that Jellsica had lead them into a trap of some kind... 
As if summoned the jellyfish quickly darted to the head of the group, her legs working overtime. Stopping at the wall where a dark brown tarp rested, she checked a small device with a glowing screen before tossing the tarp aside.
“Hurry, now!” she called. Her face screamed a level of anxiety, “Through this hole!” indeed, there was a wide hole that bore under the thick cinder block wall, “My cousin will meet you on the other side and lead you to his boat. Board it, and you’ll make it out.”
The patients complied, filing one after another to slip through the hole--the larger individuals had to squeeze through, but much to Jellsica’s relief nobody got stuck. Once everyone was through, she started filling the hole. It was safer to have to re-dig it, instead of leaving an obvious hole where the head Scientist could find it...
“Oh?” the tall Salmonling glanced back at the wall, “S’ppose Jellsica ain’t comin’. I even helped her dig that hole...”
Another frilled Jellyfish wearing a sailor’s uniform emerged from behind a rock, “She isn’t! She thought it’d be safer for her to stay behind and cover it up. She’d like to bring more patients out, you know!” he stretched an arm high into the air and waved a little pennant flag about to get everyone’s attention, “This way, now! We don’t have much time!”
He lead them some distance away, through trees and tall unkempt grass to the open water. Even as thunder rumbled in the distance the patients couldn’t help but bask in the fresh air, reaching out to touch the bark of the trees and tug on the grasses. It was difficult to hold their excitement at the prospect of freedom.
A large, sleek black boat rested at the shore--that must have been their ticket out of here. The Jellyfish used his arms to pull himself on board, lowering a rope ladder for the others to follow.
“Climb aboard! If you see someone that can’t get on, help them up!” he called down. Looking to the horizon, he sighed, “Blast... I had hoped that storm would hold of... Ink-based individuals best stay below deck if we can’t avoid that storm!” he silently wished they could wait, but there was little he could do... He had to get these patients to safety, and soon. Once the head scientist returned, a search would start, surely.
Once everyone had boarded the boat shoved off. The strange Octoling found himself sticking close to the tall Salmonling. She didn’t seem to mind very much, even when he wrapped a tentacle around her webbed hand. The boat was hardly quiet, as the others were discussing what they’d do once they got to safety. But there was little talking between the Ocotling and Salmonling. They seemed to just enjoy the company of another person.
The rumble of thunder grew in volume, and a light rain started to fall over the passengers. 
“Brace yourselves,” the Jellyfish called, “We should be able to avoid the worst of it, but please be careful and head below deck!”
Upon the call, a number of Octarians went below deck. The strange Octoling stuck beside his new friend’s side, however. He didn’t really know much better. He huddled closer to her when the winds started to pick up, and yelped when rain started hitting his face. It didn’t hurt, but it sure felt weird!
“Maybe y’ should head downstairs,” the Salmonling spoke up, “Y’all ain’t so good at dealin’ with water, y’know.” she looked down to him with a smile, giving him a gentle nudge towards the stairs. When the Octoling shook his head briskly, she gave a simple shrug, “Alrighty then, just stay next t’ me. I’ll protect y’ from th’ rain.”
He found security huddled beside her, even as the roar of thunder grew louder and louder with each flash. The wind whipped around them, and the boat started to rock at a far more violent rate. The sea was always changing, and never forgiving--even to those familiar with it. The storm had arrived quicker than anticipated. Concern growing, the Salmonling started to push the Octoling away.
“Y’ should really head below. I’ll go too, alrigh’?” she suggested. The rain became a downpour, and water was starting to puddle on the deck. The wind was now pushing the smaller passengers about, their feet slipping on the slick metal floor.
“The storm came to us!” the jellyfish’s voice came through a speaker, “Get below deck, now! I’ll try to steer us out of this safely!”
The boat lurched as a massive wave passed by and there was a cry for help. Suddenly the Octoling was all on his own, exposed completely to the elements. Ink started to drip from his tentacles, but he ignored that as he searched for his friend--she was leaning over the side of the boat, as if holding onto something or someone that had fallen over the edge. He called out to her, bit his broken voice could barely be heard over the rain and roaring sea. 
“She’s helping someone who fell!” a voice suddenly called. A claw carefully hooked one of his arms, “Come on, you’ll melt at this rate!” before he knew it he was surrounded by dozens of bodies trying to seek shelter below.
“Hold tight, I gotcha!!” he could hear his friend’s voice call.
As he was pushed below deck, he watched in horror as his friend tried to pull the other person back on board. Half her body was over the edge now, her tail sticking in the air as her webbed feet had a difficult time finding traction on the soaked deck. He pushed against the others, wanting to help her, but he was too small to make it through. The boat lurched again, and he felt the weight of a number of bodies press against him. There was a shout from above, barely heard above the drumming of the rain...
When he finally could see the deck again, his friend was gone. 
The strange Octoling felt so alone. He rubbed at his face, feeling pressure behind his eyes. Even as other passengers tried to console him, nothing seemed to register--he had gotten so attached to that nice fish, and now she was gone before she could even get home! What if something were to happen to a new friend he made here? 
He kept to himself for the rest of the voyage. When the boat seemed to stop move, the Jellyfish came below deck to tell everyone that they had made it to land. He folded his arms together in a regretful way, bowing his head low as he apologized deeply for pushing them through the storm, and that two passengers had fallen overboard.
The words of the jellyfish gave him little ease on the mind. He had hoped that maybe, somehow, his friend and the person she had tried to save were okay. That the captain had found them and pulled them back on board... But no such luck. He stood in the same spot, staring blankly at the floor. Where was he to go now...? Could he go out and find her himself? He didn’t know how to sail a boat, and his time in the rain showed him that he was hardly fit to deal with the opn water.
There was a gentle push at his side. The jellyfish captain glanced up to him with a worried look in his eye, “I’m sorry, little one.” the Octoling rose an eyebrow--he was taller than the jellyfish was... “It’s going to be ok, I promise. Salmonids are strong, the two could be fine.” the Octoling didn’t respond, “Maybe the other Octarians can help you out for now. There are plenty, and I’m sure you’ll fit in fine, there!”
The strange Octoling blinked silently, but eventually made his way for the stairs. He shielded his eyes from the bright sun, blinking furiously. So bright, after such a dark storm...! If the storm could clear up, maybe there was hope that the tall Salmonling was still out there... He wondered, should he stay with the Salmonlings, or go with the Octarians? 
His question was quickly answered when an Octoling that had been put through similar tests came over. They smiled at him brightly, welcoming him along. He’d stay with them for a time, yes… But then he would go looking for his Salmonid friend when he was older and stronger.  
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