#Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire
otvian · 7 months
I love path of fire cuz the commander reached maximum levels of doing insane things to save the world.
Well I havent done futher dlcs but I hope they get even crazier.
Everytime a character says "This is an insane idea" Im like yeah, what else do you expect from them?
Clear and reasonable thinking didn't kill a dragon and here we have a dragon, a god and an undead idiot (praise joko)
Go crazy commander <333
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adrisventari · 1 year
alright nerds I need to pick brains for thoughts because mine is very smooth atm.
Who has the most iconic GW2 outfit?
like when you think of the game, who comes to mind as a standout for outfit/character design, or even just armor sets, for research purposes, on more human shaped figures. put it in the tags, go crazy go stupid. ty for contributing to the science.
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bobgoesw00t · 1 year
Top 10 Video Games of All Time: bobgoesw00t Edition (Part 09)
It's almost midnight where I live, it's -4 (-27 when you factor the wind chill in) and Winter Storm Elliot is suppose to hang around the for next few hours. It's almost Christmas Eve so I figured, WHAT BETTER TIME TO POST MY PENULTIMATE VIDEO GAME OF ALL TIME!!!!!!! >_<
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Number 2 goes to the MMORPG I've been apart of for the last TEN YEARS now, the MMO that truly broke the traditional mold of MMOs by taking the "Holy Trinity" of party building, going "NOPE!!! FUCK THAT BULLSHIT!!!!!" and gave us a game that was unlike anything at the time, Guild Wars 2.
Now I was lucky enough to enter this franchise with the Third Expandalone title (yes, ArenaNet was doing expandalone games WAY before that was even a thing in most developers minds) Guild Wars Nightfall and I was hook instantly. I actually beat 3/4 campaigns in the original game on my Dervish and he didn't even have Max Armor...which is fucking nuts! It wasn't until roughly a year or so before GW2 went live that I opened his inventory and went, "OH! MY CHARACTER DOESN'T HAVE MAX ARMOR!!! THAT EXPLAINS WHY I'M TAKING AN ASSTON OF DAMAGE EVEN AT LEVEL 20!!!!!"
Anyways, so I was able to run through all four campaigns on two characters before GW2 went live at the end of August in 2012 and get 90-95% of the cosmetic stuff from the Hall of Monuments by the time it came out. I even played most (if not all) of the Beta Weekend Events leading up to launch and I was hooked even more so than with the original.
I literally don't know what to say about this game that you can't find by simply looking up information about the game other than my only real gripes I have are even after playing the game for over ten years now, I still only have one Legendary Weapon which is only due to how much fucking money you need to make all the various components combined with how a good chunk of those items are time gated and can only be made once every 24 hours or so. Thankfully, Ascended weapons are a tad easier to come by and have the same stats as Legendary ones, so it's not that big of a deal.
My other complaint is that the only way to get a Guild Hall is via an "Expedition" and if your in a tiny guild with only a few people (less 50), you'll have no chance of getting one. In the original game, it was possible to get one if you saved enough money to get the require item so it's kind of annoying.
Even with those two gripes, this is still one of the best MMORPGs I've ever played (which, while not a lot, it still a few) and I'm glad to say that I've been apart of it's community since launch.
So I'm giving Guild Wars 2 and all three of it's expansions (this score is VERY true of the most recent one, End of Dragons) a 5/5.
Honorable Mentions:
Aion: Another good MMORPG that's free to play that has combat that's a good mix of titles like WoW and an action game like Guild Wars and Blade & Soul (or as I like to call it, Boob & Soul xD)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Smash Bros game to end all Smash Bros games. Was supported for almost three whole years post launch with two sets of DLC Fighters, including the long awaited inclusion of the Dorky Keyblade Master (who, unsurprisingly enough, was the most requested fight for the Sm4sh Fighter Ballot Sora Ltd and Nintendo did years ago) Sora from Kingdom Hearts. My Smash waifus however are Zelda (GOD her Final Smash in Ultimate is broken) and the Aegis duo of Homura/Hikari (one is fast as light and the other has STUPIDLY high knockback on her Side Smash, N-Special and Up Special).
Sorry for the short entry for my penultimate game, but I have family coming over tomorrow to open presents since some of them are busy on Christmas Day and I really want to go to bed ASAP xD. The reveal of my Number One pick will still be coming on the 27th so look for it then!
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achromant · 3 months
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Since the Commander is busy with wizard issues, the choya have taken over. Theyre not really sure WHAT they took over, but theyre not giving it back.
[Art Sponsored by ArenaNet]
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brightwingedbat · 3 months
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Rytlock, Canach and Kasmeer keep their eye colours when glamoured into Awakened.
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rosy-opal-commander · 4 months
Replaying POF. Something really deeply funny about how alone the Commander feels going into path of fire. Like if the Commander has a character flaw it's hyper independence.
So the commander is going into the desert to fight the god of war and you only ask for a ride. That's it. And if you would have asked some Shining blade more than likely could have been spared, you could have gone to the pact for aid.
And Then half your friends who aren't busy or bedridden or mad af at you, show up any fucking way. Rylock just like "what up hear you where tussling with the god of war, I want in" he has zero clue that it's the same dude he met in the mist he's not even there for atonement his just there for vibes.
Speaking of just vibes. Coming in with "I was bored heard you where here so like what's up? Where are we going?" Canach is like "I don't have an evil woman to boss me around.... Sup commander" once again no atonement, he already did that. He's just bored.
Then we have our bravest little toaster Kasmeer. This bitch is a believer. A
Believer. Believer.
But one thing about Kasmeer Meade is that she's your friend and guild mate first and foremost, and a believer in the six second. Kasmeer believes in you more than she believes in the gods she was raised to believe in. I just wish they explored that more in story.
Kasmeer believes in you more than gods. She believes in her friends more than gods.
Canach would bet on you everytime.
Rylock believes in your leadership more than the most important thing which is his legion. Which he was tribune for.
Which is why it's night and day from what's going on with SOTO. All the sudden no one gives a fuck about where you are. And that's why it's jarring and over all doesn't feel right.
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riessene · 1 year
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decided to color it actually 🌱🔥
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scourgeblooms · 6 months
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wanted to do a physical timeline for my commander and highlight how he’s changed through the years. this is mostly for my own entertainment BUT I do enjoy seeing the same thing from other folks so I’m posting it here in the hopes that other people share my sentiment. 
(I was ALSO totally inspired by @/manasurge’s hair timeline. it kicks ass. go look at it.) 
elaboration/rambling below the cut!
Personal Story, LW1-2: Popped out of the pod blunt, solicitous, and already maybe a little too paranoid for someone who was born yesterday, but all those traits made him uniquely qualified for a position in military leadership.  Healthy and floral, soft aspen-bark-like skin, delicate petals. black anthers produce pollen. undergoes more fashion changes than physical transformations during this time. gets a little banged up here and there (and maybe has some lasting respiratory effects from the toxic alliance era) but overall feelin a-okay. 
Heart of Thorns: it’s all gone to shit. took a spectacular headdive in both a physical and mental sense with breakneck speed. never “officially” answered mordremoth’s call, but anyone who spent time around him would notice a distinct lack of self control and logical thinking. took on a more sickly pallor, stress caused leaves to shrivel, rot, and decay. lost his lil flower top notch and ability to produce pollen. pupils narrowed to take on a more animalistic look, and enamel growth resulted in sharper, larger teeth. fingers also elongated into claws. never fully physically and mentally recovered from the hell jungle. 
LW3: chopped off most of his leaves to encourage fresh growth. lots of physical healing during this time, though it takes quite a while for his complexion to fully recover. takes on the role of aurene’s champion with gusto. relatively unaffected by bloodstone, but feels the effects of mordremoth’s loose/uncontrolled magic deeply. continues to hear mordremoth’s “voice” and is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. 
Path of Fire: still healing from HoT. continues to grow out his leaves. glow returns, as well as some of his eye color. likes the crystal desert, but finds the harsh, dry climate to be particularly challenging; he’s definitely more of a ‘temperate’ sylvari. does not handle dying well. death only adds to his paranoia and psychosis. has an increasingly hard time picking apart what is real and what is…. not. 
LW4: let’s get ready to kill an undead lich!!!! absorbs even more magic after the death of joko and kralkatorrik, and it starts to show in a there-and-gone shimmery aura that takes on a similar appearance to ley lines. starts to suffer from migraine auras. flower top notch grows back, but stays closed and dormant. picks up a few nifty necromancy tricks from the elonians, and the tips of his fingers start to show signs of necrotic decay; all that death magic can’t be good for the complexion, can it? 
Icebrood Saga: having another dragon in his head does not help his mental health in the slightest. braided leaves (courtesy of braham <3) to protect against frostbite. his ley “aura” gets more intense, hard to miss, and is a near constant. flower topnotch remains closed due to the cold weather conditions. after being shot by bangar, his wound is covered/healed by aurene’s brand. migraines increase in frequency, makes it difficult for him to focus. a bone deep exhaustion starts to set in, and more often than not, he catches himself thinking that a nice long nap underneath a blanket of snow doesn’t sound so terrible….
End of Dragons: back in a more agreeable climate, his topnotch finally blooms, but does not grow anthers or produce pollen. easily physically corrupted by void magic, and he feels soo-won’s pain and struggle deeply. the void corruption eventually shows up in the form of darkening leaves, and seeping out of his eyes/tearducts (it’s fine. don’t worry about it.). starts to incorporate chaos magic into his own necromancy practices. has a fucking terrible time in gyala delve. has a fucking terrible time saying goodbye to aurene. 
Secrets of the Obscure: nothing feels entirely real to him anymore. still willing to help, to fight, but it’s done on autopilot at this point. this magical, floating palace in the sky looks and feels like a dream, with the kryptis acting as the encroaching, inevitable turn to a real, living nightmare. still uses a bit of leftover void in his magical practices, but most of the corruption has left his system. that respiratory illness he picked up back in kessex hills comes back to bite him in nayos. finally grows back his anthers, but instead of producing pollen, it's an outlet for void/magic energy.
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clemmykins · 3 months
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The Desolation
It's a pretty place when you can actually catch a breath between the sulfur and the mobs! :')
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muzarry · 7 months
Big bastard boy I kinda miss you
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jollycryptid · 6 months
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I beat Path of Fire earlier this month with my partner @lofilesbo & the gals were going through it, so doodled what happens in The Departing.
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otvian · 7 months
A night in crystal desert
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Wanted to draw the gang together :3
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yourevioletcrazy · 6 months
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I just think he's neat :)
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GW2: Why Elona matters
Since I am on a Guild Wars kick, let me tell you why I love Elona so much. (Note, Northern European white person here.) When I started playing Guild Wars, I started with Nightfall. What stood out for me was the location and how it was depicted. This was the first time I saw Africa depicted not as a place of poverty and misery or a place where lions and such lived. Elona was depicted as a beautiful place of both culture and history. Libraries, their own warrior caste and politics. All without forgetting where it was set. This continued in GW2, where Path of Fire lets us see Elona in higher definition. Africa has always been a continent of colour and GW2 truly leaned into it. Going around Amnoon you will see painted buildings and bright clothes, nevermind the wealth seen in Vabbi. Elona is also, like real Africa is, a place of different ecosystems. Sure, there is the savanna, but there are swamps, snowy mountains and jungles as well. What makes Elona even better in GW2, is how it is framed. Elona is a place of history, of ancient knowledge and people. While Cantha is a place of progress and technology, Elona is a place of wisdom and tradition. Elona matters, because it is a depiction of Africa without the burden of colonialism. While it is important to unpack the colonialism Africa faces, it is also important to show the immense value Africa has in itself. It's culture, history and art are rarely shown in works set in the real world, in fantasy it is often ignored entirely. It is a look into a place rarely given attention to, without defining it by its worst qualities.
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ilona-art · 1 year
Simple animation I've made of one of my favorite spots in GW2 Been spending alot of time here lately to just take in the ambience. It's especially nice actually without the music in the background. It was a very interesting mood.  Sponsored by ArenaNet
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guildtree · 1 year
Playing through Path of Fire on an alt character and I am constantly reminded of how ridiculous the team you have for that expansion is. Canach, Rytlock, and Kasmeer. These people are not friends. At best they hang out in the same general circle. They're the ones in the friend group who sit in awkward silence at the table when the person who ties them all together leaves to get water.
But they're all here, and they do wind up with this weird sort of frenemies bond going on. Canach and Rytlock begin a rivalry over who can kill Forged the best. Rytlock won't stop grumbling about the gods, but he also won't kill the ghosts in Kormir's sanctuary because "then Kas will get mad at me." Nobody likes the Awakened illusions, and you know - you just know - that Kasmeer is making them worse on purpose just because people are making fun of her magic. And yet despite all that, they still bind together when things get tough... to pick on you for getting a little too into character as Archon Iberu, because apparently even literally dying doesn't make your Commander immune from teasing.
I don't think they become die-hard friends or anything, but I do think they have this weird shared experience that nobody else is privy to. They don't seek each other out, but leave them alone in a room together and they'll suddenly start complaining about sand sharks and calling Rytlock "Cuddles" and a million other in-jokes that nobody else understands. At some point Logan or Marjory or somebody walks in with a smoothie and stands in confused silence, wondering what in the actual hell they missed out on.
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