#Gulbahar Kalfa
magnificentlyreused · 8 months
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This green cloak was first worn by Daye Hatun in the eighth episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. Three episodes later, it was worn again by Hatice Sultan. The cloak made another appearance on Nigar Kalfa in the ninth episode of the third season. The cloak was used three times in the fourth season, first on Fahriye Kalfa in the twelth episode, then on Gülbahar Kalfa in the fourteenth episode and lastly on Defne Sultan in the thirty-fourth episode.
Magnificent Century: Kösem saw the cloak on Mahfiruze Hatun in the sixth episode of the first season. The cloak also appeared twice in the second season, first on an unnamed harem member in the second epsiode and then on Meleki Hatun in the fourth episode.
It is also used on an unnamed harem member in the third episode of Mehmed The Conqueror (2018).
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fauzhee10069 · 7 years
MYK S2: Farya, the very important character who died a nobody
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You may had your glorious and wonderful story in this show
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When I had to sacrifice my role and played the role of villain for your story, showing how miserable I was
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But at least I got my death scene depicted beautifully and very peaceful
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When in your death scene, you got hanged like a random hatun
(the role you should get from the beginning)
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Because I am Haseki Ayşe Sultan
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The most important and prominent woman in Murad IV’s life as his consort
…This is what will happen when you give too much importance with such overly high position to a fictional character in historical drama: being a royal-born princess of Hungary, Murad’s legal wife, mother of two sehzade and potential next Valide Sultan yet died like a random cameo hatun without ideal funeral as a sultana…
Normally in historical drama, the supportive characters become the characters that would help to move certain plot for the most prominent historical figure as main character/protagonist, some might be lesser prominent historical figures and some might be even fictional characters. In Muhteşem Yüzyıl, Hürrem had some fictionals like Sumbul agha, Nigar kalfa, Fahriye hatun and many others as her allies and then some fictionals like Prenses Isabella, Fihruze hatun and Nazenin hatun as her rivals. But in Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem, perhaps more than ¾ season 2 had many historical figures as supportive characters that were used to move the plot for the fictional character who became the temporary main character, met.. prenses Farya Bethlen who would become Farya sultan, the Hungarian prenses who almost would be the next Valide Sultan but missed it.
Farya wanted to be a very special & important character, special by being the princess who could fight, important enough to be considered as main character. Thus being paired with Murad, the male main lead would give her more importance and still, being the warrior Farya she was, she still needed a scene for building up their chemistry by being Murad's damsel-in-distress when she was kidnapped by Ayşe’s men.
Haseki Ayşe gave her her dramatic love story, if not for her, Murad wouldn't marry Farya and made her his legal wife. Thanks for Ayşe because if not for her Farya won't get her dramatic assault & miscarriage. Farya's story got more dramatic tone when the doctor said that her condition became almost impossible to conceive again, thanks for it, the moment she got pregnant again, the moment when her babies were considered as miracle, yes.. she had twins, two sehzade (sons). From got deemed as unable to have a child to be able to have twins.. sehzade (who were considered more valuable than princesses). Farya's story became more dramatic than the famous powerful sultana Hürrem and Kösem ever had when they had their first babies (good thing that Ayşe was already dead when this was happened). Ayşe did things the most for Farya's plot. Murad's purpose (besides he was busy with government matters & some conflict with his mother) for Farya was only romantically in love with her. Farya didn't have to do anything (other than did some unremarkable things by befriended Atike and taught her swordfight).
Farya wanted her rival Ayşe to be suffered from her consequences. Still Farya wished to be a strong character without any flaw, she wanted to appear strong yet innocent, thus she attacked Ayşe the moment she had chance (remember the scene when she drowned Ayşe and pointing a knife to her) instead of doing a little dirty tricks to expose Ayşe (see how Kösem was able to defeat Safiye sultan). Drowning and pointing knife to someone are not innocent deeds, these are murder attempts and yet she did it like it was normal (the drowning scene had many people witnessed it yet no one took any action nor thought that this is bad and/or need to report it to either Kösem sultan or Murad).
Imagined if I'm drowning someone on the pool when I suspected her that she was the cause of my accident (with majority of people on the pool knew that I had an accident), with many people there, will they sympathize to me? No- more importantly, will they think what I did is right? I think no, they likely will think that "What're you doing? Are you crazy? Are you really sure that she did that do you? What if she report you instead? You realize right that we were watching you? You almost kill her!!" other people will be like "Who is that brunette girl who drowned the other poor blonde one? Why she did that? Is she pyscho? Thank god that blonde girl is still alive."
Also remember that Farya never did anything worthy to prove her hunch that Ayşe was the culprit, it was Gulbahar sultan who gave her her confession letter to prove it. The plot only gave her favorable event when she happened to accidently saw Ayşe talking with Gulbahar. Didn’t Farya also witnessed it? When Kösem executed the offenders who did the assault to her. I wonder why didn’t she tell Murad that the offenders already got executed by Kösem then asked him to do investigation to catch the main mastermind (Ayşe) instead letting him executed huge numbers of people who some of them were innocents?
Farya started to lose her importance when Ayşe had gone. She needed a new character to driven her plot and give her importance. Here came Sanavber hatun, she was Murad's actual consort besides Ayşe. Thanks for Sanavber, Farya had moment with Murad when she felt betrayed and started to doubt Murad's love for her. Sanavber gave her spices to her love story, now Farya's romantic story was not boring anymore, she had conflict & lover quarrel with Murad, her love story became a bit realistic yet more dramatic. What Farya needed to do was mad at Murad, screamed & threw him a tantrum. Murad immediately proved his love to her by letting her berated him till she tired and then hugged her, like "see... I love you." This conflict lasted very short but Farya still needed to be important. Thus in favor to Farya character, Sanavber had to play as Persian Spy. What importance Sanavber gave to Farya? Yes, Farya could become a heroine now. Farya played heroine by making her the first one who discovered Sanavber as spy, thus Farya became the very important person who will investigate her. Still, Farya’s method of investigation was never effective, she used to kidnapped the suspect and interrogate her, threatening that she would hurt her if she refused to talk and sometimes she really did hurt her. Compared to Kösem, Farya had no better way to effectively threaten them. Also Farya relied too much on suspect’s confession, of course the suspect won’t immediately confess and kept denying her accusation, it’ll be better if she does some investigation secretly. Farya was accusing Sanavber as spy in front of Kösem with no evidence in her hand and Sanavber was able to deny her accusation, Farya suggested to find Idris agha (maybe to interrogate him) but Sanavber calmly twisted her words that Idris agha will be her witness and defends her. It was Kösem who actually found the solid proof that Sanavber was a spy by ordered Haci agha, her right hand man to keep an eye on her had found the note written by Idris agha, those note informing about Gulbahar’s plan was a solid proof that Sanavber was a spy. The value of Farya’s heroine only went that her accusation was right. Also compared to Halime sultan in season 1 who was prepared and already set up as Kösem’s next enemy after Safiye, Sanavber suddenly appeared just right when Ayşe’s role would be done. What more shame is because there were not any interaction between Sanavber and Haseki Ayşe at all whereas Halime had many interaction with Safiye sultan. This indirectly indicated that Sanavber (and perhaps Ayşe too) was created in MYK only for Farya whereas Halime, despite not being the main lead in MYK besides  Kösem still had her own story and importance as the Valide Sultan during Mustafa I’s first and second short-lived reigns (though of course I’m aware that Halime was much more prominent historical figure compared to Sanavber).
After Sanavber left, Farya almost lost her purpose again as a character. Her enemies all were gone. Now, Farya became an ordinary wife and companion to Murad, her warrior gimmick already long gone at this point, only an useless scene when she had her romantic moment with Murad and her miracle babies (the role that should be occupied by Haseki Ayşe historically). There was the scene when Farya met Sinan pasha (the traitor who worked with Gulbahar) and he told her that Kösem had arranged a council meeting behind Murad’s back. Perhaps Farya wanted to play a heroine again by telling this news to Murad. Also interesting thing here is that Sinan told her that with her sons as the heirs to the throne, she would be a future Valide Sultan. Thus, her conflict with Kösem had begun, too bad this was not built early on, their rivalry felt empty when the next episode had Kösem murdered her. Because Farya wanted to be the nicest protagonist from the beginning, having conflict with Kösem (the more important main protagonist) was something that she wanted (or the writers wanted) to avoid. Because to build a conflict, one of them had to start it first, either one of them had to do something bad/terrible to the others. Compared to Safiye vs Kösem in season 1, Farya and Kösem rarely interacted to each other. It seemed that both being main leads in season 2, they had their own separate problems and nemesis whereas normally the main leads of a show used to interact with each other, be it as partners/ally or rivals. Even to finish Farya’s character, Kösem’s character got sacrificed. Kösem had to kill off Farya because she was a hindrance to her plan and had the biggest influence along with Silahtar that led Murad to bring back the rule of fraticide, not because she was an enemy for her. Kösem’s character got reaction like “Kösem is such a bad person, she becomes so power hungry she killed her son’s wife and the mother of his heirs” from majority audiences (especially Farya fans).
Eventually, Farya died like a random hatun who only hindered the big main protagonist Kösem sultan’s way. This is what will happen when you give too much importance with such overly high position to a fictional character in historical drama, being a royal-born princess of Hungary, Murad’s legal wife, mother of sehzade and potential next Valide Sultan yet died like a random cameo hatun without ideal funeral as a sultana, especially when there was Ayşe who historically was Murad IV’s most beloved woman and his haseki. So, Farya basically stole Haseki Ayşe's role. Farya’s miracle babies also died like nobodies, after her dramatic assault (led to her miscarriage) that made her fans infuriated and felt sorry to her then her miracle babies that cheered her fans up died in the next episode (this should be expected since Murad IV had no surviving son into adulthood).
And those miracle babies (sehzade Selim and sehzade Suleyman)? one of them was credited as Haseki Ayşe’s son instead (¬‿¬).
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When I referring Farya (like Farya wanted this, Farya wished that etc), it has nothing to do with the actress Farah. This only meant for hating the character named “Farya” and how she was written using her POV, not hating the actress.
(single picture) meme version:
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magnificentlyreused · 10 months
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This purple patterned cloak is first worn by Gülfem Hatun in the fifth episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It is also worn by Mahidevran Sultan in the seventh episode of the second season before it returned to Gülfem Hatun in the third season. The cloak is also briefly seen on Gülbahar Kalfa in the thirty-fifth episode of the third season.
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magnificentlyreused · 11 months
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This yellow and orange striped dress is first worn by Nigar Kalfa in the first season of Magnificent Century. It appears again on Gülbahar Kalfa in the fourth season.
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This green dress and green bolero jacket were first worn by Saliha Hatun in the second season of Magnificent Century. The neckline of the dress was altered to a V-neck, before the set was worn again by Fidan Kalfa in later episodes of the same season. Helena Hatun wears only the bolero jacket in the sixth episode of the third season, as does Gülbahar Kalfa in the first episode of the fourth season.
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magnificentlyreused · 2 years
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This grey, purple, green and blue striped bolero jacket was first worn by Gülnihal Hatun during the first season of Magnificent Century. The jacket is worn again by an unnamed harem member in the twelth episode of the second season. It was seen twice in the third season. First it was worn by Rita, Helena Hatun’s sister, and then by Gülbahar Kalfa.
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