crypticcupid · 8 days
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A should be case study-
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yearnin-cryptid · 1 year
If you choose to do this you can absolutely just do the characters you know because this is a mess!!! If you do do this though I am kissing you on da' forehead!
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crypticcupid · 3 months
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Sees this post. Laughs about it. Remember Marie had a Fursuit. SLAMS THIS DRAWING OUT BETWEEN WORK.
Anyways, take your girlfriend suiting in her off time. :)
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crypticcupid · 1 month
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@sleepyship Has got me drawing graphs because this is a bit confusing lmao.
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crypticcupid · 5 months
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Swift Ref More Info Under vvv
Name: Swift Age: 20s
Your average NSR worker busting their ass to make ends meet while pursuing their passion in the spare time they have. No one is quite sure what they are, and they seemingly refuse to elaborate upon being asked because they always seemingly get distracted. While they don't agree with all of NSR's protocols or general vibes, he can't argue with the pay.
While he loves EDM as much as the next guy, he misses hearing more variety and gets fussy hearing everything loop into a bunch of repeated fast beats. Where is the slow distortion? The grunge? THE SLOW AND MENTALLY DESTROYING LYRICS? He is searching for them.
Doesn't mind talking shit about his job. Both on and off the clock. They can't fire her because she is the only one that can keep up with the work load. Work Dog ethic.
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crypticcupid · 2 months
Guys, I'm thinking about actually removing Shiver and Frye from my f/o list. 😔
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crypticcupid · 2 days
13 is Brittany! @askthelovenest (I think I will save lore dropping for when I make individual posts for each ship as I build them and instead will take these asks as opportunity to talk about how much I love them.)
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And for Brittany is amazes me that more folk don't adore her. Sure she's snarky as Hell and a bit blunt but how can you not love how smart and in control she tries to be. She's so cute and the way she's like a dog resource guarding her food is so endearing. (And equal parts depressing if you consider the lore reasons. (The food scarcity on Koppai. :( )) I think her voice is so sweet sounding and she just looks so cute. I don't normally experience cuteness aggression and yet she makes me want to chew on her like a squinkie. She's such a pretty shade of pink, she reminds me of a peach. I bet she's soft like one too. I just think she's so neat, maybe there isn't a lot of depth here, I just think she is so cool. I love me a women in STEM.
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Random F/O Gush
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crypticcupid · 7 days
Timeline for the DinYonRil
(How would you make a ship name for them???)
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Art by @/zipperqwerty
Yonny realizes he's a boy sometime when Dingo and him are kids on their home planet. Dingo is chill with it, he would have been best friends with him regardless as he's the only one that can match his curiosity for getting into situations.
They get older and Yonny realizes he likes guys, specifically he likes Dingo. He tries asking Dingo if he's interested in guys and Dingo's like "Nah I don't think so".
Yonny takes his L, shoves it away, and focuses on graduating. Nothing is really weird between them after that but Yonny doesn't fully get over his crush and Dingo is still as close to him as ever.
Fast Forward to the current events of Pik4. Rill unofficially joins the Rescue Corp. as they have prior expirenece with PNF-404.
Dingo and Rill start beefing hard as fuck because they are both competitive but for vastly different reasons. (Dingo because he has a crush on Shepard and Rill because he loves to be right.)
Yonny and Rill on the other hand start getting along veryyyy quickly.
Especially when they both realize each other as Trans then they get super attached and eventually start sneaky dating. (For shits, for giggles)
During this time Dingo realizes. A FEW THINGS.
-1: Shepard is not going to like him back, take the L my boy.
-2: MAYBE IT'S NOT NORMAL TO IMAGINE YOURSELF IN THE GIRLS SPOT WHEN YOU'RE WATCHING A ROMANCE MOVIE. Also it's normal to have an inspo board of men to get buff like but if you start starring really long at it and getting flushed sometimes maybe you are gay just saying-
Dingo basically was so apathetic growing up to the concept of gender and sexuality that he just picked the defaults and went on his way. And now he feels odd processing that he might not be that.
To add to the conundrum; he's realizing just how much he loves being with Yonny side by side and how much he enjoys the sweet moments Rill gives him. (Despite their bickering)
It does not help that he is having some odd ass dreams about the two and he's stressed about this now because okay? He doesn't exclusively like girls and might like boys…. Okay but why did the first boys he have to realize he may like be his best friend and his best friend's boyfriend?
During this, at some point Yonny tells Rill about his prior super crush/still sort of back seating feelings about Dingo. Rill is just like "… Yeah I get it actually. "
Dingo is starting to get frustrated because he wants to ask his best friend. But Yonny is taken and still probably thinks he's straight and he doesn't want Yonny to think he's being weird because he's trans.
Kind of reaches a tipping point because for a bit him and Rill were getting friendly but now he doesn't know what to do with himself and so their prior "friendly sparring" practices get more heated.
Unfortunately, Rill misses the social cues that Dingo is pissed and takes it as him playing rougher. Rill likes playing rough very much. He bites Dingo a little too hard and Dingo out of knee-jerk and adrenaline knocks Rill upside the head.
They both end up on Yonny's med bay and he's pissed because this was just ridiculous.
Dingo has been acting so weird the past week and Rill is sitting in the medbay with them while they argue with an ice pack over their head and eyes just chilling and listening. He really did not know Dingo was mad so he's kind of processing everything at the same rate Internet Explore boots up.
Eventually Yonny pokes enough for Dingo to just breakdown and confess that he likes them both, a lot, but he didn't want them to think he viewed them as any different than guys because he is just now having the revelations.
Everyone is slowly processing this information and Yonny is still pissed because "Okay but you're my best friend, you should have told me!".
Everyone steps away to collect their thoughts. Yonny is especially mauling over it and Dingo is kicking himself over how bad he handled every aspect of that.
At some point Rill is like "Yonny you should give him a shot." Yonny assumes Rill is in fact concussed. But Rill explains that since that was his first love they should both get to try each other. Rill is a hopeless romantic.
Yonny asking if that means he wants to break up and Rill is like "Well I didn't mean like that, I meant I'm chill with sharing". Yonny deserves 2 bastards.
Yonny decides that Rill at least raises a good point in that they should try it and nothing much worse than the other argument could happen so yeah okay sure.
Yonny and Dingo start also going out which is a little funny because the other crew members had previously thought they were dating at a point in the pass.
Rill is fine with time apart because even though him and Yonny both love being in each other's personal space, Rill gets time to chill with the others and the Pikmin.
Eventually though Rill does start getting super affectionate to Dingo as well. The boyfriend of my boyfriend can also be my boyfriend mentality.
Dingo somehow gets his fantasy of having both the guys he thought were hot.
Yonny gets his first love returned as well as a boyfriend that shares his experiences.
Rill gets pampered between two guys that treat him like he's a respectable and smart individual.
Everyone wins. And also teach Dingo to start communicating a bit more clearly. Lol
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crypticcupid · 3 months
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Nova Ref .2!
Felt it was time for an update. :)
More Info Under vvv
Name: Nova
Role: Recon and Patroling
Nova awoke with very little memories of his life prior to the Madness over taking Nevada, but still he gets along in life as best he can. At first they spent many days just trying to get by until being come across by Sanford and Deimos. Once the two men decided he wasn't a threat, and seemed more than competent to help, they let him tag along.
Nova is a crack shot with rifles, but finds far more joy and ease in using melee weapons. Such as knives, swords, and gernades. He's fond of explosives for the fact they can be set prior or from a disatance. Calls it "cheap fighting" and he may be right.
Despite the absent memory, Nova is smarter than they let on. They can learn anything relatively quick and are quick to observe small patterns or details. However, he is violently emotional and this causes fluctuations in his work abilities. Either being too merciful to folks or far too cruel, depending on the drop of a dime.
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crypticcupid · 16 days
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Nothing like a random lore drop from your boyfriend.
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crypticcupid · 8 months
Personally, I'm annoyed how much stuff their is about reader or y/n being picked up by their partner. Listen it's cute, but totally not realistic. A lot of my f/os are not only smaller in stature, they are little twinks and noodles. And I mean that with the highest affection. Their asses are not picking me upppp. I am built like a linebacker, these poor folks will struggle.
And I, for one, find that idea greatly amusing. :)
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crypticcupid · 5 months
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New Years Kiss I doodled on my phone. :3
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crypticcupid · 2 months
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Feels bad
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crypticcupid · 6 months
How we feeling about boy boobs? (Non-sexual nudity below)
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Just getting caught changing.
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crypticcupid · 3 months
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Rill Ref
More Info Under vvv
Name: Rill Pronouns: He/They/She Role: Freight Worker/Adventurer
Basic Info: Rill works at the same company as Olimar and Louie, focusing more in the actual office/factory area. However, he also gets some jobs to transport from time to time. Especially with larger orders. Upon a trip to PNF-404 to assist Olimar and Louie on an odd job for more treasures and surveying. Rill enjoys the planet so much. Despite being mostly lonely when on the planet, they take great comfort with the Pikmin nearby.
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crypticcupid · 6 days
1A and 2D for the drawing prompt!
@magicalmousey Thank you for the suggestions ajhjhsdfjkd!
1A- AngelxDemon
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Low hanging fruit since Dusk is basically a demon. (By association lol) Cherry had the great idea of saying Pico would be a Fallen Angel which is intriguing for me. :3c
2D- Hurt/Comfort (Protective)
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Sure, you're boyfriend coming home scuffed from turf wars is normal but why was he getting decked in the face???
(Myst doesn't initiate fights usually, but in cases of people saying out of line shit, he'll make an exception.)
Common Ship Tropes
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