#H.O.D thingz
yawnyztired · 5 months
Now my writing usually doesn’t get much interaction on here but I would like to put it somewhere for feedback so I might start posting little snippets of my beloved WIP “House Of Dexterios”
The synopsis is basically: The chaotic lives of a very affectionate queer friend group as part of a cult: under the reign of a sadistic God trapped in a cats body: the plot is majorly pushed forward by Katie the heroic P.I. of the group: everything comes to a head when a overzealous, fish out of water journalist appears and butts heads with Eyon the anti-hero protagonist (one of the protagonists anyway): it’s part supernatural crime drama and part occult sitcom: it fallows the monster of the week concept and each chapter is very long as every case has its own chapter along with character hijinks: it’s character driven and fallows four main characters as well as a growing cast of side characters: theres a large emotional drive focused on internal, and magical struggles.
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Anyways stay tuned~
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yawnyztired · 5 months
Okay long snippet from “House Of Dexterios” Chapter two
Lumps turns off into an off highway truck stop on two wheels, and goes spinning wildly, kicking up pebbles in a snowstorm. Stargazer comes in hot on their startrails, albeit a lot more elegantly, and stops. There's a lot happening in the cavern of Eyons consistently mangled mind and maybe it's the panicked uproar of everyone else or the adrenaline, but Bayou can't seem to follow them. Eyon is propelled by the resurfacing wrath that blisters around their bones, climbing through their lungs and the livewire adrenaline that's searing restlessly in their veins. They're out of the truck so fast, with an urgency so chaotic and unhinged they look like they've gone rather mad.
“Are you out of your mind-?!” Stargazer jumps out of her car, arms out wide. There's a rock nestled in Eyons fist, everyone bustles out of the truck, and then it's gone faster than they can reach them.
“HEY! What the fuck?!” Luckily Eyons throwing skills are pretty on par with a cow playing baseball, so it misses the window, but puts a small sized dent in the door, scratching off some paint. Bayou jumps up, trapping Eyon under her arm, looking very displeased. Stargazer takes a long stride forward, and Bella steps into her path, not really in the mood for a full anxious brawl to break out. The pair glare at each other past Bella’s head. Bayou tucks Eyon further into her embrace, effectively confining them with both her arm concretely draped over their shoulders, and chin locked onto their shoulder.
“Sorry my friend here gets a little…um bothered when people start trailing them in their car. I feel like that's a fair reaction, right?” Bella tells her.
“You have to admit thats pretty invasive, anyone would be pissed.” Bayou says while Eyon is struggling out of her arms, to grab their writing instruments. The passenger hops out of Stargazers CUV, with his hands in his sweater pockets. Bella watches him for a second, glimmer in their eyes, before hooking a arm around Katies neck, and whispering:
“He's so bad.” The pair chatter for a moment, scraping slightly, and tittering together like school children. Eyon prays on the pairs distraction and wiggles out of Bayous arms, shooting her a glare.
“What the fuck are you fallowing us for?” Eyon snips, and Stargazer turns her attention back to them. The man beside her goes to speak up but is steam rolled by the flaming gaze sent in his direction, and promptly doesnt feel like intervening anymore. Instead he places his head phones back on his ears and catches Bellas obvious glances that keep being thrown in his direction.
“Thought wed join you on your trip.” Stargazer takes another long legged stride forward.
“You weren't invited.” Eyon bitches, retreating backwards a step or two.
“To the contrary actually.” They look up at Stargazer as she speaks, raising their eyebrows.
“You never said I couldn't come. So that's basically an invitation.” Stubborn. Annoying. Incessant. Lengthy. skyscraper. dumbass. liability. Who won't stop sticking her goddamned nose in my business! Which by the way might get her injured, killed or worse. Eyon scuffs their boots on the gravel.
“It fucking is not!” Eyon snaps at her indignantly, annoyance ringing in their head like a ginormous gong that keeps getting hit over, and over, and over, and, over, and over again.
“Yeah well you could use the backup.” backup? They snort. What backup? The pair of innocent bystanders that have no idea what their walking into, and will only get in the way, and probably die. Very helpful.
“We dont need any fucking backup!” Especially not you. Stargazer keeps stealthily stepping forward towards Eyon, who keeps a foot backwards to halt away from her. They do this penguin arm thing, oversized sleeves sailing with their arms that they're flapping back and forth.
“Well we're already here so you might as well make peace with it.” She sighs, still keeping this friendly pretence, even with the sour look she's getting.
“The hell I will.” Eyons hands come up to fiddle with their hoodie strings as they snark. Stargazers black and white dress sweeps acroos her knees as she steps forward with her long legs, adorned with long socks with little diamond shapes printed right where they rest below her knees. And Eyon cannot figure out why she keeps doing that, why she keeps trying to close that distance Eyon is holding onto like a lifeline. That few feet of space that feels so nice and safe. Eyon stalks backwards with a nasty glare. Hoping desperately that attention on them will drop away, far far away and that little pit in their stomach can clear a little bit. Clouds parting for the sun. But the dark eyes that pin them to the ground are stubborn and the uncomfortable pressure won't ease, their knee starts doing this familiar stutter. Like they're getting ready for a fight they crack their knuckles, trying to draw eyes away from their knee, mean little gleam forced into their eyes as they draw down their brows, screaming stop looking at me-dont look at me-dont look at me- dont want your attention-dont see me-get away from me-stop looking-STOP-
“So this is the journalist I take it?” Micheal nudges Bayou, who nods at him.
“Yeah she sure is.” And Stargazer's eyes fly over to him in a heartbeat, Eyon takes a breath they haddent realised they were holding, fingers itching for the container in their pocket. Alarm bells blare the moment Stargazer closes the threshold of distance and thankfully veers past them excitedly. Eyon sluggishly snatchs their smokes from their pocket, social exhaustion waying down on them so heavily they swear they can hear all their bones cracking under it. They sigh.
“Aww you've been talking about me? Hi, I’m Stargazer, i don't think we've met.” She puts her hand out for him to shake.
“Micheal. We haven't. But I've heard of you.” He takes it and gently shakes her hand.
“Nice to meet you. Good things I hope.” Stargazer says with her professional smile.
“Hardly.” Eyon snips flicking the lighter to light their smoke.
“Ah yes…just some uh choice words.” Micheal cringes awkwardly, remembering the synopsis he got on the road, where Eyon cut in at a longass traphic stop, and ranted off in every direction possible, spiralling like a broken record, that only cut off once the player caught fire and exploded like a science experiment that went lopsided when he was in middle school. It was mostly a bunch of empty nonsense, and half baked wacky bullshit but you had to read between the lines with Eyon. He had never been good at that, still wasn't , sure he could read one or two tells but he couldn't tell you what this anxious, fuming garble was actually about, what was really eating at them.
“Aww and here i thought we'd be friends, since we'll be working together.” They certainly left that out. Stargazer turns to Eyon, and they have to lock their knee to suppress the jittering, and thats not good. Stargazer must be too close because Eyon almost topples over whoever behind them to escape, the smoke screen of rage comes back up rising above their head like a chimney.
“Not likely.” They take a drag, detached and disinterested. It doesn't do what it's supposed to, Stargazer’s only egged on by their frigid demeanour, hops at it like it's a challenge.
“I'll get you to come around.” Like hell. Stargazer hovers towards them like a planet caught in their gravitational pull. Eyons glad for thr the first time since theyve met that they have to tip their head up to make eye contact, because they really dont like that gleam in Stargazer eyes. Its all shiny unfaltering confidence, burning determination, and deep uncharted waters. They hate how they feel so naked, like Stargazer has some deep unfiltered read on them already. Fucking journalists! They try to ignore it, how clear they see themselves reflected, how jarringly aware those eyes are, like they can see right through them, like she knows them. And she doesnt-she cant-doensnt know shit- They curl away, just wants to hide away like they always do. Cover comes swiftly, as a pair of grounding arms come and tuck them away. She smells like the water, like the calm, dependable force that water is, strong, and stable like Eyon could never be. Hushing them away like an angel without wings but they could almost see it, enormous wingspan speckled like her nose wrapping them up in golden feathers, like a cosy blanket in winter. Feels the phantom weight on their shoulders, grounding them so pleasantly with security with attentiveness, and they breathe better, more even. The ground feeling much more solid for a second.
“Eyon’s been driving for the majority of six hours, they're exhausted, actually we all are. So sorry to cut this lovely conversation short but we've got a case to solve and about three more hours to drive.” Bayous clear and concise, with an open gaze. Keeps a firm arm around Eyons shoulder, and laces their hands together before dragging them away to the car. Eyon curls up in the front seat, and unwinds bonelessly once the doors are slammed shut. Eyon can feel the worry fizzing orange where Bayous thumb is trailing asters across the back of their hand between them resting on the console. Their foot still shakes where its resting, but the tension eases in Eyon’s shoulders as freesias bloom across their knuckles chasing after the soft pressure of Bayous thumb, and the gentle tracing of her nails. They can feel it, the anxious thoughts in their head hushing with the calm circles drawn fleetingly in their palm, a lullaby that leaves heathers blossoming in the candle light brush of skin. Eyon squeezes her hand appreciatively. Thank you, love. All the harsh angles in their eyes washed back from the jagged shapes to something softer, muted and real. She squeezes back and firmly laces their fingers together.
The rest of the drive passes in a half conscious haze of colours and sounds, strange dreams bleeding in and out, memories threading golden throughout the unstable unconscious. Firm hands, chaste fleeting touches, joyous cackles, and murmurs of conversations mingling with continuous buzzing of music. Eyon is jarred from the blur behind their eyelids, when a firm hand squeezes their shoulder, erupting with coxcombs. They slit a tired eye open to consider the pair of eyes staring at them.
“We’re here, lovely.” Bella warbles at them.
Our Beloved Trash-goblin is breaking down:(
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yawnyztired · 5 months
Here’s a snippet from chapter one of “House of Dexterios” my absolute beloved wip:
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Our beloved trash-goblins.
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