#HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i was laughing so hard writing that last part holy shit
advisinghat56 · 1 year
okay i spent about 30 hours on this motherfucker i am going to tell you about him now.
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This is Christophe.
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Everything on him is completely removable (except for his hair/face)(I didn't take off his clothes because then I would have to put them back on).
Any little black button that you see is a completely functional snap. I didn't want to give myself parkinson's doing and undoing tens of tiny buttons, not to mention the fact that i don't even own any buttons small enough for this project.
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He’s even got the little details on his face, although they aren’t as noticeable as I thought they were. I made a little dogtag necklace for him to wear, because it's a really strong personal headcannon of mine and you can pry it from my cold dead hands. You can only see it if his shirt is unbuttoned though. He also has a dog toy squeaker. (Yes my dog has already tried to eat him.)
In all, I am very happy with him, even though I need to finish and fix some things, (notably the shirt, with its missing pockets and unfinished edges. (Side note- Christophe’s shirt doesn't actually have any buttons or even an opening along the front, but i decided that it would function better if I added those.)) I'll add the pockets later. I think the fleece is thin enough that I can get away with it.
If you look hard enough, you might be able to tell that one arm is a slightly different shade of tan because I didn't realize that the fleece that I had and the fleece that I bought was TWO SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT COLORS.
I actually had a really hard time with the sash because I couldn't find a good reference. I admit I didn't look very hard (but i DID look at an unhealthy amount of fanart), but I still couldn't find much. The fandom page only had front views, and searching google images didn't help much either. The front was fine, but the back was barely shown. I noted ONE scene (where at the very end) it was on screen for maybe half a second, so I had a vague idea of what it looked like.
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I could’ve just left it there. I didn't need to double check. Nobody sees the back anyways. It doesn't matter. There is no point.
But i am nothing if not stubborn.
I don't actually have HBO max. So I went for the second best thing- Ze mole all scenes compilations on youtube. However, the only one I found was from 12 years ago. It's mirrored. The quality is shit. There's a fade transition between every scene. But I got it. I got the back shot I'd wanted. Here it is, in all its pixely glory.
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I'd gotten it.
And I had absolutely no clue what I was looking at. (still don't)
But I didn’t want to wait anymore, I was almost done.
So I made a guess.
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And all went well.
Until I saw a post.
No. It can't be.
The truth is right in front of me, all i have to do is slow it down.
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AHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay. okay... gimme a minute to stop laughing.... holy fuck hahahahahahaha alright. let’s address a few things, here, anon... #1.) Don’t apologize for being rude and then send someone completely malicious bullshit. You’re not sorry. If you were, you wouldn’t have sent it. #2.) Your comments about my latest drabble DO NOT COME OFF WELL, dear! It makes you sound bigoted and selfish. I have had many, many requests for writing with unspecified reader pronouns because they are INCLUSIVE. This blog does not tolerate anything else. And I’m sorry you’re so jaded that you think that last drabble was pandering to some agenda... I wrote it from a place of love and a wish to fulfill previous requests I have had for that exact scenario. It sounds more like you’re mad because one drabble wasn’t directed specifically for you. Get over yourself. #3.) I LITERALLY OWE YOU NOTHING. Do I get paid to share my writing? No. No, I don’t. You don’t pay me. Nobody pays me to share what I write. I do it FOR FUCKING FREE. I literally have written novel-length stories on this account and shared them with you and everyone FOR NOTHING, because I wanted to, and I enjoyed it. So, as for your butt hurt feelings about “having to wait years” for my series to be completed... LOL. So fucking entitled and selfish. I suggest you really take a hard, hard, haaaaard look at who you are as a person after sending me these messages. And you’ll excuse me if I place absolutely no stock in your “critiques” of my writing. I can’t wrap my head around being in a place where you like a creators work so much you are so desperate for an update that you decide to... insult them? I love and trust my Supernatural family, and I know that they are overwhelmingly supportive of me. Not just as someone who writes for them for free, but as an entire person and being with a real life outside of this website, with real challenges and goals, with feelings and emotions and interests beyond writing. You don’t know what people are going through and you do not deserve to know any more about me and what’s going on in my life. You’ve chosen to approach me from a place of resentment and negativity, which I do not accept. This pretty much shows me that you are NOT part of the Supernatural family, because we don’t do this shit to people. Choose kindness. Choose compassion. I’m going to post this in hopes you’ll see it and re-evaluate your life choices, and then you will be blocked from my account tomorrow. I’m sure you won’t mind that you don’t get to read my crappy writing anymore, especially not my ongoing Demon!Dean or Sammy series which both have updates in the works. :) This kind of behavior is not tolerated on my blog. Sooooooo good luck. Be better.
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