#also i was totally right in giving him a slight mullet
advisinghat56 · 1 year
okay i spent about 30 hours on this motherfucker i am going to tell you about him now.
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This is Christophe.
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Everything on him is completely removable (except for his hair/face)(I didn't take off his clothes because then I would have to put them back on).
Any little black button that you see is a completely functional snap. I didn't want to give myself parkinson's doing and undoing tens of tiny buttons, not to mention the fact that i don't even own any buttons small enough for this project.
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He’s even got the little details on his face, although they aren’t as noticeable as I thought they were. I made a little dogtag necklace for him to wear, because it's a really strong personal headcannon of mine and you can pry it from my cold dead hands. You can only see it if his shirt is unbuttoned though. He also has a dog toy squeaker. (Yes my dog has already tried to eat him.)
In all, I am very happy with him, even though I need to finish and fix some things, (notably the shirt, with its missing pockets and unfinished edges. (Side note- Christophe’s shirt doesn't actually have any buttons or even an opening along the front, but i decided that it would function better if I added those.)) I'll add the pockets later. I think the fleece is thin enough that I can get away with it.
If you look hard enough, you might be able to tell that one arm is a slightly different shade of tan because I didn't realize that the fleece that I had and the fleece that I bought was TWO SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT COLORS.
I actually had a really hard time with the sash because I couldn't find a good reference. I admit I didn't look very hard (but i DID look at an unhealthy amount of fanart), but I still couldn't find much. The fandom page only had front views, and searching google images didn't help much either. The front was fine, but the back was barely shown. I noted ONE scene (where at the very end) it was on screen for maybe half a second, so I had a vague idea of what it looked like.
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I could’ve just left it there. I didn't need to double check. Nobody sees the back anyways. It doesn't matter. There is no point.
But i am nothing if not stubborn.
I don't actually have HBO max. So I went for the second best thing- Ze mole all scenes compilations on youtube. However, the only one I found was from 12 years ago. It's mirrored. The quality is shit. There's a fade transition between every scene. But I got it. I got the back shot I'd wanted. Here it is, in all its pixely glory.
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I'd gotten it.
And I had absolutely no clue what I was looking at. (still don't)
But I didn’t want to wait anymore, I was almost done.
So I made a guess.
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And all went well.
Until I saw a post.
No. It can't be.
The truth is right in front of me, all i have to do is slow it down.
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 3/4
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LETS GO PEOPLE!! LETS GO !! sorry for taking so long to get around to this one !
demeter | 🔒 🍰 🌇
ive seen a lot of complaints about demeters design being toned down over the years so i decided to bring some of the bolder design choices back for mine. mullet demeter is REAL now ! honestly i couldve done more w/ their makeup but shhh its ok....
i tried to push the gold in their design by making the eyeshadow really obvious and giving them gold lips. enjoy their lacy dress too... i tried to design something which they could dance comfortably in
demeters newer 3 words (nervous, sensual, secretive) mean everything to me. love them so much. i think theyd be 29 in human years
bombalurina | 🌹 🍓 🛼
so i totally based her hair on that concept art for drag queen bomba. the bob is too cute ! i had a blast doing her design for the most part. i struggled w that makeup and the color of her dress but its ok.
i also tried to give her something she could dance in—just like. imagine the length of the dress a little shorter. im not going back and fixing it
i based her color palette/patterns directly on her concept art because tbh, i dont love blond/ginger bomba ! so black/white/red hair bomba it is
i think she would be 27 in human years
hysperia | 🪴 ⌚ 🍡
this is my version of exotica, renamed hysperia, because i do not love her og name. its not fun. the name hysperia is taken from an ensemble kitten character from the og london production
i also based her design on a multitude of things, asides from her 2 costumes in 98—like some nbq/greycat designs since i feel like that design not becoming a common ensemble character was a waste. A WASTE I TELL YOU! ive also based her fur length on warsaw victoria because oh my godddd that design is so good. peak
her neck bow is a nod to the 2019 movie... the macavity girls w/ those bow collars. they were onto something there
she would have a much more prominent role than the few times she cameo'd in 98, still retaining the elegant/shy personality she shows in the film. shed be 29 in human years
cassandra | 🪐 ♠️ 🥯
i originally made her makeup a lot closer to her replica designs but decided to go for something a little different based on a makeup look i saw on pinterest LOL. so like. enjoy her slight earthy gothic vibes. i also didnt struggled too much on her outfit since i came into this knowing that i wanted her to be wearing something formfitting and bejeweled. a little circus-y too
more people have got to play up her disdainfulness. she'd be 26 in human years
alonzo | 🎹 🍢 🎳
once again, another design pretty similar to his standard replica one. i just tried to make the black patch on his face a little greyer and with some white detailing. because tbh every alonzo with white mascara makes me go crazy its so cute
i also tried to make his head fur/bangs a little distinctive—inspired by a random pic from a production i dont know the name of
enjoy his little cute fit too. pinklonzo. pastelonzo
that one gif of him pantomiming eating a playing card IS canon to me. he'd be 28 in human years
munkustrap | 📼 🥧🎙
verrrry similar to standard replica munks makeup-wise ! however, fur wise.... say hi to mulletstrap. to manestrap. 2 me he is tuggers brother so he gets that. i have no justification for the mullet other than idk, looks good, is funny, and the oslo 1985 production was right to give him one. also he and demeter can match now
i do like when theyre seen as something of a prince... so say hi to the gothenburg and opera populaire-esque epaulettes. theyre cayoot. they also get warsaw munks Big Pant Vibes
give this man a break. hed be 30 in human years
macavity | 🔥 🥂 🎯
he was actually one of the first cats i made design notes for when i started hyperfixating on this musical like.... two months ago. i really tried to mix elements from a bunch of different designs 4 him.... and sorry yall hes a deut brother too. im predictable
the manginess, mane, more ginger-y head fur, tugger-ness and the mouth markings from the 2016 revival... the big big hair, white fur and general makeup from his replica design... and the stylings of il sistina mac with the fitted coat. he also gets unique eyelashes like tugger—this time white instead of gold. he also gets that ominous magic cat eye shading
i think he would act a lot like 2019 mac... suave. but also not as dorky and desperate as he is in that movie LOL. he'd be 33 in human years
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Wip Whenever
It's the first day of spring kids! I want winter to come back... Tagged by both @mareenavee and @orfeoarte <3 I get to this really late so I imagine everyone else has been tagged/ I probably shouldn't be a bother with my art wips lol. Anyway, we have art and writing... I've been doing a bit of costume design. That and we finished Josh's hair in the render and we will start with that.
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Josh fucking about in his big, fancy warlord tent before assaulting Red Mountain. That man built an army and is choosing to be a tart about it. Let him be... also probably the longest extent of his hair. :P This is long so under a cut the rest goes!
Next, I've been playing with two concepts the first is Josh's Twin Lamps persona Molag’shaln. Oh, it's a whole arch.
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And the next is Josh's appearance as of 4th Era 199. Complete with Ashlander ritual scaring. These symbolise atonement (yes Yani has the same style, he got them as atonement for familial mistakes, Josh's is Red Mountain related). Oh and the mullet stays, I can't help myself. It's too him.
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Josh is done with everyone ever for the reasons below... Writing! Been working on Serious Mistakes again and yes...its a Josh chapter. Josh is in a fight then he gets tired.
Hang on.
“What?” He hissed under his breath.
Something whizzed past Teldryn’s right ear, the sound vibrating the hollow helmet. He felt a heat erupt behind him and smelt the stench of burning fabric, wood, roasting fish, ash yams. He turned to face the bazaar and saw the canopies had caught alight, the flames spreading through the marketplace with a ferocity that suggested an accelerant. He realised that he hadn’t smelt anything but sulphur, ash storms... Surely, he hadn’t missed something that obvious! He rushed back towards the marketplace. A small group of well-armoured mercenaries were clashing with a growing contingent of Redoran Guard. He scanned the battle scene, searching for the Argonian who stole his belongings earlier that day. Nothing! Wait! Scales!
The scene was a blur as Teldryn rushed in. Golden moonstone sword clashing with blades of iron, steel. He moved between the mercenaries like a dancer, skewering one particularly persistent one who would just not fall to his sword the first five times he slashed at him. He hastily pushed the dying Nord off his blade with the heel of his boot.
He looked around the scene before him, the shadows from the fire were disorientating and the smoke was beginning to choke the air from his lungs. No! He can’t have lost that bastard yet! Not when he was so close! There was a sudden movement. A peculiar figure in dark leather armour was racing north up the main street towards the city gates. Slight, his tail bobbing in rhythm with his gate. He’d found his man! 
He heard a woman scream.
He looked behind him, attempting to locate the out-of-place noise. Not far from the entrance to the Netch was his answer. A Khajiit was tugging a slight dunmeri woman by her hair. His clawed hands unsheathing his sword. Time seemed to stand still for several moments. Teldryn looked back towards the fleeing Argonian. Then towards the Khajiit. He watched as the Dunmeri woman reached for the small weapon at her belt. The Khajiit moved his blade towards her abdomen. Shit! He ran towards the mercenary, sword in hand. He grabbed the fucker by the throat and plunged his blade through the cat’s spine. Bone cracking and giving to his blade, the slightest smell of burned flesh and hair wafted on the wind. The Khajiit gurgled as his body finally went limp against the blade.
They really just make it too easy?
He let out a breath and looked over the mess before him. The Dunmeri woman had landed on the ground. Auburn hair fell wildly over her face. The front of her terracotta tunic now soaked a dark red. She stared back up at him with those same wide, amaranth-coloured eyes he’d first noticed at the corner club weeks ago. What was she still doing out here? Practically unarmed and totally underprepared!
What was she thinking?
Why do you care?
“Damn Outlanders, never paying attention! You’ll get yourself killed!” He scolded. Teldryn pulled his blade from the now lifeless mercenary and dropped the sod to the ground before the woman. He lightly flicked the errant blood to the side and watched as the woman before him smiled and tilted her head to the side. 
He didn’t mind that. He also didn’t have time for this.
Don’t lose him!
Shit! Right again! Teldryn looked back towards the main gates, the faint shadow of his mark disappearing amongst the darkness. He was right, the Raven Rock Gaols were the target. He took off in pursuit, all his focus on reaching those cells before that fuck could disappear into the tunnels. He moved through the dying chaos, certain that the rest of Veleth’s men could handle whatever mercenaries were left. Teldryn sprinted back through the main street slowing down to a light jog as he approached the Bulwark. He can’t lose him down those tunnels. Not now!
He reached the shabby wooden door that led to the town’s gaols. It had been left wide open.
Teldryn quickly entered the narrow passageway, carefully closing the door behind him. He didn’t need anyone else following him. Not when he was so close! He stomped through the dimly lit corridor towards the singular cell that lay at the end. The barred gate had been unlocked and left wide open. The room before him was empty save for the small, extremely uncomfortable cot that lay in the corner. He had spent more nights than he cared to admit on that thing. And yet, as exhaustion began to settle in his bones once again that old cot seemed just as inviting as his bed back at the Retching Netch.
By Azura had he really wasted this much energy?
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Enter the Teddy Bear
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The second Eden sees who he's opened the door to, he immediately questions his own judgment in answering the doorbell while he’s home alone.
This is how people die in movies, he thinks. They open the door to a crazed murderer or something, and that's it. Game over.
At first glance, the man on the other side of the door is scary enough in Eden's opinion to give off criminal vibes. He's white and enormous, with a wicked-looking scar next to his left eye and something Eden thinks of as a military-style haircut. The curve of his brows seems to give his face a slight but persistent scowl.
Then, he looks closer at the man, at his eyes. They're blue — even bluer than Nikolai's, which are a sort of greyish-blue like a winter morning sky — and there's something uncannily familiar about them. When and where has he met a man with such extraordinarily blue eyes before? And now that he's studying him, he decides the man looks more scared than scary.
So, not threatening. Maybe just anxious and confused.
He relaxes, and then a spark of recognition flares up in his brain. Yes, he actually might know who this unexpected visitor is.
He’s more certain when the man opens his mouth and the first sound out of it is one of the very few Russian words Eden is able to recognize. It’s the word for ‘hello’.
Eden: Hello. Can I help you?
Mishka: I’m looking for Nikolai Pavlenko. Is this where he lives?
The man’s English is heavily accented, and Eden guesses he’s still actively learning the language, judging by how he pauses between some words. But the way he says Nikolai's name sounds so correct, so unequivocally Russian, it's like everyone else around him has been pronouncing it wrong all this time.
Eden: Depends on who’s asking.
Mishka: Me?
Eden: Who are you?
Mishka: Mikhail Petrovich Vasiliev. Who are you?
Of course! Eden is gratified to have his initial guess confirmed, and congratulates himself for getting it right. He hasn’t seen this man in ages, and he looks different than Eden remembers, but perhaps it was his exceptionally blue eyes that gave his identity away in the end.
Well, that and his name, Eden quips internally.
Eden: Right! I thought that’s who you were. I’m Eden. Eden Seong. You probably don’t remember me, though.
Mishka: Yes, I do remember. Kolya’s little sunshine. Not so little now, I see. You got bigger.
Eden can’t help smiling at hearing the special pet name Nikolai gave him. He’s surprised the other man knows it, but not at all bothered by him referring to Eden by it.
Eden: It wouldn’t take much for me to be bigger. I think I was like, fifteen or sixteen last time you saw me. I definitely wasn’t done growing yet. But, look at you, though. Your English is a lot better now, and you got... tidier? Last time I saw you, didn’t you have a mullet?
Mishka: Hockey haircut. Kolya said it was like business in front and party in back. Now it looks like business all round, but secretly is still total party.
Eden laughs out loud at that.
Eden: Come in and take your shoes off. Nikolai’s not here, but you can wait for him. He’ll be back soon.
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Mishka: Thank you for hospitality. You live here too?
Eden: Yeah. Me and Nikolai and my brother Charlie.
Mishka: You're twins, yeah?
Eden: Yeah. I'm surprised you remember.
Mishka: You taught Kolya how to eat with chopsticks. I remember that. He couldn't stop talking about it. About you. He's always very proud of you.
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The visitor seems to have a little trouble fitting his large frame under their tiny Japanese-style table. Eventually he settles in, even though he looks awkward sitting there.
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Eden: So, what brings you to Japan? I mean, clearly it’s Nikolai, but why? If you don’t mind me asking?
Mishka: I have big news. Many big news.
Eden: Oh?
Mishka: Yes. I do… what do you say? I do retirement. Is harder to play now because I'm old, and many injuries. And doctor says I also have to get operation on my leg.
Eden: I always find that kind of funny, you know. When people in their thirties or whatever call themselves old. But from a sports point of view, I guess you're not wrong. I'm scared of my thirties, because what's a guy supposed to do after a professional sports career?
Mishka: Recover.
Eden: Fair enough, but after you recover. What then?
Mishka: Operation first, then recovery. After that... I don't know.
Eden: Hopefully you'll figure it out. That sucks about the operation, too. Sorry to hear it.
Mishka: Thank you.
Eden: You didn't really travel to Japan to tell Nikolai that stuff, though, did you?
Mishka: Yes, sort of? Is part of... bigger picture? That's how you say?
Eden: Yes, that's right. When a detail is important to the overall view of a situation, we say it's part of the big picture. What does the big picture look like for you, though?
Mishka: It looks like... to say I didn’t forget what we promised. Me and Kolya, I mean.
Eden: What did you promise?
Mishka: When our lives changed, we would be together again.
Eden: Together, as in… together?
Mishka: As in, there has never been anyone since him. My heart is filled only with him.
Eden: Uh… okay. That’s like… super dramatic.
Mishka: Is profession of undying love. Like great Russian love story of modern times.
Eden: Yeah. About that.
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Mishka: What?
Eden: You may have some competition.
Mishka: Always competition. I’m tired of so much competition. Is it Anna-Valentina?
Eden: Who?
Mishka: He calls her Anya.
Eden: Oh. Yeah. Literally everyone calls her Anya.
Mishka: I never will, and she is not allowed to call me Mishka.
Eden: Not to switch gears on you, but I guess I should’ve asked up front. Now that we’re on the topic, what do you want me to call you? Do you prefer Mikhail?
Mishka: From most people, yes. But you can call me Mishka. You are Kolya’s family, so maybe some day my family too.
Eden: I wouldn’t assume too much, if I were you. You should probably talk through that with Nikolai, so he can explain what’s going on.
Mishka: What is going on?
Eden: The short version is that Nikolai’s been spending a lot of time with his friend Ginger lately, and also Anya’s due to arrive here any day now. It’s complicated, honestly, and I’m not sure this is the greatest time for you to be here.
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Mishka: I remember Ginger. He always spent time with her. Is okay. They’re just friends. But Anna-Valentina needs to stay far away from him. She is bad, very dangerous.
Eden: We can agree on that, at least. I’m not sure he and Ginger are just friends any more, though. They went on a date a couple nights ago.
Mishka: A date? As in… a date?
Eden: As in, he put on makeup and used hair products, and he didn’t come back till morning.
Mishka: Oh.
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Eden: Not gonna lie, it'd be ideal if Anya stayed the hell away from all of us. She's nothing but trouble, and she's hurt Nikolai so many times that I think we've all lost count. But he likes Ginger, and I think he's happy right now, so...
Miska: So... is hopeless?
Eden: I didn't say that. Look, for what it's worth, I'd prefer that he didn't go on dates with Ginger, either. She's the coach of one of my main competitors, and I don't know. It feels super weird to think about him dating her.
Mishka: Sounds very tangled.
Eden: Trust me, it is. It's not the kind of situation I'd want to walk into the middle of. You know, if I weren't already in the middle of it.
Mishka: You're trying to discourage me?
Eden: No, I didn't mean it like that. All I'm saying is, I'm not sure if Nikolai will be prepared for you to be here, especially with whatever's going on with Ginger. Plus, Anya's coming back soon. All of that's going to be a lot for him.
Mishka: Is a lot for me too. Is a long journey, especially if it's for nothing. But, he knew I was coming, and he... he didn't say don't come, so what should I think?
Eden: Hang on. Nikolai was expecting you?
Mishka: Yes. We still have contact. Is how I knew he was here, and he gave me address.
Eden: Watcher help us. Well, that explains a lot.
Mishka: What?
Eden: The man is an absolute disaster. He probably doesn't even see the problem.
Mishka: He wants to love everyone.
Eden: Exactly. That's the problem.
Mishka: Is one of my favourite things about him, but also not my favourite.
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Eden: That makes perfect sense, actually, and... wait. This is him texting me right now.
Mishka: What does he say?
Eden: He's on his way home from grocery shopping. He wants to know if I need anything from the pharmacy. I'm gonna say no, and I'm going to tell him you're here.
Mishka: Okay.
Eden: Okay, now he says he wants to make sure he's got the correct phone number for you.
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Mishka tells him the number, and he texts it to Nikolai. No more than a minute later, Mishka's phone rings. The ringtone is something soaring and operatic, and it seems so incongruous with the image of big, hulking Mishka that Eden is amused.
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Then, Mishka is having an animated telephone conversation in Russian, and even without the certainty that it's Nikolai he's talking to, Eden thinks he'd still know it was Nikolai. Mishka's voice changes in a very subtle way, and not just because he's speaking another language. Eden knows his own voice sounds slightly different as well, when he's speaking Korean or Japanese instead of English, but what happens with Mishka is more than that. It's his tone that changes, becoming softer and less guarded.
Eden has heard this gentle shift before in the way his parents talk to each other, particularly when they speak Korean, and a little in the way Haru speaks to him when they're alone.
He really does love him, Eden realizes, amazed that Mishka could hang onto such strong sentiments after so much time apart from Nikolai. And then he thinks, Oh crap. This situation is definitely not gonna end well for somebody.
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Mishka ends the call with what are quite obviously phrases of endearment. Eden doesn't understand Russian, but he's convinced a person doesn't really need to understand a language to comprehend certain concepts or expressions of emotion, and he's absolutely sure that Mishka is overwhelmed. Mishka looks happy, but also as if he's about to cry, and Eden guesses his expression is probably less of a smile and more of an attempt to hide anxiety or anticipation.
He has a sudden, vivid mental image of what Nikolai would do if he were here right now. Compared to this giant man, Nikolai is tiny, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to gather Mishka in his arms to comfort him. It would look ridiculous, but neither of them would care, and he imagines Mishka would start feeling more calm and safe, just as Eden himself does when he's upset and Nikolai hugs him.
Eden can see the attraction, honestly. Nikolai is compassionate and patient and gentle. He's one of the genuinely good people in the world, and he truly does seem to want to love and be loved by everyone. Likely he shouldn't be surprised that so many people actually do seem to be in love with him. Eden has to admit that if they'd met at a different time, under different circumstances, he might have fallen in love with Nikolai too. Not in the way he already loves him, like an uncle or big brother, but in the way Mishka, Ginger and probably even Anya love him.
The trouble with this, of course, is that somebody is bound to be hurt when all is said and done. As much as Nikolai may care for them all, Eden knows he'll have to choose one of them — or decide to choose none of them — in the end.
He hates to consider any of them being hurt, but he most especially doesn't like the thought of Nikolai getting his heart broken again. Unfortunately, Nikolai will have to sort everything out for himself and do his best to protect his own heart, as there's nothing at all Eden can do about it. It's a mess entirely of Nikolai's own making, and he's the only one who can clean it up.
All Eden can say is that he hopes the whole thing will get resolved with as little pain and suffering as possible.
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michaelaftonwhore · 2 months
Summary; You're the new girl at England and the new neighbour of the Afton's and Michael had his eye on you, things start to get spicy after he meet you, he found you interesting.
Reader is 19 and Michael is 18.
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|Your hair, tattoo's and clothes in the story but If you don't like it you can change them to however you want them to be|
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I just moved to England and moved to the new house besides a family named Afton, the house supposedly was cursed or so they said. After unpacking everything in the house you decided to take a stroll on the city, the sky already dark, you pulled your black hood up over your face since it got chilly you passed the houses by, your purple lilac hair flew as the chilly breeze hit your face, you soon got hungry and headed to a small pizza local at the city called 'Freddy's Fazbear pizza' you passed a group of guys that looked your age who were smoking weed on the walls of the place outside you gave them a glance over they had mask resting over their head and you could clearly see their faces but payed them no mind and walked to the front door only to see the place was closed and locked, the lights turned off.
❝¡Damnit! ¡It's closed already!❞ I said as I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair frustated.
❝It's closed, cutie. You should've had come sooner❞ I heard a british accent said behind me and I turned around to see probably the hottest guy I had ever layed my eyes on.
The guy was leaning on the wall, his headphones resting on his neck, his hands on his pocket, he had beautiful tan skin, prominent and sharp features, deep beautiful blue eyes that were mesmerizing, his hair was a dark brown messy that fall down his shoulder in a mullet style slight curly.
The guy had a lip ring, a nose piercings and other piercings decorating his left ear, there was a red fox mask resting on top of his hair, he had the most sexy smile and hot lips I've ever seen, a sexy british accent also. He must be a punk I thought once my eyes drifted down to his leather jacket clung to his frame showing his muscular figure.
❝¿You lookin' for a midnight snack or something? Because I'm pretty damn sure they aren't selling pizzas right now❞ they guy continued to say as he stomped on the cigarrette he was smoking.
'¿Cutie?' I thought furrowing my eyebrows at the pet name I just then replied him.
❝Something like that❞ I answered the guy as I eyed him cautiously.
The guy smirked, looking amused before saying.
❝Aww, come on, cutie. Don't tell me you're starving and can't trust a handsome face like mine to help you out❞ the guy said flirting ❝But hey, you're right. It's pretty late for a pizza. You know, I could give you a little snack to hold you over, If you're up for it❞ the guy suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
❝No, thanks. I ain't easy❞ I replied.
❝Oh, I didn't say you were easy, ¿did I, cutie?❞ the guy said giving a cocky laugh ❝But, I'm not a total jerk. I can show you a little spot around here where you can get a bite to eat, If you like. I'm not one for wasting good food, and you're looking a little skinny to me❞ the guy added again feigning corcern.
❝¿How can I trust your word? ¿How can I know you aren't some type of psychopath trying to trick me into something?❞ I said to the guy.
The guy then gave me a dismissive wave of his hand.
❝Now, cutie, I'm not a psychopath. I'm just a simple guy, I'm just hanging out with my friends. Plus If I was a nutjob, you can always run away, right?❞ the guy said with a smile ❝But If you're still worried, just let me know. It was nice meeting you, though, and I wish I could help you out. Just, you know, next time, don't come around a to a closed pizzeria for a midnight snack❞ the guy said once again ❝Ciao❞ he said as he took an cigarrette and light it to smoke it and I thought about it pursuing my lips into a thin line before saying.
❝Fine, lead the way❞ I said to the guy giving up and he grinned.
❝Alright, let's go then❞ the guy said before leaning to the alley and I just followed him.
❝¿What's your name?❞ I asked him.
❝It's Michael❞ the guy said walking ahead as he leaded me to the back of the pizzeria.
❝Nice name❞ I said and he chuckled, his laugh was nice.
Michael then took out what looked to be some piers to cut the lock and chains to the back door of the pizzeria.
❝¿What are you doing? This is ilegall, ¿you aren't going to seriously steal in there, are you?❞ I asked the guy panicked.
❝Relax. My dad owns this place so it's fine❞ Michael said before cutting the locks and chain as he stepped inside the pizzeria before turning to look at me ❝¿Are you coming or not?❞ Michael asked me with that sexy british accent of his.
❝Yeah, I'm coming❞ I said as I stepped inside the local as Michael turned on the lights and leaded me to the kitchen where they were pizzas.
❝¿So what do you want, cutie?❞ Michael asked me.
❝A cheese pizza❞ I said and Michael looked at me strangely ❝¿What? ¿Why are you looking at me like that?❞ I asked him.
❝¿Are you always this strange, plain and dull?❞ Michael asked me.
❝Yeah, so deal with it❞ I said stucking my tongue out at him as Michael shaked his head.
❝You're really odd❞ Michael said before taking a cheese pizza and put it in the oven so it could fry.
❝I know, I've been told that before❞ I said.
❝So... ¿you new here?❞ Michael asked me as he sat on a chair.
❝Yeah, I just moved in today❞ I said to him as I leaned on the wall.
❝¿Where you moved in exactly?❞ Michael asked.
❝To the wooden cabin❞ I said and Michael nearly choked as he stared at me wide eyed ❝¿So you know it?❞ I asked him.
❝Yeah, ¿you've heard the story's about the cabin, don't you?❞ Michael asked me now turning serious as he looked at me.
❝Uh, not really❞ I said.
❝Listen to me well, newbie. That house you moved into is haunted, people get crazy and loose their mind in there, they are ghosts, the last owner killed his wife and then suicide, so move out from there while you can❞ Michael said to me looking really serious.
❝¿And you really believe that ghost story?❞ I asked him.
Michael gave me a look.
❝That shit is real, I ain't joking❞ Michael said serious.
❝I'll believe it when I see it❞ I said to him.
❝It'll be your funeral. Don't say I didn't warn you❞ Michael said to me.
❝Uh huh❞ I said and Michael sighed before the timer rang and Michael turned it off before taking out the pizza of the oven and cutted a slice put it on a plate before handing it over to me ❝Here's your dull pizza❞ Michael said mockingly and I just took it with a smile.
❝Thanks❞ I said before letting it cool off before I took a bite ❝Mmm... It's good❞ I said as I eated the slice and Michael rolled his eyes before frying a slice for himself as he leans on the wall picking at his nails that were painted black whike waiting for his slice to fry and I noticed some punk leather bracelet's 'or he was a punk rebel kid or just a rocker gothic... probably he was both' I thought to myself.
❝The edgy look suits you❞ I said to him and Michael looked at me a bit surprised and then smirked.
❝Thanks, though. You don't look so bad yourself for being a girl❞ Michael said grinning as his eyes roamed over my body taking in the curves, the belly buttom piercing and the japanese letter tattoo on the side of my stomach nearing my ribs ❝Specially with that tattoo and piercing❞ Michael said licking his lips lustfully and I stopped munching on the pizza frozen and the moment was interrumpted by the ding of the timer and Michael got the pizza out of the oven to eat it once it cooled off and I just blushed.
And before something else could happen we heard footsteps coming closer to us and we both wiped out our heads to look at the door where a black haired male with dark blue eyes and dark skin with another blonde one with green eyes and another one peeked up from the door.
❝Michael, there you are, we were searching up for you, you suddenly dissapeared and... oh...❞ the guy with dark skin said before his eyes fell on me ❝¿You're with the new girl, Michael? I didn't think you were gonna move that fast on her❞ the guy with dark skin said grinning.
❝¡Connor!❞ Michael scolded him.
❝We didn't mean to interrumpt, we'll come back later, ¿right guys?❞ said the one with blonde hair before dragging out the other two.
❝¡Give us the details later!❞ said the guy named Connor.
❝Bye, pretty girl❞ said the other one as they go away.
Michael sighed and passed his fingers through his hair frustated.
❝Sorry about them, they're jerks, ignore them❞ Michael said to me.
❝They seemed nice to me❞ I said and Michael scoffed with a dry laugh.
❝That's because you haven't seen how they really are, ¿are you done?❞ Michael asked me and I nodded before standing up and threw away the plate on the trash ❝Good, let's go before my dad wrings my neck for invading his property❞ Michael said before turning the oven off before switching the lights out before we got out as Michael closed the back door locking it as we walked away, the wind flewing the rustled leaves of autum as we walked ❝I didn't think my neighbour would be a girl, honestly, I thought it was gonna be an old couple that would move next to my house❞ Michael said and I just smiled.
❝We'll you must've been quiet surprised when I told you where I lived❞ I said.
❝Yeah, I was, but seriously be really careful in that house❞ Michael said and I nodded as we keep walking.
❝I will, I'll let you know If I see a ghost or something❞ I said.
❝You're impossible❞ Michael said.
I just shrugged as we reached out my house and we looked at each other.
❝Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school or the pizzeria❞ I said to him.
❝Yeah, see you❞ Michael said.
❝Goodbye❞ I said before entering my house waving at him.
Michael just returned the way watching me go before going back to his house. I just entered the house and go to my room and changed into my pijamas before tumbling on my bed to sleep.
'Maybe this town isn't so bad at all' I thought as I smiled before falling into a deep slumber.
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stay-midnight · 3 years
Royals. II
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Hwang Hyunjin x Male Reader
W.C: 5.5K Words (😃)
Triggers: Explicit Smut, Mentions of Marriage, Mentions of Rejections/Stood up.
Things to be noted: Royalty AU, There’s some fluff at the aftercare, some angst too, Slight Seungmin x reader, Slight Jeonglix without context and Binsung with Han being a total flirt.
Kinks/Warnings: Top Hwang Hyunjin, Bottom Reader, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Edging, Degradation, Puppy Petname, There’s some drool-, Consensual, Safewords, Blowjobs (Reader receiving), Marks and Bruises, Slight Possessiveness, Aftercare (This is not a kink, it’s needed) Lubricated Sex, Unprotected Sex / No condoms (This is not promoting unprotected sex, use condoms irl !!), Palming, Slight Master Kink, Hyunjin has a big dick, Mouth Fingering, It’s so messy, Doggy Style and Hickeys (Lots of em)
a/n: Wowow, this is my longest fic yet and it’s a part 2 I— Anyways, I’m sorry for making you guys wait for so long for this~ HSHSHSHS, hopefully it’s good ! If I miss any warnings or triggers please inform me sksksk.
Hyunjin clenched his fist as he stared at the two princes laughing at the distance.
Why? He asks himself at why is he pressed about them, talking. Hyunjin wanted to rip the brown haired man away from you.
His jaw tightened in frustration in this feeling of his — was it jealousy? But he barely knew the guy in the first place, but noticing him at the corner of his eyes in the crowd at his speech makes his heart race.
He doesn’t believe in love in first sight — Heck, Hyunjin barely believes love exist. All those princesses were completely head over heels for him since he was young but never gave them attention as he knew that money or his looks is all they care about. It doesn’t sit right with him.
. . .
Hyunjin did nothing for the past thirty minutes but just stare at the face of the man who he seems attracted too.
He was also a bit salty at the fact that a prince was now giving head pats to you, he didn’t like that one bit. He accidentally let out a growl which did not stay unnoticed by his siblings.
“Jin?” A male voice snapped him out of his darkly clouded mind.
He snapped head towards the speaker, alarmed at the sudden call of his nickname, it was his older brother, the brother suddenly placed his arm on his shoulder, “You okay? You seemed distracted..—”
A laugh emerged from a woman near him,, her eyes twinkling with curiosity — Curious to why his brother, Hyunjin seemed a bit out of his head for a long time earlier.
“Yeji?” the eldest brother asked, turning his head slowly to her.
“What’s funny?” he continued, looking at her with a raised eyebrow, his lips frowning slightly.
“Nothing. Just wondering what’s gotten into Hyunjin...~ He was staring into the distance for a long time.” Yeji spoke, eyeing Hyunjin curiously — a hint of smirk playing at her lips.
Hyunjin froze.
“Uh, I was just watching what’s happening.” Hyunjin smiled as casual as he could, before grabbing the water from the near table to hydrate himself.
Yeji looked at him in question, not buying his response. “Whatever, birthday boy is being his boring self.” she shrugged off before standing up and going somewhere.
The eldest brother was very confused about what’s happening so he just sat back down and yawned.
“Hey! I’m older than you!” Hyunjin shouted before mumbling curses at her sister’s impudence before a bell suddenly rang.
. . .
The host stepped back upon the stage and bowed, “The ball will now begin, masks will be distributed in a little while, as requested by the prince — This will be a masquerade ball. Every one, enjoy your time at the palace !”
The male host smiled in content before leaving to the backstage.
You and Seungmin have been conversing for a while, unaware of the eyes that has been raking you from across the ball room.
. .
A lot of formally dressed occupants came out, holding stacks of differently designed half masks.
One of them suddenly approached you and handed you one. A white half mask, with gold lines and swirls remarkably designed by the maker.
The occupants handing out these masks have their own mask on also.
The giver of your mask had a smirk embedded on his lips before bowing.
You looked at Seungmin weirdly after that certain interaction with the masked guy, “Maybe just a creep?” he asks you in wonder.
You jabbed your elbow at him, “Don’t be silly, this is a castle. There is absolutely no way that someone without decency is here.”
“Hm, you never know Y/N.” he says in a serious tone making you stare at him in confusion before nodding.
. . .
Seungmin got his own mask — a dark blue colored one with sapphire crystals decorating the sides. He smiles at you before reaching for your hand, “Do you want to be my partner, Y/N?” he mumbles while you just nodded abruptly.
“Why me though? There’s many princesses out there?” you questioned suddenly, squeezing his hand pathetically.
“I have a more preference for men than women.” he stops and looks at you for any bad reactions before he continued;
“You seem fine and you’ve got good looks.” Seungmin complimented before taking you to the middle of the ball room where most people with partners are already gathered.
Slow and enchanting music started playing, the sensual melody was enough to calm your nerves and remove all thoughts of questioning Seungmin.
A hand was placed in your waist and in your shoulder, alerting you.... But, when you blink out of your own head, Seungmin was staring right at you with smile.
You placed your hands on his shoulder and waist as well, swaying through the music naturally.
While dancing you caught a glimpse through the crowd of a familiar red-head. He had a red half mask on with ruby crystals creating a spinning design on the eyes. A smirk formed his lips as he looked back at you, nodding twice. It was Jeongin dancing with a blonde haired man, his hair neatly sitting in a mullet. Felix.
You didn’t know if you wanted to curse him for leaving you or thank him for a new friend. You haven’t seen nor talked to Felix yet but maybe you will after this ceremony.
. . .
After dancing with Seungmin for a long while; a trumpet sounded which made you sigh as you look at Seungmin, knowing what it means.
Switch in partners.
“Good luck, Y/N~” he said with his signature cute smile that you’ve seen throughout the day.
You let out another sigh before gasping as someone took hold of your right wrist.
“Would you like to partner up with me?” A voice asked in a sexy voice, loosening the grip on your arm.
Swinging your head to the source of the attractive voice, you find yourself staring at a tall man with black hair — it was fairly long. He was wearing a black half mask adorned with dark flowers at the corners. He seems familiar, curiosity now took over your judgement as you nod courtly.
“May I ask for your name?” you looked at him, tilting your head to the side.
He looked up, thinking before looking back at you again with a smile, “Call me Hyun.” he breathed before taking your hand in his.
He then wrapped his other arm around your waist pulling you close to him. Chest to chest. You didn’t really mind because it was just a dance after all. Right?
You place your free hand on his shoulder, swaying to the music.
You stare up into his enticing eyes as if your were entranced by it. Slowly trailing your eyes to his big lips. Now you were extremely curious of what’s behind his mask. “From which kingdom are you?” You ask, mumbling your words.
His eyes peered down to your eyes in thought again, “I’ll answer all of your questions, when I get this mask off.” he whispers in your ear huskily causing you to shiver at his voice.
He didn’t come off to you suspicious or anything but his demeanor boasts arousal which wasn’t helping at the fact that you were slightly into his voice.
Okay maybe not slightly?—
. . .
Dancing across the ballroom and somehow not hitting any other partners was comforting since your own partner held you comfortably.
That is when you caught a familiar purple hair through the dancing figures, it was Changbin, dancing with....
Is that Han? You thought in shock as Changbin was practically being lead on by his partner. The partner suddenly lifted him up, princess style. Carrying him as if he was a feather.
Your partner noticed the constant staring just above his shoulder, “What is it?” he murmured to you, wanting to know what’s caught your attention. “Um, friends.”
He spun you around to get a good glimpse, suddenly a grin was evident on his face after you looked up at him staring into the distance — the direction you were looking at earlier.
No words spoken in between, he lifted you up, princess style — knocking the breath out of you, “Wha—”
You almost let out a shriek from being carried, “Put me down— oh my god, If you drop me, I fucking swear Hyun.” you hiss at him, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep yourself from falling.
“I won’t. Trust me.” he said as he carried you throughout the dance, you clutching him as if your life depended on it. Trust is not you have with a stranger, what the hell
. . .
Music stopped playing as the people stopped moving.
You sighed in pure relief, almost worried for your back to be broken. The man, named Hyun finally put you down and allowed you to take a breather.
“You still up for that offer of meeting me later to answer questions?” he asked smiling, to which you nodded in agreement. “Meet me at the gardens in 2 hours” He whispered to your ear, hot breath leaving his beautiful and sexy li—
“The royal gardens of the Hwangs?” You asked flushed from his teasing. The outside of this huge ballroom should be off-limits. “That isn’t allowed though right?” you took a small step back to reduce close proximity.
“I got permission from the Hwangs.”
You were a bit skeptical, “Well... If you say so...” you agreed nonetheless, not wanting to offend the other.
He nodded happily before walking away, waving his backhand at you.
You spot Felix at the corner and rushed over to him, wanting to talk to one of your best friends.
. . .
Atleast 2 hours had already passed and your energy was pretty much drained from conversing and watching Han flirt with Changbin or trying out Felix’s recommended shark meat. Jeongin was there too, pretty much being his evil self and saying stuff like: “Oooh, is it the Kim prince or that mystery guy, huh. Pick a lover, Y/N.”
Seungmin also kinda joined the friend group to with you introducing him to them, Jeongin had a mischievous smile during introduction and if you were to bury him 10 feet to the ground, you wouldn't mind. Ugh.
You realized that it was time to meet the masked man, so you excused your self from your friend group and sneakily rushed towards a door out of the room, remembering the structure of this place and where the garden is.
. . .
After some twist and turns in first floor hallway, you come face to face with a glass door, the sun that was setting was reflecting through it. You could see the tall and trimmed bushes outside as you step out. White roses were neatly sticking on the walls as the vines were all over it.
You hum as you walked around, “He didn’t exactly say where to meet him..” You scratched your head, trying to catch a shadow or a person. You eventually had to explore it a bit, sighing in annoyance as you saw a maze, “Hyun!” you shouted with all you could muster, knowing that most should be inside the party.
Birds fly out from tree at the heard noise...
Long minutes had already passed and not a single soul has been seen by your eyes.
You hung your head low and scanned the huge garden as a sigh escaped your lips, “Yeah... This is the worst.” you sulked slightly.
It’s worse to be stood up than rejected.. Atleast the person has the humility to show up when rejecting someone.
A shiver went through your spine as a cold gust of wind flew by, clutching your own arms. Disappointment was shown in your frown as you wanted to stay for a few minutes longer in hope.
. . .
You sighed, running your fingers over your scalp. As you were about to go inside, small footsteps were heard from the distance causing you to freeze in your steps and slowly turned your head to the miniscule noises.
A tall figure was walking towards you as you squinted your eyes to identify their face.
No way.. Is that...?
Fuck, it was the birthday boy — Prince Hwang Hyunjin, as if already admiring his face from earlier wasn’t enough, you had to see his pretty face again.
You were about to run inside when the Hwang shouted, “If you move, I will call the guards on you, Prince Y/N.”
Frozen dead in your tracks at his threat, you watched as he lurked closer, a hint of smirk dancing on those gorgeous lips.
“Prince Hyunjin, apologies but I thought someone was to meet me here..” you tried to reason out, hoping to not embarrass yourself any further by lying or trying to run.
You half-bowed to him, knowing that even though you were also a prince — He bears the name of Hwang, one of this continents, four largest kingdom.
As much as you wanted to keep your pride, it was disrespectful for a lower royal to not bow to a higher one.
He reached you and grasped your shoulder before pulling you up straight, he pulled you in by the waist causing a unintelligible sound to come out of your throat.
You looked at him, shocked, your mouth agape from the sudden distance change and his warmth. He held your waist tighter, pulling you impossibly closer.
Chest to chest.
Seeing your eyes he laughed, “So, what questions are you gonna ask?” he said, one of his eyebrow raised up in question.
. . . .
. . . .
“So, Prince Y/N. Care for hanging out with a Hwang?” He confidently asked with a smirk engraved on his lips, before he slowly reached and traced his thumb on your bottom lip. Relishing on the expressions you create.
Just a simple touch on your lips felt like a firestorm was raging inside, warmth spread across your body as heartstrings were pulled at his words.
. . .
“Sure...?” you whispered out unsure after a long silence as another gust of wind hit your back causing you to slightly shiver.
You still couldn't believe that he danced with you earlier, posing with a fake name. Though he said that it was because he didn't want to scare you off.
He was dangerous in a way, fooling with people on the higher end of the royal hierarchy is one dangerous feat.
But for some reason, you craved for his touch at this very moment, you didn’t know if it was because you maybe longed for him in that opening ceremony or that you barely have someone touch you intimately.
Hyunjin started feeling you up more while also undressing you with his eyes.
It started with light pecks to your jaw, transitioning into bodily touches like waist grabbing and slight groping. You were writhing because his touches — struggling to speak as every peck, every touch keeps your mind adrift away. You didn't even notice the bulge on your bottom garments starting to get noticeable.
“I—” you tried to catch your breath at his advances, “I d-dont think we should do this here, we might get caught..” you trailed off, tapping on his shoulder as a pleasured sigh left your mouth.
“Hm? So you want to do this? Here I thought, you were going to reject me.” He mumbles as he kissed your neck lightly.
“Don’t get the wrong idea, ah~ You are going to finish what you started..” You whispered out, moaning in the middle of the sentence when he suddenly palm your bulge with a bit of pressure.
He trailed his lips to your ears, “You’re a needy slut, huh? Don’t worry, I intend to finish what I started...~ And by the end of it? You’d want more of this.” He bit your earlobe while kneading your butt with his right hand.
You bit your lip, wanting to keep embarrassing noises from coming up your throat.
“We haven't even known each other that much, yet here you are. Presenting yourself to me like a whore.” he degraded with a smirk after pulling himself away from your ear.
You weren’t one to fuck around but Prince Hwang is one of a kind — extremely sexy and intoxicating.
You want more of him.
“Cat’s got your tongue, little pup?”
“Fuck, I don’t care — J-Just not here... Might get caught.” You hiss pathetically as he squeezed harder on your bulge, grinding into his hand.
“Hmm.. Okay.” he said, looking in to your eyes with his own bearing hints of burning lust. He took your hand, leading you back inside.
. . .
“Wouldn’t be people be worried, that you were gone from the party? And it’s your celebratio—” you breathed out as he pinned you to the wall suddenly, suprising you as you stare at him with wide eyes.
“I don’t care about that right now.. What I care about is you on my bed, all spread out and ready to be used by me, hmm?” he mumbles lowly, kissing you on the lips — with you yelping at the sudden warmth and softness on your lips.
You wrapped an arm around his neck while you pulled on his long hair with your free hand. He groaned against your mouth. “Room, Hyunjin— p-please..” you mumble against his lips, pulling away after a second.
After Hyunjin pulled away he opened a door at a short moment’s notice before grabbed you and pullled you in. You didn’t even manage to look at the room's structure or designs as he already started to remove articles of clothing from you one by one.
“You know, how hard it was — seeing you from the crowds earlier talking to another royal, one that flirted with you at best? Maybe I should remind him who you would belong to now huh?” he looked at your naked form, licking his lips before slowly pushed you towards and down the bed.
You moaned at his words, even though you know full well that Seungmin didn't flirt with you one bit but just talking about interest. His hint of possessiveness turned you on highly.
He slowly removed his royal wear, exposing his own milky skin, smiling at the way you examined his body with your mouth slightly watering at the mere sight of it, he was without a doubt one of the most — if not the sexiest man you’ve laid your eyes upon.
His eyes turned to one of the drawer of his nightstand, he reached over and took out a small vial. “What is that?” you ask, eyeing the vial suspiciously.
“It’s rose oil, to reduce the pain.” he answered, leaning down to press a small bite against your rib, laughing lowly when he heard your breath hitch.
He placed the vial, on the sheet — next to you.
“You know, I had doubted you with your fight with your own knight. Never thought that I would find you willing to spread your legs open for me.” He says, not holding back on his cockiness.
Which guiltily made your cock twitch to which he responded — by taking a hold of your throbbing length.
“My pup liked that huh?” He said a grin forming on his lips — teasing, riling you up more.
“Pathetic.” he said in a chilling tone — massaging your left pec with his free hand. He brushed a finger tip on your nipple, before he leaned down and bit a circle mark on your now puffy bud.
You bit your lip, holding off any sounds to not boost his already huge ego. Squirming underneath him, shallowly thrusting into his hand that was grasping your cock.
His own dick was hard too, you could feel it poking your thighs in the slightest, its tip barely brushing against your skin.
Hyunjin didn’t like the lack of sounds one bit, he used his now free hand to place it at your lip, you looked at him confused.
When your mouth suddenly opened, breathing against his fingers — he took the opportunity to insert his slender fingers in your mouth.
“Hold in your sounds again, and I’ll make you choke on my dick. Got that?” he threatened, eerily glaring at you — his eyes were burning holes into your own.
You nodded submissively, to which he then turned his head into your leaking and throbbing cock. He leaned down — taking your cock in his mouth, sucking earnestly and running his tongue on the veins at the side.
You thrusted up into his mouth — a mix of whining and whimpering against his fingers that he was shoving down your throat.
His teeth brushed a tiny bit against your sensitive head causing you to cry out, sounding muffled by his fingers.
“C-Close..” You gurgled against his digits, he removed his mouth instantly from your length, a trail of spit connecting his mouth from your slit, smirking at you.
You let out a whine and tried to close your legs but Hyunjin was faster, he immediately placed his knees between your legs, keeping it open and spread.
“Tsk, Sluts don’t get to cum.” he growled, “Especially pathetic ones like you.”
He slowly pulled out his fingers from your mouth, coated in your own spit coating around it. He wiped his fingers on your sheets.
He look down at you as if you were prey to him — a small cat in a lion’s den, his eyes were heavily clouded with lust. He was itching, excited to claim you and your body, especially since you were willingly serving to him yourself in a silver platter.
He flipped you on all fours so that he could have easier access to your entrance, He smiled seeing you in such a vulnerable state, “You want this?” he mumbles leaning down to mouth at your shoulder, you whimper pushing back against him as you felt his dripping and hard cock press against the side of your ass.
You nodded twice as an answer to his question, he gripped your hair tightly, pulling on it. “Answer me, pup.” he growled deeply.
“Y-Yes.... fuck me, my—” You cut yourself off with a moan as Hyunjin touched the head of your overstimulated cock roughly. “Your what, pup?”
Dizzy from pleasure, you said the first thing that popped into your mind, “M-Master?” you moaned shortly after as he squeezed your hardening length.
“Mm, I’m your master, and you’re my slutty puppy. Aren’t you?” he said in a teasing voice, removing his hand from your cock before he prodded at your rim with a dry thumb. Applying pressure but not enough to breach the soft skin.
You let out a whimper, pushing against his fingers multiple times like a bitch in heat.
It was pathetic really, at how much willing you just want to be fucked by him already, you wrapped your own hand around your leaking length to remove some pressure — only to be met by the harsh grip of Hyunjin’s palm, “Touch yourself and I’d make sure you won’t cum tonight for a second time.”
You whined at his words and slowly remove your hand as your pre-cum started to drip down and dirty the sheets.
He finally took the vial of rose oil that he sat aside, opening it with a pop sound — he poured a generous amount of it on his fingers before prodding your entrance with two fingers. “Say ‘Red’ if it gets too much, pup, okay?” he said, showing off a softer side of him.
You looked at him wide eyes at smiled lightly before nodding.
You let out a thrilled moan as two fingers, quickly made work to stretch you out, you saw his cock and it looked like it won't be an easy fit unless you get properly stretched.
. .
Two fingers slowly turned to four after awhile, increasing the sound you were making and decreasing Hyunjin’s patience. He just wanted to fuck you at this point on, but for safety of you — not yet.
Hyunjin was purposefully avoiding your prostate, he didn't want you to cum yet from his fingers especially since you were dripping a lot.
Hyunjin kept pumping his fingers inside of you, while also ravishing different parts of you, getting into work of marking every part he could find — from your shoulders down to your pretty thighs. Almost every mark is either a dark purple hue or bright red bite.
“I’m ready, fuck... Hwang just fuck me already.” you said impatiently at how long he dragged on the teasing. Hyunjin laughed at how vocal you now were, quite the contrast to the babbling mess you were earlier.
“Don’t be impatient.” he said, glaring at you and taking a firm grip on your ass, squeezing it tightly. You scoff at him, reaching back and sneakily taking ahold of his cock — it leaking slight pre-cum on it’s tip.
“Like you aren’t impatient.” you retorted back even with his fingers basically deep inside you.
He growled deeply and pulled his fingers out — you letting out a clear moan at the rough movement of his digits. Your hole clenched around nothing, it slightly gaping from being stretched around four of his fingers.
“Pups should learn their place.” he said coldly, getting the vial and pouring all of the remaining contents on his hand before slowly jerking himself off to slick up his dick.
You heard some shuffling before suddenly the air was knocked out of you, “Fuck. Fuck.” you chanted as Hyunjin moments ago fucked into you, his hands flew into your hips as he already started a harsh pace turning your mind hazy.
“You like this already, huh?” He mumbles, gripping your hips tighter, as he deeply thrusts into you. He was still avoiding your sensitive spot all this time.
“Such a good cocksleeve for me.” he hums with a smirk as he finally hit your prostate — known by you letting out the loudest moan yet.
Ah ah ah coming from your lips and his hips loudly slapping against your ass was the only thing you heard in the room, you were getting the best fuck of your life right here.
You could feel every vein — every ridge on his cock against your walls as he thrusts into you mercilessly, fucking the words out of you. It felt amazing and exciting at the same time.
Your body has given up trying to hoist itself up, so you collapse on the bed in a slumping position. He was still harshly gripping your hips, using your hole for his pleasure. You were whining against the sheets and messing it up with your drool. You were close as he hit your prostate a third time causing you to moan loudly.
“No more words to answer back, Y/N? Or are you already fucked that dumb?” he says, speeding up his pace, wanting to chase his release.
He was splitting you in half and you just nod slowly as your fists were squeezing the bedsheet, He let out a breathy laugh at that and continued his thrusts, relishing at your tired moans and pretty whines.
You pushed back against his thrusts, increasing the friction by alot.
He hit your prostate one last time and came undone untouched and without his permission. You moan loudly, barely getting muffled as you dig your head further into the pillow nearby. Your cock was getting milked for all it’s worth as he reached out to jerk you, wanting to make sure to get every last drop.
His thrusts were getting sloppier by the second, before moments later — he finally came with a groan, spilling himself into you and coating your walls with his white cum.
You whimpered as you felt him pull out, feeling some of the white substance drip into your thighs, “I-Inside, want you..” you mumble with him barely hearing it.
“Shh, I’ll clean you up first pup.” Hyunjin said, leaving and going into his bathroom to find a damp cloth.
While he left for the bathroom, you laid there on your chest — sighing.
What happened to the 'no fucking around' rule that you seem to follow, you promised yourself that ‘Y’ was the first and last. You rolled over to your side, wincing at how the cum drizzled out of your swollen hole. He had a lot of cum suprisingly.
. .
On a short moment’s notice, Hyunjin finally arrived to find you laying to your side, your eyes signaling that you were deep in thought.
“You okay? Did I go too hard?” He walked near you to which your eyes drifted to his face slowly to which you gave him a small smile.
“No.. I had fun time, thank you for taking good care of me, Prince Hyunjin.” you answered him, keeping the small smile before you turned to him.
He nods, “Just call me Hyunjin, no need for formality.” he moves closer to you, sitting down next to your back. He trailed the towel in his hand near your hole — removing the cum around your ring of muscles gently.
“One problem though...” you whispered, looking up at him with tired eyss before eyeing the bruises and marks on your body made by the dominant prince.
He grins sexily, “Keep it as a reminder to you ans to people who’d dare sleep with you.” He said, touching the marks softy after wiping your hole that was seeping with his cum.
You groaned in annoyance, “I’m serious, Hwang.” you shot back to him with an impatient glare. You click your tongue as no answer came out of his mouth.
He grabbed a small vial of ointment from his drawers to make sure your skin wouldn’t have any problems from his bruises and to make sure it would heal. He hummed while he applied it on the marks.
You sigh and allowed to treat you before he opened his lips to speak, “I’ll go over to your kingdom tomorrow.” he mumbles, wiping his hand on the sheet as he grabbed an underwear from his drawer.
You watched him put it on, looking away from him a bit shy, to which thank god that he didn't notice.
You looked up at him questioningly, “Hm? Why?” you tilted your head like a puppy to which he moved closer to pet you.
“I want your hand in marriage.” he said straightforwardly with a smile plastered in his face. He grabbed your chin making you look up at him, he leaned down and kissed you before you squeak embarrassingly.
You look at him dumbfounded and shocked beyond belief — your mouth hanging open with eyes wide, “Hwang, what? You’re going a bit too fast—”
He grabbed your hand suddenly and kissed the top of it before looking up at you, “Nothing’s too fast when I already like you and I want you.”
You groaned, knowing he won't let this go. Your parents should reject since they know that you’re not ready for marriage yet. Right? Hopefully, you prayed silently that your parents for once reject something so outrageous.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, I’m too tire—”
“HYUNJIN! IT’S TIME FOR YOUR END SPEECH, OH MY GOD, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU LEFT YOUR OWN PARTY.” Someone with a female voice yelled while banging on the other side of the door. You froze at the sudden noise.
“Tch, my sister doesn’t know the meaning of staying calm half of the time.” he mumbles, brushing his hand across his long hair.
“I’ll come down in a few!” Hyunjin said loud enough for the lady give a last hit to the poor door before leaving.
He looked at you before grabbing his clothes from the party and slowly dressed himself up, “I’ll see you, Y/N.” he said after getting fully dressed, he looked back and winked at you before smiling a bright one.
You sigh as you get up from his bed and limped to collect your clothes around the room, sighing once more as you dressed yourself up. “Marriage... hm.” you were having troubling thoughts about this, sudden marriage proposal — especially with someone you just met like 3 hours ago.
“Time to go fetch the dumbass and leave, I wanna sleep.” You said annoyed, referring to that stupid knight of yours that went missing when the event started.
You look at the closet mirror and fixed your hair also trying to cover the visible marks but to no avail still failed to do so. You were gonna sneak out of here, and hopefully Hwang just forgets what he said earlier.
Extended Scene
“Lino, I swear why do you look like a weirdo right now.” you said, looking at him with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You were referring to how he looked like dumbstruck with love.
He hisses at you, “Shut up, why do you have hickeys then huh?” Minho answered you with another question as he looked over to you and rolled his eyes.
You huff, “I’m telling my parents that you were disrespecting me early in the party.”
He smirks and looks over to you with one of his eyebrows raised, “Then I guess you wouldn't mind what fun you did in the party, I mean with the limping and stuff.” he threatens back, chuckling.
“You little shi—”
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fear-and-delight-l · 3 years
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-Jill is very avid about getting her sister, Georgia back. Well, at least the killer anyways. 
-Jill has never finished any of her writing, until she is an adult. 
-Jill gives hugs hugs hugs!!!
-everyone wants her hugs. 
-ok, Jill is very sexually confused. Bradley Marsh is good looking...but so is McKenna Hanlon with her pink lipstick and her always good looking pigtails....then there is Sarah Uris, who is so cute with her blonde/brown curls and her little cheerleading outfit. 
-suffers from stuttering simp disorder 
-simp simp simp
-simp? Yes. 
-ok but I think she would like Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus lmao
-FLANNEL GODDESS!!! Has flannels in so many colors. 
-”R-R-Riley, stop m-making fun of m-my j-j-jorts.” 
-oh yeah. She is rocking the jean shorts. They either go to around her knees or near the middle of her thighs. 
-shoulder length brown hair. Screams bisexual. 
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-just gonna put this out there, take it as you will, but her glasses make her look like a fish. Her eyes are HUGE 
-goddess or (what is a non-binary god? Godthem?) of dad jokes. But not the corny kind. The kind of dad jokes that include sleeping with him and “riding him like a horse.” 
-”so not fucking funny.” -Edith Kaspbrak, who’s dad isn’t even present in her life.  -yeah, bisexual.  -sexual for Edith Kaspbrak.  -And Sarah Uris
-And Bradley Marsh
-and Jill Denbrough 
-and Brenna Hanscom
-and Patrick Hockstetter (she regrets this. But when Patrick isn’t chasing her with Bowers and Criss and Huggins, she likes to notice that Patrick is definitely good looking)
-crazy wavy hair. Seriously, she wears it in a pixie cut, and it is CRAZY. But she help Bradley cut away his mullet. 
-the friendship dynamic between Riley Tozier and Bradley Marsh is UNSTOPPABLE!
-plays softball with Jill. She is pitcher, and damn is she good. (Jill plays third base, for reference)
-the girls on the softball team sort of like her, sort of not. She’s a loser, and they don’t like her because everyone thinks she’s queer.  -still a trash mouth 
-still a smartass 
-Rildeth? Edithley? Redith?
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-all right, here we go. 
-He came out to Riley, and Riley came out to him. 
-daddy issues  
-daddy issues
-daddy issues
-anyways, Bradley had a mullet that his dad made him wear, and when Riley helped him cut it....freedom!
-when he and the other losers are going to the quarry, he likes to help McKenna pick flowers so Sarah will have some to turn into flower crowns  
-is totally charmed by Jill  Denbrough. He is a simp for how charming she is. Bravery, art...
-Bradley also likes to draw. 
-Brenna may be totally smitten with him....
-Bradley is the same age as all the other losers, but the losers all see him as older. 
-hates his father, feels weak around him. 
-he and Riley often share cigarettes. (I love the friendship dynamic here.)
-Bradley has little freckles, and when he and Brenna get together as adults, Brenna likes to kiss all of them. 
-Bradley loves to hang with Sarah, and she is such a sweetie. She gets annoyed, but when she is around Bradley, she is calm. 
-Bradley likes to put his arm around Sarah, ALWAYS
-I’m in love
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-yes, Sarah Uris is cheer captain. The other cheerleaders are skeptical of her, but treat her ok nonetheless. 
-Sarah Uris is a softie who will tell you to fuck off. 
-bridwatcher. Sarah loves her birds. She likes to sit with Jill. Jill draws birds while Sarah quietly talk about the birds. 
-Brenna loves to play with her curls, braiding them and doing fun styles with them with the help from McKenna. 
-sundresses one day, shorts and a shirt the next. 
-her hair is so nice! Think...classic curls. Google for reference. 
-the cheerleaders don’t go to track meets or softball games. So, since Brenna and Edith are both in track and Jill and Riley are softball players, she goes in her own cheerleading outfit, and even snags one for McKenna, (who isn’t a cheerleader.) and they both cheer at track and softball. 
-must I remind you that Jill is a simp for BOTH OF THEM. AND BRADLEY?? HE CHEERS THEM ON TOO.
-one time Bradley actually got into a cheerleading skirt??!!
-anyways, back to Sarah.  -she loves to give everyone kisses before leaving. Here’s how she gives them:
Jill: cheek kiss, runs a hand through her hair.  Edith: takes Edith’s face in her hands and kisses her nose. Edith sometimes backs up a little when she feels a little panicky about germs, but always accepts Sarah’s kiss.  Bradley: forehead. She ruffles his hair, and sometimes, Bradley kisses her chin as she is kissing his forehead.  McKenna: near her lips. Like, the corner of her mouth. 🥺 Brenna: cheek kiss. She holds brenna’s chin while kissing her.  Riley: straight on the lips. Or the forehead if you song ship stozier. -ok, I am a huge fan of Sarah+Riley....but then there is Edith. Poly??? Possibly 
-anyways, Sarah loves to make flower crowns and put them in bradley’s hair. 
-she and Brenna are very close. If Sarah isn’t next to Bradley, or has Riley’s arm around her shoulders, she is with Brenna, either holding her hand or showing her stuff about plants or birds. She gives Brenna constant praise about the barrens 
-very grumpy a lot.
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ok, Brenna is straight. I didn’t change that.  -Brenna thinks constructively, and is a visual learner. Constantly thinks about the future. 
-ok, she is so so so sweet. Likes to wear this cute pink skirt, but only around the losers. 
-She loves to read and wrote poetry. It’s so cute I just can’t aaaah-
-ok, so she’s on the track team. Edith convinces her in 10th grade. 
-HAIR CLIPS! she has them in her hair, and tons extra in her backpack. 
-Bradley loves it when Brenna plays with his hair and puts clips in it. 
-she and Bradley are very good friends. 
-she may be straight, but isn’t uncomfortable when Sarah holds her hand or Riley talks about her gay situation or when Jill tells her she’s pretty. She just isn’t gay but she loves and supports her gay friends. She even kissed McKenna in a game of spin the bottle
-poor baby has body insecurities...
-ugh, she hates Henry Bowers. But she loves ice cream! She likes vanilla because it’s sweet and plain. 
-when they have sleepovers, everyone always has a disc of New Kids on the Block to play for her (AAA!)
-Riley literally swore to protect her. Even though Riley’s sarcasm can be demeaning, she trusts her. 
-Brenna Hanscom, a sweetie that will fight for you.
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McKenna Hanlon, the badass vegan who definitely has WAP. 
-ok, I didn’t change her race, she is still black. 
-McKenna is a sign of hope. Everyone feels so uplifted around her. 
-she has this signature pink lipstick she wears everyday the Greta Bowie makes fun of, but she still wears it. 
-she loves bubblegum. McKenna has it ALL THE TIME. 
-inspiration? Yes. She is a goddess. 
-ok, she is so nice, but that gun she has? Pennywise doesn’t stand a chance. McKenna is a fighter. 
-McKenna has these cute little pig tails that she wears with purple ribbons. Jill loves to listen to her talk. 
-definitely the least insane of all the losers, but girl knows how to have fun!
-not a huge smoker, but occasionally will share one with Bradley. 
-the friendship between McKenna and Bradley is impeccable. They are a badass duo. 
-I don’t know what her sexuality is. She definitely doesn’t. Although she and Jill got caught making out in a closet. They said it was no strings attached....suspicious.
-she is indeed vegan. She just has a special love for animals and can’t bring herself to eat them. She isn’t protesting everyone to go vegan, she just eats how she wants. She occasionally slips and goes for ice cream though😉
-at the rock war, after she recovered a little from Bowers, SHE BEAT HIS ASS!
-my queen, gosh I love her!
-she is so much fun to be around. One time, in the barrens, she installed a swing so she could sit in somethin because Riley and Edith and Sarah are always in the hammock together. (It’s bound to break). 
-need a therapist? She’s ya girl. 
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-ok, so this looks very soft girl, but Edith is fiery!  -her mom makes her worry a lot about disease and what not, but her anxiety about what her mom may do is worse. 
-seriously, she is scared of her mother. She doesn’t even know if her sickness are real. 
-anyways, don’t fuck with her. She will bite you. 
-no seriously, she will bite you. One time in a fight with Hockstetter, she bit him. She was worried she might have gotten something in her mouth, but Sarah calmed her down.  -she may bicker with Riley, but really, she loves her. Her and her stupid glasses, 
-anyways, she is a sweetie. She runs track, but as long as Riley is waiting on the sidelines with her inhaler at the end, she is alright. 
-someone give this girl a hug. 
-internalized homophobia towards herself. 
-she and Bradley are good, they just aren’t as close. Edith is closest with Jill. 
-Edith looks up to Jill, big time. 
-Edith hates her mom very very much. 
-she wears cute little tops with shorts or skirts. Occasionally she will wear overalls. 
-fuck greta Bowie campaign? Yeah, Edith started it.
-Fanny pack! She has an extra pair of glasses for Riley, Bobby pins for Sarah, an extra pen or pencil for Jill, a mini stick of Bradley’ favorite deodorant, hair clips for Brenna, and McKenna’s favorite bubblegum. 
-Riley calls her Eds. She hates it because it sounds like a boy name. She hates it even more when Riley calls her Eddie. 
-kisses tears away. Crying? She will kiss your cheeks and wipe those tears away. She did that when Brenna got cut by Bowers. 
-inhaler? Yes. It’s her little beacon of safety. 
-ice cream and comic books with Riley, bird watching and flower crowns with Sarah are her favorites! 
-doesn’t know her sexual preference, she’s just not straight. 
-butterflies always land on her when she’s outside. One landed on her nose once and Riley and Sarah started rock-paper-scissoring for who got her. (That was long forgotten since Riley is a sore loser.)
-my baby has long hair is very slight waves. It goes down to her breasts. 
-likes to wear Jill’s Flannels. 
-Edith is cold? Never. She always has someone’s something, whether it’s McKenna’s iconic leather jacket or Jill’s flannels
Ok! Those are my headcanons. Feel free to repost, I don’t give a damn. If you want drawings or more headcanons of them, I am always open. I had this posted on my old account but that got taken down....I was previously coffeeandweasleys
@im-a-rocketman​, @nate-isnt-great​ @imreddieimreddieimreddie​ @ur-not-reddie​
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Aye you sick of me yet? Lol. How about the boys going to the boardwalk one night to find a traveling circus/freak show is in town. I’m talkin sword swallowing and fire breathing type ish. Our lovely lady s/o is an acrobat who performs with an aerial hoop (if you need reference, my personal fav performance is Chloe Gardiol doing cry me a river). And is she actually human? Who knows? Is she alluring as bait? Maybe.
Not at all!! Sorry it took so long to get to this!! I totally love this ask, and I’m definitely turning this into a fic!! I’m also thinking Poly!Lost Boys for this one!! I hope you enjoy!!
Talk About Freak Show (Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1865
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The boys probably should’ve known a circus was coming into town, but it caught the four of them by surprise. They’d been to their fair share over the years, but it was still a pleasant sight. It was something different. Something to keep them entertained besides the normal crowds that walked up and down the boardwalks. There were clowns, jugglers, and even fire breathers littering the boardwalk and impressing the locals. 
“Gnarly!” Paul shouted as he watched someone swallow a sword. Marko and Paul were pushing eachother, and Dwayne had to grab both of them by the back of their coats before one of them decided to give it a try. David rolled his eyes and threatened,
“If the two of you don’t shut up, I’ll shove a sword somewhere else.” He said, and Paul wiggled his fingers at him and said,
“Ooh.” In a mocking tone, while Marko laughed and encouraged him to lighten up. It was a circus! They were supposed to be having a good time! And they were. David just didn’t like how many of the carnies kept coming up to them. Especially when a mime decided to make fun of David for wearing a “long face”. Marko and Paul had nearly lost their minds laughing when the mime copied David, and David had considered strangling the poor guy right then and there. He mimicked him smoking a cigarette, and, after only being around him for a minute, he was actually doing a pretty good impression. This only made him more angry. Luckily, something else had caught their attention.
There was a big top set up in the sand, and the four of them left their bikes near the back to check it out. A performance was just about to start, and they weren’t strangers to sneaking into places like this. They took some empty seats, and ducked in the crowd so no one would see them. Dwayne had to tell Paul to shut up, as he was sure the blondes giggling would give it away that they weren’t supposed to be there. 
They watched a ring leader announce the name of the next performer, and the boys watched in wonder as you stepped out and a hoop was slowly dropped down from above. You wore a red and white shimmery leotard, one that exposed your legs, arms, and clung to your body. You had a rose in her hair, and they couldn’t tell how long it was by how it was tied back. Still, you were beautiful. Paul let out a wolf whistle, and Marko laughed and punched him in the shoulder.
They stayed for your entire performance, even though they’d only meant to stay for a few minutes. You were entrancing. They’d seen others perform aerial arts before, but there was just something about you that they couldn’t deny was different. The way that you hung in the air, moved your body, and seemed to have complete control over the audience, even them, was unmistakably mesmerizing. Marko even leaned over to whisper to David, asking if he thought that you were human. David didn’t say a word for a moment. His eyes watched you, and he whispered,
“I’m not sure.” It was a weird thing to admit, but it was the truth. There were too many heartbeats, too many scents. He couldn’t place which one was yours. Their voices were barely a whisper, and he was sure no one would’ve been able to hear him over the music. Marko then added,
“She’d make good bait.” And David turned to look at his angel faced brother. Marko was grinning, a grin that David had become far too familiar with over the years. It was like he had read his mind. He gave him a small smirk, and a silent nod. That you would.
When you finished your performance, Paul stood up to give you a standing ovation. He was quickly yanked down by the brunette, but he still hooted and hollered for you. They caught your laugh, but you were quickly bowing and retreating back behind the curtain. Marko whispered the beginning of their plan to the other two, and Paul was practically bouncing with excitement. They left the big top, sneaking out where they came, and going to grab their bikes. They were going to find you, get you away from the crowds, maybe have some fun and-
They paused when they saw a small crowd near their bikes. Apparently, they’d parked them right where the carnies took their breaks. The mime from before was smoking a cigarette, and they could hear what he was saying over the dull roar of the crowd.
“-Totally hot, but the one with the mullet was kind of a dick. I hate stopping in these shitty towns. God, why couldn’t- Shit! That’s them.” He noticed them just when they were only a few feet away. He was talking to you, exactly who’d they’d been looking for, and you turned to follow his eyes. You were wearing a light brown fur overcoat, one that went down to your mid-thigh, and it was obviously to keep the nights chill off of your shoulders. Your hair hung loosely over your shoulders, and it wasn’t until you turned that they realized it was you, the acrobat, from before. They could see the sparkly red and white leotard under your coat, and now they knew why you were wearing something so heavy. You furrowed your brows when they continued to walk closer.
“Can I help you boys?” You asked. This was circus territory. Hot or not, tourists and locals weren’t allowed to be back here. The platinum blonde, the one your friend had called a dick, smiled at you. He had ocean blue eyes, one’s sharp enough to pierce. He was dressed in all black, with an overcoat and gloves. You stared right back, and a shiver threatened to go down your spine. He was attractive, but your survival instinct from being on the road for so long practically screamed that he was dangerous. He gave you the creeps. He motioned to the bikes right besides you and your friends.
“We were just about to ask you the same thing.” He said. His voice was smooth like velvet, and you almost felt a wave of something. You couldn’t describe it except for suggestion, maybe? It washed over you like a wave, and it took all of your hesitance with it. “I’m David.” He said as he plucked a cigarette from behind his ear, and you found yourself giving up your name without thinking about it. Not your stage name. Your real one. Your friend, the mime, gave you a startled look. It was an unspoken rule not to share your real name. It broke the illusion. The barrier between actor and audience.
You’d been standing right in front of one of the middle bikes, a bike with a yellow back wheel and a raccoons tail hanging from one of the handles. The presumed owner, a curly-haired blonde with big, doe brown eyes slid by you into the space between the bike right next to his. He made sure to brush by you as you past, holding you steady so he didn’t knock you over. He didn’t excuse himself, and he grinned when you had to grip onto his jacket. He leaned in and whispered, “I’m Marko.” With a wide grin on his face. He climbed onto the bike, and revved the engine to life. 
Then, the tallest of the blondes, swaggered his way over to you. He was at the end of the line and he didn’t have to walk nearly as close, but he did anyways. He brushed a hand over the fur of your coat, lifting his brows as he said, “Nice coat. I’m Paul.” With a slight californian accent. He looked more like a glam-rocker than a surfer, but you could smell the weed on him as he walked backwards for a few steps. He had a row of almost too perfect teeth, and a smile that was charming and lazy. And then he was taking a seat on a bike with a red back wheel.
The brunette didn’t try to come close. His bike was the other middle one, the one to your left, but he commanded your attention anyways. His eyes were dark and his skin was tanned. You didn’t let yourself embarrass yourself by looking down at his chest, and he gave you the smallest of smirks. He nodded his head at you and said, “Dwayne.” As he went to his bike. Your friend had been talking about him, and while you admitted that he was definitely hot, you wished he’d warned you that they all were. Though, you felt hairs stand on the back of your neck. Three of them were behind you, and, for some reason, you didn’t like that. But turning your back to David seemed far worse. David hadn’t made his way to his bike in the seconds that had just past, and instead asked,
“You got a light?” And you were snapped back to reality. You reached inside your coat, producing a lighter. David leaned down, the cigarette already between his teeth, and cupped your hand as you helped him light his cigarette. The leather was smooth against your skin, and you tried to pretend that your hand wasn’t shaking. He looked at you as he did, his eyes staring into yours. It made you gulp, and he smirked. He pulled back, took a drag, and blew the smoke away from you. He glanced at your friend, before he walked to his bike. It was the first one in line, and you turned to follow him with your eyes. You faced them, and David said, “Was that your last performance of the night?” 
It barely registered as a question, but you shook your head. Not as an answer, but more so to clear it. The boys snickered, and Paul and Marko smiled at eachother. As if they knew something you didn’t. You were quick to say,
“No, no. That, um- I have another one later tonight.” You’d never been nervous around people before. But these boys? They made you feel like they were about to eat you alive. David took another drag, and he almost looked a little disappointed. It had to be your imagination though. Your friend tugged you to the side, out from in front of their bikes, and you let him. David watched, and he narrowed his eyes at the mime. He took another drag.
“You should find us later tonight.” David said, and the same feeling washed over you. The push. The suggestion. Before you could answer, he was flicking his unfinished cigarette to the side, and Paul was tearing through the sand. They followed one by one, but David was quick to take the lead. With them gone, it felt like a cloud had been lifted from your head. But there was one thing that remained. You would find them later that night. Somehow.
Your friend scoffed and shook his head. He had already lit another cigarette and said,
“Talk about freak show.”
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
For The First Time Pt.2~
ꕥPosted: 7/25/20
ꕥGenre: College!au, Fluff
ꕥPairing: Fem!reader x Jongho
ꕥWord Count: ~1k
ꕥWarnings: None
ꕥA/N: I know this isn’t a popular series which makes me a little sad but I wanted to finish it anyway. If people end up liking it and it actually gets attention I might(?) make a part 3. It’s most likely gonna end here tho. Read part 1 also if you wouldn’t mind! Things will make a lot more sense if you do. You can do that here
ꕥA/N Cont: So even though I provided translations for some words, there is a phrase that I clarified in the middle of the writing bc I didn’t want to spoil anything
ꕥPhrase Guide:
你= You
加油 = You can do it (encouragement)
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Jongho was surprisingly easy to talk to and we got along better than I thought we would. Not that I thought we wouldn’t get along, but I was still surprised.
After we had lunch together we exchanged numbers and began to hang out more, usually every couple days given our busy schedules.
He was so talkative that I found out almost everything about him in no time. He just turned 20, was a music major, and took Chinese because he wanted a challenge. He loved snow but hated the cold. Soccer was his favorite sport but he didn’t play often since he was always either studying or working as a tutor for underclassmen. He was born in Korea but grew up in America. Fluent in Korean but insecure enough about his American accent that he only spoke it with close friends and family. He met Mingi during a soccer camp he went to in middle school and his best friend - the guy with the mullet - was named Hongjoong and apparently much friendlier than he looked.
The more I spent time with Jongho, the more I realized I had feelings for him and the stronger they became. When Marina and I were alone in our dorm, I told her everything I was feeling and the response was exactly what I suspected.
“HA! KNEW IT!” Marina yelled, “I just won myself ten bucks.”
“I’m sorry, YOU WHAT?”
“I may or may not have made a bet with Mingi that you would catch feelings within three months of meeting Jongho. And you’re two days away from three months, girly.” She shrugged but kept the smile on her face.
“Oh my god you did not. Actually speaking of...what’s up with you two? Are you official yet?”
Marina went quiet for a moment then bit her lip, finally speaking up, “Well...not yet, technically, but we’ve seriously considered it. We have another date this weekend. Now all you have to do is get with Jongho and we can go on a double date.”
“Yeah I don’t know about that, M.”
“Y/n he totally likes you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No I know. He’s got a few tells so I know he feels at least a little something. I’m just not sure if I should commit to anything, you know?”
Marina let out a loud laugh before speaking again.
“Pfft no. I dated all throughout high school. If I’m being honest, though, I really think you should give it a chance. People always freak out about possibly ruining a friendship by confessing but honestly if a friendship can’t withstand a little crush then you probably weren’t solid friends in the first place.”
“You know what? You’re right. I’ll tell him tomorrow.”
“Hell yeah girl! Go get him!”
The next day arrived way too quickly. Although I told myself I would confess, I was getting anxious. I walked into Chinese class holding hands with Marina for emotional support. We were the first ones there, as always, so I had a bit of time to rant.
“I’ll be honest, M. I’ve never felt butterflies like this before. I’m actually shaking.” I lifted up my hand to show her my slight tremor.
“Oh sweetheart! It’ll be all good! Promise. Just take a few deep breaths.”
I slowly breathed in and out for the next several seconds.
“You’re right. I can do this.”
The trio walked into class several minutes later. Mingi gave a quick kiss to Marina and Jongho gave me a friendly smile. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at the four of us and walked to his usual seat, propping his feet up on the seat in front of him.
The rest of the class filled in and soon our professor arrived.
The professor loudly clapped her hands, speaking up, “Alright class. Today I’m going to have you pair up in groups of two and work together. I don’t care who it’s with, as long as it’s with somebody. We’ve got an even number of students so we should be fine. I’ve got some games for you to play today.”
I turned to Marina but she was already halfway up the stairs to sit next to Mingi. I looked at Jongho but he motioned at Hongjoong, mouthing that he was sorry.
Okay. That’s fine. I thought. I’ll find someone else. Looking up I saw the unfamiliar young man standing in front of me. He blanked for a moment when I looked up at him.
“Hey! Uh...would you maybe want to be partners?”
“Are you sure? With the both of us together we’ll probably beat the whole class by a landslide.”
He laughed and sat down next to me, visibly more confident.
“I’m sure they can manage. I’m Tommy, by the way. You’re y/n, right?”
I nodded and smiled at him as we shook hands. I looked Tommy in the eyes and saw a slight blush on his cheeks. What I didn’t see; however, was the death stare Jongho was giving him.
The professor looked up and let out a laugh, pointing at Tommy and I.
“Yeah no way in hell am I letting that happen. You two are my best students and - no offense everyone - but no one would stand a chance against you two.”
“Ouch.” I heard Mingi say.
Jongho quickly stood up and raised his hand, “I’ll partner up with her!”
“Very good. Get on with it then.”
Tommy looked upset, making me feel bad for leaving him.
“Hey that’s okay, Tommy. Maybe next time?” I gave him a smile that he soon returned.
I walked up to Jongho, sitting next to him as Hongjoong sat down next to Tommy.
Jongho leaned in and whispered, “I’ll be honest, y/n. I’m really glad the teacher separated you two.”
“Yeah, I bet everyone is. We are the best in the class, no offense,” I laughed.
“Actually no I meant-“
“Alright class. I have talked in English for an unusually long time but in my defense, I was up basically all night grading essays so I’m running on two hours of sleep and a cappuccino. Nevertheless, I’ll now switch to Chinese. 加油.”
The first game was simple enough. The teacher wrote beginner to intermediate level phrases for us to translate. If we got it right, we got a point.
My team eventually won, beating Tommy and Hongjoong by a single point. Jongho really surprised me, getting almost as many questions right as I did.
Mingi and Marina ended up last because neither of them were paying attention, instead flirting with each other.
The second and final game was a little more complicated. We had to translate the sentence, as well as pronounce all the characters correctly. Tommy’s team was tied with mine until Jongho answered the last question correctly. I smiled at him and bounced in my seat.
“We won, Jongho!” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. He froze at first, but then put his arms around me and pulled me closer.
The professor spoke up once more, “We’re out of time for class today but remember you have a test next week. I expect you all to be studying!”
Our classmates soon left the room along with our teacher. Hongjoong quickly ran out to meet his new boyfriend - Seonghwa I think he said? - and Mingi and Marina were already gone. I assumed they left class sometime during the second game.
“Hey,” Jongho said to me as I was slipping on my backpack, “I was wondering if you could help me out with my writing in Chinese? Sometimes I mess up the stroke order and I could use the practice.”
“Sure! When do you want to study?”
“How about now?”
Jongho grabbed my arm and led me down to the whiteboard at the front of the class. I looked around at the empty classroom and nodded. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. He picked up a marker and began to write.
“I’ll write and you tell me if I make a mistake, okay?”
I laughed, “Sure, Jongho.”
As he started writing I didn’t see any mistakes. When he finished writing, I gasped.
[I like you. Who you you like?]
I smiled and took the marker from his hands, placing it back on the podium. I looked him in the eyes and cupped his face. “你” I said as I kissed him. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. He smiled and kissed me again, this time wrapping his arms around my waist.
We pulled back for air and I whispered, “You know, I was actually planning on telling you today, too. Marina encouraged me to tell you, but I guess I didn’t have to after all.”
“I mean you can still tell me, if you want.”
I gently kissed his cheek, “You already know how I feel.”
“Hmm. Actually I’m not quite sure. Could you clarify for me?” Jongho laughed when I playfully hit his arm.
“You know,” he continued, “when I said I was glad the teacher separated you earlier, I meant that I was glad you were away from Tommy. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and I really didn’t like it. I got so nervous because even though I tease, this is the first time I’ve felt like this. So I guess the question is...will you let me take you on a date?”
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Phobia Factor |Total Drama Island|
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Summary: Duncan helps you with your fear of confined places on Phobia Factor. 
Pairing: Duncan x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 2.8K
The screaming gophers team members walked towards your team, who were all still feeling the loss of the challenge. Courtney took a stand and confronted them on them being here, thinking they were here to gloat. They tried to play it off as being nice by offering dessert but in reality, they were just out here to air out their cabin. Which Owen, their teammate, had stunk up with his disgusting gas fumes. Beth walked up to Courtney, showing her that they, however, really did bring dessert for them. She held a plate of green gelatin in front of Courtney's face, making her yelp and take a few steps back.
"No! I mean, no thanks. I'm good," She said calmly, trying to play off her disgust.
"What, are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked.
"No, I just don’t like green jelly, okay," She replied,
Beth shrugged her shoulders and moved onto the other "campers", sticking the plate right in front of DJ's face. DJ shrieked when he saw the gummy worm inside, thinking it to be a snake and smacking the plate out of Beth's hands. It landed right by Cody's feet and he picked up the candy worm inside of it, showing that it's just candy and not an actual snake.
"Sorry for tripping, snakes just freak me out," DJ explained.
Tyler patted DJ's back as he sympathized on his fear. "I feel you, chickens give me the creeps, dude."
"You're afraid of chickens?" You remarked, giving him a look.  
Duncan chuckled at that confession. "Wow, that's—that's really lame, man."
And just like that you were all having this big bonding moment with everyone spilling what they were afraid of. Like Beth went on and on about how she was deeply terrified of being covered in bugs. Harold shared that he was afraid of ninjas, which you didn't believe to be honest. Considering how he’s always doing something ninja-like or bragging about being a skilled martial artist. You were really shocked when Heather admitted she was afraid of something, the girl is her own type of scary, you found it difficult to believe that she had a fear. But I guess even monsters have their nightmares. She admitted to being afraid of sumo wrestlers, her confession making you stifle a laugh with your hand. She shot you a glare and would’ve said something but the conversation quickly moved onto Gwen. Lucky for you since you weren’t really in the mood to deal with Heather.
"What's my worst fear?" Gwen questioned. "I guess being buried alive."
You shivered a little, yeah, that didn’t sound like fun but you weren't afraid of that.
"Walking through a minefield...in heals," Lindsay said after Gwen finished.
"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff," Owen shared, Izzy nodding her head as she agreed. "I would never go up in a plane."
"I'm scared of hail, small but deadly," Geoff said.
"Being left alone in the woods," Bridgette confessed.
Beside her, Sadie, sniffled before sharing her biggest fear, she hated bad haircuts. Lindsay gasped and changed her fear, she agreed that bad haircuts were the worst thing ever. Cody went next, his biggest fear was having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.  
"I'm not really afraid of anything," Courtney said smugly.
You and Duncan both coughed, calling her out on her bullshit. "Yeah right." "Baloney."
"Oh really? Well what exactly are your phobias, Mr. And Mrs. Know-It-All," She scoffed.
That was your cue to look away and pretend like you had no idea what just happened. Duncan looked like he had just been caught doing something embarrassing as he looked around to the others. They were all waiting for him, and you, to share their biggest phobia. Mostly because they wanted to know what the big bad Duncan was afraid off. And you, Miss Mysterious, seemed to know a lot about everyone but hardly anyone knew a thing about you.
Duncan sighed and gave up his fear. "Ce-Celine Dion music-store standees."
Beside him, he heard you stifle a laugh before his attention turned to Cody who spoke up. "Ex-squeeze me? I didn’t quite get that."
"Dude, did you say 'Celine Dion music-store standees?'" Trent asked.
"Ooh, I love Celine Dion," Lindsay cheered. "What's a standee?"
"You know, that cardboard-cutout thing that stands in the music store," Trent explained.
"Don't say it, dude," Duncan said with a groan.
"Kind of like a life-size but flat, Celine," Trent went on.
"So, if we had a cardboard standee right now," Courtney went on before being cut off by Duncan.
"That's kind of pathetic," You chuckled.
"Oh yeah, and what are you afraid of?" Duncan challenged.
"No offense, you're all pretty cool people, some more than others. But you're not the only ones listening in and I'd rather not tell the world what I'm afraid of," You said.  
And just like that they all realized they were on TV. "Uh, well, I've got nothing to hide. I hate mimes, like a lot." Trent shared.
"Okay Courtney, you're afraid of something," You said, trying to get her to spill.
"Nope—Nothing," She said, that smug smile still on her face.
"That's not what she said last night," Duncan laughed, making you roll your eyes and divert your gaze.
You liked Duncan, that much you knew, since the beginning you two just clicked. But you had no idea how he felt about you, sure you had your moments but he loved to mess around. And he seemed to have a thing for Courtney, you weren't about to interfere with that. You saw Courtney stand up and leave, completely missing out on what happened. You looked at Duncan, no doubt that he had something to do with it but he just shrugged his shoulders. After that, everyone decided to head back to bed, wanting some rest before another gruesome challenge tomorrow.
You walked next to Duncan in silence before the two of you reached the cabins and went your separate ways.
You sat at the table that held all your teammates, eating Chef's "food" as Chris announced the next challenge. He announced the next game to be a game called 'Phobia Factor' where everyone would be facing their greatest fears. And this right here is exactly why didn't share what your greatest fear is, and why you never will.
He pulled out a card, announcing Heather as the first victim in this challenge, facing her worst fear; sumo wrestlers. He called on Gwen next, she was going to be buried alive, making her gasp loudly. This is when everyone figured out that everyone was actually facing off their biggest fear. And now everyone thought you were a complete genius for not sharing your fear.
"Chef Hatchet, didn't you have a special order for Tyler here?" Chris said.
Chef nodded smugly as he presented Tyler with a whole fried chicken. Tyler picked it up and brought it to his mouth, biting the head off, only for a live chicken to pop out. Was that even possible? Tyler freaked out, of course, but ultimately setting off the game.
The game went on pretty okay, with everyone being presented their fear. Beth was shown a large pool of bugs in which jumped right in and swam around. Nice one Beth, way to set the bar so high! Sadie and Lindsay were both made to wear mullet wigs all day to complete their part of the challenge. Izzy and Owen were taken up on a plane that was being driven by Chef. Harold faced off ninjas, or at least tried, he ended up smacking himself with his own nunchucks. Why did he have nunchucks at the ready? Lashawna ran away from Chef dressed as a spider, coasting her team a point. Heather went up against a sumo wrestler and actually won, by total luck though. But it made the score 2-0 with the killer bass, your team, losing.
Bridgette was lead into the woods to begin her six hours of total solitude. You watched in slight horror as Gwen was being buried, poor girl. DJ eventually scored a point for you team when he conquered his fear of snakes. But you were still one-point behind so not much of a victory for you guys.  
Cody was let somewhere where a garbage bomb was planted, one he had to defuse. As Trent was being chased by a mime, the rest of you moved onto the next fear. Duncan's Celine Dion music-store standee phobia, all of you stood in front of cardboard cutout of her as Chris explained what you had to do.
Duncan stood there with a terrified face as you helped him out. "She's pretty, she's nice."
"Just one hug and you're done," Chris explained.
"That—That looks really real, man," Duncan said, fear evident in his voice.
"Dude, she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!" Tyler yelled from the sidelines.
"Hey, it's okay if you can't do it," You told him gently.  
He sighed and reached out for your hand, causing your heart to skip a beat. "Fine, I'll try." He said, giving you a smile. He took a deep breath before running off towards the cutout, arms outstretched to give her a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug, scoring the bass another point. You smiled widely, ready to give him a hug but someone beat you to it. Courtney wrapped her arms around Duncan, cuddling up to him and cheering. That's right, he and Courtney had a thing that you weren't about to get in between.
You and the others walked over to him and congratulated him for his big win. The score was tied until Trent faced the mime and scored the gophers another point, leaving the score 3-2. Next up was Geoff with a mini cloud of hail just for him to pelt him with hail. But this reminded Trent about Gwen being buried alive, but she completed her task and the gophers now had four points while the bass had two. Owen and Izzy also survived their plane ride, scoring their team another two points. Looks like your team lost another challenge, even if Sadie, Bridgette, and Tyler completed their tasks.  
Speaking of which, Lindsay and Sadie conquered their fears and went the whole day with bad haircuts. Making the score 7-3, let's hope Tyler can get over his fear of chickens and win your team other point. But with Tyler being the last challenge of the day, what hope did you team have? Especially since Bridgette lost and ran out of the woods before time was up.
"Actually, we have two more challenges," Chris announced.
You looked at him in confusion, you and Courtney both refused to say what you were afraid of so what could they actually do? Chris brought everyone over to a tub of green jelly for Courtney to jump into, after they deduced that she was afraid of green jelly. That was probably more pathetic than Tyler's fear of chickens but when she explained why you saw her reasoning. It did look like snot, it made you shiver as you thought about it.
"Ugh, that is just cruel! It's probably warm by now, warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy, ugh!" Gwen said, trying psych Courtney out.  
Courtney stood at the top, looking down at the tub in disgust. "It's okay if you can't do it, Courtney." Duncan said.
"It is? But won't we lose?" You retorted.
In the end she chickened out, walking back to her team in shame, while the gophers cheered. "Not so fast gophers, I said we had two challenges left." Chris said as he looked at you. "On this show, we like to do our research, and since you didn't tell us your fear we had to dig it up. Thanks for that, by the way."
"And what did you find?" You asked cautiously.
"Absolutely nothing!" Chris sighed. "Which is why, if you tell us your fear and complete it, I will give you triple points."
You felt everyone's eyes on you, while you looked at Chris with a harsh glare while he smiled smugly. What were you going to do? You could do the challenge and score three points or leave it as is. But three points wouldn’t give you the win, so either way your team still loses.
"That'd still be 7-6 though," You said.
"True, but at least your teammates can't say you didn’t try," Chris said. You gave him a look which made him roll his eyes and speak up once again. “Fine, I’ll also throw in immunity for you and another camper of your choice.”
Your teammates all looked at you eagerly, hoping that you would take the deal. And they were all hoping they were good enough friends with you that you’d consider one of them for immunity. But let’s be honest, even if you did do it and win, you’d choose Duncan as your immunity buddy.
You sighed heavily. "Fine, I don't like small spaces."
"That's it?" Someone from the gophers remarked.
You turned to look at them with a glare, pointing a finger at them. "You try spending two hours in a small closet because your so-called friends forgot to find you during hide-n-seek!"
And then is where your fear of confined places stems from, all because of a small incident when you were six. Chris chuckled in the back as he started to set everything up before leading you to your challenge. You started to quiver as the lot of you walked with him, the last time you were stuck in enclosed area you had a massive panic attack.  
Everyone looked at you as they waited for you to go into the small spaced area Chris had set up. You couldn't do it, you really just couldn't, it was too much for you.
"Hey, psst," Duncan whispered beside you.
"Uh, yeah?" You said.
"Shh, keep it down. Take this," Duncan slipped you something before you were pushed into your small space.
The last bit of light was shut out before you were in complete darkness and confinement. You just had to be in here for ten minutes, you could do it and score you team three points. "Hey, you listening?" A voice came through somewhere, more specifically through the device Duncan slipped you, a walkie-talkie.
"Yeah, what's up?" You asked.
"Figured you might need someone to talk to while you did this," Duncan said.
"Yeah thanks," You replied.  
"So, what do you want to talk about?" Duncan asked sincerely, shocking you that he was being nice.
"Wow, it's not like you to be so nice," You teased.
"Keep doing that and I'll leave," He threatened.
"Sorry!" You yelped, not wanting to think about being alone. "So, uh, you and Courtney huh?" Now was your time to find out how Duncan felt about Courtney.
"What about me and Miss Loud Mouth," He spoke.
"You two are a thing, right?" You asked.
"No! What gave you that idea?" He asked.
"Well, you two seem so close and you ended up sleeping together on last challenge," You explained.
"Okay, that was a total accident and I don't like Miss I'm A CIT. I just like messing with her, she's too easy," He told you, laughing on the other end.
"Oh," Was your reply.
"Why the sudden interest, princess?" He asked.
"No reason, just trying to keep my mind off of other things," You said. "So how much longer?"
"You've got five more minutes. Anyway, no reason isn't a reason, why the question?" He pressed.
"It is a reason, geez, can't a girl ask a question," You sighed.
"Alright whatever," He replied.
Silence overtook the atmosphere, your fear creeping back up quickly. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down, you weren't going to lose, not like this. "Duncan, you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm still here," He said.
"Okay good," You said, letting silence take over again for a few minutes. "Hey Duncan?"
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I like you, a lot," You confessed.
"I know princess. I actually like you too," He said.
You smiled to yourself and snuggled into yourself, waiting patiently for the end of your challenge. When you got out, everyone was waiting there for you, cheering at your successful challenge. They had to give it to you, having to spend ten minutes in total confinement was unthinkable. None of them wanted to do that, so yeah, kudos to you. And Duncan was waiting for you there as well, actually impressed that you did it. You lost the challenge but you conquered your fear and perhaps got a boyfriend too.
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mrs-mitch-rapp93 · 5 years
Dr. Feelgood (Dylan O’ Brien X OC Short Story)
Author: @mrs-mitch-rapp93
Word Count: 3,387
Warning: Cussing, Drinking, Smoking, Fluff. 
Summary: Tiffany meets a handsome punk named Dylan at a Motley Crue concert. Do they just enjoy the rock concert or do they have a radical night? 
Word Prompt: “How drunk was I?”
Characters: Dylan, Tiffany, Motley Crue band members.
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Los Angeles 1980 something.
   Tiffany pushed her way through the crowded noisy arena as she made it to the 3rd row. She wiped her sweaty palms on her leopard printed skirt, as the music of Motley Crue grew louder.
   Tiffany looked at the stage to see Vince Neil singing “Shout At The Devil,” causing all the girls in the front row to scream. She could feel the throbbing of Nikki Sixx’s guitar against her chest and the feeling of heat that was coming off from the fire that was going off behind drummer Tommy Lee. She stood there in awe, this was going to be the most radical night of her life.
   Motley Crue began to sing “Girls, Girls, Girls,” just as Tiffany felt someone bump into her spilling beer onto her leather ankle booties.
    “Excuse you,” Tiffany shouted in a rude tone. She looked up to see a tall, handsome young man standing before.
    “Shit, sorry didn’t mean to spill my beer on you, by the way, bitchin skirt,” The young man apologized, looking down at Tiffany’s outfit. Tiffany couldn’t form any words. She couldn’t take her eyes off this guy who just spilled beer on her. His hair was in a shaggy black mess. His gorgeous honey eyes were lined with charcoal colored eyeliner. He had his left earpiece twice with a small hoop in the second hole and a dangling cross in the first. He was wearing a black “do it yourself work out tank” that had Motley Crue across the chest, it showed off his muscular arms and chest. Her blue eyes traveled down to see him wearing skin-tight leather pants with chains hanging out of the pockets, with motorcycle boots. She licked her lips as she tried to form a sentence.
    “Thanks… and you're totally fine, by the way, what’s your name?” Tiffany shouted over the music as she fixed her black off the shoulder halter top. She looked up nervously locking eyes with his beautiful ones.
     “Dylan, what’s yours?” Dylan leaned closer to her so he didn’t have to shout over the music.
    “Tiffany,” she leaned closer to Dylan.
    “Nice to meet you, are you enjoying the show?”
    “Yes, they are badass, is it your first time seeing them?”
     “It’s my second time seeing them, I saw their first concert in West Hollywood back in ‘81,” Dylan whispered into her ear.
      “Awesome, what’s your favorite song by them?” Tiffany looked up into Dylan’s handsome face, as he thought for a moment, then answered.
     “I would have to say ‘Looks That Kill,’ how about you?” Dylan looked down at Tiffany raising his eyebrows at her.
     “Mine has to be ‘Take Me To The Top,” Tiffany shouted.
      “Good song,” Dylan gave her a bright smile.
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    Tiffany and Dylan continued watching the band play. The band just started playing “Dr. Feelgood.” Tiffany looked up at Dylan noticing him looking at her from the corner of his eyes. He had a lustful look on his face. Tiffany licked her lips. She still couldn’t believe she was talking to this sexy badass of a man. She looked at his plump lips imagining what they would feel like against hers. She took a deep breath and hoped what she did next would go smoothly. She brought her arms up to Dylan’s shirt, wrapping her bright pink nails around it and began to pull him backward.
     “Where are we going?” Dylan asked giving Tiffany a sexy grin. She let go of his shirt and intangled her hand with his.
     Tiffany led Dylan to the men’s restroom. They could still hear Mötley Crüe singing from the background. Tiffany let go of Dylan’s hand and turned around facing him.
       “What are we doing in the men’s bathroom?” Dylan chuckled. Tiffany bit her lower lip then smiled.
    “So I could do this,” Tiffany walked up to Dylan she brought her left hand up placing it behind his head she tangled her fingers into his black messy hair, pulling him forward she stood on her tippy toes and roughly kissed him. She brought her right hand placing it on his chest. She felt Dylan’s right-hand move to the small of her back. He pulled her closer to him, causing their chest to collide. Tiffany began to move her lips against his. Dylan’s tongue slowly entered her mouth causing a moan to escape her lips. Dylan’s hands moved to her hips then he began to move forward causing her to move backward, he guided her a few steps back she was stopped by the bathroom sink. She pulled her lips away from Dylan’s she felt her chest rising and falling she looked up at Dylan who was also breathing heavily.
“Holy shit, you’re an incredible kisser,” Dylan said in a rugged voice, Tiffany saw the lust in his eyes.
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  “Thanks, you’re not bad yourself,” Tiffany said. A sexy grin spread across Dylan’s face. He leaned forward kissing her hard. Dylan brought his hands up to Tiffany’s hips lifting her up onto the marble countertop without breaking the kiss. Tiffany placed her hands on his chest, she slowly wrapped her fishnet-covered stocking legs around his waist as they continued kissing.
   They ended up moving to one of the bathroom stalls for more privacy. Dylan’s tongue was dancing along the inside of Tiffany’s mouth, which caused goosebumps to crawl on her skin. She had her back against the stall, her hands were tangled in his chocolate hair. Dylan’s hands were resting on Tiffany’s hips. Tiffany could hear Motley Crue playing “Live Wire.” They continued kissing until they heard a loud knock on the door. Dylan pulled away from Tiffany.
  “Man, you almost done in there?” A stranger yelled. Tiffany watched as Dylan licked his lips giving her a look.
  “Yeah, be done in a sec,” Dylan answered, he took his hands away from Tiffany, he stood back looking down at her.
   “Should we get back to the concert?” Tiffany said as she straightened her skirt, and fluffed her hair.
   “Yeah, we probably lost our seats by now,” Dylan said as he dragged his fingers through his hair.
  “Come on man, some of us have to take a shit,” The stranger shouted while banging on the door.
  “Alright, damn,” Dylan maneuvered himself in the small stall opening the door. Standing in front of them was a tall muscular man with a mullet. Dylan gently grabbed Tiffany’s hand and pushed his way past the stranger, Tiffany looked up at the tall man mouthing “sorry” and followed Dylan out of the bathroom. There were a few people waiting in line for the bathroom, she felt her cheeks turn red as the walked out of the restroom.
  “Gnarly man, you getting some,” A young man with a mohawk shouted at Dylan he handed him a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.
  “Thanks,” Dylan nodded as he took hold the whiskey bottle, and brought it to his lips. A small smile formed on Tiffany’s face as they made their way back to the stage.
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  The concert ended around 1 am, Tiffany had her arms around a very intoxicated Dylan.
  “Smokin in the boy's room, smokin in the boy's... room, Teacher don’t fill... me up with your rules, everybody knows... that smokin’ ain’t allowed in... school.” Dylan sang “Smoking in The Boys Room” By Motley Crue in a very loud drunk tone.
  “I think you drank way too much Daniel’s,” Tiffany said, as she felt Dylan stop in his tracks.
  “Phh, no... I haven’t,” Dylan narrowed his brown eyes at her, Tiffany took her arms away from his side. She looked up at Dylan who stood there with a drunken grin on his face. Tiffany turned around and began to think.
  “Well I’m definitely not letting you take a taxi home by yourself and you haven't even told me where you live.” Tiffany paused for a sec.
  “I could see if you remember one of your friend's numbers and we could use a pay phone to call. Scrat that I used my last few cents, and I’m definitely not digging through your pants for a wallet.” Tiffany half said to herself.  
  “I guess I'm bringing you home with me,” Tiffany sighed and brought her hands up to her temples and began to rub them, she could feel a slight headache starting. She continued thinking to herself until she heard a loud laugh and someone cheering. Tiffany spun on her heel to see Dylan with his pants half down mooning, no other than the members of Motley Crue who were in a van with the back door slightly opened. Mick and Tommy were in the back while Vince in the driver's seat and Nixx in the passenger seat.  
  “Woh, you sure know how to party man,” Nikki shouted.
  “Shit, we should invite him to the party, Vince,” Tommy suggested. Tiffany’s jaw dropped. She ran over to Dylan pulling him up. A loud laugh escaped Dylan’s lips, as he pulled his leather pants back up.
  “I am so sorry, my friend here has had a little too much to drink,” Tiffany said as she helped Dylan standup straight.
  “It’s totally fine sweetheart, we’ve been treated worst,” Tommy winked at Tiffany, it caused her to giggle like a little school girl. She stood there in starstruck until an idea popped into her head.
  “Good, actually could I ask you lovely gentlemen a favor?” Tiffany gave the rockstars the biggest and bright smile she could muster up.
  “Sure,” Nixx said as he lit a cigarette.
  “Could you guys maybe give my friend and I a ride to my apartment,” Tiffany tightened her grip around Dylan, who began to slouch a little. Tiffany watched as the Tommy, Nixx, and Vince thought for a moment.
  “I suppose you could hitch a ride with us,” Vince said.
  “Thank you so much,” Tiffany said, with a sigh of relief.  
  “You ready to go, Dylan,” Tiffany looked up at him, he nodded his head but acted like he wasn’t half there.
  Tommy opened the back passenger door of their van and slid over the leather seat. Tiffany guided Dylan into the van, he stumbled in.
  Tiffany slid the door behind her, she could feel her heart pounding, she couldn’t believe she was in a van with Motley Fucking Crue. She looked over to see Mick in the back of the van passed out.
   “What’s your name darling,” Nikki asked.
  “Tiffany, it’s nice to meet all of you,” Tiffany nervously said.
  “Same to you too, so where are we going,” Vince asked as he put the car in drive.
  “Lynden Ave,” Tiffany said.
  “Alrighty,” Vince said as he pulled onto the disereted L.A. street.
  “Hey man, your fucking Tommy Lee,” Dylan slurred.
  “Yeah, bud I’m fucking Tommy Lee,” Tommy laughed as he patted Dylan on the shoulder. A small giggle escaped Tiffany’s lips as she watched a man she barely knew have a drunk conversation with Tommy Lee.
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   Tiffany steadied Dylan against the hallway wall as she fumbled for her keys from her purse.
  “Okay, just give me a sec…” Tiffany said, she finally found them, she was about to put them in the lock until she heard a thump from behind her. She turned around quickly to see Dylan passed out on the wood floor.
  “Shit,” Tiffany said, she dropped the keys on the ground and knelt down on her knees next to Dylan, she brought her head up to his chest she could feel his chest rise and fall.  
   “Good, your still breathing,” Tiffany lifted her head up and grabbed the keys from the ground she stood up placing the keys in the doorknob and opened the door. Tiffany turned around and looked down at Dylan who dead asleep.
  “Fuck, how the hell am I going to get you in here,” Tiffany said out loud. She began to twirl her blonde hair as she thought. After a few seconds, an idea popped into her head. She bent down grabbing Dylan’s wrists she pulled him ever so slightly.
  “Holy shit, you’re heavy,” Tiffany said a little too loudly. She sighed and pulled him again a little harder this time. She began to drag him towards the door until she heard a door open from her neighbor.
  “Excuse me miss, is everything alright?” An older woman asked. Tiffany turned her head a little to fast causing her bleach blonde hair to fly in her face. She felt her cheeks turn bright red.
   “Oh… yes, everything is fine my friend here just passed out.” Tiffany said in a nervous tone.
  “Ok, are you sure?”
  “Yes, I’m totally sure,” Tiffany said with a bit of an attitude. The older woman shook her head and went back into her apartment. Tiffany rolled her eyes she looked down at Dylan, his head was hanging to the side as she was still holding him by his wrist.
   “I look like a damn murder,” Tiffany said. She took a deep breath and dragged Dylan into her apartment. She shut the door behind her. She placed him gently down on the floor and pushed her hair off her sweaty forehead.
  “Alright, don’t panic Tiff, it’s not like you hooked up with a smoking hot guy, then got a ride from Motley Crue, and now the smoking hot guy is passed out on your floor,” Tiffany said as she started passing back and forth.
  Tiffany dragged Dylan down the hall to her bedroom. She stopped and sat down on her bed to catch her breath. After a few seconds, she stood up, and bent down and grabbed Dylan by his armpits pulling him up with all her strength and plopping him down on her bed. Tiffany placed her hands on her hips as she took a few deep breaths.
  “Ok, the hard part is over,” Tiffany stood over the bed, she looked down at the gorgeous man in passed out on her. Tiffany didn't notice some of Dylan’s features before, like his little moles that doted parts of his face, and the Motley Crue tattoo that was a knife with a snake wrapped around it with wings, and a skull. She shook her head to snap herself out of her thoughts.
  “Lets, get you a little more comfortable,” Tiffany bent down grabbing his shoulders and lifting him up, she began to grab the hem of his shirt until she heard a quiet laugh.
  “Hey, beautiful, what are you doing?” Dylan said with a sleepy tone.
   “Hi, handsome, I’m trying to get you comfy so you can go back to sleep,” Tiffany said in a sweet tone, she lifted his shirt up and over his head, she tossed in next to him.
  “Thanks,” Dylan said, he slowly laid back into the bed and slowly closed his eyes. Tiffany sighed and got off the bed, she bent down and took Dylan’s boots off placing them next to the bed. She once again looked down at him, she admired his broad arms, his toned stomach. Her eyes traveled to his happy trail. She slowly bit her lower lip until she shook her head.
   “I’m definitely sleeping on the couch, come on Tiff snap out of it,” Tiffany said out loud as she tried to shake the lustful thoughts out of her head. She turned around and walked to her dresser, she pulled out a t-shirt and headed to the door, shutting it behind her.
  Dylan shot up so quickly in bed from the noise of Judist Priest’s “Breaking the Law,” playing from the alarm clock, he reached over slamming his hand on the clock to turn it off.  Dylan’s head was pounding, he shut his eyes for a second as he rubbed his temples. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. He was in a bedroom, the walls had posters of Blondie, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Joan Jett, and a few other band posters. Dylan rolled his neck and stretched. He swung his long legs over the bed, he looked down to see his shirt was missing, and his boots were laying next to the bed.
   “How drunk was I?” Dylan said. He shook his head and climbed out of the bed. Causing the room to spin for a sec. He sat down on the bed for a second bear his grounding, he placed his head in his hands shutting his eyes.
   Come on man get it together. Dylan opened them lifting his head up. He slowly this time stood up from the bed. Dylan made his way to the door noticing a mirror handing next to the door. He stopped and looked at his reflection. His eyeliner was smugged, his black hair was a shaggy mess. Dylan looked down at his neck and saw a few hikie on his neck and chest. He sighed and headed to the door.
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    Dylan made it down the small hallway, he could smell bacon and eggs cooking from the kitchen, he could hear singing coming from the same direction. He entered the kitchen to see a bleached blonde woman with her back facing him. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember her name. She was wearing a sleeveless Dep Leppard concert t-shirt and tiger printed lace bottoms. She had a walkman attached to her hip the woman was singing “Round and Round” by Ratt. Dylan walked into the kitchen as the woman didn’t notice him.
   “I knew right from the beginning, That you would end up winnin’, I knew right from the start You’d put an arrow through my heart. Round and round,” Tiffany sang she turned around not realizing Dylan was standing there, She screamed so loudly it made his head pound.
   “Shh, It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you,” Dylan put his finger up to his lips as he tried calming her down.
   “Fuck don’t sneak up on someone like that,” Tiffany yelled as she ripped her headphones off her head.
   “I know, I know,  I’m sorry, but please can you lower your voice,” Dylan asked as he walked over to the island that was in the center of the kitchen. He placed his head in his hands as his head continued pounding.
   “Sorry, I forgot you had way too much to drink last night,” Tiffany said as she placed her walkman on the kitchen counter.
  “What the hell even happened last night? And what was your name again,” Dylan asked as he lifted his head.
  “It’s Tiffany, and you drank way too much Daniel’s, you ended up mooning Motley Crue, and you kind of passed out on Tommy Lee’s lap,” Tiffany grabbed a coffee cup and poured some coffee for Dylan, she turned around handing it to him.
  “Wait what? I mooned Motley Fucking Crue,” Dylan didn’t believe her, he slowly picked the coffee cup up and brought it to his lips.
  “Yep, and they gave us a ride home,” Tiffany said as she turned the oven top off and began to grab plates and utensils.
  “Really? shit…” Dylan paused as he tried to remember the night before.
   “Did I embarrass myself in front of them?”
   “Oh yeah, but they were totally rad about it,” Tiffany said as she put the eggs and bacon on the plates and placed them on the island.
   “Do you remember anything from last night, like us meeting?” Tiffany said as she took a bite of bacon. Dylan thought for a second then answered.
   “Yeah, I remember how incredible of a kisser you are,” Dylan said as he grabbed a fork and took a bit of egg.
  “You aren’t to bad yourself handsome,” Tiffany smiled.
  “By the way thanks for letting crash here,”
  “No problem, maybe we could do this again?” Tiffany said as she took a sip from her coffee.
   “What do you mean?” Dylan narrowed his dark eyes at her.
   “I was thinking, I’m going to a Bon Jovi concert next weekend and one of my friends bailed on me, I do have an extra ticket. Would you like to go? You make one hell of a concert buddy,” Tiffany smiled up at him. A smile formed on his face.
   “Fuck yeah I would totally go to a Bon Jovi concert,” Dylan said he raised his hand up giving Tiffany a high five.
   “Gnarly,” Tiffany said as she high fived Dylan.
Tags: @mummybear @lettersofwrittencollective @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @screamxqueenx94 @mrscutiefandobhaz @stiles-o-dylan24 @bondtravels @obrienmycaptain @julzdec
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roseyserpents · 5 years
A Taste of California
Part one: Just A Taste
Summary: you were forced to leave your life on the beach in Los Angeles California and trade it for a life in a cold, Midwestern town of Hawkins Indiana. But one person there reminds you of your home.
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
Word count: 2,319
A/N: sorry this is a little late! I hope you guys like it! The taglist is open!
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You really didn't want to leave LA.
It had everything you could ever want, beaches, plenty of stores, tourists to laugh at, and a school you ruled. You could always be found on the beach, tanning, surfing, or sitting in the edge of the beautiful crystal blue waves, or at someone's house party with a red solo cup. At school everyone knew your name and you had boys waiting in a line to go on a date, even if the most you did was spend the night with them.
All of that was ripped away from you when your dad told you you were leaving for a town called Hawkins in Indiana at the end of the week and to pack your things. To say you flipped out was an understatement. After throwing everything off the coffee table you took off to the beach, sitting and watching the sunset over the ocean and letting the water wash over your legs. You had so many memories in this city. Your entire life you've lived in LA, you didn't know anything else outside of it. You knew the city like the back of your hand, but this new place you were supposed to go to you didn't know anything about. You didn't know anyone or anything there, no one there knew you existed. You couldn't even put together a world where you only had four days left of living near a beach, near any body of water.
The day of moving seemed to come all to soon, you sitting in the passenger side of the car with a sour face and your jaw clenched as your dad drives you and the U-Haul connected to the back of the car across the country and to your new and very unwanted changed life.
To say the first day of living in Hawkins sucked is an understatement. Not only did you have to spend the entire day unpacking, the only thing remotely close to home was a bush that slightly looked like the shape of a palm tree. You stood out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else with tan skin and sun-kissed hair sitting on your head in beach waves; the closest thing you'll have here to a real beach.
The next day was your first day at your new high school and you were determined to find your place at the top. As soon as you walked in people whispered and looked at you, watching you walk confidently down the halls with a lopsided smile. You made your way to your new locker, dumping your books from your bookbag in. You grab one off the top of the stack before walking to your first class.
It hadn't taken long for word to spread about the new girl from out of state, the news spreading like wildfire. You'd quickly made your connections and through them found your first party at this hell hole of a town.
"Go go go!" People around you chanted as you chugged your third can in a row of beer. You finish, running a hand through your hair and letting out a yell with a grin. You jump off of the table you were standing on, walking back into the house and weaving through the crowds of drunk teenagers, getting into the kitchen before grabbing a solo cup and filling it with more alcohol.
"Who's she?" Tommy asked, leaning against a pillar outside. He stood with Billy, Carol, and a few more basketball jocks.
"Looks like there's a new girl." Billy smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he takes a sip from his beer.
"You two look like you came from the same town." Carol comments, all of them watching you through the open glass door.
"If you're not gonna talk to her I will." Trey says, starting to walk towards the house after a few moments of silence amongst the group.
"Wait a second," Billy stops him, holding out a hand. "I could use a little taste of home."
"Something tells me he's gonna have more than a little taste." Tommy jokes as Billy walks away.
"I thought I'd be the only one from Cali here." A voice says behind you. You quirk a brow and turn around, looking the boy in front of you up and down. He was a few inches taller than you forcing you to look up to see his face fully. He had dirty blonde curls cut in a mullet, one of the locks falling into his face as he stared back at you. His piercing blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean back home stared at you with hunger. He wore a smirk similar to the one you used to walk through school and the same one you used on boys.
"This town seems to draw a lot of us." You answer, leaning against the counter and crossing your arms over your chest. You put on your own slight smirk, picking up your cup and downing the rest of it's contents without breaking eye contact.
"'Names Billy." He says, not changing his stance as he examines you, eyes lingering a little to long on your body.
"Y/n." You reply. You could tell just by the way he held himself, the way he flexed and stood tall he was at the top. He expected every girl to drop at his feet and give themselves to him. But he was the one who came to you, not the other way around. You weren't going to let him get what he wanted that easily.
"So what do you say we head to my car, take a ride?" He says, closing the distance between you both and placing his hands on your hips. You stand on your toes, one hand holding his jaw as you leaned close to his ear.
"Might have to try a little harder than that." You whisper before pulling away, waiting just in time to see his smile fall before you walk towards the front door, extra strut in your steps as you feel Billy's eyes drill holes into your back. You grin to yourself knowing you'd officially gotten under his skin, knowing you would have fun messing with him, the king of Hawkins high school.
"If you don't have a job by the end of the week you can go sleep on the curb!" Your dad yells, getting in your face but you hold your ground. "If you're gonna continue running around and being a whore you're gonna start pulling your weight!"
You run out through the front door, walking with your hands balled into fists and your jaw clenched as you walk through town looking for a place that's hiring. After walking for about an hour you find the community pool with a large "HIRING" sign in the office. You step inside and you talk to the people lounging around the desk who were in a few of your classes and get the job. They give you the uniform and the fanny-pack telling you you start tommorow. What a great way to spend your first summer here, sitting on a wooden chair and watching the town's locals.
You notice the posy of moms fix up their appearances, trying their best to look presentable and desirable. You're confused for a moment before you see the giveaway mop of blond curls slowly walk to the life guard chair on the other side of the pool, sending a wink their way. Of course you and Billy just had to work at the same place at the same time.
"I guess they just hire anyone who can swim huh?" You say loud enough for him to hear. He turns to you with his signature smirk, running a hand through his hair.
"Or anyone who looks good in the uniform." He replies. You roll your eyes, turning your attention to the pool though you still feel his gaze on you.
About two hours later you both climb down from the chairs for your breaks, calling everyone out of the pool. You walk into the small office, putting a crinkled dollar bill in the vending machine that sat in the corner. Your bottle of water gets pushed to the front before it falls, abruptly stopping as it gets stuck between the glass and metal spiral.
"Goddamnit!" You yell, pounding on the machine but the water doesn't budge.
"The trick is to kick the side." Billy says from behind you, walking next to the vending machine. He kicks it once before hitting it with his hip, the water bottle falling. You give a slightly impressed look as he leans against the machine watching your every move, trying to find an edge in getting to you. To him you were an object of curiosity, the only girl here who'd denied him, and a girl from his home state. You were confident and knew how to mess with people and get what you want but the rest about you was a blank book and he wanted to fill in the pages.
"Thanks." You say after grabbing the water bottle, sitting down behind the counter in the main area of the pool where the people waiting for it to reopen use the vending and ice cream machines.
"So what made you come to the pool?" Billy asks, sitting down across from you. You prop your feet up on a small table, taking a sip of your water before answering.
"My dad told me I needed a job." You say. "Plus we literally get paid for sitting around all day. And it's the closest thing I'll get to the ocean."
"Yeah, pool noodles totally beat surf boards." He says, a smile forming on your face. "Where did you come from?"
"LA." You sigh, a pang of saddness hitting your heart for your old home. "You?"
"One things for sure, California is a lot better than Indiana." You say, crossing your leg over the other and setting down your water.
"It also makes some hot people." He smirks, you rolling your eyes.
"Keep dreaming, Hargrove."
It didn't take long for everyone in school to know your name. The Y/n Y/l/n right off the beach. You'd gone through your fair share of the boys but made sure not to do anything with Billy enjoying the fact he wanted you but couldn't get you.
"Billy, you're missing out." Sam says as he walks up to the boys locker. "Y/n is amazing."
Billy clenches his jaw, slamming his locker shut. Why the fuck were you messing with him, trying to get under his skin? Why wouldn't you just let both of you run your routine and let it be over with? You were basically all he thought about all day, trying to think of a way to just let this run its course and be over because it was driving him insane he couldn't get what he wanted. He'd never been denied a girl before, usually them just dropping at his feet, you were the same with boys and somehow he fell into your trap, waiting for you to want him, it was driving him absolutely mad and there was nothing that he could do about it; he was at your mercy and you weren't showing any.
He watched you walk out as your shift ended at the pool, watching the way the red one piece hugged your body. Heather walked out to take her shift but he didn't notice, watching you all the way to the office.
You gathered your stuff after changing into your normal clothes, a pair of jeans shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Wishing silently you could have a car like Billy's blue Camaro you walked home and were immediately hit by the smell of liquor. You hear your dad stumbling in the kitchen towards you, signalling for you to run to your room. Just as you turn the lock he starts to pound on it, yelling for you to let him in or get your ass beat. You blocked out the noise by blaring your radio, nodding along to the music and finding escape in it's melody and words as your alcoholic verbally abusive dad tried to get to you seven feet away.
A few weeks later you'd gone to a party at Peter Newell's house, looking for relief from your dad and getting drunk. You stood in the crowded kitchen holding your almost empty cup, and using the wall to support yourself. You might've been a little more drunk than usual, trying to forget a lot at once with the bitter taste of alcohol.
"Hey Billy." You say with a grin as he walks into the kitchen, grabbing a can of beer. "You look hot." He seems surprised for a moment before he smiles, stepping closer to you. One of his arms snake around your waist as the other runs through his hair. One of your hands rest on his bicep that flexes under your touch, a giggle falling from your lips. The bitter smell of alcohol radiated off of both of you in your close proximity, the smell burning your nose.
"You're a try hard, Billy Hargrove." You say, looking up at him. "A very hot, very sexy try hard." You'd leaned up while you were talking, your lips ghosting over his. His free hand comes up to hold your chin and pull you into the kiss he'd been waiting so long for. You deepen the kiss, nipping his bottom lip forcing a moan from the back of his throat. One of your hands goes up to his curls, tugging at them and efficiently making his grip on you tighter. You both pull apart, staring at each other with swollen and glossy lips.
"Are you just gonna leave me like that or should we ditch this place?"
Taglist: @arromite @bukoandcoconutsarelife @90sb1tch
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jenanigans1207 · 6 years
*bangs hands on table* SOUL MARKS SOUL MARKS SOUL MARKS (Your writing is really good!!!)
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Not everyone had a soul mate, Lance knew. But he did. At least, his hand indicated such. The palm of his hand and fingers were jet black, as if he had dipped his hand in paint, intending to leave a trail of hand prints behind. When he was younger he loved the mark— a soul mark, as they called it. Now, however, that he was older, he was significantly less fond of it.
Supposedly his soulmate had a mark matching his, somewhere on their body. And when their two marks touched, they would cycle through a rainbow of colors. Young Lance used to spend hours fantasizing about what that would look like and how his soulmates face would light up before they shared true love’s kiss. He used to think about how he’d sweep them off their feet and live happily ever after. Older Lance, unfortunately, no longer had those fantasies. Because older Lance had fallen in love with someone who, as far as he could tell, didn’t have a soul mark. No soul mark meant that they weren’t for Lance, no matter how much Lance wanted them to be.
He had tried to comfort himself as much as he could, insisting that he would fall in love with his soulmate as soon as he met them, forgetting all about the boy who stole his heart. But the more Lance got to know that boy— the more he stared into those violet eyes or longed to run his fingers through the length of that mullet— the more he found himself wishing he’d never meet his soulmate. Because Keith might be wrong for him in every single way, even the universe could see that, it seemed, but Lance didn’t care. Because he wanted Keith and everything that came along with him.
He wanted the short temper, the built up walls and the curt answers. He wanted the days where Keith was cutting him with insults as easily as he cut a druid with his bayard. He wanted the days where Keith sulked around or pushed him away. He wanted them all. Because taking those days meant he also got the days where Keith laughed, or smiled at him. He got the days Keith stepped up to the plate, supporting him and encouraging him. It allowed him to have the days where it was no longer Lance and Keith, neck in neck but rather Lance and Keith, side by side, working as an undefeatable team. Taking Keith’s bad days meant getting his good ones, too. And, as far as Lance was concerned, one good day was worth a million bad days. Maybe more. Because even on his worst days, he was still Keith and oh god was Lance ever in love with Keith.
He remembered the way it had started— a little flutter in his chest whenever Keith would shoot him a pointed or exasperated look, and a slight tremble in his fingertips whenever Keith was close enough for him to touch.  He remembered how quickly it progressed— he went from seeing Keith as a rival to seeking Keith out and wanting his company. And the night he had found himself outside Keith’s door, hand poised to knock, no real reason for being there other than the fact that he felt a sort of hollowness nestled in his chest where his heart was supposed to be, he knew he was done for. He’d tucked his hand back into his pocket and shuffled away as quickly as he could while still attempting to look casual, ignoring the way his heart was thundering erratically in his chest. That was the moment he knew he was in love with Keith.
He’d paced his room that entire night, wringing his hands together and wondering how he’d gotten himself in such a predicament. From then on, he’d taken every opportunity he could to casually check Keith out and see if he could find a soulmark anywhere on Keith’s body, but he never could. His arms were bare, what he could see of his legs were bare… it appeared to be a lost cause. When Keith had lifted the hem of his shirt after a long few hours of training, using the edge of it to wipe sweat off his forehead, Lance had even managed to scour his stomach and low back. Of course he’d found nothing, but he’d still enjoyed the view so it wasn’t a total loss.
From there, Lance had moved on to trying to casually touch Keith as much as he could. Brushing a hand across his shoulder blade, or bracing one on his leg as he leaned forward to grab something, trying desperately to see if his hand was changing colors after the contact. It never was. The logical side of him knew that he needed to give it up— to accept that Keith wasn’t his soulmate, or anybody else’s, by the look of it— and to try and just move on. But no matter how much logical sense it made, emotionally he wasn’t prepared to let go. So He didn’t. He clung tighter and tighter, knowing full well that someday it was going to break his heart.
A knock sounded on the door to his room, startling him out of his reverie. He shook his head, dropping his hand from in front of his face, where he’d been holding it to look at it. “Come in!”
The door slid open immediately, but nobody stepped inside. Instead, Pidge leaned forward slightly, just enough to pop her head through the doorway so she could see Lance. “You need to go talk to Keith.”
“He’s down in the hangar and refusing to talk to any of us. We can all tell there’s something wrong but he won’t tell anyone what.” Pidge answered, already starting to lean back out of the doorway.
“So why are you calling me to help?” Lance asked, clenching his hand to hide his soul mark. Everyone had seen it, obviously, it was in too blatant of a spot to hide. Still, he didn’t like people looking at it because it made him think about it more, and thinking about it hurt. “He doesn’t want to see me, I’m sure.”
Pidge rolled her eyes with a sigh, “Lance, I don’t know how you don’t see it, but you’re the only one he talks to or listens to. You have to be the one to get him out of this.”
Lance tried to hide the way his heart swelled at her words, willing himself not to get too overwhelmed with emotion. He shrugged slightly at Pidge in lieu of a response and pushed through the doorway past her, heading to the hangar. He wanted to be the one Keith talked to and listened to, like she’d said, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up for that.
The doors to the hangar came into view and he paused just outside, taking a moment to take a deep, steadying breath. He closed his eyes as he smacked the button to open the doors, bracing himself. When he heard the doors slide all the way open, he opened his eyes and willed himself not to let his breath be stolen.
Keith was, indeed, standing in the hangar, hair  disheveled in a way that looked almost purposeful. He had his jacket discarded on the ground off to the side and his boots tossed nearby. He was standing in just a pair of jeans— jeans— and a t shirt that looked one size smaller than the ones he normally wore. Or perhaps he really had gotten bigger during his time with the blades. Either way, the shirt clung to his body in a way Lance had never seen and he swallowed against a dry throat, trying to stop his eyes from tracing every sharp angle of Keith’s body.
In an attempt to ease some of his tension, Lance cleared his throat as he walked into the room. Keith glanced at him over his shoulder as he approached and Lance felt like he was about to be frozen on the spot. The way Keith’s messy hair fell into his face gave him a sort of rugged look that suited him perfectly. He looked like the kind of guy who was rough around the edges but soft for the one he loved and, honestly, that’s exactly how Lance always thought Keith would be. God he regretted that he’d never get to find out. The idea of Keith being soft to and for him was nearly enough to drive Lance insane with jealousy for the person who did get to see Keith that way.
“Keith, buddy, what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Keith’s reply was quick, but his gaze never faltered from Lance.
Lance continued all the way into the room, walking directly up to Keith. Perhaps even a step or two too close to Keith, but he certainly wasn’t about to back away. “Buddy, I can feel you moping all the way on the other side of the castle. You can’t tell me nothing’s wrong.”
“I am not moping!”
Squinting, Lance tilted his head from side to side, inspecting Keith’s face. “Looks like a mope to me.”
With a roll of his eyes, Keith turned his back to Lance, crossing his arms over his chest. All it did was pull his shirt tighter across his shoulders and Lance had to close his eyes for a moment to keep his composure.
“Seriously, Keith, just talk to me. I’m supposed to be your right hand man.”
“Supposed to be?”
“Well yeah. I can’t call myself that if you’re constantly icing me out.” There was a small, teeny tiny, barely there, twinge of bitterness in Lance’s voice. Unfortunately for him, Keith heard it too. He could tell by the way Keith turned around again to face him, his eyebrows drawn together in concern.
“Icing you out?” Keith dropped his arms from in front of his chest. “Lance you’re the only one here I talk to.”
“Hate to break it to you, buddy. But if this is what you call talking to someone, I’ve got something to tell you.” There was a shadow over Keith’s expression and Lance thought it looked like sadness.
He wanted to reach out and touch Keith, to tug Keith into him, wrapping his arms tight around him and just holding him, as if he could fight off all of Keith’s problems. He would if he could. He knew that if he were the one feeling the way Keith seemed to be feeling, that’s the reaction he’d want from Keith. Even though he knew he’d never get it, he thought about it sometimes. About what it’d feel like to be pressed against Keith, wrapped up in his arms. Or to have Keith pressed into him, clutching onto him as if their lives depended on it, face buried in his hair. The trembling was back in his fingers but this time it was from the effort required to hold himself back from reaching for Keith.
There was a long pause before Keith finally said, “Do you ever think the universe got it wrong?”
Yes, Lance wanted to say. He could feel the ache of it in his chest. I think that every day when I see you and realize that the universe didn’t make you my soulmate. He searched Keith’s face. I think that when I see you upset and realize that I’m not the one who can comfort you.
“What do you mean?” He said instead, swallowing down all the words he wanted to say. He’d thought about confessing so many times but he didn’t want it to end like that. He didn’t want it to go down in flames. He wanted it to fizzle out slowly, to let it drag on, burning beneath his skin for as long as possible— a constant reminder of the love he’d lost.
“I mean I’m not supposed to be here, like this. I’m not supposed to lead, I’m not supposed to feel the way I feel every single day! This—” he gestured vaguely to the space between the two of them, “ —isn’t supposed to be like this!”
The sort of brokenness that Lance could see in Keith’s eyes knocked down any and all barriers that he’d been restricted by before. He closed the remaining distance between them, reaching up for Keith and settling a hand onto his shoulder. “Keith, I—”
But anything he might have been about to say died on his tongue as he felt a slight heat spread across his palm and fingers. He looked down to where his hand rested on Keith’s shoulder. The bottom of his hand just reaching the top of Keith’s chest. He could see Keith follow his gaze, his lips slightly parted in wonder. Slowly Lance lifted his hand off of Keith, flipping it over so they could both see his palm…
…his palm that was normally black….
…his palm that was now cycling through colors. Red, purple, blue, yellow, on and on, color after color.
Without even thinking or hesitating, Lance slipped his fingers under the collar of Keith’s shirt and tugged it to the side, exposing his shoulder. Sure enough, there where Lance had never been able to see, was a hand print, rotating through all of the colors, one after the next. He glanced up to Keith’s face, unable to properly comprehend how he was feeling, only to find Keith staring steadfastly off to the side, his gaze down and cheeks flushed with a deep blush.
The moment seemed to stretch on forever in between them, enveloping them in their own little world. Lance glanced between his own rainbow hand and the rainbow hand print on Keith’s shoulder at least a hundred times before he was finally able to choke out, “Keith? I, uh… I think we’ve got something to talk about here.”
Finally, finally Keith let out a sigh and Lance could feel the tension drop from his shoulders. He still didn’t turn to look at Lance, but he replied, sounding defeated. “Look, I get it if this isn’t what you’ve wanted. I know you, you’ve probably had some fairy tale in your head for your whole life of some beautiful girl you’d sweep off her feet and then you two would—”
Lance couldn’t take it. Couldn’t listen to Keith talking like this wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to Lance. He reached up and gently grabbed a hold of Keith’s face, turning it until their gazes locked. Keith stopped talking, clearly trying his best to look composed. The moment Lance got a chance to really look at Keith’s eyes, all the shock disappeared and it was replaced with nothing short of pure elation.
“Keith, you idiot. Do you have any idea how hopelessly in love with you I’ve been all this time?”
There was a delicious moment where Keith looked too stunned to even reply. He reached a hand up unconsciously, pressing it against Lance’s chest. The contact seemed to ground him and he was able to let out a soft, “W-what?”
And just like that, the dam inside Lance broke. He tugged Keith forward gently, leaning down to capture his lips. Keith, surprisingly, responded in kind, his hand fisting in Lance’s shirt. It only lasted a minute, but it was the best minute of Lance’s life. As they pulled away, he guided Keith to him, slipping his arms around Keith’s shoulders and pressing him firmly against his chest. Part of Lance wanted to laugh, part wanted to cry tears of joy and the rest wanted to head to every corner of the galaxy and declare to every person he passed that Keith was his.
“I have been devastated for years at this point because I thought you had someone else as your soulmate and I desperately wished it were me,” He confessed quietly, his mouth right by Keith’s ear. He relished the way he got to feel Keith inhale at his words. “This is genuinely the happiest moment of my life.”
“But I’m—”
“Everything I’ve wanted and then some,” Lance finished for him, gently threading his fingers into Keith’s hair. He felt the last little bit of worry leave Keith and suddenly Keith was leaning into him, resting his full weight against Lance. Lance accepted it happily, feeling content and whole for the first time in a long time.
This was how he’d always wanted it to be and he couldn’t believe that it was actually happening. How often did the universe give someone exactly what they wanted? He was sure it was rare and he swore to never take this blessing for granted. He’d enjoy every single day he had with Keith, good or bad. He would be there for Keith every hour of every day, constantly seeking him out and showing him just how important he was. He’d spent years loving Keith already and he was fully prepared to spend years staying in love with him, choosing him and fighting for him day after day. He would never give this up.
“For the record,” Keith pulled away from Lance’s chest enough so that he could look into Lance’s eyes as he spoke, ensuring Lance could hear his words, “I’ve been in love with you since the day we had to climb that elevator shaft together.”
A level of contentedness Lance didn’t know he could feel bubbled up in his chest as he listened to Keith’s words. A smile overtook his lips and he didn’t even try to fight it. And as he leaned in to kiss Keith again, he settled his hand comfortably on Keith’s shoulder, feeling the warmth against his palm. He let the warmth spread up his arm and to the rest of his body, settling into the very depths of his soul, knowing that he was the luckiest man in the universe and that, no matter what happened, he’d always be happy with Keith by his side.
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softshelltaakos · 6 years
what’s up everybody! it’s time for part 2 of my taz graphic novel review.
part one covered (most of) my beef with the writing and storytelling choices. this part is gonna cover character designs!!! you should know going into this that my opinions are not positive. this post is also a lot less analytical in tone than part 1, because art is not my forte.
disclaimer: i love the mcelroys. i truly do. taz has gotten me through some very difficult stuff and i have a tattoo. all this to say i’m not doing this because i hate them or because i like hating things. if you feel the need to message me about how i am overreacting, specifically to green taako, or about how i should just calm down and ignore it, or about how it’s sad that i’m getting so worked up instead of just enjoying the show, i’ve heard it and i don’t care. you will not be taken seriously. save yourself the energy.
there are spoilers for the graphic novel under the cut.
alright. i’m getting the elephant in the room out of the way first because it’s the most important thing to address, and once it’s out of my system i’ll feel better goofing on the rest of the designs. as i mentioned in the disclaimer: Green Taako Is Bad.
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[ID: a panel focusing on taako. he’s skinny and minty green with chin-length light blonde hair and a big, pointy nose.]
now, a lot of people have made posts about this before, and i’m not saying anything new about it by any means. i’m also not the most equipped person to talk about why green taako is bad, because i’m a white gentile (i’ve heard conflicting opinions on whether or not green taako is antisemitic, but it feels remiss not to mention that there’s been discussion) and therefore not part of any groups affected by this whole debacle, but in short: when pressed for more diversity, specifically in taako’s case as a pretty large chunk of his arc involves literally inventing a mexican cultural food (fun note: that’s never mentioned in this book,) carey pietsch decided he should be green and the mcelroys were down with it. this is not an issue that cropped up when this design was released; it was something that there was already a ton of discourse surrounding, and it should never have gotten concepts drawn, let alone made it to publish.
this article by natt cuesta has been linked before on the subject, and i think it’s a good, concise explanation of why green taako is bad as well as why aracial characters in general are bad. this is a racist design.
now that we’ve gotten those ethical ramifications out of the way... i’m sorry, but it’s an ugly design, lmao. he looks like a palette-swapped version of pearl from steven universe with less character. the ONLY thing about this design that i like is the prominent lower lashes, if only because they’re the only thing that keeps him from looking entirely generic. because, like, y’all, when has anything about taako been generic?
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[ID: a panel focusing on magnus. he’s a muscular fair-skinned man with auburn hair, a bushy beard, and a scar over his left eye.]
generic is a word that’s going to come up a lot over the course of this review, because i genuinely can’t think of a more apt descriptor for pietsch’s designs. it feels like she went with the lowest common denominator of every character’s design, a synthesis of all of the most popular (and most boring) ones, except in instances where that would lend any personality to a character’s design. magnus fits what brief description we’re given in the podcast: auburn hair. beard. big. and i guess that’s all you need?
i understand that by appealing to the most common and basic designs for these characters you’re inviting a lot less ire than you might by going with something more individual, so i get the motivation behind it -- or i would, if her designs hadn’t always been about this dull. but it’s bizarre to me that in a story as unique as the balance campaign, we ended up with the most basic ass Fantasy Hero lookin’ dude in the world as one of our protagonists.
i just really don’t have a lot to say about this. i’m just bored by it.
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[ID: a panel of merle. he has medium-dark skin with a smooth white bun and beard.]
merle is simultaneously the design i like most out of the boys and the one that throws me the most, because i feel like he’s the most out on a limb one. which... oof. most merle designs i see give him a floral motif (i guess he has a few petals in his hair, maybe?) and big coke-bottle glasses, and i miss those things with this design, but at least it doesn’t totally feel like pietsch threw every merle she could get her hands on into a blender and poured it out on a page, although honestly, that might have been more satisfying. people do some really fun shit with their merle designs, but again, he’s. generic.
as the cuesta article mentions, with how much of an issue it was to get any of the boys to be poc in the first place and in conjunction with minty up there, this design also feels like tokenism -- an appeasement rather than an honest attempt at diversity or god forbid because the artist actually headcanons merle as a person of color. personally, i wish that she’d gone a step beyond re-coloring his skin and idk given him a natural hairstyle or something. he still feels very much like a recolor to me rather than a character who was designed as a person of color from the beginning.
i feel like he looks more like a cleric than he looks like a merle, which i feel like is pretty contradictory to who merle is.
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[ID: a cutaway showing griffin, a white man with brown hair and glasses wearing a collared shirt.]
i’ve said before that it feels a little odd to talk about her design of a real person, so i’ll keep this brief, but... you know how every drawing of a basic white dude looks a little bit like griffin mcelroy? you know how that one arthur character looks a little bit like griffin mcelroy? you know how everyone is constantly messaging mysillycomics about how her avatar looks like griffin mcelroy?
how did carey pietsch manage to actively attempt to draw griffin mcelroy and miss the mark? it boggles the mind. he doesn’t not look like griffin, i guess, but he doesn’t look like griffin, either. i don’t know, man
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[ID: a generic gerblin. he has yellowy-green skin, slight tusks or fangs, and weird, nubby little horn-type things.]
i hate these gerblins. they are ugly. next
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[ID: two images of klaarg/g’nash. he’s a bugbear with brown fur and yellow eyes as well as a mouth full of pointy teeth. in the first image he looks pissed off; in the second he’s starry-eyed and delighted.]
klaarg is probably my favorite design in the book, and that’s just because he looks like a cute dog for most of the time he’s on the page. he’s fluffy and i love klaarg anyway, so like. did not take a lot to reach this mark. especially considering how i feel about most of the other designs lmfao
i do definitely think he keeps up the trend of looking generic, though.
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[ID: an image of barry bluejeans. he looks like tom arnold, kind of; he’s square-jawed and white with thick-rimmed glasses. he also has a light brown mullet.]
i hate this. i hate the mullet. i’m sorry, y’all, i really, truly, cannot stand the mullet. i don’t feel like barry has mullet energy. i feel like it’s too powerful a move for him. it wouldn’t be a good move, mind you, but it would be a big one. i don’t know y’all it’s just bad
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[ID: an image of killian. she’s a green-skinned orc woman with prominent eyelashes, eyebrows, and tusks, and straight brown hair.]
i can’t have been the only one who was hoping for a badass, visibly muscular, maybe even butch killian design, right? that wasn’t just me being a big old lesbian, that’s a pretty common theme of killian designs? i guess kudos for going out on a limb again, but then, like, take the kudos back for going out on the most boring limb possible again. i could hang with the face if her hair wasn’t so boring, but it’s... it’s so boring
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[ID: an image of magic brian. he’s a drow with long white hair and an oblong face and oddly shaped nose.]
for how many of her designs are syntheses of popular ones, i..... don’t understand how this happened. i don’t understand how whimiscal and flamboyant magic brian who’s often drawn as taako-but-a-goth-dark-elf ended up looking like this. he looks like he used to play football and got his nose busted up and peaked in fantasy high school. he looks like the first quarter of a monster factory video where the thing’s just ugly but doesn’t have a personality or any endearing traits yet. he didn’t have to be the goth twink we all know he is but what.......... is this
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[ID: an image of gundren rockseeker/bogard. he’s a light-skinned dwarf with dark long hair and a matching beard.]
..........listen i know they’re cousins and distant cousins at that but all of merle’s cousins are light-skinned and, like, not to say that that can’t happen but having them be anywhere near merle’s skin tone would’ve been such an easy way to help bolster the obviously inaccurate idea that this is a work concerned with diverse character designs, or rather to help ppl claim it was being bolstered, and yet
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[ID: avi, a fair-skinned man with long dark hair kept up in a ponytail and slight scruff on his face.]
i feel like maybe avi is intended to be east asian so i think at this point that brings the count up to a whole two characters of color. we’re almost done with the book. cool. he’s cute, i guess, but guess what word i’m about to say again (it’s generic)
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[ID: a panel of several unnamed cameo characters. from right to left: carey fangbattle, a light blue dragonborn; brad bradson, a green orc man with a long brown ponytail; and presumably lucas miller, a tan human with glasses and dark hair.]
ok. deep breaths.
first off, there’s another panel w these three as well as boyland, who looks fine, but i didn’t grab that one bc it’s harder to make out detail. carey is cute. brad is fine.
i assume the third guy is lucas miller because i’m not entirely sure who else he would be, and... oof! as you may know i can’t stand lucas miller, which has nothing to do with his necromancy or nerdiness and everything to do with the various human rights violations he commits in the small time he’s got focus as well as the fact that he’s got a theoretical redemption arc that’s not actually an arc so much as us being told he���s better now. lucas is an entitled jackass who repeatedly uses other people’s bodies and minds without their consent, from the obvious offense of using the bugbears as brainwashed chore-doers (read: slaves) to the less-oft discussed dragging of noelle and others out of the astral plane into robot bodies, again to do his chores for him. because of this, it has always sat very uncomfortably with me when people make lucas a poc, because everything about him screams Shitty White Nerd Boy to me. it sits extra uncomfortably coming from carey pietsch, given how white all of her other designs are.
it’s a little hard to tell because i took all these pics with my phone camera in my room’s lighting so they’re not super high fidelity or anything, but pietsch’s lucas is noticeably darker than any other character we’ve seen so far save merle. maybe he’s just a white guy with a tan, but all the same, it strikes me as incredibly skeevy to have one of so few characters of color be this fucking guy.
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[ID: johann, a black man with an oblong face and textured dark hair.]
johann’s design is fine, although this is a similar face shape to that brian from earlier and i just. i don’t. understand it. it’s not especially interesting, but hey, at least he’s not another generic white guy.
that being said, as i mentioned in part 1 of this review, johann’s role is severely cut in this -- he’s reduced to three panels, when in the show itself he’s the one who escorts the boys to the voidfish’s chamber and inoculates them. as i mentioned in that post i understand that they shifted it some to give lucretia a more prominent entrance, but as i also mentioned in that post, they should have compensated for that. three panels.
johann is not a character with a great deal of screentime as it is, but he’s a character with a major impact. he is the reason story and song happens. his song serves as a direct foil to john’s nihilistic conversion of his own home plane into the hunger. the fact that he’s been reduced to three panels with little to no characterization at this point, especially in conjunction with the fact that he’s one of very few poc, makes me really, really uncomfortable. avi is in more panels in this book than johann is, and while i love avi and as i said i am parsing him as an asian dude, he’s also still light-skinned enough and the style is nondescript enough that there are definitely people who will parse him as white, and also, avi’s role in the story is not as big as johann’s.
it doesn’t sit right with me.
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[ID: an image of davenport, a fair-skinned man with a big red mustache and slicked back red hair.]
ginger davenport with a big mustache. groundbreaking.
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[ID: an image of lucretia, a slender black woman with short white hair dressed in blue layers.]
and finally, lucretia. now, i’m biased, and it’s hard for me to see a lucretia design i don’t like. i also think that this is, compared to a lot of the others at least, one of the more interesting designs in the book, at least as far as her clothes go. it’s not a long robe that would be hard to move in, and i appreciate that -- it strikes me as a pretty practical outfit while also being ornamental and wizard-y. and she’s pretty, and she’s not whitewashed, and that’s all great. i like her earrings.
all that being said, i feel like it’s not enough. luc’s hair continues a theme with merle’s and johann’s (as well as the preview we’ve seen of angus,) which is that it strikes me as very low-effort on pietsch’s part. it’s short and it’s definitely not straight, but it doesn’t feel to me like it had as much thought put into it as, say, minty green taako’s hair. we could’ve had a lucretia with a big beautiful afro, or long box braids, or so many other natural hairstyles; we got this. it’s not bad, but i do think it’s disappointing. without going looking for it and without being a person who reads a great deal about character design, i’ve seen a fair amount of discussion from black women (artists, writers, and none of the above) about the portrayal of black women as it pertains to their hair. they’re never designed to be as feminine as their white counterparts. their hair is never treated with the same amount of detail or respect as their white counterparts. it’s short, maybe curly if you’re lucky.
i’m gonna circle back quickly to killian’s hair. it’s long and smooth and kept down, despite the fact that killian is an action-oriented women and might not want it to be in her face all the time -- it could have at least been braided or in a bun. it could’ve been short! and that would’ve made sense. and i don’t mean to say that lucretia couldn’t have short hair, but she’s a very elegant woman whose dress is described as intricate. she wears business regalia. she could have any number of hairstyles, from something elaborate to something simple but more out-of-the-box than this, but she doesn’t. i found this on a quick hunt through my ref tag -- it’s a tutorial for drawing black folks with just a small selection of interesting things you can do with afrotextured hair. these resources aren’t hard to find! and i’m doing this for fun -- carey pietsch is a professional artist who was paid for these designs. if she’d put in more than the bare minimum effort, we could’ve had some really interesting shit going on, but she didn’t.
and that’s the core of the issue here. i truly do not feel like pietsch put the same amount of care into the designs for the few characters of color we see as she did into the white ones, and that’s upsetting and emblematic of a larger problem in the work: neither pietsch nor the mcelroys put in very much care at all for the fans of color who spoke up and asked for representation.i know i said i was getting taako out of the way first so the majority of the post could be goof-heavy, but goddamn, y’all, it’s hard to goof about when it’s so blatantly shitty. pietsch’s designs are boring at best and racist at worst, not to mention conspicuously lacking in anyone who is not skinny, muscular, or a dwarf. people have praised this thing so uncritically, including people whose opinions i generally really respect, as if the fact that the mcelroys signing off on green taako made it above reproach.
it didn’t, by the way. there’s no such thing as an unproblematic fav, because everybody fucks something up now and then, but even then, this is a pretty egregious fuck-up! and it was willful!
i’m not saying y’all need to burn your copies of the gn or stop listening to the mcelroys entirely or anything of the sort -- you may remember the disclaimer at the top of the post where i say i really, really love them, and more specifically, i really love taz: balance. but i am BEGGING YOU to think critically about their work. good, good boys can do bad, bad things. white people can produce work that’s racist even if they’re gay women. it’s not mean to critique the boys and it’s not homophobic (or god forbid reverse racist, which is still not a real thing) to critique carey.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the real kicker of this whole thing for me is that there’s a small fanart gallery in the back of the book. most of them aren’t labeled with the artist’s handles, just their names, but there are some truly beautiful pieces featuring diverse designs -- galacticjonah and milkychai both have beautiful latino taakos featured! galacticjonah’s is fat, too! but even after the backlash against green taako, even aside from that being the design that people are going to accept as canonical, there are pieces in the gallery of green taako, as if doubling down on it was the right move.
and by the way, yeah, i’ve read griffin’s apology. but i thought we all learned in kindergarten that an apology doesn’t count if you don’t act on it.
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giveitashance · 7 years
Day Two: Anger/Depression
For @shangst-week.
Trigger warnings are self-harm, blood, and gore. Established Shance, “fite me irl” Keith, worried Pidge and Hunk.
“Can we fucking hurry up?”
The infamous phrase came to surface. Shiro bit the inside of his mouth, sighing as he muttered, “Language, Lance,” because he knew it was a wasted command.
“Oh, what the hell.” The blue lion rushed forward, a reckless cloud of dirt and grass accompanying it. Several voices called after the person piloting, with the black paladin already going behind him. Everyone else found themselves lagging behind, with Keith almost matching with Shiro. Black rushed in front of Blue the second they caught up, Lance’s angry “Tch,” being heard on the intercoms.
“Hey, calm down, or I’ll send you back to your room!”
“I’m not a fucking child!”
“Well, you’re acting like one. Fix the attitude.”
Lance grunted, suspiciously sounding like an insulting word that meant female dog, but, Shiro could care less as long as the younger man was landing. The rest of his group stopped, already landing themselves.
“What the hell, Lance?” Keith called out, almost screaming. “And you call me hot-headed?!”
“Shut up, mullet!” Lance growled, stepping towards Keith with such audacity that it sent the red paladin back slightly. “At least now you know I’m faster than you!”
“Why you little...!” Keith rushed forward, grabbing the blue paladin’s throat while Lance pulled back a fist. 
“Hey, both of you, end it!” Shiro was quick, pulling off his helmet and rushing to separate them. Hunk grabbed hold of Keith, while Shiro grabbed Lance. Pidge rushed over to the red helmet Keith had dropped in his anger, returning it to it’s owner.
“Thanks, Pidge.” He sighed, holding it to his side as Hunk held him back by one arm. Keith usually calmed down quickly. Lance was now a different story.
“Let me go,” Lance hissed, thrashing slightly as Shiro held him back.
“Not until you control yourself. I’ve had enough of this attitude. Go back to your room until you can calm down.”
Lance looked ready to spit in the man’s face when he sighed, running a hand through his hair and grumbling as he stomped out into the castle.
The only time Lance was ever calm anymore was at night. That didn’t mean he slept or relaxed. His “calm” was much more drastic than that. A while ago, he had discovered a whole supply of sharpener-like objects fixed with small blades in the center while raiding a Galra ship. He had kept quit about his find, not seeing it being any use in their search for Shiro, and being able to hide the small box within Blue this entire time. The razors had caught his attention, and he spent months staring at the shiny sharp objects before finally giving in to old habits and using his bayard to rip a few out. He stored the rest as back up in his room’s closet.
The first time he had sliced his wrist open, it had made barely a scrape. He was scared, remembering how addicted he had been to the feeling of metal opening his skin. After a few more times, he felt that nostalgic sense of release. He was able to feel. He was alive. Despite everything he had been feeling during Shiro’s disappearance, despite the constant fights he got in with Keith now because the boy was shadowed by far too much grief to realize it, Lance was alive.
Each one got deeper, he even experimented with a vertical one at one point before being too scared to continue. Over time, it only became another habit he’d picked up thanks to Shiro’s disappearance. Such as sleeping alone and training at one in the morning because he couldn’t do it anymore.
One night, on a mission set right after Shiro’s return when team Voltron was feeling strong and invincible, Lance fought a Galra. Alone.
At first, Shiro has worried insistently, because Lance was silent. He didn’t reply to anything the black paladin said, even ignoring the commands he gave to lure the Galra over to him so he could help. Groans and whimpers of pain came in through the intercoms, only causing Shiro more grief.
At one point, Shiro could have sworn he heard Lance giggle out, “Oh, that was a good one.”
Turning a corner in his desperate search for Lance, Shiro was horrified to see his beloved boyfriend, a sweet and kind soul he had just been reunited with the week before, ripping open the abdominal of said Galra and leaving him gutless, blood staining Lance’s hands. He almost looked like he enjoyed it.
Shiro turned and ran, convincing himself it was the PTSD.
Another night, at around three am Earth time, Shiro woke up in a cold sweat. Not only because the AC Pidge had programmed to work according to Earth seasons was on full-blast, but because he heard someone cursing quietly in the training room near his room. Without thinking, he rushed out, Galra hand ready to fight with a glowing light of purple.
However, when he got there, he found a drastic sight. Lance was fighting, but almost as if he was trying to get hit. After that display on their mission, Shiro knew that Lance had gotten a lot more capable at hand-to-hand combat than what he showing here. His nose was bleeding, bruise on his left cheek prominent, and a slight limp showed as he moved around. A kick from the training droid brought him to the ground and Shiro almost ran to help immediately if it wasn’t for the noise Lance let out next. 
He was laughing.
A full-blown laugh, intertwined with incomprehensible rambles about his low self-worth, tears streaming down his face. For a moment, Shiro didn’t know how to feel. Lance looked happy, sad, and emotionless at the same time. As though he was a broken concoction of chemicals. That is, until he lifted up the blue sleeve of his shirt, which was usually covered with his signature green jacket.
And, suddenly, Shiro wasn’t confused.
Lance’s arm was covered with scars, some obvious new ones, some looking like they were maybe a few weeks old. They all came together like a horrible, bloody painting on his arm. Shiro felt disgusted, not only with the harm that Lance had caused himself, but also because these looked like they dated back to the time before Shiro was found again. Lance had been doing this all under his nose, without him noticing.
They slept together, for Pete’s sake. Not sexually, not since Shiro had disappeared. How could Shiro not have noticed how Lance’s hands shook whenever he suggested taking his shirt off for comfort? Why had he always assumed it was just self-esteem issues that they would have to work slowly? The issues seemed a bit more deeply rooted.
And, yet, Shiro turned, not knowing how to handle the situation just yet.
I was going to add in another scene near the end that would have totally given even more hearthurt to the reader, but, this seemed like a good place to end it. How horrible, not being able to help a hurting lover. The hurt goes both ways, Shiro. You’ll soon learn that. Okay, enough riddle talk, I hope you enjoyed! Sorry that the way I write usually makes the characters OOC, I think the only one I got right here was Keith, but, hey, space fighting changes a man. Also, btw, sorry if this seems rushed. I get into a writing mood, and don’t proofread half the time, so when I look back, it’s not as good as I know I could do. Oops??
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sleepy-apricot · 8 years
Of the Highest Security
Voltron fic. Post Season One (Not taking into account the Season 2 Trailer or clips. Written 3 months ago). Plot- driven. Lot’s of sub-textual Klance. Genre: Adventure/Scifi. 10 Chapters total. 20k.
Description: This fic follows Lance as he’s launched into an unknown region of the Galaxy to a solar system that hasn’t been invaded by Galra yet. However the natives have also heard of Voltron and don’t want to be associated with it either. The authorities get suspicious enough about an unknown species (Lance) taking scrap metal from the junk yard for the past three months on one of their planets, Cortaalis, to put him in a maximum security prison. Now that he’s the talk of the solar system, he runs the risk of the Galra finding out where he is. (Keith will wiggle his way into the story early on too tho)
There’s swearing, some angst, and some violence, but that should be it.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Chapter 1/10: Split
He missed Blue the most. If anyone had asked him three months ago he would've said he missed his crew, Shiro, Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Coran the most... hell, even Mullet floated into his mind with great frequency. But that was three months ago. Three months since the Wormhole Incident.
And it had only been a week and a half since he's been forcefully separated from Blue. Her easy and smooth tone had been the only thing to remind him to be hopeful at times like this. He dug his head into his hands and pressed his knees closer to his chest. He remembered everything so clearly...
The moment he went through the blue swirling vortex the feed on his helmet was cut off. No more teammates by his side. He was all alone. The starry scene in front of him, while serene, panicked him. Everything was silent for just a second, save for the soft hum of Blue's engines he had grown accustomed to, like being in an airplane. The way he could hear her breathe even though she was technically a machine. He gasped for air, fogging up the inside of his helmet.
"Guys?"His voice was a sharp contrast to the dead silence of space. But no one responded.
He tried again, feeling his stomach twist. "Can any- AGH!" He was interrupted by a loud jarring crash. His head reeled as he was jerked around, the only thing keeping him from becoming a human pinball being his seat belt. His head smacked against the back of the seat, sending an intense wave of pain through his rattled skull. Something had collided with Blue. Something big. There was a loud metallic lurch deep inside Blue's chest.
"What was that!?" He asked her, one eye closed. Every light and every color had intensified to the point of nearly blinding him. Blue's head turned and he jumped. It was a giant asteroid. She kicked, trying to get her engines working again, but they were failing. And now the two were being rocketed away, incapable of changing direction. Blue's control room was creaking and shaking, giving away to intense nausea that threatened to soil his armor and anything else that happened to be in the vicinity.
Land. Blue's voice echoed in his mind. Find land.
Lance rubbed his eyes, but his vision would not clear back up. His hands flailed around him trying to locate the familiar grips of the controls. Her engines may be damaged, but he could at least try to steady themselves. He blinked several times and then let out a curse. He could see nothing. Too many sounds, too much light. One of his ears muted out all other sounds except a high pitched ringing noise. One of his hands found a grip.
He pulled with all of his might on the single control. Lance could not tell by sight whether it was working, but the turning in his stomach calmed down and alleviated the nausea somewhat. Good good. She's steadying. With the other hand he checked his head. His elevated heart rate sent a new wave of adrenaline through his body with every pulse, each beat causing an explosion in his brain. He wrenched his helmet off his head, sending a spray of sweat across the deck. "Ooww..." He chocked out through gritted teeth.
Land. There's a planet. Lance took a few deep breaths, trying to block out the pain. If he could connect with Blue he could in theory see what she could see. He knew how much trouble he'd had connecting with his lion like Shiro could do. And he was not in the best head space to try it now. Nonetheless a fuzzy image came through. I did it! Yes! I guess it only takes a concussion and free floating through space. Blue was still spinning. The stars were still a blur. But she was right, there was a greenish planet not too far off. In fact, a whole solar system of six or seven planets of various sizes lay out in front of them, with an enormous sun right in the middle.
He wanted to worry about his teammates so badly, but the situation would not allow it. Lance only hoped that they hadn't had the misfortune of colliding with a giant space rock like he had.
"Okay Blue. Let's make this landing as easy as it can be." He tightened his grip on the control, and untensed his body. She guided him to the second control, and he prepared for a tough impact. The planet should have been far enough away that it would have taken a long time to get pulled into its atmosphere. No, but we're going fast enough we'll get there in a couple seconds. Here comes the hard part Blue. He felt her nod in wordless agreement.
Lance hoped the little he'd retained in high school about physics would save his life. His lion's velocity increased as they were pulled into the planet's atmosphere. The stars were replaced with the first clouds under the thin outer layer of life sustaining gases. Time to pull up. He pulled on the controls, hands trembling and knuckles white under his now uncomfortably warm armor. It's gonna get hot, I'm sorry girl. He apologized to his lion. Some of her would burn up on their way down. But he planned to minimize that as much as he could. By pulling up every time they gained too much speed, he could slow the heating process, and maybe they could live when they reached the ground.
Each time he pulled up he felt the slight relief of gravity putting a strain on his bones and his limbs. It was hard enough holding on to the controls when the entire deck was rattling non stop from the turbulence of actually free falling, but when gravity applied, it was a whole new story. His fingers were numb. He was squeezing all of the blood out of his clenched fists. His eyes hurt from squeezing them shut too.
When he got close enough to the ground to see it, a new rush of fear seeped into his mind. The land was much less land as it was a green blur. We're going so fast. Blue...
We will live. She replied curtly. She extended all four limbs.
Ha. Cats always land on their feet, huh? He forced a smile. He may have felt humor on the inside, but his body was devoid of any discernible emotion. She did not reply, but he could feel her cold hard glare burning through him. Just like old times. Still got it. He let one eye open to test his sight. The colors were still bright as hell, but the ringing in his ear had subsided and he was able to see what was in front of him. They were close now. Lance was above a forest, about three hundred feet up still. Blue's body was smoking, Lance's own armor searing. They were flying nearly parallel to the ground. His grip loosened. Just a few more seconds and they would have impact. The lion wavered side to side. She was attempting to land on her feet, even though her back two legs were mangled. This is it.
Put your helmet back on. She ordered, and he did. They braced for impact.
He was brought back to reality. The dull repetitive thunk of a prisoner's giant fist one cell to his right had been droning on for hours. He did this a lot. Others near him shouted and complained, some even going so far as to insult the guard every time she walked past, and trying to bypass the light green electrified energy shield, only to be shocked and howl in pain. Lance had only ever tried it once. And the scar left on his right hand was, he had to admit, a powerful deterrent.
Lance didn't belong here. The only reason he'd been put here was because some had gotten suspicious about who he was.
He understood why they were wary of his identity. Apparently this solar system was not yet part of the Galra Empire, and their leaders were not happy about the idea of joining them. But at the same time they despised Voltron, and wanted nothing to do with them either. Any association meant being noticed by the Galra, putting their planets at risk. That made sense.
Throughout the last two and a half months he'd been living as a regular citizen of the green planet known as Cortaalis. He spent his days wandering around the nearby cities trying to find the parts to repair his lion. Her chest was split wide open, and massive dents and slashes scarred her. He knew very little about mechanics (that was Hunk's department), but no one knew Blue better than Blue, and she'd been walking him through it. The problem was it was incredibly slow- going. After every long day he slept in the control deck. He could understand why people would get suspicious of the same guy desperately looking for spare junk metal and various different reactors. Lance had made some acquaintances along the way, those who would help him find what he needed, or a close proximity to it. That was a plus. He had to admit it was a pretty nice place to live, too. The cities were large and they were advanced enough for him to find what he needed for Blue."When I fix you up, we'll be outta here and we'll find our team." He kept telling himself then.
His fatal mistake was when he was interrogated by some officials, some strange orange tinted aliens, he'd accidentally used the name "Blue". That was enough for him to be shipped off to the highest security prison on the planet of Cortaalis. This was the place they sent the baddest of the bad.
"'We'll find our team'. Yeah right." He muttered to himself now. He'd overheard from the guards the other day that news had gotten out about a paladin being discovered on Cortaalis, and the entire solar system was in an uproar now because of him. They'd all been ordered by whoever was in charge to keep quiet while they decided what to do. Some argued that they should just hand him over, others wanted him killed, and still others were in favor of simply shipping him out in a space pod to fend for himself.
His only comfort was that to his knowledge, they had not found Blue yet.
"Hey, keep it down over there!" The guy on the other side of the guy banging his fist against the wall yelled at Lance.
"It's not me Dreks, it's the other guy again." He replied, voice muffled by his arms.
"Oh! My apologies Lance." He sputtered. Dreks was his only ally. A giant dark green alien with some humanoid features about his like his face and hands, but everything else was a wide array of different limbs and spikes. His shoulders were always hunched, and he was missing an eye and many teeth. Dreks was arguably the scariest person locked up here. And yet he was probably also the nicest. I mean, he's still pretty screwed up in the brain. I heard in the mess hall that he'd stabbed four other prisoners with one of his own spikes he'd torn off of himself to use as a shiv. But Dreks been sympathetic toward him. And plus, making friends with the scariest guy there guaranteed his safety.
"It's cool bro." He said unenthusiastically. Lance was just tired. he wanted to sleep. All of this noise made that damn near impossible too.
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