fogclearer · 3 years
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recyclingtrees · 4 years
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Happy birthday, wife! <3 (06/10/2020)
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yuissamidare · 4 years
have you read the last drk volume yet? idk if you read japanese well or not but itd be cool if you could spoil the ending :3c
i haven’t finished it, bc i was going reread from the beginning but i took a look at the ending for you. im glad i did. yui’s birthday is august 31st, which is Independence Day in my country. she’s a virgo. ive been wanting that info since 2013. drk ending spoilers under the cut
yui, as theorized from the start, died. she was killed in an explosion in the Sirius observatory where her and kirigiri first met, and that’s also how kirigiri hurts her hands. some of yuis final thoughts were that she wishes that she could’ve been better, lived a life without making mistake — that she were a talented detective instead of just some normal stupid high school girl. she could’ve been able to protect kirigiri. in the end, yui thinks, i couldn’t protect a single thing.
kirigiri begs yui to stay with her, to live, that kirigiris going to make sure she’s going home alive, hold on, pull yourself together, please, but yui accepts her fate, and thanks kirigiri. her last words are her apologizing for treating her like a criminal and asking how she could make it up to her because at this rate she’ll..... and her last thoughts are about kirigiri too:
you were right all along, so stand proud. oh, cherry blossom petals. they’re beautiful, aren’t they, kirigiri-chan? you’re very.......
samidare yui dies.
kyouko kirigiri wakes up in a hospital bed with ruined hands, she wants to see yui. she ends up meeting salvador, and the girls from the saint annes academy, tsukiyo and nazuna from the libra girls academy case that was in vol 4 & 5 I believe?? (check jess’ blog bc I’m still working through them) because they also knew yui. salvador goes over her injuries—hypothermia, severe burns on her hands—and says it’s a miracle she survived 
“and what about yui-oneesama?” kirigiri asked. those were the first words she spoke in that hospital.
“about her...” yadorigi turned away, and the time he spent grasping for words was more than enough of an answer. kirigiri could easily guess what came next: “It was too late for her.”
“i see...”
kirigiri turned to face the curtain, and her reaction baffled the girls and tsukiyo who was with salvador. why the fuck wasn’t kirigiri crying?! she loved yui, didn’t she? they were friends right?! where was kirigiris heart?! don’t you pity her at the very least?! are you even human?! such and such. salvador tells her to cut it out. though even though kirigiri didn’t outwardly emote, she was doing her thing compartmentalizing her emotions unhealthily which was the family way u know.
in the end, tsukiyo weeps all by herself, and nazuna holds onto her. meanwhile kirigiris low key having a crisis
even still, am i detective? kirigiri asked herself. is she willing to die as a detective? she’s not a detective for the sake of helping other people, that’s just how she was bred and raised. however, the days spent by yuis side taught her that even she could feel helpless — she thought she was proud to be born as a detective, but maybe she was just clinging onto that to compensate for something else. in the end, there’s no one to protect her, and no one, not even she herself, could save the the person dearest to her.
salvador starts talking about the committee and shinsen will being passed along to new people. they need her help. but kirigiri’s angsting really really hard and says no. in her own words: 今さら自分に何ができるというの。霧切響子はもう死んだ。あの日、彼女と一緒に。
but what can she do now, on her own? kirigiri kyouko has already died. she died that day, together with her (yui).
so yeah she’s having an awful time. and she gets discharged when the cherry blossoms start falling and covering the dreary snow. neat! the irony! she goes back to Sirius bc there was a crossbow missing from the scene, and she won’t rest until this one incident is solved. shen then figures out who fucked her and yui over so bad. it could only be him, it could only be shinsen fucking mikado.
we then learn her grandpa was detained bc he was a suspect in shinsens murder, and she talked to him about yui. kirigiri gets upgraded to dsc 910. she finally has a 0 on her card like she always wanted... she can’t feel happy about it. this number doesn’t mean anything to her, anymore.
she gets a letter from yui, that she wrote in case she died first. talking about how she knew one day that she couldn’t be there for her forever, but she hoped she could take some of kirigiris burdens from her, or maybe she just made everything worse. yui had her own baggage, and couldn’t support her properly, but yui knows one day she’ll have people who love and support her like yui did, like she wanted to. she tells her to take breaks and to take care of herself — yui says she’s knows she’s more trouble than she’s worth, so thank you for sticking with her kirigiri-chan. and goodbye.
she remembers a conversation she had with salvador—yui saved her, and now she’s gone . like all the times before that, yui used her body to cover her so she wouldn’t freeze to death after the building exploded, and kirigiri couldn’t help her.
“hey, kirigiri-chan, did I take some of that weight off your shoulders?”
everything is silent. no cars on the road, no sound. 
kirigiri loses her shit, she breaks down completely despite trying so hard to suppress her feelings.
emotions are not needed when it comes to detectives... she’s been following that adage all her life, so why is it so hard to follow now? why can’t she stop tearing up? she’s ruining her bandages with how much she’s scrubbing her eyes from crying. finally she just falls to her knees and wails. she’s sorry, she’s so sorry yui-oneesama. she keeps calling her name, willing her to just pop in right next to her, because she knows she just needs to call her name, and yui will trip over herself to come to help her. yui-oneesama will definitely come save her. big sis yui. big sis yui....
so she’s not okay! and I’m not ok. I am crying. there’s a time skip where kirigiri goes to yuis hometown to visit her grave. she’s happy to see that other people gave her offerings too, she sets flowers down and prays, and asks her to keep watching over her. 
She calls salvador and agrees to help. years pass and she goes to hopes peak. naegi finds her dsc after she dropped it, bc he was looking for something sakura threw. naegis like wtf is this also are u on a job how old were u when u started being a detective and kirigiris like UGHHHH go away but then she’s like... hmmm whomst is this little twink 
the last lines of the book are “fine then, let’s have a chat, naegi-kun.”
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
(P)DK 5th anniversary: A Day in the Life of the Ultimate Barista
//Heyo everyone! Yesterday, December 16th, was the official 5 year anniversary of PDK’s first post! As such, I can think of no better day than to bring you an idea that was proposed a while back of the Ultimate Barista who runs the cafe in the Future Foundation and their experiences serving the members.
//Thank you all for your continue support, I hope you all enjoy this story! Something nice when we’re preparing for the inevitable carnage
You may not know me, but that’s okay. My name isn’t really important. I’m the Ultimate Barista, and I get to run this little café at the Future Foundation. I enjoy a lot about my job. Compared to other branches, it’s a lot less stressful, people always seem happy when they’re in here. Best of all…it’s a total hotspot for couple. I can’t even deny it, I’m a sucker for love, but I’m way too busy to look for anything myself, so I have to take the pleasures in imaging the type of relationship I could have.
…that sounds a little lame. Don’t think too much on that, thank you. The point is, I get to create a paradise where couples get to forget any troubles they have, even if it’s only for an hour. I like to think I have a lot to be proud of. So, for your viewing pleasure, these are the stories of the couples of the Future Foundation.
-Kyouko Kirigiri and Makoto Naegi-
“One black coffee and a milk tea. Enjoy!” I served the drinks to the two. Kirigiri-san and Naegi-kun are the It couple. They’ve been together from the start and it totally shows. I’ve heard Kirigiri-san can be rather strict as a branch head, but I’ve never seen that side of her. Maybe Naegi-kun just relaxes her that much?
I don’t mean to listen in, but I can’t help catching parts of their discussion. “I’m really glad I was able to get this time off. I’m sorry, I feel like I never give you enough of my time.” Kirigiri-san apologised. Ah…I suppose being the boss of a branch would give you little free time.
“I don’t mind. I still get to see you after work and in the morning. I know you’re giving it your all, so I’m super proud of you. Don’t feel bad for doing your job.” Naegi-kun put a hand on Kirigiri-san’s and I genuinely have to stop myself from reacting because these two just have the purest form of love and I just wanna support them so much.
“Y-yes, thank you.” There it is! The infamous Kirigiri-san blush! Ahhhhh, I’m so happy I got to see her happy like this! I hope whoever I fall in love with can make me blush like that. They go to sipping on their drinks, but they looks they give each other warms me more than any kind of coffee or tea could ever hope to.
“Also, your birthday is coming up. Is there anything you can think of that you’d want?” Naegi-kun asked. I glanced up at the calendar as if I actually knew when Kirigiri-san’s birthday was. That was stupid of me.
“You don’t have to get me anything, Makoto. I tell you every year that it’s not necessary.” She replies, taking a sip from her coffee, “Honestly, I think I’d like to relax this year. Though that might be too much to ask for.”
“If that’s all you want, then I’ll figure something out.”
“What?” Kirigiri-san’s eyes widened. “Makoto, I can’t just take the day off because it’s my birthday-“
“Then we can ask for help. Maybe Sonia will be up for taking over for the day?” Naegi-kun suggested. Kirigiri-san looked at him, clearly unsure, “Look, Kyouko, you’ve been working harder than anybody else. You deserve a day off to enjoy your birthday. It’s not selfish to look after yourself, and nobody is going to get mad at you for it. You know you can count on us to help you.”
Kirigiri-san drummed her fingers on the table and let out a defeated sigh, “I really can’t argue with you when you’re like this. Alright then, I’ll talk to Sonia about it next time I see her.”
“I’m looking forward to your birthday then.”
Kirigiri-san smiled softly as she took another sip of her coffee, “as am I.”
A black coffee girl and a milk tea boy. A match made in heaven, clearly.
-Mondo Oowada and Kiyotaka Ishimaru-
Have you ever served two black coffees to two polar different people before? It’s odd. Despite now different Oowada-kun and Ishimaru-kun are, they have the exact same order. Maybe that’s another kind of match made in heaven? Different from Kirigiri-san and Naegi-kun, but still totally perfect.
They thank me and I head back behind the counter and start cleaning the machinery. It’s literally only me and them in the café at this time in the morning, so I promise I can’t help overhearing them.
“Are you annoyed at me?” Oowada-kun asked. Uh oh. I think I’m about to hear something I shouldn’t.
“Of course, I am. I cannot believe you left your underwear lying around like that again!” Ishimaru-kun scolded. Oh god, I really shouldn’t be hearing this! He’s got such a loud voice, I’d probably hear him even if I was in the back.
 I know you can’t hear someone blush, but from the sound Oowada-kun made, he clearly wasn’t happy about him saying it so loudly in public. “L-look, I didn’t realise they missed the basket otherwise I would’a put them in. Just…q-quit yelling about it.”
“Also, how long have you owned that leopard print pair? You should look into asking the Ultimate Tailor to make you some new underwear.” Ahhhhh why must I be subjected to this?!
“I will, but can we please not discuss my…underwear in public?” He lowered his voice, presumably looking over at me. Just stare at the machinery. Don’t acknowledge what you hear and act like all is normal.
“I just worry about your habits. If you don’t look after your environment, you might forget to look after yourself. A-and I know that seems like a stretch, but in these uncertain times-“ The poor guy was just worried, clearly. Ugh, it’s a shame. A lot of people are probably feeling that way about their friends and lovers.
“I hear you. I promise you; I’m looking after myself. You don’t gotta worry so much about me, Taka. I’d never wanna do anything that would make you worry.”
“Yes. Yes, you are right. Apologies, Mondo.” I turned back and saw them holding hands across the table. I never used to see Oowada-kun as much for affection, but it seems even he has a soft side when it comes to Ishimaru-kun. I hope whoever I fall in love with will be comfortable enough with me like these two are with each other.
Two black coffee boys. Another match!
-Sonia Nevermind and Gundam Tanaka-
“One orange juice and one espresso shot!” I set down the drinks for Sonia-san and Tanaka-kun in that respective order. The two glances at each other before swapping drinks…huh?
The princess ordered the espresso? No, it’s more surprising that Tanaka-kun ordered orange juice. “S-sorry about that! E-eheheh…”
“Not at all. The cafeteria get it confused as well. Thank you for the drinks.” Sonia-san smiled radiantly. Ugh, I can’t believe Tanaka-kun is getting to date a princess. It’s like something out of a manga…I let them get to their drinks. I’m not even gonna lie…these two are such a good-looking couple. I love Tanaka-kun’s dark aesthetic and he’s got such a handsome face and Sonia-san is just the dictionary definition of beauty. I can’t even decide who I’m more jealous of…maybe the other couples that have to compete with models like these two…
“Did you enjoy the movie I loaned you?” Sonia-san asked. Awww they even loan movies to each other? I bet it’s something cutesy if Sonia-san gave it out. “Which kill was your favourite? I personally thought the most creative was the shotgun carousel.” …huh? Did she say kill?
“Keheheh! You think I would feel a need to even rank such ruthless acts mortals in such a film? There was no such need.” He replied. D…did it not just sound like he didn’t watch it and dodged the question?! Does Tanaka-kun not like horror movies? Th-this seems really backwards all of a sudden.
“Ahhh, I understand. You could not pick a favourite.” You misinterpreted! You definitely misinterpreted that! “It is your turn to pick a movie next. Luckily, I have time to watch it with you this time. What were you thinking?”
“I have found a tale of lost soulmates who reconcile at a festival after being away from their domains for an eternity! They begin to rekindle what they lost and deal with the difficulties along the way!” Tanaka-kun described. But…doesn’t that sound like some cheesy romance movie?! It’s totally backwards, what’s with you two?!
“Ah, it sounds delightful! I always enjoy the movies you give me so much. Such beautiful stories, they bring a tear to my eye when I watch them. Since this will be the first time, we get to spend the night together in a while, I’ll make sure to grab some kind of snack. I’m sure I can convince Teruteru to let us have something.”
They don’t get to hang out much? That’s…kind of sad. I don’t think Sonia-san would let Tanaka-kun stay in a room with her because of her status as a princess. Are these rare nights really all these two get? I feel sorry for them. But even if they don’t spend much time together, they seem so close. Maybe it’s because of their schedules that they get that much more excited at the chance of getting to spend a movie night together.
And…even if they aren’t how I thought they were, they seem to complement each other well. I didn’t think a girl who orders espresso in the afternoon would get along so well with a guy who orders orange juice, but maybe I should revaluate my drink compatibility chart…
I hope whoever I fall in love with will compliment me like these two do.
-Junpei Yokozawa and Orochi Kamisaka-
I don’t know what to do about this situation. Yokozawa-kun came in all groggy looking and without ordering, he slumped into a seat and passed out with his head on the table. I tried to wake him, but he was unresponsive. Still alive, at least.
I waited around for a few minutes before Kamisaka-kun rushed in, looked at Yokozawa-kun with relief before walking up to the counter. “Hey, can I get a double shot of espresso and a caramel latte with oat milk?”
“Yep. Coming right up.” I said, getting to work, “did he have a night shift or something?” I nodded to the passed-out boy. Kamisaka-kun looked back at him and laughed a little.
“No. He was up all night of his own accord. I woke up to a note saying to meet him here before our shifts. Honestly, I worry about him staying up all night but I’m such a heavy sleeper that I don’t even realise whenever he stays up. Makes me feel a little neglectful in the morning.” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he explained the situation. Huh. So Yokozawa-kun was going through something like that? It looks like it has taken a toll on Kamisaka-kun too…
“Have you considered asking the 4th branch for some sleeping medication?”
“There’s a priority list, and he volunteered to go lower on the list so others with sleeping problems could get medication before him.”
“That’s…really selfless.” I said, rather stunned. Yokozawa-kun always seemed rather irritable but maybe he’s always just been tired. “It feels wrong to wake him up when he’s just fell asleep.”
“I know. I’ll let him sleep for a bit and wake him up before we have to leave for our shift. He’d get more angry if I let him sleep through the time he’s supposed to work.” Kamisaka-kun said. I finished the drinks and handed them to Kamisaka-kun.
“I hope it goes well. Keep up the good work, both of you.”
“Thank you. You as well.” Kamisaka-kun smiled and went to sit next to Yokozawa-kun. He brushed the hair out of Yokozawa-kun’s face and smiled with so much admiration it made my heart skip a beat. Yokozawa-kun’s…kind of incredible. I didn’t even know. And Kamisaka-kun supports him so much and sees him in a way others never could.
…I really want my future partner to look at me the way Kamisaka-kun looks at Yokozawa-kun.
-Kaede Akamatsu and Maki Harukawa-
This was…an interesting pair. Akamatsu-san was a fan of herbal teas, whilst Harukawa-san took her tea with milk and lots of sugar. I call it baby tea. Not on the menu, but definitely in my head. Despite her cold looks, she actually might have a cute side? Maybe I shouldn’t ask about it.
“How’s your tea?” Akamatsu-san asked brightly.
“It’s fine. It’s always good, you should know that by now.” Harukawa-san said back, completely monotone. Seriously, where was the chemistry with these two? Relationships with no passion make me sad. Or ones where it seems like only one person is really interested.
“Are you looking forward to getting to train today? Naegi-san is going to be joining us this time!”
“I suppose, though for some reason, seeing that idiot with a student annoys me.”
“I guess he does pay a lot of attention to her whenever we’re all together. It can be hard to learn when he focuses so much on Naegi-san. Though that’s not really her fault.”
“I know that, obviously. Besides, even if he doesn’t pay me much attention, I know you’ll always be looking at me. You make it way too obvious. It’s like a creepy old man leering at a teenager.”
“H-hey! I’m not leering!” Akamatsu-san protested. Was…that meant to be Harukawa-san’s version of a compliment? I feel like if I got told that, I would get pissed off. The again, Harukawa-san doesn’t come across as someone who readily says what they’re feeling. Could it be she still has troubles being honest about her emotions?
“Heh. You know how to get worked up easily, huh?” Harukawa-san smiled. Huh? She smiled? All of a sudden…don’t they seem like an actual couple? Where the heck is this energy all the other times, I’ve seen them? Could it be that Harukawa-san is actually getting more comfortable with having a relationship because of Akamatsu-san?
“At least I can make you smile. I don’t mind how, as long as I get to see it.” Akamatsu-san smiled back. Harukawa-san grunted and blushed.
“Shut up. Do you wanna die?” She’s still super scary to me though. If I have a lover…I hope they don’t ask me if I want to die.
-The Saga of Sly-
I don’t get it. This is a hotspot for couples, but this guy…this guy, Sly-kun. Why have I seen him in here with so many different people?! First time was with Watanabe-san! Then he came in here with Ikusaba-san, and then Naegi-san! And even that boy, Katayama-kun!
I don’t get it…which one is he dating? Is he dating all of them? But I never see any of those other people come in together. Could it be…he’s cheating on one with all the others? Or cheating on a completely different person I haven’t seen yet?!
“Excuse me!”
“Ah, sorry!” I apologised turning to find Otonashi-san with…him. “What can I get you two?” Thank god for my flawless customer service smile.
“Ooo, I think I’ll get a frappe. Cappuccino for you?” Otonashi-san turned to Sly-kun. He mulled over the options in front of him.
“Yeah. That’ll do. I’m gonna head to the bathroom, be back in a minute.” He said before heading around to the bathrooms.
Otonashi-san turned back to me and smiled apologetically, “sorry. I’m not what he’s done, but I promise he didn’t mean it.”
“H-huh? What do you mean?”
“I can tell when a smile is faked, even if you try your hardest to hide it. Don’t worry, I know a lot of people don’t like Sly-kun, but he’s actually a really nice guy once you get to know him.”
I frown, “It’s just…I see him in here with a lot of different people all the time. You’re, like, the 5th different person. Just…it’s because this is a couple’s hotspot and he and the people he comes with always look a little…well, couple-ish.”
Otonashi-san laughed, to my surprise. “Oh, it’s a misunderstanding. See, I’m Sly-kun’s girlfriend. All those others are just his friends. Though…I suppose I can understand where the confusion comes from. I think a few of them are definitely into him.”
“That doesn’t bother you?”
“I can’t control their feelings towards him, you know? And they’re all friends. I can’t just tell him to stop being friends with people because they might have feelings for him. And no, it doesn’t bother me.”
“You’re…pretty understanding.” I finished off the drinks and handed them to her.
“Thanks, I always try to be. Who knows though? Some of Sly’s friends are cute so I don’t think I’d mind, if the option came up.” Otonashi-san picked up the drinks and left for a table before I even had the chance to ask what she meant by that. A few moment later, Sly-kun came back and joined Otonashi-san at the table.
Watching them, I think I kind of understand him a little more. Even if he’s close with those other people, I can tell from the way he’s acting with Otonashi-san that she’s the one he’s really in love with. Otonashi-san knows that too.
Maybe I should be more careful making assumptions on people’s relationships.
-Leon Kuwata and Mikan Tsumiki-
It’s awkward. Painfully awkward. I’ve never seen these two together before, so I don’t even think they’re a couple. Are they even real friends? Why are they here if they aren’t even speaking? Kuwata-kun likes to flirt, I think most people in the foundation are aware of that much by now, but I’ve never seen him so quiet when he’s brought someone here for, presumably, a date.
Then again, is it even a date? Is it maybe another misunderstanding? Tsumiki-san is quiet on a good day, so I can’t imagine what reason she’d have to agree to join Kuwata-kun. It’s just not adding up at all.
“Um…so! H-how’s your drink?” Kuwata-kun asked, nervously scratching the back of his neck. Oh god, it’s painful.
“O-oh! It’s good. Th-the barista is always so good with my drink.” Tsumiki-san replied, taking a sip of her herbal tea. Not to drink-shame anybody, but I don’t understand people who enjoy herbal teas. Blech.
“Right? They’re super good here. Do you like to hang out here a lot?”
“Usually only if I wake up early before a shift. I worry about the effects the caffeine has on my sleeping patterns, but I can’t help myself to their coffee.” Tsumiki-san smiled a little as she spoke. Good, seems they just needed to get the ball rolling a little.
“I know what you mean. Sometimes I get too jittery when I have coffee though, and it makes it hard to focus.”
“R-really? Have you been drinking enough water lately? Since coffee is a stimulant, it causes jittering, and it can be worse if you have anxiety, but drinking plenty of water and even taking a walk can help with it.” Tsumiki-san rambled all that out, I’m not sure I even caught it all.
However, Kuwata-kun seemed to be hanging onto each word, “Whoa, seriously? I never knew all that.”
“A-ah, sorry! Sometimes I start explaining things unnecessarily!” Tsumiki-san covered her mouth, blushing at herself.
“No, no! It was cool! I don’t really know much about medical stuff and how shit affects the body, so I think that it’s kinda awesome you know so much about it. Then again, you’re a nurse so I suppose it’s expected…” Kuwata-kun said.
“You…really don’t mind?”
“Nah, I figure I could probably benefit from learning some stuff like that, y’know? Even though I’m an athlete, I don’t actually know much about how to take care of myself. Dieting and all that shit.” Kuwata-san admitted. Is that really something an Ultimate Baseball Pro should be saying?!
“Y-your coach never spoke to you about it? Or maybe a team manager?”
Kuwata-kun looked away, blushing a little, “I…may have skipped out on those days.” He said. Seriously, he’s an Ultimate and he doesn’t even take it seriously, you piss me off! “Although, if you were my team manager, I might’ve turned up to listen. My team manager was my cousin though, so…”
“Ehehehe…it m-makes me happy to hear that…w-wait, your cousin?”
“Long story.” Kuwata-kun held up a hand to stop that line of questioning. I watched the two chatter away over nothing until it was time for Tsumiki-san to leave. Once she did, Kuwata-kun stayed behind a little while longer and stared at where she was sitting, a smile creeping on his face.
I’ve seen Kuwata-kun flirt with a lot of people, but this seems really different to all those other times…maybe he’s finally found someone worth pursuing for real. A blooming romance between an unexpected pair. I’ll be rooting for you two! Keep it up!
I let out a sigh as I finished mopping the floor. Sometimes I forget how hard trying to run this café is when I’m basically doing it single handily, even if it’s pretty small. It’s been a slow day as well, barely anybody has come in today, never mind any couples.
I know it’s creepy to be couple-watching this much, but…I dunno, I think I like living vicariously through them. It’s like…if I’m not in a position to go looking for love, I wanna support the couples in the ways my skill set lets me. Even if that’s limited to a safe haven for dates.
“Ah, so this is the infamous café.”
“Hm?” I looked up as a girl walked in. She wore a tanned trench coat over her Future Foundation uniform. Her brunette hair sat at her shoulders in waves and her eyes were only a few shades darker. Oh god, she’s gorgeous.
“Sorry! Are you closed?” She asked.
“H-huh? Oh! No! No, we’re open! W-we’re kind of almost open.” I sat the mop against the wall and put out a wet floor sign before retreating behind the counter, “can I get you anything?”
“Can I get…a caramel macchiato? Oh! With almond milk if you have that.”
“We sure do!�� Oh shit, our orders are almost identical. Is that her usual order? “I have to say, I know almost every face in the Foundation, but I don’t think I’ve ever spotted you before.”
“Oh, I’m new here. I just got transferred from the Hokkaido base. Heard all about this place, and decided it was worth checking out. Haven’t been to a café in years, y’know? Not exactly an option nowadays.” She said.
“Yeah, yeah. I get you. Luckily, you have this little heaven, as I call it, so feel free to come whenever you want.” I smiled my best genuine smile and she smiled back. I made her drink and dug a pen from my pocket, “your name?”
She laughed a little, “my name? I didn’t realise this was Starbucks. Also, don’t think there’s anybody else here to get me confused with.” She looked around the empty room.
“Y-yeah…um…m-maybe this is just my way of wanting to know your name?” I tried to keep my cool, but I’m probably super red right now.
She laughs again, “Okay, sure. Otsuka Minako. Minako is spelled with the characters for ‘beauty’ and ‘apple tree’.”
“And then ‘child’, I’m guessing.” I said. Her name literally has the character for ‘beauty’. “Here’s your order, Otsuka-san.”
“Thank you. Will I be getting your name as well?” She asks.
“You can call me Haru. Ito Haru.” I say.
“Ito-san then. I’ll be seeing you around then?”
“As long you come back here, you’ll find me.” I said.
“Then I’ll be back at some point. Goodbye for now.” Otsuka-san smiles at me one more time before leaving the café. I put my hand over my beating heart. Oh my god. I really had an interaction like that…and it went well? She said she’ll be back? Does she like me?
Oh god…I love my job.
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kawaiikichi · 5 years
Bitter and Sweet (HBD Kirigiri!)
*casually rolls in with a Naegiri one-shot for Kirigiri’s birthday* So here it is, you guys, my first Naegiri one-shot in a while. I used to write about them constantly while I was on Fanfiction Amino, but after I got into Haikyuu, I kinda stopped. It’s been a while since I’ve written Naegiri, so it might be a little OOC; please be aware of that (I tried to keep them in character as much as possible, but I’m pretty sure I might’ve strayed a little somewhere XD).
I decided to go for something that’s a little shorter than what I usually do for birthday one-shots, which is just them being cute and fluffy in the morning with coffee and stuff (and also some birthday smooches). I figured I’d try and focus on one scene for once, so there’s that.
I hope you guys like it! :D
Title: Bitter and Sweet
Summary: Makoto and Kyouko spend the morning together in bed with cups of coffee and each other’s company.
One-Shot Notes: An AU where Makoto has a growth spurt and is now the same height as Kyouko; Makoto and Kyouko are about 23 in this one-shot  
One-shot is under the cut!
Makoto woke up that morning to the sun shining in his face. He blinked, letting out a yawn as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“It’s morning...” he trailed off.
He shifted in bed a little and saw that Kyouko had her arms wrapped around his waist, her face buried into his side. She slept peacefully, strands of hair concealing her closed eyes.
He smiled softly as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head, stroking her hair.
She looks so at peace. I don’t want to wake her up just yet, she thought to herself.
He gave her one more kiss atop her head before slowly pulling her arms off from around his waist and climbing out of bed.
He walked up to the calendar that they had tacked to the wall next to the closer and looked at where he had circled the sixth with a red Sharpie along with a note that it was Kyouko’s birthday.
“I hope she likes what I have planned for today...but first things first, I should make some coffee for us.” he said as he slipped out of the bedroom and headed into the kitchen.
He put some water in the electric kettle and turned it on, leaving it to start boiling as he went to get the container of instant coffee along with two mugs.
He never used to be much of a coffee person. If anybody asked him if he liked drinking tea or coffee, he would immediately tell them that he liked drinking tea more than coffee, saying that coffee was too bitter for him.
Yeah, you could add sugar and cream to even out the bitterness, but he still wasn’t fond of it.
But, because his girlfriend drank it so much, he found himself growing to appreciate the taste of coffee and even began drinking a lot of it, too.
However, he couldn’t compare to Kyouko, Byakuya noting at one point that she was “a complete coffee addict.”
He picked the personalized couple mugs that they bought when they were in the States last year and he spooned the instant coffee into them. After the water was done boiling in the kettle, he poured it into the cups and proceeded to add two spoons of sugar and some milk into his mug, which said “He loves his coffee sweet” while he left hers, which said “She loves her coffee black,” untouched. Once that was done, he picked up the two mugs and headed back to the bedroom.
As he stepped inside, he watched as Kyouko blinked blearily at him.
“There you are...” she yawned, stretching her arms upward. “I was wondering where you were, since you weren’t next to me when I woke up.” she said.
“I went to make coffee for us.” he handed Kyouko her mug. “Here’s your mug.” he said.
“Thank you.” she said, taking the mug from him and bringing it to her lips.
He smiled as he got back in bed beside her. Taking a sip, he reached out and tucked some hair behind her ear.
“Happy Birthday, Kyouko.” he said as he leaned in and pecked her on the cheek.
Kyouko stilled, the rim of her mug pressed against her lips as Makoto withdrew, a light blush on his cheeks. A blush collected on her cheeks as she reached up to twirl a stray strand of hair around her finger.
“Thank you...” she trailed off before taking a sip.
They sat beside each other, drinking their coffee while enjoying the quiet stillness of the morning. With each passing minute, Makoto’s heartbeat grew louder in his ears every time he peeked a look at Kyouko.
Her hair was a touch bit unruly from tossing and turning in her sleep, stray flyaways standing up on end. Her fuzzy pastel purple turtleneck looked big on her, the sleeves nearly hiding her ungloved hands from view. His eyes lingered on her hand for a short moment before he set his coffee mug down and he reached out to take her hand in his. Kyouko watched in surprise as he laced his fingers with hers.
“Makoto?” she asked.
“I just felt like holding your hand, that’s all.” he replied.
Kyouko nodded her head in response as she resumed drinking her coffee. Makoto continued to hold her hand, watching outside gradually get brighter as she spoke.
“So, what’s the schedule for today?” she asked.
“Well, I was thinking of going to brunch once we’re done with our coffee.” he replied.
“Coffee and then brunch?”
“Well, I know you like to have your coffee first thing in the morning...”
Kyouko looked at Makoto before chuckling.
“Alright.” she replied.
“Well, we should get up and get dressed.” he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek once more. “Let’s go.” he said.
As he began to pull away, she pulled him back in.
“Is that what you call a kiss, Makoto?” she asked.
“H-Huh?” Makoto stuttered.
“I’m sure you can do better than that.” she said, a teasing smile crossing her lips.
Makoto’s cheeks flushed red as he lowered his gaze.
“Well...” he trailed off.
“Here, let me take the lead for a bit.” she said as she cupped his cheek and brought their lips together in a kiss.
Makoto’s eyes widened for a brief moment before sliding shut, his arms going around her waist as she pushed him down onto the bed, straddling him.
He could taste the bitterness of her coffee on her lips as they kissed. But, with the bitterness came a sweetness that always flooded his senses each time he kissed her.
His fingers were splayed across the small of her back as Kyouko pulled away. “Now that is what you call a kiss.” she said.
“I...I know that.” Makoto panted. “And it’s those kinds of kisses that drive me crazy. It’s almost making me reconsider going out for brunch and staying here with you all day instead.” he said.
“Is that so?”
Makoto turned them over so that she was under him on the bed.
“But, since it’s your birthday, I’ll let you choose.” he said.
“Hm...” Kyouko trailed off.
She reached up to tap her chin, tilting her head to the side as she contemplated over what they should do. Then, she reached up and looped her arms around Makoto’s neck.
“Then...I say we continue this for a while and then go out for brunch.” she said.
“Wise choice.” Makoto stated.
Kyouko chuckled as Makoto captured her lips in another kiss that was bitter, but also very sweet.
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Prompt: Naegi and Kirigiri with Saihara as their child (PS this is spoiler-free and I haven't played/watched the game so excuse me for mischaracterizing)
A/N for @qosic a WAY belated birthday gift. Dude, I love you so much that I would write naegiri for you. Thanks for being awesome and I hope this will be enough for your forgiveness at my late greeting.
Another Detective in the Family - naegiri with child saihara
When Saihara was born, they never talked about his talent.
Instead the parents cried and cooed at a healthy baby born and how they would protect him and shower him in love. Whether or not he had talent was not a concern of theirs so long as he was happy. Makoto did joke before that he wished their son didn't inherit his luck if that counted as a discussion. Kyouko was still smooth as ever when she calmly mentioned that their son would most likely inherit his hope. They both blushed at that, him more so than her. It was nice and peaceful and all was right in the world in those moments.
When Saihara grew up, he inevitably showed talent.
At first it was just interest in his parents' works which then developed into skill. He solved his first mystery when he was four and the culprit was his father who ate his mother's pudding. It was an easy first case but he had been proud over debunking his father's alibi. He had a feeling that his mother knew all along but just milked the situation for his father's reaction. The next time they went grocery shopping, they bought him extra pudding as a reward.
From then on, he pursued mysteries with a wonderlust. He solved them left and right and he grew bolder with each success. It seemed as though he was already set on the path of being a detective just like his mother. However, unlike his mother, he didn't become cold and distant in his work. He took after his father when it came to being social. He was friendly enough and made sure that everyone was at least  comfortable around him. His mother made no comment on his work ethic and his father cheered him on. He would make them proud.
At the tender age of seven, he was a prodigy.
A prodigy that was still babied by his parents just because they can.
"Mom, I have some news." He declared as soon as he caught sight of her in the living room.
"Really?" Kyouko asked although judging by her tone, it sounded rhetorical.
Saihara's smile immediately turned into a scowl or at least it was supposed to be but it came out as a pout. "You already know, don't you?"
She hummed playfully. "If you say so then what ever gave me away?"
This was a test and he just knew it. Ever since he started showing interest, she also began to train him in subtle ways. Sure it was fun at first but after a few years, it got old fast. Well more like annoying since they were easy and she knew how he felt about the easier tests but still handed them out. Her excuse was that it was to drill in the basics but he knew better and that she just wanted to tease him.
He took a moment to reorganize his thoughts into a concise explanation. "Well you're early but not too early. That provides just the right time frame for you to meet auntie given his schedule. However, the incriminating evidence is that your blouse has wrinkles around the shoulder area that could only be acquired by someone placing their arms there in a hugging manner. And you never let anyone but auntie do that. Given auntie's nature, I have no doubt that she already told you about the news."
Kyouko stared at him, her silence carrying judgement with every passing second. "Nice try." She curtly said.
"Nice try? Not well done?" He asked incredulously.
"It's not a bad induction." She shrugged. "However, it is incorrect."
"Incorrect?" He gasped. It was like a blow was dealt to his gut.
"I learned about the news from your uncle this morning. Everything else, I planned and planted." She explained in a collected manner and then surprised him at the tenderness in her touch when she patted his head comfortingly. "It seems that you have much to learn since you were deceived easily."
"It wasn't that easy. I'm going to see through it next time." He grumbled and covered half of his face in embarrassment.
"There, there." She smiled as she continued to pat him.
Makoto came home shortly after and gave both of them warm hugs. "How was your day, Saihara?" He affectionately brushed his hair.
"M'fine." He mumbled though he did not pull away.
"Oh, Kyouko. It looks like you already know about the news. Did uncle tell you?" Makoto said when he turned towards her.
"Seriously?" Saihara's jaw dropped. "How did you even find out about that? I thought mom was the detective between the two of you!"
"I have my fair share of experiences at solving mysteries." He winked at his son. "I just might be better than you."
"How??" He squawked at how infuriatingly talented his father was. "At least tell me how you figured it out!"
"A lucky guess?" Makoto just laughed at his son's scrunched up face. "Just kidding, kiddo. I actually saw them when uncle delivered the news."
Saihara practically fumed. He was played by his parents. Twice! "I hate you both." He grumbled.
"Love you more." Kyouko giggled.
"Love you too!" Makoto chuckled.
Despite Saihara's weak protests, Makoto pulled the three of them together in for another bear hug which Kyouko obliged. He ended up smiling with them and although he did laugh, he refused to acknowledge that out loud. More than the thrill and satisfaction of solving mysteries, he thought that it was moments like these that topped his list. Here, in the safety and warmth of his loving parents. He forgets and forgives them for teasing but they would never let him forget that he was their beloved son.
When Saihara looked up to his parents, he didn't think of talent since all he saw was love.
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plainluck-blog · 8 years
"naegi-kun. i know this may be late but.." behind her back, gloved hands held out a plain-looking box containing a jacket with a hoodie along with a birthday card. the card contained a heart-filled note regarding a personal matter. it'd be up to him whether or not to confront her later on about it. "happy birthday."
Tumblr media
“It was sweet of you to think of me at all, Kirigiri-san. Thank you.”
Late or not, he’s touched she’d go through the trouble of remembering his birthday, much less actually getting him a gift. Unable to resist seeing what’s inside the box, he goes ahead and opens it up right there, taking a moment to appreciate the article inside. She definitely knows him well. He even opens the card, beginning to read it, but stopping once he realizes the contents of the message inside. It might be embarrassing if he read it all right there in front of her, he assumes, so with some difficulty he sets it aside, trying not to give anything away about what he’d seen.
Instead, he opts for removing his well-loved and well-worn hoodie and putting on the one she’d given him instead. It feels a little strange to be wearing something new instead of his own familiar jacket, but it was a gift from Kyouko, so that makes it special.
“I love it already. I’ll take good care of it.”
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kawaiikichi · 5 years
Look at Me (Happy Belated Birthday Togami!)
Hey, you guys! It’s kawaiikichi with a belated birthday one-shot for the one and only Byakuya Togami! I was supposed to have this up for his birthday, but in the end, it never happened. But I figured that since we’re still in his birthday month, it should still count, right? XD
So, a few months ago, I finally got my friend to start playing the first Danganronpa game. Just listening to her telling me her thoughts about it (characters that she likes, characters she doesn’t like, ships that she’s leaning towards, etc) made me think back on some of my old OTPs that I haven’t written for in a while. One of those is Naegami (which is coincidentally a ship that she’s starting to ship; I’m so proud of her for being an intellectual XD).
I decided to return to some of my older works that I wrote when I was still active on Fanfiction Amino, polish them a bit, and then upload them here. This one in particular is me combining two separate one-shots into one with a lot of editing and additional scenes.
So, I hope you guys like it! :)
(And happy belated birthday, Togami!)
Title: Look at Me
Summary: Makoto has had a crush on Byakuya from the moment their eyes met. However, with how Byakuya treats him, Makoto’s crush is unrequited and he finds himself getting more and more hurt by his words. But, is that really all there is to it?
One-Shot Notes: Basically a mashup of two of my Naegami one-shots that I had uploaded on Fanfiction Amino with some additional scenes and a whole lot of editing; an AU where they all choose to cohabit with one another rather than participate in the killing game; due to the fact that I haven’t written Naegami in forever and I’m going off of what I remember about their ship dynamic and what not, they might be OOC, so I’m just warning you all ahead of time
One-shot is under the cut!
Makoto was busy putting some books back in their appropriate spots on the bookshelf when a voice called out to him.
"Oi, go get me some coffee."
He nearly jolted at the voice. He turned to look at Byakuya, who peered at him over the book he was reading.
"Huh?" Makoto answered.
"I said to go get me some coffee." Byakuya stated.
"Ah! I...I'll get that right away!" Makoto stammered out before rushing out of the library and making his way down the stairs to the cafeteria.
He went into the kitchen, picked out a mug, and he began to brew some coffee for Byakuya.
As he started up the coffee maker, a voice called out to him.
Makoto turned at the voice, seeing Kyouko enter the kitchen.
"Ah! Kirigiri-san!" he exclaimed.
"What are you doing here? You should be helping us out with searching the school." she stated.
"Ah. Well...Togami-kun told me to come and brew him some coffee..." he trailed off.
Kyouko breathed out a deep sigh.
"You need to stop wasting your time on him. He's not worth it." she said.
"But..." Makoto scratched lightly at his chin. "I love him..." he murmured quietly, his cheeks taking on a rosy pink color.
Ever since he had first locked eyes on Byakuya, Makoto had felt some sort of attraction to him. He was totally in love with him.
But, he knew that Byakuya could never feel that way towards him. He would never see him as Makoto Naegi. To Byakuya Togami, Makoto Naegi was nothing more than a mere errand boy. That was it.
Even if that was so, Makoto still loved him. He couldn't ever bring himself to forget or let go of his love for him. So, he continued to quietly love him, even though it hurt so much.
His thoughts were cut off by an exasperated sigh.
"Well, go ahead and ruin yourself." Kyouko went over and got an apple from the fridge. "Don't say I didn't warn you." she said before marching off.
Makoto breathed out a sigh as he finished brewing Byakuya’s coffee. He turned the coffee maker off and he began making his way back up to the library.
As he walked down the hallway on the second floor, he heard a voice.
"Oi, stop bothering me!"
"Eh?! But, Byakuya-sama...!"
Makoto stopped in his tracks, recognizing those two voices immediately. Touko was pestering Byakuya once again.
It was always like that. Byakuya seemed to be more talkative when it came to her. It almost made Makoto jealous (even though all the blond would say to her was to leave him alone).
He found it in him to walk again and he made his way into the library to see Byakuya trying to concentrate on reading his book and Touko gazing at him with a love struck look in her eyes. Makoto bit his lip as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Uh...Togami-kun..." he trailed off.
Byakuya looked up from his book, glowering at Makoto.
"What?" he responded coldly.
"Um..." Makoto swallowed as he held the coffee cup up. "Coffee?" he spoke nervously.
"Ah, bring that over to me." Byakuya said, ushering Makoto to come closer.
Makoto nodded slowly as he walked over to Byakuya. The blond took the mug from him, their fingers brushing together ever so slightly. Makoto immediately let go, yanking his hand away like he had been scorched by fire. Byakuya didn’t seem to notice how flustered Makoto looked as he snapped the book he was reading shut, offering it to Makoto.
"Get me another book. This one is boring me." Byakuya said.
"Okay..." Makoto trailed off as he took the book and headed off to put it back.
As he went into an aisle, he heard Byakuya snapping at Touko and telling her to go away. He sighed as he put the book back and he pulled out another one. He ran his hand along the cover, a sad sigh escaping his lips. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice how the the library went silent or heard the footsteps making their way over to him.
"When will he just look at me...?" he mumbled out.
"What are you mumbling about over there?" a hand was placed by his head on the bookshelf, making Makoto gasp as he whirled around.
"T-Togami-kun!" he stuttered out.
Byakuya’s eyebrows were knitted, a scowl on his face as he stared at Makoto.
“Does it really take that long to bring me a book?” he asked.
“I...” Makoto could hear his heart pounding loudly in his ears. “I’m sorry...I was lost in thought...” he trailed off.
Byakuya sighed.
“As expected of a plebeian.” he commented.
Makoto stayed silent as Byakuya continued.
"Whatever. Back to the matter at hand." Byakuya leaned in towards Makoto. "Tell me, what exactly were you mumbling about?" he asked.
Makoto swallowed as he stared at Byakuya, the pounding in his ears getting louder. The blond’s piercing steel blue gaze gave him goosebumps and the thick scent of his cologne hanging over him made his head spin. His tongue darted out to lick his lips as he began to think.
Should I really say what’s on my mind, he asked himself.
“Do you really intend on continuing to waste my time?” Byakuya’s words pulled Makoto out of his thoughts.
“Ah! I...I’m really sorry!” Makoto apologized.
“Geez, you have no sense of urgency.” Byakuya snatched the book out of Makoto’s hand. “If you don’t plan on telling me, then I’ll go back and start reading this.” he said as he turned to leave.
Makoto’s eyes widened as he watched Byakuya begin to walk off. Before he could stop himself, he reached out and grabbed for Byakuya’s coat sleeve.
“Wait.” he called out, his voice small and meek.
He expected Byakuya to shake him off and continue on his way, but surprisingly enough, he did no such thing. He slowly turned, watching Makoto expectantly.
Makoto swallowed once more.
It was now or never.
"Why...Why won't you look at me?" he asked after a few moments of silence.
"Hm?" Byakuya eyed Makoto like he just said something stupid. "Aren't I already doing that?" he asked.
Makoto’s eyes grew wide as he stared at him. He wanted to say something more, but the words refused to be spoken. It was like someone stuffed his throat with cotton.
"Now," Byakuya yanked his arm away, "if you’re done rambling about nonsensical things, I’ll resume my reading session and you can go do something else." he said before pulling away and walking off.
Makoto’s cheeks turned a beet red as he slammed a fist against his mouth.
You know exactly what I mean, Togami-kun. I want you to look at me for me, not as your errand boy, he thought to himself.
And for the first time ever since they had gotten locked up at Hope's Peak Academy, he began to cry.
Kyouko shot Makoto a blank look as she stirred some creamer into her coffee.
“I warned you.” she stated bluntly.
“I know you warned me.” Makoto groaned out as he slumped over the table in the cafeteria.
Kyouko took a sip of her coffee as she observed Makoto, noting the dark circles under his eyes, the dried tear marks on his cheeks, and the red tinge of his eyes.
“Did you happen to get any sleep these past couple of days?” she asked.
“Of course I did! Sleep is important, after all.” he replied.
Kyouko narrowed her eyes at him skeptically. They continued to stare at each other before Makoto released a sigh.
“Okay, you got me.” he said.
“Damn right, I did.” Kyouko took another sip. “Like I said, he’s not worth your time. If he’s going to continue to treat you like this, then I suggest you move and find someone who will treat you nicer.” she stated.
“But, who would that even be? There’s no one here that interests me like he does.” Makoto stated.
“Then, just stay single for the rest of the time you’re here, I don’t know. What I do know is that you can’t keep hurting yourself like this.” she stated, pointing a finger at him.
Makoto bit his lip.
“I guess so...” he trailed off.
Kyouko took another sip from her coffee.
“If I recall correctly, you already wrote a love confession to him, haven’t you?” she asked.
“Huh? Oh, that.” Makoto scratched the back of his head. “I should probably get rid of that, huh?” he mumbled.
“You should.” Kyouko replied.
“Yeah, you’re right...maybe instead of a love confession, I should leave behind a note saying that I’m going to get over him.” Makoto said.
He stood from his seat.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. He won’t read it anyway, so it’ll just be my little secret.” he said.
He turned to leave.
“I need to go and write it. I’ll see you later, Kirigiri-san!” he shouted over his shoulder as he rushed out of the cafeteria.
“Yeah.” Kyouko replied as he left the cafeteria.
She released a sigh as she finished off her coffee, recalling the past couple of nights she listened to him crying through his slightly ajar bedroom door as she was heading to her room for the night.
“This is for the best.” she rested her cup on the table. “This way, he won’t get hurt anymore.” she spoke quietly.
Byakuya sat at his usual table in the library, flipping through yet another book.
He tried to focus on what he was reading, but his mind kept drifting.
He found himself thinking about a certain lucky student.
Two days have passed since they last spoke. Makoto had been distant as of late, which was pretty unusual. Every time he tried calling him over to do something for him, the lucky student would either be preoccupied with some of the other students or he’d avert his gaze and rush off to do god knows what.
If Byakuya was being honest, it was starting to irritate him.
He didn’t know when it began, but he felt some sort of pull towards him. There was something about Makoto that intrigued him, although he couldn’t quite place what that something was.
At some point, he assumed that what he felt towards Makoto was love, but he immediately shooed that thought away.
Him? In love?
What a joke.
He released an irritated sigh, snapping the book shut as he looked to see Touko staring at him.
“Would it kill you to leave me alone for a day?” he barked out.
“But Byakuya-sama, I couldn’t possibly do that!” Touko exclaimed.
“I want to read in peace, so leave me alone.” he stated.
“I wish to be useful to you though, Byakuya-sama! I’ll do whatever it is you ask!”
“You want to be useful to me? Then, curl up and die. Stop harassing me and let me be by myself.”
With that, Byakuya stood and headed off to put the book back.
“Byakuya-sama...!” Touko called out.
Byakuya chose to ignore her as he ventured further into the library. As he put the book back in its appropriate spot, he recalled what happened between him and Makoto.
"Why...Why won't you look at me?" Makoto asked after a few moments of silence.
"Hm?" Byakuya eyed Makoto like he just said something stupid.
What is this idiot going on about, of course I’m looking at him. He may not realize it, but I don’t really see him as much of a pleb anymore, he thought to himself.
"Aren't I already doing that?" he asked.
Makoto’s eyes grew wide as he stared at him. He looked as if he wanted to say something more, but he didn’t. Byakuya peered at him, trying to decipher what was going on in his mind.
Was it a look of surprise? Or was it one of disappointment?
Just the fact that someone as simple as Makoto was so hard to read was just so damn annoying.
He decided not to dwell on the thought any longer.
"Now," Byakuya yanked his arm away, "if you’re done rambling about nonsensical things, I’ll resume my reading session and you can go do something else." he said before pulling away and walking off.
He turned into the other aisle and leaned against it as he heard Makoto sobbing.
Byakuya bit his lip as Makoto’s sobs replayed in his mind.
He knew that his words came off as cold and very harsh. But, he was also very straightforward when he needed to be.
He thought that he was doing exactly that when he told Makoto that. He thought that Makoto would pick up on what he meant. But, it seems that it had the opposite effect.
He found himself biting his lip.
The last thing he wanted to do was make Makoto cry.
I thought he knew what I was trying to get at. I guess my words came off tougher than I thought, he thought to himself.
He let out an annoyed ‘tch’.
Makoto listened to everyone converse with each other as they all stood in the gym.
They were all woken up by the usual morning announcement along with the monochromatic bear demanding them to all meet up in the gym after breakfast or else they would all face some sort of “punishment.”
“Hey, Naegi-kun...what do you think Monobear wants from us this time?” Aoi asked.
“I have no idea.” Makoto replied as Mondo let out a loud shout.
“Hurry up and get out here, you little shit! I’ll slug ya if you keep stalling!” he roared angrily, cracking his knuckles as he glowered at the empty podium.
“Now, now, take a chill pill! I hope you haven’t forgotten about what will happen to you if you use violence on the headmaster!” Monobear shouted as it jumped onto the podium.
“Eeeeeeeek, it’s back!” Yasuhiro shrieked.
“Oh hush it, Bob Marley wannabe!” Monobear snapped.
Yasuhiro could only gape at the bear in shock as Monobear cleared its throat.
“Now then, I have a very important announcement to make: it’s one of you bastard’s birthday today!” it shouted.
“It is?!” Sayaka exclaimed in surprise.
“Indeed, indeed! Today is Mister Byakuya Togami’s birthday!” Monobear declared, gesturing to the uninterested blond sitting on the bleachers.
“It’s Byakuya-sama’s birthday today?!” Touko exclaimed.
She began giggling excitedly as Byakuya released an annoyed sigh.
“I never said that you could announce my birthday to the whole world.” he bit out.
“Oh, relax! Having your fellow classmates know your birthday isn’t gonna kill ya!” Monobear said.
“Hold up a minute, just how in the world do you know his birthday and that it’s today?!” Aoi asked.
“Well duh, his birthday is listed in the student report section of your handbooks. And also, we have something called a calendar!” Monobear snapped, eyeing the students in annoyance.
“For real...?” Yasuhiro grumbled as he pulled out his handbook and began to flip through it.
Kyouko released a sigh.
“So? What’s the real reason for you to be calling us here?” she asked.
Makoto eyed Kyouko in confusion.
“The real reason...?” he wondered out loud as Monobear cleared its throat again.
“Okay, you got me. Actually, I have something to share with you all, particularly Mister Togami.” Monobear began.
“For me?” Byakuya questioned, eyeing the bear quizzically.
“Upupu, indeed.” Monobear’s eyes glowed mischievously. “You see, I was strolling through the library, minding my own goddamn business. I picked up a book, started flipping through it, and came across an envelope that was addressed to Togami.” it said.
Immediately, Makoto went pale. Kyouko eyed the lucky student out of the corner of her eye.
“Is he referring to what I think he’s referring to?” she whispered.
“I think so...” Makoto murmured out as Monobear cackled.
“I want to say who it’s from, but I think it would be even more thrilling for you to go check it out yourself~” Monobear singsonged.
Byakuya glowered at the bear.
“Don’t be ridiculous—“
“I’m sorry, I need to step out real quick!” Makoto shouted as he whirled around on his heel and made a dash for the door.
“Huh?! Just where does that little shit think he’s going?!” Mondo roared.
“Naegi-kun! Where are you going?!” Aoi shouted.
“Huh?! How dare he leave while I’m still talking!” Monobear stomped its foot. “That blasted lucky student!” it exclaimed.
As Makoto pushed the gym door open, he failed to see the look that spread itself across Byakuya’s face as he stumbled out and raced in the direction of the library.
Makoto felt faint as he stumbled into the library.
He couldn’t believe this was happening to him.
“I have to get that letter...I can’t have Togami-kun read it!” he said to himself.
He began searching through each and every book in the library, hoping that he would come across the letter at some point.
A few minutes passed before he stopped flipping through a geometry textbook.
Wait...why am I trying so hard to retrieve a letter that says that I am going to get over him, he asked himself.
“Why am I...?” he muttered under his breath.
It’s not like it’s a love confession, so why am I panicking, he wondered to himself.
He briefly thought of putting the book back and heading out of the library like he didn’t just try to turn the library upside down for a measly letter, but he decided against it.
No, I can’t! I have to retrieve it, no matter what, he told himself.
He put the textbook back and he continued his search. He eventually found himself in the comic book section.
As he flipped through a comic book involving cyborgs, he heard a voice call out to him from behind.
"Looking for something?"
Makoto whirled around to see Byakuya holding an eerily familiar white envelope that had the blond’s name written in the center of it.
Makoto’s eyes grew wide.
That’s the letter, he thought to himself.
A look of horror spread across Makoto’s face as he spoke.
"That letter...” he trailed off.
“You know, I wasn’t going to pay this letter any mind, but as soon as that bear brought it up, you grew pale and dashed out of the gym. It intrigued me, so I decided to follow after you and find it myself. Turns out this was stuck in between the pages of a romance novel.” Byakuya explained.
Makoto grew even paler as Byakuya looked at the envelope.
“Just as I figured...this is a letter you wrote for me...” he murmured.
Fear bubbled up from within the lucky student as he spoke.
“That letter...I need it, so please give it to me...” he said as he tried to snatch it out of his hand.
However, Byakuya rose it above his head. This made Makoto frustrated.
"Please, give it to me, Togami-kun!” Makoto pleaded as he tried to grab for it.
However, he failed. Byakuya eyed Makoto curiously.
"This letter is addressed to me, though. I don’t see why I should give it to you.” Byakuya stated.
"Do I really need to tell you why you should give it to me?” Makoto asked.
"Well, seeing as you’re making such a fuss about it, then you might as well enlighten me." Byakuya replied.
Makoto thought about it for a split second before furiously shaking his head.
"I can’t do that, so please just give it to me!" he shouted as he tried grabbing for it once again. But, that just made the blond raise it higher.
"If you really want it, then you’re going to have to jump for it.” he said.
Makoto huffed our a frustrated sigh as he jumped for it. As his fingers grazed the envelope, Byakuya pulled it away and whirled around.
"You know, you've gotten me very curious. Seeing as you’re trying so hard to make sure I don’t open this envelope, it must either be very important or downright embarrassing." he proceeded to open the envelope. “Let’s find out, shall we?” he asked.
Makoto’s eyes widened in horror as he watched the envelope being opened.
"No!" Makoto tried to grab for it once more. “Please, give it back!" he begged.
"No." Byakuya replied as he took the letter out and he began to read it.
I highly doubt you’ll actually find this letter, but if you somehow do, then I would appreciate it if you could read it in its entirety.
So, I honestly don’t know how I should start with this, but I feel like I should state the obvious: I loved you. Even though you’re cold and rude and have a horrible personality, I still liked you. I figured I could live with this unrequited crush on you, but as the days passed, it grew harder for me. Then, when I asked you why you wouldn’t look at me and you said that you found my question stupid because you already were made me finally realize that if I continued to love you, I would get hurt in the end. You never looked at me as more than your errand boy. And the more that I think about it, the more I’ve come to realize that you’ll never see me that way ever.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I’m going to get over you, Togami-kun. I’ll get rid of my feelings for you and start over. It’ll be hard at first, but in the end, I think that this is for the best.
Togami-kun, please don’t be disgusted by these feelings that I used to harbor for you. As of now, they don’t exist anymore, so you have nothing to worry about. I’ll just go my way, you can go yours, and I’ll just forget that I even felt this way towards you.
I hope you are able to understand.
Makoto Naegi
Byakuya scanned the letter with an unreadable look in his eyes. Makoto swallowed, his heart pounding against his rib cage. His palms grew clammy with sweat as he bit down hard on his bottom lip.
Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to have the ground swallow him whole.
He lowered his gaze to the floor as Byakuya spoke.
"What do you mean when you said that you loved me?" he asked.
Makoto flinched at the tone of Byakuya’s voice.
"Uh...” Makoto swallowed again. “Well...I think it’s exactly what it means. I did love you before.” he replied in a soft voice.
“What about now?”
“I don’t love you anymore.”
Makoto blinked his eyes twice.
“Huh? What do you mean?” he asked.
“It’s exactly what it mean. That’s bullshit.” Byakuya replied.
“Why do you think that’s the case, Togami-kun?”
“One, because I can tell that’s the case and two, you didn’t look me in the eye when you said that just now.”
Makoto bit down on his lip harder, drawing blood as Byakuya continued.
“Look at me.”
Makoto hesitated, wondering if he should really do as he said. He heard Byakuya let out an annoyed ‘tch' as he strode over to him, placed his hands on his shoulders, and pushed Makoto against the bookshelf. Makoto’s head snapped up, staring up at the blond in surprise.
“Togami-kun—“ he didn’t get to say anything else as Byakuya’s lips covered his own in a kiss.
Makoto’s eyes widened.
Byakuya is kissing him.
His heart nearly exploded as Byakuya kissed him harder, urging for him to respond. Makoto blinked only for him to see that Byakuya was staring him down, a fire raging in his blue eyes that Makoto had never seen before. His gaze was so intense that it made Makoto shudder. He squeezed his eyes shut as he slowly kissed back. A few minutes passed before Byakuya pulled away.
Dazed by the sudden kiss, Makoto’s eyes slowly fluttered open. He blinked up at the blond as he spoke, the fire in his eyes still flickering.
"If there’s anything I hate more than annoying plebs, it’s being lied to. Don’t say that you don’t love me anymore when it’s obvious that you still do. Before you try and refute me, just know that I can see it in your eyes. You feel something for me still. Even though you say you’re trying to get over me, in the end, you can’t find it you to actually go through with it.” Byakuya explained.
Makoto narrowed his eyes at him.
“Don’t just assume things on your—“ the blond immediately cut him off.
“Also, if you’re going to confess your feelings to me, don’t you dare do it in past tense. I’ll begin losing hope.” Byakuya stated.
Makoto got ready to retort when Byakuya’s words replayed in his mind. This made him curious as to what he meant.
“You’ll begin losing hope? Why is that?” he asked.
“Well, that’s because...” Byakuya trailed off.
He then muttered something under his breath, causing Makoto to eye him curiously.
“What? I didn’t hear what you said.” Makoto said.
Byakuya glowered at him before pushing away and walking off.
“Wait! Togami-kun!” he began to run after him. “Please, tell me what you said!” he exclaimed.
“Do I really have to repeat myself?” Byakuya stopped and whirled around to look at him. “I also like you, dumbass!” he snapped.
Makoto blinked up in bewilderment, watching as Byakuya stared him down. Then, the blond’s words registered in his mind.
“Y-Y-You like me, too?!” he squeaked out, his cheeks immediately flushing a bright red.
“Is that not what I said?” Makoto noticed that the blond’s cheeks were the lightest shade of red as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “What, did you assume that I liked Fukawa or something?” he asked.
“That is...” Makoto trailed off, not wanting to admit that Byakuya was right.
Byakuya sighed in exasperation.
“Just as I thought. Geez, you really are stupid.” he grumbled.
“Huh?!” Makoto gawked at him in shock. “I’m not stupid—“ he was cut off by Byakuya pulling him into his arms.
The blush spread to Makoto’s ears as Byakuya spoke.
“The only one I like is you, so stop making assumptions. Especially the one where you thought I was only looking at you as a mere errand boy.” he said.
“Huh?” Makoto rose his head. “You mean you have always seen me as more than that?” he asked.
“Yeah. But, I guess with the way I worded it, you ended up getting the wrong idea.” Byakuya explained.
“Oh...” Makoto pouted. “Then, you should’ve said it in a way that wouldn’t make me think like that! Be more straightforward!” he whined as he smacked Byakuya’s chest lightly.
“I’ll try.”
“No, you absolutely have to, not try to!”
“Okay, okay, I will.”
“And...especially since we’re now together...” Makoto twiddled with his thumbs. “We should be honest with one another...” he mumbled.
Byakuya stared at Makoto for a couple of minutes before speaking.
“Okay, I’ll be more honest with you, starting now.” he said.
He pulled Makoto back in, leaning in towards his ear. Makoto’s face was red like a tomato, his heart pounding in his ears as the words Byakuya whispered to him played through his mind.
“I love you.”
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