hauntttedbodies · 2 years
Some of the worst rain Riverdale has ever seen comes six months after Bailey’s Comet. RVW broadcasts for days leading up to the storm, but the winds don’t pick up until well after midnight, and by that time, most of the town is fast asleep.
Cheryl wakes up to the lullaby of rain tapping against her window and the soft press of lips against her shoulder blade.
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nataliescatorccio · 9 months
rules: unburden yourself from the abandoned WIPS collecting dust in your folder and share 5 gifs, then tag five people.
thank you so much riya (@thebookluvrr1816) for tagging me!
so what's maybe different about my giffing process is that i actually rarely abandon gifsets. like if i start making it, i'm locked in, i have to finish and get the idea out my brain. on the rare occasion i don't finish a set, then i'll readapt any gifs i made for another set (but i could actually only find one instance of a set that i had abandoned this year, and i'd adapted it for another set instead). so this is a selection of gifs that i either cut from a set as i had to narrow down choices, or an 'original' look at a gif before i changed it. because of that, i'm going to link the set it was made alongside or was adapted into for comparison!
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this gif became altered for this kanej week + book to screen gifset. it originally started off as just a quote gifset. i started making this just after s2 dropped, but i think a mutual posted a set of kanej + this quote around the same time and i didn't want to be copying it so i ended up never finishing the set. when kanej week rolled around i ended up reusing the two gifs i made (this one + the one that became 'never stop fighting'), but damn, i did love this blue, and looking at it now i actually think this one came out better
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2. an early version of my kanej week quotes set. i did several for this set with a gif inside the font, but i just really hated the way it looked overall, and at the last minute changed it. i still reused all the gifs i'd made though - you can see the two here in the second panel!
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3. the original take on the third gif in this inej eps set. i ultimately changed it because i didn't like the blend, particularly that you couldn't see the knife being played with which is a moment i really wanted to include. but i do adore the yellow light shining on her as she's praying, there's something almost saintly about it, and wish i'd been able to incorporate it as i wanted to (please ignore the line it's just there because i gave up and never fixed it!)
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4. a gif from this 'la vie en rose' ed and stede gifset. i thought the way they looked at each other with stede tilting his head was so cute, but ultimately i found blending the scenes a little messy and it didn't really match the other gifs/the lyrics so i cut it.
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5. cut from this choni set, i basically cut this because there was a lot of movement in the scene and i wasn't happy with the colouring - they lean in to kiss and that meant there were a lot of issues with colouring layers overlapping skin and at that point i'd done a lot of frame-by-frame colouring and was feeling too lazy to do this one too.
there we go! this gives a bit of an insight into my giffing process too, it's always interesting how gifsets change as you continue to work on them to find what works, so hopefully this also provides a bit of before and after!
tagging some talented mutuals (but no pressure as always!): @ughmerlin, @crowley-anthony, @seance, @saws2004, @taiturner, @natscatorrcio, @morgana-pendragon, @singularities, @khaotunqs
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chonicentral · 1 year
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Vanessa was in Germany for a convention this weekend, meeting with fans and answering some questions from them on a panel today. Here’s some Choni related things and spoilers she had to share:
The scene she’s most looking forward to us seeing that hasn’t aired yet is a “really romantic” Choni scene from the musical episode (7x14) that has really cinematic camera work that the show hasn’t done before. Judging by the rotating hand movements she uses while discussing it, most fans have deduced it’s a scene on Cheryl’s bed while the camera spins all around them, as teased by a crew member the same day they both posted in lingerie in late April (video).
A legendary fan put in a request for a Choni forehead kiss on behalf of the fandom and Vanessa promised to work one in for us since they choreograph their scenes and probably have a kissing scene next week she can do it in (video)
When asked what her favorite Toni ship is, she didn’t hesitate to say Choni, because they’re soulmates and meant to be together (video)
When asked why she thinks Cheryl officiated Toni’s wedding, Vanessa said Cheryl loves Toni and was just trying to make her happy, but was hoping she’d come back to her, which according to Vanessa “ultimately ended up happening”. It would seem that Vanessa has achieved what so many of us hope to one day and has blocked all the details of Toni’s relationship with Fangs from her memory because she thinks that wedding was in Rivervale and isn’t still a thing in the present lmao (video)
Vanessa also said she has the most fun on set with Mads and that 90% of their scenes are together (video)
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ncsdlr · 10 months
Pick and Choose - Love For The Dismissive
Warnings: angsty as fuck, dismissive reader, persistent Cheryl, hopeless Toni, WE LOVE CHONI, happy ending, all things considered,
Pairings: Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader
Word Count: 1798
AN: I forgot to post this here😢
Cheryl and Toni just broke up. The famous Choni is now just Cheryl and Toni. It broke hearts left and right, namely the River Vixens, Cheryl's "inner circle", and the serpents. Both women grieved in different ways. Toni drank an unnecessary amount of alcohol within the day, while Cheryl was being more of a menace than usual. 
It was only three weeks after their break-up when Cheryl approached you. Well, more like pestered you. You were the type of person to not give two shits about nearly everything. Your focus remained on your studies and Harvard. So when Cheryl Blossom spoke to you for the first time since freshmen year, you knew it could only be trouble. 
If you were being completely honest, you were indifferent to the whole shebang. You've never paid attention to Cheryl before, nor cared about daily updates about the hottest tea in the school that Cheryl would tell you about. It was fun at first, but now it was getting quite irritating. You enjoyed your solitude greatly, so to have Cheryl sticking to you, was definitely taking a toll on you. 
It started with getting distracted during class. You nearly even fell asleep during one because of how late you had to stay up the previous night just to entertain Cheryl enough to tire her out. Your mind was overtaken by the things Cheryl would talk to you about. Especially the part where she saw Betty and Archie kissing while they were both in good relationships. 
You don't know why it bothered you so much, but when you came to school, you were already expecting Cheryl to be by your locker, leaving you no time to plot an escape plan for the day. It seemed Cheryl never ran out of things to talk to you about, and boy was it tiring as fuck. 
Then came the day when Cheryl "confessed" her feelings for you. She claimed that she has liked you for longer than she could even remember and that all she wanted was for you to give her a chance. When you rejected her, you can swear you saw the anger build up within her, but to your surprise, her voice was calm and almost teasing. 
You half-expected your dynamic with Cheryl to change, and it did, for the most part. She still stuck around you, the story-telling an unending tale, but now the redhead was being touchy. Her hands would grip your biceps whenever the two of you walked the halls. When all was silent between the two of you, Cheryl would rest her head on your shoulder while holding your hand. to add to that, Cheryl also bought you gifts, and she would give them to you throughout the day randomly. Every single day, she had a gift ready to give you. So much so that it worried you she would run out of money because of it.
Cheryl would get you flowers, chocolates, and your favorite food, and she even got you a necklace and a promise ring. Once, she took you out for shopping and when you muttered about finding something cute, not knowing Cheryl heard you, she bought it and surprised you with it when the both of you got to her Thistle house. She would do all of these sweet things for you daily, and, honestly, you couldn't lie and say it didn't make you feel wanted. It was nice to finally feel like this after so much grief and agony.
Right now, you were sitting in the library reading a book while Cheryl sat on your lap, cuddling the life out of you. You tried your best to ignore the woman, but she proved to be a very persistent person. 
"Please, Y/N, I beg thee. Give me a chance," She begged the millionth time this week. "I promise to treat you so well. My love for you will be the most exquisite thing you shall ever experience."It was quite rewarding to hear the Cheryl Bombshell beg for you, but it, honestly, was starting to bother the people who were trying to do the same thing you were. 
"Will you hush? People are getting disturbed by your futile efforts to have me." You relayed, "Besides, I refuse to allow myself to become your rebound.
Cheryl gasped rather dramatically at your deduction of her emotions, "How dare you think so little of my love for you. My love is of the highest price and you shall be grateful for me giving it to you for free! I swear on Thornhill that my love for you is genuine. Believe me, Y/N, my feelings for you are true and my words are trustworthy."
You visibly cringed at Cheryl's raised voice, buried traumatic experiences rising to the surface like they were undead. Heads turned to you and Cheryl, including the librarian's, and that caused you to make the most unthought-of answer to ever exist.
"Fine, fine, I accept!" You whisper shouted, already regretting your choices in life. "Just be quiet."
"Oh, my Y/N, I knew you would come to your senses! Because of this, we must celebrate such a special occasion. Our first date being official." Cheryl spoke with the fakest bright smile you had ever seen. It made you want to roll your eyes. You had not the time for her shenanigans.
Cheryl stood, extending her hand to you, "Come, come my love. We must relocate for this special moment." You merely obeyed silently, taking your book with you.
Throughout your way to wherever Cheryl was taking you, you noticed Cheryl texting on her phone a lot. It's not like you were suspicious, you were just curious. I mean, what could be so interesting that would take her attention away from this "special moment"? It, truly, is only a matter of time. You only rolled your eyes, opting to just let your mind take you away while Cheryl led you somewhere you cared not to know.
When you finally zoned back into the present time, you noticed how you have now moved to Veronica's underground speakeasy. The whole place was mainly empty, the only people occupying the space being you, Cheryl, and a Bartender. Said bartender approached the two of you and led you to the only table in the speakeasy. 
It looked romantic, you had to give Cheryl that, but the thought of this being just a big ploy was still very persistent in your mind. The both of you sat down and you were immediately served with food that looked to be above your daily budget in a week combined. You internally inhaled deeply at this, honestly terrified that you might be the one paying for all that was being brought to your table.
You so could not afford this. Unlike Cheryl, you weren't born to a well-off family. In fact, all you knew was that you grew up in a very uncaring orphanage. Sure, you and the kids there looked out for each other, but you still were not as close to them as they were with each other. 
"My dear, I hope I got your meal right. You are allergic to peanuts, correct?" 
You perked up, "Yes, very."
"I thought so." Cheryl smiled at you and started eating, and you took that as your queue to start eating too. Until she spoke again, "So since we are now official, it would bring me great joy to know more about you."
You swallowed, "Okay?" You really had no idea what to say to that or how to respond. "What do you want me to do?"
"Why, spill the beans, of course! I mean, you don't expect us to just dine here in silence, right?" Her sass. Ugh, her sass.
"Kind of, yes. Well, I grew up in an orphanage and when I turned sixteen, they threw me out. I've been working at Pop's ever since just to get by." You didn't want to get into the nitty-gritty details of your tragic life. Even though you knew that there definitely would not be any judgment, you still wanted to keep all of those to yourself, no matter how many times the school counselor told you that it would help to relay that kind of stuff to someone you knew you could trust. 
"Oh, dear/ I'm so sorry to hear that." Cheryl grabbed your hand, "I hope you know that it can only get better from here. Keep strong, my love, you will have my full support throughout all of this pain."
And the cycle repeated. Cheryl would buy you gifts, take you on dates, be clingy with you, and tell you how much she appreciates you. It shocked you to see just how soft Cheryl truly was. This made you wonder if this was how Cheryl was with Toni. They always seemed like an unfinished chapter. Sometimes you wondered if Cheryl still had feelings for Toni. I mean, of course, she did. They made each other better, they fit each other like a glove, and they are like each other's missing puzzle pieces. They completed each other. It seemed impossible for them to be wholly over. 
As you read your book, finally in the comfort of your own home all alone one afternoon, it seemed your book was uninteresting. This disturbed you greatly considering how you saved up for this book for most of four weeks. You felt oddly dull, and this made you mark your book and toss it across your bed in frustration as the last sentence made absolutely no sense to you. You slid your body down your bed, sighing heavily when none of the activities you thought of doing seemed to interest you. 
You'd been feeling like this for three weeks and you did not understand it at all. it was like there was this weight dragging you back, making it feel like time was at a standstill. So, you just lay there, unmoving in the silence. At some point, you found yourself talking to yourself out loud yet you made no move to stop. you simply took note of the fact that you were likely going crazy. 
"I mean, it's not like it's my fault. I just don't want her." You sighed, "I mean, I do, but I don't know. it's like I want to let her in, but some part of me is saying a hard no. It's pretty stupid honestly."
It went on like that for... you don't know how long. The last thing you remember saying before coming back to the world was "This is just my defense mechanism." Now upon returning to your conscious body, you robotically sat up and went to the kitchen to fish for something to chew on. God, you were starving. To your luck, you found bread and peanut butter in your pantry. 
I guess you're going on a diet.
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jackredfieldwasmyjacob · 10 months
OT 2023 - GALA 1
We're back aaaaaa !!!! Anyways, just as I did with OT 2020, I will be talking about my top 3 favourite performances every week, as well as some honourable mentions. These posts will work a bit different than the OT 2020 ones tho, cause now the show is exclusively streamed in Prime Video, which means they do not upload the full performances to youtube, only 40 second clips. So, what I will do is link those clips in the honorable mentions and in the titles of my top 3, but I will include the full videos for the pases de micros. For the uninitiated, there are two pases de micros during the weeks; these are performances in the academy in front of the teachers that measure how they are doing and what things they should improve and stuff. Normally I will be posting the second one, cause those are usually best.
Update 28/01. I've updated all links to the full performances in the gala.
Anyways, let's start with some honorable mentions <3
Libertad - OT 2020: The first group song! I would say it was a perfect choice, this song really is perfect as a group song, and they sounded pretty good I think (except Suzette who didn't say her lines
Save your tears - Cris and Ruslana: They were good enough I would say! I thought they sounded good, and I really liked the scenography and such. Good performance 👍.
Here is the original song, by Alizzz and Amaia :)
When I tell you I gasped when they gave them this song... El Encuentro is one of those songs that make me go feral, it's incredible and a bop and I've experienced it live (with both Amaia AND Alizzz !!!) and it's soooo good I love the feeling it expresses and the way it expresses it and yeah.... I'm so happy they got to sing it. I would say Chiara and Paul were perfect for it, they sounded so freaking good and I loved the acting (which becomes even better now that we know Paul has a crush on Chiara sjdsjdj). Also Paul !!! he was the favourite of the gala (SO DESERVED) and he's one of my faves so yeah :) loved this :)
Here is the original song, by La Mosca Tse-Tse !
Álvaro and Naiara, my favourite twink and choni duo... They're so iconic... Anyways, they had imo the hardest song to defend (not the most difficult but the most 'nominable' one) and they took a glance at that and said 'no thank you <3'. They were great, ate and left no crumbs, made it so so fun !!! They're the best, also Naiara has such a beautiful voice, possibly my favourite this edition.
Here is the original, by the one and only Lola Flores (La Faraona!!!!!!!!)
THIS SONG. OF COURSE THIS WAS GOING TO BE NUMBER ONE. They were the best ones in the gala by far, and they deserved to shine so much, they worked so hard and had such a lovely connection and friendship, they're everything to me <3 Salma and Juanjo are rapidly becoming my favourites and I want to see them in other styles cause they're both folklore singers (Salma with flamenco and Juanjo with jotas) so this song was made for them. Even then, again, this performance was perfect, no notes.
And that was all! Overall, an average gala? I mean, it was the first one, my expectations weren't too high lol. Let's see what next week brings us, with two trios and both an Ana Mena AND a La La Love You song !!!! The nominees are Suzette and Lucas, and I'm not really rooting for any of them in particular, so I have no idea how it'll be go. Nevertheless, I am back hooked to OT, it was so quick lmao.
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arvonoon · 2 years
1/ Stella and Pepper have matching sword tattoos <3
2/ Ed has piercings. (nose, helix, maybe even an eyebrow piercing tbh)
3/ Stella likes Mitsuki and Girl in Red (:
4/ Nomi has ADHD but actually the smartest kid in her class, she looks unproductive on the outside but she’s a force to be reckoned with.
5/ Garbage is 5’2 (short king), and Happy is 5’11 (tall king).
6/ Kira dyes her hair every other week basically
7/ Chonies has like fifty Lego sets (2/3s are unfinished lol)
8/ Happy is secretly a huge musical theatre nerd and could easily quote any Heathers song
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chonidale · 1 year
how would you rank the characters in s7 i assume cheryl and toni take the top 2 spot but everyone else?
yes, they are top two, always.
cheryl: forever my fav, but i think what they've done with her this season is so, so good. the way they've used the 50s to show cheryl's growth is on par with how well they're using it show choni's. i do think the difference in her is also a result of her not having jason related trauma, but it's also obviously showing how much she's matured over the course of the show. i'm just so proud of her every week and pray they can keep it up for just nine more eps.
toni: her best season, bar none. they've finally figured out how to write her and write for her, and it's both so satisfying to finally see and frustrating that it took them this long to do it. but this is the toni i always knew she was, and seeing her perspective and struggles has been so nice. my single complaint is that she's missing so many episodes. anyone that has a bad word to say about her this season is dumb and nasty and has no empathy for black characters.
tabitha: no we haven't seen much of her but i love her so much and i miss her so much and i just can't rank anyone else higher than her, sorry.
reggie: we haven't seen much of him yet but i already love him so much. it's so interesting to see such a different version of him and think charles is doing a great job. best boy for sure.
archie: i do not find most of his plots interesting and he's been kinda meh in the last few eps, but i can't deny that i've found him really endearing for the first time in seasons. i do wish they would pull back on the straight savior stuff a bit, but still. i'm charmed most of the time.
kevin: it's been nice to see him get some meaty stuff to work with again, and to not be made a villain for once. i wish the writers would give his relationship with clay more onscreen development, but i'm glad kevin's journey has at least gotten some focus and has been taken seriously. i really hope they take the time to show that it helped him with his internalized homophobia in the present.
midge: listen is it unserious of me to put midge so high? yes, but i think she's cute and i love her dynamic with cheryl and toni and i appreciate her existence when it comes to fangs and i don't care which way they choose to bring her back to the present (there's a lot of ways i can think of), just that they do.
clay: i really like this guy and think he's sweet and a great match for kevin and a great fit on the show and in the gang. i wish we knew more about him and still think he should have been a topaz to give toni a family as well as kevin a love interest, but whatever.
veronica: i'm happy to see her with a bit of her spunk back, but i will just always struggle to find veronica or her stories interesting. i think she started the season off strong but now she's just fallen back into boring business and family related plots or mooning after boys with betty. meh. still, gets point for variety.
betty: i usually love betty, but find her kinda meh this season. i understand what they've been trying to do with her and i think lili is doing a good job, but it just feels so repetitive every episode, omg. we get it, betty is horny and wants to fuck the patriarchy both literally and metaphorically, can she come up with something else?
fangs: i don't mind him this season at all and i appreciate that he shaved and cut his hair so he doesn't look like the nasty man he was last season, but it's not like he's gotten anything to do for me to enjoy. but i don't hate him so good for him.
jughead: ranking him below fangs... look how they massacred my boy. i grew to love him at lot in the time jump, but i guess i'm just never going to like high school jughead because woof. the fact that i completely forgot about him until i almost hit publish says it all. completely isolated from the rest of the cast, with the most boring storylines on the show that's largely just him and guest stars... it's bad for him. not even tabitha could get me to pay attention to him.
julian: he does his job as a villain well and nick seems lovely, but obviously he's last. the one good thing i can say about him is that i'm glad they went with him over jason because i hate jason and think they've beaten that dead horse more than enough, and i'm actually intrigued by the dynamic between julian and cheryl.
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bakerolivia · 1 year
hey yusi! hope you’re doing okay! happy may! will you be giffing cheryl from last week’s ep? i rlly hope we get choni content this week to make up for all of the nasty charchie we had to endure. it’s the least ras could do. i’m just glad gif makers like you exist and that you continue to post your pretty gifs to make this horrible final season a little more bearable ❤️❤️❤️ have a beautiful day and take care!
coming on here to messages like these warms my heart. truly, it makes me so happy. it's been a rough couple of weeks for me.. hence why i haven't been giffing as much. i apologize for that. it's hard for me to get to it as quickly as others because of timezones and i work a full time job and start in the mornings. so, i don't have access to the episodes until much later. i was thinking of skipping out on last weeks content just to be more up to date but if it's something you really want i could gif her scenes.
if i'm honest, i've actually been enjoying this season so far. it's bizarre, as always, but i've learned not to expect much from riverdale... and after just embracing it for what it is, i enjoy it more now.
i hope you have a wonderful day!
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fyeahvarchie · 2 years
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Varchie Appreciation Month
We’ve survived Season 6! Let's give ourselves a round of applause. But there’s still the last season ahead of us. In the meantime, please join us in order to celebrate Varchie before we witness what’s awaiting them in the 50′s. 
from sept. 24th to oct. 23rd
Yes, that’s right -- an entire month of Varchie goodness. It will give the opportunity to our wonderful riverdale gif makers, editors, artists and writers to share their appreciation; just as we will ourselves. 
We encourage everyone to participate in any way, shape or form. Whether it’s about using screencaps, writing down your feelings and thoughts… anything is welcomed as long as you stick to the guidelines and provide positive content.
the themes
Sept. 24th / Sept. 29th - teenage varchie: the 50′s are sending us back to their teenage days. let’s give high school VA the love they deserve.  
Sept. 30th / Oct. 5th - favorite scene(s): is there a season when these two haven’t actually gotten something to work with? absolutely not. yes, i know. it’s cruel to make you choose -- but we can do it. 
Oct. 6th / 11th - adult varchie: adult varchie made us clown more than their teenage selves, but we still love them.
Oct. 12th / 17th - favorite parallel(s): whether they’re making you happy or sad, there’s been so many parallels for these two.
Oct. 18th / 23rd - varchie + other characters: varchie have had many supporters throughout the show. we’ll go as far as calling them shippers~ 
things to know
• Make sure to tag varchieAM2022 in your first 5 tags and indicate which theme you’re participating in. If you encounter any kind of trouble or tumblr can’t seem to give you a break with the tags -- don’t hesitate to contact us. Our inbox is open and we are always more than willing to help regarding any matter
• Any form of creative content such as gifs, edits, fanarts, videos, fanfics, etc are all welcomed. And everything will be reblogged.
• You can post as much as you like during any day’s theme. With that said, if you’re not feeling one of the theme (or even more than just one), don’t feel obligated to share something.
• Anyone is welcomed to join! Just remember that this is an appreciation for Varchie. No negativity allowed.
• Feel free to reblog and give this post a signal boost to spread the word!
**NOTE: The Varchie appreciation month was supposed to start on October 1st and end on October 30th. An announcement for a Choni appreciation week was made yesterday for the last week of October. In order to not get in their way and to respect fandom etiquette, we have decided to move the dates. Hence why we find ourselves starting on Sept. 24th. Make sure to hype the Choni appreciation week up too! 
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crazymisscarly · 2 years
Choni FanFic Update
Oh, the thrill of control - Chapter Three is live on Ao3!!
Happy pride month to all the LGBTQIA+ people still delving into the Riverdale fandom. I didn’t plan it this way, but I’m happy that my latest Choni FanFic update falls right on the beginning of Pride Month. Hopefully I can dedicate more time to this fic, because I’d love to have it completed in the next few weeks!
Choni fans in my inbox and Ao3 comments, this one’s for you! THANKYOU for your patience, and to anyone who hasn’t yet read this fic, I hope you enjoy it!
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Cheryl and Toni have been together for years. They survived Riverdale, survived college, and are living out their first year of educational freedom by each other’s side.
But Toni wants nothing more than to return to Riverdale and help rebuild her community. And Cheryl… hopes she never has to step foot in that wretched place again.
Can their relationship survive the physical and emotional distance?
Chapter Three sneak peek below:
Toni had absolutely no intention of taking Polly up on her offer.
And yet…
On Friday night, she took a shot of Bourbon and settled into her couch with a mission in mind: Texting Cheryl.
She decided to keep it simple. Polly told me that Penelope ran off.
Cheryl took several minutes to respond. Toni jerked when her text tone rang in her ears. She removed her tracker.
Toni took another shot before she responded. Do you want me to go look for her?
Almost fifteen minutes passed before Cheryl responded again. I appreciate the offer, but she isn’t your problem anymore. I’ll deal with my heinous birth giver.
It was with extremely mixed feelings that Toni set her phone on top of her coffee table. It was a run-down, worn out wooden thing she’d picked up at the thrift store, with scratched out initials on one of the legs. And yet Toni loved its rustic, vintage vibe; even if it did wobble whenever she set her feet atop it.
This was the first conversation she’d had with Cheryl in months. And it was about Penelope Blossom of all people.
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chonicentral · 2 years
choni is coming back! could you gif the choni scenes from this week without text? i just love the way they look at each other. thank you and happy choni bts day!
Sure, I made one that will hopefully be what you're looking for. It's in the queue right now, but should be posted within the next few days!
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Fandom Thoughts
First thing I want to say is this post is just me speculating and expressing my thought on things. I’m sure many people will disagree with me or have a different interpretation and that’s ok. I could be totally way off base with everything I say but like I said this is just my interpretation of and my thoughts on things, also just want to say that I mean no disrespect to anyone or anyone’s fandom so yeah.  
So we all know that B*ghead is the largest fandom and the most popular ship. There’s no lying about that. I think it became so popular out of a combination of things, I think Cole’s popularity from his time on the Disney channel did bring across a lot of fans. I mean I could be totally wrong about this but I do feel like alot of the B*ghead fans were originally Cole fans. I’ll be honest, I didn’t watch Riverdale when it first aired, it was about 6 episodes in when my sister told me it was a good show about a murder mystery and that I’d never guess who was on it? Cody from suite life. I myself originally started watching the show because I was curious about the fact that Cole was on it and then stuck around because I got invested in the mystery and because from that very first episode I was hooked by Barchie and saw so much potential with them. I do think another contributing factor to the B*ghead ship’s popularity was the fact that the actors themselves became a couple and so people weren’t just invested in the ship but in the actors’ relationship too. I also do think that the fandom was very ‘loud’ on social media and there was alot of engagement. All of that combined with the fact that they did have some cute scenes together I think was the perfect storm to creating a popular ship.  
However V*rchie doesn’t actually seem that popular to me. In fact from what I can tell its a much smaller fandom and I would argue that after B*ghead the most popular ship out of the three is Barchie. Barchie has always won out in fan polls against v*rchie and I feel like I see more comments from the Barchie fandom than I do the V*rchie fandom. To me it has always been more of a B*ghead vs Barchie thing than a V*rchie vs Barchie thing. It always felt more like V*rchie got support because it kept Archie out of the way of B*ghead. In fact I see quite alot of support for Veggie and for Archosie and alot of people admit that they liked those parings over V*rchie. I myself loved Veggie together far more than V*rchie and I didn’t mind Archosie I thought they were cute, I didn’t like them as much as I did Veggie but I still thought they had some really nice moments together. I think after Betty, I liked Archie with Josie best. 
But here’s another thing to bear in mind. Whilst Riverdale and its ships are popular online and get alot of chatter on social media and has its fandoms which are very vocal on social media, there is also the general audience. These are the people who just watch the show every week, they don’t talk about it on social media, they don’t look up interviews and obsess over every little crumb of info the writers put out trying to figure out what might happen in the next episode. They are the silent part of the audience, I suppose you could call them. And I would say that this part of the audience far outnumbers the part that are involved in the fandom side of the show. Of course its very difficult to really know what this side of the audience really thinks of the show because they aren’t out on social media telling people what they think. The best way is to know what they think is to look at the ratings and the netflix streams. 
I mean I know that the ratings don’t really matter a whole lot when it comes to whether or not the network will renew a show and that streams mean more nowadays anyway. But in my opinion I do think the ratings can still give you an idea on how interested the audience is in the show. The way I see it is that if I am really excited by a show, I spend all week looking forward to the next episode and you can bet your ass that when that show’s next episode airs I am sitting down in front of that tv and watching it live if I can, because I don’t want to wait a second longer than I have to when I want to see it. With this season all the Barchies know that the most live viewed episodes of the season were 5x05 and 5x06, the two episodes that were promoted with Barchie. The lowest two episodes not just for this season but in the shows history were 5x08 and 5x09. These were the two episodes that had the V*rchie and B*ghead content. 
I also discovered this website flixpatrol that tracks the top tens on Netflix in various countries each day of the week. You can also look up specific shows to see where in the top ten they come each day of the week and I think I found something interesting. Now obviously because its week by week I could only really get information for episode 9.  
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So what can this information tell us. Well episode 9 aired on the 24th and appeared on Netflix in alot of countries on the 25th. This chart shows where in the top 10 Riverdale fell this week, I’ve outlined those two dates in red. A dash indicates that it didn’t appear in the top ten that day. Now we can see that Riverdale most definitely does better on Netflix than it does in the live views and is consistently in the top ten in most countries. However, as I said, I did notice something. On the days it appears on Netflix we can see  that in most countries it doesn’t appear in the top ten and in the countries it does it is very low on the list coming in at mostly, 8,9 or 10. To me this suggests, like with the live ratings, that people just aren’t rushing to watch it. Some of this can be explained by the fact that it airs on a week night and it does fall high on the list on the Saturday after it airs on Netflix which could suggest that people are waiting until the weekend to watch it. But again, maybe its just me, but when I really want to watch a show, when I am really excited by a show, I will stay up late or I will get up early to watch it. I mean when 5x05 and 5x06 aired I was up early on the Thursday morning refreshing my Netflix page over and over waiting for the episode to become available because I was that excited to watch the episode.
*Edit: I’ve learnt that I have read this chart completely wrong as there is a one day lag, so the ratings on the 26th show that people were tuning in on the 25th which is the day it becomes available on Netflix in those countries. So ignore everything I just said in the paragraph above. I am going to keep the chart in for those who are interested in those numbers though. But yeah apologies for that.*   
To me this doesn’t really line up with the whole B*ghead is the most popular ship. I mean with B*ghead being the most popular ship then this last episode should be the most watched and I’ll admit I was a little surprised that it didn’t have more views. So why is that, we know B*ghead is popular so why aren’t we seeing it in the views. Well I think the answer is whilst they are popular, whilst it has a large fandom, its not popular or big enough to save the show by itself. And to be clear this is just my opinion which I’ve based on what I’ve seen people saying on social media and in YouTube reactions and reviews and from this data from the amount of people tuning into the show. But I think as much as many people like B*ghead, more people dislike/ are bored of V*rchie, are bored of the repetitive plotlines, are getting frustrated with the nonsensical plots. I think it has just gotten to the point where the things they don’t like about the show, or the things they’ve become bored with, far outweigh any appeal one ship might have. Basically I just get this overwhelming sense that people have lost any excitement they felt at this show. And this goes beyond any ships, whilst I do think alot of people tune in because of ships, there is more factoring into it than just that. I feel like all the excitement that came with the time jump and with seeing something new with Barchie and seeing something new with them being adults and dealing with adult themes, has worn off. It happened so fast too. I mean after episode 8 aired it was like a dementor had come along and sucked all the happiness out of the fandom. All of that energy that had existed before was just gone in the space of 45 mins. 
But here’s my question. I did notice a little bit of that energy come back when the promo for ep 10 was released and it showed that shot of Jabitha together. Again I do think that alot of people like this idea of Jabitha together or at least are intrigued by it. Although I know there are quite a few B*ghead fans who think the romance is unnecessary. But again I think this interest in Jabitha is because it is something new and therefore it is something interesting. I’ve also seen some Veggie fans creeping out of the woodwork over the last few weeks. So what I am wondering is if the show decided to go the route of Barchie, Veggie, Jabitha, Choni and Kangs would that generate enough buzz and would all those smaller fandoms together be enough to revive the show a bit. Especially if they couple those ships with some interesting new storylines to go with them as well as keeping the interactions between characters varied. I mean I am not expecting the views to suddenly jump up massively back to what they used to be in like season 2 but I do wonder if it would be enough to breathe life back into the fandom again.   
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Here is Gala 9 !!!
This gala was so good!!!! Not only the musical numbers were great (not a bad one was performed imo) but also this was the gala where the first three finalists were selected and although the points the judges assigned each contestant were very... polemic, the final three finalists were greatly chosen and !!!!!
Let's go with the honourable mentions first as always <3
You Oughta Know - Chiara: Chiara was one of my finalists so I'm sad she was expelled this gala, but she went with a bang! I loved seeing rocker Kiki, she was great, and I'm proud of what she's done and what it's to come with her :)
I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Lucas: The two nominees were excellent this gala, like extremely good. Imo Lucas was perfect here, like no notes, 10/10. I'm so proud of him and his evolution, remember he was the first nominated and look at him now!
El Mundo - Ruslana: This song is hypnotic, and Ruslana made it captivating and addicting, it's the song I've streamed the most of this gala, and in terms of acting she was also perfect as always. It was also very chilling how after the performance she talked about how she chose this song partly cause it talks about suffering in the world, specifically noting how she wishes wars to end. She's Ukranian, so it was especially moving coming from her.
And now let's go onto the top 3!!!!
Here is the original song, by our lord and saviour miss Rosalía <3
I am so in love with every aspect of this performance it's literally perfect. I imagine the team approaching Naiara for this song and asking her 'how much choni do you want it?' and her answering 'yes' cause this is PEAK choni, and I mean it in the best way possible. Absolutely incredible. ALSO. I have to mention the incident in the first mic pass cause it was so very iconic. So basically, when she started her dance break during the makina part, suddenly the cameras showed us the door of the academy and other parts with no people in them with no context??? and after a while they returned to the mic pass and it was revealed that one of naiara's boobs had decided to free herself from her top and yeah. in front of the teachers and the other contestants. she was so embarrassed poor thing. but also it's incredibly funny that it happened with despechá cause yes it means something similar to 'heartbroken' but it can also literally be translated to 'without a breast' which is SO HILARIOUS. Mother Naiara Moreno, first finalist of OT 2023 and likely winner 💋.
Here is the original song, by Paula Cendejas !!!!!
LADIES GENTLEMAN AND NON BINARY FOLKS, I PRESENT YOU THIRD FINALIST OF OT 2023 PAUL THIN. I AM SO HAPPY GUYS. I came to this gala fully preparing myself to vote him a finalist this next week so when the teachers made him a finalist over Bea or Ruslana I gasped so much IT'S ONLY WHAT HE DESERVES. Also THAT PERFORMANCE. THE VISUALS. THE VOICE. THE RANGE. THE LYRICS. EVERYTHING. Congratulations Pablo Delgado you are perfect. I will not comment on him choosing a song about not being able to fully fall in love with someone but wanting to the week after a particular contestant left the academy. I also won't comment about him singing Exile by Taylor Swift at least once a day on the piano this week as well as Champagne Problems and Memories by Conan Gray, all about missing someone and feeling you were too late to be with someone. Very interesting that he chose Fiebre for this week, a song that has the lyric 'I didn't want to settle, but I would marry you'. Interesting choice that doesn't have any hidden intentions !!! None at all !!!
Here is the original song, by María Jiménez :)
I will just quote Manu Guix for this one: 'Just as people still remember and associate OT 2018 with La Llorona by Alba Reche, I feel this edition will be remembered as the one with Se Acabó by Bea'. It really felt like that. She made quite possibly the best performance of the edition, and i'm SO HAPPY she's finally getting the praise she deserves, she's been so mentally drained this edition I'm so proud of her now. She was third in the judge's ranking and even then she confessed earlier this week that she felt she was overrated like I will fight whoever says she doesn't deserve to be a finalist EVERYONE GO VOTE BEA FINALIST NOW IT'S FREE OF CHARGE. Also the song!!!! For those who don't know, Se Acabó is a very important song in Spanish music because it was the first (or one of the first) song that talked about domestic violence. reminder that this came out while a fascists catholic dictatorship was going on with very rigid gender roles. And María Jiménez was a folclórica, a famous flamenco singer and personality who popularized this song as an anthem for women all around the country who are fed up of consenting abuse by their husbands. María Jiménez passed away at the end of 2023, so this was also the perfect homage to her. May her memory live on forever.
And that was it! As you can see, it was a very intense gala. We now have the three first finalists of OT 2023 (Naiara, Juanjo, and Paul), and next gala is the semi final already (i have no idea what i'll do with my life once OT ends help). As you imagine I'll be saving Bea, as I feel she's the most deserving of being a finalist. I'm also really excited to see Paul performing Fiebre, I am obsessed with this song and it's very different at least acting wise to what Paul has done in the program so I will be seated.
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oscars-wifeyyy · 4 years
The Innocent 17
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The group sat at a table during lunch, discussing how they were going to wash the money, but they weren't able to come up with a solution until Jasmine came into the picture. Monse looked at Jasmien in alert, "what are you doing?"
"Chopping it up and chowing it down with my crew!" Jasmine said, "is it my pits? I just switched to natural deodorant," Jasmine smelled her pits as she sat down, "I knew that shit didn't work,"
"We need a rain check," Ruby said.
"Nothing personal, but it's personal," Monse said.
"What's on the agenda? Cleaning some green?" Jasmine looked at Monse, knowingly.
"How do you know?" Jamal asked as Jasmine lifted up his notebook with the exact words of what they were doing as the crew looked at Jamal with a face, "what? I'm a visual thinker,"
"Don't get your chonies in a twist. Ain't nobody worried about a few dollars," Jasmine said, but saw everybody look away, "it's not a few dollars? Are you guys involved with the Freeridge Savings Heist? Don't tell me, I don't wanna know. What you should know is you don't wanna get involved in that shit. It's marked money,"
"Thanks for the useless info dump, but we need to get back to our crisis," Monse turned to Jamal, Ruby, and Elizabeth, "how are we going to clean the money?"
"Money Bunny, Money Bunny," Jasmine sang as Jamal did the beat on the table, "gotta hop to it fast and get your money,"
"Money Bunny is a shitty company that takes advantage of people who have no other way to get money from one place to another. It's a racket and-" Monse stopped in realization, "a great idea!"
"Yes! Outgoing dinero, incoming clean clams! Minus the three percent fee, scrub-a-dub, bitches!" Jasmine yelled out.
"Ok, I'm not following," Ruby said.
"Ok, say Jamal want to help a certain fashion challenged friend new fits," Jasmine coughed out Monse's name, "Money Bunny takes his hundie and they give Jamal a code. Then Jamal gives the code to monoboob Monse, takes it to the store and, bam! She's got 100 bucks to ditch the sports bra and buy some lace. Underwires your friend, girl," Jasmine booped Monse's nose.
"But wire fraud. That's a felony that carries at least five years," Ruby said
"I'm in," Monse said.
"Me too," Jamal nodded.
"Me three," Elizabeth shrugged, "I just want Cesar to be safe,"
"Do you want this nightmare to stop?" Monse asked Ruby as he nodded, "then we go big or Cesar never goes home,"
Ruby nodded, "I'm in,"
"Damn! You guys are ride or die! But you still gotta be 18 to send and receive the dough, so you guys got some fake IDs? No, no, no. Don't tell me. I'm law enforcement," Jasmine shook her head.
"But you just taught us how to commit wire fraud," Jamal said, confused.
"Because, sometimes, I like to get dirty and straddle things, like the line. I'm a complicated woman, Jamal," Jasmine sat up.
"Which means you probably know how to get a fake ID," Elizabeth smirked.
"No!" Jasmine scoffed, "no way, I don't. But Mona Mardukas has a guy," Jasmine held out her fake ID as everyone smirked.
It was after school and they went to a house that Jasmine guided them to. They knocked on the door and a Hispanic man answered the door as Jamal screamed no as if it was the end of the world.
"You want three IDs?" the man asked.
"I texted you. We need four," Jasmine said.
"I only see three people,"
"Oh, don't act like you don't see me standing here, Chivo!" Jamal scoffed.
"I'm ghosting you," Chivo sang
"Chivo? As in Chivo Chivo?" Elizabeth asked, causing Jamal to hum.
"No. Chivo as in Chivo Ramirez,"
After everyone got their IDs and got home, Elizabeth did all her homework during her electives and was able to get a week off so she had some time to hang out with her friends and Oscar. She unlocked her door to see Oscar inside sitting on the couch so she smiled and sat down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder, "how was your day?" "It was good, mamita," Oscar grinned, "better now that you're here with me. How was hanging out with your friends?"
"It was good. Didn't really do much except talk and stuff," Elizabeth stood up with her hand out, "c'mon, let's go bake some stuff since I got a week off from both Dwayne's and the taco joint,"
"You did? Good. You need a break," Oscar stood up, kissing her head.
The two were in the kitchen trying to make cookies, but it ended up with a flour fight and music playing as they danced around the kitchen. They didn't hear the door unlock as her mother walked in, pushing her father inside. The parents watched as the two danced with flour all over their hair, face, and clothes, Leticia with tears in her eyes as she saw the pure love between the two and Armando with a look of approval once he saw the look in Oscar's eyes.
The couple saw the parents and jumped away from each other as if they were caught doing something bad. Elizabeth saw the tears coming down her mother's face, "ma? What's wrong?"
Leticia laughed, "nothing, mija, nothing at all,"
Elizabeth looked in concern, but looked around her as well, "oh... we will clean this up right now. Oscar! Start cleaning,"
Oscar looked at Elizabeth weirdly, "you start cleaning too then!"
It was after school the next day and the crew went to get the money in so they could get clean money. Jasmine and Monse went inside a Money Bunny to get the money as Ruby, Jamal, and Elizabeth waited outside. The two girls came out and motioned for the boys and girl to follow so they followed and Monse pulled out the cash. It worked. So now they were on their way back when Prophets rolled up.
"Hey, Monse!" A voice called out, "where is that bitch ass boyfriend of yours at?"
"We already know he ain't at your pops spot no more, so where he at, then?" The Prophet asked then the group chuckled, "yeah, and we already know what's up with you, Ruby and Elizabeth...bang!" The four flinched, "santo killer, though."
Everyone was at home except for Elizabeth and Ruby. Elizabeth went to Oscar's place while Ruby went to Chivo's place. When Elizabeth arrived at Oscar's place, she ran inside and started hyperventilating. Sad Eyes, Rico, and Lorca were there while Oscar was out doing some things for the Santos so they quickly grabbed her and put her on the couch. Elizabeth wouldn't stop until Sad Eyes went up to her and held her cheeks.
"Hermanita, you need to slow your breathing. Follow me," Elizabeth nodded and tried to follow Sad Eyes breathes until she finally calmed down, "now, tell us what happened."
"I-i-i was with my friends and-and-and the P-Prophets rolled up on us and they knew m-my name! They knew me and h-how I got shot and when is this going to end! Guys, I just want all of us out of here and in a place where we don't have to worry about this!" Elizabeth ranted as the door opened and Oscar walked in to see Elizabeth crying.
He dropped everything and kneeled in front of Elizabeth, "hey, hey, babe. What happened? Who did this?"
"I just want everything to stop," Elizabeth let the tears roll down her cheek, "all this violence and everything. I want us out of here. You, Cesar, my friends, Sad Eyes, Rico, Lorca. I just want us out,"
"Ok, ok, ok," Oscar cooed at his lover, "one day we are going to have a house and you're going to be an athletic trainer and I'm going to be doing whatever job that will hire me. We can get one big house with everybody inside, including your ma and pops. One day, we are going to have it all,"
It was the next two weeks and Elizabeth stayed with Oscar those weeks as the two just held each other at night, not knowing what was going to happen the next day. Ruby and Jamal texted her asking where she was at so she just replied that she was with Oscar, but they told her that Monse didn't go to school. Elizabeth went to Monse's house with snacks and things as the two cried after Ruby and Jamal left.
Night fell and she went back to Oscar's place to see him working on his car so she went behind him and wrapped her arms around him. He continued doing what he was doing, but stopped as he heard footsteps so he quickly pulled Elizabeth between him and the car while pointing his gun to see Cesar panting. Elizabeth sighed out a breath of relief and ran to hug the boy that was like a brother to her.
Oscar grimaced while tucking the gun away, "get outta here,"
"I need protection," Cesar said.
"You came to the wrong place," Oscar said, wiping his hands.
"I found Latrelle," Cesar said as Oscar stopped and turned back to his little brother, "I went to go finish the job,"
"And?" Oscar waited.
Cesar looked away, "the gun jammed,"
Oscar turned back to the car, "you're oh for two. Ain't gonna be number three. Go," Oscar said with finality.
"Where?! I have nowhere to go!" Cesar yelled.
"Not my problem," Oscar said.
"Not your problem?" Cesar had tears in his eyes.
"There's nothing I can do for you. It's not just about you anymore. Everyone you care about is in jeopardy if you stay, so leave, and don't come back" Cesar started walking out.
"You know what, Oscar?" Cesar said walking back, "you should've handled this for me. You're not just my big brother. You're my big homie,"
"Shut the hell up," Oscar walked up to Cesar.
"You could've taken out Latrelle, but instead you sent me! You sent me to do it!" Cesar pushed Oscar away.
"Hey! Do you know what the hell you did? How badly you messed up? Hey." Oscar shook Cesar, "you put me in an impossible situation with Cuchillos,"
"Oscar, please," Cesar hugged Oscar tightly, "I don't know what to do,"
Oscar quickly whispered a plan into his ear before pretending like he was going to leave Cesar out to dry, "hey, hey. I love you, mano. But you're done," Oscar fixed Cesar's clothes, "happy birthday," Cesar started leaving, but Oscar started speaking, "you need to do something bigger than the mess you made,"
Cesar walked back, "what?"
"To undo this, you gotta do something bigger to prove yourself,"
"What if I got you fifty grand?" Cesar asked.
Oscar looked confused, "where are you gonna get cash like that?"
"What if he already had it?" Elizabeth asked.
"I'm listening," Oscar looked at Cesar.
"Our friends found the RollerWorld money. They washed it, including Elizabeth," Cesar said, "it's clean,"
"RollerWorld? Don't shit me!" Oscar spat, but Cesar and Elizabeth shook their heads, "for real? RollerWorld? Is that why your boy kept asking about Lil Ricky?" Cesar nodded, "damn. Damn! How far are you willing to go?" "I'll do anything," Cesar said.
"Then this is what we're going to do. I'll run the plan through Cuchillos. Without a blessing, there is no point in taking the risk. You gotta be incredibly careful. Your friends have to think that you're going away forever. This protects them and if anything happens to you, they won't know you're dead. Make it look like you're leaving. When it's clear, I'll be there. You make contact with the Prophets and I'll exchange your clean money with the marked bills from the Freeridge Savings Heist,"
It was the next day and the plan was in full motion and Elizabeth was away for most of it because she had a shift at the taco joint until four pm. After her shift, she took her penny board and skated to Oscar's house since Ruby and Jamal were there with Oscar and Cesar. She just walked inside and set her stuff down on the couch, walking to the dining room table and putting a hand on Oscar's shoulder.
"You gave out RollerWorld money to the Prophets!" Jamal yelled.
"No, I gave them the marked bills, from the Freeridge Savings robbery," Oscar put down the lime.
"Oh, thank God," Jamal sighed, "for a second, I thought you gave our money away,"
"Nah, nah. I didn't give your money away. You gave your money away. And now it's mine," Oscar held Elizabeth's hand, giving it a kiss, "hola, bebe. How was work?"
"It was good," Elizabeth kissed his bald head, "nothing exciting,"
"Ruby! Turn me to Jamal," Monse's voice sounded through the phone, "am I hearing this correctly? You used all of our money for nothing? Even my 50k?"
"It wasn't for nothing," Jamal argued, "it was for Cesar, and yes, even your 50k," Jamal mocked Monse.
"Turn me to Spooky," Jamal turned the camera to Cesar, "more, I still can see him," Jamal turned it more to face Elizabeth and Spooky, "Hey, Elizabeth. Anyway, Spooky. I did not sign off on my 50 grand of that gift to you. Can you be decent and give it back?"
"No," Spooky smirked.
"This is bullshit," Monse seethed.
"Look on the bright side. Cesar's alive," Oscar smirked at Cesar.
"Hurray! Turn me to him," Monse said sarcastically.
"No, no," Cesar started, but Oscar already turned the phone to him.
"You might be alive, but you're dead to me," Monse said.
"Monse, I am so-" Monse ended the call, "dead,"
"Spooky, do you really think that giving the Prophets a bunch of marked bills was wise? Once one of their guys gets arrested then they'll know it was you. And by extension, us," Ruby said.
Oscar looked at Ruby, weirdly, "they would never connect it to you," Oscar smirked.
"I still don't understand why you needed to cheat us," Jamal said
"I didn't. I did exactly what you wanted. I saved Cesar," Oscar nodded.
"But you knew you were gonna do that before you took our cash," Jamal said.
"And your point is?"
"Taking our money is unscrupulous," Jamal said.
"How many times do I gotta spell this out for you?" Spooky said, annoyed now, "your money is actually my money. It belongs to the Santos,"
"Oh! You really want to play that game? Well, if we get into logistics, it's really Prophets money that you stole from us!" Jamal yelled.
"Well, actually, it's a bunch of random people's money who paid way too much for a bad concert," Ruby reasoned.
"Shalamar's the shit! These people probably didn't pay enough," Jamal said.
"Relax," Oscar said, "we're not gonna forget you helped us,"
"I don't care about your goodwill! I want my money!" Jamal yelled
"But I cooked for you,"
Elizabeth looked at the table and only saw ceviche, "baby, you only did ceviche," she started laughing, "the juices do all the cooking,"
Once Ruby and Jamal left, Elizabeth walked to the refrigerator and pulled out two beers and an iced tea to bring it out to the dining room. She set the drinks down as she sat on Oscar's lap. Everyone cracked their drinks open and cheersed.
"Hey, thank you," Cesar said.
"It was no problem," Oscar had a small smile.
"I'm not talking about the food," Cesar paused, "I don't say this very often, but I, uh,"
Oscar cut him off, "I know,"
"I'm not made for this life, Oscar," Cesar shook his head, "listen to me, please. When that gun jammed, God gave me a second chance. And I can't ignore it,"
"And?" Oscar said.
"And I never want to be a liability to you ever again," there was a brief silence, "I love you, mano, but I am not a killer,"
The three continued on in silence, eating until Cesar excused himself to sleep. After that day, the next couple days have been spent doing multiple homework assignments, work, and sleeping. It was stressful, but Elizabeth felt fine as she was back into her place once she felt safer to go back and not put her mother in danger.
Monse had told Elizabeth about her going into an all girls boarding school after the year was over and she couldn't be more happier for Monse. Elizabeth wanted to ask her what was going on with her and Cesar, but she knew it wasn't her place to ask so she let it go and decided to let them handle it for themselves. It was night time and Elizabeth was hanging out with Cesar, Oscar, and some Santos as Oscar was telling a story. She stood in front of Oscar with his arm around her shoulder, going across her chest as he smoked a cigarette and drank a beer.
"So she pissed the bed," everybody laughed, "you know what my boy, Angel, does? He piss on the bed too," Elizabeth laughed as she scrunched her nose at the details.
The noise stopped when the group caught sight of Monse so Elizabeth smiled at Monse and mouthed good luck as she nudged Oscar to take everyone inside. "Hey," Oscar said to the boys and all of them except for Cesar walked inside.
After a few moments, Cesar came inside and into his room so Elizabeth stood up from the couch, giving Oscar a kiss on the cheek, before whispering in his ear, "I'm gonna check on him,"
Oscar nodded, continuing with his conversation, as Elizabeth walked to Cesar's room to see him with tears going down his cheeks so she sat down and rubbed his back, "What did she say?"
"She said that she forgave me," Cesar sniffled, "but if I did it even when I loved her then what else would I do,"
Elizabeth nodded, "she makes a good point. Look, Cesar, all I can really say is move on and I know it's easier said than done, but one day you're going to be super happy with a girl that you're going to marry. It can be Monse or it won't be, we don't know, but you can't not live your life," that was when Elizabeth softly smiled at the young boy before leaving the room and continuing with the conversation in the living room with her boyfriend and the Santos.
It was the next day and Cesar and Elizabeth were walking out of school when they met up with Jasmine, Monse, Ruby, and Jamal in the front. "The cash, the drugs, the guns, and illegal ferrets. The place was a scene. It was sick!"
"But why are all the Prophets getting arrested?" Ruby asked.
"Remember the robbery at Freeridge Savings? The guys in the monster masks? Well, that money was marked and we've been tracking any money spent. First, we caught Mr. Gutierrez in his liquor store with the dough. Turns out that money was from a customer. And when those marked bills started popping up all around the town right before the Prophets hood day, we were able to trace it right back to them. So now the Prophets are no mas," Jasmine smiled.
"All of them?" Ruby asked.
"Hell, yeah! We took them all down. The Prophets are Donezel Washington,"
"Holy, shit!"
"Actually, check out this link. It's got the best footages," Jasmine showed the phone to them, showing the Prophets sitting on the curb with Latrelle in handcuffs going to the back of the car.
"Yeah. He's going away for a long time," Jasmine put a hand on Ruby as well as look at Elizabeth, "hey, yo, Esteban! Why no call back? I don't send pictures of my chonies to no phonies!"
Everybody turned to the two people that were shot in the group, "how are you guys feeling?"
"I don't know how to explain it, but it feels surreal. I don't understand the violence and all that because we're not worrying about Cesar's life or anything big," Elizabeth sighed.
"We lost sight of the bigger picture. We should be grateful that we have our friends and family with us," Ruby continued, "it's time to move on,"
"Agreed," Monse said, "I'm leaving Freeridge," the guys turned back, "I'm starting boarding school at the end of summer,"
"Wait! Are you serious?" Cesar asked
"Not talking to you," Monse sighed.
"But you forgave me," Cesar said.
"I changed my mind. Anyway, I finally realized that it doesn't matter if any of you are on Team Monse because I'm on team Monse. And that's all I need so...I'm out," Monse shrugged.
There was a silence until Jamal broke it, "ok,"
"Good luck," Ruby said.
"Hope you have a fun time," Elizabeth grinned.
"Ok? Good luck?" Monse said Elizabeth didn't matter to her since she already knew and has been supportive.
"Yeah, you've left before," Ruby said.
"Writing camp, Brentwood," Jamal listed, "this is schmuck bait, you always come back,"
"Not this time," Monse said, "I'm gone for good. Things just aren't the same around here and I think we've outgrown each other,"
"Ruby, what kind of snacks you got at home?" Jamal asked Ruby, "did your mom get that good spinach dip from Costco?"
"No, better. She got the jalapeno artichoke," Ruby grinned.
"Oh! The extra creamy one that you gotta use the thick chips for?" Elizabeth asked, excited.
"She picked those up too!"
"I'm serious!" Monse said aloud.
"So are we! That dip's bomb," Jamal said.
"Are you even listening to me? I'm really out of here, I'm done with the gangs and bullshit and the nonstop drama that you always get me into," Monse accused.
Ruby stuttered, looking around as if she wasn't talking to them, "we get you into?"
Monse mocked him, "yeah."
"Goodbye," Ruby said.
"Uh, no, no, no," Jamal stopped Ruby, "you shouldn't say goodbye. 'Cause I want to. Buh-bye!" Jamal waved.
Elizabeth laughed at their antics, "boys, stop teasing and let's go,"
"Assholes," Monse muttered.
"Hey, hey, hey. Why don't we all take a breath," Cesar tried to defuse the situation.
"Shut up! No one is talking to you!" Monse said.
"Ok," Cesar backed up, "we'll see you when you get back,"
"Yeah, good luck trying to survive on your own. Without me, you guys are done. There'll be no one to save you," Monse motioned to Cesar.
At that moment, Elizabeth zoned out since she already knew what was going to happen with the whole argument, but when Monse finally started walking away, there was a bag thrown over her head as well as the boys and she was thrown into a van. They were screaming Monse's name until they heard Monse's yell too.The group sat at a table during lunch, discussing how they were going to wash the money, but they weren't able to come up with a solution until Jasmine came into the picture. Monse looked at Jasmien in alert, "what are you doing?"
"Chopping it up and chowing it down with my crew!" Jasmine said, "is it my pits? I just switched to natural deodorant," Jasmine smelled her pits as she sat down, "I knew that shit didn't work,"
"We need a rain check," Ruby said.
"Nothing personal, but it's personal," Monse said.
"What's on the agenda? Cleaning some green?" Jasmine looked at Monse, knowingly.
"How do you know?" Jamal asked as Jasmine lifted up his notebook with the exact words of what they were doing as the crew looked at Jamal with a face, "what? I'm a visual thinker,"
"Don't get your chonies in a twist. Ain't nobody worried about a few dollars," Jasmine said, but saw everybody look away, "it's not a few dollars? Are you guys involved with the Freeridge Savings Heist? Don't tell me, I don't wanna know. What you should know is you don't wanna get involved in that shit. It's marked money,"
"Thanks for the useless info dump, but we need to get back to our crisis," Monse turned to Jamal, Ruby, and Elizabeth, "how are we going to clean the money?"
"Money Bunny, Money Bunny," Jasmine sang as Jamal did the beat on the table, "gotta hop to it fast and get your money,"
"Money Bunny is a shitty company that takes advantage of people who have no other way to get money from one place to another. It's a racket and-" Monse stopped in realization, "a great idea!"
"Yes! Outgoing dinero, incoming clean clams! Minus the three percent fee, scrub-a-dub, bitches!" Jasmine yelled out.
"Ok, I'm not following," Ruby said.
"Ok, say Jamal want to help a certain fashion challenged friend new fits," Jasmine coughed out Monse's name, "Money Bunny takes his hundie and they give Jamal a code. Then Jamal gives the code to monoboob Monse, takes it to the store and, bam! She's got 100 bucks to ditch the sports bra and buy some lace. Underwires your friend, girl," Jasmine booped Monse's nose.
"But wire fraud. That's a felony that carries at least five years," Ruby said
"I'm in," Monse said.
"Me too," Jamal nodded.
"Me three," Elizabeth shrugged, "I just want Cesar to be safe,"
"Do you want this nightmare to stop?" Monse asked Ruby as he nodded, "then we go big or Cesar never goes home,"
Ruby nodded, "I'm in,"
"Damn! You guys are ride or die! But you still gotta be 18 to send and receive the dough, so you guys got some fake IDs? No, no, no. Don't tell me. I'm law enforcement," Jasmine shook her head.
"But you just taught us how to commit wire fraud," Jamal said, confused.
"Because, sometimes, I like to get dirty and straddle things, like the line. I'm a complicated woman, Jamal," Jasmine sat up.
"Which means you probably know how to get a fake ID," Elizabeth smirked.
"No!" Jasmine scoffed, "no way, I don't. But Mona Mardukas has a guy," Jasmine held out her fake ID as everyone smirked.
It was after school and they went to a house that Jasmine guided them to. They knocked on the door and a Hispanic man answered the door as Jamal screamed no as if it was the end of the world.
"You want three IDs?" the man asked.
"I texted you. We need four," Jasmine said.
"I only see three people,"
"Oh, don't act like you don't see me standing here, Chivo!" Jamal scoffed.
"I'm ghosting you," Chivo sang
"Chivo? As in Chivo Chivo?" Elizabeth asked, causing Jamal to hum.
"No. Chivo as in Chivo Ramirez,"
After everyone got their IDs and got home, Elizabeth did all her homework during her electives and was able to get a week off so she had some time to hang out with her friends and Oscar. She unlocked her door to see Oscar inside sitting on the couch so she smiled and sat down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder, "how was your day?" "It was good, mamita," Oscar grinned, "better now that you're here with me. How was hanging out with your friends?"
"It was good. Didn't really do much except talk and stuff," Elizabeth stood up with her hand out, "c'mon, let's go bake some stuff since I got a week off from both Dwayne's and the taco joint,"
"You did? Good. You need a break," Oscar stood up, kissing her head.
The two were in the kitchen trying to make cookies, but it ended up with a flour fight and music playing as they danced around the kitchen. They didn't hear the door unlock as her mother walked in, pushing her father inside. The parents watched as the two danced with flour all over their hair, face, and clothes, Leticia with tears in her eyes as she saw the pure love between the two and Armando with a look of approval once he saw the look in Oscar's eyes.
The couple saw the parents and jumped away from each other as if they were caught doing something bad. Elizabeth saw the tears coming down her mother's face, "ma? What's wrong?"
Leticia laughed, "nothing, mija, nothing at all,"
Elizabeth looked in concern, but looked around her as well, "oh... we will clean this up right now. Oscar! Start cleaning,"
Oscar looked at Elizabeth weirdly, "you start cleaning too then!"
It was after school the next day and the crew went to get the money in so they could get clean money. Jasmine and Monse went inside a Money Bunny to get the money as Ruby, Jamal, and Elizabeth waited outside. The two girls came out and motioned for the boys and girl to follow so they followed and Monse pulled out the cash. It worked. So now they were on their way back when Prophets rolled up.
"Hey, Monse!" A voice called out, "where is that bitch ass boyfriend of yours at?"
"We already know he ain't at your pops spot no more, so where he at, then?" The Prophet asked then the group chuckled, "yeah, and we already know what's up with you, Ruby and Elizabeth...bang!" The four flinched, "santo killer, though."
Everyone was at home except for Elizabeth and Ruby. Elizabeth went to Oscar's place while Ruby went to Chivo's place. When Elizabeth arrived at Oscar's place, she ran inside and started hyperventilating. Sad Eyes, Rico, and Lorca were there while Oscar was out doing some things for the Santos so they quickly grabbed her and put her on the couch. Elizabeth wouldn't stop until Sad Eyes went up to her and held her cheeks.
"Hermanita, you need to slow your breathing. Follow me," Elizabeth nodded and tried to follow Sad Eyes breathes until she finally calmed down, "now, tell us what happened."
"I-i-i was with my friends and-and-and the P-Prophets rolled up on us and they knew m-my name! They knew me and h-how I got shot and when is this going to end! Guys, I just want all of us out of here and in a place where we don't have to worry about this!" Elizabeth ranted as the door opened and Oscar walked in to see Elizabeth crying.
He dropped everything and kneeled in front of Elizabeth, "hey, hey, babe. What happened? Who did this?"
"I just want everything to stop," Elizabeth let the tears roll down her cheek, "all this violence and everything. I want us out of here. You, Cesar, my friends, Sad Eyes, Rico, Lorca. I just want us out,"
"Ok, ok, ok," Oscar cooed at his lover, "one day we are going to have a house and you're going to be an athletic trainer and I'm going to be doing whatever job that will hire me. We can get one big house with everybody inside, including your ma and pops. One day, we are going to have it all,"
It was the next two weeks and Elizabeth stayed with Oscar those weeks as the two just held each other at night, not knowing what was going to happen the next day. Ruby and Jamal texted her asking where she was at so she just replied that she was with Oscar, but they told her that Monse didn't go to school. Elizabeth went to Monse's house with snacks and things as the two cried after Ruby and Jamal left.
Night fell and she went back to Oscar's place to see him working on his car so she went behind him and wrapped her arms around him. He continued doing what he was doing, but stopped as he heard footsteps so he quickly pulled Elizabeth between him and the car while pointing his gun to see Cesar panting. Elizabeth sighed out a breath of relief and ran to hug the boy that was like a brother to her.
Oscar grimaced while tucking the gun away, "get outta here,"
"I need protection," Cesar said.
"You came to the wrong place," Oscar said, wiping his hands.
"I found Latrelle," Cesar said as Oscar stopped and turned back to his little brother, "I went to go finish the job,"
"And?" Oscar waited.
Cesar looked away, "the gun jammed,"
Oscar turned back to the car, "you're oh for two. Ain't gonna be number three. Go," Oscar said with finality.
"Where?! I have nowhere to go!" Cesar yelled.
"Not my problem," Oscar said.
"Not your problem?" Cesar had tears in his eyes.
"There's nothing I can do for you. It's not just about you anymore. Everyone you care about is in jeopardy if you stay, so leave, and don't come back" Cesar started walking out.
"You know what, Oscar?" Cesar said walking back, "you should've handled this for me. You're not just my big brother. You're my big homie,"
"Shut the hell up," Oscar walked up to Cesar.
"You could've taken out Latrelle, but instead you sent me! You sent me to do it!" Cesar pushed Oscar away.
"Hey! Do you know what the hell you did? How badly you messed up? Hey." Oscar shook Cesar, "you put me in an impossible situation with Cuchillos,"
"Oscar, please," Cesar hugged Oscar tightly, "I don't know what to do,"
Oscar quickly whispered a plan into his ear before pretending like he was going to leave Cesar out to dry, "hey, hey. I love you, mano. But you're done," Oscar fixed Cesar's clothes, "happy birthday," Cesar started leaving, but Oscar started speaking, "you need to do something bigger than the mess you made,"
Cesar walked back, "what?"
"To undo this, you gotta do something bigger to prove yourself,"
"What if I got you fifty grand?" Cesar asked.
Oscar looked confused, "where are you gonna get cash like that?"
"What if he already had it?" Elizabeth asked.
"I'm listening," Oscar looked at Cesar.
"Our friends found the RollerWorld money. They washed it, including Elizabeth," Cesar said, "it's clean,"
"RollerWorld? Don't shit me!" Oscar spat, but Cesar and Elizabeth shook their heads, "for real? RollerWorld? Is that why your boy kept asking about Lil Ricky?" Cesar nodded, "damn. Damn! How far are you willing to go?" "I'll do anything," Cesar said.
"Then this is what we're going to do. I'll run the plan through Cuchillos. Without a blessing, there is no point in taking the risk. You gotta be incredibly careful. Your friends have to think that you're going away forever. This protects them and if anything happens to you, they won't know you're dead. Make it look like you're leaving. When it's clear, I'll be there. You make contact with the Prophets and I'll exchange your clean money with the marked bills from the Freeridge Savings Heist,"
It was the next day and the plan was in full motion and Elizabeth was away for most of it because she had a shift at the taco joint until four pm. After her shift, she took her penny board and skated to Oscar's house since Ruby and Jamal were there with Oscar and Cesar. She just walked inside and set her stuff down on the couch, walking to the dining room table and putting a hand on Oscar's shoulder.
"You gave out RollerWorld money to the Prophets!" Jamal yelled.
"No, I gave them the marked bills, from the Freeridge Savings robbery," Oscar put down the lime.
"Oh, thank God," Jamal sighed, "for a second, I thought you gave our money away,"
"Nah, nah. I didn't give your money away. You gave your money away. And now it's mine," Oscar held Elizabeth's hand, giving it a kiss, "hola, bebe. How was work?"
"It was good," Elizabeth kissed his bald head, "nothing exciting,"
"Ruby! Turn me to Jamal," Monse's voice sounded through the phone, "am I hearing this correctly? You used all of our money for nothing? Even my 50k?"
"It wasn't for nothing," Jamal argued, "it was for Cesar, and yes, even your 50k," Jamal mocked Monse.
"Turn me to Spooky," Jamal turned the camera to Cesar, "more, I still can see him," Jamal turned it more to face Elizabeth and Spooky, "Hey, Elizabeth. Anyway, Spooky. I did not sign off on my 50 grand of that gift to you. Can you be decent and give it back?"
"No," Spooky smirked.
"This is bullshit," Monse seethed.
"Look on the bright side. Cesar's alive," Oscar smirked at Cesar.
"Hurray! Turn me to him," Monse said sarcastically.
"No, no," Cesar started, but Oscar already turned the phone to him.
"You might be alive, but you're dead to me," Monse said.
"Monse, I am so-" Monse ended the call, "dead,"
"Spooky, do you really think that giving the Prophets a bunch of marked bills was wise? Once one of their guys gets arrested then they'll know it was you. And by extension, us," Ruby said.
Oscar looked at Ruby, weirdly, "they would never connect it to you," Oscar smirked.
"I still don't understand why you needed to cheat us," Jamal said
"I didn't. I did exactly what you wanted. I saved Cesar," Oscar nodded.
"But you knew you were gonna do that before you took our cash," Jamal said.
"And your point is?"
"Taking our money is unscrupulous," Jamal said.
"How many times do I gotta spell this out for you?" Spooky said, annoyed now, "your money is actually my money. It belongs to the Santos,"
"Oh! You really want to play that game? Well, if we get into logistics, it's really Prophets money that you stole from us!" Jamal yelled.
"Well, actually, it's a bunch of random people's money who paid way too much for a bad concert," Ruby reasoned.
"Shalamar's the shit! These people probably didn't pay enough," Jamal said.
"Relax," Oscar said, "we're not gonna forget you helped us,"
"I don't care about your goodwill! I want my money!" Jamal yelled
"But I cooked for you,"
Elizabeth looked at the table and only saw ceviche, "baby, you only did ceviche," she started laughing, "the juices do all the cooking,"
Once Ruby and Jamal left, Elizabeth walked to the refrigerator and pulled out two beers and an iced tea to bring it out to the dining room. She set the drinks down as she sat on Oscar's lap. Everyone cracked their drinks open and cheersed.
"Hey, thank you," Cesar said.
"It was no problem," Oscar had a small smile.
"I'm not talking about the food," Cesar paused, "I don't say this very often, but I, uh,"
Oscar cut him off, "I know,"
"I'm not made for this life, Oscar," Cesar shook his head, "listen to me, please. When that gun jammed, God gave me a second chance. And I can't ignore it,"
"And?" Oscar said.
"And I never want to be a liability to you ever again," there was a brief silence, "I love you, mano, but I am not a killer,"
The three continued on in silence, eating until Cesar excused himself to sleep. After that day, the next couple days have been spent doing multiple homework assignments, work, and sleeping. It was stressful, but Elizabeth felt fine as she was back into her place once she felt safer to go back and not put her mother in danger.
Monse had told Elizabeth about her going into an all girls boarding school after the year was over and she couldn't be more happier for Monse. Elizabeth wanted to ask her what was going on with her and Cesar, but she knew it wasn't her place to ask so she let it go and decided to let them handle it for themselves. It was night time and Elizabeth was hanging out with Cesar, Oscar, and some Santos as Oscar was telling a story. She stood in front of Oscar with his arm around her shoulder, going across her chest as he smoked a cigarette and drank a beer.
"So she pissed the bed," everybody laughed, "you know what my boy, Angel, does? He piss on the bed too," Elizabeth laughed as she scrunched her nose at the details.
The noise stopped when the group caught sight of Monse so Elizabeth smiled at Monse and mouthed good luck as she nudged Oscar to take everyone inside. "Hey," Oscar said to the boys and all of them except for Cesar walked inside.
After a few moments, Cesar came inside and into his room so Elizabeth stood up from the couch, giving Oscar a kiss on the cheek, before whispering in his ear, "I'm gonna check on him,"
Oscar nodded, continuing with his conversation, as Elizabeth walked to Cesar's room to see him with tears going down his cheeks so she sat down and rubbed his back, "What did she say?"
"She said that she forgave me," Cesar sniffled, "but if I did it even when I loved her then what else would I do,"
Elizabeth nodded, "she makes a good point. Look, Cesar, all I can really say is move on and I know it's easier said than done, but one day you're going to be super happy with a girl that you're going to marry. It can be Monse or it won't be, we don't know, but you can't not live your life," that was when Elizabeth softly smiled at the young boy before leaving the room and continuing with the conversation in the living room with her boyfriend and the Santos.
It was the next day and Cesar and Elizabeth were walking out of school when they met up with Jasmine, Monse, Ruby, and Jamal in the front. "The cash, the drugs, the guns, and illegal ferrets. The place was a scene. It was sick!"
"But why are all the Prophets getting arrested?" Ruby asked.
"Remember the robbery at Freeridge Savings? The guys in the monster masks? Well, that money was marked and we've been tracking any money spent. First, we caught Mr. Gutierrez in his liquor store with the dough. Turns out that money was from a customer. And when those marked bills started popping up all around the town right before the Prophets hood day, we were able to trace it right back to them. So now the Prophets are no mas," Jasmine smiled.
"All of them?" Ruby asked.
"Hell, yeah! We took them all down. The Prophets are Donezel Washington,"
"Holy, shit!"
"Actually, check out this link. It's got the best footages," Jasmine showed the phone to them, showing the Prophets sitting on the curb with Latrelle in handcuffs going to the back of the car.
"Yeah. He's going away for a long time," Jasmine put a hand on Ruby as well as look at Elizabeth, "hey, yo, Esteban! Why no call back? I don't send pictures of my chonies to no phonies!"
Everybody turned to the two people that were shot in the group, "how are you guys feeling?"
"I don't know how to explain it, but it feels surreal. I don't understand the violence and all that because we're not worrying about Cesar's life or anything big," Elizabeth sighed.
"We lost sight of the bigger picture. We should be grateful that we have our friends and family with us," Ruby continued, "it's time to move on,"
"Agreed," Monse said, "I'm leaving Freeridge," the guys turned back, "I'm starting boarding school at the end of summer,"
"Wait! Are you serious?" Cesar asked
"Not talking to you," Monse sighed.
"But you forgave me," Cesar said.
"I changed my mind. Anyway, I finally realized that it doesn't matter if any of you are on Team Monse because I'm on team Monse. And that's all I need so...I'm out," Monse shrugged.
There was a silence until Jamal broke it, "ok,"
"Good luck," Ruby said.
"Hope you have a fun time," Elizabeth grinned.
"Ok? Good luck?" Monse said Elizabeth didn't matter to her since she already knew and has been supportive.
"Yeah, you've left before," Ruby said.
"Writing camp, Brentwood," Jamal listed, "this is schmuck bait, you always come back,"
"Not this time," Monse said, "I'm gone for good. Things just aren't the same around here and I think we've outgrown each other,"
"Ruby, what kind of snacks you got at home?" Jamal asked Ruby, "did your mom get that good spinach dip from Costco?"
"No, better. She got the jalapeno artichoke," Ruby grinned.
"Oh! The extra creamy one that you gotta use the thick chips for?" Elizabeth asked, excited.
"She picked those up too!"
"I'm serious!" Monse said aloud.
"So are we! That dip's bomb," Jamal said.
"Are you even listening to me? I'm really out of here, I'm done with the gangs and bullshit and the nonstop drama that you always get me into," Monse accused.
Ruby stuttered, looking around as if she wasn't talking to them, "we get you into?"
Monse mocked him, "yeah."
"Goodbye," Ruby said.
"Uh, no, no, no," Jamal stopped Ruby, "you shouldn't say goodbye. 'Cause I want to. Buh-bye!" Jamal waved.
Elizabeth laughed at their antics, "boys, stop teasing and let's go,"
"Assholes," Monse muttered.
"Hey, hey, hey. Why don't we all take a breath," Cesar tried to defuse the situation.
"Shut up! No one is talking to you!" Monse said.
"Ok," Cesar backed up, "we'll see you when you get back,"
"Yeah, good luck trying to survive on your own. Without me, you guys are done. There'll be no one to save you," Monse motioned to Cesar.
At that moment, Elizabeth zoned out since she already knew what was going to happen with the whole argument, but when Monse finally started walking away, there was a bag thrown over her head as well as the boys and she was thrown into a van. They were screaming Monse's name until they heard Monse's yell too.
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chonidale · 2 years
i was the anon that sent the last message. i had them blocked or muted too but i think they’re making new accounts now. anyways to answer your question about vanessa being vocal about choni, from what I saw before i blocked, they think that mads is forcing her to make the video and say that (😭) and they’re really mad about the soulmates thing and think it’s fake. basically they’re in denial about both things lol
lmao and did mads force her to repost the tiktok on her instagram before even she did? or constantly post and repost mads when they're filming together while ignoring drew's stories of her that first day? like if they want to ship their flop ship they can but to deny that vanessa clearly prefers choni and wants them back together and to be endgame is a new level of delusion. they should just be happy with their loser king drew being the one and only t*ngs shooter. but i'm glad they're pissed and i hope s7 just makes them even more miserable by the week <3
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alexzalben · 3 years
I am losing hope that choni will interact again. Like bughead and varchie can have whole storylines together but toni and cheryl can’t even have a conversation.
I think we'll get a conversation before the end of the season where they settle things/whatever they mean to each other, even if it's Cheryl saying "TT, I've decided to become a witch" and Toni says "I'm really happy for you." Because Toni clearly (as she should be) is focused on her child at the moment, and that's not where Cheryl's head is at. Still firmly believe Cheryl and Toni will come back together before this show wraps up, but they're also (at least as of the current episode), kicking that eventual romantic reunion down the field a little further.
Also it's Riverdale, so whatever, that could all change 10 minutes into next week's episode.
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