#evyn speaks
hauntttedbodies · 2 years
does anyone else think a little too hard about how Kit only ever wanted to be brave and to be loved and then she ended up with a whole rag-tag family and part of not one epic story of love (romantically, with jade) but two (platonically, with elora) and get really emotional
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aria-i-adagio · 8 months
Thrift Shop Vikings premise, part 2
@atypicalacademic, @hoochieblues, @motherofqups
The plot edition....
Let’s go back to that map. Specifically, this part of the map. See that nice river basin, surrounded by mountains? This is our stage. I am quite terrible with geographic names. For the moment, we’ll refer to this as the Riverlands. The relatively isolated Riverlands are divided into three principal kingdoms. The real world model is the British Isles post the decline of the Roman Empire, because we definitely needed another fake Britain. Culturally, it's a backwater, but not “barbaric.”
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The economic system is primarily agrarian. The more mountainous regions do engage in some amount of mining and metalwork, but the depths which have to be reached to acquire ore limits this activity. Primary exports are animal and plant fibers, a limited amount of metals, and paper, which isn’t really relevant at this stage. Both kinds of hemp are popular crops and the fun kind is the ‘cash crop’ so to speak.  
The surrounding mountains limit outside incursions. The past 2-3 generations have been remarkably peaceful and cooperative within the Riverlands with all the primary ruling families intermarried to a greater or lesser extent. Brivonia (highlighted), in particular, has developed solid economic ties with trading cities along the definitely Not!Mediterranean-esque coast. They have enough goods people want to make it worth the effort of travel, but not enough to bother with invading for land or wealth. (Assuming you’re one of the significantly wealthier countries to the south.) 
All of the above leads to a high degree of complacency regarding defense. And the people of those islands? Yeah, they’re a bit short on land resources for farming (did too good of a job getting those population numbers back up). About forty years ago, this might have been solved quite amicably, as there is more arable land than what is being used in the Riverlands. Unfortunately for the Riverlands, about thirty years ago power within the islands was consolidated by a female alpha named Synnove, who believes that she’s rediscovered the old, true gods and is destined to conquer on their behalf until she reaches the point where the sun rises over the ocean. She has a very high charisma stat and truly believes in her bullshit. Combine that with inadequate resources on the island themselves as motivation for people who aren’t entirely sure about this whole ‘old gods’ thing and fun times can be had by all.
Brivonia is targeted because Synnove, et. al., know that they are in a weak position defensively and were further weakened by two waves of plague in the past six or so years. The relative security of the river basin is also seen as a good place to build a base of support on the mainland, build up resources, and gather information about the geography and politics further inland. (And Synnove is just crazy enough that she might believe she’s going to live until her destiny is fulfilled, so while she wants to get moving, she’s willing to play a long game.)
And this, dear reader, is how Evyn, Prince of Aldenchester, ends up having definitely seen better days because “No surrender, we die like men” only works when you’re consistently classed as man.
...record scratch... Now we’re going to back up again...
Evyn has spent the twenty-odd years since he could form coherent sentences trying very, very hard to NOT BE PRECIOUS. This is very hard when one has six siblings between six to seventeen years older than oneself and then there was another six-ish year gap before the actual baby of the family was born. It is further complicated when one is an omega and therefore, by default, precious. (Two successive wives in this scenario, but the older children actually quite like their stepmother, who had the good sense to let them define the relationship.) Evyn is also the clever, conniving sibling. Not the one you actually want to leave alive to use as a puppet, but how was Synnove supposed to know that?
Evyn is also in many respects, the best connected of the siblings because he spent several years studying in the southern cities. (And he’s a grade A nerd, so studying did happen; along with a lot of ‘frivolity,’ as one does in one’s late teens and early twenties when far from home.) He was recalled home when his father died and has since largely been trying to put off an arranged marriage by being incredibly useful to the eldest brother on the administrative side of running a kingdom.
He also briefly crossed paths with Sindre, who of two sons Synnove has with her, several years, without either one knowing who the other actually is, and rather liked the big, sweet, slightly sad, sailor who was contemplating running the fuck away from whatever was going on in his life. So when he gets the ultimatum of “you’re either letting one of sons take you as a mate, or I’m going to kill in a very creative fashion,” a very clearly extremely pissed about this entire situation Sindre is the obvious best of the bad choices. (To the extent that anyone other than Synnove has any choice in this scenario.) 
Sindre (Asdason,sometimes referred to as Synnovarson) would prefer to be a gentle giant in peace. He is one of Synnove's older children, who she sired on a male omega, Asdi, who was married/mated to her during her conquest of the islands themselves. Sindre's grandfather had enough sway to keep both Sindre and Asdi within his settlement. (Asdi, as a male omega, has specific religious duties associated with protecting the boundaries of the settlement, death rituals, etc.) Sindre recognizes Synnove's depravity, but he has always believed there is nothing he can do about it. She controls Sindre because he believes, correctly, that if he challenges her or even simply breaks away it will be his family and his community that pays the price. He could be described as in a constant state of low key dissociation.
Much of Sindre's internal conflict boils down to pressure to be ‘manly’ or ‘alpha’ and the very meaning of those concepts. His grandfather and Synnove are opposing models. He feels inadequate to meet his grandfather's expectations. Other themes are honor/dishonor/atonement for what he has and hasn't done. Sindre is religious, but his religiosity has been picked up entirely from Asdi. Polytheistic, a touch of animism, a lot of superstitious beliefs. The injunction “Do not offend the gods” is real enough to him that he does somewhat fear Synnove's, even though he doesn't buy into her claim that they are supreme, and he quite frankly thinks they are cruel and unworthy of worship. Worship and fear are distinct.
Synnove thinks that ‘giving’ Evyn to Sindre will give her more control over him.
Now, dear readers, I hope we have a premise for the plot.
TMI/full confession: There’s some kink meme out there with conquering warlord/whoever they just vanquished as a prompt. That notion plus the madness of Nanowrimo are how we ended up here. Somewhere, at some point in fictional character land, Evyn, Sansa Stark, and June Osbourne are asked to leave the same therapy group because they are all a little too into revenge.
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babygirlcowboy · 2 years
happy birthday evyn!!! 🎉💞 i hope you had a wonderful day and your 20s is filled with nothing but happiness !!! your presence in the community (and mutual circle!!) is always such a delight and im so happy to have met and become friends with you <333
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[ID: Ghostmaker approaching Batman with his sword drawn. He states, “I can wish them [happy birthday]... You really think I can't?” Batman looks at him over his naked, hairy shoulder and responds, “Of course you can. He's (not!) a teenager because it's her 20th birthday :)”. They both have birthday cone hats on to appropriately celebrate! END ID]
Adding "wished hbd by Ghostmaker" to my resume as we speak
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peachieharlan · 10 months
The way my best friend and I speak to each other would have us in jail if anyone heard us. Evyn my boy you’re my one and only 🫶
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myserendipitysims · 6 months
After speaking with Erin and Blaze, Evyn decided it was time to talk to Shannon. She deserved to know what happened inside of her club and why Evyn had been away. Evyn decided to stop in on a Thursday afternoon when she knew she'd be at Pinkie's without anyone else around.
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Shannon was absolutely devastated by what Evyn was saying. She never thought that something this horrendous could happen inside of a space she held so dearly, a space where she thought her girls were safe.
"Oh, my baby. I am so deeply, deeply sorry that this happened. What do you need from me? Whatever you need, I will help you. Security footage, I will talk to the police. You name it."
Evyn told Shannon she would rather just move on, she didn't want to dwell on it anymore. Shannon really wanted to do something further but didn't push the subject any more. Instead, she decided to close the club for a week - thankfully she had more than enough support and money inside of her business to take the few days.
Shannon called all the girls to the club for an impromptu meeting where she told them they would be closing the club for a week. She told the girls that she wanted them to get out of town together for a few days to Tartosa where she had a property they could unwind and relax at for a few days.
The girls set off to Tartosa two days later for a refreshing 3 days of drinks, sun, and relaxation.
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attention everybody
@alwaysghostingaround is a pining gay whore<3333
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spencersunboy · 6 years
Have you ever gotten high before?
A couple times but weed responds really badly to everyone in my family. I almost blacked out the only time I smoked weed and could hardly speak for two hours and couldn’t have my eyes openAnd I know I didn’t have too much cuz Evyn had more than I did and was fine
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rambling-roses · 7 years
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So I’ve been friends with my best internet friend @flora-faunae for over a year now. Here’s an appreciation post to belatedly celebrate the birth of our friendship.
I’m making this on my side blog so that less people, if any, will see it (in case they don’t want these pictures of themself seen by ppl) but I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE A MOMENT TO EXPRESS TO YOU WHY EVYN IS AN AMAZING HUMAN BEING WHO DESERVES LOVE AND HAPPINESS IN LIFE. LET ME LIST A FEW OF THE INFINITE REASONS:
They have helped me become more comfortable in my own body, one example of many being when they helped me build up the confidence to stop shaving like I wanted to do but was afraid of people’s responses.
They are the closest internet friend I’ve ever had. AND WE’RE GONNA MEET SOME DAY AND HAVE A BOMB-ASS PARTY (once we stop crying) AND IT’LL BE AMAZING.
They are super supportive, loving, and kind. They’ve helped me through sooooooooooo many hard times and are always there to lend an ear and a warm telepathic embrace even when they’re dealing with tough shit themself.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, they’re tough as nails. They have gotten through so much, and they haven’t let the bad experiences they’ve had turn them toxic. They are so, so strong, and they help others to see the strength in themselves as well.
They are intelligent, not just school-wise, but in their vast knowledge of life experiences, advice, and practical wisdom.
They are much more active in their community and government than I am, and I aspire to be as active as them tbh. They’ve done work to promote political candidates they support, as well as to promote the equality of race, gender, sexuality, and more, and have been active within their religious community. They’ve marched, and they’ve set up organizations within their school. Evyn is frickin cool.
Random cool facts about them that I love: they rock climb, they do ballet, they’re a member of first UU, their cat is my guardian angel, I love their room, they take walks at 1 AM, and their hair is one of my favorite things in existence.
Basically Evyn is incredible and I love them so much. I made this post because I was scrolling through old photos and found old screenshots of them from many months ago and thought hEY I COULD MAKE AN APPRECIATION POST so I did. 
I scrolled all the way to the top of our tumblr messages to find the date we became mutuals/started talking so here you go:
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geekling007 · 6 years
Chapters: 32/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki & family, Loki & Himself Characters: Loki (Marvel), Frigga (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Evyn (OC), Angrboda (OC), Thrym (OC), Helblindi (Marvel), Byleistr (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel) Additional Tags: Loki-centric, Mental Health Issues, Therapy, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Loki Sees a Therapist, The whole Odinson family needs a therapist tbh, Loki Needs a Hug, Loki maybe gets a hug later on, Angst, Because that's all I can apparently write, Forced Healing, Loki doesn't want a therapist, Odin is kind of a dick, but at least he's trying, Loki says hurtful things, Genderfluid Loki, Sensory Overload, ze/zim/zir pronouns, Intersex Loki, intersex jotnar, Kidnapping, mentions of torture Summary:
With his strength, he pulled the spear up, just as Loki let go. He reached down and grabbed his brother's wrist, heart pounding in his chest as Loki twisted, trying to get out of his grasp as Odin pulled them up.
Loki doesn't fall and Odin makes him see a therapist per Eir's suggestion. Lots of angst for everyone. Updates rarely, but I plan on seeing it to the end! Unbeta'd.
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hbdjuliet · 7 years
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hello my lovely! word on the street is it’s your birthday! i hope today treats you well and is nothing short of fabulous! i can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. you have always shown me nothing but unwavering support and kindness and i am forever grateful for it, as well as the fact that we can so comfortably share our mutual love for queen sophia. i know we don’t exactly speak on a very regular basis but it’s always such a pleasure when we do get to catch up and i’m always looking forward to it! much love to ya girl and happy happy birthday! xoxo, evyn/kristina
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docandthebastard · 8 years
Starting Slow
Slade — My alarm went off way too soon, pulling me from the land of dreams. Dreams that left me with a smile on my face as I showered and left me with an extra bounce in my step. A bounce I attributed to the feeding, rather than the male I fed from. The very hot, eager, delicious…”Slade…SLADE!” I spun around, nearly knocked over my mug of coffee in the process, and flashed a grin at Throe. “Sorry, lost in thoughts. What’s up?”
Throe came over and clapped my shoulder, telling me once more that I did good on the locations. After that, we went over the plan. We all were going to move our small belongings and get settled in, then headquarters would be set up and we’d begin to establish ourselves among the neighbors. Until then, we were all pretty much free to do whatever we wanted. He started to walk away, then turned back, “How’s the leg holding up? Your cheek looks good.” I rubbed the cheek and chuckled, “Healing up good, the doc at the hospital did a killer job. Just gotta get the laces removed and I’m good to go.” Throe grinned and looked like he was going to say more when he was summoned by the big man himself. Leaving with another pat on my shoulder, I got up went back to my room, packing up what little I had here into a small duffle. I was halfway to the door before I turned and went back to the bed, picking up the tee shirt from under the pillow and placing it with the rest of my items. Telling myself I only went back for it so I could return it, after all, I was no thief. My first stop was the new place to drop off my bag and to call and make arrangements for my things to be delivered from storage. I didn’t have too much, but it would be nice to put my own touches on something. This would be my first time totally on my own, it was a strange feeling. Walking past a mirror, I caught a glimpse of myself and the stitches, a reminder where else I needed to go tonight. It was probably the longest stretch without the good doctor rushing to the forefront of my mind. Perhaps I did scratch that itch after all. Yep, now I’d just go and get the stitches removed by whoever, easy as can be. Nodding, I stepped out and locked up, tucking the keys in my pocket before I sent my molecules to the hospital.
Once inside, I faced the same receptionist as the night before. Her face immediately turning to a scowl as recognition set in. “He’s not here tonight.” I shrugged and wrote my name down. I’d gotten him out of my system. Not a big deal he wasn’t here…right? So, why was I bouncing in my seat as I waited to be called? I slapped a hand on the pocket of my shirt, his card practically burning me in the process. Just an itch. That’s all it was.
Evyn: // I stood in my room staring at the clothes in front of me. I was off for the night and I knew that it was that time in the month where a group of us went out to feed. We’d go to the local bar and generally find some willing male or female to hook up with, feeding was normally part of that. There were people who could be paid for such a privilege, but generally speaking I didn’t have to use that route. I didn’t particularly like it, but I had no problem being with someone to feed. Thankfully a lot of people went there purely to feed, so we could dance and flirt and enjoy each other’s company without actually going any further. Normally the walls were plastered with couples feeding, humans with humans and vamps feeding in plain sight. Tugging on a pair of jeans and fitted tee I knew that I looked good enough. I didn’t have a spare pound on me with all the running around I did at the hospital. I made my way into the bathroom and swiped some gel in my hair. Memories of Slade’s fingers flashing through my mind as I caught a knot, the tugging almost making me moan as the sensations washed through my body. The blush instant as I growled at myself in the mirror. That was done. He’d go to the hospital while I was away and I’d likely never see him again. I’d given him my details, and he’d commented about having asked twice for them. But I still wasn’t confident that I’d hear from him. He didn’t seem the type to remember someone as plain as me.
Checking my watch I realised I was running slightly late, with hurried steps I grabbed up my phone and keys on the way to the door. I closed my eyes and demated to the nearest back alley to the club and stepped out just as Dylan and Aaron passed by, my grin wide as I threw an arm around both their shoulders, “Evening. I thought I was running late, but it seems I’m only running as late as you both.” I laughed as they both reached backwards to poke me, none of us being asked for ID as we made our way to the doorman and past into the darkened front room. We’d not bothered bringing coats, and we quickly made our way into the main body of the club. I took a minute to count my luck as I looked around the throngs of people. I counted my luck that despite barely being here any time, I’d already made friends and been accepted into their circle. They’d introduced me to their patterns and I’d found two males who were easy to be around and worked around the hospital in similar shifts. I loved that I could work alongside them as well and found a way to feed that wasn’t an embarrassment. I snapped out my trance at the sound of my name, the two were at the bar and waving for me to join. With a wide smile I made my way through the crowds, hips weaving as my shoulders rolled until I was level with my friends and ready to order. //
Slade — The longer I waited, the more on edge I became. When my name was finally called, I practically sprang from the seat like someone set fire to my ass and then followed the nurse to one of the cubicles. I told her why I was here and was immediately handed a gown to change before she quickly left the room. I changed and sat and waited…and waited…and waited. I would swear the air grew icy around me as agitation took hold. If I were waiting for good Doctor Blake, I’d probably be all kinds of calm, then again, he didn’t keep me waiting. Nope, the only thing he made me wait for was his number. I looked down at my leg and shocked myself to see his card twirling between my fingers. How the hell…I shook it off and before I could get up to put it back, the door opened. A frazzled male with salt and pepper hair and dark eyes stepped in, “Mr. Berthuan, I see we need to remove some stitches? Other than that, any issues?” I shook my head, “Nope, can we get this over with, Doctor, I’m really not in the mood to be here.”
His brow shot up as he looked over my chart, “Did something happen last time you were here to make you so quick to leave?” I almost had to laugh at the question as I shook my head, “Nope, my last few visits were …perfect.”
I grinned wide. They were too. He slid his chair over and mechanically snipped and removed the threads in both my cheek and thigh. “Mph, it looks like Doctor Blake did an adequate job, I’m impressed.” I raised a brow and shook my head, “He dug a fucking bullet from my leg and patched my cheek without me making a damn peep, he did better than adequate. Especially considering both nights he was running his ass off.”
The other doctor didn’t say much, just made some notes on his chart, regarding the wounds and what not. I didn’t like him. He wasn’t a very good doctor at all. Cold and silent, the opposite of my doc. When the hell did I start thinking of him that way and why couldn’t I stop? Another shake of my head and I realized Dr…whoever was asking me questions about meds. I waved a hand and turned down the offer of another prescription and let him leave before I hopped off the bed to get dressed once more. Black jeans, black button down and black boots, simple. I didn’t waste a moments time, squared away the bill at the front desk and I was gone. I needed to clear my head. A drink. That should do it. Yeah, several drinks should get my…get him off my fucking brain. I would head out, drink and then be good to go. Molecules to the wind, I dematerialized to the alley outside a place I’d heard about that was friendly to our kind, but not overrun with Bastards or Brothers. I paid the cover and headed inside the place that was filled with writhing bodies. Almost immediately, the fangs began to throb and I felt…something that pulled me deeper into the club.
Evyn: // I ordered what I wanted to drink, as well as a few extra shots before turning and leaning my back against the bar. I let my gaze work over the crowds until I saw the table that was surrounded by other hospital staff. I turned and grabbed my drink, pointing in the general direction of the table as Aaron and Dylan pressed closer against the crowds, “They managed to get our normal table. Let’s go and let them know we’re here. Looks like we’re the last to arrive, obviously!” I grinned at them both as we made our way towards the table, greeting everyone with hugs and the odd sloppy kiss. It would seem a few had started early and come to the place drunk and ready to go. Not that it surprised me. I’d happily have done the same after the phone call with the ex and my imagination getting the better of me more often than not after seeing Slade. I shook my head when I felt the hip bump, clearing the cobwebs as I turned to face Dylan. His eyebrow was raised in question at my less than obvious attempt to pretend I wasn’t daydreaming. I felt my cheeks flush slightly as I looked anywhere but at my friend. His grinning face in my peripheral was pretty much all I could focus on. “Hush up. Have a drink then we’re going to dance.” I growled at his continued happy face before turning to chat to a few of my colleagues.
The place was busy, getting busier with each passing hour, though our group stayed pretty much packed together. Though it got bigger as people brought in their chosen partners. On occasion the whole thing felt a little more like a cattle market than a club, but I went with it. I could be myself here and not have to worry about the odd humans that frequented. I wasn’t here to hook up, but I did need to feed and it was way more fun to have a drink, dance the night away and spend time with my friends. I knew the glymera had some kind of structure and protocol for this kind of thing, I was eternally grateful that I wasn’t in that circle. I took the last mouthful of my drink just as I felt an arm slide around my shoulders, Aaron’s less than coherent words slurring in my ear. I steered us towards the dance floor, my arm clamped around his waist to keep him with me as I snagged Dylan’s collar on the way past. His surprised flail making me laugh as he turned, ready to knock down whoever had grabbed him. The minute he saw us I felt his arm slide around my waist so he could walk with us, hips bumping mine in time to the music. //
Slade — Generally I treated such establishments as the meat market they portrayed themselves as, procuring the choicest cuts of meat they had to offer. Tonight though, I didn’t pay much notice to the writhing bodies as I made my way to the bar and ordered a whiskey…neat. Instead, my eyes scanned the club like a predator searching out his prey as I tried to find whatever, whoever it was that drew me here. I drained my glass as my focus narrowed. Glass shattering in my hand, I heard a loud growl billowing around me, a growl that took me a minute to realize was my own. The female at my side who’d been trying to garner my attention by rubbing along my thigh scrambled from her stool, her blonde hair waving in my peripheral vision as I stayed stock still. My eyes were pinned on the three males dancing. Blood dripped from my fingers as I remained frozen. The bartender tapped my shoulder, once, twice, and a third time before I turned, fangs elongated and glared. “Listen man, you gotta take that shit elsewhere. We don’t tolerate it here.” I slapped down a twenty and pushed back from the bar. “No worries. I’m not here to start anything. I’ll be getting gone.”
That was my intention anyway, but the second I turned, I watched the Doc sandwich and blood boiled. I took several large, angry steps closer before I managed to stop myself. Ok, before the three guys now grabbing my arms and waist stopped me. What the hell was wrong with me? People were stopping and staring as the bouncers clung tightly. I held up my hands in surrender as I tried to turn to face them, face away from my Doc, to try to calm myself down. They wanted me to leave, I knew I should. Besides, he obviously had already forgotten about me. As I was being ‘escorted’ to the front door, I took one last look back, only to find the blue eyes cast in my direction. Had he seen? Recognized?? Before I could move, I was ass planted out and ordered to vacate the premise before cops were called. Fuck me running. Now what?
Evyn: // I grinned at my friends as they moved to the music, their conversation way too quiet for any humans to notice. We alternated around each other, talking and cracking out some moves to make the other laugh. Occasionally people moved a little too close and got moved out of the way, generally moving to flank the person getting the unwanted attention. Dylan would be drunk in a corner before the end of the night and I knew that Aaron would probably end up in the bathroom with someone. So I always took the time at the beginning of the night to dance and enjoy their company before I lost it. I had just brushed off the advances of a highly persistent female, Dylan and Aaron pressed to my back and chest as we danced. Making it highly obviously why I wasn’t interested in her when I heard a crash and some kind of commotion. All eyes turned to the male as he was pulled from the club. I would have recognised him even without catching a glimpse of his face on his way out of the main entrance. I stepped towards him, the door clicking shut behind him before I could really make any kind of a move. Dylan and Aaron both noticed my change, their voices ones of concern as I lifted my hand to hush them up, “Yeah, I know him. He was one of my patients, you saw him Aaron. I’ll be back in a minute, ok?” I didn’t want on a reply as I pushed out of the club and spoke to the bouncer. Explaining I would be back shortly and getting my hand stamped to ensure I would be let in without having to pay a second time. I moved slowly up the street slightly, the light only there for the line of people going in the other direction. I circled once before finding my voice, “Slade, are you still around?” //
Slade — Scrubbing my hand through my hair, I turned from the club, too distracted to think clearly. What the hell was going on with my brain? Maybe I did need that cat scan after all. At least it would be an excuse to see him again. Fucking hell, Slade. Pull it together. I took another deep breath as I tried to calm myself enough to head back home when I heard it. Heard him. I stopped dead in my tracks and swung around. That sounded like concern in his voice. It was almost foreign to my ears. I walked around the corner and saw him standing there looking around. He was alone, at least I didn’t see those two males who’d been all over him. I stepped closer, head ducking as I forced my bleeding hands into my pocket. “Hey, Doc. I’m…” Flashing a shy grin, “I haven’t been arrested yet if that’s what you’re wondering.” I chewed my lip and tried to stop the rest of the words tumbling out, “I…it’s good to see you, but I’m sure your boyfriend…boyfriends are wondering where you are” The growl that followed the B word hopefully carried away by the rest of the words. I didn’t want to think of him and those males. I wanted to be the one pressed against him while he danced out there…shaking my head. “Sorry, won’t keep you, besides, probably should get to the clinic again” I let out a self-depreciating laugh, yet my feet didn’t move from the spot in front of him.
Evyn: // I turned until I was facing Slade, his posture wasn’t the confident male I’d met in the hospital, but I still felt pulled closer. I could smell the blood, but I wouldn’t see anything that would show an injury, I was just about to open my mouth to ask about the bullet wound that should have been healed when I heard him ask about a boyfriend. My brow furrowed as I tried to connect the dots, thinking through my evening and what I was doing when he saw me. Drinking, dancing, dancing with……………………...oh! “That’s Dylan and Aaron, you may not remember, but Aaron he popped in while I was sorting your leg yesterday?” I snapped my mouth shut and inhaled slowly. Why was I justifying this to him. I was here to have a good time with my friends, and what he thought shouldn’t matter to me. I smiled and looked the male over, his dismissal washing over me as I watched him continue to stand opposite me in the street. I almost bit my tongue so I didn’t ask, but I wanted to know, “Are you ok? I can smell blood. Did one of the bouncers pop a stitch or something when they were getting you out here?” I frowned, the whole idea set me on edge, tension creeping into my muscles at the thought that he’d have been hurt for nothing more than reacting to something. I had no idea what had pissed him off, but whatever it was seemed to have gone now. He was back to the male I met in the hospital. I was curious, but I wasn’t stepping over that line in case I got a fist to the face. //
Slade — I knew I shouldn’t get closer, but as he spoke, I found myself moving anyway. I gave a slight nod as he reminded me I’d seen Aaron before, he was also the one who tried to chat me up. Harmless. He might have wanted my Doc….Doc. Not mine. I saw the tension building, did he know it was him that caused me to get thrown out? I shook my head and pulled my hand out, displaying it palm side up as I got under the light. “My stitches are fine, I went and had them removed already. Thank you again, the guy on duty said everything healed great.” Nodding again as I showed off the wound. “This though, this one’s fresh. Now to hope whoever is on duty has at least half your…skills.” This close, it wasn’t his medical skills I was thinking of. Hell, I could barely tear my gaze from his lips when he spoke. I licked my lips as though I could still taste him or maybe I just wanted another taste. “Unless you think I don’t need to go in, after all you are the expert.” Just keep talking. Maybe then he won’t notice how close I seem to be getting. My voice dropped lower, “What do you think, Doc, should I go find another with your skills to give me what I need?” I reached out with my hand and used one of my clean fingers to brush under his chin and lift his gaze to mine as something sunk in, “So no boyfriend is waiting for you inside or elsewhere, Doc?”
Evyn: // I listened to the male, my eyes trailing over his form as he slowly moved closer to me. Despite seeing the motion, I didn’t move from where I was. I wanted him to get as close as he wanted. I didn’t know why, but I wasn’t going to question myself right at this second. I frowned hard as my attention was snapped from Slade to his hand, reaching for him automatically. I wrapped my fingers around his wrist, my other hand sliding either side of the nasty looking gash, “This should have stitches. It’s unlikely to scar that way. You fed last night, but if you were to feed again you’d be ok. Probably a small scar, but if you tape it and wrap it to hold the skin together you’ll be ok. It’s up to you which you do. I’d recommend stitches though.” I lifted my eyes, realising just how close it was as I stood beside him, still holding onto his wrist as I slowly took note of the feeling that was settling in my gut. I’d been so sure he’d not want to see me again. That whatever connection I’d felt was just me being stressed or in a new city and home sick. I couldn’t really say it was any of that right now. I had been having an amazing night, but he’d tugged at my mind more than once. I was lost in thought when I felt his touch under my chin, my eyes snapping up to his as I licked my lips nervously despite my steady gaze. A tiny head shake was all I’d do in case I lost contact with his fingers, “No. No boyfriend in there or anywhere else. No one for a while actually.” I swallowed and blinked once as I ran my teeth over my lips and cleared my throat once more, “What about you?” //
Slade — I let out a soft noise as his fingers curled around my wrist to inspect my hand. His touch caused a spike in my heartbeat and my body to warm from the inside out. Every move of his was watched intently, the way he ran his fingers carefully over the wound. The care he showed, both now and each visit prior, as if I were the most important patient of his to date. It was suddenly no wonder I couldn’t get him from my mind. He made me feel. And, I found that I liked it. Plain and simple. Since he showed no interest in moving away, neither did I. My body stayed close, my finger under his chin and my other hand in his. “I’m not worried about a little scar, Doc, I have plenty of those and I’m not really interested in finding another to feed from. Not sure anyone could top my last meal.” I’m sure my grin grew as I listened to his admission because that sparked a glimmer of hope I’d long forgotten. Watching his tongue dart over his lips very intently, I reached with my thumb to brush over the now wet lips, tugging them from his teeth. “I won’t lie, Doc, I am damn glad to hear there’s no one waiting for you, though there should be.” I brushed my thumb over his lip again, leaning in closer as my voice dropped softer, “There’s not been anyone waiting for me for a long ass time.”
My lips hovered closer when I heard the bang of the club doors followed by a shout, “Evyn? Evyn, where are you?” I lifted my head, eyes narrowing as my head turned towards the intrusion, but otherwise I didn’t move. My fingers stayed on his chin as the two males who’d been all over him in the club came into view, this time a little more leeriness in their voice, “Evyn?” I kept them pinned with my gaze as my fangs elongated, but my voice was low enough only for Doc to hear, “Evyn, mmm, I like that, Doc. I suppose I kept you from them long enough…unless…” I turned my gaze back towards him, the question remaining unspoken in my eyes. I wanted more than a fuck this time. But…how the hell does one say that when they never have before?
Evyn: // I couldn’t seem to look away, even when his gaze fell to my lips. I was frozen to the spot, inside heat raced through me. I lifted my chin further as his head ducked, impatient to get closer to him. I felt my lips twitch when he mentioned a lack of someone waiting on him. Though probably would have been better to have found that out before the night previously. Better late than never though. I felt my fingers tighten around his wrist the second my thoughts were pulled to my name being called. Eyes quickly diverting around Slade to my friends as they came down the street looking more than curious. “Hold on a second.” Like that would stop them. They’d happily walk right over and interrogate Slade if I let them get any closer without explanation. I tilted my head and was almost shocked to see that he was watching them, looking remarkably like he had in the club. My brain chose that moment to connect the dots about the injury and being thrown out the club. He didn’t strike me as someone who would just lose control with no reason, he’s had plenty of times when he could, and he’d been respectful. I smiled at my name, eyes traveling back to his as I nodded and kept my voice as low as his, “Stay. Please.” I nodded once and then stepped around him, making my way over to Dylan and Aaron, their steps speeding to meet me somewhat closer to Slade than I’d have liked, Not that I was hiding anything, I just knew they were both drunk and unlikely to have any kind of filter.
As expected the minute I stepped in beside them I was bombarded with questions, their whispered voices no quieter than they had been in the club. I felt myself roll my eyes as I watched them, snagging both their wrists to stop the barrage of ‘who is he’, ‘are you coming back inside’, ‘are you going to introduce us’ questions. I took a deep breath and risked a glance back at Slade, asking for some patience to whoever might be listening before angling my body between the two camps, “Slade, this is Aaron and Dylan. Guys, this is Slade.” I waited a minute for them to do their thing before grabbing their wrists again and pulling them back towards the club, “I’m fine, thank you for coming to check on me. If I need anything I’ll shoot you a message. Now go and get on with your evenings.” I felt Aaron’s eyes stay over my shoulder, his brain was much faster than it should be after so many drinks and the minute he realised who Slade was I saw his eyes land on my throat, his mouth opened a second before I smacked my hand over it and shook my head, “Go away!” Thankfully Dylan took the hint and grabbed Aaron around the waist to pull him back inside, both grinning like hyena’s. I was sure the two of them would drive me insane one day. I watched until they disappeared back into the club, slowly moving backwards until I was out of the light again and could turn back to Slade. My expression one of amusement and apology at my friends interruption. //
Slade — The way his fingers curled tighter around my wrist at the intrusion told me he was about as thrilled as I was at the situation. But when he asked me to stay, that only further cemented it. I was going nowhere. The loss of contact as he stepped away immediately set a fresh chill through me. And while he trusted the males, I was apparently less inclined. My focus turned back to them as they stepped closer at their quicker pace. My only hope was the growl that threatened was too quiet to be heard over the commotion. I did feel a grin forming as I listened, I could tell they were concerned for their friend. When he turned back with that look on his face, I flashed him a reassuring smile and nodded. Silently agreeing to whatever he wanted.
The introductions caught me off guard and automatically my hand reached out to shake each male’s hand. They both had a look on their face that told me Evyn would be getting grilled for certain when the time came. I stepped back, shoulders shaking silently as Doc turned them away from us again, him being in just as much a hurry to find himself alone with me as I wanted to be with him once more. As the one male…Aaron’s eyes stayed on mine, I held his gaze and grinned wider as I saw his eyes drop to Doc’s neck. I wondered if he was now picturing what he nearly walked in on the night before. And if he’s disappointed he missed on that show. Watching Doc, I wondered if he was turning that delicious shade of red again, I would be willing to bet he was. The sound of the two males laughing as they walked away was quickly swallowed by the sounds of the club and my attention fully focused on the only one who mattered to me at the moment. That look on his face, amusement and apology, that tinge of question had me reaching my non-bloody hand out for him. “Well, now that I seemed to have caused a change in your evening plans, perhaps you’ll indulge me in a little more of your company?”
Evyn: // I stepped closer to Slade, his gaze moving from my friends as they retreated back to me. His entire focus aimed at me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I opened my mouth to make a joke about my friends when I saw his hand, eyes dropping to it and then back to his face. His words almost being lost in my mind as my ears seemed to buzz. I blinked stupidly for a few seconds before getting with the programme, flashing him a wide smile and nodding. I slide my hand into his and stepped closer to him, “I’d love to spend some time with you. If you’ll allow me to sort your hand out first? My apartment isn’t far, you don’t have to come in. I have a car and supplies in either. But I’d like to get that sorted first off. The rest of the night is in your hands.” I swallowed and started back down the street, past the front of the club we’d just existed. I didn’t really leave much room for argument, but I was more than sure Slade could put in his disagreement if he didn’t want to do that. I kept my hand in his as we walked, waiting until the noise from the club faded into the background before speaking, “So, you know what I do. And now also two of my friends, who haven’t stopped texting me since they left us if my vibrating ass is anything to go by. But I know nothing about you. Anything I can’t ask about?” I lifted my chin in his direction to wait on his answer, our long strides eating up the distance until I slowed outside my apartment block, uncertain whether to invite the male inside or hope he waited for me while I grabbed my supplies and the car keys. I didn’t fancy doing anything to his hand in public and I was limited with my options that didn’t involved a trip to work. Which I wanted to avoid on my day off as much as possible. //
Slade — The moment his hand found mine, my fingers laced with his and I stepped close. I would have agreed to anything in that moment for a chance to be alone with him again. “Hmm, well if I want you in my hands, then I suppose this little injury will need to be taken care of.” I fell into step alongside him, silent in the beginning of our journey until we got to the point where we didn’t need to speak loudly to be heard. “You can ask whatever you wish, Evyn, and I will be as honest as I can with you.” My lip quirked at the corner, “You have a vibrating ass, Doc? My my my, this evening is promising to prove very interesting.” I laughed low and as our steps slowed, I stared up at the building that must be his. “If you’d rather not allow a strange male into your apartment, I will wait out here for you to gather what you need.” I turned my head towards his, using our joined hands to lift his chin up towards me, “Though I will promise you this, I have no intentions of doing anything you don’t want me to do already.” I’d shown such remarkable restraint so far, but right now all I could think about was the kiss I’d been denied earlier. Before I let him go, I tipped my head and ghosted a kiss over his lips between my words, “The choice is yours, Evyn.” By the time the final word left my lips, they were firmly pressed against his, tasting the liquor and the unique flavor that was all him as my lips moved against his, tongue teasing along the seam.
Evyn: // I chuckled quietly at his obvious amusement at the phone in my pocket. I was surprised he’d not heard it. The two idiots had been texting me constantly, probably in a group chat like a couple of school kids. I turned to face the male and smiled, my chin lifting at his touch so I could meet his eyes, my smile widening further. I inhaled slowly, my pulse racing as his lips got closer to mine, anticipation racing through my veins and I knew I’d say no to nothing he asked. That realisation clicking something in the back of my mind that needed attention, but not yet. I leaned into the kiss, my tongue tracing his as I got a hit of his taste, familiar and exciting all at once. I wanted more before we’d even started, the slow kiss deepening right there outside my apartment. I didn’t want move than a couple of seconds before I lifted my hands and slid them into his hair, my body pressed flush against his. Heat and desire rocked through me which I indulged for a minute before my brain rebooted, jerking me back to where I was and what I was doing…………….again! Breaking the kiss I took a moment to get some air back into my lungs and get my brain back online, “You’re not exactly a stranger. So you’re welcome to come up. It’s either that or the back of my car, and that isn’t exactly comfortable.” I chuckled to myself and slid my house key from my pocket before inclining my head to get Slade to follow me. “I’ll get your hand patched up and then I’m yours for the evening. I’ll text Dylan and Aaron back when we get up there and let them know you’ve not murdered me and I’m fine. Though I’m pretty sure Aaron will assume we’ve not left the alley yet.” I rolled my eyes as I clicked in the combination to the main entrance to the building and stepped back to let Slade in before me, pointing in the general direction of the lifts, “Lift or stairs, 4th floor, Flat A………………….not that I think you’ll get lost on the way up there. Sorry” I shook my head and laughed. Moving along with the male as I tried to get my brain back into gear enough to fix the male’s hand. //
Slade — I growled low against his lips as his fingers ran through my hair, pressing closer as our tongues slide together. Need and want coursed through me towards the same goal as the kiss deepened, I didn’t care that this would lead to another round of impossible to forget dreams of him. I craved it, longed for it, for him. What I felt the first moment I saw him had not changed with each subsequent visit, instead it intensified, if my bleeding palm was any indication. It was dangerous. If he knew the truth about me…I needed to savor each moment we had while I could. Before it all crashed away. My lungs burned with the need for air, but I didn’t give a damn, until he broke the kiss and reminded me we were still technically in public. He had a habit of making me lose track of the world around me as my focus narrowed solely on him. I chuckled low, “I haven’t been in the backseat of a car with another male in a long ass time, Doc. Plus, the lighting is probably better inside, no?” I stepped behind him as he pulled the key out, dropping a kiss along the mark on his neck, “Mine…” Coughing to clear my throat, “for the evening… I like the sound of that.” I didn’t pay attention to the code since I was too busy inhaling his scent, but I went inside at his direction and waited. I stepped behind him once he followed, pressing close to his back as we turned and walked towards the elevators. “Lift sounds quicker. I can’t promise I’d behave if I followed that ass up four flights of stairs, bloody hand or not. And I’d certainly hate to get lost on my way. Who knows what I’d miss out on.” Another text came in while we waited for the elevator and I let out a low chuckle against his ear, “I definitely think you need to let your friends know you’re still alive.” The elevator dinged and I led us inside, hitting the button for the fourth floor. #StartingSlow
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hauntttedbodies · 2 years
wednesday will never trust tyler again after the season one finale because her relationships are built on loyalty and mutual understanding, and tyler played her from the beginning and hurt everyone she cares about. in this essay i will
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aria-i-adagio · 2 years
A Work in Progress Whenever
Thanks @cumbiazevran for the tag. Tagging @atypicalacademic and @motherofqups.
From the Nanowrimo trash bunny. I should note, I - yes, me - put 'dark' in the original filename.
"Ev?  Little love, we’ve brought a healer." Laurentia’s soft voice crept through the half sleep Evyn had fallen into. “For you. And Gawain. Both of you, my loves.”
He blinked his eyes open. “Who?” His lips cracked around the word. Father Owynn was already here, had examined both him and Gawain, and bound up their wounds with one or another compound of herbs before giving them both tea - bitter with the taste of valerian and poppy. He thought he’d seen a concerned look pass between Owynn and Laurentia, but there were plenty of details for them to be worried about. If his injuries were beyond Owynn’s skill and training, Evyn didn’t know to whom they would have turned for assistance. He couldn’t think of anyone else with more skill among the servants of the castle. “Not the magus.” The man who was with Synnove with he woke had no small amount of knowledge, but Evyn would rather die. “Please, no...”
“No, love.” Laurentia stroked his hair. “Someone else.”
At the foot of his bed, a woman was speaking quietly with Father Owynn. She had wild hair that twisted about her face, and when she turned her face to Evyn her eyes - nearly lost in wrinkles - were pure blue with neither pupils to frame, nor white to frame the blue. When she smiled at him, he felt a warmth - pleasant in contrast to his burning fever - spread through his body.
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babygirlcowboy · 2 years
whelp. it's been a long run evyn. i'm mailing you our divorce papers as we speak <//3
,,,,I have a feeling I did something to deserve this but I honestly do not remember the context at all,,,,anyway,,,GOOD LUCK WITH THAT I'LL NEVER SIGN THEM!!! TIL DEATH DO US PART LOSER!!!
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qmzpwnxoebci · 9 years
i lied. i fucking love you
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noirdrawings · 9 years
I made a art instgram to mostly follow my favortie artist but to also post my art and sketches noirdrawings
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