bestshiptrademark · 7 years
First thing in this blog, I guess. Hi! I'm MyeongJin, 20 yrs old, A.R.M.Y. and potterhead. So there's this thing called BTS Hogwarts! Au which I like to call HBTSAU. One day I was talking with my datefriend and we decided to start writing things about this AU because we both like BTS and we both like Harry Potter and we both like to imagine these scenarios.
We decided so sort BTS in their houses, of course, so we went on tumblr to see if anyone had done that so we could have a base, and get some ideas.
So I wanted to make this post about why we decided each member belongs to the house we put them in, so bear with me, follow my line of thought.
Let's start from Jin? YAS. I mean, he's the oldest, he was sorted first.
Kim SeokJin - Hufflepuff
I guess most of people agree on the thought that Jin is a Puff. But the idea I have of people sorting him as a Hufflepuff is that they don't think he belongs there, but they think that he doesn't belong to anywhere else. There's this thing that people do to SeokJin that I really hate that is underestimating him.  People do that with Hufflepuff’s in general, too. If you're one of these people, fight me bro. Puff's can kick your ass, and I will. Why did we sort Jin in Puff then? Puffs are known for being good companions, loyal, family-oriented, friendly, etc etc etc. Jin is like the mother of the group. He cares about others and is really friendly. We can see in various ocasions that he managed to befriend strangers, if that ain't puff, idk what it is. Also just the fact that even though he's the oldest, he accepts and supports NamJoon as leader is something that makes me think he belongs to the badgers. They don't like conflict, don't really care about being in charge of things, they care about helping the group the way they can and giving the best they have. Which reminds me that SeokJin is really hard-working. He knows that the image of BTS relies also on he's shoulders (as much as the others), so he keeps training to improve himself as a way of making the group (and Jin himself) better. Also something that we really put into thought is Jin love for food. Do you know where's Puff's common room? Besides the kitchen, so he's puff, you're welcome.
In order, Now it's time for my sweetpie, Suga.
Min YoonGi - Slytherin
Nothing new here, right? Though I also think it might be for the wrong reasons, I don't think I've ever seen people sorting him in another house. I think people might sort him in this house for his personality, the quiet, not caring type, always with a frown, not to talk about that if someone had to turn into a Dark Wizard it would be him. But, guys, guys, guys. Do you KNOW Min YoonGi? And do you KNOW Sly’s? Yes, yes, Salazar, Voldemort, Malfoys, but fuck that. Not every Sly is like that, they're not evil just for being ambicious. Let me say that Evil Wizards could be... Hufflepuffs! Yas! (Actually i know a Puff that could be worse than the Dark Lord, but let's not get into it right now). So let's stop right now with the tought that Sly's are the bad guys, they're not. I'LL FIGHT YOU, DEBRA! Why did we sort Suga into Slytherin anyways? Min Suga is ambicious as FUCK! Ever since he began to like music and hip hop, he put goals for himself, and made it happen. He's lyrics about being on billboard, being the best, saying he will conquer the world with his music, his work as a producer, a composer, an amazing rapper, all makes me think he's a great Sly. He wants the world, and he'll do what he needs to achieve that. By breaking the rules if needed to. He says he doesn't want to write just love songs, he has a mindset, he has this message he wants to deliver to his fans, put those words out there, his work is something that he is really proud of and he'll still continue to improve himself so he can reach out to more and more people. Even though he's "royalty" he's still Daegu boy. Suga is not evil, he's not egocentric, he cares about BTS members, the way he can, and the way he feels comfortable. Suga himself said in a interview that he has more of a quiet way of taking care of them,and TaeHuyng made sure everyone understood what he was talking about (by giving Suga a water bottle, as he looked to the other side, impersonating Suga). He want's to help others too. If you know SuRan, you probably know that she said that YoonGi helped her when she was feeling really depressed. Other thing is that he's really soft at core, but he can also be harsh. Just like everyone else, Min YoonGi is a person, he's complex. So as I was rethinking houses, I thought maybe he woulf fit really well in Puff too, but I think he'd prefer Sly, since the reputation of the house is making wizards great and powerful. There's nothing saying he wouldn't use his power to good, and deliver a good message for all those lost wizzards out there. I could go on and on about Suga, since I think i already rambled a lot, but let's go to the next one.
Jung HoSeok - Ravenclaw
Whoa, whoa, there. Hobi? In Ravenclaw? Yes, Debra, fight me. Why does Jung HoSeok belongs to Raven? First of all, let's talk a bit about our Raven house. They're the wise, the creative, known for their knowledge and just, being smart in general. But it's not just that, Ravens are also really open-minded, like to learn, and can be a little strange. And by that I mean a lot strange. They're the strangiest. Not saying Hobi is strange, but boi, those screams (I love them). It's really common to see Hobi as a Hufflepuff. He's a energy ball, lights up the mood, puts others over him, always thinking about the group atmosphere and harmony. Real soft, 10/10 would hug. (Plus, people unerestimate him, it might be one of the reasons why they decide to put him in Hufflepuff [Debra, I swear to GOD]) Why a Raven tho? Calm your tits, Debra, I have a point. The key point to the sorting decision is that Jung HoSeok is a great dancer! Why, you may ask, that doesn't make sense, you may say, but, I swear to God Debra, let me finish. Body expression (Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, as you might put it) is why. The control you need to have over your body is tremendous to dance like he does. HAVE YOU SEEN THAT? He's from out of this world. BUTT! Not only the boy can dance, the boy can also rap, the boy can beatbox, the boy can sing. I repeat, the boy can sing. For the ones who don't know our little sunshine was supposed to be on Vocal Line of Bangtan Sonyeondan, that changed later, but he still can sing. He's good on everything he does. He puts his heart in it, you can see it. Not just that, but the Interpersonal Intelligende is strong in this one too. Not going too deep into that, but he understands his surroundings and how to act so the mood is good. (I just love him so much it literally hurts)
Kim NamJoon - Ravenclaw
Just like Suga, nothing new. I don't think I've seen Nammie as nothing else but a Raven. Still I'd like to make clear here why we chose that for our precious Monster. Smart AF. Next one.
No, I'm just kidding, Imma ramble here too. Kim NamJoon is often said to be the brains in BTS, he was one of the best students in Korea, he's IQ is really high, his  TOEIC score was excelent when he was in highshcool, he has all this logic thinking (you can see it in action in "Hot Brain: Problematic Men"), BOI, the list goes on and on. But, shockers, that's not the reason why we chose to put him in Ravenclaw. Before you say anything, Debra, that's indeed a good reason to sort him as a Raven, but he could also be sorted in Slytherin, or any other house. We all know that Hermione Granger is really smart, and yet, she is a Gryffindor. The reason that sealed his fate in Raven for us was his (weirdness) creativity and the other types of inteligence we spotted on him. Linguistic Intelligence, as he likes to write, he said he wanted to major in creative writing, he is a composer, a poet, a story teller, and Musical Intelligence, as a producer and rapper. I need to point out the thousands of word plays in BTS' songs. I'll stop here before thinking about Wings theories, Love Yourself theories and the upcoming album "HER" too much.
Park JiMin - Slytherin
I was trying to write this down, but I think JiMin is the only one that we didn't put that much thought into it. I mean, he's quite a perfectionist, he's really harsh on himself, he tends to aim for perfection, nothing is good enough. As we thought of it, he could be in any house, but he chooses to be in Slytherin because of the baggage that being a Sly brings with it. The Sly’s are known for their ambicious and cunning traits, plus they're good leaders, often graduate to be powerful wizards (The Dark Lord (TM) was really powerful, I guess) and also... He's so pretty in silver and green. HAVE YOU SEEN THE BOI? Yes, Debra, we didn't put that much of a thought in JiMin's sorting, but, cry me a table, we don't care that much, it's our headcanon, he fits in Slytherin as much as in any other house.
Kim TaeHyung - Gryffindor
OK, I might have lied. I don't even remember the line of thoughts into sorting Tae. Why is Maknae line giving me such hard time?
*reads the actual texts on Telegram* not sponsored
Oh yeah. We didn't even considered Tae in Sly or Raven. He was the 4th sorted, before him we had Nam, Jin and Suga already sorted. I didn't even notice that we sorted one for each house in order. Our convo about V's house was like. "Puff or gryff?" "Oh, he's too naughty to be a puff (as in a naughty child, that keeps messing things around and being a prick). Also red is his color." "Agreed. Have you seen him with red hair?" "YAAAAAS" "YAAAAAAAAAS" Then we moved onto Kookie, Hobi and JiMin
So that's that. Also keep in mind that my bae (JaeHi) wasn't an A.R.M.Y. when we did this sorting, so they didn't know that much of the boys, so I kept saying things about them and, after long 18 messages for each member and me telling how I loved them over and over, we decided each house. [I showed them this section and they say that as an A.R.M.Y., they agree with evey choice we made. Which makes me happy cause there's no turn back! :D]
Finally, the one that gave us the most headache to sort. (We loved it tho)
Jeon JungKook - Gyffindor
We started this conversation with the statement "Jeon JungKook is good in everything he does." So with that being said, he fits EVERYWHERE. He's really loving and caring of his hyungs, he's a rice cake, he's shy, and likes to be the maknae. He also likes to be SAVAGE_AF(TM), pull pranks and be your general dork we all love and want to attac and protec. He's really fearless, which freaks me out a little bit, like, walking in the dark, grabbing fish with his bare hands, calling JiMin_HYUNG(TM) just JiMin, saying he won't respond to Bangtan's texts cause "they're annoying and he doesn't HAVE to". Also, in his singing carreer, he put his heart there, and spent a whole year away from school to focus on that. The boi has balls. IDK if I could do the same, it's risky. But he dared, thank goodness, and now he's at the top of the world! I can also see him getting triggered a lot. Can it be classified as short temper? Maybe. Which classifies him better for both Sly and Gryff. But since we all see that whole thing people have with Sly's being villains, having bad reputation, stuff like that, and our little bunny, Kookie, being the cute lil' mochi he is [insert JiMin stans' triggered screams here], he'd prefer stay with the Gryff's, having loyal housemates and carrying proudly his lion badge everywhere.
Wo! That sure was an adventure. These are the reasons why we sorted each member into their Hogwarts house. Remember always that it's up to you agree or disagree with us and that's totally fine. It's like sorting yourself, you always have the choice to be somewhere just for the sake of it. Just to be happy. Because you want to.
Also little info, we are curently writing stories with this AU, we have A-Fucking-Lot of thoughts into this, there are things we'd love to share, so if you want to see anything else about HBTSAU, we'll love to recieve asks and sugestions to flesh out this un2verse (REFERENCES) even more.
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