#HC: Gwenifar van Hol
tadbitfooled · 3 months
I wish to discuss gods and my muses' relations to them. In Toril, religion is an intricate part of the culture, as the gods are proven to be real and can directly affect life on the planet. The relationship between mortals and the gods seems to be very transactional, so we'll do a quick post about how my muses relate to the gods.
Brinus - Obviously, in Menzoberranzan, he has to exonerate Lolth, but he also favors Kiaransalee, the Dark Seldarine goddess of undead, necromancy and vengeance. He feels a sort of kinship with her, at times, so makes sure to include Kiaransalee in his prayers while keeping on the appearance of a Lolth follower for social clout.
Briza - The Jaelre family was exiled for exonerating Vhaeraun and the family keeps up the expected faith, but Briza doesn't feel much connection with Vhaeraun. She has very little religious connection and does what's expected of her but not more. Perhaps, in time, she could find a god more connected with her own life.
Durante - Durante, being the grandson of Mephistopheles, has a rough relationship with anything religious. He has no main deity, but he tends to pray to Sune, Lathander, and Beshada. The former two for artistic inspiration and the latter to save himself from further misfortune.
Frits - As a wizard, obviously he worships Mystra but also the other magical gods as well, such as Azuth and Savras. He also at times will pray to Deneir, as his field research relates to the god's desire to write knowledge down.
Gwenifar - as a cleric of Ilmater, she exonerates Ilmater and Ilmater alone. It's been pointed out by various religious figures that she has a special connection with the god, perhaps from the encounter in her youth and her deal she made to save her sister. It's known she has a strong blessing from him and his favor, but perhaps not at the level of a Chosen due to Ao's decree. Gwen does view it as a transactional set up and feels Ilmater fits her personal views best, plus he was the one who helped when others wouldn't.
Talilah - Follows the Seldarine pantheon, with prayers to Corellon Larethian, Erevan Ilesere, and Melira Taralen most of the time. It's an integral part of her life, for sure, but not something that she views as something that controls her. Just something that's there and part of her, like for a lot of other high elves.
Tavinkas - He's a bhaalspawn so before this, well, it was Bhaal. He was Bhaal's chosen. But after the game, it's Jergal, although Tavinkas would love to step away from death and perhaps, maybe eventually something less bleak.
Camp Followers
Anatol - he's a cleric of Lathander. That's who he prays to, who he focuses on, and he is very much wrapped up in his duties as a cleric and wanting to be heroic (I would've made him a paladin but that's old DND. Maybe I'll multiclass him). He is definitely a little bit obnoxious about it.
Kyrirthlila - follows the Seldarine pantheon, with special attention to Erevan Ilesere and Sehanine Moonbow. She does take her worship seriously, oddly enough compared to how she normally is about authority. But she views it more as working a deal with them, and feels like they're the ones who listen when she needs aid.
Arakhivaen - Big follower of the Seldarine pantheon. Obviously with attention to Corellon Larethian but also to Hanali Celanil. He is very devote in his worship, given the whole set up for elves and their pantheon.
Ingeleif - As one of Mystra's chosen, he has a very intimate relationship with the goddess and has for some time. His own skill eventually drew her attention as she needed to grow her power base and she gave him a years long trial to prove his worth. Having proven his worth, he now exonerates her and does her bidding as she wishes.
Klaudius - he is a truescar and high priest of Loviatar. He was raised Loviatan and happily embraced it, taking it even farther than his own parents did. He takes great pleasure in spreading pain as Loviatar requires and only wishes pain and anguish to flow through all of Toril.
Family of Canon Characters
Aella - Oghma and Milil, the deities over bards. Aella is very serious in her practice and will take any insult to either deity as a personal insult. It's an important part of her life and she respects both of these gods and their work.
Arzan - The Seldarine pantheon, with attention given to Solonor Thelandria, as he hunts vampires so he needs the favor of the god of hunting. He prays to the others, of course, but Solonor gets the most attention.
Chiela - a cleric of Sehahine Moonbow, that's who Chiela focuses her worship on. She is very studious in her work and feels Sehanine is the best suited for her and views the relationship as bit of a partnership between them.
Perun - Tymora, the goddess of good fortune. Being an adventure, he knows he needs as much good fortune as he can get. You can't pay him to pray to Mystra, even though people tried when he was a youth.
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tamedstray · 7 months
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Does your muse use / like pet names?
Vigor rarely uses nicknames. He'll only shorten someone's name once he knows them very well or has received explicit permission to do so. Also, he prefers referring to people by lofty titles, even if they're not accurate; Lady, Master, The ❝insert grand adjective here❞, whatever he feels suits them best, followed by their surname, then the first name once they're close. Shortened names are reserved for best friends and lovers; if one slips out by mistake, then he's got a crush. Pre-marital nicknames are a sin.       Despite this, using a pet name is preferable to a nickname, and would use all the simple classics. ❝My love❞, ❝darling❞, etc. As for receiving a pet name, he's never had one, but even something as simple as ❝dear❞ would melt him.
Is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Answered here ♡
What is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
He has a love for both nature and the city, making his ideal date ideas quite flexible. Cities are good because they have so much to offer, and he wants to share his interests with the one he loves. Gardens, museums, galleries, or live music shows are places where he can endlessly muse about plants, history, or the arts. After their outing, he'll cook a lovingly made dinner and promise not to talk so much next time (this is a lie, he will talk more next time.)       Alternatively, while he loves his creature comforts and the delights of the city, nothing beats a light adventure that leads to a beautiful view. A hike and a picnic, followed by getting warm by the fire is a humble fantasy of his.       But at the end of the day, being a hopeless a romantic, his ideal date also includes making his love happy, and would gladly consider their wants when planning a day out, perhaps taking it in turns to organise outings.
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tadbitfooled · 9 months
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🌙  *  ―   𝐈𝐓❜𝐒 𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐎 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄! ( a fully customisable bingo card where you can easily change the background, line colour, enter your character's name and fill in each box easily! ) (Source)
Feel free to fill in and send to me!
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tadbitfooled · 9 months
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also Baby Gwen when she started her cleric studies vs current day Gwen
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tadbitfooled · 1 month
2. Spam clicking on them too many times
8. Companion/romance death reactions
(any muse(s) Too many good questions and muses 😭)
Tav Banter and Dialogue
I will give you like...3? Gwen and two random wheel spin ones. Undercut to not spam the dash.
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Spam Clicking
"Someone with much to say often has little to share."
"Unless you're dying, I suggest you desist."
"I need to concentrate."
"How poor are they that have not patience!"
Romance Downed
"No, you need to stay with me! Please! "
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Spam Clicking
"Usually someone buys me wine first."
"The walking statues of Waterdeep weren't carved in a day."
"Hells, piss off already."
"I really ought to charge you at this point."
Romance Downed
"No! I won't let it happen again!"
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Spam Clicking
"Be careful not to get burned."
"What a folly are you."
"Don't be so pushy!"
"A hero understands timing."
Romance Down
"Get up! I refuse to allow you to fall!"
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tadbitfooled · 4 months
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Gwenifar Headcanon: A Family Cursed
Gwenifar's grandfather was an Illuskan from the Icewind Dale. He was a tall man, standing at 6'4" with blond hair with a slight shimmer of red to it in his youth (which turned to white early) and piercing blue eyes. He was a slim build and academically minded from Gwen's memory. He passed away from an pre-existing health issue he had been attempting to manage when Gwen was ten years old.
But not much is known about how or why he ended up in a small village between Baldur's Gate and Candlekeep.
The truth unknown to his family is his family in the Icewind Dale was wiped out during a skirmish with another family from the Sword Coast North, with the van Hols working to try to protect the Dale. Gwenifar's grandfather, a sorcerer in the family, was the only survivor and cursed in a way which debilitated his health and cut off his ability to use his magic. Seeking answers, he traveled south to Candlekeep, trying to find a cure for it, but not able to. Finding the climate making his health more manageable, he settled in a small village as a teacher, where he married and had a son and a daughter, then grandchildren.
When he died, the curse ended up passing to his oldest grandchild, Gwenifar's sister. It surely would have killed her if Gwenifar hadn't offered to take the burden in a deal with Ilmater, her own innate healing magic enabling her to survive it. Gwenifar is still unaware of the truth of the condition from her youth, but she does at times wonder if it is merely sleeping and will come back or if the ailment is gone.
Note: This headcanon ignores the events of Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure.
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tadbitfooled · 8 months
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so, since my brain says all my Tavs and my Durge exist together, I guess I'll give a break down of what that means if anyone wants to get involved in that chaos. And how they get along with each other.
Talilah is the designated leader because she's just like "Fuck this let's get this done." She's decently smart and clever, able to come up with plans, but has some mild impulse issues and very much a "I wonder what that does." Very fearless and willing to step up when need be.
The others
Briza - there are tensions at first due to Talilah's sun elf genes being very strong and sun elves tend not to ask questions first when meeting drow. But they eventually get along, especially because Talilah catches onto her dry humor quickly and they play off of each other with that.
Durante - absolute chaos enabler duo. They enjoy being a bit jesty with each other and maybe pick on the other members of the party together as a team. They have running bet pools on the most random of things and you'll see them toss a coin between each other, depending on who won the bet. At the most random moments.
Frits - She likes to play pranks on him. Not anything mean, just a few things here or there because he's got a good nature about it. What she doesn't realize at first is he's very intent on returning the favor, and does take her by surprise when he does. Sometimes she finds his habit of going on about something tiring but she'll humor him and he appreciates it.
Gwenifar - Gwenifar plays a bit of a right hand for Talilah, as she's probably the most qualified for being leader, but Talilah jumped at it first. She helps to control Talilah's impulses and keep her on track when she needs to be reminded of what needs to be done.
Tavinkas - Talilah rescued Tavinkas from a pod on the ship. This has caused her to have his undying loyalty because, well, first person to be helpful to him in a while, all things considered. He's definitely protective of her and Talilah's intent on pushing him out of his comfort zones and helping him find himself.
Takes on the roll of leader if Talilah is unable to. She's basically second-in-command and able to keep everyone on track with what needs to be done besides Durante. She tries to keep peace in the party but isn't afraid of putting her foot down and showing a rather terrifying sternness.
Briza - The two get along decently, with Briza maybe even having found Gwenifar attractive in some instances, but nothing more. They both enjoy animals and spend time discussing the best care for Scratch and the Owlbear.
Durante - Durante's favorite hobby is getting under Gwenifar's skin. He has no issues taking cheap shots at her and ruffling her feathers, to which she finds him irksome and childish. The pair often clash due to Durante's attitude and he's lucky she's a cleric of Ilmater some days.
Frits - The pair are both academically minded and with Frits's family having been florist, also have a shared interest in herbology. The two will spend time talking about plants and different theories, and are good friends.
Tavinkas - There is something about Tavinkas that makes her uneasy and Tavinkas realizes this. When it comes to light, it makes sense, and Gwenifar does what she can to help him and he appreciates it. It takes a bit but they do eventually become friends.
I would list him as third in pecking order of my muses of who's the leader (I would rank Wyll or Gale above him in the overall pecking order though). He has the skills and the capability, it's just he has so much on his plate with his amnesia and urges, he prefers someone with a constant level head to handle things while he works himself out.
Briza - they bond over being the ones less involved in the group and observing, as well as a similar morbid humor. They're often seen standing by each other and making dry remarks about the others in the party.
Durante - Tavinkas is probably one of the few that can actually get Durante to listen and behave. A stern word and a dark look from him is enough for the tiefling warlock to rethink what he's doing. It could due to a slight attraction on Durante's part, though.
Frits - Tavinkas finds Frits to be utterly fascinating. He doesn't quite understand how someone can be so bright and optimistic about...Almost everything. In turn, Frits is quite interested in Tavinkas's ailments and often has some idea to try to work out what it is, often coming up to Tavinkas and suggesting options.
A reliable intellect, who's gracious and willing to discuss what may need to be done and help plan out things which may require a higher level of learning. While not the strongest, he does try his best to be of as much assistance to the party as he can.
Briza - He finds Briza to be a bit intimidating, to be honest. But he doesn't let that stop him from attempting to befriend her. He can't tell if it's worked or not, due to her attitude. (It's worked. If anything happened to Frits, Briza would kill everyone in this room and then herself).
Durante - Despite Frits's attempts, Durante seems to lack any interest in having more than a working relationship with him. He says he finds most of Frits's topics of discussion to be a bit dull for him. Save for when Frits mentions a past flame of his, which Durante finds hard to believe to be true.
Briza prefers to act as a scout for the party, taking orders as needed and finding out information for the path forward. She's not one for pointless socialization and prefers to consider what needs to be done next.
Durante - She finds him insufferable and takes any chance she can to remind him of that. In turn, Durante tries to push her buttons when he sees a chance but does avoid her otherwise. It takes some time for any chance of warm feelings to even start to glimmer between them.
This man has no desire to have any responsibility and just wants the tadpole out of his head. He pulls his weight as need be, but prefers to be in the backseat and let the others deal with decisions and other issues. It may come from past trauma and how he feels about his contract, though.
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tadbitfooled · 4 months
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Gwenifar's Childhood Home
Spent some time in sims constructing Gwenifar's home as a child.
She didn't come from a super privileged background, just enough to be comfortable, so I wanted to show that.
So this is the exterior shot, with the garden her family had to help with costs/sell to other villagers to help with having some inflow of money. I headcanon it was an old barn her grandfather purchased and slowly put work into with the help of others in the village in exchange for him tutoring members of the village.
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An interior shot of the main floor with a water closet, but I feel like an outhouse would be more accurate in game and that would've been a storage area. The room by the bathroom is her mother's and the other room was added onto the original structure for her grandparents/grandmother after her grandfather past. The main living area has a small kitchen, a little dining area, and a small living space.
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Upstairs used to be a hay loft which was converted into two rooms, originally for Gwen's mother and her brother, but then used for the two girls. Gwen's sister is the one nearest the stairs, because she was frequently coming and going and Gwen's mom didn't want her to be disturbed with her sister's comings and goings, and with Gwen being ill, her mother wanted her closer to the stove to warm the upper floor. Gwen's bed is set by her window in a way she can look outside easily. She also had a collection of books strewn about her room, as well as a painting easel.
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Now that Gwen's moved out and lives at the Open Hand Temple, and her grandmother passed away in recent years, and Gwen's sister is married and moved into her husband's family home, it's just her mother in the house now, but it will probably be passed onto either Gwen or one of Gwen's sister's children.
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tadbitfooled · 10 months
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I actually wanted to touch on the deal Gwenifar struck with Ilmater when she was a child. I discussed it briefly in her biography, but we'll go more in depth in a post.
Gwenifar is the younger of two sisters, but they are close in age. They were close growing up, of course they hard arguments, but they always had each other's backs. When Gwenifar was eleven and her sister, Dana, almost thirteen, Dana fell horribly ill. Gwenifar went to every temple she could get to, from small to large, from her village a day and a half travel from Baldur's Gate. Eventually, she was able to travel to Baldur's Gate and the Open Hand Temple. There, she prayed to Ilmater for help for her sister.
An old man stopped her to ask for help, which she gladly helped him to a seat. He asked her to get him some water, which she gladly did. He kept asking her to get him things and while he was interrupting her prayers, she obliged him without complaint. Finally, when he was satisfied, he asked what she would give up for her sister.
Dana had always been the more social of the two and more liked by their peers. She was vibrant, active, and intelligent. Gwenifar felt like she herself paled in comparison. And so when asked, she said she would be the ill one instead of Dana, as that logic seemed sensible to an eleven year old. The old man told her that it would be so and sent her to get him a prayer scroll off a shelf. When she returned, he was gone.
Within a week, Gwenifar was ill and her sister was better. Gwenifar found it difficult to leave the house, often having days were she was bedridden with terrible fatigue and pain. She would manage to read, keep up with her studies barely, and do some art and music to keep herself occupied. But she didn't have much of a chance to socialize, missing the village's coming of age dance when she was old enough.
Finally, when she was twenty-one, the illness seemed to leave as quickly as it came. But by then, her sister was married with a child, having become distant with Gwenifar due to her inability to partake in their old activities. Gwenifar looked around and saw all of her peers starting lives, having grown close through their years together and felt alone and isolated.
She traveled to Baldur's Gate, to the Open Hand Temple, deciding to dedicate herself to Ilmater and to study ways to help others so they would not have the suffering isolation she dealt with from her illness. Her studies as a child gave her a step up on alchemy and medical salves, so she specializes in that oftentimes, trying to put magic, science, and herbalism to better treatment.
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tadbitfooled · 2 months
HC: Gwen
send (HC: the name of one of my muses) and i’ll give you 5 random headcanons about them!
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When Gwenifar curses, she prefers to use Illuskan curses she'd pick up from her grandfather and mother. It's not because she's trying to save anyone's ears or that, in fact she has a respect for various forms of languages and how they are utilized. It just feels more authentic to her when she stubs her toe or something like that.
No one's ever asked Gwenifar to dance. It's a mix of her peers in her home village deciding to cast her as the outsider, her health as a teenager, and then her own nerves and stand-off manners when she was an adult. She loved to watch people dance, but shied away because she worried about not being good enough due to lack of experience.
Her favorite flowers are yellow tulips. Her favorite color is yellow. She likes yellow because of how the sun felt coming through the window in her youth. It was a bright, cheery color when she felt trapped and inside. Yellow was outside, yellow was being able to go out into the field and pick flowers, yellow was freedom.
Gwenifar has had a total of, I want to say, six crushes in her life. Her first one was a boy she misread his polite manners as interest, and that was around fourteen years. She had another crush on a girl when she was starting to get better and could take trips down to the town around Candlekeep. A very studious girl but also a very taken girl. And this was a pattern for the other four crushes she's had. It takes time for her to build up feelings of a crush, it's rarely an instantaneous thing for her. So having that time to build up, only to feel crushed or silly afterwards made her try to stop the feelings before they grew.
She has a temper. She can be very petty. She can get frustrated. All of these were more frequent when she was younger, but she's worked on herself and tried to temper them so they aren't as strong or impulsive when she has strong negative emotions. Everyone has dark thoughts, what makes or breaks a person is how they handle them, she's come to learn.
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tadbitfooled · 9 months
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Me: so I should write headcanons and that for my muses just so people can get to know them ADHD me: OR we could do alignment charts
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tadbitfooled · 2 months
hc + 🤕 for Gwen 👀 <3
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
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hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
Now, Gwenifar has a constitution of 10, which a bit low for a cleric. And there is a reason for that. She still has lingering affects from her childhood illness, which can be trouble breathing and a slightly lowered immune system. But something else she'll get is random bouts of pain, which can stop her in her tracks.
She tries to hide it, though, as she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. But there's also a streak of pride that keeps her from doing so. She feels like she needs to prove to herself and others that she is just as capable as others, in spite of everything. So she may get a little testy when these things happen, and not want to be fussed over. Just wait for her to admit defeat. That might take some time, though.
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tadbitfooled · 2 months
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon for Gwen
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
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As a cleric of Ilmater, she doesn't have a lot of jewelry. And even with her background, they didn't really have much jewelry to wear, besides some wooden beads and twine used. The blue pair of earrings she wears are a gift from a noblewoman she befriended, who said she reminded her of her daughter and she received them right before she was taken on the nautiloid.
She's picked up a few enchanted rings and amulets here and there, though, in her work, and uses them to help. But as far as a personal item, it's not something she can personally afford. Nor could her family growing up.
So it's safe to say, if she does wear something, she may be a bit forgetful of it. Not that she means to, she may just set it down to do something where a ring may get in the way, or a necklace may get tangled. And then forget to put it back on. It will take time for her to get used to wearing something if and when she does get a piece of jewelry of great personal value.
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tadbitfooled · 10 months
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Gwenifar's Personal Quest
In Act 1, to start it, you need to talk to Abdirak in the goblin camp with her in the party. There, they will exchange words about the rivalry between the Ilmatari and Loviatans. Specifically about how Loviatans will hunt down Ilmatari to capture, torture, and even kill because they get in the way of Loviatar's goals. The evil choice here is to hand Gwenifar over to Abdirak. This obviously ends interactions with Gwenifar and having her as a companion.
But if you refuse, later on in camp you'll get a scene with Gwenifar explaining how she suspected a Loviatar cult in Baldur's Gate which had been spreading pain and anguish in the lower city and she had been investigating and trying to stop their machinations but it was cut short by her being captured by the nautiloid.
In Act 2, upon reaching Last Light Inn, you encounter a young cleric of Ilmater who explains they were with a painbearer/priest who had coem to help those in need in the Shadowland, but the painbearer/priest was taken. It's revealed to be an old friend of Gwenifar's and the rescue mission is in a similar area as the other rescue missions in Moonrise Towers. Refusing to help Gwenifar will cause her to leave the party to save them on her own. But if you do help her, you'll find the painbearer/priest being tortured by a Loviatan in Moonrise Towers. You'll get a reward from the painbearer/priest (something to help with constitution) as well as more information about the Loviatar cult in Baldur's Gate and how it may be tied to the Absolute.
Also, rummaging in the area the Ilmatari was being tortured will lead to a note from the Truescar of the Loviatar cult in Baldur's Gate, discussing how Abdirak had informed him of meeting Gwenifar and the Truescar's desire to locate her, no matter what.
In Act 3, you'll get a random event meeting with Klaudius Sarrick while walking around Baldur's Gate. He'll have some of his followers and he'll ignore you, but greet Gwenifar, mentioning how he greatly missed their game. He reveals who he is and that he's an ally of Gortash. There will be a fight and there are two outcomes from the fight. The first outcome is defeating the Loviatans, with Sarrick escaping. Gwenifar will demand to go after him, as he's caused some of the turmoil in the city as well as maybe having something to use against Gortash.
The other option, depending on turns and health, is Sarrick managing to grab Gwenifar and take her, which leads to a rescue mission. There might be information or a way to subvert the Steel Watch as a reward for beating Sarrick.
Kind of a rough concept, but that's the idea for her personal quest. Romance route information still in the works.
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tadbitfooled · 7 months
I honestly enjoy the idea of maybe it wasn't completely random why people were kidnapped by the nautiloid. Obviously Wy.ll, Kar.lach, and Shad.owheart were time and place but consider.
Gale - former chosen of My.stra, knowledgeable of Netherese magic. He'd be useful to have with the crown around.
Asta.rion - maybe trying to get a foot in to Cazador's power structure that was woefully missing in Act 3.
Lae.zel - utilize to infiltrate Gith creches in Faerun. They could've picked any Gith, but hers was time and place.
But also then for the three they picked up?
Wy.ll - If Gor.tash knew, he'd be absolutely pleased with the irony of it. Even if he didn't pick him, someone may have been like "That's Raven.gard's boy he could be useful."
Shad.owheart - the only one left alive? Why? Probably so they could use her as a mole for Shar's temple in BG.
Kar.lach - an archdevil's prized soldier? how convenient.
But now that I've mentioned them, I should mention why I think my five Tavs were picked up.
Gwenifar - it's mentioned in her personal quest. It was to help Klaudius and secure an alliance with the Lovia.tans.
Talilah - her grandmother is on the royal council of Evermeet, even if she doesn't know her paternal side of the family. It's something someone could've dug up.
Briza - the eldest daughter of House Jaelre, an exiled Drow family on the surface with a lot of influence in their community
Frits - Talented wizard with a strong ability to do field research. Could come in handy, especially with his connections in academia.
Durante - the tiefling grandson of Mephisto.pheles. He could be able to get to areas others can't due to his heritage.
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tadbitfooled · 10 months
listing my primaries from most sexual experience to least sexual experience because I actually want to think about this
Talilah - she's 136 and elves mature at the same rate as humans, they're just not full adults until 100. She has an incredibly laid back attitude about it, and has a quite a few partners over the years that have fizzled out. She's got enough experience to know what she likes and how she likes it, but see if you can surprise her. At this point, she views sex as an activity a couple can do just as much as they can do other activities together.
Briza - merely because she's 178. She's far more restrained in taking partners, but she has the years to have had quite a few on and off when she feels like taking a partner. I still have to think a bit about her and her experiences, but yeah.
Tavinkas - once again, it's the years. And not all of it was good, considering he's a Durge. But he's had a few partners, when he's allowed to only for them to have been ripped away.
Durante - after the wedding, Durante used sex as a coping mechanism. He rarely went a week without a partner. If he were older, he'd probably have more experience than Tavinkas.
Frits - Frits has had two or three partners in the past, I'm still trying to nail that all down for him. But he's also had some brief moments that didn't amount to much, so he's light experience, but has some.
Gwenifar - she hasn't even shared a kiss, considering from about 11 to 21 she was basically homebound and as soon as that was done, she went straight into the church of Ilmater and threw herself into studies, not wanting to be distracted by anything or anyone. She's only just now settling down and accepts if something happens, it'll happen. If not, it won't.
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