ms-scarletwings · 7 months
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You know admittedly that’s a pretty clever idea for- w
Wait wait wait
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Wait hol up wait wait just
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….That was your intellectual property?!? Buddy what the fuck were you planning for?
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
Further analysis of a headcanon:
This is a continuation of [this post].
I was thinking about my headcanon of all the top 100 Zim’s in the Zimvoid lying about their divergent moments and traits and I realized some things.
I already went into detail on what this Headcanon would mean for Number 2, but it also changes things for Our Zim. It completely explains how he was able to beat Zib and how his plan actually worked.
Every Zim in the Zimvoid has a thing that sets them apart from one another. 2K was in a lab accident that made him age in reverse. Palindrome messed with his own genetics to try and make him immune to water and instead grew gills. Big Zim trained his body inside of training his mind and never became a scientist (implying that Miyuki may still be alive in Big Zim’s timeline). Number 2 has slightly worse aiming skills with throwing knives (or so he claims).
But what is Zim 2170 (Comic Zim)’s divergent trait from the rest of the Zimvoid? Zib uses a machine to figure out exactly that and we see this:
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Our Zim’s divergent thing is that he accidentally ate styrofoam packing peanuts once. A very lame divergent trait.
Or at least, that’s what everyone THOUGHT. In reality, we’re seeing something else. We’re seeing Zim gain an extra defect. The timeline viewer has no way to show Zim’s current defects and there’s a good chance that Zib doesn’t even know what defects are, so it just shows this one moment. The exact moment Zim gained that extra defect. Whether eating the styrofoam is what caused the defect or the defect is what caused the accidental consumption of styrofoam is unknown and doesn’t exactly matter.
And that one extra defect is exactly why this particular Zim was able to defeat Zib.
First off, it’s worth keeping in mind that defects aren’t errors in the Irken’s mind that make them crazy. They’re the Irken’s mind overwhelming the restrictions on their PAK. More defects mean less restraint on the Irken’s thoughts and emotions, leading to things like more creativity, imagination, the ability to think anti-empire thoughts and other mental things.
And Our Zim shows that he’s more creative and unrestrained than the rest of the Zimvoid.
After having a brief existential crisis over being called the worst Zim in the multiverse, Zim comes to a realization.
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Zib built the portals. But there’s no way that a Dib could build something like that. They’re a human child. Even if Zib is a bit older than Dib, there’s no way in hell that he could build something so complicated. He can’t even read Irken, let alone build a massive machine resembling Irken technology.
Irken technology that looks very familiar…..
……Irken technology with a very familiar style….
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…….“Oh god, I know what the Zapper actually is.”
In his universe (and presumably most other universes), back when he was a scientist, Zim built blueprints for a theoretical “Irken Disruptor”. Zim says this himself in the comic.
PAKs, Control Brains, and a few other bits of extremely important Irken Technology are immune to EMPs and hacking, but this Device that Zim created could work around that immunity and disable and even control all of it. Even other Irkens. Zim destroyed the device and all his blueprints when he discovered that it had the ability to do that along with the effects it could have on space and time itself if it was improperly used. He made absolutely sure that no data of this thing continued to exist anywhere, with the only blueprints for it being stored safely in Zim’s mind, confident that no one else would be able to figure out how to build one. (And Zim was probably right about that).
Zib has his Zim’s PAK, meaning that he probably has some of his Zim’s memories, including the blueprints for the Disruptor. That explains how he’s able to build and use Irken technology.
So Zib’s “Zapper” is actually just Zim’s Disruptor on a much larger scale. The “Dib Virus” is also the Disruptor’s doing. It’s just hacking and controlling instead of disabling and destroying.
With this context, it is my full belief that the face Zim makes when he says “…The Dib made the portals?” isn’t Zim continuing to have an existential crisis. That is a look of absolute HORROR as Zim realizes exactly what the Zapper is and more importantly, how spectacularly FUCKED everyone is once Zib turns it up to full power for his plan.
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Zim destroyed everything related to the disruptor for good reason. On a small scale, it can disable and even control just about any piece of advanced technology and warps reality. As it scales up in size and power, the effects get much more destructive. As seen with Zib’s Zapper, on a planetary scale, firing it as an emp overloaded the Armada’s generators (along with every other sufficiently advanced generator in the galaxy) and created an energy wave that destroyed the entire universe.
(To me, this energy wave sounds a bit like a real concept called a false vacuum, or vacuum decay, so I’m headcanoning it as that. This YouTube video sums up what vacuum decay is pretty well)
Anyways, even when using the Zapper to control technology and force it to destroy itself instead of outright destroying it in a massive emp, on that massive scale there’s still a good chance that it’ll destroy the universe it’s targeting. Zib claims that it’s a one in five chance that the Dib Virus will destroy the universe it’s being used on, but his computer says that his Virus is only 40% stable, implying that there’s a 60% chance that it’ll go wrong and presumably destroy the universe. 60% is much larger than a one in five (20%) chance. That’s more than half. The Zapper and it’s Dib Virus will destroy more than half the universes it’s used on.
And that’s not even accounting for what’ll happen if it WORKS. The Disruptor doesn’t just affect Irkens and Irken tech. It affects ALL sufficiently advanced technology. Once unleashed, the Virus will hijack and then destroy the Irken Armada, followed almost instantly by every other piece of advanced technology in the targeted universe. Irkens all die almost instantly because they rely on their advanced technology to live and are also directly infected by the Virus, but it’ll also destroy everything else belonging to other races. The entire universe will have its technology rolled back to pre-Space Age technology.
Vortians? All technology destroyed and made completely useless, most likely leading to the complete extinction of the species or at least complete societal collapse. Same for the Meekrob, Screwheads, Hobos, and every other species in the galaxy. Anyone with cybernetic devices dies as the Virus infects and destroys them. Planet Jackers are guaranteed to go extinct because they need their technology to keep their star alive. The only species that won’t be affected are humans, who don’t have technology advanced enough to be affected by the Zapper. At the very most, Earth will have no power for a short time like it’s been hit by a regular emp.
Point is, the Zapper is extremely dangerous, destructive and won’t just affect Irkens. And Zim knows that. That is a look of absolute, unbridled HORROR as he realizes what he’s going up against.
And Our Zim with his extra defect is the only Zim that has this realization. Sure only a few Zims (Comic Zim and every other Zim that was in the room at the time) even know about Zib and his plan, but out of all the Zims that were there, only Comic Zim with his ever so slightly more creative and unrestricted mind connects the dots.
And Comic Zim is the only one in the Zimvoid that’s creative enough to come up with a plan to take Zib and his Zapper down. Sure the rest of the Zims stormed the armoury and went to fight Zib, but that was more of a spur of the moment attack than a plan. The other Zims took advantage of the moment and went straight for Zib, while Comic Zim had a realization that the rest didn’t and came up with an actual plan.
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Zim knows the how to mess with the Zapper. He built the damn thing (albeit a very small scale prototype that he very quickly destroyed), and is the only person in his universe that knows it exists, so he knows exactly how it’s made and how it works.
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The reason that none of the other Zims (including Comic Zim at first) didn’t realize what the Zapper actually was is because of two main reasons. The first is the sheer scale of the thing. The Disruptor that Zim built was handheld, while the Zapper is taller than any skyscraper.
The second reason is the fact that Zib isn’t an Irken. The Zapper looks slightly different from actual Irken technology, especially under the hood, because Zib is a human being following an Irken blueprint. Things are out of place and are designed weirdly because Zib didn’t understand where certain things went when building it, especially since he was trying to build a nearly planet sized version of a handheld device.
Zim with his extra defect (and the extra creativity and imagination that comes with it), was only able the realize what the Zapper actually was once he learned several other things and connected the dots, which no other Zim in the Zimvoid seems to capable of. The other Zims are still more creative than any Irken, but Comic Zim in particular is just slightly more creative than the rest.
The second Zim gets his hands on the Zapper, he knows exactly what he’s doing and very quickly figures out how to control the portals.
But before we talk about the rest of Zim’s plan, there’s one more very important detail that absolutely must be said:
That extra defect and the Zimvoid are mutually exclusive.
Zim’s extra defect may be unique in the Zimvoid, but it isn’t unique out in the rest of the multiverse. And it just so happens that if a Zim gets that particular defect, they don’t end up in the Zimvoid. And we know two other Zims that can serve as proof.
The first one is Show Zim. The Zim that we follow in Enter The Florpus. He and Comic Zim went through the exact same things we see in the show, but are separated by a single moment. Show Zim forgot what phase two of his plan was, leading to Enter The Florpus, while Comic Zim remembered and completed his plan. Show Zim also has that extra defect that he gained while eating packing peanuts. Once again, it’s unknown if the packing peanuts are caused by the defect or the other way around, but the two events are deeply connected.
Show Zim never encounters the Zimvoid. He never encounters the portal. He doesn’t even receive the distress call that’s supposed to lure him in, and if he did receive it, he ignored it.
The other Zim with an extra defect is Emperor Zim. An alternate Zim that directly stems off of Comic Zim’s timeline. He has an extra defect and has been on Earth for YEARS before his past self showed up, but never encountered anything related to the Zimvoid. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been on Earth when Comic Zim showed up.
Somehow, that extra defect prevents Zims from going to the Zimvoid. Maybe it sets up a chain of events that lead to the signal not reaching Zim. Maybe it makes Zim unable to find the location of the signal. Maybe it makes Zim miss the window of time when the portal is open. Given how the multiverse is infinite, all of those opinions are most likely correct at the same time. Point is, extra defect = no zimvoid.
“But then how is Comic Zim here?” I hear you ask. Well, the answer can be found in the person that came to the Zimvoid with Zim.
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The distress signal that lures Zims in also has a coded message that keeps Dibs OUT, and it works flawlessly. That is, until Comic Dib showed up, having missed the signal. In other words, the coded message keeps 99.99% of Dibs out of the Zimvoid, but 0.01% still end up here. Comic Dib is that 0.01%.
It’s the exact same thing with Zims and the extra defect. The extra defect keeps 99.99% of all Zims that have it out of the Zimvoid, but 0.01% still end up there. Comic Zim is that 0.01%.
With that being said, think about what Zim did.
He made every other Zim in the Zimvoid eat packing peanuts in that moment, which either gave them the extra defect or served as an indication that the Zim now had an extra defect. He set up things so they were unable to enter the Zimvoid in the first place.
And we see the effects almost instantly.
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Number 2 immediately feels “different”, which is the result of the extra defect being a defect. It makes the Irken’s thoughts less restricted, so of course you feel different after getting it. Number 2 also shakes off the effects of the Dib Virus (indicated by his eyes changing back to red) and then disappears into nothing.
Because Number 2 has the defect, he never entered the Zimvoid, was never given the Virus, and never entered the Comic Universe. He returned to his own timeline because that’s where he should be right now. After all, according to the laws of time, he never left his home dimension.
All the Zims are still out there in the multiverse and have all of their own divergent moments. 2K is still aging backwards, Palindrome is still part fish, Number 2 still killed Tak and stole her tech, etc, but they also have an extra defect now, and never entered the Zimvoid or experienced what was inside because of it.
And just to make sure that it can’t be used ever again, Zim made the Zapper’s final act be creating a portal to his universe and then blew it up immediately after. Without the Zapper being there, the portals destabilize, with Zim and Dib escaping through the collapsing portal.
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