softboywriting · 5 years
Finding Home | Shawn Mendes
Summary: You and Shawn have a long history as friends and as lovers from before he got famous to after. When he decides to take a hiatus from his hectic life and spend some time with the one person he’s loved since he was a teenager, he’s going to find out a secret you’ve been keeping from him for years. A secret that will bring you together closer than ever. [dad shawn] [non au setting] [long fic]
Word Count: 7.8k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Two in the morning and you wake up to your phone buzzing loudly against the bedside table. For a moment you think it's one of your daughter, Lily's, toys. She was always leaving them in your bedroom. The light of the screen is what gives it away as your phone and you reach over, wondering if it was your parents calling from their vacation in Japan. They had retired two years ago and left you the house so they could travel.
“Hello?” You answer groggily.
“Hey, it's Shawn.”
You roll over on to your back and hold the phone against your ear. Your stomach churns. Had he found out about Lily? “H-hey. Why are you calling me at two in the morning?”
“Oh. Fuck. I didn't realize it was that early for you. I'm sorry, I'm in Australia right now and it's like five. You can go back to sleep, I'm sorry.”
“No, Shawn, what's wrong?”
He sighs heavily. “I'm just tired. I'm at my limits. I need a break, I need a long break.” He always called like this when he needed to remember where he came from, where his heart was waiting for him.
“You work too hard, of course you're tired. I told you that you push yourself to much.”
“I know. I'm stupid and I'm exhausted and I want to come back home. I want to come see you and remember what it feels like to be normal again.”
You're silent. You and Shawn have a long history, friends since high school, hooking up occasionally, both clearly in denial of what could be. The last time he wanted to see you was about a year ago and you had to fake sick and cut things short because Lily got sick. He had no idea about the little girl sleeping in the room next to yours. You wanted to keep it that way.
“Sorry. Um, yeah, we can meet up if you want. I miss hanging out with you. When will you be home?”
“A few days.”
“Just let me know when so I can make arrangements.”
“I can't wait to see you.”
“Me neither.”
It's Saturday, four days after Shawn called and there's a massive storm raging outside. You worry about the playset in the backyard because last time it blew over and you had to get your neighbor to help you get up up right. Poor Lily couldn't use it for a week and she absolutely loves to swing.
Thunder crashes and you watch as Lily runs from her play tent to the kitchen yelling. She's a funny one. Four years old already and you can't believe it. Four years passed in the blink of an eye.
Knocking at the front door makes you jump, eyes going to it and as you half expect it to fly open or something. You really don't think FedEx or the mail carrier l is delivering in a storm but you go to check it out. Behind you Lily runs up the stairs to her bedroom, something she always did when you had guests or she heard someone at the door.
“Hello?” You ask, opening the door to reveal someone standing there with their back to you. They turn around and your stomach lurches. It's Shawn.  
“Hey, surprise,” he grins, opening the screen door. He's soaked to the bone and you don't know what to do. Let him in? Send him away? He wasn't supposed to just show up. You still had to arrange for Lily to stay with your best friend Olivia. “Can I come in?”
“No. Fuck. You were supposed to call me.”
“Oh. Is something wrong? I thought you'd be surprised to see me.”
“I am plenty surprised. I just...fuck it. Come in.” You hold the door open and he steps inside. This was going to be a shit show.
Shawn looks around and you can see his eyes go to the play tent in the living room, the Moana cup on the table, the litter of dolls and stuffed animals set up around the coffee table as a tea party. “Are you babysitting?” He asks slowly, turning to look at you as you close the door.
“No.” You sigh softly. This was going to happen sometime. Shawn would find out about Lily one way or another. “They're my daughter's toys.”
“What? What daughter? Are you messing with me?”
“Shawn, I...I had a kid.” You look to the stairs and his eyes follow yours. Sitting there staring through the rungs is Lily. “Her name is Lily. She's four.”
“Four...why did you hide this from me? You're one of my best friends...I don't understand. Why?” He asks as Lily walks down and stands at the bottom step clinging to the bannister.
“I-I didn't want to. I mean I had-”
Shawn steps forward and stares at the small girl and you know he can see it. She looks like him. Same eyes, same dark hair, same nose. Lily is unmistakably his child. “She's mine isn't she?”
“No.” You grit your teeth. “No, she's not.” She is. You couldn't tell him. You couldn't have him put aside his entire career at twenty years old because you slept together while wasted and you hadn't taken your birth control for two weeks. You wouldn't make him stop living his dream even if it meant being a single mother. You loved Shawn and that was a sacrifice you were willing to make.
Shawn lays his hand on your shoulder. “Why does she look like me then?”
“I slept with some guy that looked like you after you left. I was lonely and drunk and I hooked up with someone.” It's believable enough. You did do that once. “I swear she isn't yours.”
“Momma,” Lily says softly as she walks over to you. “Why is he wet?”
“He was out in the rain baby.” You pick her up and she stares at Shawn. “This is Shawn, he's my friend.”
Shawn steps closer and holds his hand out to take Lily's tiny one. “Nice to meet you, what's your name again?”
“Lily.” She giggles and grabs his fingers. “You're really big.”
“I am.” He grins and you roll your eyes. That was one of your favorite qualities about him too and he knew it. “I bet I could lift you up to touch the ceiling.”
“Yeah! Yeah!” Lily reaches out for Shawn and he takes her in his arms.
You can see the moment he grabs her that he loves her just as much as he loves you. The way his eyes soften and he hauls her up on to his shoulders with ease is unmistakable. It's all over. There was no way you were going to separate these two.
“Higher! I can almost get it!”
Shawn stands up straight and Lily's fingers brush the ceiling. “Are you doing it?” He laughs, inching up onto his tip toes.
Lily giggles and grabs his hair for support as he wobbles.
“Lily, don't pull his hair,” you warn and she stops reaching up with one arm.
“Sorry.” Lily says as he runs her hand over Shawn's mop of damp curls. “It's just like my hair Momma! Look!”
Shawn raises his eyebrows and you give him a look. You take Lily off of his shoulders and have her go play while you talk to Shawn. There was a lot to catch up on from the last four years.
“So, no boyfriend yet?” Shawn asks as he flops back on your bed.
You turn to look at him as you undress for bed. He tilts his head back and grins at you in your underwear. “Obviously not.”
“Why? Is it Lily?”
You cross the room and stand over him as he stares at you upside down. “Yeah...it's because of Lily.”
“Why? Plenty of guys love kids. You're still an amazing person. Have you tried?”
You shake your head and turn to grab your night shirt, pulling your bra off and tossing it aside. Behind you the bed shifts and before you can get your shirt on, two hands are on your bare waist. “Shawn, I'm not in the mood.”
“That's okay, I just want to feel something real.” He presses his nose into your hair and you press back against his chest. “You changed shampoo didn't you?”
“Uh, I guess? It's rose water scented.”
He hums. “Used to be apple.” His arms envelop your waist and he holds you against him. “I've missed you.”
You close your eyes and lean your head back against his collarbones. “I've missed you too.”
Wednesday. You wake up late, your phone going off quietly under the pillow. Shawn isn't in the bed, he had stayed since Saturday and every day you woke up next to him. For a moment you panic, thinking he's finally left. The two of you hadn't discussed his visit, or how long he would stay. You jump up, grab some clothes from the closet and toss them on the bed. You go to Lily's bedroom and find it's empty.
“Lily!” You yell as you walk down the hall to the staircase. “Lily!”
“Kitchen momma!”
You run down the steps and into the kitchen expecting to find a mess of some sort. “I'm so sorry baby, I must have overslept. I can make you-” As you round the corner you see Lily sitting at the table eating scrambled eggs and toast. “...breakfast.”
Shawn stands up from where he was squatted down behind the island counter loading the dishwasher. “Morning.”
“You made her breakfast?”
“Yes. I figured I'd let you sleep a little longer.” He walks around and runs his hand over your sleep mussed hair. “I can take her to school too.”
“You don't need to do that. I can take her.”
Shawn grabs your hands and brings them up to kiss your knuckles. “Please? Let me do this for you. You've been caring for her alone for four years. I think you deserve one day to have a little extra time to yourself.”
You look down and sigh. He's right. You haven't had time away from Lily or even just a whole day to yourself in ages. The last time Shawn was in town was probably the last time you did anything without her, and even then, you felt guilty the whole time. “I have an extra car seat in the garage. Do you know how to install it?”
“I can sort it out. Go shower.”
“No I'll help you get-”
Shawn holds your face and kisses your nose. “Go shower. I promise if I need help I'll come and get you.”
“Just...don't forget her lunch okay?”
“He got it.” Lily says walking past with her unicorn lunchbox. “He even made my sandwich with extra jelly like I asked.”
“Wow.” You smile as Lily goes to get her backpack off the couch. “I guess you got it then.”
Shawn grins and you shove his shoulder. “What? The kid has grown on me the last few days. She reminds me of you.”
“I sure hope so, she's my daughter after all.”
“Of course.” Shawn pulls his keys from his pocket and goes to the door with Lily. “I'll be back shortly.”
Once you're in the shower you feel yourself relaxing. It's nice, not having to worry about Lily getting into something or wonder if you're taking too long. But as you think about the day ahead you can't help but let your mind wander. The most pressing question is Shawn. How long was he going to stay? It had been days now and he said nothing about leaving. In fact the two of you didn't even discuss him staying. He just sort of fell into your life like he'd always been there, like he always did, and you just let him. It's a slippery slope. What happens when he needs to leave? When he wants to leave? How does that go over with Lily?
“Can I join you?”
You tear your eyes away from the dark tile and slide the curtain back to see Shawn standing by the sink in just his boxers. “That was quick?”
“Yes? Should I have taken longer?”
“Well, no. I figured you would have a hard time with that car seat though.”
Shawn chuckles and shucks his boxers. “Oh it was pretty easy. I got it snapped in like the directions on the side said and got her to school. She was real excited to go.”
“Yeah?” You ask, stepping aside for him to get in behind you. “How come?”
“It's music day she said.”
“Oh, yeah she loves music day.”
“Mmhmm.” Shawn groans as he leans back into the hot water to wet his hair. He brings his hands up and runs one over your soaked hair. “Can I?”
“Be my guest.”
Shawn grabs the shampoo and lathers up your hair, fingers working diligently over your scalp. “Lily says she wants to play piano but they don't have one at the preschool.”
“Oh yeah? I dunno if I can afford that right now.”
“Don't worry about it. I have an old keyboard at the apartment I'll bring over. I'll swing by my place after recording today.”
You turn and he stares down at you, hands going to your hips. “You don't have to do that.”
“I want to. I can teach her.”
“Shawn... I don't know.”
“Please? I know she's young but she really seemed like she wanted to. She'll be so happy.”
You sigh and lean your head in his chest. “Fine, alright. But she might break it or spill juice all over it.”
Shawn chuckles. “Oh no, what ever would I do?”
“Hey! Not all of us are multi millionaire rockstars that can just buy whatever whenever.”
“I know, I know. If it breaks she'll learn a lesson and maybe get a new one a while later.”
“Alright, okay fine. This one gift, this is it. No more. I don't want to give her the wrong idea about you.”
“Like what?”
“You know what.” You push him back and rinse your hair.
Lily is a ball of excitement when she gets to the car at pick up time. You lift her up into your car and get her all strapped in and ready to go. “Was it a good day bud?”
“Yeah! I got to play piano! Mrs. W brought one from home just for me and I got to play it!”
“Oh? That's very nice of her. What did you play?”
“A song I made up.” Lily puts her hands out like she's playing piano and makes little Doo Doo Doo noises as if hitting keys. “It's a working protest.”
“A work in progress?”
“Yeah that's what I said.”
You chuckle and give her a thumbs up as you close the door and walk around to the drivers side. Daughter like father you suppose. When Shawn brings home that keyboard she is going to lose her little mind.
Watching Shawn teach Lily for the first time that night makes your heart ache. He's so patient with her, deliberately showing her each key and how to hold her little hands. She can't quite hit the keys as fast as him because her hands obviously aren't that large. But she tries. And when Shawn finishes, she shows him her own songs. They're always a little out of tune and just a few keys being played over and over, but he claps every single time.
For three days the two sit down after dinner, after homework, and play the piano in the living room. Lily never gets tired of it. You need to talk to Shawn, to find out where this is going. He can't keep staying over. You can tell Lily is getting attached and it may already be too late. _____________________
“When is Lily's birthday?” Shawn asks from his side of the bed on Thursday night.
“May twenty fifth. Why?”
“Just wanted to know.”
“Are you planning something?”
You roll over and stare at his profile as he flips through his phone. “I know you. Why are you asking about her birthday?”
“I just wanted to know is all.” He looks over and sets his phone down. “Can I ask another question about her?”
“I suppose I can't stop you.”
“If she isn't mine, why did you hide her from me? Plenty of my friends have kids now. Did you think I wouldn't want to see you anymore?”
Honestly you hadn't planned for this question yet. “I guess I thought it'd change things between us.” Not a lie technically. “I just didn't want to ruin what we had.”
Shawn reaches across the gap between you and tucks your hair back. The way he looks at you makes your heart melt. He has the softest eyes you've ever seen, it's hard to keep lying to him. It felt wrong. “I promise I wouldn't have judged you, and having Lily in the picture doesn't change how I feel about you one bit.”
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you.”
“Can I ask you something else?”
“How did you keep Lily from our mutual friends? Matt and Brian? How?”
You smile sadly. “I stopped talking to them, not that we were ever that close. I just...kind of cut myself off from everything that had to do with you because I didn't want to lose you because I had Lily. I realize now that I was pretty stupid.”
“I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't tell me.”
“No, you didn't do anything. It was just me. I promise you didn't make it seem like you wouldn't like me if I had a kid. I just convinced myself that things would change. Please don't blame yourself.”
“Okay, okay. What matters is I know now. I'm here now.”
You sigh softly and look down at the bedspread. He's here now. But what was he doing here? What was going to come of all this? How long was he going to stay? Why was he staying?
“What are we doing Shawn?”
“No. I mean here, us. We can't keep playing house. Lily is already getting attached to you. I'm getting attached too. You say you’re here but for how long?”
Shawn shifts and lays with his head propped up on his hand. “What's wrong with getting attached? I'm not allowed to care for you and her and stay with you? You haven't seemed like you wanted me to leave.”
“And that's my mistake. It's not that you aren't allowed to care. It's the fact that you're going to leave. I don't know when, but you're going to. You always do, you have to.”
“No...no I'm not leaving.” He reaches over and lays his hand on your stomach as you roll on to your back. “I've been making arrangements with Andrew and I want to stay in Toronto.”
“That's not going to happen. Not forever.” You sigh heavily. “I think maybe if you didn't stay over it would help. I know we haven't talked about it yet, and we've just been doing what we want but I think you should go home.”
“You don't like sleeping with me?”
“It’s not that. I want you to seem less permanent to Lily. She's only four, she is very smart, but she's also very impressionable. If you keep hanging around she's going to think you're...” You can't say it, you can't say ‘her dad’. You can't keep denying it, you can't breath those words and choke them with lies anymore. “She's going to think you're staying forever.”
Shawn is quiet for a moment. The room is tense. This discussion was unavoidable. A week had passed and that was already too long. Perhaps too late. “Can I stay a few times a week?”
“Tuesday and Friday.”
“The weekends? Please?”
You sigh. “Alright, only if you don't come over on the other days of the week. Not even a peep outside of Tuesday, Friday and the weekends. I'm serious. I can't have Lily getting the wrong idea.”
“Yeah...I understand.”
“Good. It's settled then.”
“So you think she's your daughter?” Andrew asks from his spot across the room. Shawn has been recording all day and he's taking a break while waiting for lunch to arrive.
“I'm so sure. I just can't figure out why she's lying to me. I've made it clear I want to stay in the picture even if Lily isn't mine.”
“Maybe she's afraid you'll ditch. Maybe she thinks you are only sticking around because she isn't yours.”
Shawn sighs softly. “Lily's birthday is roughly nine months after mine and that would line up with when we slept together. She said she slept with someone after I left but I don't know. I just, I'm pissed y'know?”
Andrew nods. “I get it. You should be, a kid is a big deal.”
“It's just...fuck. She is my best friend, I love her. She knows that. I just don't get why she lied. I mean she said it's because she was afraid things would change but I'm just not buying it.” He sighs heavily and leans back against the cushioned chair. “I know that Lily is my kid. I can feel it.”
“Then why don't you lay it all out for her? Just present your evidence and find out why she is really lying.”
“I don't want to push her away. I'm afraid if I do she'll cut me out completely and I'll never see her or Lily again.”
“It's a tough decision Shawn. Can you live with her lying, or just accept Lily isn't yours?”
“She is! Andrew, you saw the pictures. She's mine.”
Andrew shakes his head. “I don't know. You have to talk to her. You have to.”
“Fuck...I'll just give it a little more time. I'll see how things play out.”
“Your call dude.”
“Where's Shawn?” Lily asks a week into your agreement with Shawn. You hoped this wouldn't happen. You really dreaded this moment.
“He's at home bud.” You turn and dump macaroni back into the pot you boiled it in.
“Oh. Can he come over?”
“No. It's not Tuesday yet.”
Lily sighs heavily, laying her arm across the kitchen table. “This is lame.”
You mix up the cheese sauce with the Mac and walk over to the table to dish some out into Lily's spiderman plate. “What's lame?”
“Shawn's lame?”
You laugh and take your seat across from her. “You will just have to wait until he comes over tomorrow. Why did you want him to come over?”
Lily pushes her mac around with her fork. “I miss him.”
“But you saw him Sunday.”
“Yeah but then Monday was like one hundred hours long!” She huffs and takes a bite of food. “I wanna play piano and show him my dress I picked out for the spring concert.”
You sigh softly. There is no convincing her to drop the subject. She is dead set on missing him. The damage has been done. “Tomorrow bud. Eat your dinner and we can watch a movie after.”
“With Shawn?” She asks hopefully.
“No. Just me and you.”
Tuesday. You pick up Lily from preschool and Shawn is already at the house when you get there. He's outside of his Jeep leaning against the door. The moment Lily sees him she starts shrieking.
You no sooner get her unbuckled from the car seat and she's bolting up the driveway to Shawn's open arms. Maybe this had gone on long enough. Maybe you should just come clean with Shawn and tell him Lily is his. The two were inseparable and despite the distance you put between your life and his the last week, it doesn't seem to have changed a thing.
“Easy now,” you say as you approach the two of them. Shawn has her held high in his big hands. “She had lunch around one today so she might be full still.”
“Momma! I'm a bird!”
“Yes sweetheart.” You chuckle and Shawn swoops her down to the ground.
“How was school?” he asks as the three of you head into the house.
“Awesome! We made bracelets today and I made one for me,” she holds out her wrist to reveal a little pony bead bracelet in green and white. “And I made one for you and momma!”
“Did you now?” You unlock the front door and head in. Lily dumps her whole backpack out on the sofa and brings over two bracelets. They match and are pink and blue. “They're very cute.”
“They match because my friend Andie said that her mom and dad have matching rings because they are in love and married. So I made yours match because you guys don't have those rings but you are in love too.”
Shawn smirks. He's so damn smug as he grabs the bracelet offered to him. “Your momma and I could have matching rings.”
“But she hasn't picked one out yet.”
Lily's eyes widen and she huffs at you. “Pick one out momma! Jeez!”
“Maybe someday bud.” You grab the remote off the back of the sofa and turn on Shimmer and Shine. “Look your show is on Lily.”
She turns and goes to get her little inflatable chair and parks herself in front of the TV to watch the two cartoon girls get up to their latest antics.
“And you come with me.” You point at Shawn and motion toward the kitchen.
The second you're in the kitchen Shawn opens his mouth. “I did propose to you once.”
“Yeah when we were twenty and you were smashed on your birthday. Thankfully I was sober enough to say no but she doesn't need to know that.”
“Yeah you were sober enough to say no to that but you were drunk enough to have sex with me that night.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “I don't have to be drunk to want to have sex with you and you know that. So what is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Just seems like the last time we slept together was that night and we were drunk. Also it was four years ago, and we haven't been intimate since.”
“What are you getting at?”
He crosses his arms and leans against the island counter. “It seems like ever since then things changed between us and I don't know if it's because of the proposal or if it's just because of Lily.”
“I was trying to keep Lily from you, so yeah, I didn't want to be intimate.”
“Because you felt guilty?”
“Shawn...we went over this. I didn't want to get too close because I thought if you found out about Lily it would change everything.”
“So what's the excuse now? Why are you trying to push me away now?”
“I'm not pushing you away.”
“Yes you are.”
��Shawn I told you, I want the distance because I don't want Lily getting the wrong idea about you.”
“What's the wrong idea? That I'm your friend? Because if it wasn't me, if I was some guy you were dating, would you want him to stay away too? Or is it different because there's something more to the situation?”
You swallow thickly and clench your jaw. He's right. You fucked up in your lie and he knows. Why is he different than any other guy you might bring into your life? Why were you still acting like you wanted to hide Lily from him? You should want a guy you're interested in to get close to Lily, for her to like him. Why was Shawn different? Because he was her dad? Because you are afraid of him leaving? Because you can't bring yourself to tell him the truth? You keep convincing yourself of these phantom what if’s and they're ruining what could be the best thing to ever happen to you.
“I just...”
“Am I Lily's dad?”
“Tell me. Stop lying to me. There is no point anymore. I'm here if she is and I'm here if she isn't. I just want to know if she is mine. It doesn't change anything.”
You cross your arms and take a shaky breath. He's right, again. There was no point in lying about it now. It wasn't as if he was just going to forget about Lily and go on with his life as a rockstar. “Yes. She's yours.”
Shawn step forward and cups your face in his big hands. “Thank you.”
“I'm sorry.” Your eyes start to burn and your tears run down your cheeks. “I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have lied, I should have told you. I just didn't want you to stop your whole life for me. You got everything you ever wanted and I couldn't take that away from you.”
“You did what you thought was right.” He wipes your cheeks with his thumbs. “You just wanted to protect me, I get it. I'm not angry at you. I promise I'm not.”
“You should hate me. I kept your child from you and look how much she loves you. Look how happy you are. I was selfish.”
Shawn tilts your head up for you to look at him. “I don't hate you, I could never do that. What's done is done. I'm here now. I know now.”
“You're really not angry at me?”
“No. I mean, I was pissed at first because I knew you were lying. I couldn't figure out why but I understand now. Being angry or upset because of it wouldn't make a difference now. I'm here, I want to be a part of your life, a part of hers.”
“But...your dream.”
“I've already made it. I'm ready to slow down and be with you. I've been working myself to the bone for too long, I became obsessed with music. It's time to step away, just for a little while.”
“I can't ask that of you.”
“You're not asking me to do it. I'm telling you that this is how it is. I want to be here, I want to be with you and Lily. It's time.”
“How do we tell Lily?”
“We can tell her on her birthday?”
“A dad for her birthday? She'd be thrilled.”
Shawn kisses your nose. “It's settled then.”
A little after midnight a few days later and you wake up and Shawn isn't in bed. You wait a minute to see if he comes back from the bathroom or getting a glass of water. He doesn't so you get up and head to the kitchen to see if you can find him. By the time you get to the bottom of the staircase you can hear him talking. You decide to stay on the stairs and wait, to see what's going on.
“I’m calm and happy. I haven't needed my medicine since I've been home with her. I'm done Andrew. I can't keep going, you told me I could stop when I needed to. I need to. This is it. I'm ready to just be a dad and not have the world up my ass for ten seconds.”
Andrew's voice echoes through the kitchen. Shawn must have it on speaker phone. “The new single drops at the end of May, what about promo? We've already announced it, scheduled interviews in London and Paris for it as well as set up interviews with your Armani contract.”
“Fine, but after that I'm done. I'm serious. I want to relax for a while and take things at a much slower pace. I want to be here.”
“You love her don't you?”
“I've always loved her Andrew. You know that, everyone does.”
“I get it. You deserve it, you've put off your love life for years now. Are we still recording or do you want to do a complete hiatus?”
“I'm still recording and writing. Teddy said she'll be out here in a few weeks if I need her.”
“You gonna go public with your relationship?”
“I'm leaving that up to her. I don't want to bring too much attention to Lily if she's isn't comfortable.”
“Keep me updated. I'll make arrangements for security if need be, oh, and Shawn?”
“Don't worry about anything. It's okay to want to slow down and start a family. Just don't get in your head about letting anyone down. You gotta do what you gotta do.”
“See you soon.”
You hadn't realized how bad he was when he called you that night from Australia. You had no idea he was back on medication for his anxiety. It had been years since you last knew he was taking anything for that.
“Hey, what're you doing out of bed?” Shawn asks as he rounds the corner and finds you on the stairs. “Did I wake you up? I just had to talk to Andrew about some stuff. I'm sorry.”
“No, it's okay, I was just looking for you.”
Shawn wraps his arms around your middle and lifts you up off the last stair. You wrap your legs around his middle and he holds you against him, staring up at you with this soft brown eyes. “I'm right here.”
“Yeah, I see that.” You smile and run your hands through his hair.
“And I'm not going anywhere.”
“What about the promo?”
“You were eavesdropping?”
You look guilty and he starts up the stairs. “I was curious.”
“It's okay, I don't have anything to hide. Yes, I have to go to Europe for a few days at the end of May. My single is coming out that's going to kick off the album I've been working on. But I swear to you I am not doing a tour or anything. It'll be a soft release.”
“What days in May?”
“I think it's May19th through May 25th.”
“You'll miss Lily's birthday.”
Shawn lays you on the bed and crawls over you. “I’ll be home that morning. I promise.”
You cup his cheek and he leans into the touch, eyes closed. “You swear you'll be back?”
“I will swim across the ocean if I have to. I'll be here. I swear I'll be here. I've missed enough birthdays.”
You pull Shawn down against you and he falls to the side a bit to hold you against his chest.
“I promise you I'll come back. I don't want to be anywhere else.” He noses against your neck. “I want to be home.”
One month later
“Momma?” Lily's tiny voice calls through the half open door and you lift your head from your pillow. The room is dark and you have to squint to see her tiny figure in the doorway. You assume she's had another bad dream. She's been having them since Shawn left for London at the beginning of the week.
“Yes baby?”
“Can I sleep in here?”
“What's wrong with your bed?”
Lily is quiet.
“I had a bad dream.”
“Again?” You sit up and turn on the bedside lamp, flooding the room with a soft yellow glow. Lily walks in and crawls up onto your bed with much effort. Her little hands slipping in the comforter. She manages and gets up onto your lap. “Tell me about it.”
She sniffs. “There was a dinosaur and it ate Shawn.”
“Why did it do that?”
“I don't know. But I was all alone and I was very scared. I wanted to make that dinosaur puke him out.” Lily makes a blech noise. “But he ran away and Shawn was gone forever!”
“Oh baby. It's okay, Shawn is okay, he's in London, remember?”
Lily leans her head into your chest and you run your hand over her hair. It's so wavy and unruly just like Shawn's. “Can we call and make sure?”
“Call Shawn?”
You reach over and grab your phone off the nightstand. It's almost one in the morning. You're not sure what time it is in London. “It's pretty late. I think Shawn's in bed still maybe.”
“But...what if the dinosaur got him?”
“I promise dinosaurs are all gone bud.”
“Even in London? What if it was an alley gator. They look like dinosaurs. There could be alley gators in London!”
You sigh and give in. As soon as you hit dial you press the video call button and give the phone to Lily. A few rings later and Shawn's face appears on screen lit by what looks to be early morning sun.
“Hello? Lily?”
“You're alive!”
“Yeah?” He chuckles and smiles sleepily. “What's up pumpkin?”
Lily tells him her dream, this time in much more detail as Shawn listens with his eyes closed. He hums now and again and lets out breathy little laughs. “...so I had to call you and make sure you didn't get eaten.”
“Nope. I'm all good. I think you can go back to bed now. You wouldn't want to be tired for school tomorrow and sleep through music day would you?”
“No!” Lily looks panicked. “I'll go to sleep! Good night Shawn!” She kisses the phone screen and gives it to you before hurrying off to her bedroom.
“Did she call me or did you?”
You lay down and turn off the light, laying the phone upright against the pillow next to you. “I called. She had to make sure you were okay. I didn't know if you'd be awake because of the time difference.”
“Mmm. It's almost seven in the morning so no worries. Are you sure you didn't just wanna call and hear my sleepy voice?”
“Oh please.”
“I know how much you love it.” He purrs, voice low and sleep rough. You roll your eyes, he says your name and that gets your attention. Too much attention. “There it is.”
“There what is?”
“That look. The one you save just for me.” He grins and presses his cheek into his pillow. “I love it.”
“Yeah well...shut up.”
“I wish I could be in bed with you right now.”
“But you’re halfway across the world.”
“And I miss my girls.” He sighs sleepily. “I should probably get up soon, the sun is blinding me. Go back to sleep darling.”
“Don't you darling me, I hate that word.”
“I'm going to hang up.”
He pauses a moment before grinning. “Honey.”
“I love you.”
The phone screen goes dark and you just lay there. How dare he get the last word in. God he infuriated you in the best way and he knew that half way across the world, there was nothing you could do about it. You love him even if he was a little shit. ____________________
Friday, the twenty fifth, Lily's birthday and you get a call that she is sick at school. There is no way you can leave work without your boss flipping out. You feel sick. Lily needs you and you have to risk your job to get her. You fucking hate this place.
Initially you want to call Olivia and see if she can pick her up, but she isn't in town this week. So you check your messages to see if Shawn has landed yet. Sure enough Shawn has just texted you a few minutes ago that he's landed and will be at the house when you get home with Lily.
You hit dial and put the phone up to your ear. “Shawn?”
“Yeah? What's up?”
“Are you still at the airport?”
“Just getting my bags now. What's wrong?”
“Can you pick up Lily? She's sick and if I leave right now I will lose my job.”
“Of course. I'll be there as soon as I can.”
Unexpectedly, your meeting ends shortly after you return from your phone call with Shawn. As soon as you are able to, you head out of work to hopefully meet him at the house. The second you get home you find Lily on the couch. She's covered with a blanket and watching TV with tired eyes, barely awake it seems. Shawn is nowhere in sight but you assume he's probably just in the bathroom.
“Hey baby,” you coo softly, petting her hair back off her sweaty forehead. “How's it going?”
“My tummy hurts and I'm tired.”
“Do you need some water?”
Lily shakes her head. “Shawn got it.”
“I'm sleepy Momma.” She rubs her eyes and turns into the couch cushions. You rub her back and she falls asleep immediately.
You find Shawn in the kitchen, filling up a bottle of water. “Hey, thank you.”
Shawn turns and smiles softly. “Of course. I'm glad I was able to get her. How was work? I thought you couldn't leave?”
“The meeting ended quicker than I thought. Did you have any trouble picking her up? I texted the teacher that you were her dad and that you're allowed to take her home.”
“No problem at all.” He looks into the living room and shakes his head. “The poor kid. Sick on her birthday.”
“I know. She just needs to rest. How was Europe?”
“Same shit as always. I couldn't wait to get home. It's funny, I've never been so eager to just relax.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “The whole time I was thinking about what I wanted to do for Lily's birthday and here we are.” “There's still tomorrow.”
“You're right.”
“I'm going to get changed, do you mind watching her for a little bit longer? I know you must be exhausted.”
Shawn shakes his head. “No, go ahead. I'll sit with her until you're cleaned up.”
Half an hour later and you're showered, changed and ready to see how Lily is doing. The moment you walk into the living room your heart just melts. On the couch is Shawn, sprawled out with his feet hanging over the end and Lily curled up on his chest with her blanket on top of her. You decide to go to the kitchen to make Lily's birthday cake instead. The two of them could sleep a while.
That night you find yourself in the living room picking up a mess of toys, sippy cups and blankets strewn about from the week. Shawn had just woken up and carried Lily's still sleeping form to bed moments ago and you decided to clean up a bit, changing the tv to a music channel while you did so.
As you stuff Lily's dolls into her little toy box and set aside her blanket and a couch pillow to be washed, you hear something move behind you. It's Shawn. He's pushing the coffee table toward the wall under the TV. “What're you doing?” You ask and he holds his hand out for you.
“Dance with me?”
A slow song starts on the music channel, one of his from a few years ago and you just shake your head at him. “Really? To your own song?”
“Yeah. It's about you so I think it's a pretty good choice.”
“No...it is not.”
“Yes. I swear.” he chuckles and shakes his hand for you to take.
You grab his hand and he puts an arm around your waist and slow dances you side to side singing along to the song. “Be mine yeah, any time any time.”
“I love this one.” You lay your head against his chest and he keeps singing softly. The two of you sway together while he sings quietly through two more songs.
“Thank you.” he whispers lowly against your hair.
“For what?”
“For everything. If I hadn't come to see you when I did, I don't know where I'd be right now. I never would have met Lily or decided that I am officially ready to slow down. I wouldn't be dancing in your living room and feeling so in love my heart is about to burst.” He pulls back and looks down at you. “So thank you, for letting me in that night it was raining. You really saved me.”
“You saved yourself Shawn.”
“But you helped.” He kisses you softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Lily wakes up bright and early the next morning. You can hear her little feet running down the hall before she bursts into your bedroom and flings herself up onto the bed between you and Shawn. You've been awake for a few minutes, just thinking about everything that's happened in the last month or so.
“Momma! Shawn! Wake up!”
You roll over and face the dark haired little girl beside you. Five years old now. Oh how time flies. “Yes bud?”
“My birthday is over! I didn't get any presents!”
Shawn rolls over and loops his arm around Lily. “Who says your birthday is over?”
“But...it was yesterday.”
“Yeah but it's not over until we celebrate. So it's still your birthday.”
You boop her nose and she giggles. “Let's have breakfast and then we can open presents.”
Lily practically inhales her breakfast so she can open presents faster. You worry about her stomach being sensitive but she seems to be alright. Shawn brings in a stack of boxes from the laundry room where you had hidden them and the three of you sit down in the middle of the living room.
“What's the green box?” You ask Shawn as Lily tears into a gift wrapped in pink and blue paper.
“A surprise.”
“A surprise huh?”
Shawn grins and you eye him suspiciously.
Lily opens everything, squealing and thanking the two of you until she gets to the last box, Shawn's. It's a small green box, no bigger than a deck of cards. “Momma, this is for you too.”
“For me? But it's your birthday bud.”
Lily hands you the box and sure enough on the top is your name and Lily’s. “What is it?” You ask Shawn and he just smiles innocently.
You lift the lid and inside is two matching rings with feathers that wrap around them lying side by side. Lily's eyes light up and she realizes what it is before you do.
“Matching rings! Momma! Is Shawn going to be my Dad?!”
Shawn raises his eyebrows as you pick up the smaller of the two rings. You slide it over your ring finger and look to Lily. “Yes he is baby. Yes he is.”
Lily shrieks and throws herself at Shawn, wrapping her little arms around him.
“I figured maybe we could get married before we go public with our relationship and Lily. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, just friends and family.”
“That sounds perfect.” You take the other ring from the box and slide it over Shawn's finger. He rests his hand on Lily's back and she just snuggles against him, sighing softly as you lean against his shoulder.
“I love you Dad,” Lily says softly and you close your eyes.
“I love you too Lily. I love you too.”
The end.
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Sense8 and relationships
I think the on thing that I love the most about Sense8, is that practically everyone, with the exception of Kala and Wolfgang and Sun, are all in loving, committed relationships, and there’s no ANGST. I mean, there are severe problems that they all need to deal with obviously, from BPO and Whispers dogging each of Will and Riley’s steps, preventing them from truly enjoying their time together and causing them to fear for their lives and sanity, to Nomi’s legitimate issues with her mother and father and never feeling accepted by them for who she is, to Lito’s struggle with hiding his relationship with Hernando and being afraid of the backlash that would arise because of his sexuality, to Capheus trying to navigate this new political climate he’s involved in and keep his family and Zakia safe in the process; but despite all this, despite everything they’ve had to deal with, every single one of them have someone they can rely on, not just within their cluster, but with their significant others as well. 
Nomi has Amanita, who loves her to death, who would do anything to keep her, and the other sensates, from falling into the hands of BPO, and never once complains about anything that she has to do, and who has Nomi’s back no matter what, who would burn a hospital down to keep them away from Nomi’s beautiful brain. 
Lito has Hernando, who is head over heals in love with Lito, and accepts him for who he is, and accepts Lito’s need to keep their relationship hidden; and even after everything falls apart after their secret is revealed, he’s still there for him, cheering him on, and encouraging him in his darkest hours.
Will and Riley have each other within the cluster, and we see the lengths they both go to, to protect each other and their family, and never once do we see, that I can remember, Riley wanting to leave Will to his drugged state, never once shying away from this truly horrific thing he has to do to keep Whispers from finding them all. And do I need to mention the Riley’s rescue? I mean, geezus that just made me fall in love with them even more! 
Capheus and Zakia, I mean, come on, how adorable do they have to be? Zakia going from thinking CApheus was just trying to get his name and face in the paper to realizing he really is just a gentle, kind, and loving person who wants the best for his people, was beautiful to see, and watching their relationship develop with mutual respect and support was a joy too. 
With all of these couples, with the exception of Lito’s and Hernando’s short break, and Capheus and Zakia getting together in the second season, you see them together both seasons, and for the most part, THEY’RE HAPPY.  They’re not following those ridiculous relationship tropes --again, with the exception of Kala and Wolfgang -- like breaking each others hearts to save them, no one is leaving each other to find themselves, no one is breaking up with each other over something the other partner doesn’t approve of (except when Hernando left because Lito just accepted Daniela going back to the abusive Joaquin to get the picture back, which was a legitimate reason to leave actually, since it got Lito off his ass and saved Daniela in the end), no one (geezus, this Kalagang thing is killing me) is cheating on the other, there aren’t any of those nauseous making “it’s not what it looks like situations where it looks like they’re cheating but they’re really not but the other character still breaks up with them”, and there’s definitely no miscommunication between them, because everyone fucking TALKS to each other, they communicate their fears and their thoughts and their feelings and don’t bottle them in. 
It shows that you don’t have to split up couples to have an interesting story; you put them in situations like they did with Sense8, and you have them dealing with it together, that brings drama and angst and interest and everything you could want in a story. You’re not going to lose viewers if your couples are together and they’re supportive and loving and there through thick and thin; you don’t have to constantly break people up and bring in love triangles, or quadrangles, or what have you, to keep a show interesting. Good ratings do not mean constantly badgering your characters over the head with bad choices and watching their relationships wither and die because of them. 
Now I could say the opposite with Kala and Wolfgang, because as much as I love them, and as much as they’ve become my otp and I love them to death,the writers just threw a shit ton of the relationship tropes I just listed above, at my two babies. I mean, Kala is in a relationship with a man she doesn’t love because she’s terrified of being alone and she’s been taught to find a good man and marry well, regardless if she loves him or not; that’s what she’s been taught, I get it, I get her situation, but this whole wishy washy thing they have her doing, “should I stay with Rajan, should I not stay with Rajan, should I go with Wolfgang, oh Wolfgang is pushing me away so I guess I must marry Rajan” it’s frustrating as hell, and in my opinion, unnecessary. I get Wolfgang’s thing too, and his desire not to taint her with his darkness and his past, and all the blood he’s shed, but at the same time, and I can see the strain and the angst that would come with that, but at the same time I would have loved to have seen them navigate all of this together, rather than her marry Rajan because Wolfgang pushed her to, or that that was her only choice to be happy. I would have loved to have seen her run to Berlin, where they could have been on the run from the Russian mob together, or for Wolfgang to fly to India and try to navigate a culture he’s never been a part of with the exception of Kala’s memories and experiences, and having to learn and deal with their social norms and way of living that he’s going to be unfamiliar with, and oh my god trying to get the family to accept Kala’s relationship with this strange German man they’ve never met when she was so recently engaged to Rajan, I mean, THAT would have been interesting. THAT would have made good tv for me. AND...they could have been relatively happy. 
I can understand angst, and keeping characters apart, but if you have a successful flow that you have with all the other couples, I just don’t know why they couldn't’ have that with Kala and Wolfgang. But that’s my opinion, and I thought I’d see if anyone else felt the same. 
But regardless, I love how by and large, this show depicts healthy relationships; that is what I want to see, I want to see my couples together, and dealing with all sorts of issues big and small TOGETHER, and not pushing the other away because they feel it’s the only option. That’s another big reason I wish this show had never been cancelled, because as far as I’m aware, you rarely see this kind of representation, not only of POCs and LGBTQ characters, but you also have relationships that people can look up to and strive for. 
Whew, that turned out longer than I thought it would be, but I had to get this out, because as I’ve said before, this show has just kidnapped my heart and I can’t keep these feelings locked in. It’s impossible. I’ve tried. And then you get this giant piece of word vomit about my favorite couples on the show. Sorry. 
And please don’t think I forgot Sun x Mun, it’s just they’re a baby ship and as much as I do ship it like fedex, they just started in a way, though from the looks of it, they’d be a killer couple :) 
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naruto-oc-critiques · 8 years
be nice 2 me nerds <3
she’d still kinda incomplete, so yeh - Syn
— General —
Name: Mao Fujioka
Meaning: Genuine thread; Wisteria hill
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 6th
Age: Part I: 24-25 Part II: 27-28 
[I didn’t know Mao was a Leo. Run for the damn hills.]
— Characteristics —
Blood type: O
Height: : Part I: 5’5” Part II:  5’5”
Weight: : Part I:133 lbs.  Part II:  136 lbs.
Eyes: She has upturned eyes; almond shaped with a lift up at the outer corners. They’re the same color as burnished copper.
Hair: Layered, slightly curly hair that reaches mid-shoulder blades; she keeps it in a low, semi-messy bun with a senbon stuck through it and has some curled fringe (almost like Spanner from KHR, except looser). Dark brown in color; about the color of dark chocolate, if not just a bit darker.
Skin: Peachy skin tone with smatterings of freckles along her arms and legs.
[Realistic height and weight CHECK. Cute eyes ;) Curly hair in Narutoverse? Me likey. Also senbon is cute because ayyyy Genma is the love interest so it’s foreshadowing. :D]
 — Appearance —
Child: Shorter hair left loose, and was one of the kids that kept more of their baby fat longer so she had chubby cheeks. Simple outfit of shorts, and a t-shirt or long-sleeved top (much to her mother’s chagrin) in simple colors with the typical ninja sandals.
[What a cute kid. I can imagine Mao getting ticked off and pointing stubby baby fingers at people while she pouts with them chubby cheeks.]
Academy: Longer hair in a ponytail, curly fringe. Typically wore a grey hooded vest over a plain black long-sleeved shirt and black shorts with once again black ninja sandals. She wasn’t one to bother with colors or girly things and preferred to keep it simple.
[So much black. Too much black. You do know that blue cloth is all the rage in Konoha right? Even for emo chicken butt head Sasuke? Add one dash of color, even if it’s a small accessory. ples.]
Genin: Began putting her hair into a loose looking bun and wearing wedged ninja sandals; black. Wore a sleeveless wire mesh shirt under a long-sleeved wide-necked forest green shirt, short black fingerless gloves with metal back plates, and black tapered pants with cargo-like pockets. She wears her headband around her left bicep. Mao also began to gain a lankier form at this point.
[I don’t think a genin at the age of 10 should be wearing wedged ninja sandals. At least, if you mean wedge like a wedged heel… Also CARGO PANTS YES LOVE. POCKETS.]
Chuunin: Lost some of her lankiness for a more pear-shaped body, wedged ninja sandals traded in for some wedged boots; black with grey buckles. She still wears the plated fingerless gloves and now has the leaf symbol etched into both, so she doesn’t bother with her headband.  She keeps to the plain colors with a to the body slate-grey and quarter-sleeved mesh-lined shirt, black cargo-esque pants that tuck into her boots, and her flak jacket.
[Oooh, boots. Love. Also, I wouldn’t consider the plated gloves to be her form of identification. She should still need her headband.]
Jonin: The only real change to her outfit is that her cargo-esque pants now have red stitching. This is her answer to Anko’s needling that she “needs more color in her life”.
[Love me some Anko friendship.]
— Ninja information —
Current rank: Tokubetsu jounin [WHAT IS THE SPECIALTY, SYN. HEY.]
-Genin promotion: 10
-Chuunin promotion: 12
-Special jounin promotion: 16
-Jounin promotion: 23
Team: Team Shun (affectionately Team Idiots); Shun Sarutobi, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane. [YES I LOVE ME SOME IZUMO AND KOTETSU YAS.]
Kekkei Genkai: none
Chakra nature: Earth, Water
Ninjustsu range: midrange
Defensive/Offensive type: A little of both, but more so offensive.
Dominant hand: left
Weapons: senbon and ninja wire are her favorites [wink at Genma because senbon.]
— Summonings —
Species: Tanuki
Where the summoning contract comes from: Matsuyama Forest
Name: Shoukichi
Abilities: Tanuki make near zero sound when walking, as such they are fantastic at stealing things or causing general mischief. Tanuki also have the ability to henge into people or even inanimate objects. Shoukichi is especially bad about stealing things – food is his favorite target.
Mao gains this “light-footedness” as a Tanuki contractor.
Appearance: Shoukichi is a little larger than the average sized raccoon is, and has the signature tanuki fur pattern that leaves him with darkened eyes. His fur is colored with black, varying shades of grey, and white. When he’s contemplating something (often what to steal) his head tilts to the side and the tip of his tongue pokes out.
[Obviously I like the idea of a Tanuki since we talked about it in private and I’m pretty sure I helped you come to the conclusion that Tanuki’s are great as a summons? Gaining a trait from the summons is also cute. But can Shoukichi TALK???? The real question.]
— Abilities —
Strength: Chakra control, traps
Weakness: Hand-to-hand combat. [
Taijutsu: Excellent/Good/Average/Bad/Terrible
Ninjutsu: Excellent/Good/Average/Bad/Terrible
Chakra nature: Earth, Water
Earth Release Jutsu:
Coil of Earth
Water Release:
Kirigakure no Jutsu [protip; just call it hidden mist jutsu. You went for english names for everything except this. Continuity. Also a tiny bit odd that a Konoha shinobi uses this technique as it is a specialty of Kiri ninja. If you really want to use it, I’d suggest having some backstory and have Mao horribly beaten by a Kiri nin who used this jutsu, therefore giving her the determination to learn it herself. Some drawback should be established.]
Water Bullet
Water Prison
Water Dragon Bullet
Also knows Wind Release: Gale Palm [please tell me she incorporates senbon into this. ;)]
Genjutsu: Excellent/Good/Average/Bad/Terrible
Fighting style: Mao’s fighting style is fluid, focusing on dodging and defending more than attacking and preferably done in mid to long range rather than up close. She focuses mostly on ninjutsu, minor seals, and chakra string assisted weaponry. [Chakra strings? Who taught her that?]
— Personal traits —
Mao is a subtle antagonist, as she likes to encourage all of the crazy and wild ideas that Anko comes up with, though Mao does on occasion actively participate in mischief. She is witty and often comes off as blasé, which sometimes causes problems to arise when she meets new people. And while she may seem blasé about things, Mao is fiercely protective of all of her friends and family and is quite kindhearted – though she tends to get embarrassed when caught out on said kindhearted, soft moments. [I knew she would be like this. Damn leo’s. Me likey though.]
Once she sets her mind on something it becomes her passion, which sometimes leaves her seeming as if she has a one-track mind. She finds humor the best medicine and cover to all of her more tumultuous emotions, and as humor is part of her default character it can take someone who knows her to tell when she’s just deflecting. [Yes! Character development!]
Likes: All types of food – she loves food more than anything, tending her small her garden, naps in the sun [She must love Akimichi food ;)]
-what she likes to do in her free time: Mao either fiddles around with her chakra strings or takes naps in odd but sunny places. She also likes to read novels.
Dislikes: The period of cooking where you can smell the food come together but can’t eat yet because it’s not done, when Anko or one of the boys cajole her into serious taijutsu practice, missions in rainy humid places because it turns her hair into a monster.
Habbits: When thinking hard about something she goes through the hand signs for the alphabet of standard sign language. When concentrating on a task (a puzzle, something to do with writing or reading) her tongue will poke out of her mouth a little bit. 
Fears: Losing everyone, and to a lesser extent being alone – it makes her progressively anxious.
Ambition: To see her kids (genin) grow up and to have a family of her own one day.
— Relationships —
Parents: Yuri Fujioka and Asada Fujioka
Sibling(s): None
Relative(s): Spinster aunt Junko Fujioka [I hope Junko is truly living up to the spinster title.]
Teammates/Ex-teammates: Izumo Kamizuki and Kotetsu Hagane
Friends: Kurenai Yuhi, Izumo and Kotetsu
Best friend(s): Anko Mitarashi, Ashi Inuzuka and Michi
Crush: Genma Shiranui, eventually (it’s a slow thing that happens over time) [SHIP IT LIKE FEDEX]
Rival: She doesn’t really have it in her to have one, not seriously. Anko might be the closest thing.
— Background & history —
Mao was mostly quiet and to herself; she didn’t go out of her way to speak to people so she often drifted around among groups in the Academy. It was a melancholic truth that she didn’t really have very many friends, and she claimed what she had was enough. Though what she had was a bunch of acquaintances and her childhood friend Ashi Inuzuka and his partner Michi, who were three years ahead of her.
But it was in the academy that Mao befriended Anko – or, rather, Anko injected herself into Mao’s life. When it happened the majority of their classmates were confused at the pairing, often asking how it happened. Mao’s answer?
“Skewers, dirt, and a declaration of undying love.”
How much of that was sarcasm Mao’s classmates didn’t know. (Mao would laugh about their confusion, because all she did was offer Anko a stick of dango after the plum haired girl’s got knocked into the dirt. And after she’d had knocked the person that had wronged her into the dirt.) And it was from this point on that Mao became the so-called “devil on Anko’s shoulder”, as she often enabled the plum haired girl’s wild schemes. [Evil little Leo child.]
Genin days:
The beginning of her genin days were rough, as her team didn’t mesh too well in the beginning. Kotetsu and Izumo often ended up leaving her out without meaning to, which caused a lot of tension. Eventually their sensei, Shun Sarutobi, kicked them to the wilds and made them talk. After that they became a fairly capable team that still had some bumps to smooth over. Izumo was often forced to be team mom as well, as Kotetsu and Mao fed off of each other and caused more problems than not, or just got too off-track. They graduated a few months after the Kannabi Bridge incident, so things were still somewhat stressful.
It was on their first C-Rank that Mao’s unsure outlook on her life went through a change. A few things went wrong and they all ended up hurt in one way or another, thanks to rogue shinobi and bandits still feeling empowered thanks to the previously ended war, and their sensei too was hurt as he did his best to protect them. He himself lost an eye in the conflict. It was a wake-up call and Mao, who had previously been unsure of what she was doing since being a shinobi was just something expected of her, started putting in more effort and time than she ever had to getting stronger. Because if there was one thing she knew, it was that she wanted to protect her friends. [I LOVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTTTTTTTTTTTTTT YES.]
Chuunin days:
Mao participated in the chuunin exams the same time Anko did, and the two actually ended up fighting in the final round. Anko came out the ultimate victor in their match, but both were promoted in the end along with Izumo and Kotetsu. Apparently a great showing of teamwork during the second phase of their exams, involving transporting an “important document” to Tanzaku Gai without losing it to the “enemies” provided by the chuunin and genin corps helped push forward the promotion of their entire team.
It was after their promotions that, somehow, all members of Team Shun slowly started drifting towards the Intelligence Division. They began running intelligence gathering missions under the guidance of the brand new tokubetsu jounin, Aoba. When not on missions or training together, Team Shun worked on finding their own niche within Intelligence, with Mao initially drifting over to Cryptology a few days a week. It was due to her interest in sealing that initially had her go that way, but after a short period she eventually just drifted back to being a general member of the Intelligence Division. [Sounds plausible. Cute idea for Chuunin exam btw. ;)]
The Kyuubi incident happened about a year after the quartet’s promotions, and Mao didn’t have much of a part in everything besides helping civilians to the shelters and away from the trouble after her initial shock.
The first breakdown Mao had after the initial scare of the mission gone wrong was when Orochimaru defected from Konoha and Anko went missing along with him. Mao nearly had a come apart, with Kotetsu and Izumo having to stop her from barging into the Hokage’s office, emotions blazing. They calmed her down enough that she wouldn’t just burst in anger and Mao practically demanded to be part of a search team, declaring that she knew Anko best.
The Cell she was part of weren’t the ones that found Anko, but they did run into the team that did. Mao stayed by the semi-unconscious and in pain girl the whole way back to Konoha, and once they got back as well. It was after this incident that Anko joined the former Team Shun in the Intelligence Division, quietly at first and then with a bang, much to the chagrin of many. Mao eventually became the one people called whenever Anko became too much for them, and Mao was both amused and a little exasperated by this. [Love this and I want to read this whole ordeal in story format please.]
Around the time Mao was fourteen, she decided to try for a summons. She did this with the guidance of her old sensei and Anko, who had already been long signed onto the Snake contract. Mao’s reverse summoning brought her to Matsuyama Forest where she eventually found her way through the foliage and creatures living there to the master of the forest – the Great Tanuki Chagama-sama. After agreeing to come back to Matsuyama once a year to help with the harvest of food during the peak of the season, Chagama-sama allowed Mao to sign the contract. [What a cute little way to pay back to the Tanuki, oh my goodness, I want to read an omake about her helping harvest please.]
Tokubetsu Jounin/Jounin days:
Once both girls turned sixteen, Mao and Anko (who the Fujiokas had taken in after the Incident) moved into a cheap apartment together after becoming tokubetsu jounin. The only rules? For Anko to keep her mess confined to her room, and for her to never attempt cooking on her own. It was also at this point in time that the two joined the Torture and Interrogation subdivision of the Intelligence Division.
Mao, with the assistance of Anko, annoyed Ibiki into teaching Mao more about the sealing arts. In turn for this Mao was to assist Ibiki whenever he wanted Anko the hell away from him. Mao also eventually became somewhat of a gopher among the Intelligence Division, often being the link between Ibiki and Inoichi when they couldn’t meet with each other. [again in love with these little ideas because uhm yes Inoichi and Ibiki not liking each other???]
It was when Mao was eighteen when she first met Genma Shiranui, and that incident was all thanks to Shoukichi. The tanuki found Genma one day and snatched something of his, which eventually led Genma to Mao. He seemed really surprised when she pulled out her “box of wonders” before pulling his missing item from the pile. [YES A LITTLE EXCERPT? YES.]
(“…I think your friend might have some problems.” He jokingly eyed the creature as it scampered off, probably to snatch something else. “Might need to use some of those employee perks for therapy.”
“Sure. I’ll talk to Inoichi-senpai about some therapy-no-jutsu.” Mao clasped her hands together prettily. “Would you like to be there to voice your concerns and lend your support?”
The senbon in his mouth quirked up as he smirked. “Of course, just give me the time and date, Tanuki-chan.”) [hnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg I need more.]
Later Shoukichi manages to snatch Genma’s lunch, leading the man to come strolling up once again, amused after the initial irritation wore off. Upon hearing the problem she mentioned he must have good taste, and that she owed him a meal, which he did end up taking her up on if only because he was hungry and it meant he didn’t have to pay. Though it became of bit of a normal occurrence, as Shoukichi’s favorite target for theft ended up being the same tokubetsu jounin. It was after a year of these lunches that Mao officially started crushing on the older shinobi – or perhaps that was when she finally realized it, seeing as she never offered to buy anyone else lunch after Shoukichi stole it.
When Mao is twenty-one, she takes that first step into actually making those developing feelings apparent, though it’s not quite of her own free will. Anko drags her, Izumo, Kotetsu, and a few of their coworkers out to celebrate their birthdays and Mao gets more than a little drunk. She ends up kissing Genma, though she wakes up thinking it was some alcohol induced dream. Though it’s at this point Genma starts hanging around a little more – trying to puzzle her out. And months later when it’s his birthday, later that night he kisses her –
“It’s only fair, right? You kissed me for your birthday, so I get to kiss you for mine.”
To this day he reminisces on how utterly red she turned on that day.
But, after that they begin an odd sort of teasing and flirting game that eventually evolves into the same sort of supposedly secret relationship Asuma and Kurenai had by the time Mao is twenty-four and Naruto has graduated from the academy. By this time, Mao is also a full-fledged jounin, having taken the jump the same time as Kurenai. [UHM SECRET RELATIONSHIP YES? CUTE? I SHIP IT LIKE FEDEX?]
During Pain’s attack on the village she’s a key fighter in the battle against one of the Paths. Ultimately, she ends up dead and then resurrected by Nagato - though one of her ninjutsu manages to tear the arm off of the Path that she is fighting before getting killed. [Oooh. Does she have a dramatic death? ;)]
Time skip/Shippuuden:
Mao ends up getting a genin team foisted off on her during the time skip, much to her bewilderment. She’s fairly certain it happened one night when her and Tsunade and a few others got a little too drunk – she figures it was partly Shizune’s revenge for said incident. Said team is composed of Heiwa Inuzuka – the nephew of Ashi – Kaede Yuhi, and an orphan boy named Noboru. And, much to Mao’s amusement, Noburu is supposedly Konohamaru’s rival. She uses this as an excuse to heckle Ebisu, much to his absolute dismay. [You involve so many characters who aren’t completely main and I love it? Teasing Ebisu is great and also like a rivalry about who is the better teacher is also awesome?????? I love this?]
During the time skip Mao and Genma end up getting an apartment together, which Anko still likes to complain about and tease her for all the same. Mao proceeds to pester Kurenai about her and Asuma, which the red-eyed woman takes with a grin. [Wait wait wait when did they become exclusive to all? I need answers and a description of the reactions from friends?]
By the time the chuunin exams Shikamaru was put in charge of roll around it’s been a year since Mao had her team, so she punts them towards the Hokage building without a second thought. [DID THEYSortDO GOOD???? DID THEY MAKE MAMA MAO PROUD?]
War Arc:
Haven’t finished hashing this out completely, so barebones:
The final med screenings before going off to fight find Mao pregnant.
She panics, because she’s not ready and there’s a war
Genma is also panicked, but also relieved as that means she won’t end up on the battlefield.
She spends her free time chatting with Kurenai and cooing over Mirai, as well as heckling Karin to pass the time and keep herself distracted.
Her dream under the genjutsu is getting married to Genma, and having a home constantly visited by her friends and family.
Eventually gives birth to a little boy named Nobu.
They get married some time before Nobu turns three, and Mao ends up pregnant again.
A little girl named Ritsu.
[Sorta cliche to find out she is pregnant before the battle but hey that’s shinobi life for you. And SHE DOESN’T FIGHT IN THE WAR? WHAT. NOPE I DON’T LIKE THIS IDEA ANYMORE I NEED HER FIGHTING AND KICKING ASS. YOU MADE HER SOUND SO AWESOME AND THEN BOOM ANTI-CLIMACTIC END WITH THE WAR AND NOT FIGHTING IN IT? NO SIR-E-BOB. I mean how far along is she pregnant? If she’s under 3 months, I’m pretty sure she can fight? Like if you don’t fight, you may die anyways, so why not fight? Shinobi life? Ninja way? Let’s G-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!]
Epilogue/Chapter 700+:
Genma and Mao are living together happily with their two children, and Nobu’s crush on Mirai provides both of them great amusement. Mao still works in the T&I department, mostly handling paperwork and heckling the newbies. 
[Super relaxed epilogue is super relaxed because everyone who lives to the epilogue of Naruto deserves some damn peace and quiet.]
All in all; I lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ove Mao and I need her story pronto. I really don’t see many flaws with her character. Yeah, the ending was mediocre to me with the war. And yeah why does she know how to use the Hidden Mist Technique if she is a Konoha ninja? And maybe the chakra thread too but hey it’s not that big of a deal.
Final score: 9.7/10. I’m rooting for Mao. I love the small details and after going through it all, it didn’t seem like that long of a submission? But hahahaha it is. Me likey. I want more and want a story written.
Love, Dom.
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mrhotmaster · 5 years
Best Amazon Prime Video Movies In India (February 2020)
Best Movies Of Amazon Prime Video In India (February 2020)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day From Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro.
Amazon Prime Video's motion picture acquisitions probably won't have a similar global profundity as Netflix, yet it's without a doubt more grounded and more extravagant in its nearby assortment, with its titles spreading over the Tamil, Telugu, and the Malayalam universe of filmmaking notwithstanding Bollywood. Furthermore, that is coordinated with an incredible assortment of American imports, to convey an assortment that can more than hold fast against the world's greatest spilling administration. It needs with its unique endeavors — a couple are available underneath, for what it's worth — but at the same time it's significantly increasingly moderate at Rs. 999 every year, versus Netflix's Rs. 650 per month. To pick the best motion pictures on Amazon Prime Video, we depended on Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and IMDb appraisals to make a waitlist. The remainder of them was favored for Indian movies given the setbacks of surveys aggregators in that office. Furthermore, we utilized our own article judgment to include or expel a couple. This rundown will be refreshed once at regular intervals if there are any commendable augmentations or if a few motion pictures are expelled from the administration, so bookmark this page and continue checking in. Here are the best movies right now accessible on Amazon Prime Video in India, arranged one after another in order.
12 Years a Slave (2013)
Hoodwinked into servitude on the record of work, Steve McQueen's adjustment of a free New York dark man's (Chiwetel Ejiofor) nineteenth century journal is a staggering genuine story, and a significant watch.
3 Idiots (2009)
Right now the Indian training framework's social weights, two companions relate their school days and how their third tragically deceased musketeer (Aamir Khan) propelled them to think imaginatively and freely in a vigorously conventionalist world. Co-composed and coordinated by Rajkumar Hirani, who stands denounced in the #MeToo development.
Agantuk [The Stranger] (1991)
In Satyajit Ray's last film, a secretive and world-tired pioneer comes back to India following 35 years to see his lone enduring family member, his niece, however experiences difficulty persuading the family who he professes to be.
Aladdin (1992)
Disney puts its activity season onto the well known society story of a road urchin who camouflages himself as an affluent ruler in the wake of finding a genie in an enchantment light, trying to dazzle the Sultan's little girl.
Amal (2007)
After just a few days before his arrival a poor Delhi rickshaw driver (Rupinder Nagra) was named sole inheritor by a very rich near by person (Naseeruddin Shah).
American Beauty (1999)
A discouraged promoting official (Kevin Spacey) amidst an emotional meltdown succumbs to his high school little girl's closest companion, in Sam Mendes' parody of American white collar class that at last won five Oscars including Best Picture.
Anand (1971)
Rajesh Khanna stars as the eponymous giddy man, who doesn't let his conclusion of an uncommon type of malignant growth impede making the most of what's before him. Told from the perspective of his PCP companion (Amitabh Bachchan). Hrishikesh Mukherjee coordinates.
Anbe Sivam (2003)
Kamal Haasan and right now R. Madhavan star in this tamil cult film, in which both flights are spread over a thousand kilometers from home after a substantial flight drops all the flights. The material was also written by Haasan.
Andaz Apna (1994)
Two bums (Aamir Khan and Salman Khan) who have a place with white collar class families compete for the expressions of love of a beneficiary, and unintentionally become her defenders from a nearby hoodlum in Rajkumar Santoshi's religion parody top pick.
Ankhon Dekhi (2014)
After an enlightening encounter including his little girl's marriage, a man in his late 50s (Sanjay Mishra) settle that he will have a hard time believing anything he can't see, which normally prompts some emotional intricacies.
Aruvi (2016)
A social parody from a debutante essayist chief, which follows an eponymous young lady (Aditi Balan), who experiencing an episode of existential emergency, chooses to sparkle a light on the consumerist and misanthropic practices in her general public.
Back to the Future (1985)
Relatively few movies approach the overall intrigue and inheritance left by this science fiction passage including the notorious DeLorean that Michael J. Fox's character uses to (incidentally) time travel to when his folks were his age. Unusual then that it didn't get the green light for a considerable length of time.
Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015)
The intensely dubious Salman Khan stars as a sincere Hindu Brahmin and an enthusiastic lover of Hanuman, who sets out on an excursion to rejoin a quiet six-year-old Muslim young lady, lost in India, with her folks in Pakistan. Kareena Kapoor co-stars. Salman is an indicted poacher, out on bail, and blamed for chargeable manslaughter, pending intrigue.
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
The life of John Nash, a splendid however asocial mathematician, from his winding into neurotic schizophrenia and taking a shot at a mystery venture he made up, to recovering authority over his life and turning into a Nobel Laureate.
The Big Sick (2017)
Kumail Nanjiani stars as himself right now approximately dependent on his sentiment with his significant other, in which a hopeful entertainer interfaces with his sweetheart's folks after she falls into a strange trance state.
Blood Diamond (2006)
Set during the Sierra Leone Civil War when the new century rolled over, an arms dealer (Leonardo DiCaprio) vows to support an angler (Djimon Hounsou) discover his family in return for an extremely valuable precious stone the last found in a stream.
Bombay (1995)
Set during the 1992–93 Bombay riots, author chief Mani Ratnam offers a gander at the public pressures that cause a strain on the connection between a Muslim lady (Manisha Koirala) and a Hindu man (Arvind Swamy).
The Bourne set of three (2002–07)
Actually not a set of three, yet the initial three parts — Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum — featuring Matt Damon in the number one spot as the main CIA professional killer experiencing amnesia were acceptable to such an extent that they changed the longest-running covert agent establishment ever: James Bond.
Brazil (1985)
Terry Gilliam mixes social parody with his mark visual imaginativeness right now fi set in a retro-future world, which follows a modest agent who turns into a foe of the state in the wake of attempting to address a managerial blunder.
Commander Fantastic (2016)
After his bipolar spouse out of nowhere bites the dust, a single parent (Viggo Mortensen), who raised his six kids living off the matrix and detached from society, must acquaint them with this present reality just because.
Ditty (2015)
Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara star right now, and exquisite show around two lesbians living in perfect inverse universes in 1950s New York, as they explore cultural traditions and their own needs. In light of Patricia Highsmith's tale, The Price of Salt.
Cast Away (2000)
After his plane accident arrives in the Pacific, a FedEx worker (Tom Hanks) awakens on a betrayed island and must utilize everything available to him and change himself genuinely to endure living alone.
Catch Me If You Can (2002)
Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks appear in Frank Abagnale's (DiCaprio) biopic by Steven Spielberg, who, while being checked out by FBI director, created large numbers of dollars of check as a young person.
Chak De! India (2007)
Excluded and denounced by the press and open, a previous Muslim men's hockey chief (Shah Rukh Khan) plans to vindicate himself by training the unpolished Indian ladies' hockey group to brilliance.
Act (1963)
After her important fellow has been killed while trying to leave Paris, three men who need a fortune he has taken and are looking for the help of the outsider (Cary Grant) are looking for a young lady (Audrey Hepburn)." The greatest film ever made by Hitchcock" is known as "Hitchcock."
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Visit colleagues Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are behind this 'redo' of the 1971 unique dependent on Roald Dahl's 1964 book, where the title character — a little fellow (Freddie Highmore) — wins a voyage through an inventive chocolatier's chocolate industrial facility with four different children.
Chhoti Si Baat (1976)
This transformation of the 1960 British Film School for Scoundrels is the story of a smooth and striking man for love's expressions, Bombay, where a gentle young man (Amol Palekar) went to Colonel (Ashok Kumar) for life mentorship. It appears as Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra and Hema Malini. The co-ordinatesof Basu Chatterjee.
Chupke (1975)
Hrishikesh Mukherjee's change of the Bengali film Chhadmabeshi, in which a recently married spouse (Dharmendra) chooses to pull tricks on his significant other's (Sharmila Tagore) as far as anyone knows brilliant brother by marriage, discharged in a similar year as Sholay. Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan additionally star.
Guarantee (2004)
Tom Cruise plays a contract killer who takes a cab driver, played by Jamie Foxx, prisoner in Michael Mann's neo-noir wrongdoing spine chiller, in which the last should make sense of how to stop the previous.
The Conjuring (2013)
A couple of paranormal examiners (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) are procured by a family who have been encountering progressively upsetting occasions at their farmhouse, right now from James Wan.
Insane Rich Asians (2018)
In light of the novel of a similar name, a Chinese-American educator ventures most of the way around the globe to Singapore to meet her sweetheart's incredibly rich family, where she should battle with abnormal family members, envious socialites, and the beau's opposing mother (Michelle Yeoh).
A Death in the Gunj (2016)
In Konkona Sen Sharma's full length directorial debut, a timid and touchy Indian understudy (Vikrant Massey) addresses a substantial cost for his delicacy, while on an excursion with his vain family members and family companions. Ranvir Shorey, Kalki Koechlin star close by.
The Death of Stalin (2017)
Veep maker Armando Iannucci approaches this earth shattering event throughout the entire existence of Russia through the perspective of dark parody and political parody, portraying the force battles that resulted following the main tyrant's demise in 1953. Jeffrey Tambor, who stars, stands denounced in the #MeToo development.
Dil Chahta Hai (2001)
Farhan Akhtar's directorial debut around three indistinguishable cherished companions whose uncontrollably extraordinary way to deal with connections makes a strain on their fellowship stays a faction top choice. Saif Ali Khan, Preity Zinta & Amir Khan star.
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)
Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol's characters experience passionate feelings for during an excursion to Europe with their companions right now film — which is as yet playing more than two decades later in a solitary screen Mumbai theater — however face jumps as the lady's preservationist father has guaranteed her deliver union with another person.
Dum Laga Ke Haisha (2015)
After a court request orders a video tape storekeeper and a RSS volunteer (Ayushmann Khurrana) and a larger measured instructor in-preparing (Bhumi Pednekar) to rescue their bombing marriage, the two start to imagine each other's perspective, before choosing to participate in a piggyback race. Won a National Award.
Ee. Mama. Yau [R.I.P.] (2018)
A child battles to arrange the terrific entombment he guaranteed his father right now dark satire that is to a great extent shot in characteristic light. Lijo Jose Pellissery coordinates.
The Exorcist (1973)
One of the best blood and gore movies ever, that has left an enduring impact on the class and past, is about the satanic ownership of a 12-year-old young lady and her mom's endeavors to spare her with the assistance of two clerics who perform expulsion.
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Roald Dahl's kids' novel about a fox who takes nourishment from three mean and well off ranchers gets the prevent movement treatment from Wes Anderson, including the voices of George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Willem Dafoe, and Michael Gambon.
Fight Club (1999)
Brad Pitt and Edward Norton star right now from David Fincher, about a white-nabbed sleep deprived person disillusioned with his free enterprise way of life, who frames an underground battle club with a flippant soapmaker, which advances into something considerably more.
Forrest Gump (1994)
A moderate witted however kind-hearted man (Tom Hanks) participates in a progression of characterizing occasions of the second 50% of the twentieth century in the US, while pining for his youth love.
Forushande [The Salesman] (2016)
Oscar-victor Asghar Farhadi utilizes Arthur Miller's play "Passing of a Salesman" as his story inside a story, to portray topical equals with the crumbling relationship of an Iranian couple after an ambush on the spouse. The spouse needs to discover who the aggressor is against her desires, while she manages post-injury stress.
Gangs of Wasseypur (2012)
Roused by the 2008 Tamil-language film Subramaniapuram, Anurag Kashyap comes up with a hoodlum epic that mixes legislative issues, retribution, and sentiment as it takes a gander at the force battles between three wrongdoing families in and around the Jharkhand city of Dhanbad, the focal point of the coal mafia.
Ghare Baire (1984)
In light of Rabindranath Tagore's epic of a similar name, and set in the disorderly repercussions of the segment of Bengal, author executive Satyajit Ray recounts to the narrative of a lady wedded to a ground breaking man whose lives are overturned by the presence of the spouse's extreme companion.
Ghostbusters (1984)
A lot of capricious paranormal lovers start a phantom getting business in New York, and afterward unearth a plot to unleash ruin by bringing apparitions. Brought forth one of the most notable tune verses ever.
Gladiator (2000)
Victor of five Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Actor for Russell Crowe, this Ridley Scott-coordinated film recounts to a moving story of a Roman general (Crowe) who loses everything — his family and rank — to wind up as a slave and afterward looks for retaliation on the culprit (Joaquin Phoenix).
The Godfather (1972)
In what is viewed as probably the best film ever, a maturing pioneer (Marlon Brando) of a New York mafia moves control of his domain to his most youthful child (Al Pacino), who goes from a hesitant untouchable to a heartless chief.
The Godfather Part II (1974)
Francis Ford Coppola's follow-up to his unique, fixating on Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) at the highest point of the hierarchy while offering a glance back at his dad's (Robert De Niro) past, is considered by some to be superior to its ancestor.
Gol Maal (1979)
A sanctioned bookkeeper (Amol Palekar), with a skill for singing and acting, falls where it counts the bunny opening in the wake of misleading his supervisor that he has a twin, right now parody.
Gone Girl (2014)
In light of Gillian Flynn's top of the line novel and coordinated by David Fincher, a puzzled spouse (Ben Affleck) turns into the essential suspect in the unexpected riddle vanishing of his better half (Rosamund Pike).
Gravity (2013)
Two US space explorers, an amateur (Sandra Bullock) and another on his last strategic (Clooney), are stranded in space after their van is annihilated, and afterward should fight flotsam and jetsam and moving conditions to get back.
Gully Boy (2019)
A hopeful, youthful road rapper (Ranveer Singh) from the ghettos of Mumbai decides to understand his fantasy, while managing the intricacies that emerge out of his own life and the financial strata to which he has a place. Zoya Akhtar coordinates, and Alia Bhatt stars nearby.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Alfonso Cuarón ventured behind the camera for what many consider to be the best Harry Potter film, as the kid who lived enters his third year at Hogwarts, and is informed that Sirus Black, an escapee from the wizarding scene jail Azkaban, is after his life.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Working off the tone set by Alfonso Cuarón, the fourth section in the arrangement finds the main picked one maneuvered into a between school supernatural competition, while doing combating the upsetting dreams and the hurting torment that originate from his brow scar.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Right now section, the renowned trio — Harry, Ron, and Hermione — face a test of skill and endurance to discover and pulverize Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes, while the understudies and educators of Hogwarts join to protect the school.
Heat (1995)
Al Pacino and Robert De Niro star on inverse sides of the law — the previous a criminologist, the last a cheat — in Michael Mann's expressive wrongdoing show, with a gathering of burglars arranging a heist ignorant the police are onto them.
Hera Pheri (2000)
Jobless and battling with cash, a proprietor and his two occupants (Paresh Rawal, Akshay Kumar, and Sunil Shetty) chance on a payment call and plan to gather the payoff for themselves right now the 1989 Malayalam film Ramji Rao Speaking.
How To Train Your Dragon (2010)
Raised in reality as we know it where Vikings have a custom of being mythical serpent slayers, a youthful adolescent turns into an unexpected companion with a youthful winged serpent and realizes there might be more to the animals than everybody might suspect.
The Hurt Locker (2008)
Best picture champ at the Oscars, another pioneer (Jeremy Renner) of a bomb removal squad astounds his subordinates with his perspectives and careless way to deal with the activity in the Iraqi capital. Kathryn Bigelow turned out to be first lady to win best chief.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Coordinated by Steven Spielberg off a story by George Lucas, an eponymous classicist (Harrison Ford) ventures to the far corners of the planet and fights a gathering of Nazis while searching for a secretive antique, in what is currently frequently considered as perhaps the best film ever.
Into The Wild (2007)
In light of Jon Krakauer's genuine book, Sean Penn goes behind the camera to coordinate the tale of a top understudy and competitor who surrenders all belongings and investment funds to good cause, and catches a ride across America to live in the Alaskan wild.
Iruvar (1997)
Aishwarya Rai made her acting introduction with a double supporting job in Mani Ratnam's personal film, which is motivated by the genuine contention of 1980s Tamil Nadu political symbols M. Karunanidhi (Prakash Raj) & M.G. Ramachandran (Mohanlal).
Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro (1983)
Right now legislative issues, administration, and the media, two picture takers (Naseeruddin Shah and Ravi Baswani) incidentally catch a homicide while attempting to uncover the rich. A Mahabharata performance in the third demonstration is a prestigious feature.
JFK (1991)
At the point when a New Orleans lead prosecutor (Kevin Costner) attempts to uncover the secret and potentially connivance behind the death of previous US President John Kennedy, he's confronted with impressive weight from the legislature. Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Oldman co-star. Oliver Stone coordinates.
Jurassic Park (1993)
It may be more than 25 years of age now yet viewing the absolute first Jurassic film from Steven Spielberg — in light of Michael Crichton's tale, which he co-adjusted — is an extraordinary method to remind yourself why the new arrangement, Jurassic World, has no clue why it's doing.
Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959)
Master Dutt coordinated and featured in what is viewed as probably the best movie ever, about an acclaimed chief (Dutt) who throws an obscure lady (Waheeda Rehman) in his next film, and the contradicting directions of their professions subsequently.
Kannathil Muthamittal (2002)
After discovering that she is embraced, a little youngster sets out on an excursion across common war-assaulted Sri Lanka to locate her organic mother who is a piece of the progressives. Mani Ratnam coordinates.
The King of Comedy (1982)
In Martin Scorsese's disregarded parody of big name love and media culture, a trying comic (Robert De Niro) stalks his late-night syndicated program symbol to win a major break, and afterward abducts him when things don't work out.
Kumbalangi Nights (2019)
Four siblings who share an affection despise relationship remain behind one of their own in issues of the heart right now family dramatization that investigates manliness with subtlety and in detail. Directorial introduction of Madhu C. Narayanan.
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
After a hefty kung fu fan panda is apparently erroneously picked as the Dragon Warrior to battle an approaching risk, he is reluctantly educated by an older ace and his understudies who have been preparing for a considerable length of time.
L.A. Confidential (1997)
As debasement blends in post-war Los Angeles, three cops — one corrupt (Kevin Spacey), one severe (Russell Crowe) and one moralistic (Guy Pearce) — research a progression of murders in their own specific manner, and structure an uncomfortable coalition. Spacey stands charged in the #MeToo development.
Lage Raho Munna Bhai (2006)
Right now the 2003 unique (likewise on the rundown), the Mumbai black market wear (Sanjay Dutt) begins to live by the lessons of Mahatma Gandhi to dazzle a radio racer (Vidya Balan) he's stricken with. Some felt it impaired Gandhism. Co-composed and coordinated by Rajkumar Hirani, who stands denounced in the #MeToo development.
The Legend of Bhagat Singh (2002)
Ajay Devgn plays the main communist progressive and political dissident in essayist executive Rajkumar Santoshi's biopic, which follows Singh — and later his partners, Shivaram Rajguru, Sukhdev Thapar, and Chandra Shekhar Azad — from the Jallianwala Bagh slaughter to the besieging of Parliament House. Some didn't care for its treatment of Gandhi.
The Lego Movie (2014)
A conventional, rules-following Lego minifigure (Chris Pratt) is erroneously distinguished as the most uncommon individual and the way to sparing the world from a malevolent dictator, for which he is entertainingly underprepared. It brought forth the hit single, "Everything Is Awesome".
Lipstick Under My Burkha (2016)
Denied for a discharge for a half year, this dark satire fixates on four ladies in community India who set out on an excursion to find opportunity and satisfaction in a traditionalist society.
The Lord of the Rings set of three (2001-2003)
Subside Jackson brought J.R.R. Tolkien's far reaching Middle-Earth to life in these three-hour sagas, which diagrams the excursion of a tame hobbit (Elijah Wood) and his different sidekicks, as they attempt to stop the Dark Lord Sauron by crushing the wellspring of his capacity, the One Ring.
Maanagaram (2017)
Emergencies happen to a couple of adolescents — a taxi driver, a BPO interviewee, and a hot-headed sweetheart — whose lives are interlinked after they show up in a major city right now spine chiller. Full length debut for author executive Lokesh Kanagaraj.
Manichitrathazhu (1993)
Right now suspenseful thrill ride exemplary, a youthful spouse (Shobana) is controlled by the soul of a vindictive artist after she opens a secured room their new spooky chateau. To help dispose of it, the spouse's therapist companion (Mohanlal) recommends an unordinary fix.
Mean Girls (2004)
Tina Fey's faction hit youngster satire follows a self-taught 16-year-old (Lindsay Lohan) who's a moment hit with A-rundown young lady coterie at her new school, until she tragically falls for the ex of the club's alpha.
Men in Black (1997)
Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones star as two operators of an eponymous mystery association, whose activity is to screen extraterrestrial life on Earth and conceal their quality from people, utilizing neuralysers to delete recollections whether need be.
Mera Naam Joker (1970)
By a wide margin the longest movie on this rundown with a four-hour runtime, this semi-self-portraying take on executive, maker, and lead star Raj Kapoor's own life is about a carnival comedian (Kapoor) who must make his crowd giggle regardless of how troubled he is inside. Told in three parts, it highlights three ladies — Simi Garewal, Kseniya Ryabinkina, and Padmini — who formed his reality. Contrarily got upon discharge, it later experienced a basic revaluation.
Minority Report (2002)
Steven Spielberg freely adjusts Philip K. Dick's short story of a future where an uncommon police unit can get hoodlums before a wrongdoing is submitted because of an innovation, and what happens when an official from that unit (Tom Cruise) is himself blamed for a homicide.
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011)
After the organization he works for is wrongly ensnared in the shelling of the Kremlin, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and another group are compelled to denounce any and all authority and away from manager's name right now of the establishment.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
With the association he works for disbanded and his nation after him, Hunt (Cruise) attempts to beat the clock to demonstrate the presence of the rogues calling the shots right now. Acquainted Rebecca Ferguson with the establishment.
Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018)
In what is ostensibly the best section in the establishment yet — 6th, in case you're tallying — insight operator Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and Co. set off on a globe-running experience from Europe to Kashmir, to recover three plutonium centers from the hands of fear mongers. Henry Cavill joins the good times.
Moneyball (2011)
In light of the genuine story of Oakland Athletics and supervisor Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), it follows the last's endeavors to assemble a serious group by depending exclusively on measurable examination, with assistance from a Yale graduate (Jonah Hill).
Munich (2005)
After a Palestinian psychological oppressor bunch murders 11 Israeli competitors at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, the last's administration dispatches a mystery counter, entrusting five men to chase and execute those liable for the slaughter. Steven Spielberg coordinates, in light of a genuine story.
Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. (2003)
After his folks discover he has been professing to be a specialist, a genial Mumbai black market wear (Sanjay Dutt) attempts to vindicate himself by selecting a clinical school, where his sympathy catches up on against the tyrant senior member (Boman Irani). Co-composed and coordinated by Rajkumar Hirani, who stands charged in the #MeToo development.
Mustang (2015)
Set in a remote Turkish town, this presentation include by a Turkish-French chief portrays the lives of five youthful stranded sisters and the difficulties they face experiencing childhood in a moderate society.
Nayakan (1987)
Propelled by The Godfather — however good karma getting author executive Mani Ratnam to let it be known — and the life of Bombay (presently Mumbai) wrongdoing supervisor Varadarajan Mudaliar, it delineates and the life and passing of Velu (Kamal Haasan) who turns into a criminal and assembles a domain.
Newton (2017)
Champ of the National Award for best Hindi film, in which Rajkummar Rao stars as an administration agent who attempts to run a free and reasonable political decision in the Naxal-controlled clash ridden wildernesses of India.
Once Upon A Time in America (1984)
Spreading over four decades, Sergio Leone's last rambling film about a child in a Jewish ghetto (Robert De Niro) who ascends to unmistakable quality in New York's universe of sorted out wrongdoing stays one of the best hoodlum movies ever.
Once Upon A Time… in Hollywood (2019)
Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio Leads outfit cast of Quentin Tarantino's "fantasy tribute" to the winding down days of Hollywood's brilliant age, which follows a maturing entertainer (DiCaprio) and his long-lasting companion and trick twofold (Pitt) as they explore an evolving industry.
Padosan (1968)
Sunil Dutt, Saira Banu, Mehmood, and Kishore Kumar star right now the 1952 Bengali film Pasher Bari, about a youngster (Dutt) who begins to look all starry eyed at his new neighbor (Banu) and afterward enrolls the assistance of his artist on-screen character companion (Kumar) to charm her away from her music instructor (Mehmood).
Pariyerum Perumal (2018)
A hopeful youngster from a poor, abused station family hits a fellowship with an a lot wealthier female cohort at graduate school right now film, procuring him the fierceness of her family members and the general public on the loose. Introduction for author chief Mari Selvaraj.
Peranbu (2019)
After his better half forsakes him and their cerebral paralysis little girl for another man, a single parent (Mammooty) filling in as a taxi driver in Dubai must get back and bring up his solitary child, while on the precarious edge of vagrancy.
Pinjar (2003)
In light of Amrita Pritam's Punjabi tale of a similar name and set in the years when the Partition, a Hindu lady (Urmila Matondkar) comes back to her Muslim ruffian (Manoj Bajpayee) after she's repudiated by her family after getting away. Won a National Award.
The Prestige (2006)
After a heartbreaking mishap, two individual entertainers (Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale) turn unpleasant adversaries right now Christopher Nolan, and participate in a fight to make a definitive hallucination, while giving up all that they have.
Prisoners (2013)
After his girl and her companion are hijacked, a dad (Hugh Jackman) assumes control over issues while the police deliberately track down different leads, pushing himself into difficulty. Jake Gyllenhaal co-stars.
Pyaasa (1957)
Master Dutt coordinated and featured right now in then-Calcutta which follows a battling, anguished writer named Vijay (Dutt) who can't get acknowledgment for his work until he meets Gulab (Waheeda Rehman), a whore with a kind nature.
Raazi (2018)
In view of the genuine occasions portrayed in Harinder Sikka's 2008 novel "Calling Sehmat", Alia Bhatt stars as a covert Kashmiri RAW operator who weds into a Pakistani military family to keep an eye on the adversary before and during the 1971 Indo-Pak War. A few pundits thought that it was unlikely.
The Report (2019)
An optimistic government examiner (Adam Driver) reveals stunning privileged insights as he plunges into the CIA's post-9/11 utilization of "improved cross examination procedures" — in more straightforward words, torment — and faces extreme pushback from those aware of everything.
Roja (1992)
Before Dil Se.. what's more, Bombay, Mani Ratnam's investigation of human connections against the setting of legislative issues started with this Tamil-language film, about a recently marry lady who moves to Kashmir and battles to discover her significant other after he is seized by Kashmiri separatists.
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Right now dependent on Ira Levin's top rated novel, a youthful pregnant lady (Mia Farrow) suspects a detestable clique — including her neighbors — needs to take her child for use in their customs.
Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam (1962)
In view of Bimal Mitra's correspondingly titled 1953 Bengali tale and set throughout the fall of British Raj feudalism, low maintenance hireling (Guru Dutt) builds up a nearby, dispassionate bond with the disregarded, desolate spouse (Meena Kumari) of a privileged person (Rehman). Waheeda Rehman likewise stars.
Sankarabharanam (1980)
Victor of four National Awards, an old style music legend faces ruin right now dramatization attributable to changing music patterns and the sudden bond he shapes with a whore's little girl, who is crashed into outstanding conditions.
Sparing Private Ryan (1998)
In Steven Spielberg's World War II show, while war seethes on in Normandy, a military commander (Tom Hanks) is given the errand of looking for a specific private (Matt Damon), whose three siblings have just been executed.
Looking (2018)
Told completely through screens — PCs and cell phones — a dad (John Cho) breaks into his young little girl's PC after she disappears and criminologists can't locate a solitary lead.
A Separation (2011)
Asghar Farhadi's Oscar-winning show follows an Iranian white collar class couple, whose 14-year-old marriage starts to break down after they arrive at an intersection over the spouse's desires to leave the nation and the husband's interests for his old Alzheimer's dad.
Sholay (1975)
Relatively few movies have a degree of noticeable quality in well known Indian culture that is appreciated by this fine case of "Curry Western", which mixes genuine components with crafted by Akira Kurosawa and Sergio Leone. Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Hema Malini, Sanjeev Kumar, and Jaya Bhaduri (presently Bachchan) star.
Screen Island (2010)
Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese work together for this adjustment of Dennis Lehane's 2003 novel, around two US Marshals (DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo) researching the vanishing of a criminally-crazy patient, who was detained for suffocating her three youngsters.
Siddharth (2013)
After a poor Delhi man's (Rajesh Tailang) 12-year-old child disappears while away on work many kilometers away in Punjab, he sets out the nation over to discover him, dreading he's been dealt.
Insect Man 2 (2004)
In what many consider the best Spider-Man film ever, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) can't get a break. He loses his employment, his forces, and the adoration for his life Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst). What's more, his closest companion (James Franco) is out for Spider-Man's blood to vindicate the passing of his dad.
Creepy crawly Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Drawn with a blend of PC produced and hand-drawn craftsmanship, Miles Morales is brought into a between dimensional clash not long after he's bit by an insect and additions superpowers, pushing him to collaborate to spare the multiverse. Set for a 2022 spin-off.
A Star Is Born (2018)
Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga star right now fourth, in case you're checking — change of the 1937 exemplary story, of a heavy drinker blurring star (Cooper) meeting and finding a future star (Gaga). Cooper denotes his directorial debut.
Star Trek (2009)
J.J. Abrams reboots the Trek film establishment by bringing it into an other reality, where the youthful Kirk and Spock on board USS Enterprise must battle a decided foe from what's to come, who's making dark gaps to obliterate planets individually.
Sully (2016)
The genuine story of the 2009 crisis plane arriving on New York's Hudson River gets the regular saint treatment from Clint Eastwood, concentrating on the pilot's (Tom Hanks) heroics and the ensuing examination that attempted to paint him in any case.
Eliminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Arnold Schwarzenegger returns as the android, presently reconstructed and sent back in time (once more) to ensure a more youthful rendition of an opposition chief, in James Cameron's spin-off of the first that is viewed as probably the best film ever.
Thalapathi (1991)
Mani Ratnam coordinates this Tamil-language wrongdoing show inexactly dependent on Karna and Duryodhana's kinship from Mahabharata, where everything changes for a ghetto abiding vagrant (Rajinikanth) who's taken under the wing of a nearby pack master (Mammooty) with the appearance of another region judge.
Tumbbad (2018)
While searching for a mystery treasure in a town in twentieth century Maharashtra, a man and his child face the outcomes of building a sanctuary for an incredible devil who shouldn't be loved right now film.
Unda (2019)
In light of a genuine story, a nine-man Kerala police unit (Mammootty among them) must guarantee serene decisions in the Maoist-inclined territories of Chhattisgarh with a lacking number of shots — unda is Malayalam for "projectile".
Vaastav: The Reality (1999)
Approximately dependent on the life of Mumbai hoodlum Chhota Rajan, a youngster (Sanjay Dutt) from the ghettos incidentally kills somebody, which drives him into an existence of wrongdoing where he quickly moves up the stepping stool — before propelling into a winding.
Virus (2019)
Set against the setting of the 2018 Nipah Virus episode in the Indian province of Kerala, people from different backgrounds meet up to contain its spread right now language spine chiller. Parvathy, Revathi star &  Tovino Thomas.
Whiplash (2014)
A driven youthful drummer (Miles Teller) is pushed as far as possible and past by a damaging teacher (J.K. Simmons) in what became author executive Damien Chazelle's leap forward.
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Leonardo DiCaprio stars as a genuine stockbroker who cheated over $100 million from purchasers and misled his way to the top, before he was gotten and accused of extortion, defilement, and tax evasion. Martin Scorsese coordinates, in manners that were blamed for celebrating its hero's unpardonable activities.
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