ahogedetective · 2 years
burrito reverse!! for rui or kuroko <3
{ Blanket Burrito! 🌯 }
Shuichi was always a proud big brother when it came to how hard Rui worked; but also like a big brother, he worried whenever she was pushing herself far too much, despite her having caught a cold lately. He was taking care of her today, just to make sure she will actually rest. He had to step out for a bit to buy some medicine from the nearest store for her, along with some ingredients for miso soup.
As he was opening the door to her room, he was about to announce: "Rui, I'm back! I've got you some medi..." And saw that she was out of bed, again... "....cine.... Rui." He crosses his arms, looking very unamused. "O-ohhh, why did I have a feeling you'd get back up... I told you, if you keep overdoing it, you're only going to worsen your cold!" While he, especially as a fellow detective, can understand how hard it is to actually just stop working on stuff and rest, he didn't want her doing the same mistakes he would make. And so, without warning: he goes over to lift Rui out of her seat. "It looks like I have no choice. Detective Shitai, I'm going to have to place you under arrest."
Her sentence being, once she is placed on the bed... being confined to the blanket roll that Shuichi is currently wrapping her up in! "I'm sorry, but this is for your own good!" He declares in a tone that most definitely did not sound sorry. If she was going to refuse to rest, then he was just going to have force her: out of care and love, of course.... and maybe partially out of amusement, trying hard to keep a straight face as he easily wraps her up into a tiny burrito. Once he sees she is tightly secured in the blanket roll, he dusts his hands together with a proud look on his face. "Done! You are now a Rui-Nigiri Roll. Don't worry, I'll still help you take your medicine and eat your soup. Aren't you so happy to have such a caring big brother?"
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He knows he was being such a meanie, but he couldn't help himself, snickering as he gently pats her head. He just wishes for his precious little sister to recover as fast as possible, is all... "And if you're good and actually try to rest... I may be merciful and release you early. Okay?"
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