#☆;; Little Sister Rui: Inseparable Detective Partner and Precious Sibling || {heartsealed}
ahogedetective · 1 year
"Shuichi-nii! I brought you some ice cream!" Rui holds up a bowl of vanilla ice cream, topped with chocolate sauce, nuts, and whipped cream. "I thought you could use something sweet today." As sweet as she normally is, something is different about Rui with the way she's smiling. But no need to read too much into it! "I hope you like it!" But what Shuichi doesn't know is the "ice cream" is actually frozen mayonnaise! Yuck!
"Ohh, ice cream for me?" He smiles in delight, as he accepts and looks at the bowl of supposed ice cream. It had a lot of his favorite toppings on it, so he was very much looking forward to it. "Aww you're so sweet... thank you, Rui. I could go for something sweet right now, yeah: yes, I'll enjoy it!" Shuichi didn't think too much about Rui's odd seeming smile... which he'll immediately regret the moment he eats a spoonful of the "ice cream", and-
"Mmrgh-?!" Nearly gags when he spits it out. "Gyuuuugh, what the?! Wh-What is this?!"
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It definitely didn't taste like vanilla. But rather....the familiar taste of mayonnaise? And that's when it hit him. "..........." He stares hard at her. Oh: he wasn't letting her get away with that. Slowly, while still staring at her, scoops some of the frozen mayo in his spoon. Even making sure to get a little bit of everything for the topping, just for her.
".........Come here, you." He's slowly approaching her, the hand holding the spoon extended. And if she dares tries to move or run, he will literally proceed to chase her around the room! "Get over here!! I can't believe you! Tricking me like that: you're gonna....h-hehe....suffer with me, too. Come on, let big brother share his ice cream with you!!" He couldn't even try to keep a straight face, anymore: he'll burst out laughing, while still chasing of approaching her with the spoon. He of course, wasn't actually mad at all. She did get him good, and overall, it was a very funny prank. "Let's see how you l-like it, hahaha...!"
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ahogedetective · 2 years
burrito reverse!! for rui or kuroko <3
{ Blanket Burrito! 🌯 }
Shuichi was always a proud big brother when it came to how hard Rui worked; but also like a big brother, he worried whenever she was pushing herself far too much, despite her having caught a cold lately. He was taking care of her today, just to make sure she will actually rest. He had to step out for a bit to buy some medicine from the nearest store for her, along with some ingredients for miso soup.
As he was opening the door to her room, he was about to announce: "Rui, I'm back! I've got you some medi..." And saw that she was out of bed, again... "....cine.... Rui." He crosses his arms, looking very unamused. "O-ohhh, why did I have a feeling you'd get back up... I told you, if you keep overdoing it, you're only going to worsen your cold!" While he, especially as a fellow detective, can understand how hard it is to actually just stop working on stuff and rest, he didn't want her doing the same mistakes he would make. And so, without warning: he goes over to lift Rui out of her seat. "It looks like I have no choice. Detective Shitai, I'm going to have to place you under arrest."
Her sentence being, once she is placed on the bed... being confined to the blanket roll that Shuichi is currently wrapping her up in! "I'm sorry, but this is for your own good!" He declares in a tone that most definitely did not sound sorry. If she was going to refuse to rest, then he was just going to have force her: out of care and love, of course.... and maybe partially out of amusement, trying hard to keep a straight face as he easily wraps her up into a tiny burrito. Once he sees she is tightly secured in the blanket roll, he dusts his hands together with a proud look on his face. "Done! You are now a Rui-Nigiri Roll. Don't worry, I'll still help you take your medicine and eat your soup. Aren't you so happy to have such a caring big brother?"
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He knows he was being such a meanie, but he couldn't help himself, snickering as he gently pats her head. He just wishes for his precious little sister to recover as fast as possible, is all... "And if you're good and actually try to rest... I may be merciful and release you early. Okay?"
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ahogedetective · 2 years
"Hey!" She slaps the cookie out his hand and puts it back on the plate , puffing out her cheeks with a huff. "Those cookies are for Santa , Onee - chan already made you cookies!!!" (from rui!! <3)
"Wah!!" Is that silly little yelping noise he lets out when Rui slaps the cookie out of his hand. And here he thought he was sneaky enough, too... Now rubbing the back of his hand, he’s playfully whining and pouting like a sad puppy. ”A-Aww, but Rui!! I know she did and I definitely still will enjoy them, b-but I was just going to try one! I swear!! S....Surely Santa would not mind that, right? You could even i-it’s like I am....taste testing it! S-So that I can be able to tell him with certainty that he will enjoy those cookies...!”
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Sheepishly laughs the boy, as if that is a sensible or good excuse at all.... in truth, the cookies just looked...and smelled...so good....that he could not help himself. Well that is, until he got caught.... but despite being scolded, he couldn’t help but find it adorable that she wanted to keep these cookies nice and safe for Santa. He couldn’t have it in his heart to actually try to eat it, still, anyway....
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ahogedetective · 1 year
*points at him and laughs* (from rui KJLSDJLGKDKJSL)
If rolling off his bed wasn't embarrassing enough, then Rui pointing and laughing at him certainly was! "Grrgh...b-be quiet, you... d-don't laugh!"
All because he accidentally leaned in too much when trying to scoop his phone back up, when it fell off the bed... and ended up falling off it, himself. And to top it off, his open book plopping right on top of his face. Now he's groaning in even further embarrassment... "uuueuee...." He extends an arm out. "A-Anyway, just get over here and help your big brother up..."
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ahogedetective · 1 year
monomono for the best little sister!!! <3
{ monomono surprise!!! 🎁❓}
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A croissant made entirely out of pitch-black materials. It looks burnt, but doesn’t taste bad at all.
"I.... I-I'm guessing this is supposed to be a charcoal-activated croissant? At least, I hope it is in regards to it being made out of 'pitch black materials'.... but if it's supposed to be tasty, then maybe it's okay to eat. I'll even try a piece, just to make sure that it is safe to eat; That is, if you still even want it, Rui. I know it looking "burnt" probably makes it look unappealing to you. I'll just as happily buy you one from an actual cafe if you'd like..."
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ahogedetective · 1 year
"Shuichi-niiiii!!!" Rui whines, pouting as he refuses to eat the ice cream sundae she brought him. "Are you still wary after April Fools? That was three weeks ago, I'm not going to do it again!" This year anyways, she thinks. Rui huffs, grabbing the spoon and taking a bite for herself. "See? It's actual ice cream this time. Buuuut, if you don't want it then I'll gladly have this one for myself. More ice cream for me!" Rui says, as if she hadn't eaten ice cream already.
"Hmmmm......" He squints at her. Ever since April Fool's Day, he has not trusted a single bowl of ice cream sundae she's made for him. Even if he was sure it had to be ice cream, he still thinks back to the taste of mayonnaise on his tongue, and makes him not even want to take that risk.....
"Perhaps I am..... and sure. That's what you say, but...." The level of 'suspicion' in his voice was mostly joking. He would feel bad if he made Rui think he really doesn't trust her that much with ice cream, again. Especially when he sees her take a bite, herself; now he couldn't act like he found it suspicious, anymore. "Ah, I see...well then, I cannot deny that since you've shown me irrefutable proof, hmm? ..Just kidding: I know it's real ice cream this-"
Then just gives her a look. Ohh she's not slick... "....Time." In an instant, he takes the sundae bowl meant for him, giving her the brightest smile. "No, no, I will gladly accept it. Thank you, Rui: such a kind little sister, you are. Heh, heh, heh..."
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He doesn't even try to hide the cheekiness in his smile, as he happily begins enjoying his sundae after giving her head a small pat.
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