yyxandere · 10 months
Bobby Fulbright with Reader who is Athena Cykes’s older sister and has a crush on Simon Blackquill
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I'm only gonna be talking about the phantom Bobby btw ( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Bobby would have some sort of power imbalance, especially when Blackquill is his prisoner, since you are related to Athena you must definitely have trauma after what happened he has this string that could unleash the horrible memories of what happened that day, he would also use your crush on Simon as blackmail.
He just has this TIGHT grip on you emotionally.  
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babyawacs · 2 years
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law @haaretzcom @france24 @snowden @bbc_whys moral authorities seek for explanations likely like why maybe he did sth or thatguy maybe molests or thatg uy kicked the nuts of them and their suffering counts too and such allalong: criminal go vernance of how them rule what them do tothe civillian that did nothingwrong andthemother
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law @haaretzcom @france24 @snowden @bbc_whys moral authorities seek for explanations likely like why maybe he did sth or thatguy maybe molests or thatg uy kicked the nuts of them and their suffering counts too and such allalong: criminal go vernance of how them rule what them do tothe civillian that did nothingwrong  andthemother
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law @haaretzcom @france24 @snowden @bbc_whys moral authorities seek for explanations likely like why maybe he did sth or thatguy maybe molests or thatguy kicked the nuts of them and their suffering counts too and such allalong: criminal governance of how them rule what them do tothe civillian that did nothingwrong andthemother their botch their rapes their…
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From Sensory Overload to Sensory Haven
Spencer Reid x Shy!ND!reader
*Sequel to Movie Nights and (rather one-sided) Tickle Fights + Part 3 to Sensibility and Its Open Doors*
SFW; angst at first but gets super duper fluffy, more hints of a slowly growing romance (this be a slow burn AHSHSHD)
Words: 2859
Summary - After Y/N experiences a meltdown brought about from sensory overload during a very stressful assignment, they grow embarrassed and ashamed, which is further worsened by the ableist comments of someone involved in the case. Spencer offers his support, and in the midst of slowly helping them to settle, suggests a very familiar way to get them giggling again.
Warnings: Talks of sensory overload, meltdowns, shutdowns, going nonverbal, recounting of ableism, imposter syndrome, lots and lots of super soft and comforting tickles
DISCLAIMER: This fic is inspired by my own experiences with sensory overload, meltdowns, and shutdowns as a neurodivergent individual. Not everyone who's neurodivergent experiences what the reader in this story experiences. My hope is for this fic to provide some comfort to ND readers who feel a lot of shame and embarrassment post-meltdown or shutdown, as well as provide comfort for fellow ND individuals who've had to experience ableism in the workplace
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Spencer's footsteps were growing faster in pace as he made his way down the hall. JJ stood outside of one of the room doors, hands resting on her upper arms as she patiently waited for her friend to reach her. His eyes flickered with concern, and every ounce of his body language was evidence of his worry.
"How are they doing, JJ...?" he questioned quietly, ignoring the people who walked past him, as his mind could only focus on Y/N's wellbeing.
JJ glanced toward the door, her eyes saddening. "Not good, Spence. They're really embarrassed. I did my best to assure them the meltdown wasn't their fault, but... the case witness yelling at them, and saying that to them-"
"Oh, believe me. Morgan and Prentiss are giving him hell right now. It's been a long time since I've seen Hotch get that angry."
"IhI don't blame him. I talked with Garcia a few minutes ago. She's ready to fly out here and fight." JJ's statement was followed by a hollow laugh, and her eyes wandered to the door again. "Spence, do you... do you want to check in on them? I think they really need to see you right now."
Spencer nodded, and JJ moved aside so he could enter the room. Before he opened the door, he knocked very gently. "Y/N, it's Spencer... I'm coming in, okay?" The faint sound of a wordless affirmation was heard by the doctor, who then slowly turned the doorknob, and stepped into the dimly lit room.
Y/N remained staring at their hands, tugging at their sleeves and rocking their body. Their headphones sat around their neck, but in the midst of their distress, they hadn't been able to get any music playing. Spencer carefully closed the door behind him, before slowly stepping closer.
"Hi," he greeted softly. "Are you alright with me sitting with you?"
His coworker's nod had him recognizing that they had gone nonverbal. Their eyes still couldn't meet his, but he noted the way their body seemed to lose a small bit of its tension when he sat beside them. A few silent minutes went by, the only noise coming from the fan above, and from outside of the room in the form of footsteps. Spencer glanced over to Y/N upon feeling the gentle tap on his arm, and he watched as his friend signed a single word.
"Y/N, you don't have anything to apologize for. Your hypersensitivity to sensory input is not something you should be made to 'get a handle on.' And, contrary to that man's statements, there is nothingwrong with you."
The horrid comments made by the case witness were still running rampant at the front of their mind. They looked up at Spencer, opening their mouth in an attempt to speak, but even the thought of talking in that moment felt physically painful. Spencer offered his hand, and Y/N shakily accepted.
"I know you feel embarrassed, and ashamed, about experiencing a meltdown at work, in front of us, but none of us would ever hold something like this against you. Ever." Spencer's voice was firm, speaking his words with conviction, but he made sure his voice stayed quiet. "Navigating this line of work, with the little amount of support there is for neurodivergent agents, is not an easy task, and believe me, you make it look so. much. easier, than it is..."
He gave Y/N's hand a gentle squeeze. "...but you should not have to work five times as hard, or sacrifice your entire wellbeing, or be subjected to gross mistreatment when you're experiencing sensory overload, just to prove you belong here."
Y/N returned the squeeze, and looked down at the floor. Their body was so tired, overwhelmed guilt, and embarrassment, with every thought in their mind being the repeated questioning of their own abilities, and of their place on the team. "Y/N..."
"Would you be alright with a pressure hug?" Spencer watched as his friend slowly looked up at him, and nodded. The moment his arms carefully wrapped around them, they buried their face in his sweater, hugging him as tightly as they could. It was a comforting feeling, especially given that the sweater's fabric was one with a texture that emitted absolute sensory bliss, like the softest cloud, if clouds could be woven into clothing. Y/N wouldn't deny that their heart was fluttering from Spencer's affection, and they hummed when he returned the squeeze, resting his chin on the top of their head.
"Not a day will go by where I don't tell you that you belong here, Y/N. I... I can't tell you enough, just how thankful I am, that you're here. I meant what I said during our movie night."
Y/N lifted their head to meet his gaze, and he couldn't help the smile that crept up on his lips. "Doho you realize how cute it is when you do that?" Their brows furrowed.
"It isn't cute..." Spencer saw their eyes widen as they realized their nonverbal episode was over, but he didn't point it out or make it a big deal, which Y/N was grateful for.
"Scientifically, you're incorrect," the doctor challenged with a smile. "Do I need to give you the whole spiel on the orbitofrontal cortex and releasing of dopamine again? You know I will~"
"I-It is not c-cute!"
"Well, unfortunately, you can't dictate what my brain does and does not find cute~ It is cute. And you're cute. You cannot argue with the science of cuteness."
"Stop it..."
"Would you prefer I call you adorable? Because I could totally call you that too."
Spencer noticed Y/N had begun stress-stimming again, tugging at their sleeves, and rubbing their hands, and he frowned as they stared down at the dull, turquoise, rug flooring of the room. "I... I can't stop thinking about what that man said to me... what he called me... everything... I-It, it really hurts, Spencer..."
They tried not to cry again, but Y/N's eyes were already growing foggy and glassy, chest aching with the urge to sob, and in their attempts to speak again, the tears began to fall. Spencer held them closer, to him, offering another pressure hug, and obliging when Y/N nodded despite their crying.
"I know, Y/N. We can stay like this as long as you need, okay?"
Spencer's phone, which he'd set to vibrate to make sure it wouldn't startle Y/N and further upset them, began to ring, so he answered quietly, letting JJ know that he needed to stay with their teammate until they had fully recovered from the meltdown-turned-shutdown.
"Y-You don't... you don't have to stay..."
Spencer set his phone back into his pocket, his arms enveloping the tearful agent once more. "I want to. I'm going to. Y/N, you mean the absolute world to me. You and this team, are the closest friends that I have ever had. I found a home with this team. I found a home with you... Please, tell me how I'd ever be alright with not making sure you feel safe and sound on this team..."
"I... I don't understand. You've been so patient with me... you've been so protective of me... you've been so..." Y/N moved back so they could study Spencer's expression, taking a deep breath before they whispered out their next words. "...understanding, of me..."
The genius smiled softly, gently placing his hands on their shoulders. "I guess you could say, I've... I've walked a lot more than just a mile in your shoes, Y/N."
In their mind, Y/N was kicking themself. It made so much sense why Spencer was so understanding, why he was so patient, why he was so committed to making sure they felt safe, why he was adamant about prioritizing their wellbeing in times they couldn't do that for themself... Spencer understood because he lived it.
"S-Spencer, You're..."
"Yeah," he answered quietly, still simpering, his tone of voice carrying an air of casualness. He didn't feel ashamed of it. He hadn't for a long time. He didn't want Y/N to feel ashamed for a second longer. "I have a question for you."
Y/N bit their lip and nodded to signal that Spencer could ask them whatever was on his mind in that moment. Nothing could have prepared them for what he was about to inquire, however.
"Would you be alright with some tickles?"
Butterflies traveled from their ear and down their body in mere seconds at the question. They could feel their cheeks and ears heating up with the intensity and speed of a high quality hot plate, or... perhaps that of a pocket warmer. No matter how many times the topic of tickling was brought up, despite their many tickle fights, though, to be fair, they weren't exactly tickle fights as much as they were simply Spencer tickling the daylights out of them, they would always grow flustered. Y/N was racking their brain for an answer, but their overthinking was interrupted when their friend gently squeezed their hand.
"It's perfectly alright if you're not up for it right now." Y/N nodded at Spencer's words, before taking a deep breath.
"I... I am... I'm just... It... IhIt never gets any easier to hear that word..."
Spencer's lighthearted chuckle made them smile, their wrists shaking with the beginnings of what would soon be very intense happy stimming. He knew Y/N wasn't feeling completely like themself, and was still very sensitive in the aftermath of their meltdown. As "unfair" of a ler, which is how had Y/N once put it, as Spencer could be, he knew that it wasn't the time for his usual methods.
Instead, in the dim lights of the empty office space, Y/N saw Spencer's slow wiggling fingers creep into view, and they pressed their lips together, already feeling the urge to giggle bubbling in their chest. "IhI already see that smile forming."
"Mmnot s-smiling..."
"The corners of your mouth keep twitching, and you only ever press your lips together when you're trying not to smile. I've known you nearly a year, Y/N. I'd be disappointed in myself if I couldn't tell when you were about to smile."
Y/N tried to furrow their brows and glare at him, but as his wiggling fingers suddenly got centimeter's away from their belly, they squeaked softly.
"Are you okay with some belly tickles?" Spencer's question was laced with care, with concern, wanting to make sure that he checked with them about each spot he targeted. Although the question had Y/N's face burning even hotter, they nodded, remaining timorous as Spencer carefully moved up their shirt the tiniest bit, before he began to trace delicate circles over the skin on their tummy.
They tried their best to stay still, and to not react, their stubbornness trying to outmatch their desire to giggle, however, when Spencer spidered his fingers a little faster, they began to squirm, the quietest little giggle sneaking out from their lips. "There's that giggle~"
"Mhmph! S-Spehehencer..."
"I'm still curious as to what part of your belly is the most ticklish."
"Y-Youhou h-havehehen't fihigured thahahat out yehet!?" Y/N hissed, gasping when Spencer tickled the skin right above their waist, body jolting from the super sensitive nerve endings being activated.
"I juhust did." He fluttered his fingers over the spot again, still at a careful pace, and grinned when he saw their hands begging to flap. "You're safe, Y/N. Safe to stim and giggle as much as you want to. You're not constricted by time or assignments right now."
The tickling remained gentle, light, and the comforting touch was helping Y/N to feel a little more present in their body again. "How about your sides? Are you alright with me tickling this spot?"
"M-Mhm- PFFHEEE! S-Spehenceherrr!" Y/N's back arched and they moved their fists toward and away from each other, giggling even harder when the tickling sensations increased two fold. Spencer slowed the tickles a little more, trailing his pointer fingers up and down repeatedly, and Y/N relaxed back into his arms, save for the occasional jump or breath hitch when it tickled more than they were expecting.
"You've done amazing navigating this entire situation, Y/N. I want you to hear that. Even if you can't believe it, even if you do believe it, but you doubt it, you're doing fantastic, and the entire team, especially me, we're all so proud of you."
There was something so oddly flustering about hearing such comforting words in the midst of the gentlest tickling, and Y/N resorted to closing their eyes, their happy stimming surging through their nervous system and leaving their body through their flapping hands.
"Is there any spot in particular you'd like me to tickle next?"
"IhIhI dohon't knohohow!" Y/N squeaked out, hiding their face in Spencer's shirt.
"Would back tickles be too much right now?" He really was so sweet, and Y/N was very grateful he was checking in so much.
"Gohohoho eheheasy, plehease."
Spencer obliged, and only used one finger to softly and slowly trace patterns on their back, smiling softly at the way Y/N curled into him, their giggles spiking in pitch every so often when he neared their spine. His heart was fluttering rapidly at the endearing sight of the joy returning to their body and mind, as the more he tickled them, and reminded them of how incredible they were, the more reassured they began to feel.
"No matter what that imposter syndrome tries to tell you, we do not see the failure you see. We don't see a burden, we don't see an obstacle. We see our teammate, Y/N. We see our friend. I see the person who I've grown to completely and utterly adore and adore being around." When Spencer lightly brushed over the spot where their sides met their back, they shrieked into his shirt, and sunk down, lying across his lap and looking at him.
"IhI'm sohohorry... IhI... I guehehess thahahat spohot ihihihis thehehehe wohorst spohohot noho mahahatter whahat..."
"Dohon't apologize, Y/N. I'm sorry I caught you off guard." He looked into their eyes, not taking any offense when they had to avert their gaze a couple of seconds later. "Are you all tickled out?"
With a sheepish bite of their lip, Y/N shook their head. "Noho? Okay. How about your neck?" After a nod of affirmation, Spencer fluttered his fingers on their skin, grinning each time Y/N scrunched their shoulders or lightly turned their head. Their legs were bouncing with happy stimming, arms tucked into their chest.
After a few more minutes, Y/N had built up the courage to timidly ask a question.
"Couhould youhou... cahahan youhouhou dohoho myhyhyhy f-fahavohorihite tehehease... plehease?"
Spencer had to fight the urge to audibly 'awww' over Y/N's timid question, and gently moved their arms out of the way, their happy stimming moving to their fingers. He set his hands on their sides, close to their hips, and bit by bit, began to walk his fingers up.
"Look out~ They're gonna get your ribs~" Y/N giggled even harder and had to cover their mouth to keep their loud squeak from echoing into the hallway. "They're gonna make you giggle and remind you how wonderful you are~"
Despite the playfulness, Y/N noticed that Spencer's singing in that moment was void of his usual teasing tone. He could tell that despite their giggling, that they were still feeling fragile. When he got to their ribs, he wiggled his fingers along them, moving up and down strategically. The two remained like that for a good ten minutes more, with Spencer always checking in before he moved to a new spot. Even after he'd stopped, Y/N's happy stimming remained.
"Hotch says we're set to return to the hotel for the day. Are you feeling alright enough to leave the room?"
"I-I think so... Thank you, Spencer. Thank you for everything." They pushed themself up a bit, and pressed a grateful kiss on Spencer's cheek.
"Of course, Y/N. Always." His face felt warm from the kiss, and he was thankful that in the low lighting, they couldn't see how red he was sure his face had become. "Um... Before we head back, would you like to get something to eat, somewhere? A-Anywhere? With... with me?"
Y/N's overthinking was beginning to creep up on them again, but they weren't about to let it spoil a chance to spend more time with someone they cared for so immensely, and without a second thought, they nodded with a smile. The negative words of the man only crossed their mind a couple more times that day, and even then, Spencer was right there to offer support, and reassurance, in the form of tickles, infodumps, and shared experience.
I am in such a lee mood for soft ler!Spencer rn 😭🤎 I owe a major thank you to @softestavengers for this headcanon about how Spencer would comfort an Autistic lee after a meltdown. They inspired me immensely!!! 💖💖💖 /p /gen
To my fellow ND readers who struggle with sensory overload, meltdowns, shutdowns, or nonverbal episodes, I'm sending you all of my love. Sensory overload is so stressful and meltdowns and shutdowns are so energy draining and scary. Please take care of yourselves 💜 /gen
Until next time,
-Ushu 🤍
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princebakshi · 2 years
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3collecurei · 3 years
what did tavros do - don't say "nothingwrong!", like, what did they do that people thank is wrong
I’m assuming you haven’t read Homestuck so I’m gonna try to summarize this kid’s random sporadic arcs interspersed through a million words
Tavros hangs out with a character named Vriska to whom he’s basically a walking doormat, I love him and I can admit this, she tells him what to do and who to be because a part of her cares about him since in this weird alien world anyone who isn’t willing to be a murderer for the government is going to end up getting murdered by the government before adulthood. So a part of him cares about her since in this weird alien race everyone hates each other and they’re in this friendly little foursome unit that roleplays together until they eventually get separated to work for the Fish Hitler dictator
Lots more readers side with Vriska in their various fights (including one to the death, Tavros’ death, F) partly because she’s the girl, partly because her backstory is much more fleshed out than his and you find out her guardian was super controlling and abusive. So unlike some Tavros stans I don’t completely hate Vriska, I understand why she does what she does even if I don’t condone it etc., plus I think that going through all that with her makes Tavros stronger in the end, even if that didn’t HAVE to be how he became strong
But it takes Tavros forever to finally stand up to her. Like, 6000 of the 8000 pages. And he’s a minor character in a cast of 100 named characters, and he dies more than once, and the author supposedly hated having to write him seriously
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randomnameless · 5 years
Thinking about that last post, the famous battle convo during chapter 17 of CF and the hidden books, I find the history behind the Empire’s creation fascinating.
Like, an immortal being helps a puny human to create his Empire - puny human dies but the immortal being doesn’t oversee it in stead of the puny human, nope, she isn’t even a seer or whatever (or we don’t know…? Rhea used to be there for new coronations, but given how the Empire said fig to the Church, what is their relationship? Is the Empire subservient to the Church, or the inverse, Rhea was just here for, uh “tradition”, putting some oil and tasty leaves on the new Emperor’s head then she’s escorted out?). Puny humans rule themselves and say fig to the immortal being.
Was the Empire created “first” and it decided to help the Church* to consolidate its power, fighting Nemesis not because it’s Seiros’ personal quest, but because Nemesis is preventing the Empire to dominate Fodlan?
Or was it a bunch of randoms who supported Seiros during her quest and reaped the benefits (suddenly those lands aren’t ruled by anyone, let’s rule them ourselves)?
The hidden book about the Calendar lampshades this, did Wilhelm change the calendar because it’d help create the Church, or did he change the calendar to assert his authority and Rhea thought she could use this vector to further her religion?
Funny to note that despite the prevalence of the Church of Seiros in its birth, the Empire is not a theocracy - which is kind of odd, if the ruling line descends from the prophet Seiros, why should they even listen to the Church led by a random (Rhea with wig)?
It wasn’t totally merged, maybe Rhea couldn’t give three figs about ruling Adrestia, maybe Lycaon I thought that as rad as Seiros was, he will inherit Dad’s Empire and not her (but then, did he knew about the blood pact or he thought she was his mom or something) ?
What we know :
Rhea’s upset having to fight Wilhelm’s scion even if she swore to kill her back then in the Holy Tomb
One of Rhea’s golems protecting her during the final map of CF is called Wilhelm
On Rhea’s side, she might have been fond of Wilhelm - he was her friend (?), she rewrites history calling him “Great Emperor Wilhelm” and for all of her reservations about using Sothis’ mere name, she doesn’t mind lending Seiros’ image to the Empire history, even if it leads to her having fictional (?) descendants**. But when the Empire decides to cut its ties, she doesn’t react (or we don’t know but there is no mention in the game that the Church despises the Empire or took any proactive action against them because they kicked the southern branch away).
Wilhelm doesn’t have a recorded death, but he gave his all to the cause of defeating Nemesis - it could be infered that he gave his life to kill Nemesis (and it failed!)
Edel knows from the imperial telephone that Wilhelm helped Lizards
Wilhelm’s calendar uses/endorses Seirosist (??) notions with all of the moons involved
The Emperors used to be coronated by the Church
The Church mediated between Loog and the Empire who just lost their head (iirc Loog killed the Emperor during the OG battle of the Eagles and the Lions?)
Some stuff happened and the Empire kicked out the Southern branch
At one point the Church and the Empire were cosy - like really working together, then they separated, but the Church still had some importance (a southern branch, a ceremonial at least). Then the Empire cut all of its ties to the Church and the rest happens in the game.
* Church here refers the the Church of Seiros, since we know that before Seiros there used to be several churches, at least in Enbarr given how Seteth met his wife there - I suppose they were worshipping Sothis. Is Rhea’s version of the cult more of a twist of the ancient cult or something else altogether just keeping the name of the goddess? It also means that if there used to be a religion about Sothis (Sothisism) it wasn’t as respected or implemented in society because Nemesis and the Dudes saw #nothingwrong with pillaging her remains and rekting her children… So it might be another reason why Seirosism was more institutionalised than Sothisism, not that we have any clues on what the fig was going before the Seiros era because IS hates us
**Seteth hates raunchy novels and destroys the ones involving his sister, so what was his reaction when he read the book of Seiros “the Hresvelg descend from Seiros herself” was he “WTF” or “Flayn has cousins and I never noticed??”
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