acrosstobear · 2 years
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MICK SCHUMACHER receives a lion stuffie, along with adoption papers for King the lion, as a part of this year’s F1 Driver’s Secret Santa -- and he wonders if he can go visit, pet and play fetch with the lion
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angelfire115 · 5 years
The one who fell part 6
Alice woke up startled, she looked around her, her breathing heavy. As she glanced around the room, she noticed she wasn't anywhere that she recognized. The room she was in was small but red. She got jumpscared when she noticed an elegant buck head right above the bed. She got out from the bed, noticing she was wearing a night gown and was no longer covered in blood. Her memory resurfaced in her mind and she remembered being cornered, covered in blood and there was Alastor. Her heart stopped as she put two and two together. Was she in Alastors house? She slowly made her way to the door and slowly opened it. The sound of old music she's only ever heard play at her grandparents house, filled her ears. As she stepped out and walked down the hallway, passing several rooms, she followed the music. As it got louder and she could see the end of the hall, she peeked her head around the corner.
It looked like a lounge room but an old style type, something like 1920's or 30's. It even smelled old, she saw a kitchen as well near her but luckily, no Alastor. The door was right there, she was so close to it. All she had to do was sneak out and run for it, all the way back at the hotel. She also noticed she didn't have those weapons but she didn't care. She could handle Angels complaints later, right now, she had to get out of there alive. She stepped out from the corner and made her way to the front door. When she made it, she grabbed the door knob. Alastor: "Where do you think you're going, deary?". The sound of his voice made her yelp and swing her hand at him. Before it could hit, he quickly caught her hand. She looked up at him, fear in her eyes. He grabbed her wrist and held it tightly. Not enough to hurt but enough to know, she couldn't escape easily. But she wouldn't give up so she tried to tug at it but, to no avail. Alice: "Let, go, please". She begged him to let go, begged him to leave her alone. This futile struggling caused Alastor to smile wider at her failed efforts. His insides tickled with enjoyment. Seeing her so pathetic and failing at every turn. The fear and despair in her eyes was such a spectacle to him.
He, of course, would love to see her writhe in pain and despair more but there was something he needed to ask of her. He grabbed her hand and spun her, the spinning magically changing her clothes to a short blue dress, her hair tied up in a bun and a flower appearing in her hair, then he dipped her. Her expression changed to confusion on what he was doing. Still dipped, he gave her a big smile. Alastor: "Sorry for that Alice but I do have some questions for you, why don't we dance as well?". Alice: "Huh?". Before she could speak, the music changed to a more slower but bouncy song. With that he guided into a dance. She was still confused, why she was dancing with this guy? She was pretty much forced too but still. Alastor: "Now, before we continue, there's those questions I have. First question". She was dipped again but was held there for a bit. Alastor: "Why are you here my dear? I could tell from the first time I laid eyes on you". He got closer to her face, his eyes lowered. Alastor: "You aren't suppose to be here, are you?". This guy was a lot smarter then she initially thought.
Just from looking at her, he could tell she wasn't a normal demon or even a demon at all. He lifted her up and then up again and spun around while holding her hips and holding her up in the air. He placed her down and spun her once again till he held her back and her hand with his other, forcing her to look back at him. Alastor: "Second question, how did you end up here?". They continued their dance once more, her thoughts started running on what she should tell him. Should she say the truth or lie? If she lied, she'd knew she'd be dead if he saw through her or found out about it later on from someone else. She was spun once again, when she stopped, he bowed to her, holding her hand, then kissed her knuckles which forced her face to go red. She immediately retracted her hand from him and held it. Rubbing where he kissed to get rid of the sensation he left with his lips. She thought on what to say, what would he do if he knew but what would he do if she lied?
She had to lay down her options but there was only one she had choose. Alice: "*Sigh* you're right Alastor, I'm not a demon, I'm a human". This made his eyes lower and his smile widen, so he was right then, what an interesting day this turned out to be. Alice: "I don't fully know how I got here but I know it was an accident, these people had weird items and a pentagram drawn on the ground, I stepped on it and then, I ended up here". Alastor: "Hmm, interesting, so it was an accident and not on purpose?". She nodded in response, still slightly nervous. Alastor: "I see, you don't look like someone who would practice that type of art of voodoo and magic". He turned away from her, still thinking about it. Alice looked around him to the door, she really wanted to get out of here. Alice: "Well, I told you so, can I go or....". She backed up, waiting for him to lunge at her to kill her. Alastor looked back at her, confused. Alastor: "Oh yes, sorry about that dear". He moved aside to let her pass, her face became confused.
He was letting her go? After everything that happened, she was able to leave, unscathed. As she walked slowly passed him, taking this opportunity, he grabbed her shoulder making her jump. Alastor: "I almost forgot, those weapons you were carrying are still in my storage room, I'll go fetch them for you". Alice settled herself, relieved that was what he stopped her for but she still wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Alice: "Oh no, its fine, they're not really mine". Alastor turned to walk to the hallway. Alastor: "Nonsense my dear, it will only be a minute and anyway, I'm coming with you so I'll help carry them. I won't let a lady walk all on her own back to the hotel". This made her heart stop again, this was something she definitely didn't want. Being left alone with him at his house was bad enough, she just wanted to get out of there and sprint back at the hotel leaving everything behind. But when he came back, hands filled with weapons and explosives while his smile still as wide as ever on his face. She knew that wouldn't happen today.
As she grabbed a few of them, he insisted on carrying most of them. He maybe terrifying but he can be a gentleman at times. Wish the evil murdering overlord demon part wasn't there, then she'd probably like him a bit more. Most likely would have had a crush on him or something too. A lot of girls would back in the real world. Gentlemen like himself where a rare find. Probably why she didn't bother with love, not until she met the right one after all. As they silently walked back to the hotel, getting strange looks from some who would instantly look away because of the radio demon being present was odd. I guess a terrifying beast does come with a price of no one wanting anything to do with you. Alice: *I wonder if he gets lonely because of it*. She wondered what it was like ad a demon overlord, he doesn't seem to live a life of luxury, his looks really simple on the inside and out but it was cleaner then most of the houses around.
Alastor: "Is there something on your mind Alice?". Alice peered up at him, he stopped his humming and everything. Alice: "Well, I was just wondering, since you are one of the top demons of hell from what I've been told, you are incredibly powerful and everyone fears you". He hummed in response, letting her continue. Alice: "But, doesn't it get lonely? Being so violent and feared that no one seems to approach or even look at you?". As she spoke that, she looked around, watching other demons look away, cross the street and pretty much doing everything they could to avoid them both. Alastor tilted his head and hummed in thought. Alastor: "Well I think there are a lot of perks in being powerful and cruel. Being able to watch my victims writhe in despair and agony while I slowly tear them to shreds mentally and physically is the most enjoyable time I could ever have and having the ability to do so with no one to challenge you is nice as well". Shivers went down Alices spine as she listened to his description of "fun". Alastor: "Alas, I don't exactly search for any kind of attachment, not exactly anything interesting in that".
Alice: "But why not? If you were human, how do you not feel that way?". Alastor: "Oh sweetheart, its funny how your innocent mind works, this is hell, a world filled with demons at every corner. The good side of our humanity leaves us as soon as we depart into this world of hatred and death. There is no turning back". It made sense, being in a world of hatred, a world where people who sin in the living, die and lose themselves here. But it still confused her on why some demons, like Vaggie and Charlie, are so nice. Alice: "If that's true, then why does Charlie want to redeem demons? If she is a demon herself, then why does she have kindness and an attachment to others but also, why do you help her?". Alastor: "Hahahaha, that's only her naivity talking, her beliefs in puring the tainted are absolutely proposturous and well, I'm only there to watch those that climb up the stairs of betterment to fail and fall back down to darkness, it will definitely happen and I can't wait till it does. It will be such a fantastic show." She looked away, part of her believed, of course but some parts were a bit skeptical. She would have to see to find out.
They both finally made it to the hotel and when they entered found Vaggie yelling her lungs out at Angel who sat with crossed legs and arms, not exaclty happy. Charlie sat at the dining tables, her face sad. Her eyes were puffy and red too, has she been crying? As soon as they walked in, Vaggie stopped to stare at them both. Charlie looked up as well and as soon as she saw Alice, got up in glee and ran to hug to the girl. Alice was very confused, what was the fuss about? Charlie: "You're alive, Oh my god, you're alive". Tears flowed down her cheeks as she kept hugging Alice. Alice would have hugged back but her hands were full with explosives. Alice: "Yeah, I am, did something happen?". Charlie took a second to wipe her tears as she calmed her breathing. Charlie: "Well, we thought you were dead because we found the ally filled with blood and well, we thought the worst". Alice would have thought that was understandable if not for the fact that she remembered the body with the hole in it. Alastor: "Oh yes, sorry about that, I took the body as well for lunch". The knowledge that he ate the body almost made her throw up. Alice: "You ate it?". Alastor: "Well of course, I am a cannibal". The new information on Alastor weighed in her mind but only for a minute as Charlie spoke again.
Charlie: "Wait, did you save her Alastor?". Alastor: "Yes indeedy, she looked like she was in a spot of trouble so I helped out. Wouldn't want our first guest to up and be killed now would we?". Alice rolled her eyes at his comment. Knowing full well that wasn't the reason he saved her. Charlie apparently bought it and jumped in glee. Angel dust: "See? I told ya she was still alive". Alice looked behind Charlie to see Angel dust standing all proud of himself as he spoke to Vaggie. Vaggie however, wasn't having it. Vaggie: "Yeah but only because Alastor was there to save her, if he wasnt, we'd be finding her body instead, all because you dragged her along for some fun". Angel dust: "What? She was totally fine with it so why the fuss?". Before Vaggie could speak, Alice approached the two. Alice: "Hey, it's fine, I did agree to it so its my fault as well". Vaggie hmphed in response, not happy to let Angel off the hook but apparently had too.
Angel lit up again as he saw what both Alastor and Alice were holding. Angel dust: "Hey, you got them all, awesome. Now we just have to sell them and bam, we got a full pack of cash, you can have some too if ya want, Alice". Alice shook her head in response, having money would be good but she didn't want to get it from stealing and selling weapons. Alice: "No thanks Angel, I'm good". Angel shrugged in response as he was about to take them off her hands. Vaggie stepped in, grabbing Angels arms that reached out while glaring at him. Vaggie: "That ain't happening Angel, you've caused too much trouble so your punishment is having these confiscated as well". Angels face dropped in a mixture of disbelief and anger. He pulled away from Vaggies grip as he flailed in anger. Angel dust: "Oh come on Vaggie, you already took the other half, why can't I just sell these ones? We could put it towards the hotels funds if ya want". Charlie: "We're not supporting the hotel with stolen weapons and selling them illegally". Angel dust: "Technically everything illegal in the living world is legal here, it is hell". Vaggie and Charlie glared devilish eyes while Alastor watched amusingly from yhe distance. Alice was just nervous for him. Angel sighed in frustration and gave in. Angel dust: "Fine, fine, have it your way". He walked away towards the couch and flopped back on it. With another sigh, he slid into the couch, letting himself be absorbed by its cushions. Charlie: "Will he be alright?". Vaggie rolled her eyes and turned back to the pile of weapons that Alice and Alastor placed on the ground.
Vaggie: "He'll be fine, anyway, we should probably get rid of these". Charlie: "Where did you put the last bunch?". Vaggie: "In the never-ending pit". She said that pretty smuggly, while Angel dust groans in annoyance. The never-ending pit is exactly what it sounds like, a pit that never ends. After each extermination, any body parts that had no use, would be thrown down the dark abyss, never to be filled at any point in time. Alastor: "Oh no need, allow me". With a snap of Alastors fingers, all the weapons had disappeared. Alice: *That's a very handy trick*. When all was done, everyone went about their business, except Angel who kept sulking on the couch for the rest of the day. When night time arrived, everyone disappeared to their homes and hotel rooms to rest. Alice followed suit after the doors were officially closed by Charlie. As she followed her down the halls to her own room, something sparked in her head. She had totally forgot to tell Charlie about her secret on being a living human. As she saw her about to open her room door, she thought this would be the perfect time to tell her.
Alice: "Wait Charlie, I've got something to tell you". Charlie stopped at her door to look over to her friend with a small welcoming smile. Charlie: "Is it the same one you tried to tell me yesterday?". Alice nodded her head as she relaxed and let go of her shoulder. Now she was starting to get nervous. She accidentally let it slip at Angel but he was okay with it. Alastor forced her to tell him while dancing and he seems more curious and entertained by it. Even though Charlie has been incredibly nice to her, she was still nervous to say but still, she had to trust her, she's the only one thats been helping her cope since she's been here. With a deep breath, she was ready to spill the beans. Alice: "What I wanted to tell you was-". *BOOM!!!*.
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