#HGAU bios
hermit-god-au-pog · 3 years
[OLD AND MAY BECOME NON-CANON LATER ON] Hermit-Gods and their Bio’s
Some of these might change, might add or edit some stuff later, but for now, heres the first 5! Hope ya’ll enjoy!
Also, long-ish post, so under the cut!
BDoubleO- God of Slumber
Real Godly name?; Endri
Pronouns; He/Him
Extra Domains?; Subconscious & Dreams
Event(s) that would make them happy?; A whole server-wide slumber party. All the hermits come over(probably pretty early), Bdubs has set up an area of beds. And right as night hits, everyone gets in their beds to sleep. (Hermits would have to be tired during the day or get tired so everyone can sleep together)
Myth?; After years of torment, of no sleep, only working for a being that corrupted him, he escaped, he was free! The first thing he did, when he knew he was safe, he allowed himself to sleep, to rest. He dreamed for the first time in ages. Now, after a person has a terrible and very taxing few days, or had to fight their way through it physically or mentally, at the end of that week, they’ll have a wonderful dream, and wake up to a soft voice in the morning.
What one would hear after? ‘Aha! A wondrous sleep for a brave survivor, keep at it ya amazing thing
TinfoilChef- God of mining
Real Godly name?; Oynx
Pronouns; He/Him
Extra Domains?; Tools
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Being with a group of people, doesn’t have to be the whole server. Having a family dinner-like event. They all have dinner then later help sort through all the materials TFC has collected, and everyone gets to go home with a stack of something.
Myth?; TFC went on and came back from a dangerous mining expedition, risking his life to get riches of plenty for him and his friends. So every time someone comes back with a hefty haul after a rough mining trip, they'll hear a soft whisper of his voice.
What one would hear after? 'With your perseverance and persistence, you can do anything' or 'Does your back hurt yet? Haha, great work'
MumboJumbo- God of contraptions
Real Godly name?; Jaxith
Pronouns; He/Him
Extra Domains?; Redstone, Potatoes, deadly/dangerous contraptions
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Being able to collab on Redstone project or ramble on a new project or interest and have someone or some people to actually listen, or be there to listen. Hell even if they were doing it to sleep, Mumbo loves to be able to gush and talk about what he loves. So like, a show and tell! Of different projects, he and his friends are proud of.
Myth?; After time and time again, hundreds of fails and slow inching progress, he never gave up on his project. And in the end, after ages, he finished it! It worked and did what it was intended. Now, when someone sticks a frustrating and difficult Redstone contraption through, they'll hear the soft voice.
What one would hear after? 'Oh! I’m chuffed to bits with this! It's finally working!'
GeminiTay- Goddess of forests
Real Godly name?; Xylon
Pronouns; She/her
Extra Domains?; n/a or TBD
Event(s) that would make them happy?; a big ol picnic underneath one of her/or any custom tree’s or in the forest. Everyone just having a good time, relaxing, and nothing too extravagant going on. Maybe a little organic build off as well
Myth?; All she wanted was to live peacefully in her village, taking on the challenges of the world at her own pace, but sometimes you need to do things you don’t want to, or that make you uncomfortable, to realize how good your life is. So after doing something that makes you very uncomfortable or out of place, once you realize the love you have for your normal life you’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Isn’t it just wonderful? I’m so happy to see this!’
Grian- God of shenanigans & mischief
Real Godly name?; Xelquas
Pronouns; He/She/They
Extra Domains?; Advocate for creatures of flight
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Something that has happened many times, server-wide shenanigans! Like the civil war, demise, mycelium resistance, thats the good cush
Myth?; He was hurt for so long, he was usually the nice guy or one of the nicest, he tried to be good but chaos was in his nature, it was built into him. Finally one day, a group of people sought him out, encouraged his chaos. Now, when someone holds in their true self, to make others happy, and have a moment of realization. When they do something that makes them happy, but they know isnt something others in courage, a little voice says.
What one would hear after? ‘Arnt you tired of being nice? Don’t you wanna go ape-shit?’ or ‘Stop holding back, let the real you lose, it’ll be fun!’
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hermit-god-au-pog · 3 years
[OLD AND MAY BECOME NON-CANON LATER ON] Hermit-Gods and their Bio’s pt.2
Part 2 babyyyyy’s! 5 more hermit Bios done! Pog!
I hope you guys like these haha, any feedback is appreciated! Also, Joe and Cleo are in this and im still frightened by the fact both of them have tumblr lol But im 70% sure they’ll never find this place, if they do I hope they enjoy the au involving their characters lol!
All the bios under the cut
Xisuma- God of Masks/forms
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; They/them/Ze/Zem
Extra Domains?; n/a or TBD
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Honestly? A more chill masquerade ball. Probably starting early evening, the part goes on for a while, everyone has some sort of mask and fun or fancy outfit, and they have a big ol fun party. And later in the night, everyone gathers around, Xisuma puts on a little admin magic show and they probably have a little bond fire, everyone switching outfits with others to see what they’d look like, often causing shenanigans.
Myth?; He always wanted to make others happy, knowing the ones around him had hard lives. He had struggles of his own but he could tell others were less in control of their demons, so using voice changers, costumes, masks, anything, he tried to help the ones he so desperately wanted to laugh or smile. If he didn’t succeed, he tried again even harder. The day he got his dad to laugh and calm down while being in a fit of rage, was one of his happiest moments. Now after someone is able to make someone genuinely happy, laugh, or cheer up using a funny face, prop, or disguise, a little voice says.
What one would hear after? ‘Well isn’t that just splendid, it feels so nice to see them smile, doesn’t it?’
ZombieCleo- Goddess of Puppetry
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; She/Her/any
Extra Domains?; sculpting & necromancy
Event(s) that would make them happy?; People reacting to her armor stands in general. + She’ll ask for a little help and set on a full-on show in a makeshift theater using her armor stands and some magical help. Every hermit who isn’t helping gathers in the audience to watch the show and after marvel and gush over Cleo’s hard work and planning she did. Cause like it is truly amazing though.
Myth?; She wasn’t always so guarded and slightly ruthless. She once has faith in the world and who lived in it. But after her death and multiple witnesses’ not saying anything, she would soon grow cold. After waking up in a bed, she was met with the watcher symbol, to be told she was now a god, but instead of going out for revenge, she used her newfound power to manipulate and puppet the ones who had hurt her into ruining their own lives, sabotage themselves, and when they were at their lowest, she left them to deal with it themselves. After she let out her rage she went on to use her magic for good, using her power to lead people in the right directions in their life, help newly reanimated corpses(the sentient ones) to understand life and how to work with their new bodies. Now, whenever someone helps a sentient undead being or uses their bigger power to genuinely help others below them, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Yaknow, you could have done a really bad thing right there, but you did the opposite. Maybe there is more good in this world than we may think. You did good pal, you did good’
Joehills- God of Wisdom
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; he/him
Extra Domains?; glitched or unjust deaths
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Storytime. Either he or Ren will sit on a chair and the hermits will gather in front of them like they’re back in grade school to hear the stories. Sometimes it’ll be true, fiction, realistic fiction, or even myths or legends! Everyone gets snacks and drinks and get to listen to them reading
Myth?; He had a good life, and made an amazing friend, who he didn’t care was immortal and stronger than he was. And for years he lived his mortal lives surrounded by immortals, seeming to be blending in somehow. Probably due to his vast vocabulary and knowledge he had on hand at all times, and his desire to learn new things. But after an unfortunate death and soon revival, he learned to appreciate life so much more than he had. Now when someone is revived, comes close to death, or uses their knowledge to help keep them or someone else alive, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Life is such a precious thing, and you never know when you might lose it, it’s a fragile and random thing. Yet you’re here to see another day. Please treasure that feeling and keep your head up. It’s gonna be ok.’
Rendog- God of Fables&Legends
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; He/Him/ Any
Extra Domains?; Dogs 
Event(s) that would make them happy?; The same as Joe’s actually, that makes him very happy + huge cuddle pile, doesn’t have to be the whole server just a big cuddle pile cause yes
Myth?; He grew up with a decent life, it had pros and cons. He became a god around the time he was a teen. Due to his current obsessions with the past and myths and legends, he had quite a lot of knowledge on hand. And when he noticed the signs of a previous legend coming to be, he was able to convince the ones he loved to leave the area. But he secretly stayed behind. Tho he died killing this legendary beast, his sacrifice was not in vain. Due to his sacrifice and such kind heart, he was brought back with unspeakable power. Though his life got so much more difficult after that moment, he never regretted a moment of it. Now when someone uses a legend or myth to solve a problem or save someone, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Great job Cyber-Dog! That was amazing what you just did, now why don’t you go out and learn a few more to keep in your back pocket~’
Welsknight- God of the knights/protectors
Real Godly name?; Elex
Pronouns; They/Them/Ze/Zem
Extra Domains?; Armor
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Big ol slumber party, kinda like bdubs but less extreme + Sparring matches + Concerts! They like to sing sea shanties to the hermits
Myth?; Actually being born in the medieval time, ze grew up and always wanted to be a knight, it was their dream for all their life. And when zey were old enough, their dream came true, zey had become a knight. And due to their strength and intelligence in training, they quickly rose in the ranks. One day, when the kingdom was attacked, Ze disobeyed orders and went to check on the princess to see her being attacked. Ze lost their life that day, but it was a worthy sacrifice, and the kingdom did not forget their sacrifice either. They had a statue dedicated after them and everything. When they were revived as a god, instead of going home, Zey decided to explore the world, see what else was out there and aims to protect others. Now when someone intends to sacrifice themselves for another/a group of people or swears on their life to protect someone or something, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘That’s a mighty big promise you made. But in your heart, I can see what you say is true. There are ones watching over you, you are a worthy knight young one’
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