#ill try to get another batch soon
photogirl894 · 6 months
Hey Morgan!
Sorry to be popping in again so soon with another request. You're amazing and obviously ignore this if it's too much or anything 😂
If you don't mind, could I have a sick!reader with Tech taking care of her? I've been feeling pretty miserable and would love some clones to take care of me 😍
Thank you bestie 😁
Bestie, I am so sorry you've been feeling sick the last couple days 🥺 I would give you a big hug if I could!
I know you told me to pick the prompts myself for this, which was a fun challenge! I hope you like the ones I picked! I picked one from Fluff/Romance, one from Angst and two from Physical Affection! 😊
28. “Your smile brightens every room you walk in.”
26. “I would rather die.”
14. Comforting hug
30. Carrying someone bridal style
Pairing: Tech x fem reader
It had been a while since you'd been sick and it was hitting you hard.
It had started off with mild congestion that you thought had been caused by just the atmosphere of the planet you and the Bad Batch had just been to, but it persisted and got worse. Then your throat began to hurt to where it felt like you were swallowing razors.
You had Tech check you over when things didn't seem to get any better and the others were starting to get concerned. He checked your vitals and your temperature and you were starting to develop a fever along with everything else. You definitely caught some sort of virus. From what source, Tech was trying to figure out.
Though, you were stubborn, just like the rest of them and wanted to keep going and doing your part for the squad. You kept working on things in the ship, ignoring everyone's pleas for you to stop and to rest. Unfortunately, you ended up overexerting yourself and you nearly passed out on the floor. Luckily, Tech had been close by and had caught you in his arms.
"All right, my dear, enough of this foolishness," he stated as he swept you off your feet and carried you bridal style to your bunk on the ship. "You are too ill for anymore manual labor and your symptoms will only worsen should you persist. I am taking you to bed and you are going to get proper rest."
You could only groan in protest, but it was very weak.
After he put you to bed, you tried to sleep, but you ended up developing aches and chills throughout your whole body, which made you incredibly uncomfortable and sleep evaded you. Not long later, you called out for Tech and he came into the room with a small cup in his hand as well as a couple blankets.
"I assume you have aches and chills now?" he asked you.
You nodded, moaning painfully.
"I predicted this would happen," he said. Then he held out the cup to you and said, "Drink this. It will help."
You knew he was trying to get you to take some medicine that more than likely had an awful taste to it and the thought of that made your stomach churn.
"I would rather die," you said flatly.
He gave an unamused look. "I'll hear no such talk from you," he scolded you. You were shivering and, after setting the cup down momentarily, he took the blankets and laid them on you. "If you were to perish, then we would be devoid of your kind spirit and your lovely smile, which would be most unfortunate," he then said kindly to you as he tucked the blankets in around you to help keep you warm.
Through your shivers, you asked him, caught off guard, "Y--you...you th--think my s-smile is...lovely?"
Tech smiled down at you with a smile so soft, it would've made you swoon, were you not so sick, weak and bedridden. Yet it still made your heart flutter nevertheless.
"My dear, your smile brightens every room you walk in. I see it every day," he informed you. Then he took back up the cup of medicine and told you again to drink it.
With a groan of disgust, you replied, "You can't j--just compliment a girl like that and th--then tell her to dr--drink something nasty."
"I can if it means ensuring that you will regain your health and strength," he retaliated. "Now, please drink the medicine before I am forced to administer it through more assertive methods."
You gulped nervously, which was a mistake as it only aggravated your sore throat even more. Then finally, you sat up, took the cup from him and just downed it in one quick gulp to just get it over it. The flavor, as you predicted, was bitter and harsh in taste. It made you shudder and gag, but at least it was done.
Tech took the cup from you and said, "It should make you drowsy shortly, which will help you get some better sleep and combat the remainder of your symptoms. You must now focus on recovering from this ailment so you can return to normal. It pains me to see you in such a miserable state."
"I appreciate that, Tech," you replied as you leaned back against the wall and sighed. "I hate being sick...so much. I hate feeling miserable, but having to be isolated so I don't get anyone else sick. It sucks not having someone hold me or even just be there with me when I could really use someone."
"Then I will not leave you alone, even if it means your sickness transfers to me," he suddenly declared.
Then, to your even greater surprise, he pulled you into a tight yet gentle and comforting hug, his hands pressing down into your back. Even though his pressure hurt slightly from your aches, you didn't care. You were getting a hug from Tech, which was incredibly rare and something you'd only dreamed of getting from him. His embrace and the words he'd said gave you everything you needed in that moment and you gladly hugged him back.
He then stripped down to his blacks, moved himself onto the bed and continued to hold you, offering you both warmth to fight your shivers as well as comfort to ease your unpleasantness. You felt as though you could've stayed in his arms forever. The medicine soon took effect and you could feel your eyelids growing heavy as sleep took you, the last thing you heard before drifting off was Tech promising that he would be there when you awoke.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's Angst prompts
Photogirl894's Physical Affection prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
can you make headcanons for all the tadc cast with a reckless reader?
also, have a good day :)
TADC cast x reckless! reader!
last post for this batch! ill get right back to answering stuff soon! my cinnamon roll dough is almost done with its first rise and ill have to shape them soon! also gotta make the frosting..! short post since the base of one of my thumbs is getting a lil sore idk if its because ive been typing so much these past few days or if i just slept on my hand wrong; maybe both
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youre in luck reader! you cant really get hurt in the digital world...! well, not... traditionally.. you can definitely still feel pain, thats for sure, but i dont think your digital body has any bones to break or skin to scrape..! so hey at least you can kind of be as reckless as you want without consequence...! except, there are consequences. caine is not at all happy at your recklessness.. i mean sure yeah some of his IHAs can be more... intense, i mean zooble almost got turned into a gloink, but..! i think he tones down his adventures just so you wont throw yourself into the danger
tries to stop you but her words fall short as you run in yelling into whatever the threat is without a second thought. "i- wait- er..." and youre gone, leaving pomni to hurry and try to catch up with you. she probably has to drag you to safety, assuming this isnt a case where you got all glitched up by an abstracted circus member.. shes gonna have to work herself up to get you to chill out; perhaps ending in a whole emotional thing where she just. explodes? perhaps
just because you cant get hurt doesnt mean shes not going to fuss over you. if there were a need for it i think she would keep a pack of Band-Aids on her. however, because you guys cant get hurt in that way, she tries to keep you in bed when you inevitably get knocked a little too hard and need to rest it off. dont even think about trying to get up out of bed, shes going to give you this stern look that only a few percentage of people can muster.
you know the look
the stern one
scolds you too if you get caught up in something real dangerous
only really softens up if you threw yourself in danger for the sake of another person, because i think ragatha would do the same
"bet you cant make that jump"
"bet i <> can!"
que you absolutely eating shit after you fail to make that jump, comically flipping over yourself and face planting. you probably have cartoon birds circling around your head. jax laughs at you before eventually coming over to help you up. he will not let you live this kind of stuff, down
he gets so so scared when youre not in his sight, i think if he knew you were willingly throwing yourself into harms way? this man would have a heart attack! like really, or he would if he still had his organs and stuff...if he could he would keep you in his pillow fort with him forever... but he cant, so he has to settle with following you around with meek attempts to try to stop you
zooble would do similar stuff as jax, but when you actually. go to do the dangerous thing they just pull you back. "dude. i wasnt being serious"
bro has to keep you on one of those kid leashes because your first instinct someone says "bet" or "no balls" or anything in that vein, you need to prove yourself
her comedy mask probably falls off from the sheer shock from how easily you just. launch yourself into things. on one hand she worries for you, but on the other hand she cant help but feel a little jealous; i mean shes just ribbon and a mask, shes not really... tough... strong.. durable... she wants to be able to run around and do the things you do but theres that fear of being immediately broken down or overpowered, you know? didnt mean to get silly there; anyways i think she would try to keep in you bed to sleep off the soreness, like ragatha
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electrikworm · 2 months
An intervention
Relationships: Crosshair & Hunter & Tech & Wrecker
Content Warnings: Appendicitis, Medical Procedures
After training, Wrecker is left with a sharp pain in his abdomen. Not seeing it as a pressing issue, Wrecker choses to ignore it. It's lucky for him that his brothers aren't going to let him avoid a trip to medbay forever.
Written for @summer-of-bad-batch Week 5: "You're a bad liar."
Word count: 1,743
Read on Ao3
Wrecker's stomach hurts as they come out of training. He fell pretty hard a couple times, but can't remember what he did to cause that particular pain. Still, none of his injuries are worth mentioning, so the medbay isn't even considered. Wrecker hates it either way, always relieved when he can avoid a trip there. Despite skipping lunch, Wrecker doesn't feel particularly hungry. He pokes at the dull rations they've been served, something beige and crumbly, as he listens to his brothers talk. It's mostly Tech, going over what plan they'd used in the training simulation. Wrecker zones out halfway through, focusing on trying to recall when he fell on his chest. When they leave the cantina, he's barely ate a quarter of his meal. Wrecker had originally thought the stomach pain may be from hunger, but now it's clear it isn't. Eating has just made him feel worse. The bruising his abdomen must bare is agitated as he walks, making Wrecker want to lay down as soon as possible. When Wrecker showers, there's no visible bruising anywhere near his stomach. He pays no mind to it. A lot of bruises only show the next day. Wrecker curls up in his bunk as soon as he gets to the barracks. His vode won't sleep any time soon, so Wrecker takes comfort in the sound of them going about their evening. Pressing his one palm flat to his stomach, Wrecker uses his free hand to pull his blanket high up. Despite him having no knowledge of how he sustained the injury, it's by far the worst of Wrecker's pains. Maybe he's caught something, though Wrecker doubts it, seeing as he's showing no other symptoms of illness. He could tell his brothers, maybe get something for the pain, but their stash of medical supplies, the one they're not supposed to have, is small. A stomach ache is hardly a reason to use up supplies his vode might need. It'll probably be gone by morning, Wrecker reasons, curling up tighter. When his brothers climb in their own bunks, the pain gets harder to bare. It's too quiet, nothing distracting Wrecker from his discomfort. He holds Lula tightly. At least that comfort remains.
Wrecker doesn't sleep, not really. He squirms in his bunk, sometimes finding a comfortable position for a while, then he'll do something like breath too deep and has to find another. His blanket keeps going from too hot, to not nearly warm enough, making Wrecker have to keep kicking it off, only to reach for it blindly again minutes later.
He almost calls out to his brothers a few times, exhaustion and pain threatening to get the better of him. But they're not little kids any more. If the rumors are anything to go by, and Tech believes they are, Clone Force 99 is going to graduate and be deployed soon. They'll be real soldiers soon, destroying droids and fighting for the Republic.
Wrecker's too old to be whining to his brothers in the middle of the night, disturbing their sleep. All because he's sore.
When his vode wake, Wrecker has to get up like any other day. He pushes it out as far as he can, only springing into motion at the last second. Wrecker inhales sharply as he stands up, the pain almost making his knees buckle. He limps slightly as he gets dressed. Thankfully, his brother's weren't watching him.
He manages to walk upright as he and his brothers make their way to the cantina. Behind the thick blanket of searing pain, Wrecker can feel his hunger. But the thought of eating makes Wrecker want to be sick.
Once again, he barely touches his rations. This time, someone takes notice.
“Why aren't you eating?” Crosshair asks. Wrecker shrugs.
“Not hungry.”
“You're always hungry.” Crosshair eyes Wrecker, leaning halfway across the table to stare at him.
“Not today.” Wrecker doesn't look at his brothers, turning his focus to the gray paste in the bowl in front of him. He forms a hole in the middle of it. The watery part of the meal collects in the centre as it separates from the solids. Wrecker has no idea what it's made of. It tastes acidic, almost chemical, and it's salty.
“That is highly unusual.” Tech states. “You haven't had a full meal since yesterdays breakfast.”
Wrecker pushes the bowl away from himself, suddenly sickened by the sight of the well of gray water in the paste. “Maybe I'm past my growth spurts.”
“You're not.” Tech says. “And even if you were, your caloric intake will always have to be higher. It goes hand in hand with being a clone.”
“Does it matter why I'm not hungry? I'm just not.” Wrecker huffs. “Maybe I'm just sick of the osik they feed us.”
“You still have to eat something.” Hunter says, like he doesn't complain about the food they're served daily.
“Already did.” Wrecker doesn't mention that it was just two spoonfuls.“I'm going to prep for training. See you later.”
Not wanting his brothers to argue further, Wrecker stands up. Only this time, he doesn't do so as gracefully. The pain in his side flares, forcing Wrecker to hunch over and clutch at his stomach. A pathetic little gasp slips out of Wrecker's mouth, tears welling in his eyes.
His brothers are up immediately, hovering at Wrecker's side. That alone would be bad enough, but Wrecker cause enough of a scene for every reg at the surrounding tables to be staring at him as he embarrasses himself.
“What's wrong? Are you hurt?” Crosshair fusses, making Wrecker feel deeply ashamed of his own behaviour.
“Nothing's wrong, I'm fine.” Wrecker forces out as he pants for air through the pain.
“You're a bad liar.” Hunter says.
“I'm not lying!” Wrecker spits. “I'm fine!” He looks at his brother's, still unable to force his body to stand straight.
“I'd be more inclined to believe you if you weren't currently doubled over with tears streaming down your face.” Tech says.
He's crying? Wrecker looks back at the floor again, wiping at his face with one hand. He should be past this kind of behaviour, especially in public, in front of regs. Soldiers don't cry about a stomach ache.
“How long has this been going on?” Tech asks.
“It's nothing.” Wrecker reminds his brothers. “I fell during training.”
“Let me see something.” Tech pushes Wreckers arm away from his stomach.
“Hey!” Wrecker is about to protest further when Tech pushes his fingers into his side. “Ow, stop that!”
And Tech does stop, but as soon as the pressure is gone, Wrecker is hit by the worst wave of pain yet. He has to bite back a cry of pain as he desperately tries to curl around the painful spot whilst remaining on his feet.
“You need to go to medbay right now.” Tech says. Wrecker shakes his head. “It's your appendix, I'm certain.”
Wrecker shakes his head again, even if he knows Tech is right. Because Tech being right means he'll need surgery. Being under anaesthesia is terrifying. No one ever tells them about procedures they're put through, and during surgery, Wrecker can't even see what's happening to his body. He just wake up to something being different.
“You'll die if you don't.” Hunter says, and Wrecker knows he's right too.
So Wrecker walks after his brothers, clenching his teeth and he puts one foot after the other. There are eyes on him from every side as the regs watch him. Wrecker can't let himself slow down again, even as the pain becomes unbearable. He wouldn't just making himself look weak if he did so. It would reflect badly on his brothers too.
A few meters out of the cantina, Wrecker if forced to give up. Staring off into space, Wrecker stands hunched next to Crosshair as they wait for Tech and Hunter to get help. Wrecker doesn't say a word, feeling like a fool. Sitting down seems all too tempting, but Wrecker won't be able to get up easily. So he just stands there, trying not to let onto the state he's in as regs and staff members pass them.
When Hunter and Tech return, members of medical staff have joined them. He's transported to the nearest medbay, unable to even speak to his brothers before he's took away.
Doctors and nurses mill about Wrecker as he's examined. He's been scanned multiple times and people keep pushing down on his stomach, but no one's said a word to Wrecker directly. After ages of poking and prodding, Nala Se arrives.
She examines Wrecker too, all whilst speaking of how she wishes she'd removed Wrecker's appendix years ago. She doesn't acknowledge Wrecker either.
The first time Wrecker's spoken to directly is when he's asked to strip and change into a medical gown. He isn't afforded any privacy to do so, but clones rarely are.
Still knowing nothing of what's going to happen, Wrecker is put under for surgery with barely any warning.
Next thing he knows, Wrecker's alone in a dark room, irritating beeping to his right. His stomach still hurts, but different. Feeling fuzzy, distant, Wrecker tries to lay down more comfortably, but an iv running from his arm tugs uncomfortably as he moves. Wrecker doesn't end up sleeping in a particularity comfortable position.
The next time Wrecker wakes, he thinks he's alone again, only to spot his brothers asleep in chairs next to his bed. Somehow, Hunter and Crosshair have squeezed themselves into the same one. It can't be comfortable, but neither can the way Tech sleeps. Forehead resting on the bed Wrecker's on, Tech's back is arched at a weird angle. How he's able to sleep like that at all is beyond Wrecker.
Carefully, Wrecker runs a hand along his stomach, feeling where the incisions were made. He can't tell if anything out of the ordinary was done, or if they decided to combine the removal of Wrecker's appendix with another modification they were meaning to do. Wrecker must have moved too much, because Crosshair stirs, lifting his head from its place of Hunter's shoulder.
“Sleep, Wrecker.” He mumbles. “You need it.”
Wrecker drops his hand back to his side. He will have time to worry about what was done to his organs when he wasn't conscious later. Closing his eyes, Wrecker pushes the thoughts away. He might as well try and match his brothers sleeping pattern.
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paingoes · 2 months
Destroyer is afk
another sherbet colored update. i really love simulating internet speech in writing i think its so fun
(Content: death mention, past trauma, self loathing, comfort??)
no posts in a month its over
they got him omg </3
Did indy fucking die?
ndhakdvsnnd: can you guys stop saying that im dead  ndhakdvsnnd: also no more leaks until further notice. stop asking.
sunspot: Hey you don’t have to talk to us if you don’t want to but can you please give us some indication you’re still alive? 
sunspot: We’re really worried.
katkittykat: omg look at this video :3
katkittykat: have u ever seen a shark move like that in all ur life that shit is so crazy
katkittykat: hey where have u been lololol
katkittykat: are u mad at me :c
katkittykat: if its somethin i did can we talk abt it ??? 
katkittykat: okk ur making me nervous 
katkittykat: OH SHIT UR BACK
katkittykat: WTF
ndhakdvsnnd: hey sorry 
katkittykat: bro where did u go!!!! D:
ndhakdvsnnd: had to travel somewhere i couldnt bring my laptop
katkittykat: im rlly glad ur ok! 
ndhakdvsnnd: do you want me to send you the next batch
katkittykat: uhh yea only if ur up to it. whenever ur ready :3c
ndhakdvsnnd: i can do it now
katkittykat: ty sweetness
katkittykat: sunny wants u to answer him lol hes having an aneurysm xD
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
ndhakdvsnnd: hi
sunspot: Hey! 
ndhakdvsnnd: kitty said you wanted to talk to me
sunspot: Yes I wanted to know if you were okay because we hadn’t heard from you in a while
ndhakdvsnnd: obviously
sunspot: ?
sunspot: Why is that obvious?
ndhakdvsnnd: how would i be typing if i wasnt okay
sunspot: That doesn’t even make sense ?
sunspot: I assumed if you were offline for a month it was because you were either upset or in danger
ndhakdvsnnd: maybe i just have a day job to worry about
sunspot: In that case it would’ve been nice to receive some kind of warning so we wouldnt think you were hurt 
ndhakdvsnnd: i didnt have time
sunspot: You didn’t have time to type one sentence?
ndhakdvsnnd: okay im sorry
sunspot: Look I’m not trying to lecture you Im just saying we were concerned and I wanted to make sure you were alright.
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
sunspot: Everything’s really okay then? Nothing happened?
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont want to talk about it
sunspot: Alright.
sunspot: You know we care about you right?
ndhakdvsnnd: i didnt send a warning because i didnt know i was leaving until the last minute i didnt go by choice
ndhakdvsnnd: thanks for attacking me over it as soon as i got back though 
sunspot: Does it seem like I’m attacking you? 
ndhakdvsnnd: yes kind of
sunspot: I’m sorry then. I didn’t mean to.
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
sunspot: Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?
ndhakdvsnnd: i am just sad okay i am already getting yelled at all the time  i dont need to get it from you too 
ndhakdvsnnd: sorry this is stupid ill shut up
sunspot: No it’s okay! If you’re upset you can tell me that’s what I was messaging you about in the first place I had the feeling something was wrong
ndhakdvsnnd: are you sure
sunspot: Yes positive
ndhakdvsnnd: i just dont like feeling like everyone is disappointed or mad at me all the time i dont know 
ndhakdvsnnd: it would be one thing if i deserved it but i dont know i have been really really trying lately and it doesnt work and it makes me feel bad
ndhakdvsnnd: but i kind of deserve to feel bad so i dont know 
ndhakdvsnnd: im tired
sunspot: Why do you think you deserve to feel bad?
ndhakdvsnnd: a lot of reasons 
sunspot: I don’t think you deserve it.
ndhakdvsnnd: you dont know me though
ndhakdvsnnd: you wouldnt like me if you knew me 
sunspot: Well what I do know about you now is that you are risking your life and sanity to provide us information to help people.
sunspot: Just based on that I don’t think you deserve to feel so bad about yourself.
sunspot: I think the people you’re around are probably really hard on you and its affecting the way you see yourself.
ndhakdvsnnd: im sorry
sunspot: Why are you saying that?
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont know
ndhakdvsnnd: is it okay if i go to bed now 
sunspot: Goodnight! We can talk later if you’re up for it?
ndhakdvsnnd: okay gn
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mooonjin · 2 years
Hi hi!echo anon here i just realized that instead of putting echo x reader i put hunter/// can you feel my love for that man coming though yet-??? Anyways..the echo fic was so cute!! I hope you dont mind me requesting again;;but since i cant seem to get hunter off my mind... Hunter x reader where hunter is being a dad figure to omega AND navigating being in a relationship with the reader? I feel like alot of fics skip the part where The bad batch were soldiers and loving someone doesnt really come as easy to them;; oh my lord i wrote alot- anyways ill end this!! Do you have a masterlist?? And rules for your writings?
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Notes: AAAA so sorry echo anon that took so long to come you!! but its hereeee~~ to answerr your questions, i will have a masterlist soon once i get rest of the bad batch fics out and rules? not so really,, just nothing so super violent or extreemly dark smut ykk? okok enjoyyyyyyyyyy :DD
Pairing: Hunter x gn!reader
Summary: Dealing with a role as an older brother (dad)  was something he'd never have thought of but also getting into a relationship? Yeah, that's another.
Warnings/Tags: mentions of Zygerrians, mild kissing, fluff — tell me if I've missed anything!
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Hunter whimpered into the kiss.
You don't remember how many rotations it's been since you were able to have a makeout session with him. Let alone have him make noise. The shiver that travelled throughout your body caused you to push desperately against him.
Hunter's breathing shifted, he was almost panting like a dog in need of water. His kissing was sloppy, though you didn't complain. He's a soldier, obviously not the type to go around and practice kissing.
As Hunter's firm hands slid under your blacks, goosebumps appeared across your skin. His mere touch can send you into a frenzy; it was electrifying and soft. His hands came down to the hem of your shirt with the intention of removing it. He grinned teasingly against your neck, you could feel it.
As inexperienced as he seemed, he could still be the biggest tease ever. Just as he was about to take your top off, his thoughts wandered too far into a territory he'd been avoiding.
For him, he felt oddly free of worry and thought. He wasn't about to let that mindset take over him.
Hunter's paranoia kicked in, his hands abandoning your shirt and you completely.
You pouted once his touch left your skin, "Wait, where's Omega?" Hunter's iris dilated at a concerning speed, his eyes staring you down, his squint as menacing as ever. The initial atmosphere of arousal dissipating at lightspeed.
You sighed, shaking your head. He still wasn't used to balancing such a dad-like life with a relationship at the same time, "I sent her off with Wrecker," you reassured him, but he didn't appear too convinced. He always had to make sure Omega was somewhere in his sight, "Your brother's a big guy 'n Omega can handle herself now." you added on.
Whilst cupping his jaw, you examined his face. You gently took your thumb and caressed the tatted skull upon his cheek. He seemed nervous and wasn't easily reassured that Omega was okay. Not that he doesn't trust you or his brothers, oh gosh no.
"Woah-ho, 'm I interrupting?" a booming voice suddenly filled the Marauder, frightening Hunter and yourself.
It was only Wrecker, who seemed to be searching for Gonky as he frantically whipped his head around the nooks and cranny of the shuttle. The brute loves doing sets with the poor droid and is also the master of barging in without warning.
Although you had a grin on your face, Hunter wasn't the same. You could feel his gloved hands grip the lower part of your waist and you didn't know why.
His lips pursed inwards and his eyes squinted more than you've seen before. As his eyes darted around the space in thought, you spoke with a soft voice, "Hey, you okay?—"
"—Wrecker, where's Omega?"
This time, your eyes darted around the space, trying to regain Hunter's eye contact. You could hear happy noises erupt from further up the ship, assuming Wrecker found gonky laying around.
With a quick kiss on your forehead from Hunter, he hastily bolted up towards Wrecker, who was fortunately not paying attention to the lovebirds in the ship.
"Where's Omega?" as you walked slowly towards the two, you could hear how stern Hunter's voice became. You placed both of your hands on his shoulders to calm him down.
He looked over his shoulder to face you, oddly getting distracted by your beauty. The sight of his eyes relaxing a little bit was relieving.
"Left 'er with Cid, said she wanted to show her something she'd like—" faster than the speed of hyperspace, Hunter was out the Marauder in milliseconds and dashing his way deep into town, accidentally bumping you to the ground.
He didn't look back to apologise or even think twice about the harsh contact, by the time Wrecker helped you onto your feet, he was no longer visible.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your thigh from where you fell.
"Y'know... I have another weapon similar to that energy bow of yours," Cid mumbled. She walked over to her desk, the surface area filled with artifacts Omega had never seen before.
She wanted to inspect them all, pry, use, poke, do whatever she was able to do with the mysterious item. They didn't appear clean or regularly dusted but that was expected. 'Clean' wasn't usually the word for Cid's parlor.
Cid whipped out an old crate labelled 'FRAGILE' in bright red paint as well as being covered in crispy, aged blaster shots. Assuming the box was valuable and was definitely shot at, Omega's attention was directed from the target she was focusing on to the crate.
"Was that box stolen?" Omega piped up. She titled her head, curiously, making her way around the hologram table and towards Cid's desk.
As the crate made contact with the desk, multiple metal thumps could be heard from inside, a small wave of dust bouncing off the surface.
Cid scoffed, waving her hand about before opening the box, "Mmm, maybe, but no one's comin' after this, I'll tell you that," it was dusty. Really dusty. It must've been hidden away in the office for some time.
Unfortunately, Omega was too small to see what was in the box so she urged Cid to bring whatever the contents were inside, out. She received an eye roll from Cid, who complied anyway.
Having the embodiment of curiosity run about on two legs has its cons. It wasn't the most ideal around a snappy, sassy lizard.
Omega's eyes widened at the sight of a golden... stick?
"What's that supposed to be?"
"An electro-whip." Cid dusted off the thin layer of dust on the handle before presenting it. Omega let her fingers slide along the strange prongs on one end of the whip.
She was particularly interested in the design of the handle, her fingers descending from the prongs and onto the swirly, yellow designs.
As Cid lent Omega full control of the whip, she was already trying to find an on button, "How does it work?" she titled the handle on every angle, checking if there was anything to touch, press, hold, anything. She even dangerously stuck her eye through the prongs, looking down into a small contraption where the whole show of the whip emerged from.
"You might not wanna stick your eye there, Tiny," Omega immediately backing away as Cid chuckled. Cid gently took a hold of the handle and turning it around before giving it back to Omega, "Hold this handle and push this button, you'll hear a buzzing sound. And make yourself some room." she shooed Omega back.
She did as instructed, backing away from Cid's desk to give herself some room to charge up the whip. Looking around the handle, she found the button to hold down. Her thumb pressed against it, a tingly feeling and a buzzing noise slowly climbing up in decibels.
A golden stream of electricity emerged from the tip of the handle which startled Omega. She looked at the activated weapon in awe, fascinated at how it worked. Before she could wind up her arm to test the whip, Hunter came bursting through office door.
Startled again, Omega took her thumb off the button, the whip retracting, "Well, look who decided to show up." Cid chimed in, crossing her arms as Hunter stepped into the room.
His eyes immediately landing on whatever Omega was clutching in her hand. He noticed it right away, that same whip that he managed to overpower from the Zygerrian when they did their first rescue mission for Cid.
Hastily, he snatched it out of Omega's hand, careful not to hurt her in the process, "You shouldn't be toying with this," he walked over to the open crate on Cid's desk, placing the whip inside and closing the crate back up with a loud slam, buckling the crate tight.
He shot a brooding glare at Cid who defensively put her hands up.
Hunter placed a hand on Omega's shoulder, ushering her out the door. Omega waved to Cid before the sliding doors closed. The two exited the parlor entirely and was greeted with the sound of Ord Mantell.
The Marauder wasn't far from the parlor and neither was the Pantoran man that sold Mantell Mix. Omega giggled at the sight of Wrecker attempting to bargain the price.
As they passed Wrecker, Hunter gestured to him to just pay what the original price is considering they were going on a mission soon that pays well, "Maybe'll get cheaper next'ime..." he grumbled.
Omega gently shook her head, dismissing and forgiving Wrecker even though she didn't expect him to get anything when she came back from Cid's.
Wrecker happily ran ahead at the sight of a fixed Gonky and a disappointed Tech. You emerged from inside the Marauder, glad to see Omega well and Hunter calmed down.
After Wrecker had accidentally sat on Gonky's charging port, he'd ran off the buy something to compensate Tech for having to fix it.
You observed as Omega went along to hang out with Wrecker and Gonky. Tech, on the other hand, was glued to his holopad once again, "Echo and Crosshair are in need of my presence in town, excuse me." His put on his helmet and walked off, nodding dismissively to Hunter to let him know as well.
You stood upon the open door of the shuttle, waiting for Hunter to acknowledge you. Once he had taken his eyes of Omega, his eyes swept straight to you.
He expected a grin or an arms open hug but was met with a cold expression. Deep down he knew he did something wrong running off like that and ignoring you instantly. You exited the shuttle, walking towards him. He froze, terrified he might've made you angry.
He didn't know what to do in situations like this, having only seen scenarios similar when he would watch holofilms. Hunter was nervous, expecting it to end how it would've in the films: yell, shout, quiet down, angry break up.
"Look I really—"
"—You okay?"
He didn't expect that question from you. Hunter was taken aback, almost forgetting to answer your question, "Wha— oh, yes, I'm okay? I guess," you chuckled at his step up, bringing a grin to his face. He hoped this wasn't a cover up of you being twitchy with him.
You pecked his lips, pulling away to address the recent situation, "Omega can be curious—" you began.
"—And reckless." Hunter finished, sighing, but you quickly shushed him with your index finger.
"And that's what makes her, her. I know you want to prevent her from getting hurt or lost but she's still a kid." Hunter's eyes panned over to Wrecker and Omega playing catch — Gonky basically being piggy in the middle — proudly witnessing the first time on Saluecami with Shaeeah and Jek. They both were happy and giggly, occasionally missing the ball and accidentally throwing towards one another's face, "Remember what Suu told you?"
"Children will always find ways of getting into trouble," he quoted, taking his eyes off the duo and back to yours. They always seemed to glimmer every time he stared.
You pulled him into a hug, if wasn't as comfortable with his armour on but the embrace is what matters.
Hunter pulled away, his hands returning to your waist, "I really like you a lot..." he sighed.
He became flustered at the intense eye contact, "Well—maybe more, I uh, don't know...?"
"I love you too," you pecked him again, watching as he scratched the back of his neck, "You're allowed to say it, are you not ready?" you prepared to apologise.
"No, it's not that it's just... I'm not the type someone falls in love with." he nervously confessed. You enveloped him in a passionate kiss, offering comfort. A small smooch of a plop was heard as the both of you pulled away.
"Would you care to finish what we started?" you grinned, feeling how tense his hands became that rested behind your waist.
"Gladly," he growled.
This time, you were gonna get more than whimpers out of him.
Post-Notes: didya like it? i enjoyed the prompt s bunch!! tysm anonn ^^
wanna be a part of my taglist?
~ ~ ~
@elsastoes @nekotaetae @jiabeewrites @lokigirlszendaya @imalovernotahater @backyard-bear
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piermanwalter · 6 months
According to self-proclaimed experts and leading crystal glass manufacturers online, apparently the answer to "Does this glass contain lead, and if so, how dangerous is it?" is "Go fuck yourself. If you don't buy from me, you deserve to die." I swear to fuck, the *ting* test must be a conspiracy to ensure that every resale hustler grindset shithead and every pretentious blue blood snob shithead will advertise lead crystal any chance they get. "Ooh the unmistakable lasting ring of true crystal-" It's a big bowl. Of course it will fucking *ting*. If I struck a mass produced cake cloche, it will *ting*. If you melted broken beer bottles and gravel into a big bowl, it will *ting*.
I also shouldn't have expected better from professional sources because of fucking course they will mangle all information into advertisements. "Timeless beautiful luxurious lead it contains is harmless unless you misuse it in which case we are doing the world a favour by ridding it of you crystal is softer than glass so it can be cut into intricate shapes crystal is harder than glass so it can be made thinnnnnnerr crystal is softer than glass so you must never put it in the dishwasher crystal is harder than glass so it will last forever unless you destroy it with your clumsy insensate undeserving ill-bred low-class subhuman paws-" Shut the fuck up. I'm losing more brain cells trying to comprehend this fucking shit than I ever will from lead. People like these are personally responsible for half of Earth's extinctions. If I don't get a straight answer soon, I will be personally responsible for half of their extinctions. "Skill issue" you may say, but the only "skill issue" here is how you don't know shit about lead glass either, and/or can't explain a single fucking thing in a way that someone who wasn't carried out of the maternity ward on a crystal platter can understand. If you can't explain everything online, at least have the humility to admit it.
The next time one of you hacks makes another smug asshole video where you *ting ting ting* lead crystal with no comparison with a similar piece of regular glass or posts a "new" article the same as sixty thousand other articles all competing with each-other to be the most useless piece of text ever formulated by mankind like grain entrapment except each grain is a Swarovski jewel that goes *ting* each time it moves, the last *ting* you hear will be my axe bouncing off your thick fucking skull. I hope you go into debt throwing every last cent into your twee Daisy-Fay-wet-dream-ass Etsy antique shop and then you get shut down for fraud and then you get investigated by government tax authority and then you get banned from doing business forever and then 500 vintage-collecting grandmas with no prior association beyond deep justified contempt for you specifically trash your name across every media platform and in-person social agglomeration in perpetuity. I hope every crystal artisan at your company is simultaneously possessed by the spirit of Hephaestus to march into your office en masse and bodily drag you onto the factory floor where they hoist you on their shoulders like the first Olympic athletes did with sacrificial cattle to drop you into the glowing crucible, but as your shoes melt they come to their senses and pull you out so you only have a few superficial burns, but then the glass formulation reacts to your shoes so badly that every batch coming out of that crucible is ruined, but even after the crucible is replaced, the curse of Hephaestus lingers so that every piece of glass produced in that factory is fucked up in some way, and then the company fires you and fines you for all damages and repair costs forever and the curse of Hephaestus follows you until you are living in a hollow tree planting onions in holes you dig by hand. I will throw you down an oubliette and feed you overnight oat breakfast bowls and juice blend sun teas prepared and served in whatever the hell random glassware I find at thrift stores and yard sales. If your own skill in identifying lead glass does not exceed what you deemed fit to share, I will feel no guilt when you die.
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baby--b4t · 5 months
it’s fishie anon and I have yet another minific idea that will I will also be requesting as a bot when they are open again :3
user/reader and kazuha smoke together, but for some reason user/reader gets overwhelmed due to how much stuffs they accidentally smoked and regresses bc of it, so kazuha gets to play babysitter/cg for his tiny while they’re both probably zooted out of their noggins
this is going to be so silly. nothing but giggles between user/reader and kaz (´-ω-`) ill try and make a bot based on it for my next bot batch but have a minific for now <3
(sorry if none of this feels very accurate. i have never smoked before and am going based off of stories ive heard from friends σ^_^;)
Kazuha had invited you over to smoke and relax for the evening, knowing your week had been stressful. It wasnt uncommon to find you two high, but you always only smoked what you knew you could handle. You both knew your limits and never pushed them... Usually.
"y/n? Hellooo?" Kazuha waved his hand in front of your face. Your eyes were so red and glazed over, a sight Kazuha hadnt exactly expected so soon from you. "Wakey wakey~ You cant be spacing out just yet, silly."
You felt Kazuha try and sit you up a bit better, resulting in a whine coming from you. It definitely confused Kazuha for a moment. He blinked at you before starting to realize something was off with you. Your mind was feeling fuzzy, both from the weed and from the regression settling in.
"Hm.. Are youu... Little?" Kazuha tried to guess, smiling slightly as he thought about trying to care for you right now. "Aw, you did, didnt you? Thats okay! That just means nap time will be easier, right?" He tried to keep his tone light and playful, seeing your slightly pouty face.
You whined at him again, not entirely sure why but you definitely knew you needed something. Your regressed mind wasnt exactly the best at understanding your bodily cues.
"Shh, youre okayy.." Kazuha shushed as he gently ruffled your hair. "Want a snack? Maybe a lil snack will help the whiny babyy~" He added in a sing-song tone, excitedly moving to the snacks you two had brought out prior to smoking.
Kazuha rummaged through the snacks for a moment before frowning slightly. He couldnt find a snack he deemed 'baby appropriate'. He may be high, but he wanted to be the best caregiver for you right now.
"Wait right here for a moment, bud." Kazuha gently said to you before he got up. He shuffled his way over towards the kitchen area, taking a moment to find your bottle and filling it up with juice. He had to take it slow to make sure he didnt spill anything.
"Here we are~" Kazuha proudly sat back down with you and help the bottle up to your face. "A yummy bottle for a grumpy baby, hehe-" He helped you get settled on his lap, holding the bottle as you lazily drank from it. He felt so much more dotting towards you while he was high.
Kazuha cooed at you as you drank, finding the state you were in quite adorable. His comments seemed to make you giggle somewhat. Your laughter sounded sleepy, but Kazuha didnt mind. He was just happy you seemed happy.
"Youre such a high baby right now, arent you? Yeah, you smoked too much too quickly~" Kazuha continued to tease you. It didnt take long before he found himself relaxing with you in his lap as well, his eyelids feeling heavier. You let out a big yawn, startling yourself slightly as you were still drinking your juice.
"Perhaps baby and Kazuha should take a nap.." Kazuha mumbled, taking the bottle away from your mouth. He lazily grabbed a blanket and pulled it over the two of you, rubbing your back to help you settle slightly. "Nap time~"
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 1: Destress Signal/Panic Attack
Fandom: Star Wars The Bad Batch
Note: this story may not make much sense if you haven't seen episode 14 of season 2.
Summary: What would have happened if Tech checked their old comm lines earlier?
  Tech checked the batch's old comm line sometimes. There was never anything on it. He looked because just maybe Crosshair would reach out to them, not caring what he said. This time when he turned the comm on and checked there was something. Almost immediately Tech played the message.
    "Plan 88, you have to hide. They're after Om-"
    "Plan 88?" Tech whispered. As he was about to play the message again he realized it was still playing. The sound of a door closing and then a hissing noise could be heard. That was it.
    Tech listened to the message over and over. Anxiety crept in and he started to lose control of his breathing. Crosshair didn't try to get them to help him nor did he bother to give them his location. The man sounded week. Not only that catching the last part of the message meant that they wanted one of them. The O made him believe it was Omega.
    The clone moved from the chair he sat in the floor and against the wall, holding the comm in front of him. Tech's breathing got worse. Air moved swiftly through his lungs as he listened again. Tears began welling in his eyes and he pulled his knees up to his chest.
He felt sick, his heart ponded, and he started to feel dizzy.
    Tech threw the comm across the room. When he heard it hit the ground his mind attacked his body harder. What if he broke it? They needed to find Crosshair. Despite the man's current condition he attempted to stand. Failing he fell back to the ground.
    With tears filling his googles he hastily pulled them off and stopped himself from throwing them as well. Placing them beside himself he lifted his hands up to his face. Tech knew how to deal with panic attacks, he had helped his brothers many times and had calmed himself down before. This time was different, this time he just couldn't.
    Alone in that dark room Tech fought to think clearly. How could he help Crosshair if he was stuck in this room? The walls felt like they were closing in and his hands felt tingly.
    Phee had been instructed to check on Tech. What she didn't expect was to hear sobbing when she got close to the room he occupied. Rushing in she kneeled in front of him. "Brown eyes?" He looked up. "I'm going to need you to breathe, okay?"
    "I" he stifled, "I can't."
    "I know it's hard but you have too. Breathe with me."
    When nothing changed in his behavior Phee called for Hunter. "Honey please you have to breathe. We can work through this."
    When Hunter got the call he dropped everything and ran to the Marauder. When he would arrive Tech was breathing a little earlier. It had been a while since he had seen his brother like this. He didn't miss it. The scene in front of him always broke his heart. "I'm here. What's going on Tech?"
    "He just keeps trying to say something about some Crosshair, Omega, and a plan."
    Hunter nodded then switched places with Phee. She wanted, more than anything, to be able to help Tech but right now he needed his brother. "I got you. Breathe okay. Tell me what's going on once you're able to."
    The two would sit there for another few minutes before Tech could really think clearly again. Tears still fell from his eyes but his breathing was under control now and he felt less ill.
    Finally Tech could explain. "We need to find Crosshair. I checked our old comm channel and found a distress signal from not too long ago." Getting up he went to check on the comm. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he realized it was still in one piece. After that he played the message for the other two.
    The three talked then went to find the rest of the batch. Echo would arrive soon after and once handed the information to decode the puzzle was completed. Crosshair was on Mount Tantus. Now they just had to go get him.
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pixel-dreamz · 1 year
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Welcome back to Chestnut Peak! It has been a while, but we are finally back with our third family in the third rotation, the Powell family. Warning: This chapter does deal with death of young children.
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We start the round off with a little bit of woohoo. Harry wants lots of children and so he really wastes no time in trying to expand the family. Ariana is not going to complain about it either. As long as they are able to provide for their family, she is happy to continue having children.
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Harry then invites over a couple people to help get through the winter. He first invites Clark to buy some more firewood. Unfortunately, he is low on stock and so he is told he will have to forage the rest of the winter in order to keep his family warm. This worries him, but he will do what he must. Then, he invites Archibald around to collect the ash and clean the gong pit. He earns himself another $50 for his services.
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Working outside with the hogs in the dead of winter causes Harry to fall ill. He spends a lot of time in bed. Unfortunately, little Charity also catches his cold. Ariana does her best to tend to her ill family.
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Soon, she discovers she is expecting their third child. They are happy to be welcoming a new child into the family, but Ariana worries about the wellbeing of her daughter and husband during this illness.
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Unfortunately, while the family sleeps, Charity passes away. The illness becomes too much for her little body and she stays asleep. Grim comes to collect her and it isn't until morning that the family truly begins to mourn her loss.
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Harry is still ill, and blames himself for the loss of their daughter. He does his best to occupy his time and pour his grief into spending time with his son. Elliot is doing well and has avoided the illness, as has Ariana.
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Harry remembers an old recipe that his mother used to make when his family fell ill, and decides to try his hand at making it. Unfortunately, the first batch doesn't do the trick, and he still feels quite under the weather.
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A few weeks overdue, Ariana finally goes into labour with her third child and second son, Reynold Carlisle Powell. He looks very much like his older brother and is born healthy and strong.
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After another dose of the soup he has made, Harry finally starts to feel better. He goes to the park to collect branches in order to keep his family warm during the rest of the winter. It has been cold and they have had to use all they have in store.
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As per usual, Harry doesn't wait long after Reynold's birth to try and expand the family once again. The loss of Charity has only strengthened Harry's want for a large family and now hopes to have 10 children.
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Though he does keep himself busy with the pigs, there has been a lull in the store and farm as they wait for the piglets to be old enough to slaughter and thus sell. Therefore, Harry spends a lot more time with his sons than he would usually. Everyone is pleased by this despite the lack of income.
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With winter coming to a close, the piglets have finally reached maturity which means Harry is able to slaughter and butcher some while keeping two to add to their own farm - a sow and a hog. Then he opens the business for the first time in months and earns $477 simoleons plus a $1000 grant given to him to add toward opening a future store.
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Elliot is well on his way to learning to walk and continues to fair well overall. The family is pleased that their heir seems to be thriving despite the cold winter and the loss of his sister.
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With spring in the air, the couple try once again to add to their family. Ariana is hopeful for another daughter though Charity will always be missed and cherished.
And that is all for the Powell's winter round! Despite only earning a small amount of income, it was enough to cover their rent and taxes and then some. The family is doing well despite the loss of their eldest child, and things seem to be looking up for their spring round with much in stock to sell remaining.
End of Round Stats:
Harry and Ariana are now 29, Elliot is 2 and Reynold is 6 months.
The family started the round with $1405, they opened the store for one day and earned $477.
The business ranked up to level 2 earning them a grant of $1000.
After paying for Archibald's services, buying firewood, paying their rent and taxes, the family is left with $2688!
Charity Claire Powell passed at the age of 3.5 due to illness.
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RIP beautiful Charity. We shall miss you.
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The Batch Family: The Sick Day
Part of my Bad Batch AU: "The Batch Family" [Collection Masterlist].
Word count: 2.4k | Batch ages: Child (11 y/o)
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The Sick Day | Wrecker comes down with a cold, and one by one, the others follow
Beth liked to think she had this parenting thing down pat now. There was barely anything that phased her anymore. Sure, her days were unpredictable and busy and sometimes messy. But she still looked forward to waking up each morning to see what would happen. And she knew she could handle it.
But there was one thing she did dread, that made her seriously consider running away and never looking back.
Sick days.
She almost had a super power for detecting a sniffle that was more than just allergies. The hairs would stand up on the back of her neck, and she'd zero in across the entire house to the boy responsible, and with lightning speed she'd sweep him up and isolate him in her room with whatever medicine was appropriate. But no matter how fast she attacked, the rest of the boys would inevitably follow down into the sad illness stupor. And then finally it would overtake her, requiring a visit from her own mother to come and soothe the sickness away.
This winter season, Wrecker was the first.
The five were playing outside, as best they could in their many layers of jackets, scarves, and hats she'd insisted they wear. They waddled about on the dead grass almost comically as they tried to use their limited movement to enact some sort of pirate scene. Beth was perched on a chair next to the window, fiddling with a knitting project in her lap that seemed to be perpetually half-finished every year (though this would be the year she'd finally finish it, of course), and glancing nervously outside at the incoming rainclouds that littered the sky.
Her greatest worry was about the rain, expected to be quite heavy and lengthy this season. She wasn't sure she could handle another winter full of cooped-up energy from the boys, nor the mud that would inevitably be tracked in every day. She was already formulating plans of only allowing them to enter from the garage, perhaps keeping a box of towels and clothes out there for them to change into before coming fully inside....
But all thoughts of the rain snapped away as soon as she heard the cough.
Knitting needles were abandoned. Before she could even process where her feet where taking her, she was outside breaking up that pirate fight, slinging an arm around her biggest son.
"Hey!" Wrecker protested, mainly from confusion. Another little cough squeaked out. It was gravely, raspy. Much more than a little tickle in the throat. She would need to act fast.
"Inside," Beth stated, nodding at the others to file toward the house with her. "Playtime's over."
"But we were just about to maroon Blackbeard on the island!" Wrecker whined, with a chorus of supportive protests from the others.
"Inside! And don't touch each other... or your faces... or anything. I want you all washing your hands right away."
She was practically dragging Wrecker, unable to lift him as she once could when he was younger and smaller. Thankfully his feet were following along, even though his words said otherwise.
"Mooom, noooo, it's not faaaaair!"
Another cough.
"Cover your mouth, baby. I don't want anyone else getting sick...."
Even as she said it, she knew there was no hope. If one of them had caught something, then they'd all been exposed by now. Now it was only a matter of managing symptoms, boosting immune systems as best as possible, praying whatever it was would be mild or quick.
"Wait, I'm sick?"
Wrecker stopped protesting and let Beth guide him into her room. He put a hand up on his forehead and fingers along his neck pulse. The other boys were piling in at the opposite end of the hall, kicking off boots and still carrying on with whatever pirate-related debate they'd been trying to settle from earlier. Before Beth closed her bedroom door, she whistled for their attention.
"Here's the plan. Echo, you--"
"It's Captain Hook," the five of them said in almost perfect unison, including Wrecker beside her.
Beth swallowed an annoyed sigh. Maybe she could use their imaginations to her advantage. "Captain Hook... You and your pirate friends have been exposed to... uh, the Black Plague."
Was that historically accurate to the time of pirates? She wasn't sure, and Tech didn't correct her, so the detail was good enough.
"They're not all my friends," said Echo. He motioned to Hunter. "Blackbeard tried to betray me."
"It's called myoo-tin-eeeer," said Hunter proudly, looking to Tech briefly to confirm that was the right word to use.
"Whatever. Listen. The Black Plague is killing off crews from all the different pirate ships. You have to protect yourselves quickly or you'll be next. Understood?"
They nodded their heads.
"Okay. So, Captain Hook, I need you to wash your hands in the kitchen sink with warm water and lots of soap. Sing that yo-ho pirate song at least two times. When you're done, go to the couch and stay there until further instruction. And then Tech..."
"Smee," they harmonized.
"...Smee, then it'll be your turn. Kitchen sink. Warm water, lots of soap, pirate song twice. Sit in the dining room until I come back."
"What about me and Old Wooden Leg?" Hunter slung an arm around Crosshair, who immediately recoiled and balled up his fists.
"I told you, that's a dumb name and I'm not using it!"
"Stop touching each other!" Beth called after them, but the arguments were already ramping up faster than she could quell them. Wrecker somehow squeezed past her back into the hallway.
"It's better than mine, Poopdeck Pete!"
Echo and Hunter joined in his snickers over the silly name.
"I told you," Crosshair didn't pay them attention. "I'm Davy Jones."
"You can't be Davy Jones," Tech tried explaining. "He's dead. That's why he has a locker in the ocean. It's where all the dead people go."
Beth stormed down the hall, grabbing whatever boy she could reach first and starting to pull them into different directions so they were at least several feet apart. She shushed them as she did, so eventually the bickering petered out.
"Listen," she emphasized as best she could, turning in a circle to look each in the eye as she spoke. "I'm trying to stop you all from spreading germs here. Remember the last time you were sick? Not fun, right?"
They all shook their heads. Wrecker fittingly coughed again.
"Okay. So we're going to make sure it's not that bad again. Captain Hook: wash in the kitchen, sit in the living room. Smee: wash in the kitchen, sit in the dining room. Uh, Blackbeard?"
Hunter raised his hand.
"Bathroom, then your bedroom. Davy Jones: bathroom, then Wrecker and Tech's room."
Crosshair started to whine. "But their room is so dirty...."
"I'll clean it later, just stay put. Wash really good, don't touch anything else. And if anyone else starts coughing, cover your mouths for goodness sake."
"What about me?" Wrecker grinned at her.
"Poopdeck Pete, you're coming with me."
* * *
She'd really need to institute some sort of fire-drill system with these boys, Beth thought as she furiously scrubbed at Wrecker's body in the tub. He made many noises in complaint - shrieks, whimpers, giggles for the ticklish spots, and of course, lots of coughing - but Beth hardly noticed. In her head, she was already mapping out a few plans that she could get them all to memorize for future situations. A plan for sick days, a plan if one of them got injured and needed to go to the hospital, a plan for actual fires.... She could come up with cool codenames, so as soon as she said it, they would all know exactly where they should go and what to do. No more wasted time in hallways trying to crowd control.
"Ow! Moooom!" Wrecker let out a particularly loud screech as Beth tried getting the sponge into the grooves of his ear. She finally snapped out of her reverie.
"Sorry baby." She let the sponge fall into the soapy water, which was looking a bit murky now, giving her satisfaction that she hadn't been overreacting at his need for a good scrub. "Here, I'll let you finish, okay? Wash your legs and feet, then you can rinse off. I'll get some clean clothes and check on the others real quick."
She was really quick. It's like her body was moving on auto-pilot, handling as many things at once before going back to her room. Time was the enemy and she was not going to let it win. Turning on the heater, of which she was usually so conservative in using, while running down the hall. Throwing an armful of clean pajamas into the laundry room dryer to get them nice and toasty. Checking to make sure the other four boys had followed her instructions for their hand-washing and room assignments. Breaking into her Costco reserve of tissues, ensuring there was a box in each room. Digging out the spare air mattress for Tech to use in the dining room. Even getting some broth into a big pot to start cooking on the stove. Within the time it took Wrecker to finish his scrub and get out of the tub, Beth had returned with all the important tasks completed.
"This towel is really soft," said Wrecker. He snuggled into the folds of the fluffy white bath towel as he dried off. Beth chuckled as she set his pajamas on the counter, fresh from the dryer.
"Would you rather have that one instead of the Hulk?" she teased, referring to an inside joke they now had, based on what Beth dubbed as The Great Beach Towel Fiasco of Christmas '22. 
Wrecker tried to laugh but ended up coughing instead. "Momma, am I really getting sick?"
"Afraid so," she said as she she helped him into his warm clothes. "Don't worry, we'll make sure it's not too bad this time."
"Does this mean I get to sleep in here with you?"
Beth nodded and his face instantly lit up.
"Can we watch a movie?"
"Sure. What should we watch?"
While Wrecker mulled it over, Beth was already counting through various devices in her head, to see if she'd have enough for the other boys to be able to watch something, too. Being split up into different rooms would surely cause some shenanigans if she didn't get ahead of it with enough activities.
"The Avengers!" Wrecker finally exclaimed before falling into another fit of coughs.
"Shh, baby, take it easy." Beth pulled him to her and rubbed a soothing hand over his back until the coughs subsided. "You sure you want to watch superheroes? Not pirates?"
"Yeah. The pirate game was lame. Tech just talked the whole time and Hunter didn't let me have a cannon."
Beth guided him over to her bed and got him settled in under the blankets. She briefly thought back to when they'd first moved into this house, how difficult it had been to get them to sleep in their own rooms for the first time. Many a night she'd been awoken to a boy or two sneaking in to snuggle next to her. It was sweet at first, but soon she desperately needed her alone time and had to make a hard and fast rule. Momma's room: off limits.
Unless someone was sick, of course.
* * *
It was late, probably close to midnight. Wrecker was nestled against her side, his eyelids heavy but still clinging on to consciousness as the end of their now third movie played out. He was warm, but the thermometer kept spitting out a normal reading, so it was likely just their combined heat from snuggling under so many blankets. So far he'd only complained of a cough and headache.
She'd gotten the others tucked into their respective places a few hours prior. Echo on the couch. Tech on the air mattress with a blanket fort he'd insisted on building around it. Crosshair in his own bed while Hunter had volunteered to take the other bedroom instead. They'd all been fed a some chicken noodle soup and orange juice. Vitamins had been passed around and a combination of air purifiers and humidifiers set up in the rooms. If she was lucky, Beth wouldn't have to deal with any severe symptoms from them and could just help Wrecker's cold pass.
But no sooner did she have that very thought than her bedroom door cracked open to reveal a not-so-good looking Tech peeking through.
"Mom," he whispered. "My throat hurts."
She wanted to sink into the mattress, so deep that she could never be found. Maybe if she hid long enough, it would all blow over and she wouldn't have to deal with any of it.
"I'll be there in a minute, dear. Just lay back down."
She made to get out of bed but Wrecker clung to her.
"Don't leave me...."
"Wreck, I've got to help your brother real quick."
Tech did not end up leaving, but instead came further into the room with little whines as he held his throat. Echo was behind him.
"Tech, Mom said we had to stay in our rooms."
The door was wide open now. She could hear a cough from down the hall, and as she tried to pry herself from Wrecker's hold, Crosshair shuffled in coughing, and Hunter followed right behind with concern.
Beth gave up. She huffed and fell back against her stack of pillows. Even she could feel her sinuses starting to swell up. They were all sick now. There was nothing left to fight.
"Come on." She lifted up the edge of the blanket and motioned for them all to join. One by one they piled into her bed, some next to her, some on the other side of Wrecker.
Credits were rolling on a long forgotten movie as the six of them all huddled together, commiserating in their shared predicament; ill, or just becoming so, but quietly cherishing the unexpected moment of being so close together, just as they once used to. Beth had already accepted the inevitable, but still had one concern left on her mind. But it was almost as if her beloved sons could read her mind, or sense her apprehension, as the comfort came soon after.
"Don't worry, Mom, we'll make sure you don't get sick, either."
"Yeah, we'll help you feel better, too."
"It's okay, Momma...."
They'd be alright, she was sure of it. They'd get through these sick days just like they got through everything else.... together.
* * *
The Batch Family Tag List: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @pandora-the-halfling, @misogirl828, @darkangel4121, @sobstea, @rintheemolion, @dionysuskid21, @jesseeka, @hanbetired, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @sarahtanmarvel, @itsagrimm, @lackofhonor, @error6gendernotfound, @theclonesdeservebetter, @hannahhearttcw, @Techie-bear, @kaijusplotch, @salaminus, @theroguesully, @reading02
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seer918 · 2 years
Comparing Megaman robot masters to Megaman Battle Network netnavis part 2: The very belated one
Soooooo I totally forgot I was doing this. Shows how bad last summer was if my brain melted to the point I forgot
Oh well, time for the next batch
Score so far is 5-2 in favour of the navi because I count ties as a point for both, and I feel like that gap’s gonna get larger
First, MetalMan and MetalMan.exe
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God these designs fuck (affectionate)
Not a big fan of the yellow on the robot master, and I enjoy the addition of gears and the mechanical fists to make .EXE more metal themed rather than just buzzsaw themed
Point for MetalMan.exe, raising the score to 6-2
Next, AirMan and AirMan.EXE
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Ehhhh, they’re both...alright? Kinda dumpy in different ways
Not sure I like the addition of green to the Navi design, but do like its slightly more threatening fan
But there’s just something truly iconic about the classic design, even if I didn’t grow up with it. I also prefer the overal bulkiness compare to the inexplicably lanky thighs of .EXE...
It’s a tie, 7-3.
Okay, next up is...next up are the Bubblemen
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...it’s a race to rock bottom, folks. Another victim of the random chibi-fication but instead of ruining a solid design it’s just another version of a really ugly look
Why the cheek marks and the fat lips? But then again why give a robot a diving mask? Why make a water robot green?
I’m half tempted to remove a point from BOTH games’ score but instead I’m awarding both games a point as compensation for having to look at these two.
Thankfully the next up are a nice change of pace, pun semi-intended, QuickMan and QuickMan.EXE
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Both are really solid designs, but even putting my personal navi bias aside I do like that .EXE looks like something that can move fast. And all the sharp edges make the idea of simply getting in his way a fatal choice.
9-4, but it was REALLY close this time.
Skipping over CrashMan since I guess they didn’t want to think about how overpowered a program with CRASH in it’s name would be to fight, we move on to FLASH, AH AAAAAAA~
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...this batch (with one notable exception) so far has really been the ‘close to the original’ round, huh?
Ironically given the name, I like the mostly darker colour scheme for .EXE, since it makes the actual flashing parts POP a bit more.
10-4 and that’s mainly because the pauldrons on the robot master being light blue annoys me for some reason, otherwise it’d’ve been a tie.
Next up is a dumpy guy dressed as a lighter and a screaming Hellbeast that looks like a lighter that uses child blood as lighter fuel
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The best glow up in this batch and the best navi partner of Mr Match...oh do I have a burning desire to tear into the last one of his fire trio but I’ll wait until the 6th round.
Even if I didn’t have a bias, I just love the jack’o lantern look to .EXE’s face. They really went hard in on the fact that Navi don’t HAVE to look humanoids and I love it.
And last we have...Oh, nice, WoodMan
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The only Robot master who isn’t mostly red or blue in this batch so my eyes are happy. the yellow accents are weird but do help pop against his otherwise dull tone-mm? Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to get a picture of your decendent, WoodMan.EXEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYIKES!
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I mean I guess they were going more for the wooden golem look but...why give him big meaty lips? Why does his arms look more robotic than the actual robot master? On MetalMan.EXE that makes sense since mechanical bu-WHY DOES HE HAVE A FUEL GAUGE?!
...I’m dissapointed Battle Network. At least you made his operator an absolute cutie.
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11-5. The gap got larger but the classic series is still clinging on
Gonna try and make this at least a twice weekly series since the Legacy Collection will be out soon, even if currently my funds won’t let me buy it until my next paychecque...stupid illness taking out a week and a bit...
Er, anyway I’ll try and have the 3rd batch out tomorrow, be good people
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Whumptober Day 9: The Very Noisy Night
Prompt: Caught in a Storm
Summary: From the moment he'd brought him into the CC quarters back on Kamino to join his batch, Cody had sworn he'd do what was best to keep his little CT brother safe and sound. Braving the storm to bring back something of great sentimental value, was part of that commitment. Everyone deserved to have something to remember their lost batch brothers by.
[Cody goes above and beyond his brotherly duties to bring Rex one of his deceased brother's pauldrons. It's a arduous task that could end in his death, but Cody is nothing if not a stubborn man.]
Ryloth's five moons were known for subjecting the geologically diverse Outer Rim planet to some rather intense weather phenomenons. The hot and humid landscapes giving way to intense rainstorms and sandstorms, depending on whichever location you found yourself in.
For a clone in full armour and tight body-glove, it was a miserable experience getting caught in either one. Suffocating even.
Most troopers ill-equipped to handle the rapid changes, with the ARFs and ARCs being the least bothered by the kicking up of mud and dust, or the potential lugging of waterlogged equipment. And, while Cody was more vastly prepared for the treacherous walk due to his extensive training as a CC, he too could understand the amounting frustration his boys were no doubt feeling.
This planet was a hellhole. A ruined mess that had been, at some point, something beautiful no doubt. Prior to war ravaging through. The constant shifts in weather didn't help paint a prettier picture.
The 212th were to depart soon. The 187th would take their place and keep a handle of any Seppie stragglers that might try to cause trouble. Packing up and leaving behind medical aid and food rations was the current priority on his list. Or rather, it should be.
Cody had something else entirely on the mind. Something of a more personal nature...
Before they had made it planet-side, a small legion of clones lead by Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di had been attacked while defending their positions until aid could arrive. They had all gone down fighting, having made a brave last stand against Separatist forces.
Among them was a clone captain named Keeli. One of Rex's batchmates. His closest brother in fact. Word of his passing had cropped up in the GAR channels and he knew his vod'ika had been struck with the news rather hard. So Cody intended to do something that could very well get him killed.
He would leave the packing and aid efforts in his troopers's hands, and he'd go out and bury the bodies himself. The commander would also bring back a pauldron so that Rex could take a piece of his brother with him wherever he went, as was tradition among the closest of vode.
The problem would lay in surviving the storm that was to come...
Natborns might call it stupidity. Throwing one's life away to bring back a keep-sake. But Cody didn't much care for what natborns thought. The lives of clones were seen as expendable and virtually worthless unless they were lost to war. They barely had time to mourn their dead before they had to march towards another battle. Immortalizing the memories of their brothers in any way (be it by a still living vod carrying a piece of their armour or tattooing their chosen name on their bodies), was the most selfless and loving thing one could do to honor the dead.
The clone army was a patchwork of mismatched armour pieces, paint-jobs and inkworks. They were a quilted together culture. Unique despite their outward similarities.
Keeli and his men would be remembered. Their grave-site would one day be overgrown with lush vegetation, but the people they defended would sing songs and speak of gratitude and selflessness, until their names were part of their history as well. Immortal posthumously
The vode would whisper the names until the end of their times. And Rex would wear that pauldron with pride and wish goodnight to the older brother he'd loved. He'd live on for Keeli. Cody would make sure of it.
The wicked winds lashed out ferociously. The sand scratched his paint. The mud tried to suck him in. The hot air and high humidity made the trek a torturous affair. The landscape tried to get him lost. But Cody was like salmon in the way that he navigated all the way back to where death had claimed his kin. Intuition, or perhaps instinct, drove him there.
The bodies were decomposing quickly due to the intense weather. The smell of rotting flesh and glimmer of bone beneath liquefying meat were an assault on the senses. Made his stomach turn.
One by one he buried them all. Jedi and clone rendered equals in death.
Once the task was done, Cody walked away with the pauldron in hand and threw up the contents of his stomach in a ditch. He washed his hands and the pauldron in a nearby stream. Marveled at the sight of fish swimming by carefree. Despite the storms, despite the hostile fauna, despite the war, this wasn't too bad of a resting place.
He hoped he would survive the journey back to his boys. Hoped the next storms he'd brave wouldn't take him out. The duties of an older brother, an ori'vode, were ones he was committed to. Just as he was married to his duties as a soldier.
The future was bleak and he was sure one day he'd be the one wearing a brother's armour in place of his own pieces. But perhaps when the war ended it would all be worth the ache of constant loss.
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peternelthorpe · 2 years
Get Well Soon Gift Ideas
New Post has been published on https://smallgiftideas.org/get-well-soon-gift-ideas/
Get Well Soon Gift Ideas
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Get Well Soon Gift Ideas
Whether your loved one is recovering from surgery or just feeling under the weather, getting a get well soon gift can be a wonderful way to cheer them up.
Depending on their condition, you can send them a basket of fruit, tea, chicken noodle soup, or spa gifts. Regardless of what you decide, your friend or family member will appreciate the thoughtful gesture.
Home-cooked meal
One of the best get well soon gift ideas is a home-cooked meal. Not only is it a great way to show your loved ones you care, but it also helps them feel better by providing them with comfort food. Whether it’s homemade biscuits for breakfast or Grandma’s chicken soup, home-cooked meals are always delicious and comforting.
Many studies have shown that people who eat more home-cooked meals have healthier diets than those who eat take-out or restaurant meals. This is largely due to the fact that restaurant meals typically contain higher amounts of sodium, saturated fat, total fat and calories than home-cooked meals.
Another benefit of eating at home is that you can spend more time with your loved ones and get to know them better. This can help you bond and become closer as a family. Having a meal together can also be a great way to unwind after a long day.
For those who don’t have a lot of time to cook, a meal delivery service can be the perfect solution. Services like Freshly offer easy, single-serve meals that are delivered straight to your door.
A meal-delivery service can save you time and money, and it will be a welcome addition to your loved one’s routine when they’re feeling under the weather. This is a particularly great option for busy families who don’t have the time or energy to prepare a home-cooked meal.
Lastly, a book can be a great get-well gift idea for anyone who is feeling under the weather. Reading is a relaxing activity that helps people escape the stresses of their everyday life. Books are also a fun gift for kids, and can be a great way to teach them the importance of reading!
Homemade dessert
A homemade dessert is the perfect get well present, especially if you know your recipient likes to bake. It’s easy to put together a delicious treat for someone who isn’t feeling well, and you can have it delivered right to their door.
A sundae or a chocolate cake are sure-fire winners. If you’re looking for something a little more decadent, try a brownie in a jar or some fancy-looking cookies, like this milk bar cookie sampler.
If you’re really into the baking game, there are some nifty things that you can do with the ingredients you already have on hand. For example, you can make a batch of cupcakes or a cake that will keep for a few weeks, so they can enjoy it when they feel better.
The best part is, you can make it yourself and save some money too. And if you’re lucky, they might even share it with their family!
In the end, a well-thought out gift will show your loved one how much you care about them. The key is to think outside the box and go for the most memorable gift that shows you care.
There are many Get Well Soon gifts to choose from, so take your time and consider what your loved one might want to get well. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect fit!
If you’re looking for a gift to send your friend or family member during their time of need, there are plenty of options. One of the best Get Well Soon Gift Ideas is to give them a book.
Books are a great way to pass the time and offer an escape from the illness. They can also be very entertaining. Depending on their interests, you can choose from books about cooking, reading, or even adult coloring books.
Another fun option is a scented candle that’s especially helpful for people who have headaches or other ailments. These candles are made with essential oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus, that can help alleviate the symptoms of your loved one’s illness.
For a more personal approach, consider getting a letter book and writing a note for your friend or family member. This will provide them with a keepsake to remember your thoughtfulness and kindness.
You can even go as far as putting together a collage of photos and memories. It’s a heartwarming way to say you care and will be there for them through their recovery.
A comfort kit is a wonderful gift for your friends and family members who are recovering from surgery or other major medical procedures. These baskets come with everything that they might need, including home-style soup, cookies, a blanket, a cuddly hot water bottle, and much more.
A get-well soon spa day is also a great idea for your friends and family members who are recovering. A gift box filled with lotion, moisturizer, face masks, and shower gel will be a relaxing treat that they can enjoy while they’re at home. This will motivate them to look forward to their recovery and help them feel better sooner.
Video game
One of the best gifts to get a sick person is a video game. A lot of people aren’t familiar with this fact, but playing a game can actually improve your health in many ways, from increasing your energy levels to making you feel more relaxed and happy. A recent study found that video games may be a real savior for some sickies, particularly those with long-term health concerns like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
There are many types of games out there, so it’s important to choose the right one for your sickie. The best games feature cleverly designed graphics, complex gameplay and an engaging storyline. They also have a high production value and an attractive price tag. For example, the best video games of recent years feature dazzling visuals and impressively animated characters. The best of the bunch are the ones that make you feel like you’re playing the latest blockbuster, while simultaneously evoking memories of your childhood.
The first video game was a rudimentary tennis game that debuted in 1958, though it wasn’t exactly a modern day hit. The best games of the year include a few notable homages to classic games like the Nintendo and Sony consoles, but more importantly they’re all about having fun.
When a loved one gets sick, there’s nothing more important than sending them a thoughtful get well soon gift. Whether it’s a bouquet of flowers, a basket filled with snacks or a new pair of slippers, a special present will help them feel better.
While they’re resting, a soothing candle can provide an uplifting scent that helps them feel more relaxed. Lavender or eucalyptus-scented candles are also effective at alleviating headaches and anxiety.
Another idea is to give a blanket, which can be used to tuck in their legs or wrap around them as they sleep. It will help them regulate their body temperature at night, which can ultimately lead to a more restful sleep and faster recovery.
A new blanket can also be a great way to show your love. The softness of a new blanket will remind your loved one that you’re there for them, even when they’re not feeling well.
Alternatively, you could consider giving them a teddy bear, which can serve as a comforting companion during the day or night. If you choose a teddy bear, be sure to personalize it with their name and a thoughtful message.
The best part is that a teddy bear will be something they can enjoy for years to come. This gift will make them smile and remember you every time they see it.
There are a number of toys that can be given as get well soon gifts for adults and kids alike. These include:
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groggylilfroggy · 2 years
It's been awhile since I have actually posted anything personal on here...
I'm struggling real bad and I feel like I am annoying/stressing out everyone around me.
Long story short, I just got my license back...it was suspended because I got in a wreck and my insurance had unfortunately lapsed at the time. (Couldn't afford the payment.) I finally got everything settled.
My wife is a truck driver...and hates the job bc she is never home and it's taking a toll on her.
I feel helpless bc I have such a hard time holding down a job for multiple reasons. It's not from a lack of trying, mind you. I get overwhelmed and so stressed easily that I tend to shut down and become severely depressed. I have moderate to severe panic attacks...and I also have been having major stomach issues, so it's hard for me to determine when I am able to work. So I decided to try instacart...something I can be like "Okay...I feel pretty good today, I can work!"
I have only been able to complete a total of 3 batches because I panic when I'm shopping/delivering. And for some reason the app is so confusing to navigate for me.
I thought the app would be self explainitory. I signed up last month. My first batch was a disaster because I accidentally accepted a double batch. I managed to get all the items I could. Then I went to check out but my app was glitching and I couldn't figure out what the pin was. The employee ringing me up was getting irritated with me and was super impatient which...didn't help me at all. I tried to contact support but the app kept sending me in circles...it was messing up bad. I started to panic because I had cold/frozen stuff and the delivery was due real soon...and I was stuck at check out. It was insane. Then when I finally got in touch with support, I checked out....it was pouring rain....got all the groceries in my car. The app was still messing up. I couldn't figure out how to get to person A or B's house. I'm shaking and hyperventilating. I finally find the navigation and drive to each house
But I couldn't figure out how to complete the orders bc my app didn't give me an option anywhere. So I just dropped the groceries off and left. I contacted support again and told them what happened....
Then the next batch I tried doing....it started with 10-15 items. No problem. That's great! Super easy. Ill be in and out. But then...the customer kept adding stuff. I was literally stuck in the chip aisle for a good 20 minutes. I'm not even joking. And every time I tried leaving the aisle something else was added and I had to turn around and go get it. I was at the store for way longer than I should have been and my phone fucking died before I could even finish the batch. I left the store midpanic attack....I sat in my car to charge my phone and turned it back on. I had to cancel that order because....oh my God I couldn't deal with that customer. They kept adding stuff. They wouldn't communicate with me...they kept sending me everywhere around the store. Completely fucked up my shopping trip...there was just no way. There seriously needs to be a cut off point. Because that totally fucked me all up. I shouldn't have been gone that long. It was ridiculous.
Anyway...I completed another batch with my wife the other day and it wasn't bad...it was a lot easier with someone with me. But like...I was still extremely stressed and anxious. I don't know if instacart is for me...and I'm very upset. I need to do something. I'm disappointed in myself bc I promised I would try hard...but no matter how hard I try, I still fail...
It should be a simple job for me. And yet...it's not. I'm so...so tired...
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hermit-god-au-pog · 3 years
[OLD AND MAY BECOME NON-CANON LATER ON] Hermit-Gods and their Bio’s
Some of these might change, might add or edit some stuff later, but for now, heres the first 5! Hope ya’ll enjoy!
Also, long-ish post, so under the cut!
BDoubleO- God of Slumber
Real Godly name?; Endri
Pronouns; He/Him
Extra Domains?; Subconscious & Dreams
Event(s) that would make them happy?; A whole server-wide slumber party. All the hermits come over(probably pretty early), Bdubs has set up an area of beds. And right as night hits, everyone gets in their beds to sleep. (Hermits would have to be tired during the day or get tired so everyone can sleep together)
Myth?; After years of torment, of no sleep, only working for a being that corrupted him, he escaped, he was free! The first thing he did, when he knew he was safe, he allowed himself to sleep, to rest. He dreamed for the first time in ages. Now, after a person has a terrible and very taxing few days, or had to fight their way through it physically or mentally, at the end of that week, they’ll have a wonderful dream, and wake up to a soft voice in the morning.
What one would hear after? ‘Aha! A wondrous sleep for a brave survivor, keep at it ya amazing thing
TinfoilChef- God of mining
Real Godly name?; Oynx
Pronouns; He/Him
Extra Domains?; Tools
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Being with a group of people, doesn’t have to be the whole server. Having a family dinner-like event. They all have dinner then later help sort through all the materials TFC has collected, and everyone gets to go home with a stack of something.
Myth?; TFC went on and came back from a dangerous mining expedition, risking his life to get riches of plenty for him and his friends. So every time someone comes back with a hefty haul after a rough mining trip, they'll hear a soft whisper of his voice.
What one would hear after? 'With your perseverance and persistence, you can do anything' or 'Does your back hurt yet? Haha, great work'
MumboJumbo- God of contraptions
Real Godly name?; Jaxith
Pronouns; He/Him
Extra Domains?; Redstone, Potatoes, deadly/dangerous contraptions
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Being able to collab on Redstone project or ramble on a new project or interest and have someone or some people to actually listen, or be there to listen. Hell even if they were doing it to sleep, Mumbo loves to be able to gush and talk about what he loves. So like, a show and tell! Of different projects, he and his friends are proud of.
Myth?; After time and time again, hundreds of fails and slow inching progress, he never gave up on his project. And in the end, after ages, he finished it! It worked and did what it was intended. Now, when someone sticks a frustrating and difficult Redstone contraption through, they'll hear the soft voice.
What one would hear after? 'Oh! I’m chuffed to bits with this! It's finally working!'
GeminiTay- Goddess of forests
Real Godly name?; Xylon
Pronouns; She/her
Extra Domains?; n/a or TBD
Event(s) that would make them happy?; a big ol picnic underneath one of her/or any custom tree’s or in the forest. Everyone just having a good time, relaxing, and nothing too extravagant going on. Maybe a little organic build off as well
Myth?; All she wanted was to live peacefully in her village, taking on the challenges of the world at her own pace, but sometimes you need to do things you don’t want to, or that make you uncomfortable, to realize how good your life is. So after doing something that makes you very uncomfortable or out of place, once you realize the love you have for your normal life you’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Isn’t it just wonderful? I’m so happy to see this!’
Grian- God of shenanigans & mischief
Real Godly name?; Xelquas
Pronouns; He/She/They
Extra Domains?; Advocate for creatures of flight
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Something that has happened many times, server-wide shenanigans! Like the civil war, demise, mycelium resistance, thats the good cush
Myth?; He was hurt for so long, he was usually the nice guy or one of the nicest, he tried to be good but chaos was in his nature, it was built into him. Finally one day, a group of people sought him out, encouraged his chaos. Now, when someone holds in their true self, to make others happy, and have a moment of realization. When they do something that makes them happy, but they know isnt something others in courage, a little voice says.
What one would hear after? ‘Arnt you tired of being nice? Don’t you wanna go ape-shit?’ or ‘Stop holding back, let the real you lose, it’ll be fun!’
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baby--b4t · 3 months
Been a while since u posted, u ok? :3c
Hey everyone! Its been a hot minute since Ive posted anything. Life has gotten pretty busy for me even after school ended, so heres a little update on me!
The biggest news I have is that I finally got a job! Im very excited about it (mainly because Ill be making my own money now), but that does leave me with less time to make my bots and such. I know I said that I would hopefully be making more over summer break :[
The next news I have is that Im starting to get over the writers/art block that Ive been trying to deal with :D I feel more excited about drawing and have been thinking about my bots more often (in a good way!). Hopefully I can manage to push myself a bit more so I can get some done <3
However, I think I may be changing what characters I will make. I know Ive mentioned multiple times that I would prefer to make bots of characters I already have done, but I think Im going to stick to that now. Im planning on reorganizing my requests before I open them back up. Ill most likely have a character selection that people can pick from. The idea of trying to write the base for a new character has been very overwhelming to me. Whenever I do add a new character onto the form I will make sure to announce it here so everyone will know :]
If you made it this far, then thank you for being so patient with me <3 Being able to read some of your guys responses to them has made me tear up a couple time /pos. Ill do my best to get another bot batch out soon :] I promise I see everyones requests.
Make sure youre taking care of yourself, big or little
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