grenadinexo · 4 months
hello to all the beautiful gorgeous transfemmes newly following me i hope you’re all having a lovely evening
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1800-fight-me · 5 months
Hiiiiiiii. :)
First I love love love your fics.
You’re awesome.
Secondly you have a fic called duty and honor or something like that, where Aemond goes to war and his little wife is pregnant.
In it Aegon makes comments to her that she doesn’t like. I was wondering if you would write a continuation fic where now Aemond is back he over hears his brother and becomes all protective knowing this has been happening all the time he was away as well.
Just love protective pissed off In love Aemond and the way you write him, makes a girl swoon :) 🌹
Of Retribution & Desire
Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader
Rating: M (Mature) (as always - MINORS DO NOT INTERACT)
Warnings: Violence, reader is a couple weeks postpartum, Aemond being protective
Word count: About 1.3k
Synopsis: Your husband defends your honor and protects you from the hateful words of his brother.
Author’s note: This ask is from the summer of last year lmao my bad,,, I've been going through it lately but hopefully this fic was worth the wait and still makes you swoon! Thanks for the love and support! Hopefully this is also the start of me being more involved in writing and the fandom again! This is part three of my first ever Aemond fic!!
Part one - Of Duty and Honor
Part two - Of War and Longing
I do not have a taglist! Instead if you would like to be notified when I post new fics follow my side blog @jo-writes-fanfic and turn your post notifications on!
Aemond Masterlist
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“It certainly appears to be true that childbirth takes away a woman’s beauty,” Aegon practically sneered at you as he looked up and down your body. 
It was merely two weeks after you gave birth to Aemond’s daughter and your emotions were all over the place. 
His words filled you with such anger and self consciousness that your body could not hold in the emotions. 
Most embarrassingly, your eyes filled with tears. You were aghast at your reaction. Though Aegon often frustrated you, you certainly did not care enough about his opinion on your appearance for his words to cut so deep. 
Though if you were honest with yourself, you were already uncomfortable with your appearance today and wished you could have avoided today’s gathering. Though Aemond had assured you that you looked lovely, it was obvious to you, despite your lady’s maid’s best efforts, that you were exhausted. You felt uncomfortable in your own skin, your body went through massive changes and had not had the time and chance to adjust back. 
So there, in front of Aegon and the rest of your in-laws, you began to cry. 
Damn these uncontrollable emotions that came on so strongly after giving birth. 
You wanted to run and hide, and turned to do just that when Aemond walked in the room. 
His brow knitted in concern and his footsteps quickened as soon as he saw you. 
He was at your side and pulled you into his larger frame as he looked down at you. 
“What is wrong?” He asked, his voice tight. His gaze was on you before his eye darted around the room scanning it for danger or anything that could have caused your distraught state. 
You pursed your lips, afraid to speak for fear of more embarrassing tears flowing. 
“Who did this to you?” he asked, his voice dark with the promise of violence.
You really didn’t want to be the cause of another fight between him and his brother. 
“Aegon was being vile,” Heleana spoke up. 
You looked back at her in surprise that she would speak up, stand up for you. 
Aemond looked over your head at his brother and his eye narrowed. 
“What did you say to my wife,” he practically growled. 
Aegon visibly blanched and as quick as that your mood changed. You held back a smile. You were eager to see Aegon finally receive consequences for all the horrible things he’d said to you throughout your pregnancy when Aemond was off winning his war. 
“N-nothing,” he said and you scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
Aemond glanced down at you. He could’ve asked you but it was clear he wanted to make his brother sweat, make him admit to hurting you. 
He glared at Aegon who chose to glare back. 
Alicent let out a long suffering sigh and explained to Aemond what had been said. 
“That’s not the only thing he’s said too, right?” Heleana asked, her voice sweet and innocent. It amused you that she continued to push the issue, trying to get her husband in trouble. 
A horrible thought clanged through you that every vile comment he’d made to you, at least you had Aemond’s protection. Maybe it was worse for her. And maybe getting Aemond to punish Aegon for how he treated you was a safe way for her to get retribution as well. 
So you met her eyes, took a deep breath, set your jaw, and turned back to your husband. You told him every awful thing you could remember that Aegon said to you those eight months that Aemond was gone. 
You ignored Aegon, looking only at your husband as you spoke. 
As you finished, the tension in the room was thick, and it became so quiet, quiet enough that you could hear Aegon take a step back. 
Aemond took a deep calming breath, gently brushed you aside, then lunged towards his brother. 
“Aemond!” Alicent yelled in protest. 
“Aemond,” you murmured, a weak attempt to dissuade him, your heart not truly in it as you protested along with her. 
You took another step back, your body still weak from giving birth, not having any interest in getting involved in a physical fight, and watched as your husband punched his brother in the face to defend your honor. 
He looked like an avenging angel, you thought, as his white hair flew around, his upper lip curled into a snarl, and the look in his eye promised pain. 
You wondered at it, the smooth grace with which he attacked, it caused your heart to pound, and you knew it was not from fear. 
He really only got two good hits in before the King’s Guards intervened and pulled him away. But it was glorious to behold. 
His assault was so quick and vicious, Aegon didn’t even have a chance to fight back. 
Alicent was distraught, but Heleana sidled up beside you and gave you a small smile which you returned. 
The fact of the matter was, you were incredibly turned on. Uncomfortably turned on as you watched Aemond be violent to defend your honor. 
You were ready to drag him to your rooms and make another baby, but then your aching body reminded you that you were in no shape to do any such thing. 
Aemond yanked himself out of the grip of one of the guards and strode to you. 
He tilted your face up with a finger beneath your chin so your gaze would meet his own that was filled with fire. And smirked at the desire in your eyes. 
He pressed a brief but firm kiss to your wanting lips, you heard Aegon yelling something but ignored him completely. 
You slipped your hand into Aemond’s, his knuckles a little bloody, and tugged on him slightly, leading him out and away from the chaos. 
As you exited the room you gripped his tunic, and he backed you against the wall. 
He placed his hands against the wall on either side of your head, caging you in, and with the heat - the fire - between the two of you, there was nothing you could do but rise up on your tiptoes and press your lips to his. 
And these past weeks with your daughter, the nine months before that as you carried her, had been amazing, one of the most joyful experiences of your life. But, you were not only her mother, you were also Aemond’s wife. 
And he reminded you of that, reminded you that you are his wife and he desires you, as he kissed you back, kissed you hard, kissed you in a way that made your toes curl. 
This was not the sweet, short, gentle way he had kissed you since she was born, no. This was your dragon filling you with his fire again. 
His lips moved against yours, opening you up so his tongue could sweep against your own. 
His hand left the wall to grip your waist, and self consciousness at your changed body flared up, but was soon smothered by his desire as he pushed his body closer to yours, pushed you further against the wall, pressed against him completely. 
He groaned into your mouth and you nipped at his bottom lip in response. Finally, your body sang, like you were shaken awake by the heat. 
You whimpered against his lips, and his tongue danced with yours in response. 
Your body throbbed with desire… and then pain that reminded you that although your spirit felt ready to be joined with your husband in carnal desire again, your body certainly was not. 
You pulled back, your breathing hard, and he smiled softly as he beheld you. His hand grazed up from your waist, slowly and gently, until he cupped your cheek. 
“I can’t-“ you tried to explain, but he shook his head, understanding in his gaze.
“I know,” he murmured. 
He kissed you again, this time gentle and slow, filled with care and affection rather than heat and desire. 
He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. 
“I love you,” you said sweetly. 
He chuckled and said, “I love you too, little wife. Let’s go hold our daughter before that look in your eyes convinces me to fill you with another.” 
You giggled and took his hand and allowed your prince, your defender, your husband to lead you to your daughter. 
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kittyshino · 2 months
hello !!!! hiiiiiiii !!! welcome to my blog. as of writing this, this is my very first public social media account i have !! so i’m very new to this .
i occasionally draw and i like calligraphy but my main art interest is in a worldbuilding project im creating conlangs and writing for 💖
big fan of the games celeste, terraria, hollow knight, risk of rain 2, deltarune and occasionally minecraft and stardew valley 💕
other fandoms im in: dimension 20, camp here and there, and mcr, underscores and jhariah’s music (just to name some of them !!!) i love to talk about my interests and theres so much that im missing here for the sake of brevity 💝
as a little warning the posts i reblog can get nsfw so maybe minors don’t follow me
oh yeah i guess i have one other public social and thats my discord, if youre a mutual i guess just ask me for it and ill send it over 💗
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also i love this cat check him out the internet calls him big poo . i draw him all the time
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b-blushes · 1 year
girl help in the midst of a new migration how do we tell who's a real person and who's a spam bot blog if the blogs have reasonable names but no headers or posts or display pictures... i don't want to block and/or report genuine people but at the same time. bots begone. are they just new here and haven't reblogged posts now or is it someone who's gonna Get Me
OH YEAH unsolicited advice if there is anyone new to tumblr who's following me hiiiiiiii welcome! you will probably be less likely to be blocked by existing tumblr users if you indicate that you're a person not a bot, such as by making a post like 'hi i'm new idk how this works yet' or changing your appearance settings :P
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theyenzter · 2 years
I have not written on here in so long. I still keep up with my blog so those who still follow me wassup!! Those who are new hiiiiiiii :)
Life’s been weird lately. STILL working nonstop, still trying to pass my boards.... Sometimes I feel like this goal is so unachievable that i am like is this ever going to happen for me? Like how much more of my life do I have to sacrifice for this to happen. I feel like i have already missed out on so much and it gives me anxiety...I cannot be 100 percent into someone if they cannot respect that I have to study most of the time. lol Anyways, I was on the verge of giving up but my support system has been so supportive and believes in me. I owe it to myself to try again. 
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lovelyamneris · 3 years
hiiiiiiii ♧
heyyyyyy 💞
you’re my: mutual of almost two years! which is such a long time and such a short time all simultaneously. we’ve known each other on here longer than I’ve known some of my irl friends haha. very cool we still interact with each other after all this time <3
how I met you: I have such a bad memory especially thinking back two years ago shshsshshshs but I do know we were both full on marvel blogs back in The Day like you said haha
why I follow you: originally for the marvel content and now because I think you’re really cool! And plus I really enjoy your new content and posts it makes me interested in things I never would’ve been and I love that
your blog is: love love love it. your mobile theme is so aesthetic. honestly amazing <3
yur URL is: don’t understand it but every url change you’ve made has been so iconic! queen moves fr I swear 👑
your icon is: super interesting! so trippy and cute!
a random fact I know about you: you used to have tony urls! And also you’re a big 1D fan which is very cool
general opinion: you’ve always been so friendly and nice and honestly I think it’s so amazing how we still follow each other on here even though we both post drastically different stuff than we originally did lmao. im always excited when I see your url in my notes! also you make me want to listen to 1D even tho I’ve never really got into them but all your posts make their music seem really cool and I lowkey might give it a shot :’)
random thought I have: I have a feeling we’re going to follow each other on here till one of us deactivates so we’re lifers I guess 💘🤷‍♀️
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riricitaa · 4 years
Hello beautiful talented soul, I've been following your blog for awhile and stalking you and your stevebucky gifs and I admire your work! And I want to ask, would you make some deancas ones? It's clear that you ship them too, and I just want to know if you will because I would love to! Thank you! Much love
Hiiiiiiii! ❤❤❤❤❤ thank you 💕 means so much to me that you liked my stuff 🙈🙈
As for your question, which I got asked before, when I started watching the show earlier this year, and I think I have the same answer, the supernatural and destiel fandom is big and already have lots and lots of talented artists and content creators, and I don't know tbh, I still feel like an outsider 🙈 and it's scary when you make something new that lots of other people are already doing! So, at the moment? I'm not sure, but who knows maybe in the future? I have no inspiration to do anything right now, and maybe when the inspiration hits, it's for destiel, who knows 😅 I can't promise anything! But I'm not saying no too 😏 it's a matter of time 💕
Thank you for your message again ❤❤
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sunny-sonny · 5 years
Hiiiiiiii! 👋 New followers!! Welcome to this hell site of a blog!!! Let’s talk about the Women’s World Cup or just WOSO in general! Leave me an ask!
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mohaebebe · 7 years
HIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m new here (and new to monsta x) + need blogs to follow pls like this post....lol I need friends....and people to educate me 
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kurokonbscenarios · 7 years
hiiiiiiii! im a new knb imagine blog ((alongside other animes too)) i was wondering if its alright with you to give me a shoutout? i hope you have a good day ;D
Of course ya can! Welcome to the fandom!
A new imagine blog to follow! Check out their rules before requesting and their askbox is currently open!
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hiiiiiiii! im a new knb imagine blog ((alongside other animes too)) i was wondering if its alright with you to give me a shoutout? i hope you have a good day ;D
go check out @imaginetho xx esp because, from what i can, they’re put in a huge amount of effort and therefore deserve as many followers as possible!!
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hiiiiiiii! im a new knb imagine blog ((alongside other animes too)) i was wondering if its alright with you to give me a shoutout? i hope you have a good day ;D
Certainly! I hope you have a great time with your blog!! Please, everyone, go follow this amazing new blog!
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haikyuu-hq-imagines · 7 years
hiiiiiiii! im a new haikyuu!! imagine blog ((alongside other animes too)) i was wondering if its alright with you to give me a shoutout? i hope you have a good day ;D
Go follow them and make sure to send in some requests! Good luck with your blog!
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basketbaes-imagines · 7 years
hiiiiiiii! im a new knb imagine blog ((alongside other animes too)) i was wondering if its alright with you to give me a shoutout? i hope you have a good day ;D
Hello!!! And of course I can give you a shoutout!!!
I’m so bad at wording these but @ everyone: go follow this new blog!! They seem really nice and amazing!!
Thank you! Have a nice day!!
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
Starters, posts and memes... keep sending them my way!
So I managed to hit up a few more replies, and more will DEFINITELY come tomorrow!! I’m honestly having such a blast rping with everyone!! PLEASE feel free to message me or inbox me for plots!! OR you can send any sort of asks for Agron my way!! You can even just pop in my inbox to say “HEY!” and I PROMISE that you will receive a very enthusiastic “HIIIIIIII”! I’m also having SO much fun with the memes so am always accepting them! My two faves right now and probably the below ones:
Send a symbol for a starter meme and send a character/topic and I will write a six word story! Send them my way peoples!! They are so much fun!! Even if we already have a ton of rps, there is no such thing as too many! I want ALLL the things! *grabby hands*
Thank you to everyone for chatting with me, posting with me, and following me! As always, welcome to all new followers!! I hope you enjoy your time on my blog!!
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maravding · 7 years
thank you for tagging me @breathing-sarcasm :)
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: martina
Nicknames: marti/marty/marmar/mar (im a slut for nicknames sue me)
Zodiac sign: taurus
Height: 170 cm/5′7″
Orientation: bi bi bi
Nationality: italian
Favourite fruit: strawberries and apples
Favourite season: winter
Favourite book: harry potter
Favourite flower: jasmine
Favourite scent: new books, winter, baked goods 
Favourite colour: red
Favourite animal: kitties
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: all of them (all for different reasons?? coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and hot cocoa with friends)
Average sleep hours: 7-8
Cat or dog person: cat person but i also love dogs :3
Favorite fictional character: if i have to pick one it will always be hermione granger. i do love all my children and spouses but hermione was the first
Number of blankets you sleep with: top sheet + comforter 
Dream trip: around the world
Blog created: 2012 i’ve been here far too long
Number of followers: 430?? i think??
tagging new followers! @katsuklyuuri @partlymadeofgold @wayland @tougane Hiiiiiiii 
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