leclercskiesahead · 1 year
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Scuderia Ferrari: you can’t spell chaos without Charlos
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 month
TYYYY UR TAGS ARE SO SWEET AUGHH im glad u like pg 2 panel 2 thats actually one of my least favs ToT I had SOOO much trouble getting the face right KDKGJRJW
Oh !!! And fun fact abt the colors of his hair, it changes on emotion, n light purple is nervousness while yellow is like. Annoyance/disgust AKSJFJE
WAYAAYH i guessed they changed on emotion ... i love that sm... hahaha .. ourple as nervous and yellow annoyance/disgust hes so real for that
is pink ? or red like anger/frustration?? i remmeber the proto day cooking drawing and his loserish swag was so funny i cant believe he cant crack eggs
i love how day is jealous that proto day is taller and has color changing hair BRO U HAVE COOL ZEBRA HAIR THAT LOOKS HARDER TO DRAW STOP INSULTING THA ARTIST (U) LMAOO
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alatusxiaoo · 3 years
hello hello !! out of random impulse,, i just felt the urge to list all the blogs/people who have made my experience in the genshinblr community really memorable :”)) there’s no special occasion for this,, but i absolutely think it’s important that i note these people and remind them how amazing they are with a few msgs + gifs !! so without further ado, here they all are <3
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@stargazer-balladeer hi :”)) ik i’ve already told you that you were the first blog i read genshin fics from 🙃🙃 but you probably don’t know that it really meant a lot to me when i first joined tumblr to find a sanctuary to escape from in the hectic rush of the world. we don’t talk much, but i just want you to know that im indebted to you and wholly appreciate you for that,, for unknowingly keeping me safe in your blog without much thought or purposeful intention to do so 🤧
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@xiaowhore bestie <3 when i first started writing, i had not much of a clue on what i was doing,, i was just having fun without much of a care for it. but your fics showed me that writing wasn’t just for the whim or thrill of it,, writing meant building a whole ass world out of scratch for others and yourself to run to when the world feels like a lot to bear. it really motivated me to learn to write better,, and you still continue to inspire me even up until today 😭😭 thank you for that,, ily and it will always mean everything to me :”))
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@keokomi heyheyhey 💞 you were definitely one of the first people i felt absolutely comfortable talking to ☺️ you’re just really easygoing, it was always so simple to share a brief conversation with you <3 and it made my time on genshinblr so interesting and nice to look forward to 👉👈 and all your fics and impulsive themes (LMAO) are so fking cute dkfjshdjs like how ?? i hope you realize how much of a great person you are,, and i know a whole lot of others can and will learn to see that from you too ^~^
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@sohyuki hellooo 😗 when you first reached out to me in an ask and told me how nice my writing was,, it genuinely surprised me because i mean—just fking look at yours !! you may be a relatively new blog, but with the way you write and your absolutely tender personality,, people will seriously feel drawn to you <3 i can see that you put a lot of your heart into your posts, and i sincerely know that you’ll fking crush it with your future works and upcoming series !! 💞 it takes a lot of patience and time,, so don’t doubt yourself too much bestie 😤🦶🦶
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@jayeeintheclouds-inactive hehe :”)) i mean it when i say you were one of the people i felt was always a truly genuine friend in my time here :> i know that the blog has gone inactive,, but im always here hoping that you’re happy with your life now, and the freedom you’ve achieved from your decision <3
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special mentions <3:
@fruitloooop (fawk i dont know why it wont tag you 😭😭) @m4yberi hi aksjfjs,, you guys were one of the first few people who followed me + interacted with me on this app :(( it really meant a lot to me when i was new back then and had no fking idea what i was doing lmaoo 💀 but thank you 🥺 idk if you’ll remember that tho but i still do,, and im forever grateful to you guys for it <3
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@valberiyah @pixyys @callariri (sldjfhs fawking tags what is happening) ive seen you guys interact with my posts for like,, a really long time now 😭😭 ive never actually talked with u guys,, but i always feel happy when i see your faces liking my posts ;-; thank you for that,, its seriously just so nice and comforting to see familiar people still with me until today 😔💞
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sl-walker · 7 years
resistancepilots replied to your post:
On a much lighter note, I just realized that all...
LMAO i have so many questions aksjfj does obi wan even realize this is happening do all the blackbirds develop individual preferences so maul eventually knows who will want what and are all the other clones jealous of and also a little baffled by the weirdly fragrant blackbird squadron THE POTENTIAL HERE
Does Obi realize?  Eventually.  Maul’s still pretty behind the social-training curve, so he wouldn’t even start to think it was offensive to give them away as gifts, and honestly, Obi wouldn’t really be offended by this.  He’d find it endearing and adorable, though he’d probably not say that aloud. XD
Yes, I’ll bet they do!  OMG.  Like-- Husker wouldn’t care so much, Castle wouldn’t really care either, Tally would think it was cute but whatever, Shiv would probably have a range of scents he liked, usually mellow and maybe nutty.  But Misty would be laying in his bunk with a seaweed-based mask, face slathered green, partly because the smell reminds him of his training days but also because damn, his skin’s just-- fabulous after.
Raze has a thing for very delicate floral scents.  Nothing heavy or perfume-like, just really delicate and clean.  Except when they’re deployed on missions, then he likes something a little stronger if they don’t have regular trips to a ‘fresher, so he can rub it under his nose. XD  Help cut the stench.
Tango’s more into citrus.  Bright, crisp, and he likes that it tingles on his skin for a bit before settling and mellowing.  Brody’s right there with him on that one.  They both end up dipping into Misty’s seaweed mask on occasion, too.
Six and Eight (who by then have names but I’m not telling yet) don’t use theirs right away, but one night they get bored and crack open the jars.  They actually trade because they like the other one’s better, and from then on, their hands might have callouses, but otherwise they’re baby soft. XD
Smarty literally likes all of them.  Not only does he like all of them, but he’s the one who ends up giving it away to Obi-Wan when he gets a few minutes to grill the general about the original planets they came from.  All of these great, often small-label scents from various worlds?  Sign him up!
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