kof-xiii · 1 year
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zaney-hacknslash · 6 years
Hakkai's Bday pt2
“Staying here is useless now that you’ve gotten me… That is, now that I’ve wasted so much time drinking with you. We may as well go out and see what goes on around here on a Friday night.”
“See?” A grin slipped slowly across his lips. “I knew you’re my age too. I fuckin’ knew it.”
Gojyo and I clipped through the town, side by side. It was busier than I’d even expected, with all sorts of people—old and young—bustling through the streets, chattering and laughing. Lights flashed and music blared. I spent most of the walk paying close attention each and every step I took so I wouldn’t as much as stumble, while Gojyo half-swaggered half-staggered next to me, and by the time I started to notice our surroundings again we’d reached downtown, where the noise and excitement was at its peak.
“No fighting,” I told Gojyo. “One thing I will absolutely not do on my birthday is break up a fight between you and some drunkard—not like last year. Last year, it seemed I was fishing you out of a fight every five minutes. I’m not doing that again. I will stand by and watch as you get your ass handed to you if I must, and I’ll even drag you to the emergency room if I have to, but I’m not stepping between you and someone else’s fist when you try to pick up someone else’s woman. I don’t think that’s unreasonable, do you? I wouldn’t expect you to do it on your birthday. All I’m asking for is a little common courtesy.”
Instead of answering, he wondered, “Wha’s with the swearing? You never swear.’
It must be because of the absinthe, I realized, but I wasn’t about to tell him that, so I said, “It bothers me that you didn’t answer me.”
“Duh. ‘Course, Hakkai. ‘M not gonna pick fights on your birthday. ‘Kay? Chill, Kai.”
I studied him. He didn’t seem all that drunk yet. Yes, he was slurring his words and walking unsteadily, and he had that look in his eyes, but he wasn’t falling-down-stupid like I’d expected him to be. It made me question, again, where all the absinthe had gone. If it was affecting me to this degree, I’d expect him to be blacked out drunk already… Assuming he’d drank as much as I had.
Next, I looked down at the bottle, which I held in my hand still. There was only a quarter of it left. I knew I’d drank some on the way into town, but I couldn’t remember if I’d passed it to him even once.
I hoisted it over my head suddenly, sloshing some on my shirt. “Where is all this devil’s piss going?”
Gojyo paused to wrinkle his forehead at me in consternation. “Devil’s piss…”
“What? The absinthe, Gojyo.”
“I know. Jus’ not used ta hearin’ you talk like that. Uhh. What’dya mean? Where’s it goin’… We’ve been drinkin’ it.”
“Yeah, but…” I paused and started over. “Yes, but I mean… You’re drinking it too, aren’t you?”
“We’re sharing,” he told me, mimicking my voice and tone. “That’s part of sharing. See? I listen.”
“You’re insufferable,” I grumbled.
“I’m tryin’ ta drink it, but you’re bogarding it, man. I dunno where it went. I think ya drank a bunch of it.”
“Here.” I handed it to him suddenly and tucked my hands in my pockets. It was a cold night, and I wished I’d brought my scarf. “I don’t want any more.”
Dutifully, Gojyo took a sip and wiped his lips on his sleeve.
Immediately, I snagged it back from him. “Never mind. I just remembered—if you drink too much of this you’ll ruin my birthday, if you don’t just die.”
We popped into a club of Gojyo’s choosing. I was so intent on keeping myself under control—watching the way I walked and spoke and moved—I didn’t even notice the name of the place, and the next thing I knew I was standing against the bar, shoulder to shoulder with a sea of strangers. The lights were low, making every face mysterious, and the music was so loud I had to shout at the bartender to order a martini.
“Dirty!” I screamed at him, as he cupped one hand around his ear. “Very dirty!” I jerked my thumb at Gojyo. “He’s just having water!”
Gojyo rammed me with his shoulder, very nearly knocking me off-balance, and growled, “Don’t order for me, dick head!”
I received my martini and turned to look around the club, desperate for a place to sit, but there didn’t appear to be any chairs at all—it was just a massive dance floor, wall to wall with people grinding against one another.
“Why are we here?” I demanded.
Gojyo looked coolly at me through the haze of his cigarette smoke. “Ya wanted ta go out!”
“Yes, but why here? You know I’m not overly fond of places like this!”
“I was just cold! What did’ja want? The library?”
I glared at him. “Why are you fighting with me?”
“I’m not fighting with you, Hakkai! Drink your fuckin’ martini an’ chill the fuck out!”
Scowling, I sipped my beverage. I didn’t see how I could chill out at all with all the people jostling against me and screaming in my ear, and the god-awful music blaring, and the flashing lights threatening to send me into a seizure, and Gojyo being difficult.
Gojyo hooked his arm roughly around my neck. “Dude! Quit frownin’ like that! You’re gonna scare all the chicks away!”
“Is that why we’re here? To pick up women!”
“No! I’m teasing you! Chill!”
Before I could make my response, a woman crawled out of the crowd on the other side of me. She took a moment to hitch up her halter, seeing how she was just about to fall out of it—in fact it appeared to be a size too small—and then she smiled up at me. She had an ice-white lip piercing and her eyelashes were coated in glitter. “Hey, there!”
Immediately, Gojyo took his arm off me and turned away, engaging in conversation with the patron next to him, abandoning me in yet another awkward social situation.
“Hello,” I said back.
The woman proceeded to dance next to me, bumping against me with her broad hips and pressing in close. “What’s you’re name?” she shouted to be heard over the music.
“Go—Hakkai! Cho Hakkai…”
That was my name. I’d picked it. Where on earth did I even get it? Destruction, that was me.
“Hakkai.” She giggled. “I like it! Do you wanna dance?”
I shook my head. “No, thank you!”
“Oh, c’mon!” She attached herself to my arm, fingers gliding up my bicep to my shoulder. “Don’t be shy! Dance with me!”
“I don’t dance!”
“Sure you do!” She slammed lightly against me, kinetic energy forcing me to sway in what was almost a rhythm.
“No, really! I don’t! It’s flattering,” I forced myself to add. “Very flattering! But no!”
She pretended to pout, but her eyes were bright with a hidden smile. “Buy me a drink then!”
“I’m afraid I don’t—”
A hulking man emerged from the crowd and stood behind her, bald head looking particularly shiny in the odd light. He had a huge septum piercing and a disgustingly long beard. He glared down at me. “Hey!” he boomed. “What’re you up to, punk-ass? Tryin’ ta steal my girl?”
“No, I—”
She turned to him. “Oh! Don’t be such a Neanderthal! I was just talking to the guy!”
“Looks like he’s tryin’ ta pick you up!” he growled, moving in closer to tower over me. “Right, you little shit? Pickin’ up on my girl!?”
“As I said, no, I was just—”
“Smart ass son’vabitch!” One meaty hand snagged the front of my shirt, dragging me forward, while the other bunched up and cocked back for a strike.
I dropped my martini, ready to rip his arm off. My reflexes though. They weren’t as quick as—
His fist smashed into my face, knocking me back, and the next thing I knew I was slumped against Gojyo, staring up into his screaming face.
I felt him holding me up, but I couldn’t make myself move for a few seconds. I counted them.
One, two, three…
Gojyo’s eyes flashed and turned dark. He heaved me to the side.
I made a grab at him. His slick jacket slipped through my fingers as he darted forward.
Disbelievingly, I watched him knock the huge man’s block off. The brute fell over backward and vanished into the crowd, likely out cold on impact. His girlfriend screamed. The crowd gasped, and everyone around us fell silent. Several more men surged forward—they were dressed as bouncers.
I got shuffled to the side all too easily and lost sight of my roommate in the chaos.
Someone gripped my arm. A concerned but unfamiliar face stared at me, yelling, “You okay?”
I pulled loose and stumbled away, looking around as if I was lost. I felt blood trickling down from my nose.
What the hell just happened?
My heart started to race. The crowd was in a frenzy, shoving against each other and screaming, running away and moving in closer, rolling back and forth like tides at the ocean, pushing me out and threatening to drag me back in.
When I finally had my senses again and was just beginning to charge forward to find him, Gojyo burst out from between the wall of people and grabbed me, shoving me ahead of him through the crowd. “Go, go, go!”
I heard tremulous voices cracking over the general din. Faces appeared in front of me, staring wide-eyed with gaping mouths, and then disappeared again as I was pushed past them.
Gojyo propelled me through the exit, out into the dark cold, and I nearly tripped down the stairs. Before I could right myself, he snatched the lapel of my jacket and dragged me around the corner, slamming me against the wall.
He stared at me, face full of shock and looking pale in the shadows, cigarette busted in half and hanging from his mouth. I felt him grip both my shoulders. “Hey, you okay?”
Jerking away from him and cupping my bloody nose, I turned my back to him. Blood spattered the front of my sweater. I realized I was shaking and breathing hard. I couldn’t understand what happened. I’d just watched that half-with punch me in the face. How?
A voice bellowed through the quiet, “Don’t come back, if you know what’s good for you! Fucking gutter trash!”
“Shit.” Gojyo bumped me with his shoulder. “Let’s get outta here.”
Taking hold of me again, he led me several blocks away, to a less crowded part of the street, and then paused in an alleyway. “Are you okay?” he asked again.
I stared down at the puddle of blood in my palm. “That…miscreant hit me…”
“I saw…” He popped a new cigarette in his mouth and chewed anxiously on it. “Are you all right?”
Suddenly, I turned on him, shouting, “This is all your fault, Gojyo! I told you I didn’t want to be in there!”
“Hey, I didn’t know somebody was gonna—”
“No! But you knew I just wanted to stay home tonight! You knew I didn’t want to drink absinthe and go to a club and get hit on by STD-infested women! You know that’s what you want to do—not me! You’re so incredibly selfish!”
“Hakkai, woah!” He raised his hands. “I—”
“What’s wrong with you?” I insisted. “You just had to know what I wanted for my birthday! I told you again and again I didn’t want anything from you, but you kept pushing and pushing, and then when the actual event arrives I find you didn’t get me any of the things I asked for! You give me a bottle of alcohol I never wanted and a bloody nose from a bar fight in a club I didn’t care to go into! Why?”
“No excuses, dammit! I understand why you don’t listen to me when I ask you to do something—you’re lazy and immature and stubborn—but why do you just ignore me when I ask you not to do something? Is this funny to you?” I wiped my bleeding nose, suddenly feeling like I just wanted to cry. “Did you just want a laugh at my expense?”
He stared at me for such a long time I felt sure he wouldn’t have anything to say at all. I felt sure he’d simply turn around and walk away without a single word.
Instead, he gave a heavy sigh, reached up to unwind the bandana from his forehead, and pinched it to my nose, too quickly for me to stop him, and so gently it didn’t even hurt. He tapped his head against mine. “Sorry,” he husked. “I don’t have an ‘cuse, Sunshine. But I’m sorry.”
Slowly, I took the bandana from him, applying pressure to the bridge of my nose. It smelled like sweat and cigarettes.
Suddenly, my head felt light, and everything seemed to spin. I leaned back against the cold wall, murmuring, “Why…does everyone think I can get you to do whatever I want? You’re the one who convinces me to do all sorts of things I don’t want to do.”
“I know,” he said quietly, lowering his eyes in guilt. “I’ma jerk.”
My best friend, who’d just demolished a man nearly twice his size like a wrecking ball against a building, for my sake, and who’d given me an article of his own clothing to stop the bleeding of my injury, was not a jerk. He was a lot of things, but that wasn’t one of them.
I threw my arms around him suddenly, pressing my bleeding face to his shoulder, and he held me up easily, while the world spun around and around. My stomach turned, and my knees buckled with weakness, and he’d never seemed so strong before. “I…miss Kanan…” I grated out, eyes stinging. “Even after all this time…”
Gojyo squeezed me carefully. “I know, Hakkai.”
“But I…I would never give you up…”
“Okay. I’d never give ya up either.”
Biting back tears, I held onto him all the tighter, and he let me.
After a few moments, he said, “So…this’s what you’re like when you’re drunk…”
“I’m not drunk,” I argued into his collar. “I’m just a little…”
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rowdywarrior85 · 5 years
[DISCLAIMER: This story in purely fan-fiction, meaning I own no rights to the show STRANGER THINGS, its episodes or characters. Basically, this story is my interpretation of the show, its episodes or characters. Forewarning, there will be descriptions of violence (sometimes graphic), adult content and language; if you have kids under 17 reading this story, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Either way, hope you enjoy it. Towards the end if this story, it’ll consist with the closing action and ending of Season 3, Episode 1: “SUZIE, DO YOU COPY?”.]
(We open with camera pulling back to the HOLLYWOOD sign encumbered buy the night sky and bathed in light. In the background, we hear CRY TOUGH by Poison as we see the aspects of Los Angeles, California. People walking the streets of Sunset Blvd, Walk of Fame. In the crowd, Kali wades through the plethora of people. She saunders down the streets, contemplating her life after losing her friends to Special Agent Ivan Perdovski and the armed forces of Mother Russia. In her melancholy, she bumps into a passing yuppie on his portable phone.)
YUPPIE: Hey, watch where you’re walking, ya little brat.
KALI: Twat.
(As she continues to walk, she makes her way down Sunset Blvd when one of a bunch of rocker kids snatch a purse from one of the hookers down the way.)
(As the purse snatcher makes his way toward Kali, she focuses on him. He looks back for a second, but as he turns back forward, a decrepit leper pops up in front of him. He screams and falls back, throwing up the purse. The purse falls into the waiting hand of Kali. The rocker kid recovers and sees Kali with his “payday”, he gets up and pursues her.)
ROCKER KID: Hey, bitch. That’s my payday you’re walking away with. Hey, I’m fuckin’ talkin’ to you, you fuckin’ bitch!!
(The rocker kid grabs Kali’s right shoulder. She turns to him with a face like that of a twisted corpse; rotting flesh, glazed over eyes, blood and pus oozing out of every orifice and a discounted jaw with jagged teeth. The rocker kid screams at the top of his lungs and falls back down. Kali turns away with her normal face. She then tosses the purse to the hooker.)
HOOKER 1: Thanks, honey.
(Kali tosses her a wink then goes about her business. She continue her wayward walk, then finds herself down the alleys of Little Tokyo, scavenging for food. She then smells the aroma of Japanese cooking emanating from a nearby restaurant. She peers through an open window and sees rice, vegetables, fish and chicken cooked up all together. She waits for the cooks to leave the kitchen, then enters through the window. She looks around, wondering where to start. She grabs a nearby bowl, scoops up a cup of rice, bits of broccoli and chicken, spreads it with soy sauce, and scarfs it down. Suddenly, a young Japanese man bursts into the kitchen.)
Y.J.M.: (Japanese) Thief!! What do you think you’re doing?
(The Japanese man makes for Kali, but Kali quickly evades. He then proceeds to attack her, but with her premonition abilities, she manages to evade his attacks and they both exchange blow for blow. Even when he came close at times, she even grabs some food to spit at him with such a retaliatory force. At the end, he gets her in an armbar. But with her abilities, Kali makes him see a King Cobra slither from her sleeve to his arm. He leaps back in fear, screaming at the sight of Kali’s illusion. Until…)
VOICE: (Japanese) Enough!!
(Kali, her assailant and the kitchen crew are stopped by the maitre’d. He is a middle-aged gentleman, short black hair slicked back, solemn eyes, wearing a traditional black and white suit.)
Y.J.M.: (Japanese) Father, I found this interloper in the kitchen, eating our food.
MAITRE’D: (English) English, Kyoji. Let us at least show some manners to this girl. She’s obviously hungry.
KYOJI: (English): Father, be reasonable. She is a cur, an invalid of the streets, like the rest of the trash out there.
KALI: You do realize I’m right here, right?
MAITRE’D: Clearly, she does not fight like one. Do you have a name, girl?
KALI: Kali, sir.
MAITRE’D: I am Koji Yashida, and this is my restaurant THE GOLDEN KOI. Where are you from, Kali-san?
KALI: Born in a lab, raised in all over, Pittsburgh, Chicago. Last known address, Milwaukee.
KOJI: Ah, so you are an outcast. Then nobody will care if you die here.
(Kitchen staff roll up their sleeves, revealing Yakuza tattoos. They grab kitchen knives, guns and ninja weapons.)
Unless, you give me a very good reason why I should let you live.
(Kali assesses the situation around her, then proceeds to make the Yakuza see them holding bloody human organs. They drop their “organs” in digest and fear. Koji and Kyoji, however, see a tall, female Ju-on wearing a plain, white dress drenched in blood. They embrace each other in bone-chilling fear, then proceed to close their eyes in fear as the Ju-on closes in, making a droning croaking sound. Then, silence. They slowly open their eyes, and see Kali standing over them, wiping the blood dripping from her left nostril. The Yakuza stand back in silence and fear.)
KALI: Now that I have your attention. I’m the last of my crew, running from enemies, struggling to survive one day after another, trying to find my purpose. In a nutshell,…
I have no where else to go.
(Koji and Kyoji later meet up in the upstairs office to decide Kali’s fate.)
KYOJI: (Japanese) Father, you’re not seriously considering taking her in.
KOJI: (Japanese) I am beginning to, yes. You’ve seen what she can do. She can make us see things, things that we fear most, what our enemies fear most.
KYOJI: (Japanese) So, you mean to recruit her into the Yakuza.
KOJI: (Japanese) Yes. We will send her to Yuki and her ninja crew to be initiated and trained.
(Outside the office, Kali is enjoying herself an assortment of sushi. Suddenly, the office door opens with Koji approaching her.)
KOJI: (English) We shall let you stay. In the morning, my associate will meet with you and take you to our ninja camp.
(Kali’s eyes widen with interest.)
There, your training shall proceed.
(The next morning, Kali awakes from her make-shift bed in one of the cubicles in the restaurant. She is then met a 18 year old Japanese girl standing before her. She’s wearing a Duran Duran RIO t-shirt with black leather pants and red Converse sneakers draped over a black business coat with a glass pink lotus pin on her right lapel. Her hair sports a Bob style with Auburn highlights.)
KALI: (yawning) So, you must be the associate.
GIRL: You are correct, Kali-san, is it?
(Kali nods in affirmation)
Good, I am Yuki, my father owns this restaurant.
KALI: Daughter?
YUKI: Correct again, I bring breakfast, eat up then you come with me.
(After breakfast, Yuki boards Kali into her red Ferrari down the Little Tokyo strip. They reach their destination, A 2 story gentlemen’s club by the name of THE PINK LOTUS.)
KALI: This, is the ninja camp?
YUKI: Well, are you coming?
(Kali proceeds to follow Yuki inside the club. Inside the pink atmosphere, spotlights shine on a black runway lined up with chairs, with a boxed end with a gold stripper pole, the stage is decorated with a giant pink lotus flower. There are two bars, one on each side of the runway; one for alcoholic consumption, and the other is the DJ booth. The strippers consist of not just Japanese women, but women of black, white, and Spanish minorities; all toned and in shape, sporting sweats and gymwear.)
So, what do you think?
KALI: I think there is some kind of mistake. Your dad told me I’d be taken to some ninja camp,…
(The strippers around her giggle at her assumption.)
…and from what I see is a bloody strip joint. Not that I have against what a woman does to get attention, but I was serious when I told your father about wanting…
(As Kali was making her statement, Yuki unexpectedly threw a hidden shuriken at her. Fortunately for Kali, her precognitive senses saw it coming and she ducked the shuriken, having it land on a painting of Kabuki woman, right at the neck. Yuki was surprised at her reflex, but Kali wasn’t gonna let that fly.)
(Kali then proceeded to conjure an illusion of the walls bleeding blood, causing the bartender, and the strippers to huddle up on the runway. Yuki, on the other hand, remains perfectly calm and still as the blood formed around her feet. Kali notices that Yuki expected her using her abilities.)
YUKI: Hmm, father told me about your “gifts”. I believe you’ll make an excellent addition to our clan. Follow me upstairs, please.
(Kali follows Yuki to the second floor, which appears to be living quarters comprised of footons and assorted wardrobe.)
The club is a front for our splinter faction of my father’s Yakuza clan, the Pink Lotus Ninja clan. Our group consists of not only my fellow countrywomen, but women of other nationalities to spread our influence across the planet.
KALI: Interesting.
(The other girls gather around Kali and Yuki. The girls stick their right hands showcasing a lotus brand in their palms. Yuki takes a Japanese Rising Sun Zippo Lighter and takes it to her lotus ring on her right middle finger.)
YUKI: The lotus brand is an eternal symbol of respect and loyalty, two aspects that are sacred in our organization. To receive this is to be a part of something greater than yourself.
(Yuki then extends her right hand, showcasing her brand in her palm. She gestures her fingers to Kali, asking for her right hand. Kali begins to jet it out.)
Know this, once you take this step, there is no turning back from this. You will be a part of this crew forever until the day you leave this world. Do you understand?
KALI: I do.
(Yuki takes Kali’s right hand and drives the scalding lotus ring into Kali’s palm. As the brand seers into her skin, Kali slightly winces as Yuki is somewhat surprised that Kali is no stranger to pain. Yuki then removes the ring from Kali’s hand, Kali looks down at the lotus brand seered into her hand, then looks up to Yuki.)
YUKI: Welcome to the Pink Lotus Ninja clan, sister.
(As THE WARRIOR by Scandal plays in the background, we cut to a vacant warehouse outside Los Angeles. The inside consists of ninja recruits navigating an archaic obstacle course, training in several combat circles and a weapons rack which consists of shurikens, kunais, bows and quiver of arrows, nunchakus, sais and of course katana swords. Throughout the fall and winter, Yuki puts Kali through a rigorous training regiment of common practices and traditions, physical training, stealth training, target practice, meditation cycles, theatricality and deception tutorial, hand-to-hand combat and swordplay. As Kali starts off slow, she spends her spare time getting a tribute tattoo from one of the girls, which consists of the 6 masks worn by herself, her friends and Eleven/Jane. As the Eleven/Jane’s mask is being drawn, she volunteers in dancing in the club, with Koji, Kyoji and Yuki watching in fascination. As Dottie’s mask is drawn, she learns Japanese from Yuki. As Mickie’s mask is drawn, she decides to teach herself the Russian language with a Russian Translation Book, just in case. As Axel’s mask is drawn, she’s seen eating and gossiping with the rest of the girls. As Funshine’s mask is drawn, her ninjutsu skills steadily improve which concludes with a sword duel between her and Yuki. Both blades clash, swear starts pouring; in the end, Kali ends up getting the upper hand, which ends with a deflection and a blade at the neck. The girls witness in awe as Kali and Yuki bow to each other, up top the balconies, Koji looks on with pride. With that, Kali’s mask is drawn on. April 1985, we cut to a local bathhouse in Little Tokyo, Kali is in a wide hot bath all alone with her bathrobe beside her on the edge of the bath. She looks at her tribute tattoo along her right forearm, she draws her left index finger down from her mask near her elbow joint to El/Jane’s mask near her wrist. She tilts her head in melancholy, stroking it gently, projecting a rainbow winged butterfly in her right hand. Her eyes suddenly move to the left, her arms lower underwater, she suddenly jerks to the left, shuriken in her left hand, ready for anything. Instead, Yuki standing in a bathrobe of her own, surprised and impressed by Kali’s reaction.)
YUKI: (Japanese) Your skill is progressing faster than anticipated, Kali-san.
(Yuki walks toward her bath.)
Are shurikens the only weapons you brought with you to your bath?
KALI: (Japanese) My mind is the ultimate weapon I carry.
YUKI: (Japanese) That it is, Kali-san. Do you mind if I join you?
KALI: (Japanese) By all means, headmistress.
YUKI: (Japanese, looks down than to her) Do you mind?
(Kali then proceeds to close her eyes, as Yuki disrobes. Every bit of her naked, slim body slips into the hot bath, wetting her hair in the process, and letting off a relieving sigh.)
(Kali opens her eyes.)
I see Emiko has done excellent work on your tattoo. If you don’t mind my asking, may I inquire what it represents to you?
KALI: (Japanese) Each mask represents me and my former crew.
(Kali runs her finger from her mask to El/Jane’s mask.)
There’s me. Funshine. Axel. Mickie. Dottie. And this… this is Jane. My… (sniffle) my sister. All of them dead, except her.
(Yuki swims over to Kali to comfort her.)
YUKI: (Japanese) What was she like?
KALI: (Japanese) We were born and grew up in the same government lab together. Whereas I project visions, Jane could move things with her mind. When she came looking for me in Chicago, I was so grateful. I felt complete again. I started training to better use her powers through anger. Then I took her with me on my crusade of vengeance against the people who made us.
YUKI: What happened to her?
KALI: The police bum-rushed our hideout.
(We shown of a flashback of Kali and El/Jane’s last moment together.)
Instead of running away with us, Jane took it upon herself to leave, she said that her friends were in danger. I thought because we were the same, she’d understand what I wanted for us a family. But wherever her friends and her policeman protector were, she wanted to be there.
YUKI: (Japanese) I’m sure she had her reasons. You’ve obviously found yours.
KALI: (Japanese) Before Funshine died to give me time to escape here, he told me that one day, Jane and I would one day need each other. Now, after all this, I’m not sure I wanna go to her.
YUKI: (Japanese) Only you can decide when to go to her. It doesn’t have to be now, but someday.
(The girls share a hug.)
KALI: (Japanese) You didn’t come all the way down for a bath and a conversation?
YUKI: (Japanese, chuckles) Indeed, you are perceptive, Kali-san. We are called on a mission in the following months, apparently Father and Kyoji have set up a business meeting with a foreign party at the restaurant. Consider this your initiation, we certainly hope you are ready.
KALI: (Japanese) You can count on me, headmistress.
YUKI: (Japanese) Good.
(Yuki leaps out of the bath, puts on her robe, and leaves the bathhouse.)
KALI: (Japanese) This foreign party, where are they from?
YUKI: (Japanese) Russia.
(A look of great concern befalls Kali’s face as Yuki leaves, could Ivan Perdovski and the Russians have found her after all this time? June 28, 1985. The Pink Lotus Ninja clan hide in the night upon rooftops, surrounding the THE GOLDEN KOI as they wait for the meeting to go down. Each of the ninjas are clad in black, armed with a katana along with an assortment of ninja weapons. They wear black long sleeve gi tops with pink linings and a black hood. Their faces covered with a sock masks, their eyes surrounded in black smudge. Black fingerless gloves encumbers their hands. Their legs covered with nylon leggings with garderbelts carrying either shurikens and kunais. Their feet bear black socks and black sneakers, but for Kali, she preferred purple Converses.)
YUKI: (Japanese) Tonight is your night, Kali-san.
KALI: (Japanese) I understand.
(Yuki looks down to Kali’s footwear.)
YUKI: (Japanese) Purples Converses? A ninja is known for discretion.
KALI: (Japanese)Being I’m the special case here, my powers make me discreet.
YUKI: (Japanese) For your sake, Kali-san, I hope so.
(Kali then spots a black Mercedes-Benz pulling up to the restaurant.)
KALI: (Japanese, points to car) Black Benzo pulling up.
(Yuki grabs a near CB communicator to call his father.)
YUKI: (Japanese) Father, they’re here.
KOJI: (Japanese) Understood. Hold your positions until further notice. I’ll keep the channel open.
YUKI: (Japanese) Understood, be careful.
(Yuki signals her group to hold their positions. A figure steps out of the backseat of the car, it is Special Agent Ivan Perdovski. He’s been on the search for Kali since the events of Milwaukee, now he sports a big burn scar along the left side of his face from Funshine’s claymore surprise. A look of dread overtakes Kali’s face.)
YUKI: (Japanese) You alright, Kali-san?
KALI: (Japanese) Fine, Yuki, just fine.
(Perdovski walks into the restaurant, ride up to the receptionist.)
IVAN: Perdovski, party for three.
(Receptionist motions them to the office upstairs. Perdovski walks up the stairs to the Koji’s office, where Koji and Kyoji await him.)
KOJI: Perdovski-sama, on behalf of my family, I bid you welcome.
IVAN: Spasibo, comrade Yashida, thank you.
KOJI: Drink?
IVAN: Stolichnaya, if you can manage.
(Koji preps two glasses with ice. Fills one with Suntory whiskey, the other with Stolichnaya vodka. Koji hands him his drink.)
Spasibo, or in your case, arigato.
KOJI: (chuckles) Of course. So, to what do I own the honor of this visit?
IVAN: Perhaps you can help with this problem I have. I’ve been looking for a certain individual for the past 6 months. A 15 year old girl, British Hindu descent , with violent tendencies and the ability to project visions with her mind.
(Yuki looks to Kali with content, while Kali focuses on the conversation in the restaurant.)
KOJI: (sips his drink) This is the first I’ve heard of this.
IVAN: (sips his drink) I’ve been following her trail since Pittsburgh, to Chicago then to Milwaukee. She has caused the deaths of several of my fellow comrades. Ever since then, I’ve been combing the entire country for her. After speaking to several eyewitnesses in Los Angeles, I was hoping you be the latter.
(Yuki sees an army truck, a platoon of Spetnaz commandos disembark and surround the restaurant. Then draws her blade to Kali’s throat, demanding answers.)
YUKI: (Japanese) If you have something to say, Kali-san, say it right now.
KALI: (Japanese) They’re not after you, they’re after me. They killed my friends, all just so they can use me for my gifts. If you want to save your family, I’m your only hope.
KOJI: (sips his drink) I don’t know what you plan to gain from this meeting, but I can assure there has been no sign of this girl here or in Little Tokyo for that matter. You can ask everyone that works for me, even in my own family, they practically keeps to themselves.
IVAN: (chuckles, sips his drink) That’s funny, because your son told me that she is working for you a week before the meeting was established.
(Koji turns to Kyoji with a stern look on his face.)
KOJI: (Japanese) Kyoji, what have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!
KYOJI: (Japanese) I told you it was a mistake keeping her here. He overheard me talking to the guys a week ago. He swore that he would spare us, as long as we give him the girl.
KOJI: (Japanese) You have put us all in danger, Kyoji-san!!
KYOJI: (Japanese) You’re the one who damned us all by bringing this psycho bitch…
(Irritated by this family squabble, Ivan pulls out his Marakov pistol and puts a round into Kyoji’s head.)
KOJI: (Japanese) KYOJI!!!!!
(Yuki is shaken with devastation at the lost of her brother, Kali is lit up with focused anger. Inside the restaurant, the patrons vacate their tables in panic and leave. Ivan notices the commotion downstairs, then grabs his walkie-talkie.)
IVAN: (Russian) Let the civilians go.
(Ivan then downs his drink, as Koji looks in distraught at the headshot corpse of his dead son.)
(English) My sincere apologies, comrade. But your son has served his purpose for Mother Russia. Unless you wish to join him, tell me where the girl is.
KOJI: You will die for this dishonor.
IVAN: Spare me your bullshit. I have a squad of Spetnaz commandos surrounding your establishment. I will get my answers, even if I have to squeeze it out of your comrades.
(Ivan grabs his walkie-talkie.)
(Russian) Spetnaz, move in and incarcerate.
(Ivan van hears screams, gunshots and metal slicing.)
Spetnaz, report. Respond.
(Kali picks up a walkie-talkie off one of the commandos.)
KALI: (Russian) Your boys are dead, asshole, and you’re next.
IVAN: (Russian) WHO ARE YOU?
KALI: (Russian) The Goddess of Death.
(Ivan looks to the walkie-talkie in fear.)
KOJI: You afraid, comrade? You should be.
(Ivan points his gun to Koji.)
(The lights flicker then go out, the lights become black lights. Ivan looks around the office, Koji looks at him calmly, knowing Kali’s wonders are in action. Ivan, on the other hand, begins to see a figure emerge from behind Koji’s chair. The figure appears to be Funshine, his body half-burned and his mask his half-melted. Ivan looks in horror, not believing what he’s seeing. He bursts out of the office, and runs into Axel with his mask on, but has an entry and exit wound on opposite sides of his head, blood pour from the wounds. Ivan proceeds downstairs to find the front door boarded up. He turns around to find two undead girls by the stairs. One of them is Dottie with her mask on, with her throat slit open, blood pouring from her wound. The other is Mickie, also with her mask on, with a bullet wound wide in the middle of the forehead, also with blood dripping from the wound. Ivan panics looking everywhere, Axel and Funshine join in as the specters close in, Ivan readies his gun eager to shoot.)
KALI: (Russian, behind his back) So are you, comrade.
(Ivan’s eyes look to the left. Suddenly, both of his Achilles tendons are sliced off, Ivan gasps in pain as he falls to his knees. He tries to raise his gun while steadying himself with his left hand. Until, his gun hand gets lopped off, flying a few feet away from him, again he gasps in pain. He crawls slowly toward his gun, as soon as he nears it, his left hand is stabbed to the floor with a katana, cutting edge towards him so he cut his way out. Ivan lets out a painful scream that can be heard throughout the restaurant. He looks up to see a masked Kali standing before him. She kneels down for eye-to-eye level.)
(Russian) So tell me, how does it feel to be on the other side of the spectrum,…
(She then removes her mask, revealing her face, along with a bloody nose, pass her lips.)
(She wipes the blood off under the nose with her left thumb, licking the rest of it off with her tongue. As she sucks the excess blood off her thumb, Ivan lets off a weak chuckle.)
IVAN: (chuckles, Russian) Ah, the Goddess of Death herself. I see you’ve been busy these past 6 months. You hide within the bowels of the Yakuza, learn their ways, you even learn my native tongue in the process. Needless to say, I can’t help but be proud of you.
(As Ivan continues to chuckle. Koji hands her the bottle of vodka, then Kali pours the vodka down the blade of the katana, making the wound burn. Ivan screams as the wound burns, Kali then takes the bottle and takes a swig of vodka, she lets out a heavy sigh.)
KALI: (Russian) Whoo. It’s better with ice, don’t you agree?
IVAN: Da!!
(Kali then throws the bottle aside, shattering on impact.)
KALI: (English) Now, as much as I love to continue this coffee session here, there are some questions that I never got to ask you back in Milwaukee. For instance, why are you after me, specifically? Are you like those Yank government fuckers who want to use me as a weapon?
(Ivan spits at Kali’s feet in defiance.)
IVAN: (Russian) Like we ever wanted you to begin with. Besides, you kids today can never see the bigger picture. In short…
(Ivan leans forward.)
(English) FUCK… YOU!!
(Kali proceeds to laughing her head off at Ivan’s petty courage.)
KALI: You know, I was praying you’d say that, because I got something special planned for you.
(Japanese) Yuki-san, can you bring me a Ginzu knife, please?
(Yuki walks to the kitchen to grab a Ginzu knife.)
And do make sure it’s sharpened.
(Ivan looks toward Yuki, then look back to Kali.)
Are you aware of the Yakuza method of Yubitsume, or “finger shortening” to the layman. Interesting, this practice. The way it goes, should a member commit an offense against his clan, he is subjected to lop off a section of his finger then present to your leader, starting with your pinkie finger on your left land. Anymore offenses from there on in, said individual proceeds to lop off the rest of the finger, then proceed to the next finger to the right.
(Yuki walks to Kali, sharpening the Ginzu knife with a sharpening rod.)
But in your case, I’m going to lop off a whole finger for each of my mates you’ve slain in Milwaukee. You a patriot, Ivan?
(Ivan nods in affirmation.)
As am I. But since you’re from Russia, and I’m British, I thought we can sing an American classic, in light of the upcoming 4th of July. America The Beautiful, you know that one, right?
(Ivan again nods in affirmation.)
Let’s sing together, shall we?
(Kali readies the knife on Ivan’s left pinkie finger, as she prepares to sing.)
Oh beautiful for spacious skies…
(Kali lops off the pinkie, Ivan grunts in pain, a flashback of Mickie’s death is shown.)
For amber waves of grain…
(Kali lops off the ringer, Ivan’s painful grunt intensifies, a flashback of Dottie’s death is shown.)
Come along, Ivan. I know you know the words, now SING!
IVAN: (quivering) For purple mountain majesty…
(Kali proceeds to sever off the middle finger, Ivan yelps in pain, a flashback of Axel’s death is shown.)
KALI: Come on.
IVAN: Above the fruited plain…
(Ivan’s index finger is then lopped off, Ivan then screams, a flashback of Funshine’s death is shown. Ivan then begins to cry uncontrollably, snot dripping from his nose, knowing he’s about to die a grisly death.)
Alright, ALRIGHT!!
(Kali then takes the knife to Ivan’s chin, letting him know she means business.)
KALI: I’m all ears.
IVAN: (deep sigh) Two years ago, we’ve learn that the Americans have found a new way to gather intelligence on us. Psychic Warfare, they called it. In the late 60s, they used mind-expanding drugs on women to endow them with psychic powers, so that their children will inherit those powers, to become the new weapons of the Cold War.
(Kali remembers the early memories of herself and El/Jane.)
They reveled in their early success, that is until, they’ve made an unknown discovery. A parallel dimension, a shadowy reflection of our world, populated by monsters.
(Flashbacks of the Demogorgon, Demo-Dogs and the Mind Flayer.)
It unfortunately became their downfall. A year later, we tried to open that very same door on our native soil. But instead of using psychically endowed children, we used the miracle of technology of Mother Russia to tear open a door into that dimension. But alas, there were setbacks.
(Flashbacks of the first attempt to open the door to the Upside Down.)
The dimensional wall on our side of the planet was too strong to penetrate. Fortunately for us, the dimensional wall on the American side of the planet was still weak, still healing from the wound it sustained from the Americans’ folly. So, we moved our resources to America, established our secret headquarters, hid it in plain sight in the guise of a bazaar, or as you say it, a “mall”.
KALI: Right. So where in this country is this secret headquarters?
IVAN: (laughs weakly) It doesn’t matter, child. Things are set in motion in which you cannot stop.
(Kali leans forward with the sword, coming to an inch or two to Ivan’s face.)
KALI: Where… in America… is your secret… headquarters?
IVAN: (sigh) If I tell you, you will make it quick?
KALI: (smiles) You have my word.
IVAN: H-Hawkins. Hawkins, Indiana. That is truth, I swear.
(Kali takes the knife off Ivan’s chin. She then continues to sing, increasing in volume.)
America, America, God shed his grace of THEE…
(Ivan breathes steadily, as her volume increases.)
(Kali then removes her sword from the ground, spins with a horizontal stroke that takes Ivan’s head right off. Sending it flying into the air, flipping backwards. As it descends, Kali flicks the residual blood off her sword, sheathes it, spins back around to catch the head. She then stands, turns 180°, walks to Koji, lowers to her knees and presents Ivan’s severed head to his feet as she bows her head. Koji extends his hand, touching thee top of her head in gratitude.)
KOJI: (Japanese) Well done, my child. Men, dispose of the bodies
(Later that night, a trail of clothes and weapons lead to Kali laying in a well-deserved hot bath in the dark with nothing but the moon and the stars to be her light. Her ears completely submerged in the water to drown out the noise. Her eyes close only for a moment, wondering what El/Jane is doing at this very moment. Her eyes open suddenly to darkness. She found herself into The Void, she jolts up, grabbing the edge of her pool. The camera looks to her back as her naked body leaps out of the bath. She starts to hear I CAN’T FIGHT THIS FEELING ANYMORE by REO Speedwagon, then picks up a nearby bathrobe she conjured out of nothing, donning it and tying the sash. She walks to the music, fixing her hair as she does. As the guitar solo kicks in, a turquoise wooden door appears before her, beside it she sees El/Jane’s policeman protector, Chief Jim Hopper.)
HOPPER: (knocks on post of door) Hey.
EL: Yes?
HOPPER: Can I talk you guys a minute?
(El telekinetically opens the door for Hopper to enter, he sees El sitting on the bed with Mike Wheeler.)
EL & MIKE: Hi.
(Hopper makes his way into El’s room with Kali following in with him, about to observe what’s going on. Hopper pulls up a chair, and turns off the radio to give a pep-talk to the young couple. Kali sits by the dresser drawer, watching Hopper struggling to give the pep-talk that Joyce Byers was prepping him to deliver. Kali watches with a hint of warmth, while Mike quietly berates him in front of El, which she laughs at, causing Kali rolls her eyes at him.)
KALI: What a prick.
HOPPER: You know what? Your mom called.
MIKE: What?
HOPPER: Yeah. She needs you home right away.
MIKE: Is everything okay?
HOPPER: No, I don’t think so. It’s your Grandma.
(Mike and Hopper race to the Police Truck, with Kali readying to follow them. But first, she looks to her sister.)
KALI: Pardon me, Jane. I actually want to see this.
(Kali follows the guys to the truck with Mike asking Hopper anxiously what’s wrong with “Nana”, until…)
MIKE: What?
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