#HOO BOY this is a long one. hope you like it aria :3
misty-wisp · 7 months
1, 7, and 14 of the OC ask game for the three (winry, vin, asuka)? :o
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
i already answered this for asuka here
for vin, there's erm. a lot of those. literally any moment where he feels embarrassed works
for winry, prooobably the first time she witnessed niko die. they were fighting :] and niko just fucking died out of nowhere :] and then she started a time loop to save them :] :]
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
the main thing about winry that's changed is just...her age. when i first came up with her (and my pals came up with their respective ocs) she was a high schooler, but that's been changed to her being a college student bc like...i don't see the appeal in writing kids these days. it's not really my thing unless it's for fanfic
oh god, where do i start with asuka. she was originally literally my self insert, and a lot more outwardly rude and standoffish. and at first her special deal was that she became self aware of being an oc and has an existential crisis😭yeah i had to change all that
vin. oh my god vin. vin's the most drastic out of all of them. i first came up with him at 15 as a fan character for a different anime/manga i will not name as i do not want to be associated with that crowd. imma call him beta vin bc at that time he had a completely different name
beta vin was supposed to be this bad guy that manipulated another one of my ocs into giving him inside info on the good guys. he was also supposed to be hella gay for this other bad guy character but then that character turned out to be genuinely terrible and a relationship between them would Not work so i scrapped it.
but here's the thing it wouldn't have worked out anyways bc the friend i discussed ocs and shit with at the time (who is now cut off) sorta just pried me away from the mere concept of pairing two men together; instead i had beta vin's childhood friend who's supposed to be dead be brought back by basically literal necromancy? so he could get with her instead. which was really stupid bc this character was also originally supposed to be male but i was led into making her a girl through pretty convoluted reasons.
it's okay though bc that character is being used for entirely different (more original) means and she's also a lesbian now <3 her girlfriend's a lookalike of vin in terms of design (and there is reason for that but. that's a whole other can of worms i don't think i should spill) but i don't really plan on changing it bc i like it a lot
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
winry does Not want to be perceived by anyone but niko. she wants to do her shit and figure things out completely alone. unfortunately her story's pretty much an anime so she's gotta learn about the magic of friendship
i was gonna say vin wants to be respected if not feared, but then i thought for a second. no. no he does not. his whole schtick is that he tricks people and pisses them off. he wants to be seen as a prick, a troll--some asshole who won't leave you alone. a bastard who plays with his food.
asuka wants to be known, loved. she wants to be seen as normal as anyone else, as an actual human being deserving of attention, bc she doesn't really get that outside of when she acted on stage in the past. she wants to be pitied, she wants to be saved--she wants a friend, if anything. a friend who understands her, shares her interests, all that.
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