#HOO hooooo
marvelsmostwanted · 2 months
(July 2024) Free community college is available for Massachusetts residents who have physically been in the state for at least a year and have a high school diploma or equivalent. They must also be a U.S. citizen, a permanent legal resident, or a non-citizen eligible under Title IV regulations.
Where did the money come from to pay for free education, you ask??
It came from taxing millionaires more. Massachusetts voted YES on this in 2022.
"This [policy] expands a program launched last fall and funded by the Massachusetts Millionaire's Tax, which made community colleges in the state free for residents ages 25 and older." (Source)
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Try saying voting doesn't matter to someone who literally could not go to college at all because they couldn't afford it and is now able to. That is life-changing. Voting matters! Vote.org
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bookiezzz · 9 months
i learned how to whistle yesterday and i cant stop whistling the thing that mal whistles. i was whistling like christmas songs and merry go round of life until i was like “lol it would be funny if i whistled that thing” and did it once and now i cant stop
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coquelicoq · 9 months
gaston leroux learn about short sentences challenge
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karofsky · 8 months
I feel like time is flying by which is stressful in a Capitalist Hellscape sense, BUT it also means I'm closer to various cool things happening and I hopefully have two gigs lined up in April and June so I am just 🙏🏻 be kind to me universe
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yawnprotocol · 1 year
i can hear a little kitty snoring in this room somewhere.... but... whére
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orangetintedglasses · 2 years
( sudden severe spike of anxiety LMAO probably time to turn in )
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I love Mourning Doves
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cactuscryptid · 1 year
If you have the opportunity, go see Barbie with your mother. Go see Barbie with your mother and hold her hand and cry with her and laugh with her. Go see Barbie and act like it's something you've never seen before (unless it is, then no Emmy for you). Seeing a movie about womanhood and motherhood through my mother's eyes made me not only think of the movie differently, but it made me appreciate her more in the moment and understand her pains and struggles.
When we got back to her apartment after the movie, we talked for a long time about her past, not really thinking about the movie during the conversation, or at least it wasn't a conversation about the movie. But something that made me open my eyes to a big part of her life was the fact that she went to art school in college but didn't finish her schooling, and now I'm going to art school with her full support. The line in the movie that hit me hardest while watching it with her tonight was when Ruth said, "We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back and see how far they've come." I wanted to cry when I realized that she's done that for me so many times in my life, whether she meant to or not.
I'm word vomiting right now because I'm processing a lot of emotions that I don't really know how to handle, but I really did learn a lot about my mother (someone I've known my whole life!!!!) by going with her and spending the time in the theater watching that amazing film. So if you have the chance, go see Barbie with your mother and give it your undivided attention.
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ghostchems · 1 year
CUM (for the word guessing game)
we will go with a synonym for this one :)
She had no time to comprehend the words uttered into her ear, her orgasm washing over her almost violently.
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eggfruit · 1 year
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Very serious conversation...... No laughing matter
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makedamnsvre · 2 years
stibby looking at me judgmentally as government hooker comes on next
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sweetfeet87 · 7 months
Me-e-e, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
I'm the only one of me
Let me keep you company
Eeh-eeh-eeh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
You're the only one of you
Baby, that's the fun of you
And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me-e-e
Hey, kids!
Spelling is fun!
Girl, there ain't no I in "team"
But you know there is a "me"
Strike the band up, one, two, three
I promise that you'll never find another like me
Girl, there ain't no I in "team"
But you know there is a "me"
And you can't spell "awesome" without "me"
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fawnfulart · 1 year
I like trying to identify birds by their sounds I wish I was better at it.
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birdhug · 2 years
i wanna thank tmsoft’s white noise sleep sounds for always being there .no matter what
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lovinglabor · 8 months
this is long so I’m sorry in advance but thanks for reading ❤️
Ada was finally in labor with her little girl after a hard pregnancy. Her husband had left her when she found out she was pregnant. She had hired a midwife & was going to birth at a birthing center. This birthing center wasn’t like most, it had male & female partners to help you through the labor with whatever means necessary.
Ada had checked herself at home after her contractions started, she was 4 cms. She barely got dressed when a contraction hits, “HOOOOO, OOOOOH!” she moaned. She finally finished getting dressed in biker shorts and a sports bra. She grabbed her stuff to head out the door. Another contraction comes, and she’s squatting. “OHHHHHHHH! GOD!” she grunted.
She finally got in the car and headed toward the birthing center that’s about 45 minutes away. With her belly exposed she could see the baby tumbling around and feel every bit of it too. Stopping at a red light another contraction comes. “hooooo, hoooooooo, oooh!” she lowly moans with one hand on her belly. “Hooo please wait until to get to the center, pleeeease!” The light turns green and she turns into the birthing center.
She grabs her things and begins to walk to the door, hand on her gravid and dropping belly. She checks into the center and walks down the hall to her room with a tub. Her hired partner Paul was waiting for her in her room. Paul was attractive and loved his job helping women in labor.
Ada gets comfortable taking her pants off and waddles over to Paul. He stands up and she throws her arms around his neck and works through her contractions. “OOOOOOOOH, ohhhhhh, HEEE, HOO!” She moans loud. Paul’s hands work her lower back to help relieve some pain.
His touch feels magical to Ada, touching her in all the right places. She turns around and leans back into Paul. He puts his hands under her belly and gently rubs. Ada oddly moans with pleasure this time. He rubs her hips and his hand migrates to her swollen clit. Ada lets out a breathy moan as Paul whispers for her to go sit in the reclining chair. She does as instructed and spreads her legs nice and wide for Paul. He sits in front of her, smiling gently as he checks her. “9 cms Ada, you’re doing great.. I’m going to rub your clit to see if you get some relief during your contractions, okay?” Ada nods in agreement.
Not long after he says that, a contraction slams her. “OHHHHH! PAUL!” she moans. He gently rubs her clit. He can tell Ada’s enjoying it as well. “HOOOOO! Oh! I NEED TO PUUUUUSH!” Paul holds her legs open as she begins to push.. “OOOOOH, fuuuck! OWWWWWW!” “Great push Ada!” Paul praises. Ada gets up, and turns on the water for the pool and gets in.
As she’s pushing in the tub, Paul gets in with her, doing as he did in the chair. Gently rubbing her clit, and nursing her leaky breasts of milk. “OOHHHHHGHGGG! FUCK! I’m crowning!” she screams. She wraps her arm around Paul and rubs his head as he nurses and rubs. “HOOOOOOOO, oh it BURNS!” she lets out. “OH! I can’t STOP PUSHING!” “OOOOOOHHHHH, OHHHHH! GAAAAAAAH! She grunts. She’s writhing in pain. She swats Paul’s hand away and she rubs her spreading lips around the baby’s head. “Oh! I feel her! OHHH! GUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGH!” She grunts out. With that push, the baby’s head pops out. “Great job Ada, not much longer! Push two more times!”
Ada gathers her breath, and pushes as hard as she can “ HOOOOOOOO! HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUU! Hoooo hooo, AUUUUUUUUUGGHHHHH!” She screams as the baby is finally born.
“Ohhhh, I did it!” she says gently holding her baby. “Great job Ada, I can’t wait to help you with the next baby”
Xoxo 💋
-Loving Labor
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Hoo-hoo! Is this a sock?? It's so cute!
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I have to try it!
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There! Aw, it feels so warm and cozy in it! Why, I could just-
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*Hooooooooonk-hoooooo... Hooooooooonk-hooooo...*
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