lemonluwrites · 1 year
I am not a Tarsier! - Duality fanfic
This is my entry to the fanfic contest! I hope others as well could find enjoyment in my work also minors DNI my content is not suited for you
this whole fanfic is based on an ask I sent to the creator @dualityvn​ on anon (yes the jig is up it was me all along) this fanfic took me longer then excepted due to certain stuff happening in my life so I’m super happy I was able to get it out on time! I’m also happy to introduce my OC Chase! He’s my little blorbo
I apologize is some things don’t make sense I wrote this in the span of two weeks late at night while sleep deprived
also update on My One And Only (Is You) part two is still being written I have half of it typed up and a few familiar faces will appear 😉
now on to the fanfic:
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Songs used to help write this fanfic (in no particular order) - I NEVER EXISTED By Chase Atlantic | Outrunning Karma By Alec Benjamin | Anti-Hero By Taylor Swift | Nonsense By Sabrina Carpenter
Content Warning - Sexual themes (nothing to graphic) | Mention Of Suicide | Mentions Of Drug Use and Overdose | Cheating | Violence (If I miss anything let me know)
Word count - 6415
Everyone was heading home as news of heavy rain caused a slight panic around the office. Chase guesses it was due to some of their work clothes being expensive or rental. He didn’t really have to worry about that as his suit was a hand-me-down a parting gift to be exact, but he still wouldn’t like to get wet as he remembers his siblings lightly teasing him about how he looked like a cartoon cat when ever it got wet. Fur all lobbed down, miserable and angry looking. Come to think of it, his siblings weren’t the first ones to make the connection his friends also joked about it as well this eventually earned him the nickname Tomcat although that was only partly why they chose that nickname the other part was because of his promiscuous nature.
But that was the old him.
As he was clocking out, one of his co-worker Jacob, had invited him to a club somewhat near the office building. Chase, tired of being cooped up in his apartment, reluctantly agreed although a part of him felt like he didn’t deserve to go out and let loose it almost felt selfish but before Chase could change his mind Jacob was already gone, he sighed as he went to retrieve his umbrella only to realize it was gone great someone must have taken it bastards; He thought bitterly. He looked out the window and saw it had yet started pouring
If I’m quick enough, I think I could make it home, Chase thought before making the ultimate confirmation and racing out the building as he jogged home what started out as small droplets of water slowly turned in to full blow rain storm
”Shit, Shit, Shit fuck me”
Quickly, he used his blazer as some form of umbrella, but that proved to be pointless as his blazer was soaked in a matter of seconds. He knew this was his own fault for thinking he could jog all the way home instead of being a sensible person and calling a taxi but he wasn’t know to be the brightest of the bulbs as a matter of fact he was sure all that drugs probably damaged his brain.
Before Chase could be sucked deeper into his self-loathing thoughts, he noticed a flower shop up ahead, the open sign staring at him dead in the face. Quickly, Chase rushed inside. The sweet smell of flowers hit him, reminding him of a certain perfume his mother always wears. It’s almost nostalgic. At the front of the shop Chase hears a chuckling he turns to see a blonde with a green apron behind the register. The blond quickly covers his mouth as a delicate shade of pink spreads across their face upon noticing they have been caught. Chase guesses he must have looked upset as the blonde quickly tried to backpedal
”Sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you. It’s just you look like a wet cat and-”
Clearly struggling with some form of excuse, Chase decided to help the guy out, knowing he didn’t mean any offence with the comparison as a matter of fact it left a warm feeling in his stomach he was sure it was because of being reminded of his siblings by the comment
”No, no, you're fine it’s.. Not the first time I’ve been told that, actually”
The blonde looked almost relieved to hear that he glanced at the shop’s windows. Noticing the heavy pour of rain, he turns back to Chase, giving the other a shy smile.
”Pretty bad weather today, huh?”
Chase tried to dry his hair but saw no use as it was pretty soaked along with his clothes. It clung to his skin almost like a second layer. Yeah, he is going to need a shower when he gets home. The shop itself was a little cold, probably due to certain plants and flowers needing the cool temperature. Besides the flowery smell, the whole place had a nice earthy feel to it. He enjoyed it.
’Hmm? Oh yeah… sorry if I just barged in here, I was looking for shelter… You know, for the rain.'“
God, how pathetic he used to be more sociable than that. Now he can’t even talk his way out of a paper bag. Maybe the drugs really did ruin his brain
”It’s really no trouble. Feel free to look around while you’re here.”
The blond smiled in a way that didn’t reach his eyes typical customer service move. Chase can’t really blame the blond as Chase felt the other’s pain having worked in customer service himself. He knew the struggle of always having to put up a front. Chase carefully stepped off the black mat by the door, feeling a tad bit guilty for leaving water on the floor as he walked around, knowing the poor guy probably had to clean it up. He scanned the rows of plants and colorful flowers, unaware of how many flowers and plants there are. Reaching the front of the store, he pretended to be interested in a certain plant as he glanced at the blond. Now that he was much closer to the blond, he couldn’t help but think the other was cute, especially his eyes. He couldn’t help but be reminded of a tarsier one he had encountered as a child because of a neighbor at the time owning (illegal) exotic animals.
The blond must have noticed his staring because they made direct eye contact. Chase quickly whipped his head back at the plant in front of him, feeling his face warm and embarrassed to be caught staring. He moved away from the register, trying to put as much distance as he can hopefully to save himself from an even more awkward situation.
Chase sighed as he stared at the long row of flowers and succulents. He doesn’t really know much about flowers, but he remembers his mother loved them and if she loved them, dad loved them too every day without fail, they would both be out in the backyard tending to mom’s garden sometimes even lazing it out on the grass like if they were a young couple again then whenever they returned from outside they always smelled that earthy smell that Chased loved so much. But when his mother grew depressed, over the coming years slowly but surely, she became a shall of her former self. She had no energy to take care of her garden or herself. It was almost like a representation of her mental state. As her garden died, she did too. After she passed, Chase tried to care for her garden, but nothing he did ever brought back the little flowers to life.
Maybe… he could try again. Maybe if he starts small and work his way up, he could have a little garden too and make his mom proud. Plus, it could really bring out some color to his monochrome apartment.
”Hey Um…”
Chase walked back to the register, more determined than ever after all, once he sets his mind to something it was hard to stop him. He leaned in close to the blond trying to read his name tag.
”Keith. I might get a potted plant, but I’m not sure what to pick. Have you got any recommendations? Maybe something that won’t die easily.”
Keith’s entire face light up as he nods exponentially
”Of course! A few good options would be succulents such as aloe vera. Peace lilies are also nice if you want something less spiky. and spider plants are also another popular option for beginners”
Chase was a tad bit overwhelmed by the suggestions as he watched Keith point at each plant at rapid speed, assigning each name to the respected plant, detailing on how to care for them. Chase found new respect for his mother and Keith at that very moment. It’s honestly amazing how much they knew about plant life.
”I’ll get the spider plant. I could hang it up by the living room window.”
Keith happily nods, moving a stool ladder as he climbs up gingerly to reach for the hanging plant. Chase watches Keith’s form, his eyes trailing the other’s body specifically his rear as inappropriate thoughts enter his head. He’s snapped out of his stupor, mentally scolding himself for being a creep. He quickly whipped around at the sound of metal scrapping the floor. Chase quickly rushed and caught Keith by the waist before he could fall, helping the other steady himself.
”Are you ok?”
A light blush appeared on Keith’s face. As he faced down, Chase followed the other’s gaze. Noticing he was still holding on to him, he quickly released Keith, almost as if he was burned. Now it was his turn to blush. What is happening to him? He had never been so flustered by someone before. As a matter of fact, He’s the one always making people flustered. He has no idea why this guy is making him lose his cool. Maybe Chase is just tired, and he hasn’t gotten laid in forever, or maybe Keith reminds him of someone.
Keith carefully steps down the stool ladder with the help of Chase holding the potted plant for dear life, almost as if the small succulent was way more important than his well being
”Thank you for saving me”
Chase rubbed the back of his neck, looking anywhere else besides Keith
”It’s no problem, really”
They both walked back to the register as Keith scans the small, plant he looks away for a, moment almost contemplating something
”Have you had trouble taking care of other plants before? I can give you tips on other species too, if you like.”
”Yeah, a bit. My mom actually had an extensive garden, when I was young”
”Oh really? That must have been lovely! What kind of garden was it?”
”Ah, I think it was a flower and vegetable garden, but she sadly got sick and couldn’t care for it. My siblings were too young, so it fell on to me. I ended up killing most of them by over watering them BUT I want to try again to show my mom I have a green thumb as well, so if this plant is a success, I’ll come back for more.”
By the time Chase was done paying for his new green child, the rain had subsided. Keith carefully hands Chase the plant. He gingerly takes it, not wanting to drop it as he turns about to leave. Chase looks back at Keith, knowing he should just shoot his shot. After all, he has nothing left to lose.
”Hey, I know this is kinda out of the blue and don’t feel pressure to agree or anything, but do you want to grab a bite to eat sometime maybe as like a date”
God, why did he feel so awkward? It’s not like this is the first time he has asked someone on a date. Come to think of it, he has never had a serious relationship. They have always been flings and one-night stands, sometimes friend with benefits, never anything concrete. Maybe that’s why he felt nervous because technically he never went on a date well unless you could count the bedroom as a date.
Keith’s entire face went red, making the blond look adorable
”Oh, hehe, I’m flattered! But I already have a girlfriend. I’m sorry”
Chase chuckled, smiling warmly at the other. He waved his hand reassuringly as part of him felt disappointed, but still there was nothing he could do in a way he was glad he asked either way.
”it’s fine don’t worry about. Thanks for the recommendation. Have a good day”
She must be a lucky girl, Chase thought briefly. Even though there would be no romantic outcome, he hoped Keith would be a friend, at least.
Keith returned the smile as he waved goodbye. Chase stepped out of the flower shop, he sighed before making his way back to his apartment. Upon arriving, he quickly hanged up the spider plant by his living room window, stepping back to admire it. It looked nice; he thought before, quickly checking the soil to see if his new baby needed water. Once he made sure it did not, he stepped into his bedroom and headed straight for the connecting bathroom to take a much needed warm shower. He would have to text Jacob after saying he can’t make it to the club with him.
Once done showering, he looked for his phone, grateful the rain did not damage it and sent a quick text to Jacob, letting him know he wouldn’t make it Jacob replied with a sad face asking maybe next time next time. Chase contemplated for a moment before sending a quick yeah next time for sure.
Chase plopped down on the bed, feeling exhausted. He thought back to Keith, remembering about how his face light up with excitement, his eyes widening with joy as he talked so passionately about each plant. Chase laughed quietly to himself as he was once again reminded of a tarsier… and his mother. Keith is like her, in a way. To their knowledge of flowers and plants right down to their sweet nature, still there was something about Keith that felt different. Chase just couldn’t place his finger on what it was. He rolled to his side facing his bedroom window, watching as the street light come on. Not bothering to cover himself, he drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, before leaving for work, Chase checked on his spider plant soil, still wet. Not time to water it yet.
”Please don’t die on me buddy, it would break my heart”
Chase lightly petted his plant before leaving. On his way to work, he passed by the flower shop. He peeked at the window to wave hello to Keith, but he saw Keith wasn’t there. Huh, maybe he has the night shift?
Not thinking much of it, he continued on his way to work
As soon as he entered the building, Jacob bombarded him with questions about why he couldn’t make it. Chase confirmed he had gotten caught in the rain and just wasn’t in the mood anymore. He had conveniently left out the part about meeting Keith, which he knew if added he would just be teased (the guy is worse than his siblings he swears he is not sure if that is a good thing or bad) he thought it would be the end of the conversation and they would resume their work but Jacob was insisted they go out together and hang out if Chase didn’t know better he would have assumed Jacob wanted to sleep with him but Chase did know better Jacob was just a friendly guy nothing more nothing less at least he hopes so besides maybe this was a way to get back in to the grove of things and finally get laid maybe he could finally have his old life back before the drugs before the betrayal
Who the fuck is he kidding? He was a bastard back then sleeping with who every would have him and breaking hearts without a care. More often than not, he was the other man breaking up marriages and relationships.
It was just easier for him that way, much better to use sex as a way to cover his fear of being the one heartbroken and abandon leave them first before they leave you, right? But Chase knows it was just a bandaid for the real problem. Then the drugs got introduce he was in his last year of college when he went home for vacation to see his parents everything had seemed fine his mother seemed fine it’s when he left just a town away when he got the call his mother ha taken her own life that was the moment he was gone that was the moment a part of his died
The drugs only made things worse he would only get temporary bliss before he was at it again looking for his next fixed his collage had dropped him not wanting to ruin their reputation he distance himself from his friends and family looking back on that he was selfish he should have been there for his siblings but instead he was off getting high somewhere
The thing that woke him up that snapped him back to reality was when he overdosed that moment when he staring at the ceiling of some stranger’s house feeling his heart beat hundred miles per second multiple thoughts came to his head one of them was his siblings god he didn’t want them to see their big brother like this never like this and how he never apologized to his friends for being an asshole there was just so many things he never got to do and he wasted it all on this and given a second chance he would do things differently he swears on it than everything went to black
He woke up in a hospital surrounded by his family and friends and then it was like something broke in him. He cried. It was like everything he was keeping inside finally came out: the hurt, the pain, the misery.
Since that day he started his recovery, it was a long and painful process. The withdraws were hell. Everything he ate, he threw up. It was hard for him to gain his appetite again. He also had to gain his weight back and, fuck he was always so damn cold it was hard for him to get warm.
He is thankful he wasn’t alone during those times. His best friend and siblings were there through every step of the way.
Eventually, he recovered. He had gone though eight months without a drop of drugs when he found out through his mother’s diary that his father had been cheating on her on and off with his current girlfriend and that was the reason for her depression and eventually why she took her own life. And his best friend knew about it and didn’t tell him about it. This man who he treated like a brother took him in when his own family neglected him, this man who he spent his entire childhood with whom he told his deepest secrets kept this from him. It was the final nail in the coffin. Chase won’t lie and say he almost relapsed, but instead he ended up packing his things and leaving his hometown and finding a job here.
He is not sure he could forgive his former friend. Maybe he just needs time away from everything.
Chase eventually made a promise to Jacob that he would join this time. That’s how he ended up not at a club as he had initially thought, but a bar, a nice one at that. Chase was sent to get a round of drinks for him and his other co-workers that had come along. Apparently, they all needed a night out when he was approached by a beautiful redhead. Her skin tight clothes and the swing of her hips caught Chase's attention rather quick. Almost instantly, the self loathing and doubt were gone. He felt like himself again, maybe too much like himself. What started out as casual conversation over a couple of drinks turned in to flirty banter and light touches, she then fluttered her eyelashes and asked in a sweet voice.
”You want to come back to my place? We could finish talking there”
”Lead the way, sweetheart”
Chase knew they weren’t going to be talking. He knew where this night was going. What was supposed to be a one-night fling turned in to a weekly meeting or whenever either of them was horny most of the time, it was usually after she was done with work hell sometimes it was even before work they had fucked once or twice at her jobs parking lot as a matter of fact that’s when he found out her name (Lorie) anything to release any pent up stress he didn’t mind being used and discarded as long as he wasn’t alone with his thoughts anymore
One his day off he had just finished showering when he received a text from Lorie asking if he wanted to come over Chase having nothing better to do said yes
”Good. Meet me at my place. I should be home in a couple of minutes. See you soon handsome”
Chase got dressed, grabbing the keys to his car, and drove over to her apartment. Her place was always the meetup. Chase just didn’t feel comfortable inviting her back to his apartment. She was just a booty call, anyway. He had decided long ago only those he was close to would step foot at his place. He didn’t want to risk being robbed… Again.
When he arrived, she was already waiting by the steps of her building. As soon as he stepped out of the car, she ran and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a kiss on the lips. He eagerly kissed her back, pulling away momentarily to give her a mischievous smirk.
”Wow, next thing I knew, you’ll get on one knee and propose.”
Lorie rolled her eyes and playfully smacked Chase's arm before wrapping her arms around Chase yet again
”What? Can’t I just miss you?”
Chase bobbed his head side to side, almost thinking about it when he already knew his answer
”Depends. What do you miss most about me? Is it my charm, my oh so good looks or-”
Chase leaned down and whispered in Lorie’s ear
”-Is it my tongue on your wet pussy.”
He kissed her neck as he slowly made it to her shoulder. A shiver ran through Lorie as she pulled Chase closer to her. A passing jogger caused them to pull apart a blush on Lories cheeks as Chase chuckled. She quickly took hold of Chase’s hand and lead him inside the building.
She fiddled with the keys before finally opening her door and pulling Chase inside before the door even closed Lorie had already jumped on Chase, wrapping her legs around him as they made out Chase carried Lorie to her room as he already knew the layout from being here so many times as he pushed the door to her bedroom open him and Lorie fell on the bed almost quickly shirts where being discarded to the side Chase was about to unbuckle his pants when he saw the bed shift he looked up and saw Keith staring at him Chase felt frozen in place as the realization slowly hit both of them
”Chase, what’s wrong?”
Lorie followed Chase's gaze. She let out a gasp as she pushed Chase off her. He tumbled to the ground as Lorie jumped from the bed and tried to cover herself.
”Keith, oh my god, I swear this isn’t what it looks like you were supposed to be at work, oh my god.”
Chase picked up his shirt from the floor, seeing as the mood was ruined now. He looked over at Lorie as she tried to frantically come up with an excuse. She eyed Chase, almost asking for help, but Chase simply raised an eyebrow at her, refusing to step in. Keith stood from the bed. He was heaving, his face twisted in to anger and pain.
”Keith babe, I swear to you this isn’t what you think he-he tried to take advantage of me. I’m-I’m so glad you're here.”
Chase sneered at her. How fucking dare she make him look like the bad guy and accuse him of something he didn’t do.
”Are you fucking serious Lorie?!”
Chase turned to Keith, his eyes softening. He tried to take a step towards Keith, but the other pulled away. Chase didn’t know why that hurt more than anything.
”That’s not true Keith. I have the text messages to prove it. Lorie is cheating on you. I’m sorry if I would have known I-”
Chase was cut off as a chill ran through his body something was… wrong with Keith his eyes looked off and his lips seem to stretch in to a squiggly line blue spots began to appeared on Keiths pale frame then he grinned teeth sharp as razers Chase takes a step back as Keith gets closer to Lorie Keiths eyes becoming fully purple
”You know, I had a suspicion you were messing around. I tried to tell Keith, but he wouldn’t listen, but I caught you in the act and now I’m pissed off”
Lorie took a step back, her body shaking. She seemed to be just as surprised as Chase was. This wasn’t Keith, this was… someone else.
”G-Get away from me!”
Lorie tried to run, but the other guy was faster. He pounced on top of Lorie’s back, pinning her to the ground. She let out a cry of pain as the other guy yanks on her hair.
”Rude little whores need to be punished.”
Before the guy could cause harm, Chase wrapped his arms around the guy’s middle and pulled him away from Lorie, the guy taken aback for a moment long enough to drag him out of the bedroom until he scratched at Chase's arms
”Gah! Keith, stop snap out of it!'“
Chase lost his grip on the guy as he was slammed to the ground with enough force to knock the air out of him. He let out a gasp as he tried to regain himself.
The guy takes a step forward, his eyes locked on Chase when he paused, a frown gracing his strange lips. He brings a hand to his head as a light groan escapes him.
”For fuck’s sake, not now!
He holds his head in his hands and digs at his hair. Chase watches in horror. He knows he should run get Lorie away but he just couldn’t look away. His appearance changes once again. His blue skin turns back to a rosy pale, his mouth changes shape forming back in to a normal human mouth and lastly his eyes they go back to looking like a tarsier. That’s when Chase knew his Keith was back.
”Keith? what the hell just happened!?”
Chase slowly rose from the ground, placing a hand on his back, feeling the pain of being slammed to the ground. Keith’s hands shook as he looked at Chase, his eyes on the brink of tears.
”I’m so sorry! This shouldn’t have happened. It’s all my fault. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I-”
Before Keith could finish, Lorie steps out of the bedroom, her face tear stain her hair a mess. She looks at Keith and Chase and says in a bitter voice,
”Both of you get out. I don’t want to see either of you”
Keith almost flinched at the words he opens his mouth to speak but is quickly shut down by Lorie, who raises a hand to stop him. dejected Keith walks to the door, but Chase stops him, pulling his arm and whispering in his ear,
”Wait for me outside. I’ll handle this”
Keith stares at Chase before nodding, leaving the two alone. Later, as night fell, Keith sat on the steps of the apartment building, the night air becoming colder. Chase eventually walks out. Keith quickly stands from the steps waiting with batted breath. The two men stare at each other before Chase sighs.
”I managed to convince her not to call the cops told her you had some double personality, although now she wants you to stay the hell away from her and never contact her again”
Keith looks down at his feet, nodding at Chase. He turns and sits back down the on steps, placing his face in his hands. Chase follows sitting next to Keith. He glances at the night sky, knowing he might regret his decision, but he can’t help but feel guilty even though he didn’t know Lorie was dating Keith, he is still responsible for this whole mess besides he wants to know what the hell happened why Keith suddenly turned in to the incredible hulk.
Startled, Keith looks at Chase, almost forgetting he was there. He probably assumed Chase had left.
”I- You want to have dinner with me even after everything?”
Chase shrugs, leaning back on the concrete steps. He kinda regrets doing that as pain shoots up his back. He lets out a small hiss as Keith looks on in worry.
”Well, it is my fault everything went to hell and aren’t I owed an explanation for why you went full hulk smash on me”
”Hulk smash? Oh, you mean Tenebris. I’m sorry about your back”
”So that’s his name. I was calling him by yours the whole time. My back will heal. I’ve been through worse shit"
”Yeah that probably upset him even more”
”Well, that’s good to know next time I get the shit knocked out of me”
Chase knew it was a poor attempt at humor when Keith grimace, his face still riddled with guilt. Chase hesitantly placed his hand on Keith’s shoulder, showing the other it really was ok that he knew the other didn’t mean to hurt him. Keith halfheartedly smiled before frowning once again. Chase stared back at the sky, wondering how he could fix this, if he could fix it. Maybe it was the big brother in him that wanted to solve everyone’s problems, or maybe it was just he didn’t like to see Keith upset. They sat there in silence. The only noise was the passing cars. Chase suddenly stood up, taking a couple of steps before he looked back at Keith and held out his hand.
”Are you coming or what?”
Keith stared at Chase like he had grown two heads, which was ironic. Keith‘s eyes trailed down to Chase’s hand before taking it. He gave Chase a shy smile.
”Where are we going?”
Chase smiled as they walked side by side, neither of them nothing to let the other’s hand go
”There's a little diner not too far from here heard the food was great from a co-worker”
The small diner came in to view. Upon entering the establishment, the whole place was styled 50s themed. Keith’s eyes widen as he looked around in amazement. Chase couldn’t help but chuckle as he was once again reminded of the cute little tarsier.
They found a booth by the jukebox machine. They seemed to be the only ones. Well, besides an old man who they both were sure was asleep and a college student cramming for her finals, judging by the way she looked like she was about to bawl. The lights were dimmed as the jukebox played a soft tune of instrumental acoustics, making the place oddly romantic. The server came to their table, pulling out two menus, then her notebook. Keith looked over at Chase, then back at the server's worried expression on his face. Chase knew what this must be about.
”It’s on me. Get whatever you want”
”I can’t ask that of you! I’ve already done too much-”
”Keith, it’s fine. I promise I’m offering”
””Are you sure?”
”One hundred percent”
Keith smiled softly as he turned to the server and placed his order. Chase just ordered fries and a milkshake as he has been craving that since he moved here. Another awkward silence fell on the both men until Keith broke it.
”He’s sorry”
”Tenebris, he said he was sorry for hurting you”
”Oh blueberry guy”
Keith almost bursted out laughing but quickly covered his mouth
”Do not call him that to his face. He would get so angry”
”He deserves it for my back!”
”He said sorry!”
”Tell that to my back!”
They both stared at each other before laughing. This whole situation was ridicules Keith the boyfriend (Ex-boyfriend now) and Chase the other man having a romantic dinner together neither didn’t think they would be here. As their laughter died down, Keith stayed quiet before asking,
”Does it bother you?”
”Does what bother me?”
”Tenebris and… me”
”Ah… No, not really. What bothers me is he hurt me and tried to hurt someone else, no matter if they deserved it or not. That’s just not right”
”I know. He won’t do it again. I was so angry he just took over and I couldn’t control him. Thank you for helping me and convincing Lorie not to call the cops.”
”It’s no problem. I’m also to blame for this as well”
Keith lightly tilted his head to the side, the frown returning to his lips.
”Did… Did you know?”
Chase knew what Keith meant. Truth be told, he didn’t, but that raises another question for Chase he doesn’t like to think about. Would he have cared if he knew?
”No, I didn’t know she approached me at the bar three weeks ago and I didn’t think much of it”
”Would you have cared if you knew?”
Chase’s jaw tensed up. He looked down at his hands as his thumb rubbed the back of his hand. He was hoping Keith wouldn’t ask him that because he himself did not know the answer.
”I… I don’t know
”You don’t know?”
”No, I don’t… Truth be told, the old me would have not given a shit. I’ve broken up my fair share of relationships. I was an asshole”
”And now?”
”I want to believe I wouldn’t have, but deep down I know myself and the truth is I’m still that piece of shit asshole I was back then no matter how hard I try to be different hell a part of me wants the old me back god in a way it’s like I’m stuck I don’t know who I want to be”
Keith stayed quiet. He slowly reached his hands to Chase, rubbing his knuckles.
”I like this you”
”You don’t even know me”
”No, but we could change that and so far from the little I’ve seen of you, I like what I see”
Chase chuckled. A light blush appearing on his face as he looked at Keith gazing in the other’s eyes. He couldn’t help but be drawn to them. He cleared his throat, gently pulling his hands back.
”Ok, enough about me. My turn now. What’s the deal with you and Blue’s clues is it like a multiple personality thing or…?”
”No, it’s more complicated than that. He’s been with me since I was born. He’s like a separate entity”
”Like a demon?”
”What? no he’s not a demon”
”Do I need to break out the holy water and bible?”
”I’m not possessed!”
Chase laughed. He kind of liked to get Keith all railed up. If it meant he could see that little pout on the other’s face, it was worth it.
”Ok Ok Tarsier I believe you-”
”What is a tarsier?”
”You called me Tarsier. What is that?”
Chase’s face went bright red. He hadn’t realized he called Keith tarsier by mistake. This was honestly the most embarrassing moment in his life and he has a lot of embarrassing moments but that was usually with family or friends. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from Keith before sighing and facing the blond again.
”You know those things in the tree that look like squirrels?”
Keith shook his head, confused about what Chase meant. He wasn’t sure how to explain the little creatures, but he would try to do them justice.
”Yeah! Tarsiers are haplorhine primates of the family, Tarsiidae. They are located Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei. they have big beautiful eyes. Some people think they are creepy looking, but I always found them cute.”
Chase pulled out his phone and typed in to Google. He then turned his phone to show Keith. He made a face of disgust.
”You think I look like that?! They're ugly! And my eyes aren’t that big!”
”No! They're cute! You're just being bratty! And yes, they are!”
”You think that’s cute!? you could have said I looked like a penguin or something, not that!”
”Penguins are bastards and yes, I think they are cute! I’m just trying to say I you're cute and I love your eyes!”
Chase caught himself and once again he was turning red. He looked away. Mentally cursing himself. He glanced at Keith, who, despite having the same blush on his face he had a sly smirk.
”You think I’m cute?”
”Ok yes, I think you're cute… Just like a tarsier”
They both laughed. Keith tilted his head back as tears fell from his eyes from laughing so hard. Chase couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. It’s been a while since he has laughed this hard with someone. He likes this. The server came with their food, causing them both to cover their laughter and smiles, but as soon as they left, their eyes locked on each other, Keith reached for Chase's hand, as both interlocked their fingers.
They walked out of the diner, stomachs full and holding hands. Chase walked Keith back to his apartment.
”This is me. Thank you for tonight. I really needed”
”It’s no problem. I also kind of needed it”
”I’m glad I could help… Well I should go uhm, I’ll see you around?”
”Uh yeah, I’ll see you around”
Keith seemed to deject. As he turned to walk to his apartment, Chase turned to leave, but stopped in his tracks. He took a deep breath and turned back to Keith.
”Hey Keith”
Keith instantly perked up as he turned to look at Chase.
”What time do you get off work tomorrow?”
”at 12 why?”
Chase walked closer to Keith, now standing inches apart
”Do you want to go out with me? Only if you want too, of course”
Keith beamed. He smiled so wide Chase thought the other’s face would hurt.
Keith blurted out happily before lowering his voice again. A blush appeared lightly dusting his cheeks as an embarrassed chuckle escapes his lips.
”I-I mean Sure”
”Great, I’ll pick you up after work then”
Chase leaned down and kissed Keith’s cheeks and whispered in his ear,
”I can’t wait. I’ll see you tomorrow, my tarsier”
Chase pulled away as he walked backwards before turning around, taking off only for him to hear
Chase laughed as he headed home. He honestly couldn’t wait to see Keith again.
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